August 14 - St. Julie Billiart Roman Catholic Parish


August 14 - St. Julie Billiart Roman Catholic Parish
7399 West 159th Street
Tinley Park IL 60477
August 14
Year of
December 8, 2015
November 20, 2016
Mercy Monday
September 12
See page 7
Page 2
Inside this Issue
Fr. Lou’s Line
Parish Happenings
and Highlights
Parish Calendar
Sacrificial Giving
Minister’s Schedules
Mass Intentions
In Our Prayers
Year of Mercy
Liturgy & Music
Human Concerns
Religious Education
Community Life
Youth & Young Adults
Bulletin Board
Job Postings
Bulletin Board
Parish Contacts
Letters from St. Julie~
I am perfectly
free to act
for the greater glory
of the good God.
~Julie, L92
vetting applicants, interviewing, evaluating
auditions and recommending a candidate:
We welcome today Drs. Antionette Lullo and Sue Clemons, Ed Eubanks, Kay Kempke,
Brian Medernach who are speaking on behalf Jim Pfieffer, Sheila Pluchar and Fr. Bob Regan.
of Mission Doctors Association. They will share I also offer a word of thanks to the choir
their experiences and ask for our support in members who made themselves available to
the missions. We give them a heartfelt
participate in the auditions. Lastly, a word of
welcome to St. Julie and encourage folks to
gratitude to Sue Clemons and Barb Theis
be generous in responding.
who really stepped up to ensure that our
music program continued in this time of
transition. I look forward welcoming Siobhán
to St. Julie when she begins on September 1st.
Tomorrow, August 15th, is the Solemnity of
the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
While it remains a Holy Day, the obligation is
lifted this year because the feast day falls on
Monday. Mass will be at 8:00am in the
In keeping this feast, we celebrate Mary being
assumed into heaven - body and soul! Her
willingness to be the vessel through which
Christ was born afforded us the revelation of
God’s desire to be with us. The Scriptures
today tell the story of Mary greeting Elizabeth
and the joy of John the Baptist leaping in his
mother’s womb. In this revelation, we see
that God has made a home with us, the
Incarnation, so that we may one day be at
home with God, the Resurrection. We follow
the pattern of holiness of Mary in saying yes
to God and one day we too hope to join her
in heaven.
I am happy to share the news that St. Julie
now has a new Director of Music Ministry!
I recently hired Siobhán Maguire to this
position. Siobhán is a very talented musician
and is passionate about good liturgy with
good music! Siobhán comes to us from,
serving most recently as Music Director,
St. Hubert Parish in Hoffman Estates. She
previously served in the same capacity at
St. Victor Parish in Calumet City and St. Mary
Parish in Riverside. She will be a wonderful
addition to our staff.
I wish to thank the members of the search
committee who assisted in the process of
For many years, Merilee Andreasen has been
the receptionist who greets folks when they
first come to the office. She’s provided a
warm first impression of our parish to
countless folks. For some time now, Merilee
and her husband Frank have been planning a
move out east to be closer to their daughter,
Emily. They recently sold their home and are
planning to make this move, which means
that Merilee will be leaving our staff. Their
hope is to be out east by October 1st which
means that Merilee will be departing from
St. Julie in the middle of September; her last
day will be September 15th. Merilee’s
encouragement to find a new person to train
before she departs is part of the reason we
hired Karen Calcagno. We certainly will miss
Merilee and Frank, but we wish them all the
best as they relocate to the East Coast.
Thanks to all who participated in the monthly
food fundraiser at Ed & Joe’s Pizzeria. Once
again, we had a successful night where folks
enjoyed a delicious meal while supporting
St. Julie at the same time. For nearly one year
now we have made the rounds to local
eateries who donated a percentage of the
profits back to St. Julie. I want to thank Rita
Beaupre for organizing each event. I also wish
to thank all of you who turned out!
Peace & Prayers,
Page 3
Time Chang
for 6th Gra
de Religiou
s Ed
Summer Mission Appeal is here
On behalf of Mission Doctors Association,
Dr. Antoinette Lullo and Dr. Brian Medernach are
speaking at all the Masses as part of the Archdiocese
of Chicago Mission Co-op Program. They will share
the work of this nearly 60 year old organization, and
their experience as Mission Doctors in Peru.
A mission of healing and partnership of hope,
Mission Doctors Association invites us to keep all
the Mission Doctors in our prayers, and
consider joining them in this lifesaving
work. At all the weekend masses, learn
more about this organization, as we
welcome Drs. Lullo and Medernach.
6th Grade cla
sses will
start at 6:30
p.m. on
alternating Th
Classes begin
Please see pa
September 8
e 10 for more
You made it possible for us to
give 30 complete backpacks along
with several boxes of additional
items to Interfaith Committee for
D e t a i n e d I m m i g ra n t s !
trip like?
the Kentu
What was ne of our group ch ce!
Read wha ay about her expe
had to s
See page
Knights of Columbus
Tootsie Roll Sale
August 20/21
Friday, August 26, 2016
After all weekend Masses.
Please stop and purchase
Tootsie Rolls in support of our
SPRED program.
Thank you
for your generosity!
Silver Lake South
Get in on the fun
and support a good cause!
See page 11 for details
Page 4
Parish Office
Regular Hours
(Subject to change without notice)
Mass for the Deaf & Indoor Picnic
- Chapel & Parish Hall
August 14
4:00 pm
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Church
Autumn Leaves - Away
August 15
AA - Devine Center
8:00 am
10:00 am
8:00 pm
August 16
Wednesday RCIA - Staff Conference Room
August 17 Liturgy Board Meeting - Great Room
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Chapel
Bible Study - Great Room
August 18
Holy Hour of Reparation - Chapel
8:30 am
9:30 am
4:00 pm
Mary Chapel Opens
August 19
8:30 am
Saturday AA - Devine Center
August 20 SPRED Tootsie Roll Sale - Selling Circle
7:30 pm
Hospitality Sunday - Parish Hall
Bingo - Devine Center
August 21 TNT Leader’s Meeting - Youth Center
SPRED Tootsie Roll Sale - Selling Circle
8:00 am
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
Sacrificial Giving for July 1, 2016 ~ June 30, 2017
August 7
Year to Date
$ 92,719.34
Under Budget
($ 1,690.41)
($ 27,322.07)
Children’s Envelopes
Children’s Amount
St Julie Billiart Parish
Monday thru Thursday
8:30am - 8:00pm
Closed for lunch
9:00am - 1:00pm
Friday* and Sunday
* On Fridays
the Mary Chapel
will be open from
8:30am - 4:00pm
Access only thru doors
by the Parish Office.
500 Club Winners:
August 7, 2016
1st Prize ~ $100
#250 Ginny Vizdal
2nd Prize ~ $25
#12 Thomas Conroy
Liturgical Ministers
August 20/21
(subject to change without notice)
4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Page 5
10:30 a.m.
12:00 Noon
6:00 p.m.
Fr. Lou Tylka
Fr. Lou Tylka
Fr. Lou Tylka
Fr. Lou Tylka
Fr. Ed McLaughlin
Bill Lubben
Ed Pluchar
Ed Pluchar
Bill Lubben
Bill Lubben
C. Clouse
S. Rheinheimer
C. Hohner
C. Seitz
B. Theis
D. Wydra
1st B. Broz
2nd E. Eubank
J. VanKlaveren
M. Cothern
J. Tuzik
N. Gorman
C. Nied
W. Fish
M. Halicki
K. Supple
K. Weishaar
C. Evans
R. Hill
J. Noga
T. Scallon
A. Geigner
K. Rost
Not Filled
J. Dring
O. Pedersen
T. Pedersen
A. Mani
E. Mani
G. Mani
F. Duncan
G. Fernandez
F. Porcaro
A. Gravina
J. Pia
L. Salgado
R. Bracken
B. Broz
C. Conachen *
M. Grzeslo
A. Hayes
E. Helmold
P. Helmold
M. Hernaez
B. Kmak
J. Lisiecki
M. Lisiecki
J. McErlean
J. Neven
J. O'Connor
M. Ryan *
T. Scallon
C. Scallon
B. Weglarz
M. Burmeister
B. Daum
D. Gallagher
M. Geary
G. Gestaut
M. Jarosch
K. Koszut
C. Lipuma
J. Matz
J. McMillian
S. McMillian
B. Ritchie
K./J. Rost
S. Rost
R. Siepka
J. Van Klaveren
E. Collins
Starr Connors
M. Cronin
R. Espinos
M. Estandarte
J. Hannigan
M. Hannigan
K. Keller
E. Kuta
M. Kuta
R. Kuta
M. McCarthy
M. Melgar
T. Melgar
C. Minatto
K. Pedersen
D. Shanahan
J. Tuzik
K. Benz
J. De Vivo
M. Gastala
B. Kokaska
C. Kokaska
M. Mitchell
J. Nels
A. Nevins
C. Nied
M. Plys
M. Prepura, Sr.*
M. Rubino
D. Ryan
J. Taylor
J. Van Zeyl
C. Ward
S. Wasinski
J. Zander
S. Biel
D. Dobrzynski
L. Freundt
L. Ignacio
K. Intrieri
D. Jozwiak
J. Kilanowski
P. Laspesa
T. Lavan
M. Marchbanks
P. Moskal
M. Pratt
E. Sniegowski
Not Filled
Not Filled
Not Filled
S. Becvar
D. Buckley
T. Corcuera
K. Duffy
P. Duffy
J. Lucas
T. O'Donnell
M. O'Donnell
J. Rickey
T. Sherry
Not Filled
Not Filled
Not Filled
Not Filled
Not Filled
(* denotes sub has been
requested and is needed)
Fr. Frank Kurucz
Mass Intentions for Daily Masses Monday - Friday at 8:00 a.m.
August 15
August 16
August 17
+Whilemina Nixon
+Fr. Richard Jozwiak
+Josephine Parisi
+Rafael Garcia
+Dr. Robert Stanzler
Deceased members of the
McGurk & Hynes families
+Fred & Dolores Fugger
+John Spreadbury
Deceased members of:
Morrissey & Leonard families
For an end to abortion
August 18
August 19
+Joseph & Stella Szwed +Mary, Frank & Vivian Klus
+John Grigus
&deceased family members
+Judy Roth
+Anthony & Katherine
+Joseph Lanza
+Rev. Francis Kaucky
+Michael Neary
+Dorothy & Walter Broz
Deceased relatives and
Beloved Deceased of
friends of the Nixon family
St. Julie Billiart
Mass Intentions for the Christian Sabbath, the Lord’s Day
Sunday, August 21
August 20
4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
+Terry & Richard Sharp
+Steve Ogintas
+Susie Ferrara
+Virginia Murray
+Sr. Gwendolyn Durkin
+Mary Schulok
+John Glatz
+Fiore Chiappetti
+Joseph Biernat
+Lottie Paluch
+Nancy Moritz
+Marty Andreasen
+Robert Nixon, Jr.
+John O’Rourke
+Phyllis Tumpich
+Elmer Korhorn
+Rose O’Gorman
+Nancy Miller
+Pat Callaghan, Sr.
+Kach & Zincavage family
+Charles James
+Infant Scarlet Lanton
+Mary Alroth
+Genevieve Ryba
+Suzanne Nugent
+Alexander Stachowiak
+Wanda Modzelewski
12:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
+Lindy & Mary Michelon
St Julie
+Hank Kulenski
+Paula Buhrmeister
+Viola G. Haddad
+Jack Sambo
Deceased members of the
Galenziewski family
Individual deceased names will be preceded by the cross (+) sign .
Page 6
Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord. Philippians 1:21
Barbara Ciccone
(mother of Dena)
One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
Ephesians 4:5
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Giovanni Manuel
son of Danielle and Gerard Laud
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Kinsey Nicole
daughter of Julie and James Gilman
Ann Oyler
Glenn Bragg
Ray Roth
Rita Petlak
Robert Mueller
Sue Dotson
Jack Norris
Sam Prestinario
Genevieve Kulenski
Janet Coluzzi
Greg Coluzzi
Sr. Josephine Espinos
Linda Rizzo
Mike Jordan
Eileen Hauser
Edward Sroka
Scott Hiss
Hedwig (Hedy) Mayer
Anna Seninger
Edward Sabo
Mary Dwyer
George Donovan
Raymond Przybylski
Frances Cardella
Martin Edward
son of Marcee Manglardi and Martin Groark
Nolan Anthony
son of Kim and Anthony Herron
Skylar Victoria
daughter of Andrea and Kirill Shlepakov
Thomas Ryan, USMC
Major Jim Hannigan, US Army
1st Lt. Brian Sutor, USAF
Col. Tom Vogel, US Army
Lt. Col. Dan Vogel, US Army
Paul Evans SSG, US Army
Joseph Lyon PFC
Alex Bubis PFC, US Army
Raul Torres, US Army
Sgt. Jason L. O’Brien, US Army
Timothy J. Avolio, US Navy
Master Sgt. Michael LaGiglia
1st Lt. Mario LaGiglia
Sr. Airman Dominic LaGiglia
Sr. Airman Brandon LaGiglia
Private Geno LaGiglia
Sgt. John Thomas LaGiglia
Capt. Kelly Pajak Johnson
Capt. Matthew Johnson
US Army National Guard
Private Salvatore Chavez, US Army
Capt. Katherine Maglia, USAF
Michael J. Yucuis, Jr., USAF
Lt. Col. Kimberly (Nyderek) Schmidt, USAF
Nick Merda, U.S. Marines
Lt. Charles S. Novak, US Coast Guard
John T. Hannigan
PFC John Riordan, US Army
Tanya Ayon, USAF
Private Juan Carlos Chavez, US Army
AFC Tanya Rhude, USAF
Capt. Michael J. VanWyk, USMC
Lt. Cmdr. Michael P. Schnolis, US Navy
Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Whitney
Airman Richard P. Scherl
Matt West, US Army
2nd Lt. David Pierce, US Army
Staff Sgt. Carmen Consolino, USMC
Sgt. Timothy Gena, USMC
Airman Michael R. Sarniak, Jr., US Coast Guard
Kimberly Rodriguez, US Marines
Matt Brophy, US Army
Capt. Michael Wieland, US Marines
Capt. John S. Dabrowski, US Army
Capt. Brian Dommer, US Army
Sgt. Robert Sterling, US Army
Timothy Driscoll, US Army
Cpl. Joseph G. Kowalczyk, USMC
Bryan Holubik, US Navy
PVT Matthew Ryan, US Army
Lt. Cmdr. Michael W. Meno, Jr., US Navy
2nd Lt. Andrew Reno
1st Lt John H. Weiss
John Scope, US Army
AFC Alex Barrett, USAF
Sgt. Daniel Patrick Ryan, US Army
CPL Joe Louis Siebenaler, US Army
PFC Rhiannon Siebenaler, US Army
PFC Daniel Wiatrowski, US Army
Tyler Novak, US Army
PV2 Eric Holubik, US Army
PVI/PFC Abel Santillan, US Marines
Capt. Brandon Schmidt, USAF
2nd Lt. Tom Ortega, US Army
Staff Sgt. Richard Vicere, USMC
Lance Corp. Patrick Kinnerk, USMC
Lance Corp. Mathew Kats, USMC
Sgt. Nicholas Kwiatek, US Marines
Ensign. Kevin Kwiatek, US Navy
PFC Nicholas Hoiseck, US Army
* To add your military family member who is currently serving our country to the prayer list, please call the parish office.
When he/she is released from their service, please let us know so we can keep this list current.
Thank you ~ God Bless America and all those who serve.
Page 7
St. Julie Prayer Intentions
August 11-17: For missionaries, including
the Mission Doctors Association, that they
receive the funds they need to bring the
transformative word of God to the four
corners of the world.
August 18-24: For all students returning to
class, that the new academic year be one of
robust learning and friendship nurturing.
Holy Father’s Monthly Prayer Intention
August 2016
Universal: Sports – That sports may be an
opportunity for friendly encounters between
peoples and may contribute to peace in the
Evangelization: Living the Gospel – That
Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness
to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor.
Yo u m a d e i t p o s s i b l e
for us to give 30
complete backpacks along with
several boxes of additional items
to Interfaith Committee for
Detained Immigrants!
Jubilee of Mercy
and Mercy Mondays
The parishes of Orland Park &
Tinley Park are collaboratively
working to celebrate this Jubilee Year. On the second Monday of each month we host a
Mercy Monday event. These different events
will rotate among the parishes and include
times of prayer, reflection and putting mercy
in action. Each of these events will build upon
developing a better understanding of God’s
September 12 at 7:00pm
Mercy is an all encompassing virtue .
Hosted by St. Julie Billiart Parish
Page 8
Worship Office
(708) 429-6906
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Please Support Our Thrift Stores!
Our thrift stores are a blessing to the
community, providing employment
opportunities, volunteer and
community service hours, and
affordable clothing, furniture,
electronics, appliances, and much
more for those with a limited budget.
Thrift store donations and proceeds
support many of our programs and
services including our Emergency
Voucher Program—a source of hope
for those who are unable to purchase
basic necessities such as back to
school clothing or pots and pans to
prepare meals.
Faith in Action
Have you received hope, comfort and
love at a time in your life when you
needed it most? Do you feel it’s time
to give to others the blessings you
have received?
There are hospice patients in our area
who would greatly benefit from your
companionship and encouragement. If
you are interested in finding out more
about caring VITAS volunteers, call
Joanna Voorhees at 781-4401.
Postage for Military Care
7010 W. 159 Street
Orland Park
Mon-Sat: 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Sun: 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Food Collection
Don’t forget our neighbors in need.
Pick up some non-perishable items as
well as diapers, paper products and
In today’s Gospel Jesus said to
his disciples: “I have come to set
the earth on fire, and how I wish
it were already blazing! There is
a baptism with which I must be
baptized, and how great is my
anguish until it be accomplished!
Your gift to the Society to assist
those suffering in poverty will help
Twice a year, in the summer and at
set the earth on fire with the of
Christmas, we send over 100 Care
Packages to deployed military men and God’s love.
women. Donations of clothing and
Not sure what to donate? Here's a list
toiletries, soap, shampoo, deodorant
of essential items:
and toilet paper are always needed
Microwaves, coffee makers, blenders, and can be dropped off all year. You
may have seen the bulletin board,
mixers, can openers
containing the touching thank you
Musical instruments, radios, clocks
letters, in the Selling Circle. They are
and clock radios
especially grateful when someone in
Pots and pans, dishes, china,
addition to their families remembers
them and the sacrifice they are making
for our country. We would be very
Children’s clothing
grateful for any donations to cover the
Kitchen tables and chairs, dining
cost of the postage needed to send
tables and chairs
Sofas, recliners, living room chairs
Dressers and chests of drawers
Back-to-school supplies and clothing Help Us to Support the
Thrift Store Donations may be
dropped off at:
Page 9
Church’s Initiative on Marriage
Ministers of Praise
The Ministry of Praise is a spiritual
ministry in here at St. Julie where a
group of parishioners offer their
prayers, sufferings, joys and sorrows
to God for the salvation of souls. The
members intercede through the recital
of the rosary and other devotions and
prayers for the personal needs they
have been asked to pray for. They also
pray for the clergy, the people of St.
