The Ridgeback Roster
The Ridgeback Roster
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada Volume 36, Issue 2 Spring 2011 The Ridgeback Roster Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 2 In This Issue: Please Note: President’s Pawprint 3 RRCEC Executive 4 Welcome to new members & intro from director 5 Bags & Wags 6—7 In Memoriam 8 What is Rally—O? 9 The Ridgeback Dictionary 10 RRCEC SPOTLIGHT 11-12 Regional walking group information 13 Colour in the Ridgeback 14-17 Photo Gallery 18-19 2012 RRCEC Calendar contest 20 Social Event Schedule 21 Event Flyers 22-26 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THE NEXT RIDGEBACK ROSTER IS JUL 12, 2011. The Ridgeback Roster is published quarterly. Submissions for the next issue are encouraged and can be sent to the editor in MS Word or WP. Pictures are always welcome and can be e-mailed in JPEG format or sent by regular mail to be scanned. The dog(s) and photographer in/of each picture must be identified in your e-mail or covering letter. (See below for additional information regarding club policy on use of photographs.) ADVERTISING RATES Full page with photo - $25. 1 /2 page with photo - $15. 1 /4 page with photo - $10. Each additional photo in any category - $5. Commercial and Non-Members - $100 Cover Photo: Safi No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor. The Ridgeback Roster and the RRCEC will not accept responsibility for copyright infringements in submitted material. Policy: Use and identification of PHOTOS for the RRCEC Newsletter, Website & Calendar For the website home page and annual calendar the photographs should be those taken by club members and of their dogs only. Photos must be identified. Owned by Stephen & Carla Beaton “Canines, unlike people, have at least 18 muscles that enable them to move the pinnas (flaps) of their ears to enhance reception and pinpoint the source of a sound” - Dog-o-Pedia For the photo gallery (website/newsletter), the rescue page and other general use, the photographer should be identified but not the dog if the dog is not owned by a member. The photographer does not need to be a club member if the photo is of a member’s dog. General group photos, photos of moving dogs taken at events or picnics, do not require that the dogs or photographer be identified. This policy came into effect January 1, 2007. Think about that next time your dog tilts their head and moves their ears! ~ Diana ~ Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 3 THE PRESIDENT’S PAWPRINT Welcome to the muddy season!! Don’t you love this time of year!? At long last the snow and winter temperatures have gone, we can get out without spending valuable time seeking dog coats, gloves and overcoats. We are off for a walk – mushy footing, frost coming out of the ground, water and MUD!! Dog towel washes are endless. And I love it, better weather ahead. There is a lot going on in the Club this year. I really hope you will be able to come and join us at one, or all of our social events. Our first gathering of the season is in Terra Cotta on May 7 th (I hope you all received the flyer with details?). Other get togethers are planned all around the membership area, the summer schedule is included in this newsletter. The local area Directors have full responsibility for planning and organizing their local events. If you need information, look up your area Director and contact them. If in doubt, as to who to contact get in touch with either myself, Charlene Reeve, our Secretary or Laurie Rusticus, Vice President, we will put you in touch with the right person and help out. We will continue to offer you different activities of interest at the local events. Topics we are considering include search & rescue, tracking, agility, etc., understanding what is involved in dog law enforcement, etc. We are trying to be creative, stimulate your interest and have you participate in new and different activities. Is there something you are interested in? Tell us, perhaps we can find a local knowledgeable person who will be glad to make a presentation at one of the gatherings. Try to attend our events and you will make new friends. Talking about members – this is your last reminder! Memberships are due and payable before the end of February! We are a bit more lenient but this is the last issue of the newsletter you will receive – No Dues, No News. If you wish to continue to participate in the Club, please send us your renewal fees. Many have renewed their memberships, a big thank you for your continued support. This issue’s feature article is on Rally Obedience. I hope you will read it and give it a try. Truthfully, Rally is fun. It is far more relaxed than formal