The Fun pape
The Fun pape
© 2016 Edward Michael Wishlow – All Rights Reserved ss tre Office Hrs: Tue-Fri 9am-4pm duce s e r d n a rtain ous & Humor s to storie g n i k o rov ught p ente —— Kurt Peltzer —— HRAI Certified & Bonded Gas Fitter Issue 18-23.24 June 1-June 15/16 Next : Friday NextClassified ClassifiedDeadline Deadline: FRIDAYMay June20, 10,4pm 4pm tho GAS INSTALLATIONS ♦ WATER HEATERS HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS ♦ AIR CONDITIONING FURNACE SERVICE ♦ GAS FIREPLACES Printed & Published by The Fun Pape, 3107 Hwy 3, Creston BC V0B 1G1 Phone 250-428-2828 It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent. -Dave Barry —————————————————My wife and I went to a “Dude Ranch” while in Texas. The cowboy preparing the horses asked if she wanted a Western or English saddle, and she asked what the difference was. He told her one had a horn and one didn’t. “Well,” she replied, “the one without the horn is fine. I don’t expect we’ll run into too much traffic.” —————————————————A note left for a pianist from his wife: “Gone Chopin, (have Liszt), Bach in a Minuet.” —————————————————One of the unshakable laws of parenting: A child will not spill on a dirty floor. —————————————————Weight gain can be something that just sort of snacks up on you. —————————————————I can’t dial 911. there is no 11 on my phone. New Deputy There was a sheriff looking for a new deputy, and a redneck went in to apply for the job. “OK,” said the sheriff, “what is 1+1?” The redneck thought for a minute, and finally said “11.” The sheriff then asked, “What two days of the week start with the letter T?” The redneck says, “That’s easy, today and tomorrow.” The sheriff said, “Now the last question, who killed Abraham Lincoln?” The redneck thought really hard, and at last said, “I don’t know.” The sheriff smiled and said, “Well, why don’t you go home and work on that.” So the redneck went home and his wife asked him how it went. The redneck replied, “Great! He already put me on a murder case!” —————————————————Failure is not an option! It comes bundled with the software. Are you looking for warm, loving, respite care from qualified people in an approved home? Any day of the week, anytime times. (4 hour minimum) Call 250-428-2448 Prime Billboard Advertising Space Hwy 3/95 Yahk 250-254-5596 Summer Fun for Your Kids on... Nana’s and Papa’s Farm (10 min from town) Criminal record checks & CPR. ONLY 3 SPOTS LEFT FOR FULL WEEKS! $35 day rate….art days, music & nature, kayaking days on pond, etc. Lots of outside play. Only well behaved children (not perfect-just good listeners) welcome. Call for details 250-428-2448 Country Pure Enterprises Serving Creston for over 20 Years Barber, Stylist, Lash & Nail Tech Julia Vanderloos Cosmetologist 250-431-8258 $15 off Colour Services* $5 off Hair Cuts* at Fancy That Hair & Body Salon Located behind Ricky’s All Day Grill (* Expires August 1st. Discount only applied if booked with Julia Vanderloos, cannot be combined with any other offer. Other stylists in the salon are not allowed to accept this coupon.) The Fun pape office will be CLOSED Friday June 3rd Custom Sewing & Alterations 250-866-5481 Dr’s Bevans and Davis are now taking New Patients Lawn Care ● Landscaping Dump Runs ● Yard Clean-up Bobcat Services Guaranteed Professional Friendly Service! For Free Estimates please call Ryan Fowler Cell 250-402-3806 Cell 867-445-5216 Ph 250-428-5216 Ph/Fax 250-428-5308 email: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 104-12th Ave S 250-428-2757 ♦ Full Family Dentistry including Kids Dental Cleanings Emergencies Welcome Insurances Accepted Limited Spots Available ANNOUNCEMENTS Kids’ Day: Especially for the young and young-at-heart! Creson Museum, Saturday, June 11, 10:00-4:00. Admission by donation. or 250-428-9262. 23 Creston Valley Garden Tour This year’s tour will once again be hosted by the Creston Valley Garden Club. Come visit 8-9 beautiful gardens from Creston to Kitchener on June 11. The creative gardeners of both small town lots and large park-like settings have plenty to show. Extensive floral and vegetable gardens including water features and an outdoor model train are just some of the garden treasures waiting to be seen. Tickets will be available in mid May at the Creston Chamber of Commerce and at Black bear Books, for $10. A bus tour including a light lunch will also be available for $25. Contact the Chamber early to reserve your bus seat. 23 Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? The Al-Anon group are considering dissolving. Are you interested in keeping it alive? Contact 250-428-2383. 29 CLASSIFIED AD RULES Private ads only (no business related): 12 words, $3 per issue. Extra words 25¢ each. Each Bolded word 50¢ extra. Includes GST. Drop off ads at 3107 Hwy. 3 Erickson, at the office (VISA, MC, or DEBIT) or ad drop box, or phone in ads, 428-2828 and pay by VISA or MC* Businesses will need to purchase a DISPLAY AD first before using classifieds.* exception-farming, if no similar display advertiser. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject* any ad Fun pape page 2 PAGE 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS “BLACK” WORD SEARCH Local’ Week, Creston Museum: June 6-10, 10:00-7:00, $2 admission for all locals! or 250-428-9262. 23 MS Support Group meets last Monday of the month at the United Church. For info call Ken Chubb 250-428-7737 or email: 15S West Creston Hall and/or grounds. Weddings, parties, meetings, reunions, etc. Full kitchen facilities. or phone Leona 250-402-6643 51v3 Alcoholics Anonymous 422-7th Ave N, (Anglican Church basement) Monday 11am (closed), Wednesday 8pm (closed), Friday 8pm (open), 250-428-9679 or 250-435-1370. 315-15th Ave. N (Lutheran Church office), Saturday 7pm (open) Contact 250-428-7064. 