Sep 2015 - 416th Encom Association
Sep 2015 - 416th Encom Association
416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION “past and present serving together for the future” Volume 15, Number 2 — Fall, 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE . . . G REETINGS FELLOW ASSOCIATION MEMBERS. It’s been a busy year so far with your board active in several endeavors. Much of our efforts were directed towards the completion and the unveiling of the Wall of Honor at the Parkhurst USAR Center. After over two years of planning, fund raising and pouring over details, the Memorial was dedicated in May. In a very moving and solemn ceremony, we were able to honor and pay tribute to our ENCOM soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Much thanks goes to the ENCOM Association and the TEC committees who worked tirelessly to ensure that the memory of these fine soldiers is memorialized for many years to come. If you haven’t been to the Parkhurst Center lately, it will be well worth your time to visit the memorial in the main lobby of the center. Coming up, please mark your calendars for the Association’s Annual Fall Meeting and dinner on November 7th at the Argonne National Laboratory. This year we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Operation Desert Shield and the subsequent Operation Desert Storm. When (then), Colonel Robert Flowers, Commander of the 20th Engineer Brigade deployed to theater, he immediately recognized the need for an Engineer Command to command and control engineer operations at the theater level; hence the deployment of the 416th Engineer Command. COL(R) JOHN A.P. GESSNER 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT , Many of you past and present members of the 416th participated in the operation and this year’s event is one you will not want to miss. Several of our veterans will be sharing their experiences as well as a time for you to share your memories. Please do you part to get the message out as this promises to be a memorable event. As this will be our bi-annual meeting, we will be installing our new Association Board. Larry Slavicek will pick up the reins as the new Association President along with both new and veteran board members. It has been my pleasure to serve these past two years as your Association President and I want to sincerely thank the board for their support, their many hours and their dedication to further the goals of the organization and make this a first class group to belong to. Finally, I’d like to encourage you to renew your bi-annual membership or even apply for a life membership. In this way, you can follow the Association and TEC’s activities, get involved and continue to network with your fellow soldiers and families. In this, we can continue to serve and support those that have gone before us, served with us, and go after us. Essayons, COL(R) JOHN A.P. GESSNER PRESIDENT, 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 1 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION 39th Chief of Staff of the Army From: Cheek, Gary H LTG USARMY HQDA DAS (US) Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 3:44 PM Subject: 39TH Chief of Staff of the Army Initial Message to the Army (UNCLASSIFIED) Below and attached is the Initial message from the 39th Chief of Staff of the Army. Initial Message to the Army We have the most skilled, ethical, and combat hardened Army in our Nation's history. No matter where we are around the world, America's Soldiers are displaying courage, commitment and character. We are demonstrating unparalleled competence and agility. And no matter the challenge, no matter how complex the environment, or how dangerous the situation, our Soldiers fight and win. I am honored to lead this remarkable team. I have three priorities: #1. Readiness: (Current Fight) Our fundamental task is like no other - it is to win in the unforgiving crucible of ground combat. We must ensure the Army remains ready as the world's premier combat force. Readiness for ground combat is - and will remain - the U.S. Army's #1 priority. We will always be ready to fight today, and we will always prepare to fight tomorrow. Our most valued assets, indeed, the Nation's most valued assets, are our Soldiers and our solemn commitment must always be to never send them into harm's way untrained, poorly led, undermanned, or with less than the best equipment we can provide. Readiness is #1, and there is no other #1. #2. Future Army: (Future Fight) We will do what it takes to build an agile, adaptive Army of the future. We need to listen and learn - first from the Army itself, from other services, from our interagency partners, but also from the private sector, and even from our critics. Developing a lethal, professional and technically competent force requires an openness to new ideas and new ways of doing things in an increasingly complex world. We will change and adapt. #3. Take Care of the Troops: (Always) Every day we must keep foremost in our minds our Soldiers, Civilians, and their Families. Our collective strength depends on our people - their mental and physical resilience is at our core. We must always treat each other with respect and lead with integrity. Our Soldiers are the crown jewels of the Nation; we must love them, protect them, and always keep faith with them. I am honored and proud to serve with you. Thank you for your service and commitment to a cause larger than yourselves. MARK A. MILLEY General, United States Army 39th Chief of Staff of the Army CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 2 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Command Sergeant Major Antonio S. Jones The 12th Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Editor’s Note: “Where are they now?” Many of you served with and will recognize the photo and bio of CSM Antiono Jones as former SFC Jones who served with the 416 th ENCOM Forward Cell, Kuwait 2002 and 2003. His bio follows: Command Sergeant Major Antonio S. Jones is a native