Dear Parents and Friends of SGS


Dear Parents and Friends of SGS
Dear Parents and Friends of SGS,
Welcome back to the new term! We are certainly well underway
and the sense and feel around the school is very positive. I
hope that everyone had a refreshing break and is ready for
another term filled with learning.
It has certainly been a wintery start to the term and I am sure
students are valuing the new jackets for Primary and the sports
top in Secondary. I know I have enjoyed wearing my overcoat
to ward off the cold.
The Primary Rugby League continued their success yesterday
with the Under 10’s being defeated narrowly and the Under 12
winning their Knights Knockout games at Hunter Stadium. Congratulations to all the boys and
thanks to the coaches and support crew.
Next week on Thursday, PowerFM will broadcast from SGS. They are doing a special promotion for
Primary Schools and will provide breakfast for Primary students and run games for them. Our P &
F are supporting PowerFM as they run this event. Secondary students will not be able to
participate in the breakfast or the games but they will be able to enjoy the entertainment. Parents
are most welcome to come in for the morning; a coffee van will be on site selling refreshments. I
hope this can be a morning of fun for our school.
Thank you for those who are sharing their concerns with us and sharing in the learning journey.
Paul Smart
Primary News from Mr Feeney
Welcome back to all students and families, after what I trust has been a very restful and refreshing mid
semester break. It’s been wonderful to chat with many students during this week and to hear some of their
interesting adventures and stories from the holidays.
This term, we are welcoming a number of new students to our Scone Grammar School community across
various Primary classes:
Sienna Baber, Tom Riordan, Matilda Cronin
Year 1 Gold
Rosie Martin
Year 2 Blue
Sienna Johnson, Dempsey Manwarring
Year 2 Gold
Armory Manwarring
Year 4 Blue
Helena Hughes, Ella Sinclair
Year 6 Gold
I trust all the new students and their families will settle in quickly and enjoy this new learning journey we will
have opportunity to share together.
Semester One Reports were mailed out during the holiday break and I hope you have been able to make time
to sit down together and read through these carefully. This is a very appropriate time for students to reflect on
their goals as we head into a new semester and for us all to look at those areas where we can ‘Make a Way’ for
further growth, improvement and progress.
(In response to a number of questions; please note that on the Semester Reports, figures indicated for Days
Late, include both late arrivals to School, and early departures from School, where students are signed out in the
Primary Office.)
In line with Commonwealth reporting guidelines, we do make available the opportunity for parents to receive
information on each child’s comparative performance within their class or year group. Parents of students in
Years 1-6 can obtain a class distribution of student performance in each subject, against the above A-E grades,
by contacting Mrs Reichel in the Primary Office. This information is now available and will be posted out upon
request. This information will indicate how many students achieved the various levels in each subject studied for
that year group. Please contact the Primary Office with details, if you would like to receive a copy for your child
in the mail.
Living in a family with a number of people who need a gluten free diet, I do understand the importance of easily
obtainable, tasty and nutritious gluten free menu options. I’m delighted that the SGS Canteen, now stocks
gluten free Byron Bay Gourmet Pies. These pies cost $4.50, and come individually wrapped, which means
they can be placed in the pie oven without the worry of contamination. I hope this new canteen option will be
enjoyed by those students (and staff) who eat gluten free meals.
Congratulations to both the Under 10s and Open Primary Rugby League teams, on their success in reaching
the Grand Finals of the 2015 Hunter TAFE Newcastle Knights All Schools Knockout, which were played on
Tuesday this week at the Hunter Stadium. It was a wonderful day and I was extremely proud of all the players
and very appreciative of the efforts of their coaches and support staff. The Under 10s went down narrowly 6-12
and the Opens won a close nail biting match 12-10. Thank you to Mr Brett Hails, Mr Darren Crowther, Mr Josh
Noble, Mr Kev Watts, and Mr Tim Holden. It was a wonderful experience for all the boys, which I’m sure they will
remember for many years to come.