51 New Horizons Seniors Rotacrest: DANCING– monthly dinner/dance (Hans Bissig 428-3365) dancing Tues afternoons 2-4pm (Bob Holmes 428-8985). POOL– Tues, Wed, Fri, Sun, 1pm. CRIB– Tue 710pm (Keith Forseth -428-2255). MOTION THERAPY– Mon/Thurs, 10-11am (Audry 428-9688). COFFEE/CAKE Wed 10-11am (Roger 428-3403). BRIDGE– Mon 6-10pm; Tues 9:30am-noon; Wed 610pm; Thurs 1-4pm; Sat 12:30-4pm (Margaret Roy 428-5406). All activities in Upper Hall except Pool. V11 ASP, CROW, MONOCHROME, GOAT, MOURN, MOUSE, MULEDEER, MUSKOX, MUSSEL, OCELOT, ORIOLE, PANDA, PEKOE, PENGUIN, PEPPER, PETROLEUM, PITCH, POWER, PUFFIN, RACCOON, RAVEN, SABLE, SHADE, SHEEP, SHINER, SKUNK, SOOT, SPADE, TUXEDO, WIDOW, ZEBRA. T A O G N I A T N U O M N N R E P E N G U I N W R K I R E Y X M H R H K M R W O F U E M C T H O D L O N E A F R D P U L T U H R U E M U U C E C P S M M T X S H U L P K L C S E K U O O E E S C J O U S A O P O E U O Q S D E O M I A O H O X L R S E K E O O N R R W C S N O N L A D N A P K O R O T H E R S H I N E R U S E M H I A D T Explore Canada! R A V E N X S W A P V P D A E SIMPLY TRAVEL 428-2843 W I D O W P H K M Q L A K S C Call Wendi for some great ideas!! CPBC reg. # 50105 O P E E H S O A R B E Z E P P D U T O L E C O T L I E X P W LETTER TILES: Unscramble the letter tiles to reveal a message. * example-derogatory inferences W.H. EXCAVATING Clean Erickson FILL SAND $160 K - Single axle load Will Heykamp 250-402-9528 Jack Hammer ● Excavator ● Bobcat Auger ● Dump Truck ● Fence Posts This Last Issue Answer: Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. OVERHEAD DOOR Company of Creston Gordon Hegland 250-402-9818 ♦Residential ♦Commercial For ALL Repairs & Service Needs 3/4 Crush Gravel Bedding Sand Top Soil Competitive Prices! 428-1834 or 254-1834 FUN PAPE—Creston’s most read free paper Melissa went up to her college professor, ready to contest the grade she received in the class. “I don’t understand why my grade was so low. How did I do on my research paper?” After staring at her with a blank look, the professor responded. “Actually, you didn’t turn in a research paper. You turned in a random assemblage of sentences. In fact, the sentences you apparently kidnapped in the dead of night and forced into this violent and arbitrary plan of yours clearly seemed to be placed on the pages against their will. Reading your paper was like watching unfamiliar, uncomfortable people interacting at a cocktail party that no one wanted to attend in the first place. You didn’t submit a research paper. You submitted a hostage situation.” —————————————————Can you yell “MOVIE!” in a crowded fire station? —————————————————Answer to Fallen Phrase: page 3 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Criss Cross Puzzle ANSWERS ON PAGE 6 “The Creator is My Friend” Bring your friends for an exciting journey through the seven days of creation! For Ages 4-12 years Old ♦ Activities ♦ Creative Crafts ♦ Bible Stories ♦ Health Adventure ♦ Memory Fun ♦ Science Experiments Mon-Fri July 11-15 9am-12noon Seventh-day Adventist Church 713 Cavell St Please register early: Ruth 250-428-9393 or Mavis 250-431-9080 ACROSS 3.”I” PROBLEM 4.TYPE OF SKIRT 6.MEDITERRANEAN DOWN 1.BOUNCE BACK, IN A WAY 2.MRS. IN GERMANY 3.SUPPORT 5.LIKE SUPERMAN’S VISION —FIREWOOD — Cut ♦ Split ♦ Delivered Larch: $200 cord $125 ½ cord Call Brian 250-431-8105 New Installations ♦ Renovations Drain Cleaning ♦ Hot water Tanks Frozen Water Lines 24 Hour Emergency Service NO HORSE LEFT BEHIND Equine Float Special $180 includes exam, sedation and teeth float Equine Wellness Special $198.13 includes exam, fecal float, blood collection, equine health screen and complete blood count. Additional horses $146.33 each Equine Wellness Special Add-ons: Sheath cleans $40.99 Routine teeth float $105.49 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Equine Vaccines 10% off Equine De-wormers 15% off Specials offered until August 31st! Creston Veterinary Hospital Your Hometown Vet! 1605 Dogwood St. 250-428-9494 Like us on Facebook Lenny Craig Home Improvements Fun pape page 4 Fallen Phrase answer pg3 stucco Additions Renovations Roofing General home repair 250-254-0197 SCRAP KING TOWING Serving Creston & Salmo 24 Hr Towing ●Light & Heavy Towing Free Vehicle Removal BCAA Approved Road Assistance 250-428-2323 C A-1 ROOFING Asphalt & Metal Roofing Local References Available Quote by Herbert Hoover REAL ESTATE & FOR RENT Free Estimates Call Dean 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 ess sininner u B t of ld W Bes15 Go 20 Wanted: Seeking 1-2 months condo/trailer/ mobile in US southwest—winter 2017. Non smoker/non drinker. Creston seniors. Refs. One small pet. 250-428-7333. 23 For Sale: Three bedroom, one bath, 1200 sq ft home with garage on one acre in Lister, $250,000. 428-9884. 23 Arrow Creek Construction. We build decks. Call Joe 250-254-0274. 25 REAL ESTATE & FOR RENT For Sale: Waterfront w/view, 1.2 acres, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1100 sq ft home in Kitchener. $149,900. 250-428-5913. 25 For Sale: 5 yr old energy efficient house. Hardwood floors, 2 bdrm, 2 baths (one w/walk-in tub), washer & dryer on main floor. 2 bdrm, bath & large rec room & storage down. Price $409,000 firm. 1620 Alder St, Creston BC. View by appointment only. 250-428-8751. 29 For Sale: 2 bedroom mobile, extensively renovated, 2 outbuildings with power, .72 acres, $138,000. Jack 428-5546. 23 For Sale: Completely renovated/upgraded 14x66 mobile home in Antique Mobile Home Park, reduced to $69,900. Please call for viewing 250-428-0664 or 250-428-5555. 23 For Sale: 2 bedroom house, large lot, next to Crown land and creek, $154,000. Jack 250-428-5546. 23 For Rent: Suite, 5 min from town. W/D, F/S, utilities incl. Looking for mature individual. References required. $650/mth. 428-7618. 25 For Rent: Shared accommodations, 3 bdrm house. Hydro & cable included. $600 /mth. 250-402-3699. 23 For Sale: 14’X80’ mobile home. 2 bathroom, 3 bedroom. New HW tank; self clean oven stove with glass top. Efficient nat gas furnace. New exterior deck. Tool shed. Can be viewed at #10 Scotties MHP Creston. Just reduced to $53,000. 250-428-9145. 25 For Rent: One bedroom suite in Erickson. F/S, W/D, no smoking, no pets, no partiers. Only responsible people need apply. Senior’s preferred. Available June 1st, $675/mth +DD. Utilities and internet incl. 250-428-5293 or 250-428-9933. 23 For Sale: Serviced lot, approx 90 x 100. 428-7061. 23 For Sale: 2 bedroom house. Perfect starter or retirement. 5 min walk to shopping, parks & schools. Recently renovated. On corner lot. Basement, 7 appliances incl. Drive by 918 Ibbitson, then call 250-428-0017. Asking $165,000. 29 Classified and display ads, as well as puzzles available online at: Classified ads are still just $3 for 12 words for 2 weeks. —————————————————- Every pet deserves basic medical care and our preventative programs can make that happen. Please call us for details on our competitively priced Spay/Neuter/Vaccination Preventative Programs. Check out our website for hours & monthly specials. Keep Calm... and Read The Fun Pape 7X Face Value For Your 1966 & Older Dollars, 50¢, Quarters & Dimes. Ask about 67’s & US Call for appt. 428-2828 Sudoku The rules of Sudoku are simple. Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Have Fun!!! Answer on page 7,9 or11. for more info go to: Disclaimer: Un-credited stories are from a variety of sources and are believed to be public domain. If you hold a copyright on any of these materials please inform us so we may give the proper credit. NEON LIGHTS. Next Deadlines Classified ads: Friday June 10, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 9, 4pm Fun Pape 250-428-2828 Fun pape Page 5 Answer to Rebus Puzzle A man goes into a drug store and asks the pharmacist if he can give him something for the hiccups. The pharmacist promptly reaches out and slaps the man’s face. “What did you do that for?” the man asks. “Well, you don’t have the hiccups anymore, do you?” The man exclaims, “I don’t have the hiccups! My wife does!” —————————————————A traffic policeman recently stopped a woman for exceeding the posted speed limit. He asked the driver her name. She said, “I’m Mrs. Ladislav Abdulkhasim Zybkcicraznovskaya from the republic of Uzbekistan visiting my daughter here. The policeman put away his ticket book and pen, and said, “Well…..OK…..but don’t let me catch you speeding again. —————————————————My goal for 2016 was to lose just 10 pounds. Only 15 to go. —————————————————Ate salad for dinner! Mostly croutons & tomatoes. Really just one big, round crouton covered with tomato sauce. And cheese. FINE, it was pizza. I ate a pizza. —————————————————How to prepare tofu: 1. Throw it in the trash. 2. Grill some meat. —————————————————- Cell phones bring you closer to the person far from you, but takes you away from the ones sitting next to you. —————————————————It’s hard to make a comeback when you haven’t been anywhere. Clean and Comfor table… Call 250-489-4600 or 1-888-489-4600 Portable Toilet & Shower Rental & Servicing RV & Boat Tank Pumping Septic Tank Pumping Call Paige 428-4053 or Cell 428-6256 AUCTION Saturday June 11, 10am Rotacrest Hall at Rec Center ♦ ♦ ♦ Full-Cycle Bookkeeping Government Remittances Property Caretaking Carryanne Olfert 250-254-0805 When in Cranbrook stay at the Inn ♦ 46 Spacious Rooms, Suites & Kitchenettes ♦ Free Deluxe Continental Breakfast ♦ A/C, Cable TV, Free WiFi ♦ Jacuzzi; Adjoining & Triple Rooms ♦ Senior & Corporate 1908 Cranbrook St N Rates Biffy in a Jiffy Dean Bala Mortgage Broker Producers West Financial Great Rates Flexible Schedule Over 90 Lenders! 250-402-3903 Contents of Complete 3 Bedroom Household - owner moving King size bedroom set. Light oak china cabinet. Computer desk. Yellow birch table & 8 chairs. Lazy boy chair. Glasses. Silverware. Linen. Bedding. Office supplies. Dog cages. Too much household misc to advertise. Collectibles. Assorted tools. Office chair. End tables. Treadle sewing machines. Typewriters. 3 fishing nets. Lag bolts. Necklaces. And more... “Complete list unavailable at press time” Some consignments accepted until sale time. 10% BUYERS FEE TERMS: Cash, VISA, MC Lunch by Anna SNOPEK AUCTION SERVICE Joe 250-428-4277 Cell 250-431-8333 CC CONSTRUCTION New Construction Renovations Bobcat/Mini Hoe Service Fun pape Page 6 SIMPLY MAZING ANSWER ON PAGE 10 or 12 From Footings to Finishing Call Curtis for All Your Building Needs 250-866-6848 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER The Fun pape office will be CLOSED Friday June 3rd Answer to Criss Cross Puzzle: Across: 3.EGO 4.PLEATED 6.SEAS Down: 1.ECHO 2.FRAU 3.ENDORSE 5.XRAY Rebus Puzzle A rebus is a picture representation of a name, word or phrase. The puzzle below portrays a common word or phrase. Can you guess what it is? (answer on pg 5) Tony Mulder Jewellery & Gifts KNEE LIGHTS LIGHTS Answer to Math Square Puzzle: Quality & Service Since 1989 Denturists are Denture Specialists The word denturist means: a person licensed to fabricate and fit dentures to the public. They specialize in the manufacturing of removable prosthetics. Denturists have a professional designation of Registered Denturist (RD). In BC, after graduating with a diploma, denturist students must intern for a specific period and submit a portfolio of complete and successful patient cases as part of the licensing criteria. Registered Denturists have passed the government regulatory body exams. You do not need a referral from another health professional to consult with a denturist although a denturist CAN refer you to other health care professionals. Vladimir Lysenko at Creston Denture Clinic fabricates dentures on premises, ensuring quality control and care. Most Denturist fees may be covered by various dental plans such as: The Department of Veteran Affairs, Ministry of Human resources (Social Services), NIHB (First nations and Inuit Health Branch), Unions and assorted other private insurers. EXAMS, CARE and MAINTENANCE: MEDICAL/DENTAL HISTORY-Updating your medical and dental history is an important part of your patient file. Changes in your and/or dental health may affect the fit and function of your dentures. ORAL CAVITY-Yearly exams can assist in detecting oral abnormalities. TISSUE and BONE-changes in tissue and bone can occur for a number of reasons. Ill fitting dentures may also cause changes. The Denturist can assess and recommend solutions for you to consider. FIT and FEEL of DENTURES-Poor fitting dentures can lead to bite problems, speech impediments and tissue irritations. Leaving this condition unchecked can lead to complicated solutions in the future. CARE and MAINTENANCE ENTAILS: medical and dental history chart updating, yearly exams of oral cavity, tissue and bone assessment, denture stability, correct bite and integrity, clean and polish your denture at your request, review oral hygiene care, counseling you concerning any procedures, present or future. Dentures should be rebased every 2-3 years and replaced every 5-10 years. Creston Denture Clinic 250-428-4700 127-11th Ave. N. (across from Credit Union) Trick Questions Part 1 answers pg8 1. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25? 2. A taxi driver was called to take a group of passengers to the train station. The station is normally an hour away, but with traffic being extra heavy, it took a full hour and a half. On the return trip the traffic was still as heavy and yet it took only 90 minutes. Why? 3. How could you rearrange the letters in the words “new door” to make one word? Note: there is only one correct answer. 4. Even if they are starving, natives living in the Arctic will never eat a penguin’s egg. Why not? 5. Which is correct to say: “The yolk of an egg are white” or “The yolk of an egg is white?” 6. In Medicine Hat, AB, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not? 7. There were an electrician and a plumber waiting in line for admission to the “International Home Show.” One of them was the father of the other’s son. How could this be possible? 8. After the new Canon Law that took effect on November 27, 1983, would a Roman Catholic man be allowed to marry his widow’s sister? —————————————————Next Deadlines: Classified ads: Friday June 10, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 9, 4pm Kepke Excavating & Landscaping Call Ron Kepke Ph 250-428-4306 Cell 250-428-1973 Fun pape Page 7 Tired of having to balance his wife Abby’s cheque book, Harry made a deal with her; he would only look at it after she had spent a few hours trying to wrestle it into shape. Only then would he lend his expertise. The following night, after spending hours pouring over stubs and figures, Abby said proudly, “There! I've done it!. I made it balance!” Impressed, Harry came over to take a look. “Let’s see, mortgage $950, power $72.75, phone $35.16.” His brow wrinkled as he read the last entry. “It says here ESP $471.88. What is that?” “Oh,” she said, That means Error Some Place.” —————————————————I just did a week’s worth of cardio after walking into a spider web. —————————————————I don’t mean to brag but….I finished my 14 day diet in 3 hours and 20 minutes. ROOFING WOLFGANG STIEF 250-431-8692 Free Estimates HOSPITAL TUCK SHOP Father’s Day BBQ Aprons & Pot Holders! Open Mon-Fri 9-3 250-428-2286 ext 3127 312-15th Ave. N. Hospital Main Entrance ————————————————————————————— A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than men who mention it. ————————————————————————————— THE BILL OF RIGHTS (void where prohibited by law) Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... One Issue $22+GST Two Issues $36+GST Licensed Automotive Technician Ticketed Tire Technicians ● Locally Owned Service Truck ● Farm Service ● Calcium Fill Most Major Brands Available 250-428-2000 918 Pine St Turn East at the Grain Elevators (Each issue two weeks long) Local & Long Distance Moving House &Yard Maintenance Res: 428 428--7179 Ph: 428 428--6701 CONCRETE “All Your Concrete Needs” Professional Concrete Placing & Finishing IAN 250-402-8639 Legion Events 428-4252 Water Well Drilling ● Pump Testing & Sales ● Water Treatment ● Geo-Tech Drilling Licensed Professional Driller - Chris Barling Ph 250-428-0137 References Available 24 Hour Service June 4-Silent Auction June 5-Pancake Breakfast 8:30am-noon $5 June 6-Veteran’s Lunch 12noon All Veterans (not necessarily Legion members) , RCMP, firemen, and border guards are invited. All spouses/caregivers are included. Call 428-3047 or 402-6867 for reservations. June 10-Friday Night Supper 6pm BBQ Ribs with all the trimmings Advance Tickets only, $15 June 18-Saturday Night Dance Music by Midnite Special June 25-Steak BBQ Advance Tickets only, $12 —-Free delivery in the Creston Valley—- Fun pape Page 8 10 Year Workmanship Warranty Interior & Exterior Painting, Siding, Renovations, Decks. FREE ESTIMATES♦FULLY INSURED 250-435-0027 Smart Service. Great Products. Window Shades ♦ Phantom Screens Aluminum Railing DURADEK Waterproof Decking Tile ♦ Vinyl ♦ Laminate Hardwood ♦Carpet Serving Creston Valley since 1984 1518 NW Blvd 250-428-2426 Valley View Baptist Church “Where the View is Eternal”Jude 21 SUNDAY Bible Classes…………..…...9:45am Morning Worship………..…11am Evening Service…………..….…7pm WEDNESDAY Bible Study & Prayer…….....7pm Pastor Jeff Friesen 234 36 Avenue N. 428-4861 Affordable Accounting Solutions Ph 250-402-6277 Fax 250-428-2067 137-10th Ave. N. Trick Questions Part 1 ANSWERS 1. Only once, then you are subtracting it from 20. 2. An hour and a half is 90 minutes. 3. “one word.” 4. Penguins live in the Antarctic. 5. Neither. The yolk of an egg is yellow. 6. You have to take a picture of a man with a camera, not with a wooden leg. 7. They are husband and wife. 8. He can’t because he’s dead. —————————————————Mrs. Applebee, the 6th grade teacher, posed the following problem to one of her math classes: “A wealthy man dies and leaves ten million dollars. One fifth is to go to his wife, one fifth is to go to his son, one sixth to his butler, and the rest to charity. Now what does each one get?” After a very long silence in the classroom, little Morris raised his hand. The teacher called on Morris for his answer. With complete sincerity in his voice, little Morris answered, “A good lawyer.” —————————————————The young mother skeptically examined a new educational toy. “Isn’t it rather complicated for a small boy?” she asked the sales clerk. “It’s designed to adjust the child to live in today’s world, ma’am,” the shop assistant replied. “So basically, any way he tries to put it together is wrong.” —————————————————Remember back when we were kids and every time it was –10c out they closed the school? Me neither. —————————————————- Happy Footsiez Foot Reflexology Genna Erickson 250-254-2582 COMFORTWELDING.COM More than just a welding shop Repair Minor Rust & More Licensed Auto Body Technician 250-428-6563 Your Local Coffee Supplier Work ● Office ● Shop Lunchroom ● Café Marine Parts & Service 428-7464 Handyman will…. Detail Exterior & Rust Protect Your Vehicle Creston Valley Coffee Come see us for all your Needs! A baby turtle was standing at the bottom of a large tree and with a deep sigh, started to climb. About an hour later, he reached a very high branch and walked along to the end. He turned and spread all four flippers and launched himself off the branch. On landing at the bottom in a pile of soft, dead leaves, he shook himself off, walked back to the bottom of the tree and with a sigh started to climb again. About an hour later, he again reached the very high branch, walked along, turned, spread his flippers and flung himself off the branch. Again he landed on the bottom, shook himself off, went to the bottom of the tree, sighed and started climbing. Watching these proceedings from the end of the branch were two birds. The momma bird turned to daddy bird and said, “Don’t you think it’s time we told him he was adopted?” —————————————————I just read a report that stated last year 4,153,237 people got married...I don’t want to start any trouble, but shouldn’t that be an even number? —————————————————A son challenged his father to a game of golf. The son was determined to beat his father in golf for the first time. On the very first swing, the father got a hole in one. “Okay, nice shot dad,” said the son, thinking quickly on his feet. “Now I will take my practice shot and then we will start.” —————————————————Hard work will pay off later. Laziness pays off now! —————————————————To vacillate or not to vacillate, that is the question….or is it? —————————————————- Quality Workmanship Service You Can Trust WCB Coverage Senior Discounts Available Phil Edwards 250-254-0924 “YOUR” Coffee Service & Supply Outlet Also “K” Cups for your “Keurig” Stop by and check us out! Located across from Fire Hall Open Wed & Sat 10-2 250-428-5282 WANTED Wanted: Unwanted garden hose. Free or cheap. Prefer few/no holes. 250-402-3124. 23 Wanted: Doll house, any condition, any size, for inner-child senior’s program. Giveaway only. 428-2360. 27 Wanted: 22in large wheeled push lawnmower, and 14in Toyota Corolla wheels, 1998-2000. 866-5747. 23 Wanted: Metal arbors and/or gazebo frames, panels, parts & pieces, any condition. Also wanted patio slabs, cement blocks & bricks, any amount, any size or color. Also looking for wood screen doors. Cheap is good, free is better. 250-428-7492 leave message. 27 Wanted: Boys, 8 & 11, looking for fishing accessories (tackle etc) for cast fishing, and any geology or lapidary items (rocks, tools, books, etc.) 1-250-999-8013. (Canyon) 23 Wanted: somebody who can service a Craftsman 10in belt drive tablesaw. Call Bob 250-428-9407. 23 Wanted: Gas chainsaw, 21in+ bar, and any Dewalt cordless 20v tools. 1-250-999-8013. (Canyon) 23 Wanted: Rototiller or replacement engine, for therapy for grandma - soon! 250-421-6370. 23 Wanted: ASAP female 1-2 yr old Pomeranian. Leave message 250-421-7531 or call 250-427-2773. 23 Wanted: 5-10 gal light grey latex stain. 428-2828. 25 Wanted: Looking for horse pasture in Creston area for 6-8 horses, seasonal or year-round. 250-225-3551. 29 Wanted: will pick up any old electric motors working or not, all aluminum and copper. Art 428-0203. 23 Wanted: 4ft single tube fluorescent fixture, industrial/plain-not fancy one. 428-2828. 25 Wanted: Coin collections, silver coins, gold coins, bars, plus anything gold or silver. Todd 1-250-864-3521. 51 Wanted: Mulch hay, still in bales, delivered to Erickson. Call Cindy 428-2828. 19 Wanted: 8x8x16 new cinder/building blocks, cheap or free. 428-2360. 25 Wanted: Wrought iron railing, 6ft long pieces, max 4in spindle spacing. 250-428-2828. 17 Wanted: Hard or soft guitar case, in good condition.428-2360. 13 Wanted: Set of 4 good/excellent winter tires P235/55R17. 428-2828 ask for Ed. 27 Wanted: 6 or more “good” used 6 volt golf cart (deep cycle) batteries. 428-2828. 3 Wanted: Chainsaws, any age, any make, or just parts, for future chainsaw museum. Donations are welcome. Non-profit venture by seniors. 428-2360. kg Wanted: Looking for the following magazine back issues, will pay 25¢ea and up— Countryside, Backwoods Home, Backwoodsman, Back Home, New Pioneer, Architectural Digest, Dwell. Also 1960’s and older Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Mechanix Illustrated. 428-2828. 13 Wanted: Flat plate solar hot water collectors (not evacuated tube type). 428-2828. 37 Will pick up unwanted/non-working solar collectors, wind generators, cordless mowers, med/ large propane tanks, Lister or China diesels/ gensets, deep cycle/golf cart batteries, inverters, electric tractors etc-any condition. 428-2828 Ask for Ed 428-2828. 49 Wanted: grey vinyl siding and trim pieces and light grey soffitting & fascia. Ed 428-2828. 13 A 12 word classified ad is $3*. Extra words 25¢ea. *Per issue (2 weeks) You have not, because no one knows you’re looking for it. Try a “Wanted ad” today! ————————————————–——————————————————————————— Chimney Sweep Fun pape Page 9 Math Square “Let us clean the mess so you don’t have to!” answers on pg. 6 Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations. Each number is only used once. Each row is a math equation. Remember order of operations; multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction. Call TWS at 250-866-5246 INSURED AND W.E.T.T. CERTIFIED Rent-a-Hubby Husband (wife) not very handy? Not there? We’ll do any household repair a husband (wife) would do. Also: Renovations, Roofing Installing Windows & Doors Decks & Patios Eavestrough Cleaning Dump Runs Call 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 You can FAX your ad with your credit card info to: 250-428-2878 ….anytime WCB Coverage & Liability Insurance Need Grass??? Sudoku Answer pe Fun pa or Try Hydroseeding! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A cost effective alternative to sod application. Guaranteed results per No job too small chea ! y a Free estimates W sod than Call for details 250-254-2604 One Loonie + One Toonie Equals the best value around for your classified advertising dollar! (12 word ad, one issue) BOWEN S Backhoe & Excavating Gary Bowen 250-428-5559 SELF STORAGE Want more space? We have affordable solutions! 