Biffy in a Jiffy
Biffy in a Jiffy
© 2012 Edward Michael Wishlow ² All Rights Reserved Office Hrs: Tue-Fri 9am-4pm Hu s & th morou ought red in and a t r e t s to en storie g n i k o rov p ress uce st Issue 14-23.24 May 23 ± June 6/12 Next : Friday 4pm NextClassified ClassifiedDeadline Deadline: FRIDAYMay June20, 1, 4pm Printed & Published by The Fun Pape, 3107 Hwy 3, Creston BC V0B 1G1 Phone 250-428-2828 Fax 250-428-2878 email: Fun Pape office will be closed Mon-Fri May 21-25. Please phone in, fax or email ads. Ƈ Ƈ Funny Answering Machine 0HVVDJHV« Roses are red, some willows weep, please leave your message after the beep. ³+L ZH DUHQ¶W LQ DW WKH PRPHQW LI you are trying to sell us something please start speaking now and hang up at the beep, everyone else start speaking at the beep and KDQJXSZKHQ\RX¶YHILQLVKHG´ Ƈ ,¶P QRW KHUH VR VD\ JRRGE\H RU OHDYHDPHVVDJHDQG,¶OOUHSO\ Ƈ ,¶OO FDOO \RX FDXVH \RX FDOOHG PH :H¶UH WKH BBBBB IDPLO\ 6R OHDYH your name and number at the tone. 6RUU\WKDWZH¶UHQRWDWKRPH Ƈ Ƈ ³+L \RX KDYH UHDFKHG WKH %RUJ collective. Please leave your name DQG VWDU V\VWHP DQG ZH¶OO DVVLPL late the data as soon as we can. ³+H\ JXHVV ZKR WKLV LV" <RX guessed it. Guess what you have to do now? You guessed it. Guess ZKDW¶VQH[W"<RXJXHVVHGLW«´ cont on pg 3 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY Irrigation Water Features Skid Steer Services Decks & Fencing Landscaping Maintenance #1 IN THE INDUSTRY Green Thumb Contracting Handy Clues: 1. ,I\RXFDQ¶WILQGDVFUHZGULYHUXVH DNQLIH,I \RX EUHDNRIIWKHWLS LW¶V an improved screwdriver. 2. Try to work alone. An audience is rarely any help. 3. Work in the kitchen whenever you can...many fine tools are there, its warm and dry, and you are close to the refrigerator. 4. ,ILW¶VHOHFWURQLFJHWDQHZRQH 5. Keep it simple: Get a new battery; replace the bulb or fuse; see if the tank is empty; try turning it to the ³RQ´VZLWFKRUMXVWSDLQWRYHULW 6. Always take credit for miracles. If you dropped the alarm clock while taking it apart and it suddenly starts working, you have fixed it. 7. Regardless of what people say, kicking, pounding, and throwing sometimes DOES help. 8. If something looks level, it is level. 9. $ERYH DOO LI ZKDW \RX¶YH GRQH LV VWXSLG EXW LW ZRUNV WKHQ LW LVQ¶W stupid. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²New Deadline Day: Every 2nd Friday Next Deadline: Friday June 1st See you There! Saturday June 2nd 10am-10pm Rec Center Field &HOHEUDWH6XUYLYRUVƈ5HPHPEHUWKH/RVW Gleaners Customer Appreciation Breakfast Ham, Comes Cheese with & Egg Coffee on a Bun & Juice Friday June 8th 9-11am in the Gleaners Too parking lot (113-8 Ave. N) ALL WELCOME! ƈShoppers ƈDonators ƈClients Creston Valley Rod & Gun Club 5th Annual Family Heritage Day Open House Saturday May 26th 10:30am-‐3pm at our Kidd Creek Range Try out rifle shooting, trap shooting, pistol shooting and archery as our guests. Range Officers and Instructors on site to SHOW you what to do. ALL FIREARMS & AMMUNITION SUPPLIED. (Please leave your firearms at home) This is a Family Oriented Event Everyone of Junior Hunter Age (10 years old) and up is welcome to shoot. All those who wish to shoot should register at the Range from 10:30am-11am SPECTATORS WELCOME (Please leave pets at home) For more information contact: Mike Keeling 250-428-7329 Matt Maddess 250-428-5720 Mel Prowse 250-428-8435 LUNCH PROVIDED Check out our GREAT FACILITY! 25km East of Creston Turn left on Kidd Creek Forest Service Road for 1km Biffy in a Jiffy Jeremy Smith 250-402-6209 GO GREEN! Portable Toilet & Shower Rental & Servicing RV & Boat Tank Pumping Septic Tank Pumping Call Paige 428-4053 or Cell 428-6256 CLASSIFIED AD RULES Private ads only (no business related*): 12 words, $3 per issue. Extra words 25¢ each. Bolded words 50¢ each. Includes HST. Drop off ads at 3107 Hwy. 3 Erickson, at the office (VISA, MC, or DEBIT) or ad drop box, or phone in ads, 428-2828 and pay by VISA or MC ANNOUNC E M ENTS PAGE 2 ´*HWWLQJ7KHUHµWORD SEARCH S M S P R R R B E P X L R U K 3$8/»6,167$//$7,216 Kids Day at the Creston Museum! Saturday June 9, 10:30am-4:00pm. Games, prizes and fun! 23 C.V.H. Tuck Shop is looking for volunteers that would be interested in working at the Tuck Shop plus volunteers that would like to knit or sew for us. Please call Mabel 250-866-5245. 25 Creston Museum open 10:00-3:30, MondaySaturday. Check out our new exhibit. 23 Creston Public Library has two summer jobs available for full-time students between the ages of 18-30. These positions run June through August 2012. They entail implementing the Summer Reading Club and the Readers are Leaders Program. For more information: Margaret/Enid at 428-4141. 23 Community Futures is your small business expert. Ask Erika how we can help. Call 250-254-1967. 35 Gospel Music on the Air, Sunday Mornings 8:00 to 10:00. CIDO 97.7FM or Your host Elvin Strand. 29 West Creston Hall and/or grounds. Weddings, parties, meetings, reunions, etc. Full kitchen facilities. Phone Leona 250-402-6643 or 51v3 Rotacrest Seniors Hall: Dancing every Tues 2-4pm, live music-everyone welcome, $5 at the door (Bob Holmes 428-8985). Coffee BreakWed 10am. Crib-Wed 7pm. Pool-Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun 1pm (Keith Forseth 428-2255). Bridge-Mon 7pm, Tue 9:45am, Wed 7pm, Thur 1pm, Sat 1pm (Margaret Roy 428-5406). Hall rentals 428-7127. s39v8 Heating & Ventilation Announcements ads are $3 for 12 words per issue (2 weeks) extra words 25 cents each. D C B H O Z I K X F C G L B T (50¢ extra charge-if ad total less than $10) Businesses will need to purchase a DISPLAY AD first before using classifieds. * exception-farming, if no similar display advertiser The publisher reserves right to accept or reject any ad The copyright holder and publisher specifically dis- claim any liability, loss or risk incurred as a conse- quence of the use of this paper, either directly or indirectly, and accepts no responsibility for any damages arising from ad copy (classified or display), except for critical typographical errors which will receive a full refund. PET-SITTING/HOUSE SITTING Professional, compassionate care for your Animals, Plants & Feathered Friends Qualified Veterinary Assistant - 12+ yrs exp Merry Puppinns 250-402-3488 Full Range of Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners & Ductless Heating Systems High Efficiency Wood Stoves & Stove Pipe Custom Made to Your Specs X H K W L R B L I A S A H T O V I V L S M A T C N S F T I R H R U J U B D D C C V A I L T B Q E T T J Y M E E R S L W R Q M S P C R U I S E P U S A A V K I V M P S M Q R H D N R C F L Y L E A A G I T T S K C E U I F E C R C N E L D D A W S Q B R L C L T S J U M P G D A E D I L S A L M K S W H I P H Kootenay Landscaping V H A U H A T D P W L C D S L Hauling - Fencing - Retaining Walls Free Estimates 250-254-1489 ³,¶OO%HDW$Q\3ULFH:LWK6XSHULRU(TXLSPHQW´ P G I E A O V L H R J L E A T ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Yard & Garden Cleanup & Maint. Starting at $18/hr Stainless Steel Railings CLIMB, CRAWL, CREEP, CRUISE, DASH, DRIVE, FALL, FLOAT, FLY, GLIDE, HIKE, JUMP, LIMP, MARCH, PARADE, PRANCE, RACE, ROLL, RUN, SAIL, SCAMPER, SLIDE, SLITHER, SPRINT, STUMBLE, SWIM, TROT, WADDLE, WALK. A L Q X W D E U D R I V E V P Disclaimer: Un-credited stories are from a variety of sources and are believed to be public domain. If you hold a copyright on any of these materials please inform us so we may give the proper credit. 250-866-5247 250-402-8957 LETTER TILES: Unscramble the letter tiles to reveal a message. OVERHEAD DOOR Company of Creston Gordon Hegland 250-402-9818 Last Issue Answer: The height of your accomplishments will equal the depth of your con- victions. ƇResidential ƇCommercial For ALL Repairs & Service Needs 3KLO¶V Roofing Phil Edwards We Build Quality Handcrafted Cabinets 250-254-0924 Local number & Furniture 4XDOLW\:RUNPDQVKLSƈ,QVXUHG ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Call 250-428-3434 ®®®®®®®®®® Also install Blow-in Attic Insulation Service You Can Trust Senior Discount Available Affordable Accounting Solutions Ph 250-402-6277 Fax 250-428-2067 1005 Canyon St. FUN PAPE³&UHVWRQ·VPRVWUHDGIUHHSDSHUSDJH Funny Answering Machine 0HVVDJHV«cont from pg 1 Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Music Criss Cross Puzzle from the Golden Age of We might be in, we might be out, but leave a message and you might find out! Rock & Roll Join TAPS as they host a fun-filled afternoon IHDWXULQJPXVLFIURPWKH·V·V·V Sunday May 27th 2pm PCSS ³+HOOR"+HOOR"+HOORRR" ,¶P VRUU\ \RX¶UH JRQQD KDYH WR VSHDN XS , FDQ¶W KHDU \RX7KDW¶V µFX] ,¶P QRW KRPH /HDYH D PHVVDJH %((3´ All proceeds to TAPS Tickets $10 at Black Bear Books For more info call TAPS 250-428-5585 You are dazed, bewildered, trapped in a world with no time, where color collides with sound, and shapes explode. You see a sign up ahead. This is no ordinary DQVZHULQJGHYLFHWKLVLV³7KH7ZL OLJKW3KRQH´ This call may be recorded or monitored for quality and training purSRVHV,I\RXGRQ¶WZLVKWKLVFDOOWR be monitored or recorded, then please let the answering machine know when you leave your message. 7DON WR WKH SKRQH WKH IDFH DLQ¶W home, please leave a message, after the tone. BEEP! Go away, leave me alone, please leave a message after the tone BEEP! cont on pg 5 Answer to Fallen Phrase: The only good reason for ever looking down on someone is to lift them up. Rita M. Patstone Certified General Acct Personal Taxes Corporate Taxes Business Consulting Bookkeeping ²²²²²²²± Your home or office or my office in West Creston Ph: 250-428-2662 Cell: 250-254-2646 email: Clean & Screened TOP SOIL $25/yd plus tax Delivered within town boundaries Under 8 yards delivery charge added ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³- ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³- A lso A ll T ypes of G ravel at Competitive Prices! 428-1834 or 428-1729 7KH.HORZQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO&KRLUSUHVHQWV« Store Stock Clear Out - HARDWARE PORTION Unbelievable prices you cannot afford to miss! Across: 2. Far fetched 5. Chocolate bar 6. Dress finisher Down: 1. A lot of Polynesia ZUGp ˅ GG 4. Step before spindry Answers on page 6 Prices start at 50¢! 1128 Canyon St Phone 402-6488 a Division of CAN-JAM Industries Ltd. NOTE: When emailing ads, DO NOT include your credit card info in email. E ffective A pril 25, 2012 New Deadline Day-E very Second F riday New F un Pape Hours: T ues-F ri 9-4 One Loonie + One Toonie equals the best value around for your classified advertising dollar! Westrim Contracting Landscaping Specializing in Natural Stone Installations & Water Features Kendal 250 250--421 421--4374 Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... ERNIE OLFERT 250-428-6191 One Issue $20+HST Two Issues $32+HST (Each issue two weeks long) 7X Face Value For Your 1966 & Older Dollars, 50¢, Quarters & Dimes. $VNDERXW·V86 Call for appt. 428-2828 advertise somewhere 428.2828 Ask for Ed GRAVEL TOPSOIL A naturally healthy choice for your dog! Ragged Ear Raw Pet Food Call Diane 250-402-2007 Estate Sale FUN PAPE³&UHVWRQ·VPRVWUHDGIUHHSDSHUSDJH Fallen Phrase answer pg3 $599,000 $549,000 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1800 sq ft home on 4.74 level acres in Erickson. 330ft Highway 3 frontage. Approx 2 acres in mixed fruit, lots of garden space. By appointment only. 428-3578 or 428-2892. Smart Service. Great Products. Aluminum Railing DURADEK Waterproof Decking Window Shades ƇPhantom Screens 7LOHƇ9LQ\OƇ/DPLQDWH +DUGZRRGƇ&DUSHW Serving Creston Valley since 1984 1518 NW Blvd 250-428-2426 Kepke Excavating Ƈ:DWHU6HZHUDQG3RZHU/LQHV Ƈ'XPS7UXFN ƇNEW-Dump Box Trailer Rental Ƈ5HWDLQLQJ:DOOV Ƈ/DQGVFDSLQJ Ƈ6WXPS5HPRYDO Ƈ7RS6RLO Ƈ0DQXUH 42.7 % of all statistics are made up on the spot. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²A closed mouth gathers no foot. SPRING SPECIAL MIXED FIREWOOD Cut/Split/Delivered Call Ron Kepke Ph 250-428-4306 Cell 250-428-1973 WANTED Clean Fill. ================= 3109 Hwy 3 Erickson Call Ed 250-428-2828 B U Y I T. SE L L I T. F I N D I T. Look to the Fun Pape C lassifieds WR)LQG:KDW<RX¶UH Looking For! $140 Load 250-402-9866 Ro n H u rr y Master Goldsmith A new diamond or a colorful birthstone ring, just for you, or just for her, or just because! at Cresteramics 1022 Canyon St 250-428-5538 Windows & Doors by MW MILLWORK LTD. Full Showroom at 1605 NW Blvd! Vinyl, Clad, Fiberglass Windows Pricing competitive with anyone! Garage Doors, Entry Doors, Shower Doors. Free Quotes Installation Available Call us at 250-402-6455 R E A L EST A T E & F O R R E N T For Sale: 14x70ft trailer, excellent as a workshop or with some fixing suitable for living. Located in Gray Creek-must be removed. $5000. Call Dan or Barb 250-227-4403. 25 Wanted to Rent: July 1st or sooner, 3-4 bedroom home in or around Creston, for professional family. We love the outdoors, are clean, love gardening, non-smoking, and enjoy living a healthy lifestyle. We would like a nice yard, preferably fenced with garden space. W/D & DW would be great. Woodstove would be a bonus. If you have something suitable please call 250674-3396 or email us with pictures and details 25 Open House: Sunday May 27th, 1-4pm, 2109 Cedar St. 23 For Sale: One bedroom furnished suite, walk-out. W/D, N/S, N/P. Sat TV & utilities incl. $650 +DD. 402-6432. 23 For Sale: Two bedroom house on 100x50 lot, 416-8 Ave S. No basement. Good view to the west. $99,900. 428-6187. 23 For Rent: 3 bedroom house w/garage, fenced yard, in Yahk. $650 mth +DD. RefHUHQFHVUHT¶G$YDLO-XQHVW 250-424-6905. 23 For Sale: 4 view lots, fully serviced, on Valley View Drive. 403-627-7440 or 250-254-1104. 25 For Rent: Acreage with 3 bedroom mobile, quiet, 10 min from Creston. NP, NS. Availability negotiable. 250-428-9901. 23 For Rent: Large, bright one bedroom (semi -basement). Some furniture. Close in. No pets, no smoking. Refs & DD. 428-5085. 23 For Sale: 2 bedroom mobile home in Highcrest Trailer Court in Cranbrook. Completely renovated. $45,000 obo. 250-464-5757. 25 For Rent: 2 bedroom apt, families welcome. NS, NP, utilities not incl. Onsite laundry & mail. 250-428-9560. 23 For Sale: 2840 Erickson Rd. Quiet, secluded on park setting, surrounded by pyramid cedars and ornamental trees, flowers and vegetable gardens. Gazebo, view of mountains, pond at egde of property. Field for farming etc, 6 new hydrants in field and yard. All fenced on 3.57 acres. 1996 modular, 2 bedrooms with possible 3rd, 2 full baths, master has ensuite. Central vac, wood heater, nat gas, 2 verandas, 2 new additions. New roof in 2011. Large fenced dog run. Large 2 car garage/shop. Sewer and water for trailer spot. Two min for town. Asking $426,000. No agents. 250-428-0838. 23 For Sale: 1.77 acre mountain view lot, 2704 37th St (off Crestview). Well with pump placed. Workshop with 200 amp electrical. Cleared building site with view of Mt. Thompson. Below assessed value. $179,900. 250-254-1756 or 250-428-1590 23 For Sale: Perfect starter/retirement home, 3 bedroom, perfect for the handyman. Call to view. Priced right at $105,000. 428-0059. For Sale: 1997 14x68 manufactured home with just finished 12x16 addition. 3 bedroom, one bath, W/D, FS, DW. 8x12 shed. #1 Devonshire M eadows (strata) (724 Devon St). Larger lot (.14 acres). $159,000. 428-4593 or view at ID#196766 49 For Sale: 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1800 sq ft home on 4.74 level acres in Erickson. 330ft Highway 3 frontage. Approx 2 acres in mixed fruit, lots of garden space. Reduced to $549,000. By appt only. 428-3578 or 428-2892. 49 Classified ads are still just $3 for 12 words for 2 weeks. 21 ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²- Classified and display ads, as well as puzzles available online at: Page 5 Funny Answering Machine 0HVVDJHV«cont from pg 3 Ƈ 6RUU\ ZH¶UH QRW KHUH WR OHQG DQ HDUVROHDYHD ZRUGDQG \RX¶OOEH heard. Ƈ Please leave a message. However, you have the right to remain silent. Everything you say will be recorded and will be used by us. Ƈ So long as phones can ring and eyes can see, leave a message, DQG,¶OOJHWEDFNWRWKHH Ƈ Now I lay me down to sleep; Leave a message at the beep. If I should die before I wake, remember to erase the tape. Ƈ After the tone, leave your name, number, and tell where you left the PRQH\,¶OOJHWEDFNWR\RXDVVRRQ DV LW¶V VDIH IRU \RX WR FRPH RXW RI hiding. Ƈ Ask not for whom the bell tolls. Ƈ %REKHUH,¶PKRPHULJKW QRZ,¶P just screening my calls. SO start WDONLQJ DQG LI \RX¶UH VRPHRQH , ZRXOGOLNHWRVSHDNZLWK,¶OOSLFNXS the phone. Otherwise, well, what can I say? Ƈ The rules of Sudoku are simple. Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Have Fun!!! Answer on page 9 advertise somewhere 428.2828 Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... One Issue $20+HST Two Issues $32+HST (Each issue two weeks long) You can fax your ad with your credit card info to: 250-428-«DQ\WLPH One Loonie + One Toonie equals 'RQ¶W \RX GR LW 'RQ¶W \RX GDUH , GRQ¶W ZDQW WR KHDU LW 'RQ¶W \RX EHHS ,I \RX EHHS ,¶OOGRQ¶W HYHQ WKLQNDERXWLW'RQ¶W« Greetings, you have reached the Sixth Sense Detective Agency. We know who you are and what you did so at the sound of the tone, please hang up. cont on pg 7 TtRrEeAaSsUuRrEeSs UuPpHhOoLlSsTtEeRrYy SsHhOoPpPpEe Serving the Kootenays with quality workmanship. For more about us please visit our website email: or call us at 250-‐428-‐5593 1405 Alder Street, Creston office will be closed Mon-Fri, May 21-25 ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² You can however... Ɣ)D[DGV-428-2878 Ɣ(PDLODGVPDLO#IXQSDSHFRP or (click on classified ads) ƔRUXVHGURSER[ 3107 Hwy 3 Erickson (one mile east of DQ) Alpha Centauri Space Station. &RPPDQGHU 0DUOLQ FDQ¶W FRPH WR WKH SKRQH ULJKW QRZ +H¶V HLWKHU saving the universe from some dread, unnamed peril, or perhaps taking a nappie. Leave your name and number after the beep and he will return your call. Ƈ Ƈ Sudoku +H\ LW¶V BBBBBB 6RUU\ \RX FDQ¶W get through. Leave your name and QXPEHUDQG,¶OOJHWEDFNWR\RX Ask for Ed Dean Bala Mortgage Broker DLC Whitehouse Mortgages Cell: 250-402-3903 I work with over 90 different lenders to find you the best rates. Answer to Rebus Puzzle Banana split. Ƈ The Fun pape the best value around for your classified advertising dollar! Paw Prints Pet Grooming <RX%ULQJ\RXU3HWV« We Bring the Tender Care. Call for Appt 428-7232 WH Excavating Will Heykamp 250-402-9528 Pickup Loads Rotted Manure³U-Haul Excavating ƈDump Truck Rock Hammer ƈRoad Bldg Top Soil ƈSite Preparation Subdivisions ƈAuger Bobcat SAFCAN Electrical Ltd. agricultural, industrial commercial, residential Steven van der Merwe 250 250--254 254--0356 cell bookkeeping & payroll services Melanie Bright 250.254.0434 Visit our new location, upstairs at 1118 Canyon St (in the Pharmasave Bldg) Let us worry about it! advertise somewhere 428.2828 Page 6 SIMPLY MAZING Ask for Ed Phone 250-866-5506 Steve Cell 250-254-8677 Book Your Project Today! Rebus Puzzle A rebus is a picture representation of a name, word or phrase. The puzzle below portrays a common word or phrase. Can you guess what it is? (answer on pg 5) BAN ANA COMPUTER CENTRE 215-33 Ave. S. (Hwy 3) Erickson 250-428-4419 ´:KHUHWKH9LHZLV(WHUQDOµ Jude 21 18th Anniversary - June 3rd Come Celebrate With Us <HDUVRI*RG¶V*RRGQHVV Guest Speaker: Pastor Richard Peacock Sunday Morning: 9:45 & 11:00 BBQ Lunch Sunday Evening 7:00 Pastor Jeff Friesen 234 36 Avenue N. 428-4861 One Loonie + One Toonie equals Good Times DJ & Karaoke the best value around for your classified advertising dollar! &UHDWRURI´&UHVWRQ·V%HVW6LQJHUµ&RQWHVW Vern Gorham-‐Owner/DJ 250-‐428-‐0305 E ffective A pril 25, 2012 New Deadline Day-E very Second F riday New F un Pape Hours: T ues-F ri 9-4 +LJK(QHUJ\'-Ɖ+XJH0XVLF/LEUDU\ Valley View Baptist Church A nswer to C riss C ross Puzzle: EDA L A cross: 2.Tall 5.KitKat 6.Hemmer Down: 1.Atolls 3.Aha 4.Rinse fix We computers Math Square Answer 6,8,3,7,4,2,1,9,5 250-428-4648 Judy had a system for labeling homemade freezer meals. She would carefully QRWH LQ ODUJH FOHDU OHWWHUV ³0HDWORDI´ RU ³3RW 5RDVW´RU 6WHDNDQG9HJHWDEOHV´RU ³&KLFNHQ DQG 'XPSOLQJV´ RU ³%HHI 3RW 3LH´(YHU\GD\ZKHQVKHDVNHGKHUKXV band what he wanted for dinner, he never asked for any of those meals. She decided to stock the freezer with his various UHTXHVWVLQVWHDGZKDWKHUHDOO\OLNHV«,Q -XG\¶V IUHH]HU QRZ \RX¶OO VHH D ZKROH QHZVHWRIODEHOV<RX¶OOILQGGLQQHUVZLWK QHDW OLWWOH WDJV WKDW VD\ ³:KDWHYHU´ ³$Q\WKLQJ´³,'RQ¶W.QRZ´³,'RQ¶W&DUH´ ³6RPHWKLQJ *RRG´ RU ³)RRG´ (QG RI frustration for Judy because no matter what her husband replies when she asks KLP ZKDW KH ZDQWV IRU GLQQHULW¶V WKHUH waiting! ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical. My blood pressure was KLJKP\FKROHVWHUROZDVKLJK,¶GJDLQHG VRPHZHLJKWDQG,GLGQ¶WIHHOVRKRW0\ GRFWRUVDLGHDWLQJULJKWGRHVQ¶WKDYHWREH complicated and it would solve my physical problems. He said just think in colors; Fill your plate with bright colors; greens, yellows, reds, etc. I went right home and DWH DQ HQWLUH ERZO RI 00¶V DQG VXUH enough, I felt better immediately. I never knew eating right could be so easy! ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² At a Milwaukee post office, a woman complained to the clerk that a Pony Express rider could get a letter from Milwaukee to St. Louis in two days, and now it WDNHV WKUHH ³,¶G OLNH WR NQRZ ZK\´ VKH scoffed. The clerk thought a moment and WKHQ VXJJHVWHG ³7KH KRUVHV DUH D ORW ROGHUQRZ"´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Funny Answering Machine 0HVVDJHV«cont from pg 5 Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Hello, and welcome to Answering Machines of the Rich and Famous! 6DPFDQ¶WFRPHWRWKHSKRQHULJKW QRZ EHFDXVH KH¶V VSHQGLQJ WKH week in his beautiful summer home on the French Riviera. +HOOR ,¶P QRW KHUH ULJKW QRZ ,Q IDFW ,¶P RXW JHWWLQJ D QHZ SDUD keet. If you leave a message after WKHEHHS,¶OOEHVXUHWRJHWEDFNWR you. Oh, and by the way, a word of advice; never try to clean a parakeet cage with a vacuum cleaner. +HOOR WKLV LV 'DYLG , GRQ¶W OLYH here, so if you were trying to call PH \RX¶YH GLDOHG WKH ZURQJ QXP ber. On the other hand, if you were trying to call John Jim or Eric, please leave your name and numEHU DW WKH WRQH , GRQ¶W JXDUDQWHH that one of them will call you back, RQO\WKDW,ZRQ¶W +HOORWKLVLV-DVRQ¶VYRLFH-DVRQ¶V QRWKHUHULJKWQRZKH\KDYHQ¶W\RX ever lost YOUR voice? Well believe you me, when I find him DJDLQ,¶OOKDYHDIHZFKRLFHZRUGV for him. If you do too, leave them at the beep. Ƈ +HOOR WKLV LV 5RQ¶V WRDVWHU 5RQ¶V new answering machine is in the shop for repairs, so please leave your message when the toast is GRQH«&DFKLQN ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²- Creston New Horizons Seniors Society invites you to join us for Pancake Breakfast Sunday, June 10th 8:30am-12:30pm Rotacrest H all Mom was getting swamped with calls from strangers. The reason? A medical billing service had launched an 800 number that was identical to hers. When she called to complain, she was WROG WR JHW D QHZ QXPEHU ³,¶YH KDG PLQH IRU WZHQW\ \HDUV´ VKH SOHDGHG ³&RXOGQ¶W \RX FKDQJH \RXUV"´ 7KH FRPSDQ\UHIXVHG6R0RPVDLG³)LQH )URP QRZ RQ ,¶P JRLQJ WR WHOO HYHU\ one who calls that the bill is paid in IXOO´ 7KH FRPSDQ\ JRW D QHZ QXPEHU the next day. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²The owner of a new 40ft yacht invited his only sister to go for a three day cruise. Going directly to the dock from the airport the sister and her luggage arrived a little earlier than expected. The brother, upon arriving and seeing KHU OXJJDJH VDLG ³\RX VKRXOG KDYH warned me, I would have brought a ELJJHUERDW´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² How to make a small fortune in the horse industry...start with a large fortune. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-E ffective A pr 25, 2012 New Deadline Day-E very Second F riday New F un Pape Hours: T ues-F ri 9-4 ROOFING WOLFGANG STIEF 250-431-8692 Free Estimates All You Can Eat BUFFET 7-‐Days-‐a-‐Week Lunch 11am-‐2pm Supper 5pm-‐7:30pm ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Adults $9.95 Seniors(60+) $8.95 6-12 yrs $5.95 5 & under free Seating for up to 50 people Reservations are appreciated Pick of the Crop Market 2928 Hwy 3 Erickson 250-‐428-‐5120 Mobile MLA Office Fri June 8th 11am to 3pm (located at South end of Rec Centre parking lot) $5 person ~ Everyone Welcome! ~ Rent-a-Hubby Husband (wife) not very handy? 1RWWKHUH":H¶OOGRDQ\KRXVHKROG repair a husband (wife) would do. Also: Renovations, Roofing Installing Windows & Doors Decks & Patios Eavestrough Cleaning Dump Runs Page 7 Call 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 Creston & District Public Library Meeting Room C all 1-877-388-4498 for more information A Strong Voice Standing Up For You MUCH MORE Than a Welding Shop! Come inside the STORE... We have everything from ³1XWVWR%ROWV´ EXPANDED MARINE INVENTORY ATV Supplies Lawn Mowers & Trimmers Tillers & Chain Saws Boat Repairs Safety Clothing . ,IZHGRQ¶WKDYHLWLQVWRFN we can get it! COMFORT WELDING LTD 120 Collis St 428-7464 .YHWD¶V1DWXUDO+HDOLQJ&HQWUH .YHWD¶V1DWXUDO+HDOLQJ&HQWUH F eel healthy, look healthy, B E healthy...naturally E motion Code Reflexology C ranioSacral T herapy L ymphatic D rainage Driving along a residential street, I spotted a little girl on the edge of the sidewalk clutching an armful of daisies and dandelions, which she was obviously trying to sell. I stopped and asked how much she charged for her flowers. Holding out a bunch, she anVZHUHG³,ILW¶VMXVWIRUVRPHERG\\RX¶UH JLYLQJWKHPWRLW¶VILYHFHQWVEXWLILW¶V IRU VRPHERG\ \RX OLNH LW¶V WHQ FHQWV EXW LI LW¶V IRU VRPHERG\ \RX«´ $W WKDW point, I produced a quarter and said, ,¶P VROG :KDW FDQ , EX\ IRU WKLV"´ Without hesitation, she handed me the whole bunch and accepted the quarter. But before heading for the candy store, VKH ORRNHG XS VPLOHG DQG VDLG ³,W¶V nice to sell my flowers to someone who is going to give them to somebody he ORYHV´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²When I was young, my family was really poor. Everything I wore, socks, blouses, even handkerchiefs, had been darned RYHU DQG RYHU E\ PRWKHU , ZDVQ¶W WKH smartest or the prettiest, but I sure was the best darned kid in the neighborhood! ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²-7KLQJV\RXZRQ¶WKHDU\RXUKRUVHVD\ Ƈ K veta A. Jasek Ƈ 250-866-5677 Ƈ Ƈ Certified Emotion Code Practitioner 840 Packing Shed Rd W ynndel natural@ T he Righ t H om e Righ t H e re Righ t N ow Looking for a new home at an affordable price? Consider Stratford Homes. Customer satisfaction starts with a quality- made home, complete with a 10 year structural warranty. Stratford Homes manufactures custom modular homes to your specifications, offering beautiful floor plans, designed to fit your individual needs. Volume purchases of high quality materials and the use of efficient production methods UHVXOWLQFRQVLGHUDEOHVDYLQJV«VDYLQJV passed on to you. Tom Page 8 Morris-Authorized Build er/ Dealer S erving the Kootenays Acron Construction Creston BC 250-428-2071 Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ 'RQ¶WFOHDQRXWP\VWDOO,DGRUHWKH smell. No thanks, one can of oats is enough for me. I just love travelling in a hot trailer. 0U)DUULHUSOHDVHGRQ¶WVWRSSRXQG ing on my hooves. 7KHUH¶V URRP IRU RQH PRUH RQ P\ back. I feel like galloping another 20 miles. Low branch! Duck! <RX FDQ JR DKHDG DQG OHDYH ,¶OO wash myself down. Can we do this again tomorrow? E ffective A pr 25, 2012 New Deadline Day-E very Second F riday New F un Pape Hours: T ues-F ri 9-4 D & J Waldner CONSTRUCTION Dale 250 250--402 402--8808 Journeyman Carpenter 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQƕ5HQRYDWLRQV Bobcat Service Ƈ Truth About Children A baby usually wakes up in the wee-wee hours of the morning. Ƈ -A child will not spill on a dirty floor. Ƈ A youth becomes a man when the marks he wants to leave on the world have nothing to do with tires. Ƈ Be nice to your kids, for it is they who will choose your nursing home. Ƈ Celibacy is not hereditary. Ƈ For adult education, nothing beats children. Ƈ If you have trouble getting your FKLOGUHQ¶V DWWHQWLRQ MXVW VLW GRZQ and look comfortable. Canadian Idle A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²All generalizations are false, including this one. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Always try to be modest and be proud of it. We Do It Right Or Not At All **************** Recovering your kitchen chairs, dining chairs, lazy-boy chairs, wing chairs, arm chairs and YOUR PRECIOUS ANTIQUES J&F Upholstery 1486 Cardinal Rd. West Arrow Creek 402-6083 W ANT ED Wanted: Goats, preferably mother and kids. 428-8453. 23 Wanted: Trailer to carry an ATV, approx 4ft x 8ft, with large wheels. 250-428-8985. 23 Wanted: 14ft or larger trampoline for youth. Must be in good condition. 250-402-3488. 23 Wanted: Used 1in±3in black pipe, prefer longer lengths. Also used retractable sprinkler system. 421-9733. 25 Wanted: Potato digger. 402-1927. 29 Wanted: Older RV trailer, bumper pull. Must sleep three separately. Must be reasonably priced. 250-428-0528. 23 Wanted: Free red bricks, will haul away. 428-2360. 29 Will pay cash for rock and gem collections. 250-428-4020. 21 Wanted: Snow fence-any size ok, cheap or free. 428-2828. 23 Will pay cash for good used rock saws or any lapidary equipment. 250-428-4020. 21 Wanted: Old farm implements, rusty junk, yard art, vintage & antique furniture and collectibles. 428-0614. 29 Wanted: Will haul away your unwanted or nonworking treadmill. 428-2828. 27 Wanted: Recycling car batteries and BBQ propane tanks-free pickup. Joyce 250-428-7342. 21 Wanted: White tail and mule deer capes. 250-365-6327. 25 Wanted: Will haul away your unwanted rabbit cages, waterers and feeders. Also wanted chicken waterers and feeders. Free only. 428-5501. 19 Wanted: 23in or larger flat screen computer monitor.428-2828. 19 Wanted: Free rabbits. Call 428-5501. 19 Wanted: Gas powered leaf blower for science project, cheap or free. 428-2828. 19 Wanted: Will haul away used canning jars, in good shape. 250-428-5501. 19 Wanted: Biodiesel processing equipment etc. (prefer small scale 5-20gal) Ed 428-2828. 9 :DQWHG/RRNLQJIRUWZR³SDUWVWUDFWRUV´.XERWD L345DT and Massey Ferguson MF 135 diesel. 428-2828. 19 Wanted: 410 shotgun, good cond. 428-2360. 49 Wanted: New/used grey ³GRXEOH´YLQ\OVLGLQJ soffit, fascia and channel. 428-2828. 49 Wanted: Plastic 45 gal drums, cheap or free, will pick up. 428-2828. 13 Wanted: Chainsaws, any age, any make, or just parts, for future chainsaw museum. Donations are welcome. Non-profit venture by seniors. 428-2360. kg Wanted: Lister diesel or China diesel engine, with or w/o generator. 428-2828. 37 A 12 word classified ad is $3. Extra words 25¢ea. Per issue (2 weeks) ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² You have not, because QRRQHNQRZV\RX¶UHORRNLQJIRU LW7U\D³:DQWHGDG´WRGD\ Page 9 Math Square answers on pg. 6 Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations. Each number is only used once. Each row is a math equation. Remember order of operations; multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction. Pick-Up & Drop-Off before & after hours, incl. SAT+SUN at Ife¹jI\gX`i r e z t l e P Shop Ron Serving YOU proudly Sudoku Answer Fu e n pap 1238 NW Blvd. Ph: 250.428.1721 LlEeNnNnYy CcRrAaIiGg HhOoMmEe IiMmPpRrOoVvEeMmEeNnTtSs or AaDdDdIiTtIiOoNnSs RrEeNnOoVvAaTtIiOoNnSs RrOoOoFfIiNnGg GgEeNnEeRrAaLl HhOoMmEe RrEePpAaIiRr W ANT ED Will pick up unwanted/non-working solar collectors, wind generators, deep cycle/golf cart batteries, inverters, electric tractors etc-any condition. Ask for Ed 428-2828. 49 Years over Need Help Developing a Web Site? Call Carolyn 250-428-2919 Email: 250-254-0197 A-1 ROOFING Asphalt & Metal Roofing Local References Available Call Rick and Will for ROOFING ƈ FURNITURE MOVING DUMP RUNS AND CLEAN UP Free Estimates Call Dean 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 Reasonable Rates ƇWork Guaranteed 250-428-7764 INSULATED CONCRETE FORMS Home Repair Ɣ ƔWelding Welding Metal Fab Ɣ ƔMechanical Mechanical Repair ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ Call Fred 250 250--428 428--1499 READY-MIX CONCRETE Valleywide Concrete Products Ltd. 1243 NW Blvd. (250) 402-6769 ³%XLOGRQD3URGXFWZLWKD6ROLG5HSXWDWLRQ´ Garden Rototilling Page 10 Creston & Area A woman was at home with her children when the telephone rang. In going to answer it, she tripped on a rug, grabbed for something to hold on to and seized the telephone table. It fell over with a crash, jarring the receiver off the hook. As it fell, it hit the family dog, which leaped up, howling and EDUNLQJ 7KH ZRPDQ¶V WKUHH-year-old son, startled by this noise, broke out into loud screams. She finally managed to pick up the receiver and lift it to her ear, just in time to hear her husEDQG¶V YRLFH RQ WKH RWKHU HQG VD\ ³1RERG\¶VVDLGKHOOR\HWEXWLWFHUWDLQO\ sounds as if I have the right number. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²- 25hp Kubota w/ 5ft Tiller . Call Evenings 250-‐428-‐0759 Cell 250-‐254-‐0804 Ask for George Come and enjoy the power of the Canadian dollar south of the border! Visit in scenic Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 0HQWLRQWKLVDGDQGZH¶OOSD\ your Idaho state sales tax! . Ph. 208-666-1525 Hwy 95 and Dalton Ave Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Sun 10am-5pm E ffective A pr 25, 2012 New Deadline Day-E very Second F riday New F un Pape Hours: T ues-F ri 9-4 Full line furniture store featuring our La-Z²Boy Comfort Studio Starting Mon June 4th Open mid-afternoons 2:00-4:30pm for Drinks and Desserts ƈƈƈ3DWLR2SHQƈƈƈ Double Puzzle Answers Main Sail, Boom, Tiller, Rudder, Mast, Jib, Headstay, Cleat, Keel. ³3$5762)$6$,/%2$7´ Traditional British Fish & Chips Homemade Burgers Delightfully Different Sandwiches & Salads Steaks & Seafood Homemade Desserts Budget Minded? This size Display ad... One Issue $20+HST Two Issues $32+HST (Each issue two weeks long) 250-428-8882 Located across from Fire Hall Q. What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish? A. Every morning you will rise and shine! ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Q. What Is the difference between a school teacher and a train? A. The teachers says spit your gum RXWDQGWKHWUDLQVD\V³FKHZFKHZ FKHZ´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²A DC-10 had an exceedingly long rollout after landing with his approach speed a little high. San Jose Tower: ³$PHULFDQ KHDY\ WXUQ ULJKW DW WKH end of the runway, if able. If not able, take the Guadalupe exit off highway 101 and make a right at the light to UHWXUQWRWKHDLUSRUW´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²A friend and I were a few minutes late for the movies, so after we found our seats Dave went to get us some snacks. It was completely dark in the theatre when Dave returned and he had some difficulty finding our row. He ILQDOO\ VDW GRZQ DQG ZKLVSHUHG ³'LG , PLVV DQ\WKLQJ"´ ³<HV´ D PDOH YRLFH DQVZHUHG³<RXUURZ´ ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²- H o l m- W o r k Property Maintenance HOLM-WORK WE CLEAN empty homes! Moving in or out? Estate Sales? Construction Clean-up? Give Darcy a call 250-402-6694 Professional Animal Care ² Canine, Feline, Bovine & Equine Health Care Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids Did you know : Feline Leukemia and Aids are two of the most common infectious diseases associated with illness and death among cats? Both these diseases impair the immune sys- WHP¶VDELOLW\WRILJKWLQIHFWLRQEXWERWKFDQEHWHVWHGIRUDQGYDFFLQDWHGDJDLQVW Both diseases are prevalent in Creston. Cats that contract feline leukemia or feline Aids may show symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, recurring infections, skin disorders, swollen glands, anemia, respiratory and UHSURGXFWLYHSUREOHPVPRXWKVRUHVRUJXPSUREOHPV2QFHLQIHFWHGWKHFDW¶VVXSSUHVVHG immune system may allow a variety of secondary diseases to take hold. Many cats may be symptom free for many years, but still pose a threat to other cats, as they are carriers of the infection. Have your cat tested for both these diseases for the discounted price of only $64.04 in the months of May and June. (a Savings of $20.00) Includes Blood collection, Feline Leukemia (Felv), and Feline Aids (FIV) test. Creston Veterinary Hospital 1605 Dogwood St 250-‐428-‐9494 &DOO&UHVWRQ9HWHULQDU\+RVSLWDOWRERRN\RXUFDW¶VDSSRLQWPHQW 20% OFF MICROCHIPS FOR CATS. Also works with Sure Flap Cat Doors. Sure Flap Cat Doors recognize only \RXUFDW·VPLFURFKLS³all other animals kept out! Special discounted price for the month of June $115 +HST Dr. Robert McLeod ƈDr. Leanne Sackney ƈDr. Emma Davis ƈDr. John Pfeffer Sixteen Steps To Build a Campfire Building a campfire is easy. Just follow these sixteen steps (in order): 1. Split dead limb into fragments and shave one fragment into slivers. 2. Bandage left thumb. 3. Chop other fragments into smaller fragments. 4. Bandage left foot. 5. Make structure of slivers (including those embedded in hand) 6. Light match. 7. Light match. 8. 5HSHDW ³D 6FRXW LV FKHHUIXO´ DQG light match. 9. Apply match to slivers, add wood fragments, and blow gently into base fire. 10. Apply burn ointment to nose. 11. When fire is burning, collect more wood. 12. Upon discovering that the fire has gone out while out searching for more wood, soak wood from can ODEHOHG³NHURVHQH´ 13. Treat face and arms for seconddegree burns. 14. Re-ODEHOFDQWRUHDG³JDVROLQH´ 15. When fire is burning well, add all remaining firewood. 16. When thunderstorm has passed, repeat steps. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² E ffective A pr 25, 2012 New Deadline Day-E very Second F riday New F un Pape Hours: T ues-F ri 9-4 Page 11 Last week we purchased a new computer. We ran into some difficulties while setting it up so we called the customer support phone number we found in the manual. I picked up the phone and called the number. A man answered the phone and I explained the problem to him. He began rattling off computer jargon. This confused us HYHQ PRUH ³6LU´ , VDLG SROLWHO\ ³&DQ you explain what I should do as if I ZHUH D VPDOO FKLOG"´ ³2ND\´ WKH FRP SXWHUVXSSRUWJX\VDLG³6RQFRXOG\RX SOHDVHSXW\RXUPRPP\RQWKHSKRQH´ Double Puzzle-Unscramble each word. Then use the marked letters to solve the second puzzle. Answer on pg. 10 'DUUHOOºV3UXQLQJ6HUYLFH No job too small!!! Ɣ Custom Pruning & Thinning Fruit Trees, Hedges etc ƔCOTR Certified ƔHourly Rates Ɣ 428-‐7034 Is there a difficult project that needs attention? $56 for 4 weeks * (2 issues) is all that it costs to advertise in &UHVWRQ·V hottest paper VHQVDWLRQ´7+()813$3(µ Call Ed at 428-‐2828 for more details. Circulation 4000 per edition. Paper comes out every other Wed. The above price refers to a business display ad MXVWOLNHWKLVRQHµ+;òµ:SOXV+67 ERICKSON GARAGE We now have TIRES! CHOCOLATE: The OTHER major food group. Tree Topping Ɣ Limbing Dangerous Tree Removal Falling Mobile Chipping Available Free Estimates Ɣ Fully Insured Come see us for all your tire needs. Free front end & brake inspections! Kerry Clark Licensed Mechanic 30 years Experience Shop Rate $50hr Call for appointment 250-254-1791 3408 Hwy 3 Erickson Mon-Fri 9-5 Call Jerry Hellens -18 yrs Experience Ph 428-3062 Cell 428-1695 :KHHO$OLJQPHQWVƕ%UDNHV )URQW(QGƕ*HQHUDO5HSDLUV ³7233(''5233('25/233('´ The Fun pape office will be closed Mon-Fri, May 21-25 ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² You can however... Ɣ)D[DGV-428-2878 Ɣ(PDLODGVPDLO#IXQSDSHFRP or (click on classified ads) ƔRUXVHGURSER[ 3107 Hwy 3 Erickson (one mile east of DQ) ERICKSON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING Tuesday May 29, 2012 7pm at the ERICKSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Agenda Regional Fire Protection Contract Arrow Creek Water Contract 1HJRWLDWLRQVWKDWDIIHFWRXUIXWXUH« These meetings are open to ALL Erickson residents. From Footings to Finishing Call Curtis for All Your Building Needs 250-866-6848 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER For Sewage Pumping call Edwin 428-9097 ALL-RITE ROOTER SEWAGE PUMPING & SALES WO, WW & SM Drop Off WO, WW & SM Drop Off at Fun Pape at Fun Pape WO=Waste Oil (veg or motor oil) (tight fitting containers please) (tight fitting containers please) WW=Waste Wood WW=Waste Wood (nails OK but no drywall, plastic, (nails OK but no drywall, plastic, insulation, or prunings) insulation, or prunings) SM=Scrap Metal SM=Scrap Metal (sorry no white goods except Fisher & Paykel) (sorry no white goods except Fisher & Paykel) Call Ed 428 Call Ed 428--2828 for more info -2828 for more info 2828 for more info For Sale: Dining room table w/8 chairs; butterfly leaf; square 54x54/ rect.54x36, countertop height. Like new! Was $1800-a bargain at $1200. 2007 Beamer III scooter, 49.3cc, only driven 10 miles, $1800. 250-428-5984. 25 For Sale: 2009 Craftsman riding lawn mower tractor, 21hp, 42in mower, excellent cond, $825. 250-428-5363. 23 For Sale: Good used recliner chesterfield. Kitchen range. Washing machine. Large dog kennel. Two bird cages. 250-428-7694. 23 For Sale: Bumbleride stroller with toddler attachment $275. Baby Rainforest Jumperoo $45. Baby swing $25. Fireplace insert with chimney adapter $100. 250-428-7562. 23 For Sale: North Star 6ft inflatable boat with 2 oars and electric pump, $175. Please call 250-428-9791. 23 For Sale: 24v Craftsman lawn mower, $180. 250-428-4619. 25 )RU6DOH³3HOOHW0DVWHU´SHOOHWVWRYHWKHUPRVWDW & pipes included. 5ft claw tub. Small trailerneeds box. 428-7117. 23 For Sale: Used portable Kenmore dishwasher, excellent cond, $50. 428-2360. 27 For Sale: Foldable MTB by DAHON 6 speed LQPHQ¶VELNHDOOQHZWLUHVWXEHVQHZZDV $895-sell for $300. 3500lb hidden hitch ±fits Chev and 34in frames, $75. 250-402-2097. 23 For Sale: Brass plated headboard for double bed $45. Med size pet carrier $12. Two fishing rods with Penn reels $60 ea. Art cards and artwork. 428-4854. 23 For Sale: Kitchen-Aide fridge with ice maker & bottom freezer, $175. Inglis convection stove $75. Microwave $15. SS double kitchen sink w/ new taps, & soap dispenser $35. 250-866-5161 or 250-402-8766. 23 For Sale: New Holland 1032 bale wagon $3000 obo. Vicon KM281 disc mower conditioner $2000 obo. 28ft bale loader w/Honda engine, $500 obo. 428-4221. 23 For Sale: Have grass pasture for 4 or 5 horses, price negotiable. 250-428-2181. 23 For Sale: HO model Canadian Provinces passenger set with track, switch and power pack, $150. 250-428-4372. 23 For Sale: Large sofa with recliner at each end, $200 obo. 250-428-9529 or 23 For Sale: Kenmore refrigerator, 18 cu ft, new in 2008 but hardly used, $300 obo. Call Leo 250-428-4550. 23 For Sale: Solid oak dining room suite. One piece china cabinet with glass shelves and back lighting. Table 40in x 56in with two 16in leaves. Two armchairs and 2 side chairs. $550. 250-428-5755. For Sale: Oversized recliner, like new cond, one yr old. Antique fireplace with built-in stereo system. 250-428-0697. 25 For Sale: Pick-up box trailer, strong frame, has chrome wheels/tires + extra set, $150. Large swamp cooler, almost new $175. Small swamp cooler $50. 4 good winter tires P215/65R15, $80 set. 250-428-0701. 23 For Sale: Dining room table, 6 Queen Anne chairs, and solid wood hutch, $800. Set of 2 oak end tables, $75 ea. Glass covered end table & 2 chairs, $250. Small table with inlay characters, $40. Call & will send pics via internet. 250-428-3370. 23 For Sale: 6ft x 9ft utility trailer, custom built, dual purpose, $550. Maytag Performa top loader washer & dryer, $200 pair. 250-428-6563. 23 For Sale: Baby bunnies, $5 each. 428-8811. 23 )RU 6DOH ³&RQQHU´ ZULQJHU ZDVKHU ³%XUSHH´ pressure cooker. Both antiques. Best offer. 250-428-3958. 23 For Sale: 5 cases of wine bottles $40. WaxMaster 900 car buffer & extra buffs $40. Bar fridge/ freezer, 20in long x 18in wide x 26in high, $50. 250-402-2097. 23 For Sale: Well rotted manure, $30 pick up loadwe load. Delivery available. 250-428-7472. 25 For Sale: Allegro piano, 88 key, good condition, $600 obo. 250-431-8823. 25 The Fun pape 1209 NW Blvd 250-402-6299 INSURANCE CLAIMS Paint & Body Repairs $XWR*ODVVƕ&KLS5HSDLU Certified Technicians Free Estimates Safe Quality Repairs We Set Our Sights Higher! Summer is Coming! Now is a perfect time for Disney, Europe, or a Cruise! Call Wendi for a FREE quote... Simply Travel 250-428-2843 CPBC#50105 office will be closed Mon-Fri, May 21-25 ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² You can however... Ɣ)D[DGV-428-2878 Ɣ(PDLODGVPDLO#IXQSDSHFRP or (click on classified ads) ƔRUXVHGURSER[ 3107 Hwy 3 Erickson (one mile east of DQ) Legion Events 428-4252 May 25-Friday Night Supper 6pm (Roast Pork) May 26² Steak BBQ Advance Tickets only-still only $10 May 29-Legion General Meeting 7pm June 2-Saturday Night Dance 0XVLFE\/HRQ+LV&'·VZLWKVSHFLDO guests Bellows & Bass (Accordion Band) June 3-Pancake Breakfast 8:30am-noon $4 June 9-Saturday Night Dance Music by Lorne Heltman June 16-Saturday Night Dance Music by Gerhard Link A RRO W CRE E K oe New Construction Renovations Bobcat/Mini Hoe Service M ISC E L L A N E O US lJ CONSTRUCTION M ISC E L L A N E O US Ca l CC Page 12 C O NST R U C T I O N Renovations Basement Finishing Windows & Doors Flooring Tile Backsplash Finish Trim Decks Exterior Paint/Stain Additions Suspended Ceilings Ph 250-428-7274 Cell 250-254-0274 -Free Estimates- Long Distance & Local Moving House & Y ard Maintenance Res: 866-5760 Ph: 428-6701 MISC E L L ANE OUS F OR SA L E For Sale: General International 14in wood bandsaw, 1hp motor, tension release lever, metal cabinet/door and shelf, excellent condition, $500. Call Norman 250-428-5989. 23 For Sale: Nordic Track 130 elliptical exerciser, $400. 250-428-2859. 23 For Sale: HO train sets; American Army tank set, and hospital set, $200 for all. 250-428-4372. 23 For Sale: Snap-on tools $650. Folding hammock $50. 4 oars $45. Toledo pipe threader $25. Rug shampooer $10. Backhoe $2500. Wheelbarrow $25. 250-402-6665. 25 For Sale: Swimming pool, soft wall, Intex EasySet, 15ft dia x 3ft h. c/w solar blanket, ladder, filter system, chemicals and more. Priced to sell$75. 250-402-6400. 25 For Sale 1/2 price tomato plants, every variety, every day at #14 Antique Trailer Court, till 2pm. 428-7762. 23 For Sale: Bunkbed steel frame, full mattress base, $150 obo. 428-0010. 23 )RU6DOH0DQXDO³:DONPDVWHU´WUHDGPLOO*RRG condition. $75 obo. 428-4287. 25 For Sale: Quit golfing± set of golf clubs and bag, with 3 putters, $75. 591 new golf balls, all signature, from around the world-$1 each or $550 for all. Handmade solid oak wall cabinet± holds 100 golf balls, $100. 250-402-2097. 23 For Sale: Sears 3/4 roll away cot, new cond, $80 obo. 428-0010. 23 For Sale: Sabre riding lawn mower, made by John Deere. 15.5hp hydro, 38in cut, rear bagger, $550. 428-3011. 23 Painting and decorating. Plastering and concrete. Free estimates. $18 hr. 250-254-1489. 23 $QVZHUVWR$P\¶V6SRWWKH&KDQJHV Bird added. Hat on closest mower changed. F urthest tree changed. Leaves in bushes missing on left. G rass added in foreground. Right mower changed. Shadow under left mower. Hole in tree DGGHG 0RZHU¶V ULJKW IURQW ZKHHO +DQGOH RQ right mower. House added. Sunglasses on sun added. Cloud added. E yebrows on right mower added. F lower missing on right. CRYPTOGRAM Page 13 G I V E A W A Y/F R E E Giveaway: Small swing set, needs some tlc. 428-2360. 25 Y A R D SA L ES Garage Sale: Friday May 25th, 8am-2pm, 623 Wilson Rd. Hot tub, shingles, chilGUHQ¶VFORWKHVPLVFHOODQHRXV Moving Sale: Sat May 26th, 9-3, 2109 Cedar St. 23 Yard sale: Sat & Sun May 26th & 27th, 8am-4pm, 340 Hwy 21 (near border). Vehicles, three 1902 pot belly stoves, bikes, huge assortment of misc items. 