smc registration final bw b - Baltimore Catholic Campaign for Human
smc registration final bw b - Baltimore Catholic Campaign for Human
37th Annual ARCHDIOCESAN 37th Annual ARCHDIOCESAN Social Ministry Convocation SATURDAY Social Ministry Convocation Care for Our Common Home: El cuidado de nuestro hogar comun 3615 Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21218 St. Francis of Assisi Keynote Speaker March 5, 2016 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM Seton Keough High School 1201 S. Caton Ave., Baltimore, MD 21227 (Exit I-95: Caton Avenue, North) 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM cuatro talleres ofredidos en Espanol UNO en el Camino: Un Recorrido de Oración por la Soliaridad ¿Necesita un momento para concentrarse en oración? Camine con nuestros hermanos alrededor del mundo en una experiencia única de oración. La cainata de oracion es una jornada espiritual hacia el interior de nuestro más profundo ser y para salir al mundo con un mayor entendimiento de quienes somos y a qué estamos llamados a ser como discípulos de Cristo. Las guías de oración para esta caminata de meditación auto-dirigida sobre la solisaridad están disponibles en espagñol e inglés al comienzo del recorrido. ¡Que seamos UNO en el camino! Facilitado por Catholic Relief Services. USE CAFETERIA ENTRANCE OFF THE PARKING LOT COPY and give brochure to parish and community folks who would be interested in attending. REGISTRATION is $10.00: lunch is provided for those who pre-register. SOCIAL MINISTRY FAIR AWARD CEREMONY THE P. FRANCIS MURPHY SOCIAL MINISTRY RECOGNITION AWARDS are presented to parishioners nominated by their pastors. Make your recommendation to your pastor. THE JOHN HOOK PARISH AWARD is given to an individual who has shown an outstanding life-long commitment to social injustice ministry through a parish setting. THE DORIS JOHNSON COMMUNITY AWARD is given to an individual who has demonstrated life-long commitment to social justice work in the broader community. SATURDAY March 5, 2016 ONE on the Journey: A Solidarity Prayer Walk - Needing a few quiet moments to center yourself in prayer? We invite you to journey with our brothers and sisters around the world through a unique prayer experience. The prayer walk is a spiritual journey into the heart of our deepest selves and back out into our world with a greater understanding of who we are and who we are called to be as disciples of Christ. Prayer guides for this self-guided walking meditation of solidarity are available in English and Spanish at the walk entrance. May we become ONE on the journey! Provided by Catholic Relief Services. THE INTERNATIONAL PEACE & JUSTICE AWARD honors an individual who is dedicated to international peace and development. For more information regarding the awards, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION please contact either Marie Wicks at Contact: Dennis M. Murphy 410-261-6781 or Msgr. Bill Burke at CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME PROGRAM 8:15 AM: REGISTRATION, HOSPITALITY, and SOCIAL MINISTRY FAIR, SOLIDARITY PRAYER WALK 9:00 AM: WELCOMING AND OPENING PRAYER 9:30 AM: 10:45 AM: WORKSHOPS (descriptions below) #1: ONE HUMAN FAMILY: BRIDGING THE RACIAL DIVIDE Sr. Gwynette Proctor, SND, Director of Office of Black Catholics Each of us is challenged to look within ourselves and ask, “What am I doing to build up the human family?” “Am I called to be the ”bridge”? This workshop will discuss the challenges we face as we engage in meaningful conversations to close the “racial divide”. It will explore the tools needed to effectively cross cultural boundaries to break the negative and destructive cycles that reinforce the divisions among and between our communities. The gospel mandates call us to see in each person we encounter the face of our “brother” or “sister”. #2: WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR? POVERTY AND CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Dennis M. Murphy, Catholic Charities As people of faith, we are called to help people in need - people who are poor - all around us, including people whom we have never seen, never have met. Participants will consider who their neighbors are, the obstacles they face and the magnitude of poverty in the U.S. Then explore ways in which their faith calls them to respond to the needs of those who are poor. #3: RAISE YOUR VOICE IN ANNAPOLIS (am only) Regan Vaughan, Director, Social Concerns, Catholic Charities Join us for a briefing of the specifiic legislative initiatives Catholic Charities is working on during this 2016 Legislative session. Learn how you can contribute to the effort. #4: A COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION ON LEADERSHIP Arturo Iriarte. Parish Social Ministry/Education Coordinator, Archdiocese of Hartford (am only) Exercising