October 2014 - Beaver County Chamber of Commerce
October 2014 - Beaver County Chamber of Commerce
724-775-3944 BUSINESS Business@Work. Partners in Progress. October 2014 info@bcchamber.com www.bcchamber.com October Business Section Sponsors y is a regional force nna Gutnick & Gefsk Ke Mc er urg sb ras St and individuals in eds of businesses meeting the legal ne lid roots in Beaver a century. With so Western PA for over relationships des itself on building County, the firm pri and getting results. • 724-846-1372 www.smgglaw.com The Ambridge Regional Distribution & Manufacturing Center is located at 2301 Duss Ave., Ambridg e. Its tenants enjoy onsite management, flexible, build-to-s uit facilities, convenient proximity to Pittsburgh and all of the area’s major roadways, and direct access to Nor folk Sou thern’s Conway Yard. Already one of the area’s most successful industrial business parks, it continues to flourish, as it undergo es a major refurbishment and expansion proj ect. Nancy Haddad www.4xblest.com 724-561-7545 PAMSG0012 09 Nancy Cha pple, LMT • ChappleThe 412.867.0 rapy@gmail. 520 com • Cha Massage IS pple.Massa therapy! Me geTherapy. n ti on this pum com your first m pkin for $10 assage. Ca off nnot be com bined. Michelle Muth, MT-BC owner Website: m3musictherapy.com email: michelle@m3musictherapy.com 724-624-9009 M3 Music Therapy is committed to building community through creative expression, focussing on music’s ability to affect change and promote wellness. Experienced working with families, faith-based organizations and businesses seeking to increase engagement. er that operates as a green US manufactur I have partnered with accounts so that club. I set up customer a wholesale shopping livered right to their tter, safer products de consumers can have be to shopping ati families an altern ve door. My company offers le residual iab rel a ers cts and off for their everyday produ No orders or deliveries. income. No inventor y. me team support. Free training and aweso Minuteman Press is the largest print franchise in the world. In Beaver Falls, we are the fastest growing printer in Beaver County, and we are constantly expanding our offerings to meet the growing needs of our customers. We help businesses and organizations in four areas: traditional printing services, graphic design, direct mail, and promotional products. Email: bfmmp@minutemanpress.com Phone: 724.846.9740 Helping your business or organization grow. October 2014 President’s Message Erica Loftus President Fall brings a new season upon us, and I believe the Chamber is starting a new season as well. Our Board of Directors has developed and approved the Chamber’s new Strategic Plan that will challenge us well through 2015. It is because of our dedicated Board of Directors’ leadership and service that the Chamber’s vision is being fulfilled “To strengthen local businesses so that Beaver County will be the premier place to live and work in the region and beyond.” This month we welcomed Dr. Chris Reber, the new President of CCBC to our Board. Dr. Reber brings a wealth of experience and talent, and we look forward to working with him regarding economic development initiatives and legislative issues as well. Speaking of legislative issues, the Chamber’s champion of Government Affairs, Mr. Scott Monit, is taking a new job opportunity which won’t allow him the availability to remain on the Board. A big thank you goes to Scott for the time and effort he contributed to the Chamber – especially serving as chair of the Government Affairs Committee and leading the way for effective relationships with local, state, and federal elected officials. I encourage our members to attend our Annual Meeting & Business of the Year Awards, dinner on October 23rd. This event will provide our membership the opportunity to learn about the Chamber’s accomplishments over the past year through the presentation of our Annual Report. We will also share the new Strategic Plan that we are already hard at work implementing. The highlight of the evening, of course, will be the awards presentation to our well deserving member businesses! Be sure to RSVP by October 16th to info@bcchamber.com or call 724-775-3944. Sincerely, Erica Loftus, President PAGE 2 w w w . b c c h a m b e r . c o m octoBER 2014 9 Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center Afterhours - FREE Thursday, October 9, 2014 5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center One Lincoln Park, Midland, PA 15059 Free to attend as part of National Chamber Month MUST RSVP by Thursday, October 2, to the Chamber office at 724-775-3944 or email info@bcchamber.com. Sponsored by: Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center Catered