Prague School of Rehabilitation And Manual Medicine Neurosport
Prague School of Rehabilitation And Manual Medicine Neurosport
Prague School of Rehabilitation And Manual Medicine The Prague School of Rehabilitation and Manual Medicine was established by key neurologists and physiatrists, all of whom were leaders in the 20th century rehabilitation movement era. This included Karel Lewit and the late Professors Vaclav Vojta, Vladimir Janda and Frantisek Vele. Based on groundbreaking neurodevelopmental and rehabilitation principles by these men, Professor Pavel Kolar has successfully integrated the work of his predecessors in proposing the underlying neurodevelopmental mechanism for how the movement system develops hand-in-hand with CNS maturation. This complex approach is “cutting edge” in that it provides a window into the complexity and plasticity of the CNS and its effect on the movement system. The DNS approach can be used in the rehabilitation of a myriad of neurologic, musculoskeletal pain syndromes, as well as, performance athletic training. DYNAMIC NEUROMUSCULAR STABILIZATION Course Instructor Petra Valouchova, PT, PhD Petra graduated from the Department of Physical SPORTS COURSE: PART 1 FEBRUARY 9-10, 2013 TAMPA, FLORIDA Therapy of Palacky University in 1998. She received her Ph.D. in Kinanthropology with a focus in Biomechanics in 2001. She is a certified Vojta and Bobath therapist. Since 2002, Petra has been working as a PT at the University Hospital in Prague - Motol treating both adults and children. She is an adjunct professor at the Charles University School of Medicine and the Department of Physical Therapy. Since November 2011, she has been the head physical therapist at the private clinic of Prof. Kolar called The Movement Center in Prague. Petra has been collaborating with Prof. Kolar and has been a senior instructor of the DNS principle courses since 2004. She has lectured in the Czech Republic, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Slovakia, USA and Australia. She published numerous articles on surface EMG. She is a World Champion (2003, 2004) and a European Champion (2004) in Fitness step teams. For more information on this approach, please visit: She is an aerobic instructor and a marathon runner. Petra lives near Prague with her husband and 2 children. Neurosport Education International COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE SCHEDULE 12.5 CONTACT HOURS DAY ONE 9:00 - 10:30 AM: SPORT TRAINING CHARACTERISTICS, TRAINING POSTURE, NEUTRAL JOINT POSITION, REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENTAL KINESIOLOGY IN CONTEXT OF ADULT OPTIMAL POSTURE AND SPORT PERFORMANCE Introduction to developmental kinesiology in the context of adult optimal posture Global motor patterns and their importance in sports performance Supportive and stepping forward motions – biomechanics of motor function DNS basic principles for exercises Basic positioning for exercises – supine, prone, low kneeling, oblique sitting, quadruped, global patterns, the verticalization process in postural 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM: GLOBAL MOTOR PATTERNS – THE IMPORTANCE FOR SPORT PERFORMANCE, SUPPORT, STEPPING FORWARD MOTION – BIOMECHANICS OF MOTOR FUNCTION, IDEAL RESPIRATION STEREOTYPE, EVALUATION ON STABILIZATION FUNCTION 12:15 - 1:15 PM (LUNCH) 1:15 - 3:00 PM: DNS BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR EXERCISES, VERTICALIZATION PROCESS IN POSTURAL DEVELOPMENT, MODIFICATION OF BASIC POSITION FOR EXERCISE – SUPINE, PRONE, SIDELYING AND MODIFICATIONS WITH RESISTANCE 3:15 - 5:00 PM: MODIFICATION OF BASIC EXERCISES IN HIGHER DEVELOPMENTAL POSITIONS – LOW KNEELING, OBLIQUE SIT, QUADRAPED AND WITH RESISTANCE “HE WHO TREATS THE SITE OF PAIN IS LOST.” - V. JANDA Tuition Information: $450 per student $425 per student if enrolled 2 months prior to course $500 per student if enrolled 2 weeks prior to course development Exercises in higher developmental positions including tripod, bear, squat, lunge, step up and various modifications Exercises based on developmental kinesiology with elastic bands, barbells, weights and stability balls DAY TWO 9:00 - 10:30 AM: TRIPOD, HIGH KNEELING, BEAR AND To Enroll: First visit and register with The Prague School, then pay tuition at: MODIFICATIONS WITH RESISTANCE 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM: HANGING STANCE, OBLIQUE SQUAT, LUNGE, STEP UP 12:45 – 2:30 PM: TRAINING OF KINESTHESIA AND BODY AWARENESS Questions: