Chicken Firewood Blowout! Firewood Blowout!
Chicken Firewood Blowout! Firewood Blowout!
ss © 2015 Edward Michael Wishlow – All Rights Reserved tre Office Hrs: Tue-Fri 9am-4pm duce s e r d n a rtain g ovokin ht pr thoug & s u moro te s to en storie Hu Issue 17-23.24 June 3-June 17/15 Next Classified Deadline Friday May Deadline:: FRIDAY June20, 12, 4pm 4pm Printed & Published by The Fun Pape, 3107 Hwy 3, Creston BC V0B 1G1 Phone 250-428-2828 Fax 250-428-2878 email: What Love Means to 4 to 8 Year Old Kids A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year olds “What does love mean?” The answers they got were broader, deeper, and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined. ♦ ♦ ♦ When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore….so my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love. -Rebecca, age 8 When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth. -Billy, age 4 Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other. -Karl, age 5 Cont on page 3 ART SHOWS ART SALES Creston Public Library until June 27 Creston Chamber of Commerce until June 30 Sponsored by the Community of Creston Arts Council Local Farm Fresh Naturally Raised Government Inspected ♦Chicken♦ Place Your Orders Now! Phone 428-7013 for details R&S Meyer Farm Questions That Haunt Me ♦ What disease did cured ham actually have? ♦ How is it that we put a man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? ♦ Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? ♦ Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat? Firewood Blowout! Dry Fir/Larch Mix Cut/Split/Delivered* $160 Cord Dry Fir/Larch/Pine/ Hemlock/Grand Fir Mix Cut/Split/Delivered* $130 Cord *All deliveries minimum 2 cords, and within 15km of yard, or extra charge may apply. FROM THE SCRAP PILE… Special $25 per pickup load. You load. Misc lengths and species. No chainsaws allowed. HIDDEN VALLEY WOOD FIBRE 3717 Hwy 21, Creston Darcy 402-9217 Lisa 428-6607 Office: 250-428-5050 Mon-Fri 8-4 The Fun pape office will be CLOSED Week of June 1st-5th ———————————————————— You can however... ●Fax ads: 250-428-2878 ●Email ads: ●or use drop box: 3107 Hwy 3 Erickson (one mile east of DQ) Sorry for any inconvenience Addictions Recovery in the Kootenays Working with Christian churches in the community and in the Kootenays, to facilitate recovery through programs and financial help for those who need it. We will utilize and refer people to programs that meet ARK’s vision and mission. For details/info contact networking coordinator Raphael Gaudio at 250-402-3790 ARC unisex salon & day spa 428-8787 Urban Oasis would like to welcome Jenn Bullee to our team. Jenn is a licensed esthetician offering facials, manicures, pedicures, waxing and tinting. Introductory Special for June MANICURE & PEDICURE for $75! $15 savings tax incl Call to book your appointment today 250-428-8787 1229A Canyon St Legend Logos Contracting Inc SAND GRAVEL CONCRETE 250-428-1620 Gift Shop Hours 9-4 Manitobah Mukluks & Moccasins 3650 Hwy 21 250-428-2977 HELP WANTED/CAREERS Required Immediately: Part-time milker (may turn into full time) for dairy farm in Wynndel. Must be willing to learn, hardworking, punctual and love animals. Call Carla 250-866-5282 or send resume to 23 CLASSIFIED AD RULES Private ads only (no business related): 12 words, $3 per issue. Extra words 25¢ each. Each Bolded word 50¢ extra. Includes GST. Drop off ads at 3107 Hwy. 3 Erickson, at the office (VISA, MC, or DEBIT) or ad drop box, or phone in ads, 428-2828 and pay by VISA or MC* Businesses will need to purchase a DISPLAY AD first before using classifieds.* exception-farming, if no similar display advertiser. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject* any ad * example-derogatory inferences Tony Mulder Jewellery & Gifts Quality & Service Since 1989 ANNOUNCEMENTS Creston Museum Kid’s Day: games, penny candy, ice cream! June 13, 10-4. Full schedule at 23 Addictions Recovery in the Kootenays Annual General Meeting, Redeemer Lutheran Church (basement) 7pm, June 14th. All are welcome! Desserts and beverages will be served after the meeting. 23 MS Support Group meets last Monday of the month at the United Church. For info call Ken Chubb 250-428-7737 or email: 15S West Creston Hall and/or grounds. Weddings, parties, meetings, reunions, etc. Full kitchen facilities. or phone Leona 250-402-6643 51v3 New Horizons Seniors Rotacrest: DANCING– monthly dinner/dance & dancing Tues afternoons 2-4pm (Elva Holmes 428-8985). POOL– Tues, Wed, Fri, Sun, 1pm. CRIB– Tue 7-10pm (Keith Forseth -428-2255). MOTION THERAPY – Mon/Thurs, 10-11am (Jean 428-0204). COFFE/CAKE Wed 10-11am (Roger 428-3403). BRIDGE– Mon 6-10pm; Tues 9:30am-noon; Wed 6-10pm; Thurs 1-4pm; Sat 12:30-4pm (Margaret Roy 428-5406). All activities in Upper Hall except Pool. V11 Alcoholics Anonymous 422-7th Ave N, (Anglican Church basement) Monday 11am (closed), Wednesday 8pm (closed), Friday 8pm (open), 250-428-5954 or 250-435-1370. 315-15th Ave. N (Lutheran Church office), Saturday 7pm (open) 250-428-7064. 27 Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? Creston Al-Anon meeting Thursdays 7pm Creston Valley Hospital meeting room (downstairs). 250-866-5393. 43 Trinity Used Treasures now open for the season. Hours 9:30am-1:30pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. 35 PAGE 2 “CAR WASH” WORD SEARCH AUTOMATIC, BRUSHES, BUMPERS, CABLES, CARS, CLOTHS, CONTROLS, CONVEYER, DRIPS, DRYER, ENTRANCE, EXIT, EXTERIOR, GRILL, HOSE, HOTWAX, INTERIOR, MACHINES, MONEY, NOISE, POLISH, RINSE, ROLLERS, SCRUB, SHINE, SOAP, SPONGES, SQUEEGEE, TRACKS, WINDOWS, WINDSHIELD. C B S E Z M S S H G S V R F U A U K Z S U A O W E R O F L S T R C J W N S C G O I I A S R S C A Y I E I N H R D B L F E Q S R P N C O R E I R N A L L U E T M D P L T E U N U I S L E C H O S C X O S Y T E P W O E N O N H E A H T O E I S W R G A T E I B E R M H R V F P R E R W Y E S T A S D S O N A R E T A O L K T S L O R T N O C X N X Y D I N T E R I O R S C I E R N C S R E P M U B C J H T L G H S I L O P D R Y E R H S H I N E M C A B L E S I O N LETTER TILES: Unscramble the letter tiles to reveal a message. E Licensed Automotive Technician Ticketed Tire Technicians ● Locally Owned Service Truck ● Farm Service ● Calcium Fill Most Major Brands Available 250-428-2000 918 Pine St Turn East at the Grain Elevators This Last Issue Answer: Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders. Dean Bala Mortgage Broker Producers West Financial Great Rates Flexible Schedule Over 90 Lenders! 250-402-3903 10 Year Workmanship Warranty Interior & Exterior Painting, Siding, Renovations, Decks. FREE ESTIMATES♦FULLY INSURED 250-435-0027 New Installations ♦ Renovations Drain Cleaning ♦ Hot water Tanks Frozen Water Lines 24 Hour Emergency Service FUN PAPE—Creston’s most read free paper What Love Means to 4 to 8 Year Old Kids...cont from pg 1 ♦ Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs. -Chrissy, age 6 ♦ Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired. -Terri, age 4 ♦ Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure it tastes OK. -Danny, age 8 ♦ Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen. -Bobby, age 7 (WOW) ♦ If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate. -Nikka, age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka’s on this planet) ♦ Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well. -Tommy, age 6 ♦ During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn’t scared anymore. -Cindy, age 8 Cont on page 5 Answer to Fallen Phrase: page 3 Criss Cross Puzzle ANSWERS ON PAGE 6 ACROSS 2.MAD DOCTOR’S ASSITANT, OFTEN 5.COLLAR COLOR, JOB 6.PARAPHERNALIA DOWN 1.SPRINGS HAVE THESE 3.MEASLY 4.SUDDEN BURST DUMP RUNS Call Mark 250-431-8191 Have a funny story to share? Send it to: For more about us please visit our website email: or call us at 250-428-5593 1405 Alder Street, Creston OVERHEAD DOOR Gordon Hegland 250-402-9818 ♦Residential ♦Commercial For ALL Repairs & Service Needs Legion Events 428-4252 June 7-Pancake Breakfast 8:30am-noon $5 June 13-Saturday Night Dance Music by Peanut Butter & Jam June 20-Saturday Night Dance Music by Gerhard Link June 27– Steak BBQ Advance Tickets only-$12 Affordable Accounting Solutions Ph 250-402-6277 Fax 250-428-2067 137-10th Ave. N. MEAT DRAWS EVERY SATURDAY 2:30-5pm MarCare 7X Face Value Kabin Keepers Specializing in Kootenay Lake Property Care & Maintenance References Available For more info INSURED AND W.E.T.T. CERTIFIED Serving the Kootenays with quality workmanship. Company of Creston Check our website…. Call TWS at 250-866-5246 Treasures Upholstery Shoppe EVERYONE WELCOME TO ALL LEGION SUPPERS, DANCES & BBQ’s “Let us clean the mess so you don’t have to!” 216 Valleyview Drive, Creston, BC Ph.: 250-428-2336 15 cabin-like units on a quiet hillside overlooking the valley flats; located beside the Museum. Where strangers become friends (since 1947) Legion Hall with full kitchen facilities available to rent for weddings, parties etc. Call 428-4252. Chimney Sweep Valley View Motel 250-431-8191 For Your 1966 & Older Dollars, 50¢, Quarters & Dimes. Ask about 67’s & US Call for appt. 428-2828 Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... One Issue $22+GST Two Issues $36+GST (Each issue two weeks long) Creston Golf Course Clubhouse page 4 REAL ESTATE & FOR RENT References Available 24 Hour Service For Rent: 3 bedroom upper duplex, great view, $900 mth + utilities +DD. 428-6187. 23 For Rent: One bedroom large daylight suite. F/S, DW, W/D, $600+ $50 towards utilities. Avail July 1. 428-5467. 23 For Rent: One bedroom suite, F/S, W/D, NS, no parties, no pets. Only clean responsible people need apply. Seniors preferred. References required. $675 +DD, utilities and internet included. 250-428-5293 or 250-428-9933. 25 For Sale: two bedroom house, fully renovated inside/out, covered parking, shop. 226-24th Ave. S. $249,900. Ryan 250-254-0101. 