Congratulations and best wishes to Olivia Peasley (Year 5 Blue), Natania Washaya (Year 6 Blue), Edwina Irwin
(Year 6 Gold), Alex Ryan (Year 1 Gold), Jason Lighezzolo (Year 1 Blue) and Jimi Studdy (Year 5 Gold), who are all
celebrating their birthdays this week. I trust that each of these students will enjoy the day and the opportunity
to share this special occasion with their family and friends.
Good Humour for the Week
What did the pirate say when he turned eighty?
I went to a really emotional wedding recently.
Aye Matey!
Even the cake was in tiers!
From the Chaplain
This term in Chapel Primary students are studying the fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5: 22-25.
God’s Spirit makes us loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled.
There is no law against behaving in any of these ways. And because we belong to Christ Jesus, we have
put away our selfish feelings and desires. God’s Spirit has given us life, and so we should follow the
To understand this passage, we need to remind ourselves of the fact that God’s Spirit makes His home in the hearts of
those who believe in His Son Jesus. God comes, literally, to live inside of us. Isn’t that amazing!
This week in Chapel Primary students learnt that, as we grow in God, we are like a tree that keeps growing and producing fruit. That’s the job of God’s Spirit ‘in us’- to grow this sort of fruit as we co-operate with Him to do it!
When we have God’s Spirit inside of us, we should see the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control growing in us. Now we are not going to be perfect because we still battle with
sin, but every day we should see more of these fruits in us the more we are listening to God’s Spirit and co-operating
with Him. We need the power of God’s Spirit to work in us and through us. Only then, will we produce the kind of fruit
that we call ‘the fruit of the Spirit’! Our challenge is remaining exposed to God’s word and following it. As this new
school term begins, where can you hear from God’s word more often?
Weekly Chapel Bible passages and relevant links can be found at
In Prayer this week:
Reflect on: Galatians 5:22-25
Give thanks for: The sacrifice of Jesus made so that we can call God our Father; The many opportunities to be involved in diverse school activities; A safe and restful holiday period; Parents, teachers and supporters who truly care
for us.
Pray for: For those travelling; For the school building project; For families and students who are ill or struggling at the
moment; For Year 3 and Year 11 students; Children and teachers at the Yellow Cottage Pre School; For your son or
daughter’s teacher/s! (specific prayer requests can be sent to to be prayed for by our weekly
prayer group- not published in newsletter)
Rev’d Nate
From the Clothing Shop
Helpers wanted! I am looking for helpers to assist with our Bi-Annual Stocktake this term. I have set aside the days
of Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 July from 9.00am to 3.00pm. Your help on any or all of these dates and at any
time to suit you, even if just for an hour or two, would be greatly appreciated! Please contact me at the Clothing Shop
or send a note through via Admin. Many thanks.
Pip Baker
The Yellow Cottage Tales
Welcome back to Term 3 everyone. I hope you all had a chance to enjoy
some relaxation in the holidays. We certainly have come back in freezing
fashion. Please make sure your child has a lovely warm jacket to put on for
the outside part of our program.
This term we will have a major focus on school transition. We are going to
hold a school readiness night on Tuesday 4th August 2015 at 6.00pm.
We would encourage all our families with children transitioning to school, to
attend this evening so please save the date. We have invited
representatives from Scone Grammar School, Scone Public School and St
Mary’s School to answer any questions you may have regarding the
transition process. Georgi and Kirsty will start the Transition to School Statements this term. The NSW
Office of Education recommends these. These comprise of three sections. The preschool educator fills
out one section, one section is a drawing task completed by the child and the child’s family completes
the final section.
We currently send a lot of our information via email, could you please let Tobie know if this method of
communication is not suitable for your family. We would like to apologise to any families that did not
understand that we had an extra week holiday in the last holiday break. As a result of some feedback
the Yellow Cottage section of the Newsletter will be emailed individually not as part of the Scone
Grammar School Newsletter to Yellow Cottage families. Thank you for your understanding and feedback
in helping us to improve communication.
"The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be
given the wish to learn." - John Lubbockwe
Any questions/problems please contact Alice Forsythe
Geography Competition
The 2015 Geography Competition proved to be successful once again this year. It was very pleasing to see a large
number of Year 7 students choosing to participate and Year 10 students excelled. 76 000 students from 770
schools across Australia entered the Competition and they were tested on a variety of skills and concepts. Over
100 students from Scone Grammar School participated with about 30% achieving at a very high level.
