Saint Catherine of Siena Parish


Saint Catherine of Siena Parish
Saint Catherine of Siena Parish
321 Witmer Rd. Horsham, PA 19044 ~ 215-672-2881 ~ FAX 215-674-1025
Father Joseph F. Rymdeika, Pastor
Father Paul J. O'Donnell In Residence
Deacon Timothy E. Urbanski
Director of Parish Services: TBA
Business Manager: Mrs. Lizanne Kelly Vernacchio
Parish Religious Education Office: 215-674-8549 Administrator: Mrs. Regina Osborne
St. Catherine of Siena Preschool: 215-674-1904
Director: Mrs. Monica Neill ~ ~
Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School
(a joint ministry of St. Anthony, St. Alphonsus, and St. Catherine of Siena Parishes)
29 Conwell Drive, Maple Glen PA 19002 ~ 215-646-0150 ~
Principal: Mr. John McGrath ~
The Stoning of St. Stephen
A website
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5pm, Sunday: 7:00. 9:00, and 11:15am.Daily:9:00am Mon.-Sat.
Eve of Holyday:7:00pm; Holyday: 6:30am, 9:00am and 12:05pm
(no evening Mass on Holyday)
Consult special schedule for 12/25, 1/1 and Holydays that fall
on a Saturday or Monday. Confessions: Saturday 3:30pm-4:30pm.
Flocknote A
May 8, 2016
Monday, May 9
John Gartner req. by Joseph G. Flanagan
Tuesday, May 10
Grace Frank req. by Jim and Judy O’Dore
Wednesday, May 11
Helene Faillace req. by Linda Miller
Thursday, May 12
Helene Faillace req. by Michael Huggard
Friday, May 13
Joseph Olshefski req. by his wife
Saturday, May 14
deceased of the Vaughn and Layman
families req. by Alicia Layman
Virginia Halligan req. by Jim and Ginny Coyle
Sunday, May 15
Jake Durkin req. by the Franz family
Manuel Martinez req. by Tessie and Pat Vilar
Teresa and Chuck White (55th wedding anniv.)
req. by their family
We Remember in Prayer our Military Personnel:
Craig Gower, Andrew Lang, John Medwid, Joshua
Patterson, Curtis Cupps, Gregory Worman, Ruben
David Cruz, Chelsea Haynes, Captain Michael C.
Maricle, Elizabeth (Coughlin) Wagner, Ryan
Wagner, Sean Flynn, Aaron Hart, Brianna Hart,
Jared Hart, John Weston, Patrick Smith, Bruce
McCormick, Jason Levin, Joann Levin, Thomas A. Forcey,
Joseph Weiler, Joshua White, Timothy F. Schroth, Dave
Dry, Rick MacNeal, Gerald Kane, Dr. James Coyle, Patrick
Quinn, Dominic Harris, Daniel Sekallick, Stephen
We remember in prayer our men and women in Law
Enforcement: Jon Nelson, Cindy Felicetti, Larry
Bozzomo, Jon Clark, John Lyon, Dan Heeney,
John Creedon, Maureen Kund, Pam Cordura,
Bob Waeltz ,Kevin Joseph Kelly, Ken Cook
7th Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 8
• No PREP class
• Baby Bottles for Life collection
Monday, May 9
• PREP closing Mass 6:30pm
Tuesday, May 10
• 1pm Rosary Cenacle in chapel
• Flame of Love 1:30pm and 7pm in chapel
• 7pm Miraculous Medal Novena
Wednesday, May 11
• 11am Stitcher’s Group in school
• Daisy Girl Scouts in school 7-8:30pm
• 6:15 Choir practice
• CYO Region 11 meeting in hall
Thursday, May 12
• Cub Scouts in hall 7-9pm
• Maranatha Prayer Group 8-10pm in chapel
Friday , May 13
Saturday, May 14
• Confessions 3:30-4:30pm
Sunday, May 15
We Remember in Prayer our sick and those who
care for them: Diana Petrecca, Fr. Wilz, Elizabeth
Lawless, the sick members of the Gower family, Teresa
Brankovic, Alice Conville, Arthur Jones, Brian Durand,
Roger Sime, Lynly Safran, Josh Young, Terri Crist, Marni
Brown-Passaretti, Amy, Richard Hoff, Lazarus Blaydes,
Roman Stawnyczyj, Mary Beth Burns, Jane E. Joyce,
Christine Rommel, Bill Kelley, Ester Martin, John Varvolis,
Billy Greene, Sean Smith, Betty Leary, Mimi Lian, Edward
Bauman, Melissa Bauman, Dolores Smith, Susan D’Elia,
Brian Sturm, Ruth Sturm and family, Emmy Robinson,
Mrs. Hargadon, Jessica Coleman, Chaz Carfagno, Tom
Malone, Philip O’Donnell, Kay Landers, Taylor Gilmour,
Cathy Conricode, Rita Carsley, Dot Kelly, Ann Marie and
Bob Shaw, Kathleen Larkins, Diane Coleman, Pat
McCambley, Patricia Oakley, Wendy Cerminara, David
Clark, Nicholas Fetcher, Jason Burkhart, Mary Beth
Dobrzynkski, Carmen Giammarco, Frances Rafferty,
Suzanne Aragona, Chip Randa, Margaret Thompson,
Mary Garner, Regina Stolburg, Zayden Hart-Owens,
Michael Shanley, Allyson Turner, Max Fisher, Joanne
Burrell, LaQuann Harris, Bette Wilks, Paulina Pate
Our deceased and their families:
Saverio Fedele (brother of Rudy Fedele)
Helen Brass (mother of Liz Brass)
Chapel candles have been lit by
Colleen Foley in memory of Dot Quinn.
Mass Schedule May 14/15
• 5:00pm
Celebrant: Fr. Rymdeika
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Jim Cardano, Bill Harvey, Fran Hovis, Mario Mirabelli,
Bill Rutledge
Music: TBD
Servers: Ivan Kakiko, Anna Leonard, Michelle
Mirabelli, Julie Reilly
Lector: Rita Granato
St. Catherine of Siena Pre School
20– Field Day
30– Memorial no school
St. Catherine of Siena PREP
8– No class
9– Class, followed by closing Liturgy
• 7:00am
Celebrant: Fr. O’Donnell
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Ray Clark, Enis Falvey, Karen Fisco, Matt Jones, Jim
Servers: Gretchen Reese, Jordan Lucas
Lector: Joe Morton
• 9:00am
Celebrant: Fr. Rymdeika
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Connie Bolig, Margie Herbert, Dolores Krystopowicz,
Ray Nolden, Regina Osborne
Music: Hosanna, Christine Antis
Servers: Matthew Dugan, Daniela Guerra-Solano,
Elizabeth Lucas, Brady McCormick
Lector: Mary Doherty
• 11:15am
Celebrant: Fr. Rymdeika
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Susan Arcadia, Phil Cavaliere, Janet Fox, Ellie
Kerner, Agnes Salvador, Paul Wilburn, Regina
Music: Christine Antis
Servers: Elizabeth Hann, Emily Mirabelli, Stella Lee,
Gianna Salerno
Lector: Joan Fitzpatrick
***This schedule is subject to change based on
substitute request in Ministry Scheduler.****
Save the Date!
Vacation Bible School will be held
July 11th-July15th
folks who like to work with flowers/plants, who are
available on some Fridays or Saturdays, who enjoy working as part of a team, and who wish to
keep St. Catherine's looking beautiful during all of
the liturgical seasons.
We are not professional flower people (we just enjoy working
with them). You do not have to be available every week (we
take turns, as our schedules permit). We enjoy preparing
the bouquets for the main altar, the Narthex, and the Statues. If
you have any questions...if you have any interest…please call
Diane Calvin (215-370-2699).
Would you like to share your garden blooms?? We have
vases just waiting at the church to be filled with the sweet
smells of your green thumb success! Please call Diane at the
number above if you would like to arrange to drop off any fresh
cut flowers for the congregation to enjoy !
May 1
SVdP thanks Andy Roper of the Ball Corporation
for organizing a huge food drive at their Horsham
location. The Ball Corporation collected and delivered
almost 2,700 lbs of food to us last week. Additionally
the Ball Corporation Foundation will match $1 for every
pound of food collected! Thanks Andy and the Ball
This week, May 8 the counters are team 3 led by Andy Lafond.
Next Sunday, May 15 the counters will be team
4 led by Brian Sgro.
This week’s readings:
Acts 7:55-60, Rev 22:12-14, 16-17, 20, Jn 17:20-26
This month the Knights of Columbus at St. Catherine of Siena Parish will support mothers and babies
through the Baby Bottles for Life Fundraiser for the Legacy of Life Foundation. This weekend every
parishioner will have the opportunity to take a bottle to fill with spare change and help change a life! Knights
will collect bottles at the end of all Masses on the weekend of May 7/8.
The deadline to return the bottles is the weekend of May 7/8
For more information about please contact Jeff Fox @
Pot of Gold Winner
Congratulations to Mrs. Olga Kordelas
the lucky winner of
April’s Pot of Gold drawing!!
The winning envelope was drawn on
May 1st at Donut Sunday.
Olga’s share of the 50/50 drawing was $700!!
Don’t forget to try your luck in May!
That winner will be drawn at our next
Donut Sunday on June 5th. Entries must be received
in the parish office by 5pm Tuesday, May 31st.
What could you do with an extra $700 next month?
Calling all cooks! We are in need of meals for
the Aid For Friends freezer. Containers are
available at the parish office or in the narthex.
The freezer is located in the parish office basement. You may drop them off during regular business hours.
Our Food Pantry is in need of a few items in order to
stay well stocked. The most needed items now are:
cereal, tuna fish, canned carrots, canned peas, spaghetti
sauce and spaghetti ,juice boxes, shampoo, and toilet
Archbishop James F. Wood Assembly #1680,
Knights of Columbus
the American Flag Retirement Program
Drop off your old flags in the Narthex by May 31st
Flags can be ripped, stained, dirty, otherwise unusable, or
simply unneeded.
In a Flag Day ceremony, the Assembly will properly and
respectfully retire the colors.
This event is co-sponsored by Fr. Joseph
P. Keeney Council #8530 Knights of Columbus.
Contact Tom Southard at 410-258-7298
…..with dignity
We congratulate our Parish children who have received their First Holy Communion
Lily Auxer, Jack Bailey, Alexander Barber-Brennan, Imanol Bartuska, Lucia Bartuska, Jack
Bumgardner, Alejandro Bentahar, Isabella Bentahar, Marissa Braccia, Charles Brennan, Faith
Brinsfield, Jessica Carroll, Clare Choi, Isabella Cortez, Madison Duggan, William Fagan, William
Fisher, Kevin Foley, Nathan Gans, Lola Gardiner, Juliana Goodwin, Liliana Goodwin, Shaun Groman, Hake Haas, Meredith Hestnar, Anthony Kaslov, Aiden Kelley, Samantha Leiderman, Moira
Lennen, Max Leibsch, Aiden Lloyd, Madelyn Lorenzo, Michael Lucas, Matthew Magura, Declan
McDonnell, Paige McGarrey, Kelsey McNamara, Rylee Murphy, Cara Neeld, Leah Nelson, Megan
Ngo, Francisca Ola, Shane Phillips, Margaret Pompilii, Michael Randa, Guiseppe Randazzo, Ashley Rawa, Kylee
Rawlinson, Anthony Readinger, Finn Reilly, Abigail Rosenbaum, Madelyn Sachson, Frederick Simko, Dakota Slye,
Jack Tagliaferi, Jayden Tion, Joshua Tribuiani, John Wachs, Ryliegh White, Logan Williams, Blake Wilson
Volleyball Clinics For All Ages-Region 11 CYO is hosting volleyball clinics in May at Keith Valley Middle
School. Local high school/club and CYO coaches will be working with children of all ages and skill levels. Clinics will
be held on May 12, May 16 and May 18. Boys and girls in grades 1-4 are invited to attend from 6:15-7:30 (parents
are welcome to stay and watch or participate) and boys and girls in grades 5-8 are invited to attend from
7-830 on all three dates. Spaces are limited and on a first come first serve basis. To register, email your child’s name,
school and age to Janet Quinn, Region 11 Volleyball Commissioner at Donations for the
food pantry at St. Catherine of Siena are being accepted and would be very much appreciated. ( pudding packs,
juice boxes, tuna, spaghetti sauce and spaghetti, bar soap, shampoo, toilet paper, tissues, are most needed)
Christians in the Middle East continue to face persecution
and extinction simply for their belief in Jesus Christ. Their
fate, however has been ignored By the secular media. The
Knights of Columbus will be selling “Solidarity Crosses”
to help raise funds for their relief. These crosses are crafted by
Christians in the Holy Land. These crosses are identical to the cross
pictured on the prayer card in the pews that we have been praying
for the last few weeks. The cost is $10 of which $5 will be donated to
the Christian Refugee Relief Fund. Thank you for helping the
Knights of Columbus to stand in Solidarity with our persecuted brothers and sisters by buying one or more of these “Solidarity Crosses.
More information to follow shortly.
Our Lady of Mercy
Regional Catholic School
29 Conwell Drive
Maple Glen, PA 19002
A shared ministry of St. Catherine, St. Alphonsus
and St. Anthony parishes
OLM School Happenings
Congratulations to the OLM Reading Olympic Team. The OLM
Reading Olympic team competed last week at the Montgomery
County competition held at North Penn High School. This year’s
Reading Olympics team included students in grades 4 thru 6.
The team did a great job representing OLM, receiving the highest possible honor, earning Two Blue Ribbons!! A special
thank you to the faculty and parents that worked to prepare our
School Registration- Registration is well under way for our 20162017 school year. A reminder that any family that refers a new
family receives a $500 tuition credit. Contact Julie Bebey, Director
of Advancement at 215-646-0150 X113 or We welcome you to take a tour or
set up a time for your child to shadow a current student. “Let Us
Surprise You!”
Daisy Days at OLM- In continuing with our school theme of “Virtues
of Mercy” our students will be supporting Daisy Days to benefit Children’s Hospital this month. Our students will learn how one small
flower can bloom together to bring a bouquet of hope to sick children
and their families being cared for at CHOP. The student’s donations
will be earmarked for the department at CHOP that treated Baby
Elizabeth Meyers, the daughter of a member of our faculty.
Upcoming Events:
5/10: OLM May Procession will take place at 2 PM. All our welcome
as we honor, Mary, Mother of God.
5/18: OLM Volunteer Luncheon. OLM is grateful for the many volunteers that help support the school each day. We look forward to recognizing you with a special OLM Thank You!
5/20: Reading with OLM Mascot, Winston! 9:30-10:30 am. Open to
any Pre-schoolers ages 2-5.
6/1: New Kindergarten Family Ice Cream Social
6/6: OLM 2nd Annual Golf Outing at Sandy Run CC. Thank you for
the great response we have received to date. Don’t be left out, Sign
up today and join us for a day of fun and surprises! Brochures are
available at the back of church for golf registration and sponsorships.
Please contact Julie Bebey for more information at 215-646-0150 X
113 or
Thank you-Thank you to the many people who came to Sweet Taco
to support the SVDP fundraiser on April 19th. (which was a part of
my senior project). It was a great night and it was so nice to see
many familiar faces. We raised $248 for SVDP! The money raised
will be used for food purchases or to assist a client pay one of their
bills. - Allie Glover
Parish Contact Information
Phone : 215-672-2881 Fax: 215-674-1025
School Director:
Monica Neill 215-674-1904
Parish Staff
Parish Services Director: TBA
Ex. 15
Business Manager: Lizanne Kelly Vernacchio
Ex 19
Administrative Asst. Mary Beth Dougherty
Ex. 17
Bulletin Editor: Mary Beth Dougherty
Ex. 17
SCRIP Sales:
Mary Beth Dougherty
Ex. 17
Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School:
Mr. John McGrath
Religious Education Office:
Administrator: Regina Osborne
Ex. 30
Administrative Assistant: Jen Sgro
Ex. 31
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 9AM -5PM Saturday: 9AM - 1PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Parish Organizations
The following are our parish societies, organizations
and programs. If you are interested in joining or helping
with any of our activities, kindly contact the person
listed below. We encourage all of our members to become actively involved in our parish life.
Aid For Friends: Ms. Kathy Recklitis ……...237-1250
Altar Servers: TBA
Church Cleaning Comm. Phil Cavaliere…....672-2184
Church Décor Committee: Diane Calvin......370-2699
C.P.R Training Doug Levy………………..267.994.8065
Cub Scout Pack #39 Mark Collins……... …..957-9109
C.Y.O.: TBD …………………………………………….
Eucharistic Adoration: Mary Kolb……….... 672-7005
Maranatha: Mr. Daniel Fanning….……… .836-5107
Extraordinary Ministers: TBA………………..672-2881
Financial Council: Fr. Rymdeika…………….672-2881
Health Advisory Council: Ann McHugh ……654-5181
Hospitality Committee: TBA ………… …….672-2881
Knights of Columbus: Fr. Keeney Council
Tom Southard ...………………………….. ……………….
Lectors : TBA
…………….. ………...672-2881
Liturgy Committee: Mike DeLucia………….. 672-2881
Music Director: Mimi Drummond……………646-7105
Parish Nurse Partners:
Ms. Anne White………………………………….886-7273
Pastoral Council: ………... …………………. 672-2881
Pre Cana Team:
Lori and Gary Ingersoll ………………………641-0492
Pre Jordan Team: Deacon & Mrs. Timothy
R.C.I.A :TBA ………... ……………………….. .672-2881
SVDP Society: Susan Glover…..……………. 643-6567
Ushers: Mr. Mike Barrilli……………………... .643-2295
JAM Youth Group: Viv Reese...
St. Catherine of Siena 148700
321 Witmer Drive
Horsham, PA 19044
Mary Beth Dougherty
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