Grabian Commune
Grabian Commune
The ALTERENERGY Communities: Grabian Commune General Data Country Albania Region/County Grabian/Lushnjë Population 5050 Total population of 4 villages 7100 Male 49% Female 51% Surface (Km ) 3200 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Avni Snalla Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Grabian Comunne is layed down in north-west part of Lushnja city. It is bordered by Comunnes of Terbuf, Golem, Kemishtaj dhe Municipality of Divjaka. The most important feature of this Comunne is that this zone has high potential of production and it is near the most important agriculture markets of the country. This Comunne has an arable land of 3200 ha, where most of it is field with high fertility. Comunne of Grabian has a population about 7100 inhabitants and it has four villages included Grabian, which is the center of the Comunne. Number of the families is about 1400-1600. About 90% of the families of the Grabian Comunne provide the living by agriculture. The infrastructure of the zone which connect villages with the center of the Comunne and villages with each-other is in the low conditions and need improvement. Grabian Village has about 5050 inhabitants. The other villages are: 1. Ferras village. The distance from the center of the Comunne is 9 km and population is about 950 inhabitants. 2. Stravec village. The distance from the center of the Comunne is 11 Km and population is about 630 inhabitants. 3. Treura village. The distance from the center of the Comunne is 6.5 Km and population is about 470 inhabitants. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The households/public buildings energy sector is one of the important energy consuming sub sectors in Grabian Commune. Its importance is highlighted by the fact that it consumes large quantities of electricity and fuel-wood, which has contributed to the country’s current severe energy crisis. Up to 2000 the supply and demand for cooking and heating fuels (mainly wood) were more or less in balance. After 2000, there was a large reduction of fuel-wood supplied by the forestry enterprises to urban area of this region. As a result there was an over cutting of trees (much of which is illegal) and overloading the electricity distribution system. Right now, the population in Grabian Commune has used in maximum fuel-wood for space heating and annually production from the closest forests is about 6900 mst/year (2011) and the rate of cutting is as two time as higher than yearly sustainable growth rate of forest. This has bring in a very bad situation: fuel-wood resources are very depleted year by year and according to some simple calculations there are only five to seven years reserves and erosion is in a very high level. According to some preliminary calculations this region has consumed (0.13-0.15) % of total primary energy sources of Albania. The energy consumption of the household/public buildings sector is divided into four parts describe as much basic energy uses with widely differing characteristics: space heating, water heating, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The main building offices for organization 4 villages is located in Grabian. Technical staff of project with representatives of Grabian commune prepared the criteria for selection of public building in 4 villages as follows: – Scope for EE interventions: There are sites recently renovated where there is no or limited scope for EE interventions. – Acceptance / Implementation risk – Replicability and demonstration effect – Social sensitivity related to the investment The existing buildings and facilities of the public sector, upgrading/expansion/installation of new energy systems that would improve comfort level may be considered eligible, provided that they meet all other selection criteria. In respect of criteria we have seleted in Grabian commune two public building elementary schools, and commune building in Grabian for investments to improving Energy Efficiency. Participation in the project Alterenergy represents an unrepeatable opportunity for growth of local environmental values, and, more generally, the sustainability of the Commune Grabian, especially in view of the incentive of other productive sectors, such as crafts and tourism. More indirectly attention to the issue of sustainability, will reduce or optimize household consumption, the Commune administration and local production systems, promoting the attractiveness of the region with respect to the localization of exogenous activity.Realization of a feasibility study in target community, dealing with specific actions targeted towards energy saving and/or renewable energy production. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The actions that will be taken with participation in Alterenergy project will be those aimed to developing replicable models of sustainable management of energy resources. The interventions aims at a greater percentage reduction in CO2 emissions. To reduce the emissions of CO2 will be considered the benefit obtained by the Covenant of Comune and through the use of different funds provided by the Alternenergy project. The village of Grabian intends to carry out feasibility studies on projects in the area of sustainability regarding the production and the use of energy for actions not yet realized. The feasibility studies will also cover the actions foreseen in the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (SEAP) document. In addition, the administration intends to continue the planning and management of integrated actions of energy savings and energy production from renewable sources, through a participatory approach involving citizens and local economic operators. It also plans to implement a comparison with other systems of local control of energy consumption in public facilities. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The goal is to achieve, through the involvement of the private subscriber partnership project in the participation in the contract, the full sustainability of the activities in the area. The environmental benefits of the foreseen energy efficiency measures in reduction in air pollution in order to use of environmentally friendly materials as replacements for the existing ones (such as window frames, roof materials, floors, doors, light bulbs, etc). The project “Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures in Public School” does not pose any significant risks from an environmental or social point of view, but on the contrary, its successful implementation offers the prospect of substantial reductions in or removal of negative impacts at the global and local level. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Cerme e Siperme General Data Country Albania Region/County Terbuf/Lushnje Population 6500 Total population of 4 villages 15630 Male 53% Female 47% Surface (Km ) 4396 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site n/a Contacts Astrit Dervishi 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Terbufi Commune is located on the north-west part of Lushnja region, between national road and Municipality of Divjaka. The territory of the Terbufi Commune is relatively wide and it has a considerable number of habitants. It is located in a zone with high potential of production, especially for agriculture and it is near the agricultural markets of the country. This Commune is bordered by Shkumbini river in the north, by Dushku Commune in the east, Grabjan Commune in the south and Commune of Divjaka in the west. In the following are presented some pictures based on the site visits carried several times in Terbuf Commune to collected necessary data. Arable land in this Commune is about 4392 ha, most of it laid down in the fertile field area. Even with considerable slope, the land has high qualities and natural fertility, which allows cultivation of a lot of plants. Most of the arable land is laid down in the field and some is located in the hill. The villages of Terbuf, Upper Cerme, Cerme Proshke, Cerme Pasha, Cerme Shkumbin are laid down in the field, while Shenepremte, Sulzotaj are located even in the hill territory. Number of inhabitants of the zone is 15630, organized in 3503 families. About 80% of the families of the Terbufi Commune are involved in agriculture. Farming and constructions are also another source of revenues for families in the zone. Main data of Terbuf Commune Nr 1 2 3 4 Main data Total area of village (km2) Total agriculture area of village (km2) Number of inhabitant (-) Number of families (-) Cerme Shkumbin Cerme Proshke Sulzotaj Cerme e Siperme Terbuf Shenepremte Cerme Pash 438 276 267 660 1983 531 241 428 270 260 655 1960 526 238 1800 1050 730 2650 6500 1850 1050 449 262 182 661 1622 462 262 The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The availability of energy supply in Terbuf is one of the key limitations on economic growth and safety power supply. Electricity and other forms of energy are key inputs to support economic growth, income generation and job creation, industrial activities, commerce, the service sector, communications and transport. During the transition period in Albania, the chronically shortage in power supply has taken forms of sharp crisis especially during the winter periods in general and Terbuf commune in particular. The households/public buildings energy sector is one of the important energy consuming sub sectors in Terbuf Commune. Its importance is highlighted by the fact that it consumes large quantities of electricity and fuel-wood, which has contributed to the country’s current severe energy crisis. Up to 2000 the supply and demand for cooking and heating fuels (mainly wood) were more or less in balance. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Joining the program Alterenergy, the town expects to improve its environmental performance both from the point of view of energy and the impact on the region. In this region are selected three public buildings of elementary schools for investment in improving energy efficiency. Since the objective of Alterenergy on the territory of the Terbuf region is the development of initiatives to apply and test the sustainable management and use of energy resources in small communities in the region, however the effects of the activities that will be implemented will also lead to changes the action strategies of the Commune. The main building offices for organization 7 villages is located in Terbuf. Technical staff of project with representatives of Terbufcommune prepared the criteria for selection of public building in 7 villages as follows: – Scope for EE interventions: There are sites recently renovated where there is no or limited scope for EE interventions. – Acceptance / Implementation risk – Replicability and demonstration effect – Social sensitivity related to the investment The existing buildings and facilities of the public sector, upgrading/expansion/installation of new energy systems that would improve comfort level may be considered eligible, provided that they meet all other selection criteria. In respect of criteria we have seleted in Terbuf commune three elementary schools, Sulzotaj, Çerme Proshk and Çerme e Siperme for investments to improving Energy Efficiency. Indicative eligible EE projects include: Interventions for the replacement or rehabilitation of existing or installation of new systems and equipment aiming at the improvement of energy efficiency, reduction of energy losses, reactive energy loads and peak power demand at the end use level, when this is associated with economic and environmental benefits; The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The actions that will be taken with participation in Alterenergy project will be those aimed to developing replicable models of sustainable management of energy resources. The interventions aims at a greater percentage reduction in CO2 emissions. To reduce the emissions of CO2 will be considered the benefit obtained by the Covenant of Commune and through the use of different funds provided by the Alternenergy project. The village of Terbuf intends to carry out feasibility studies on projects in the area of sustainability regarding the production and the use of energy for actions not yet realized. The feasibility studies will also cover the actions foreseen in the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (SEAP) document. In addition, the administration intends to continue the planning and management of integrated actions of energy savings and energy production from renewable sources, through a participatory approach involving citizens and local economic operators. It also plans to implement a comparison with other systems of local control of energy consumption in public facilities. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability By participating in the project Alterenergy the city administration expects to reap multiple benefits including, first of all an environmental improvement and secondly a greater economic development, that will allow a better quality of life. With the implementation of actions in the field of renewable energy you can get many environmental benefits (less CO2 production, low energy consumption) with positive consequences in economic terms. This will allow to use the resources that can be used in the social field or for public works, otherwise impossible to schedule with the normal budgetary resources. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Shenkoll General Data Country Albania Region/County Shenkoll/Lezhe Population 4268 Total population of 4 villages 14423 Male 48% Female 52% Surface (Km ) 6147 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Fran Froku Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Commune of Shenkoll is well known for its agricultural products. It has a total population 14423 inhabitants (2877 families) wiht a surface of 6147 km2. The center of the commune is the village of Shënkol. The other villages are: Rile, Tale 1, Tale 2, Barbulloje, Gryke-Lumi, Gajus. Shenkoll is a rapidly developing village situated 10 km south of the town of Lezhe, near the mouth of the river Mat. Its population is increasing drastically since the fall of communism, in 2007 Lezhë District for Shenkoll population had count 1773 people. Shenkoll has a favorable position which is complemented with the new infrastructure, making it a perfect place to build a business and is very friendly and welcoming with newcomers. Number of different public building category for each village of Shenkoll commune Main data Total area of village (km2) Total agriculture area of village (km2) Number of inhabitant (-) Shënkoll Rile Tale 1 Tale 2 Barbulloje Gryke-Lumi Gajus Shenkoll Total 1773 834 541 370 1420 258.25 193 178.94 693 464.92 1167 677 360 169.3 6147 4268 1901 982 630 3474 2539 629 2952 14423 The acess road which connect villages of comunne with nearby villages are in not in very good conditions, which lead to difficulties for movement (transportation) of people of this zone. The improvement of the infrastructure of the zone and especialy of the roads will impact significantly in standart living of all people. Infrastructure is a very important component for the development of a particular areas in general.The big changes that happened these two last decades have brought a series of irregularities that have to do with partial damages up to rural road decay, input supply irregularities and lack of a regular market for the agricultural and livestock products produced from the areas’ farmers, etc. These entire factors burden into the everyday life of the residents, but in the same time lower significantly even the attraction from the visitors. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Electricity is supplied to the region by a 110 kV transmission line that is far away from the power plants. This thing has brought in a very low level of voltage in electricity supplied, which is down 170-190 V in household/public buildings sectors. All these arguments mean that the region needs higher energy consumption, in the household sector. The growing use of electrical appliances, fuel-wood shortages and other related issues, such as access and prices, are worrying and can cause further future problems. Due to lack of coherent data, the uncertainties about the actual level of fuel-wood own harvesting in the rural areas are growing. This uncertainty severely influences any judgments, not only in relation to the level and structure of the households/public buildings energy consumption but also in relation to the level and structure of the total energy supply for this region. Energy consumption and demand in residential sector was carefully discussed due to its importance, first because of its contribution with over 30% of the total energy and secondly because of the very high consumption of electricity leading to a very difficult supply situation with frequent interruptions. The most important energy commodities used in in homes of the commune:Balldre is electricity (60-65%), light fuel oil (diesel) (0.5-1%) and LPG (10-12%) are the dominant fuels (over 72-74% of the total), whereas wood has a role equal to (25-28%), with district heating and lignite almost at zero level. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The idea of development is based on the ability to reorganize , according to an original and innovative design process, way of exploiting cultural resources, human resources, production, environment and infrastructure of the area, anticipating economic growth and employment locally. The project is the result of a reflection on the socio-economic dynamics and system policies to promote local development, and therefore a development strategy that covers the whole territory of Shenkoll. It refers to a “unifying theme” of a “unique distinctive concept of area” perceived as such , that he found in the concept of sustainable tourism development can become the territory . The main building offices for organization 7 villages is located in Shenkoll. Technical staff of project with representatives of Shenkoll commune prepared the criteria for selection of public building in 7 villages as follows: • Scope for EE interventions: There are sites recently renovated where there is no or limited scope for EE interventions. • Acceptance / Implementation risk • Replicability and demonstration effect • Social sensitivity related to the investment The existing buildings and facilities of the public sector, upgrading/expansion/installation of new energy systems that would improve comfort level may be considered eligible, provided that they meet all other selection criteria. In respect of criteria we have selected in Shenkoll commune one elementary schools, Tale village for investments to improving Energy Efficiency. Indicative eligible EE projects include: Interventions for the replacement or rehabilitation of existing or installation of new systems and equipment aiming at the improvement of energy efficiency, reduction of energy losses, reactive energy loads and peak power demand at the end use level, when this is associated with economic and environmental benefits;environmental restoration and landscaping, green building structures in the Decalogue the sustainable tourist . The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The interventions aims at a greater percentage reduction in CO2 emissions. To reduce the emissions of CO2 will be considered the benefit obtained by the Covenant of Comune and through the use of different funds provided by the Alternenergy project. The village of Shenkoll intends to carry out feasibility studies on projects in the area of sustainability regarding the production and the use of energy for actions not yet realized. The feasibility studies will also cover the actions foreseen in the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (SEAP) document. The village of Shenkoll intends to implement innovative and important projects in the field of sustainable mobility The village of Shenkoll intends to adopt significant and innovative The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The goals are: - Strengthening research, development and technological innovation – improving access to information technology and communication, and the use and quality of the same – improve competitiveness of small and medium- size enterprises and the agricultural sector – support the transition to a low carbon ecomomy in all sectors – promote adaptation to climate change, the prevention and risk management – promoting sustainable transport systems – investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning – strengthening the capacity and institutional efficient public administration. The expected outcomes are: - Increase innovation activities of enterprises -Development of service sectors that can act as a lever for innovation in other sectors - Strengthening of the regional innovation system, including an increase in collaboration between enterprises and public research and direct support to the latter – and many others. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Fushe Kuqe General Data Country Albania Region/County Lezhe Population 1752 Total population of 5 villages 8664 Male 48% Female 52% Surface (Km ) 3052 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Gjovalin Miri Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The overall population of Fushë Kuqes Communes is of 8664 inhabitants (2061 families) over a surface of 3052 km2. The center of the commune is the village of Fushë Kuqe. The other villages are: Adriatik, Patok, Gorre, Gurrez. The commune of Fushë Kuqes has many natural and touristic resources. The overall population is of 8664 inhabitants (2061 families) over a surface of 3052 km2. The center of the commune is the village of Fushë Kuqe. The other villages are: Adriatik, Patok, Gorre, Gurrez. The lagoon of Patok and the whole coastline is rich on forest and water reserves. Arable land in this Commune is about 60 ha, most of it laid down in the fertile field area. Even with considerable slope, the land has high qualities and natural fertility, which allows cultivation of a lot of plants. About 80% of the families of the Fushe-Kuqe Commune are involved in agriculture. Farming and constructions are also another source of revenues for families in the zone. Number of different public building category for each village of Fushe Kuqe commune Main data Fushe-Kuqe Adriatik Patok Gorre Gurrez Total area of village (m2) Total agriculture area of village (km2) Number of inhabitant (-) 603.5949 283.9251 1752 342.5677 234.3067 2180 731.4161 132.9798 953 774.25 717.2126 1461 600.27 402.8239 2318 Fushe-Kuqe Total 3052.0987 1771.2481 8664 Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Electricity is supplied to the region by a 110 kV transmission line that is far away from the power plants. This thing has brought in a very low level of voltage in electricity supplied, which is down 170-190 V in household/public buildings sectors. All these arguments mean that the region needs higher energy consumption, in the household sector. The growing use of electrical appliances, fuel-wood shortages and other related issues, such as access and prices, are worrying and can cause further future problems. Due to lack of coherent data, the uncertainties about the actual level of fuel-wood own harvesting in the rural areas are growing. This uncertainty severely influences any judgments, not only in relation to the level and structure of the households/public buildings energy consumption but also in relation to the level and structure of the total energy supply for this region. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Energy consumption and demand in residential sector was carefully discussed due to its importance, first because of its contribution with over 30% of the total energy and secondly because of the very high consumption of electricity leading to a very difficult supply situation with frequent interruptions. The most important energy commodities used in in homes of the commune:Fushe Kuqe is electricity (60-65%), light fuel oil (diesel) (0.5-1%) and LPG (10-12%) are the dominant fuels (over 72-74% of the total), whereas wood has a role equal to (25-28%), with district heating and lignite almost at zero level. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The idea of development is based on the ability to reorganize, according to an original and innovative design process, way of exploiting cultural resources, human resources, production, environment and infrastructure of the area, anticipating economic growth and employment locally. The project is the result of a reflection on the socio-economic dynamics and system policies to promote local development, and therefore a development strategy that covers the whole territory of Fushe Kuqe. It refers to a “unifying theme” of a “unique distinctive concept of area” perceived as such , that he found in the concept of sustainable tourism development can become the territory . In frame work of Alterenergy programe in Fushkuqe commune will have a elementary school for investments to improving Energy Efficiency in Gurrez vilage. The Program’s purpose is to contribute to an improvement/extension of energy supply offered, strengthened grid stability, reduced system losses. This shall contribute to the protection of the climate and the environment by way of environmentally friendly and efficient generation and use of energy. Indicative eligible EE projects include: Interventions for the replacement or rehabilitation of existing or installation of new systems and equipment aiming at the improvement of energy efficiency, reduction of energy losses, reactive energy loads and peak power demand at the end use level, when this is associated with economic and environmental benefits; The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The main building offices for organization 5 villages is located in Fushe Kuqe. Technical staff of project with representatives of Fushe Kuqe commune prepared the criteria for selection of public building in 5 villages as follows: – Scope for EE interventions: There are sites recently renovated where there is no or limited scope for EE interventions. – Acceptance / Implementation risk – Replicability and demonstration effect – Social sensitivity related to the investment The existing buildings and facilities of the public sector, upgrading/expansion/installation of new energy systems that would improve comfort level may be considered eligible, provided that they meet all other selection criteria. In respect of criteria we have seleted in Fushe Kuqe commune one elementary schools, Gurrez for investments to improving Energy Efficiency. Interventions for the replacement or rehabilitation of existing or installation of new systems and equipment aiming at the improvement of energy efficiency, reduction of energy losses, reactive energy loads and peak power demand at the end use level, when this is associated with economic and environmental benefits; The interventions aims at a greater percentage reduction in CO2 emissions. To reduce the emissions of CO2 will be considered the benefit obtained by the Covenant of Comune and through the use of different funds provided by the Alternenergy project. The village of Fushe Kuqe intends to carry out feasibility studies on projects in the area of sustainability regarding the production and the use of energy for actions not yet realized. The feasibility studies will also cover the actions foreseen in the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (SEAP) document. The village of Fushe Kuqe intends to implement innovative and important projects in the field of sustainable mobility The village of Fushe Kuqe intends to adopt significant and innovative initiatives in terms of environmental sustainability (use of water resources, reducing pollution and waste management, sustainable land use, sustainable tourism. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The goals are: - Strengthening research, development and technological innovation – improving access to information technology and communication, and the use and quality of the same – improve competitiveness of small and medium- size enterprises and the agricultural sector – support the transition to a low carbon ecomomy in all sectors – promote adaptation to climate change, the prevention and risk management – promoting sustainable transport systems – investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning – strengthening the capacity and institutional efficient public administration. The expected outcomes are: - Increase innovation activities of enterprises -Development of service sectors that can act as a lever for innovation in other sectors - Strengthening of the regional innovation system, including an increase in collaboration between enterprises and public research and direct support to the latter – and many others. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Balldre General Data Country Albania Region/County Lezhe Population 4027 Total population of 7 villages 9706 Male 48% Female 52% Surface (Km ) 4691 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Zef Doci Description of geographical, economic and social aspects TERRITORY Surface: 4691 km2; 8 villages: Mali Kakarriq, Qendër Kakarriq, Gocaj, Balldre i Ri, Balldre i Vjetër, Torovicë, Malekaj, Koljakaj. The center of the commune is the village of Balldre DEMOGRAPHY Population: 9706 inhabitants; Families: 2087 Number of different public building category for each village of Balldre commune Main data Total area of village (km2) Total agriculture area of village (km2) Number of inhabitant (-) Number of families (-) Mali Kakarriq Qendër Kakarriq Gocaj Balldre i Ri Balldre i Vjetër Torovicë Malekaj Koljakaj Balldre total 421 246 974 698 493 807 781 270 4691 180 153.18 161 588 301 426 334 118 2261 424 147 273 91 628 218 3274 731 753 184 3221 409 791 214 342 93 9706 2087 The center of the commune is Balldren, approximately 5 km from the town of Lezha. The commune of Balldre is an area rich on agricultural products. The geographical position of the commune Balldre is very favorable and is located in the center of several transportation arteries, serving as a linking poitnt for the noth-south and east-west movement. Thanks to its natural position, from the ancient times to the present-day, the region of Balldre stands among the regions in the country endowed with strategic and natural values. Located in the midst of the land and water resources, the region has riversand streams, water reserves, mountains and hills, which create high levels of biodiversity. The relief in this region presents an emphatic contrast alternating between the sea, fields and mountains, which are in close proximity. The acess road which connect villages of comunne with nearby villages are in not in very good conditions, which lead to difficulties for movement (transportation) of people of this zone. The improvement of the infrastructure of the zone and especialy of the roads will impact significantly in standart living of all people. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Infrastructure is a very important component for the development of a particular areas in general.The big changes that happened these two last decades have brought a series of irregularities that have to do with partial damages up to rural road decay, input supply irregularities and lack of a regular market for the agricultural and livestock products produced from the areas’ farmers, etc. These entire factors burden into the everyday life of the residents, but in the same time lower significantly even the attraction from the visitors. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Electricity is supplied to the region by a 110 kV transmission line that is far away from the power plants. This thing has brought in a very low level of voltage in electricity supplied, which is down 170-190 V in household/public buildings sectors. All these arguments mean that the region needs higher energy consumption, in the household sector. The growing use of electrical appliances, fuel-wood shortages and other related issues, such as access and prices, are worrying and can cause further future problems. Due to lack of coherent data, the uncertainties about the actual level of fuel-wood own harvesting in the rural areas are growing. This uncertainty severely influences any judgments, not only in relation to the level and structure of the households/public buildings energy consumption but also in relation to the level and structure of the total energy supply for this region. Energy consumption and demand in residential sector was carefully discussed due to its importance, first because of its contribution with over 30% of the total energy and secondly because of the very high consumption of electricity leading to a very difficult supply situation with frequent interruptions. The most important energy commodities used in in homes of the commune:Balldre is electricity (60-65%), light fuel oil (diesel) (0.5-1%) and LPG (10-12%) are the dominant fuels (over 72-74% of the total), whereas wood has a role equal to (25-28%), with district heating and lignite almost at zero level. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Participation in the project Alterenergy represents an unrepeatable opportunity for growth of local environmental values, and, more generally, the sustainability of the Commune Balldre, especially in view of the incentive of other productive sectors, such as crafts and tourism. More indirectly attention to the issue of sustainability, will reduce or optimize household consumption, the Commune administration and local production systems, promoting the attractiveness of the region with respect to the localization of exogenous activity. The main building offices for organization 7 villages is located in Balldre. Technical staff of project with representatives of Balldre commune prepared the criteria for selection of public building in 7 villages as follows: – Scope for EE interventions: There are sites recently renovated where there is no or limited scope for EE interventions. – Acceptance / Implementation risk – Replicability and demonstration effect – Social sensitivity related to the investment The existing buildings and facilities of the public sector, upgrading/expansion/installation of new energy systems that would improve comfort level may be considered eligible, provided that they meet all other selection criteria. In respect of criteria we have seleted in Balldre commune three elementary schools, Ura e Muratit, Kakariq and Marlecaj for investments to improving Energy Efficiency. The Program’s purpose will contribute to the protection of the climate and the environment by way of environmentally friendly and efficient generation and use of energy. Indicative eligible EE projects include: Interventions for the replacement or rehabilitation of existing or installation of new systems and equipment aiming at the improvement of energy efficiency, reduction of energy losses, reactive energy loads and peak power demand at the end use level, when this is associated with economic and environmental benefits; The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project With the implementation of the project is expected to start Alterenergy of specific policies aimed at improving the energy efficiency of public and private utilities in the commune area. Specifically, in the valley of the census of environmental resources available in terms of energy and the systematization and updating of consumption recorded in the action plan for sustainable energy city, we will proceed to the preparation of a study of energy the exact definition of the appropriate local natural resources, to allow for proper and harmonious exploitation for energy. It will in particular analyze and optimize the system for the collection and disposal of commune waste and to assess the exploitation of biomass is available in terms of building synergistic activity to the creation of a local supply chain The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The goal is to achieve, through the involvement of the private subscriber partnership project in the participation in the contract, the full sustainability of the activities in the area. EE Measures to be Implemented in the public Buildings). The environmental benefits of the foreseen energy efficiency measures in reduction in air pollution in order to use of environmentally friendly materials as replacements for the existing ones (such as window frames, roof materials, floors, doors, light bulbs, etc). The project “Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures in Public School” does not pose any significant risks from an environmental or social point of view, but on the contrary, its successful implementation offers the prospect of substantial reductions in or removal of negative impacts at the global and local level. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Cajnice General Data Country Bosnia and Herzegovina Entity Republic of Srpska Total population 5389 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 274 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Goran Karadzic, Mayor 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The administrative headquarters of the Municipality Cajnice is located at 806 meters above sea level. Cajnice is situated in a valley between the mountains Civci Brdo (1324 m), Cicelja (1281 m) and Orufica (1310 m). The Municipality is integrated around the Janjina river valley. Forest is certainly the most important natural resource of the Municipality Cajnice. Under the forest and forest land is 75% of the total area of the Municipality. Sub-mountain and mountain climate is represented. It is estimated that in the urban area lives 52% of the total population. The decrease in population is a result of falling rates in natural population growth and emigration. Natural growth in 2007 amounted to -3.8%. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Municipality Cajnice is small and underdeveloped Municipality and it has not significant experience in the field of energy and environmental sustainability. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Municipality Cajnice expecting to get technical assistance and support in development of sustainable energy on its own territory through capacity building aactivities such are organisation on various trainings, workshops, through preparation of energy assesment studies, integrated plans, fesability studies business plans and implementation of demonstration action. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project It is expected to get capacity building and implemented one demonstration action in the field of sustainable energy in accordance with the results of the energy assessment studies that will be prepared through this project. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Through Alterenergy project Municipality will get adequate knowledge in the field of sustainable energy that will improve their capacity to plan and manage integrated actions in the field of sustainable energy on its territory. Also, through this project within Municipality one demonstration action will be implemented. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Bosanski Petrovac General Data Country Bosnia and Herzegovina Entity Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Total population 7100 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km2) 750 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Zlatko Hujic, Mayor Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The town of Bosanski Petrovac is located between the mountains Klekovaca and Grmec at 664 m above sea level. The territory of the Municipality extends over three distinctive areas: meadows, natural pastures and forest. Of the total area, agricultural land covers 36.4%, forests cover 63.6% and they are the basis of economic development of the Municipality. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Municipality has some experience in the field of energy and environmental sustainability: one energy effiiency project has been implemented and they are part of the Program for wastewater management of Una - Sana Canton. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Municipality Bosanski Petrovac expecting to get technical assistance and support in development of sustainable energy on its own territory through capacity building aactivities such are organisation on various trainings, workshops, through preparation of energy assesment studies, integrated plans, fesability studies business plans and implementation of demonstration action. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project It is expected to get capacity building and implemented one demonstration action in the field of sustainable energy in accordance with the results of the energy assessment studies that will be prepared through this project. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Through Alterenergy project Municipality will get adequate knowledge in the field of sustainable energy that will improve their capacity to plan and manage integrated actions in the field of sustainable energy on its territory. Also, through this project within Municipality one demonstration action will be implemented. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Ston General Data Country Croatia Region/County Dubrovnik Neretva County Total population 2407 Male 1188 Female 1219 Surface (Km ) 169,51 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts +385 (0)20 754009 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Ston is situated at the south of isthmus of the Peljesac Peninsula. With the city of Ston as the center of the Municipality, geographically it is located in the center od Dubrovnik Neretva County. The medieval City of Ston, with its second longest city walls in the world and the oldest saltworks in Europe, is an interesting tourist destination. On the north side of the Municipality there is access to the Bay of Mali Ston, famous for the mariculture cultivation of shellfish. Around village Ponikve are numerous vineyards which are an important part of the economic aspect of the Municipality. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Municipality of Ston collaborated in project for solar panels for homes implemeted by Dubrovnik Nertva County and national Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project ALTERENERGY offers the opportunity to look at the energy performance of the Target Community and identify areas of improvement. Knowing the starting point for energy consumption and CO2 emissions is a key factor in planning strategic and effective actions towards the achievement of European objectives (20-20-20 initiatives). The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Implementation of territorial promotion and informing the public about renewable energy and funding opportunities from EU funds providing the technical assistance to: the development of skills and competencies in the energy sector, strengthening the institutional and administrative capacity in programming and using knowledge of the EU and national funds. To increase awareness in Municipality Ston through: cycle of 3 workshops for local administrative, local forum for wider population and “RES and RUE small school” which will be implemented in elementary school Ston. To develop Baseline Emission Inventory as the base for develop- The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance ment of Sustainable Energy Action Plan /Integrated energy efficiency plan (SEAP). To develop a feasibility study (several specific energy-efficient conversion scheme, which will be defined in the framework of the project). Organization of several workshops for SMEs, public administration and citizens in the fields of RES and RUE. Demonstrative action will be implementing in Municipality Ston. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Level of information and awareness of Municipality Ston improved. In addition, these measures will help us to achieve the targets of reducing CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of final energy that the Municipality is committed to achieve by joining the Covenant of Mayors. Level of competence in OIE and EE improved in public sector. Developed plans for energy saving and use of RES. The realization of sustainable energy planning improved in local community. Enhancement of private and public investments in the fields of RES and RUE raised technical assistance concerning financial planning for selected integrated energy saving and renewable energy production solutions in targeted urban communities. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Župa Dubrovačka General Data Country Croatia Region/County Dubrovnik Neretva County Total population 8331 Male 4120 Female 4211 Surface (Km ) 22,81 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts +385 20 486-026 +385 20 486-056 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Župa Dubrovačka is situated between Dubrovnik on the north-west and Konavle on the south-east. On the north-east is the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to the south-west it is Adriatic Sea. The historical findings, dating back to the Neolitic era, natural environment and clear blue sea makes this area excellent for tourism as the backbone of the Zupa Dubrovacka’s economy. With the development of the business zone in Cibaca, trade sector has increased rapidly, offering several shopping centers. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality is working on a series of actions aimed at improving its environmental aspects and has implemented few projects in energy efficiency and RES systems co-financed by national funds. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The opportunity to learn, experience and implement the best practices implemented by other both national and international companies, in order to improve the quality of life and well-being in our territory. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project To increase awareness in Municipality Župa Dubrovačka through: cycle of 3 workshops for local administrative, local forum for wider population and “RES and RUE small school”. To develop Baseline Emission Inventory as the base for development of Sustainable Energy Action Plan /Integrated energy efficiency plan (SEAP). To develop a feasibility study (several specific energy-efficient conversion scheme, which will be defined in the framework of the project). The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Measures implemented through ALTERENERGY project will help to achieve the targets of reducing CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of final energy that the Municipality is committed to achieve by joining the Covenant of Mayors. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Konavle General Data Country Croatia Region/County Dubrovnik Neretva County Total population 8557 Male 4270 Female 4307 Surface (Km2) Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Web-site Contacts 209,25 Yes No +385 (0)20 478-401 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Konavle is located around 25 km south-east of Dubrovnik, being the southernmost Municipality of Croatia. Situated between the Snijeznica mountain and the Adriatic Sea, it is rich region of fertile valleys, formerly the main source of food for the Republic of Ragusa. The town of Cavtat is the seat of the municipal administration. Other than Cavtat,only the southernmost village of Molunat is located on the coast, while the other 30 villages are in the hinterland. Thanks to the richness of the soil (agriculture, olive-oil and wine production), sea (fishing, sailing) and the interesting historical role (important for the development of tourism), Konavle maintain its status as one of the wealthiest municipalities in Croatia. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality is working on a series of actions aimed at improving its environmental aspects and has implemented few projects in energy efficiency and RES systems co-financed by national funds. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising the level of awareness of citizens, local actors, stakeholders in the field of RES and RUE. Promotion of community as a green and energy efficient community. Setting the example for other communities on Adriatic through ALTERENERGY project activities. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project To increase awareness in Municipality Konavle through: cycle of 3 workshops for local administrative, local forum for wider population and “RES and RUE small school”. To develop Baseline Emission Inventory as the base for development of Sustainable Energy Action Plan / Integrated energy efficiency plan (SEAP). To develop a feasibility study (several specific energy-efficient conversion scheme, which will be defined in the framework of the project). The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Measures implemented through ALTERENERGY project will help to achieve the targets of reducing CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of final energy that the Municipality is committed to achieve by joining the Covenant of Mayors. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Novigrad General Data Country Croatia Region/County The Region of Istria Total population 4345 Male 2050 Female 2295 Surface (Km2) 27 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Tel. 00 385 52 757 055 Fax. 00 385 52 758 260 Mob. 00 385 98 398 707 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects City of Novigrad is located on the northwest coast of the Istrian peninsula, 25 km from the border with Slovenia. Town area covers an area from Dajla in the north to the mouth of the river Mirna in the south. The Town officially comprises five villages. These are: Antenal Bužinija, Dajla, Mareda and Novigrad. Population density 142.8 st/Km2 Number of trading companies = 305, number of employees in trading companies = 1051, yearly income = 651 million kn, profit = 45 million kn, loss = 32 million kn, netto wages = 57 million kn, investment =22 million kuna. The most represented activities in Novigrad are: hotels and tourism industry, textile industry (manufacturing), wholesale and retail trade, construction, services, real estate. Unemployment November 2013= 143 unemployed, 86 woman, 56 male/unemployed with basic school =33, 22W,11M/ 1-3year vocational school=46 unemployed ,23W,23M/4 year vocational school =39 unemployed,21 W,18M/ Grammar school=10 unemployed, 7W,3M /Non university degree =10 unemployed,8W,2M/ university degree=5 unemployed, 5W. Data from October 2013: Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability - Feasibility study (2005) for the project of application of energy efficiency measures in the City of Novigrad. Focus on energy efficiency of public lighting and light pollution. Developed together with the HEP ESCO d.o.o Company and company Satmar d.o.o. - Project of modernization of public lighting in the City of Novigrad, on the basis of the previously mentioned feasibility study a project modernization of public lighting in the city of Novigrad, the town has conducted an investment in 697 new ecological lightning fixtures and 3 control centers. - Energy audit and certification of public buildings was conducted 2012-2013. Energy certificates are displayed on public buildings: city sport ha market. City administration and kindergarten Tičići. In 2014 the energy audit and certification will be conducted for the public library, museum lapidarium, city hall and public lighting. - Green thinking - smart heating: installation of heating and hot water systems powered by solar energy (solar panels and photovoltaic panels - off grids systems and mass (pellets) in the households. - Keeping my house warm, not the street: Installation of new outside windows, doors and new building facades. These works will increase thermo insulation characteristics of the buildings. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising the level of awareness of citizens, local actors, stakeholders in the field of RES and RUE. Promotion of community as a green and energy efficient community. Setting the example for other communities on Adriatic through AlterEnergy project activities. Novigrads energy balance measured, developed SEAp, feasibility studies. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Territorial promotion and informing the public about renewable energy and funding opportunities from EU funds providing the technical assistance to : a) The development of skills and competencies in the energy sector. b) strengthening the institutional and administrative capacity in programming and using knowledge of the European and national energy funds. c) establishing an organizational structure that can manage an effective energy management system and participate in activities related to the field of RES and RUE. To conduct energy assessment (assessment of the energy balance of the community, assessment of energy needs and consumption patterns as well as analysis of the local availability of energy and potential energy efficiency improvements); To complement an integrated energy efficiency plan (SEAP). To conduct a feasibility studies (several specific energy-efficient conversion scheme, which will be defined in the framework of the project). Organization of several workshop for SMEs, public administration and citizens in the fields of RES and RUE The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Improved visibility of communities in the partner region. Distribution of interventions result on wider area Level of information and awareness of Novigrad improved. Level of competence in OIE and EE improved in public sector. Developed plans for energy saving and use of RES. The realization of sustainable energy planning improved in local community. Enhancement of private and public investments in the fields of RES and RUE raised technical assistance concerning financial planning for selected integrated energy saving and renewable energy production solutions in targeted urban communities. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Buzet General Data Country Croatia Region/County The Region of Istria Total population 6133 Male 3049 Female 3084 Surface (Km ) 165 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Tel: (052) 662 726 int. 135 Fax: (052) 662 676 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The town of Buzet is situated in the most northern part of Istrian peninsula. The Town officially comprises: Buzet, Hum, Roč, Sovinjak, Vrh. The area of Buzeština is very diverse, the elevation is ranging from 10 to over 1000 m and therefore the climatic diversity is high. The climate is varying from the Mediterranean climate in the valley of the Mirna River to the continental climate in the mountainous part of Cicarija. Old Town Buzet is located at 150 m high hill above the Mirna River valley, while the newer part of town known as Fontana was developed at the base of the hill. The most represented activities in BUZET are: textile industry, agriculture, food industry. Number of trading companies = 238, number of employees in trading companies = 2339, yearly income =,00 kn, profit = 23.604.000,00 kn, los s= 65.887.000,00 kn, netto wages = 142.118.000,00 kn , investment = 109.049.000,00. Gdp per capita = 35.525,00 kn (average income per capita 2008-2010. – Information from the ministry of regional development and EU funds). Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability - - - - - - - Already implemented Sustainable energy action plan implementation of energy efficiency measures in the public lighting systems Analysis of capabilities for space heating kindergarten Grdelin in Buzet Passive housing project Encouraging organic agriculture, rehabilitation of landfill and construction waste management system in line with EU standards Project DIVA (waste treatment of illegal waste landfills and arising the awareness on their harmfulness) Project AHVN(adriatic health and Vitality network – raising the sustainable health and vitality tourism) The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising the level of awareness of citizens, local actors, stakeholders in the field of RES and RUE. Promotion of community as a green and energy efficient community. Setting the example for other communities on Adriatic through AlterEnergy project activities. Buzet energy balance measured, complemented SEAP and feasibility studies. Active participation in most of the Alterenergy activities: workshops, fairs, meetings, awareness raising campaigns. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Territorial promotion and informing the public about renewable energy and funding opportunities from EU funds providing the technical assistance to: a) The development of skills and competencies in the energy sector. b) strengthening the institutional and administrative capacity in programming and using knowledge of the European and national energy funds. c) establishing an organizational structure that can manage an effective energy management system and participate in activities related to the field of RES and RUE. To conduct energy assessment (assessment of the energy balance of the community, assessment of energy needs and consumption patterns as well as analysis of the local availability of energy and potential energy efficiency improvements) ; To complement an integrated energy efficiency plan ( SEAP ). To conduct a feasibility studies (several specific energy-efficient conversion scheme, which will be defined in the framework of the project). Organization of several workshop for SMEs, public administration and citizens in the fields of RES and RUE The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Improved visibility of communities in the partner region. Distribution of interventions results on wider area. Level of information and awareness of Buzet improved. Level of competence in RES and RUE improved in public sector. Developed plans for energy saving and use of RES. The realization of sustainable energy planning improved in local community. Enhancement of private and public investments in the fields of RES and RUE. Raised technical assistance concerning financial planning for selected integrated energy saving and renewable energy production solutions in targeted urban communities. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Čavle General Data Country Region/County Total population Republic of Croatia Primorje-Gorski Kotar 7220 Male Female Surface (Km ) Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Web-site Contacts 2 3547 3673 84,21 Yes No Prefect: Mr. Željko Lambaša Tel: +385 51 208 301 Fax: +385 51208 311 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Municipality of Čavle as a local self-government unit includes 10 settlements: Čavle, Buzdohanj, Cernik, Grobnik , Ilovik, Mavrinci, Podčudnić, Podrvanj, Soboli and Zastenice. Čavle as a settlement was established at the beginning of the 19th century, along the main road called Louisiana on Grobnik filed in the hinterland of bigger city of Rijeka. The Municipality covers the area of Rječina river-valley and plateau of Grobnik, along with many hills and mountains (1378-1528 m). In geographical terms, the Municipality covers area between the Adriatic coast and the mountain region of Gorski Kotar. Although this area is relatively small, due to the specific relief and geological structure it includes different soil types and different types of vegetation, reflecting the different climates. In the northern part of the Municipality there are situated racetrack, local airport and winter sports center Platak. In recent years there is an increasing number of tourist visits to the area and the old town of Grobnik which is emerging as a tourist attraction. The climate is typically Mediterranean, with a noticeable influence of the continental climate elements that determine the frequent weather changes. Prior the II. World War agriculture was the main source of income of the local population and. After the end of War the rapid urbanization and industrialization of the country brought big changes. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality participated as a partner in STOP CO2 project which was co-financed within IPA - Cross-border Cooperation Programme Slovenia – Croatia. The main objective of the project was to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. The aim of the project was to create a system for energy efficient and ecological management of public lighting in the Croatian - Slovenian border region by applying modern information and telecommunications and Emergency lighting technology, to educate local governments on the implementation of a system for efficient management of public lighting, establish cooperation of Slovenian and Croatian local governments to field of public lighting and increase awareness of the population in the Slovenian-Croatian border region on the reduction of CO2 emissions. The total project budget was 872,000 euros, of which the IPA funded 739,000 euros or 85 % of the total project value. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project To provide local administration, citizens and local entrepreneurs with assistance in developing skills and competencies in the energy sector, specifically relating to the programming and management of European and national energy funds, but also in improving capabilities in energy consumption management regarding the local availability of energy resources and energy efficiency improvement potential. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Workshops to promote a positive attitude towards energy sustainability among local administrators, citizens, companies and other target groups in the local community. Assessment of the total energy balance including all domestic, productive, construction, tourist and agricultural sectors, and the specification of possible strategies for the fulfillment of requirements for energy-saving activities and the use of renewable energy. Preparation of a study that will address energy needs and consumption models and the local availability of energy resources and energy efficiency improvement potential. Demonstrative action – realization of small scale RES/RUE application that will demonstrate specific solution of high exemplary value. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The energy sustainability objectives for the Municipality of Čavle target community and the activities necessary to achieve them will be agreed upon and defined, local energy management capacities with special emphasis on energy sustainability will be developed, and the demonstrative activity will be carried out. Succesful implementation of all the mentioned activities, coupled with an increased capacity of local stakeholders, but also an increased public awareness on the RES topics, is also expected to trigger new renewable energy and EE projects that will contribute to the economic and environmental sustainability of the Municipality of Čavle. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Vrgorac General Data Country Croatia Region/County Split-Dalmatia County Total population 6572 Male 3327 Female 3245 Surface (Km ) 277,9 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects City Vrgorac is located on the northeastern edge of the county. Its geographical location, natural beauty, climate and cultural heritage is a crown jewel of the Dalmatian hinterland. Vrgorac is situated at the foot of the south-eastern part of the mountain Matokit (1063 m), below the medieval fortress that dominates the horizon, surrounded by fields Rastok, Jezero and Bunina. The economy of the city Vrgorac organized and implemented through core business; agriculture (wine making, fruit and vegetables), industry (production of meat and meat products, production of building materials and PVC) and trade. From a total of 2.710 active populations in the city 74% were employed and 26% were unemployed. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability City Vrgorac is a signatory to the Energy Charter Treaty, which commits to sustainable energy development based on greater use of renewable energy and energy efficiency. In accordance with the charter Vrgorac conducted an energy audit of primary and secondary schools and health centres. Energy audits include the proposals of measures for energy efficiency. Furthermore, project of photovoltaic solar power plant on the roof of the elementary and secondary schools, was designed. Also, spatial planning documentation is intended locations for wind energy. Due to outdated and inefficient public lighting Vrgorac City began its process of modernization of the energy-efficient and environmentally friendly way. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project • • • • • • Contribution to increasing awareness about the importance of energy efficiency Strengthening the capacity of local communities Synergy of knowledge capacity of all partners CONTRIBUTION reducing carbon emissions Increase the share of renewable energy sources The implementation of a pilot project to master specific skills for the implementation of projects in the field of energy efficiency measures and renewable The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project • Develop integrated plan for sustainable energy development Vrgorac • The development of professional capacities in Vrgorac, education and training • Pilot project: the modernization of public lighting by using LED lighting in residential areas Kozica, Orah, Banja and Kokorići. Furthermore, given the specificity of mountain villages / hamlets within the pilot project will be implemented and subproject Solar Street Light that will have autonomy to work 5 days in the harshest winter conditions without sunshine. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • Significantly reducing energy consumption (modernization of public lighting expected decrease energy consumption by ~ 65%) • A significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions • Reducing the cost of maintenance • Increased use of renewable energy • Local employment The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Igoumenitsa General Data Country Greece Region/County Region of Epirus Total population 9644 Male 4885 Female 4759 Surface (Km ) 2,12 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Periklis Vourdas, Region of Epirus Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Igoumenitsa is located by the sea, is surrounded by mountains at the northwestern part of the Regional Unit of Thesprotia. It is the capital city of the Regional Unit of Thesprotia. The economic activity is dominated by the tertiary sector. The most significant activities are tourism and transportation. Igoumenitsa is the second largest and active port in Greece, after the port of Piraeus in Attica. Igoumenitsa is also the gate to the Egnatia Road which connects Igoumenitsa with the Turkish border, with connections to the other neighboring Balkan countries. It is planned that the port of Igoumenitsa will not only be the gateway of Greece to Europe, but also the gateway of Europe with the Balkans, the Black Sea and the Middle East through a combined sea and land transport route which will, in the future, include a railway. Tourism presents also high activity, with many resorts around Igoumenitsa. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Igoumenitsa has participated, in the past years, in various Renewable Energy and Energy Saving projects. There is a healthy market evolving around Photovoltaic systems on roofs. Through the Alterenergy project the municipal community of Igoumenitsa will have a sustainable energy action plan deployed. Based on this knowledge the Municipality of Igoumenitsa will prepare a SEAP and sign the covenant of mayors. The SEAP includes various interventions in the energy field. Some of the suggested interventions are currently evaluated through prefeasibility studies and a pilot demonstrative action will take place at the building of the Regional Unit of Thesprotia in Igoumenitsa. In parallel with these actions, an information campaign will also take place aiming at raising the awareness of all involved actors from residents to the tertiary sector. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The Alterenergy project is expected to pave the way for a sustainable future in the municipal community of Igoumenitsa in particular, and the Municipality of Igoumenitsa in general. A SEAP will be prepared and its implementation will ensure an active roadmap towards 2020. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The SEAP, which is prepared, will be the base of all actions and interventions. Specific projects will be identified, analyzed and evaluated through prefeasibility studies. These studies will go beyond a techno-economic evaluation and will also propose innovative funding mechanisms for each investment. Furthermore a pilot demonstrative project will be realized in Igoumenitsa at the building of the Regional Unit of Thesprotia. Finally an array of awareness raising actions will be implemented. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The ultimate goal of the Alterenergy project as far as the municipal community of igoumenitsa is concerned, is the implementation of the prepared SEAP. This will result in considerable CO2 emissions reduction in the community above 20%. This will be the result of actions started by the public sector but also through the stimulation of the private economy. The benefits to the people will be multidimensional in all activity fields, from the environmental to the social, to the economic and climate change. The starting point for this is the actions foreseen in the framework of the Alterenergy project. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Castellalto General Data Country Italy Region/County Abruzzo Total population 7343 Male 3633 Female 3710 Surface (Km ) 34,18 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Castellalto is in the north of Regione Abruzzo, 481 m above sea level, in the province of Teramo. It is on a hill between the two rivers the Tordino and the Vomano. Castellalto goes back to around the 1000 year, although its territory shows traces of Roman and Italic settlements.There are two historical sites center, Castelbasso and Castellalto, which were added to the modern village of Castelnuovo al Vomano and to a series of mountain villages on the Tordino river side. Castelbasso is very nice. It is on a steep hill on the left side of the Vomano valley, from where it enjoys a view that goes as far as the Adriatic sea, the Maiella mountain and Gran Sasso mountain. It is fortified among the most evocative of Regione Abruzzo and it was built with stones from the river Vomano bricks and pozzolana, still almost completely intact towering cliffs that once held up the walls w ile now support houses built in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when the castle lost its defensive function. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability There is the accession to the Covenant of Mayors and the existence of an Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (SEAP in Italy). The village of Castellalto has fulfilled their commitment to approve the SEAP as expected accession to the Covenant of Mayors. The SEAP was adopted in accordance with the guidelines provided by the European Covenant of Mayors ( There is a Municipal Energy Plan or a Plan of Action for Sustainable Energy (SEAP)) adopted by decision C.C. n. 35 del 30/11/2012. Realisation, by the Municipality of sustainable energy interventions through the simultaneous use of POR FESR funds with other funds since 2005. Implement tion of measures put in place by the City, contained in the SEAP and funded by different POR FESR2007/2013. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The idea of development is based on the ability to reorganize, according to an original and innovative design process, way of exploiting cultural resources, human resources, production, environment and infrastructure of the area, anticipating economic growth and employment locally. The project is the result of a reflection on the socio-economic dynamics and system policies to promote local development, and therefore a development strategy that covers the whole territory of the Tordino valley. It refers to a “unifying theme” of a “unique distinctive concept of area” perceived as such, that he found in the concept of sustainable tourism development can become the territory. The project aims to explore the opportunity to find, in addition to the rich collection of information and links to tourist attractions, all information about tourism and environmental best practices that are implemented in the area, from the production plants of renewable energy projects environmental restoration and landscaping, green building structures in the Decalogue the sustainable tourist. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The interventions aims at a greater percentage reduction in CO2 emissions. To reduce the emissions of CO2 will be considered the benefit obtained by the Covenant of Mayors and through the use of different funds provided by the Alternenergy project. The village of Castellalto intends to carry out feasibility studies on projects in the area of sustainability regarding the production and the use of energy for actions not yet realized. The feasibility studies will also cover the actions foreseen in the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (SEAP) document. The village of Castellalto intends to implement innovative and important projects in the field of sustainable mobility. The village of Castellalto intends to adopt significant and innovative initiatives in terms of environmental sustainability (use of water resources, reducing pollution and waste management, sustainable land use, sustainable tourism. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The goals are: Strengthening research, development and technological innovation; improving access to information technology and communication, and the use and quality of the same; improve competitiveness of small and medium-size enterprises and the agricultural sector; support the transition to a low carbon ecomomy in all sectors; promote adaptation to climate change, the prevention and risk management; promoting sustainable transport systems; investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning; strengthening the capacity and institutional efficient public administration. The expected outcomes are: Increase innovation activities of enterprises; Development of service sectors that can act as a lever for innovation in other sectors; Strengthening of the regional innovation system, including an increase in collaboration between enterprises and public research and direct support to the latter; and many others. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Celenza sul Trigno General Data Country Italy Region/County Abruzzo Total population 943 Male 458 Female 485 Surface (Km ) 22,61 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Celenza sul Trigno, covers a ridge deeply incised by the torrents Old and Caccavone, to the left of the middle valley of the river Trigno. The community of celenzani resides almost entirely in the capital city that, due to the demand for housing for the holidays, it is increasing its periphery with modern residential districts. Geographical coordinates: 41 ° 52’23 “N 52; 14 ° 34’43” E. 68 Celenza sul Trigno is located about 110 km southeast of the capital of the province of Chieti, at 646 m above sea level (internal hill - altimetry min 142 - max 693) and has an area of 22.61 km2. The density of population per square km is 44.1. The population of 1,966 inhabitants in 997, over the years it has undergone a progressive decrease that does not seem to stop. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Between main experiences: • THE SUN TO SCHOOL - Construction of a photovoltaic system on the roof of the building and performing in the school of education envisaged; • Project “HELIOS” for solarization of municipal buildings - This project relates to the location of n. 7 photovoltaic systems on many public buildings; • Work to improve energy efficiency of the building of the kindergarten; • Modernization of thermal power plant. Former elementary school building; • Localization of a woodchip boiler - This project relates to the location of a central woody biomass (mainly forest chips) for the heat supply of the Comprehensive State in via Carriera, 23. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Participation in the project Alterenergy represents an unrepeatable opportunity for growth of local environmental values, and, more generally, the sustainability of the Municipality of Celenza sul Trigno, especially in view of the incentive of other productive sectors, such as crafts and tourism. More indirectly attention to the issue of sustainability, will reduce or optimize household consumption, the municipal administration and local production systems, promoting the attractiveness of the region with respect to the localization of exogenous activity. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project With the implementation of the project is expected to start Alterenergy of specific policies aimed at improving the energy efficiency of public and private utilities in the municipal area. Specifically, in the valley of the census of environmental resources available in terms of energy and the systematization and updating of consumption recorded in the action plan for sustainable energy city, we will proceed to the preparation of a study of fatibilità face the exact definition of the appropriate local natural resources, to allow for proper and harmonious exploitation for energy. It will in particular analyze and optimize the system for the collection and disposal of municipal waste and to assess the exploitation of biomass is available in terms of building synergistic activity to the creation of a local supply chain (also in view of the implementation of the project referred to in paragraph 5 “Main experiences”). The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The goal is to achieve, through the involvement of the private subscriber partnership project in the participation in the contract, the full sustainability of the activities in the area. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Moscufo General Data Country Italy Region/County Abruzzo Total population 3264 Male 1633 Female 1631 Surface (Km ) 22,24 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Moscufo is a town of 3,264 inhabitants in the Abruzzo region, located in the province of Pescara, which is about 23 km away. The town is situated on a hill to the right of the Tavo river. It has a total land area of 22.24 square kilometers and an average population density of 159.6 inhabitants per square km, in its territory there are 7 community. Most of the territory of Moscufo, thanks to its geomorphological characteristics presents a uniform distribution of cultivated areas and populated centers. The settlements, however, are still mostly close to the roads, with the exception of the houses of the medieval era around the historic center. Moscufo is predominantly an agriculture center and it is a renowned center for the production of extra virgin olive oil. There are about 125.790 olive trees (Source SIPA 2004). On its territory there are also about 160 activities which consist mainly of craft businesses. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability With the accession to the Covenant of Mayors, several initiatives have been identified to be implemented on the territory in various areas: housing, public lighting, transportation and renewable energy sources. Boilers with high efficient energy devices and temperature controllers have already been installed in schools; that will improve the environment of the middle school, with a reduction in the consumption of natural gas equal to about 18% (about 1,900 cubic meters/y of natural gas), and the environment of the elementary school, with a saving of methane of about 15% (about 1,330 cu.m / to methane ). By adhering to a project called “votive +”, the town will save on cemetery energy bills, recording consumption also 80% less than the existing one. Since 2008, the city administration realized with its own funds, a photovoltaic system (10 kWp) on the roof of the middle school with a reduction of about 6.09 t/y of CO2, which covers the entire needs of the schools, helping to reduce CO2 emissions .Since July 2013 the city administration realized a photovoltaic system (191 kWp) that provides an average annual production of approximately 240 MWh/ year with a reduction of emissions of about 115,92 t/year of CO2. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Joining the program Alterenergy, the town expects to improve its environmental performance both from the point of view of energy and the impact on the region. The Administration believes that comparison with other European countries and regions participating in the initiative in order to develop and define a common regional strategy in the field of renewable energy and energy conservation, it is very useful to address the challenge of climate change reaching a balance between the objectives of environmental protection and competitiveness. Since the objective of Alterenergy on the territory of the Abruzzo region is the development of initiatives to apply and test the sustainable management and use of energy resources in small communities in the region, however the effects of the activities that will be implemented will also lead to changes the action strategies of the Municipality of Moscufo. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The actions that will be taken with participation in CBM will be those aimed to developing replicable models of sustainable management of energy resources. In particular, the city administration intends to modernize the public lighting network in order to improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, as well as adapt the plants according to LR.12/2005 about light pollution, and draw up a general plan of public lighting. In addition, the administration intends to continue the planning and management of integrated actions of energy savings and energy production from renewable sources, through a participatory approach involving citizens and local economic operators. It also plans to implement a comparison with other systems of local control of energy consumption in public facilities. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability By participating in the project Alterenergy the city administration expects to reap multiple benefits including, first of all an environmental improvement and secondly a greater economic development, that will allow a better quality of life. With the implementation of actions in the field of renewable energy you can get many environmental benefits (less CO2 production, low energy consumption) with positive consequences in economic terms. This will allow to use the resources that can be used in the social field or for public works, otherwise impossible to schedule with the normal budgetary resources. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Pratola Peligna General Data Country Italy Region/County Abruzzo / L’Aquila Total population 7747 Male 3816 Female 3931 Surface (Km2) 28,27 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The City of Pratola Peligna is located in the Province of L’Aquila in the Abruzzo region. Its territory is included in the Majella National Park, covers an area of 28.27 sq km, is located 347 meters above sea level and is crossed by the river Sagittarius, the main tributary of the River Aterno Pescara. It is 60 km from L’Aquila and Pescara, the main city of the Abruzzo region and has good road and rail links. With the A25 motorway can be reached in less than two hours from Rome and its airports. It is a center in which agriculture, trade and crafts are still a vital part of its economy and the tourism sector is expected to grow. The birth rate is stable with a rejuvenation process due to migration. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Green Certificate as to the provenance of 100% renewable fuel. 2008 - Installing photovoltaic system (82-14kW modules) on the roof Elementary School. 2009 - Middle School renovation boiler with condensing boiler and energy savings of 20%, installation in the three city schools of n. 110 thermostatic valves. 2010 - participation in the “Covenant of Mayors” and renewal of the system of public lighting with new LED technology in 3 districts - energy audit municipal buildings. 2011 - Boot collection service door to door 2012 - achieving a percentage of 72.4% of the collection. 2011-2013 project start “walking bus” formed by a caravan of children who go to school in groups accompanied by two adults. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Maximum development and dissemination of knowledge in the local community of the benefits of energy savings and renewable energy production. Maximum benefit from the feasibility study about the pilot project and the effects that unfold much the same in terms of demonstration for the community in terms of substance as the Adriatic to the local community. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Through the project ALTERENERGY we intend to initiate the project “Energy in the City”, which provides courses, seminars and educational tours in the area of renewable energy and energy efficiency together with an office “ENERGY” to be activated at the town hall. In addition, we intend to proceed with the upgrade of the energy balance and the SEAP through its integration with an innovative action favored by the feasibility study. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Provide the public agency and private entities to a greater capacity for planning and management of actions intergrate energy saving and energy production from renewable sources can determine the increase in public and private investment realizing environmental benefits (CO2 reduction) and economic (lower costs that increase further investment). Through the pilot project will also be possible, as well as reducing costs for the supply of the resource “energy”, provide a local contribution to the global problem of the impact that emissions have on climate change anthropogenic. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole General Data Country Italy Region/County Emilia-Romagna Total population 6533 Male 3220 Female 3313 Surface (Km2) 38,92 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Dott. in Ing. Fabrizio Di Lorenzo Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality is located about 8 km from Forlì, along the highway 67 that, following the course of the Montone river, connecs Romagna to Tuscany through Muraglione. The territory is mostly flat and partly hilly and crosses the river Montone. Its strategic control position at the opening of the valley of Montone has already favored human settlements since the prehistoric age, attested by the discovery of artifacts dating back to the Paleolithic. In the Municipality there is a famous spa, thanks to the discover of the thermal water in the land back in 1830. This is the principal economic activity and influences the social aspect of the territory. Moreover the farming represents another important economic activity, producing wines and agricultural products. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole has been engaged in energy and environmental sustainability for many years mainly through educational projects and requalification measures. The City of Castrocaro e Terra del Sole has undertaken in recent years many actions in order to meet the needs in the field of safety, hygiene, environmental health, accessibility, mobility and energy conservation and trying to develop a sustainable conscience, noting the importance of energy saving and technological innovation through specific actions and initiatives: - Realization of photovoltaic system on the roof of kindergartens - Subscription with the Emilia Romagna Region of the protocol of understanding for the experimentation in the field of technical standards and of assessments systems of planning and construction quality - Approval of the Green Building, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Regulations - Covenant of Mayors adhesion in order to develop a joint SEAP whit other 14 municipalities. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project ALTERENERGY offers the opportunity to look at the energy performance of the Target Community and identify areas of improvement. Knowing the starting point for energy consumption and CO2 emissions is a key factor in planning strategic and effective actions towards the achievement of European objectives (20-20-20 initiatives). Another key factor taken into consideration within the project is the community engagement on policy making and its implementation. The opportunity to learn, experience and implement the best practices implemented by other both national and international companies, in order to improve the quality of life and well-being in our territory. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Between the many actions planned under negotiation between the City and the Region, the following interventions have been selected: • Improving the energy performance of the Castrocaro School Compound. The intervention planned within the Alterenergy project regards 9 school buildings. It is planned that a full energy audit of “Polo Scolastico” will be carried out including a cost-benefit analysis of energy improvement actions. • Energy efficiency and upgrading of public lighting in the Piazza d’Armi (Terra del Sole). The aim is to develop innovative proposals through the use of technologies with reduced environmental and energy impact and which allow the enhancement of architectural heritage of the two squares at night The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The development of the pilot actions under the project Alterenergy will allow the Municipality to know the baseline energy consumption of the school compound and the square object of study. In addition, feasibility studies allow to have a set of actions for energy improvement, which will allow the City Administration to obtain benefits in terms of economy and energy / environment (reduction of consumption of energy carriers, the reduction of CO2 emissions reduction light pollution). The involvement in the project also improves the ability to plan and to manage integrated actions energy-saving and to generate energy from renewable sources, through a participatory approach involving citizens and local economic operators. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Brisighella General Data Country Italy Region/County Emilia-Romagna Total population 7796 Male 3876 Female 3920 Surface (Km2) 194,38 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Brisighella is located in a privileged position and is a gravitycenter compared to many artistic cities such as Faenza, Ravenna, Florence, Bologna and Rimini. It is accessible by roads down in the valley and over a railway line of historical value of which works have beencarried out at the end of 1800. The conformity of the physical territory is varied, ranging from the low hills of the badlands to the more mountainous territory of the south. The population is widespread through the countryside and there are no areas totally abandoned by neither residents nor tourists. Agriculture is still the main part of the present activities and there are some activities of handicraft located in small industrial dedicated areas. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality is certified EMAS and is working on a series of actions aimed at improving its environmental aspects. This can be most easily seen in the Environmental Statement available for download at: The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project We expect Alterenergy help us to define a common territorial strategy in the field of energy. This strategy shall help us facing the challenge of climate change by seeking a balance between the objectives of environmental protection, competitiveness and supply security in the Adriatic area. It shall also help us developing sustainable models of management and use of energy resources by trying to improve the ability to plan and to manage integrated actions energy-saving The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Between the actions being planned within the SEAP, thanks to the support given by Alterenergy, we selected two actions by which we’ll try to analyze the technical and economic feasibility: • Energy Requalification of middle school “Giuseppe Ugonia”. The study will analyze the feasibility of the energy requalification o of the building envelope, of systems of production and distribution of thermal and electrical energy with the aim of reducing the energy consumption of the school which are currently more than 70 kWh/ m²year. • Improving the energy performance of historic monuments. The study will involve the public lighting of the three hills of Brisighella and the three main squares of the city. The goal is to combine energy savings and night enhancement of sights and monuments, with respect to the formal characteristics and environmental factors. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The development of the pilot actions under the project Alterenergy will allow the Municipality to have a tool for decision-making in order to define the best technology option for the redevelopment of the property in question. In addition, these measures will help us to achieve the targets of reducing CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of final energy that the City is committed to achieve by joining the Covenant of Mayors. The involvement of the entire local community (citizens, stakeholders, students, etc…) in capacity building activities will allow to increase the sensibility to energy/environmental issues and the dissemination of best practices. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Forni di Sopra General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 1027 Male 528 Female 543 Surface (Km ) 81,2 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Ing. Nazareno Candotti Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Forni di Sopra is one of the main tourist areas in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. It is located between 800 and 2500 metres on the sea level rise. Tourism is the main source of income in the area and it is supported by a network of 15 hotels and 2000 dwellings. Population is around 1000 inhabitants which goes up to 5000 daily tourists in summer. Within the territory lies one of the two Regional Parks the “Parco naturale delle Dolomiti Friulane” which covers a territory of 4000 hectares. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Total energy consumption in the Municipality is around 5 million KWh. Nowadays there are the following renewable energy sources, infrastructures and plants. Renewable electricity In terms of electricity local production outstrips consumption, although most of renewable electricity is put into the grid. In the territory there is a local association that manages the production and distribution of hydroelectric poker. - 2 hydroelectric power plants that produce 4,6-5,7 million KWh/yr - Solar PV that generates 62.000 KWh/yr whereas 51.000 KWh are put into the electric grid. A small hydroelectric turbine also feeds a mountain hut (Rifugio GIAF). Renewable heat There are seven public buildings which are connected to a biomass DH network that produces 1,8 million of KWth, of which 1,2 used locally. The biomass plant is entirely fed by local forest biomass, namely forest residues from harvesting operations and urban forestry maintenance. Total forest biomass used by the DH is around 1100 m3/year. Finally there six mountain huts where cattle grazes that have installed a solar PV with a capacity of 1,3 KW each. Additionally the two main local enterprises, a garden furniture company “Legnolandia” and the sawmill “La Fornese” have both installed a biomass plant that uses almost exclusively their wood processing by-products. Both enterprises are energy self sufficient. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The main objective is to expand the district heating network in order to connect other five public buildings in order to make them energy self sufficient. Furthermore other two solar PV systems will be installed in public buildings in order to reach on-site electric self sufficiency for total 40.000 KWe. Another objective is the optimization of the energy consumption of the public lighting through a remote control system which will be used also for video surveillance and WiFi network. A key factor in the strategies of the Municipality was, beyond trying to reach energy self sufficiency, to support the use of local sources as a key to local sustainable development. All district heating networks use local forest biomass. The project will contribute to the implementation ( through feasibility studies) and coordination of the above mentioned activities. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project A energy balance sheet, an integrated sustainability action plan, sustainable energy feasibility studies, access to a package of training courses on energy. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The Alterenergy project will contribute to integrate existing energy initiatives into a plan, will provide a baseline of energy consumption and production and overall GHG emissions, therefore enhancing the capacity of the Municipality to set clear climate and energy goals and to meet them. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Verzegnis General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 883 Male 439 Female 443 Surface (Km ) 38,8 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Livia Gentilini Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Verzegnis lies in the Northern area of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region at an altitude that spans from 300 to 1950 m on the sea level. There are 883 inhabitants distributed over 12 villages. The main natural resources are timber and the “red marble” of Verzegnis, quite sought after in the marble industry. All forests are certified according to a forest management scheme, PEFC that certifies that forests are managed sustainably. The town is well connected to transport networks and there are a children nursery and a primary school. Other services are provided in the nearby town of Tolmezzo. The Municipality of Verzegnis belongs to the macro area of “Conca tolmezzina” altogether with Amaros, Tolmezzo, Cavazzo Carnico. macro area pursuits common environmental and energy goals that include the environmental certification schemes UNI EN ISO 14001 and Covenant of Major voluntary action. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability In terms of energy supply, the Municipality is not connected to the gas network and energy demand is met by diesel oil and wood. Total electricity demand is roughly 2,5 million kWh/yr. There is a small (450 KW) district heating (DH) plant fed by woody biomass that will be expanded to fulfil further customers. The local school energy demand is met by another small scale (80KW) DH plant fed by local woody biomass. On the Municipality buildings solar photovoltaic cells are installed for a total capacity of 70 KW. Part of public lightning is provided by low energy consumption LED technology. Most of private households have solar thermal systems. Also on the territory there is a hydroelectric plant on an artificial catchment lake which feeds a big scale paper and pulp industry in the nearby town of Tolmezzo. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The project Alterenergy can contribute to laying out feasibility studies and an integrated energy plan that coordinate the following activities - to set up two 1MW each wind blades. The income from the electricity generated will be used to support the following actions that are in pipeline: - to provide support and bonuses to families energy bills - to support the adoption of energy efficiency measures in private households - to build a new woody biomass DH plant for private household heating - to invest in the short forest supply chain in order to remove barriers like the lack of an adequate forest roads network and to remove other barriers that hinder local forest residues utilization - to replace traditional low efficiency public lightning with LED technology, to support micro scale wind power and heat pumps in private households. The training programme provided By Alterenergy can strengthen the capacity building of the internal Municipality staff on energy issues. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Update of the energy balance sheet and of the Sustainability energy action plan, feasibility studies. The project will also provide energy training courses to the administration staff. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The main expected results in the following years will be to meet almost total energy consumption (electricity and heat) with renewable energy sources. Also a general improvement of energy efficiency is expected. There is also a social dimension of the project which lies in a more responsible behaviour of inhabitants toward green house gas emissions and the environment. Also all forest biomass used comes from local sustainably managed forests and from the short supply chain, hence reducing GHG emissions from transport and addressing the issues of sustainable biomass. The services offered by Alterenergy will coordinate these action into a coherent plan, helping monitoring the advancements toward the objectives of the SEAP and the implementation of the foreseen measures. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Palmanova General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 5427 Male 2639 Female 2788 Surface (Km2) 13,32 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Palmanova lies in the Province of Udine in the plains and it was built during the Venetian Republic. The fortress town of Palmanova, among the most important and better preserved examples of late Renaissance military architecture, was built by order of the Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia in 1593. Palmanova, with its nine-pointed star structure, was conceived as an inexpugnable defensive system and still now the main buildings revolve around the big square. Six roads branch out from the “piazza” three of them (Borgo Udine, Cividale e Aquileia), lead to the city gates, the other three lead to the defence line. The economy revolves around services and commercial districts. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Palmanova in the last years has invested in RES and energy efficiency. Some of the main project and activities have been the following: - Energy audit of a primary school - Replacement of public lightning with high pressure sodium lamp - Implementation of two solar PV panels of 27 KW on public buildings The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that a sustainable energy action plan, a feasibility study altogether with technical training can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The services planned for the Municipality of Palmanova are the following: - A feasibility study - An integrated energy sustainability plan - A package of courses on sustainable energy addressed to the internal staff The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The planned interventions will provide tools for a coherent framework of activities on energy efficiency and sustainability. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Fagagna General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 6247 Male 3042 Female 3205 Surface (Km2) 37,19 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Fagagna lies in the hilly part of the Region and it belongs to a network of sites and villages considered the most beautiful in Italy. In the city there are two old castles, Castello di Fagagna and Castello di Villalta whose history go back in time to the 1000-1100 a.C. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has carried out energy assessment plan aimed at energy reductions and green house gas emissions abatement in 2013 and has carried out the following interventions on RES and energy efficiency: - solar PV panels on public buildings and schools for an overall capacity of 39 KW - energy efficiency measures on a public school - a project to implement a biomass boiler fed by wood chips that provide energy to a wildlife centre within the Municipality The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that a sustainable energy action plan, a feasibility study altogether with technical training can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The Municipality will be offered a feasibility study, an integrated energy sustainability plan and a package of courses on sustainable energy The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The planned interventions will provide tools for a coherent framework of activities on energy efficiency and sustainability. The training courses will enhance and strengthen the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Rive D’Arcano General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 2501 Male 1217 Female 1284 Surface (Km2) 22,47 Credits: Turismo FVG Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality lies in the Province of Udine and its name “RIVE” comes from the Latin “Ripae” that stands for slopes, as to the position of the village in a hilly area. Within the territory of the Municipality lies the Medioeval Castle of Rive D’Arcano. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has carried out the following investments and plans in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the environment: - The Municipality has obtained the EMAS certification - The following interventions have been carried out and/or are under way: solar thermal installations in public buildings, solar PV panels on public buildings, energy efficiency measures on schools, boiler improvements to enhance energy efficiency - An assessment of the energy performance of buildings to improve the efficiency of public buildings and a proposal of measures - The building of a solar PV plant of 805 kV is undergoing by a private company who will install within the same intervention a solar PV of 10KW on a school. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the training provided can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The Municipality will be offered a package of training courses on sustainable energy addressed to the internal staff. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The training courses will enhance and strengthen the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Muzzana del Turgnano License use acquired General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 2615 Male 1290 Female 1335 Surface (Km2) 24,4 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The town of Muzzana lies in the plains in the Province of Udine. Within its territory lies on of the few relic plain forests that used to cover the plains in the past.In fact the territory of was once covered by widespread forest in Roman times, the Silva Lupanica owing its name to the presence of wolf packs.Some patchesof the olde forests remain in the woods of the plains of Baredi and Selva degli Arvonchi. This patch of forests is now certified according to PEFC, a scheme that endorses sustainable forest management. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability In the last years the Municipality has invested in the following RES and energy efficiency projects: - A solar PV panel on a public school and public buildings - Geothermal heat pumps to provide heating on public schools and public buildings The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the training provided can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The Municipality will be offered a package of technical training courses on sustainable energy addressed to the internal staff. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The training courses will enhance and strengthen the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Pozzuolo del Friuli General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 6918 Male 3365 Female 3553 Surface (Km2) 34,3 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Pozzuolo lies 10 kmw Southwest of Udine. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has carried out in the last years the following activities and investments on RES and energy efficiency: - Two solar PV panels on public buildings ( schools) for an overall capacity of 38 KW - A plan to develop a bioenergy supply chain in partnership with the Moldova Republic The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the training provided can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The Municipality will be offered a package of training courses on sustainable energy addressed to the internal staff. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The training courses will enhance and strengthen the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Nimis General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 2767 Male 1372 Female 1395 Surface (Km2) Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative 33,9 Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Nimis is a town in the in the Province of Udine near the border with Slovenia. It lies at the foot of Monte Bernadia home to a WWI Italian fort.Due to the ethnic, linguistic and cultural features of their population, people either speak Friulano and Slovenian languages. Nimis was set up by the ancient Romans, its name stemming from the Latin word “Nemus”. The territory of Nimis is well known for viticulture as it hosts the wineyards of Ramandolo a sweet wine that has been granted the D.O.C ( Denomination of Origin). Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability In the last years the Municipality has invested in RES and energy efficiency projects. With regard to RES has carried out projects to implement a geothermal installation and energy efficiency measures aimed at improving the energy performance of public buildings. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the training provided can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The Municipality will be offered a package of training courses on sustainable energy addressed to the internal staff. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The training courses will enhance and strengthen the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Majano General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 6021 Male 2907 Female 3114 Surface (Km2) 28 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The town of Majano lies in the Province of Udine. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability In the last years the Municipality has invested in the following RES projects: - Two solar PV panels on a public school and public buildings for an overall capacity of 35 KW The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the training provided can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The Municipality will be offered a package of technical training courses on sustainable energy addressed to the internal staff. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The training courses will enhance and strengthen the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Chiopris Viscone General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 637 Male 310 Female 327 Surface (Km2) 9 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Chiopris Viscone lies in the plains of the Province of Udine. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has carried out in the last years the following activities and investments on RES and energy efficiency: 1) Feasibility studies aimed at - Assessment of the energy performance of public buildings - Assessment of heat and electricity consumption - Assessment of existing solar PV panels and potential of increase - Car fleet assessment and fuel consumption 2) Two solar panels on two public buildings for an overall capacity of 34 KW The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the training provided can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The Municipality will be offered a package of training courses on sustainable energy addressed to the internal staff. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The training courses will enhance and strengthen the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Savogna D’Isonzo Credits: Marco Milani General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 1744 Male 882 Female 862 Surface (Km2) 16,4 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The town of Savogna D’Isonzo lies in the Province of Gorizia. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has not carried out in the last years activities and investments on RES and energy efficiency. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the training provided can develop the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The Municipality will be offered a package of training courses on sustainable energy addressed to the internal staff. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The training courses will develop the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Amaro General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 840 Male 392 Female 448 Surface (Km2) 33 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Amaro belongs to the macro area of “Conca tolmezzina” altogether with Verzegnis, Tolmezzo, Cavazzo Carnico. The macro area pursuits common environmental and energy goals that include the environmental certification schemes UNI EN ISO 14001 and the Covenant of Major voluntary action. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has joined Covenant of Major and has adopted a Sustainable Energy Action plan in 2012. Also it has carried out and implemented RES projects to install 3 solar PV panels on public buildings for an overall capacity of 15KW. It has also obtained the following environment activities : - It has obtained the ISO 14001 certification - A forest management plan The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the services provided can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The services provided by the Alterenergy to the Municipality are: an update of the energy and GHG emissions balance sheet, an update of the sustainable energy integrated plan, feasibility studies and a package of training course on sustainable energy. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The planned interventions will provide tools for a coherent framework of activities on energy efficiency and sustainability. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Cavazzo Carnico General Data Country Italy Region/County Friuli Venezia Giulia Total population 1092 Male 516 Female 576 Surface (Km2) 38,70 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Cavazzo Carnico lies in a mountainous area at 290 m a.s.l. The Municipality of Cavazzo Carnico belongs to the macro area of “Conca tolmezzina” altogether with Verzegnis, Tolmezzo,Amaro. The macro area pursuits common environmental and energy goals that include the environmental certification schemes UNI EN ISO 14001 and Covenant of Major voluntary action. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has joined the Covenant of Major and has adopted a Sustainable Energy Action plan in 2012 Also it has carried out and implemented the following activities in the RES field: - A feasibility study to exploit hydropower of the Faeit river for an overall capacity of 90KW - An initiative to collect support from about 50 citizens who connect their heating systems to a biomass boiler that will be carried out in the future It has also obtained the following environment activities : - It has obtained the ISO 14001 certification - A forest management plan The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project There are high expectations that the services provided can strengthen the capacity of the community and its staff to carry out energy planning, managing and financing. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The services provided by the Alterenergy to the Municipality are: an update of the sustainable energy integrated plan, feasibility studies and a package of training course on sustainable energy. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The planned interventions will provide tools for a coherent framework of activities on energy efficiency and sustainability.The training courses will enhance and strengthen the capacity building of the municipalities on sustainable energy planning energy and financing. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: San Giorgio di Pesaro General Data Country Region/County Total population Male Female Italy Marche region 1440 715 725 20,88 Surface (Km2) Signatory of Covenant Yes No of Mayors Initiative Web-site Contacts Antonio Sebastianelli Municipality of San Giorgio di Pesaro Sviluppo Marche SpA via R. Sanzio 85 – Ancona Tel. 0039 071/8064509 – mail: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects San Giorgio di Pesaro is a Municipality in the Province of Pesaro Urbino, in the north of Marche Region. It is 30 km far from Pesaro, the provincial main city, which is also member of the Covenant of Mayors. The municipal territory presents a morphology dominated by hills, with a summit of 201 m. The land use is dedicated mainly to agriculture. San Giorgio di Pesaro is characterized by two historical centers and a buildings heritage from 60 and 70s. The settlement morphology is characterized by a low density buildings model (69,4 inhabitants/Km2), mainly developed without a consolidated urban center. San Giorgio is based on a agricultural economy and only two handcraft urban fabric, ISTAT data of 2010 demonstrates that 23 agricultural entrepreneurships, of which 80% has a dimension less than 20 ha) The SAU is 1,795 ha. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability On 18th December 2010 San Giorgio di Pesaro signed the Covenant of Mayors initiative and adopted its SEAP on 23th April 2013. The SEAP has been drafted by San Giorgio Innvazione, Energia e Territorio SRL, which is an in house society owned by the Municipality and committed for energy related issues. Through SEAP measures implementation, San Giorgio planned to reduce CO2 emission of 31% by 2020. The Municipality has a good experience in energy and environmental sustainability fields. San Giorgio di Pesaro has a solar plants for electricity production of 982 kW and a CHP plant of 420 kWe fuelled through sunflower oil. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project San Giorgio di Pesaro has signed the CoM initiative: the Municipality is really interested to be conducted through the Alterenergy process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to raise the awareness of local stakeholders in knowing and accepting the SEAP initiatives, even if they are not really appreciated, such as the biomass plants. The sharing perspective them the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom – up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give a good opportunity to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership. Its mainly expectation is to find common solution to overcome financial problems, after the end of the project. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Target Municipality of Marche region is involved in all activities foreseen in the project, in line with their own energy policies. Moreover, it will be involved in the implementation of feasibility studies on actions to be decided, but with an area strategic approach, due to the similarities of the problems detected and the geographical proximity of some of the municipalities involved. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • Participation to a wide network of small communities in the Adriatic area, where it is possible to discuss and possibly overcome common problems related to energy efficiency and sustainability. • Creation of common action to be implemented in different areas. • Raising awareness of local stakeholders and citizenships on energy related issues and acceptance of some unpopular decision (such as the realization of biomass plants). • SEAP drafting from real needs and possibility to better monitor and evaluate energy consumption in own buildings. • Possibility of creation of new jobs related to green solution, avoiding the migration of young people from little villages. • Participation to the regional SEC, permitting best practices exchanges with other municipalities, already experienced in CoM initiatives and pioneering some financial solution to overcome the stability pact rules in Italy. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Sant’Angelo in Vado General Data Country Italy Region/County Marche region Total population 4156 Male 2037 Female 2119 Surface (Km2) 67,44 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Settimio Bravi – Mayor Sviluppo Marche SpA – via R. Sanzio 85 – Ancona Tel. 0039 071/8064509 – mail: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Sant’Angelo in Vado is an historical Municipality in the Pesaro Urbino Province, located in the North of Marche region on the Metauro river. The Municipality is characterized by the beautiful panorama and the very reach historical, artistically and cultural heritage. It is the favorite destinations of trekkers and it is famous for its agro-food excellences, such as the white truffle. Sant’Angelo in Vado hosts the truffles experimental centre, which is the main important research center in Italy for the study and the application of truffle culture technics and the product certification. Moreover, since 1964 the truffle exposition is visited yearly by thousands of people from all over the world. Main productive sectors are agriculture and tourism. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Energy surveys are under procedures, but the Municipality has signed the Covenant of Mayors initiatives. The main energy production from renewable sources derives from photovoltaic plants: Sant’Angelo in Vado is mainly using photovoltaic plants for their own buildings (such as municipal ones, the schools, the swimming pools and so on). Due to its historical center, Sant’Angelo in Vado will have a particular attention to retrofit own buildings, because the municipal offices are located in historical buildings and have to follow strict law obligation to be renovated. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Sant’Angelo in Vado has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom – up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give it a good opportunities to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership. Its mainly expectation is to find common solution to overcome financial problems, after the end of the project. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Target Municipality of Marche region is involved in all activities foreseen in the project, primarily in the drafting of SEAP and definition of possible and shared actions to be undertaken till 2020, in line with own energy policies. Moreover, the implementation of feasibility studies on actions to be decided, but with an area strategic approach, due to the similarities of the problems detected and the geographical proximity of some of the municipalities involved. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • Participation to a wide network of small communities in the Adriatic area, where it is possible to discuss and possibly overcome common problems related to energy efficiency and sustainability. • Creation of common action to be implemented in different areas. • Raising awareness of local stakeholders and citizenships on energy related issues and acceptance of some unpopular decision (such as the realization of biomass plants). • SEAP drafting from real needs and possibility to better monitor and evaluate energy consumption in own buildings. • Possibility of creation of new jobs related to green solution, avoiding the migration of young people from little villages. • Participation to the regional SEC, permitting best practices exchanges with other municipalities, already experienced in CoM initiatives and pioneering some financial solution to overcome the stability pact rules in Italy. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: San Paolo di Jesi General Data Country Italy Region/County Marche region Total population 905 Male 452 Female 453 Surface (Km2) 10,07 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Sandro Barcaglioni – Mayor Sviluppo Marche SpA – via R. Sanzio 85 – Ancona Tel. 0039 071/8064509 – mail: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects San Paolo di Jesi is a Municipality of Ancona Province, in the center of the Region. It has a hill morphology. The urban settlement covers 5% of the territory and the rest is mainly dominated by vineyards: it is part of the Verdicchio routes, a DOC wine produced in that territory and very known. The main economic sector is represented by agriculture, with 62% of the enterprises active in the Municipality. San Paolo is easy to reach from the main cities of the valley and from the costal ones, being located near the highway to Rome. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability On 27th June 2012 San Paolo di Jesi signed the Covenant of Mayor initiative and on 12th july 2013 adopted and submitted the SEAP, which has been drafted with the support of CIS srl, an in house agency owned by 12 municipalities of Vallesina valley. Since 2000, CIS is the operational society supporting municipalities in the management and valorization of the municipal territory in a sustainable way. Through the SEAP measures implementation, San Paolo di Jesi planned to reduce 485tco3 by 2020, which represents an engagement of 20%, Co2 emission reduction, in comparison with the Co2 emission of 2005. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project San Paolo di Jesi has signed the CoM initiative: the Municipality is really interested to be conducted through the Alterenergy process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to raise the awareness of local stakeholders in knowing and accepting the SEAP initiative, even if they are not really appreciated, such as the biomass plants. The sharing perspective give it the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom – up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give a good opportunity to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership. Its mainly expectation is to find common solution to overcome financial problems, after the end of the project. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Target Municipality of Marche region is involved in all activities foreseen in the project, in line with their own energy policies. Moreover, it will be involved in the implementation of feasibility studies on actions to be decided, but with an area strategic approach, due to the similarities of the problems detected and the geographical proximity of some of the municipalities involved. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • Participation to a wide network of small communities in the Adriatic area, where it is possible to discuss and possibly overcome common problems related to energy efficiency and sustainability. • Creation of common action to be implemented in different areas. • Raising awareness of local stakeholders and citizenships on energy related issues and acceptance of some unpopular decision (such as the realization of biomass plants). • SEAP drafting from real needs and possibility to better monitor and evaluate energy consumption in own buildings. • Possibility of creation of new jobs related to green solution, avoiding the migration of young people from little villages. • Participation to the regional SEC, permitting best practices exchanges with other municipalities, already experienced in CoM initiatives and pioneering some financial solution to overcome the stability pact rules in Italy. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Santa Maria Nuova General Data Country Italy Region/County Marche region Total population 4248 Male 2065 Female 2183 Surface (Km2) 18,04 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Angelo Santicchia Sviluppo Marche SpA – via R. Sanzio 85 – Ancona Tel. 0039 071/8064509 – mail: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Santa Maria Nuova is a Municipality of Ancona Province, in the center of Marche Region, with a hill morphological aspect. The main productive sector is related to wine production, mostly Verdicchio. It also be part of the regional district of plastics production, which represents 4% of the regional exports. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Energy surveys are under procedures, but Santa Maria Nuova has a good experience in energy field, mainly concerning energy from renewable sources. A particular attention has been given to photovoltaic plants implementation on public and private buildings. Moreover, Santa Maria Nuova hosts the first “zero emission” residence in Marche region named “Casa Solare”, fuelled by photovoltaic, geothermal probes, recharge sites for electric vehicles, etc. A real green area, which will avoid 34 tons CO2 yearly. Santa Maria Nuova organized also some communication events in relation to Legambiente Marche, in order to widespread energy saving and renewable energies issues to the citizenship. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Santa Maria Nuova has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom – up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give it a good opportunities to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership. Its mainly expectation is to find common solution to overcome financial problems, after the end of the project. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Target Municipality of Marche region is involved in all activities foreseen in the project, primarily in the drafting of SEAPs and definition of possible and shared actions to be undertaken till 2020, in line with own energy policies. Moreover, the implementation of feasibility studies on actions to be decided, but with an area strategic approach, due to the similarities of the problems detected and the geographical proximity of some of the municipalities involved. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • Participation to a wide network of small communities in the Adriatic area, where it is possible to discuss and possibly overcome common problems related to energy efficiency and sustainability. • Creation of common action to be implemented in different areas. • Raising awareness of local stakeholders and citizenships on energy related issues and acceptance of some unpopular decision (such as the realization of biomass plants). • SEAP drafting from real needs and possibility to better monitor and evaluate energy consumption in own buildings. • Possibility of creation of new jobs related to green solution, avoiding the migration of young people from little villages. • Participation to the regional SEC, permitting best practices exchanges with other municipalities, already experienced in CoM initiatives and pioneering some financial solution to overcome the stability pact rules in Italy. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Offida General Data Country Italy Region/County Marche region Total population 5161 Male 2500 Female 2661 Surface (Km2) 12,41 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Roberto D’Angelo - Environmental councillor Sviluppo Marche SpA – via R. Sanzio 85 – Ancona Tel. 0039 071/8064509 – mail: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Offida is a Municipality in the Province of Ascoli Piceno in the Italian region Marche, located about 80 km south of Ancona and about 12 km northeast of Ascoli Piceno, on a rocky spur between the valleys of the Tesino (from north) and Tronto (south) rivers. From the late 19th century the economy, from a wholly agricultural one, started to rely on handicraft also, with “lace pillow crochet”, through which Offida is known worldwide. The area around Offida produces red, white and Vin Santo Italian DOC wine. There are two varietal white wines produced in the DOCG based on Pecorino and Passerina . Offida is also a site of tourism, reach in history. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Offida has a in house agency totally owned by the Municipality in charge of all energy related aspects (Energie Offida). In its territory there are 3 main photovoltaic plants for a total of more than 1000 Kw, with a technology od grid connected. Last 27th of June the municipal council adopted the SEAP. The Municipality is provided of an Handbook for the Environment Management, in order to satisfy the UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 regulation and in particular to ameliorate the environment management, to be in line with the environmental policies of the Municipality and to guarantee the environmental sustainability in the municipal territory. Offida will have a particular attention to retrofit own buildings, because the municipal offices are located in historical buildings and have to follow strict law obligation to be renovated. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Offida has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom – up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give it a good opportunities to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership. Its mainly expectation is to find common solution to overcome financial problems, after the end of the project. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Target Municipality of Marche region is involved in all activities foreseen in the project, primarily in the drafting of SEAPs and definition of possible and shared actions to be undertaken till 2020, in line with their own energy policies. Moreover, the implementation of feasibility studies on actions to be decided, but with an area strategic approach, due to the similarities of the problems detected and the geographical proximity of some of the municipalities involved. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • Participation to a wide network of small communities in the Adriatic area, where it is possible to discuss and possibly overcome common problems related to energy efficiency and sustainability. • Creation of common action to be implemented in different areas. • Raising awareness of local stakeholders and citizenships on energy related issues and acceptance of some unpopular decision (such as the realization of biomass plants). • SEAP drafting from real needs and possibility to better monitor and evaluate energy consumption in own buildings. • Possibility of creation of new jobs related to green solution, avoiding the migration of young people from little villages. • Participation to the regional SEC, permitting best practices exchanges with other municipalities, already experienced in CoM initiatives and pioneering some financial solution to overcome the stability pact rules in Italy. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Spinetoli General Data Country Italy Region/County Marche region Total population 7259 Male 3558 Female 3701 Surface (Km2) 12,41 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Angelo Canala – Mayor Sviluppo Marche SpA – via R. Sanzio 85 – Ancona Tel. 0039 071/8064509 – mail: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Spinetoli is a Municipality of Ascoli Piceno Province, situated in the south of the region. It is on a hill 177 m high. In the municipal territory there is the Environmental educational center “Oasi La valle”, whose main characteristic is to be a “humid zone” of 25 ha near Tronto river. The main economic sector of Spinetoli are: agriculture and tourism, mainly related to the recent archeological discovery of some Etruscan graves. Moreover, Spinetoli is site of culture, hosting the “Travertino” sculpture festival and hosting the master degree in “International relations” of the University of Studies of Camerino. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Spinetoli, is very active in environmental and energy field. The “Oasi La valle” represents a good example of the union of energy management and environmental sustainability: since 2000, the headquarter of the Environmental education center has been provided with a photovoltaic plant for the production of electricity. Moreover, together with the province of Ascoli Piceno, the Municipality launched an initiative dedicated to its citizens: “Energy efficiency begins at home”, where a private company offered new lamps and hydro-saving devices to the interested families and it will recover the money spent for the purchase of these devices through the “white certificates”. The project could permit an economic saving of about 13 million euros in the entire Province of Ascoli Piceno and a CO2 emission reduction of about 44.876 tons yearly. Moreover, since 2010 the municipal council decided to approve the regulation for the realization of photovoltaic plants in the urban settlement. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Spinetoli has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom – up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give it a good opportunities to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership. Its mainly expectation is to find common solution to overcome financial problems, after the end of the project. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Target Municipality of Marche region is involved in all activities foreseen in the project, primarily in the drafting of SEAPs and definition of possible and shared actions to be undertaken till 2020, in line with their own energy policies. Moreover, the implementation of feasibility studies on actions to be decided, but with an area strategic approach, due to the similarities of the problems detected and the geographical proximity of some of the municipalities involved. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • Participation to a wide network of small communities in the Adriatic area, where it is possible to discuss and possibly overcome common problems related to energy efficiency and sustainability. • Creation of common action to be implemented in different areas. • Raising awareness of local stakeholders and citizenships on energy related issues and acceptance of some unpopular decision (such as the realization of biomass plants). • SEAP drafting from real needs and possibility to better monitor and evaluate energy consumption in own buildings. • Possibility of creation of new jobs related to green solution, avoiding the migration of young people from little villages. • Participation to the regional SEC, permitting best practices exchanges with other municipalities, already experienced in CoM initiatives and pioneering some financial solution to overcome the stability pact rules in Italy. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Castorano General Data Country Italy Region/County Marche region Total population 2387 Male 1179 Female 1208 Surface (Km2) 14,08 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Franco Pezza –Mayor Sviluppo Marche SpA – via R. Sanzio 85 – Ancona Tel. 0039 071/8064509 – mail: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Castorano Is a Municipality of Ascoli Piceno Province, in the south of Marche region. It is located in a hill panorama, mostly dedicated to agricultural activities. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Together with the province of Ascoli Piceno, the Municipality launched an initiative dedicated to its citizens: “Energy efficiency begins at home”, where a private companies offered new lamps and hydro-saving devices to the interested family and it will recover the money spent for the purchase of these devices through the “white certificates”. The project could permit an economic saving of about 13 million euros in the entire Province of Ascoli Piceno and a CO2 emission reduction of about 44.876 tons yearly. Moreover, photovoltaic plants have been provided in many public buildings and in agricultural lands. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Castorano has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom – up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give it a good opportunities to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership. Its mainly expectation is to find common solution to overcome financial problems, after the end of the projec The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Target Municipality of Marche region is involved in all activities foreseen in the project, primarily in the drafting of SEAPs and definition of possible and shared actions to be undertaken till 2020, in line with their own energy policies. Moreover, the implementation of feasibility studies on actions to be decided, but with an area strategic approach, due to the similarities of the problems detected and the geographical proximity of some of the municipalities involved. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • Participation to a wide network of small communities in the Adriatic area, where it is possible to discuss and possibly overcome common problems related to energy efficiency and sustainability. • Creation of common action to be implemented in different areas. • Raising awareness of local stakeholders and citizenships on energy related issues and acceptance of some unpopular decision (such as the realization of biomass plants). • SEAP drafting from real needs and possibility to better monitor and evaluate energy consumption in own buildings. • Possibility of creation of new jobs related to green solution, avoiding the migration of young people from little villages. • Participation to the regional SEC, permitting best practices exchanges with other municipalities, already experienced in CoM initiatives and pioneering some financial solution to overcome the stability pact rules in Italy. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Agnone General Data Country Italy Region/County Molise Total population 5208 Male 2523 Female 2685 Surface (Km2) 96,85 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Agnone is a mountain town of ancient origin, probably Samnite, located at 830 meters above sea level. Its territory is mostly occupied by forests (30.8%), arable land (27.0%) and grassland (24.1%). Famous for its artistic handcraft of copper and iron , Agnone has an economic structure dominated by the tertiary sector, particularly trade, services and public administration. The Municipality is particularly well-known for the production of bells for the most important churches in the world, an almost thousand –year old tradition still brought forward by the Pontificia Marinelli Foundry. Fairly developed are also the food industry (pasta, confectionery, flour milling, dairy and olive oil) and the extraction and processing of aggregates industry. Valuable environmental settings, crafts, other traditional activities and local events are a source of attraction for a selected tourism, especially during the summer. Since 2001, the population of Agnone has been declining steadily of about 1% per year. The ratio of young / old is 1 to 2. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability (2013) Adoption of a SEAP (2013) Project to improve the energy efficiency of the public lighting (2013) Lumière project to reduce energy consumption of public lighting systems; (2013) Project to complete the installation of artistic streetlights with high energy efficiency; (2012-on-going) Energy audit and energy consumption database (2011-2013) Replacing window at Palazzo S. Francis and the Town Hall; (2007) Installing energy-saving lamps in the historic Center; (2005-2013) Replacement of thermal generators of 4 municipal facilities (3 schools + seat communal house) with generators more efficient (2002-2005) Replacing votive lamps with LED lamps at the municipal cemetery. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Given the recent adoption of SEAP (cf. City Council Deliberation No. 18 of 27/05/2013), through the ALTERENERGY project, the Municipality of Agnone aims to give continuity to its energy policy with the definition of feasibility studies, as a useful tool in the path that will lead, through further states of progress, from a stage of analysis to an execution phase of the SEAP. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Being defined, due to extension of technical time needed for transmission of documents needed for the identification of project interventions. Waiting for a date to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Molise Region and the Municipality of Agnone. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability Not yet available The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Sant’Agata di Puglia General Data Country Italy Region/County Puglia Total population 2201 Male 48.5% Female 51.5% Surface (Km ) 115,80 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Sant’Agata is located in the North-West of Puglia, near the border with Campania Region. Built entirely on a portion of the Southern Apennines, at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, the Municipality covers one of the most extensive areas in the Province of Foggia, about 12,000 ha. The urban structure takes into consideration and respects the orography of the mountain, against which it leans. The main environmental characteristics are related to the medieval structure of a pyramidal shaped village, at the top of which stands the massive Imperial Castle. All around are the woods (among which some of the most interesting are Cesine, Monte Croce, Serbaroli, Pozzillo, Coste e Difesa, Castello-SanRocco) and the water courses (that include Frugno, Speca, Calaggio). Data on the demographic situation of Sant ‘Agata di Puglia shows a steady decrease in the resident population. This decrease in population is highly connected to the low birth rate and to the population aging, factors that slow down the generational change. The economy is mainly based on agriculture and the main crops are wheat, grapes and olives. Thanks to the excellent quality product and to an ancient manufacturing tradition in olive oil production, Sant ‘Agata di Puglia is included in the road of DOP-Dauno Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Also significant in this town are tourism activities and the services sector. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The policy adopted by the Municipality of Sant’Agata di Puglia aims to achieve, over a medium / long term period, a number of strategic objectives that cover the economic development of the territory and the conservation of the ecosystem of this area. These objectives are realized through the implementation of several initiatives and programs that focus on sustainability. The Municipality of Sant’Agata di Puglia, has been for a long time active and proactive towards the environmental objectives set by the European Community and has furthermore emphasized its purposes of sustainability by adhering to the Covenant of Mayors, an initiative promoted by the European Community itself. In 2012 the Municipality of Sant’Agata di Puglia was ranked as the best apulian Municipality, among those with population below 10,000 inhabitants, for the implementation of positive practices in the field of Green Energy Policy, in particular for the promotion of the highest number of small photovoltaic systems (plants below 20 kW). The municipal area is also characterized by the presence of several other renewable energy sources plants like solar thermal, wind and biomass. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Thanks to the involvement in the ALTERENERGY Project, the Municipality of Sant’Agata wants to experience the prototype of a “smart village”: a new development model which combines energy sustainability and the use of new technologies for energy efficiency with the additional objective of preserving the medieval heritage of the village. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In 2013-2015 the following interventions will be carried out: • Training courses, information events and capacity building actions aimed to local administrators and stakeholders. Awareness raising events and promoting events aimed to the local population. • Analysis/updating of the energy balance and of the CO2 emissions in relation to the territory and development/updating of an Integrated Plan for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. • Realization of feasibility studies for the implementation of specific actions to be carried out in the field of green economy. • Implementation of infrastructural pilot initiatives. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The benefits of the ALTERENERGY Project in Sant’Agata will be both direct and indirect. The physical infrastructures that will be realized will contribute to improve the energy and environmental sustainability of the Municipality. The studies, the capacity building actions and the awareness rising initiatives aimed to local stakeholders and citizens should improve their knowledge in energy and environmental sustainability fields and their capacity to undertake additional actions in the same filed The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Polverara General Data Country Italy Region/County Veneto Total population 3002 Male 1492 Female 1510 Surface (Km2) 9,85 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Alice Bulgarello - Mayor 049/9774811 - Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Polverara is a small town of 3,048 inhabitants located in the province of Padua. It’s located about 15 kilometers far from the town of Padua. The surface of the town is 9,85 square kilometers and the density population is 294 inhabitants/square kilometer. The height above sea level is about 6 meters. Bacchiglione is a small river which flows near the town. Agriculture and agricultural activities are widespread and prevalent than the industrial and service sectors. Even the animal husbandry is a relevant activity on the traditional economic of the area: in particular the poultry activity is deeply rooted and there is the tradition to raise a particular poultry race “Gallina di Polverara”, which exists today with two different varieties (the white and black) and has a characteristic tuft composed of feathers dense. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability In the municipal area of Polverara energy production is based mainly on the use of fossil fuels (methane-natural gas and diesel). Some final users, distributed in rural areas of the town where a lot of hedges are cultivated for the production of wood biomass for energy, use woody biomass (firewood and pellets, rare wood chips). The City Council has in charge Verdenergia E.S.Co., a mixed public-private society devoted to energy production from renewable sources, to build and manage a district heating system fuelled by a wood biomass boiler (using wood chips). The district heating network serves both public utilities (elementary schools, middle schools, nursery school, city hall) and private users in a residential district. There are also some photovoltaic plants, installed both in public and private buildings. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project To be part of the small Adriatic municipalities community, sharing a common target: improve a sustainable energetic resources management through best practices shared at European level. The Alterenergy project could be an opportunity to gain experiences from other partners in oer to identify new and easier ways to improve sustainable energy management practices in to our community. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project Our purpose is to improve the intervention mainly on local transportation both private and public. Also we wonder to identify new sustainable ways for heating our buildings and produce electricity. The main goal is to find easy way to increase the capacity of our community to be more sustainable in terms of production/consumption of energy. We hope to reach an easy identification of feasible pilot projects to be realized in to our communal area in the following years. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The broad benefits we intend achieve, for our community, is to develop new energy projects will support us to become a total renewable energy area. This framework will be bring us also new jobs opportunities, and will give us more environmental awareness throughout our citizens. Finally we hope to have a better local environment management as an effect of the introduction of these new policies and instruments. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Dobrota General Data Country Montenegro Region Region/County Kotor Total population 8291 Male 48% Female 52% Surface (Km ) 2,6 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Ms. Nadja Miranovic Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Kotor is located at the southwest of Montenegro, on the Adriatic coast. The Community of Dobrota, located at the coastline towards the inner parto of the Boka Kotorska Bay, is the most populated in the Municipality. Due to its geographical location, it has a mild Mediterranean climate with average annual temperature of 15.2 ˚. The economic activities are mainly based on tertiary activities: retail, truism and services. Dobrota counts with numerous touristic facilities. The average bruto salary in Kotor is around 700€/month. The unemployment stays for around 10%. Demographic forecast indicates stable total population, means neutral growth. Average family accounts for 2,98 members. Dobrota concentrates an important number of public amenities, including kindergarten, elementary school, two secondary schools, Faculty of Maritime studies, students’ residence, psychiatric hospital, etc. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Kotor Municipality carries out continuous improvements in public street lightning system. Even though not systematically, there also exist some experience in procurement of energy efficient equipment and some energy audits have been done. It also worth mentioning that Kotor Municipality has an Energy Manager. The Municipality of Kotor recently adopted the Strategic Plan for Development 2013-2017. This document identifies important challenges in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy utilisation and environmental sustainability, including waste management and water cycle. It foresees the implementation of pilot solar energy installations, elaboration of the energy efficiency action plan, improvement of the facilities for the selective collection and recycling of the urban solid waste The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project • • • • • • • • • • • • Support on energy and climate change planning Assessment of the current status in energy balance and establishment of the baseline inventory Definition of the energy and environmental indicators to be used for assessment and future monitoring Analysis of the significant indicators trends Identification of the projects and actions that will improve energy and environmental situation in the Community Realization of feasibility studies for a selection of the proposed projects ; check their technical and economical feasibility, environmental impact, socio- economical affordability and to identify eventual risks. Identification of opportunities for energy improvements, in terms of cost/benefit, for privately owned premises. Definition of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for the community Prepare for the monitoring and periodic verification of SEAP status Capacity building amongst key actors Promotion and awareness raising activities for citizens Positive socio-economic impact of SEAP for the community The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project • • • • • • • • • • Improvements in Energy management of public buildings Characterization of the energy consumptions of the significant public buildings Improvements in efficient lighting Improvement of the buildings air tightness Improvements in HVAC systems of public buildings Solar water heating systems for a public facility Evaluation for each saving measure in energy, economic and environmental terms Evaluation of investment for each measure Recommendations for energy savings in lodging and hospitality buildings – tourism sector Evaluation of social-economic affordability The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • • • • • • • • Improvement in the energy supply reliability Improvement in the energy supply reliability Energy sources diversification Reduction of the GHG emissions Improvements in air quality Significant reduction in energy consumption in public buildings with corresponding economic savings Unlocking the saving potential within the private premises by fostering of the private investments in energy improvements Signature of the Covenant of Mayors Initiative The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Stari Grad (Old Town) General Data Country Montenegro Region Region/County Kotor Total population 981 Male 48% Female 52% Surface (Km ) 0,2 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Ms. Nadja Miranovic Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Kotor is located at the southwest of Montenegro, on the Adriatic coast. The Community of Stari Grad, located at the coastline in the Boka Kotorska Bay, is the oldest in the Municipality. It represents the core of the historic walled city and it concentrates a great amount of the cultural and historic monuments. The specificity of Stari Grad is that due to its valuable cultural and historical heritage it dserved the inclusion in the UNESCOs list of World Natural and Cultural Heritage. This fact is extremly important as it conditions the possible interventions aimed for the energy behavior improvements of the buildings within the Old Town. It is characterized by a mild Mediterranean climate with average annual temperature of 15.2 ˚. Economy is mainly based on tertiary activities: retail, truism and services. In Stari Grad numerous luxury (4 stras and boutique) hotels as well as other kind of lodging is concentrated. The average bruto salary in Kotor is around 700€/month. The unemployment stays for around 10%. Demographic forecast indicates stable total population, means neutral growth. Average family accounts for 2,98 members. The population density of Kotor Municipality peaks in Stari Grad, reaching 4905 inhabitants/km2. In Stari Grad lot of public amenities and institutions. are situated: elementary school, music school, Faculty for Tourism, several museums and archives, courts, etc. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Kotor Municipality carries out continuous improvements in public street lightning system. Even though not systematically, there also exist some experience in procurement of energy efficient equipment and some energy audits have been done. It also worth mentioning that Kotor Municipality has an Energy Manager. The Municipality of Kotor recently adopted the Strategic Plan for Development 2013-2017. This document identifies important challenges in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy utilisation and environmental sustainability, including waste management and water cycle. It foresees the implementation of pilot solar energy installations, elaboration of the energy efficiency action plan, improvement of the facilities for the selective collection and recycling of the urban solid waste, etc The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project • • • • • • • • • • • • Support on energy and climate change planning Assessment of the current status in energy balance and establishment of the baseline inventory Definition of the energy and environmental indicators to be used for assessment and future monitoring Analysis of the significant indicators trends Identification of the projects and actions that will improve energy and environmental situation in the Community Realization of feasibility studies for a selection of the proposed projects ; check their technical and economical feasibility, environmental impact, socio-economical affordability and to identify eventual risks. Identification of opportunities for energy improvements, in terms of cost/benefit, for privately owned premises. Definition of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for the community Prepare for the monitoring and periodic verification of SEAP status Capacity building amongst key actors Promotion and awareness raising activities for citizens Positive socio-economic impact of SEAP for the community The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project • • • • • • • • • • • Improvements in Energy management of public buildings Identification of measures, paying special attention to the buildings protection as the cultural heritage Characterization of the energy consumptions of the significant public buildings Improvements in efficient lighting Improvement of the buildings air tightness Improvements in HVAC systems of public buildings Solar water heating systems for a public facility Evaluation for each saving measure in energy, economic and environmental terms Evaluation of investment for each measure Recommendations for energy savings in lodging and hospitality buildings – tourism sector Evaluation of social-economic affordability. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability • • • • • • • • Improvement in the energy supply reliability Energy sources diversification Reduction of the GHG emissions Improvements in air quality Application of the measures especially indicated for the cultural heritage buildings Significant reduction in energy consumption in public buildings with corresponding economic savings Unlocking the saving potential within the private premises by fostering of the private investments in energy improvements Signature of the Covenant of Mayors Initiative The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Bela Crkva General Data Country Serbia Region/County South Banatski Total population 17360 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 353 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Mirjana Aleksic 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects East Serbia, lowland and river Danube. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture and tourism. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability They don’t have experiences. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plan and Feasibility study are not planned now for this community. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Beocin General Data Country Serbia Region/County South Banat Total population 15589 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 186 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Sekula Petrovic 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects North-West Serbia, on the slopes of Fruška Gora, on the river bank of Danube. The community main economic vocation is based on cement plant and agriculture. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability They have experiences in RES and RUE projects in last five years. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plans are planned to be done for at least three and maximum six communities and list of them is yet to be determined. Plans will be done in August. Feasibility studies are planned to be done in 2014 after separate tender procedure for hiring responsible Technical Consultant. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Koceljeva General Data Country Serbia Region/County Macvanski county Total population 13129 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 257 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Marko Mladenovic Description of geographical, economic and social aspects West Serbia, on the river bank of Tamnava. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability They have experiences in RES and RUE projects in last five years. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plans are planned to be done for at least three and maximum six communities and list of them is yet to be determined. Plans will be done in August. Feasibility studies are planned to be done in 2014 after separate tender procedure for hiring responsible Technical Consultant. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Bela Palanka General Data Country Serbia Region/County Pirotski Total population 12126 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 517 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Biljana Milenkovic Description of geographical, economic and social aspects South-East Serbia, on the slopes of Stara Planina mountain. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture and meat processing industry. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability n/a The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plans are planned to be done for at least three and maximum six communities and list of them is yet to be determined. Plans will be done in August. Feasibility studies are planned to be done in 2014 after separate tender procedure for hiring responsible Technical Consultant. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Boljevac General Data Country Serbia Region/County Zajecarski Total population 14250 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 828 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Sladjan Djimis Description of geographical, economic and social aspects South-East Serbia, hills and rivers Crni Timok and Arnauta. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture and metal industry. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability They don’t have experiences. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plan and Feasibility study are not planned now for this community. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Cajetina General Data Country Serbia Region/County Zlatiborski Total population 15080 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 647 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts Milomir Tucovic Description of geographical, economic and social aspects South-West Serbia, 80% of community is mountain terrain, with river Crni Rzav and 2 accumulative lakes. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture and tourism. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability They don’t have experiences. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plans are planned to be done for at least three and maximum six communities and list of them is yet to be determined. Plans will be done in August. Feasibility studies are planned to be done in 2014 after separate tender procedure for hiring responsible Technical Consultant. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Secanj General Data Country Serbia Region/County Middle Banatski Total population 13819 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 523 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Dusan Bodroza 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects North-East Serbia, lowland and rivers Tamis and Brzava. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability They have experiences in RES and RUE projects in last five years. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plan and Feasibility study are not planned now for this community. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Coka General Data Country Serbia Region/County North Banat Total population 11388 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 321 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Onodi Katalin 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects North-East Serbia, lowland and rivers Tisa and Zlatica. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability They don’t have experiences. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plans are planned to be done for at least three and maximum six communities and list of them is yet to be determined. Plans will be done in August. Feasibility studies are planned to be done in 2014 after separate tender procedure for hiring responsible Technical Consultant. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Bac General Data Country Serbia Region/County South Backa Total population 15292 Male n/a Female n/a Surface (Km ) 365 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Vaso Ostojic 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects North-West Serbia, lowland. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture and tourism. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability They don’t have experiences. The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project Raising level of awareness, knowledge and skills among community population and officials in the area of EE and RES. We also expect benefits from assessments, studies and plans. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project In the frame of T4.2 two workshops are planned, first Workshop will be held in Belgrade, in April and second Workshop will be held in one of the selected communities in August. We also planned two day Seminar that will be held on Zlatibor in June. Energy assessment is planned to be done in May. Sustainable energy plans are planned to be done for at least three and maximum six communities and list of them is yet to be determined. Plans will be done in August. Feasibility studies are planned to be done in 2014 after separate tender procedure for hiring responsible Technical Consultant. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability After finishing two workshops and one seminar we expect higher level of energy management skills of community officials. Beside energy assessments documents, we might have SEAP for this community which can be used for Feasibility study and pilot project in the future The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Divača General Data Country Slovenia Region/County Coastal - Karst Total population 3829 Male 1988 Female 1841 Surface (Km2) 147,8 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Phone: +386 05 731 09 30 fax: +386 05 731 09 40 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Sežana is located in the South west of Slovenia, in the Karst-Littoral region at the border with Italy. In the Municipality the main business activity is connected to works in manufacturing, construction and trade. Despite its small size the Divača Municipality is full of diversity because it is located between the sea and the hilly hinterland. The Karst shows its image in the magnificent Škocjan caves, in the Divača cave and in typical karst architecture. Potential renewable sources of energy in the Municipality Divača are: wind energy, biomass, geothermal water and solar energy. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The main experience is the following: elaboration of several energy audits of public buildings, obtainment of national incentives for energy refurbishment of public buildings, energy awareness activities, participation at EU energy projects, construction of two wind power plants, opening of energy consulting office. Within the year 2013 the Municipality of Divača was awarded as the most energy efficient Slovene Municipality (between small-sized municipalities). The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The main expectation is to raise energy efficiency within the public buildings, to incentivate the use of renewables, to reduce the energy consumption and to increase the use of green transport within all Municipality territory. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The interventions are the following: adheresion to Convenant of Mayors, organisation of event and ufficial signature of adheresion letter, study of key contents for SEAP development at municipalities Miren-Kostanjevica, Brda and Divača, implemenation of computer-supported information system for target monitoring of energy use and installation of energy supervisory information system and information display of energy use, WEB tool for evaluating energy balances, energy assessment document for pilot Municipality, SEAP document elaboration, feasibility studies within energy field, investment into sustainable transport, awareness raising through workshops, conferences and theatre tool. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The main benefits were the following: energy planning through the SEAP document elaboration, reduction of energy consumption within the public sector, the elaboration of feasibility studies that will contribute at acceleration of energy refurbishment activities, increase the use of renewable sources, the raise of knowledge of public administration and inhabitants regarding the energy use and consumption, sustainable transport awareness. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Brda General Data Country Slovenia Region/County Goriška Total population 5686 Male 2485 Female 2841 Surface (Km2) 72 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Phone: 00386 5 335 10 30 Fax: 00386 5 335 10 39 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Municipality Brda is located in western Slovenia. It is part of the Goriška statistical region. The population density was 79 people per square kilometre, which was lower than the national average of 101 people per square kilometre. The Brda hills – approximately six thousand inhabitants live here in closely grouped villages. It is the influence of the sea combined with the beneficial Mediterranean climate that nourishes the fertile soil on the flysch base. The Municipality is mainly an agricultural Municipality. Wine growing and wine trade are the most significant activities, along with fruit-growing and olive trade. Numerous castles and picturesque villages make it a tourist attraction. The Municipality has a great potential of renewable energy sources (solar energy, biomass and geothermal energy). Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The main experience is the following: photovoltaic plant, replacement of old oil heating plants with biomass heating plants, elaboration of several energy audits of public buildings, obtainment of national incentives for energy refurbishment of public buildings, energy awareness activities, participation at EU energy projects. One of it’s important experience in the field in energy is the participation within the MARIE project where the energy refurbishement is foreseen to be implemented through the innovative financial mechanisms - ESCO model (Third Party Financial mechanism) and within the project Renewable Energy sources of Primorska municipalities (Swiss contribution funds). The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The main expectation is to raise energy efficiency within the public buildings, to incentivate the use of renewables, to reduce the energy consumption and to increase the use of green transport within all Municipality territory. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The interventions are the following: adheresion to Convenant of Mayors, organisation of event and ufficial signature of adheresion letter, study of key contents for SEAP development at municipalities Miren-Kostanjevica, Brda and Divača, implemenation of computer-supported information system for target monitoring of energy use and installation of energy supervisory information system and information display of energy use, WEB tool for evaluating energy balances, energy assessment document for pilot Municipality, SEAP document elaboration, feasibility studies within energy field, investment into sustainable transport, awareness raising through workshops, conferences and theatre tool. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The main benefits were the following: energy planning through the SEAP document elaboration, reduction of energy consumption within the public sector, the elaboration of feasibility studies that will contribute at acceleration of energy refurbishment activities, increase the use of renewable sources, the raise of knowledge of public administration and inhabitants regarding the energy use and consumption, sustainable transport awareness. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Miren Kostanjevica General Data Country Slovenia Region/County Goriška Total population 4823 Male 2438 Female 2385 Surface (Km2) 63 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Phone: +386 5 330 46 70 fax: +386 5 330 46 82 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Miren-Kostanjevica is a Municipality in western Slovenia, on the border with Italy. The Municipality’s main settlements are Miren and Kostanjevica na Krasu. It is a part of the Goriška statistical region, measures 63 km2; this ranks it 109th among Slovene municipalities. In 2010 the population density was 77 people per square kilometer. The mean age of people in Miren - Kostanjevica was 42.8 years, which was higher than the national average (41.6). The main renewable sources are solar energy and biomass. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The main experience is the following: construction of passive kindergarten, construction of low energy buildings, replacement of old oil heating plants with biomass heating plants, district heating, CO2 footprint reduction, elaboration of several energy audits of public buildings, obtainment of national incentives for energy refurbishment of public buildings, energy awareness activities, participation at EU energy projects. Within the year 2011 the Municipality of Miren Kostanjevica was awarded as the most energy efficient Slovene Municipality (between small-sized municipalities). The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The main expectation is to raise energy efficiency within the public buildings, to incentivate the use of renewables, to reduce the energy consumption and to increase the use of green transport within all Municipality territory. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The interventions are the following: adheresion to Convenant of Mayors, organisation of event and ufficial signature of adheresion letter, study of key contents for SEAP development at municipalities Miren-Kostanjevica, Brda and Divača, implemenation of computer-supported information system for target monitoring of energy use and installation of energy supervisory information system and information display of energy use, WEB tool for evaluating energy balances, energy assessment document for pilot Municipality, SEAP document elaboration, feasibility studies within energy field, investment into sustainable transport, awareness raising through workshops, conferences and theatre tool. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The main benefits were the following: energy planning through the SEAP document elaboration, reduction of energy consumption within the public sector, the elaboration of feasibility studies that will contribute at acceleration of energy refurbishment activities, increase the use of renewable sources, the raise of knowledge of public administration and inhabitants regarding the energy use and consumption, sustainable transport awareness. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Pivka General Data Country Slovenia Region/County Notranjsko - kraška statistical region Total population 5962 Male 3025 Female 2949 Surface (Km ) 223 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No Web-site Contacts Phone: 00386 5 721 0100 fax: 00386 5 721 0102 2 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Pivka was founded in 1994. It is situated in the karst region of Zgornja Pivka, on part of the wooded plateaus of Javornik and Mount Snežnik, the Košanska valley, the River Reka valley, and reaches the Brkini hills. It is a part of the Notranjsko-kraška statistical region and it measures 223 km2; this ranks it 22nd among Slovene municipalities. The Municipality with karst character is part of the Notranjsko-kraška region. Forestry and wood processing industries are the most important economic activities beside food industry. The only town in the Municipality is Pivka, which is also its centre. The population density was in year 2009 27 people per km2, which was lower than the national average of 101 people per km2. The mean age of people in Pivka was 41.2 years, which was lower than the national average (41.4 years). The main renewable energy source are biomass and solar energy. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The main experience is the following: high level of biomass exploitation, realisation of micro district heating system, elaboration of project documentation for public lightning, energy refurbishment of public buildings, elaboration of Local Energy Concept and SEAP documents, replacement of old oil heating plants with biomass heating plants, CO2 footprint reduction, energy audits of public buildings and feasibility studies elaboration, energy awareness activities, participation within EU energy projects. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The main expectation is to raise energy efficiency within the public buildings, to incentivate the use of renewables, to reduce the energy consumption and to increase the use of green transport within at municipal level. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The interventions are the following: adheresion to Convenant of Mayors, organisation of event and ufficial signature of adheresion letter, study of key contents for SEAP development, SEAP document elaboration, feasibility studies for sustainable transport, investment into equipment for sustainable transport, awareness raising through workshops, conferences and implementation of theatre tool. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The main benefits are the following: energy and action plan through the SEAP document elaboration, reduction of energy consumption within the public sector, elaboration of feasibility study for sustainable transport, awareness on sustainable transport, increase of renewable sources use, raise of knowledge of public administration and inhabitants regarding the renewable energy use and consumption. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The ALTERENERGY Communities: Šempeter Vrtojba General Data Country Slovenia Region/County Goriška statistical region Total population 6269 Male 3076 Female 3193 Surface (Km ) 15 Signatory of Covenant of Mayors Initiative Yes No 2 Web-site Contacts phone: 00386 5 335 1000 fax: 00386 5 335 1007 Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Šempeter-Vrtojba was established in 1998. It is made up of two settlements, Šempeter pri Gorici and Vrtojba. It lies in Western Slovenia on the border with Italy, and south of Nova Gorica, which is the administrative, economic and cultural centre of the Goriška region, also known as the North Littoral (Primorska) Region. The Municipality, with a surface area of only 15 km2 , is one of the smallest and ranks 204th in Slovenia. It has strong economic indicators, a high percentage of well-educated residents, a high standard of living as well as a high expenditure for conservation and sustainable energy. In year 2009 the population density was 427 people per m2, which was higher than the national average of 101 people per m2. The mean age was 43.4 years, which was higher than the national average (41.8). From an economic perspective, the local region is very interesting. Its position in the broader Goriška region provides excellent conditions for the economy’s development; this is proven by its well-developed industry. The predominant economic sectors are logistics, transportation and shops, as well as local independent businesses dealing with transportation, and the metal and construction industries. The area is also interesting as regards landscape and climate. The Mediterranean climate, from the west and the sea, has a positive effect on agricultural produce. An excellent soil composition and mild climate offer the best conditions for viticulture, fruit farming, horticulture, greengrocery and floristry. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The main experience is the following: installation of photovoltaic plant on the noise barrier, elaboration of Local Energy Concept and SEAP documents, energy refurbishment of public lightning, energy refurbishment of public building, CO2 footprint reduction, elaboration of energy audits of public buildings and feasibility studies for energy refurbishment, energy awareness activities, participation at EU energy projects. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance The experience of the Target Community within ALTERENERGY project The expectations towards ALTERENERGY Project The main expectation is to raise energy efficiency within the public buildings, to incentivate the use of renewables, to reduce the energy consumption and to increase the use of green transport within at municipal level. The interventions that will be/are being carried out through the ALTERENERGY Project The interventions are the following: adheresion to Convenant of Mayors, organisation of event and ufficial signature of adheresion letter, study of key contents for SEAP development, SEAP document elaboration, feasibility studies for sustainable transport, investment into equipment for sustainable transport, awareness raising through workshops, conferences and implementation of theatre tool. The benefits and the results of the interventions for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability The main benefits are the following: energy and action plan through the SEAP document elaboration, reduction of energy consumption within the public sector, elaboration of feasibility study for sustainable transport, awareness on sustainable transport, increase of renewable sources use, raise of knowledge of public administration and inhabitants regarding the renewable energy use and consumption. The Project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance