1MEDIA T H E S M A R T C O N T E N T P L AT F O R M T H AT TURNS INFLUENCERS INTO PUBLISHERS & THEIR AUDIENCES INTO MARKETERS. MOST CELEBRITIES, INFLUENCERS & BRANDS DON’T HAVE AN ENGAGING WEBSITE T H EY D O N ’ T OW N T H E I R D I G I TA L B R A N D. S O C I A L M E D I A OW N S & M O N E T I Z E S I T. 72M LIKES WWW. FACEBOOK O R G A N I C RE A C H I S D O W N T O 2% , OR LE S S . It u s e d to be f ree, bu t no w brands, celebs & i nfl u e nc e rs ha ve to p a y F a c e b ook to re a c h t h e i r ful l aud i enc es. Each po s t co u ld cos t $3k- 6k pe r mi l l i on fol l owe rs. (T hu s Wi l l S mith’s 7 3M f o l l o w e r s = $219 k fo r o ne po st!) “You have to have Owned & Operated O&O websites to drive traffic to." - Mark Suster, VC 1 PLATFORM THAT DOES IT ALL WE MAKE PUBLISHING EASY & ENGAGEMENT WITH YOUR COMMUNITY EXPLOSIVE WEBSITE / HOSTING APP Creating content is as easy as using Instagram. ANALYTICS Combines social, site and revenue data. GAMIFICATION Tracks & rewards top user engagement. ADTECH Managed ad server delivers top CPMs. SPONSORS Premium revenue from our brand sponsors CO-FOUNDER MIKE SNEDEGAR MOST TRUSTED CELEBRITY RELATIONS EXPERT IN VEGAS C lick here to view Mike’s LinkedIn prof ile. Mike regularly gets asked by his celeb clients how they can increase their revenue, influence and engagement with their fans. WE TAKE CARE OF INFRASTRUCTURE SO INFLUENCERS CAN TAKE CARE OF THEIR FANS It’s tough to have a resilient web presence when you’re a busy influencer, so most don't even try. But they're missing out on revenue, reach & fan base engagement. 1Media facilitates easy publishing, engagement & sharing on a secure, distributed cloud platform. PUBLISHING WITHOUT DATA IS LIKE DRIVING WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED LEADERBOARD Our scientifically designed leaderboard algorithm turns our clients’ fans into their best marketers. A N A LY T I C S Data-driven insights to teach our clients’ how to optimize their already super awesome content. WE'RE AD EXPERTS Managing Ad Tech for site and social is a difficult undertaking. Reaching a goal of $20RPM on display ads requires bundling multiple providers so they compete for a site’s display inventory. 1Media is building integrated ad serving solutions to enable ad networks, agencies, advertisers, and sponsors to manage, serve and report on their online marketing campaigns (display, video and mobile) - on a single client site or across our entire network of sites. WE HELP OUR INFLUENCERS MAKE MONEY IN 3 KEY AREAS D I S P L AY 30% N AT I V E 50% A F F I L I AT E 1% - 20% In exchange for a website, publishing and community platform, we negotiate a revenue share with our inf luencer clients. PUBLISHING IS BIG BUSINESS A few years ago, publishing was all but written off for dead. Newspapers and magazines were going under daily. But in the last few years, a new breed of digital publisher has emerged. Driven by the intelligent use of social media and native advertising, this new crop is achieving huge valuations and changing how the web works. “ B uzzf ee d r ais e s $5 0 mi l l i o n fro m And reessen H or owi tz ” - TechCrunch “Zealot Networks buys content company ViralNova (for $100 million), its 15th acquisition in a year" Fortune, July 9, 2015 WE WILL ALSO BUILD OUR OWN MEGASITE Buzzfeed style with contagious content, designed to go viral & provide brands with an authentic platform for advertising messages. P R E D I CT I V E ALG O R ITHMS determine which content is likely to “go viral” and should be promoted to the megasite. DULCE CANDY JOEY G R AC E F FA MEGASITE iJUSTINE D W AY N E JOHNSON E XC LU S I V E CO N T E N T drawn from influencer and celebrities sites. Increasing their reach and