Holy Spirit Church - Holy Spirit Union
Holy Spirit Church - Holy Spirit Union
Holy Spirit Church 984 Suburban Road Rev. Armand Mantia Pastor Msgr. Vincent J. Doyle Pastor Emeritus Rev. Paul Importico Parochial Vicar Rev. William Morris Weekend Assistant Union, New Jersey 07083 Deacon Joseph J. Carlo Deacon Kurt C. Landeck Pastoral Ministry Mr. Armand Lamberti School Principal Ms. Catherine Drake Director of Religious Education and RCIA Parish Office ! 687!3327 Fax ! 687!1312 Mr. Philip Matrale Youth Minister Mr. John Ondrey, The Spirit Singers The Ministry of Music Mr. James Sondey Parish Pastoral Council Coordinator Mrs. Patricia Wiggins Mr. David Schardien Trustees School ! 687!8415 Religious Education Office ! 964!7533 E!Mail ! holyspiritchurch@comcast.net www.holyspiritunion.org ! Page 2 We Gather to Celebrate Saturday: 8:30am, 5:30pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am & 12:00 Noon (July 1st to Labor Day: 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00 Noon) Weekdays: Monday thru Friday: 7:30am and 8:30am Holy Days: As announced Reconciliation Saturday 11:30-12 Noon and 4:30 to 5:00pm. Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is normally celebrated on the second Sunday of each month. A Preparation Program is required for first time parents. New parents should register for the Baptism as soon as possible after the child’s birth by contacting the Parish Office. Matrimony According to the policy of the Archdiocese of Newark arrangements for weddings should be made at least one year in advance. Please contact the priest whom you wish to officiate at your wedding, by calling the Parish Office. Novena In honor of Our Lady and St. Jude: Monday (September—June) immediately after 8:30 Mass. Parish Membership Our parish family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Every family moving into the parish is requested to register at the Parish Office. If you move , please let us know. Certificates of Eligibility (Godparent/ Sponsor certificate) will only be given to registered parishioners. Leo Krahel Louise Lawrence! Mike Scholz! ! Christopher Gruno! Camilly Capone! Joann Melillo! ! Frank Bradley!! Maxwell Alexander! Stephanie Barrett! Robert Lash! ! Irene Pugliese Toni Pampinella ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! JULY 24, 2016 ! SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME! ! ! Joe DeDeo! Elizabeth Uschak! Kathleen Meade! James Masucci! Little Mackenzie! Camille Glasser! Joan Yochum! Mary Lynn! Connie O’Shea! Irene Dulina! Anna Lisa Di Maria! Alice Deckert! A message from our Pastor:! ! Dear Parishioners, ! As we enter into the “high” part of the summer, and there is really not much going on, I just want to remind you that wherever your travels take you, thanks to modern technology, you can always remain connected to your parish and to the wider church. All it takes is an internet connection and you can visit our excellent parish website at www.holyspiritunion.org. From this site you can access the weekly bulletin and always know what is going on here at home, the Mass intentions as well as the minister/lector schedule. My sincere thanks, as always, to Mr. Tom Dudek our webmaster for keeping this going so well.! ! If you are travelling and you need to find the closest Catholic Church anywhere in the nation, simply go to www.masstimes.org and you will be connected to an immense database that can tell you exactly where, and when, you need to go.! ! For those who want to see what is going on in the wider church community, you can always check out www.rcan.org to learn the events in the Archdiocese, or, go to www.usccb.org and be connected to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Here you will find a treasure trove of important information that you will find very interesting. ! ! To get even bigger, and more international, visit www.vatican.va to find out even more about what is taking place in the global church. You can even download an app for your iPhone, Android or tablet from the Vatican site! From here you can explore the lives of the popes, the various offices and organizations that govern the church as well as take virtual tours of the major basilicas and other important sites in Rome. There is really no excuse anymore for claiming that you can’t find accurate, factual information about the church. Visit all these sites, you’ll be amazed at what you learn.! ! Fr. Armand ! ! ! Sunday Collection: $8076.00! ! ! Donations for the Week! Poor:! ! ! $72.00! Helping Hands: ! $6.00! Page 3 ! JULY 24, 2016 ! SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME! Holy Spirit School Where All God’s Children Come Together www.holyspiritunion.org! !"#$%"&'()*+)',-($.,*$%"/'&',0($1203+)',-$ ! ,I \RX QHHG WR UHJLVWHU D FKLOG JRLQJ LQWR WKH ILUVW JUDGH RU KDYH UHFHQWO\ PRYHG LQWR WKH DUHD QRZ LV WKHWLPHWRUHJLVWHUIRUWKH5HOLJLRXV(GX FDWLRQ 3URJUDP 3OHDVH VWRS E\ WKH RIILFH WRILOO RXW WKH QHFHVVDU\ PDWHULDOV 3OHDVH EULQJ D FRS\ RI WKH FKLOG¶V%DSWLVPDO&HUWLILFDWHZKHQUHJLVWHULQJ3OHDVH FDOO WKH 2IILFH RI 5HOLJLRXV (GXFDWLRQ IRU PRUH LQIRU PDWLRQDW %"/'&',0($1203+)',-$%"%"&'()*+)',-$ ! ! ! For more information about Holy Spirit School, or to schedule a tour of the building please call (908) 687!8415. There are still limited openings in a few grades, and preferential placing is always given to Holy Spirit parishioners. ! ! ! ! ! We wish all! ! A! ! Happy and Safe Summer!! ! 5HJLVWUDWLRQ KDV EHJXQ IRU WKH ² 5HOLJLRXV (GXFDWLRQ3URJUDP3OHDVHVHQGRUGURS RII \RXU UHJLVWUDWLRQV DV VRRQ DV SRVVLEOH 5H UHJLVWUDWLRQ PDWHULDOV ZHUH VHQW WR HDFK IDPLO\ ZKR KDG D FKLOG LQ WKH SURJUDP WKLV \HDU ,I \RX GLG QRW UHFHLYH WKLV PDWHULDO SOHDVH FDOO WKH 2IILFH RI 5HOL JLRXV(GXFDWLRQDW The Union Knights of Columbus! ! The Union Knights of Columbus is looking for volunteers to assist in the following activities for this upcoming Columbian year: Church, Community, Family, Youth, Right to Life, or Council. Any member of the Union Knights who may be interested in volunteering for one or more of these activities please contact PGK Program Director Mike Peter at mikepeter4275@gmail.com or please call (908) 7593588 with questions or to discuss this further. Please remember that regular meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 8:00p.m. Thank you for your interest.! ! ! ! “Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism”! Page 4 ! PARISH ACTIVITIES! ! SATURDAY JULY 23rd! 8:30! Blaise DeLuca req. by Teresa ! ! ! ! Raucci! 5:30! Wayne Russo req. by Anthony E. ! ! ! ! Russo! ! SUNDAY! JULY 24th! 8:00! Anne and Joseph Leary req. by ! ! ! ! Jo Anne and Kurt Landeck! 10:00! Raymond Wolff req. by Niece ! ! ! ! Meagan and Family! 12:00 ! Ann and Paul Kneser req. by ! ! ! ! Alberta and Bill ! ! ! MONDAY! JULY 25th! 7:30! John Mowad req. by Kathy and ! ! ! ! David Arminio! 8:30! Fred Schmel req. by Judy Camlin ! ! ! ! and John Costanzo! ! TUESDAY JULY 26th! 7:30! ! Craig Zehner req. by Mary and ! ! ! ! Robert Heimall! 8:30! ! Anna Saunderson req. by The ! ! ! ! Saunderson Family! ! WEDNESDAY JULY 27th! 7:30! Izabela Kasztelan req. by Romy and ! ! ! Cora Galano 8:30! The Unborn req. by H.S. Respect ! ! ! ! Life Ministry! ! THURSDAY! JULY 28th! 7:30! Philip Jaobelli req. by John ! ! ! ! ! Carluccio! 8:30! Bill Kelly req. by Marie and Family! ! FRIDAY! JULY 29th! 7:30! The People of the Parish! 8:30! Barney Capriglione req. by Anthony ! ! ! E. Russo ! SATURDAY JULY 30th ! 8:30! Amelia Azzarello req. by Michele ! ! ! ! and Russell! 5:30! Carmen DeSarno req. by Family! ! SUNDAY! JULY 31st! 8:00! James Engle req. by The Family! 10:00! Manuel Manego req. by The Family! 12:00 ! Roy Freeman req. by Ethel ! ! ! ! ! Fairweather! ! ! SUNDAY! AA Spirit of Recovery Drexler ! ! ! Hall 7:15 pm! MONDAY! ! TUESDAY! ! WEDNESDAY ! THURSDAY! ! FRIDAY ! ! SATURDAY ! ! ! SUNDAY ! AA Spirit of RecoveryDrexler ! ! ! Hall 7:15 pm! ! ! ! ! ! ! Summer Mass Schedule! ! Please remember: ! ! Until September 4, 2016 ! ( Our regular schedule resumes on September 11, 2016)! ! ! Our Summer Mass Schedule is as follows: Saturdays: 5:30 pm! ! Sundays: 8:00 am! ! ! 10:00 am! ! ! Remember your Parish! ! Some people wait until the end of summer to put in a “catchup” envelope for the Sundays they might have been away. The “Way of Stewardship” is NOT to “catch!up” after everything has been used for vacation but to give from the “first fruits.” Why not consider “catching up” before you leave for vacation as an act of gratitude to God for all you have been given.! Memorials! Altar Bread: Gloria Tandoc! Requested by The Roque and Alexander Families! ! ! JULY 24, 2016 ! SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME! ! Page 5 ! SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is “a gradual process that takes place within the community of the faithful.” The length of time of the process varies according to individual need, experience, readiness and commitment. If you, or someone you know is interested in more information, please call Cathy Drake at the Office of Religious Education at (908) 964! 7533. ! ! ~~~also~~~! If you are not a Catholic, but attracted to the Catholic Church, or a Catholic needing to complete your Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist or Confirmation), this is a time set aside for asking questions and exploring God’s call in an informal setting. There are no commitments or obligations required, only questions answered and information shared. Again, call Cathy Drake at (908) 964!7533. Respect Life: The Respect Life Ministry Section (http:// www.holyspiritunion.org/RespectLife.html) has been updated to include information for dealing with many life issues healing from abortion, dealing with infertility, dealing with terminal illness, adoption, crisis pregnancy, ethics, and end of life issues. Information is also available on the Respect Life Table in the entrance to the church.! Crisis Pregnancy Help: Any woman who is pr egnant and in need of assistance should never feel that abortion is her only option. Personal and confidential assistance is available at the following numbers.! ! JULY 24, 2016 ! Holy Spirit School ! ! Holy Spirit School is advertising the position for a salaried, parttime aid in the 4 year old PreK program. The prospective candidate reports to, and assists, the PreK teacher helping with whatever duties the teacher assigns. The job requires regular presence a few hours each day, Monday through Friday, for the duration of the upcoming school year. Experience is preferred, but not required. If you are interested, please submit your resume and references by July 28th to:! ! Holy Spirit School ! attn.: Mr Armand Lamberti! 970 Suburban Road, ! Union, NJ 07083! ! The successful candidate must to submit to a criminal background check and also be certified through the Protecting God’s Children program.! ! Archdiocesan Respect Life Office: Catholic Community Services:! Several Sources Foundation:! Birthright:! ! ! ! 19734974350! 12012467379! 18006622678! 18005504900! Post Abortion Healing for men and women. If inter ested, call the Archdiocesan Respect Life Office 19734974350. All calls are strictly confidential. Information of Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat can be found at: www.rachelsvineyard.org! Please remember that during the summer months those we assist with your food donations don’t take vacations. Please continue your generosity to the food bins located at the doors of the church. We thank you for all that you have done and continue to do in this regard.! ! Page 6 ! ! ! SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME! JULY 24, 2016 ! ANTHONY E. RUSSO Attorney Real Estate, Wills & Estates Personal Injury 2000 Morris Ave., Union 908-688-3232 Pediatric Dentistry of Union Saturday & Evening Hours are available! Call for an appointment The Law Firm Of 1495 Morris Ave., Union : , (908) 686-2082 381 Chestnut St., Union www.pediatricdentistryofunion.com 908-688-2211 www.byrnesandguidera.com Conant Street Auto Service Established 1985 William T. Pellettiere - Pres. 391 Conant St., Hillside (908) 353-2936 SCHULZ & KEHOE COMPANY John M. Doll All Plumbing & Heating - 3rd Generation - Since 1952 Repairs & Service • Drains Cleaned • Water Heaters Too! Master Lic. #6553 - Personal Service By Owner T. Kehoe, Sr. Electrical Contractor, LLC Fully Insured • NJ Lic. #15385 908-447-7411 - Parishioner 908-851-0505 THIS SPACE IS ABLE ELECTRIC “If it’s electric, we do it!” Lic # 11500 Call today for a free estimate: Contact Jennifer Hennessey to place an ad today! JHennessey@4LPi.com or (800) 477-4574 x6601 (908) 688-2089 www.ableelectricnj.com T PPREHENSIVE PATIEN A E H T 459 Chestnut Street, Union, NJ 07083 908-686-5868 DENTAL CARE FOR COWARDS LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church, Union, NJ 03-1121 Valerie L. Sinatra Edward J. Shaffery Aaron E. Tirpack Funeral Director Manager Advanced Planning Director NJ Lic. No. 4967 NJ Lic. No. 3315 NJ Lic. No. 5042 McCracken Funeral Home 1500 Morris Ave., Union, NJ 07083 • 908-686-4700 Diner Bakery 537-545 Morris Ave., Elizabeth, NJ • (908) 351-7775 • www.tropicanadiner.com Mention this ad and receive 10% off (908) 687-7002 (908) 686-4321 2333 Morris Ave., Union Reasonable catering on or off premise. Homemade pasta, sauces and desserts. Christenings, Baby Showers, Repast, Communions. Any type of event, large or small. Union Township Mayor’s Alliance on Drug Prevention 908-688-2800 pfernandez@uniontownship.com Union Municipal Building 1976 Morris Ave., Union, NJ In Business Since 1890 NJ’s Largest Buyer of Diamond & Estate Jewelry 1000 Stuyvesant Ave., Union Highest Quality Jewelry at Wholesale Prices www.wmsrichandson.com Full Service Jeweler REALTOR Email: fpoulimenos@weichert.com 1307 Stuyvesant Avenue Cell: 908-884-9692 Union, NJ 07083 Office: 908-687-4800 Loose & Set Diamonds, Custom Engagement Rings. Authorized Dealer - Movato, ESQ, Pulsar Watches Have the Talk of a Lifetime® LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Have the Talk of a Lifetime is a consumer education effort to help people begin the discussion with their loved ones about what matters in their lives and how they want to be remembered. For a free discussion guide book contact: 908-687-1182 / mowadfcs@verizon.net RON MOWAD FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICE, LLC www.mowadfuneralservice.com 2800 Morris Ave., Union, NJ Union Knights of Columbus Council 4504 Swim Club • Memberships Available • Hall Rental Located in the Galante Funeral Home building Ronald M. Mowad, Sr. CPC Owner / Manager NJ Lic. No. 3352 Join Us! 1034 Jeanette Avenue • www.kofc4504.org • 908-686-4504 Mark Twain Diner-Restaurant 1601 Morris Ave., Union, NJ (908) 810-0076 Wed, Thurs, & Sat. GENERAL DENTISTRY by Irena Badzelewicz, DDS., PHD UNION, NJ 07083 1961 Morris Ave., B-7 - Across From City Hall www.go4dentist.com Tel: 908-687-1680 Fax: 908-687-0423 Root Canal Therapy, Full & Partial Dentures, www.marktwaindinernj.com Over-dentures, Crowns, Bridges, Implants For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com Digital X-ray, Prophylaxis, Gum Treatment, Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church, Union, NJ 03-1121
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