by: Mezza Luna Cafe 23 2014 Annual Meeting & Business of the Year Awards Thursday, October 23, 2014 5:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. Location: The Timberhouse at Rolling Acres Members: $45 RSVP by October 16th to the BCCC office, 724-775-3944 or email info@bcchamber.com Presenting Sponsor: Huntington Bank To see a full list of sponsors, please visit www.bcchamber.com. november 13 Regional Progressive Luncheon Thursday, November 13, 2014 11:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. DoubleTree by Hilton Pittsburgh Airport 8402 University Boulevard Moon Township, PA 15108 All Chambers Member Pricing: $30 MUST RSVP to the Chamber office at 724-775-3944 or email info@bcchamber.com. Supporting Sponsors: Heritage Valley Health System, Levy MG & Pittsburgh Business Times december Annual Holiday Party 11 Thursday, December 11, 2014 Sandler Training Breakfast Workshop Wednesday, October 15, 2014 • 7:45 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. First Presbyterian Church, Beaver, PA Topic:Viewer’s Choice. In honor of National Chamber Month this is another opportunity that the Chamber can give back!You tell us what you want to learn this month. Catered by: Café Kolache Members: $15.00 Non-Members: $30.00 Sandler Training Series Sponsored by: ESB Bank RSVP by Friday, October 10th, to the Chamber office at 724-775-3944 or email info@bcchamber.com. Job & Career Fair 30 Thursday, October 30th, 2014 10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Location: Beaver Valley Mall Sponsored by: Beaver County Chamber of Commerce,Beaver Valley Mall, Job Training for Beaver County, Inc. (JTBC), and PA CareerLink ® Beaver County. For more information call 724-728-4860. Sandler Training Breakfast Workshop General Election Debate Presented by the Beaver County Chamber of Commerce 15 Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 Congressional: Rothfus (Confirmed) and McClelland (Confirmed) State Senate: Solobay (Confirmed) and Bartolotta (Confirmed) Penn State Beaver, Auditorium (Student Union bldg) Doors open at 6:30PM. Debate begins at 7:00PM. NO CHARGE to attend & open to the public. Main Sponsor: TJM Inc., LLC Supporting Sponsors: Heritage Valley Health System, NOVA Chemicals, Inc. & PGT Trucking Host Sponsor: Penn State Beaver Supporting Sponsorships still Available. al October is Nation Chamber Month! ce for more Call the BCCC offi e October information on th unt, membership disco 724-775-3944 20 19 Legislative Reception Wednesday, November 19, 2014 • 7:45 A.M. – 11:15 A.M. First Presbyterian Church, Beaver, PA Topic: DISC Assessment Workshop Catered by: Panera Bread *Members: $15.00 Non-Members: $30.00 Sandler Training Series Sponsored by: ESB Bank RSVP by Friday, November 14th, to the Chamber office at 724-775-3944 or email info@bcchamber.com. Thursday, November 20, 2014 5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Wooden Angel 308 Leopard Lane, Bridgewater, PA 15009 Members: $30.00 Non-Members: $45.00 MUST RSVP to the Chamber office at 724-775-3944 or email info@bcchamber.com. Sponsored by: Comcast® *Additional $30 fee for test & results. Please inquire. ? Did you know Center at the Mall, Beaver Valley Mall ? Unit 284, Monaca, PA 15061 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM • $12 Members only Sponsored by: ESB Bank and Hancock Architecture RSVP by December 4, 2014 to the BCCC office, 724-775-3944 or email info@bcchamber.com. 15 You don’t have to be a Chamber member in order to receive our email updates? Start receiving community news, Chamber updates and event information by calling 724-775-3944 or email info@bcchamber.com. Sponsorship or event questions? Contact lcourteau@bcchamber.com. Community Partners Join Forces to Connect Job Seekers with Employment and Training PA CareerLink® Beaver County, Job Training for Beaver County, Inc. (JTBC), the Beaver County Chamber of Commerce, and the Beaver Valley Mall are partnering to host a Job and Career Fair Thursday, October 30th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Beaver Valley Mall. Employers and training providers eager to hire and train for jobs in industry sectors including healthcare, energy, logistics and transportation, construction, and manufacturing will be on hand. PA CareerLink® Site Administrator Dianne Funkhouser stated “we are confident this event will connect job seekers with employers and training opportunities.” “Waste Management is excited to participate in the upcoming Beaver County Job and Career Fair,” said Lori Miller, senior recruiter for Waste Management in western Pennsylvania. “We employ over 1,200 people in the western Pennsylvania region and are rapidly growing our operations across the state.” Jason