Exhibitor Prospectus - National Cattlemen`s Beef Association
Exhibitor Prospectus - National Cattlemen`s Beef Association
Exhibitor Prospectus 2011 NCBA Trade Show “The Leading Show for the Cattle Industry” February 2-4, 2011 • Denver, Colorado The NCBA Trade Show is ... the leading, most prestigious show the cattle industry. If you are in this business then this is one show you can’t afford to miss. Each year over 5,000 cattlemen gather together for this important event. The annual event is the largest cattle industry event in the country and this year’s convention and trade show offers more education, entertainment and excitement than ever. Reserve your booth today! General information: Exhibit Booth Construction The 2011 NCBA Trade Show will be held February 2-4, 2011 Colorado Convention Center Denver, Colorado Exhibit booths are constructed of pipe and drape and are not equipped with tables or chairs. Hard wall exhibit booths and furnishings can be rented at your expense from the official service contractor. Booth Carpet is NOT included in your rental fee. Floor covering in your booth space is required. Carpeting can be ordered from Freeman Decorating. Show hours Your booth space includes Wednesday, February 2.........................5:00pm-8:00pm Welcome Reception Thursday, February 3....................................... 10:00am-5:00pm Show Open Friday, February 4.............................................. 8:00am-5:00pm Show Open Move in Monday, January 31 ................................ 5:00pm-9:00pm Heavy Equipment Tuesday, February 1.................... 8:00am-9:00pm General Exhibitor Move in Wednesday, February 2........................ 8:00am-3:00am Last Minute Move-in Move Out Friday, February 4................................................................5:00pm-10:00pm Saturday, February 5 ...........................................................8:00pm-12:00pm How to reserve your space Online at www.beefusa.org or Fax the completed contract to 303-770-7109 or call 303-694-0395 • 4 complimentary registrations per 10x10 space • Discounted tickets to closing event • Meal function tickets • 7”x44” identification booth sign with company name and booth number • 8’ back drape with 3’ draped side rails • Aisle carpet (Please note your space does NOT include booth carpeting) • General Security Additional BeneFits you will receive: FREE 50-word product/service description and logo in the official convention program, the Beef Resource Guide. FREE 50-word product/service description and hyper link on beefusa.org Payment Deadlines: Full booth rental amount is due September 1, 2010 Payments should be made payable to NCBA 9110 E. Nichols Ave. Suite 300 Centennial, CO 80112 Phone 303-694-0305 • Fax: 303-770-7109 ktorres@beef.org Exhibit Space Rates: One booth (10'x10')....................... $13 per square foot or $1300 per 10x10 space Corner booth locations are an additional $200 (corner fees added after discounts have been applied) Multiple booth discounts Four or more booths save $100 per booth. Premium Space Exhibitors creating premier exhibit space (island) locations will pay a premium percentage in addition to the booth space investment fee incurred. Marketing Premier Exhibit space investment 20'x20'........................................... $6,200 20'x30'........................................... $8,900 20'x40'........................................... $11,600 20'x50'........................................... $14,300 30'x30'........................................... $12,950 30'x40'........................................... $17,000 40'x40'........................................... $27,800 40'x50'........................................... $34,550 *Multiple booth discounts do not apply to Premier Exhibit space. Cancellation and Refund Policy Notice of cancellation must be give to NCBA in writing. Cancellation by an exhibitor of any portion of exhibit space reserved results in the following: Prior to October 1, 2010 exhibitors will receive a 50% discount. October 1 and after, all monies paid will be forfeited. No refunds will be made after this date. Expand your Brand package Expand your brand awareness and increase booth traffic by becoming a convention sponsor today. Sponsorship packages are available to fit any budget. Premier Marketing Packages Discounted marketing packages including booth fees and an ad in the 2011 Beef Resource Guide are available. Contact the NCBA Trade Show Manager at 303-8503335 or ktorres@beef.org for pricing. Here is what they are saying about the NCBA Trade Show “I love the trade show. It helps me stay current on all the new products and devices needed in the cattle business” Anne Wirtz, NCBA Member “This is the one show that we can’t afford to miss. We look forward to it every year!” 2009 Convention Attendee “As an exhibitor this is the best show we attend all year. It’s one show where we know we will get good booth traffic, great new leads and get to meet with existing customers” 2009 NCBA Trade Show Exhibitor : ATTENDANCE BY YEAR/LOCATION attendee proFile: Attendees by job title Ranch Owner/Manager Feedlot Owner/Manager Dairy/Veal Owner/Manager Ranch/Feedlot Employee Dairy/Veal Employee Spouse/Family Member Other/None 45% 9% 1% 1% 0% 5% 6% Attendees by producer type Commercial Cow/Calf Seedstock Purebred Feedlot Retail/Packer Stocker/Backgrounder Vet-Consultant Farmer/Feeder Dairy Operator Other (please specify) 33% 9% 8% .5% 7% 4% 5% 1% 33% Herd size The average attendee own 356 head of cattle. 49% own 500 or more head. 76% have more than 100 head of cattle Male vs Female 65% Male 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 6,625 5,550 4,833 2006 Denver 2005 San Antonio 2007 Nashville 5,142 5,355 2008 Reno 2009 Phoenix 6,105 2010 San Antonio Attendee by Age: 30 27% 26% 25 17% 20 15 15% 12% 10 5 1% 2% 0 Under 25 25-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-75 76 & Over 35% Female 80% of attendees are NCBA Members 57% of NCBA members are more likely to purchase from companies that support NCBA. 98% of convention attendees said the convention met or exceeded their expectations. Attendee PURCHASING COMMITTMENTS Which of the following products/services do you plan to purchase in the next 12 months? AI Equipment..................................................15% ATV.................................................................16% Chutes or scales.............................................22% Computer........................................................25% Computer software/technology.......................29% Electronic ID tags...........................................31% Feed or forage................................................65% Feed supplements or additives.......................61% Fencing supplies.............................................63% Financial or consulting services......................14% Genetics, tracking tools..................................13% Hay baling equipment.....................................16% Health insurance.............................................21% Life insurance.................................................13% Livestock handling equipment........................37% Livestock insurance........................................ 11% Livestock trailer............................................... 11% Livestock watering tanks or system................32% Who Exhibits: Who Should Exhibit? The NCBA trade show attracts over 275 companies providing all types of products and services and the latest in technology to the cattle industry. Some of the products and services displayed at the NCBA Trade Show include: 1. Animal Health Products 2. Animal Identification 3. Associations/Organizations/Government 4. Breeders/Ranches/Feedlots/Marketers 5. Computer/Software Packages 6. Consulting Services 7. Equipment/Trailers/Watering 8. Feed/Feed Additives & Accessories 9. Fencing Equipment & Accessories 10. Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 11. Hay Equipment & Accessories 12. Herd Management/Chutes/Scales 13. Information/Education 14. Publications/Media/Broadcast Media 15. Retail/Art/Furniture/Accessories 16. Seed Products/Weed/Pest Control/Herbicide 17. Structures/Buildings 18. Veterinary/Breeding 19. Genetics/DNA 20. Processor/Packer Pest control.....................................................25% Pickup truck....................................................24% Property insurance.........................................20% Satellite Dish.....................................................4% Seed...............................................................42% Steel farm building..........................................10% Swather / Mowing equipment...........................4% Tractor............................................................15% Wheel loader / Payloader.................................6% Why Exhibit at the 2011 NCBA Trade Show? • Producers are looking for solutions to their problems and to shop vendors for the purchasing needs. • It’s one of the most cost effective ways of doing business! By exhibiting you can secure qualified leads at a fraction of the cost of a sales call. • Launch a new product or service. • Support the industry and the organization. • Promote your brand image and increase your company’s visibility. • Visit with current customers. • Survey the market and evaluate your competition. • Expand your sales into new markets • Not exhibiting can affect sales efforts for years to come pREVIOUS EXHIBITORS 44 Farms ABS Global Accu-Steel Cover Buildings ADM Alliance Nutrition AgInfoLink Agri Labs Agricultural Engineering Associates Agri-Pro Enterprises Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Albion Animal Nutrition Allflex USA, Inc. Alltech, Inc. Alpharma, Inc. American Akaushi Association American Angus Assn/Angus Productions Inc/Certified Angus Beef American Black Hereford Association American Breeds Coalition American Bucking Bull, Inc. American Cattlemen American Express Open American Hereford Assn/Certified Hereford Beef LLC American National Cattlewomen, Inc. American Shorthorn Assn. American Simmental American Wagyu Association American-International Charolais Assn. Ampac Seed Arkansas Agriculture Department ARMtech Insurance Services Art by Treva Asociacion De Charro’s de San Antonio Avery Weigh-Tronix B & W Trailer Hitches/Politron Barenbrug USA Bayer Animal Health BCF Technology BEEF Beef Today Beefmaster Breeders United Big Bend Trailers Bimeda North America Biozyme Inc. Boarder Patrol Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Bomac Vets Plus, Inc. Bowman Mfg. Inc. BPI Cabela’s Cambridge-Minert/Scheib Financial Camp Cooley Genetics Cancrete Livestock Troughs Capital Farm Credit Cargill Caterpillar, Inc. Cattle Feeders Hall of Fame Cattle Stats, LLC Cattle-Fax CattleHedging.com Cattleman’s Choice Loomix, LLC Cattlemax Software by Cattlesoft, Inc. Cattlemen’s Beef Board CattleXpert Management Software, LLC Caviness Beef Packers Central Life Sciences Central States Testing Chuckwagon Cafe Circle X Land & Cattle Co Ltd. ClicRWeight, LLC. Cline Wood Agency Clint Orms Engravers & Silversmiths CME Group Colorado Serum Company Colorado State University Coretell Cover-All Building Systems Cow Sense Software Cowboysales.com Creative Awards & Trophies Credit Suisse Crescent Harbor Ranch LLC Croplan Genetics Daniels Manufacturing DC Power Systems Deer Valley Farm Denise Rich Art Destron-Fearing DewEze Harper Industries Diamond V Mills Digi-Star LLC Dodge Mfg. Company Double K Alleyways LLC Double S Liquid Feed Services, Inc. Doug Wildin & Assoc Ranch Brokers Dow AgroSciences Drovers DTN Durvet Elanco Emmons Ranch Exclusive Genetics EZ id Animal Identification Faegre & Benson, LLP Farm Progress Companies FBi Buildings Federal Student Aid Feed Lot Guard Ferrell-Ross Fever Tags Filson Livestock Equipment For-Most, Inc. Fort Dodge Animal Health Fort Supply Technologies Furst-McNess Company Geiger Generation II Cattle Equipment Genova Labs Giant Rubber Water Tanks Global Animal Management Inc. Gold Standard Labs Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Greeley Hat Works Gripple, Inc. Grow Safe Systems GS Merchandise/Best Sole, Inc. Harsh International, Inc. Harvest Fuel Inc. DBA Sweet Pro Hatco/Stetson Hats Hay Master High Plains Journal Hi-Plains Systems, Inc. HOLT CAT Hoss Farm & Ranch Supplies I.D.Ology IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Illinois Livestock Development Group ImmuCell Instrument Supplies International Brangus Association Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health ITL Animal Healthcare Ivesco Jeffers John Deere Johnson, Miller & Co. CPA’s & PC Joplin Regional Stockyards, Inc. Kent Feeds, Inc. Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association/Kentucky Department of Agriculture Kerndt Livestock Products King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management Kirby Mfg K-Line Irrigation North America KMG Chemicals Koehn Marketing Inc. Kuhn North America, Inc. Kunafin “The Insectary” Laird Manufacturing Lallemand Animal Nutrition Land O Lakes Purina Feed Laura’s Lean Beef Lextron Animal Health Life Products/Vit-E-Men Livestock Exporters Association of the USA Lone Mountain Cattle Company Lone Star Collection Long View Ranch Mary Kirkwood Jewels Max Jantz Excavating, Inc. Merial, Ltd. Merritt Equipment Co. Micro Beef Technologies Mid-America Feed Yard Miraco/Gallagher Mix 30-Agridyne Mixer Center MMI Genomics, Inc. Moly Manufacturing, Inc. Montana Stockgrowers Association Monty’s Plant & Soil Products Morton Buildings, Inc. MPC Promotions MultiMin USA, Inc. MWI Veterinary Supply Nasco National Association of Farm Broadcasting National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Natural Resource Conservation Service Nebraska Department of Agriculture Neogen Corporation New Generation Feeds New Holland Newport Laboratories Noble Medical Norac, Inc. Norbrook, Inc. North American Limousin Foundation North American Salt Co. Nova Microbial Technologies Novartis Animal Health US, Inc. Novus International Numzaan Safaris & Double Duece Ranch Nutrition Horizons Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association Oregon Ryegrass Growers Seed Commission PBR PBS Animal Health Pearson Livestock Equipment Company Pfizer Animal Health Pfizer Genetics Phibro Animal Health Pioneer Hi-Bred, A DuPont Business Plain Jan’s Pneu-Dart, Inc. Powder River Priefert Ranch Equipment Prima Tech USA Professional Veterinary Products Progressive Dairy Publishing Prophet Muskwa Quali Tech, Inc. Quality Liquid Feeds, Inc. R&R Machine Works, Inc. Rabo AgriFinance Red Angus Association of America Ridley Block Operations Ritchey Mfg. Co. Ritchie Industries Roto-Mix, LLC Rubes® Cartoons Rutherford Ranches Salt Creek Industries SarTec Corporation SeaAgri, Inc. Sexing Technologies SFP Shader Productions Silveus Insurance Group Sioux Automation Center, Inc. Smith Co. Side Dump Trailers SolidTech Animal Health, Inc. Southern Cattle Company Southwest Fabricators Stampede Sales Stockade Brands, Inc. Stone Manufacturing Sunrise Pottery Superior Livestock Sutton Creek Cattle Co LLC Syrvet Tahoe Seating Tecomate Seed Temple Tag, Ltd. Territorial Magazine Teva Animal Health Texas A&M University Texas Beef Council Texas Department of Agriculture Texas Tech University The Cattlemen’s Resource, Inc. The Lane Company Touch of Mink/Dermac Treasure Coast Pharmacy Triangle Beef Productions Truax Company Tru-Test, Inc. Turnkey Computer Systems, LLC Twin Mountain Fence U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service U.S. Meat Export Federation U.S. Premium Beef UA Department of Animal Science University of Nebraska Lincoln USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service USDA NASS & AMS USDA Rural Development USDA,GIPSA-Packers & Stockyards Program USDA-Farm Service Agency Varied Industries Corporation Viewtrak Technologies Vigortone Virginia Department of Agriculture Walco International Watering Hole Watson Float Valves Weigh Tech, Inc. West Point Design Westway Feed Products Wheatheart Mfg c/o AGI Wilson Trailer Company Working Ranch Magazine WW Livestock Systems Y-Tex Corporation Z Tags North America, L.P. Zesch & Pickett Ranch and Crop Insurance Zinpro Performance Minerals * For a complete list of current exhibitors visit www.beefusa.org For more information on the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show contact Kristin Torres Senior Trade Show Director 9110 E. Nichols Ave Suite 300 Centennial, CO 80112 Phone: 303-694-0305 FAX: 303-770-7109 ktorres@beef.org www.beefusa.org Become a fan of the Cattle Industry Convention on Facebook and follow us on Twitter
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industry. Some of the products and services displayed at the NCBA Trade Show include: