Sep 2013 - 416th Encom Association
Sep 2013 - 416th Encom Association
416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION “past and present serving together for the future” Volume 13, Number 2 – Fall, 2013 President’s Comments . . . IS TIME AGAIN to meet the two challenges I presented to the IT membership two years ago: Attend Association functions and increase membership. The annual meeting is coming up 1-3 November. It is a special meeting because of the Operation Iraqi Freedom Reunion. I hope to see each of you to celebrate this event. We will also be electing a new board. I look forward to presenting the person of the year, someone who has made great contribution to our association The biannual membership drive is underway now. If you are a life member, thank you for your membership and commitment to the purpose of the association. If you are a bi-annual member, thanks for the past support and I ask you to again renew your membership, President COL (R) Dewayne Nelson hopefully to a life membership. For everyone, the “bring a buddy” program is still in place. If you know someone who is not a member, get them to join. I EXTEND A SPECIAL THANKS TO THE BOARD FOR THEIR SUPPORT NOT ONLY TO THE ASSOCIATION BUT TO ME DURING THE PAST TWO YEARS. We end the period a stronger organization. Congress and, at times, the Pentagon are working against our purpose. Watch what they are doing and let your legislators know what you think of issues like a hollow force, increased medical cost, and spending on issues not directed by the constitution. In the spring newsletter, and also in this newsletter, United States Automobile Association, (USAA) has provided support to the ENCOM Association with a paid ad in each publication. Their financial support is greatly appreciated. If you are not a member, I ask that you consider becoming one. I have been a member since 1978 and strongly endorse them. USAA membership is a privilege earned by those in uniform — and it's a privilege that can be handed down to your children. Membership is open to, active, retired and honorably separated officers and enlisted personnel of the U.S. military. Officer candidates in commissioning programs (Academy, ROTC, OCS/OTS). Adult children of USAA members who have or had a USAA auto or property insurance policy. Widows, widowers and former spouses of USAA members who have or had a USAA auto or property insurance policy while married. In addition, certain products, including all investments products, all insurance, all banking products — checking, savings, CDs and credit cards — and all shopping and Services Discounts are available to members. PRESIDENT COL (R) DEWAYNE NELSON 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 1 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION INTRODUCTION OF OUR NEW PRESIDENT COL (R) JOHN GESSNER Retired from active duty in 2010 after Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection. Served in the 416th from 1995-2006. Wartime Service: 2002-2003 Opera- 32 years of service. tions Enduring and Iraqi Freedom, serving as the Bagram Afghanistan Base Engineer, G-7 Engineer Design Team Chief and Deputy G-7 for Operations. Last positions in the 416th were as DCofS G-3 (Operations) and G-7 (Engineer) concurrently. Last position on active duty as Military Deputy to the Engineering Construction and Support Office in support of the Corps mission to the Department of Awards include the Silver DeFleury Medal, Legion of Merit and 2 Bronze Stars. 416th ENCOM Treasurer’s Report 416th BOARD OF DIRECTORS Submitted by COL (R) William Hawes OFFICERS President ........................................ COL (R) DeWAYNE NELSON President (Elect) ............................. COL (R) JOHN GESSNER Vice President (Membership) .......... LTC (R) THOMAS RYTERSKE Vice President (Pgms & Activ) ......... LTC (R) LAWRENCE CZEPIEL Secretary ........................................ BG (R) JACK KOTTER. Treasurer ........................................ COL (R) WILLIAM HAWES Past President ................................ MG (R) ROBERT HEINE Treasurer’s Report, August 7, 2013 Opening Balance January 1, 2013 ................ $7,013.82 Activities: January 01, 2013-August 7, 2013 Expenses NCO and Soldier of the Year Awards (2 each @ $200) .............................. $ 400.00 deFleury Medals ............................................ $ 100.00 Deposit on OIF Reunion ................................ $1,000.00 ————— Total Expenses............................................... $1,500.00 DIRECTORS At-Large CSM (R) WILLIAM LAKE COL (R) FRAN STROUSE SGM (R) DAN LOPOTOWSKI Website: Income Membership Bi-Annual......................................... $ 50.00 Life .................................................. $ 300.00 OIF Reunion Ticket Sales...................................... $ 100.00 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Volume 13 Number 2 — Fall, 2013 Donations ........................................ $ 820.00 Ads in program ................................ $ 520.00 USAA ad in Newsletter .................................. $ 75.00 Net profit from 2012 Annual Meeting ..................... $ 370.30 ————— Total Income ................................................. $2,235.30 ........................................................ ======== Closing Balance August 7, 2013..................... $7,749.12 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416th Engineer Command 10S100 South Frontage Road Darien, IL 60561-1780 Leon Ardelean…………………….Publisher 2 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION News: Chicago White Sox honors Soldier's service 416th Theater Engineer Command Story by Sgt. 1st Class Darrin McDufford CHICAGO - The sky was blue and sprinkled with billowy white clouds as a screaming cheerful crowd reacted to the action flowing on the field. But baseball wasn’t the only thing drawing eyes and cheers to this crowd of nearly 25,000 baseball lovers. The Chicago White Sox honored Army Lt. Col. William Holstine of the 416th Theater Engineer Command as the Hero of the Game. The 29-year veteran served from 2002-2004 supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Lt. Col. William Holstine and his wife attend the Chicago White Sox Game August 10 where he was recognized as the team's "Hero of the Game." He began his career in 1984 as a private and supply specialist. Two years later he entered the Army Reserve with the 863rd Engineer Battalion. A few years more he found his calling and contracted as a cadet in the Army Reserve Officers Training Corp. and soon became a second lieutenant. Holstine earned a master’s degree in business administration and went to build a career as a financial advisor who managed more than $150 million in assets. He also provided financial planning to individuals and small business. His career progressed and wanting to serve the Army more he became an Active Guard Reserve Soldier and began building a career in operations. After his overseas deployment to Southwest Asia he returned and served as an assistant professor of military science from 2006-2007 at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill. All this determination and success doesn’t prevent the unsuspected occurrence of a major health issue. “In February 2013, I was diagnosed with stomach cancer while stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C.,” said Holstine. “The Army then transferred me to the 416th Theater Engineer Command in Darien, Ill., while I undertake treatment at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.” His daughter's softball team, the Aurora Area Girls Softball Association, learned of his medical condition and decided to recognize him during the "All-Star" game over the summer. They introduced him to the crowd, brought him onto the field and as a gift provided me 5 tickets to the Chicago White Sox game which were donated by the Chicago White Sox. “Kailie came to us and addressed that her dad’s illness had escalated from stage 3 to stage 4,” said Coach Jose Rios. “Her teammates wanted to show support for her father so we did at the all-star game in July. This prompted the idea for him to be honored with the Sox.” Carolyn Gerard, Holstine’s sister-in-law, started the process by contacting the Chicago White Sox to have him honored at a game. “Bill is wonderful father and husband. He’s served his country. I’ve seen him at his lowest lows. This was a way to help him get through his illness by showing him he has support,” said Gerard. She put forth effort to save her brother-in-law because he’s always given so much. “His cancer wasn’t going away and I have done a lot of reading and I’ve got him on some holistic treatment with alkaline diet and raw foods. He’s doing better and he’s feeling better. The support of people have made him feel uplifted,” said Gerard. He is not cancer free and is still battling stage IV stomach cancer. In July he began a combination of medical treatments such as chemotherapy and alternative treatments such as a high alkaline diet, acupuncture, massage, chiropractor care and medical staff retests quarterly to determine his progress. What’s this mean to Holstine to have so many people stress how much they care to see him honored in front of thousands? Holstine responds, “At first I was a little hesitant, but I thought about the big picture and it’s really not about me, but more about recognizing all of our men and women who have served and continue to serve in our Armed Forces protecting our great nation. I guess I’m just the lucky one who gets to be here today to represent all of those true heroes…it’s very humbling.” “My family and I are having a great time, I feel so blessed. I want to express my sincere thanks to the Chicago White Sox and to all my family and friends who are here today celebrating this time with me and my family." Holstine’s 14-year old