27 Building For Lease: 1420 FT2 on main floor with a basement. Ideal location with lots of parking. $800/month + utilities. 250-428-6568. 23 For Rent: 5,500 FT2 hay shed in Lister. 250-428-6568. 23 For Sale: House in Creston. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, full basement, approx 1700 sq ft total. Bright, lots of windows, views of the valley. Very private large yard, fully fenced, perfect for pets. Yard is very lush with lots of garden areas. 608 Canyon St. $205,000. Call to view 428-7894. 31 For Rent: One bedroom suite in new home , Hawkview Estates, for single person, $800+DD. Utilities incl. NS, no pets. 250-428-2412. 23 For Rent: Large one bedroom suite at Hillcrest Apartments, includes heat, laundry and secure underground parking, $700 mth. 250-428-8458 or 250-428-1610. 23 For Rent: 4 bdrm, 2 1/2bath, workshop, semi attached home. NS. $1200 +DD + utilities. 250-428-6519 or 403-619-2091. 27 For Sale: Side-by-side duplex, 2218 Cedar St, Creston, $479,000. 428-4226. 25 For Rent: Adult bachelor apartment, hillside view, 3 appl, laundry, no parties, N/P, $700 utilities incl. 250-428-5997. 23 For Sale: Reduced tri-plex townhouse. 1 1/2 baths, 3 bedrooms, separate kitchen, no strata fees, near mall, school, park. $165,000. 250-428-2793. 23 Arrow Creek Construction. We build decks. Call Joe 250-254-0274.. 23 Lunch Special $9.95 Drink Special $5.50 Classified and display ads, as well as puzzles available online at: Fallen Phrase answer pg3 Family Dining Specials! Specials available noon-8pm MONDAYS Burger & Beverage Special! Choose from one of our six homemade burgers! Includes your choice of sides, and either a glass of draft beer, 4oz wine, or fountain pop! Special $9.95 THURSDAYS All-You-Can-Eat Fish & Chips! Home Fries, Coleslaw, Tartar Sauce, and all you can eat Fish. Special $9.95 Children under 12-$6.95 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Everyone Welcome! 1800 Mallory Rd. 250-428-3383 Water Well Drilling ● Pump Testing & Sales ● Water Treatment ● Geo-Tech Drilling Licensed Professional Driller - Chris Barling Quote by: Ralph Waldo Emerson Ph 250-428-0137 D & J Waldner CONSTRUCTION Dale 250 250--402 402--8808 and TONY’S BAR Lunch: Tue-Sat 11:30am-2:00pm Dinner: Tue-Sun 4:00pm-9:00pm Closed Mondays 250-428-7779 Party Room for 20 People Free Internet at Magnuson Hotel (formerly Hacienda) Journeyman Carpenter New Construction ● Renovations Bobcat Service Classified ads are still just $3 for 12 words for 2 weeks. —————————————————- A1 POOP SCOOPER #1 in the #2 Business Weekly Pet Waste Removal As low as $12 week●Sr. & Disabled Discounts 250-402-6711 Sudoku The rules of Sudoku are simple. Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Have Fun!!! Answer on page 9 Biffy in a Jiffy Portable Toilet & Shower Rental & Servicing RV & Boat Tank Pumping Septic Tank Pumping Call Paige 428-4053 or Cell 428-6256 6 MON-FRI: 9:00 am till pm Before and after hours, incl. Sat + Sun: ON CALL-no extra charge Pick up/delivery $25 Ron’s Repair 1238 NW Blvd Disclaimer: Un-credited stories are from a variety of sources and are believed to be public domain. If you hold a copyright on any of these materials please inform us so we may give the proper credit. WORDS OF WISDOM. Next Deadlines Classified ads: Friday June 12, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 11, 4pm Fun Pape 250-428-2828 Page 5 Answer to Rebus Puzzle What Love Means to 4 to 8 Year Old Kids...cont from pg 3 ♦ My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night. -Clare, age 6 ♦ Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken. -Elaine, age 5 ♦ Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he’s handsomer than Robert Redford. -Chris, age 7 ♦ Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day. –Mary Ann, age 4 ♦ I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones. –Lauren, age 4 ♦ When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you. (what an image). –Karen, age 7 ♦ You really shouldn't say “I love you” unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget. –Jessica, age 8 —————————————————We typically do not start to think of foods as “too sweet” until our bone growth stops. Younger children have virtually no limit to the amount of sugar they find palatable. —————————————————Coke makes so many different beverages that if you drank one per day, it would take you over 9 years to try them all. —————————————————- SCRAP KING TOWING Serving Creston & Salmo 24 Hr Towing ●Light & Heavy Towing Free Vehicle Removal BCAA Approved Road Assistance 250-428-2323 250.428.1721 250-435-0411 Yard Maintenance Pruning Trees & Shrubs Paving Stone Patio/ Driveway Installs & Repairs Retaining Wall Installs & Repairs Lenny Craig Home Improvements Additions Renovations Roofing General home repair 250-254-0197 Sakuraji 824 Regina St Headquarters Smart Service. Great Products. Window Shades ♦ Phantom Screens Aluminum Railing DURADEK Waterproof Decking Tile ♦ Vinyl ♦ Laminate Hardwood ♦Carpet Serving Creston Valley since 1984 1518 NW Blvd 250-428-2426 Haircuts in Your Home Amy Wishlow Licensed Hair Stylist 428-1503 or 428-2828 3/4 Crush Gravel Bedding Sand Top Soil Competitive Prices! 428-1834 or 254-1834 fix We computers EDA L Page 6 SIMPLY MAZING ANSWER ON PAGE 10 COMPUTER CENTRE 215-33 Ave. S. (Hwy 3) Erickson Ca l lJ oe 250-428-4419 ARROWCREEK CONSTRUCTION Renovations Flooring Finishing Decks Tile Additions Siding Exterior Paint/Stain Basement Finishing Suspended Ceilings Eve 250-428-7274 Day 250-254-0274 Creston New Horizons Seniors Society invites you to join us for Pancake Breakfast Sunday, June 14th 8:30am-12noon Rotacrest Hall (located at South end of Rec Centre parking lot) $5 person Answer to Criss Cross Puzzle: Rebus Puzzle A rebus is a picture representation of a name, word or phrase. The puzzle below portrays a common word or phrase. Can you guess what it is? (answer on pg 5) intelligent smart wise ~ Everyone Welcome! ~ Next Deadlines: Classified ads: Friday June 12, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 11, 4pm R Answer to Math Square Puzzle: F Wanted: Affordable small tractor with bucket, for hobby farm. Also wanted, motorhome to rent and buy. Also looking for bricks for making outdoor BBQ. 1-250-999-8013. 23 Wanted: Steel storage container, 10ft, 20ft or larger. No leaks-please. 428-9782. 27 Wanted: Old Ford 530 square baler for parts. 1-250-399-4858. 25 Wanted: Dual stage hydraulic pump for 14hp 1 3/8in shaft engine/log splitter. 250-421-3575. 23 Wanted: Bee keepers suit and equipment. 428-7618. 23 Wanted: Clean fill to be delivered to Canyon for reasonable price. 250-254-0555. 23 Wanted: Used fridge in good working order. 428-2360. 25 Wanted: Garden ties in good condition, and patio stones. 250-428-2809. 25 Wanted: 8x8x16 unused cinder blocks, cheap or free. 428-2828. 25 Wanted: Hard guitar case, in good condition. 428-2360. 23 Wanted: 16ft to 26ft holiday trailer in working condition, cheap or giveaway. 254-1148. 23 Wanted: Chainsaws, any age, any make, or just parts, for future chainsaw museum. Donations are welcome. Non-profit venture by seniors. 428-2360. kg Wanted: Looking for the following magazine back issues, will pay 25¢ea and up— Countryside, Backwoods Home, Backwoodsman, Back Home, Architectural Digest, Dwell. Also 1960’s and older Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Mechanix Illustrated. 428-2828. 7 Wanted: Flat plate solar hot water collectors (not evacuated tube type). 428-2828. 37 Will pick up unwanted/non-working solar collectors, wind generators, cordless mowers, med/ large propane tanks, Lister or China diesels/ gensets, deep cycle/golf cart batteries, inverters, electric tractors etc-any condition. Ask for Ed 428-2828. 49 Wanted: grey vinyl siding and trim pieces and grey soffitting & fascia. Ed 428-2828. 7 Ro n H u rr y Page 7 WANTED Math Square answers on pg. 6 Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations. Each number is only used once. Each row is a math equation. Remember order of operations; multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction. Ray’s Garbage Pick-up ●Residential Curbside Pick-up ●3-40yd Containers ●12yd Hook Lift Bins For all your garbage needs call anytime You can FAX your ad with your credit card info to: 250-428-2878 ….anytime Sudoku Answer pe Fun pa HOSPITAL TUCK SHOP “Refresh Tired Framing” More than 50 Items to Choose from for Gifts! 250-428-2286 ext 3127 312-15th Ave. N. Kootenay Duct Cleaners & Pressure Washing Rent-a-Hubby ♦ ♦ ♦ Mark 250-428-0522 or 250-431-8591 Serving the Valley over 30 years! Local & Long Distance Moving House &Yard Maintenance Also Available Res: 428 428--7179 Ph: 428 428--6701 4 Corners Matting & Framing HVAC system clean-outs and maintenance Dryer vent clean-outs Deck, driveway, siding, gutter, roof and heavy equipment pressure washing Basements pumped out 250-428-9887 or Birch $280cord Larch $200cord Fir $200cord Mixed $170 cord Pine $160 cord Call Annie 1-250-464-9811 ♦ “Pearl & Alexandrite” PAYING MORE! You have not, because no one knows you’re looking for it. FIREWOOD Cut, Split, Delivered Birthstones of the Month — JUNE — at Cresteramics 1022 Canyon St 250-428-5538 —We Buy Old Gold — A 12 word classified ad is $3*. Extra words 25¢ea. *Per issue (2 weeks) 250-428-2120 Master Goldsmith Open Mon-Fri 9-3 Hospital Main Entrance Husband (wife) not very handy? Not there? We’ll do any household repair a husband (wife) would do. Also: Renovations, Roofing Installing Windows & Doors Decks & Patios Eavestrough Cleaning Dump Runs Call 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 WCB Coverage & Liability Insurance SELF STORAGE Want more space? We have affordable solutions! 250-428-9933 BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. Look to the Fun Pape Classifieds to Find What You’re Looking For! Page 8 Plumbing●Heating●Air Conditioning Refrigeration●Heat Pumps●Boilers Gas Fitting●Drain Cleaning●Video Insp. Call us at 250-428-6713 Let us show you how you can Save Hundreds of Dollars on BRAKE and FRONT END Work! Come in for details. Sorry, no phone estimates. ERICKSON GARAGE & TOWING 3408 Hwy 3 Erickson Kerry Clark–Lic. Mechanic 30 yrs Experience Designated Inspection Facility We accept VISA●MC●Debit Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30 250-254-1791 Wheel Alignments ● Brakes Front End ● General Repairs Double Puzzle Answers Difference Between You and Your Boss When you take a long time, you’re slow. When your boss takes a long time, he’s thorough. When you don’t do it, you’re lazy. When your boss doesn’t do it, he’s too busy. When you make a mistake, you’re an idiot. When your boss makes a mistake, he’s only human. When you do something without being told, your overstepping you’re authority. When your boss does the same thing, that’s initiative. ANSWER TO SIMPLY MAZING When you take a stand, you’re being bull-headed. When your boss does it, he’s being firm. When you’re out of the office, you’re wandering around. When your boss is out of the office, he’s on business. When you overlooked a rule of etiquette, you’re being rude. When your boss skips a few rules, he’s being original. When you’re on a day off sick, you’re always sick. When your boss is on a day off sick, he must be very ill. When you please your boss, you’re apple polishing. When your boss pleases his boss, he’s being cooperative. When you apply for a leave, you must be going for an interview. When your boss applies for a leave, it’s because he’s overworked. Dogs of our Lives What would our lives be like without dogs? As Your Hometown Vet, we love canines of all shapes and sizes! We welcome you to drop by for a canine treat, or weigh-in, or just to say hello. Call us for current dog related health promotions. Enjoy this summer with your dog! Summer Pet Safety Tips Part 2: ♦ ♦ ♦ Keep vaccines up to date ( esp if kenneled or using dog parks) Cool off with a swim (may need life preserver) Use heartworm, flea, tick and parasite control Creston Veterinary Hospital Your Hometown Vet! 1605 Dogwood St. 250-428-9494 Like us on Facebook Tigers cannot purr. To show happiness, tigers squint or close their eyes. This is because losing vision lowers defense, so tigers (and many other cats) only purposefully do so when they feel comfortable and safe. —————————————————The reason why old books have such a distinct smell is because hundreds of organic compounds in the pages break down over time and release chemicals that smell like almond, vanilla, and grass. Page 9 When Columbian drug lord Pablo Escolar’s home was raided, the military released the dangerous hippos of his personal zoo, not knowing what to do with them. They now thrive in the Columbian rivers. This makes Columbia have the largest wild hippo population outside of Africa. —————————————————Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white? for more info go to: Double Puzzle-Unscramble each word. Then use the marked letters to solve the second puzzle. Answer on pg. 8 or 10 15% OFF... Interior or Complete Detail. Call Ahead for your Booking 25 042 839 00 Creston Valley Coffee Your Local Coffee Supplier Y Stop by to CHECK US OUT! See what we have to offer! FRESH Brewed COFFEE $1 Located across from Fire Hall Open Wed & Sat 10-2 250-428-5282 Denture Discussions… Your local Denturist, Vladimir Lysenko can help you understand the circumstances involved in ill-fitting, loose or broken dentures. Not all of these situations will require a new denture. Here are three procedures commonly used to treat these issues. 1. RELINE-Requirement occurs when bone and/or tissues change due to shrinkage. Causes: Tooth loss or weight loss, bone loss in upper or lower jaw, Sickness or disease, general physiological aging. New acrylic base material is added to denture to produce a correct fit. The appearance of the dentures will NOT change. 2. REBASE-Replacement of all pink acrylic denture base material. Causes: Broken denture, Weakened or old denture base, immediate dentures. Existing teeth remain in exact same place. 3. REPAIRS-restoring a fractured/damaged denture close to its original condition. In most cases repair procedure can be done on same day basis. The denturist will advise you of the condition of your denture and the necessary steps Needed in preventing further breakage. The bite position, existing teeth, and acrylic base(s) must be in good condition and not worn or stained to provide a reline/rebase procedure. If your current dentures are five years or older they may need replacing. Ask your denturist for an assessment of your current dentures. Quality replacement dentures can improve your health and appearance. Creston Denture Clinic 250-428-4700 127-11th Ave. N. (across from Credit Union) THE LITTLE DOZER THAT COULD Custom Dozer Work Selective Harvesting Land Clearing ♦ Driveways Landscaping ♦ Site Prep Free Estimates and Best Rates Around Ph 250-428-7030 Cell 250-435-1520 Valley View Baptist Church “Where the View is Eternal”Jude 21 SUNDAY Bible Classes…………..…...9:45am Morning Worship………..…11am Evening Service…………..….…7pm WEDNESDAY Bible Study & Prayer…….....7pm Pastor Jeff Friesen 234 36 Avenue N. 428-4861 Father’s Day Specials 15% off all reg. priced men's footwear Sale June 15th-20th ————————————————————————————————————————— 1128 Canyon St 250-428-0008 Mon-Sat 9-5:30 Jerry Schmalz 250-402-9135 Office 250-428-9040 “Where You Will Find Yourself a Home” Page 10 MISCELLANEOUS For Sale: One male ring-neck pheasant $8. Have too many ducks-will sell combinations to 8, offers. 250-428-4949. 23 For Sale: MTD front tine tiller, 5hp, new asking half price $235. 428-4598. 23 For Sale: Blaze King model Princess used wood furnace, in good working order. New $2299, asking $500. 250-866-5643. 25 For Sale: Two Turbomist orchard sprayers (one for parts) $500. Two small sprayers $100 each. Woods orchard mower $200. Ford motor & standard trans, $200. Approx 26ft boat trailer, comes with older Bayliner boat, $500. Steel shelving $100 each. Veggie cooler $100. Two burner restaurant gas stove, $50. 10in pipeline pipe for culverts, $10/ft. 2in steel pipe, $2/ft. Frost pots $50 each. 5th wheel hitch $500. Heavy duty bumper $200. Bed liner for GMC $50. Diesel generator $500. Large china cabinet and dining table $500. hardwood window frames, for pictures etc. Old farm implements. 250-977-5438. 23 For Sale: 12,000lb Warn winch & Ford mount, $1000. 16ft wood, canvas canoe $1550. 110 MX Pro motor bike, $585. Approx 400 cedar shakes $1000. 428-2478. 23 For Sale: Air conditioner for window, 24in x 15in, 10,000btu, $150. New shop vacuum wet/ dry Mastervac (30L) 6.5 gallon, 120 volt, $100. 428-3597. 23 For Sale: Dark green loveseat hide-a-bed, as new condition, no rips, tears or stains, $225. Plaid colored couch hide-a-bed, (green/maroon/ blue), with cushions, no rips, tears or stains, $250. 250-428-8799. 23 For Sale: Engineered trusses to build 22 x 26 building, 4/12 pitch. Paid $1600, sell for $1000. You must transport. 250-402-9135 or 250-428-7040. 23 For Sale: Wood burning stove $250 obo. Natural gas wall furnace, 40,000btu, Perfection Products Co, 73in high x 14 1/4in wide x 10 1/2in deep, $60 obo. 250-424-5494. 23 For Sale: Suffolk lambs. Born mid-March, available at end of June. $175 each. 428-0293. 23 For Sale: Suffolk ewes, w/ or w/o lambs. Available at end of June. 428-0293. 23 For Sale: Cast iron bat tub, $100 firm, extra legs $50. Wood chairs. Oak table & 4 chairs, $500 firm. Husqvarna trimmer on wheels, like new $300 firm. Antique English single bedstead and brass bedstead. 428-6701. 23kg For Sale: Raspberry plants, $6 ea or 10 for $50, to be dug. 250-402-2037. 23 NEED HELP? House Cleaning -light or heavy duty Will take you shopping, Dr Appt, Errands. Reliable-Honest-Friendly CALL DAWN 250-428-1413 250-402-8957 GL Sharpening has a NEW OWNER... June 1st! Custom Sewing & Alterations 250-866-5481 1204 NW Blvd 428-5542 PAUL’S INSTALLATIONS Heating & Ventilation “I’ll Beat Any Price With Superior Equipment” MISCELLANEOUS For Sale: Alpine/Toggenburg dairy goats. All ages does/bucks. $150-$350 call/ email for info/ pictures. Some geese, ducklings, young heritage mixed roosters. 250-402-9934 or 23 For Sale: New 1/0 welding cables, 26ft long, 2 available. 16in antique spoked wheels on rubber, w/stub axles. SS tie wire. Double SS sink, complete. White enameled sink. American Standard urinal. Industrial wooden cable spools. 8in round galv chimney cap. 428-5676. 23 For Sale: 20 wooden picture frames, small to medium, $2 each. Tiffany-style hanging lamp, 6 bulb, spring green & white glass, $25. 250-428-5016. 23 For Sale: Dewalt 18v drill battery charger, $10. Universal solid state 60 cycle electric fence charger $10. Ladies Davinci 18 speed bike, used little, $125. 428-9922. 23 For Sale: Woods CO 80 mower in good condition, $2000. 250-428-6002. 23 For Sale: Wood burning stove, clean, CSA approved. 250-424-5558. 25 For Sale: Medical twin bed $250 obo. 30 amp heater $35. 5ft 3 pt hitch angle blade $125. 250-428-0337. 23 For Sale: 22 Ruger new model single six handgun, c/w 2 cylinders, holster & belt, $250. 1897 Winchester 12 gauge shotgun, $600. Browning 30.06 semi automatic, Belgium made, $1200. 250-866-5744. 23 For Sale: 64 lineal ft 2in x 24in aluminum covered foam insulation panels-offers. 1-403-391-1251 (Creston). 23 Arrow Creek Construction. We build arbors, trellises, cupolas and decks. Call Joe 250-254-0274 23 For Sale: Stainless steel doughnut machine $120. Cash register, good working order, $100. 250-254-2017. 23 For Sale: Four violins– Suzuki 1/16 $350 + 1/10 $150, 3/4 Czech $600, 4/4 Sapiro $2300. Call Cindi 428-2360. 27 For Sale: 10in compound mitre saw, as new, $100. 25ft 10 amp RV power cord, $30. 