School Budget - Tupper Lake Central School District
School Budget - Tupper Lake Central School District
TUPPER LAKE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT School Budget Our Schools... ...Their Time! School Year 2015 - 2016 Pg. 2 May 2015 Dear Members of the Tupper Lake Community, I am proud to present the District’s operating budget for the 2015-16 school year. While we have had a few years of difficult decisions to make, I am more confident than ever in the future of our school and community. This year our legislators heard from this community again, and it resulted in an increase in State Aid. This helps you by reducing the local tax levy. There is no doubt in my mind that your letters, phone calls, and emails played a significant role. We have a proud history of delivering a budget that is sensitive to the needs of all of the stakeholders. The District has had the lowest increases in the region over the past few years. While next year’s proposed budget includes a modest increase, the impact on student success will be significant. This Board of Education is committed to being responsive to community feedback. We have struggled to balance the increasing regulations and requirements of our schools with decreases in funding from New York State. But we believe, as I know you do, that our community’s children deserve a quality school and opportunities for success. The community of Tupper Lake has a long history and reputation of supporting its youth and schools. We will always be partners in the academic and personal success of our students. On behalf of this community’s school, we ask for your support. Sincerely, Jane Whitmore, School Board President Tupper Lake Central School District Seth McGowan Superintendent District Office Carolyn Merrihew Principal LP Quinn Elementary School Matthew Southwick Principal Middle/High School Pg. 4 Petra LaBarge Special Programs Director Middle/High School Daniel Bower Business Administrator District Office Total General Fund Expenditure History $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $17,719,097 $16,000,000 $15,434,679 $14,000,000 $16,418,825 $16,035,269 $16,197,579 $15,993,850 $16,009,977 $16,997,957 $16,856,468 $14,482,034 $13,827,193 $12,000,000 $13,126,008 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 2004-‐05 2005-‐06 2006-‐07 2007-‐08 2008-‐09 2009-‐10 2010-‐11 2011-‐12 2012-‐13 2013-‐14 2014-‐15 Budget Change History 6.58% 7.00% 6.00% 6.17% 5.29% 5.09% 5.12% 4.74% 5.00% 3.89% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.32% 1.01% 1.00% 0.00% 0.10% 2004-‐05 2005-‐06 2006-‐07 2007-‐08 2008-‐09 2009-‐10 2010-‐11 2011-‐12 -‐1.00% 2012-‐13 2013-‐14 2014-‐15 -‐0.83% -‐2.59% -‐2.00% -‐3.00% Pg. 5 2015-‐16 2015-‐16 3-Part Component Budget 2014-15 2015-16 $890,019 $922,508 Board of Education 1010-400 Board of Education Contractual 1010-490 Personnel Recruitment Board Of Education 1040-160 Salary District Clerk 1060-400 District Meeting Contractual $13,234 $7,800 $0 $4,434 $1,000 $13,234 $7,800 $0 $4,434 $1,000 Chief School Administration 1240-150 Chief School Officer Salary 1240-160 Cheif School Officer Secretary Salary 1240-400 Chief School Officer Contractual 1240-450 Chief School Officer Supplies $158,140 $133,347 $22,059 $1,734 $1,000 $161,579 $136,014 $22,831 $1,734 $1,000 $3,439 Business Administration 1310-150 Business Office Professional Salaries 1310-160 Account Clerk Salaries 1310-400 Business Office Contractual 1310-450 Business Office Supplies 1310-490 BOCES Technology Services 1320-400 Auditor Contractual 1330-400 Tax Collector Contractual 1330-450 Tax Collector Supplies 1380-400 Fiscal Agent Fees $222,155 $68,063 $46,598 $5,000 $4,100 $60,794 $16,000 $6,000 $600 $15,000 $243,777 $83,130 $57,599 $5,000 $4,100 $56,348 $16,000 $6,000 $600 $15,000 $21,621 Fiscal & Legal 1420-400 1430-490 1480-400 $33,074 $10,500 $17,574 $5,000 $34,102 $10,500 $18,602 $5,000 $1,028 $463,416 $268,994 $144,136 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $1,000 $5,000 $3,000 $37,285 $469,816 $273,443 $145,846 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $1,000 $5,000 $3,000 $37,527 $6,400 $8,017,118 $8,639,489 Administrative Legal Expenses BOCES Employee Relations Public Information & Services Professional Instruction & Supervision 2020-150 Supervision Salaries 2020-160 Supervision Secretarial Salaries 2020-400 Supervision Contractual 2020-450 Supervision Supplies 2060-400 Research & Planning Contractual 2060-450 Research & Planning Supplies 2070-150 Inservice Salaries 2070-400 Inservice Contractual 2070-490 BOCES Inservice Program Teaching-Regular School 2110-120 Salaries K-6 2110-130 Salaries 7-12 $4,304,419 $1,890,195 $1,573,157 Pg. 6 $0 $4,639,349 $334,930 $1,974,391 $1,594,576 3-Part Component Budget 2110-140 2110-160 2110-200 2110-400 2110-450 2110-470 2110-480 2110-490 Salaries Substitute Teachers Salaries-Non Instructional Teaching Equipment Teaching Contractual Teaching Supplies Tuition Textbooks Hardcover BOCES Instructional Service 2015-16 $2,339,551 $1,142,522 $261,713 $3,000 $132,000 $10,000 $120,000 $3,000 $34,967 $632,349 $2,508,625 $169,074 $1,277,380 $262,938 $8,000 $99,000 $10,000 $150,000 $3,000 $46,541 $651,766 $110,000 $19,061 $4,244 $103,505 $102,770 $0 $50,000 $451,486 Teaching - Non-Regular & Programs for Students with Disabilities Teaching - Non-Regular & Programs for Students with 2250-150 2250-160 2250-200 2250-400 2250-450 2250-472 2250-480 2250-490 2280-490 2014-15 HDC Salaries Instuctional HDC Salaries Non Instructional HDC Equipment HDC Contractual HDC Supplies HDC Tuition All Other HDC Textbooks BOCES HDC Instructional Services BOCES Career and Technical Education Special Schools Supplies 2330-450 Special Schools Supplies $110,000 $27,221 $4,244 $103,505 $102,770 $70,000 $50,000 $602,642 $276 $276 $276 $276 School Library & Media Instruction 2610-150 Library Salaries 2610-160 Library Salaries Non Instructional 2610-200 Library Equipment 2610-400 Library Contractual 2610-450 Library Supplies 2610-460 Library & A/V Loan 2610-490 BOCES Library Media Services 2630-220 State Aided Computer Hardware 2630-400 Computer Hardware Repair Reserve 2630-450 Computer Assisted Instructional Supplies 2630-460 State Aided Computer Software $134,384 $27,949 $0 $0 $1,500 $5,000 $5,106 $39,524 $10,000 $10,000 $10,305 $25,000 $194,600 $88,199 $0 $0 $1,500 $5,000 $5,106 $39,489 $10,000 $10,000 $10,305 $25,000 $60,215 School Guidance, Health, Social, Non-Academic Services 2810-150 Guidance Salaries 2810-160 Guidance Secretary 2810-400 Guidance Contractual 2810-450 Guidance Supplies 2815-160 Health Services Salaries 2815-200 Health Services Equipment 2815-400 Health Services Contractual 2815-450 Health Services Supplies 2825-400 Social Work Services $574,090 $186,248 $25,380 $9,000 $5,300 $90,232 $1,000 $15,500 $2,000 $25,000 $612,182 $192,423 $26,269 $9,000 $5,300 $93,654 $1,000 $15,500 $2,000 $25,000 $38,092 Pg. 7 $0 3-Part Component Budget 2014-15 2015-16 School Transportation 5510-160 Transportation Salaries 5510-200 Transportation Equipment 5510-400 Transportation Contractual 5510-450 Transportation Supplies 5510-490 BOCES Transportation Services 5530-200 Transportation Equipment 5530-400 Transportation Building 5530-450 Transportation Supplies $614,399 $368,226 $10,000 $34,128 $171,583 $4,273 $0 $23,985 $2,205 $634,459 $394,333 $5,000 $34,128 $170,333 $4,475 $0 $23,985 $2,205 Interfund Transfer 9901-930 Interfund Transfer - Cafeteria $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $2,887,020 $2,965,725 2850-150 2850-450 2855-150 2855-160 2855-200 