daughter, Kaelie, responded about her father’s newfound fame, “It’s so cool that my dad was picked to do this. This is a great experience for me and for my entire family. I think it’s amazing how much love, help, and support we have received by so many people since my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I feel like most people take this as a burden or tragedy, but I like to look on the brighter side of things. I take this as an eye opener. Also, I love that my dad is home more often. I’m so proud of my dad as he has been so strong for all of us, he is definitely my hero.” Read more: 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 3 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION A WILL TO THE WISE W E ARE ALL AWARE that as each day passes we get that much closer to meeting the grim reaper. Even though that is a foreseeability, we still don’t know when, where, or under what circumstances. But we can plan; especially to make it easier on our family and other loved ones. distribution of your assets. Especially if you have minor children, you should have at least a will so that guardians of the persons and trustees for assets are named to take care of your minor children and their assets upon your death. If you have substantial or unusual assets – such as inherited wealth, or a family businessand in cases of a second marriage, particularly where there are children from the previous marriage or from the second marriage, make your financial plans to take care of what you want done in your absence. Avoid family disagreements after your death while you can do so now. One such way to discuss with your attorney an estate plan that will transfer you assets (property) at death to your family, loved ones, or significant others with the least problem. Surely there are people in our lives whom we love and would want to provide for were we to die tomorrow. Conversely, there are others whom we dislike and would prefer to keep as far as possible from our assets. A will is esA will puts you in charge of your financial sential to insure our preferences at time of death and to make such choices legally bind- estate at your death and thereafter. If you ing when we are no longer around to make leave it up to State law to decide the distribution, it may not be what you would have choour wishes known. sen. Do you want your 18 year old child to A will indicates who gets our property and have your fortune at age 18 or after he/she when; it names an executor to handle and graduates college? What do you think that manage our estate, pay our debts, taxes, and child of yours will do with the assets of the administrative expenses (if any) and distrib- estate at age 18? Is it a car or an education utes our estate in the manner indicated in the that gets paid? You decide. will. You can also provide for a guardianship Even though there are will kits available to for minors, and trust provisions for distribution to those minors or other adult individuals help prepare such a document, I would not adand specify the circumstances and date for vise their use. See and talk with your attorney who has much more legal experience and distribution. knowledge than you or some legal kit. Don’t Who needs a will? Everyone should have fall for the old saying that “(H)e who repreat least a simple will no matter what your situ- sents himself has a fool for a lawyer”. Don’t ation. It is a document you need to discuss be that fool. Do it right the first time. with your local attorney and determine the (Article submitted by LTC (R) LAWRENCE CZEPIEL) best way to express your preferences for the 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 4 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION U.S. Army Reserve Command News: Army Reserve soldier trains to teach and lead Sgt. Carina Garcia F ORT McCOY, Wis. - Army Reserve Spc. Mitchell Fromm, represents the 428th Engineer Company, Wausau, Wis., at the 2013 Army Reserve Best Warrior competition at Fort McCoy, Wis. “I chose to compete to test my skills and knowledge as a soldier,” Fromm said. “This competition represents the quality of soldier I strive to be and represents my pride in my unit.” As a combat engineer, he volunteers for every training opportunity his unit has to offer, to include the Reserve Foreign Exchange Program. Fromm said he joined the military because he wanted to do everything, so he seeks out every class possible and accepts every opportunity forwarded to him. “I want to learn and pass everything I can to everyone else, so as long as I keep advancing and doing new things I will stick it out for the long haul and make the Army a career,” Fromm said. A native of Marathon City, Wis., and a firefighter with the Stevens Point Fire Department, Fromm is dedicated to working with the community. He has participated in numerous community outreach events, and spent one month in New York City during the Hurricane Sandy relief, which he