obedience although there are detractors. If I can do it, you can too! It takes a bit of work and homework but find a friend and go to training together. Help each other out and you will achieve concrete results. Thanks to our Editor, Sara Logan. Sara works hard to make the newsletter interesting. Please contribute brags, photos or stories. Take a look at the In Memoriam section. In recent months a number of ridgebacks have passed over the rainbow bridge. This is a sad time for their owners but some wonderful dogs have lived a long and happy life but we always remember our four legged friends and extend condolences to their owners. I look forward to seeing you again this summer. At least one member of the Executive will be at each local event. And we want new photos, submit your best for the website, a new photo each quarter, the 2012 calendar and for our photo galleries in both the newsletter and on the website. See you soon Diana Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 4 RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF EASTERN CANADA EXECUTIVE MEMBERS - 2011 PRESIDENT DIANA PETHICK 613-989-2860 VICE PRESIDENT LAURIE RUSTICUS 705-322-8829 SECRETARY CHARLENE REEVE 519-453-6713 TREASURER JAMES BECKETT 613-989-2860 DIRECTOR (Ontario East) RHONDA JOHNSON 905-983-5395 DIRECTOR (Ontario West) NEIL RICHARDSON 519-546-7604 DIRECTOR (Ontario Central) CINDY MAURER-ALBERT 519-367-5551 DIRECTOR (Ontario North) Vacant DIRECTOR (Quebec) SARAH LEBRUN 418-660-5748 DIRECTOR (NS&Nfld) TAMZIN HART 902-382-2002 DIRECTOR (NB&PEI) TAMZIN HART 902-382-2002 SHOW COMMITTEE CHAIRS: CONFORMATION VALERIE MICHAUD 819-455-2729 OBED. & RALLY CINDY MAURER-ALBERT 519-367-5551 WEBSITE MANAGERS RICK & LAURIE RUSTICUS 705-322-8829 ROSTER EDITORS SARA LOGAN or ALAN DECASTRO Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 5 Welcome to New Members!! Welcome to: Doug & France Yates with Boris and Tanner (Mountainridge Kennel) and to Curtis Nickel & Stephanie Tait with Quid (Skaduwee Kennel) who have upgraded their puppy/sponsored memberships to full family memberships in the club. Gary Arsenault in Orillia (but you didn’t tell us who your dog is!). Stephen & Carla Beaton with Safi who are already out on our Ottawa area weekly walks. and, welcome back to RRCEC to Kent & Sian Bailey with Finn & Simba AND TO ALL THOSE MEMBERS WHO HAVE RENEWED THEIR MEMBERSHIPS— THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING YOUR SUPPORT OF RRCEC. We look forward to meeting all the new puppies and dogs (and their people) at our upcoming events! Bienvenu a tous; nous esperons de vous voir bientot. RRCEC New Director for Ontario Central I would like to introduce myself, Cindy Maurer Albert, I am happy to be the New Director for the rest of this year in Ontario Central. I am an Animal Health Technician and graduated in 1983 and have been employed in a mixed practice Veterinary Clinic for the last 27 years. I have had my share of all breeds of dogs and cats and horses and for the last 10 years have been breeding Rhodesian Ridgebacks under the name Sarjo Kennels with Jo Dunn. Throughout this time I have also been involved in training and teaching for Competative and Household dog Obedience as well as Agility, Conformation, Rally and Hunt Tests. This year I hope to contribute my enthusiasm for the Club by attending and helping organize picnics and walks to get people and their dogs out and socializing. I am a strong believer that the best dogs are involved in all aspects of family life and I hope to help people get out and enjoy their pets. - Cindy Maurer Albert Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 6 Our bitch Papplewick's Lady Millicent has completed her championship at 8 months of age. She has also earned a Best puppy in Breed and Best puppy in Group. We are very excited about Millie. She looks like she will have a wonderful future. Cathy and Mark Tyler-Smith Jenga (Cdn. Ch. Kopera's Jenga Factor, JC) went to her second AKC lure coursing trial On April 17th in Manchester Michigan. Who would have thought that she could top off her first performance (where she won a four point major), but she did!! Jenga went Best of Breed overthe special for a 5 point Major!!! There were 14 Ridgebacks competing. But she wasn't finished there, she went on to win BEST IN FIELD as well! She ran over2600 yards (7800 feet) in total, in cold, strong winds. We even seen some snowflakes! I am so proud of my girl and her intense love of coursing. She now has her 2 majors and is just 6 points from her AKC Field Championship title. Jody Leboeuf RVT RRCEC Roster Do you have brags, pictures, stories or educational information to share? We are always looking for input for the Ridgeback Roster. Send it to Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 7 Am. Gr. Ch. Invictus Nightmare Before Xmas JC Best of Breed at Westminster Kennel Club in New York City. He is owned by Erin Coogan and Tamzin Hart, and bred by Tamzin Hart. Zero is the first Canadian bred Ridgeback to win Breed at The Garden and did so over the largest Ridgeback entry in the history of the show as well as the largest all breed entry at the show for 2011! Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 8 In Memoriam Mozanbridge’s Chobe (on the right) & Heronhill’s Tarka (on the left) Sadly, Chobe passed away at the end of February about a year and a half after Tarka. At almost 13 years old Chobe was an amazing dog and had his friend, Tarka, by his side for 11 1/2 of those years..... These dogs were wonderful companions and I will always have terrific memories of our runs on the trails, long walks with other dogs, his licking my nose and leaning all his weight against my legs for a cuddle. I will miss him terribly. Ildi and Mike Hall DRIFTER Ch. Hunter's Drift of Heronhill April, 1998 - April, 2011 My beloved Drifter passed away peacefully at home. He's been at my side for 13 years. A great and loyal friend. He was the #1 Ridgeback in Canada in 2003. Thank you to his handler Elaine Paquette. Thank you to Jo Dunn for breeding such a great ambassador of the breed. When he was diagnosed with cancer three years ago, the vet gave him 2 -3 months to live.......Drifter had a different idea and lived three more happy years. He will be sorely missed. I laid him to rest beside his son Harley, and his longtime friend Hunter. Neil Richardson Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 9 What Is Rally Obedience ? This is a new sport intended to promote positive relationships between dogs and owners based on trust and respect. It is a combination of obedience and agility and is not without its critics and its enthusiastic supporters. Some people say that obedience is too formal and serious. Rally Obedience is a lot of fun and has become popular. Rally obedience is similar to agility in that a course pattern is set up in advance. The difference is the course isn't made up of obstacles, but exercises. Dog and handler team move from station to station on their own completing each exercise. Praise, double commands and lots of encouragement are allowed. ATTITUDE is more important in RALLY than precision. Dogs and handlers "just gotta have fun". The concept of a single continuous performance, uninterrupted by orders from the judge, demands a sustained communication between the dog and handler. The handler may talk, give hand and body signals to his or her dog throughout the performance. This provides a mental stimulus for the handler as the course outlines are different at each trial. Rally Obedience goes beyond basic heeling by interspersing over 40 obedience movements with the sits, turns and paces of traditional heeling. It also requires a brisk pace, positive attitude and happy demeanor. Rally is for those who desire an effortless activity that is fun and games. It is not simple or easy, but challenges you and your dog in a partnership that improves heeling and teamwork. The ability to work as a team in this way during a Rally Style Obedience performance, greatly adds to the handlers ability to maintain the dog's attention and attitude at a high level. This feature, along with variability incorporated into course design and format, creates a fast moving continuous performance. Rally is designed so that dogs in all levels of training may participate. A beginners course could include heel, sits aided by the handler, turning paces, sit stay and elements of the recall. As the dogs gain skill, more difficult courses are designed which will improve you and your dog’s performance levels and confidence. There are two levels in Rally. Level one (Novice) is on lead and level two (Advanced) is off with more stations, including at least one jump. Most handlers love Rally Obedience because it has challenges of its own, including no mental breaks as you progress through the course. Dogs need to have a solid attention span and focus and enough stamina to get through the course and well-heeled obedience dogs will have a hoot Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 10 The Ridgeback Dictionary! Leash: A strap which attaches to your collar, enabling you to lead your person where you want him/her to go! Dog Bed: Any soft, clean surface, such as the white bedspread in the guest room or the newly upholstered couch in the living room. Drool: What to do when your persons have food and you don't. To do this properly you must sit as close as you can and look sad and let the drool fall to the floor or, better yet, on their laps. Sniff: A social custom to use when you greet other dogs. Place your nose as close as you can to the other dog's rear end and inhale deeply. Repeat several times, or until your person makes you stop. Also a great way to grab all the attention when people come to visit. (This is a great way to punish your people for not stopping to play earlier when you brought out your favorite toy and they were busy getting ready for the company.) Garbage Can: A container in which your people and their neighbors hide things for you to find once a week, to test your ingenuity. You must flip the can over just right so that the lid comes off and you can haul out the bag inside. When torn open and eaten this wonderful accumulation of goods can make your people hover around you and clean up after you for days. They will feel very sorry for you and shower you with attention. (just don't get caught in the act) Bicycles: Two wheeled exercise machines, invented for dogs to control body fat. To get maximum aerobic benefit, you must hide behind a bush and surprise the rider by barking loudly and running along side for a few yards. Just until they lose control and fall to the ground. (Sometimes this also results in a good game of chase the dog.) Deafness: A malady which affects us dogs when our persons want us in and we don't want to go. Symptoms include staring blankly at our persons, giving a slight head tilt then turning and walking or running in the opposite direction. (Sometimes just lying down for a few minutes 'til our persons come and get us helps to clear up the problem.) Thunder: (with or without lightning) A signal that the world is coming to and end. Humans remain amazingly calm during this process so it is necessary to warn them by barking, running in front of them, (tripping them to get their attention helps), trembling, panting, rolling your eyes wildly and trying to generally stay directly under foot. Wastebasket: A container for holding dog toys such as paper, kleenex, old candy wrappers and all sorts of other things that when strewn about the floor and shaken at our persons can result in a great game of give that to me now. Then the chase game comes into play. Sofa: A place to put your head while you're standing and it gets too heavy or a great place to rest your hind end while you're alert and your front feet are still on the floor. It's best to look like you don't notice your actually on the furniture. If the look is just right you will elicit a smile and your persons will pretend not to notice either. Bath: A process by which the humans really clean a room. They drench the floor, walls, you and themselves. You can assist them by shaking vigorously and frequently. Lean: What to do when your person insists on dressing up and trying to leave without you. You must constantly walk by with a leaning motion. You want to make sure all other people and dogs know that they left their better half at home. This is especially effective if you can convince them to wear black. Bump: The best way to get your person's attention when they are having a fresh cup of coffee or tea or a nice iced margarita. Goose Bump: A last resort maneuver used when the regular bump is ineffective, or they're not drinking. Especially effective when combined with the sniff. Make sure your nose is ice cold for this one. This should elicits loads of attention; some jumping and loud exclamations if done properly. Car: A means by which our people take us to new area's to mark, smell; and visit other canine's and people. Unfortunately, it can be used for evil as well, taking us to the vet, the Kennel or taking our people to work. Children: A great source of food we're not allowed to have. They always have something in their hands. When you take it they make some squealing sounds but never say no. As long as you're gentle, your people will be busy calming the children and giving them more food for you. So be sure to be gentle so you don't get scolded. Love: A feeling of intense affection, given freely and without reservation. To show your love, wag your tail, wiggle your body, put your head up your ears back and smile all while gazing adoringly. If done properly your persons will make fools of themselves by talking baby talk, rubbing you allover, cooing, cuddling and showering you with attention. Source: Early document sent to the NSRidgebackWalkingGroup – March 2001 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 11 n Fin Introducing Miss Sunnypenny’s Agent Honey aka Finn Finn is 5 months old and lives near Victoria on Vancouver Island. She was born in Finland (Canadian dad, Argos and Finnish mum, Penny) and at 7 ½ weeks of age, travelled to Canada onboard 3 separate airplanes, in a carrier under the seat ! She is an outgoing fun loving girl who promises to be a joy and a challenge! She has completed puppy classes and just starting Rally O with tracking soon to follow. She loves and torments Gemma, her older RR companion who sets a fine example. Loved and cared for by Jane Beauchamp !! ATTENTION !! Please note that we are always in need of qualified foster homes, in the event that a Ridgeback finds itself in a rescue situation. Foster homes do not need to be club members. Please contact Diana Pethick or Annice Jacek if you or anyone you know would be interested in temporarily fostering a Ridgeback in transition. Diana Pethick Annice Jacek 613-989-2860 905-628-8672 THANK YOU! Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 12 o Bik ―The King and I‖ ―Biko‖ is his call name. King Biko his fond nickname as he is generally on the best piece of furniture in the house. ―BISS Ch Sarjo Follow the Sun PCD RN RA CGN‖ Biko is one of my forever dogs. As you must imagine breeders often retire their dogs to loving homes so they can continue to breed and show and improve their lines. It is always hard but usually for the dog’s best interests. Biko however will remain my pet for as long as he lives. Not that I haven’t threatened to get rid of him. Like the times he has peed on the furniture when a bitch was in heat. When he had separation anxiety and while I was outside with another dog he jumped through the screen on the window. Once I held onto his tail while we ran around the kitchen table chasing a girl in season he wasn’t supposed to breed. I whooped and hollered like a cowboy until help came and put her back into her crate. I like to give all my dogs jobs so I have something to work at with them and then they get individual time and brain work. Biko has been a show dog, he works at Rally obedience, Obedience, Agility and Musical Freestyle. He loves to work and practice but it seems when we get to the actual show ring it can be a different story. I think this is partly my fault as I get the ring jitters and he senses this and wonders what is wrong. But I am proud to say that this February he got the first leg of his Companion Dog title, with a score of 175, Five points to spare as the judge was quick to remind me! This year I hope to complete his CD, submit a tape for evaluation for Novice Freestyle (MDSA), and continue his Rally Advanced and play around with Agility. Cindy Maurer Albert WHAT DO THOSE INITIALS MEAN ?—Part 2 ATChC ADC TD Agility Trial Champion of Canada Agility dog of Canada Therapy Dog CGN Canine Good Neighbour HIC Herding Instinct Certified Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 13 Area Walking Groups For specific details on the walks, contact the RRCEC individual listed below or the director for your area Do you have private property? Would you be willing to host a walk on your land? If so, please contact the Director or walk coordinator for your area! Province Area Contact Name Contact Info Dates Nova Scotia HRM Area Tamzin Hart / Dora Lee Amos Contact for Info Ontario Sudbury Area Lori Roy Contact for Info Ontario Bowmanville area Rhonda Johnson Contact for Info Ontario Kingston area Sean Mcdowell Contact for Info Ontario Ottawa area Dian aPethick 11 AM Sunday’s @ Marlborough Forest Quebec Quebec City & Montreal Sarah Lebrun Contact for Info Live in the Toronto North area? Why not join the Terra Cotta RR walking group! If interested, send an email to and we will add you to the email list and send emails when the group is getting together for a walk. We do not have set dates but randomly pick dates about once a month. Maureen holland Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 14 Colour in the Rhodesian Ridgeback The subject of colour, or perhaps I should say, the varied interpretations of the word “wheaten” from light to red, is the subject of great debate in our breed. Add to this mix the existence within the breed of the Livernose. While brown (liver) nosed dogs are recognized in the various breed standards, it is fair to say that there is as strong a divergence of opinion within the RR community about liver-nosed dog as there is about coat colour, per se. At the risk of opening up a huge debate on this subject, members of the Executive felt an article from the Farmer’s Weekly, October 10,1997 might be of interest to club members. The author of the article is Sian Hall who clearly favours liver-nosed dogs. Ms. Hall not only owns and breeds ridgebacks under the Tambuku Kennel name. Sian has written a great book on The dogs of Africa (reviewed in the Roster, Fall 2004, page 7). This article has been submitted to the Roster by Laurie Rusticus, Vice President. The Executive and Roster Editors are pleased to print it below for your information. One of the top ridgebacks in Canada in the 90's, was a lovely liver nose bitch Heronhill's Euranga. Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 15 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 16 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 17 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 18 PHOTO GALLERY Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 19 PHOTO GALLERY Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 20 Monthly Themes: January — Winter Outings February —Ridgeback Love March — Litters April — Action Shots May — Flowers are a Blooming! June — Puppy Love July – Ridgebacks and the Beach Rules: August — Ridgebacks and the Water Digital photographs of JPEG format (high quality) September — Leaves are a Turning Submissions must be submitted by current RRCEC members October — Halloween November —The Veteran Dog No professional photographs December — Holiday Fun & Comfort You may submit as many photos as you wish Photos must be in landscape format Include dog name and photographer name with each submission. Send your entries to: by August 1, 2011 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 21 RRCEC 2011 SOCIAL EVENTS Picnics Terracotta, On: Saturday May 7th see flyer for details Woodstock, On: Sunday July 17th at Neil Richardson’s property (check website for updates) Mildmay, On: Saturday August 27th Sarjo Picnic (check website for updates) Orono, On: Sunday October 30th (check website for updates) (Eastern Ontario, location to be confirmed, mid-September) Quebec: several events are available, see flyer for details East Coast: May 28th New Glasgow Nova Scotia ( fun day, check website for updates) Conformation and Obedience Specialties 2011 RRCEC Conformation Specialty: Saturday July 23rd Limestone Kennel Club, Kingston, Ontario, see flyer for details 2011 RRCEC Specialty Obedience& Rally: Sunday October 16th London Canine Association, Tillsonburg, Ontario CGN Testing to follow LCA HIT’s on Saturday October 15th Boosters Limestone Kennel Club: Sunday July 24th 2011 London Canine Association: Saturday October 15th 2011 (to be confirmed – SD&G Dog Show, Long Sault (Cornwall) August 2011) Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 22 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 23 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 24 ASSOCIATION OF RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK FANCIERS OF W. O. 13th ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOW SATURDAY JUNE 18th, 2011 IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE MONARCH KENNEL CLUB ALL BREED CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 4 SHOWS - 3 DAYS OF EVENTS 4 SETS OF POINTS FOR RIDGEBACKS! JUNE 17, 18, 19, 2011 Dorchester, Ontario, Canada SPECIALTY JUDGE Starr White Elora, Ontario SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE Josee Chevalier Guelph, Ontario Junior Handling Best Ridge Contest ***Show Closing Date: Wed. June 1st*** These shows held under Canadian Kennel Club rules, outdoor show site, Dorchester Fair grounds, Dorchester, Ontario, 90 km north east of Windsor, 185 km west of Toronto. Premium lists are available from: COLMAR Show Services Phone: (519) 351-3147 Website: Email: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Diane Waters (519) 245-6812 email Jacquie Dankner (905) 804-9570 email Hotel information on the premium list. EVENTS PLANNED INCLUDE: Best Ridge Contest, Raffle, Dinner (TBA) (Information on these events can be found in the premium list, or contact Diane Waters or Jacquie Dankner) *****ALL BREED SANCTION MATCH***** FRIDAY JUNE 17 after BIS Judging Hosted by the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Canada, proceeds from the match will go to the 2012 Canadian Rhodesian Ridgeback World Congress August 2012 Visit the website for more information Entries taken at ringside and are $10.00 For information contact Diane Waters, info listed above COME OUT AND JOIN IN THE FUN!!! Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 25 We continue to seek safe places for off leash walks. If you know of anyone with access to private land where we can undertake controlled activities please let your local Director, or member of the Executive know. For all events, a member of the Executive or a designated official is present to ensure ridgeback gatherings are held in accordance with our policies and guidelines . Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Eastern Canada 26
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