Julie and world concerns. The sick,
handicapped, homebound and all
seniors are eligible to be members. If
you would be interested in praying for
the needs of others, please contact
the Parish Office and a Minister of
Praise will be in touch.
Let us turn our hearts back to God
and allow him to lead and guide us so
that we can fulfill God’s plan and
purpose for our lives and marriages.
Sign up today to attend one of the
upcoming Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekends on
August 12-14, 2016, October 7-9, 2016 Annulments
or December 9-11, 2016, all at Elk
Annulment support is available by
Grove Village, IL. Early registration is
calling the Parish Office at 429-6767.
highly recommended. For
reservations/information, call Jim &
Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us
Page 10
Religious Education
Office (708) 429-1044
Let Your Light Shine!
Time Change
For 6th Grade
Pay your
tuition with
Earn Religious
Tuition Rebates
Due to the
restructuring of
our Sixth Grade Religious Education
classes and to adequately accommodate
our dedicated catechists and Sixth Grade
families, it was necessary to make an
important change to the 2016-17
Calendar that affects the Sixth grade
families. Sixth grade classes will continue
to meet on Thursday evenings, but will
now begin earlier at 6:30 p.m. and end at
8:00 p.m. Sixth grade classes begin
September 8th.
Graduation parties, showers,
weddings, summer vacation
planning are all perfect
Class Begin Soon!
opportunities to use Scrip
gift cards and earn valuable
We are now in the process of organizing
rebates for your family.
classes and recruiting Catechists, so it is
Scrip is sold year
Don’t stop earning rebates
while school is not in
session. Scrip summer hours
are shown below.
Summer Cash & Carry
Sales Monday mornings
from 9:00am-10:00am
Wednesday evenings from
Parish couriers will continue
throughout the summer on
their normal schedule.
Need More Information?
Please visit the CJB web site
and click on GIVING, then
SCRIP or contact one of our CJB
Scrip Team members:
Corinna Pytel 708-478-0710
Karen Calcagno 708-226-1213
Colleen Harris 708-429-4190
important for you to send in your
registration as soon as possible. Tuition
and all applicable fees should be paid in
full at the time of registration. All
previous balances must be paid in full
prior to registering for the upcoming
year. Please call the Religious Education
Office (429-1044) with any questions.
The Religious Education program is for
children in Preschool thru 8th Grades
who attend the district schools. Since
our program is developmental, the
children are expected to attend ALL
levels in order to be fully initiated and
formed into the life of the Church.
If you are reading this, you are most
probably interested in nurturing and
exploring your own faith and possibly
sharing it with others. So, if you have
faith to share and want to fulfill your
Baptismal commitment, how about
considering being a Catechist for the
young people enrolled in our Religious
Education Program?
Feeling inadequate? Please know that all
of your materials are prepared for you
and you also have the opportunity to
meet with the other
Catechists at your
grade level for a
monthly planning
As registration
continues and more students are added
to classrooms, there is a growing need
for more Catechists! There are also
times when our regularly scheduled,
dedicated Catechists are sick or need to
attend a family event or celebration and
they need someone to take their class
for one session. We would like to
cultivate a list of substitutes that can
REALLY be present on those rare
occasions when a Catechist needs
someone. If you can help us by being a
Catechist or Substitute Catechist, please
call the Religious Education Office at
429-1044. As our needs change, you
might be called upon! May God
graciously reward your wonderful
generosity of spirit.
2016 - 2017 Religious Education Calendar
Classes resume after Labor Day for the 2016 – 1017 school
year, according to the schedule listed below. Our new calendar
and Class assignment letters have been mailed to all registered
September 8
September 10
September 11
September 14
September 15
Grade 6 (time change to 6:30pm)
Sessions A & B (grades 1 – 5)
Pre School / Kindergarten
Grade 8
Grade 7
Donut Sunday set for Sunday,
August 21st. Come to the parish
hall after the 7:30, 9:00 and
10:30 Masses for fellowship and
Page 11
Jubilee of Mercy
and Mercy Mondays
The St. Julie
Book Club
The parishes of Orland Park & Tinley Park
are collaboratively working to celebrate
meets the first
this Jubilee Year. On the second Monday
Wednesday of
of each month we host a Mercy Monday
every month at
event. These events rotate among the parishes
Bingo - August 21st
Great Room.
Join us in Devine Center. Doors open at and include times of prayer, reflection and
putting mercy in action. Each of these
1:00pm. Early bird games begin at 1:15pm.
events will build upon developing a better
Pull tabs will also be played.
September 7
Ten games of bingo begin at 2:30pm. First understanding of God’s Mercy.
To Kill a Mockingbird
game $100 and the last game, coverall for September 12 at 7:00pm
by Harper Lee
Mercy is an all encompassing virtue.
$150 and 8 games for $50 prize. All
tickets for the book of 9 cards for the 10
theology, Fr. Hicks will show how mercy October 5
games are $15.
relates to Jesus, justice and joy.