of Virginia. He graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Va Tech) in 1987 with a Bachelor of Architecture Degree and from George Washington University in 2000 with a Master’s Certificate in Project Management. Command Sergeant Major Jones enlisted in the Army on 3 March 1989. He attended Basic Training and Advance Individual Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. He graduated as a Construction Surveyor (82B). His NCOES schools include Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC), Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course (BNCOC), Advanced Noncommissioned Officers' Course (ANCOC), United States Army Sergeants Major Academy (USASMA) and Battle Staff. He is also a graduate of numerous military courses, such as Brigade and Battalion Pre-Command Course, First Sergeant’s Course, Airborne School, NBC School, Combat Life Savers Course, C7-Instrument Repair, Retention School, Equal Opportunity Leader Course and Global Position System (GPS) and Prime Power 101. Command Sergeant Major Jones’ assignments include Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 30th Engineer Battalion, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 37th Engineer Battalion (Combat) (Airborne), Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 5th Signal Command, Mannheim, Germany; Joint Chief of Staff-Pentagon, Washington D.C; 88 Regional Support Command, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin; Bravo Company 249th Engineer Battalion Prime Power, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 30th Engineer Battalion, Fort Bragg, North Carolina and Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 3ID, Fort Benning, Georgia and 2nd Engineer Brigade, JBER Alaska.. His deployments include: Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm – Southwest Asia, Operations Uphold Democracy – Haiti, OIF and OEF. Command Sergeant Major Jones’ was the Distinguished Honor Graduate of his ANCOC and BNCOC classes and Commandant’s Award winner of his BNCOC Class. Command Sergeant Major Jones’ graduated on the Dean’s List from the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy (Navy Sergeant Major Academy). Command Sergeant Major Jones is a member of the Sergeant Morales Club. His awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Achievement Medal with 6 Oak Leaf Clusters, Joint Staff Badge, Silver deFleury, and Driver’s Badge. 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 3 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER MEETING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2015 ****PLEASE RSVP no later than October 30, 2015**** ARGONNE GUEST HOUSE — 9700 South Cass Ave., Bldg. #460 Argonne, Illinois 60439; phone # 630-739-6000 $45 per person/guest (checks should be payable to Lawrence J. Czepiel) Mail checks to: Lawrence J. Czepiel, 7501 S. Lemont Rd. #252, Woodridge, Il 60517 (phone contact at 630-910-6442) Speaker: TBD Cocktails : 6:00 p.m. — Dinner: 7:30 p.m. MENU: Caesar Salad or Field Greens with choice of dressing Slow Roaster Prime Rib with natural Au Jus Braised Chicken in White Wine, Fennel and Tomatoes Roaster Red Potatoes Grilled Fresh Seasonal Vegetables Assortment of Fresh Fruit Assorted Cheesecakes and Pies Freshly Baked Bread Freshly Brewed Regular/Decaffeinated Coffee, Herbal Premium Selection of Teas, Ice Tea, or assorted Soft Drinks ***PLEASE advise if special diet required*** NAME: GUEST: Phone Number: Email: PLEASE provide names of all guests as a name listing must be provided to the Argonne Facility. If you or they are not on the list, you may be unable to gain access for the dinner. SEE YOU AT THE DINNER! PRIL, ,2015 2014 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FAALL 43 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416th ENCOM Association Donates to “Boots and Brushes of San Antonio” T he Board approved a $200 donation to “Boots and Brushes of San Antonio”, a decorative painting chapter of The Society of Decorative Painters (S.D.P.). “Boots and Brushes” and its sister chapter “Alamo Decorative Artists” paint an average of 150 boxes each year which they use to assemble gift items for wounded warriors at the Center for the Intrepid at Fort Sam Houston. They have filled the boxes with gift cards, phone calling cards, discount coupons from local merchants and a variety of items from local businesses such as USAA and Marriott Corp. They also included purchased health and beauty items, snacks and books. The boxes are distributed at the Thanksgiving meal at The Warrior and Family Support Center at Ft Sam Houston. Monetary donations left over are then presented to the Intrepid Director to be distributed as gift cards as needed for individual wounded warriors. The chapters have contributed an average of $2,500 annually towards these cards in addition to the box and gift items purchased. This year’s total budget is $5,000. Boots and Brushes and Alamo Decorative Artists each meet once a month for business and paint projects. Affiliated with the international association S.D.P., they have supported this Wounded Warrior Project for over a decade as their service project. S.D.P. membership is open to and includes artists of all levels, mediums and genre. 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 5 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION RECENT TEC ACTIVITY Combat engineers from the Army Reserve and Army National Guard competed recently to become the best Sapper Team. Held at Fort Chaffee Arkansas, this three day event tested both the physical and mental limits of these Soldiers.... Watch the full video story on #SapperStakes2015and see the heart, passion and endurance it took to put this competition together and compete in it. #ArmyReserve#CombatEngineer#NationalGuard 1) The 322 EN DET (FEST-A) conducted a site recon for Bashur AB, Iraq (1-5 Sep 15) to determine current conditions and airfield repairs/expansion requirements as well as develop plans and Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE), aka USAID Budget, for a 600man base camp. 2) 416 TEC representatives (G35, G9, 372nd EN BDE) are working with the Canadian Army and Air Force at Wainwright AB and Goose Bay respectively for Northern Frontier 16. IPC and Project evaluations for both sites tentatively scheduled for 21-28 Sep 15. participate. Four states accepted the offer: Missouri, North Carolina, West Virginia and Wisconsin. The first place team was the 402nd Engineer Company (Sapper), 389 EN BN, 416 TEC, located in Des Moines, IA. The team members were Staff Sgt. Nick Kloberdanz, Sgt. Cutler Holland, Spc. Tyler Chatterton, Spc. Luke Dawson, Spc. Timothy E. Draper and Spc. Jordan Millard. The second place team was the 309th Engineer Company (Mobility Augmentation), 367 EN BN, 416 TEC, located in Brainerd, MN. The team members were Staff Sgt. Michael T. Koering, Spc. Jonathan DuBois, 3) 2nd Annual Sapper Stakes Competition was conSpc. Trevore D. Klein, Spc. Randy O. Lene, Spc. Jefducted at Fort Chaffee, AR (29 Aug 15 – 2 Sep 15). frey R. O'Connell, Spc. Johnathan D. O'Connell and This is a combined TEC and Army National Guard event with 20 Sapper teams participating in the event. Spc. Todd R. Brandell was an alternate. The third place team was the 680th Engineer CompaThe top three Sapper teams were recognized and reny (Mobility Augmentation), 479 EN BN, 412 TEC warded. U.S., located in Webster, NY. The team members Sapper Stakes 2015 were Staff Sgt. Kevin A. Guy, Sgt. Michael D. Barber, The 489 EN BN (Fort Smith, AR) was the lead battal- Sgt. Michael J. DiPaola, Spc. Joshua R. Miller, Spc. ion, supported by the 420 EN BDE and the 416 TEC. Daniel R. Trembath, and Spc. Elliott W. Vitelli. The alternates were Spc. Joseph M. Lynch and Pvt. BranSapper Stakes is a three-day competition challenging don Wilson. combat engineers through various physical and menVisit the 416th Theater Engineer Command Facebook tally challenging events focusing on mobility, counterpage for more detailed information and photos of the mobility and survivability. Last year, the inaugural 2015 Sapper Stakes. event was exclusively an Army Reserve competition. Article contributed by: COL(R) LARRY SLAVICEK This year, National Guard Soldiers were invited to 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 6 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION What the TEC? Redesigning Theater Engineer Commands in the Army Reserve May 26, 2015 By Sgt. 1st Class Michel A Sauret (416th TEC) other Soldiers from various job specialties. Their training and projects span across the U.S. both on military installations and on public lands at the request of civil authorities. They also travel the globe to perform peacetime missions in other nations. "Our subordinate elements are (available) to be assigned anywhere in the world where they are needed," said Maj. Gen. Lewis Irwin, commanding general of the 416th TEC. This means multinational training events and the construction of schools, medical centers, public buildings, roadways, bridges and more. Army Reserve engineers have performed peacetime projects in El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Panama, Canada, Korea and other countries. Maj. Gen. Lewis Irwin, the incoming commanding general of the 416th Theater Engineer Command, speaks to an audience of Soldiers, family, friends and distinguished guests during his assumption of command ceremony at the Parkhurst U.S. Army Reserve . . . DARIEN, Ill. -- The Army Reserve has the only two Theater Engineer Commands (TECs) across the entire Department of Defense, and they're currently undergoing a major change. When Army engineers talk about transformation, it's not a mere game of musical chairs. This change will greatly enhance their headquarters to deploy and perform their wartime functions. Their ability to shape and control the engineering battlefield will depend on how well they can execute this concept. But in order to understand what this redesign means, it's important to first understand who these TECs are and what they already provide the Army. WHAT THE HECK IS A TEC? The two Theater Engineer Commands are the 416th TEC, headquartered in Darien, Illinois, and the 412th TEC, in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Each TEC is commanded by a major general, with two deputy-commanding generals and a staff of roughly 300 personnel, which includes officers, noncommissioned officers and Army civilians. The 416th TEC commands units in 27 different continental states west of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. The 412th TEC commands engineer and other units in the remaining states. The TECs have distinct responsibilities during their peacetime and wartime missions. PEACETIME MISSION During their peacetime missions, also known as Phase Zero, the TECs are responsible for training more than 300 units from six brigades, including 20,000 Army Reserve engineers and 6,000 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 Sometimes, both TECs collaborate on the same projects, sending units to work together either at the same time or on a rotational basis. "We cross utilize Soldiers from each other ... to accomplish these missions within our own areas of responsibility," said Maj. Gen. Tracy Thompson, commanding general of the 412th TEC. These missions serve two purposes. They train units and Soldiers while supporting communities at home and abroad. Yet, the TECs engineering impact reaches beyond these scopes. WARTIME MISSION During wartime, the TEC serves as the master engineering planner to a combatant commander. They report to either a three-star or four-star general at the Corps or Army levels, respectively. They are the military equivalent to a general engineering contractor, but with a huge area of responsibility. A deployed TEC can function either as a Joint Engineer Operations Command or embed into a staff already in place. According to Army engineer doctrine, the TEC is the only organization designed for operational command of engineer capabilities at "echelons above corps." That means they provide the "big picture" engineering plans and vision for their assigned theater supporting the combatant commander. A "theater" is a term used for both combat and noncombat environments, spanning across multiple countries. The Department of Defense has divided the world into six major theaters. Each TEC has a primary responsibility to support three of those. Once deployed, a TEC executes command authority over engineer brigades and their engineering missions in an assigned theater. Other command organizations have the ability to command engineer units, but the TEC is the only organization specifically designed for this function. They are the experts in this field. They also have authority to control engineers units from the Navy, Marines and Air Force in a joint forces environment depending on mission, assets and commander's intent. (Continued next page) 7 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION (Continued from Previous Page) and professional careers. One colonel in particular owns his own engineering advisor firm. One brigadier general is a professor of "Per joint doctrine, the TEC is the only organization or command that civil and environmental engineering at Vanderbilt University. A is designated to command and control of other services' engineers," former TEC commanding general is a chief of technical services said Maj. Justin Kilpatrick, future plans officer for the 416th TEC. In at the Buffalo District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This order to perform the total spectrum of their mission, the TEC must list could go on. focus on three major engineering functions at the headquarters level. THE DESIGN UNDERWAY THE TEC'S CORE FUNCTIONS In order to fulfill these functions, the TECs plan on adding two specialized staff elements: the General Engineer Operations Cells (GENOC) and the Geospatial Planning Cell. Other staff sections will be reorganized as a result. The intent of this transition is to achieve a "net zero" change. This means perform more of their required specialties without adding a single Soldier to their staff structure. The TEC's three main areas of expertise are: Assured mobility, general engineering and geospatial engineering. Assured mobility -- The TECs direct the construction and combat engineer missions at the strategic level. Military forces cannot accomplish any mission without the freedom of movement and maneuver across a battle space. Engineers make this movement possible by building airports, seaports, roads, rails, pipelines and bridges. Combat engineers can also enable mobility and counter mobility by clearing mines, blowing obstacles out of the way, or impeding enemy movement. "We all must be good stewards of our nation's resources, and the TEC redesign effort is all about fulfilling the Army and Joint Force requirements with the right capabilities, while ensuring we don't waste any increasingly scarce resources," said Irwin. The GENOC "We'll actually help define where (forward operating bases) go, would form a section of 34 Soldiers supervised by a colonel. It prowhere the roads go, where the bridging needs to be. We develop vides a robust, deployable "plug and play" technical engineer capabilthe theater so that combatant commander can move through the ity to each TEC. The geospatial cell consists of seven Soldiers, added battle space to accomplish their goals, objectives and the vision of to the G2 Intelligence section within each TEC. the mission; we are the master planners for that commander in his “With the redesigned TEC, we will be better organized to bring or her battle space," said Col. Scott Shrader, 416th TEC director engineering expertise to the fight in the fastest possible time of Army Reserve Engineer - Integration. frame," said Col. Loren Zweig, one of the main 416th TEC officGeneral engineering -- This includes everything engineers enviers involved in the redesign process. Until now, each TEC has sion, design, prepare and build. From a strategic standpoint, the had two Deployable Command Posts (DCPs), totaling of 120 SolTECs are responsible for all infrastructure plans within a theater, diers. These positions will be transformed into a single DCP, from the sea ports to the front lines of combat. "When we see staffed by roughly 50 Soldiers per TEC. things, we see them at the 25,000-foot level. We see an open field and then develop it, essentially," said Lt. Col. Scott Nos, the dep- The DCP can deploy by itself or deploy with the whole deployable headquarters, known as the TEC Main, depending on the uty mobilization officer for the 416th TEC. scope of the mission. However, it's important to remember that if The idea of "front lines" in modern conflicts has changed drastically a TEC were to deploy, its peacetime responsibilities would still from the traditional methods of war that existed even decades ago. continue. "The TEC Main in whole could deploy (but) there is a This increases the complexity of a TEC's mission in theater. separate structure assigned to the TEC known as the Mission Sup"Today's combat environments are very asymmetrical. There are no port Element (MSE). It would be commanded by a one-star genfront lines or rear area. Our Soldiers, all of them are all in the fight, eral, and would assume command and control of the TECs' suborfrom the designers to the combat engineers," said Shrader. dinate units in the U.S.," said Shrader. This pushes the TECs to become involved in a conflict from the The TEC's MSE would conduct business as usual: Training units earliest stages of a conflict (known as Phase One, when infraand coordinating peacetime construction missions around the structure is first built), and their mission can last all the way to the world. That's why, right now, the 416th TEC is planning a multiend (known as Phase Five, when land is transitioned back to the phase staff exercise (STAFFEX), spread across 3 years. The nation's authorities). STAFFEX will exercise the TEC's ability to fulfill two major, Geospatial engineering -- Engineers must serve as "experts of separate missions at once: Peacetime and wartime. Each TEC terrain." This means they accumulate and combine data on the element will implement its standard operating procedures (SOPs). operational environment in a digital form. It's not just a matter of The first phase of STAFFEX will begin this June, with two more recreating a map of the land. Geospatial engineering creates a iterations the following years. digital package of information from multiple sources that com"We have to be able to mobilize and deploy as soon as the need manders use to strategize engineer-centric missions. for our unique capabilities arises," said Irwin. "We may mobilize Both of the TECs' commanding generals agree that Army Reserve and deploy as an entire TEC, as a Deployable Command Post, as engineer Soldiers are prepared to meet these demands, despite the separate staff sub-elements, such as the General Engineering Opintensive knowledge and technical requirements. erations Center, or as individual staff augmentees. So it's critical "As far as honing their professional skills, they're doing that Mon- that we prepare for all of these potential, expeditionary roles." day through Friday every week, and that is a great value added," Regardless of whether the world needs engineers during times of said Thompson. peace or conflict, the 412th and 416th TECs are prepared to meet those strategic needs and place the right engineers in the right Both TECs have had officers and leaders with multiple engineer degrees who have done this type of work throughout their civilian place, no matter how far that place might be from home. PRIL, ,2015 2014 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FAALL 38 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION SAVE THE DATE !! NOVEMBER 7, 2015 ANNUAL 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION DINNER & 25TH ANNIVERSARY DESERT SHIELD DESERT STORM Those of you who have previously attended can attest to the good time and comradery of past dinners the ENCOM ASSOCIATION has had. Those of you who have yet to attend, remember to SAVE THE DATE! Sign up, be counted, and have a grand time and grand dinner treat with old and new friends. It is also cause to celebrate and reminisce what happened 25 years ago during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Do you remember what you were doing?? Dining will be at the Argonne Guest House located at 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, Illinois – convenient to any and all forms of transportation with great local venues of shopping and entertainment in the surrounding area for the day or just our evening dinner. See you at the Dinner! 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION BOARD 416th ENCOM Association Treasurer's Report (Officers, Past President and Directors) Submitted by COL (R) John Erickson OFFICERS President ............................................................... COL(R) JOHN GESSNER President (Elect) ..................................................... COL(R) LARRY SLAVICEK Vice President (Membership) ................................... LTC(R) THOMAS RYTERSKE Vice President (Pgms & Activity) .............................. LTC(R) LAWRENCE CZEPIEL Secretary ............................................................... BG(R) JACK KOTTER Treasurer ............................................................... COL(R) JOHN ERICKSON Past President ........................................................ COL(R) DeWAYNE NELSON Activities: January 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015 Opening Balance: January 1, 2015 .............. $ 11,670.77 Expenses: DIRECTORS At-Large (Senior )...........................................................................MG(R) ROBERT HEINE ( Senior) ..........................................................................COL(R) WILLIAM HAWES (Publicity & Publications) ........................................ CSM(R) WILLIAM LAKE (Eastern Chapter) ................................................... COL(R) FRAN STROUSE (Awards & Nominations).......................................... COL(R) JAMES MARTIN (Constitution & By-Laws) ......................................... SGM(R) DAN LOPOTOWSKI TBD TBD Website: http://en comasso cia sp per by-laws 2013: 7 Officers — 1 Past President — 8 Director positions 400.00 Public Service Award .................................. $ 119.85 Memorial Fund Expenses ........................... $ 4,112.74 Boots and Brushes Donation ...................... $ 200.00 Fisher House Donation $ 292.10 Total Expenses: .......................................... $ 5,124.69 Income/Deposits: 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Volume 15—Number 2—Fall, 2015 416th Engineer Command 10S100 South Frontage Road Darien, IL 60561-1780 Leon Ardelean…………Publisher 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 Warrior Awards (2 @ $200 each) .............. $ Membership ................................................ $ 106.80 Newsletter Advertisement .......................... $ 150.00 Boots and Brushes Donation ....................... $ 100.00 Memorial Fund Donations .......................... $ 940.95 Total Income/Deposits: $ 1,297.75 =========== Closing Balance August 31, 2015: ............. $ 7,843.83 9 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Army Reserve engineer commands honor fallen Soldiers with memorial wall May 3, 2015 By Staff Sgt. Carrie Castillo D ARIEN, IL — An Army Reserve engineer command headquartered in Darien, Illinois, hosted a ceremony in honor of Soldiers who lost their lives in the last two decades of war-fighting operations during a memorial wall unveiling ceremony. The ceremony took place at the Parkhurst U.S. Army Reserve Center, Darien, Illinois, May 2. "We wanted to make the memorial unique, and in most cases what you see is colored pictures blazoned on the plaques," said Col. (retired) John Gessner, 416th Engineer Command Association President, who provides support for the ceremony. "You will see pictures from basic training all the way to guys decked out in combat gear in theater, some with a big smile on their face. From this day forward, everyone that walks through this front door here, that is the first thing they are going to see." In all, 46 plaques are now on display at the 416th Theater Engineer Command (TEC) headquarters building, each depicting a Soldier who served in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (Saudi Arabia -Iraq-Kuwait: 1990-91), Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq 2002-2012) and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan: 2001 to present). "This type of memorial isn't just another memorial or ceremony," said Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Stanek, 416th TEC command sergeant major. "We have four Soldiers here with the 416th that personally knew some of these Soldiers, as well as the family members that were here. It's extremely important that we have the remembrance of the Soldiers." Of the Soldiers honored, four are from Desert Shield/Desert Storm; 12 from Operation Enduring Freedom and 30 from Operation Iraqi Freedom. "The birth of this memorial wall occurred sometime after January 2013," said Stanek. "It was when then commanding general Maj. Gen. David Conboy, 416th TEC in his travels across the United States, saw numerous units displays dedicated to their Fallen Heroes." All of the Soldiers honored here served under either the 416th or 412th TEC, which is a similar organization headquartered in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Together, the two TECs are responsible for the training and deploying of 26,000 Army Reserve Soldiers, most of which are Army engineers experienced in horizontal and vertical construction, geospatial operations and combat engineering, to include route clearance operations. This ceremony is a combined effort between the two theater engineer commands and the Engineer Command Association, which was founded to promote, foster and improve the well-being of Army Reserve Soldiers in the engineer community and support social and patriotic events such as this. Some family members of the honored Soldiers were in attendance from several different states, as well as representatives from the Engineer Command Association, U.S. Army Reserve Command leaders 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 and ambassadors, as well as Brig. Gen. Alicia Tate-Nadeau of the Illinois National Guard, who spoke during the event on behalf of the state of Illinois. During Tate-Nadeau's remarks, some had to stifle their sobs and wipe away the hurt that welled in their eyes. She spoke of the similarities that all of the people in the room shared: sacrifice. "There are three parts I would like to talk to you about while I am here for this memorial," said Tate-Nadeau. "One is honor, two is remembrance and three is about hope. First we are here to honor our Soldiers, and to honor your loved ones for their sacrifice that they have made, but it wasn't just them that have sacrificed you have sacrificed too. Also, for remembrance to remember our loved ones because they were wonderful people and we know that in each of your hearts you carried them close to you. The last thing I would like to say about today is about hope, if it wasn't for the men and women and the families that sit here today that have gave their ultimate sacrifice our nation would not be free." During and after the ceremony, family members had the opportunity to share stories and memories of their loved ones. "We didn't realize how much of an impact the Army had on him until after he was gone, and we started going through his things and found a DVD from his public speaking class after he came back from his deployment," said John Gornewicz, of Buffalo, New York and father of the fallen Sgt. Brett E. Gornewicz. "He spoke about his time in the Reserve, and how much it meant to him, we hold that close to our hearts that he loved what he did, and he loved his fellow service men and women." For the Gold Star Families, speaking about their Soldiers allows their emotions and pride to keep their memories with them. But along with that pride, pain still resides underneath it all. "This is like a long story that doesn't have an end. It will be 10 years next month that he will be gone," said Midge Beachem, of Pittsburgh, and mother of the fallen Spc. Robert "Bob" E. Hall. "The community outreach and support groups have helped greatly, the dedication of people and their families is amazing." This memorial took place one day and one hundred and fifty years after the first unofficial memorial ceremony was held in Charleston, South Carolina. Leaders who spoke reminded their audience that that the same message of honor rings through today. "It serves us as a constant reminder of all who have passed," said Maj. Gen. Tracy A. Thompson, 412th TEC commanding general. "Freedom is not free, it comes at a cost, and one of those costs wears boots, dog tags and a patch over their hearts that says U.S. Army." Note: Pictorial views on page 11. (U.S. Army photos by Sgt. 1st Class Michel Sauret) ESSAYONS 10 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Army Reserve Engineer Commands Honor Fallen Soldiers With Memorial Wall Pictorial Views (U.S. Army photos by Sgt. 1st Class Michel Sauret) Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Stanek, command sergeant major of the 416th Theater Engineer Command (TEC) gives his remarks during a Fallen Heroes Memorial Wall ceremony in Darien, Ill., May 2. Brig. Gen. Alicia Tate-Nadeau, Illinois National Guard, gives her remarks. Col. (Ret.) John Gessner, (right), president of the Engineer Command Association, gives his remarks at the 416th Theater Engineer Command (TEC) headquarters. Maj. Gen. Lewis Irwin, commanding general of the 416th Theater Engineer Command (TEC), pays respect to the Fallen Heroes