Fulham College Boys` School
Fulham College Boys` School
Fulham College Boys’ School Prospectus 2013/2014 Fulham College Boys’ School Fulham College Boys’ School is part of Fulham College Academy Trust. One of the greatest strengths of all the Fulham College Academy schools is that we work with each student to shape a curriculum that suits their strengths and needs, rather than the needs of the system. It is a personalised approach which has seen our boys’ results improve dramatically over the past three years. “… providing a very good standard of education, where students feel safe and the environment is happy and harmonious.” Ofsted ‘Good’ 2010 Fulham College Boys’ School is the only non-faith boys’ school in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. It opened on Kingwood Road in September 2012 alongside Fulham Enterprise Studio (FES), the first of this innovative type of school in inner London. Importantly, the leadership at Fulham College Boys’ has brought forward the best of over 60 years of boys’ education on this site. The school is in the top two per cent nationally, according to the progress that students make between the ages of 11 and 16, and is the most improved school in the Borough. Last year, 95 per cent of students under this leadership achieved five A*-C grades in 2013, up 18 per cent from two years ago. Fiftyfour per cent achieved 5 A*-C grades, including English and maths. Students at Fulham College Boys’ come from all walks of life making up a rich and diverse community, where each boy has an equal opportunity to progress through education. Importantly, it is a small school, creating a friendly and supportive environment. 2 Fulham College Boys’ School Prospectus 2013/2014 “I like that the school is a unique place to be: there are people from lots of different cultures and so you can learn a lot more; it makes learning fun!” Taylor, Year 7 There have been significant developments in Fulham College over the past year: Fulham Enterprise Studio (FES) has increased the choice for our students when they are 14. They can either opt for traditional, classroom-based teaching at Fulham College Boys’, or transfer to FES which combines the core national curriculum with relevant work skills training and placements in a co-educational environment. Find out more at www.fulhamenterprise.net or call 020 7381 3606. In March 2013, the Trust which manages Fulham Cross Girls’, Fulham College Boys’ and Fulham Enterprise Studio secured unsponsored, multi-academy Trust status, bringing with it the promise of improved funding and independence. Finally, 2012-13 saw the introduction at Fulham College Boys’ of the ACHIEVE ethos. Every student signs up to it, to: Aim high Celebrate diversity Help each other Inspire Embrace opportunity Value their environment and Exceed targets. The ACHIEVE ethos sits alongside the Learning Charter for students and the Teaching Charter for teachers. Together this signals a commitment to excellence across the board. It is a great time to be a Fulham College student – come ACHIEVE with us! Bernie Peploe NPQH Executive Principal, Fulham College Academy Trust 3 Results The Curriculum The school is in the top two per cent nationally, according to the progress that students make between the ages of 11 and 16, and is the most improved school in the Borough. Last year, 95 per cent of students under this leadership achieved five A*-C grades in 2013, up 18 per cent from two years ago. Fifty-four per cent achieved 5 A*-C grades, including English and maths. Many schools fit their students into a set curriculum. Fulham College Boys’ School works the other way around. Whether a student is gifted and talented or needs additional support, we build a curriculum to suit his strengths and abilities. There is mixed ability teaching in all key stage 3 subjects, except maths and science, where boys are divided into sets from the autumn half-term in Year 7. Our track record shows that this system works well, as the most able are stretched and those who benefit from greater support are able to work with progress tutors, teaching assistants or critical friends to ensure that they achieve. “Before, I wanted to be a chef but my science lessons have made me really excited about how I can use the subject in the future. I’m really interested in studying quantum physics now.” Mostafa, Year 9 Broad and Balanced Range of Subjects The National Curriculum is at the centre of any planning. Beyond that, boys have the opportunity to study a broad and balanced range of subjects according to their ability and interests. These can be as diverse as law, Italian, psychology and Russian. Additionally, as a multi-cultural, multi-faith school, Fulham College Boys’ gives students a broad understanding of all faiths through religious studies (RS). This subject helps students to understand the world in which they live and prepares them to be informed global citizens. Personal, social, health and economic education (PHSEE) is also compulsory to help the boys to gain a greater selfawareness and understanding of their world. 4 Fulham College Boys’ School Prospectus 2013/2014 Physical Education and Sports Physical well-being helps with mental well-being and every student at Fulham College Boys’ does physical education (PE) as part of the core National Curriculum. We have an extremely successful PE and sports department with facilities including a well-equipped gym, play area for court games, and multi-use sports pitch. Additionally, we compete in inter-school and borough-level competitions including football, basketball, cricket and athletics. “Having Fulham Enterprise Studio as an option means I can do all my GCSEs as well as plumbing, which is a subject that I’m interested in for work.” Owen, Year 7 5 “I enjoy having time to spend in the library and the activities we do there, like the school newspaper and Chess Club.” Taylor, Year 7 Extra-curricular Activities at the Heart of Learning “I enjoyed work experience as it wasn’t just work, it was social too and I learned how to interact with different people in different situations.” Rabie, Year 11 We believe that extra-curricular and enrichment activities are vital to help our students face life’s challenges. Fulham College Boys’ places great emphasis on extra-curricular and enrichment activities including trips, guest speakers and ACHIEVE days. These help us encourage the boys to expand their horizons, improve their problemsolving and decision-making skills and to learn to work with others. We also find that learning in a different way can increase confidence and self-esteem, build social skills and improve self-awareness and awareness of others. This all helps our students to be confident and successful as they move on to further education or employment. Extra-curricular and Enrichment Activities In addition, all students in Year 10 have the opportunity to undertake two weeks’ work experience. The school has excellent links with local businesses and a formal preparation programme, which means that students get the maximum benefit from this. 6 Fulham College Boys’ School Prospectus 2013/2014 7 Student Progress and Wellbeing Pastoral Care and the Tutoring System Fulham College Boys’ has a strong Pastoral Team and tutoring system to support boys’ emotional, social, academic and behavioural development. If issues arise, these are addressed sensitively and parents/carers are always involved, if this is appropriate. Bullying is not tolerated at Fulham College and students are regularly reminded who to approach if they feel they have witnessed or experienced bullying, through lessons, tutor time and assemblies. 8 Fulham College Boys’ School Prospectus 2013/2014 Student Voice Fulham College also empowers boys through the Student Voice – a School Council of representatives elected by their peers to talk about and make recommendations on issues of importance in the school community. There are also Head and Deputy Head Boys who lead a team of prefects and act as role models for younger students as they take on responsibilities representing the school at key functions and supporting staff in running clubs and activities. Parent/Carer Involvement Young people need all-round support to get the most from their education. We actively encourage parent/carer involvement as research proves that it will improve their chances of success. Every boy has a Student Planner which helps with day-today contact between home and school, and parents/carers are asked to sign this weekly. The Fulham College Boys’ magazine is produced twice a year to keep school, families and the community in touch with what is happening in school, and more regular updates can be found on the website (www.fulhamcollegeboys.net). Parent governors represent the views of parents/ carers on the governing body. “I prefer teaching and working in a smaller, more intimate, school because everyone knows everyone and this generates a real family feel about the school. We’re fully inclusive, giving everyone a chance to succeed and achieve, irrespective of starting points; this is a quality I love about Fulham College Boys’.” Archie MacQueen, Staff 9 Moving Up into Secondary School Admissions Fulham College Boys’ is a community school which accepts boys aged 11-16 from the local area. Applications are through the Pan London system and more information about the admissions policy is available via Hammersmith and Fulham School Admissions team (9am-5pm) on 020 8753 3643/2627/3628/3664, or email your enquiry to: school.admissions@lbhf .gov.uk School Attendance It is a big step for many students to move from primary to secondary school and Fulham College Boys’ has developed outstanding support for this transition. Activities run for primary schools throughout the school year mean that many Year 5 and Year 6 pupils will already be familiar with the Fulham College Boys’ School site. They include language taster sessions, shared sports events and ‘bridging’ days designed to allow primary school pupils to sample secondary school lessons and life. There is a dedicated Transition Learning Mentor who works with Year 6 pupils in many of the local primary schools and who stays in close contact with the Year 7 students after they join Fulham College. ‘Buddies’ – more senior students – are appointed to look after new boys as part of a support system and the pastoral team is also on hand to identify any additional needs. School starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.00pm. Boys are required to be on time and to attend, unless they are sick. Permission is not given for holidays during term time. Fulham College Boys’ uniform is compulsory and boys are encouraged to take a pride in their appearance at all times. “I’m proud of how I have improved my grades at Fulham College – that’s why we go to school!” Kalem, Year 11 10 Fulham College Boys’ School Prospectus 2013/2014 If you are interested in finding out more, please come to one of our open days or call the school office to make an appointment to visit. For further information about Fulham College Boys’ School you can also visit our website at www.fulhamcollegeboys.net. 11 Fulham College Boys’ School part of Fulham College Academy Trust Executive Principal: Bernie Peploe NPQH Vice Principal/Head of School: Peter Haylock MA NPQH Kingwood Road, London SW6 6SN Tel: 020 7381 3606 Fax: 020 7386 9645 Email: FCBS@fulhamcollege.net