23 Garage Sale: Furnishings, tools, household, DUW VXSSOLHV ZH¶YH JRW LW DOO 6DWXUGD\ May 26 only. 7am to noon. 2315 Erickson St. 23 Yard Sale: May 26 & 27, 8-3, 4895 Canyon-Lister Rd. Tools, antiques, greenhouse equip, orchard tools. 23 Estate Garage Sale: 807 Hurry Rd, Fri May 25 & Sat May 26, 9-4. 23 Garage Sale: Fri, Sat & Sun, June 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 9-?, 4919 Packing Shed Rd in Wynndel. 23 Community Garage Sale: Saturday June 9th, 9am-2pm. West Creston Community Hall, 1350 West Creston Road. Kick off our Penny Drive! All donated pennies will go toward the West Creston Fire Hall Building Fund. Sponsored by the W.C. Fire Protection Society. 25 Deadlines-every second Friday New Fun Pape Hours: Tue-Fri 9-4 SOLD! Thanks for Making The Fun Pape &UHVWRQ·V0RVW5HDG)UHH3DSHU Did you know 4000 )XQ3DSH¶V get distributed every two weeks? $QGLI\RXVWLOOFDQ¶WILQGRQH«VWRSLQDWRXU office, 3107 Hwy 3, Erickson ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² is online but without the VWRULHVVR\RX¶OOZDQWWRNHHSWKLVFRS\ Figure out the phrase. Last Issue Answer: Always laugh when you can. ,W·VFKHDSPHGLFLQH &UHVWRQ1HZ+RUL]RQV6HQLRU¶V6RFLHW\ Fundraising Dinner & Dance at Rotacrest H all to assist Anita & Alf Wellspring in establishing a new home Saturday, May 26th Music by Bellows & Bass Accordion Band followed by Dancetime with Leon Cocktails 5:00pm Spaghetti Dinner by Della W ilson 6pm Dancing 7pm Donations at the door/any other donations greatly appreciated. Contact info: Margaret Roy 250-428-5406 -HVXV/RYHV8VÃ So what does He say about Heaven coming to our planet? :KDW»V+LVSURJUDPRIHYHQWV" Are we the re-‐creators of earth, or, is He? Isaiah 24,34:1-8 Matthew 24:24-39 Luke 17: 24-30 2Peter 2:4, 3:7-14 1Thess 4:13-18 Jude 6,14,15 Rev 19:11-21 Rev 20,21,22 Questions? guides/ctl/viewmedia/mid/453/iid/2-12/lng/en/7/1000- years-of-peace/sc/r.aspx 2SHQ0LF1LJKW(YHU\:HG7RQ\·V%DU DQG721<m6%$5 Lunch: 11:30am-2pm Mon-Fri Dinner: 4-9pm Every Night 250-428-7779 Located at Hacienda Inn Free Internet The Fun pape office will be closed Mon-Fri, May 21-25 ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² You can however... Ɣ)D[DGV-428-2878 Ɣ(PDLODGVPDLO#IXQSDSHFRP or (click on classified ads) ƔRUXVHGURSER[ 3107 Hwy 3 Erickson (one mile east of DQ) for more info go to: MarCare Kabin Keepers Specializing in Kootenay Lake Property Care & Maintenance References Available For more info 10 Year Workmanship Warranty FREE ESTIMATES ƈFULLY INSURED Creston Number 250-431-8191 250-435-0027 250-435-0027 Creston Valley Cruisers Meeting Tuesday June 26th 7pm at the Creston Library Contact Marvin 428-2032 V E HIC L ES and Related Goods V E HIC L ES and Related Goods For Sale: 1989 Dodge 1/2 ton, 2wd, whole or parts, $600. 250-428-8997. 23 For Sale: 1999 27.5ft Prowler 5th wheel travel trailer, 13 ft slide-out, beautifully equipped, $12,800. 250-428-4776. 25 For Sale: 15ft fiberglass boat, 50hp Evinrude, trailer, nice cond, $3500. 250-428-8997. 23 For Sale: 2008 23KRS Outback Toyhauler $15,000. 1986 Ski Supreme boat $4500. 250-428-7562. 23 )RU 6DOH IW ³.LW´ FDPSHU KRW ZDWHU toilet, hyd jacks, good cond, $2100. 428-4752. For Sale: Heavy duty ATV or motorcycle trailer, $1000. (Located in Creston) 403-703-3124. 23 For Sale: 1985 Buick Skylark, V6, auto, 122,000km, runs good, $1200. 250-402-3146. For Sale: 1996 Chev Silverado 4x4 with canopy. Excellent condition. $5000 obo. 428-5087. 23 )RU 6DOH òIW /XQG ³)LVKHUPDQ´ )XOO bimini, fish finder, radio, paddles, life jackets, down rigger, many extras. 2005 Mercury 115hp 4 str., 100 hrs. 9.9 Honda kicker, electric start, 4str. Karavan trailer, new rubber. All in excellent condition, ready to go, $14,800. 428-4544. 27 For Sale: 1999 36ft 5th wheel triple axle trailer, C/A, C/V, 3 slide-outs, excellent shape, $26,900 obo. 250-866-6885. 23 For Sale: 2000 29ft Alpenlite Ltd Riviera 5th wheel, 2 slides, $21,500. 250-428-2434. 23 For Sale: 1970 Chev 3/4 ton, restored, $7500. 1965 Cadillac Calais, restored, $8000. 250-866-6885. 23 For Sale: Spring is here! 2002 XV1700PC Yamaha Roadstar Warrior, 11,000km, mint condition, $10,000 obo. 250-428-9293. 25 Needed: for disabled low income senior, roadworthy car for out-of-town medical appointments. Donations please. 250-428-0764. 21 For Sale: 1992 F150 supercab, 4wd. Many new parts; front end, steering, 4wd, brakes. Runs good. $1800 sale, trade firewood, work??? 250-428-8112, leave message. 23 For Sale: 2000 Honda 350 ATV 4x4 in great shape w/cab, $3800 obo. 2005 Polaris ranger 500 w/cab, in good cond, $6000 obo. 250-428-9701. For Sale: 2006 Buick Alure, 79,000km, 4 door, fully loaded, security, sun roof, OnStar, excellent cond, $12,000 obo. 250-428-3528. 23kg For Sale: 1999 GM C Sierra 2500 4x4, ext cab, 100,000km, new tires, box liner, CD, air, running boards, canopy, no rust, excellent cond, $11,000 obo. 250-428-3528. 23kg For Sale: 1984 Yamaha 200 3-wheeler, good cond, $800 . 428-4752. 23 For Sale: Southland Royal 16ft gooseneck stock trailer, lined with plywood and rubber mat, $8200 obo. 428-0010. 23 For Sale: 1993 23ft Corsair 5th wheel trailer. Includes hitch and 3000 watt power plant. $6500 obo. 428-0833. 23 For Sale: 1988 GMC camper van, excellent cond, no rust, fully equipped, new tires, $5700 obo. 250-428-7325. 25 For Sale: JCB 3DII backhoe. Parts are rebuilt, $3000 obo. 250-254-0493. 23 For Sale: 1992 27ft Prowler travel trailer $7000. WZR KRUVH ³&LUFOH -´ KRUVH WUDLOHU 250-428-4780. 23 For Sale: 2004 Honda 400 quad $4250. MXPRO 110 motor bike $585. 428-2478. 23 For Sale: 2 ton enclosed cargo trailer $3500 obo. 1993 Chev 4x4, 6.5L diesel, std trans, exc cond, c/w camper, $6500 obo. 1993 Chev 4x4, 6.5L diesel, auto trans, $6500. 1995 Dodge ram 2500 service van, $3900 firm. 1999 Olds Alero, mint cond, low miles, fully loaded, $4500. 250-402-1315. 25 23 23 Licensed Automotive Technician Ticketed Tire Technicians ƔLocally Owned Service Truck ƔFarm Service ƔCalcium Fill Most Major Brands Available 250-428-2000 918 Pine St Turn East at the Grain Elevators HOSPITAL TUCK SHOP Unique Handmade Gift Items Open Mon-‐Fri 9-‐3 250-‐428-‐2286 ext 3127 312-‐15th Ave. N. Hospital Main Entrance $P\·V6SRWWKH&KDQJHV Your ad could have gone here! E ffective A pril 25, 2012 New Deadline Day-E very Second F riday New F un Pape Hours: T ues-F ri 9-4 Tony Mulder Jewellery & Gifts ² Quality & Service Since 1988 ² Renovation & 23rd Anniversary Sale! Come-and-Go Tea, Tues May 29, 10-4 We Buy & Sell Gold & Silver 1014 Canyon St Creston Adam Oler FARRIER SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTING Driveways Float Slabs Exposed Aggregate Landscaping Rototilling Post Holes 250-428-6490 Over 25 Years Experience Box 1189 1012 Canyon St Creston BC V0B 1G1 Cell 250-420-7395 Trims Hot or Cold Shoeing Corrective/Therapeutic Work Graduate of the Advanced Farrier Science Program of Olds College, Alberta
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