Memorial Wall during a ceremony hosted at their headquarters in Darien, Ill., May 2, to honor 46 Army Reserve Soldiers who belonged to either the 416th or 412th TEC and lost their lives while serving overseas. The ceremony was a combined effort of the two TECs and the Engineer Command Association, which funded the costs associated with the ceremony and helped organize the event. (U.S. Army photos by Sgt. 1st Class Michel Sauret) 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 11 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416 ENCOM ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION October 2015 – September 2017 I hereby apply for membership in the 416 ENCOM Association Two Year Membership ($10.00) Lifetime Membership ($100.00 one time fee) Associate Membership ($5.00) Signature Date Payment can be made by check or PayPal on the website NOTE: When doing PayPal, you will need to fill out the online member change form at: Please make checks payable to 416 ENCOM Association and mail to: Thomas P. Ryterske 5N135 Hanson Road Lily Lake, IL 60175-8102 Current Member Change / Update Records Request Name: Last First Location: Address _State Contact Info: Home Phone Army Info: Rank M. Zip _Spouse E-mail Work Cell Last Unit Served Retirement Date_ (If not retired please state active ). Remarks: Membership: Please visit the 416th ENCOM Association Website: Thomas P. Ryterske Vice President Membership 5N135 Hanson Road Lily Lake, IL 60175-8102 All Information provided to the 416 ENCOM Association is for Association use only and will be handled confidentially. LTC(R) THOMAS RYTERSKE 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 12 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION SAVE THE DATE 416TH ENCOM Association Northeast Reunion Friday & Saturday, June 10-11, 2016 The 416th ENCOM Association is planning a full day of activities for our 2016 Northeast reunion on Friday and Saturday, June 10-11, 2016 at Ft. Belvoir / Quantico, VA Planned Weekend Activities: Friday Evening 7:00 PM Reception & Cash Bar (Bar / Lounge, 7:30 PM Evening Parade @ Marine Barracks, 8th & I Streets, S.E., Washington DC Saturday Morning Option: Ft. Belvoir Golf Outing-Scramble 7:30 AM Ft. Belvoir Golf Course Option: MountVernon:Gen.Washington’sHome& Museum 9:00 AM Mount Vernon Tour. Lunch: On your own. (Mt. Vernon Inn Restaurant or Food Court) Saturday Afternoon Option: National Museum of the Marine Corps 2:00 PM National Museum of the Marine Corps Saturday Evening Option: Ft. Belvoir Officers Club overlooking the Potomac River. 6:00 PM Reception and Dinner Speaker: Maj. Gen. Bob Carlson Suzi Patterson FOR MORE INFORMATION: Fran Strouse , 190 Westview Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Phone: 717-689-3590 (Home) Cell: 717-808-4824 Email: 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 Rick Dean Email: Doug Patterson 13 Steve Hatch Email: Steve <> 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Supplemental Information Evening Parade An 85-minute performance of music and precision marching, the Evening Parade features “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band, “The Commandant’s Own” United States Marine Drum and Bugle Corps, and the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon. The Evening Parade is held Friday evenings from 7 May through 27 August 2010. The ceremony starts with an 8:45 p.m. concert by “The President’s Own.” Seating for the Evening Parade requires a reservation. Guests with reservations are admitted beginning at 7 p.m. and should arrive no later than 8 p.m. Reservations may be made in writing, facsimile, or, for groups of six or less, online at Mail reservation requests should be addressed to: Protocol Officer, Marine Barracks, 8th and I Streets, S.E.,Washington, D.C. 0390-5000 They should be mailed at least 30 days prior to a desired parade date. Requests via facsimile should be faxed to the Protocol Officer at (202) 433-4076. The request should include the name of the party (either group or individual), the number of guests in the party, a complete return address, and a point of contact with a telephone number. Ft. Belvoir Golf Courses Fort Belvoir Golf Club Military facility is managed by Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command. It contains 35 tees driving range and 36 regulation holes. The 18-hole "Gunston" course at the Fort Belvoir Golf Club facility features 6,908 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 72 . The course rating is 73.0 and it has a slope rating of 132. Designed by Robert Trent Jones, ASGCA, the Gunston golf course opened in 1950. The 18-hole "Woodlawn" course at the Fort Belvoir Golf Club facility features 6,832 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 72 . The course rating is 73.4 and it has a slope rating of 127. Designed by Thomas E. Clark, ASGCA, the Woodlawn golf course opened in 1995. Mount Vernon Oneofthenation’smostbelovedhistoricsites,MountVernonoffersaglimpseinto18th- century plantation life through beautiful gardens and grounds, intriguing museum exhibits, and immersiveprogramshonoringGeorgeWashington’slifeandlegacy. Ford Orientation Center Start your visit at the Ford Orientation Center, where you can watch the 30 minute action-adventuremovie,“We FighttoBeFree.”