audience through cross-promotion. TAY L O R SWIFT BRUNO MARS OUR CASE STUDY: .com We partnered with Doug.com, a new viral content site, to run a 90-day test using our platform and ad networks. Google Analytics 11M pageviews 1.1M users & 1.4M sessions 2:10 session duration 7.8 pages / sessions Total ad revenue: $30K = $2.64 RPM Google DFP 30% bounce rate 76% new users 87% mobile users This establishes our baseline minimum revenue of $30K for every 1M uniques. MANAGEMENT PARTNER: ADDITION DULCECANDY.COM We have signed Addition Management, representing 10 of the top digital influencers including iJustine, Joey Graceffa, Dulce Candy, Evelina Barry, Jimmy Wong, Jenna Ezarik, Catrific, Strawburry17, Clinton Jones, and Colin & Connor McGuire. Addition's Influencer Clients Have 38M+ Followers EVELINA BARRY JIMMY WONG JENNA EZARIK JOEYGRACEFFA.COM IJUSTINE.COM CATRIFIC We are onboarding these 4 influencers in the next few months plus several others. COMPETITION 7KHUHDUHQRGLUHFWFRPSHWLWRUVWR0HGLD7RJet the FRQWHQW JDPLILFDWLRQDXWKHQWLFDWLRQDQGVRFLDOPDUNHWLQJWRROV we offer\RXZRXOGQHHGWREXQGOHPXOWLSOeSURYLGHUV Authentication CMS & Social Feeds (less $) 1MEDIA Gamification Enterprise Social Marketing (10K/month+) THE ALL-IN- 1 PLATFORM Only 1Media bundles simple mobile authorship, cloud hosting, gamification, monetization, analytics, and cross-marketing promotion in a complete, FREE package. INCLUDED FEATURES MONTHLY COST User Authentication $5k Gamification $15k Database Management $5k Revenue Share Option $5k Hosting $500 - $10k Customer Support (technical, marketing, content, & ads) $10k Custom Design & Integration $10k Total Monthly Value - At No Cost To Influencers $50k - $60k TRACTION Raised: $2MM Revenue: $1.7MM Value+: 6 people building the tech & model for 18 months ...Plus, an additional $300k in client revenue SUMMARY THE TEAM Click on a team member's photo to view their LinkedIn profile. ADVISORS Click on an advisor’s photo to view their LinkedIn profile. ADRIAN FENTY Business Development A member of the business development team at Perkins Coie LLP and a special advisor at venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. He served as the sixth mayor of the District of Columbia. Fenty holds advisory and business development roles with OpenGov, 2U, and Box. SUSAN COONEY BLAKE MILLER CHRIS STARK DAVID FREEDMAN Strategist Management Consulting Ad Tech Social & Digital Marketing Strategist A tech industry veteran who has co-founded several startups and has had six successful exits. Susan develops business, web, and mobile strategies and creates partnerships that result in expanded market share and value creation. Partner at Think Big Partners working directly with portfolio and client companies on innovation and company creation. Expert CMS consultant and ad operations. Founder of DigitalMGMT, a consulting company with web clients totaling 75M+ monthly visitors. A Certified AdWords Partner, an elite designation in the world of advertising. 10 years’ advertising sales and content production. Consults to brands to increase ad revenue. Clients include CBS Radio, The Chive, Amtrack, IMSA and Music.com. Successful startup founder. 1MEDIA BY THE NUMBERS 700M $120M $100M 600M $80M 500M $60M 400M $40M 300M $20M 200M $10M 100M 0 $0 2016 2017 2018 GOAL: A MINIMUM OF $22M REVENUE, 41 INFLUENCERS AND 320M TOTAL REACH. 2018 2019 2020 Network Reach Revenue 1MEDIA PRO FORMA * * Note: Note that CAGR of EBITDA excludes the initial two years, where the company's expenses are anticipated to exceed revenue. HELPING INFLUENCERS & BRANDS OPTIMIZE THE EXPONENTIAL REACH & VALUE OF THEIR FAN BASES DAVID GOSSE CEO & CO-FOUNDER DAVID@DAVIDGOSSE.COM 702.480.3214 317 6TH STREET, LAS VEGAS, NV 89101