10ft Zodiac inflatable raft, $200. 1-403-391-1251 (Creston) 23 For Sale: Kona Stab Supreme bike, world cup downhill model with saint package, Marzocchi suspension, reduced to $1100. Weider home gym, $40. 250-428-5056. 23 For sale: Pontoon boat, 16ft long, $300 obo. 250-428-8885. 23 For Sale: Ford 420 industrial 65hp tractor, complete w/FEL, pto, pallet forks, 3 pt hitch, ROPS, 1530 hrs. $12,500. John 250-428-5535. 23 Arrow Creek Construction. We renovate. Call Joe 250-254-0274.. 23 For Sale: Antique credenza $100. 3/4 size mattress & boxspring frame, $40. Antique painted vanity dresser & stool, $25. Black 4 shelf book case $20. Antique sofa table $40. 250-428-4603. 23 Spring has Sprung! Need a Pretty Pedi? Full Pedi $46 ● Mini Pedi $26 Toenails Cut $16 MISCELLANEOUS Page 11 For Sale: “Acorn” stair lift $750. Table & chairs $50. Galaxy fridge $400. Adult walker $40. Cappuccino maker $25. Singer sewing machine $25. Walk-in bath tub complete with shower $1500. Stained glass hanging lamp $50. Tomahawk by Troy Bilt wood chipper 8hp, $400. 250-431-8264. 23 For Sale: 90:1 gearhead electric motor $50. New #32 hand meat grinder c/w pulleys for electric motor, $50. Bolt on pintle hook $20. Five Bradford Exchange plates, $5 each. Assortment of electric motors 120/240 volt. Assortment of plant pots. 3000lb super winch $20. New complete Raycor fuel filter with 4 new filters, $75. K10 oil furnace filter housing with 4 new filters, $20. transmission cooler for Allison 6 speed transmission, $20. RV mirror extensions for Chevy truck $10. Indoor ceiling fan with lights $25. New Dakotah water powered ten lb sausage stuffer $50. 700 sq ft new grey vinyl siding $250. Assortment of conibear traps and snares. Black & Decker 4.3 amp deluxe weed whipper, $20. 12v Apelco marine VHF radio $50. Two, 20in bow saws, $5. 28in bow saw $5. Bathroom light fixture $10. New metal mailbox $5. Please contact Wayne 250-428-3963. 23 For Sale: Slider window 4ft x 3ft, $45. Fixed window 50in x 15in $15. TreadmillWeslo (electric), (warm-up/fat burn/ aerobic), good shape, $80. 428-4468. 23 For Sale: Infrared sauna (Far North) for one person, can fit in low ceiling area, $550. 250-402-9743. 23 For Sale: 8 ft utility trailer (made from pick up box) $495. Queen bed set & double bed set, $95 ea set. Delta 12in thickness planer $95. Two rebuilt Electrolux vacuum sets, $95 and up. Set four 15in Ford mags & tires, $295 set. Guitar, amp & hardshell case, $345. Beginner guitar w/ case $65. Three bicycles, good shape, $45 ea. 428-8732. 23 LOST Lost: Grey tabby cat, missing Apr 26 near Kuskanook. Please call 402-3414. 23 CRYPTOGRAM GARAGE SALES/YARD SALES Cleaning out the workshop! Miscellaneous tools, light fixtures, shelving, vinyl siding, random other stuff. NO ANTIQUES. Creston Museum, 219 Devon. Saturday, June 6, 9:00 until it’s all gone. Proceeds to Museum. 23 Multi Family Garage Sale: Fri June 5th & Sat June 6th, 8-? 321-26th Ave. N. Used cabinets, countertops, sinks & taps, screen doors, glass shower doors, tools, entertainment unit, electric fireplace mantel, washer, etc. 23 Estate/Garage Sale: Tools, household items, greenhouse & garden supplies, plants & trees, pots, furniture, sporting goods, electronics, house. 2826 Erickson Rd. Fri June 5th 2-5, Sat June 6th 9-3, Sun June 7 10-2. 23 Garage Sale: June 5 & 6, 8am-4pm, 1919 Cedar St. Household items, camping, clothes, much more. 23 Garage Sale: 5210 Elsie Holmes Rd, Wynndel. Hand & power tools, household, 5000 watt generator, 20 ton 3 pt log splitter, 225L wine barrel. 8am-2pm, June 1314. 23 Garage Sale: Multi family. Saturdays, 8-4, Apr 18-Sept 5. 2904 Hwy 3. 35 ING RO Pub & Kitchen open daily at 11am 250-428-4241 Liquor Store open daily 9am-11pm 250-428-4227 Classified Ad Deadlines-every second Friday Fun Pape Hours: Tue-Fri 9-4 Answers to: Amy’s Spot the 15 Changes Cloud added. Second hill missing. Boy’s hat. Tree missing on right. Socks changed. Dog’s nose. T-shirt. Bush on left smaller. Fire changed. Straps on sleeping bag. Opening on tent. Tent peg added on right. Girl’s hair. Bushes added on left. Back pack. Quality Workmanship Service You Can Trust WCB Coverage Senior Discounts Available Phil Edwards 250-254-0924 Figure out the phrase. D 14 DUR N CTIO TRU ONS AD C 4 D 14 4 Last Issue Answer: Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you handle it. $66 for 4 weeks * (2 issues) is all that it costs to advertise in Creston’s hottest paper sensation “THE FUN PAPE”! Call Ed at 428-2828 for more details. Circulation 4000 per edition. Paper comes out every other Wed. The above price refers to a business display ad just like this one. (2”H X 2½”W) * plus GST Jackhammer Auger Backhoe Grapple Garth Rosvold Ph 428-7232 Cell 428-1601 Dump Truck Thinking of Selling Your Property? Check out what Team Creston will do for you! Provide you with: 1. Prelisting Information Package 2. Information on how to prepare Your Home for SALE 3. VIDEO TOUR YOUR HOME 250-428-9040 Shelley Voight Managing Broker/Owner 250-254-9599 Wayne Dunbar Personal Real Estate Corp 250-428-1400 East Shore Kootenay Lake BOAT TOURS & Kayak/Canoe Rentals at Kuskanook Harbour (by appt only) (20 min north of Creston) Family Outings ● Sight Seeing Weddings ● Special Events 3hr River/Lake Tours Beach Water Taxi to beautiful remote beaches Insured♦Experienced♦Approved Vessel Call for Reservation 250-402-3414 Whispering pine Colon hydrotherapy benefits More Effective Digestion ● Regularity Diarrhea & Constipation Prevention Energy Increase ● Weight Normalization Nutrient Absorption Increase ● Toxin Removal Concentration Improvement Skin Improvement ● Respiratory Improvement Colon Cancer Risk Decreased Whole Body Well Being Improvement Call Colon Hydrotherapist Vicky Massey 250-428-9398 for appointment VEHICLES and Related Goods VEHICLES and Related Goods For Sale: 2006 Bombardier ATV 400cc, XT Max (2 up), $5000 obo. 428-9606. 23 For Sale: 1984 Honda Goldwing Aspencade motorcycle, $2500. An oldie but a goodie, for more information and pictures email me at: 23 For Sale: Snow tracks for Bombardier 400, new $1800 obo. 428-9606. 23 For Sale: 2008 Prowler Luxury Lite 28ft. Super slide, walk around queen bed, A/C, lots of room, pristine condition. $14,995. 1992 19ft Bayliner Bow Rider 3.0L inboard/outboard Mercruiser, 8hp Honda kicker, great fishing/pleasure boat, on Easy Load trailer, $7995. 1994 Ford F150 Supercab 4x4 with canopy, 325,000km, 302 automatic, $1500. 428-7618. 23 For Sale: 2007 Yamaha Grizzly ATV, power steering, good condition, good tires, $4500 obo. 428-9606. 23 For Sale: Abbott 1984 22ft sailboat with Saturn trailer and Mercury 8hp outboard. Moored at Kuskanook Marina. Asking $7500. Call Rick 250-428-0296. 23 For Sale: 5ft x 8ft utility trailer, custom built, $1050. 428-9606. 23 For Sale: 1992 Prowler Regal 26ft holiday trailer, good condition, $5600. 250-428-8912. 23 For Sale: 2004 Pioneer 24ft holiday trailer, very good condition, queen walk-around bed, $9000. 428-9606. 23 For Sale: 1999 Classic Tahoe. Excellent condition. $5000 obo. View at NuFloors. Contact Ellen 428-2426. 23 For Sale: 2005 Mustang convertible, nice shape, fast & loud, great shape, $8500. 428-9606. 23 For Sale: Thule ski box & roof racks, and roof top travel box. 428-9606. 23 For Sale: 1980 Santana 525 sailboat on 2 axle trailer, good sails (spinnaker, main, jib). Needs some work, aesthetic and small repair-offers. Long leg, 4 stroke 8hp Yamaha outboard, electric start and tilt, 15 hrs, $1800 separate or $3000 takes all. Thule car-top carrier/w Thule and Sporttrack bike racks, $75 all. Two tires on rims (8 stud) Dynamic RF04, LT 265/75R16, $75. 250-428-5016. 23 For Sale: 05 Dodge caravan SE, 6 bucket seats, DVD player, 4 mounted snow tires, $3000. 428-9922. 23 For Sale: 2005 Bombardier Outlander Max 2-Up ATV 400cc, only 3268km, new bear Claw HTR tires 2014, includes snow plow, $3750. Text or call 250-402-3176. 23 For Sale: 1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5 spd, 170,000km, short box, w/canopy, $5000 obo. Two P215-75R15 tires on Dodge rims. Two 235-75R15, two 235-75R15 on Ford rims. “Weedeater” 22in hedge trimmer. 250-428-9884. 25 For Sale: 2002 Pontiac Bonneville, automatic, A/C, CD player, 4 door, white. Well maintained, very clean, approx 90,000km. Asking price $4400. For viewing please call 250-428-4515. 23 For Sale: 40ft semi trailer. Asking $3500. Phone 250-428-9445 to view. 23 For Sale: International B250 tractor, front end loader, rear blade, backhoe. 14ft Lund boat, Mercury 9.9 outboard, accessories, trailer. 250-402-6665. 23 For Sale: 1986 Chrysler 600. New brake lines, runs good, good first car, $900. 250-254-2462. 25 For Sale: 1990 Harley Davidson UltraClassic Electra-glide, 80 cu in, 5 speed, $7500. 250-254-2462. 25 For Sale: 16ft fishing boat, good condition, $2500 obo. 250-402-6432. 23 For Sale: Four 2015 Ford Platinum stock 20in wheels, no scratches, Nice wheels, $600 obo. Call Josh 1-250-421-9701. 23 Arrow Creek Construction. We will finish your basement. Call Joe 250-254-0274. 23 Next Deadlines: Classified ads: Friday June 12, 4pm Display ads: Thursday June 11, 4pm Fun Pape 250-428-2828 —————————————————Amy’s Spot the 15 Changes Answers on previous page Kepke Excavating & Landscaping Refrigeration ● HVAC Plumbing ● Gas Fitting Installation-Repair-Maintenance Special Introductory Offers Available! One Call Does It All! 250-254-HVAC HIGHLIGHT STUCCO All types of Stucco, California Style & Acrylic Resurfacing Old Stucco Our Specialty! 35 Years Experience-15 Years in Creston Call Larry for Free Estimates 250-428-7617 cell 250-254-1275 Call Ron Kepke Ph 250-428-4306 Cell 250-428-1973 A-1 ROOFING Asphalt & Metal Roofing Local References Available Free Estimates Call Dean 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 WCB Coverage & Liability Insurance
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