Harbor bacteria levels especially high following storms
Harbor bacteria levels especially high following storms
526 S . CONKLING S T REE T | 410 -732- 66 0 0 | I N FO @ BA LT I MOREGU I DE.COM | W W W.BA LT I MOREGU I DE.COM C ANTON HARDWARE: The folks that brought Federal Hill Ace Hardware open a Canton store PRIDE OF BALTIMORE II: The ship offers an accurate representation of a privateer’s vessel. PAGE 2 PAGE 5 SE RV I N G E A S T BA LT I M O R E S I N C E 1927 W E D N ES DAY, S E P T E M B E R 5 , 2 012 WHAT'S HAPPENING ✦ Canton Roller Derby Charm City Roller Girls Double Header: In the opener, the Mobtown Mods plan to take a bite out of the previous season’s Donaghy Cup Champions, the undefeated Night Terrors. Join the fun at the Clarence “Du” Burns Arena, 1301 S. Ellwood Ave., Saturday, Sept. 8. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $15, but it’s recommended that patrons buy online at www.missiontix.com. Kids under 12 are $5. General admission is $12 and VIP tickets are $25. ✦ First District Constituents’ Picnic: Councilman Jim Kraft would like to invite all First District residents to his annual cookout on September 8. The cookout will be on the Captain James Crab Deck (2127 Boston St.) from 4-6 p.m. This is a free event and is open to all First District residents, so please spread the word. To RSVP please call 443-635-9819 or email FriendsofJimKraft@gmail.com. See our complete Community Calendar on pages 6 and 7. DENNIS E. CUOMO Attorney At Law * CRIMINAL CASES * D.W.I/TRAFFIC (Former Assistant States’ Attorney) * PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT CASES * DIVORCE SEPARATION CUSTODY * WILLS AND ESTATE ADMINISTRATION Harbor bacteria levels especially high following storms BY DANIELLE SWEENEY DSWEENEY@BALTIMOREGUIDE.COM The Inner Harbor has a problem with bacteria, especially after heavy rainstorms, like the ones Baltimore has been having lately, says David Flores, the water quality manager for Blue Water Baltimore. Blue Water has been collecting data on bacterial contamination in the Inner Harbor since 2009. Every other week from April through November, Flores takes out Blue Water’s 16-foot cruiser, docked at the Baltimore Museum of Industry, and samples water from 17 stations in the Inner Harbor area for bacteria, nutrients, and chlorophyll every other week. “These are core water quality parameters,” says Flores, noting that the regular sampling from so many sites, including Henderson’s Wharf, Bo Brooks’ Marina, and the Broadway Pier, gives Blue Water a good idea of the health of the harbor at any given time. Blue Water publishes the results of their testing on their Web site, color-coding each sample red for high, yellow for medium, or green for low levels of bacterial contamination. Taken within about 10 hours of a storm, the newest samples—Aug. 15 as of press time—show high levels of bacteria at several sites. “After a storm is when we get the highest levels of bacteria,” says Flores. For example, the Pierside Dr. testing site, the Jones Falls Outflow site (near the pedestrian bridge close to Pier 6), and the Harbor East Marina site all showed bacteria levels at 24,200 MPN/ml (meaning the most-probable number of organisms per one mililiter) What do those bacteria levels mean for Photo by Danielle Sweeney David Flores, Water Quality Manager for Blue Water Baltimore’s Waterkeeper program, gets ready to head out to collect water samples from 17 stations in the Inner Harbor. human health? Meyers, head of Blue Water Baltimore’s “The EPA standards for bacterial con- Waterkeeper team. tamination of a body of water for activities “[That level of bacteria] poses a high risk involving frequent contact with the water of illness for swimmers. Kayakers and sail[like swimming] are 104 MPN/ml and 500 CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 MPN/ml for infrequent contact,” says Tina Ask about our Gold Buying Parties! INSTANT CASH! The Gold Buying Leader! MORE CASH FOR YOUR GOLD e s! No G am 323-325 S. Conkling Street 410-675-7900 Nosotros Pagamos Mas Por el ORO! Telly S. Md.Lic#2366 Gold, Silver, Platinum, Coins Any Condition! No Gimmicks! 507 Eastern Blvd.,Essex, MD 21221 410-391-GOLD 2 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 ‘Pride of Baltimore II’ offers an engaging look at the privateer days BY ERIK ZYGMONT EDITOR@BALTIMOREGUIDE.COM Those who keep the “Pride of Baltimore II” afloat and participating in the tall ships scene have the same attitude of the privateers of the War of 1812, says Partner Captain Jamie Trost. “It’s always been a pick me, can do, over here sort of process,” said Trost, who is one of two rotating captains of the Pride. “Privateering, too, was inspired citizens pulling together.” Pride of Baltimore Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, established in 1981 at then-mayor Donald Schaefer’s request. “The city realized they couldn’t manage a ship as well as run a city,” said Trost. After a trip down the New England coast—from Maine to Nantucket to New York City—the “Pride of Baltimore II” returned to the Broadway Pier last week and is now docked in the Inner Harbor through tomorrow (Thursday). Ship tours area available today from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Pride then sails to Fort McHenry for Defenders Day celebrations. Free ship tours are available on Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 1 p.m., respectively. & ·$G LWL]HQV YLVR The “Pride of Baltimore II” is named for privateer Thomas Boyle’s ship, the “Chasseur,” which was hailed as the Pride of Baltimore upon its return from the War of 1812. Chasseur is the French word for hunter. According to Trost, even the name was an insult to the enemy. “No sound was more offensive to the British than the French language,” he said. Boyle is famous for, among other things, proclaiming a blockade of England, which was nailed to the door of Lloyd’s of London, a prominent insurer, Trost said. Lloyd’s started demanding that all insured British merchant ships travel with a military escort, another stress factor leading to the end of the war. Privateers like Boyle raided British merchant ships and took their goods and treasures. They were not paid by the U.S. government—legal obstacles to piracy against the British were simply lifted. “It was one of the most extreme venture capital ideas in history,” said Trost. Photo by Erik Zygmont Privateers bought their own ships and paid their crews. If they successfully plun- Topsail schooners, exemplified here by the “Pride of Baltimore II,” were comdered the British merchant ships, then they mon during the War of 1812 era. According to Jamie Trost, Partner Captain made a lot of money. If not, “you were basi- of the Pride, the fast ships were ideal for getting around or through a British CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 blockade. QFLO U\&RX &$& ZLOOPHHWRQ 7KXUVGD\6HSWHPEHU SP 06%&&RPPXQLW\2XWUHDFKDQG(GXFDWLRQDO&HQWHU 6HFXULW\%RXOHYDUG %DOWLPRUH0' 7KH&$&PHHWVRQWKHVHFRQG7KXUVGD\HYHU\RWKHUPRQWK 7KLVPHHWLQJLVRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF &UHDWHGE\WKH0DU\ODQG*HQHUDO$VVHPEO\WKH&LWL]HQV·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ednesday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 The Baltimore Guide 3 Materials have advanced; sailing has remained the same CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Every Sunday during football season... Jamie Trost of the “Pride of Baltimore II” cally out the cost of the ship and all the wages of the crew,” said Trost. Many of the privateers were merchants themselves. The British kept them from crossing the seas and making their money in peace. “They adapted their own trade in a way that helped their country and helped themselves,” said Trost. “Instead of loading their ships up with cargo, they loaded up with guns to take cargo from the enemy.” Since sailing out of Baltimore harbor on June 19 at the conclusion of the Star Spangled Sailabration festivities, the “Pride of Baltimore II” sailed up to Halifax and back down, stopping at various ports along the way. Trost says that sailing a replica wooden ship such as the Pride is “a lot more work” than sailing a modern boat. “We haven’t learned a whole heck of a lot more about sailing in the last 200 years,” he said, “but we have learned about the strength of materials and the applicability of materials.” In other words, the Pride sails more or less like a modern ship, but one must take into account that it is built from un-modern materials. The ship has an engine room—”We have a schedule to keep,” said Trost—and a relatively-modern cabin below decks to accommodate the professional crew of 12, plus up to 6 working guests, who learn sailing while engaged in “adventure travel.” “We work people hard enough on deck that we don’t want to make their lives miserable below decks,” said Trost. Tailgate Party 1-4pm food & drink specials Monday 1/2 Price Burgers Tuesday - Closed 3rd Wednesday of each month Firefighter and Law Enforcement Appreciation Night 1/2 Price Nachos 1/2 Price Well Drinks 1/2 Price Domestic Beers Visit us on Facebook for Daily Specials 4pm-2am Weds - mon Thursday Ladies Night 1/2 Price bottled