Beadazzled - The Fun Pape!
© 2012 Edward Michael Wishlow – All Rights Reserved Office Hrs: Tue-Fri 9am-4pm Hu s & th morou ought red in and a t r e t s to en storie g n i k o rov p ress uce st Issue 14-39.40 Sept 12 – Sept 26/12 Next Friday May Next Classified Classified Deadline Deadline:: FRIDAY Sept20, 21, 4pm 4pm Printed & Published by The Fun Pape, 3107 Hwy 3, Creston BC V0B 1G1 Phone 250-428-2828 Fax 250-428-2878 email: RULES FOR CUTTING YOUR OWN FIREWOOD 1. Park twice as far from the tree as the tree is tall. 2. It helps to notch the tree away from the truck. 3. The fact that you live within driving distance of a forest does not make you a lumberjack. 4. Just to be on the safe side, always borrow your buddy’s truck. —————————————————Laughter is contagious… pass it around and see. Windows & Doors by MW MILLWORK LTD. Full Showroom at 1605 NW Blvd! Vinyl, Clad, Fiberglass Windows Pricing competitive with anyone! Garage Doors, Entry Doors, Shower Doors. Free Quotes Installation Available Call us at 250-402-6455 d e l z z a d ea TING PEC ENT S O IPM S, PR PLIE ING EQU P U YS MIN IDAR GOLD LAP & B AUTHORIZED DEALER: Fisher Metal Detectors Garrett Metal Detectors Keene Mining Equipment Desert Fox Mining Equipment Estwing Prospector Hammers Lortone Lapidary Equipment Diamond Pacific Graves Lapidary Equipment Inland Covington Equipment Cab King We buy and sell used lapidary equipment and collections treet S a c . n d o zzle Cany 28-4020 eada b 7 . 1 w 2 1 ww 250-4 Five mornings a week, my husband goes to the health club, gets on the stair-stepper, sets the timer, and burys his nose in a book. Recently he noticed an amazingly fit middle-aged woman who seemed to run circles around everyone, took a few breaks, and rarely even broke a sweat. “It’s not fair,” he complained. “By the time I’m dragging myself off to the showers, she’s hopping back onto the stepper for yet ANOTHER session!” One day he came home with a sheepish grin… “Well,” he said, “I just found out —they’re identical twins.” Creston Singles Friendship Club Card Nights ♦ Pot Lucks/BBQ’s ♦ Movies Day Trips ♦ Bring Your Ideas! EVERY TUE 10am COFFEE at A&W Marg 428-7999 Wally 428-0310 Florence 428-5324 ●●●● WANTED ●●●● Copper, Brass, Stainless Paying Top Dollar Call Mark Cell 250-402-3606 House 250-428-2016 “Woodstove & Fireplace Capital of the Kootenays” Exclusive Osburn Dealer Call for free in-home estimate 250-227-9315 Proudly Serving the Kootenays for 100 Years Creston Valley Cruisers 24th Annual Car Show & Camp-Out Fri, Sat & Sun Sept 21, 22, & 23 Fri. Sept 21 6pm Meet & Greet Creston A&W and/or Campfire & Corn Roast at Lister Park Sat. Sept 22 9am- Activities Day at Lister Park Poker Run, Balance Beam, BBQ & More Sun. Sept 23 9am- Show n’ Shine Trophies & Awards Centennial Park Entry Fee: Weekend $30 Show & Shine only $20 For more info call 250-428-7723 Kepke Excavating ♦Water, Sewer and Power Lines ♦Dump Truck ♦Dump Box Trailer ♦Retaining Walls ♦Landscaping ♦Stump Removal ♦Top Soil ♦Manure Call Ron Kepke Ph 250-428-4306 Cell 250-428-1973 Home Repair ● Welding Metal Fab ● Mechanical Repair —————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————— Call Fred 250 250--428 428--1499 Erickson Community Association Harvest Potluck Social Tuesday, Sept 25th 6-9pm at the Erickson Elementary School Gym All Erickson residents welcome ! Bring Your Favorite Meal Please label dishes containing meat & nuts. Plastic utensils, paper dishes, napkins & coffee will be provided. Come and share the Harvest Meal with your neighbours! Smart Service. Great Products. Aluminum Railing DURADEK Waterproof Decking Window Shades ♦ Phantom Screens Tile ♦ Vinyl ♦ Laminate Hardwood ♦Carpet Serving Creston Valley since 1984 1518 NW Blvd 250-428-2426 CLASSIFIED AD RULES Private ads only (no business related*): 12 words, $3 per issue. Extra words 25¢ each. Bolded words 50¢ each. Includes HST. Drop off ads at 3107 Hwy. 3 Erickson, at the office (VISA, MC, or DEBIT) or ad drop box, or phone in ads, 428-2828 and pay by VISA or MC (50¢ extra charge-if ad total less than $10) Businesses will need to purchase a DISPLAY AD first before using classifieds. * exception-farming, if no similar display advertiser The publisher reserves right to accept or reject any ad The copyright holder and publisher specifically disclaim any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence of the use of this paper, either directly or indirectly, and accepts no responsibility for any damages arising from ad copy (classified or display), except for critical typographical errors which will receive a full refund. HOSPITAL TUCK SHOP Unique Handmade Gift Items Open Mon-Fri 9-3 250-428-2286 ext 3127 312-15th Ave. N. Hospital Main Entrance Legion Events 428-4252 Sept 15-Saturday Night Dance Music by Gerhard Link Sept 21-Friday Night Supper 6pm (Roast Beef) by Terry Sept 25-Legion General Meeting 7pm Sept 29– Steak BBQ Advance Tickets only-still only $10 Oct 7-Pancake Breakfast 8:30am-noon $4 EVERYONE WELCOME TO ALL LEGION SUPPERS, DANCES & BBQ’s Ca l lJ oe Hall available for parties, weddings, etc. Catering available. ARROWCREEK CONSTRUCTION Renovations Basement Finishing Windows & Doors Flooring Tile Backsplash Finish Trim Decks Exterior Paint/Stain Additions Suspended Ceilings Ph 250-428-7274 Cell 250-254-0274 -Free Estimates- ANNOUNCEMENTS Creston Valley Quilter’s Guild begins a new season, Wednesday Sept 5th, 9am, Anglican Church basement, 422-7th Ave. N. anyone interested in quilting is welcome. Information 250-866-5409. 39 Quilt Show and Sale Creston Museum, Saturday September 15, 10:00-5:00. Admission by donation. To show or sell your quilts, call 250-428-9262. 39 Greenheart Herbal Society General Meeting, 7pm, Oct 15th at the college. Everyone welcome, all members requested to attend. Featured speaker Bren Lukasiewich, Wynndel Lavender. Annual AGM to follow. 39 Gospel Music on the Air, Sunday Mornings 8:00 to 10:00. Songs of the Old West, Sat 8pm. CIDO 97.7FM or Your host Elvin Strand. 47 West Creston Hall and/or grounds. Weddings, parties, meetings, reunions, etc. Full kitchen facilities. Phone Leona 250-402-6643 or 51v3 Rotacrest Seniors Hall: Dancing every Tues 2-4pm, live music-everyone welcome, $5 at the door (Bob Holmes 428-8985). Coffee BreakWed 10am. Crib-Wed 7pm. Pool-Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun 1pm (Keith Forseth 428-2255). Bridge-Mon 7pm, Tue 9:45am, Wed 7pm, Thur 1pm, Sat 1pm (Margaret Roy 428-5406). Hall rentals 428-7127. s39v8 Firewood For Sale Trimwood not Cordwood. While supply lasts. Stacked tight-one full cord! Delivered! Fir/Larch $250/cord White Wood $200/cord 250-428-0611 One Loonie + One Toonie equals the best value around for your classified advertising dollar! L O O F B C H G G C M T P B F T I O V L A N I L B A N I E F H O G I E O M E G X S A N A I R E M H K R A B C H T H N C L E A D G T R H E O U S P A O C X V N U A H I E O O K E C N E C I O N T L O K A P Y L L E L K R C B I I O U E D S E E S B H E E N A O T A S L C E C I A F F G S L V K L V E R F R R G M O U N T A I N A R A F O S D N O I T A V E L E X P A W I M Y E N M I H C V E C E R N L W A P O G E E O P Q I R I W O E C R A N E C A H A T H G I E H Disclaimer: Un-credited stories are from a variety of sources and are believed to be public domain. If you hold a copyright on any of these materials please inform us so we may give the proper credit. Unscramble the letter tiles to reveal a message. Last Issue Answer: Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. Producers West Financial Rates starting at: 5 year fixed 3.11%* 10 year fixed 3.93%* 5 year variable 2.79%* Licensed Automotive Technician Ticketed Tire Technicians ● Locally Owned Service Truck ● Farm Service ● Calcium Fill Most Major Brands Available Turn East at the Grain Elevators ABOVE, ALTITUDE, APEX, APOGEE, BAMBOO, BEACON, CEILING, CHIMNEY, CLEARANCE, CLIFF, CLIMAX, COVER, CRANE, CREST, CROWN, ELEPHANT, ELEVATION, GABLE, GIRAFFE, HEIGHT, HIGH, KINGKONG, LIGHTHOUSE, LOOKOUT, MAST, MOUNTAIN, OVERHEAD, PEAK, PINNACLE, RISE, ROOF, SILO, SKYSCRAPER. LETTER TILES: Dean Bala Mortgage Broker 250-428-2000 918 Pine St PAGE 2 “ AFRAID OF HEIGHTS?” WORD SEARCH *Annual percentage Rate Rates subject to change. Upon approved credit. 250-402-3903 NEW FOR THE FALL! for men & women “Muck” footwear including CSA approved steeltoed boots, rain gear & more….. —Clipper Canoe Sales— 1017 Canyon St 250-402-6660 Kayak & Canoe Rentals by the day/week FUN PAPE—Creston’s most read free paper A doctor was performing a complete physical, including the visual acuity test. He placed the patient twenty feet from the chart and began. “Cover your right eye with your hand,” the doctor instructed the patient. The patient read the 20/20 line perfectly. “Now your left.” Again, a flawless record. “Now both,” the doctor requested. There was silence. He couldn’t even read the large E on the top line. The doctor turned and discovered the patient doing exactly what he had been asked. He was standing there with both his eyes covered. —————————————————LATERAL THINKING PROBLEMS 1. 1. Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer. They don’t know what he looks like but they know his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on a carpenter, a truck driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they immediately arrest the fireman. How did they know they’ve got their man? 2. 2. How could a puppy fall out of a twenty storey building onto the ground and live? 3. 3. There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one of the eggs is left in the basket? Answers on page 5 —————————————————Next Deadline: Fri Sept 21 4pm Answer to Fallen Phrase: Why doesn’t somebody cross electric blankets with toasters so that we could pop out of bed each morning? Need Help Developing a Web Site? Call Carolyn 250-428-2919 Email: Tony Mulder Jewellery & Gifts — Quality & Service Since 1988 — JOIN THE CARAT CLUB 1Ct. Twt Diamond Ring - $1999 page 3 Criss Cross Puzzle Event: Thursday, September 27, @ 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm Located: Ramada, Creston. B.C. Meeting Room - Turbo Charged! Across: 2.Fat unit 4.Burdened 6. And so on, abbr. Down: 1.Tiny organism 3.Campaigned 5. “ Go ahead ” Answers on page 6 My father and a friend were talking about the doors they had installed so their animals could let themselves in and out of the house. My dad saked his friend, who had two massive Great Danes, “Aren’t you afraid that somebody might crawl through the dogs’ door and steal something?” “If you saw an opening that big,” said his friend, “would you crawl through it?” —————————————————The hesitant driver, waiting for a traffic jam to clear, came to a complete stop on the freeway on-ramp. The traffic had thinned, but the driver still waited. Finally a furious voice from the vehicle behind him cried, “Hey, fellow! The sign says, YIELD, not surrender.” FIREWOOD Cut, Split & Delivered Larch/Fir $160 cord Mixed $150 cord Pine $140 cord Call Annie 250-464-9811 fix We computers EDA L COMPUTER CENTRE SI-F/G Certified Diamonds We Buy & Sell Gold & Silver 1014 Canyon St Creston To Your Health and Wealth ! Learn how to Nutritionally Cleanse your body the natural way! Listen to real people with real results sharing their success in reduced stress, extreme increase in mental clarity, better sleep patterns, energy and performance, healthy aging, accelerated weight loss and wealth creation! #1 Company in North America - Debt Free & growing to over a billion dollars in sales. Investors and Business Builders welcome!! 215-33 Ave. S. (Hwy 3) Erickson 250-428-4419 Guests are free. Reservations to this event are appreciated and for those who pre register will have their names automatically entered into a free draw! 190.00 $$ Value (this draw for guests only). This meeting is for guests who haven't been introduced to Nutritional Cleansing. Please call now to reserve your seat. Thank you!! Heather Green 250-402-9313 Door prizes, refreshments & snacks provided. for more info go to: ERICKSON GARAGE While-You-Wait OIL CHANGES Free front end & brake inspections! Kerry Clark Licensed Mechanic 30 years Experience Shop Rate $50hr Call for appointment 250-254-1791 3408 Hwy 3 Erickson Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30 Wheel Alignments ● Brakes Front End ● General Repairs FUN PAPE—Creston’s most read free paper Fallen Phrase answer pg3 We Build Quality Handcrafted Cabinets & Furniture Call 250-428-3434 —————————— Also install Blow-in Attic Insulation page 4 REAL ESTATE & FOR RENT For Sale: Newer modern home, close to amenities, on lovely low maintenance landscape. 3 bdr 2 bath, 7 appliances, AC, attached garage, 2 decks, $279,900. 250-428-5110. 41 For Rent: 3 bedroom house. Fenced. Garage. Lots of parking. Quiet street. $750 per mth +$750DD. 250-428-5122. 39 For Rent: 3 bedroom house, large yard, great view. $800 +utilities furnished ($700 not furnished) 2430 Hwy 3. 428-7722 for appt to view. 39 For Rent: 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. No smoking, no drinking. $1000 month plus utilities. Call Adam 780-891-5206 or Nellie 780-891-0543. Available Oct 15. For Rent: Year-round RV pad. Full hookup, w/200amp service, incl storage shed. Close to town. Private location. $250/mth. 428-1884. 39 For Rent: One bedroom suite for single or couple in Wynndel. Avail Oct 1st, $500 mth +$500 DD + 1/2 electric bill. 866-6836 or 1-403-540-7736. 43 For Rent: 3 bedroom in under/over duplex, on Crawford Hill, great view. $900 mth +utilities +DD. 428-6187. 39 For Sale or Trade: 1.77 acres in Lister. 24x24 shop. 200 amp electric. Moutain views. 2704-37St (off Crestview). Best offer on $175,000. 250-254-1756. 39 For Rent: Small & clean one bedroom house in Lister. F/S. $500 mth +DD. Avail Sept 15. 250-428-4781. 39 For Sale: Newly renovated 3 bedroom home +1 in basement, with shop, + a 2nd mobile home, on 11.9 acres with a creek. Approx 1 acre is grass/garden/ fruit trees, and the rest is forested land. Located in Wynndel, great views, south/west exposure perfect for self sufficiency, solar and gardening. $309,900. 250-866-5777. 1.2 For Rent: 2 bedroom basement suite near Paul’s Superette. Seniors 55+ only, NS, NP, $600+ utilities. 250-428-9995. 39 For Rent: Downtown, one bedroom apt in Senior’s (55+) bldg. $440-$535. NP, NS. 250-254-1970. 39 For Sale: 1200 sq ft 3 bedroom house on large lot, 1706 Erickson St, $125,000. 250-428-2930. 39 For Sale: 1997 14x68 manufactured home with just finished 12x16 addition. 3 bedroom, one bath, W/D, FS, DW. 8x12 shed. #1 Devonshire Meadows (strata) (724 Devon St). Larger lot (.14 acres). $159,000. 428-4593 or view at ID#196766 49 For Sale: 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1800 sq ft home on 4.74 level acres in Erickson. 330ft Highway 3 frontage. Approx 2 acres in mixed fruit, lots of garden space. $489,000. 428-3578. 49 Classified ads are still just $3 for 12 words for 2 weeks. 39 D & J Waldner CONSTRUCTION Dale 250 250--402 402--8808 Journeyman Carpenter New Construction ● Renovations Bobcat Service Lighthouse Lighting CLOSING SALE Sept 30th LAST DAY! All in stock light fixtures, bulbs, outside lights and accessories. Pot lights-4in & 6in Trims: floor & table lamps 1116 NW Blvd 428-2433 Kveta’s Kveta’s Natural Natural Healing Healing Centre Centre Feel healthy, look healthy, BE healthy...naturally Emotion Code Reflexology CranioSacral Therapy Lymphatic Drainage Kveta A. Jasek Certified Emotion Code Practitioner 250-866-5677 840 Packing Shed Rd Wynndel One patient in our extended care unit asked every nurse the same question: “Where am I?” The answer was always, “You’re at Rosemont Hill.” One day a particularly harried nurse was stopped. “Where am I?” asked the elderly patient. Exasperated, my colleague answered, “In Heaven.” Without blinking an eye, the patient answered, “Oh, thank God! I thought I was still at Rosemont Hill!” —————————————————Never mess up an apology with an excuse. —————————————————Next deadline: Fri Sept 21 4pm TRINITY USED TREASURES ————Thrift Shop———— Hours: 9am-1pm Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri (closed on Stats) at United Church on10th Ave.N (by Post Office) Phil’s Roofing Phil Edwards 250-254-0924 Local number —————————————————————————————————— Quality Workmanship ♦ Insured Service You Can Trust Senior Discount Available “More Byte for Less Bite” Ian Richardson Computer Repair & Sales 609A 33 Ave. S. Erickson (opposite old drive-in theatre) 250-402-9546 or 250-428-7417 Certified PC Technician ● Virus Removal Computer & Laptop Repairs General Maintenance & Cleanup New Laptop & Tower Sales, Lots More! “You Crash, I Dash” I pondered for an answer And was looking for a clue. Then I turned around and smacked him… Like his mother used to do! -Author unknown —————————————————Trying to find rental accommodations that allowed pets was proving to be difficult. I phoned in response to an advertised apartment and asked if pets were allowed. “No” the man replied. “Well, what kind of pet?” he added. Thinking I had a chance, I quickly explained that I had an older cat that was neutered and declawed. The man covered the phone and thinking I couldn’t hear, said to his wife: “Would we allow a cat? It’s almost dead.” LOSE 1 to 2 POUNDS A DAY Advanced Formula HCG Protocol Drops 250-254-1726 Sudoku The rules of Sudoku are simple. Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Have Fun!!! Answer on page 9 MUCH MORE Than a Welding Shop! Come inside the STORE... We have everything from “Nuts to Bolts” EXPANDED MARINE INVENTORY ATV Supplies Lawn Mowers & Trimmers Tillers & Chain Saws Boat Repairs Safety Clothing . If we don’t have it in stock... we can get it! COMFORT WELDING LTD 120 Collis St Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... One Issue $22+HST Two Issues $36+HST (Each issue two weeks long) You can fax your ad with your credit card info to: 250-428-2878 ….anytime Both feet on the ground. I didn’t perk the coffee right, He didn’t like the stew. I didn’t mend his socks The way his mother used to do. Page 5 Answer to Rebus Puzzle A man walks into a shoe store, and tries on a pair of shoes. “How do they feel?” asks the sales clerk. “Well they feel a bit tight,” replies the man. The assistant promptly bends down and has a look at the shoes and the man’s feet. “Try pulling the tongue out. That should help.” the clerk says. “Well, theyth sthill felth a bith tighth.” —————————————————Answers to Lateral Thinking p3 1. 1. The fireman is the only man in the room. The rest of the poker players are women. 2. 2. The puppy fell out of a ground floor window. 3. 3. The last person took the basket with the egg still inside. —————————————————Newlywed Poem He didn’t like the casserole, And he didn’t like my cake. My biscuits were too hard… Not like his mother used to make. 428-7464 OVERHEAD DOOR Company of Creston Gordon Hegland 250-402-9818 ♦Residential ♦Commercial For ALL Repairs & Service Needs One Loonie + One Toonie equals the best value around for your classified advertising dollar! DAN’S GRIME TO SHINE Complete Detail– Inside & Out $185 Interior Clean $100 CLEAN– Cars, Trucks, Boats & Motorbikes! Call Dan 250-428-6532 Back Up Generators Page 6 SIMPLY MAZING Additions Renovations Roofing General home repair 250-254-0197 Organic Eggs at the farm #550-40St (just off Hwy 21) Our birds are uncaged, free range, Certified Organic feed. Rebus Puzzle Ragged Ear Raw Pet Food Call Diane 250-402-2007 For Sewage Pumping call 428-9097 (answer on pg 5) FEET FEET GROUND Next deadline: Fri Sept 21 4pm Need to advertise? Short on Funds? This size Display ad... One Issue $22+HST Two Issues $36+HST ALL-RITE ROOTER SEWAGE PUMPING & SALES (Each issue two weeks long) Good Times DJ & Karaoke High Energy DJ! ♫ Huge Music Library Creator of “Creston’s Best Singer” Contest Vern Gorham-Owner/DJ 250-428-0305 Treasures Upholstery Shoppe Serving the Kootenays with quality workmanship. For more about us please visit our website Rita M. Patstone Personal Taxes Corporate Taxes Business Consulting Bookkeeping ———————– Your home or office or my office in West Creston Certified General Acct email: or call us at 250-428-5593 Ph: 250-428-2662 Cell: 250-254-2646 1405 Alder Street, Creston email: Answer to Criss Cross Puzzle: A naturally healthy choice for your dog! Math Square Answer 8,5,1,6,4,7,3,9,2. 250-428-8955 A rebus is a picture representation of a name, word or phrase. The puzzle below portrays a common word or phrase. Can you guess what it is? A man absolutely hated his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving him at the park. As he was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway. The next day he decided to drive the cat 40 blocks away. He put the beast out and headed home. Driving back up his driveway, there was the cat! He kept taking the cat further and further and the cat would always beat him home. At last he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, past the bridge, then right again and another right until he reached what he thought was a safe distance from his home and left the cat there. Hours later the man calls home to his wife: “Jen, is the cat there?” “Yes,” the wife answers, “why do you ask?” Frustrated, the man answered, “Put that cat on the phone, I’m lost and need directions!” —————————————————-The waitress at the upscale restaurant kept starring at the leading man every time she brought him another dinner course. “Say,” she finally said, “don’t I know you from somewhere?” The leading actor was coy. “Possibly you’ve seen me in the movies,” he said. “Maybe,” she said thoughtfully. “Where do you usually sit?” —————————————————The doctor was certainly right when he said jogging would add years to my life. I feel ten years older already. —————————————————- Across: 2.Gram 4.Laden 6.etc Down: 1.Ameba 3.Ran 5.Do it Lenny Craig Home Improvements Paw Prints Pet Grooming You Bring your Pets… We Bring the Tender Care. Call for Appt 428-7232 We Are Open Saturday for Lunch Now and TONY’S BAR Lunch: Tue-Sat 11:30am-2:00pm Dinner: Tue-Sun 4:00pm-9:00pm Closed Mondays 250-428-7779 Located at Hacienda Inn Free Internet I was in my cardiologist's waiting room when a well dressed man approached the counter and said he was from the local funeral home. He had stopped by to pick up a death certificate. The receptionist found the document and handed it to the man. He turned to leave, facing a waiting room full of heart patients. Before walking out the door, he waved cheerfully and then called out, “See ya.” —————————————————MAKES SENSE TO ME One night while I was cat-sitting my daughter’s indoor feline, it escaped outside. When it failed to return the following morning, I found the beast clinging to a branch about 30 feet up in a spindly tree. Unable to lure it down, I called the fire department. “We don’t do that anymore,” the woman dispatcher said. When I persisted, she was polite but firm. “The cat will come down when it gets hungry enough.” “How do you know that?” I asked. :Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?” she said. Two hours later the cat was back, looking for breakfast. —————————————————My son Mark was only 5 feet 8 inches tall when he left for college in the fall. He worked through the Christmas holidays and didn’t return home again until the February break. When he got off the plane, I was stunned at how much taller he looked. Measuring him at home, I discovered he now stood at 5 feet, 11 inches. My son was as surprised as I. “Couldn’t you tell by your clothes that you’d grown?” I asked him. “Since I’ve been doing my own laundry,” he replied, “I just figured everything had shrunk.” —————————————————- Budget Minded? This size Display ad... One Issue $22+HST Two Issues $36+HST (Each issue two weeks long) CC CONSTRUCTION New Construction Renovations Bobcat/Mini Hoe Service From Footings to Finishing Call Curtis for All Your Building Needs 250-866-6848 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER Page 7 In a small town in our country, there is a rather sizable factory that hires only married men. Concerned about this, a local woman called on the manager and asked him, “Why is it you limit your employees to married men? Is it because you think women are weak, dumb, cantankerous...or what?” “Not at all, Ma’am,” the manager replied. “It is because our employees are used to obeying orders, are accustomed to being shoved around, know how to keep theirs mouths shut and don’t pout when I yell at them.” —————————————————My husband and I were touring our friends’ new home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carter had put special touches everywhere. In the bathroom, my husband leaned over to me and whispered, “They even have monogrammed faucets.” —————————————————My aunt had assured her friend that her family of six would all eat spaghetti. While the hostess was out of the room, four year old Debbie brought her plate from the children’s table and announced that she couldn’t eat it. My aunt quickly split it between her husband and herself. On their way home, Debbie explained why she hadn’t eaten her spaghetti: The dog had been licking it. —————————————————A novice to softball joined our league and was using an old worn out baseball glove. When his neighbor gave him a new one, he asked the veteran how to care for it. At the next game, the rookie seemed glum and was back using the old glove. When asked why, he produced what had been his new glove, now shrunken, wizened and destroyed. The veteran who’d told him how to care for it declared, “I can’t believe this resulted from my advice to you to oil the glove!” “Oil it?” echoed the rookie. “I thought you said boil it.” $62 for 4 weeks * (2 issues) is all that it costs to advertise in Creston’s hottest paper sensation “THE FUN PAPE”! Call Ed at 428-2828 for more details. Circulation 4000 per edition. Paper comes out every other Wed. The above price refers to a business display ad just like this one. (2”H X 2½”W) * plus HST MarCare Kabin Keepers Specializing in Kootenay Lake Property Care & Maintenance References Available For more info 250-431-8191 bookkeeping & payroll services Melanie Bright 250.254.0434 Located Upstairs 1118 Canyon St (in the Pharmasave Bldg) Let us worry about it! Come and enjoy the power of the Canadian dollar south of the border! Visit in scenic Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Mention this ad and we’ll pay your Idaho state sales tax! . Ph. 208-666-1525 Hwy 95 and Dalton Ave Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Sun 10am-5pm Full line furniture store featuring our La-Z–Boy Comfort Studio ERNIE OLFERT 250-428-6191 SITE DEVELOPMENT DEMOLITION —————————————————————————————————————————- Page 8 Clean & Screened TOP SOIL $25/yd plus tax Delivered within town boundaries Under 8 yards delivery charge added ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Also All Types of Gravel at Competitive Prices! 428-1834 or 428-1729 Affordable Accounting Solutions Ph 250-402-6277 Fax 250-428-2067 1005 Canyon St. New Fall Menu Coming Soon Real Food Cafe would like to thank all Crestonites and tourists alike for a humdinger of a summer, and look forward to serving you all through the year. 250-428-8882 Located across from Fire Hall Ray’s Garbage Pick-up I pulled up to the drive-thru of a fastfood restaurant and ordered coffee. I asked the clerk to put some ice cubes into the cup so that I could drink the cool coffee quickly. At the window there was a delay. Finally, a blonde teen-aged girl came to the window looking frustrated. “I’m having a problem,” she announced. “The ice keeps melting.” —————————————————An old blacksmith realized he was going to have to quit working so hard. So, he picked out a strong young man to become his apprentice. The old fellow was crabby and exacting. “Don’t ask me a lot of questions,” he told his young apprentice. “Just do whatever I tell you to do.” One day the old blacksmith took an iron out of the forge and laid it on the anvil. “Get the hammer over there,” he said. “When I nod my head, hit it real good and hard.” Nod…. —————————————————Indecision is the key to flexibility. —————————————————A man was on a walking holiday in a foreign country. He became thirsty so he decided to ask at a stranger’s home for something to drink. The lady of the house invited him in and served him a bowl of soup by the fire. There was a wee pig running around the kitchenrunning up to the visitor and giving him a great deal of attention. The visitor commented that he had never seen a pig this friendly. The housewife replied: “Ummm, he’s not really that friendly. That’s his bowl you are using.” —————————————————Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot. —————————————————Laughing stock: cattle with a sense of humor. When and Where Were Credit Cards Invented and First Used? While we suspected that credit cards were first invented in the mid 1980’s to exploit the growing number of latenight infomercials and our own unquenchable thirst for instant gratification, it turns out that the practice of splashing plastic was pioneered a good deal earlier. Credit cards as we know them, good at multiple businesses, were first thrown down in 1951. That’s when 200 brave, preapproved souls were able to present their Diners Club cards at 27 different New York City restaurants and leave with the same amount of cash they walked in with. According to credit card lore, in 1949, Frank McNamara went to dinner at Major’s cabin Grill and forgot his wallet. After talking his way out of doing dishes to cover his tab, McNamara thought, “Never again!” In February 1950, he and a partner founded Diners Club and returned to Major’s with a small cardboard card. Frank signed for dinner, without a hassle, and the event was eventually dubbed “the First Supper.” Credit cards added the now ubiquitous magnetic stripe in the 1970’s and that the rise of plastic ended the production of all banknotes larger than $100. Greenway Creations Serving the Valley over 30 years! Residential Curbside Pick-up 3-40yd Containers NEW- 12yd Hook Lift Bins For All Your Garbage Needs Call Anytime 250-428-9887 Low Maintenance Landscaping & Rock Gardens ♦ Greenhouses Fencing ♦ Recycling ♦ Renovations FREE ESTIMATES 250-402-1036 Starting a small business? Community Futures offers business loans, business planning and management workshops/ counseling and referrals to other organizations offering self employment assistance. Contact our Creston Business Facilitator at 250-254-1967 advertise somewhere 428.2828 Ask for Ed Page 9 WANTED Wanted: Will pick up your unwanted candles and/or wax. 428-0077. 39 Wanted: Woodworking equipment-planer, jointer, bandsaw etc. 41 Wanted: Steam juicer. 428-9737. 41 Wanted: Four Bantam chickens and a rooster. 428-9884. 39 Wanted: Steel drum from washing machine. 250-428-0119. 39 Wanted: Someone to take parcels to my granddaughter in Summerland. 428-7833. 39 Wanted: Help with pruning and yard maintenance in Lister on a regular basis. Applicants should have good knowledge of same. 250-428-4544. 41 Wanted: Will haul away your non-working cordless lawnmower. 428-2828. 47 Wanted: Full or partial rolls stucco wire or field fence wire.428-2828. 35 Will pay cash for rock and gem collections. 250-428-4020. 39 Will pay cash for good used rock saws or any lapidary equipment. 250-428-4020. 39 Wanted: Biodiesel processing equipment etc. (prefer small scale 5-20gal) Ed 428-2828. 9 Wanted: 410 shotgun, good cond. 428-2360. 49 Wanted: New/used grey “double 5” vinyl siding soffit, fascia and channel. 428-2828. 49 Wanted: Plastic 45 gal drums, cheap or free, will pick up. 428-2828. 13 Wanted: Pole pruning saw. 428-2360. 35 Wanted: 70’s-80’s diesel car or truck. 428-2828. Wanted: Chainsaws, any age, any make, or just parts, for future chainsaw museum. Donations are welcome. Non-profit venture by seniors. 428-2360. kg Wanted: Lister diesel or China diesel engine, with or w/o generator. 428-2828. 37 Wanted: Berkey water filter. 428-2828. 39 Wanted: Offset orchard mower 3 pt hitch pto driven (not flail). 428-2828. 39 Will pick up unwanted/non-working solar collectors, wind generators, deep cycle/golf cart batteries, inverters, electric tractors etc-any condition. Ask for Ed 428-2828. 49 A 12 word classified ad is $3. Extra words 25¢ea. Per issue (2 weeks) ——————————————————— Next Deadline: Friday Sept 21 4pm You have not, because no one knows you’re looking for it. Try a “Wanted ad” today! Open 7am Mon-Fri Located next to Subway The MadBarber Walk-ins welcome! 25 years experience Call Darren 250-977-5025 (local number) Biffy in a Jiffy Portable Toilet & Shower Rental & Servicing RV & Boat Tank Pumping Septic Tank Pumping Call Paige 428-4053 or Cell 428-6256 Math Square ROCKWOOD CAFÉ answers on pg. 6 Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations. Each number is only used once. Each row is a math equation. Remember order of operations; multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction. East Shore’s Family Chinese Restaurant FALL OFFERINGS! LUNCH SPECIAL DIM SUM & TEA Tasting Platters Available for Singles or Groups SPECIALIZING CHINESE AND ASIAN DISHES! Sudoku Answer Fun pa pe 250-227-6840 15292 Hwy 3A, Gray Creek Please Call for Reservations Local & Long Distance Moving or On his 50th wedding anniversary, Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, was asked by a reporter, “How do you account for your long and happy marriage?” The famous automaker did not hesitate for a moment before he replied, By sticking to one model.” —————————————————It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help. NEED CHILDCARE? House &Yard Maintenance Also Available Res: 866 866--5760 Ph: 428 428--6701 PAUL’S INSTALLATIONS Heating & Ventilation Full Range of Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners & Ductless Heating Systems High Efficiency Wood Stoves & Stove Pipe Custom Sheet Metal & Duct Work Residential & Commercial Quality homecare in a safe nurturing environment. “I’ll Beat Any Price With Superior Equipment” Call Sandra 402-9917 250-866-5247 250-402-8957 Rent-a-Hubby Husband (wife) not very handy? Not there? We’ll do any household repair a husband (wife) would do. Also: Renovations, Roofing Installing Windows & Doors Decks & Patios Eavestrough Cleaning Dump Runs Call 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 FOR SALE $277,000 obo 635 Lakeview-Arrow Creek Rd 4.7 acres, 1200 sq ft house, electric & wood heat, 200 amps, 150ft 4.5gal/min well. 35x50 shop w/loft, 100 amps, water, satellite, electric heat. 10x14 shed, yard light, children’s play center. Vegetable & flower gardens, fruit & nut trees, berries. Property zoned R2, within Wynndel fire protection area. Also for sale-8.4 acre view property $149,000. 250-866-5649 250-402-9087 Recovering your kitchen chairs, dining chairs, lazy-boy chairs, wing chairs, arm chairs and YOUR PRECIOUS ANTIQUES J&F Upholstery 1486 Cardinal Rd. West Arrow Creek 402-6083 NEW * Access Bars - Access Consciousness Relax* Receive* Release Effortlessly! Release the Past, & Receive the Present Experience a New Lighter You - Now Call me: 250-866-5737 Serving Creston since 1995 Hair’s Where It’s At 250-428-4913 Book an appointment with Lauren Experienced Professional Staff All Hair Services ●Tanning Therapeutic Massage TRY A HAIR TATTOO!! Located Lower Level Creston Valley Mall-Access off Devon Rd Spay Neuter Animal Program S.N.A.P. For more info or to make a donation call 250-428-2811 Ad sponsored by Pampered Pet 428-2932 Darrell’s Pruning Service No job too small!!! ● Custom Pruning & Thinning Fruit Trees, Hedges etc ● COTR Certified ● Hourly Rates ● 428-7034 Is there a difficult project that needs attention? One morning a three year old boy asked his mother, “Mommy, how can I make this new toy helicopter fly?” “You will have to use your imagination,” she replied. “Do you know what the word imagination means?” Yes Mommy,” he answered immediately. “It means no batteries.” —————————————————Columbus was the world’s most impressive salesman. He started out not knowing where he was going. When he got there, he didn’t know where he was, so when he got back, he couldn’t say where he had been. And he did it all on a big cash advance, and got a repeat order. —————————————————This is a story which is perfectly logical to all males but which mystifies all females. A wife asks her husband, “Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6.” A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk. The wife asks him, “Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?” He replied, “They had eggs.” —————————————————Here’s a one question IQ test to help you decide how you should spend the rest of your day. There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one’s teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now, if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself? Think carefully...answer on page 11 —————————————————- Double Puzzle Answers **************** Page 10 SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ITALY, IRELAND, GREECE, GERMANY, FRANCE, FINLAND, BELGIUM, AUSTRIA “A few countries that use the euro” We Do It Right Or Not At All For Sale $489,000 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1800 sq ft home on 4.74 level acres in Erickson. 330ft Highway 3 frontage. Approx 2 acres in mixed fruit, lots of garden space. By appointment only. 428-3578. Why am I the only person on earth that knows how to drive? Oh well, it could be worse. I could be a blonde. —————————————————While looking at a house, my brother asked the real estate agent which direction was north because, he didn’t want the sun waking him up every morning. She asked, “Does the sun rise in the north?” When my brother explained that the sun rises in the east, (and has for some time), she shook her head and said, “Oh I don’t keep up with that sort of thing.” —————————————————So my colleague and I were eating lunch in our cafeteria, when we overheard one of the administrative assistants talking about the sunburn she got on her weekend drive to the shore. She drove down in a convertible, but didn’t think she’d get sunburned because the car was moving. —————————————————The air traffic controller working a busy pattern told the 727 on downwind to make a three-sixty. The pilot of the 727 complained, “Do you know it costs us $2000 to make a three-sixty in this airplane?” Without missing a beat the controller replied, “Roger, give me $4000 worth.” —————————————————If you haven’t much education you must use your brain. —————————————————Next deadline: Fri Sept 21 4pm $62 for 4 weeks * (2 issues) is all that it costs to advertise in Creston’s hottest paper sensation “THE FUN PAPE”! Call Ed at 428-2828 for more details. Circulation 4000 per edition. Paper comes out every other Wed. The above price refers to a business display ad just like this one. (2”H X 2½”W) * plus HST BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. Look to the Fun Pape Classifieds to Find What You’re Looking For! One seventh of your life is spent on Monday. —————————————————If God had really intended for people to fly, he’d make it easier to get to the airport. —————————————————When you stop to think about it, did you ever notice that it’s a lot easier to get up at 6am to play golf than at 10am to mow the yard? —————————————————Without geometry, life is pointless. —————————————————When you dream in color, it’s a pigment of your imagination. —————————————————Reading whilst sunbathing makes you well red. —————————————————Keep your temper, no one else wants it. —————————————————I poured Spot remover on my dog. Now he’s gone. —————————————————- Double Puzzle-Unscramble each word. Then use the marked letters to solve the second puzzle. Answer on pg. 10 Page 11 Answer for blind man question pg. 10…. He opens his mouth and says, “I would like to buy a pair of sunglasses.” If you got this wrong call it a day and go for coffee. ———————————————————- I had worked late, and my Labrador was so overjoyed to see me arrive home that he jumped up just as I leaned down. Our heads collided, and I sported an impressive shiner for several weeks. I had to repeat frequently to co-workers and friends how I came by it. One day, on the elevator, a secretary whom I hadn’t seen for some time looked at my black eye and exclaimed “Lorraine! What happened?” “The dog did it,” I wearily replied. A man standing next to us looked over at me and said knowingly, “Oh, a boxer.” —————————————————The doors on my aging car had frozen shut. When repeated hip and body checks wouldn’t budge them, I hit on the idea of stringing extension cords together and using my hair dryer to warm the doorjamb. While I was trying this method, a young woman came around the corner, two toddlers in tow on a sled. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her stop to watch, and I looked up. “Don’t mind me,” she called out.” “I’m impressed. Since the twins were born, I can’t even find time to brow-dry my hair. Like us on FACEBOOK PIC & D K UP only ELIVE R $20 .00 Y See details on Facebook RON PELTZER You won’t get wrenched at Ron’s 1238 NW Blvd 250.428.1721 See an Advertised Special? Call Wendi for competitive pricing! Simply Travel 250-428-2843 CPBC#50105 1209 NW Blvd 250-402-6299 INSURANCE CLAIMS Paint & Body Repairs Auto Glass Certified Technicians Free Estimates Safe Quality Repairs We Set Our Sights Higher! Phone 250-866-5506 Steve Cell 250-254-8677 Book Your Project Today! A-1 ROOFING Asphalt & Metal Roofing Local References Available Free Estimates Call Dean 428-5123 Cell 402-9432 Ro n H u rr y Master Goldsmith A new diamond or a colorful birthstone ring, just for you, or just for her, or just because! at Cresteramics 1022 Canyon St 250-428-5538 Valley View Baptist Church “Where the View is Eternal”Jude 21 SUNDAY Bible Classes…………..…...9:45am Morning Worship………..…11am Evening Service…………..….…7pm WEDNESDAY Bible Study & Prayer…….....7pm Pastor Jeff Friesen 234 36 Avenue N. 428-4861 For Sale by Owner Page 12 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 608-24 Ave. S. (corner of Ash St & 24 Ave. S.) Older home on large, corner lot. Asking assessed value $210,000 250-423-4901 ROOFING WOLFGANG STIEF 250-431-8692 Free Estimates INSULATED CONCRETE FORMS Starting at $3.50 sq ft. Free delivery in Creston area. Valleywide Concrete Products Ltd. 1243 NW Blvd. (250) 402-6769 “Build on a Product with a Solid Reputation” For Sale: 9in Sony color TV, AC & DC, $35. Large heavy steel wheelbarrow $30. Antique console radio/record player, not functional, nice wood, offers. 3ft x 6ft table with “N” gauge train track, $25. Stihl rototiller, like new, $300. 428-4372. 39 For Sale: Solid wood dining room table w/leaf and chairs, $150. 428-4292. 39 For Sale: Sony stereo set, elliptical. 250-428-9947. 39 For Sale: Storage shed, 10ft x 14ft, with workbench, tongue & groove finish, near new, $2000, ready to move. Set of 4 Arctic Claw winter tires 245/70R16 mounted on stock Chevy 6 bolt alloy wheels, $325. 250-402-6807. 39 For Sale: Chrome table & 4 chairs $60. Hot tub cover, 2 yrs old, 7ft6in square, tapered 5in, $100. Donut machine $100. 250-428-4055. 39 For Sale: 6 month old brown Swiss bull, $1000 obo. 250-428-2016. 39 For Sale 65 5-6in thick end peeled dried log posts 18ft long, $14ea. Price reduced if all are purchased. 250-428-0660 or 406-260-0090. 39 Painting and decorating. Plastering and concrete. Free estimates. $18 hr. 250-402-1036. 39 For Sale: Washer & dryer. Water distiller. 88 Saab convertible, reasonable paint, good top & glass. 428-8885. 39 For Sale: Queen box spring, new condition. Comes with screw in legs. $20 obo. 428-3997. For Sale: 3/4 carat Solitaire diamond engagement ring, from People’s Jewellers, size 7. Appraised $800, asking $400. Excellent cond. 428-2360. 39 Will pay cash for rock and gem collections. 250-428-4020. 39 Will pay cash for good used rock saws or any lapidary equipment. 250-428-4020. 39 For Sale: Costume jewelry. Necklaces, chains, bracelets, earrings, pins-lots to choose from. Reasonably priced. View at Fun Pape office. 250-428-2828. 39 39 For Sale: .22 rifles. 3in Browning semi-auto shotgun $650. 86 Ford 4x4 flatdeck $1200. 18ft flatdeck trailer $1800. 16ft car trailer, covered, $2400. 16ft trailer $800. 73 one ton Ford, plow, duallies & dump, $1500. 428-5559. 41 For Sale: Furnace motors. Gas line pipe threaders and attachments. Delhi exhaust blower. 866-6869. 39 For sale: 2 sets of 5ft W x 6½ft H sliding mirror closet doors with hardware, $50 per set. 3 sets of 4ft halogen track lights with 3 lights per set. $45 set. 250-223-8418. 39 For Sale: Siamese kittens-3 male (2 Lynx point & 1 chocolate point) 8 weeks old and ready to go, $75 each. Cylindrical beets $1 lb. 250-428-8980. For Sale: Pipe wrenches-24in & 36in. Millivolt gas valves. Thrush circulating pump. Baldor 3hp motor. 866-6869. 39 For Sale: Gentle brown Swiss family milk cow, $1500 obo. 250-428-2016. 39 For sale: Pool players-improve your game with the “Magic Laser Cue $100. 428-3395. 39 For Sale: Tiger torch. Landscape roller. 500ft soaker hose, 3 litres. Carrier 81% furnace. 866-6869. 39 For Sale: 60 gallon livestock water trough $75. Pick-up box lockable storage box $35. Large assortment new bolts, nuts, washers, lock washers. Airless paint sprayer $25. New door latch for camper of trailer $25. 428-4758. 39 For Sale: Farm Fresh Super Sweet Corn. Locally grown in Creston. Taking bulk orders now. 250-428-0044 or cell 250-254-8390. 39 For Sale: Brand new venetian blinds. Two-62w x 72h, one-34w x 72h, one-30w x 72h. 428-9950. 39 For Sale: Quality woodworking and hand tools. To view phone 250-428-2155. 39 For Sale: Weslo Crosswalk 5.0T treadmill, like new, 130km. New $392-asking $100. 428-8403. 39 Next deadline: Fri Sept 21 4pm Professional Animal Care — Canine, Feline, Bovine & Equine Health Care Feature Veterinarian—Dr. Emma Davis Creston Veterinary Hospital 1605 Dogwood St 250-428-9494 SEPTEMBER EQUINE SPECIALS STILL ON! My passion for horses began at a very young age and has been the primary focus of my life. I saved up and bought my first horse at age eleven and still have him today along with another gelding, a broodmare, and another leased mare that I am hoping to get my next prospects out of this coming year. I rode just about every discipline of riding growing up but dressage and jumping are my favorites. School came pretty easy for me as a child so I decided to become a vet around the age of ten with the thought of combining my academic ability with my love of horses. I was in Pony Club and 4-H for many years and got a good basic knowledge of horse care through those clubs. Getting the acceptance letter from veterinary school after several years of college and university in order to complete all of the prerequisites was one of the best days of my life. I understood how competitive it was and becoming a vet was absolutely the only career I was interested in so it was pretty stressful wondering if I would ever get in and therefore a huge relief when it finally happened. I thought I would do solely equine work when I graduated, so in school I chose to do all of the equine electives and filled my practical year with mostly equine rotations. I stayed longer in Saskatoon the summer before my final year doing a six-week equine rotation that included medicine, surgery, and field service in order to get more cases during the busier time of year. This enabled me to get much more experience with reproductive work, foal medicine, general medicine, surgery, field work, and a lot more training with equine dental work. When I graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 2011 I started work with an equine vet in the West Kootenays and did strictly equine work for the first few months. Come late summer, the equine work slowed down and it was time to look for small animal or mixed work. That is when I approached Dr. McLeod and was very lucky to get on at the Creston Veterinary Clinic where we see all animal species. I really like Creston and I love the clinic and the staff so I hope I will be working here for a very long time. Dr. Robert McLeod ♦ Dr. Leanne Sackney ♦ Dr. Emma Davis ♦ Dr. John Pfeffer MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Page 13 For Sale: Pair of nesting Cockatiels w/nesting box, $160 obo. 250-428-2016. 39 For Sale: York 120lb weight machine $100. China cabinet 82in H x 47in, $60. 428-0438. 39 For Sale: Double bed or couch futon. Like new, half price $175. 428-0342. 39 For Rent: Free pasture available for horses. 428-8833. 39 For Sale: Pan Digital E-reader, $60. 250-428-5027 or 250-254-0356. 39 For Sale: Second cut alfalfa mix, great for feed or garden mulch, $4 bale. Delivery extra. 250-428-0119. 39 For sale: Fully grown black female German Shepherd (pure bred) $300 obo. 250-428-2134. 39 For sale: Couch, chair and loveseat, like new. Two dressers. 250-428-9947 or 250-428-2542. 39 For Sale: Electric bass guitar and case $165. Also dual 15 band equalizer (used twice) $125. 428-0736. 39 Moving Sale: House and yard items– clothes dryer, 100 litre yard sprayer, Massey 135 tractor, thickness planer, MIG welder and table, 3in jointer, radial arm saw, dethatcher, 2 whippers, complete Bell HD system-dishes & 2 receivers, mini motorcycle, jig saw, kitchen stove, 1980 Triumph convertible, air compressor, 220 amp welder, router table, belt sander, pressure washer, snow blower, Pioneer chainsaw, water pump. 250-866-5513. 5152 Bossio Rd Wynndel. 39 For Sale: Champion generator 4000w/3500 running watts, with RV receptacle and wheel kit, brand new-never used, $250. Reclining sofa with folding middle console, matching rocker/recliner chair with heat/massage options, $450 set. 250-428-4577. 39 For Sale: 100+ cinder blocks, $1.50 ea. Two new Ipro sprayer pumps w/hose & nozzles. 428-9860. 43 For Sale: Gas mulching lawnmower, excellent shape, $350 (paid $425). 250-428-8893. 39 GIVEAWAY CRYPTOGRAM Christmas is Fast Approaching Looking for a good home for my 7 yr old spayed female tabby cat. Good mouser, very sociable. Great pet. Phone lunchtime 250-428-0119. 39 Giveaway: Free plants- productive strawberries, also irises. 250-428-4118. 39 YARD SALES/GARAGE SALES Moving Sale: Sat Sept 15, 9-2, 4960 36St Canyon. Everything priced to go- sewing supplies, household, some tools, toys, boys clothing, trail-a-bike, a bit of everything. 39 Garage Sale: Sat Sept 15 8am-3pm, 3507 Hwy 3 Erickson. 39 Garage Sale: Sat & Sun, Sept 15 & 16, 9am-1pm, 3420 Hwy 3, Erickson. 39 Yard Sale: Sept 12 to 26, 7am-3pm, 7470 Hwy 3. Cement mixer, weedeater, windows and more. 39 Deadlines-every second Friday Fun Pape Hours: Tue-Fri 9-4 Thanks for Making The Fun Pape Creston’s Most Read Free Paper Did you know 4250 Fun Pape’s get distributed every two weeks? And if you still can’t find one….stop in at our office, 3107 Hwy 3, Erickson —————————————————— is online but without the you’ll want to keep this copy! Answers to: Amy’s Spot the 15 Changes Water level in bag lower. Thermometer in mouth longer. Design on pillow. Shape of knees in bed added. Man’s eyes changed. Graph on clipboard changed. Plant died. Clock time different. Curtains changed. Window missing on building. Leg on table missing. Hair darker. Grass missing. IV tube moved. Blanket on bed longer. “Believe it or Not” So...if you wish to have your BLINDS, DRAPERY, or CHRISTMAS TAPESTRY for Christmas, please place your order now and get a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 10% (on orders placed before Sept 29th) Check out our gift items of METAL ART, HAND THROWN POTTERY & More! (15-20% OFF these items) “Your Friendly Store” 1128 Canyon St Phone 402-6488 a Division of CAN-JAM Industries Ltd. 3LS WATER SYSTEMS . Pumps ● Flow Testing Pressure Systems Water Conditioning Commercial Chlorination Systems ~Sales & Service~ John & DeAnna Ward Figure out the phrase. 250-428-9998 250-402-0079 Creston P L A C E T 26 Last Issue Answer: Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Tree Topping ● Limbing Dangerous Tree Removal Falling Mobile Chipping Available Free Estimates ● Fully Insured Call Jerry Hellens -18 yrs Experience Ph 428-3062 Cell 428-1695 “TOPPED, DROPPED OR LOPPED” DO WNTO WN C RESTO N 1230 C A NYO N ST Non-Profit Groups Lease space in the Lower Level for as little as $180/month* *Based on 435 sq ft HST & occupancy costs extra Call Teresa Ph:250-428-9445 Email: JC's SELF STORAGE Want more space? We have affordable solutions! 250-428-9933 VEHICLES and Related Goods For Sale: 1979 Chev 3/4 ton 4x4, 454 eng, 4 spd, daily driver. 428-7985. 39 For Sale: Must sell due to sickness– 2007 Ford Ranger 4x4 pickup (white), loaded, 15,000km, showroom shape, w/canopy. $15,500 obo. 250-402-6333 or cell 250-402-9225. 39 For Sale: 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4, good runner, $1700. 866-5166. 45 For Sale: 2001 Chrysler Concord, 3.2L engine, mint condition, loaded, one owner, 66,000km, $6000 obo. 250-428-7364. 39 For Sale: 1986 Dodge 600 convertible, 4 cyl, auto. 250-428-7722. 39 For Sale: 04 King Ranch F350 dually 4x4, g/n hitch (flips), air bags, 145,000km, excellent shape, $19,000. Call or text 402-2007. 41 For Sale: 1991 Chrysler Daytona and 1969 Olds ‘98’ convertible, both project cars (selling for health reasons). Tools, cabinets, die cast cars, clocks & collectibles. 428-3038. 39 For Sale: 1972 Dodge 21ft motorhome, V8, auto, has BC inspection, $2000 obo. 250-428-7722. For Sale: 1997 21.5ft Wander Lite 5th wheel trailer, excellent cond, $6500. 428-2796. 41 For Sale: Windshields– 80-90 GMC PU, 80-93 Ford PU, 90’s Jeep Cherokee, $65 ea. 78-79 Ford PU windshield $115. 90’s Ford PU back glass $40. 1999-2003 Ford rear slider $180. 8897 GMC rear slider $90. 10ft high windshield/ glass storage rack. Novus repair kit with all accessories $1500 firm. 428-9860. 41 For Sale: 1979 16.5ft Siverliner boat, 80hp Mercury, new fish finder, good top, EX trailer, winch, rod holders, life jackets, $2800 or offers. 14ft aluminum boat, 9.9 Johnson, trailer, fish finder, oars, etc, $900. 428-7722. 39 Wanted: Small, reliable, older type vehicle in good running condition. Call evenings 428-5102. 41 For Sale: 2003 Tundra truck box w/boxliner, burgundy color, w/headache rack, very good condition, $1500 obo. 250-866-6860. 39 For Sale: 2002 31ft Gulfstream 5th wheel, queen bed, lots of storage, oak trim, hard side. $17,500. 250-402-6344. 41 For Sale or Trade: 1999 Dodge 3/4 ton extra cab pickup. Pristine condition! Hijacker/Slider 5th wheel hitch and factory HD trailer hitch. V10 Magnum. Excellent towing truck. 13,000lb towing capacity. New brakes and rear tires. Asking $8,900 obo. 250-254-1756. 39 39 Holiday Haven Restaurant 8430 Hwy 3/95 Across from the weigh scales in Yahk 250-424-5464 Monday Spaghetti $6.95 Friday Hamburger Steak $11.95 Wednesday Senior’s Day 15% off Sunday Fish & Chips $10.99 VEHICLES and Related Goods For Sale: 4 Hankook winter tires, like new, 185/70R14 on Mazda rims $350. 428-7556 leave message. 39 For Sale: 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited Edition. High output 4.7 litre, 329,000km, leather interior. Fully loaded. Snow tires and mats included. Asking price $4200. 250-223-8080 evenings. 41 For Sale: Like new 2008 Puma trailer. No slides, no bunks, sleeps 6, bedroom in rear, $10,500. 250-402-3839. 39 For Sale: 8ft camper, very clean, fridge, heater, 3 burner stove, no leaks, $600. Canopy to fit 6ft Dodge box, 6ft box liner. 250-428-4009 evenings. 39 For Sale: 1997 Toyota Tercel, good condition, new brakes. Winter tires with rims. Excellent gas mileage. $3250 firm. Renee 250-428-8839. 39 For Sale: 1994 Olds ‘88’, V6, A/C works, good all season tires, good winter beater, $500. 428-2828. 41 For Sale: 12ft Lund boat w/trailer, 6.0hp Johnson, $1200 obo. 250-428-9528. 39 For Sale: Massey 135 tractor, front hydraulic blade, 3 point hitch blade, chains. 866-5513. 39 For Sale: 4 winter tires and rims, 17in 5 stud. $550. 250-428-4251. 39 For Sale or Trade: 2005 Fleetwood 5th wheel. Excellent condition! Loft model. Plenty of room but lightweight. $14,000 obo. 250-254-1756. 39 For Sale: Tonneau cover, folding, lockable. Fits 2002 to 2008 Dodge Ram 1500. 250-428-7098. 41 For Sale: 1981 17.5ft Big Foot travel trailer. New tire, new hot water tank. $6000 obo. 250-428-9659. 43 For Sale: 2005 diesel Dodge Ram 1 ton (3500) crew cab, long box, immaculate condition. Computer chip, leather interior, loaded, 160,000km, $18,000. 428-0518. 39 For Sale: Large older Empress motor home, good cond, needs minor tlc. Perfect for hunting camp, starts good, good tires, highway ready, $2500 obo. 250-424-5458. 39 For Sale: Long box high canopy for 99-07 Chev/ GMC. 428-7985. 39 For Sale: 1990 BMW 325i, 336,294km, 6 cyl, 5 speed, 4dr, sunroof, c/w summer tires on rims, needs work or use as parts car, $500. 250-431-8823 please leave message. 49 Amy’s Spot the 15 Changes
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