SS. Simon and Jude Parish


SS. Simon and Jude Parish
Seventh Sunday of Easter
June 1, 2014
SS. Simon and Jude
A Stewardship Parish  8 Cavanaugh Court  West Chester, PA 
Lindsay Elizabeth Abate
Sabrina Elizabeth Abate
Sean Michael Appaneal
Simon Francis Arena
Christopher John Bianchi
Bailey Sebastian Boyle
Nicole Rita Brown
Evan Matthew Brunner
Madison Therese Bucci
Kiersten Anne Busch
Hannah Elizabeth Casanova
Joshua Nicholas Case
Angela Maria Cecco
Kyle Francis Cichanowsky
Kevin Matthew Clark
Lathan Michael Collins
Mara Therese Connell
Emma Agnes Costello
Catherine Maria Crenny
Alexander Paul Criscuolo
Catherine Margaret Crowe
Kathleen Cecilia Culhane
Luke Thomas Currie
Sophia Nicolette Currie
Dominic John Daniels
Morgan Gabriella Davis
Elizabeth Mary DeBarberie
Alex Dominic DiMichele
Jack Vincent Donohue
Cedric Leo Dube
Krystelle Rose Dube
Kyle Sebastian Emerson
Vivienne Kateri Evans
Christopher Joseph Farrell
Grace Brigid Farrell
Jacqueline Marie Ford
Abigail Therese Foster
Tyler Sebastian Frank
Kayla Maria Fusaro
Cayley Patricia Galczyk
Ava Mary Galiffa
Vincent Anthony Gueriera
Kaylee Lucia Haws
Lexi Katherine Haws
Neena Margaret Heffernan
Lauren Elizabeth Herm
Mallie Lucy Holman
Ashley Marie Hrybenko
Katherine Germaine Hyland
Jared Joseph Jackson
Dylan Francis Jones
Ashley Louise Kane
Patrick Kieran Kelly
Andrew Joseph Kiddie
Caitlyn Mary Kirk
Ethan Martin Kogut
Brian Francis Lake
Kyle Joseph Liberatore
Lauren Anastasia Lockhart
Allison Therese Lynch
Gianna Teresa Magolon
Kevin Joseph McAlee
Kieran Elizabeth McCarney
Ryan Francis McFillin
Samantha Madeline McHugh
Katherine Colette Meguerian
Jacqueline Joan Miller
Samantha Mary Mnich
Domenic Robert Moser
Gavin Paul O’Connor
Andrew Stephen Paoli
Jacob Michael Paris
Kerry Elizabeth Peyton
Samantha Clare Phillips
Victoria Veronica Pickel
Meaghan Bernadette Pierson
Daniel Gabriel Pimley
John Nicholas Pimley
Kyle Patrick Puchalla
John Michael Quinlan
Rielly Anastasia Ragni
Julia Bridget Repetto
Mark Richard Rice
Giovanna Bridget Rufo
Madison Marie Ryan
Eilyse Rhyan Scanlon
Sabrina Theresa Schneeman
Claire Jessica Sedlmair
Ryan Patrick Shrader
Katia Catherine Simpkins
Cole Paul Soster
William George Steiner
Alexander Mark Steltz
Eric Francis Stout
Timothy John Sullivan
Alison Elizabeth Tegler
Sienna Kateri Truskett
Celia Lucia Turnquist
William Mark Van Belle
Abbey Elizabeth Vandergast
Morgan Elizabeth Warley
Myla Marie Warley
Tara Theresa Watson
Tara Bridget Weir
Eily Emma Wilt
Andrew James Wright
Anna Katherine Zikas
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sat. Morning:
Holy Days:
5:00 p.m.
7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon and
6:00 p.m.
6:45 and 9:00 a.m.
Divine Mercy prayed after 9:00 a.m. Mass
9:00 a.m.
7:00 Vigil, 6:45 & 9:00 a.m. & 7:00p.m.
8:00-9:00 a.m. & 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Saturday Vigil:
June 1, 2014
Rev. Michael J. Gerlach, Pastor
Rev. Ronald Rossi, O.Praem, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mark J. Haynes, Parochial Vicar
Sister Elizabeth Bailey, IHM, Superior
Sister Mary Beth Coyle, IHM, Evangelization /Adult Faith Formation
Deacon James Lyon
Deacon James Owens
Deacon Joseph Ruggiero
Deacon William Shearer
Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Visit our Chapel day or night to spend time with Our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament. Exposition 7:30 am to 10:00 pm. Chapel is
open 24/7. Call Kathy Bond at 610-296-2526 or
Jackie Geary 610-436-5399 for more information.
Weekdays: after 6:45 a.m. and before 9:00 a.m. Mass
(Wednesdays-Liturgy of the Hours is prayed instead of Rosary).
New families should call or visit the Rectory Office (610-696-3624)
to make an appointment with a priest to register in the Parish.
Members of the parish who reach the age of 18 should register
separately as adults. If you have recently changed your status,
married, moved out of your parents home or graduated from college, you need to re-register. If you move, we would also appreciate a call to the Parish Office so that our records will be in order.
Baptisms will be celebrated the first three Sundays of the month.
Parents are asked to register their child for Baptism by calling the
Parish Office. If this is your first child, it is required that you attend
a Pre-Jordan Seminar. These are held on the fourth Sunday of the
month (except December and July) at 10:00 a.m. in St. Katherine
Drexel Room in Monahan Hall.
We need at least six months to assist engaged couples to prepare
for marriage. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment with
a priest.
Notify the Parish Office when a neighbor, friend or relative is aged,
sick or hospitalized. The sacraments of Penance,
Eucharist or Anointing are our joy and privilege to administer.
Ronald B. Avellino, Business Manager
Ellie Berry, Music Ministry Coordinator
Angelo Golato, Maintenance Supervisor
Marty Harris, Parish Services Director
Melanie Hart, Receptionist
Mary-Kay Lack, Financial Secretary
Bernadette Moncrief, Maureen O’Malley, Secretaries
8 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Fax: 610-696-3971
Web Site:
Sister Jeannine Norton, IHM, Principal
Susan D’Amore, School Secretary
6 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Fax: 610-696-4682
Sister Barbara Jude Gentry IHM, DRE
Mary Conway, Secretary
Address: 6 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Marty Harris, Phone: 610-235-4020
Web Site:
President……………………………………………....Colleen Tegler
Vice President…………………………….……….To Be Determined
Treasurer…………………………………………. .Maureen Shrader
Recording Secretary……………………………….....Kathi Clapham
Corresponding Secretary……………………………..Megan DelFra
Fr. Gerlach
Sr. Jeannine Norton
Elizabeth Beck
Gordon Jefferes
Colleen Tegler
Ellie Berry
Ken Kelly
Bernie O’Neill
Mark Cellini
Edward Lack
Mark Reber
Karen Galese
John Mattiola
Sue Surrichio
Randy Arpea
Fr. Gerlach
Sr. Jeannine Norton
Jennifer Appaneal Michael Bray Suzanne Burke Ralph Celidonio
Annette Glaudel
Diana Hoff
Ray Mazza
Seventh Sunday of Easter
June 1, 2014
Congratulations Children
The celebration of the seven sacraments is always a beautiful experience. The
celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation was simply delightful. We are
most grateful to Bishop John J. McIntyre for his prayerful intercession as he
conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on our dear parishioners of Saints
Simon and Jude on Saturday, May 31st. His gentle presence and reassurance
has strengthened our joy and hope.
Confirmation is a gentle gift that will prove to be a source of continued strength throughout
your lives. Yes, the Holy Spirit will be with you always. God’s grace of wisdom, understanding,
knowledge, courage, counsel, piety and fear of the Lord is yours forever, yours to use in your
daily life.
How do we know that we are walking in the Holy Spirit? Saint Paul tells us that we will know
we are living a Life in the Spirit by the fruit or the positive effects in our lives. Galatians,
chapter five gives a brief listing of these beautiful blessings: charity, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, constancy and chastity.
Father Gerlach, Father Hayes, Father Rossi, Father Lee, our Deacons, the Sisters and all your
teachers are very proud of you, children. We are grateful to everyone who made these
sacraments beautiful moments of God’s promise. Thank you to our good parents, grandparents and sponsors. Our Music Ministry sang that our souls may touch heaven. Altar Servers
thank you. Yes, even our good ushers: thank you.
Father Gerlach
This Year—May 25, 2014 — $26,267
Last Year—May 26, 2013 —$24,584
Pastor Comments: “Thank you for your generosity
all year long through God’s Plan for Giving. By
tithing we respond to God’s infinite love and place
our lives in His tender care. God has provided
everything for us and we need to express our
gratitude and praise Him in thought, word, and
deed. May the Lord bless you abundantly.”
Parishioners Comments: “Tithing has helped me
to appreciate what I have instead of complaining
about what I would like to have. I am most grateful
for the blessing of this new attitude.”
Would you like to become a Catholic?
You are welcome to an evening of inquiry
for prospective candidates on
Wednesday evening, June 11 at 7:00 pm. This
session will be held in the convent. For further
information, please contact Sr. Mary Beth in the
Parish Office.
Evangelization Committee
The final meeting of the Evangelization Committee
will take place on Monday evening, June 2nd,
7:00 pm in the Welcome Center. Ideas are always
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Abbey Faith and Music Fest
Tickets On Sale Now!
This festival, to be held on September 20 on the
grounds of Daylesford Abbey, is sponsored by the
Norbertine Fathers of Daylesford Abbey and
St. Norbert Parish both located in Paoli, PA.
It will be an extraordinary day with speakers, music
food, Holy Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation,
and ending with a candlelight Eucharistic Adoration.
Tickets are now available. For more information
please go to:
Summer Programs
St. Pius X - Summer Enrichment for children age
3+. The programs range from sports and arts to
academics and hands-on activities. This summer,
we offer Super Hero Boot Camp, Princess Power,
Kids in the Kitchen, Lego Masters, Magic Camp,
Intro to Theater, Sassy Summer Nail Salon and
more! Camps run through July for morning and
afternoon sessions.
Email for materials to be
sent to you.
Cardinal O’Hara - has a full summer of
programming for students 3+ including theater,
athletics, robotics, music, and Catholic Community
Choir. The camps run through August.
Merion Mercy Academy - Pre 8 Grade Summer
Academy, Placement Test Prep Class, 6 & 7 Grade
Academic Enrichment, sports camps. For a full
listing call 610-664-6655 Ext. 120 or
Pilgrimage to Fatima, September 9 - 15, 2014
For details, call 610-582-3333 or Price $1,900 per person, space is
limited to 40.
The Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is in need of a few members. Would
you like to do something, each week, for our Blessed
Mother? Please consider the Legion of Mary.
yourself to literature, and/or visit us at a meeting. We meet
weekly at 9:30 in the Welcome Center after Mass. We do
weekly visits to “shut-in” and nursing home residents; then
we discuss our experiences at the weekly meeting. Come
to a meeting, or call John Gustave 494-431-5325 for
June 1, 2014
Deceased of Parish for
Month of May
Peggy Baumgardner
JoAnne Dreger
Alfred Glaudel
Betty Hracho
Florence Kovateh
Gerry LaFond
Josephine Leone
Herb Lotman
Domenica Poletto
Mary A Socha
Howard Stade
Young Adults:
Join us for Praise & Worship Adoration
Are you in your 20s and 30s and looking for other
Catholics your age? CYACC (pronounced "kayak") exists
to offer social, spiritual, and service opportunities to
Catholic young adults in the local area. Join us this
Wednesday June 4 for our monthly Praise & Worship
Adoration begins at 7:30pm in the lower chapel of St.
Agnes in West Chester. Check us out on Facebook or by email See you
Miraculous Medal Shrine
June 15—23, 2014
Summer Novena of Hope
Rev. Vincent J. O’Malley, C.M.
Join us live each day at www.Miraculous
Chester County Voices Abroad will present a farewell
concert of sacred music on Friday, June 13 at 7:30 pm at
SS. Simon and Jude Church. A free will offering will be
From our own parish, Cecilia and Raymond Horchos will be
performing with this year’s choir! Please come out and support
them. For info
Church Cleaners
Thanks to the following parishioners for
volunteering to clean our church on Friday, June 6...
Dana Lynch, Louise Davis, Loretta Wascavage, Judy
Karlson, Julie Hurford. We are grateful for your help.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
June 1, 2014
School News
This past week was filled with hope and excitement as we looked to the future!!
The election of new student council officers was conducted. (The names will be announced next week as this
went to print before the votes were counted.)
Meetings continue as we move closer to completion of the Middle States self-study document with proposed
action plans to be submitted to our visiting team in November.
Meetings were also held to share new ideas for Home & School Board leadership, for the Math program and
for our Middle School unit.
And certainly not the least important view of the future was that we rejoiced as our sixth graders were
confirmed on Saturday and became the newest Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus in our parish!
To share in the hope and excitement of 14-15 as part of SSJ School please visit our website at and click on parish school, or call 610-696-5249 for information and/or to schedule an
appointment. A waiting list for kindergarten is in place but there are openings in other grades. Do not let
financial concerns hold you back. Generous donors allow us to offer tuition assistance.
Upcoming Schedule
Mon. 6/2
Fri. 6/6
End of Year Assessments in all curricular areas during the week
1:30pm DARE graduation for grade 5. Thank you Officer Mike Meiswich
Kindergarten will hold their closing ceremony at 10:00 am.
Sr. Jeannine Norton, Principal
PREP—Parish Religious Education Program
Registration for 2014-2015
We are still accepting registration forms for PREP. If you have any questions regarding registrations, please
do not hesitate to call the Religious Education Office at 610-692-3118.
Pre-School classes on Sunday mornings 9:00 am to 10:00 am for students ages 3, 4, and kindergarten.
Elementary Level Classes Levels 1 thru 6 are available at the following times:
Tuesday—Levels 1, 3, 4, 5 Times: 4:15 pm to 5:30 pm
Tuesday—Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Times: 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm
(Students preparing for First Penance & First Communion must attend)
Wednesday Levels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Times: 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm.
(Students preparing for Confirmation must attend)
We offer 7th and 8th grade students “Youth Group” on Sunday evenings (first and third Sundays) 7:00 pm to
8:30 pm. We are very grateful to all those who support and cooperate in this very important matter of Religious
Catholic Education and Faith Formation.
Vacation Bible Camp
It is time to register for our five-day “Son” Treasure Island Adventure Camp this
summer. To register on-line please visit our website and download the registration form.
You won’t want to miss all the fun in the “Son”. Ages of the children are 3 to 12 year
olds . Camp is June 23 to 27 from 9:30 to 12:30. Volunteers are needed. So please
come out and join in another great summer activity here at SSJ. Our next meeting for
volunteers for the Vacation Bible Camp will be Thursday, June 5th at 7:00 PM.
Our Parish family welcomed Bishop John J. McIntyre on Saturday, May 31. Let us continue to pray and
support these young people who are the hope and future of our Catholic Church. A very special thank you to all
those who have helped these students reach this point in their faith formation. TODAY, June 1 these students
will be wearing their Confirmation robes at Mass.
God Bless You, Sr. Barbara Jude Gentry
Seventh Sunday of Easter
June 1, 2014
Do You Need A Nurturing
After School Environment for
Your Child ?
SS. Simon and Jude CARES (Children Are Receiving
Extended Services) Program provides professional
care, supervision, recreation and homework help to
all working families who desire supplementary day
care in a Catholic environment. This service is
available to all SSJ students from Grade 1-8 and full
day Kindergarten. If interested, please call Ron
Avellino or Maureen O’Malley at the Rectory Office,
610-696-3624 or visit the school website for
registration forms and information.
Knights’ Korner
Knights of Columbus
SS. Simon & Jude Council
Did You Know?...
...That the Knights have been active in a variety of charitable
roles in Rome for more than 90 years. Following the Knights’
service to American troops in Rome in World War I, Pope
Benedict XV in 1920 invited the Knights to continue the Order’s good works in the city and develop playgrounds for the
city’s youth, who had few open spaces for exercise in the postwar years. The Knights did so, and continue to manage and
maintain athletic fields, which are free to the young people of
Save The Date!!!
K Of C Annual Golf Outing…Monday, July 7, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014 —Join us as we visit the Philadelphia Shrines, Cost $30
After the 9:00 am Mass at SS. Simon and Jude we will board the bus in the Church parking lot. Please park your
car on the far left side of the church parking lot. First stop: a visit to the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia
which includes a tour of the Upper Church, Adoration and an opportunity for confession. Followed by a guided tour
of the Cathedral /Basilica. We will stop at the Reading Terminal Market and the last stop will be the Shrine of St.
John Neumann where we will tour the lower church and Museum. Visits to the gift shops at both shrines will be
Please bring your lunch —bottles of water, cups and ice will be provided on the bus. For reservation contact
Mary Ann McCarry at 610-431-7979. Make checks payable to SS. Simon and Jude Parish and remit with
coupon. Please note on the envelope “Shrine Trip”
July 2, 2014 Trip to Shrines in Germantown and Bucks County, Cost $30
First Stop: Shrine of the Miraculous Medal in Germantown — Includes Gallery of Religious Art including the
vestments worn by Pope Pius XII the day St. Catherine Laboure was canonized. Tour the Upper Church and Shrine.
Hear the story of St. Catherine Laboure and the apparitions and a visit to the gift shop.
Second Stop: National Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel in Bensalem...hear the story of St. Katharine, visit the
Museum and chapel. Walk in the footsteps of St. Katharine Drexel.
Third Stop: National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa also known as the American Czestochowa is a
Polish-American Roman Catholic Shrine.—Doylestown, PA. Beautiful shrine and grounds and gift shop.
Please fill out the form for either one or both trips. Return in an envelope marked “Shrine Trip” Make checks
payable to SS. Simon & Jude Parish. For Reservations call Mary Ann McCarry 610-431-7979.
□June 25 Shrine Trip
Cost $30
□July 23rd Shrine Trip
Telephone _______ _________ ________
Traveling Partner______________________
Cell Phone _______ ________ __________
Emergency Contact: __________________________
Phone:______ _______ __________
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Immaculata University Holds
Undergraduate Open House
Saturday, June 14 on Campus
Registration and continental breakfast begins at
8:30 AM and the program concludes 12:30 pm.
For info, contact College of Undergraduate
Studies Office of Admission at 610-647-4400,
ext. 3060 or or register
online at
Come One, Come All
A family-safe, fun-filled, 7th annual, St.
Joseph Community Festival on the
grounds of St. Joseph Church and school
on Manor Ave (Rte 322) in Downingtown.
The expanded festival includes a midway, live bands,
adult games and beverages, kiddy games, food, and
raffles and runs from June 17 through June 21 each
evening from 6 till 10PM (TUE-THU) or 11 PM (FRISAT). Family Night is every night where $25 gets you
unlimited rides all night long. See details at our website
at from there you can also
link to our Facebook page. Hope to see you there!
Graduation News
June 4, 2014 at 11:00 AM
for Archbishop John Carroll HS
At Cabrini College
Baccalaureate Mass will be held on Tuesday, June 3,
2014 at 7:00 PM at St. Pius X Church, Broomall
Bishop Shanahan Ice Hockey Meet & Greet
Friday, June 6 at 6:30 PM
Bishop Shanahan Ice Hockey is looking for players
for High School Boys’ Varsity, High School Girls’
Varsity, Middle School Co-Ed, Elementary players.
For more info, contact: Mike Veneziale at 484-3198396 or
Pentecost Red
We are celebrating Pentecost “red” next weekend
Let YOUR spirit be re-energized on Pentecost
Sunday, June 8 and wear something red to Mass.
Remember to invite a friend family member or
neighbor who does not often get to Mass to come
with you.
June 1, 2014
Consider renting The
Meehan Center as you
plan your next party,
event, or meeting.
For more information, please contact
Marty Harris or Ron Avellino
at 610-235-4020.
Web Site:
SS. Simon and Jude CYO
Fall Registration is OPEN
Please register by July 1. After July 1 a
$25.00 late fee will be added.
New this season is Field Hockey - more details to
come on how to register. Field Hockey is currently
open on Wagdogs but reach out to Shelley with
Football - Fee $150.00
Contact - Rob Gueriera - 610-506-1834 or Football fittings will be
May 19th or 20th from 6:30 - 8:00 in the Parish
Center (next to gym)
Soccer - Fee $110.00
Contact for Girls- Tom McCarron 610-405-7454 or
Contact for Boys - Dale Bartlett 610-405-2729 or
Field Hockey - Fee $110
Contact Shelley Steel 610-299-3963 or
JV ONLY Grades 5 & 6
Volleyball - Fee $100
Contact Kevin Hoff 484-422-8611 or
General Questions please contact Gary McAneney at
215-915-6080 or or
Jeff Rice 610-952-1254 or
SSJ offers financial assistance to any families that
may need help offsetting the registration fees.
Please contact Gary or Jeff with those requests.
Casseroles will be collected the third Sunday of the
month from 8:15am to 11:00am. Please drop off
FROZEN casseroles in the kitchen in
Monihan Hall. If you would like to make a
casserole please pick up recipes and containers at
the Rectory.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
June 1, 2014
Saturday, May 31
5:00 pm
Arlene Scanlon (35th Anniversary)
Sunday, June 1
7:30 am
Living and Deceased of Parish
9:00 am
Mr. & Mrs. Amedeo Volpe
10:30 am
Mr. John LeSage
12:00 pm
Herman & Olga Diesel
6:00 pm
Intentions of the Priest Celebrant
Monday, June 2
6:45 am
Marie M. Hagan (25th Anniversary)
9:00 am
Mae Servis
Tuesday, June 3
6:45 am
Joseph Barr
9:00 am
Kathleen M. Brownholtz
Wednesday, June 4
6:45 am
George Giampietro
9:00 am
Kathleen Brownholtz
Thursday, June 5
6:45 am
Margaret Ranaudo
9:00 am
Terry LaFond
Friday, June 6
6:45 am
Robert Courtney
9:00 am
Joseph Kelly (2nd Anniversary)
Saturday, June 7
8:30 am
The O’Hara Family
5:00 pm
Jennie R. & Joseph A. Gervatoski
Sunday, June 8 Pentecost Sunday
7:30 am
Living & Deceased of Parish
9:00 am
Lucy Hare
10:30 am
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Torchiana, Jr.
12:00 pm
Russell King
6:00 pm
Intention of the Priest Celebrant
Baby Carolyn, Baby Michael
Yarnall, Baby Benjamin Zikas, Baby Anne Marie Tucker, Sarah
Murnaghan, Kelsey Hull, Sandra Aberant, Joseph Berry Sr.,
Barbara Boschetti, Bonnie W. Burns, Ellen Carbin, Carol Chipps,
Temple Coldren, Jill Daly, Charlotte DellaPolla, Louise Denning,
Bud Devlin, Mary Ann Docherty, Irene Dudasik, Ginny Dunn,
Kirk Ebbs, Frank Ferrante, Maggie Fisher, Rita Gamrat, Sgt.
Richard Geiger, James Goodnetter, Adele Gray, Ann Guba, Bill
Haley, Dolores Hassler, Dr. Ignatius Hneleski, Jr., John Jelosits,
Pat Kahl, Collette Kazanjian, Joseph Keevil, Taylor Kulp, Ron
Lafferty, Diane & Beth Laganelli, Noah Lamar, Diane Lancaster,
William Lloyd, Catherine Madden, Jennifer McGlone, Margaret
McGonigle, Charles McGuigan, JoEllen McLaughlin, Robert &
Lynn Meehan, Jeffery Melasecca, Lillian Nacchio, Nancy Palmo,
Ruth Rogers, Gloria Ryan, Barbara Savini, Marie Schneck, Pat
Shearer, Alexander Sera, Stephen Sinclair, Mary Sivek, Vicki
Smith, Julia Spano,
Howard Steel, Lauren Thomas, Frank
Zieger, Carol Zurlo.
Sunday, June 1
9:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Chapel)
10:00 am CYO Banquet (Meehan Center)
10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Chapel)
1:30 pm Baptisms (Church)
1:30 pm Retrouvaille (Cafeteria)
7:00 pm AA (East Hall)
7:00 pm Youth Led Ministry (Meehan Center)
Monday, June 2
9:45 am Prayer Group (Welcome Center)
7:00 pm Respect Life Holy Hour (Chapel)
7:00 pm Charismatic Prayer Group (Choir Room)
7:00 pm Home & School Board (SKD Room)
Tuesday, June 3
7:00 pm RCIA (IHM & St. Joseph Room)
7:30 pm Prayer Group (Welcome Center )
Wednesday, June 4
9:45 am Legion of Mary (Welcome Center)
7:00 pm Adult Social Club (Welcome Center)
7:00 pm Prayer Shawl (SSJ Room)
Thursday, June 5
9:00 am Kindergarten Beach Day
9:30 am Small Church Communities (WC)
2:00 pm Rosary at Pembrooke
7:00 pm Vacation Bible Camp Meeting (SKD Room)
7:30 pm Elizabeth Ministry (Welcome Center)
Friday, June 6
9:45 am Church Cleaners (Church/Chapel)
10:00 am Kindergarten Closing (Cavanaugh Hall)
12:00 pm Beach Day Grades 1-8
7:30 pm NA (East Hall)
Saturday, June 7
Sunday, June 8
9:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Chapel)
10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Chapel)
1:30 pm Baptism (Church)
1:30 pm Retrouvaille (Meehan Center)
7:00 pm AA (East Hall)
7:00 pm Youth Led Ministry (Meehan Center)
Vigil For Life
Join Reverend Monsignor John J. Jagodzinski
as a volunteer
Helper of God’s Precious Infants in a
Vigil For Life
Saturday, June 7, 2014
St. Agnes Church
8:00 AM Mass followed by a
Rosary Pilgrimage
to Planned Parenthood