2855-400 2855-450 Advisor Salaries Cocurricular Supplies Athletic Salaries Civic Center Management & Supervision Athletic Equipment Athletic Contractual Athletic Supplies Capital Operations & Maintenance 1620-160 Custodian Salaries 1620-200 Operation Equipment 1620-400 Operations 1620-450 Operation Supplies 1621-160 Maintenance Salaries 1621-200 Maintenance Equipment 1621-400 Maintenance Contractual 1621-450 Maintenance Supplies 1621-490 BOCES Technology Services Specialty Items 1910-400 1920-400 1964-400 1981-490 Debt Service 9711-600 9711-700 9732-600 9732-700 9770-700 $29,123 $0 $89,063 $33,350 $3,000 $42,630 $17,264 $1,072,834 $172,739 $7,000 $499,800 $1,000 $170,944 $8,000 $86,000 $93,000 $34,351 Unallocated Insurance School Association Dues Refund Real Property BOCES Capital & Central Administration $309,186 $71,180 $0 $19,000 $219,006 $1,505,000 $1,365,000 $135,000 $0 $0 $5,000 Bond Principal Repayment Bond Interest Repayment BANS Bus Principal BANS Bus Interest RANS Interest Pg. 8 $49,877 $0 $89,063 $40,203 $3,000 $42,630 $17,264 $20,059 $0 $1,085,103 $12,269 $154,735 $7,000 $499,800 $1,000 $182,078 $8,000 $106,000 $93,000 $33,490 $319,051 $71,180 $0 $19,000 $228,871 $9,865 $1,456,571 -$48,429 $1,353,170 $98,401 $0 $0 $5,000 3-Part Component Budget 2014-15 2015-16 $0 $0 $105,000 $105,000 $5,062,311 $5,191,375 Interfund Transfer 9901-930 Interfund Transfer - Capital Employee Benefits Employee Benefits 9010-800 NYS Employee Retirement 9020-800 NYS Teacher Retirement 9030-800 Social Security 9040-800 Worker Compensation 9055-800 Unemployment Insurance 9060-800 Health Insurance $5,062,311 $321,530 $1,035,829 $535,913 $70,054 $28,309 $3,070,677 $16,856,468 $105,000 $5,191,375 $129,064 $288,453 $888,637 $561,517 $73,401 $18,000 $3,361,368 $17,719,097 Three-‐Part Percentages 23.67% Program Administrative 7.36% Capital 68.96% Pg. 9 Property Tax Report Card 160101 - TUPPER LAKE CSD 2014-2015 - Page 1 Official - as of 05/02/2015 11:56 AM Note: Some data elements of the Property Tax Report Card have been revised or renamed to more closely follow the Property Tax Cap calculations districts complete on the Office of the State Comptroller website. Please see the Help text above for definitions. Additional guidance on the Property Tax Levy Limit is available on the Office of Educational Management Services website: Please also submit an electronic version (PDF or Word) of your school district's 2015-16 Budget Notice to: This will enable us to help correct any formula or data entry discrepancy quickly. Form Due - April 27, 2015 Form Preparer Name: DANIEL BOWER Preparer's Telephone Number: 518-359-3371 Budgeted 2014-15 (A) Shaded Fields Will Calculate Total Budgeted Amount, not including Separate Propositions 16,856,468 Proposed Budget 2015-16 (B) 17,719,097 A. Proposed Tax Levy to Support the Total Budgeted Amount1 7,667,982 Percent Change (C) 5.12 % 1.79 % -0.64 % 1.62 % 7,805,328 B. Tax Levy to Support Library Debt, if Applicable C. Tax Levy for Non-Excludable Propositions, if Applicable2 D. Total Tax Cap Reserve Amount Used to Reduce Current Year Levy, if Applicable E. Total Proposed School Year Tax Levy (A+B+C-D) F. Permissible Exclusions to the School Tax Levy Limit G. School Tax Levy Limit, Excluding Levy for Permissable Exclusions3 H. Total Proposed Tax Levy for School Purposes, Excluding Permissible Exclusions and Levy for Library Debt, Plus Prior Year Tax Cap Reserve (E-B-F+D) I. Difference: (G-H);(negative value requires 60.0% voter approval)2 Public School Enrollment 7,667,982 7,805,328 231,784 227,750 7,436,252 7,578,807 7,436,198 7,577,578 54 1,229 783 778 Consumer Price Index 1 Include any prior year reserve for excess tax levy, including interest. 2 Tax levy associated with educational or transportation services propositions are not eligible for exclusion under the School Tax Levy Limit and may affect voter approval requirements. 3 For 2015-16, includes any carryover from 2014-15 and excludes any tax levy for library debt or prior year reserve for excess tax levy, including interest. (D) Actual 2014-15 (E) 2015-16 Estimated Adjusted Restricted Fund Balance 470,568 450,000 Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance 410,000 410,000 Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance as a Percent of the Total Budget 573,447 3.40 Pg. 10 675,000 % 3.81 % Taxable & Tax-‐Exempt Property $700,000,000 $600,000,000 $500,000,000 $192,662,467 $400,000,000 Tax Exempt Property Taxable Property $300,000,000 $200,000,000 $396,834,035 $13,993,310 $100,000,000 $112,455,606 $-‐ $13,952,755 $25,012,114 Franklin County St. Lawrence County -‐ Colton St. Lawrence County -‐ Piercefield Salary: Administrative Compensation Information 2014-2015 - Page 1 160101 - TUPPER LAKE CSD Official - as of 05/02/2015 12:05 PM 2015-2016 Salary Threshold = $130,000 Form Due May 11,2015 In response to legislative efforts to encourage greater cost sharing in service provision and local government administration, we now provide a section for districts that share administrative staff to highlight these efforts for the upcoming school year. Each sharing district should identify in the form the other district(s) with which they will be sharing administrative staff for school year 2015-2016. If you will be sharing a Superintendent, list the other district (or districts) in the text box. If you will be sharing other administrative staff required to be reported, please send an email to indicating the title of the staff persons(s) as well as the other district(s) involved in the cost-sharing. The salaries, benefits and other compensation reported in the form should reflect only the financial support or commitment that your district will be making. They should not reflect the total amounts budgeted to be paid by all participating districts over the school year. Report Estimated Salaries in the Budget for the 2015-2016 School Year Sections 1608 and 1716 of the Education Law (Please read the instructions and definitions before completing this form.) Title 1. Superintendent of Schools Please list the district or districts with which you will be sharing a superintendent (if applicable): Employee Benefits Salary 136,014 39,976 Pg. 11 Other Remuneration Pg. 12 Pg. 13 Pg. 14 Proposition 1 Purposeful To authorize the District to undertake the acquisition of up to two 66-passenger school busses, one plow truck, one tractor, and one automobile at a maximum aggregate cost of $355,000. The chart below outlines the actual borrowing, and the total local savings. The District maximizes on the resale of the busses as well as state aid in order to save taxpayers from the direct costs associated with student transportation. Practical Our bus fleet has an outstanding record for safety. The current number of busses matches our needs to transport students safely. We are also prepared for out of town trips, inspections, breakdowns, and emergency dismissals. The bus recycling program has saved taxpayers many thousands of dollars over the past several years. Proposition 1 will save tax-payers over $100,000. Pg. 15 Budget & Board Vote Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Middle/High School - Library 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM In the Booth... √ √ √ Budget Bus Proposition Board Candidates Board of Education Candidates √ Jane Whitmore Qualifications of Voters A person is eligible to vote if the person is: ✓✓A citizen of the United States; ✓✓Eighteen years of age or older; ✓✓A resident within the district for a period of thirty (30) days preceding the vote. Pg. 16