(Visittime:45Minutes) The Mansion After the death of his older half-brother, Lawrence, in 1752, George Washington took up residence at the house that his father, Augustine Washington, had built in 1735. Over the next five decades, Washington expanded the house to create an impressive 21-room mansion with vibrant wall colors, intricate architectural details, and elegant furnishings. The interiors have been meticulously restored to 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 14 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Mansion Outbuildings InWashington'stime,manyoftheMansion’sessentialoperations—such as laundry, spin- ning, and meat curing—were performed in outbuildings located near the Mansion. Explore more than a dozen of these small structures, including a working blacksmith shop with daily demonstrations. (Visit time: 30 minutes.) Gardens and Grounds George Washington's design for his estate included four separate gardens covering more than six acres. The gardens served many purposes, from testing new varieties of plants to producing vegetables and fruit to providing floral displays. In addition to visiting the gardens, explore the wooded landscape on the quarter-mile-long forest trail. (Visit time: 30 minutes (gardens) National Museum of the Marine Corps (NMMC) The President of the United States dedicated the National Museum of the Marine Corps (NMMC) on 10 November 2006. Located in Quantico, VA and with an average annual visitor attendance of more than 500,000 during each of its first three years, the NMMC is one of the most popular cultural attractions in Virginia. Its exhibitions recreate environments and immerse visitors into Marine Corps action. The National Museum is being constructed in phases, the first of which includes approximately 120,000 square feet. It opened with permanent galleries dedicated to“MakingMarines,”WorldWarII,theKoreanWar,andtheVietnamWar.In 2010, three additional galleries will open to tell the story of the Marine Corps from 1775 through World War I. In immersive exhibits, visitors take their places alongside Marines in battle. Aircraft, tanks, and other vehicles are prominently displayed, and period uniforms, weapons, medals, flags, and other artifacts help visitors trace the history of the Corps. Future phases will add a giant-screen theater, classrooms, an art gallery, visible storage, and more exhibition space to the flagship building. A chapel that overlooks the Museum and Semper Fidelis Memorial Park opened in October 2009 Fort Belvoir Officers Club Built in 1935 on a majestic cliff over the Potomac River, the Officers' Club represents a proud military heritage at Fort Belvoir. Designed in the first true American architectural style, the Georgian Colonial Revival Style, the Officers' Club elegantly showcases brick facades, strict symmetry, and pedimented central pavilions. As a popular wedding venue, the Fort Belvoir Officers' Club is nestled in a quiet neighborhood and picturesque park-like setting. Over the past 80 years, the Fort Belvoir Officers' Club has been visited by many Presidents, Cabinet Officers, Senators, Congressmen, and Foreign Diplomats. Consider joining the ranks of this proud tradition. 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 15 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION MODULAR BRIDGE CREATION U.S. Army Spc. Christonio Hatten, a bridge crewmember with the 502nd Engineer Company (Multi-Role Bridge), from Fort Knox, Ky., prepares to hook a sling to attach a boat bay to a Chinook during a sling load training operation with Army Reserve Sold iers at Fort Chaffee, Ark., July 31. Soldiers from various Army Reserve and active duty units trained together at River Assault, a br idging training exercise involving Army Engineers and other support elements to create a modular bridge on the water across the Arka nsas River at Fort Chaffee, Ark. The entire training exercise lasted from July 28 to Aug. 4, 2015, involving one brigade headquart ers, two battalions and 17 other units, to include bridging, sapper, mobility, construction and aviation companies. (U.S. Army photo b y Master Sgt. Michel Sauret) RIVER ASSAULT ON THE ARKANSAS RIVER 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 13 16 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION The combined 412th-416th TEC BWC competition completed last April at Fort McCoy, WI. U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers with the 412th and 416th Theater Engineer Commands, ascend a hill during the four-mile ruck march April 28 at Fort McCoy, WI, while competing to be named the Best Warrior in the 2015 Combined TEC Best Warrior Competition. The 412th and 416th TECs will advance one noncommissioned officer and one junior enlisted Warrior each to the U.S. Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Debralee Best) The 416th TEC Best Warrior Winners were as follows: NCO - SSG Jacob Simmons from 317th EN CO (Kankakee, IL), 863rd EN BN, 372nd EN BDE Enlisted - SPC Ian Hagen from 372nd EN CO (Pewaukee, WI), 397th EN BN, 372nd EN BDE It was a very spirited competition with impressive performances by numerous NCOs and Soldiers during the event. There were nine members competing in the two categories from the 416th (Brigade and DRU Level Primary and Alternative NCOs and Enlisted were allowed to compete). The 412th TEC had 26 participants in the two categories (each of their 15 battalions were allowed to send an NCO and Enlisted Soldier to the event). U.S. Army Reserve Spc. Ian Hagen, a Greendale, Wis., native, representing the 416th Theater Engineer Command, with the 372nd Engineer Company, Waukesha, Wis., is congratulated by Command Sgt. Major Robert Stanek, after besting other candidates to be the command’s Noncommissioned Best Warrior during the 412th and 416th 2015 Combined TECs’ Best Warrior Competition April 25 to 29 at Fort McCoy, Wis. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Darrin McDufford) U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Jacob Simmons, a Danville, Ill., native, representing the 416th Theater Engineer Command, with the 317th Engineer Company, Kankakee, Ill., is congratulated by Command Sgt. Major Robert Stanek, after besting other candidates to be the command’s Noncommissioned Best Warrior during the 412th and 416th 2015 Combined TECs’ Best Warrior Competition April 25 to 29 at Fort McCoy, Wis. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Darrin McDufford) 16 416TH ENCOM ASSN., FALL, 2015 13 17 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Volume 15— Number 2 — Fall, 2015 416th Engineer Command 10S100 South Frontage Road Darien, IL 60561-1780 Leon Ardelean……………Publisher
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