Drivhuseffekt og global opvarmning - circle-2
Drivhuseffekt og global opvarmning - circle-2
Uncertainties in different elements of the cause-impacts-adaptation chain (From the perspective of RCMs and data) Ole B Christensen Danish Climate Centre Danish Meteorological Institute Annual maximum daily precipitation Overview • Model uncertainty, and how to make it smaller • The more detailed questions, the more uncertainty! • We have uncertainty, but we still have a quantitative message • Lesson learned from PRUDENCE and ENSEMBLES – The simple-minded approach towards model weighting Climate of the future AR4, relative to 1980-1999 Categories of uncertainties • Scenario What will happen in the future • Structural Models disagree – Sensitivity Warming per CO2 increment – Model Different models have different regional results • Statistical Even the same model does not agree… • Critical thresholds If the Copenhagen public transportation system breaks down, and Arland has control tower problems, and my plane has a technical problem, then the meeting agenda breaks down • The ”unknown unknowns” Categories of uncertainties: What to do • Scenario – We cannot do predictions – Pattern scaling, though not for everything (sea level!) • Structural – Sensitivity • Better models; super-ensembles – Model • Better models; higher resolution; superensembles-based probability distributions • Statistical – Ensembles of model runs Example: Extreme precipitation Average; 99%, 99.5%, Average; 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.5%, 99.9% Average; 90%, 95%, 99.9% Average; 90%, 90%, 95%, 95%, 99%, 99%, 99.5%, 99.5%, 99.9% 99.9% Uncertainty on extremes Present Future Uncertainty on extremes Relative change exp1 (%) Relative change exp2 (%) Number of points in Europe with a positive signal Black line: Land points Orange line: All points PRUDENCE: It all depends on what we look at PRUDENCE domains Temperature change – sources of spread 100 90 DJF 80 % variance 70 60 RCM Scenario Forcing Member 50 40 30 Depends on driving model 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 subdomain 100 90 JJA 80 % variance 70 60 RCM Scenario Forcing Member 50 40 Also on RCM and scenario 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 subdomain 6 7 8 Déqué et al. 2007 Precipitation change – sources of spread 100 90 DJF 80 % variance 70 60 RCM Scenario Forcing Member 50 40 30 Driving GCM and RCM 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 subdomain 100 90 JJA 80 % variance 70 60 RCM Scenario Forcing Member 50 40 30 RCM quite important 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 subdomain 6 7 8 Déqué et al. 2007 ENSEMBLES: More data, more systematic approach -and some model weighting Public data access: http://ensemblesrt3.dmi.dk/ ENSEMBLES GCM-RCM Matrix Global model METO-HC METO-HC METO-HC Regional Standard Low sens. Hi sens. inst. METO-HC 2100 2100* 2100* MPIMET MPIMET Standard MPIMET MPIMET Ens.m. 1 Ens.m. 2 IPSL 2100* 1 2100 3 2100* 1 2100 2100* 2100 ICTP 2100 SMHI 2100* 2100* 1+4 2100* 1 2100* 2100* 2100* 3+1 2100 1 2050 C4I 2100* 2 2050 (A2)* GKSS 1 2050* 2050* 1 2050* CHMI 1 2050* OURANOS** 2050* VMGO** 2050* Total (19512050) 5 Total number 2 2050* 2100 KNMI METNO MIROC CGCM3 4 2100 DMI UCLM NERSC 2100 (late 2010) CNRM ETH CNRM 1 1 2 2 6+2 1+1 0+1 2 3 3 0+1 1 25+5 Red: Online now; *: non-contractual runs; **:affiliated partners without obligations; underscore: 50km resolution; (in parantheses): Expected date. For partner acronym explanations, see the participant list. NOTE that all partners also did an ERA-40 driven analysis 1951(1961)-2000 Summer temperature 11 RCM simulations covering 1961-2099 with OK quality Summer precipitation Summer precipitation extremes 1 yrv 5 yrv 30 yrv RCM weighting scheme f1: large scale circulation based on a weather regime classification f2: meso-scale signal based on seasonal temperature and precipitation analysis f3: probability density distribution match of daily and monthly temperature and precipitation analysis f4: extremes in terms of re-occurrence periods for temperature and precipitation f5: trend analysis for temperature f6: representation of the annual cycle in temperature and precipitation Total weight from multiplication of the individual weights: -This could roll down the model avalanche! Resulting weights 2y return value of storm surge Largest change around 30cm Relevant projects wrt. integrated modelling • PESETA Bottom-up analyses of impacts. Contribution to EU Green Paper on adaptation • ClimateCost Bottom-up including mitigation. Adaptation benefits, cost of inaction… Summary • Many uncertainty sources. We need to: – Formally quantify what we know and don’t know. • E.g.: Both positive and negative summer precipitation changes, but most likely negative – Communicate it • Model data are abundant. Methods for interpretation of ensemble data are required • Weights: Might work… • Integrated model work is necessary
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