our Christian values while fostering and developing sustainable parish social ministry, as envisioned in Communities of Salt and Light, requires from leaders a deeper understanding of their gifts. Get new ideas and resources for Praying, Reaching Out, Learning and Acting TOGETHER! REGISTRATION You must PRE-REGISTER to guarantee lunch and determine which workshops will be repeated. #5: INTERACTUANDO VALIENTEMENTE SOBRE LIDERAZGO (pm only) Arturo Iriarte. Parish Social Ministry/Education Coordinator, Archdiocese of Hartford El ejercicio de nuestros valores cristianos hacia el fomento y desarrollo sostenido de apostolados de acción social requiere de los lideres un sentido más profundo de sus dones y habilidades. Todo eso se puede ver en “Comunidades de Sal y Luz”. Para obtener nuevas ideas y recursos para orar, llegar, aprender y actuar juntos. #12: PEOPLE IN PRISON ARE CHILDREN OF GOD Dcn. Siegfried Presberry (Dirctor of Prison Ministry, Archdiocese of Baltimore) and Fr. Joe Muth (Pastor, St. Matthew’s & Blessed Sacrament Parishes) REGISTRATION $10.00 PER PERSON Pope Francis has said that “no one can take away our identity as children of (includes lunch) God”, including our incarcerated brothers and sisters who will be released to re-enter society. Join us to explore how we as a Christian community are called to assist them in their successful return to society here in Maryland. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE #6: CUIDADO POR NUESTRA CREACION - Como Ser Defenser del Medio Ambiente (am only) Patricia Fuentes, Interno de la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano en Baltimore En este taller los participantes se dividirán en grupos separados para arpender maneras en la cual pueden hacer un impacto (sea grande o pequeño) hacia la justicia ambiental para ser defensores del medio ambiente al nive estatal, nacional, y global. En particular vamos a hablar sobre como tener una vos en la comunidad como un Latino/hispano en el tema del medio ambiente. #13: GOD’S CREATION: GIFT AND FIESTA FOR ALL (pm only) Nelson Aranque Exploration of Alejandro Garcia Rivera and Roberto Goizueta’s hispanic theology and applied to the environmental crisis as presented by Pope Francis in “Laudato Si” to delineate some specific actions that we are called to do. #7: TRUE PEACE IS POSSIBLE Paul K. Chappell, Peace Leadership Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Mr. Chappell returns for an inspiring and engaging conversation of what true peace means and how to achieve it. #8: ON THE CONDITION OF LABOR: THEN AND NOW Fr. Ty Hullinger, President of Interfaith Worker Justice / Maryland Modern Church Social Teaching began with Rerum Novarum, a papal encyclical that is celebrating 125 years in 2016, addressed to the condition of workers of that time. We will look at the encyclical, some other Church Social Teaching documents addressing same theme, and also look at the condition of American workers at this time - and what the future holds. #9: THE TIME IS NOW! This workshop will describe the programs and campaigns of the Catholic Climate Covenant and urge participants to get involved in cooling our planet. #10: WORKER CO-OPS AND ESOPs: PRACTICAL STEPS TOWARD ECONOMIC JUSTICE Brian Dolge, Co-Chairperson, Peace & Justice Committee, Catholic Community of Relay. Worker Co-ops and ESOPs (Economic Stock Option Plans), consistent with Catholic social justice teachings, have a long proven history of economic viability. Participants will talk with members of these businesses about their experiences to learn how to generate support for this just economic model. #11: CARING FOR OUR COMMON HOME THROUGH OUR PARISHES Joelle Novey, Director, Interfaith Power & Light (MD. DC. No VA) Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology asked us to care for “our common home.” Join green leaders in parishes across the Archdiocese to learn more about the ways that local Catholic communities, working in partnership with Interfaith Power & Light are living out the encyclical by educating about climate and energy issues, “going green” in theirh churches and at home, and speaking out. #14: LA CREACIÓN DE DIOS: REGALO Y FIESTA PARA TODOS. (am only) Aplicación teológica de Alejandro Garcia Rivera y de Roberto Goizueta a la crisis ambiental como el Papa Francisco la presenta en la enciclica “Laudato Si”, Alabado seas, para delinear las acciones a las que estamos llamados a hacer para cuidar la creación. #15: LAS OBRAS DE MISERICORDIA Y EL EVANGELIO DE LA CREACIÓN - pm only Este taller ofrece una guía para el cuidado de la creación de Dios y como vivir las obras de la Misericordiia en el contexto del pueblo hispano immigrante. #16: PEACE IN OUR CITY / PEACE IN OUR WORLD Fr. Ray Bomberger, Pastor, St. Peter Claver, Ray Kelly, Community Organizer, No Boundaries Coalition The placards cry: “No Justice, No Peace!” Pope Paul VI teaches: “If you want peace work for justice.” How do we respond to that cry? How do we put that teaching into action in a community such as Central West Baltimore? Efforts are being made within the community to address basic issues. In what ways can the people of the Archdiocese be a part of any solutions? Share perspectives on how to build on the assets of your community, beginning with yourself. 