Poplock - LIFE at UCF


Poplock - LIFE at UCF
* Hewie Poplock
* Life@UCF Member
* Vice President – Central Florida Computer Society
* Board Member – Association of PC User Groups
* Windows SIG Chair - CFCS
* Virtual Digital Photo & Video SIG Chair – CFCS
* http://www.www.hewie.net
* ucf@hewie.net
Since 2007, I have been researching, finding & evaluating
ways to communicate, conduct presentations, and hold
meetings virtually
Last week we saw Meeting in the Virtual World, Second Life
This week we will explore an application that allows us to
make voice & video calls over the Internet, connecting 2 or
more people
* One to One
* One to Many
* Many to Many
Most services fall in to more than 1 category
* Difficult to Drive, especially after dark
* Some days you just don’t want to go out
* Cost of gasoline
* Walking from the Parking Area to Venue
* Need to sit in comfortable chair
* Others
* One survey shows that the 60 or 65 and up group is the
fastest growing age group on certain social media websites,
but others say that doesn’t mean what you think it means.
They say that it merely means that long-time computer
users are getting older, so the fastest growing age group
isn’t new users who are old; it’s old users getting older.
Who Says Old People Don’t Use Computers?
by Madeleine Kolb
* Friends & Relatives
* Senior Centers
* Libraries
* Seniors Now
* Tutors
* Computer User Groups
* Books
* You Tube
* Lynda.com & others offering video training
* APCUG Webinars
There is a new report that shows that Internet users 50+ have nearly
doubled in just the past year, from 22% to 42% in 2010. The survey
goes on to say that almost half of Internet users 50-64 and about
26% users age 65 and older now use social networking sites.
While email and online news are still more appealing to older users,
these people are now using the social sites and are repeat users, at
that. The report goes on to say it shows that one attraction to
seniors and others as well, is reconnecting with people from their
Blog by Hewie Poplock
* For adults ages 50+ staying in touch with family is the
number one reason they use social networking
* For adults under age 50 staying in touch with friends is more
From Mary Madden
Project GOAL Panel, National Press Club
October 18, 2011
Pew Internet and American Life Project
Older Americans + Social Networking
Skype is a program that uses the internet to make calls and
videocalls, to chat and to send texts and files.
Skype is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service provider,
that allows users to communicate with each other just like
using traditional dial service. Unlike local phones, it makes
use of your internet connection
With Skype you can call from your computer to any
other Skype user in the world connected to internet,
landlines and mobile phones.
Calls between computers are completely free and the
same applies to video calls with a webcam, chats or
sending files.
*Skype has about 660
million registered users in
the world.
*10 Million concurrent
*2005 it was purchased by
eBay for $2.5 Billion
*2011 purchased by
Microsoft for $8.5 Billion
Go to www.skype.com and download the current
version onto your computer.
Run the program and set up your account by
following prompts.
* Skype-to-Skype
* Phones and mobiles
* Online Number
* Conference calls
* Skype To Go number
* Instant messaging
* Send files
* Text messaging
* Facebook
* Skype Manager
* Skype Connect
* Video calling
* Group video calling
* Screen sharing
*Video Calls
*Instant Messaging
*Screen Sharing
Some features cost for the requested service.
* Pay As You Go
From 2.3¢ a minute
* Subscriptions
From 1.2¢ a minute
* Skype Premium $8.99/month
This pricing Nov 2011
Here are many of the features available:
* Conference calls (Free)
Talk to more than one person at once. It's free if you're all
on Skype.
* Skype To Go (numbers available with Skype Credit or a subscription)
Call people at great value rates from your mobile with
special access numbers.
* Online Numbers ($8 a month)
One number anyone can call you on, wherever you are in the
world - and you answer in Skype.
* Voicemail (Not free)
Let Skype take a message when you’re not free to talk.
* Call forwarding (from 2.3¢/min)
Forward your Skype calls to any phone you choose when
you’re not online.
* Call transfer (from 2.3¢/min)
Transfer a Skype call to anyone else on Skype, or to a phone
* Caller ID ($10 setup fee)
Show it's you when you call a phone number from Skype.
* Screen sharing (Free to 1 – Premium need for group)
Show presentations, photos and more over a Skype call.
* Instant messaging (Free)
The quick way to chat without having to make a call.
* Send files (Free)
Send documents, video clips or photos – any size for free.
* SMS (Fee per message 11.5¢ in US)
Send great rate text messages to friends' mobiles with SMS
on Skype.
* Skype WiFi (May have a fee – use App on mobile)
Get online with public WiFi using Skype Credit so you only
pay for what you use.
* Facebook News Feed
See your friends’ latest Facebook news in Skype.
No emergency calls with Skype
Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can't be
used for emergency calling (911)
* Make a Skype Video Call - Link
* Calling Landlines & Mobile Phones - Link
* Making a Skype Call - Link
* Group Video Calling - Link
* Link1 Mike
* Link2 Ken/Kathy
From Mike’s Computer
From My Computer