wine $15 Prime Rib Special Dinner Friday Teacher Appreciation Night 2 for 1 Miller Lite 1/2 Price Pizza Specials Saturday Buy one get one appetizers Every day Dual Happy Hours 4-6pm and 11pm-2am Every Night is Hospitality Appreciation Night 4 The Baltimore Guide Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 editorial: A tough life in Baltimore, historically speaking The “Star Spangled Banner.” Fort McHenry. Frederick Douglass. William Fell. The U.S.S. Constellation. The Middle Passage. Billie Holiday. Thomas Boyle. Henry Dashiell. After moving to Baltimore about a year ago, these people, places, and things began to seep into my conciousness. Walking to the harbor and around to Federal Hill from my home in Fell’s Point, I frequently passed the Constellation. Waiting for the water taxi at the Maritime Museum, I read the sign about Frederick Douglass and Isaac Myers. Driving past the Visionary Art Museum in the early morning, I would see the words “O say can you see.” Up to now, I have never paid too much attention to all the historical stimuli in Baltimore. During Sailabration, I watched some ships come in. I thought, “That looks nifty,” and that was that. I listened to some folks explain how Fort McHenry had successfully repelled the British attack on Baltimore Harbor, but I just mentally catalogued “another American defeat of the British,” and promptly returned my attention to whatever gravely important issue I happened to be dealing with. (My computer is acting a little sluggish—the horror!) But when I really sit still and reflect on history, though, it seems that nothing I deal with should be stressful. I never had to secretly teach myself to read during the rare moments when my “owners” weren’t forcing me to work without pay (Frederick Douglass). I was never tasked with negotiating the release of an American prisoner of war, which meant that I would have to spend time with the enemy while they did their best to take down the city of Baltimore Mystery Photo This mysterious eye is located somewhere in the Baltimore Guide’s coverage area. Do you know where it watches from? Hint: The eye is awake, even if the building is “sleeping.” Give us your answers on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BaltimoreGuide EASTERN FAMILY DENTAL CENTER DENTURES AS LOW AS $799 526 S. Conkling Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 baltimoreguide.com 1-Hour Whitening Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Ed Hoffman, Publisher 410-732-6600 ext. 8 ehoffman@baltimoreguide.com Jackie Miller, Circulation & Billing 410-732-6600 ext. 1 jmiller@baltimoreguide.com Erik Zygmont, Editor 410-732-6603 / 410-732-6600 ext. 5 ezygmont@baltimoreguide.com Danielle Sweeney, Reporter 410-732-6602 / 410-732-6600 ext. 6 dsweeney@baltimoreguide.com Shelley Evans, Account Executive 410-732-6617 / 410-732-6600 ext. 4 sevans@baltimoreguide.com Delores Langley, Classified Account Executive 410-732-6616 ext. 2 dlangley@baltimoreguide.com Jennifer Franz, Art Director/Webmaster 443-573-2950 / 410-732-6600 ext. 7 ads@baltimoreguide.com Contributing Photographers Thomas C. Scilipoti, Bill Lear, Maggie Allen, Anna Santana Contributing Writer Andy Mindzak, The Birds House Member MDDC - the Maryland-Delaware Press Association © 2012 Ascend Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. www.baltimoreguide.com MICHAEL K. EXLER, D.D.S., F.A.G.D KWANRAK SANIT, D.M.D FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION* SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT* *Not vaild for Third Party Coverage MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Quality, Affordable Dentistry for the Entire Family HIGHLANDTOWN/CANTON 3715 EASTERN AVENUE (410) 327-5488 DAILY & EVENING HOURS BY APPOINTMENT LOMBARD HARDWARE and TOOL RENTAL UPPER FELLS POINT There’s still an old fashioned hardware store in the neighborhood! WINDOWS & SCREENS REPAIRED One Day Service! LOCKS & KEYS WE CUT KETS 99¢ We can Re-Key Your House Lock for $10.00 Custom Made Stained Glass 1747 E. Lombard St. (corner of S. Ann St.) Open Mon-Sat: 8-5 Except Wed: 8-3 410-276-1294 (Francis Scott Key and The Star Spangled Banner). Everyone who appreciates history probably has their own “pet nugget” from the past. The stories of the privateers drew me into the 1812 era. Many of them were merchants unable to go about their business due to the British blockade. “All’s fair in war,” said the U.S. government, so the merchants loaded up their ships with guns instead of goods, accepted enormous risks, and set out to take their profits from the British merchants by force. Were they “good” men? Who knows? Given extreme circumstances, they adapted their methods of making a living, and brought an end to the war in the process. Baltimore offers tons of opportunities to get in touch with the past. In doing so, we can apply those lessons to the present, even if that lesson is simply “Buck up!” Yellowed Pages Soldiers get ‘danger pay’ Members of the armed forces in the Persian Gulf will be paid an additional $110 monthly as “danger pay,” according to the Reagan administration. Formal notification of Congress was deemed unnecessary under the War Powers Act, so the payments will begin without congressional approval. the Pentagon said that there are about 10,000 people eligible for the danger pay, bringing this monthly bill to about $1.1 million, which the individual services are to pay from their existing budgets. The War Powers Resolution limits a president’s ability to act without congressional authority to send U.S. forces into situations “where imminent Call me today to hear about these optional involvement in hostilities is clearly indicatfeatures: New Car Replacement, Accident ed.” Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. The Defense Department justified the danger pay by saying a different standard Jim Craig (410) 752-1300 applies to the pay that has been approved. JimCraig1@allstate.com that standard requires the “threat of physical 912 Light St. harm or imminent danger.” Federal Hill the Pentagon said that while “there exists 2829 O'Donnell St. the potential for physical harm to members Canton of U.S. forces, we are still of the opinion that imminent involvement in hostilities is not 1121 Merritt Blvd. Dundalk clearly indicated by the circumstances” in the Persian Gulf. This article first appeared in the Sept. 3, Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. © 2009 1987, issue of the Baltimore Guide. Allstate Insurance Company In search of GERALDINE MARSH She graduated from Patterson Park High School in June 1948. She is now 82. Her last known address was 701 S. Conkling St. Baltimore, MD If you are her or know her, please have her contact me.. Email: limeoats@aol.com Call 1-717-244-0088 Emil Korczynski Patterson Park High School June 1948 Happy Birthday #5 “Ringo” ★ September 7th “We love ya very much” Yoko, Rebel & Punk (R.I.P) Dad JR & Bobby Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 The Baltimore Guide 5 Ace Hardware opening in Canton by Erik Zygmont EDITOR@BALTIMOREGUIDE.COM “Our toilet’s always running, our pictures are on the ground, and we’re living in the dark because there are no hardware stores.” This phrase constantly ran through Gina Schaefer’s head after she moved in to a Washington, D.C. condominium with her husband, Marc Friedman. Eventually, the couple solved their problems by opening their own hardware store, Logan Hardware, through the Ace Hardware Cooperative. Six more hardware stores later, the couple is now opening a Canton store at 1022 Binney St. in mid-September. “We can’t wait to be in Canton,” said Schaefer. “Our model is to go into neighborhoods that have a strong identity, and Canton certainly seems to fit that bill.” Schaefer says her Ace stores largely cater to the residential homeowner and renter. “I am your local, independant hardware store; I just happen to use the Ace name,” she said, clarifying that Ace is a cooperative rather than a franchise or chain store. Rather than purchasing the Ace name, as in a franchise, store owners in the Ace Hardware Cooperative must maintain minimum standards set by the cooperative. There is also a minimum amount that cooperative members must purchase through Ace. The cooperative itself is made up of the owners of Ace stores. “It gives us access to a great brand and BIG BIG Deals $ $ Look HERE every week for $ GUN & KNIFE SHOW $ $ Gina Schaefer $ $ $ $ $ $ Baltimore 45 Association Tall Cedars Hall Putty Hill Shopping Center Saturday, October 6th 9am-4pm Sunday, October 7th 9am-3pm 2501 Putty Hill Ave., Parkville, MD better-priced products,” said Schaefer, noting that there are 4,200 Ace retailers, giving the cooperative bargaining leverage with hardware suppliers. One of Schaefer and Friedman’s eight stores is Federal Hill Ace Hardware, at Light St. and West St. That store was runnerup in the Guide’s annual Reader’s Choice Awards this year. “We really like Federal Hill; it seems like a nice place to be,” said Schaefer, adding that she hadn’t anticipated expanding in Baltimore. Somebody alerted the couple to the available space in Canton, however, and the community had several attractive aspects. “It’s a walking community,” said Schaefer, $ $ Admission $7 • Call 717-697-3088 With the purchase of a 600 sq. ft. Roof Offer expires 9/30/12 Call for details! One per customer. CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 How to Sell Your Home for the Price You Want and Need $ $ $ $ $ $ Refer A Friend & Receive $125 $ with signed referral must have referral card at time of contract signing Paid Advertisement This report is courtesy of The Lazarz-Lynch Team of Execuhome Realty Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright © 2012 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Send your canlendar items to dsweeney@ baltimoreguide.com. .Wednesday, September 5 Happy Hour: Highlandtown’s artists and neighbors hold a happy hour on the first Wednesday of each month, 4-8 p.m at the Laughing Pint, 3531 Gough Street. Charm City Roller Girls and One Rock Sept. 8, 9-10:30 a.m. Info: ppaudubon@ Studio will present a screening of “Derby gmail.com or 410-558-2473. Baby” at The Creative Alliance at 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 7. “Derby, Baby” is the first feature-length documentary about the global women’s roller derby scene. It is narrated by Juliette Lewis. Tickets are available at the Creative Alliance box office, 3134 Eastern Thursday, September 6 Highlandtown Farmers’ Market: Ave., by phone, 410-276-1651, or online, Eastern Ave. and Conkling St., 4-8 p.m., www.creativealliance.org. Tickets are $10 every Thursday, with local produce, foods, for general public and $5 for Creative Alliance members. goods, entertainment, and other items. Lunch for Seniors: Canton Baptist Saturday, September 8 Mobtown Moon Preview Church, 3302 Toone St., hosts a free lunch Flea Market: The Prince of Peace “Mobtown Moon” is a group of lofor seniors 60 and older on Thursdays from Lutheran Church at 8212 Philadelphia Rd. in cal musicians’ take on Pink Floyd’s noon-2 p.m. All seniors are welcome. Info: Rosedale is holding a flea market Sept. 8 on “Dark Side of the Moon.” It includes the front church lawn from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 410-563-1177 or www.cantonbaptist.net. “found sounds” from Baltimore Family Fishing: On the first Thursday of Info: 410-866-8766. streets. For more information on each month, there’s a free catch-and-release Audubon’s Garden Team: Meet at the the project, visit mobtownmoon. family fun fishing night at the boat lake in Audubon pollinator garden, on the west side com. The Patterson Theater offers Patterson Park, 6 -8 p.m. BYO fishing tackle of the boat lake. Flex your green thumbs a preview of “Mobtown Moon” on Saturday, Sept. 8. Doors open at or borrow a loaner. Bait is provided. Info: while helping take care of native plant gar8 p.m. For tickets, visit creativealMark Burke 410-396-9392. Weather cancel- dens in Patterson Park. We need volunteers liance.org, or call 410-276-1651. to make sure healthy habitats remain for the lation info: 410-396-7078. Zumba: Free Zumba every Thursday Sept park’s birds, bees, and butterflies. Practice 6 - Oct. 18 at the Patterson Park Extension, gardening techniques, learn identification between Linwood Ave. and Ellwood Ave. skills, and spend a nice morning outdoors. “The Hunger Games”: Saturday at 1 We’re happy to sign community service p.m. Just for teens at the Southeast Anchor Info: katie@pattersonpark.com. hours for helpful students. Tools, gloves, and Library, 3601 Eastern Ave. Info: 410-396Friday, September 7 1580. Roller Derby Documentary: The water provided. No need to register. Saturday, GAFFNEY’S Steamed Crabs Since 1970 415 S. HIGHLAND AVE. 410-327-4006 Event of the Week Eichenkranz Restaurant German Cuisine plus a variety of other International Specialties! LUNCH 7 DAYS! We grind our own beef! Open 4-9pm M-F, 2-9pm Sat & Sun ial c e p S 3 dozen Small Males 50 $ 00 FREE DELIVERY to the Highlandtown area Eat-in or Carryout. In a Hurry? Call Ahead! 1/2lb Burger $4.25 with cheese $4.55 Includes Chips & Pickle Gourmet Food at Fast Food Prices! Chicken Pot Pie with 1 side $7.50 Weds & Thurs Fried Shrimp or Crab Fluff with 2 sides $5.79 EAT-IN ONLY Our Food is Homemade! 611 S. Fagley Street in Highlandtown 410-563-7577 Monday-Thursday 8:30am-9pm Friday & Saturday 8:30am-10pm • Sunday 8:30am-8pm Breakfast • Banquet Room • Spacious Parking www.eichenkranz.com Ukrainian Festival: Sept. 8 and 9 in Patterson Park at S. Linwood Ave. and Eastern Ave. Music, dance, food, culture. Saturday 12-9 p.m. Sunday 12-7 p.m. Free admission. Info: www.ukrainianfestival.net. Tuesday, September 11 Canton Dog Park: The Canton Dog Park meetings are held eight times per year at 7 p.m. in Canton Cove’s conference room, 2901 Boston St. The next is on Tuesday, Sept. 11. Info: www.cantondogpark.org. Wednesday, September 12 Hampstead Hill Association: It meets on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 6-8 p.m., at Hampstead Hill Academy, 500 S. Linwood Ave. Other meetings will be held in November, January, March, and May. Info: Please call Jean Pula, 410-370-2644. Community Notebook Register Early for Free Prostate Exams: During Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the Brady Urologic Institute at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center is offering free prostate cancer screenings on Wednesday, Sept. 19, from 5-8 p.m. The screening consists of a free digital rectal CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 The Baltimore Guide 7 8 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 BIRDS HOUSE: THEIR WORK IS ALL CUT OUT FOR THEM BY ANDY MINDZAK So here they come down the stretch! If you thought last year’s regular season ending was exciting, I think we’re in for a big surprise this year. I guess it doesn’t hurt that the Orioles are actually one of the teams in the playoff hunt instead of trying to play spoiler. Here is a quick breakdown for what the O’s have coming up: As I sit here typing this, the Orioles are only one game behind the New York Yankees and a game and a half ahead of the Tampa Bay Rays in the battle for the American League East title. As for the Wild Card, the O’s have the second spot behind the Oakland Athletics, and are a game and a half up on the afore-mentioned Rays. The way it looks now, the A’s, Rays, Detroit Tigers, and Los Angeles Angels are all going to be duking it out for the Wild Card, so that will be interesting to say the least. Baltimore has 28 games left on the season. They just took two of three in Yankee Stadium and Joe Saunders shut down the Toronto Blue Jays on Monday. Overall, the O’s have nine series left on the year, four of which are against teams with a winning record. They have one remaining series against the Yankees, a four-game set starting this Thursday. They play the Oakland Athletics on the road, which will be a very tough series, and then they have two series against the Tampa Bay Rays, the last of W E E K LY R A C I N G U P D AT E Racing News, Stats & Trivia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Marlyn Ave. Essex, MD 21221 =8"7;1<176 <0 *A ;-+76,; ).<-: ) +)=<176 ;8714-, ) 8:7*)*4410-238-0800 • www.shirleytantone.com 7:6=/ >1+<7:A .7: ):<16%:=-@ : ?07 ?); 4-),16/ *A <?7 :-?01-.4)6=;<).;76 ;-+76,;?0-6)51-+=::)A?:-+3-,76<0-.:76< Hours: Mon- Fri 4am- midnight; Sat & Sun 8am-midnight ):0->:74-< ;<:-<+076)87.)5416;+7:-,01;;-+76, +76;-+=<1>-$8:16<=8$-:1-;>1+<7:A01;;-:1-;*-;< &*'5 %.26 $346 9,.2.6.7=:<07.<0-;-);76)6,<0- ;<7.01;+):--:)06- Buy 2 months which will be from October 1-3 on the road. Overall, the O’s are playing against teams with a combined winning percentage of .511. On paper it doesn’t look too difficult, but something tells me the Red Sox would love to return the favor this year. Boston comes to town Sept. 28–30, and one can only imagine how much they would love to do whatever they can to hinder Baltimore’s playoff chances, especially after the O’s did that to the Sox last year. Of their remaining 28 games, 14 are home and 14 are away, but they have a tough stretch starting on September 14, when they Boston comes to town September 28-30, and one can only imagine they would love to do whatever they can to hinder Baltimore’s playoff chances. head to Oakland. Both teams are in the hunt for a playoff spot, and we all know it’s never easy traveling to the West Coast. After three games against the A’s, they have three against the Mariners before they travel to Boston. After their nine-game road trip, the O’s come home to a double header against the Blue Jays. Yikes! I will say that the attendance has been up a little bit this year, but we can do better! Last year the O’s averaged 21,951 fans per game, whereas this year, they are averaging 24,549. For the first time since 1997, the O’s are making a run at the playoffs, so let’s get out there and show some love!! Baseball Card Outlet & Sports Memorabilia Largest Sports Memorabilia Store in Baltimore HUGE SELECTION!! • Sports Trading Cards • Supplies • Custom Framing • Jersey Framing from $99 • Autographs • Collectibles get 2 months free Always Buying Pre-1975 Collections 7502 Eastern Ave - Baltimore,Md 21224 www.bbcoutlet.com 410-284-7922 Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 The Baltimore Guide 9 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE’S 2012 O’CONNOR’S VS www.oconnorsliquors.com 4801 Eastern Ave 410-633-2233 4PVUI$FOUSBM"WFOVFr ABC RADIATOR & AIR CONDITIONING THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO TAKE A LEAK... We install heater cores, fan switches and blend cores aly in LittlellsItPoint! and Fe STOP IN FOR A FREE ANTI-FREEZE TEST During the month of September DEBORAH WARREN is the winner of last month’s Orioles’ contest. She won a Cal Ripken autographed framed lithograph. With Certificate of Authenticity from The Baseball Card Outlet 7502 Eastern Avenue Second Place Prize of a $20 gift certificate to The Corned Beef Factory was won by DOROTHY HAAS Enter to win valuable Ravens Merchandise. Different prize each month! Name: Phone: Email: Prizes courtesy of The Baseball Card Outlet 7502 Eastern Avenue Mail to or Drop Off to The Baltimore Guide, 526 S. Conkling Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 or any of the above merchants. One Entry per person per month. No purchase necessary. Entries must be received no later than: September 30, 2012. Winner will be contacted by email or phone. 10 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 COMMUNITY CALENDAR CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 Sept. 8, at the R.W. Gribbin Center, 9317 Belair Rd. Info: 443-791-8427 or email marketa.traband@gmail.com (for children’s classes), for adult classes call 410-243-1710 or e-mail LHybl@verizon.net or visit www. czslha.org. Crab Feast: The American Legion Auxiliary and SAL host a mini crab feast on Sunday, Sept. 16 from 2-6 p.m. Crabs, crab soup, corn on the cob, soda, BYOB. Games and music. Cost is $30. No minors. 3300 Dundalk Ave. Info: 410-285-6414 or 410288-2297. KENO Help For Homeless Pets: The Maryland SPCA collects supplies and toys for homeless cats and dogs, as well as supplies for the shelter itself. Needed are donations of kennel supplies (cleaning products, etc.), pet supplies (dog and cat toys, collars and leashes), and office supplies. Info: Maryland SPCA, located at 3300 Falls Rd. in Hampden: www.mdspca.org or 410-235-8826. Church Flea Market: On Saturday, Sept. 22, a flea market will be held at St. Brigid’s Parish Center, 900 S. East Ave., from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tables available, rentals $25. Info: Contact Joy Mays, 410-236-7346. Cash up to $5,000 of winning lottery tickets at any time * Receive up to 30 FREE Tickets with cash in! LOTTERY HORSE RACING IS HERE! Race Trax Beer • Wine • Spirits • Snacks • Cigarettes • Soda • Kegs • Western Union • Money Orders • Check Cashing • Bill Payment Center • Lottery • Keno Back to School September Specials Malibu.................................................................................1.75L $16.66 Dewars...............................................................................1.75L $27.99 Pinnacle Vodka..................................................................1.75L $14.69 Grey Goose........................................................................1.75L $42.49 Smirnoff..............................................................................1.75L $16.66 Menage A Trois Red.........................................................750mL $6.99 Mark West (Pinot Noir & Chardonnay).............................750mL $6.99 Smoking Loon...................................................................750mL $5.33 Deloach Pinot Noir............................................................750mL $6.66 Deloach Chardonnay........................................................750mL $8.99 Gallo Pink Moscato..............................................................1.5L $5.99 Bartenura Blue Bottle.......................................................750mL $8.99 HEINEKEN 12 OZ LOOSE $ 900 BOTTLES $20.99 CASE Johnny Bev’s Wine of the Month CONOSUR PINOT NOIR 750mL 6.67EACH $ SUTTER HOME WHITE ZINFANDEL CASH OR DEBIT ON ALL SALE ITEMS 99 $ 00 many other fine wines from all over the world: also carry 35We 12 MAIL IN REBATE 750ML CASE=12 BOTTLES $ Ridge, Seghesio, Sonoma-Cutrer, Chateau St. Jean, Caymus, Stags Leap, Fracchia Malvasia Di Casorzo, D’Astl Voulet, as well as a wide variety of Ice Wines, Organic Wines, Italian Wines, and Spanish Wines. MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY CASH-IN HEADQUARTERS Cash in a winning Maryland State Lottery Ticket up to $5,000 and receive up to 30 FREE TICKETS MTA BUS PASSES ON SALE NOW!!! Check Cashing • Money Orders • Western Union Bill Payment Center • Coins for Cash • Ice IN STORE WINE SPECIALS - STOP IN FOR DETAILS WE CASH ALL REFUND CHECKS VISIT OUR WE SELL Bail Bonds NEW WINE SECTION ATM on prem La Fianza FOR EXCITING ICE! safe & conv ises NEW PRODUCTS 8226 Pulaski • Rosedale, MD Visit UsHwy on the Web: Fire Prevention City offers free smoke detectors The Board of Fire Commissioners would like to remind residents that the Fire Department will install smoke detectors, free of charge, for those who need them. Please call 311 to request smoke detector installation. %%%cfkjf]JXk`j]`\[:ljkfd\ij ?jhiVh`hdbZd[9Vk^Y9VnÉhXa^Zcih### ?dhZe]9^7aVh^I]Z7addbhI]ZBVg`ZnhI]ZBX=VaZh I]Z;gdcX`dh`^hI]ZHnakZhiZghI]ZLZgcZghI]Z?jYnh I]Z6chZab^hI]ZO^bbZgbVchI]Z7dlbVchI]ZBj^gh I]Z6aih Let David help you today! nnn%iljj\ckfpfkX%Zfd enient www.kingliquors.com 410-686-2770 WATCH KING TV ON THE WEBSITE 8226 Pulaski Hwy • Rosedale, MD 410-686-2770 with learning difficulties, learning disabilities, and learning challenges. Info: 410-5221705 or email joanne@liftbaltimore.org. Local Preschool Openings: United Evangelical’s PACT program (Parents and Children Together) has openings for preschoolers to learn through art, projects, and play. Info/classroom visits: Concetta Clark, 410-995-0118. 21 Years of Automotive Sales Experience Top 50 New & Used Vehicles Sold National 21 Years in Toyota National Sales Society Over 8,000 Total Vehicles Sold Follow King Liquors on Facebook! OPEN DAILY at 9AM St. Leo Helps the Homeless: St. Leo the Great in Little Italy is collecting toiletries for the homeless. Soap, shaving cream, deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. Drop off items at the parish office, 227 S. Exeter St. Get Your Fleas Together: The Butchers Hill Flea Market and Craft Fair will be held in Patterson Park, Sat., Sept. 15, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., by the Pagoda Bargains, food and live music. Vendor spaces (15 x 15) are available. Info: bhfleamarket@yahoo.com or visit www.butchershill.org. Canton Baptist Food Drive: Canton Baptist, 3302 Toone St., is trying to keep the shelves of its food pantry full. To donate, call 410-563-1177 or stop by the church. Dundalk Food Pantry: The Dundalk Church of the Nazarene, 1626 Lynch Rd., has a food pantry to help families in the community. Those in need or those wishing to donate food can call 410-288-5136, or Michael Fiorenza 410-633-3696. Adult Learning: Learning Is For Tomorrow (LIFT), 900 S. East Ave., has small-group classes in reading, writing, math, and life skills for adults (ages 16 and over). Morning, evening, and afternoon classes are held in the lower level of the former St. Brigid’s School. Classes for adults +(')7Vai^bdgZCVi^dcVaE^`Z!7Vai^bdgZ!B9'&'')&%,--"-)%%qXZaa))((.-").+. Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 The Baltimore Guide 11 Canton Ace Hardware offers neighborhood services CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 adding, “They seem very loyal. The new store will carry 99 percent of the inventory available in the Federal Hill store, according to Schaefer, including plumbing and electrical products, hardware, tools, paints, and small kitchen appliances and gadgets. She added that the store will carry freedomRail, a highly-customizable shelving system very similar to the Elfa product from the Container Store. There will also be a small automotive department and pet department. Among the store’s more neighborhoodoriented services are screen-making, for those who need to replace a screen, and glass cutting, for replacing window panes or the glass in picture frames. Schaefer said that a friendly atmosphere is important to her hardware stores. “There should be someone who can help you everytime you go in the store,” she CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 COMMERCIAL LOANS Photo by Tom Scilipoti On a roll Mr. Joe Scalia takes his turn in a neighborhood game of bocce in Little Italy. Bocce ball is part of the Maryland Senior Olympics, and games start on September 17 in D’Alesandro Park. Visit mdseniorolympics.org for more info. O-Go Sales 64 YEARS AND GOING STRONG WHEELS for Bull Roasts, Crab Feasts, Ravens Merchandise on consignment with Wheels *,/9Ê-Õ««iÃÊUÊ "Ê-Õ««ià HELIUM TANKS/BALLOONS "* www.ogosales.com 6401 Erdman Ave (1-1/4 miles past Eastpoint Mall) 410-866-4300 Ê7i`ÃÊ£ä>x«ÊUÊ/ ÕÀÃÊEÊÀÊ£ä>È«ÊUÊ->ÌÊ£ä>{« Your Headquarters for EVERYTHING RAVENS! If trying to get a commercial business loan is a bit like going to business “boot camp.’ Call: Dan Gallagher, For Your Business Loan today! 410-477-5000 (ext 14) In touch with you and the community too! A commitment to the community since 1873 12 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE Southeast WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 CA UTION DO NOT CROSS NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH CA UTION DO NOT CROSS CITY PET pulls out bat after card declined CENTER Bad credit? Woman the suspect was headed for Presidents St. No car, which went through the rear window 504 S. Haven St. Baltimore, MD 21224 410-732-8292 www.citypetcenter.com Call for Days and Hours We’re working our tails off ... to keep yours wagging! Doggie Day Care Back to School Special 5 days for only $60 Must be used within 30 days of date of purchase. NEW CLIENTS ONLY • Pet Boarding • Canine & Kitty Luxury Suites • Grooming Check us out on the web http://baltimoreguide.com Aggravated Assault S. Broadway, unit block, Aug. 26, 2:08 a.m. A man reported that as he was leaving a bar, four unknown males approached him and stabbed him in the abdomen without saying a word. The incident was not captured on city watch cameras. Police say that the victim was initially uncooperative. S. Broadway, 200 block, Aug. 26, 8:52 a.m. A man alerted a patrol officer that another man had just tried to stab him. The officer located the suspect, who was holding a knife to another victim’s face. That victim received a small cut on the chin. The suspect was disarmed and arrested. N. Ellwood Ave., 600 block, Aug. 28, 5:20 p.m. A man reported that he got into an argument with an acquaintance over paint spilled in the alley near his house. The two fought, and the acquaintance struck the victim in the back of the head with a shovel. He was not injured. E. Baltimore St., 1800 block, Aug. 28, 11:45 p.m. A woman reported that she was outside an apartment where her sister was visiting an ex-boyfriend. She heard screaming, and went upstairs to tell the ex to stop yelling. He grabbed her around the neck and forced her to the ground. He was arrested. Fallsway, 200 block, Aug. 29, 7:40 p.m. A reporting person told police that the victim was sitting on a bench talking to a heavy-set man. The reporting person looked away and heard a loud noise. When she turned back around, the victim was holding his head and 3ECUREYOURHOUSEWITHDECORATIVE 7INDOW'UARDS &2%%%34)-!4%3 s"ALCONY3TAIR0IPE2AILS3TEELAND!LUMINUM s#OLUMNS7INDOW'UARDS3ECURITY$OORS "ASEMENT$OORSs0ORCHESAND3TEPSs'RATING&ENCES AND'ATESs&LOWER"OXESs#USTOM7ORK .%7).34!,,!4)/.s2%0!)23s2%0,!#%-%.4 Bill’s Portable Welding Bonded & Insured Serving the community since 1982 (410) 780-3015 report of motive or extent of injuries to the victim was given. N. Janney St., 100 block, Aug. 30, 6:05 p.m. The complainant has an ongoing dispute with his neighbor over parking. He reported that his neighbor said, “You got a problem? Look what I got for you,” and pulled up his shirt to reveal a gun tucked in his waistband. Two officers found the suspect in the basement of his home, and he willingly showed police where the gun was. The suspect was arrested. E. Fayette St., 2800 block, Aug. 30, 9:10 a.m. A man told police he was standing at a bus stop when a teenager walked up, taunted him, and hit him in the face. He then held a gun and said, “You should start running.” As the victim ran, the suspect discharged the object, which was actually a toy gun. An area canvass for the suspect was negative. Dundalk Ave., 1800 block, Sept. 1, 1:45 a.m. A man reported that upon leaving the bar, he was attacked by thee suspect, who kicked and punched him until he fell down unconscious. The suspects fled. N. Central Ave., 200 block, Sept. 1, 2:40 a.m. A man reported that while walking, two men unknown to him attacked him and stabbed him in the lower back with an unknown object. He was taken to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries. S. Wolfe St., 400 block, Sept. 1, 1:30 p.m. A man reported that while driving southbound on Wolfe, a black cab drove by, and someone from the cab threw a bottle at his and left shattered glass everywhere. Ballout Ct., 200 block, Sept. 1, 2:11 p.m. A man reported that his mother’s boyfriend hit him in the face with his fist, and then pulled out a knife and chased him with it. Dundalk Ave., 1700 block, Sept. 1, 12:40 p.m. A woman said that while at work, a customer tried to hit her with a baseball bat after her credit card was declined. Robbery E. Baltimore St., 3200 block, Aug. 26, 2:15 a.m. A man reported that while attempting to enter a restaurant, he was attacked from behind and knocked down with a bottle strike to the head. His cell phone and money were taken, but he got up and gave chase, and caught and held one of the suspects, who was arrested when police arrived. S. Highland Ave., 100 block, Aug. 26, 2:35 a.m. A man said that a suspect approached and said, “Give me your money.” The man gave up his money and wallet. Police arrested the suspect after a brief struggle. Fagley St., 800 block, Aug. 30, 4:50 a.m. A man told police he was taking two men he had just met in a bar to his mother’s house to drink more. Before entering the house, one of the men felt for his rear pocket, put him in a headlock, and took him to the ground. He then took his wallet and kicked him between the legs. The suspects fled. FOR THE FULL POLICE LOG, PLEASE VISIT WWW.BALTIMOREGUIDE.COM Got Asthma? Got That Wheezy Feeling? Researchers at Johns Hopkins are looking for people 18 to 65 years old who have (or believe they have) asthma, to participate in a research study that will perform allergy, nose, and lung testing to help us better understand this condition. After you complete this study, you may be eligible to participate in current or future asthma studies if you so choose. All participants need to be “NonSmokers” and in good health except for their asthma. You will be compensated up to $60 for your time. For information, contact: Curt at 443-287-4788 Protocol WIRB#20021548 Ad Approval #1445251-1 P.I. Dr. Brown Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 Inner Harbor: Riverside Baptist Church Health report due 1602 Johnson St. out soon 410-727-0379 Sunday School 9:30am, Worship 11am Our Lady of Pompei Serving God’s People since 1923 3600 Claremont St Balto, MD 21224 410-675-7790 Fr. Luigi Esposito Mass Schedule Monday- Friday 8am Saturday 4pm Sunday 8am & 10am CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ors are less at risk,” says Meyers, “since these activities do not involve full body contact. But they should still be careful if their hands and feet contact the water, especially if they have open wounds.” A good rule of thumb for everyone is to OH HOLY MARY, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me into my necessity. (make your request), there are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary, conceived without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee (3 times). Holy Mary, I place this card in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days then you must publish and it will be granted to you. P.D. Memorial The Baltimore Guide 13 avoid contact with the water if possible and be sure to wash thoroughly after exposure, Meyers advises. What causes these high levels of bacteria in the first place? “A combination of factors,” says Flores. “But storm water runoff and sewer leaks are the main culprits. Pet waste is also a primary contributor, whether it’s in the street or left in the park, the rain washes it down the drain and into the harbor. I have heard that the Canton Waterfront Park has problems with pet waste management, and we get huge numbers for bacteria at our testing station there after storm events,’ he adds. But pet waste is not the only source, Flores clarifies. “Basically, anything that can harm aquatic life or people … rain will find a way to wash it off site, so oil stains, trash, soil, fluids from vehicles, debris from construction, all add to the toxic mix,” he says. What can residents who live near the Harbor do to help prevent bacterial overloading after storms? “[They can] clean up their pet waste because it ends up in the Harbor through the stormwater pipes,” advises Meyers. “They can also try not to dispose of oils and greases down their drains because they end up contributing to clogged sewage pipes and overflows.” Lastly, Meyers advises residents to call 311 anytime they witness any unusual looking pollution or sewage smell in their local streams. “[That way] the City can respond and fix the problem,” she says. Want to learn more about the water quality of the Inner Harbor? Blue Water Baltimore, EcoCheck, and the Waterfront Partnership are working on a Inner Harbor health report card. “It should be out in a few weeks,” says Meyers. The report card will be posted to Blue Water Baltimore’s web site: www.bluewater. org. Ace VIP opening September 13 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 said. The Canton Ace Hardware will 15-18 people this year, depending on “how things go,” she added. Schaefer encourages visitors of the store to bring their pets. “Dogs are allowed,” she said. The store officially opens on Sept. 13 with a VIP party. Those who wish to attend are asked to RSVP by email: founder@charmcityacehardware.com. A Loving Birthday Memorial to BRIAN BRASHEARS 8-30-1977 to 9-1-2010 GOD LOVES YOU AND HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE Everyone Welcome! Sunday Worship Service at 11:15 “You can be fashionably late and still be on time” 3302 Toone Street, (410)563-1177 www.cantonbaptist.net The moment that you died my heart was torn in two, one side filled with heartache, the other died with you. I often lie awake at night, when the world is fast asleep, and take a walk down memory lane, with tears upon my cheeks. Remembering you is easy. I do it every day, but missing you is heartache that never goes away With Love, Mom , Dad, Ashley & Derek Keeping the beat Sokoja Knodorka keeps the rhythm going at the Highlandtown Farmers Market. A community drumming circle is part of the market, which takes place every Thursday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Eastern Ave. and Conkling St., through October 18. A Loving Memorial to KELLY ANN BRASHEARS who passed away on 8-16-1980 An angel in the book of life Wrote down our baby’s birth She whispered as she closed the book “Too beautiful for earth.” With Love, Mom , Dad, Ashley & Derek Photo by Erik Zygmont 14 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 SERVICES AUTOMOTIVE AARON BUYS CARS/TRUCKS Any year or condition. Fair prices. 410-299-9640 It Pays To Advertise 410-732-6600 Free Estimates A-1 Roof and Gutter Donate A Boat or Car Today! Gutter Repairs, Guards & Cleaning One call does it ALL!! 30 years exp. Same day service Emergency Service “2-Night Free Vacation!” 1- 800 - CAR - ANGE L w w w.boatangel.com 410-442-4443 STOP CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN RVSALE SUPER TIMONIUM FAIRGROUNDS SEPT. 13-16 FREE PARKING! 410.561.7323 • MDRV.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS DDCAd2012.indd 1 Y MILITAR OVER 85 RV BRANDS sponsored by boat angel outreach centers FREEY DISCOUNT COUPON 1 OFF $ 00 Regular $8.00 Admission Price Children under 12 FREE with Parents. One Coupon REQUIRED per Purchased Ticket. Additional Discount Coupons available at MDRV.com 24 8/22/12 10:51 AM BOB’S GUTTER SERVICE! Expert cleaning & repairs! THE BALTIMORE GUIDE will Guards installed, handyman. not knowingly accept ads that Same day. All areas! Low contain false or misleading Rates. 410-750-1605 information. However, since The Baltimore Guide cannot be held responsible for mis- 1AAA ABC Attics, Bsmt, Garepresentations contained rage, Yards. 20 yrs of honest in advertising we strongly hauling. Same Day. Call Mike: recommend that consumers 410-446-1163 fully investigate claims prior ABM’S HAULING Clean Housto purchase or contract. Some es Basements, Yards & Attics ads may require investment or Haul free unwanted cars Match request money to be sent. Any Price!!!!443-250-6703 HEAR YE! HEAR YE! HEAR YE! BG Place an ad in the Announcements Section of The Baltimore GUIDE’s Classified section! and you will be heard! 410-732-6600 AVERSA BROTHERS inc. Driveways, sidewalks, patios, all types of concrete construction. MHIC#50286. Call now: 410-933-9633/ 868-9643 1 (888) 418-7123 www.bestdrugrehabilitation.com Green Thumb 1 Cut FREE - Will Beat any Price! Mowing, Mulching, Patios!!! 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D & R Painting • Painting (Interior & Exterior) FREE Estimates • Sheet Rock Reasonable • Light Carpentry Rates Senior • Pressure Wash & Coat Decks Discount 150 Rooms $ Painted for Rooms up to 9’x10’ Materials not included per room Minimum 2 rooms Licensed 443-831-7340 (cell) 410-477-5079 (office) Mhic#64323 PA I N T I N G S E R V I C E GUTTERS-ROOFING SIDING-WINDOWS DECKING-SUNROOMS 35 years Experience Free Estimates Licensed and Insured Featured Nationally on NBC’s The Today Show COMPLETE LANDSCAPING Bushes, Hedges trimmed. Jungles cleared, etc. Joe 443904-5162, 410-485-9568 410-557-2888 Fully Licensed, Insured & Bonded WITH SERVICE I.D. CONCRETE & MASONRY SPECIALISTS � Stucco MHIC#77746 CUSTOM CONTRACTOR UNLIMITED FRIDA SERVICES Concrete Free Estim ates Flag Stone Brick Pavers Boulders Outdoor Walkways Kitchens Retaining Fire Pits Walls Driveways Patios #50888 410-321-0330 www.alliedremodelingtowson.com THE BEST QUALITY PAINTING Specializing in Concrete & Masonry Construction Since 1977 Driveways Brick Sidewalks Stone Patios Stucco Steps Chimneys Custom Design Basements (o) 410.663.1224 (c) 443.562.7589 MHIC #3802 WWW.LSCMD.COM Interior/Exterior Starting at: Rooms - $175 • Windows - $35 Work Done by Owners Licensed in MD for 30 years Chris & Mike Levero Bonded & Insured Free Estimates FIVE STAR HOME SERVICE 410-661-4050 www.fivestarmaryland.com MHIC# 10138 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE 15 SERVICE DIRECTORY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Quality, Local Businesses dedicated to improving our community EXTERMINATOR CONCRETE Bob McNeill SERVICING THE CANTON AREA FOR OVER 20 YEARS NICHOLAS FLEET STREET SHELL Termite & Pest Control 601 S. 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COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR FREE Estimates (410)315-8590 (410) 292-3565 $20 off Second Cleaning 410-522-4928 Raylene or 410-916-2971 Dot MHIC#45097 • Insured Affordable Prices • Free Estimate PLUMBING Senior Discount Serving East Baltimore Since 1978 L.G.Ellinghaus Md St 2446/ B.Co. 8A WATERPROOFING ALWAYS WATERPROOFING 1-888-339-0660 We Will Beat Any Professional Written Estimate! -Õ«Ê*Õ«ÃÊUÊÀ>>}iÊiÃÊ 7>ÌiÀÊ,iÛ>Ê 7`ÜÊ7iÊÀ>ÃÊ -ÌÀÕVÌÕÀ>Ê,i«>ÀÃÊ ÜëÕÌÊi>`Ê"vvÃÊ ,ÕLLiÀÊiLÀ>iÊ7>ÃÊ VÀiÌiÉÊ À>Üë>ViÊ >ÃiiÌÊ}ÕÌà `Ê,ii`>Ì FREE ESTIMATE efficient, reliable, honest 410-344-7762 www.tomallenhomeservices.com licensed and insured MHIC#125297 Thank You Baltimore! For voting us your Favorite Handyman 2 years in a row & TERMITES are back! We provide Termite Control and Certification & Do-It-Yourself Chemicals {ääÊ>ÃÌiÀÊÛi° £äΣnÊUÊÊ " /,{ÇÈÈ {x{ Visa, Mastercard, and Discover accepted Stilwell Plumbing 10% OFF with this ad Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Specialist Reasonable Rates Fast Service 24 Hour Emergency Service Free Phone Estimates Residential and Commercial 410-285-5351 Master Plumber: Carl Stilwell Lic #18002 $$$$$$$$$$$$$ ROOFING INC Residential & Commercial Since 1991 FLAT ROOF SPECIALIST Roofing • Spouting • Skylights • Chimneys Gutters • Skylights • • Siding • Painting • Glass Block Windows Rubber Roofs • More • Deck Tops • Railings FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES 410-675-5440 MHIC# 1448 IRECTORY D E IC V R E S FEATURING Baltimore’s Best Service Professionals Call today! 410-732-6600 Senior Discounts 24 Hour Emergency Service Plumbing • Heating Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling • Waterproofing Drain Cleaned 410-644-1399 FOR THREE GENERATIONS Herman Rossmark Advertise your business in The Baltimore Guide’s Jim Bush Plumbing UPHOLSTERY ROOFING $$$$$$$$$$$$$ • Repair/replace sewer water lines • County sewer hookup • Water Heaters • Sump Pumps • Toilet, sink disposal repair All Plumbing Repairs • Large or Small TOM ALLEN Home Services ``ÌÃÊUÊ>Ì ÀÃÊUÊ General *>Ì}ÊUÊ>ÃiiÌÃÊUÊ -`}ÊUÊÀÃÊUÊ7`ÜÃÊ Household Repairs FOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS Insured & Bonded Boiler Specialist www.allpest.com G.C. Home Established since 1995 410-327-8670 410-558-0315 BED BUGS (Las Chinches) PLUMBING Residential & Commercial Cleaning Quality at a Fair Price Bed Bug Control HOME IMPROVEMENT Moppin Mommas Inc. Plumbing & Heating Co. Inc MHIC #9864 Serving Baltimore City & County Pest Control 410-327-1386 443-561-6210 www.henrykeithroofing.com MHIC 41902 Let’s build a BRIGHTER Baltimore. We can build a stronger local economy and create more opportunities for growth and change in our community by supporting our local Home Improvement Businesses and Services. When you patronize a local business, you are investing in a brighter environment and future for the community you live in, and that’s something we all can believe in! Lakewood RE-UPHOLSTERY CO. 2512 Fait Ave. Quality Work—Compare our Prices • Work Guaranteed • Free Estimate Foam Rubber FOAM RUBBER Cushions CUSHIONS Custom CUT TOMade SIZE Call 410-276-6116 or 410-426-8007 George Markiewicz - Manager 16 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 SERVICES • 2-story Foyers/Vaulted Ceilings • Military Discounts • Drywall/Water Damage Repair • Senior Citizen Discounts • Power Washing/Decks/Homes • Licensed & Insured • Handyman/Carpentry • MHIC#70338 • Wallpaper Removal EASTWOOD ROOFERS All Types of Rubber Roofs New Hot Asphalt Roofs Hot Tar Coatings ALL TYPES OF ROOFING GUTTERS, SKYLIGHTS & ROOF CERTS. ALUMINUM COATINGS & MORE FREE ESTIMATES In Business 42 years Senior Discount • Emer. Repairs www.handsonpainters.com 410-242-1737 410-633-4552 License #1595 Eastwood Stop-Leak EMPLOYMENT Free Estimates/FHA Certs/Senior Discounts/ Emergency Service General Home Improvements Skylites/Gutters/Siding 3141 Elliott Street Baltimore, Maryland 21224 MHIC# 32741 We Now Accept 410-522-0177 Serving Canton, Fell’s Point, Federal Hill & Highlandtown for over 30 years MERCHANDISE PENN - MARR human services Healthcare/Community Support CAREER FAIR! Wednesday September 19th 9a- 3p 310 Old Freeland Rd Freeland, MD 21053 Over 30 Open Positions! - Northern Baltimore County - Harford County- WestminsterTimonium Full/ Part Time $10.15- $11.67 / hr. E.O.E. CARPENTERS WANTED Trans- www.penn-mar.org portation & Tools-443-966-4729 CUSTOMER RELATIONS 16.36+. Local distributor for international Mfr now expanding! Openings in our customer relations dept. 2.8 MILLION eyes would No exp req. Offers: full incentive read your ad - 5 days per pkg, complete training, rapid week - Monday thru Friday advancement. Applicants must in the DAILY Classified Conbe hardworking & ready to start nection for just $199 per immediately. Call M-F, 11a-6p, day. Join the exclusive 410-944-0001 members of this network TRAINER TRAINER Are you a today! Place your ad in 14 perfectionist? Can you juggle Major Daily Newspapers in several things at once? Do you Maryland, Delaware and like to help internal and external DC. Call 410-721-4000 x19 customers? Do you have a Bach- or visit our website www. elor’s Degree, a minimum of 1-2 mddcpress.com years experience in delivering ADVERTISE YOUR NEXT training to staff members or AUCTION in 106 Maryland, teaching experience, the ability Delaware and DC newsto develop and maintain records papers for one low cost and reports, and excellent verof $495. Your 25 word bal and written communication classified ad reaches over skills? Is so, Chimes D.C. has an 4.2 million regional and excellent opportunity for you to local readers. For more work for a quality organization information call Wanda at serving people with disabilities. 1-855-721-6332 x6 with The Trainer will conduct staff the Maryland-Delaware-DC training at various sites during Press Association varied hours. Some nights and weekends required. Bilingual (English/Spanish) preferred. Send resume with salary history to Chimes D.C., Attn: Lee Bussone, 4815 Seton Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215. Fax 410358-6038. E-Mail: lbussone@ chimes.org. EOE HANDYMAN SPECIAL Consultant & Referral Services: Construction, Drafting & Designing, Home Remodeling, RVP engineering, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE Call 443-488-0148 EARN UP to $18/hr IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Higher earning potential for Individuals with Cust Svc Exp However NO EXP REQUIRED Advance to Leadership roles 410-616-0615 EVERD ROOFING INC. Production Operator / Plant Maintenance • Operate, trouble shoot & repair industrial process equipment • Full time position / Full benefits / Union • Required Attributes - Positive attitude - Multi-task oriented - Mechanically inclined - Punctual / dependable Minimum High School Diploma 3-5 years of experience • Trade certifications desirable Apply Mon-Fri 9am--3pm at: Fleischmann’s Vinegar 1900 Brand Ave., Baltimore, MD 21209 Or Fax resume to: 410-367-1420 JOB FAIR Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 12:00nn-3:00pm Oak Crest, Human Resources Lobby 8820 Walther Blvd., Parkville, MD 21234 (Arrive by 2:00pm for possible same day interviews) Immediate Vacancies: RN Home Support (Flex) Home Support Aides/CNA (Flex) Qualifications: • Must have RN, CNA or CNA/GNA License in Maryland. • Must have at least 1 year of work-related experience • CPR is required (pls. bring card) For more information, you can visit our website: EricksonLiving.com/careers Job Line: 1-855-ELMJOBS EOE THIS AD! FOR SALE Press Service 2000 Capital Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401 SPREAD YOUR MESSAGE to over 4 Million readers with an ad this size for just $1,450! For a limited time, BUY 4 ADS, GET ONE FREE!* CALL TODAY! 1-855-721-6332 Wanda Smith, ext. 6 www.mddcpress.com *Certain conditions apply. WANTED TO Purchase Antiques & Fine Art, 1 item Or Entire Estate Or Collection, Gold, Silver, Coins, Jewelry, Toys, Oriental Glass, China, Lamps, Books, Textiles, Paintings, Prints almost anything old Evergreen Auctions 973818-1100. Email evergreenauctions@hotmail.com HOWARD COUNTY Fairgrds Kids Nearly New Fall Sale THIS Sat. Sept 8th. 8am-1pm 140 family booths selling NB-teen stuff. Int.70.Ext 80 Info. www. KNNsale.com Fall Sale II. Sat Sept 29 LUTHERVILLE COMMUNITY assoc yard sale Sat 9/8, 8a-2p. Incl historic Lutherville, Country Club Park, Seminary Ave, Burton Ave. Rain date 9/9 MULTI FAMILY yard sale Roland Park, Sat 9/8, 9-1. 119 Hawthorne Rd & 117 Woodlawn Rd. Rain date 9/15 PARADISE HILL HOA Yard Sale, Sat 9/8, 8:30am1:30pm. Loc off Frederick Rd, nr Dimitris. Early birds welcome SAT. 9/8 8a-12p. Rain date 9/9. (Falls Rd to Seminary Ave, 1 mi to Countrybrook Way ABSOLUTELY PAYING Top Cash For: Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Trains, Old Toys, WW2 Memorabilia, Pottery, Glassware, Colts & Orioles Call Todd: 443-4216113 Absolutely Paying Top Cash For: Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Trains, Old Toys, WW2 Memorabilia, Pottery, Glassware, Colts & Orioles Call Todd: 443-4216113 Pick a state! , any state MDDC Press works with fellow press associations across the country to give you the best possible buys on advertising wherever you need it. We take care of scheduling and placement at no extra cost to you, and you save time and money. Call Wanda Smith at ext. 6 today. Press Service 2000 Capital Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401 1-855-721-6332 www.mddcpress.com Visit us online at www.baltimoreguide.com WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE 17 RENTALS AND REAL ESTATE Independent Living Apartments for Adults Ages 55+ Income Restrictions Apply. in FELL’S and POINT PATTERSON PARK $659-$800/mo. Application Fee* Waived for the Month of September 2012 (with this ad) *$30 value Near medical facilities, stores, restaurants and public transportation Call Monday - Friday, 9 to 5 410-732-1275 EQUAL HOUSING All Real Estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to indi500 BLK N CURLEY ST 1 bd, cate preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, 2nd fl $410/mo pl utilities color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national ori410-750-1422 gin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for Real Estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby imformed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe that you may have 3514 NOBLE ST $895/mo re- been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental mod ths 2bd, 1 ba, w/bsmt or financing of housing, call The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at 1-800-669-9777. 443-250-7943 Looking for... the friendly people... We’ll buy your house for cash today! We will buy your home today, no hassles, no real estate agents, no commissions, no closing costs. We will buy any house, in any condition, anywhere. How it works: 1 It’s simple. Call us right now for a free confidential estimate, right over the phone! 2 If you like our estimate, we’ll schedule an immediate appointment to see your house. We’ll give you a firm price commitment that day. We can settle any time you like. 3 Settlement only takes about 15-30 minutes in our office. You will leave with your check knowing that you made the right decision to sell your house to iiTrust, the friendly people. For a FREE estimate call (410) 625.2221 Visit us online at www.iitrust.com FREE LIST of Wholesale Properties! phil@iitrust.com or 410-625-8877 Baltimore’s Local REAL ESTATE AGENTS Advertise your listings in the Baltimore Guide today! Call 410-732-6600 HOW DO I BEGIN THE PROCESS OF BUYING A HOME? Start by thinking about your situation. Are you ready to buy a home? How much can you afford in a monthly mortgage payment? How much space do you need? What areas of town do you like? After you answer these questions, make a “To Do” list and start research. Talk to friends and family, drive through neighborhoods, and look in the “Real Estate” section of the newspaper. Source: www.hud.gov. For more information or an appointment with a HUD-certified counselor, contact the Southeast Community Development Corporation at 410-342-3234 www.southeastcdc.org. gs rio 7 18 THE BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 RENTALS AND REAL ESTATE PHIL TIRABASSI Owner/Broker 443-690-0552 The Flip Side: How Much Home Do I Qualify For? Full Service Discount Experts SM BY MARCI YANKELOV ADVANCE REALTY DIRECT SPECIAL TO THE BALTIMORE GUIDE “Waterfront Specialist” Matthew Malczewski 410-303-9452 Nancy Mohr 443-527-7764 BALTIMORE OFFICE 410-288-6700 BALTIMORE BA7868553 Well maintained home. Landscaped yard, stainless steel doors, picture window & masonry work. Large rooms 1st floor was set up for possible 4th bedroom. French doors on BR and archways thru out This is a must see. ABERDEEN HR7850605 4 BR/3 BAon huge lot. 3 Car Garage, Shed, out building can be finished to beoffice/studio. Spacious BR, walk in closets & 3 updated BA. Beautiful wd flrs thruout. Full length sun/florida rm in front. Updated kit, Built-In Pool w/large pool house w/bar and a half bath MILLERSVILLE BALTIMORE AA7873012 Beautiful BA7882576 4 bedroom split foyer w/2 car garage 2 full baths with wrap located in Open and spacious living, dining, around porch in kitchen combo. Kitupdated Orangeville french pocket with Corian, stainless appliances, breakfast bar. doors between L/R & D/R Wood stove in sun room. Finished LLprovides a eat in kitchen this is a must see priced to sell w/rec rm, 4th BR, laundry rm and work rm. BALTIMORE BC7885083 Quiet Rancher With A Great Water View..Priced To Sell...Marble Floors, Nice Property.....Close To BALTIMORE BA7885097 Cute 2 BR/1 BA Townhouse. Fence front and rear yard. Current tenant on a month to month. Investment opportunity. Convenient to I-95 and transportation. Shows well, but appliances will convey as-is. Shopping & 695 12100 SUGAR MILL CIR, BALTIMORE BC7885326 Lovely 3 bedroom end of group in Middle River.2.5 baths with finished lower level.Patio & deck for all your entertaining needs, BEL AIR HR7887308 This is a lovely 2 bedroom condo with pool and play ground. large rooms great view BALTIMORE BC7888398 Great water views, custom build in 06 with lots of upgrades. dual zone hvac, open floor plan, spacious rooms, covered 10x20 deck off kit, maple cabinets, oak staircase, walk in closets, privacy fence to list a few. BALTIMORE BC7899753 Open Kit & Dining Room W/ Island, Marble & Ceramic Tile And Back Splash...Water View Backing To Bear Creek...Nice Deck & Front Inclosure....Private Rear Parking Pad, BALDWIN BC7906239 3 BR/2.5 BA colonial. Completely redone. Roof, downspouts & HVAC only 1 yr old. Maple floors, gourmet kitchenw/granite counters, brand new SS appls. Expansive finished LL with built ins. Large master BR w/Full Bath, 2 closets. Full length screened porch. BALTIMORE BC7894538 This is a lovely 1 bedroom 2nd floor apartment TOO NEW FOR PHOTO MIDDLE RIVER BC7900371 Very Cute Cozy Single Home In Balto Co. Pellet Stove Heats The Entire Main Floor. No Pets And No Smokers. BALTIMORE BC7908133 Waiting for your finishing touches, owner will make no repairs, as-is clause recommended. cash or conventional buyers only WEST INVERNESS DUNDALK BC7909680 3 BC7910696 Well BR, 2 full BA with many maintained 3 BR/1.5 BA EOG. updates. Could easily be 2 WINDOWS, ROOF, HVAC apts again. Covered rear updated. Updated kit w/tile porch, fully fenced yard with back splash. Finished LL has shed,& 3 parking spaces in the rear. Estate sale. Lots of storage. Seller offering a half BA. Covered front porch & large fenced carpet allowance and bonus to buyer’s agent if yard w/off street parking & carport. Seller will contribute $4000.00 towards closing. ratified contract received by September 30th. OFFICE 410-288-6700 www.AdvanceRealtyDirect.com Now Interviewing New & Experienced Agents. Income. Debt. Down Payment. Closing Costs. Two Years Income Tax Returns. Assets. Liabilities. IRAs. You want WHAT? Just what can I afford? Buying a home in today’s marketplace is a bit intimidating. And your new home purchase, whether in Canton, Fell’s Point, Butchers Hill, Highlandtown, or Greektown, is likely to be one of the most important decisions you’ve ever had to make. Usually it’s one of the single most valuable assets you’ll own. Where to start Before you invest hundreds of hours searching—and to avoid any heartbreak if you find yourself unable to qualify for your dream home—sit down with a lender. Your lender can perform a simple verbal prequalfication in about 20 minutes and a fullfledged pre-qualfication in about 5 days. Pre-qualification not only allows you to focus your search in the correct price range, saving a lot of wasted time and frustration, but it can also give you an edge when competing with other offers on a home that you find. If a seller is deciding between two offers—yours who has been qualified and another unqualified offer, they are much more likely to pick yours. Pre-qualification will also give you leverage when negotiating with a seller in a non-competitive atmosphere; it essentially makes you a cash buyer. The amount of home that you qualify for will be determined by three key factors: your down payment, your ability to qualify for a mortgage and closing costs. The down payment Whereas a current homeowner can rely on equity from their home sale, a first time CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Neighborhood Pop Ups August 8, 15, 22 A casual way to visit some neighborhoods, see homes for sale, and talk to people who already live there! $4,000 Homebuying Incentive Event September 8 Take a neighborhood and home tour, sit-in on homebuying workshops, talk to real estate professionals, and get the opportunity for $4,000 toward your home! Canton • Bayview • Brewer’s Hill • Butcher’s Hill Federal Hill • Fells Point • Greektown • Hamilton Lauraville • Locust Point • Highlandtown • Patterson Park • Station North • Waverly • AND 130 MORE... WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 RENTALS AND REAL ESTATE The Flip Side CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 homebuyer is limited to whatever money they can save. The days of having to put 20 percent down on a home are in the past, although putting a large amount of money down definitely makes it easier to qualify for a mortgage and to get the lowest interest rates available. With the various programs that are available today, you can put as little as 3 percent down on a home. Qualifying for the mortgage There are two basic guidelines that lenders use to determine what size mortgage you are eligible for: 1. Your monthly mortgage payment of principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI) should not exceed 25 to 28 percent of your monthly gross income. 2. Your monthly PITI plus other long-term debt should not exceed 33 to 38 percent of your monthly gross income. Specifically, most lenders will consider four key factors to determine your ability to qualify for a home loan: Income This first element can include not only THE BALTIMORE GUIDE 19 your gross monthly income and secondary income (commissions, bonuses, etc.) but also your history of employment, stability of income, education, and even potential for future earnings. Credit history This encompasses your history of debt repayment, total outstanding debt, highest balance, and your highest monthly debt balance. Assets Your assets consist of cash on hand, savings and checking accounts, CDs, stocks, bonds or any other type of liquid asset. Property The home you are planning to purchase will be appraised to determine the market value. The estimated value must be sufficient to secure the loan. Lenders will loan you no more than a certain percentage (usually 95 percent) of this value. Closing Costs Keep in mind that in addition to your down payment, you will also be responsible for paying fees for the loan and closing costs. These will be required at the time of closing unless you qualify and choose to have these included in your financing. Closing costs generally will range between 2 percent and 6 percent of the mortgage loan, depending on the loan and lender. You will be provided with a “good faith estimate” of closing costs so you can know what to expect. “Points,” which are one-time charges equal to 1 percent of your loan amount, may be required by your lender at closing. Your closing agent will charge a fee at the close of the sale. Marci Yankelov is a local Realtor and Baltimore native. She works at Century 21 Downtown in Federal Hill. Missed any of the past "The Flip Side" Columns? Check them out on our website. www.baltimoreguide.com Million Dollar View!!!!!! Nancy knows Baltimore! 6102 DANVILLE AVE - Model ONLY 2 LEFT! Why call anyone else? New Duplex Garage Homes with rooftop decks and sun rooms. Call Frank 443-463-4476 Grant money available for qualified applicants. Realtors Welcome MHBR No. 1444 OPEN HOUSE Sun, Sept. 9th 1-3 pm Refreshments served 2400 Pot Spring Road Stunning 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Split Level on 1 acre in Lutherville. Nancy Rachuba 410-905-1417 DIVERSIFIED REALTY 410-675-SOLD DIVERSIFIED REAL TY YOUR #1 COMMUNITY REALTOR - 410-675-SOLD Diversified Realty donates a portion of their net profit to the Wounded Veterans Administration. Support Our Troops! Attention: Landlords! I have qualified tenants for your rental properties!! Commercial property FOR SALE in Nottingham! Call Sharon for details. Call Sharon Eder for details 443-525-8398 or email me at shrnsold@aol.com FEATURED PROPERTIES 2400 Pot Spring Road - Stunning 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Split Level on 1 acre in Lutherville 6304 Golden Ring Rd - Wonderful 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath Cape Cod in great location! Central air, w/d, alarm system, glass enclosed front porch, fin. basement w/family room and bar, tons of storage, 4 car diveway, huge fenced backyard! 6802 Gough Street - Eastwood’s Best Buy! Everything is BRAND NEW! A must see! 347 S. Robinson St. - Stunning 3 bed, 1.5 bath rehab with 2 level deck! Priced to sell! 600 Macon St - Fabulous 2 bed, 2 bath EOG top of the line renovation in the heart of Greektown! Call Nancy 410-905-1417 Time for a Career Change? FREE Real Estate Classes! Call Kenny Eder for more information 443-414-4890 20 The Baltimore Guide Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 Buy now and save! Complete fall projects and get ready for winter. NATIONAL LUMBER 4901 Pulaski Highway (at the corner of Monument) 410-675-4740 www.nationallumber.biz Sale ends 09/29/12 Find the right products for your project and expert advice at True Value.