12:00 PM: LUNCH , SOCIAL MINISTRY FAIR, SOLIDARITY PRAYER WALK 1:00 PM: REPEAT of WORKSHOPS (based on pre-registration requests) 2:20 PM: AWARD CEREMONY and CLOSING PRAYER SERVICE Please make checks payable to: “CCHD / ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE” ** PAYMENT DUE BY FEBRUARY 26, 2016 ** Return Registration and Payment to: Catholic Charities / Attn: Dennis Murphy 228 W. Lexington Street, Suite 220 Baltimore, MD 21201-3432 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY NAME:______________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ EMAIL:______________________________________ PHONE:_____________________________________ PARISH:_____________________________________ BOX LUNCH: (check sandwich selection) ____TURKEY ____HAM ____VEGETARIAN INDICATE WORKSHOP PREFERENCES BY NUMBER (1-16), WORKSHOPS REPEAT IN THE AFTERNOON: PM WKSP:____ AM WKSP:____ FOR QUESTIONS OR SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMMODATIONS Contact: Dennis M. Murphy 410-261-6781 CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME PROGRAM 8:15 AM: REGISTRATION, HOSPITALITY, and SOCIAL MINISTRY FAIR, SOLIDARITY PRAYER WALK 9:00 AM: WELCOMING AND OPENING PRAYER 9:30 AM: 10:45 AM: WORKSHOPS (descriptions below) #1: ONE HUMAN FAMILY: BRIDGING THE RACIAL DIVIDE Sr. Gwynette Proctor, SND, Director of Office of Black Catholics Each of us is challenged to look within ourselves and ask, “What am I doing to build up the human family?” “Am I called to be the ”bridge”? This workshop will discuss the challenges we face as we engage in meaningful conversations to close the “racial divide”. It will explore the tools needed to effectively cross cultural boundaries to break the negative and destructive cycles that reinforce the divisions among and between our communities. The gospel mandates call us to see in each person we encounter the face of our “brother” or “sister”. #2: WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR? POVERTY AND CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Dennis M. Murphy, Catholic Charities As people of faith, we are called to help people in need - people who are poor - all around us, including people whom we have never seen, never have met. Participants will consider who their neighbors are, the obstacles they face and the magnitude of poverty in the U.S. Then explore ways in which their faith calls them to respond to the needs of those who are poor. #3: RAISE YOUR VOICE IN ANNAPOLIS (am only) Regan Vaughan, Director, Social Concerns, Catholic Charities Join us for a briefing of the specifiic legislative initiatives Catholic Charities is working on during this 2016 Legislative session. Learn how you can contribute to the effort. #4: A COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION ON LEADERSHIP Arturo Iriarte. Parish Social Ministry/Education Coordinator, Archdiocese of Hartford (am only) Exercising our Christian values while fostering and developing sustainable parish social ministry, as envisioned in Communities of Salt and Light, requires from leaders a deeper understanding of their gifts. Get new ideas and resources for Praying, Reaching Out, Learning and Acting TOGETHER! REGISTRATION You must PRE-REGISTER to guarantee lunch and determine which workshops will be repeated. #5: INTERACTUANDO VALIENTEMENTE SOBRE LIDERAZGO (pm only) Arturo Iriarte. Parish Social Ministry/Education Coordinator, Archdiocese of Hartford El ejercicio de nuestros valores cristianos hacia el fomento y desarrollo sostenido de apostolados de acción social requiere de los lideres un sentido más profundo de sus dones y habilidades. Todo eso se puede ver en “Comunidades de Sal y Luz”. Para obtener nuevas ideas y recursos para orar, llegar, aprender y actuar juntos. #12: PEOPLE IN PRISON ARE CHILDREN OF GOD Dcn. Siegfried Presberry (Dirctor of Prison Ministry, Archdiocese of Baltimore) and Fr. Joe Muth (Pastor, St. Matthew’s & Blessed Sacrament Parishes) REGISTRATION $10.00 PER PERSON Pope Francis has said that “no one can take away our identity as children of (includes lunch) God”, including our incarcerated brothers and sisters who will be released to re-enter society. Join us to explore how we as a Christian community are called to assist them in their successful return to society here in Maryland. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE #6: CUIDADO POR NUESTRA CREACION - Como Ser Defenser del Medio Ambiente (am only) Patricia Fuentes, Interno de la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano en Baltimore En este taller los participantes se dividirán en grupos separados para arpender maneras en la cual pueden hacer un impacto (sea grande o pequeño) hacia la justicia ambiental para ser defensores del medio ambiente al nive estatal, nacional, y global. En particular vamos a hablar sobre como tener una vos en la comunidad como un Latino/hispano en el tema del medio ambiente. #13: GOD’S CREATION: GIFT AND FIESTA FOR ALL (pm only) Nelson Aranque Exploration of Alejandro Garcia Rivera and Roberto Goizueta’s hispanic theology and applied to the environmental crisis as presented by Pope Francis in “Laudato Si” to delineate some specific actions that we are called to do. #7: TRUE PEACE IS POSSIBLE Paul K. Chappell, Peace Leadership Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Mr. Chappell returns for an inspiring and engaging conversation of what true peace means and how to achieve it. #8: ON THE CONDITION OF LABOR: THEN AND NOW Fr. Ty Hullinger, President of Interfaith Worker Justice / Maryland Modern Church Social Teaching began with Rerum Novarum, a papal encyclical that is celebrating 125 years in 2016, addressed to the condition of workers of that time. We will look at the encyclical, some other Church Social Teaching documents addressing same theme, and also look at the condition of American workers at this time - and what the future holds. #9: THE TIME IS NOW! This workshop will describe the programs and campaigns of the Catholic Climate Covenant and urge participants to get involved in cooling our planet. #10: WORKER CO-OPS AND ESOPs: PRACTICAL STEPS TOWARD ECONOMIC JUSTICE Brian Dolge, Co-Chairperson, Peace & Justice Committee, Catholic Community of Relay. Worker Co-ops and ESOPs (Economic Stock Option Plans), consistent with Catholic social justice teachings, have a long proven history of economic viability. Participants will talk with members of these businesses about their experiences to learn how to generate support for this just economic model. #11: CARING FOR OUR COMMON HOME THROUGH OUR PARISHES Joelle Novey, Director, Interfaith Power & Light (MD. DC. No VA) Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology asked us to care for “our common home.” Join green leaders in parishes across the Archdiocese to learn more about the ways that local Catholic communities, working in partnership with Interfaith Power & Light are living out the encyclical by educating about climate and energy issues, “going green” in theirh churches and at home, and speaking out. #14: LA CREACIÓN DE DIOS: REGALO Y FIESTA PARA TODOS. (am only) Aplicación teológica de Alejandro Garcia Rivera y de Roberto Goizueta a la crisis ambiental como el Papa Francisco la presenta en la enciclica “Laudato Si”, Alabado seas, para delinear las acciones a las que estamos llamados a hacer para cuidar la creación. #15: LAS OBRAS DE MISERICORDIA Y EL EVANGELIO DE LA CREACIÓN - pm only Este taller ofrece una guía para el cuidado de la creación de Dios y como vivir las obras de la Misericordiia en el contexto del pueblo hispano immigrante. #16: PEACE IN OUR CITY / PEACE IN OUR WORLD Fr. Ray Bomberger, Pastor, St. Peter Claver, Ray Kelly, Community Organizer, No Boundaries Coalition The placards cry: “No Justice, No Peace!” Pope Paul VI teaches: “If you want peace work for justice.” How do we respond to that cry? How do we put that teaching into action in a community such as Central West Baltimore? Efforts are being made within the community to address basic issues. In what ways can the people of the Archdiocese be a part of any solutions? Share perspectives on how to build on the assets of your community, beginning with yourself. 12:00 PM: LUNCH , SOCIAL MINISTRY FAIR, SOLIDARITY PRAYER WALK 1:00 PM: REPEAT of WORKSHOPS (based on pre-registration requests) 2:20 PM: AWARD CEREMONY and CLOSING PRAYER SERVICE Please make checks payable to: “CCHD / ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE” ** PAYMENT DUE BY FEBRUARY 26, 2016 ** Return Registration and Payment to: Catholic Charities / Attn: Dennis Murphy 228 W. Lexington Street, Suite 220 Baltimore, MD 21201-3432 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY NAME:______________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________ __________________________________________________________ EMAIL:______________________________________ PHONE:_____________________________________ PARISH:_____________________________________ BOX LUNCH: (check sandwich selection) ____TURKEY ____HAM ____VEGETARIAN INDICATE WORKSHOP PREFERENCES BY NUMBER (1-16), WORKSHOPS REPEAT IN THE AFTERNOON: PM WKSP:____ AM WKSP:____ FOR QUESTIONS OR SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMMODATIONS Contact: Dennis M. Murphy 410-261-6781