Easter - The Fun Pape!
Easter - The Fun Pape!
© 2012 Edward Michael Wishlow ² All Rights Reserved Office Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm funpape.com Hu s & th morou ought red in and a t r e t s to en storie g n i k o rov p ress uce st Issue 14-15.16 Mar 28 ± Apr 11/12 Next : Friday May 4pm NextClassified ClassifiedDeadline Deadline: FRIDAY Apr20, 6, 4pm Printed & Published by The Fun Pape, 3107 Hwy 3, Creston BC V0B 1G1 Phone 250-428-2828 Fax 250-428-2878 email: mail@funpape.com Several days ago as I left a meeting at our church, I desperately gave myself a personal pat down. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets or purse. A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing. Suddenly I realized, I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My husband, David, has scolded me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition. My theory is the ignition is the best place not to loose them. His theory is that the car will be stolen. As I burst through the doors of the church, I came to a terrifying conclusion. His theory was right. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made WKH PRVW GLIILFXOW FDOO RI DOO ³+RQH\´ , VWDPPHUHG , DOZD\V FDOO KLP ³KRQH\´ LQWLPHVOLNHWKHVH³,OHIWP\NH\VLQWKH FDUDQGLWKDVEHHQVWROHQ´7KHUHZDV a period of silence. I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard 'DYLG¶V YRLFH ³%HWW\´ KH EDUNHG ³, GURSSHG \RX RII´ 1RZ LW ZDV P\ WLPH WREHVLOHQW(PEDUUDVVHG,VDLG³:HOO FRPH DQG JHW PH´ 'DYLG UHWRUWHG ³, will, as soon as I convince this policeman I have not stolen your car. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² A farmer had been taken advantage of several times by the local car dealer. One day, the car dealer informed the farmer that he was coming over to purchase a cow. The farmer priced his unit as follows: Basic cow 499.95 Shipping and handling 35.75 Extra stomach 79.25 Two tone exterior 142.10 Produce storage compartment 126.50 Heavy duty straw chopper 189.60 Four spigot/high output drain system 149.20 Automatic fly swatter 88.50 Genuine cowhide upholstery 179.90 Deluxe dual horns 59.25 Automatic fertilizer attachment 339.40 4x4 traction drive assembly 884.16 Pre-delivery wash and comb 69.80 FARMERS SUGGESTED LIST PRICE: 2843.36 Additional dealer adjustments 300.00 TOTAL LIST PRICE (Including options): $3143.36 ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Lighthouse Lighting LIQUIDATION SALE ON NOW! Come in early for best selection! House (zoned commercial) & Furniture for Sale 1116 NW Blvd 428-2433 Serving the Kootenays for over 30 Years 90 Day Delivery on White Tail & Mule Deer Shoulder Mounts Free Pick Up and Delivery in the Creston Area www.grifonetaxidermy.com 250-365-6327 Re-Opening Sunday April 1st Holiday Haven Restaurant Holiday Haven Restaurant Québec flavor menu Fully licenced Soft ice cream Large patio La saveur du Québec Licence Complète Crème glacée molle Grande Terrasse Come try our quebec poutines Venez déguster notre choix de poutines québécoises Authentic Montreal Smoke meat Authentique Smoke meat Montréalais Warm Atmosphere, Free Wireless Internet for our Customers tel: 250 424-5464 8430 Hwy 3/95 Across from the Weigh scales in Yahk Open 7am-8pm 7 days a week Creston Valley Easter Sunrise Service Sunday, April 8, 8am Morris Flowers Garden Centre 1403 Erickson St. Pastor Tom Greentree Preaching Pastor Evangelical Covenant Church of Erickson Julius Lipka CARPENTRY Home Renovations & Repairs Demolition to Finishing Complete Kitchen/Bath Renos Paint, Tile, Cabinet Install Secondary Suites Decks, Garages, Additions Licensed Carpenter 30 Years Insured, WSBC Registered 250-‐435-‐0198 $56 for 4 weeks * (2 issues) is all that it costs to advertise in &UHVWRQ·V hottest paper VHQVDWLRQ´7+()813$3(µ Call Ed at 428-‐2828 for more details. Circulation 4000 per edition. Paper comes out every other Wed. The above price refers to a business display ad MXVWOLNHWKLVRQHµ+;òµ:SOXV+67 NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY C r e st o n PLA C E DO WNTO W N C RESTO N 1230 C A NYO N ST Lea sa b le Sp a c e in a Bra nd New Build ing :KHHOFKDLU$FFHVVLEOHƇ6WRS(OHYDWRU Flexible Floor Plan Sizes Energy Efficient=Low Utility Costs Alarm & CCTV Security System IW&HLOLQJVƇ2II6WUHHW3DYHG3DUNLQJ Loading Zone & Bus Stop CRESTON PLACE HOLDINGS LTD. Ph 250-428-5351 Fa x 250-428-5302 jm iller@c d c u.c om Kepke Excavating Ƈ:DWHU6HZHUDQG3RZHU/LQHV Ƈ'XPS7UXFN ƇNEW-Dump Box Trailer Rental Ƈ5HWDLQLQJ:DOOV Ƈ/DQGVFDSLQJ Ƈ6WXPS5HPRYDO Ƈ7RS6RLO Ƈ0DQXUH Call Ron Kepke Ph 250-428-4306 Cell 250-428-1973 ANNOUNC E M ENTS All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Supper, Holy cross Parish Hall, Sat March 31, 5pm. $10 per person, $30 family up to 5. Limited tickets. Barb 402-6663 or Dave 428-0252. 15 To all friends of Rose Fraser, come and join us to FHOHEUDWH 5RVH¶V WK %LUWKGD\ DW WKH &UHVWRQ Masonic Hall, on Saturday, April 7th, 1-4pm. Gospel Music on the Air, Sunday Mornings 8:30 to 10:00. CIDO 97.7FM or www.crestonradio.ca Your host Elvin Strand. 15 West Creston Hall and/or grounds. Weddings, parties, meetings, reunions, etc. Full kitchen facilities. Phone Leona 250-402-6643 or www.westcreston.info 51v3 Rotacrest Seniors Hall: Dancing every Tues 2-4pm, live music-everyone welcome, $5 at the door (Bob Holmes 428-8985). Coffee BreakWed 10am. Crib-Wed 7pm. Pool-Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun 1pm (Keith Forseth 428-2255). Bridge-Mon 7pm, Tue 9:45am, Wed 7pm, Thur 1pm, Sat 1pm (Margaret Roy 428-5406). Hall rentals 428-7127. s39v8 15 Announcements ads are $3 for 12 words per issue (2 weeks) extra words 25 cents each. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere. Tim McGraw 7X Face Value For Your 1967 & Older Dollars, 50¢ Pieces, Quarters & Dimes Fun Pape office 428-2828 One Loonie + One Toonie equals the best value around for your classified advertising dollar! PAGE 2 ´+HDUWµWORD SEARCH ACHE, ANDSOUL, ATTACK, BEAT, BLACK, BREAK, BROKEN, BURN, CHANGEOF, CHERRY, FAILURE, FELT, HAVEA, HEAVY, KNOWBY, LAND, LION, MONITOR, MURMUR, OFMINE, OFSTONE, PIECEOFMY, PURPLE, RATE, SHAPED, SICK, STRINGS, SWEET, TAKE, THROB, VALVE, WOOD. T H R O B E L S Y Z R V F R J D O O W G R F U T B B D O D H A C N U B U N H O R W T Q N O C P U R P L E B A S I O E A W H I E P J I E R S N D N N L A E A Z V T A W U O H O N G K T K S W T T F T M B I A P A S T O F S T O N E R L O I P D X A Y R R E H C O U A E Y T E S C T N R U B K E M C S S V L D K E R A T E N M E K V T I A E M E K T N I F O E G N A H C E F W L Q M W F S X R W K L P K H S U F M M A E V A H E H V C H I O W Y G D W E W E M Q S E C Disclaimer: Un-credited stories are from a variety of sources and are believed to be public domain. If you hold a copyright on any of these materials please inform us so we may give the proper credit. LETTER TILES: Unscramble the letter tiles to reveal a message. Last Issue Answer: The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. advertise somewhere 428.2828 Ask for Ed bookkeeping & payroll services Melanie Bright 250.254.0434 Visit our new location, upstairs at 1118 Canyon St (in the Pharmasave Bldg) Let us worry about it! FUN