Fincke, Executive Director of the Builders Guild of Western PA, who will also be participating in the event, commented, “The outlook for work is very promising in the construction industry… [Apprenticeship programs] offer tuition free training to individuals who have interest and abilities to work in an industry where family sustaining wages and a rewarding career are available.” PA CareerLink® Beaver County is offering a series of “Pre-Job Fair” workshops each Tuesday during October to help prepare the job seeker. When asked why job seekers should attend, JTBC Job Search Assistant Autumn Merenda commented, “A job fair gives job seekers the opportunity to meet face to face with employers, a step that is typically reserved for the interview phase of job search.” For more information, please contact the PA CareerLink® Beaver County at 724-728-4860. How to Maintain Properly Inflated Tires By Terri Trespicio Underinflated tires are a leading cause of auto crashes. Typically, they lead to uneven treads or an overheating, which could result in a flat or a blowout. Keeping your tires properly inflated, therefore, can make a big difference in your safety. As an added bonus, it can also improve your gas mileage by 3.3 percent. Follow these tips when checking your tires: · Look for the sticker. Inside the driver’s-side door there should be a sticker with the recommended tire pressure for your vehicle. (If it’s not there, check the owner’s manual.) · Check the tires before you drive. The most accurate readings happen when tires are cold—meaning they haven’t been driven on for three hours. · Get a good tire pressure gauge. Some newer cars have an in-dash tire pressure monitoring system. If your vehicle doesn’t have this feature, or you want the security of a backup, keep a good pressure gauge in your car. When you unscrew the valve cap on the tire, hold the nozzle firmly and squarely on the valve. Hold it straight, as tilting the gauge will affect the reading. And make sure your valves have caps. (It’s a good idea to store a few extra caps along with your gauge.) · Check your tires once a month. And always check them before taking off on a long trip. Even though colder weather will reduce tire pressure and warmer weather will increase it, you should still inflate or deflate only to the recommended pressure. To learn more about Liberty Mutual Auto and Home Insurance or get a free, no-obligation quote, call 412-859-6605 or visit libertymutual.com. Coverage underwritten and provided by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company and its affiliates, 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. ©2014 Liberty Mutual Insurance Congratulations to September’s Breakfast Club Star: Job Training for Beaver County, Inc. was named "2013 Small Non-Profit Business of the Year" by the Beaver County Chamber of Commerce Grace Ball Med-Fast Pharmacy "We're more than a pharmacy, we're family." www.medfast.com alIquIppa aMbRIDge beaveR 2301 Sheffield Rd. 506 Merchant St. 701 Corporation St. beaveR FallS CenTeR TWp. CHIppeWa TWp. 1427 Seventh ave. 3531 brodhead Rd. 2521 Darlington Rd. CRanbeRRY TWp. neW bRIgHTon FRanklIn TWp. 2630 Rochester Rd. 800 Third ave. 1793 Mercer Rd. HopeWell TWp. ZelIenople noRTHeRn lIgHTS 2293 brodhead Rd. 527 South Main St. 1555 beaver Rd. 1-888-479-bank (2265) Member FDIC www.esbbank.com w w w . b c c h a m b e r . c o m PAGE 3 OCTOBER 2014 LEGISLATIVE House-Passed Solutions Empower the American People Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] Over the past twenty months, I have logged thousands of miles traveling throughout Western Pennsylvania. I have heard from the boss, the people I represent, in communities from Ambridge to Johnstown and lots of stops in between. A lot of folks have told me that their gas, grocery, and health care bills are going up, but they are not seeing their incomes go up to help pay those bills. In addition, too many people who want to work cannot find jobs. Western Pennsylvanians from all walks of life want the freedom that comes with job security and the ability to keep more of what they earn. Unfortunately policies coming out of the Obama Administration focus on a Washington-centered approach that empowers the federal city at the expense of the American people. We can boom again. Robust economic growth will produce rising wages, more jobs for all Americans and greater opportunities for our kids. The House has passed bill after bill that would move our country ahead and empower workers and families. Unfortunately, these bills have hit a brick wall in the Senate. Of the 347 bills stuck in the Senate as of September 1st, 196 passed the House with no opposition and 61 were introduced by Democrats. Many of these 347 bills passed with the support of more than 100 House Democrats. You can learn about some of these commonsense bills at Rothfus.house.gov/house-passed-solutions-empower-the-american-people. House Republicans and Democrats have come together and compromised. It is time for Harry Reid and Senate Democrats to come to the table. October Business Section Sponsors MEMBER SHOWCASE Strassburger McKenna Gutnick & Gefsky is a regional force meeting the legal needs of businesses and individuals in Western Pennsylvania for over a century. With strong roots in Beaver County, the firm prides itself on building relationships and getting results. Beaver County natives Harry Kunselman, Matthew Marquette, Diane Buchanan, and Sophia Pappan and their colleagues bring a wealth of experience in areas including civil and commercial litigation, oil & gas leasing and title issues, business transactions, estate and succession planning, real estate, personal injury, and family law matters. Call the Beaver office at 724-846-1372 or visit www.smgglaw.com PAMSG001209 Massage is a powerful ally in the quest for physical and mental health. It helps create wellness and a sense of “wholeness” that is often lost in our segmented, overscheduled lives. Whether your employer offers chair massage at work or you schedule a personal massage, you can appreciate some of the many benefits of massage: • Alleviates pain and improves flexibility • May decrease medication dependence • Eases anxiety and depression • Boosts immune system by stimulating lymph flow • Engages weak, tight, or atrophied muscles • Improves circulation of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and vital organs • Releases endorphins—the body’s natural painkiller • Improves sleep Making music with others, whether as a trained professional or a non-musician, requires many of the same skills needed to be an integral part of community: listening, paying attention, working together, taking risk. It is a powerful tool that can be used for team building; creating environments of trust, self-expression, wellness and building bridges. M3 Music Therapy is devoted to engaging people to build strong communities. Examples include: young families experiencing Sprouting Melodies®; faith-based groups creating holistic work and worship environments; corporations seeking to increase employee engagement. Learn more at m3musictherapy.com. The Best Keeps Getting Better The Ambridge Regional Distribution & Manufacturing Center, 2301 Duss Ave., Ambridge, has been a center of commerce for over 100 years. Now, it appears to be poised for success well into the future, thanks to Value Ambridge Properties, its management for the past 26 years. Having already developed it into the region’s premier industrial business park, the company is now refurbishing it. The project involves painting, re-paving, installing new signage, landscaping, and, possibly, adding new buildings. Tenants of the park enjoy its convenience to all of the area’s major roadways, direct access to Norfolk Southern’s Conway Yard, and on-site management. Go Green Save Green Make Green! Kids are back in school and if you have not received it yet, you can be sure you will . . . that is the dreaded lice letter! Yes, it happens in all schools and it happens too often. Please know that there is a safe way to rid your child of lice but better yet, it is possible to repel the lice. Yes, keep it away from your child in the first place. I am not talking about wrapping them in plastic either; I am referring to the use of Melaleuca oil. If you use Melaleuca Original Shampoo and wash your clothes with the laundry products that contain Melaleuca oil, you have a very good chance of avoiding the hassle altogether. Contact me at 4xblest@gmail.com Minuteman Press is the largest print franchise in the world. In Beaver Falls, we are the fastest growing printer in Beaver County, and we are constantly expanding our offerings to meet the growing needs of our customers. We help businesses and organizations in four areas: traditional printing services, graphic design, direct mail, and promotional products. We are trained professionals, and we have the latest technology. As part of the largest print franchise in the world, we can handle your print and marketing needs efficiently and effectively. Why not contact us today for a free quote? Email: bfmmp@minutemanpress.com Phone: 724.846.9740 AK NAHAS Locally owned and operated, A.K. Nahas has been serving Beaver County since 1939. In August, owners Dan and Dean Nahas kicked off their 75th Anniversary with special promotions that will continually change throughout the year. A.K. Nahas Appliance & TV Center is located at 463 State Avenue in Beaver. A.K. Nahas Furniture Galleries, the family’s new 50,000 sq. ft. furniture and mattress showroom, is located at 1108 Midland Beaver Road in Industry. For the past 75 years, generations of valley residents have trusted their friends at A.K. Nahas for quality products backed by dependable service. Continuing in that same tradition, you can be confident in recommending our stores to your friends and neighbors for all their appliance, television, furniture and mattress needs. With the largest selection in Beaver County, you’re sure to find what you want at the best price. You’ll love that we offer local delivery and removal at no additional charge. Please accept our invitation to shop both of our stores…your best shopping experience has yet to come. To our thousands of loyal customers, we thank you for allowing us to serve you and your family for the past 75 Years and hope to see you again soon! INDUSTRIAL AD PAGE 4 n t by Ce hr a. mc boe m r.com w w wB e. ab vce cr Choau m OCTOBER 2014 NEW MEMBERS 1-800-BOARD-UP Richard Wagner 724-443-2850 4930 South Pioneer Road Gibsonia, PA 15044 Contractors/Restoration Services Emergency/Restoration Services: Fire & Smoke Damage, Water & Wind Damage Restoration, Structural & Contents Cleaning, Deodorizations, Electrical & Plumbing Repairs, Mold Prevention & Remediation, Smoke & Odor Remediation, Contents Pack Alicia’s Kitchen Goodies Alicia Pizer 724-312-6109 1408 Gringo Road Aliquippa, PA 15001 Bakery/Caterer Out & Storage, Contents Inventory, Board-Up, Emergency Tarp Service, water Extraction & Dry Out, Dehumidification, Temporary Heat, Electric & Plumbing (winterization), Tree Removal from Structures/Property, Sewage Backup, Temporary Fencing, Shoring & Stabilization (walls, floors & roofs),Temporary Power & Generators. Give us a call we want to have in your time of need, Beaver County Representative at 1-800-BOARDUP is Richard (Rich) Wagner. If you are avictim of a Fire, Flood, Storm, Tree Down, Building Collapse Residential or Commercial Structural Issue. Browse An Buy Browse An Buy helps you receive the best quality products for all your needs. Bryan Reilly 412-592-7364 173 Kennedy Road Hookstown, PA 15050 www.browseanbuy.com Internet Sales Precision Kidd Steel Co., Inc. Precision Kidd Steel manufactures value engineered, custom cold drawn steel bars and wires with special profile (extruded) shapes and in standard shapes that save our customers money by reducing machining steps, while improving yields and productivity. Susan Henderson 724-302-2313 1 Quality Way Aliquippa, PA 15001 www.precisionkidd.com Alicia’s Kitchen Goodies is a specialized bakery offering unique designer cookies, cupcakes and pastries packed with rich flavors, textures and visual appeal that will have your taste-buds jumping for joy. Special services such as delivery, set-up and rental of display fixtures rounds out the emphasis of providing an excellent, no stress, customer experience. All baked goods are baked fresh for each order with special attention given to unique details and requests. Customers can schedule appointments for personal meetings to discuss their event. ChamberChoice is a suite of products designed especially for Chamber members. The health insurance products are gaining the most attention due to the Affordable Care Act. We help individuals and businesses with the Public Exchange, all private options, and boast new self-funded plans, minimum essential benefits and defined contribution purchasing options. Chamber members have access to dedicated professionals who remove the confusion and offer the coverage and compliance solutions that meet budget Manufacturing The Pollick Agency, LLC - Allstate Insurance Allstate is here to help you protect your stuff, your car and your house or condo. We offer auto, home, property, condo & renters’ insurance, plus insurance for recreational vehicles like motorcycles, boats and more. John Pollick 724-709-7791 320 College Avenue, Suite 2 Beaver, PA 15009 agents.allstate.com/john-pollick-beaver-pa.html Insurance Agency needs. At the same time, ChamberChoice helps business owners and homeowners reduce the cost of electricity, and insure their business and personal property risk. Our business insurance dividend program recently returned over half a million dollars to participating members. Call today for more information on how you can take advantage of these great products and services that save you time, worry and money! Contact us at 1-800-377-3539, or visit www.chamberchoice.com. On August 21, the BCCC held its Annual Island Party at Kelly's Riverside Saloon. Thank you to Minuteman Press of Beaver Falls for not only being our event sponsor, but also for being such good sports by participating in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Minuteman Press also made a donation to the organization. SMC Consulting, LLC ANIMALS/KENNELS VETERINARIANS/CREMATORIES INF O BCCC Beaver County Humane Society 724-775-5801 Hours: T & Th 11am-7pm; W, F & Sat. 11am-4pm; Closed Sun. & Mon. CONSTRUCTION/REMODELING RENOVATIONS 724-846-1440 790 Duquesne Way Rochester, PA 15074 724-728-2860 www.Beck-Construction.com ASSISTED LIVING B E AV E R C O U N T Y CHAMBER OF CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE COMMERCE Personal Care Residence SMC Consulting, LLC is a commercial office interior design firm located in Beaver, and after waiting more than 18 months, finally has a building permit to update and expand their office! "This certainly isn’t a reflection of how long it takes for SMC to plan and design an expansion!” says Sam McWilliams, Managing Partner of SMC Consulting, LLC. "There were many factors to consider when trying to expand an 1890’s building and comply with ADA; without changing the historical features of the building. We were able to design around both and are very excited about moving forward!" The expansion includes a renovated handicap accessible restroom, larger print and plot room, and two offices for the partners, Sam McWilliams and Keith Colamarino. Prior to the renovation commencing, SMC relocated their resource center from the first floor to the second floor loft. This is where SMC's designers can research the library of furniture catalogs and select finish samples to create the innovative designs their clients demand. The refinished 1890's loft provides an inspiring atmosphere for the designers featuring exposed ceiling, beams, and brick. The renovations and expansion were designed in-house and are being constructed by Gary (Mac) McWilliams; McWilliams Construction, Rochester PA. SUPPORT These Fine Establishments The advertisers listed are members of the Beaver County Chamber of Commerce. For a complete listing of Beaver County Chamber Members, please visit the website www. bcchamber .com Beaver Elder Care & Rehabilitation Audiology Associates, LLC. D.A. Peterson, MS, CCC-A, FAAA Clinical Audiologist Hours: 8:30a.m. - 4:00p.m. Call for an appointment Helping transition you from hospital to home in no time. 616 Golf Course Road Aliquippa, PA Phone: 724-375-0345 PA5633 400 Ardex Park Dr. • Aliquippa, PA 15001 724•203•5000 Heating • Air Conditioning Air Duct Cleaning • Water Systems CREDIT UNION 724-846-1400 800.834.NINE www.homer9.com A+ 125 Nalco Way • Ellwood City, PA 16117 1600 Darlington Rd. • Patterson Township Beaver Falls, PA 15010 485 Buffalo Street, Beaver, PA 724-775-6640 2015 Main Street, Aliquippa, PA 724-378-3534 989 Beaver Grade Rd. Moon Township 724.891.3333 Ardex, L.P. The W.W. Henry Company, L.P. Seven Straight Years! “We Never Stop Caring” 78 Tuscawaras Rd. • Beaver, PA www.nothearingwell.com MANUFACTURING “Best of the Valley” “Quality Home Comfort Since 1943” 724-728-3659 Serving the hearing impaired of Beaver County. Since 1975 HEATING AND COOLING Secured Dementia Unit Senior Living | Memory Care Hearing & Hearing Aid Services Since 1980 Ron Lewis 300 9th Ave. Beaver Falls, PA 15010 MEDICAL SUPPLIES Jim Beck Construction AUTOMOBILE DEALERS/RENTALS Ford Chevy Kia HEALTHCARE/REHAB SERVICES 412-264-2613 HOTELS/MOTELS/BED & BREAKFAST Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites 105 Stone Quarry Rd. • Monaca, PA 15061 724-728-5121 • FAX 724-728-5120 724-752-6200 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Gateway Rehabilitation Center (main campus) 100 Moffett Run Road, Center Township, PA 15001 (additional locations throughout PA and Ohio) www.westaircomm.com 724-378-4461 elmcroft.com FINANCIAL SERVICES/PLANNING PHARMACIES Strategic Planning that maximizes your financial success. 724-728-6820 Call Today to get started! Franciscan Manor Senior Living 71 Darlington Rd. • Beaver Falls, PA 15010 724-891-1150 1413 Third Street • Beaver, PA 15009 Thomas W. Young CLu, ChFC, RFC, Csa 34 Years Serving Local Community Beaver • Pittsburgh Rochester Manor &Villa Beaver County’s Continuum of Care INSURANCE 2010 1 Consultants, Inc. st www.1stconsultantsinc.com Life Auto Home Business 433 State Street Beaver, PA 15009 724-728-1200 www.bobtracyinsurance.com RETAIL/SPECIALTY SHOPS 174 Virginia Ave. • Rochester, PA 15074 FX.724-775-4386 • PH.724-775-6400 INDUSTRIAL PARKS Value Ambridge Properties Ambridge Regional Distribution & Manufacturing Center 2301 Duss Avenue, Suite 1 • Ambridge, PA 724-266-4661 3433 Broadhead Road Monaca, PA 15061 (Center Twp.) 724•775•1655 Screen printing & embroidery www.candssports.com Hours: M, T, Th, F 10-6 Wed 10-5 • Sat 10-2
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