Mar 2015 - 416th Encom Association


Mar 2015 - 416th Encom Association
“past and present serving together for the future”
Volume 15, Number 1 – Spring, 2015
T’S JUST A FEW MONTHS INTO 2015 and we’ve experienced a busy time since the
last time we corresponded. 2014 ended with our annual Association dinner meeting
in November. It was a packed evening including dinner, fellowship, presentation of
de Fleury medals, and an update of 416th Theater Engineer Command activities from COL
(P) Eugene LeBeuof, 416th TEC Chief of Staff. Commemorating 50 years since the start
of American’s involvement in the Vietnam War, our guest speaker was MG (Ret) Anthony Kropp, former Commander of the 416th, a veteran of both Vietnam and Desert
Storm. MG Kropp brought us back to a time, 40+ years ago when he was Captain Tony
Kropp, commanding an engineer company in Vietnam. As always, MG Kropp did not
disappoint as he brought us back to a period when many of our Association members
served as young officers, NCOs and soldiers.
Following on that successful and enjoyable dinner, I would ask you to save the first
weekend in November 2015 when we will again host our annual dinner. 25 years ago,
United States forces were again called upon to defend our national interests in Desert Shield and later Desert Storm,
our theme for the 2015 dinner. As you will recall, in August 1990, units from the 82nd Airborne Division along with
supporting units rapidity deployed to Saudi Arabia to stem the Iraqi incursion into Kuwait. Early on, the 20th Engineer Brigade Commander, COL Robert Flowers (and later Chief of Engineers) declared that an Engineer Command
was required to act as the Theater Engineer. Hence, the start, and continuing presence of the 416th ENCOM in the
Southwest Asia area of operations. The exceptional service and experience by the ENCOM paved the way for future
operations into the region, to include Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedoms and their subsequent missions. To all
Association members, and especially veterans of Desert Shield and Storm, you won’t want to miss this reunion.
A few years ago, the idea surfaced for a memorial to be constructed in the 416 th Headquarters to honor those
TEC/ENCOM solders who have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms in the service of our country. The Association memorial committee, in conjunction with the TEC, have spent countless hours meeting, planning and pouring
over documents to develop a tremendous design to honor our fallen heroes. Through the generous private donations
of many, this memorial has now become a reality. About the time of this newsletter publication, an unveiling ceremony of the memorial will be hosted by the TEC. It shall stand in the main lobby of the headquarters as a testament
of the service of our fellow soldiers who have gone before us, reminding us that freedom is not free. If you are ever
in the Darien area, it will be worth your while to stop to see the memorial.
As a military contractor, I visit numerous reserve centers and I continue to come across former members of the
416th. One associate commented, “You know more people here than I do…and I work here.” If you are a member
of the Association, I thank you for your support. Please continue to renew your membership and encourage your
fellow 416th soldiers and alumni to join. We chewed a lot of desert sand together and through the Association, we
can continue to enjoy the comradeship, networking and service that we shared together. As always, I can’t thank the
Association Board enough for their dedication and service to your Association. It is an honor to serve with these
dedicated soldiers, past and present.
SPRING, 2015
Nominations Due for 2015
Person of the Year Award
HE 416th and 412th Theater Engineer
Commands, in partnership with the Engineer Command Associations have been
working diligently in recent months to plan, organize
and design a memorial wall in honor of our Fallen
During the ceremony, we will reveal the memorial wall for the first time and hope to bring honor to
our Fallen Heroes and their family members who
have sacrificed so much.
The ceremony is being planned for May 2, 2015
at 2:00 p.m. (Daylight SavingsTime) at the Parkhurst
U.S. Army Reserve Center, located at 10S100 South
Frontage Rd. Darien, IL 60561.
Expect invitations in early April.
(Memorial pictured on page 8)
We'd like to remind you that it's time to submit your
nomination for the Association's Person of the Year
Award. Our annual award is intended to recognize a person who has contributed to the Association in a significant
manner. Or, has demonstrated his/her worthiness in a
number of other ways.
The nomination process along with the listing of criteria can be found on the Association's website
( Click on the members” link
at the top of the home page and then the “Person of the
Year” entry.
One does not have to be a member of the Association to be eligible for the Award. Nominations, along with
supporting documentation, can be sent via “snail mail” to
Bill Hawes, 1915 Sunnydale Ln., Lisle, IL 60532. Or, via
email with attachments to Bill's email address:
If there are questions you may have contact Bill or
Jim Martin ( The deadline for
submitting nominations is 1 July 2015. As has been the
custom since 2006, the awardee will be formally recognized at the Association's Annual Fall Dinner.
President ............................................................... COL(R) JOHN A.P. GESSNER
President (Elect) .................................................... COL(R) LARRY SLAVICEK
Vice President (Membership) ................................ LTC(R) THOMAS RYTERSKE
Vice President (Pgms & Activ) .............................. LTC(R) LAWRENCE CZEPIEL
Secretary ............................................................... BG(R) JACK KOTTER.
Treasurer ............................................................... COL(R) JOHN ERICKSON
Past President ....................................................... COL(R) DeWAYNE NELSON
416th ENCOM Treasurer’s Report
Submitted by COL (R) John Erickson
(Senior)P2009-2011 T06-13 ................................. MG(R) ROBERT HEINE
(Senior)P2001-2003 T06-13 ................................. COL(R) WILLIAM HAWES
(Publicity & Publications) P2003-2005 .................. CSM(R) WILLIAM LAKE
(Eastern Chapter) .................................................. COL(R) FRAN STROUSE
Awards & Nominations) ......................................... COL(R) JAMES MARTIN
(Constitution & By-Laws) ....................................... SGM(R) DAN LOPATOWSKI
Activities: January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014
Opening Balance: ................................................ $
2 NCO and Soldier of the Year Awards ................. $
Bi-Annual - 15) ............................................... $
Life - (14) ....................................................... $ 1,400.00
Canceled Payment ................................................ $
Income from NE Reunion ..................................... $
Income from 2014 Annual Meeting ..................... $
Memorial Fund Donations .................................... $ 3,463.89
$ 5,609.80
Closing Balance December 31, 2014 .................... $ 11,670.77
Volume 15 Number 1 — Spring, 2015
416th Engineer Command
10S100 South Frontage Road
Darien, IL 60561-1780
Leon Ardelean…………………….Publisher
SPRING, 2015
T WAS THE BEST OF TIMES! On Saturday evening, November 1, 2014, the 416th ENCOM Association held its
annual Dining In to the delight of those (forty-seven individuals) who showed for the evening’s festivities. It was a
time to reacquaint with friends we have known for a long time but hadn’t seen in a while as well as meet and greet
with others we knew not quite as well. The Dining In was held at the Argonne Guest House in Argonne, Illinois, very
near to the Reserve Center with accommodations available for those coming from far and wide.
Guests were greeted and welcomed by President John Gessner, followed by the Engineer Punch, the traditional
toasts and tribute to our Fallen Comrades, and then a delightful buffet dinner, complete with appetizer, main courses,
desserts, and drinks. Thereafter, we were treated with the former Commanding General of the 416th ENCOM, Major
General Anthony R. Kopp (Ret.) providing an insight into his engineering experiences as a young Captain on his “tour”
in the Vietnam War in the early-mid 1970s. MG Kropp complimented his discussion with numerous photographs and
various scrapbooks and mementos he retained from that tour. It was both interesting and informative; noting that engineering requirements do not change that much from one conflict to the next.
The evening was topped with the presentation of de Fleury awards to three current members of the 416 th TEC
by Col Dewayne Nelson; a “State of the Association” by President John Gessner and the “State of the TEC” by COL
For those present, it was a fun and informative evening; toasting with old friends, old comrades, and several new
associates from the 416th TEC. If you missed out, please join us in 2015 with the annual dinner scheduled for Saturday,
November 7, 2015. Its theme and location to be announced in the near future. Keep the date open and be there and be
counted in your Association!
SPRING, 2015
1) The 420th EN BDE continues preparations for War Fighter 15-004 at Joint Base Lewis McChord (JBLM)
from 21 Mar-3 Apr 14. The War Fighter is a combined arms training exercise that replicates JointInteragency-Intergovernmental-Multinational (JIIM) operations in a full spectrum contemporary operational environment. The 420th BDE will test their ability to perform mission command of their subordinates in a variety of scenarios. In preparation for this mission the BDE HQ has reviewed SOPs and rehearsed Battle drills for anticipated event scenarios;
2) The 416th TEC CRU is in final preparation to support the ODT Mission “Austere Challenge” in Germany
from 15-28 Mar 15 with a team of 6 Soldiers. Two will provide white cell capability for the EUCOM J4
Deputy Engineer while the remaining four Soldiers will conduct engineer site assessments throughout the
exercise AO;
3) The 348th Engineer Company (EN CO) (Clearance) participates in NTC Rotation 15-6 from 21 Mar-3
Apr 15 in support of the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team (BCT). They will focus on combat missions
to achieve a T2 rating following their external evaluation at the end of the exercise. In preparation for the
NTC Rotation, the 348th EN CO (Clearance) conducted FTXs in Jan and FEB where they focused on
Route Clearance Operations, Familiarization with CREW Systems, and Company Intelligence Support
Team (COIST) training which is consistent with the CTOs for the exercise.
4) The 367th Engineer Battalion (TF Northstar) has mission command for “Beyond the Horizons - El Salvador” (BTH-El Sal) from 1 Mar - 11 Jul 15. This mission provides humanitarian civic assistance (HCA)
training to improve the readiness of US forces and to support the USSOUTHCOM Theater Campaign Plan
by providing military and HCA training opportunities with host and partner nation military and other
agencies for health, public security, education, and agriculture. TF Northstar conducts humanitarian civil
assistance (HCA) training to include tactical level construction projects, four schools, and a medical clinic;
as well as four medical readiness training exercises (MEDRETE) with the El Salvadoran government and
non-governmental agencies (NGOs) in order to improve the mission readiness of US Forces and to provide a lasting benefit to the people of El Salvador.
5) The 378th FEST (M) with 25 Soldiers supported Key Resolve 15. The team was in Korea from 21 FEB 15
to 13 MAR 15 to train on METL tasks and complete real-world infrastructure planning and area assessment missions in support of United States Forces, Korea (USFK), and 8th US Army (8A). The FEST-M
also sent a team of technical engineers out to Wonju to conduct a site assessment of the local university
for contingency use. 34th FEST-A continued to develop their site plans and refine SOPs. 322nd FEST-A
conducted their IPR with 8th Army Engineers and re-affirmed that their eventual products were in line
with the customer’s vision.
submitted by COL(R) LARRY SLAVICEK
SPRING, 2015
SAVE THE DATE: 7 November, 2015.
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of deployment
in support of Desert Shield/Desert Storm
USA Commanding
MAX SCHARDEIN, Brigadier General
Deputy Commanding General
The 416th ENCOM Association will host the 25th Anniversary Reunion of the deployment in support of Desert Shield,
Desert Shield, Desert Calm, and Kuwaiti Reconstruction.
The press release on the return of the 416the ENCOM Headquarters read:
The 416th Engineer Command returns to Chicago
After a five month tour of active duty in support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm, the 416th Engineer Command proudly
returns to its home base in Chicago, Illinois, on 27 April 1991. Under the leadership of Major General Terrene D. Mulcahy, the
Command served as the senior engineer unit in the theater and the senior reserve unit in the theater.
While on duty in the Persian Gulf, the command had a brigade, three groups, eight battalions, eight numbered companies
and numerous detachments under its command and control. The units built or maintained over 2,000 miles of highways and
roads, constructed 290 miles of tactical pipeline supporting combat operations, and built two enemy prisoner of war camps,
capable of holding almost 100,000 prisoners. In addition, numerous heliports and aviation facilities were constructed, allowing
the U.S. air power to increase its missions up to five times. The command managed all contract construction and all construction materials throughout the theater. It was also responsible for leasing and maintenance of all Army Real Estate.
Units of the 416th managed the Army topographic activity. This provided map productions from satellite imagery which
supported ground movement and artillery targeting. In addition, over 11 million maps were distributed through the theater to
all elements of military operations, including combat.
The Command had a leadership role in environmental activity. Members of the unit were involved in operations involving
the oil spills and the Command totally managed the hazardous waste program.
After entering Kuwait, teams immediately established emergency power, repaired fuel and water pipelines and began cleanup operations from war damage. They planned repair and reopening of hospitals to service the population. They also prioritized the construction requirements for civil authorities.
The 416th Engineer Command headquarters has over 200 soldiers who have effectively served the nation. They have
trained to provide military power in events of national emergency and were ready to serve the nation when called in November
1990. They speak fondly of employers, friends, neighbors and a nation who supported them while they proudly served their
While most of the personnel returned by the end of April, the Command had many soldiers who returned at a later date.
They were providing engineer service to the Support Command which remained in the theater. All returned home before the
end of July.
