NATIONAL ADVERTISING Display (rates are shown per SAU column inch) Annual Volume Open A1 National color rates: Black plus one color...............................$85 CNA and Black plus two colors.......................... $160 SW IA Advertiser Black plus three colors........................ $195 $19.15 See specifications for color under “Color rates/local“ on page two. CNA only $14.00 Volume discounts available National Preprint Rates e m o rH (rates are shown for 6p3 pica columns) CNA CNA and only SW IA Advertiser $9.44 $12.84 $0.60 $0.70 Commission and discount: 2 oms, Bedro one A 15% commission is paid on national rates to qual- ified advertising agencies. A cash discount of 2% is allowed on national rates if paid by the 10th of the s Street est Adam 6 • 503 W Look ses usines wing b e follo at thes merce r of Com Chambe up Creston Real Estate Gro re EllisPoo nal Bank io at N t Firs lty lley Rea Green Va ISSB ring ning J&A Floo g & Air Conditio tin Orr Hea ter lding Cen enter Akin Bui Home Design C rs an ic er Am of Realto rd oa B ss Inc. Bluegra Center, e nc lia Boyd App eal Estate nR Callaha ncy ge Carter A & Appliance deo Cook Vi News : offer have to , BER 4 EPTEM ny’ ory o t s e n ‘O wa 37 t of the Specialists Adult Medicine , D.O. ng Thomas P. You r, D.O. me Wi ey Car fe Ca & Jodi SOw&nerK s...Karen • Creston n s a V e ntgomery 6 102 E. Mo 82-583am1pm 641-7 • Sat 5:30 Mon-Fri 5am-2pm rsday nesday Thu 3 Tuesday Wed 2 et 1 Monday Don’t Forg Carryout! isbury g the Be & BBQ 337 641-343-7 re val CRP PastuFence Line Remo SYSTEM nning • TREE SAW Timber Thi 2 -8936 641-414 TIES· DAY ! SALEh 4 +dep. Kraft THE FREQUENCY PLAN — Run your ad Monday thru Friday and save 55% Schedule the same ad in the Southwest Iowa Advertiser for just $4.85 per column inch. Ads must run within a calendar week, no copy changes. Quarter Page Specials 5 Day Blitz Specials Annual Volume Discounts These discount offers are subject to cancellation without notice. ule of Sched events us rne vir ito-bo owa u q s o I M med in confir Artist ER EATH AY W FRID 65 50 PLET THER E WEA 3A News rtiser Adve 6 Box 12 2014 do -21 Cresto If you 1-782 ered in . call 64 redeliv will be 5 p.m will be es . Phon Papers 0 p.m . until 6:3 until 7 p.m red .m 6 - 8 pepot The D ia d ed Me Chri - Mix s Coke Tues. 641-27 creston 99 ADVERTISER Advertising Rate Schedule nn | phon cresto 2-2141 x 641-78 6628 | fa 2ok Facebo 641-78 by us on r CNA . eive you , ext. 6450 Follow not rec 41 n 14 d) (Not Sheare ured Centr Serving a Owned & Ins Iow $ 99 $ LL ce t Work Farm • Fen moval • Light Dir & Re Iowa uthern Cleanup al & So K DIET CO COKE, 24 pack 9 69 Dinner el E MARSHA Ground Levle WE USE TH llen or Below ab Sawed at Tree Puller Avail s r: rk o ble fo ing Site Availa ild Dirt W Bu • Line er 26th Septemb E ¢ Fish DAR TREES? CUST OR CECleanup H BLACK LO LEM WIT GOT A PROB E rtiser Sve EAd ewHs Elb e NC TEX 5 COLOR special supplement to th A your advertising budget with these powerful ad packages... Fri Chicken So Grilled Noodles Cheese ralc rencultu E THE RIGH ER ED WAT FLAVOR Saturday 4 Friday Roast Creamed Salmon Beef Dinner Chicken Beef Swiss Steak 28, Followin Friday, novc.hristmas parade. lighted com enter. www.war QUANTI T TO LIMIT RV ·WE RESE 10/$ 2-2141 641-78 A produc c l I P CRES Y FAREWA rson t 2014 s the pe ion ©Copyrigh ks) wa miss he (Haw by the com do the Ice selectedrs that would E K Sparkling membe for us.” By JA INGHAMitor e final b D best jo rvisors have th t, but WAD sociate ed estonas Supe appointmen in CNA ngham@cr e ed ttle lv th di jwad com say on re not invo s. 17 oz. bo es we news. ter- they plication proc Monday new ve ap is te for a or was ta- the pervisor Lo list of apvo e Th ct Su see the irs dire n, but Union ans affa Sept. 8 after pervi- asked tofor the positio s bled to Board of Su their plicant d ar County ed to reviewpoint- the bo d cid e ap t de the sors wan ent in check involvemocess. th rs of to ment pr commissione office in wi n nio fairs The rans af iels, Rob- U o u n t y te ve the O’Dan Moffitt, C or ne y y ar A tt — G st, Sharon KeTim ert Jung n d Monday nyon an J o h s hu n their P a r k i ul Paul rePa tative 4 roll man and represen proceding s — ce sour Miller before ed Greufe request. se le ct y ard bo e e th th m with A r vetys trust an “I alwa ioners of the but veter m iss e), (comm affairs offic signing T o to O’Daniels erans er you are u alHawks e yo ev , c en a ng wh e ethi repl e the fin on som ctor. z B l a i the VA dire wn as off want to read Ron Rir Reha as stepped do injury ways Superviso nesday’s int,” Wed Reha ter a knee ery pr y said at rg af oto su or ph le uted led direct uld require . Contrib schedu ting. in 2011 that wo nsive rehab. tions,” mee e vote was re ting. entia Th ar dem 8 mee and inte d 10 applica . “We vascul e Sept. d with “We ha aniels said and for th agnose di le ’D as O op sw Gary wed four pe Perkin rkins. intervie don Pe d rk. r Gor some the pa pening an s dfathe having rmaor r gran • O ceremonie e info lle started , and behavi d with he or s e m n se r “H te g ne ns tio Fo an n po closin concer dedica concer act Ch y Holle AN health so we were said. “As tion, cont lzheimer’s include a fected by Kelse g othPOOLM A s, , amon cally an dinaople af change m,” Hollen out some Mathany, r AILEY pi hi int pain n coor 83 to pe mer’s, and n By B aff reportetonnews. (at 63 ning ab and jo oms. It is ty about st ociatio es entatio CNA re lear gs in class at Ass at 515-440- ha- Alzhei es (AP) an@cr we pr sympt lm we bpoo cmat OINES ls have er t fatal. mmon e thin le to relay th , tor, awards M or es co s th a 7, it’ ily m ia ES ll of ab D co offic human no fficials say to be bitext. 10 rg, or Meliss I was ck to my fam e things after. memory wa r , lth in I) ea O ag al N ’s st H z.o im l- U ba fir vidu qui— e fo • A ny@al , Alzheimer people entia or A ll information actical.” gunya ed the an indi ed mos availabl uer rkins When m confirm the chikun virus for by an infect g outside was pr month, Pe his Kram tion comm at will be share memoto de e, most wi it ) of d d n lin uh te te as ’-y trave rela tion. an at same case ries. fected h- Associa director, ople to -GUN ’s dise while popula Th that af ot 0, pe photos or sto with ns zheimer the elderly nd, think (chicken. ent to the state. w, Iowa was s, stroke n’s grandm r in nicatio 6383 ext. 11 es a tm rie ha ak ar of d r wa k le Fr of ep ha 0ol rg. that othe thin athe in Io til no te D in a • Jen 515-44 Prairie ory. H @alz.o on the ration. grandf Up un ly six states a The staHealth said sday a rn Some, unger gene e of the mem red for her veloped dia- or mkramer . — Regd such ic ne on Southe yo e of on ll host a.m er ca me. He de 2010 of the y Hollen is of Publ lease Wed central on not reporte eck-in YMCA wi -up be• 8:30 ember ho re rm and ch Kelse neration. ilial ties their and in Dec e. news man from m the had . t been ba wa lk at 10 ration ge m ok no s, m ist r a s se str te fa Zu a fro ge d r s g ca ha be it he rin nyoun n, 25, ha that an tione wa made rkins ha d anot recove s. opens a.m. — Ope The m ed, and addi his fore th Holle tia, and has k out. he ha ne 2011, Pe Iowa is -borne viru turned n • 9:30 en about spea ito photos spitaliz In Ju ies begi k a.m. tion. ally, ream to dem n of hers to mosqu recently re Carib- ho information released. remon al obstruc • Te ken of all - bowel actually re rely de- ing ce a.m. — W al the He t been a missio ery of Cres be ta ams, and has no trip to • 10 he ba somea se ll t “It’s ca wi bu m Discov a resident rsity of fro aillk te inful, ns that’s the e fever entia, begi rking is av ley the wa online after Hollen, nded Unive a degree ally pa pain, and bean. rus can caus of dem ed te rn • Pa g McKin posted The vi ton, at n Iowa to ea dy of ag- scrib a symptom el pain is af as in es t. le alon Norther ology, the stue in 2009- tim ability to fesaid. “So, we ab et, as well ound even nt ur re or ar ro n , St yo le ge om or ts ol in ing lo the maj see ed,” H s a soph Please 12 park ing. A len declared ered her fect ov ” Page 10, Hol after disc r Gordon MER’S, FRIDAY ? on ALZHEI dinner and so l grandfathehad health “FIRST ! epare na ak er from O at e to pr lp! m us thveery month in No tim Let us he ls to choose s of Red changes. Jo in S e rk U mea pm Pe al of 9am-2 frozen WITH line havior n t. n T be ze Sa o C d | do E an N on epti m-6pm 1043 ec Over a CON | R 8a i. . Fr 8e - •Grand River 25 Ribs Noodles s SalSteak 24 23 u 22 Roast Bo 21 Breaded Beef Big Bang 7 pm n 20 Loin Beef Ham nov. 1, parentDinner r saturday, trio ne s af & play Lo Din d k burger Spaghetti ic. $10 Ham les this pop/roc mus s ’ od n No childre a Steak 31 Friendly under 12. 30 children adult/$5 29 y ty d un ere 28 Co oth Sm air ACT III - Ad tmas Show s 27 Beef Ham & Chicken Potato ris Talent: Ch & Beans Breast up & Winn new val of irs o r p p A ns Affa Vetera r delayed o direct •Murray DECATUR rg• ontanell s wil ing recipe ,2 Sept. 19-21 CLARKE Lorimor• •Arispe City •Shannon •Tingley RINGGOLD l •Diagona Ellston• •Clearfield eld• Beaconsfi Sharpsbu •Conway •Mt. Ayr • Lorimor• Kellerton •Maloy •Delphos • •Redding Blockton •Lenox TAYLOR nline • Cre A R I A HOT ON BALLO wa N DAYS on, IoT O 014 • Crest uthwest Io th annual so •Kent y •Nodawa F at the greenField, will donation area. Free ministerial. orts the e Fund door supp Benevolenc association om 3 tio ori d as your fav select the TOP contacted an nza for competi staff will category will be ay Extravaga the lid tickets to 3 in each Holiday to Ho O FREE the eive TW bread to 27. rec te ll wi ori fav ory 0 P.M. 6:0 , Octobers in each categ at ay nd Mo nners P 3 entrieay Extravaganza.will select the wi • The TO to Holid lebrity judges Holiday ce sket. l of local a gift ba • A pane ll receive wi ers • Winn er of use formation nts in ordoking directions , phone or cell Entry In st include: asureme co de Entry mu redients with me paration and ss with zip co . - list ing step-by-step precomplete addre ipe is chosen y, October 10 e - includ entrant name, ct you if your rec ess day Frida ton, IA 50801; sin es e - includ so we can contaby close of bu x 126, Cr email them to Bo . P.O number received ws Advertiser, siness hours or be st mu bu Ne Recipes ipes to Creston during normal er Send rec m by our office ws Advertis Creston Ne drop the g@crestonnew shed in the l be publi advertisin 2014 Corning• • •Creston •Cromwell •Afton Thayer & eet Noodles on Biscuit 11 Try Our Sw 10 c Potato Fries son 9 Taylor Ma musician 8 Roast 7 t/ Chicken Beef l quis rilo 6 /vent . 4, 7 pm comedian ef Fried Be ct o , ner oaf day s atl o satur erie Me & Steak Din rmance s Liver & premier perFo ncert s Goulash Onions Noodles 18 United Co 17 16 Churches e pm 2 19, ast . 15 ct Ro o in sunday, 14 churches d 13 Beef Cod musicians From e and the ed ef ANZA • Send in A • The CN P • The TO •Prescott •Carbon y Festi “Bach Familept. 25, 7 pm thursday, s n $10 at the door atio suggested don on. on us so are? ill be up recipe to sh d idays w s. The Hol a favorite brea ast, rolls or muffin ories. , ye teg ve ick ca ir r qu ha ing in the recipe for ipes in each fou Do you ked to br rec n on te bread F o ma ut of s Cresto ay to holid nual urg •Macksb •Orient UNION •Mt. Etna MENTS 40 Y APPOINT 1-782-64 SAME DA ston • 64 a rsity of Iow The Unive r Orchestra Chambe val”, -8464 n • 641-782 EXTRreAVcipAeGcontest the ople to go ore pe ds bring m The procee tion s helped istra ent. event haple of the ev the city. Reg e th said a sta decor for ederick come By S aff reporte Ryan Fr and has be new holiday for the 5K. st CNA n@crestonn ity of 5 an 40 communthe purchase walk and $2 ore th sbrow of Orioto ile r is m apart. file ph e town familytoward 0 for the m CNA s Th t deco is — mpete NT curren d and falling fit of all g with nd as st is $2 in co erick co ment ORIE om ne ol ke t. s be niza ar en PJ Fred gs tourna ientbe bo is wee the ev ed into ye e greatest s local orga ba of Or a ent will activities th in Days. le by in fit Th pk tly oster e a stap s really turn id. “It t bene sored m bo en on friend lebrate Pum which star co za ev sp be ha gani this burg pkin k sa t, Macks ring Pum civic or getting they ce annual even a community “The 5K ,” Frederic ople that tions. du s st one at’s club This zen pe its a 20s as October, ha mething “It’s ju another th 2013. y so ted as a dok and now the 19 Days ter ed in ion held in most notabl see star wal tion af Please 2 at for a in t ge pk celebr any changes, en Pa m , w .” e Pu N DAYS r Ryan huge deal eeds of th ward the seen m . PUMPKI ganize to oc growth in Days or who is one of The pr n/walk go ay decor Pumpk of Orient, e Pumpkin Days 5K ru new holid said the th ick n se of Frederick ha rc Freder embers of id the 5K ru m e pu the city. MONTH seven mmittee, sa bring mor MER’S s for Days co k has helpedunity and ha ALZHEI al and w to the comm WORLD people N BROW r ARAH 110 N. Elm, lle •Fontane ater •Bridgew • ADAMS 1700 W. Tow Warren Cultural Center ion have your ome exclus If we don’tthin 24 hours. *S get it wi the 5th An kend is wee h t t n e in Ori event y l d n rie mily-f s — fa y d walk a D run an kin K p 5 m ’s u y P rida 1879 OM SINCE S.C IOWA ONNEW ING SW W.CREST SERV W UP AT W E RO G G A MEDIA S COVER W A SH NEW KING BREA 3 Paper nt Equipme rtr 3 Office 3 Ink Ca binets Supplies 3 File Ca 3 Office Furniture available e s fic pie Of co 3 - color ck, we calyn 5¢ copies needs in sto s app holiday r e s i t r Adve THU We are yoidges pecials Augu Y, S RSDA lution urce so ur one so •Greenfield Massena g and heart, lun t of atment of en s and Tre well as managm Diagnosi se as screening. ea er dis nc l ca d intestina nsion an , hyperte re needs diabetes ur healthca yo all LE Here for AVAILAB LLC FREE Email: rovemen bandbhomeimp Website: meimprove bho and w.b ww all!” big or too sm too “No job Facebook LIKE us on www.p 782-6628 vement Estimates Creston The Cresto is FAX number 2014 st 20, nthers -M Pa ue iq ston/O The Cre to stop a un t Clarve ns will ha g game agai ad the runnin iday night. Re RTS, O inda Fr eview in SP pr game >> page 7A untry oss co in artan cr ers The Sp t four runn at the pu ay team 10 Saturd . Read the top hiefs Invite RTS, /C O Hawks report in SP the full >> page 7A to us! FAX nitNews Advertiser’s y Brad Rile 8455 641-349- 2064 641-344y Jake Rile 2442 641-202- Home Impro 36 782-70 25 347-87 MADISON ADAIR CASS 1 n, IA 5080 24, 2014 er • Cresto y, Septemb Wednesda B&B PFuonerawl Hoers mes g Carinfor S tes Pizza 2 Topping bor Esta 2 Large Quiet Har 50 + tax 8. $1 ecialty R Realty gs Bank 2 Large Sp in + tax 4.95t On State Sav lty $2 ly ea rry-ou R Ca t ns ar io sh Steakhouse & Lou871 nge Stew Fa w do G A& 211 W. Adams • Creston • 782-7 Win ’s ie rn Ve ion onstruct Waltz C ulligan ’s C Zellmer ND GROU K ATTAC D AWAR S ER WINN Publishing x 12 • P.O. Bo Company . Vol. 49, No Creston a huge Road, e and ile Lake g spac down with elve M d of livin 1742 Tw s lots e family roompasture an ha e a m rg of or and ic. bath ho rage and la 15.6 acres ad do oom 4 tr 6 bedr xtra deep ga t. Sits on with overhe and elec en E te deck. out basem ft. building ith concre w k80 al ea w x ar a 40 ft. ished timber. x 40 ft. fin on page 8. 40 ft. wart Realty te See S e wh to se inside creston month following insertion. Customized Newspaper Advertising 319 East Fifth Street Des Moines, IA 50309 Phone: 515-244-2145 FAX: 515-244-4855 F Creston 39 Creston page 7 arbor, ates on uiet H 833 Q bor Est et Har ui Q ee bath. S National Representative: R E S I T R ADVE You Up to 12 pg. tab (max. 1.0 oz.)..................................$67/M 14-16 pg. tab (max. 1.5 oz) ........................................$77/M 18-20 pg. tab (max. 2.0 oz.)........................................$97/M 22-28 pg. tab (max. 2.5 oz.)......................................$112/M 30-36 pg. tab (max. 3.0 oz.)......................................$132/M Open/inch *Preprint insertions covering a full CNA or a full CNA/Shopper Line/word run will receive a $2/M discount. Classified line ad tearsheets will be provided for a $1.00 charge. Standard agency commission and discount apply to national preprint rates. See “Preprints/local” section on page three for preprint policies and specifications. Classified WA O I T S E W SOUTH E RE Standard Presorted t te Presor Carrier Rou GE PAID U.S. POSTA 50801 Creston IA, 14 Permit No. POSTAL ER CUSTOM LOCAL SOUTHWEST IOWA Effective January 1, 2015 & 27t Madison County WINE SWEET0 ml 75 $ 99 7 SHOR WHOLE LOINS rte Consists of T-Bone & Steaks Po 5 $ 9 ht 20-22 Avg. weig ADVERTISER SOUTHWEST IOWA Advertising Rate Schedule Effective January 1, 2015 THE CRESTON NEWS ADVERTISER SOUTHWEST IOWA ADVERTISER Published by Creston Publishing Company 503 West Adams Street • P.O. Box 126 Creston, IA 50801 Phone: 641-782-2141 • FAX: 641-782-6628 E-mail: Website: The Creston News Advertiser is a paid-circulation newspaper published each afternoon Monday through Friday (with the exception of New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.) The Southwest Iowa Advertiser is distributed each Wednesday to over 10,000 non-subscribers in a nine-county area surrounding Creston. Advertisements published in the Creston News Advertiser and the Southwest Iowa Advertiser reach a total market of nearly 15,000 homes. AD RATES Rates are shown per column inch CNA ROP Open $11.74 Non-Profit $9.12 Instiutional $10.35 SW IA Advertiser Open $5.15 CLASSIFIED $8.24 $6.12 $7.21 $3.40 Check with us regarding website banner ad pricing. Annual volume discounts available. Contact your Creston News Advertiser Representative today for more info. P ERSONNEL Publisher ..................................................Rich Paulsen Managing Editor....................................... Kyle Wilson Advertising Director............................... Craig Mittag Accounting/HR Director..........................Rose Henry Production Manager..............................Kevin Lindley Circulation Manager............................. Sandy Allison CLASSIFIED RATES Classified line ads (rates shown per word; min. 15 words:) No. of consecutive days 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 25 CNA only $0.35 $0.52 $0.59 $0.70 $0.74 $1.22 $1.63 $2.30 * CNA classified ads may be published in that week’s Southwest Iowa Advertiser for an additional $3.00. Classified features Card of Thanks Paid Obituaries Memorials Blind ad $.15/word $.15/word $.15/word $10.00 COLOR RATES/local Black plus one color......................... $60.00 Black plus two colors..................... $120.00 Black plus three colors................... $180.00 Color is available daily. Reservations must be made at least three working days prior to publication; process color will require notice one week in advance. The above rates apply individually to the News Advertiser and the Southwest Iowa Advertiser. For process color, one progressive proof is required to accompany all plates or slicks. One set of negatives is required for each color and black for platemaking. Advertise in over 200 newspapers statewide for $300 IOWA NEWSPAPER CLASSIFIED NETWORK INCN Ask your Creston Publishing Co. representative for details COMMISSIONS, DISCOUNTS AND POLICIES •All local advertising rates are non-commissionable. •Prepayment is required until a credit application is completed and credit approved. MasterCard, Visa, American Express & Discover are accepted. •All accounts are due and payable 30 days from the date of invoice; a service charge of 1-1.5% per month (annual rate is 18%) will be levied thereafter. •The publisher reserves the right to change advertising rates upon 30 days notice; all contracts are accepted subject to this reservation. Contracts are written on bulk space volume. •A 10% “late charge” ($5.00 minimum) will be levied for ads accepted past deadlines. •Accounts more than 90 days in arrears will be denied advertising until their account has been brought up to date. ADVERTISING DEADLINES •Display advertising (ROP) deadlines are 5 p.m. two working days prior to publication. •Classified display deadlines are 10 a.m. the working day prior to publication for ads eight inches and larger and now for smaller ads. Classified line ad deadlines are now on the working day prior to publication. •Display ad cancellations must be made prior to 10 a.m. on the working day prior to publication. Ads cancelled after this deadline are subject to a composition charge. •Southwest Iowa Advertiser deadline is 4 p.m. Friday prior to publication. MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS News Advertiser and Southwest Iowa Advertiser page: Six columns (10.458 in.) by 21.5 in. ROP column sizes— One column .................................1.639 in. Two columns .............................. 3.403 in. Three columns..............................5.167 in. Four columns ...............................6.931 in. Five columns ...............................8.694 in. Six columns ................................10.458 in. Double truck ....................................22 in. CNA ads are accepted up to 19.5 inches in depth. Ads over 19.5 inches must measure a full 21.5 inches deep. CNA tabloid page: Six columns by 10.458 inches. Layout sizes as shown above. Tabloid ads accepted up to 10 inches deep. Ads over 9 inches must measure a full 10.5 inches. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION RATES PREFERRED POSITION: 10% additional charge for specified positions when available ($25 minimum.) CONTRACT, COPY REGULATIONS •Failure to fulfill terms of an advertising contract will result in the space used being charged at applicable rate. •The Creston News Advertiser will not be responsible for any error in an advertisement except for failure to correct the advertisement as indicated by the advertiser upon proofing. 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SPECIAL DAYS & FEATURES •Farm Page(s)— Wednesday •Church Page— Thursday •Business Page(s)— Wednesday •TV & Entertainment— Friday • Food Page - Wednesday • Health - Friday • Home - Thursday PREPRINTS/local The following rates apply to the News Advertiser and the Southwest Iowa Advertiser: ContractOpen Up to 12 pg. tab (max 1.0 oz.) $52/M* $62/M* 14-16 pg. tab (max. 1.5 oz.) $62/M* $72/M* 18-20 pg. tab (max. 2.0 oz.) $77/M* $87/M* 22-28 pg. tab (max. 2.5 oz.) $92/M* $102/M* 30-36 pg. tab (max. 3.0 oz.) $107/M* $117/M* *Preprint insertions covering a full CNA or a full CNA/Shopper run will receive a $2/M discount. Contracts may be signed for a minimum of six inserts per year. The minimum preprint charge is $100. Inquire for details concerning inserts over 36 page tabs (or more than 3.0 oz.) or zoned coverage. Inserts for the News Advertiser and Southwest Iowa Advertiser must measure less than 10.75” x 13.25”. 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