PAPE³&UHVWRQ·VPRVWUHDGIUHHSDSHUSDJH H2O: Dangerous Chemical! A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urges people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total eliminaWLRQ RI WKH FKHPLFDO ³GLK\GURJHQ PRQ R[LGH´$QGIRUSOHQW\RIJRRGUHDVRQV VLQFH´ 1. It can cause excessive sweating and vomiting 2. It is a major component in acid rain 3. It can cause severe burns in its gaseous state 4. Accidental inhalation can kill you 5. It contributes to erosion 6. It decreases effectiveness of automobile breaks 7. It has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical. Ƈ Forty-three (43) said yes, Ƈ Six (6) were undecided, Ƈ And only one (1) knew that the chemical was water. The title of his prize winning project ZDV ³+RZ *XOOLEOH $UH:H"´ +H IHHOV the conclusion is obvious. Criss Cross Puzzle We Build Quality Handcrafted Cabinets & Furniture Call 250-428-3434 ®®®®®®®®®® Also install Blow-in Attic Insulation Added touch accounting Across: XU]W ˅ G 4.Drag 5.Final, eg. 7.Baton wielder Down: 1.With confidence 2.Cousin of a bassoon 3.Bringing up the rear 6.Burn soother 8.Graph line Answers on page 6 NOTE: When emailing ads, DO NOT include your credit card info in email. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Next Classified Deadline: Fri Apr 6 Next Display deadline: Fri Apr 6 Kootenay Landscaping Yard & Garden Cleanup & Maint. Starting at $18/hr Hauling - Fencing - Retaining Walls Free Estimates 250-254-1489 Answer to Fallen Phrase: Friendship makes prosperity more shining and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it. Watch for my Monthly E-‐Newsletter Out April 5th Sign up online at MichelleMungall.ca or call 1-‐877-‐388-‐4498 A Strong Voice Standing Up For You www.michellemungall.ca ,7¶67$;7,0( Personal & Business Taxes Small Business Accounting GST/HST Returns. US winnings refunds Pam Robertson Ph 250-402-6550 4020 Hwy 3 (Mountain Park Resort) email: pam.robertson@shaw.ca Valley View Baptist Church Jude 21 ´:KHUHWKH9LHZLV(WHUQDOµ SUNDAY %LEOH&ODVVHV«««««DP Morning Worship««««DP (YHQLQJ6HUYLFH««««««SP WEDNESDAY %LEOH6WXG\3UD\HU««SP Pastor Jeff Friesen 234 36 Avenue N. 428-4861 fix We computers EDA L COMPUTER CENTRE 215-33 Ave. S. (Hwy 3) Erickson 250-428-4419 Carpentry 5HQRYDWLRQVƇ,QVXODWLRQƇ'U\ZDOO 3DLQWLQJƇ7LOLQJƇ6XVSHQGHG&HLOLQJ Energy Grants Available! A RRO W CRE E K C O NST R U C T I O N http://arrowcreekconstruction.com Building it Right...from the Ground Up! JOE KITTO Ph 250-428-7274 Cell 250-254-0274 Biblical Journey Holy Land Tour October 2012 FUN PAPE³&UHVWRQ·VPRVWUHDGIUHHSDSHUSDJH Fallen Phrase answer pg3 R E A L EST A T E & F O R R E N T Free presentation and info, Wed. Apr 4, 7pm, New Life Church For more info call Wendi at... 13 Simply Travel 250-428-2843 CPBC#50105 CC CONSTRUCTION New Construction Renovations Bobcat/Mini Hoe Service From Footings to Finishing Call Curtis for All Your Building Needs 250-866-6848 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER 15 Personal Taxes Corporate Taxes Business Consulting Bookkeeping ²²²²²²²± Your home or office or my office in Rita M. Patstone West Creston Certified General Acct Ph: 250-428-2662 Cell: 250-254-2646 15 Quote by Cicero, 44BC email: ritap_cga@hotmail.ca 1209 NW Blvd 250-402-6299 Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... One Issue $20+HST Two Issues $32+HST INSURANCE CLAIMS (Each issue two weeks long) Certified Technicians Free Estimates Safe Quality Repairs Rare corner unit vacancy! Spacious two bedroom, bright, clean, modern. In suite washer & dryer. Spectacular views! $850. Paint & Body Repairs $XWR*ODVVƕ&KLS5HSDLU We Set Our Sights Higher! WANTED Clean Fill. ================= 3109 Hwy 3 Erickson Call Ed 250-428-2828 For Rent: Spacious one bedroom suite, new appliances. Super clean. $600, includes utilities. Avail now. 866-5566. 21 Wanted: NS mature male wants one roommate to share 1400sq ft renovated suite. Laundry & utilities incl, $400. 428-6490. For Rent: Creston, 2 bedroom suite, private entry, 5 appliances, $650/mth + electricity, DD & refs. NS, NP. 250-428-0664. For Sale: Two bedroom house on 100x50 lot, 416-8 Ave S. No basement. Good view to the west. $99,900. 428-6187. 17 For Sale: Looking for long term tenants. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, newly refinished house in good location. F/S, DW, W/D, all utilities incl. $1050/mth. May consider rental/ purchase. Available May 1st. 250-402-9433. 15 For Rent: 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, quiet home in town. Five appliances. Central vac, heat pump/air conditioner. Garage. Completely fenced. Non smoking. $850 mth + utilities. References and damage deposit required. Available June 1st. 250-428-3929 between 6pm and 8pm. 15 For Sale: Perfect starter/retirement home, 3 bedroom, perfect for the handyman. Call to view. Priced right at $105,000. 428-0059. For Rent: Lakeview Arrow Creek, 1000sq ft home, elec/wood heat, $500 mth. Also 1200 sq ft workshop, 16x14 door, concrete floor, own power, $400/mth. 866-5454. 19 For Sale: 1.77 acre mountain view lot, 2704 37th St (off Crestview). Well with pump placed. Workshop with 200 amp electrical. Cleared building site with view of Mt. Thompson. $172,000. 250-254-1756 or 250-428-1590. 15 For Sale: 2.3 acre lot; driveway, well, septic, pond and creek. $149,000. 428-5559. For Sale: 1997 14x68 manufactured home with just finished 12x16 addition. 3 bedroom, one bath, W/D, FS, DW. 8x12 shed. #1 Devonshire M eadows (strata) (724 Devon St). Larger lot (.14 acres). $159,000. 428-4593 or view at propertyguys.com ID#196766 15 For Rent: 950 sq ft suite on eastside Canyon St/Hwy 3. Totally renovated, living/ bedroom combined. Best suited for single. No smoking, no pets. Walking distance to town. Including: most appliances, window coverings, carport parking. $550/mth. Utilities extra. References required. 250-428-0302. 15 For Rent: 55+ 2 BDR 850 sq ft condo in Creston. No stairs, no smoking, no pets. Close to hospital. Beautiful southern view. Quiet neighborhood, electric heat/AC. Includes all appliances. Window coverings, yard maintenance, snow clearing, plenty of parking. $825/mth. 250-428-0302. 15 For Sale: 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1800 sq ft home on 4.74 level acres in Erickson. 330ft Highway 3 frontage. Approx 2 acres in mixed fruit, lots of garden space. Reduced -$549,000. By appointment only. 428-3578 or 428-2892. 15 W anted: Mature reliable semi-retired couple seeking housing in Creston area. NS, non-drinking. Possibly rent, rent-to-own, or rent/caretake. We can keep your property secure and maintained. Good references. 250-559-8456. bcmack@haidagwaii.net Blossom Ridge Apartments 250-254-0677 Legion Events 428-4252 Mar 30-Wing Night at the Legion 50¢ ea Everyone Welcome Mar 31² Steak BBQ Advance Tickets only-still only $10 Apr 1-Jam Session 2pm Apr 1-Pancake Breakfast 8:30am-noon $4 Apr 13-Friday Night Supper 6pm (Roast Beef) Apr 14-Saturday Night Dance Music by Lorne Heltman Apr 20-Wing Night at the Legion 50¢ ea Everyone Welcome Apr 21-Saturday Night Dance Music by Gerhard Link Apr 24-Legion General Meeting 7pm Apr 27-Friday Night Supper 6pm (Roast Beef) Apr 28² Steak BBQ Advance Tickets only-still only $10 Classified ads are still just $3 for 12 words for 2 weeks. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²- Classified and display ads, as well as puzzles available online at: funpape.com Next deadline: F R I D AY A PR 6 4pm Steve Jobs, Apple computers Consignments Welcome! SNOPEK AUCTION Joe 250-‐428-‐4277 Ted 250-‐428-‐5577 * Sudoku The rules of Sudoku are simple. Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Have Fun!!! Answer on page 9 *starting price -parts not included RON PELTZER Certified Stihl & Small E ngine Mechanic <RXZRQ·WJHW ZUHQFKHGDW5RQ·V 1238 NW Blvd 250.428.1721 for more info go to: www.softubcanada.com Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... Headquarters One Issue $20+HST Two Issues $32+HST Haircuts in Your Home (Each issue two weeks long) Amy Wishlow You can fax your ad with your credit card info to: 250-428-«DQ\WLPH Licensed Hair Stylist 428-‐1503 or 428-‐2828 Need Help Developing a Web Site? Call Carolyn 250-428-2919 Email: marcarekk@gmail.com One Loonie + One Toonie equals ROOFING the best value around for your classified advertising dollar! WOLFGANG STIEF 250-431-8692 Free Estimates MarCare Thinking Auction? Upcoming Auction May 5th R. Scott Dispersal-‐ Concession & Catering Equipment, and Mechanics Estate L awn Mower Tune-Up: Page 5 Answer to Rebus Puzzle You're under arrest. READ SLOWLY...IT MAY TAKE A MINUTE FOR THE LIGHT TO SHINE, BUT THESE ARE VERY CLEVER! (Read meaning first) Ƈ ARBITRATOR: A cook that leaves $UE\¶VWRZRUNDW0F'RQDOGV Ƈ AVOIDABLE: What a bullfighter tries to do. Ƈ BERNADETTE: The act of torching a mortgage. Ƈ BURGLARIZE: What a crook sees with. Ƈ CONTROL: A short, ugly inmate. Ƈ COUNTERFEITERS: Workers who put together kitchen cabinets. Ƈ ECLIPSE: What an English barber does for a living. Ƈ EYEDROPPER: A clumsy ophthalmologist. Ƈ HEROES: What a guy in a boat does. Ƈ LEFTBANK: What the robber did when his bag was full of money. Ƈ MISTY: How golfers create divots. Ƈ PARADOX: Two physicians! Ƈ PARASITES: What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Ƈ PHARMACIST: A helper on the farm. Ƈ POLORIZE: What penguins see with. Ƈ PRIMATE: Removing your spouse from in front of the TV! Ƈ RELIEF: What trees do in the spring. Ƈ RUBBERNECK: What you do to relax your wife. Ƈ SELFISH: What the owner of a seafood store does. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-No gimmicks. If you want to get a lot out of reading, read a lot; if you want to get better at remembering errands and birthdays, practice remembering errands and birthdays. No shortcuts, no crosstraining, no Sudoku. Steven Pinker, Harvard psychology professor. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-<RXFDQ¶WDVNFXVWRPHUVZKDWWKH\ZDQW %\ WKH WLPH \RX JHW LW EXLOW WKH\¶OO ZDQW something else. Kabin Keepers Licensed Automotive Technician Ticketed Tire Technicians ƔLocally Owned Service Truck ƔFarm Service ƔCalcium Fill Most Major Brands Available 250-428-2000 918 Pine St Turn East at the Grain Elevators Specializing in Kootenay Lake Property Care & Maintenance References Available For more info 250-431-8191 marcarekk@gmail.com marcarekabinkeepers.com Page 6 SIMPLY MAZING Earl Nightingale, author of The Strangest Secret ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the SUHVHQWDQGWRZDUGWKHIXWXUH´ Is there a difficult project that needs attention? Rebus Puzzle A rebus is a picture representation of a name, word or phrase. The puzzle below portrays a common word or phrase. Can you guess what it is? (answer on pg 5) REST YOUR Math Square Answer 4,7,1,9,3,6,5,8,2. We Do It Right Or Not At All **************** Recovering your kitchen chairs, dining chairs, lazy-boy chairs, wing chairs, arm chairs and YOUR PRECIOUS ANTIQUES J&F Upholstery 1486 Cardinal Rd. West Arrow Creek 402-6083 New to the Valley! BULMAN PAINTING Interior/Exterior Residential Commercial 40 Yrs Exp Free Quotes Call Dennis 250-431-8984 6DEULQD¶V'RJ7UDLQLQJ Private & Group Sessions 250-435-1400 www.s ab rin asd o g train in g .co m Tree Topping Ɣ Limbing Dangerous Tree Removal Falling Mobile Chipping Available Free Estimates Ɣ Fully Insured Call Jerry Hellens -18 yrs Experience Ph 428-3062 Cell 428-1695 ³7233(''5233('25/233('´ Denis Waitley, author and speaker. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² My neighbors argued over a patio they wanted. She had grand ideas, but he wanted costs kept to a minimum. She won, and the construction bill climbed higher and higher. I was surprised to find my neighbor smiling as the workman finLVKHG WKH VXUIDFH +H VDLG´ ³<RX VHH ZKHUH WKH\¶UH VPRRWKLQJ RYHU WKDW FH PHQW",MXVWWKUHZP\ ZLIH¶VFUHGLWFDUGV LQWKHUH´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Smoothie provides fast nutrition For breakfast, lunch or a snack: Put a frozen banana, a cup of skim milk and two table spoons of peanut butter into a blender (add ice for a thinner consistency) and blend. You get 375 calories, 18 grams protein, 17 grams total fat, 5 grams fiber, 5 mg cholesterol, and 45 JUDPVRIFDUEVVD\VWKH:RPHQ¶V1XWUL tion Connection. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² A nswer to C riss C ross Puzzle: No job too small!!! A cross: 1. Afro 4.Haul 5.Exam 7.Maestro Down: 1. Ably 2.Oboe 3.Last 6.Aloe 8.Axis 'DUUHOOºV3UXQLQJ6HUYLFH Ɣ Custom Pruning & Thinning Fruit Trees, Hedges etc ƔCOTR Certified ƔHourly Rates Ɣ 428-‐7034 We live by faith or we do not live at all. Either we venture, or we vegetate. If we venture, we do so by faith, simply because we cannot know the end of anything at its beginning. We risk marriage on faith, or we stay single. We prepare for a profession by faith, or we give up before we start. By faith we move mountains or RSSRVLWLRQV RU ZH¶UH VWRSSHG E\ PROH hills. Faith, however, is not often tranquil and steady. It ebbs and flows like the tides of the restless sea. WO, WW & SM Drop Off WO, WW & SM Drop Off at Fun Pape at Fun Pape WO=Waste Oil (veg or motor oil) (tight fitting containers please) (tight fitting containers please) WW=Waste Wood WW=Waste Wood (nails OK but no drywall, plastic, (nails OK but no drywall, plastic, insulation, or prunings) insulation, or prunings) SM=Scrap Metal SM=Scrap Metal (sorry no white goods except Fisher & Paykel) (sorry no white goods except Fisher & Paykel) Call Ed 428 Call Ed 428--2828 for more info -2828 for more info 2828 for more info 2QHRIP\GDXJKWHU¶VZHGGLQJSUHVHQWV was a toaster oven. Soon after the honeymoon, she and her husband tried it out. Almost immediately, smoke billowed RXWRIWKHWRDVWHU³*HWWKHRZQHUVPDQ XDO´KHUKXVEDQGVKRXWHG³,FDQ¶WILQGLW DQ\ZKHUH´VKHFULHGVHDUFKLQJWKURXJK WKH ER[ ³2RSV´ FDPH D YRLFH IURP WKH NLWFKHQ ³:HOO WKH WRDVW LV ILQH EXW WKH RZQHU¶VPDQXDOLVEXUQWWRDFULVS´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-There was a statistics student who, when driving his car, would always accelerate hard before coming to an intersection, whiz straight over it, and slow down again once he was beyond it. One day, he took along a passenger, who was understandably unnerved by his driving style and asked him why he went so fast over intersections. The statistics student UHSOLHG ³:HOO VWDWLVWLFDOO\ VSHDNLQJ \RX are far more likely to have an accident at an intersection, so I just make sure that I spend less time there. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-While taking the interview the Employer DVNHGWKHFDQGLGDWH³+RZ ORQJ GLG \RX ZRUN GXULQJ \RXU ODVW MRE´ &DQGLGDWH said 30 years. The employer asked ³:KDW¶V \RXU DJH"´ 7KH UHSO\ ZDV The employer was surprised and asked the candidate that how it is possible that you are 20 and have an experience of 30 \HDUV7KHUHSO\ZDV³RYHUWLPH´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-- Next deadline: F R I D AY A PR 6 4pm Beautiful ³)RUHYHU´ Diamond Necklace 14k Gold Chain Excellent Condition Retail $1200 Asking $800 obo 428-2892 WH Excavating Will Heykamp 250-402-9528 Pickup Loads Rotted Manure³U-Haul . SNOW REMOVAL Excavating ƈDump Truck Rock Hammer ƈRoad Bldg Top Soil ƈSite Preparation Subdivisions ƈAuger Bobcat Page 7 There were 11 people hanging onto a rope that came down from a helicopter...ten men and one woman. The rope was starting to fray so they all agreed that one person should let go because if WKH\ GLGQ¶W WKH URSH ZRXOG EUHDN DQG everyone would die. No one could decide who should go, so finally the woman gave a really touching speech, saying how she would give up her life to save theirs, because women were used to giving up things for their husbands and children, giving in to men, and that after all, men were superior and must be saved. When she finished speaking, all the men clapped. Never underestimate the power of a woman. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-Body data: Ƈ Your nose can remember 50,000 scents. Ƈ Like fingerprints, tongue prints are unique. Ƈ A new baby has 350 bones. Because bones fuse together during growth, an adult has only 206 bones. Ƈ A pair of feet has 500,000 sweat glands. They could produce more than a pint of sweat a day, according to Discovery Fit and Health Facts. Paw Prints Pet Grooming <RX%ULQJ\RXU3HWV« We Bring the Tender Care. Call for Appt 428-7232 FAULKS RENOVATIONS SAFCAN Electrical Ltd. agricultural, industrial commercial, residential Steven van der Merwe affcan@gmail.com 250 250--254 254--0356 cell Estate Sale $599,000 $549,000 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1800 sq ft home on 4.74 level acres in Erickson. 330ft Highway 3 frontage. Approx 2 acres in mixed fruit, lots of garden space. By appointment only. 428-3578 or 428-2892. Smart Service. Great Products. 7LOHƇ9LQ\OƇ/DPLQDWH +DUGZRRGƇ&DUSHW Window Shades ƇPhantom Screens Aluminum Railing DURADEK Waterproof Decking Serving Creston Valley since 1984 1518 NW Blvd 250-428-2426 www.nufloorscreston.ca Dean Bala Mortgage Broker Call Chris Cell 250-402-3212 Home 250-402-1164 DLC Whitehouse Mortgages FIREWOOD Cut & Split I work with over 90 different lenders to find you the best rates. dean_bala@yahoo.com www.deanbala.com Delivered, or pick up at MOUNTAIN PARK RESORT Office: 250-402-9839 Cell: 250-402-3903 4020 Hwy 3 250-428-2954 Windows & Doors by MW MILLWORK LTD. Full Showroom at 1605 NW Blvd! Vinyl, Clad, Fiberglass Windows Pricing competitive with anyone! Garage Doors, Entry Doors, Shower Doors. We Have Apples Spartan ƇGala Orin ƇAmbrosia Red Delicious ƇFuji Open 7 Days a Week Free Quotes Installation Available SHUKIN ORCHARDS Call us at 250-402-6455 1½ mi east of Creston on Hwy 3 250-428-4884 <YRQQHÂV Page 8 Painting Service ALL STRUCK BY THE STUPID STICK Ƈ I went to the registry of motor vehicles to renew my license. When I handed the clerk a check to pay for the license she asked for some identification. I pointed to the renewed picture license that she was holding in her hand. Ƈ While talking to a colleague IN PERSON I mentioned that I colored my hair. He asked me what color. Ƈ Last week my co-worker was traveling on business to a very small town. They found a restaurant in the phone book and asked the woman working at the hotel desk how to get there. The desk clerk told them all about it and gave them directions. After driving around for half an hour they could not find it. When they returned to the hotel, the woman at the hotel GHVN WROG WKHP ³2K , IRUJRW WKH\ KDYHQ WEXLOWWKDWUHVWDXUDQW\HW´ Ƈ ´, ZHQW VKRSSLQJ ZLWK P\ URRP mate, and I saw a humorous butWRQWKDWVDLG³,WPLJKWORRNOLNH,¶P GRLQJQRWKLQJEXWRQDFHOOXODUOHYHO,¶P TXLWHEXV\´,VKRZHGLWWRKHUDQGKHU UHVSRQVH ZDV ³2K , VKRXOG EX\ WKDW RQH,¶PDOZD\V WDONLQJRQPLQH´ All Aspects of Painting Residential ƕCommercial Interior ƕExterior Journeyman Serving the Valley Since 1986 250-‐428-‐0438 Cell 250-‐428-‐6468 3KLO¶V Roofing Phil Edwards 250-254-0924 Local number ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² 4XDOLW\:RUNPDQVKLSƈ,QVXUHG Service You Can Trust Senior Discount Available I went into a major retail establishment and asked an employee in the garden section whether they sold hyacinth vases. Seeing her blank look, I described a hyacinth vase, explaining that it has a narrow neck, with a space for a flower bulb on top and water on WKH ERWWRP ³+DYH \RX ORRNHG LQ (OHF WURQLFV"´6DLGWKHHPSOR\HH ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Old fashioned rabbit-ear TV antennas ($13 at Radio Shack) are coming back. About 46 million Americans who are tired of big cable bills are using them for free access to over the air TV from affiliates of CBS, NBC, and ABC, according to Daily Finance.com ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Next classified deadline: Fri Apr 6 Next display deadline: Fri. Apr 6 Good Times DJ & Karaoke +LJK(QHUJ\'-Ɖ+XJH0XVLF/LEUDU\ &UHDWRURI´&UHVWRQ·V%HVW6LQJHUµ&RQWHVW Vern Gorham-‐Owner/DJ 250-‐428-‐0305 verngorham@telus.net www.goodtimesdjandkaraoke.ca Professional Animal Care ² Canine, Feline, Bovine & Equine Health Care April is Puppy & Kitten Month at the Creston Veterinary Hospital Throughout April 2012: For Puppies and Kittens up to 7 Months of Age Creston Veterinary Hospital 1605 Dogwood St 250-‐428-‐9494 For AL LC ats &D ogs ƈSpays/Neuters-‐25% off surgery. ƈVaccination Packages-‐10% off ƈPuppy/Kitten Single/Litter Vaccinations-‐30% off (Excluding Kitten Felovax Boosters) ƈReceive a Free Bag of Food with your 3XSS\»VRU.LWWHQ»V,QLWLDO9LVLW 10% off Revolution, Drontal, Drontal Plus, Advantage, Advantage Multi, Program, Profender, Interceptor, & Sentinel Products Dr. Robert McLeod ƈDr. Leanne Sackney ƈDr. Emma Davis ƈDr. John Pfeffer W ANT ED Wanted: Trailer hitch for 1997 Jeep TJ. 428-9606. 15 Wanted: Older 4x4 ATV in good condition. 428-8985. 15 Wanted: Yoga instructors or complementary certified instructors to offer classes or workshops at Creston Valley Yoga Studio. Contact: 250-428-8848 or email crestonvalleyyogastudio@hotmail.com 15 Wanted: Part-time help wanted for restaurant. Please call Maryse 250-424-5464 or email resume to: badouillard94@hotmail.com 17 Wanted: Someone going to Kamloops able to take parcel to granddaughter. 428-7833. 15 Wanted: White tail and mule deer capes. 250-365-6327. www.grifonetaxidermy.com 25 Wanted: Will haul away your unwanted rabbit cages, waterers and feeders. Also wanted chicken waterers and feeders. Free only. 428-5501. 19 Wanted: Any Lego, Cricut cartridges, beading or scrapbooking supplies, for free or not too expensive. Will pick up. 250-402-6582. 15 Wanted: Purchasing dead car batteries. Free pickup in Creston area. Joyce 250-428-7342. 15 Wanted: Donation please, roadworthy car for low income senior, needed for out of town medical appts. 428-0764. 15 Wanted: Vinyl records and record collections. Please call 250-254-0035. 17 :DQWHG/RRNLQJIRUDQHDUO\¶V0D]GD039 for parts. Joyce 250-428-7342. 15 Wanted: Will haul away your (still useable) fiberglass batt insulation. 428-2360. 19 Wanted: 23in or larger computer monitor. 428-2828. 19 Wanted in West Creston: Carpentry help/barter for room/board. Organic gardeners welcome free space trade for help setting up greenhouse domeaquaculture. 250-428-2448. 15 Wanted: Free rabbits. Call 428-5501. 19 Wanted: Chains for 14.5hp Craftsman lawn tractor. 428-2360. 15 Wanted: Gas powered leaf blower for science project, cheap or free. 428-2828. 19 Wanted: Will haul away used canning jars, in good shape. 250-428-5501. 19 Wanted: Auto trans for 97 Cavalier, or similar parts car with good trans. 428-2828. 9 Wanted: Biodiesel processing equipment etc. (prefer small scale 5-20gal) Ed 428-2828. 9 :DQWHG/RRNLQJIRUWZR³SDUWVWUDFWRUV´.XERWD L345DT and Massey Ferguson MF 135 diesel. 428-2828. 19 Wanted: 410 shotgun, good cond. 428-2360. 15 Wanted: New/used grey ³GRXEOH´YLQ\OVLGLQJ soffit, fascia and channel. 428-2828. 49 Wanted: Cone bottom tank/drum, approx 5-20gal. 428-2828. 13 Wanted: Chainsaws, any age, any make, or just parts, for future chainsaw museum. Donations are welcome. Non-profit venture by seniors. 428-2360. kg Wanted: Lister diesel or China diesel engine, with or w/o generator. 428-2828. 37 $4.95 Breakfast Special 8-11am Two Eggs, Two Bacon Hash Browns Homemade Toast Come in and enjoy! 1127 Canyon St. 250-428-9511 Page 9 Math Square answers on pg. 6 Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations. Each number is only used once. Each row is a math equation. Remember order of operations; multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction. Phone 250-866-5506 Steve Cell 250-254-8677 yourrenovator@hotmail.com Book Your Project Today! A naturally healthy choice for your dog! Ragged Ear Raw Pet Food Call Diane 250-402-2007 Sudoku Answer Fu e n pap Ro n H u rr y or funpape.com W ANT ED Will pick up unwanted/non-working solar collectors, wind generators, deep cycle/golf cart batteries, inverters, electric tractors etc-any condition. Ask for Ed 428-2828. 49 Master Goldsmith A new diamond or a colorful birthstone ring, just for you, or just for her, or just because! at Cresteramics 1022 Canyon St 250-428-5538 Long Distance & Local Moving House & Y ard Maintenance 10 Year Workmanship Warranty FREE ESTIMATES ƈFULLY INSURED Creston Number 250-435-0027 250-435-0027 topqualityroofing@live.ca Wy n n d e l Mech an ical B r y a n F e r g u son Res: 866-5760 Ph: 428-6701 For Sewage Pumping call Edwin 428-9097 250-428-6124 *DVƈ+RW:DWHU+HDW %RLOHUVƈ3OXPELQJ New Construction Bonded & Insured O ver 34 Y ea rs a M a st er T r a d es m a n ALL-RITE ROOTER SE W A G E PU M PI N G & SALES Page 10 The truck driver looked suspiciously at the soup he had just been served in a backwoods eatery. It contained dark flecks of seasoning, but two of the VSRWVZHUHVXVSLFLRXV³+H\´KHFDOOHG RXW WR WKH ZDLWUHVV ³WKHVH SDUWLFOHV LQ P\ VRXS DUHQ¶W WKH\ IRUHLJQ REMHFWV"´ 6KHVFUXWLQL]HGKLVERZO³1RVLU´VKH UHDVVXUHG KLP ³7KRVH WKLQJV OLYH DURXQGKHUH´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² The teenage son was having trouble mastering the fine points of balancing KLV QHZ FKHFNLQJ DFFRXQW ³7KH EDQN returned the check you wrote to the VSRUWLQJJRRGVVWRUH´KLVPRWKHUVDLG ³2K JRRG´ KH UHSOLHG ³1RZ , FDQ XVH LWWREX\VRPHVWHUHRHTXLSPHQW´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Q: How do astronauts eat their ice creams? A: In floats. Q: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a bowl of ice cream by its diameter? $3LD¶ODPRGH 250-‐428-‐6937 Double Puzzle Answers Lamina, Axil, Apex, Vein, Midrib, Petiole, Stipule, Stem. ³3DUWVRIDOHDI´ Mark East Roofing For ALL Your Roofing Needs HOSPITAL TUCK SHOP Licensed Journeyman 42 Years Experience Unique Handmade Gift Items Open Mon-‐Fri 9-‐3 FREE ESTIMATES 250-‐428-‐2286 ext 3127 312-‐15th Ave. N. email: 87500@telus.net Hospital Main Entrance Bill and Gillian Corry have brought their home based business to Creston TtRrEeAaSsUuRrEeSs UuPpHhOoLlSsTtEeRrYy SsHhOoPpPpEe We look forward to serving the Kootenay region with good quality workmanship. For more about us please visit our website www.upholsterytreasures.com or call us at 250-‐428-‐5593 1405 Alder Street, Creston We look forward to meeting you! A few years ago the battery in my beat up VW Beetle had died because I left the lights on overnight. I was in a hurry to get to work on time so I ran into the house to get my wife to give me a hand to start the car. I told her to get into our second car, a prehistoric oversized gas guzzler, and use it to push my car fast enough to start it. I pointed out to her that because the VW had a standard transmission, it need to be pushed at least 20 mph for it to start. She said fine, hopped into her car and drove off. I sat there fuming wondering what she could be doing. A minute passed by and when I saw her in the rearview mirror coming at me at 30 mph, I realized that I should have been a bit FOHDUHUZLWKP\GLUHFWLRQV« ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Early one evening a man went out to his garage and pulled the lawn furniture out onto the driveway. Shortly after followed the lawn mower, a few gardening tools and a bicycle. A curious neighbor wandered over and asked if he was going to have a garage sale. ³1R´ UHSOLHG WKH JHQWOHPDQ ³P\ VRQ just bought his first car and right now KH¶V JHWWLQJ UHDG\ IRU D ELJ GDWH´ ³6R ZKDW¶V ZLWK DOO WKH VWXII"´ DVNHG WKH QHLJKERU ³:HOO DIWHU \HDUV RI PRYLQJ bicycles, toys and sports equipment out of the way every time I came home from work I wanted to make sure the GULYHZD\ZDVUHDG\IRUKLP´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of faith. Rural Property for Sale Four lots available @5+ acres each. Level area with a variety of trees. Easy access to power and new wells in place. View of the mountains with a creek and trails nearby. Prices starting at $119,000 Call to view 250-428-8864 ³:H/RYH2XU)ULHQGV´ Enter to win a Reverse Osmosis System! Two ways to Enter: Go to Facebook and search: deannawardthreelswater 1. Become our friend (one entry) 2. As a friend, suggest friends. For every friend added you receive another entry (max 10) Draw Date: Apr 21st at Home & Garden Show /¶V:DWHU6\VWHPV-9998 A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down 0DLQ 6WUHHW ³%XW RIILFHU´ WKH PDQ EH JDQ ³, FDQ H[SODLQ´ ³4XLHW´ VQDSSHG WKH RIILFHU ³,¶P JRLQJ WR OHW \RX VSHQG the night in jail until the chief gets EDFN´ ³%XW RIILFHU , MXVW ZDQWHG WR VD\´ ³, VDLG EH TXLHW <RX¶UH JRLQJ WR MDLO´ $ IHZ KRXUV ODWHU WKH RIILFHU looked in on his prisoner and said, ³/XFN\IRU\RXWKHFKLHI¶VDWKLVGDXJK WHUVZHGGLQJ+H¶OOEHLQDJRRGPRRG ZKHQKHJHWVEDFN´³'RQ¶WFRXQWRQLW´ DQVZHUHG WKH JX\ LQ WKH FHOO ³,¶P WKH