Story submitted BY COL(R) DEWAYNE NELSON
 (See pictures furnished by SGM(R) D
LOPATOWSKI and LTC(R) LAWRENCE CZEPIEL on pages 06 and 07)
SPRING, 2015
SPRING, 2015
SPRING, 2015
"Another benefit for ENCOM Association Members,
As a benefit for those in the Chicago Area, You can get a
concealed carry permit with NO cost for the class. Thanks
to Ken Boudreau, a past member of the 416th, who
will conduct a class for Association members to secure
your concealed carry permit and there will be no charge
for the class. Your only cost will be for the ammo you use
to qualify on the range. To arrange for the class contact
Ken at 773-892-8389.
For additional information contact Ken or Dewayne Nelson
SPRING, 2015
THE BEST WARRIOR Competition starts on the 25 April, 2015 at Fort McCoy, WI and ends 29 April, 2015.
Ceremony will be late that afternoon. From there, the TEC Winners will pretty much ship directly to USARC
to compete in their competition starting on 1 May, 2015 thru 8 May, 2015 at Fort Bragg, NC.
HE 412th and
416th Theater
Commands, in cooperation with United States
Army Garrison - Fort
McCoy (Wisconsin)
and First Army will
conduct the 2nd Annual
Reserve Component
Sapper Stakes team
competition from 3 thru 8 May, 2015. The goal is to select the
top three Sapper Teams in the Reserve Component (United
States Army Reserve and Army National Guard).
On Sunday, May 3rd the event starts with soldier and team
in-processing and validation; followed by an evening social
event. On Monday, May, 4th, it switches to three days of rotational Sapper focused-event testing starting with a nonstandard Physical Fitness test at Zero-Dark Thirty hours. The
high-level operational tempo will continue for three consecutive days, ending with the final event being a long distance
team ruck march through the scenic Fort McCoy training areas.
The 2015 Sapper Stakes will close with the presentation of
awards to the top three Sapper teams (regardless of component
or country).
Sapper teams need to be prepared to be tested (from a
broad level) on the following events: knot tying, demolitions,
hasty road crater, landing zone recon, in-stride breaching, IED
investigation, day and night land navigation, conduct recon
(bridge, fortification, road, stream and enemy presence), field
strip and re-assembly weapon systems, and medical casevac.
Last year’s event brought forward seventeen teams from
the Army Reserve’s two Theater Engineer Commands representing 25,000 engineer soldiers across the United States. This
year, the two Engineer Commands are expected to generate
thirty Sapper teams. At the same time, an invitation has gone
out to all of the National Guard Engineer and Maneuver Enhancement brigades to generate an additional fifteen to twenty
teams. So far, thirteen states have emailed or verbally responded that they would send a Sapper Team(s) to compete in the
competition: Arizona, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, North
Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
The competition has also been opened up to International
Sapper teams as well. An invitation was sent to the Canadian
Army Engineers as they were offered an opportunity to compete in this year event. In future years, we will send invites to
more international engineer teams as well as our brother engineers on the Active Component side of the house.
The winners from last year event were:
First Place – 382nd EN CO, 365th EN BN,
411th EN BDE, 412th TEC
Second Place – 469th EN CO, 389th EN BN,
372nd EN BDE, 416th TEC
Third Place – 428th EN CO, 397th EN BN,
372nd EN BDE, 416th TEC
The team must be made up of the following criteria:
Six primary and two secondary members maximum Combat Engineers (12B) only, no other MOS (Military Occupation Specialties) will be authorized.
Sappers must be from the same unit with documentation to
validate unit membership.
Soldiers in grades E1 (Private) to (Staff Sergeant) NCOIC
may be an SSG (E6) or SGT (E5), but no more than two
NCOs per team.
Teams may start with six members, but may compete with
less, but not eligible for awards. Soldiers removed for
ethical or disciplinary violations cannot be replaced.
The 416th Theater Engineer Command’s 489th Engineer
Battalion (from Little Rock, Arkansas) will be the lead element
in developing the tasks and events to be tested. First Army
will provide the evaluators and testing criteria to ensure consistency and fair performance evaluation.
Details on what to focus on from a broader prospective,
will be sent out late January, 2015. Point of Contact for the
Competition will be the 416th Theater Engineer Command, G3
Operations Sergeant MSG Rodney Lindsey
( at 637-379-7255. Inquiries
may also be directed at the 416th TEC Command Sergeant Major: CSM Robert Stanek ( at 630432-3746.
SPRING, 2015
Volume 15 — Number 1 — Spring, 2015
416th Engineer Command
10S100 South Frontage Road
Darien, IL 60561-1780
Leon Ardelean……………Publisher

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