contributes as being a huge turning point in his life. He was assigned to a key leadership role which helped him as an Army Reserve leader. Fromm also spent a week in New Orleans for the Hurricane Katrina relief and a summer working with handicapped children at the Wisconsin Lions Camp. “I’m young and able bodied, so as long as I can share that I feel I have a responsibility to other people, and that is what definitely keeps me in the Army and fire department,” Fromm said with determination. “I have a responsibility to everyone else and I feel very strongly about that.” Pursuing a bachelors with a double major in communications and health promotions, Fromm would like to be a group fitness trainer for any type of civil service job whether it be Army, police or firefighters. U.S. Army Spc. Mitchell Fromm, assigned to the 428th Engineer Company, runs toward the finish line of the 10 kilometer road march during the 2013 Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition at Fort McCoy, Wis., June 26, 2013. (Photo by U.S. Army Reserve Sgt. Carina Garcia/Released) “Those are the guys that need to be fit because they get that split second where it really counts and need to call on themselves and I would like to train them to that point both in the nutritional and physical aspects,” Fromm said. He also feels that the full body wellness comes from many components. Seeking out training of all aspects can go hand-in-hand to provide a different outlook and perspective on how to lead and teach soldiers and coworkers in both the Army Reserve and civilian jobs. 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 5 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416th TEC and 88th RSC Announce Top NCO and Soldier at Regional Best Warrior By Sgt. 1st Class Marisol Hernandez, 416th TEC PAO FORT MCCOY, Wis.-- As most made plans for their summer vacation to visit family or maybe the tropical islands, if they’re lucky, three U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers had a paid vacation to Fort McCoy, Wis. to compete for title of Best Warrior at the Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition. The 416th Theater Engineer Command and the 88th Regional Support Command combined forces to host the 2013 regional BWC, April 28-May 2. Eleven Soldiers representing down-trace units from the two commands endured the week-long competition, consisting of 15 events that measured not only their physical stamina but their mental toughness as well. — The 2012 416th TEC’s Noncommissioned Officer of the year, Cpl. Lance Clifford, an intelligence analyst from the 301st Maneuver Enchantment Brigade, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, returned to defend his title and came out on top, once again. — "[I’m] definitely doing better than I did last year in a good majority of the events,” said Clifford. “I just feel like I'm more physically fit. I'm stronger. I've been rucking to get ready for this and overall I just feel better about my performance this year than last year."—Spc. Mitchell Fromm, a combat engineer with the 428th Engineer Company out of Wausau, Wis., took the title of Soldier of the Year for the 416th TEC while Staff Sgt. Israel Guerrero, a Warrior Leader Course instructor from the Noncommissioned Officer Academy in Camp Parks, Calif., took the title of NCO of the year for the 88th RSC. The motivation behind competitors competing in this event was ultimately come out on top, but many competed for other reasons as well.—“I want to display the total Soldier concept and put the years of training and experience I have obtained to the test,” stated Guerrero. “The standardbased competition has warrior tasks and battle drills that are crucial to the survival of Soldiers on the battlefield, and this competition will test me in these areas.”— "I just enjoy the camaraderie that we get through this competition," said Sgt. 1st Class Theresa Ertl, a human resources specialist from the 88th RSC. "You can't get that anywhere else.” With events like Combatives, ruck march, appearance board and the infamous mystery events, Soldiers competing for Best Warrior have to be well-rounded in all Soldiering skills.—"I've learned it doesn't matter how hard you train, sometimes you run into someone training harder," said Staff Sgt. Cristobal Santana, a Warrior Leader Course instructor with the Staff Sgt. Todd R. Cornell NCO Academy in Fort McCoy. —"So as I'm doing things, and getting better at things, I always keep that in the back of my mind -- that someone out there is training just a little bit harder than I am," added Santana."It kind of keeps me always moving forward." 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 6 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Serving the Total Force and the Nation LTG Jeffrey W. Talley, Chief of Army Reserve and Commanding General, US Army Reserve Command AR SITREP (Excerpts from LTG Talley's Army Reserve update as of 15 July 2013) Examples of Army Reserve capabilities currently supporting OCOMs and ASCCs (Excerpts related to 416th ) T HE 416th TEC successfully completed the Beyond the Horizons (BTH-PAN); a multicompo, joint, interagency exercise. The BTH Panama Task Force completed 6 engineer projects across western Panama which included 2 clinics, a school and multiple upgrades to two FOB's. PAD. The 416 TEC engineer team conducted assessments and site surveys for eleven separate sites and provided comprehensive written products to CENTCOM. The BTH Panama Task Force also conducted a MEDRETE mission in Panama which provided medical treatment for a total of 13,640 patients; 5179 patients were treated in Veraguas from 13-27 April / 497 patients were treated in Santiago from 28 Apr-11 May / 2907 patients were treated in the Darien MEDRETE from 11-25 May and 5057 patients were treated in the Panama East MEDRETE. In addition, the 207th PAD established a CPIC as well as conducted multiple media engagement events including press conferences, media escorts, training event coverage and distribution of PA products. ARCENT/CENTCOM: A note back from the SOCCENT PAO indicated that the 207th PAD was the best PA unit to participate in the exercise since its inception in 2010. The 207th PAD produced a short documentary that is currently running on the Pentagon Channel. The final personnel from the BTH TF trail party departed Panama on 9 July and have assimilated back into their respective Army Reserve formations. The BTH Panama Task Force equipment shipped from the Panama port on 10 July and is expected to arrive back in CONUS at the end of August. The 416th TEC sent two Soldiers to Shaw AFB from 8-12 July to conduct OPLAN reviews. Both Soldiers completed getting "read on" to the four required caveats at Fort Sheridan, IL on 26 June and are currently in the process of reviewing the identified OPLANS. The 416th TEC participated in the initial SOUTHCOM Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF) Community of Interest (COI) SVTC on Tuesday 9 Jul 13. The discussion was focused on SOUTHCOM units of interest (assigned, allocated and service retainedCOCOM aligned) as well as mission opportunities for FY15. ARNORTH/NORTHCOM: MG David J. Conboy, Cdr, 416th TEC conducted a key leader engagement from 28-30 June in San Antonio, TX. MG Conboy had an office call with the incoming ARNORTH Commanding General, MG Wiggins as well as the engineer staffs of both ARNORTH and ARSOUTH. The 416 TEC is currently developing plans to support ARSOUTH with a DCP (-) as an Engineer command and control element for the Ardent Sentry exercise in FY14. The key takeaway for SOUTHCOM and ARSOUTH was the need to conduct mission analysis, planning and budgeting far enough in advance so that they can fully utilize ARNG and USAR assets. The 416th TEC had two teams supporting the Eager Lion exercise in Amman, Jordan from 4-24 June, an engineer team of seven Soldiers and the 207th 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION (Article submitted by COL (R) WILLIAM HAWES) 7 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 8 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION RESUME OF SERVICE CAREER of EUGENE JOSEPH LEBOEUF, Colonel, Engineer (USAR), YEARS OF COMMISSIONED SERVICE Over 27 years TOTAL YEARS OF SERVICE Over 27 years PRESENT ASSIGNMENT COS, 416th TEC. CURRENT OCCUPATION Associate Department Chair and Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee MILITARY SCHOOLS ATTENDED United States Army Airborne School United States Army Air Assault School United States Army Ranger School United States Army Engineer Officer Basic Course United States Army Engineer Officer Advanced Course United States Army Combined Arms and Services Staff School United States Army Command and General Staff Officer Course United States Navy Contingency Engineering Course United States Joint Forces Staff College Advanced Joint Professional Military Education Course United States Army War College EDUCATIONAL DEGREES Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology – B.S. Degree – Civil Engineering Northwestern University – M.S. Degree – Industrial Engineering and Management Science Stanford University – M.S. Degree – Civil Engineering The University of Michigan – Ph.D. Degree – Environmental Engineering United States Army War College – M.S. Degree – Strategic Studies EUGENE JOSEPH LEBOEUF, COLONEL, ENGINEER (USAR) PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION Registered Professional Engineer: Tennessee and Missouri, since 1992. MAJOR DUTY ASSIGNMENTS FROM TO Active Duty MAY 1985 AUG 1985 SEP 1985 AUG 1986 SEP 1986 FEB 1987 MAR 1987 MAY 1987 MAY 1987 NOV 1987 NOV 1987 APR 1988 APR 1988 AUG 1990 AUG 1990 DEC 1990 JAN 1991 MAY 1991 MAY 1991 JAN 1992 JAN 1992 SEP 1992 Gold Bar Recruiter, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana U.S. Army Technological Enrichment Program Fellow, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Student, Engineer Officer Basic Course, Fort Belvoir, Virginia Assistant Battalion S4, 2d Engineer Battalion (Combat), 2d Infantry Division, Korea Platoon Leader, Company B, 2d Engineer Battalion (Combat), 2d Infantry Division, Korea Executive Officer, Company B, 2d Engineer Battalion (Combat), 2d Infantry Division, Korea Deputy Area Commander, U.S. Army Engineer District, Nashville, Tennessee, with duty in Pineville, Kentucky Student, Engineer Officer Advanced Course, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri Battalion Maintenance Officer, 12th Engineer Battalion, 3d Armored Division, Southwest Asia (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait) Assistant Battalion S3, 554th Engineer Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri Instructor and Doctrine Writer, U.S. Army Engineer School, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri USAR – Not on Active Duty OCT 1992 JUL 1995 Individual Ready Reserve AUG 1995 AUG 2000 Instructor (IMA), Department of Systems Engineering, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York JUL 1996 AUG 2000 MACOM Personnel Staff Officer (IMA), U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York SEP 2000 JUN 2007 Engineering Plans and Logistics Officer (DIMA), Headquarters, U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii (Student, U.S. Army Command and General Staff Officer Course, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, JUN 2004; Student, Joint Forces Staff College Advanced Joint Professional Military Education Course, SEP 2006) JUN 2007 APR 2008 Assistant Division Commander (DIMA), Pacific Ocean Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Shafter, Hawaii APR 2008 MAY 2010 MAY 2010 FEB 2012 Battalion Commander (TPU), 1st BN, 100th RGT (EN), 1st BDE (EN), 102nd DIV (MS), Knoxville, Tennessee (Student, U.S. Army War College JUN 2008 to JUL 2010) Military Chief, Emergency Operations Center (DIMA), Pacific Ocean Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Shafter, Hawaii FEB 2012 JUL 2013 AUG 13 Present ASSIGNMENT Commander (TPU), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Contingency Response Unit, 416th Theater Engineer Command, Washington, DC COS, 416th TEC. 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 9 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION PROMOTIONS DATES OF APPOINTMENT Rank 2LT 1LT CPT CPT MAJ LTC COL Component AUS AUS AUS USAR USAR USAR USAR Date 25 MAY 1985 22 NOV 1986 01 DEC 1989 30 SEP 1992 01 NOV 1997 31 OCT 2004 01 MAY 2010 U.S. DECORATIONS AND BADGES Bronze Star Medal Defense Meritorious Service Medal Meritorious Service Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters) Army Commendation Medal Army Achievement Medal National Defense Service Medal (with 1 Bronze Service Star) Southwest Asia Service Medal (with 2 Bronze Service Stars) Global War on Terrorism Service Medal Korean Defense Service Medal Humanitarian Service Medal Armed Forces Reserve Medal Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Kuwait Liberation Medal (Government of Kuwait) Valorous Unit Commendation Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation (with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster) Parachutist Badge Air Assault Badge Ranger Tab SOURCE OF COMMISION ROTC (DMG) (May 1985) ADDENDUM A TO RESUME OF SERVICE CAREER EUGENE JOSEPH LEBOEUF, Colonel, Engineer (USAR) CURRENT OCCUPATION Associate Department Chair and Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee NATURE, SCOPE, AND EXTENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES As Associate Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has responsibility for assisting in the management and leadership of the department, including 21 faculty, 5 staff, 120 undergraduates, 40 graduate students, and annual operating and research budget of over $7 million. As Director of Undergraduate Studies, responsible for oversight of undergraduate studies in civil engineering, including curriculum development, instructional laboratories and equipment, implementation of new initiatives, and graduate teaching assistant staffing. Serves as acting chair in the chair’s absence. As Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has responsibility for teaching and conducting research in environmental engineering and water resources engineering at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Responsible for procuring external funding to support doctoral students in research and education. Provides service to the engineering profession, university, and civic communities. 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 10 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Brigadier General DAVID LYNN WEEKS (USAR) Deputy Commander (TPU) 416th Theater Engineer Command Darien, Illinois 60561 since May 2013 SOURCE AND YEARS OF COMMISSIONED SERVICE DIRECT, Over 30 CURRENT OCCUPATION Command Executive Officer/GS14, 412th Theater Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi MILITARY SCHOOLS ATTENDED Infantry Officer Basic Course Engineer Officer Advanced Course Combined Arms and Services Staff School United States Army Command and General Staff College United States Army War College Advanced Joint Professional Military Education EDUCATIONAL DEGREES Louisiana Tech University - BS Degree - Accounting United States Army War College - MSS Degree - Strategic Studies Brigadier General DAVID LYNN WEEKS (USAR) Deputy Commander (TPU) FOREIGN LANGUAGE None recorded PROMOTIONS Rank 2LT 1LT CPT MAJ LTC COL BG DATES OF APPOINTMENT Component Date USAR 04 Jun USAR 03 Jun USAR 15 Aug USAR 15 Dec USAR 25 Mar USAR 31 Mar USAR 10 Nov 83 86 88 92 99 04 09 MAJOR DUTY ASSIGNMENTS FROM TO ASSIGNMENT USAR - Not on Active Duty Jun 83 May 85 Maintenance Officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi Sep 87 Real Estate Officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi Aug 88 Aide-de-Camp, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi May 85 Sep 87 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 11 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Sep Apr Oct Apr Apr Mar Mar 88 92 94 96 98 99 00 Apr Oct Apr Mar Mar Mar Jul 92 94 96 98 99 00 03 Jul Dec 03 03 Nov Mar 03 05 Management Analyst, Assistant Chief of Staff, Comptroller, 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi Commandant, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi Plans Officer (Command Group), 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi S3, 467th Engineer Battalion (Corps) (Wheeled), Memphis, Tennessee Assistant Plans Officer, Assistant Chief of Staff, G3, 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi Engineer Intelligence Officer, Assistant Chief of Staff, G2, 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi Commander, 3d Battalion 349th Regiment (Logistics Support Battalion), 3d Brigade, 87th Div. (Training Support), Camp Shelby, Mississippi Deputy Chief of Staff, 412th Engineer Command, Vicksburg, Mississippi Commander, 2d Simulation Exercise Group, 1st Brigade, 87th Division (Training Support), Birmingham, Alabama USAR- On Active Duty Mar 05 Jul Aug 05 Jul 05 06 Aug 07 Commander, 2d Simulation Exercise Group, 1st Brigade, 87th Division (Training Support), Birmingham, Alabama Assistant Division Commander (Forward), 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized)/Deputy Commanding General (South), First United States Army, Fort Jackson, South Carolina Deputy Commander, 411th Engineer Brigade, Balad, Iraq USAR - Not on Active Duty Aug 07 Oct Oct 07 Mar Mar 09 Mar 07 09 12 Deputy Commander, 411th Engineer Brigade, New Windsor, New York Assistant Division Commander-Support, 108th Training Command (Initial Entry Training), Charlotte, North Carolina Commander, 411th Engineer Brigade, New Windsor, New York USAR- On Active Duty Mar 12 Apr 13 Commander, 411th Engineer Brigade, Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan 06 Aug USAR-Not on Active Duty May 13 Present SUMMARY OF JOINT EXPERIENCE DATE None RANK Deputy Commander, 416th Theater Engineer Command, Darien, Illinois ASSIGNMENT US DECORATIONS AND BADGES Legion of Merit (with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters) Bronze Star Medal Meritorious Service Medal (with 6 Oak Leaf Clusters) Army Commendation Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster) Army Achievement Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster) Combat Action Badge As of 06 August 2013 416 THTH ENCOM 416 ENCOMASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION 12 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION ENCOM Association Members gather at the Naval Academy & Annapolis . . . Save the Date: June 20-21, 2014 M EMBERS of the 416th ENCOM Association will hold their annual northeast reunion next year on Friday and Saturday, June 20-21 at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. The event will begin on Friday evening with an informal reception at the Loews Hotel’s off the Annapolis harbor where we will socialize and renew old friendships. Saturday morning our golfers will play a round at the challenging U. S. Naval Academy’s Golf Course while others toured the Armel-Leftwich Visitors Center and U. S. Naval Academy’s Museum. The museum’s artifacts are displayed in galleries located on two floors in Preble Hall. The first floor is devoted to the exhibit entitled ”Leadership and Service: The History of the United States Navy and the Naval Academy.” The famous Rogers Collection of antique ship models is the focus of the second floor exhibit. After lunch we will take a walking tour with our very knowledgeable guide to tell the story of the U. S. Naval Academy. The tour will highlight life at the U.S. Naval Academy past and present. Tour includes Lejeune Hall, Bancroft Hall, Tecumseh Court, Herndon Monument, Main Chapel and Crypt of John Paul Jones, Revolutionary War hero. Saturday evening we gather for a reception and dinner at the Naval Academy Club. The Naval Academy Club is located on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Academy and combines military history and prestige with fine dining and customer service. Our guest and speaker for the occasion will be from the Speakers Bureau, a team of topic experts who are currently either staff or faculty at the Naval Academy who speak on topics of interest. Like our West Point Reunion, this may be one of the very best northeast reunions. This truly will be a very special weekend which you do not want to miss. 2015 Northeast Reunion: Fort Belvoir & the National Museum of the U. S. Army 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 13 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION October 2013 – September 2014 I hereby apply for membership in the 416 ENCOM Association Two Year Membership ($10.00) Lifetime Membership ($100.00 one time fee) Associate Membership ($5.00) Signature_____________________________________________ Date______________ Please make checks payable to 416 ENCOM Association and mail to: Thomas P. Ryterske 5N135 Hanson Road Lily Lake, IL 60175-8102 Member Information (please fill this in so I can validate your member records) Name (Last, First, M. Initial) ___________________________________________________ Rank: _____________________________________________________________________ Spouse’s Name______________________________________________________________ Mailing Address_____________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________State _________Zip_________________ Home Phone_______________________________________________________________ Work Phone________________________________________________________________ E-mail address______________________________________________________________ Last Unit Served_____________________________________________________________ NOTE to Life Members: Please send me an update on your contact information by E-mail to: or to my mailing address: 5N135 HANSON RD., LILY LAKE IL 60175-8102. Thank You. 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 14 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION TriCare Seminar Held at Darien, IL 24 Aug 2013 416 THTH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416 ENCOM ASSOCIATION 15 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION TriCare Seminar Held at Darien, IL 24 Aug 2013 A record turn out of 75 participants were on hand to participate in the Seminar Hosted by BG (R) Jack Kotter in anticipation of the upcoming Changes in the Health Care due to the Affordable Care Act that that will implemented by 01Jan 2014. COL (R) Homer DeWayne Nelson presented the various speakers and made presentations to each of the speakers. Eldest Veteran in the crowd Sees the light! 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 16 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION 416th ENCOM Association Hosts “Operation Iraqi Freedom 10 - Yr. Reunion” & “Association Annual Meeting” 01 November — 03 November 2013 Friday 01 Nov No-Host Social 1800-2100 Fireside area near the Hyatt Lodge bar lounge Casual attire, cash bar The Hyatt Lodge at McDonalds’ Campus, 2815 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, IL 60523 Saturday 02 Nov Dinner with Cash Bar - Reception 1800-1900, Dinner 1900-2400, RM 134 & 136 Business Casual (Sport Coat & Tie), Cost: $50.00 per person Dinner held in McDonalds’ Hamburger University located next door to the Lodge Menu Prairie Dinner Buffet: Midwest Prairie based cuisine with a variety of relishes, Vegetables, fruits and dairy surrounding Wood Roasted Natural Chicken with Seasonal Mushrooms and Planked Seasonal Midwest Fish with Toasted Almonds Sunday 03 Nov Breakfast on your own at the Lodge 0800-0930 Hotel Accommodations at the Hyatt Lodge: Single/Double Room $119 per night plus tax Individuals to make reservations and pay direct — reference “416th ENCOM Reunion” Reservation Cut Off: 10/4/13 Call Central Reservations at 1-888-421-1442 ——————————————————————————————————————————— RSVP NLT 07 Oct 13 I plan on attending: Friday No-Host Social Saturday Dinner Sunday Breakfast _____ _____ _____ Name________________________________________ Guest __________________________ Address ______________________________________________ E-mail address ____________________________________________________ Unique dietary requirements __________________________________________ Amount Enclosed _____________ ($50.00 per person) Make checks payable to: 416th ENCOM Association Return to: COL (R) Lawrence J Slavicek, 3136 Raymond Ave, Brookfield, IL 60513 1-708-341-3619 416TH ENCOM ASSOCIATION 17 416th ENCOM ASSOCIATION Volume 13 — Number 2 — Fall, 2013 416th Engineer Command 10S100 South Frontage Road Darien, IL 60561-1780 Leon Ardelean……………Publisher
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