quarterly newsletter - Scappoose Senior Center
quarterly newsletter - Scappoose Senior Center
SCAPPOOSE SENIOR CENTER Q U A R T E R LY N E W S L E T T E R MARCH—APRIL—MAY 2016 ST. PATRICK’S DAY SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: LUNCHEON AARP Driving Class Tax Assistance Thurs, Mar 17 Dental Cleaning NOON Grief Support Corned Beef AARP Tax Preparation & Cabbage . Spring Garden Fair INSIDE ISSUE: THIS Upcoming special luncheons 1 Carpenters/Painters needed April 30, 2016 9:00—3:00 St. Helens High School Commons 2375 Gable Road, St. Helens, Oregon Columbia County Master Gardener Association 21st Annual Free Admission — Free Parking—Please Carpool ATM on-site—Shop inside & Out Certified Master Gardeners will offer 5,000 tomatoes in over 30 varieties for only $1.50 per plant! $1.00 Raffle tickets, hourly prizes, plus displays. Dozens of local vendors will offer annuals, trees, shrubs, perennials, vegetables, ceramics, trellises, garden art, herbs, containers, hanging baskets and more. Tickets available now from Master Gardeners. Please see one of our Center gardeners for tickets! Garden Fair Call for Help 2 What you can do 3 March Birthdays 6 Quilters Jewelry March Menu March Activities PUD Article—My Fair Lady 11 EASTER CELEBRATION Thurs., Mar. 24 Lunch: Baked Ham NOON Wear your fancy Easter Hat for the Easter Bonnet Parade! Or create a new one for fun, flowers, bunnies, chicks, eggs, take your pick and use your own talents for something new & fun. We’re on the web! www.scappooseseniorcenter.org not .com) CARPENTERS & PAINTERS WE NEED YOU! Persons capable of working on ladders! We will be removing and replacing plywood siding and other weather damaged wood on our Senior Center building. Please contact our Executive Director, Julie Stephens 503-543-2047 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Page 2 A CALL TO ALL MEMBERS FOR HELP Since our Center is self-sufficient and not owned and/or financed by city, county, state or federal government, our volunteers work many, many hours in order for us to continue to operate at our current level of service. These operations include our monthly bills for electrical, gas, water/sewer, phones, maintenance of buildings, AND all groceries, packaging, and labor involved in preparing our fresh, hot lunches served here at the center and delivered via Meals on Wheels. Our Centers expenses are all paid by our volunteer based fundraising efforts at the Thrift Store, the Bread Place, the quilters sales, Bingo nights, donations, and grants. We do receive a small stipend from Older Americans Act and USDA for all eligible meals served HOWEVER our costs for operating 1776 our kitchen runs 4 times the amount of that stipend. Every time someone enters our building and uses our facility for socializing, participating in activities, or even eating lunch it costs our volunteers hours of time to pay the cost for those privileges. Let’s take one example: a person comes in for coffee and pastries which are available at front table everyday in our dining hall. The coffee has to be purchased by “us” (our center); the water used, electricity used and even the coffee makers and pots are purchased by “us”. The pastries on the front table are provided by the Bread Place. Yes, the Bread Place receives those pastries FREE (as donations) from various places around our community and into Portland, Beaverton, etc. However, the upkeep of the vans including the gas needed to run them and all expenses needed to keep the doors open at the Bread Place are paid for by “us”. The next time you sit down to eat a pastry and have some coffee please keep in mind that your fellow members are working hard on many levels to make those available to you. Nothing here is FREE. Not our coffee, pastries, meals, Meals on Wheels, wages, utilities, or anything else we have available here at the Center. Behind everything we offer here there are several of our peers donating hours of their time, their energy and their resources so the rest of us can come together and enjoy the many programs and opportunities we have to offer. On Saturday, April 2 we will be holding our 9th Annual Meals on Wheels Benefit aka, Mayor’s Ball. This is the single, largest fund raiser we do each year. All money made at this event pays for food (groceries) and packaging of our Meals on Wheels. Many people around our community attend this annual fundraiser knowing they are going to pay $25 to get in the door and they might possibly pay more if they bid on items and are the highest bidder. You might ask WHY would anyone pay $25 to attend?? I’ll tell you why. It’s to raise funds for Meals on Wheels clients. Fundraisers are not designed around or attended by people who want to GET SOMETHING FOR THEIR $25 but FOR WHAT THEIR $25 CAN DO FOR HELPING OTHERS. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Here are a few ideas: Attend the event. Pay the $25 to come in. Entry into the event includes a beautiful meal prepared by our own chef Scott Kreitman and an opportunity to watch the event unfold with its silent auction, live auction (complete with auctioneer Mark Kuhn), entertainment by Glen & Portia Swenson who do a dance number for us, followed by music and dancing. A no-host bar is available the entire evening. Go out and purchase an item for either the silent or live auction. Silent auction items are anything you could purchase from our local stores and doesn’t have to be huge or high priced. Even gift certificates to local restaurants are popular in the silent auction. The live auction tends to be larger, high-ticket items. It’s up to you. Just know that whatever you purchase and donate, the money will go directly to our Meals on Wheels program. Page 3 MARCH—APRIL—MAY 2016 Go through your house, garage, or storage unit and “gift forward” items you’ve been given by well meaning family and friends that you haven’t and most probably will never use and donate them for the auction. Write a check, donate cash, or use your debit/credit card, indicating that you want it to go specifically toward the Meals on Wheels Benefit aka, Mayor’s Ball. Last but not least, how about supporting a Meals on Wheels recipient (sorry, we can’t give out names or personal information as it’s confidential) by paying for one months worth of meals? How about one week? Even just one day would help? Average meal cost is $4. “From your generosity, to our working hands, to their mouths” 9th Annual MEALS ON WHEELS SILENT/LIVE AUCTION aka MAYORS BALL Sat. April 2, 2016 Doors open @ 5:00 pm Dinner @ 6:30 pm Serving your choice of the Chicken Special or Shrimp Special 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 pm 8:00 pm 9:15 pm Doors Open to Silent Auction & Happy Hour (NO HOST BAR) Silent Auction Closes Entertainment: Dancers Glen & Portia Swenson Live Auction with Auctioneer Mark Kuhn Dance & Music Music provided by: The Big Cocktail Dance Lessons available and provided by Glen & Portia Swenson QUARTER Page 4 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS February 2016 Please join us in welcoming the following new members: Nita Fouts-Davison Howard Knytych Mary Kathryn Meyers Carol Korpela Cheryl Mullins 2016 DUES – UPDATED LIST Last month we ran a list of all members who had paid their 2016 dues. Since that list was printed MANY have stepped up and paid. We thank all of you. The following is the same list of names from last month’s newsletter along with all those that have paid since then. Once again (and for the last time) please look over the list and if your name is not recorded it could be for one of two reasons: #1 You haven’t paid yet and we hope you will very soon. #2 We missed getting your name on the list and if you contact the front desk we will fix it. Andersen, Carol Andersen, Eldine Anderson, Cheryl Anderson, Robert & Patricia Andrist, Leora Anicker, Pat Appel, Bonnie Arp, Marjorie Atkinson, Harold Aylward, Richard & Judy Beaston, Lillian Bennett, Paul & Sandy Bevans, Wesley Blankenship, Betty Blessing, Eleanor Blocksom, Bill & Retta Bohanon, Helen Boldenow, Jerry Bond, Laramie Brasmer, Myrna Brinkerd, Dennis & Dixie Brown, Judy Brown, Rich & Louise Brush, Dee Bugby, John & Diane Buntjer, Allen & Virginia Burton, Ron Butcher, Carolyn Campbell, Vivian Chappelle, Carol Chase, Danielle & Jean Chase, Pamela Chaussee, Jackie Christy, Patsy Clark, George & Agnes Clark, Darril & Jennifer Clark, Larry Clarke, Geri Conn, Loren & Shirley Corliss, Ken & Lois Criscenti, Sandra Cross, Charlotte Curelo, Alice Davis, Frank & Bev DeGerness, Leon & Charlotte Dinu, Paul Dotson, Earl Dougherty, Alene DuPont, Darlene Eaglefield, Larry Edwards, Rita Eller, Jane Endicott, Marion (paid thru June 2016) Ernst, Karlene Evans, Dennis & Mimi Evinger, Sharon Fail, Pat Farley , Dennis Farrar, Bev Feakin, Al & Sharon Ferrenburg, Jim & Joy Fisher, Don & Bonnie Fisher, Linda Flatner, Bill & Leanore Flynn, Joseph & Laura Fogderud, Joyce Foles, Lloyd & Patricia Forcier, Edith Foster, Elmer & Wanda Foster, Jeanette Fouts-Davison, Nita Fricke, Evelyn Garbe, Kurt & Kathleen Gartman, Gene Gould, Gerry Grant, Elaine Grant, Ron & Marge Graul, Ann Grosse, Barbara Haefele, Richard & Joan Hall, Margaret Hamilton, Peggy Hampton, Elenor Hansen, Eleanor Hedges, Phyllis Heilers, William & Carol Heimuller, Henry Heino, Patricia Heller, Don & Tresa Hendricksen, Sharon Hensley, Marilyn Hesch, Roman & Patricia Hoare, Iona Hobizal, Dorothy Hodgdon, Paul Hoff, Ronald & Cynthia Holcomb, Melvin & Beverly Houghton, Charleen Hudson, Nancy Icenogle, Clara Irvin, Lou Jennings, Bob Jeppesen, Jay & Margaret Johnson, June Johnson, Stephanie Jones, David Jones, Elaine Jones, Elsie Kangas, Carol Kasch, Greta Keller, Betty Kimberling, Tom & Arlene Kjornes, Evan Klepper, Loren & Alice Koch, Carol Korpowski, Dorothy Krohn, Valerie Kucera, Mary Larsen, Chuck & Millie Larsen, Arlen & Mary Lauinger, Biff Lavender, Erolyn Liday, Kandi Liewer, Larry & Vernie Litwin, Michael & Judith Lloyd, Patricia London, Dixie MacArthur, Laura Machado, Doug & Maggie MacLachlan, Hazel Mann, Al & Sandy Manson, Garry Marinelli, Bill Martin, Jim & Kathy McAnnay, Bill McCourry, Jesse McDonald, Gary & Mary Jane McGivern, Dan & Teresa McHugh, Peter & Debbie McIrvin, Hope McNabb, Shirley Meisner, George Miller, Laura Mollenhour, Glenn & Laurie Monteith, Dianna Moore, Kathy Morris, John Murphy, Gerry Murphy, Roy & Donnette Nakamura, Colin Nelson, Maynard (Mac) Newman, Michael & Sandra Ossig, Ursula Park, Hatsumi Pell, Bryan & Clara Peterson, Kendall & Josee Pinkney, Daniel Pisha, Lonnie & Jackie Poukkula, Michael & Colleen Pribyl, Pat Prosser, Jo Raisanen, Don & ElvaRay, Betty Ray, George Ray, John Richmond, Rick & Diane Rigby, Wanda Robertson, Monica Rocha, Larry & Nancy Ross, Patricia Schlag, Donald & Heather Schmidt, LeRoy Schmit, Al & Sally Schmitt, Dee Schmitz, Greg Schneider, Herman Schultz, Val Shadwell, Phil & Eileen Shaffer, Beverly Shearer, Juanita Shober, June Simdorn, Norman & Evenal Simmons, Helen Singh, Susil Sleight, Charles & Carol Smith, Rena Smith, Von & Liz Spath, Zig Sperling, Sally Stanton, Renate Stotts, Charles & Veronica Stuck, Kay Studebaker, Elizabeth Swanson, Don Tabrum, Sharon Templin, Cora Thompson, Jessie Thompson, Judy Thornberry, Jay Tillson, Greg & Kathy Timmel, Opal Trinklein, Kenneth & Margaret Trninich, Zvonko & Jill Trudeau, Roger & Donna Turpen, Pat VanSwearingen, Karen VanTassel, Lamar Vinson, John Walker, Dale & Sande Waring, Fred Waters, Emogene Weiman, Ken & Carol Werings, Dave & Cheryl Westall, Jim & Vi Westall, James & Kathy Widmer, Elaine Wolf, Joe Zimmerman, Pat Page 5 MARCH—APRIL—MAY 2016 VALENTINE’S DAY LUNCHEON ‘BACK OF THE BUS’ If you haven’t already taken a peak out the back door of the dining room—do so soon. The new signage has been completed on the rear face of the bus. The side panel changes will come later on when the weather is warmer. This new signage advertises our Bingo activity here at the Center every Monday and Friday night. Come join us on either night or both nights if you’re feelin’ lucky! We had a few participants who were very brave and ventured to wear valentine themed paraphernalia! Lunch was great, as usual, and we had a good time! Next up will be the St. Paddy’s Day luncheon where our chef has promised, we will have Corned Beef and Cabbage. Then — Get ready for the Easter Luncheon and the Easter Bonnet Parade! THANK YOU FOR YOUR MONETARY DONATIONS Carol Andersen Leora Andrist Dee Brush John & Diane Bugby Lou Irvin & Jackie Chaussee Larry Eaglefield Jim & Joy Ferrenburg Evelyn Fricke Harvey Gorton Margaret Hall Eleanor Hansen Cheryl Howard Carol Kangas Evan Kjornes Carol Koch Dianne Leslie-Richmond Michael & Judith Litwin Pat Pribyl Herman Schneider Phil & Eileen Shadwell Juanita Shearer Von & Liz Smith Zvonko & Jill Trninich Dale & Sandra Walker Bethany Lutheran WELCA Glen & Glenna Witters WHERE NEXT? Free Seed to Supper Gardening Classes Covers basics of low-cost veggie gardening 6-session course for adults (each session 2 hours) Offered for free at the Scappoose Senior Center Garden space helpful, but not required Taught by trained volunteer Garden Educators Course topics: Garden site and soil development Garden Planning Planting Caring for a growing garden Harvesting and using garden bounty Classes begin April 18 @ 11 ‘til 1 pm April 25 May 16 May 2 May 23 May 9 EXCITING NEWS! Our casino bus was completely full for the trip to Lucky Eagle, Feb. 24. We picked up 5 from St. Helens and 6 at the Rainier Senior Center. Everyone was happy that they were eligible for their perks! Remember to sign up early—get your name on that list—or you may not have a seat available for the trip! Sign up now! Don’t wait! Are you ready to start planning for a new trip? Astoria Senior Center For lunch and a museum- Maritime—Boats? The Beach—Seaside? Vancouver—Special exhibit of Sand Creek Massacre? “One November Morning” Carlton Wine Country winery tour? Astoria Warrenton Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival? Where? Write down where you would like to go and we will start the planning process for our next excursion. Waiting to hear from you!!!! Page 6 FACTS: ** MEMBERSHIP DUES. Renewal is JANUARY of each year. Dues are $18 per individual or $25 for two in same household. ** FAXES ($1 per page) and COPIES (10c black/white; 50c for color) at front desk. ** RECYCLE NEWSPAPERS & CANS/ BOTTLES…Proceeds go to the Center. ** S.N.A.P. (Supplemental Nutrition Assist. Program) - CAN BE USED FOR CENTER LUNCHES. Formerly called Food Stamp Cards. ** QUILT REQUESTS. Our quilters are willing and able to make special requests. Be sure to give them enough time if you need it for a specific date. Leave a message or come in Tues. & Thurs. 9am-Noon. ** TRANSWESTERN AVIATION and THE SOUTH COUNTY SPOTLIGHT provide ad space for menus and activities in our local Spotlight paper. Thank You!!! We are very grateful for community support - Remember to support those who support us! SHIBA Are you about to be eligible for Medicare? Are you already on Medicare having problems? Columbia Co. SHIBA is ready and willing to help! State trained SHIBA volunteers can help you sort through your options and solve your problems. Free, unbiased service. To set up a time to speak with a volunteer call: 971-225 3838. QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Quilters Our Quilters have been busy. They will be displaying some of their wares on the lobby tables the 4th Thursday, Mar. 24. New items include larger adult bibs and microwave bowl “potholders.” Be sure to check out their display for a fresh new look for your home kitchen, bedroom, or gifts. 4th Thursday 10:00-1:00 April 28th * May 26th NEW NAME Many Thanks go out to Northwest Self Storage formerly called Junk-it-Store-it, for providing a storage unit for larger items (such as hospital beds) for our medical loaning program at both Scappoose and St. Helens Senior Centers. Need more storage? Visit them at www.nwselfstorage.com for location and phone number. HEARING Testing Every month we have a hearing test available—by appointment only! Mar..is Thurs. the 17th Apr. is Thurs. 21st May is Thurs. the 19th . Jewelry Check out the jewelry display on the lobby pool table on the second Thursday of the month. Each month the jewelry ladies, Iona Hoare and Carol Andersen, will display a different array of jewelry. The jewelry showcase will also be updated each month for a fresh artful display of new finds. Large round-face watches are in hot fashion demand now as bracelets. Donate your old treasures, especially those with designer name etched on and sterling silver. Thrift Store gets credit and the funds go for Meals on Wheels food & packaging. 2nd Thursday 10:00-1:00 Every month! March 10, April 14, May 12 H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y March Birthdays Dorothy Alloway Cheryl Young Edith Ball Lillian Beaston Wanda Foster Larry Lowden John Petersen Dennis Evans Odette Beck Kay Fail Josee Peterson Joy Ferrenburg Beverly Moore Elva Raisanen Al Feakin Verna Pentecost Helen Simmons Patricia Turpen James C Westall Bob Alloway Greg Tillson Jeanette DeGrand Betty Pond Vi Brown George Meisner Pat Briggs Diane Bugby Eileen Shadwell Bill Blocksom Beverly Buffington Ernest Waters Adeline Winterfeld Betty Keller 1 2 4 8 9 10 13 14 18 20 21 23 25 27 29 31 Birthdays are celebrated each month on the last Tuesday of the month. If you have a birthday during Mar. be sure to come in for lunch on Tues., .Mar. 29th and select your gift from our Birthday Box! Tues. Apr. 26th Tues. May. 31st Proudly Sponsored by: Debra Kranyak of Kaiser Permanente QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Page 7 OUR JOURNEY THROUGH GRIEF The Center is hosting the support group that has formed and meets once a week on Tues. at of 1pm. Are you looking for open conversation and support in your journey? The group is about halfway through the 13 week discussion group utilizing counseling videos with some bible references. These sessions focus on the different 1621 aspects of grief as well as the very nature of this process. It will explore the various tools that can be used for processing and passing through the various aspects of the journey of grief and progressing through them to the new reality. The group participants support each other, with guidance, in this process regardless of the source of the loss: spouse, parent, child, dear friend, etc., and regardless of the circumstance, whether it be sudden, natural, or after a prolonged illness. The videos will also include input by professional individuals trained in grief recovery. There is hope and healing with time and the support group we have formed here at the Center. You are welcome to join us any Tuesday at 1 pm. More information available from: Debbie Johnstone 503-312-9187—debbiejohnstone@comcast.net MASSAGE “A BEST FRIEND IS LIKE A FOUR LEAF CLOVER; HARD TO FIND LUCKY TO HAVE” MEDICARE HELP March 17, 10-11 April 21, 10-11 May 19, 10-11 Beth Moffett Understanding My Medicare PO Box 1699 Beaverton, OR 97075 503-203-6724 Evelyn Crist, massage therapist, will be making appointments soon. Call Evelyn at the Center! 503-543-2047 Evelyn is not quite ready to take on the massage therapy right now, but she is mending a little each day and is now back on a very light schedule in the kitchen. The surgery was very invasive so we need to give her a couple more months before we see her back in the swing of things and doing her massage routines again. We’ll be waiting! CERAMICS Bonnie’s Back! Ceramic Sessions have begun again on Wednesdays at 11am. We are happy to have Bonnie Fisher back here once again for our Ceramic Classes. Any one is welcome to come and try their hand at painting. Bonnie gives you pointers on how to, how much, and where. Pick out your piece of greenware and join in. Bonnie has paints, brushes, and other supplies to help get you started. Come see Bonnie and join in. WANTED! PINOCHLE LEADER! & PLAYERS THURSDAY NIGHTS Let’s get the single deck Thursday night pinochle going again. Someone needs to volunteer to be the In-house Hostess for the evenings tally process. starting in April. If you are interested in playing single-deck pinochle, please give your name to Kay. Awareness Columbia City Benefits Group LLC (CCBG) Medicare Specialist, Michelle Moore *Sessions will cover a variety of insurance subjects in addition to health and Medicare, such as Indemnity, Life insurance, Funeral expenses, Annuities and Final expenses No cost to you! Helping you in your life for many changes expected and UN-expected. Please come to learn how this can help you, and your family, Tuesday, April 12, at 10:00—11:30—Scappoose Senior Center. Tuesday, June 14 at 10:00—11:30—Scappoose Senior Center Tuesday, August 9th at 10:00—11:30—Scappoose Senior Center. Tuesday, October 19th at 10:00—11:30—Scappoose Senior Center. Tuesday, November 10th at 10:00—11:30—Scappoose Senior Center. Michelle M. Moore Office: 503-987-1809 Fax: 503-987-1819 Cell: 503-442-3945 Michelle@ Columbia City Benefits Group.com www.Columbia City Benefits Group.com Mailing: 240 Spinnaker Way—Columbia City, OR 97018 Location: 58527 Firway Lane/Hwy 30—St. Helens, OR 97051 AARP TAX PREPARATION Continuing Thursdays thru April 14 Call for your appointment YOUR SCAPPOOSE SENIOR CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Frank Davis, President; Tom Kimberling, Vice President; Carol Koch, Treasurer; Evelyn Crist, Secretary; Directors: Eleanor Hansen; Betty Ray; Kay Stuck; Iona Hoare; Jackie Chaussee Continuing Classes & Activities: Pool & Puzzles – every weekday @ 8:00 Tai Chi (advanced class)– Monday & Wednesday @ 8:00 Tai Chi 101—Mondays @ 9:00 Watercolor Painting 1st Monday @ 9:00 - 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Mondays @ 9:30 Bridge – 1st & 3rd Mondays @ 1:30 Scrapbooking – 1st Monday @ 2:00 Card Making—3rd Monday @ 2:00 Quilting Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 9:00-12:00 Writers Group – 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 10:00 Grief Support—Tuesdays @ 1:00 Ceramics – Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm or Wednesdays @ 11:00 Pinochle—Double Deck—Wednesdays @ 1:00 Bunco –1st & 3rd Wednesday @ 1:00 Walk with Ease Tuesdays & Fridays @ 9:30 On your own. Wood Carving – Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 8:30 Once a Month Specials: (Hearing Test & Foot Care & Dental Care require appointments) Medicare – Questions answered with Beth Moffett — See ad for times Blue Cross—Michelle Moore—See Schedule for Scappoose, plus classes at SH Office Hearing Testing – 3rd Thursday @ 11:30 by appointment only Dental Care / Hygiene—2nd Monday, by appointment only Foot Care – 2nd Tuesday By Appointment only 5 Area Lunch – Last Monday of the Month Mar—St. Helens, April—Clatskanie, May—Rainier Birthday Celebrations – Last Tuesday of the Month Spirit Mountain Casino Bus Trip – 3rd Tuesday Lucky Eagle Casino Bus Trip –Last Wednesday of the month Note: Music every Tuesday & Thursday – Band Group Music begins at 11:00 Piano music on occasion - when pianists are available QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Page 8 GIVE OF YOURSELF! Ongoing VOLUNTEER opportunity! NEEDED NOW: meals ON WHEELS DRIVERS Bread place thrift store KITCHEN HELP servers Volunteer now! In Memoriam ************** We have not been informed of any persons from our membership that should be on the list that usually appears here. If you know of someone we should be honoring please let the front office know. HELP US SEND CHEER! If you know of any one of our members who is ill or in the hospital please let the front office know so that we may send them a note of cheer! Page 9 MARCH APRIL MAY - 2016 Coming attractions: 3 7 8 10 10 10 13 15 17 17 17 18 20 24 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 MARCH Thursday Blood Pressure Test Monday NEW Dental Care by Appointment only (9:00—2:30) Cleaning, etc. Tuesday Foot Care—Appointment only Thursday Jewelry Lobby Display/Sales Thursday Board Meeting 2:00 Thursday Blood Pressure Test Sunday Daylight Savings Time Begins Tuesday Spirit Mountain Bus @ 8:30 Thursday St. Patrick’s luncheon Thursday Beth Moffett on Medicare Thursday` Hearing Test—Appointment only Thursday Blood Pressure Test Sunday Spring Begins—Palm Sunday Thursday Easter :Luncheon Thursday Quilters Lobby Display/Sale Thursday Blood Pressure Test Sunday Easter Sunday Monday 5-Area Luncheon—St. Helens Tuesday Birthday Celebration Wednesday Lucky Eagle Bus @ 8:30 Thursday Blood Pressure Test NOTE: Bus Fare = $15.00 for Members $20.00 for NON-Members for all trips unless otherwise noted AARP Driver Education classes are scheduled for April 4th and 5th, 1-4:30. Must attend both days. Sign up Now Dental Care Our pilot dental care program has its next day of appointments. Monday, March 7—9:00 to 2:30 Early date this month. Come early as there are questions to answer and forms to fill out. Be sure to bring your medical insurance identification. Lesley Harbison, a registered dental hygienist, will provide these services. Make your appointment— even those with dentures! Prices vary as to service rendered. Foot Care Service offered every month to care for your tootsies! By Appointment only! Tue. Mar. 8, Bring your own soak tub and a couple of hand towels and have Sharon professionally trim your toe-nails for you! Cost $30. Appointment required! Special Needs Kids These students are part of a special learning class in our public schools. They are coming to the Center to learn some life skills and social interaction. They will be assisting with lunch serving on Mondays when school is in sessions. Alisha, Travis and Tyler are the three who are assisting Carmen with the meal service. Ellie & Lindsey, will be here with them testing their skill abilities and guiding them in their endeavors to learn more life skills. Let us be courteous and supportive to their efforts. Member Comments: Paul -“Fantastic” John - “Great value” Gregg -“Feels Great” St. Paddy’s Luncheon Thur., Mar. 17 Traditional Corned beef & Cabbage! SUNDAY—MARCH 13, 2016 Easter Bonnet Parade Easter Luncheon Thurs., Mar. 24 at noon. Menu says: BAKED HAM! QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Page 10 Coming Attractions:: April 2 4 5 7 11 12 12 14 14 18 19 21 21 21 25 25 26 27 28 28 Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Annual Auction (Mayor’s Ball) AARP Driving Class AARP Driving Class Blood Pressure Test Dental Hygiene—Appointment required Foot Care—Appointment required Michelle Moore 10:00-11 Lobby Jewelry Display/Sales Blood Pressure Test Seed to Supper Garden Class Spirit Mountain Bus Trip Hearing Test Blood Pressure Test Beth Moffett— Medicare 5-Area Luncheon - Clatskanie Seed to Supper Garden Class Noon Birthday Party Lucky Eagle Bus Trip Lobby Quilt Display/Sales Blood Pressure Test BEFORE YOU SPEAK ** THINK ** T = is it true H = is it helpful I = is it inspiring N = is it necessary K = is it kind NOTE: Bus Fare = $15.00 for Members $20.00 for NON Members for all trips unless otherwise noted Medical Equipment Loaner Program Give a man a FISH and he’ll EAT FOR A DAY TEACH A MAN TO FISH and you’ll GET RID OF HIM FOR THE ENTIRE WEEKEND. Remember our loaner program when you have a need for a walker, shower chair, commode, crutches, etc. We only ask that you return the item when you are no longer in need. Donations of medical equipment accepted. Need something—ask us! May 2 5 5 9 9 10 12 12 16 17 19 19 19 23 25 26 26 30 31 Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Monday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Monday`` Tuesday Seed To Supper Class Mother’s Day Luncheon Blood Pressure Test Dental Hygiene—Appointment Required Seed To Supper Class Foot Care—Appointment Required Lobby Jewelry Display/Sale Blood Pressure Test Seed to Supper Class Spirit Mountain Bus Trip Blood Pressure Test Hearing Test Beth Moffett—Medicare Seed to Supper Class Lucky Eagle Bus Lobby Quilt Display/Sale Blood Pressure Test 5 Area Luncheon—Rainier Birthday Luncheon NOTE: Bus Fare = $15.00 for Members $20.00 for NON Members Shred Day Apr. 23, 10-1 Middle School Turnaround $5 per box Must take boxes home! Start saving you privatepapers for our Shred Day. All proceeds go towards our Meals on Wheels Program! MARCH—APRIL—MAY 2016 Page 11 Page 11 SCAPPOOSE THRIFT STORE…AFFORDABLE SHOPPING! ANY DAY ** CLOTHING $10/BASKET ** FIND IT HERE! SPECIAL GIFTS…WINTER NEEDS… Tax receipts available for donations. Profits from all donations stay local & support the Scappoose Senior Center Meals on Wheels Program OPEN Monday-Friday 10:00-4:00/Saturday 10:00-2:00 33511 Dutch Canyon Rd. *** 503-543-3281 Visa, MasterCard, Credit/Debit cards accepted at the Center AND at the Thrift Store * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUGGESTED LUNCH AND BEVERAGE DONATIONS LUNCH & COFFEE DONATIONS. Help! Recent lunch donations have been at an all-time low…even though, as you know, we have a superb chef & the food is more plentiful, nutritious & delicious than you’ll find elsewhere at this price! The suggested donation of only $4 per meal doesn’t even cover all of our costs, so please try to donate your share. $4 per meal for 60 & over and $5 per meal age 59 and under. To-Go meals are also $4 & a $3 payment is required for all leftover take-outs. Extra juice or milk with your meal is $.50 per glass. Desert only $1.00. Please pay the Hostess to receive your juice card tent so the servers know. DON’T FORGET OUR BREAD STORE! Open Monday through Saturday 10 am to 2 pm MISSION STATEMENT: TO ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR CITIZENS IN OUR COMMUNITY! ****************************************************************************************************** Nominate someone fabulous for the 2016 My Fair Lady Court Do you know a fabulous senior woman who volunteers in our community? If you do, please nominate her for the 2016 My Fair Lady Court. Nominations are due April 8, 2016. The My Fair Lady pageant is held during the Columbia County Fair each year and honors senior women for outstanding community service. Columbia River PUD has sponsored the My Fair Lady Pageant since 1991 in conjunction with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program and Columbia River Fire and Rescue. Nomination forms are available at the RSVP office in St. Helens, or online at www.crpud.net/myfairlady. Nomination forms for “My Fair Lady” are available here in our Senior Center at the front Office