250-428-9933 Having a Birthday? Come celebrate with us and receive a FREE gift* *FREE dessert with your meal on your birthday and a $10 Gift Certificate towards your next meal! Reservations required. Creston Golf Course Clubhouse Restaurant 1800 Mallory Rd, Lister PUBLIC WELCOME 250-428-3383 Treasures Upholstery Shoppe Serving the Kootenays with quality workmanship. For more about us please visit our website email: or call us at 250-428-5593 1405 Alder Street, Creston Creston New Horizons Seniors Society invites you to join us for Pancake Breakfast Sunday, June 12th 8:30am-12noon Rotacrest Hall (located at South end of Rec Centre parking lot) $5 person ~ Everyone Welcome! ~ Creston Valley Gleaners Hours Gleaners Tues & Fri: 9:30am-4pm Thurs: 4-7pm Gleaners Too Tues & Fri: 9am-4pm Thurs: 4-7pm Food Bank Tues & Fri: 9am-1pm Gate Hours Mon-Fri: 6:40am-4pm Sat & Sun: 12noon-4pm Volunteers needed and welcomed! Fun pape Page 10 After participating in a nutritional health class, my 16 year old daughter, Sarah, encouraged her sisters to try whole grain breads and whole wheat pasta, and complained if we were having anything that looked too processed. At dinner time one evening, she entered the kitchen, spied the food on the plates and boldly asked: “Are those whole wheat potatoes?” —————————————————As a kid, parent-teacher conferences were embarrassing and awkward for me and my parents. My teacher made my parents write on the blackboard one hundred times, “We will not have any more children.” —————————————————A man parks his bicycle nearby the Parliament house and walks on. A police constable stops him and asks, “Why did you park your bicycle here? Don’t you know it is a VIP road and all parliamentarians and senators pass by here?” Man replied, “Don’t you worry about it, I locked my bicycle.” —————————————————Next Deadlines: Classified ads: Friday June 10, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 9, 4pm Fun Pape 250-428-2828 Is it time for your Spring DENTAL CLEANING? —Cleanings with Abby— Orchard Heights Dental 104-12th Ave. S 250-428-2757 Double Puzzle Answers ANSWER TO SIMPLY MAZING I may not be that funny or athletic or good looking or smart or talented….. I forgot where I was going with this. —————————————————A thief broke into my house last night….he started searching for money so I woke up and searched with him. —————————————————- Have a funny story to share? Send it to: Lunch Special $9.95 Drink Special $5.50 and TONY’S BAR Lunch: Tue-Sat 11:30am-2:00pm Dinner: Tue-Sun 4:00pm-9:00pm Closed Mondays 250-428-7779 Party Room for 20 People Free Internet Redi-Mix Concrete Gravel●Excavation Concrete Forming & Placing Topsoil 501 Helen St 250-428-2939 at Magnuson Hotel CREATE Friday & Saturday Night Specials! 77--10pm Steak Sandwich, Soup, Salad or Fries ONLY $9 Also 70¢ Wings! (eat in only) 4 SCAPE Flower & Edible Gardening Landscape Designs Pruning Lawn Repair & Installation 250-431-8142 or 250-431-8092 NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Fun pape Page 11 Haircuts $16, Kids $10 Happiness is converting existence into living. Learn to live your life and not merely exist. —————————————————Kids today don’t know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel. —————————————————My boss told me to have a good day…. so I went home. Just Nails, Trim, File $16 Soak, Trim & File $26 Massage, Soak, File, Trim $36 Polish $10 ARROWCREEK use the marked letters to solve the second puzzle. Answer on pg. 8 or 10 or 12 Ca l Double Puzzle-Unscramble each word. Then lJ oe Be decisive. Right or wrong make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat gophers who couldn’t make a decision. —————————————————ALWAYS GIVE 100% AT WORK: 12% Monday 23% Tuesday 40% Wednesday 20% Thursday 5% Friday CONSTRUCTION Renovations Flooring Finishing Decks Tile Additions Siding Exterior Paint/Stain Basement Finishing Suspended Ceilings 250-254-0274 KOOTS Motorcycle Shop Parts & Service for All ATV/UTV & Motorcycles 130-15th Ave. N. 250-428-5522 WE SHARPEN MOST ANYTHING! Scissors ● Pruners ● Lawnmower Blades Saw Blades ● Handsaws ● Knives and More Convenient Drop Box Available JC SHARPENING SERVICES Open Tue-Fri 8-4:30 250-428-5542 Rear 1204 NW Blvd 250-435-0411 Weedwacking & Mowing Spring Cleanups ♦ Pruning Landscaping Irrigation Installs & Repairs Patstone Accounting Services Visit our new office at 1204 A-1 NW Blvd for all your Accounting, Bookkeeping, Payroll, Business and Tax Requirements. Rita Patstone, CPA, CGA Ph 250-428-3000 Fax 250-428-2632 Email: Ro n H u rr y Fun pape Page 12 Master Goldsmith MISCELLANEOUS SILVER PENDANTS & EARRINGS For Sale: Deer fence, 6 1/2ft high, 150ft length (roll was $330ft for $400 and we used 180ft.) Purchased just over a month ago. Asking $125. 250-428-4593. 25 For Sale: Grass fed lamb, full or half, cut & wrapped, $8/lb + $40 processing. Deposit to reserve ($100 for half, $200 for full.) Ready end of October, already going fast! 1-250-999-8013 (Canyon.) 23 For Sale: Artists- Logan mat cutter, model 301-S, in original box, complete with manual & video. Like new. New price $148.20—asking $45 obo. 250-428-7572. 23 For Sale: “Western Rawhide” saddle, like new condition. 250-402-9510. 23 For Sale: Whirlpool all-gas convection range. Black. Near new, $300 firm. 250-431-9033. 23 For Sale: Troy garden tiller, small older model, needs tune-up, $80 obo. 250-428-7647. 23 For Sale: transport wheelchair, small wheels, $70. Commode chair $70. Evolution walker, light weight, $90. Glider chair w/footstool $80. All in good condition. Please phone afternoons 250-428-9778. 23 For Sale: House, couch & loveseat, dining table w/6 chairs, bedroom suite. Phone to view 250-428-8751. 23 For sale: Pond vacuum with long hoses and attachments. Can also be used in swimming pools. Original cost $435USD. We no longer have a pond. Dumps waste water out of hose. $200. Large dog house purchased from Home Hardware. Sided with vinyl and has shingled roof. Completely finished, $150. 250-428-0528. 23 Arrow Creek Construction. We renovate. Call Joe 250-254-0274.. 25 For sale: Jurassic Park coin sets-Reduced now $5 each set, firm. Cool kids gift-includes 5 dinosaur picture coins & little sticker book with dinosaur stickers. New price was $29.95. Fun Pape office Call if after hours .250-428-2828. 31 For Sale: “Wade” glass figurines from Red Rose tea collectibles. Fun Pape office. Call if after hours. 250-428-2828. 17 40% OFF! Beautiful Birthstone Rings & Pendants— made to order... “Just for You” July’s Birthstone is RUBY DIAMONDS ARE A GIRL’S BEST FRIEND! at Cresteramics 1022 Canyon St 250-428-5538 We Buy Old Gold —PAYING MORE! KOZY Heating & Sheet Metal Call Richard for all your Heating & Cooling Needs 250-428-2723 New & Retrofit Installations Heating ● Cooling ● Gas Fitting ● Water Heaters Boo Book Your Firewood Orders Now! Sawdust & Kindling available . Mountain Park Resort 4020 Hwy 3 250-428-2954 Kootenay Duct Cleaners & Pressure Washing ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ HVAC system clean-outs and maintenance Dryer vent clean-outs Deck, driveway, siding, gutter, roof and heavy equipment pressure washing Basements pumped out Next Deadlines: Classified ads: Friday June 10, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 9, 4pm Fun Pape 250-428-2828 4 Corners Matting & Framing —————————————————————————————————————————- “Frame a Grad for Dad” Mark 250-428-0522 or 250-431-8591 250-428-2120 MISCELLANEOUS For Sale: Four white spoke 15in rims, $135. Four TJ 15in rims with center caps, $100. Four Kawasaki Teryx rims (new) $100. Two fiberglass canoes (project) $150. Westward 155 pce tool kit (new) $100. Craftsman 207 pce tool kit (new) $200. 250-428-9606. 23 For Sale: Peavey KB-60 amplifier, $150. Sony turntable, $85. Panasonic disc player, $75. 428-5526. 23 For Sale: 15hp Mercury outboard, 15in shank, good condition, $800. 250-428-4176. 23 For Sale: Several refrigerators, ranges, washer & dryers, all in good condition, in Creston. Info 250-420-7065. 39 For Sale: Young breeding pair Colies, $600. 250-428-2930. 23 For Sale: Dump truck, single axle, cab over, $4000. Pull behind motorcycle trailer, $400. White vinyl siding $200. 428-5559. 23 For Sale: Wiener piglets (Duroc/Berkshire,) ready June & July. $120 ($60 deposit to reserve.) 1-250-999-8013. (Canyon.) 23 For Sale: NordicTrack E5.9 Elliptical. As new. Purchased for $1299.99. Includes transferable 5 yr warranty. First $650 takes it! 431-8149. 23 For Sale: 17 Rainbird & Orbit sprinkler heads plus fittings. Good Deal. 250-431-9033. 23 For Sale: Yard machine self propelled, rear tine garden cultivator, A1 condition, $500 obo. 10 x 12 garden shed-new , box never opened, $334. 225 Miller buzz box welder with cables plus 30ft extension cable, can be plugged into dryer outlet, $225. 250-428-9359. 23 For Sale: Rhubarb plants $10. Rhubarbs stalks $2/lb. raspberry plants, small $2, med $5. Sunflower plants, 1ft-3/$1. Water Pik water flosser WP900 (new) $70. 250-402-2037. 23 For Sale: Kenmore electric range, black/SS, self cleaning, excellent cond, $275. 866-5687. 23 For Sale: 24in Troybilt Horse rototiller, 8 Magnum, c/w plow, $900 obo. 428-5974. 23 Arrow Creek Construction. We build arbors, trellises, pergolas and decks. Call Joe 250-254-0274 25 For Sale: Perennials, ornamental grasses, trees and shrubs. Large clumps priced from $5. 250-428-7797. 23 For Sale: Three roof sections, 12ft x 60ft each, suitable for hayshed etc. 125,000btu NG furnace w/ducting. 30lb bags cellulose insulation. 4ft wide x 8ft long x 2ft high hollowed concrete ramp. 250-900-5482 9kg Your ad could have been here! DUMP RUNS Call Mark 250-431-8191 A young man applied for a job at a new factory being built in a nearby town. He entered the main office, where the receptionist directed him down the hall to an office where he was to be interviewed by the Personnel Officer. After several minutes of describing and explaining all about the new factory, the personnel Officer told the young man, “We need individuals who are totally responsible.” The young man grinned and responded: “Well, I sure qualify. Everywhere I’ve worked, when something went wrong, I was always responsible.” —————————————————“Information? I need the number of Caseway Insurance Company.” “Would you spell that, please?” “Certainly. That’s C as in cadence. A as in aye. S as in sea. E as in eye. W as in why. A as in are. And Y as in you.” Just a minute, sir. I’ll connect you with my supervisor.” —————————————————Next Deadlines: Classified ads: Friday June 10, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 9, 4pm Answers to: Amy’s Spot the 15 Changes Top girl’s swimsuit. Cloud added. Lower girl’s hair. Shirt added on boy. Branch added on right tree. Water drop on left added. Left buoy smaller. Bird added. Stripe on right sail missing. Boy’s hat. Cruise ship changed. Island smaller. Flag design. Action line on left missing. Flower added on top girl’s hair. CRYPTOGRAM Save Money Fun pape Page 13 GIVEAWAY Giveaway: Roller wheels & tracks for double bench seat swing. 428-2360. 29 GARAGE SALES/YARD SALES Yard Sale: 3601 Masuch Rd, Erickson. Thurs, Fri & Sat, June 2nd, 3rd, & 4th. 9-2. Lots of household items, toys & tools. 23 Garage sale: 308-22 Ave. N., Fri June 3rd, 8-4, Sat June 4th 8-11. 23 Large Yard Sale: Heaters, power saw, chop saw, beaver pelts, cookers, brush cutter, grass cutter, exercise bike, antiques, tools, golf clubs & bags, 500 signature golf balls, camper supplies, lights. Too many things to list, something for everyone. 1992 Winnebago 27ft motorhome. June 3 & 4, 8am4pm. No early birds. 1019 10th Ave. S. 23 Moving Sale: Fri & Sat June 3 & 4, 8-? 2127 Hwy 3A (just past Ramada). Rain or shine. Lots of items! 23 Garage Sale: Sat June 4th, 9-4. 805 16th Ave S. Lots of variety. No early birds please. 23 Classified Ad Deadlines-every second Friday Fun Pape Hours: Tue-Fri 9-4 Thanks for Making The Fun Pape Creston’s Most Read Free Paper Did you know 4000 Fun Pape’s get distributed every two weeks? And if you still can’t find one….stop in at our office, 3107 Hwy 3, Erickson —————————————————— is online but without the you’ll want to keep this copy! Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... One Issue $22+GST Two Issues $36+GST (Each issue two weeks long) FRONT END Work! ERICKSON GARAGE 3408 Hwy 3 Erickson Kerry Clark–Lic. Mechanic 30 yrs Experience Designated Inspection Facility We accept VISA●MC●Debit Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30 250-254-1791 Wheel Alignments ● Brakes Front End ● General Repairs TOWING Whispering pine Colon hydrotherapy benefits More Effective Digestion ● Regularity Diarrhea & Constipation Prevention Energy Increase ● Weight Normalization Nutrient Absorption Increase ● Toxin Removal Concentration Improvement Skin Improvement ● Respiratory Improvement Colon Cancer Risk Decreased Whole Body Well Being Improvement Call Colon Hydrotherapist Vicky Massey 250-428-9398 for appointment Figure out the phrase. Quote by Theodore Roosevelt THE LITTLE DOZER THAT COULD D 14 on BRAKE and D 4 14 4 Last Issue Answer: A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. –Benjamin Franklin Custom Dozer Work Selective Harvesting Land Clearing ♦ Driveways Landscaping ♦ Site Prep Free Estimates and Best Rates Around Ph 250-428-7030 Cell 250-435-1520 D & J Waldner CONSTRUCTION Dale 250 250--402 402--8808 Commercial and Residential Welding & Fabrication You Dream It-We Build It ● Excellence for over 25 Years From Heavy Equipment to Shop to Mechanical Gates & More! Canyon BC 250-644-1323 Journeyman Carpenter New Construction ● Renovations Bobcat Service NOW OPEN! memories of Indian Cuisine 1403B Canyon Street Hrs: Tue-Sun 11am-9pm Dine-in ♦ Take-out ♦ Delivery Available Lunch Buffet Tue-fri 11-2 Sat 12-3 Call 250-428-7713 for Authentic Indian Cuisine Jackhammer●Auger Excavator●Grapple Dump Truck Garth Rosvold Ph 428-7232 Cell 428-1601 C Grant Construction Quality Construction Chris Grant —Journeyman Carpenter 250-402-9855 Fun pape Page 14 VEHICLES and Related Goods VEHICLES and Related Goods For Sale: 1982 Prowler 18ft 5th wheel, good cond, shower, toilet, F/S, awning, hitch, excellent mattress, no smoking, $2200. 250-424-5438. 25 For Sale: Honda ATV. 2004 Honda Foreman 500 Rubicon. This ATV has it all. Windshield, winch, front basket, rear storage, gun boot, thumb & hand warmers. New battery and brakes. Good tires. Fully automatic transmission (high & low). Also selectable electric shift. $3900. 250-428-0528. 23 For Sale: 2004 Chev Impala, 4 door, loaded, beige, low mileage, $4000 obo. Black metal truck canopy, 52in x 80in, fits mid size truck box, $500 obo. 428-7975. 25 For Sale: 1993 Freightliner tandem dump truck, 18 spd, Cummins diesel, $18,000. 250-428-9393. 23 For Sale: 1974 MGB, 1600cc, 4 spd. Has had some restoration-not complete. Low mileage. Good condition, $7500 obo. 428-7618. 25 For Sale: 1989 Thompson #19 Cutlass 19ft open bow boat. Seats 8, excellent interior. Comes with Hummingbird fish finder downrigger, two way radio, two man riding tube, stainless ski pole, 4.3 Mercruiser with new water manifolds, water impeller, and prop. Leg oil freshly changed. “Stand up” top, storage tarp, two fishing rod holders in open bow. 10hp Honda kicker with electric start (seldom used). Prop wrench, hand oil pump for filling leg. Everything is in excellent condition!!! Asking $8500 obo. 428-0664. 23 For Sale: 1994 Ford F150, 336,000km, single cab, long box, some rust, many new parts. Hunter’s special, $2000 obo. 250-254-1053. 23 For Sale: Ford tractor 8N, runs well, looks good, new paint, new battery, good rubber. $2100 obo. 250-424-5331. 23 For Sale: 1991 24ft TravelMate 5th wheel trailer, good condition, everything works, $3500 obo. Call Bob 250-428-8985. 23 For Sale: 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, V8 eng, AWD, no rust, exc cond, good rubber. Great gift for grad or caretaker. 177,000km, $3799. 250-254-1340. 23 For Sale: Ford industrial 420 tractor, 65hp, loader & bucket, pallet forks, pto, ROPS, 3 point hitch, 1530 hrs. Excellent condition, $12,500. John 250-428-5535. 29 For sale: Combo– 1997 Ram club cab 1500, 4x4, 98,000km, and 1998 5th wheel, 23.5ft, hard shell, solar, elec legs. Both in good shape, many extras. $12,500. 250-428-9688 (Creston.) 23 For Sale: 1974 GMC 5000, new motor. Winch, dump bed. Set up as a wood hauler. $6500 or partial trade or w.h.y. 250-428-2930. 23 For Sale: 2015 8½ft x 20ft Continental cargo trailer, $8500. 2015 8½ft x 16ft Continental cargo trailer, $7500. Both almost new-only pulled 1000 miles. 250-219-2278. (Located in Creston) 25 For Sale: 1998 Ford F150, 4x4, 4.2L, 5 spd, 170,000km, short box, reg cab, canopy, new tires, $4200 obo. 428-9884. 23 Arrow Creek Construction. We will finish your basement. Call Joe 250-254-0274. 25 For Sale: Nissan 3.5hp outboard motor. 1961 Willy Jeep, w/heater & cab. 1977 19ft Taurus camper trailer. 250-428-8622. 23 For Sale: 69 Chev front body clip w/rad support, no grill, good shape, $200. 97 Chev front body clip w/rad support, no grill, good shape, $200. 97 Chev “short box” Fleetside w/tailgate, good shape, $500. 80’s Mercedes Benz body, glass & trim, 450 SLC. Two Chev 350 TBI engines, low kms. Two 700 R4 transmissions, 2wd, low kms, $150 ea. 16ft fiberglass canoe, clean, $350. 80 Ford short box step side, runs good, 302, 4 spd, fair cond, $500. 2000 Dakota R/T front suspension, complete, low kms, all parts-rotor to rotor, $250. Several “70’s” Chev 350 4 bolt engines. Several Rat Rod bodies. Several LT-1 4 bolt blocks. Small 4 stroke engines, 8-18 hp. 340/400 snowmobile engine. 80 Jaguar hood, fenders & grill, good cond, $150. Large school bus, empty interior, great for camper/moving truck, 75,000mi, new brakes & tires, big block Chev, 5 spd, no damage, dents or rust, clean, $5500 obo. 94 black, one owner 2dr Lincoln MK 8 coupe, independent suspension w/air-ride, full load, black leather, sun roof, comes with $2000 summers & winters on rims ( new) minty cond, excellent condition, great car, serviced regularly and garage kept since new, X California car, no dents, no rust, $5500 obo. “New” 70 GM 400 stroker. Cell 250-808-1031 or 250-866-5755. 23 Next Deadlines: Classified ads: Friday June 10, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 9, 4pm Fun Pape 250-428-2828 Budget Minded? This size Display ad... One Issue $22+GST Two Issues $36+GST (Each issue two weeks long) Amy’s Spot the 15 Changes 6 MON-FRI: 9:00 until Before and after shop hours, incl. Saturdays: ON CALL (we live on premises) Ron & Christine Ron’s Repair 1238 NW Blvd 250.428.1721 Sell your car, or truck, or tractor, or motorcycle, or ATV, or snowmobile, or trailer, or motor home, or ……. ……..camper….here! ——————————————— JG Property Maintenance Lawn Mowing ● Hedge Trimming Dump Runs ● Odd Jobs Call Jesse 250-431-8184
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