Go Set a Watchman
Hosted by St. Julie Parish
Friday, August 26
Silver Lake South Course
This fund raising event includes
greens fee, cart, lunch and barbeque!
9:00am for 18 holes
11:00am for 9 holes
2:00pm BBQ dinner
$100 - 18 holes;
$75 - 9 holes.
If want to join us for the barbeque
only, the tickets are $50.
Live auction at the dinner - 3 items
1. A week for 6 at a condo in the Lake
of the Ozarks
2. A sports package: 4 Black Hawk
Tickets/parking, 4 White Sox
Tickets/parking and 10 games for
bowling at Centennial Lanes
3. A basket of 52+ gift cards – a meal
every week for the year
There are 3 levels of sponsorship:
Gold Sponsorship - $600
(includes 4 tickets for Golf,
2 extra dinner tickets and a sign
on a Tee box)
Silver Sponsorship - $500
(includes 4 tickets for Golf and
a sign on a Tee box)
Hole Sponsorship - $100 per
hole (sign on a Tee box)
by Harper Lee
Young at Heart Begins New Year!
Does this mean you?
All parishioners, 55 and older, are
welcome and encouraged to become part
of this very active group. Luncheon
meetings are ordinarily held on the 2nd
Tuesday of the month from September
through June. Each month there is a brief
meeting at 11:30am followed by a
scrumptious meal followed by a variety
of programs.
St. Julie
Water Bottles
on sale in the
Parish Office
only $5
Blue, Green & Red
You will not be disappointed!
So come and try us out! First Lunch of the
year is Tuesday, September 13. Menu is:
Roast beef, mashed potato, gravy, tossed
salad, bread and dessert. Ray Gavin will
provide musical entertainment. All lunch
tickets for September are $7. Tickets will
be on sale at the parish office and the first
two weekends of September in the narthex.
Upcoming Bus Trip
Holy Name Cathedral Tour
and Walk Through the Holy Door
Wednesday, September 21
Depart St. Julie at 10am - return 4pm
Cost: $50. All inclusive: bus, tour of
Cathedral, buffet lunch at the Red Apple
Buffet, gratuities. Tickets on sale in the
parish office!
Coming to St. Julie this Fall!
Save the date:
Saturday, October 22, 2016
as we welcome…
Dueling Pianos!
Bring your
e-waste items
such as old cell
phones, ink
cartridges, and writing
tools like old pens, caps,
markers. Clean out your
backpacks and bring them
Page 12
Kentucky Mission Reflection
by Mrs. Christine Safstrom, Chaperone
God's Beautiful Gifts and Blessings:
How did I see, smell, taste, touch, or feel God's presence??
What gifts / blessings of God did I experience throughout
my work, the environment, and people I encountered? How
did I use my gifts / blessings from God to motivate my team,
strengthen the community, and inspire the people that I
(708) 429-7377
We Are All Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Each and every day I was incredibly impressed with my
small group's work ethic! As we bonded and reflected
throughout the week, we concluded that the following
characteristics contributed in making us such a strong
team: Motivation, Passion, Loyalty, Integrity, and
We pumped each other up with morning music, singing
on our way to the work sites, taking time to dance and
laugh on our breaks throughout the day. We reminded
each other to stay hydrated and keep going despite the
heat. Best of all though, we each seemed to naturally
The majority of the work required by my team at the
take turns being the leader. We set goals, shared ideas,
sites throughout the week was painting and pulling
weeds. During the long hours I thought about a variety and worked like a machine. I'm so proud of each
of random things such as… I needed to pull the weeds person's dedication, positive attitude, and appreciation
and complete other chores at my own mother's house for each other!! Not everyone takes the time to say
when I returned home. Why do weeds, rocks, and sticks thank you or well done!! Even the people in Springfield
saw our team in action daily and it was the most
even exist? Why would God create poison ivy, wasps, and
uplifting feeling each time they honked, gave a thumbs
so many creepy bugs? What's the point of painting this
up, and told us what a great job we were doing.
fence and these guardrails?
Gratitude is truly priceless.
I will say that it is much easier to have a team to
The final question I asked myself and reflected on many
complete these types of chores. When you all work
times during the week is "Why Kentucky?" There is so
together you can accomplish so much. Not everyone
much work to be done in our own Chicago neighborhoods,
has family members and friends to help them out.
When you see a "broken down house", don't think of it why drive 6 hours south to help a less populated
as a "broken home with owners who don't care".
Maybe they just need some help, some teamwork. Not I realized that if you don't get out into the world, you'll
all people and communities have the necessary
miss out on opportunities to meet some of the most
resources for jobs and supplies. We all have goals and amazing people that could touch your heart and soul in
desires but some can only be reached with someone to a way you never imagined. Being Catholic is Universal.
lean on.
We should pray and celebrate our faith together with
Therefore, I feel one of the greatest gifts we gave
during the week was that of our time. Time to help
beautify the town, someone's yard, a cemetery, church
grounds, schools, and parks. Time to listen to the
people of the community, their stories of struggle and
faith. Time to pray together, share a meal, and sing
praises for the many gifts we sometimes forget to thank
God for. Even time to appreciate the creepy bugs and
all God's creatures. We each have a very special
purpose in the eyes of God.
all of God's children. We should share our songs and
praises with each other and spread the love around the
world. I know that the little 3 year old girl we met
won't remember our names or where we were from,
but she'll remember the group of strangers that came
to her grandmother's house to clean it up and make it
safe and beautiful for her to play around. I pray that
the spirit she found in our friendships will motivate her
to spread the love of Christ in her future years. It's like
how they say "smiling is contagious."
We may not be professional carpenters, painters, or
gardeners. But we have the skills to learn and grow.
We can use sticks to make symbols of faith or music,
rocks to build monuments and places of worship. It's
the passion within us that needs to shine, weeds of sin
that need to be pulled, and God's love to strengthen us.
We need to remember to "preach the Gospel at all
times, and when necessary, use words." People don't
remember what you say, they remember what you do.
We need to take this love from Kentucky and bring it
back to our own communities to share.
Solemn Novena to
St. Jude Thaddeus
Rosary & St. Jude Devotions
August 15-17, 2016
7pm Monday & Tuesday
7pm Wednesday
St. Jude Oil Blessing Mass
St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr
17500 S. 84th Ave
Tinely Park, IL
Presented by the Ministries of
the Dominican Shrine of
St. Jude
For more info on the Novena & Shrine
visit us on our website:
Scrip Hours
Summer Scrip Cash & Carry sales are:
Monday mornings, Parish Couriers
9:00am-10:00am and
Wednesday evenings at CJB
Scrip School Schedule
Resumes August 22
Monday mornings:
Parish Courier &
Weekly Backpack Sales
Wednesday evenings
Friday mornings
Page 13
Employment Opportunities:Tinley Park
Job Title: Part Time Laborer, $10/hr
Location: Parks Department
The Tinley Park – Park District is seeking
a Part Time Laborer with demonstrated
skills in general park maintenance duties.
A maintained clean, valid Driver’s License
is required.
Responsibilities for this position include,
but are not limited to:
General Park Maintenance & Site CleanUp, Athletic Field Maintenance, Snow
Removal, Custodial Maintenance, Routine
Tasks & Projects
Part Time hours for this position:
Empting trash throughout the entire
Relaying need for repairs in a timely
Setting up and breaking down rooms
for programs and rentals
Overseeing rentals as needed
Please submit a completed employment
application/resume to:
Human Resources Supervisor
Tinley Park-Park District
8125 W. 171st Street
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
Require weekend work on Saturdays and
Sundays, 7:00am – 12:00pm and vary with Job Title: Full Time Custodian – Days
Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreaseasons
tion Center $14.75 - $17.00/hr
Scheduled hours are based on workload
The Tinley Park – Park District is looking
The qualified individual should be well
to hire a Full Time Custodian for the day
motivated, and possess good decision
shift; Mondays through Fridays; 5:00 a.m.
making and leadership skills. Must be willuntil 1:30 p.m.
ing to work in various weather conditions. Basic knowledge of hand tools and Responsibilities include, but are not
small machinery is a plus. Must pass pre- limited to:
employment physical and drug screening. ♦ maintaining the Recreation Center in a
This position is IMRF Qualified.
clean and sanitary condition
Please submit a completed employment
application to:
Human Resources Supervisor
8125 W. 171st Street
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
Job Title: Part Time Custodian, $13/hr
Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center
The Tinley Park-Park District is seeking
motivated individuals to join our Custodial Team. We are currently looking to fill
a part time evening and weekend position
with the ability to cross train for all shifts
and occasionally sub during the week.
Scheduled hours may range from 10-15
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Maintaining a clean and sanitary environment at the Tony Bettenhausen
Recreation Center
Using proper cleaning supplies
opening the facility each morning and
daily pool testing
setting up and breaking down program
rooms and rentals
stripping, waxing, scrubbing and burnishing floors
keeping walkways cleared of snow and
overseeing rentals and assisting employees with custodial tasks or functions.
The qualified individual should be well
motivated, and possess good decision
making and leadership skills. A minimum
of a high school diploma and two years
experience in a cleaning environment
required. Floor care experience preferred.
Interested applicants should submit a completed employment application to:
Human Resources
Tinley Park-Park District
Bulletin Board
Page 14
Organ Donor Needed
from a deceased donor. Anyone medically eligible to donate should be in
Are you a match?
good health with no uncontrolled
hypertension or diabetes and have a
My name is Amando "Mandy" Diaz
Melgar, III, I am suffering from Chron- blood type ‘O’. If you meet this criteic Kidney Disease (CKD). I am looking ria you may be a potential donor.
for help to fight my Chronic Kidney
Our Insurance will cover all expenses
failure. I am looking for a living kidney
related to the transplant.
To learn more about my situation,
Diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension
contact me directly or call the Kovler
complications, and the excessive use
Organ Transplantation Center at
of prescription anti-inflammatory
Northwestern Memorial Hospital at
drugs caused my kidney to fail. Since
(312) 695-0870.
2012, I go to dialysis treatments three
Thank you,
times a week for four hours until I can
Amando D. Melgar, III
get a transplant.
There are over 123,000 CKD patients
that are waiting to be recipient of a
kidney. Currently the wait for a deceased kidney donor at the transplant
center is at least 6 years in Illinois.
I am actively pursuing a kidney from a
living donor since kidneys from living
donors can last twice as long as one
Phone: 708.638.9447
Arkes Family Pavilion
676 N. Saint Clair Street
Floor 19, Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312.695.0870
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Louis Tylka, Pastor -
Rev. Robert Regan, Associate Pastor -
Edward (& Sheila) Pluchar, Deacon
William (& Joan) Lubben, Deacon
Nancy Pfieffer, Business Manager -
Sr. Gael Gensler, Pastoral Associate -
Patricia Kmak, Director of Religious Education -
Margie Guadagno, Liturgy Coordinator -
Marianne Mueller, Sacramental Coordinator -
Sheila Pluchar, Youth Ministry Coordinator -
Mary Alice Roth, Director of Human Concerns -
Support Staff
Laura Frencl, Administrative Assistant
Jean Aiello and Peg Siebenaler, Administrative Assistants
Barb Theis, Liturgy and Technology Assistant
Parish Office
708-429-6767 * Fax 708-429-6788
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(M-Th 12:00-1:00pm Closed for lunch)
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Closed on Fridays and Sundays
Office of Worship & Music - 708-429-6906
Office of Religious Education - 708-429-1044
Youth Office - 708-429-7377
Visit us on the Web:
Paired Exchange (Kidney Swap)
If you are not a blood type “0” but
would like to be a donor there is
another way you may be able to help
through the Paired Exchange. In a
paired donor exchange, also known as
a kidney swap, two kidney recipients
essentially "swap" willing donors.
While medically eligible to donate,
each donor has an incompatible blood
type or antigens to his or her intended recipient. By agreeing to exchange
recipients - giving the kidney to an
unknown, but compatible individual the donors can provide two patients
with healthy kidneys where previously
no transplant would have been
The goal of a paired donor exchange
is to make optimal use of willing live
donors, while helping potential recipients off the transplant waiting-list and
back to leading productive lives.
Parish Pastoral Council
Rev. Louis Tylka, Pastor
and the Pastoral Staff
Scott Becvar, Chair
Ruth Enyart (Liturgy Bd.)
Dan Sniegowski (Liturgy Bd.)
Kathy Reilly (Formation Bd.)
Tom Sherry (Formation Bd.)
John Benz (Youth Bd.)
Merilee Andreasen (Youth Bd.)
Mary McCarthy (Community Life Bd.)
Mike Rubino (Community Life Bd.)
Karen Keller (Human Concerns Bd.)
Judi Haines (Human Concerns Bd.)
Chris Conneely (Pastor’s Appointee)
Cheryl Scallon (Pastor’s Appointee)
Finance Council
Bill Hackett, Chair
Carl Evans*John Thomas*Patrick Flynn*Nate Lindstrom*Kay Kempke
Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. or anytime in
the parish office by appointment.
Registration: Please call Sr. Gael in the parish office weekdays
between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for information on
Baptism: Please call the parish office to make arrangements for
your child to be baptized and to attend a preparation class.
Marriage: Please call the parish office at least six months in
advance to secure a wedding date and to begin the pre-marriage
Masses: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. / Saturday at 4:30 p.m.
Sunday at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon & 6:00 p.m.
Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School
9250 W. 167th St., Orland Hills * 708-403-6525 * Fax 708-403-8621 * Ms. Mary Iannucilli, Principal
Our Soldiers
Greatest Need: white, army green or black t-shirts (L or XL), letters to soldiers, Pringle chips snack pack (8 pk), snack packs
of raisins, Kraft handi snack packs (6 ea), bags of individual wrapped candy, granola bars, Rice Krispy treats (individually
wrapped), crossword puzzle/game books and insect repellent with deet (pump style).
Also Need: toilet paper, shaving cream, eye drops, disposable razors (10 pk), AA batteries (8 pk), lotion, white sox, band-aids
(one size), heavy duty wet wipes, Tampax Super Plus 46, Always Ultra Thin Pads 28, travel size Kleenex, combs, brushes,
hair clips & bands, disposable cameras, beef jerky, powdered lemonade (12 quart), powdered Gatorade (2 gal), 12 oz. bags of
ground coffee, mouthwash, regular size shampoo and conditioner, International phone cards. And we always need money for
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