EuroSima - Surfers Village
EuroSima - Surfers Village
EuroSima # SURF Summit The boardsports industry annual leadership conference 2013 , 4 O ctober 3 Hossegor Casino, France DAY 1 October 3, 2013 Morning Hossegor Casino, France 9.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION THE POWER OF COMMITMENT AND POSITIVE THINKING Conference registration and welcome coffee Enregistrement conférences et café d’accueil Hossegor Casino 10.00 a.m. EUROSIMA ADDRESS Frédéric Basse, EuroSIMA President, welcoming speech Discours de bienvenue de Frédéric Basse, Président de l’EuroSIMA Le pouvoir de l’engagement et de la pensée positive Speaker: Shaun Tomson, world champion surfer, entrepreneur and best-selling author Shaun Tomson, champion du monde de surf, entrepreneur et auteur à succès 12.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. LUNCH BREAK Barbecue at the Hossegor Casino in partnership with ispo Academy and Carlsberg Afternoon 2.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. 5.30 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. Les signaux numériques with the International Surf Film Festival and Carlsberg Screening of the 2013 Best Film winner of the Anglet International Surf Film Festival, “Isolated” directed by Justin Pera Avec l’International Surf Film Festival et Carlsberg Projection du Meilleur Film 2013 de l’International Surf Film Festival d’Anglet, «Isolated» réalisé par Justin Pera DIGITAL TRENDS Speaker: Antoine Chotard, author of “Les Signaux Numériques” Antoine Chotard, auteur de «Les Signaux Numériques» 4.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. SOCIAL AWARENESS La responsabilité sociale Speaker: Kim Scholze, Head of Marketing for Bench and co-founder of Brands for Good Kim Scholze, Responsable du Marketing pour Bench et co-fondatrice de Brands for Good BEERS & MOVIES 8.00 p.m. SURF SUMMIT DINNER DAY 2 October 4, 2013 Morning Hossegor Casino, France 8.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. SURFARI AND FREE SURFING INITIATIONS Surf session and free surfing initiations open to all Surf Summit attendees & speakers Session surf et initiations gratuites au surf ouvertes à tous les participants au Surf Summit et intervenants 10.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. SALES AND CONSUMPTION TRENDS IN THE BOARDSPORTS INDUSTRY Les tendances de consommation et de vente dans l’univers de la glisse Speaker: Renaud Vaschalde, industry analyst, NPD Group Renaud Vaschalde, analyste de l’industrie du sport, NPD Group 11.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. HOW TO INCREASE SALES BY ENCOURAGING RETAILERSANDBRANDSTOSHAREINFORMATION Comment augmenter ses ventes en partageant les informations entre détaillants et marques Speaker: Andrés de la Dehesa Tejedor, founder and Manager of Codesport, Vice President of AFYDAD, author and conference speaker Fondateur et dirigeant de Codesport, Vice-président d’AFYDAD, auteur et conférencier 12.30 p.m. - 2.00 p.m. LUNCH BREAK Hossegor Casino restaurant Afternoon 2.00 p.m. - 3.30 p.m. 3.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. THE PHYGITAL PHENOMENON: WHERE THE PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL WORLDS CONVERGE WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF DISTRIBUTION? Le phénomène du phygital commerce : quand le monde physique et le monde digital convergent Speaker: Maxence Dislaire, CEO and co-founder of Improveeze Président et co-fondateur d’Improveeze Quel avenir pour la distribution ? Speaker: Frédéric Tain, Editor-in-chief of Frédéric Tain, Rédacteur en chef de Followed by an open discussion with retailers and attendees Suivie d’une discussion ouverte avec les détaillants et les participants October 3-4, 2013 Hossegor Casino, France REGISTRATION FORM As the last 2 years EuroSIMA has set fixed company prices for registration which enables you to invite all your employees Company _____________________________________________________________________________ Last name _______________________________ First name ____________________________________ Title ___________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ Zip ___________________ State ______________________ Number of people ____________________ Please check box for Surf Summit Dinner attendance Thursday, October 3, 2013 at 8.00 p.m. If more than 10 employees, please fill in multiple forms 1) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 2) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 3) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 4) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 5) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 6) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 7) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 8) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 9) Full name_______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ 10) Full name______________________________ E-mail____________________________________ Company prices based on turnover > 50 million Euros < 50 million Euros < 5 million Euros • Individual member • Individual non member 1000 euros / per company 500 euros / per company 300 euros / per company 200 euros / per person 300 euros / per person Registration must be received by September 26, 2013 Please register via email at: or via regular mail at EuroSIMA - 123 boulevard de la Dune - 40150 Hossegor - France - Tel. +33 (0)5 58 72 15 33