JURRP´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Some scientists decided to conduct a test to see if dogs really become like their owners over time. They placed a IHPDOH PDWKHPDWLFLDQ¶V GRJ LQ D URRP with a pile of bones and closed the door. When they returned, the dog had arranged the bones in a way that spelled out the square root of pi. Then they did the same thing with a dog that belonged to a female rocket scientist. When they came back a half hour later, they found the bones arranged to spell out E=MC(2) Then they brought in the dog of a male business manager. Half an hour later, they opened the door. The bones were all over the room, and the dog was trying to talk the other two dogs into gathering them up and bringing them to him. 100% Organic Herbal Infused HEALTHY Coffee. Try a cup FREE today! Call Chelsea 428-0233 or 402-3271 Page 11 ,¶OO EH LQ -XO\ DQG VR IDU HYHU\ EDU EHU KDLU VW\OLVW ,¶YH HYHU EHHQ WR KDV marveled at how thick and how much KDLU , YH JRW ,W¶V DERXW JUD\ EXW DW OHDVW ,¶YH JRW LW 8QOLNH P\ IULHQG Mark whom I saw the other day. Seems like every week he gets closer and closer to looking like a cue ball. :KHQ , VDZ KLP , VDLG ³+H\ 0DUN , think you should quit denying it, sport. <RX¶UH JRLQJ EDOG´ +H EULVWOHG DQG UHSOLHG³,¶P127µJRLQJEDOG¶,¶PJHW WLQJµPRUHKHDG¶´ Double Puzzle-Unscramble each word. Then use the marked letters to solve the second puzzle. Answer on pg. 10 -HVXV/RYHV8V« ...so what does He say ¶KHOOILUH·LVDOODERXW" Does it burn forever, or, is it the results which are eternal? Ezekiel 33:11 Romans 6:23 John 5:28.29 Revelation 20:9, 10, 12-14 Jude 6, 7 Ezekiel 28:14-19 Malachi 4:1-3 Questions? www.helltruth.com onioncreek@uniserve.com Need someone to check on your KRPHZKLOH\RX·UHDZD\" ƇAdded security against unexpected problems. ƇShort or long term. Call Moe 250-‐428-‐0775 HOME SERVICES Providing Security and Peace of Mind Green Valley Yard Care offers the following services: Complete Yard & Lawn Cleanup Power Dethatching & Aerating Spring Fertilizing Weekly Mowing & Trimming Yard Shrub Pruning Call Now to Book Your Yard Care www.lovehealthcoffee2011.organogold.com 250-402-9433 Professional Animal Care ² Canine, Feline, Bovine & Equine Health Care Melamine in Pet Food? Worried about Melamine scares, or the quality control of pet foods? Creston Veterinary Hospital 1605 Dogwood St 250-‐428-‐9494 Check out Royal Canin, Medi-Cal pet food. The Royal Canin company has many facilities -one based out of Guelph Ontario. Each facility runs many tests on each raw material used in the pet food. Near-Infrared spectroscopy is only one of the many ways the ingre- dients are tested. When a truck load arrives at the factory, its load is checked against a reference sample of that ingredient. The truck is not allowed to unload until this screen is performed. If there is any difference from the reference sample the load is rejected. Three infractions by the same supplier will result in the end of their contract. Stringent standards are in place to give the best quality products free of contamination by toxins. A new technology is the Nitrogen Flush which ensures the food will be as palatable and fresh as the day it was made. The Royal Canin Company says, quote ´:HDUHGULYHQE\ our commitment to providing dogs and cats with the best nutrition possible based RQVFLHQWLILFHYLGHQFHµ Want a pet food you can trust? We believe Royal Canin is a responsible company you can trust. Diets now come formulated for individual pet needs. Come check out our selection at the Creston Veterinary Hospital. We would be happy to help you find the right diet for your pet. Dr. Robert McLeod ƈDr. Leanne Sackney ƈDr. Emma Davis ƈDr. John Pfeffer ERICKSON GARAGE April is Senior Discount Month 10% OFF Free front end & brake inspections! Kerry Clark Licensed Mechanic 30 years Experience Shop Rate $50hr Call for appointment 250-254-1791 3408 Hwy 3 Erickson Mon-Fri 9-5 :KHHO$OLJQPHQWVƕ%UDNHV )URQW(QGƕ*HQHUDO5HSDLUV D & J Waldner CONSTRUCTION Dale 250 250--402 402--8808 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQƕ5HQRYDWLRQV Bobcat Service MUCH MORE Than a Welding Shop! Come inside the STORE... We have everything from ³1XWVWR%ROWV´ EXPANDED MARINE INVENTORY ATV Supplies Lawn Mowers & Trimmers Tillers & Chain Saws Boat Repairs Safety Clothing . ,IZHGRQ¶WKDYHLWLQVWRFN we can get it! COMFORT WELDING LTD 120 Collis St 428-7464 Page 12 M ISC E L L A N E O US M ISC E L L A N E O US For Sale: Las Vegas Get Away-4 days & 4 nights in a suite at the Polo Towers on the strip. Sleeps 4. Apr 21-24 inclusive. Asking $300. 428-7325. 15 For Sale: Central vacuum complete with 30ft hose, power nozzle and all attachments. This 12 amp unit has very high suction and is in excellent cond, $275. 250-428-7031. 15 For Sale: Two oak end tables, as new, $75 ea. Dining room table and 6 padded chairs $700. Gas BBQ c/w cover, tank and propane, $75. Four painted wooden kitchen chairs, $10 ea. Makita scroll saw $75. 250-428-3370. 15 For Sale: Genuine leather (chestnut color) rocker, glider, recliner on full swivel, excellent shape, $60 obo. Round maple table with 4 chairs (hand made in Yugoslavia) $150. 402-6243. 15 For Sale: Complete gravity fed household water pressure system. GSW piston pump pressure tank, 1/4hp electric motor. This unit is in excellent working condition, $275. 250-428-7031. 15 For Sale: New 1500 psi electric pressure washer with all attachments, $75. 250-866-5524. 15 For Sale: MPC 200D converter by Systems Monitors Inc. 120v AC input-12v DC output. 20 amp DC total. New, never used. Paid $165asking $75. 250-428-5838. 15 )RU 6DOH (DUO\ ¶V )RUG %URQFR5DQJHU IURQW rotors (new) $50. 50ft electric cable for underground, rated 1000v, $200. Soft lead for black powder $100. Old steamer trunk $150. Old jewelery Copper/brass). 8000lb pto winch $600. 11½ft camper $1200. Antique suitcase $50. SS drinking fountain $30. Bench Mark 3½in electric hand planer $100. 428-5676. 15 For Sale: Hot tub, 83in x 83in, 20 jets, 5 yrs old, seats 7, good cond, $2500. 250-428-0052. 15 For Sale: Turntable-CD recorder with cassette player and analog tuning AM/FM radio. Almost new. $100. 428-4276. 15 For Sale: EUP bagless upright vacuum, on-board attachments in really excellent, like new condition, $135. 250-428-7031. 15 For Sale: New 15hp motor, electric & manual start, $500 obo. 428-2460. 17 For Sale: Pub height oak table with 6 chairs, 52in x 52in with leaf in, $850. 250-254-0191. 15 For Sale: Spinning wheelWUDYHOHU¶VUDWLR bobbins. Asking $200. 250-428-7169. 15 For Sale: 150 bales very dry straw, barn stored, $3 bale. Duck eggs. 250-428-2448. 15 For Sale: Stand-up suntanning unit, 110v, $850. Piano $1200 obo. New bassinette $100. Teak buffet & hutch $600. Matching buffet table & 4 chairs $800. Queen bedroom suite, 2 dressers, 2 night tables, bedframe & 2 mirrors, $450. Wooden highchair $50. Curio cabinet $200. Oak rolltop desk $200. sewing machine $30. 2 green sofa chairs $40 pair. Tufted black leather covered lunch counter $150. Stroller $50. Bath chair $20. Coffee table, matching sofa table, 2 end tables with drawers, Navajo red, $125 for all. 2 lamps and one stand-up lamp, $35 for the set. 3 tiered round glass side table $20. Large popcorn machine for store or home $75. 2 all glass displays with wheels $300 for the pair. Massage table $400. Massage head rest $100. 2 glass counter displays, $125 ea or both for $200. 428-0066. 15 For Sale: RV fridge, toilet, water tank heater, stove and furnace, $400 for all. Isaac 428-0490. For Sale: Bell Turbo Stick Novatel wireless U998. Paid $145-sell $90. Used 4 months. 428-4544. 15 For Sale: Hard spring wheat, cleaned for flour, 40lb bag $15. Also bread and pastry flour. 428-7351 or 428-6788. 17 Painting and decorating. Plastering and concrete. Free estimates. $18hr. 250-254-1489. 15 For Sale: Lawn tractor-26hp Kohler engine, 325 hrs, hydrostatic trans, 50in mower attachment, 2 sets blades, 44in snowblower attachment, rear weights, 4 chains, 12 cu ft dump trailer, $3200. 428-3966. 15 For Sale: 4 drawer desk & matching credenza, ¶VFKHVWHUILHOGFKDLUH[FHOOHQWFRQGL tion, $300. 250-424-5571. 15 For Sale: White Pomeranian female cross, 5 mths old. Needs TLC. Adults only. $150. 250-428-0216. 15 For Sale: Panasonic SDR-S10 video camera. Barely used. Shock-proof to 4ft. Water resistant. $200 obo. 428-9521. 15 Moving Sale: Assorted potted trees and shrubs, ready to plant. Potting soil, small & large starter pots, assorted indoor plants. 428-3473. 15 For sale: 250 amp AC/DC welder. Call after 5pm 250-424-5131. 15 For Sale: New 54in boxspring & mattress, $400. Value $3000. 250-866-5245. 15 )RU 6DOH 1HZ QHYHU ULGGHQ %OXH ³5RFN\ 0RXQWDLQ´PRXQWDLQELNH2QO\ Joyce 250-428-7342. 15 For Sale: Hammond organ, model M101, classic antique. Needs tune-up. $100. 250-428-0236. For Sale: 4 drawer metal letter size file cabinet $40. Computer desk $25. Large double pedestal oak desk $250. Tea wagon $30. coffee table, paid $400 new-now $200. 428-7656. 17 For Sale: Single bed with box spring, headboard and drawers, 6 drawer dresser w/mirror $200 set. Two section oak wall unit, holds large TV, $200. 428-0291. 15 For Sale: New 5 ton electric wood splitter $200. New 25 gallon ATV sprayer $100. New in carton 60BF birch flooring $100. 9 bundles 30 year asphalt shingles $125. Set 6ft aluminum ramps $75. Maytag dryer, works perfect, $100. 24in wall oven, works well, $50. 12,000 btu air conditioner $100. Complete Shaw satellite system $75. 250-428-4788. 15 For Sale: Century HES60 electric stove/heater. 1400 watts, imitation flame. As new, $195 obo. 428-7426. 15 For Sale: Countertop fridge, great for cabin or as a bar fridge. Woods 150 litre capacity. $50 takes it. 250-428-7169. 15 For Sale: Extra large Ty Schweetheart (orangutan) mint cond with tag, $100 obo. 250-428-2892. 13 For Sale: Spoon rack± ornate with glass door, holds 90. $35 obo. 250-428-7169. 15 For Sale: Two large oak look entertainment centers with glass doors, $40 ea obo. 1988 Ford F250 4x4, V8, std, needs TLC $800. 428-2828. 15 Next C lassified Deadline: F riday A pr 6, 4pm 15 Come and enjoy the power of the Canadian dollar south of the border! Visit in scenic Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 0HQWLRQWKLVDGDQGZH¶OOSD\ your Idaho state sales tax! . Ph. 208-666-1525 Hwy 95 and Dalton Ave Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Sun 10am-5pm www.koernerfurniture.com Full line furniture store featuring our La-Z²Boy Comfort Studio 15 MISC E L L ANE OUS F OR SA L E For Sale: Snow blower, 8hp x 24in, good cond, $225. 250-428-9606. 15 For Sale: John Deere riding lawn tractor, Model SX38. Looks and runs like new, $900. 250-428-2602. 15 For Sale: Chopping swing maul, like new, $25. 428-3966. 15 For Sale: Standard size trampoline, $75 obo. 250-402-6241. 15 For Sale: Electrolux canister vacuum, new hose power nozzle, all attachments. This unit in excellent condition, $125. 250-428-7031. 15 For Sale: Craftsman 10in radial arm saw $150. Craftsman 20in professional scroll saw, hardly used, $300. 250-428-5838. 15 For Sale: Top of the line Samsung 12 amp variable speed canister vacuum with power nozzle and attachments. This unit is in like new condition, $175. 250-428-7031. 15 For Sale: New snowblade for side-by-side or quad $150. Leather chinks, size 28-32 waist, brand new, $75. Leather rocker/recliner $300. Pine table and chairs $100. Old oak table $150. Older 27in Sanyo TV, works excellent $20. New IHUWLOL]HU VSUHDGHUVHHGHU ³(DUWKZD\´ LQ KLWFK receiver slide-in, for truck or quad, 12v electric, $150 firm. HP computer, flatscreen monitor, excellent cond, hardly used, $250. Brand new acoustic guitar $175. 428-9008. 15 For Sale: 2011 Invacare Comet mobility scooter. Excellent cond, loaded. New $5400-asking $2600. 428-0430. 15 For Sale: Ladies power assist bike w/basket, carULHU IHQGHUV OLJKW NLFNVWDQG RER 0HQ¶V Raleigh mountain bike w/carrier, fenders, kickstand, $300 obo. 250-428-4259. 15 For Sale: Attention woodworkers - 1x6 x 2ft± boards, 25¢ each. Available at Fun Pape office, 3107 Hwy 3 Erickson. 428-2828 47 C lassifieds ads - 12 words for $3, per issue Next C lassified Deadline: F ri A pr 6, 4pm Next Display A d Deadline: F ri A pr 6, 4pm Page 13 CLASSIFIED AD RULES F OUND Ring found at ARES parking lot. Call to indentify. Fun Pape office 250-428-2828. GIV EA WAY Giveaway: Free sample cup of coffee! 100% organic herbal infused healthy coffee. Chelsea 428-0233. 17 Giveaway: Small wooden camper ideal for playhouse or dog house. 250-866-5634. SOLD! 15 Y A R D SA L ES On The Deck Sale: 2 weekends± Mar 31 & Apr 1, and Apr 7 & 8. 9-5. Lots of stuff, come take a look, 4612 Hwy 3 towards Cranbrook. 428-9101 Patricia. 15 Man Stuff Yard Sale: Hydraulic items, Pony tractor, pipe bender. Too many miscellaneous items to list!. 9-5 most days, 255 East Arrow Creek Rd. Ross 428-4101. 15 Classified Ad Deadlines-every second Monday Display Ad Deadlines-every second Friday New Fun Pape Hours: M-F 9-4 Thanks for Making The Fun Pape &UHVWRQ·V0RVW5HDG)UHH3DSHU Did you know 4000 )XQ3DSH¶V get distributed every two weeks? $QGLI\RXVWLOOFDQ¶WILQGRQH«VWRSLQDWRXU office, 3107 Hwy 3, Erickson ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² funpape.com is online but without the VWRULHVVR\RX¶OOZDQWWRNHHSWKLVFRS\ $QVZHUVWR$P\¶V6SRWWKH&KDQJHV Trail behind bee shorter. Mouth darkened. Left ear. Nose on trunk missing. Right daffodil missing petal. More hair added. Butterfly, top right changed. Tail changed. Flower added. Antennas missing on left butterfly. Nails on left foot missing. Leaf added on bottom left. Wing RQ EHH PLVVLQJ ³6SULQJ´ GHVLJQ 6KDGRZ XQ der elephant smaller. Private ads only (no business related*): 12 words, $3 per issue. Extra words 25¢ each. Bolded words 50¢ each. Includes HST. Drop off ads at 3107 Hwy. 3 Erickson, at the office (VISA, MC, or DEBIT) or ad drop box, or phone in ads, 428-2828 and pay by VISA or MC (50¢ extra charge-if ad total less than $10) Businesses will need to purchase a DISPLAY AD first before using classifieds. * exception-farming, if no similar display advertiser The publisher reserves right to accept or reject any ad OVERHEAD DOOR Company of Creston Gordon Hegland 250-402-9818 ƇResidential ƇCommercial For ALL Repairs & Service Needs Rent-a-Hubby Husband (wife) not very handy? 1RWWKHUH":H¶OOGRDQ\KRXVHKROG repair a husband (wife) would do. Also: Renovations, Roofing Installing Windows & Doors Decks & Patios Eavestrough Cleaning Dump Runs CRYPTOGRAM Figure out the phrase. Call 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 All You Can Eat - 21 BUFFET Lunch Last Issue Answer: To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might just be the world. ATTENTION 3$8/»6,167$//$7,216 BUSINESS MINDED PEOPLE Heating & Ventilation MLM Opportunity Outstanding Product Potentially Unlimited Income Small Investment Required Full Range of Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners & Ductless Heating Systems High Efficiency Wood Stoves & Stove Pipe Interested? Call Heather Green 250-‐402-‐9313 Stainless Steel Railings Custom Made to Your Specs ³,¶OO%HDW$Q\3ULFH:LWK6XSHULRU(TXLSPHQW´ 250-866-5247 250-402-8957 7-‐Days-‐a-‐Week 11am-‐1:30pm Supper Friday & Saturday 5pm-‐7:30pm ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Pick of the Crop Market 2928 Hwy 3 Erickson 250-‐428-‐5120 ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Adults $9.95 Seniors(60+) $8.95 6-12 yrs $5.95 5 & under free Seating for up to 50 people Reservations are appreciated ,W·VWD[VHDVRQDJDLQ Come in soon for personal tax planning & return preparation Ph 250-402-6277 1005 Canyon St. denne@denneahlefeldcga.ca Creston New Horizons Seniors Society invites you to join us for Pancake Breakfast Sunday, April 8th 8:30am-12noon Rotacrest H all (located at South end of Rec Centre parking lot) $5 person ~ Everyone Welcome! ~ .YHWD¶V1DWXUDO+HDOLQJ&HQWUH .YHWD¶V1DWXUDO+HDOLQJ&HQWUH F eel healthy, look healthy, B E healthy...naturally E motion Code Reflexology C ranioSacral T herapy L ymphatic D rainage Reiki Reconnective H ealing K veta A. Jasek Certified Emotion Code Practitioner 250-866-5677 V E HIC L ES and Related Goods V E HIC L ES and Related Goods For Sale: 2000 Suzuki Esteem, auto, needs new fuel pump. Has little rust. $700 obo. 250-428-3507. 15 For Sale: 1993 Chev ext cab 4x4 1/2 ton. List of current parts, repairs. Runs great, $3000 obo. Jim 250-254-0152. 15 For Sale: 1967 Pontiac Parisienne. Butternut yellow, black vinyl top, parchment bench interior. 327, Turbo 400. Rare and original, documented. $12,000 obo. 428-4583. 15 For Sale: 3 carburetors, 6 cyl engines, 2 Fords, 1 Chev. Old auto lenses. Ross 428-4101. 15 For Sale: 98 GM truck & 21½ft 5th wheel, as a unit, $12,000. 428-7174. 15 For Sale: 2006 Ford Taurus, 2 sets tires-new, well maintained. 428-9101. 15 For Sale: 2009 Talon Alumaweld 17½ft canopy boat. 60 Mercury, 4 stroke, used 4 hours. EZ Load trailer, downrigger, fish finder, prop, spare tire, life jackets. Paid $28,000-$20,000 obo. 250-428-7990. 19 For Sale: 2005 Ford Ranger, extra cab, 4x4, auto, 24,000km, $14,500 obo. Kenmore dishwasher, Jenn-Aire range, best offer. 428-5762. 15 For Sale: 2006 Buick Alure, 79,000km, 4 door, fully loaded, security, sun roof, OnStar, excellent cond, $13,600 obo. 250-428-3528. 19 For Sale: 2008 KTM 450 EXCR, street legal, mint cond, $5800. 250-254-8524. 15 For Sale: 1999 GM C Sierra 2500 4x4, ext cab, 100,000km, new tires, box liner, CD, air, running boards, canopy, no rust, excellent cond, $12,800 obo. 250-428-3528. 19 For Sale: 1999 Yamaha YZF 400. New JD carb kit, decent tires, rear fender broken. Runs great, tons of power, $1800 obo. 1-250-426-2278. For Sale: 2000 Toyota Camry, 2.2L, 4 door, 280,000km, CD, air, tow hitch, new tires, $3200 obo. 250-428-3528. 19 For Sale: 96 Blazer 4x4, good cond, good tires, new brakes. First $2000 takes it! 402-6067. 15 Why not try a classified ad in the next issue? )RU 6DOH ¶V &$7 EREFDW EXFNHWV DQG forks incl, runs good, asking $7000. Industrial electric over hydraulic wood splitter, $500. New 60in cleanout bucket, hydraulic tilt, Cat 320 quick change, $3700. 250-402-0071. 15 For Sale: ATV tracks-Camoplast Tatou 4s, for Yamaha 700 Grizzly. Used 7 times. $3200. 250-428-9606. 15 For Sale: 93 Chev Astro van, AWD, running. Out-of-province. 4.3L eng. c/w spare tire and bed in back. $1000 obo. Also 4 new steel wheels to fit 2000 Ford Windstar, $150 set. 428-7403. 15 For Sale: Class A motorhome cover, Designer Series by TYBEK. 34.1ft-37ft. Used one winter. $466.49 on sale in Camping World-asking $300 obo. Call for all details 250-428-5838. 15 For Sale: Utility trailer, 4ft6in x 8ft1in, 13in wheels, 18in sides, $500. 250-428-7169. 15 For Sale: 2003 Mazda Protégé LX, exc cond, silver, 140,000km, new fronts, $4275. 250-428-3395. 15 For Sale: 2011 Kubota RVT 500. Asking $8500 obo. 250-428-2436. 17 For Sale: 1999 Dodge 3500 DRW, 2 wheel drive, Cummins engine, rebuilt heavy duty towing automatic transmission, 4-10 gears. Auxiliary fuel tank with own fuel pump. Aluminum tool box. 20,000lb 5th wheel hitch. Airflow tailgate. Original tailgate. Exhaust brake. 70hp Edge chip. Fuel pressure gauge. Pyrometer gauge. Transmission temperature gauge. Turbo boost gauge. Security demobilizer. 219,600km. PS, PB, AC. New OEM quality front pads & rotors. Front tow hooks. Rear air bags. $15,000. 250-402-6654 or cell 250-402-9800. 15 For Sale: 2000 Beetle, 81,800km, auto, recent inspection. $4500 obo. 250-428-7370. 17 For Sale: 18ft boat & trailer. 1955 Chev truck. 428-7003. 19 For Sale: 1991 25ft Prowler RV trailer, sleeps 6, lift kit, air, awning, non-smoking, dual tanks, excellent cond $7500 obo. 250-428-3528. For Sale: John Deere 400 backhoe, excellent condition, tire chains, extra bucket & manuals, $10,000. 250-223-8023. 19 For Sale: 1999 Dodge Ram 3/4 ton. Extra cab, 4 dr. Cadillac of pick-ups! Excellent condition, 155,000km, $8900. 2005 26ft Orbit Fleetwood 5th wheel, slide out, loft style, $15,500. $24,000 for both. 250-428-1590 or 250-254-1756. 15 For Sale: Spring is on the way! 2002 XV1700PC Yamaha Roadstar Warrior, 11,000km, mint condition, $10,000 obo. 250-428-9293. 15 )RU 6DOH òIW /XQG ³)LVKHUPDQ´ )XOO bimini, fish finder, radio, paddles, life jackets, down rigger, many extras. 2005 Mercury 115hp 4 str., 100 hrs. 9.9 Honda kicker, electric start, 4str. Karavan trailer, new rubber. All in excellent condition, ready to go, $14,800. 428-4544. 19 For Sale: Four 195/60R15 mud & snow winter tires, $100 all. Isaac 428-0490. 15 17 840 Packing Shed Rd W ynndel T he Righ t H om e Righ t H e re Righ t N ow Looking for a new home at an affordable price? Consider Stratford Homes. Customer satisfaction starts with a quality- made home, complete with a 10 year structural warranty. Stratford Homes manufactures custom modular homes to your specifications, offering beautiful floor plans, designed to fit your individual needs. Volume purchases of high quality materials and the use of efficient production methods UHVXOWLQFRQVLGHUDEOHVDYLQJV«VDYLQJV passed on to you. Tom Morris-Authorized Build er/ Dealer S erving the Kootenays Acron Construction Creston BC 250-428-2071 $P\·V6SRWWKH&KDQJHV 19 Clean & Screened TOP SOIL $25/yd plus tax Delivered within town boundaries Under 8 yards delivery charge added ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³- ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³- A lso A ll T ypes of G ravel at Competitive Prices! 428-1834 or 428-1729
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