Congratulations to all students!
Harry Williams, Sophie Brown, Riley Deasy, Melanie Inder, Pip Steedman, Luella Wilks, Justin Heng, Mardi Norton,
Zenanee Clout.
Nathan Cole, Grace Dagg, Lucy Sadler, Tristan Taylor, Sebastian Carroll, Harry Watts, Ethan Fairgray, Hugh Price,
Eleanor Brown, Sophie Jenkins.
High Distinctions:
Lily Dunn, Erin Miskle, Phoebe Smith, Madeline Buckley, Fintan Conway, Elizabeth Croaker, Rohan Edwards, Cohen
Folpp, Kaitland Parker, Thomas Henderson
There were also some outstanding resultsThomas Henderson (Yr 12) achieved in the top 6% of candidates. Thomas has participated in the Geography
Competition since Year 7 and he has achieved a High Distinction every year.
Kaitland Parker achieved in the top 3% of candidates.
Madeline Buckley achieved in the top 2% of candidates.
Lily Dunn achieved in the top 2% of candidates.
Rohan Edwards achieved in the top 1% of candidates. A fantastic achievement!
K Gallagher
HRIS Netball Gala Day
On Friday 14 June our three secondary netball teams had a fabulous day of competition. The girls travelled down
to Newcastle to compete in the annual HRIS Netball Gala. We had three teams competing in three separate
divisions; A year 7 team, an intermediate team and an opens team.
There were two pools for the year 7 team, one pool consisting of 5 teams and the other of 6. Our girls won all
their games bar the game against HVGS in which they went down by 4. The girls then played their semi-final game
against the team that went on to win the day. They came out with a loss in this game, which meant they were
now playing off for 3rd or 4th place against St Philips Newcastle. The girls went down in this game with a narrow
score margin, placing them 4th overall out of 16 teams.
The intermediate team also won all their games in their pool, with the exception of HVGS, which they lost to by
one. The girls also came up against Lakes Grammar in the semi-final, who proved to be too strong. The girls
finished in 4th place overall out of 16 teams.
This year our open girls team is the strongest I have had since I have been sports coordinator here at Scone
Grammar. These girls had a number of wins on the day with some narrow losses as well. The girls placed 8 th on
the day.
Congratulations to all our girls who gave their absolute all throughout the day. Their behaviour was perfect and
there were many comments on the day that about our girls playing very well. I think the small school from Scone
was surprising many!
I would like to say a big thank you to Tina Bowditch and Maddy Adams who umpired all day and helped umpire
during our training sessions. Your time and effort to support our netball development is personally appreciated.
Jess Day
SGS Secondary Athletics Carnival
It was a very wet Term Two this year, which made it that much more difficult to complete our Secondary Athletics Carnival. The carnival was held back in week 6 on the 26 th May. It was a wonderful day with all the events
running very smoothly. Not all events, however, are run on the day of the carnival. Due to time restraint, we are
unable to run our high jump events off for students in years 7-9. These students complete their high jump in their
PE lessons. Unfortunately, the rain decided to fall on our scheduled PE lessons making it very difficult to run these
off. We finally finished by the end of the term allowing me to finalise the carnival.
Congratulations to the below students who excelled on the day breaking records in their age division:
Ryan Clerke
12 Boys Shot Put
Ky McGrath
14 Boys 800m
Luke Edwards
15 Boys High Jump
Conor Edwards, Seb Irwin and Gilbert O’Brien all jumped an equal record height of 1.50m in the 14 Boys High
Matilda Magner
14 Girls Shot Put
Mersadies Cadalbert
16 Girls Long Jump
Nikki Merrick
17 Girls Discus
The following students also achieved superb results on the day and have accomplished age champions:
12 years
13 years
14 years
15 years
16 years
17 years
18 years
Willa Mitchell
Laura Sadler
Anna Atkinson
Sarah Lindsay
Mersadies Cadalbert
Nikki Merrick
Sandra Salama
77 pts
70 pts
67 pts
76 pts
84 pts
55 pts
Ryan Clerke
Clancy Moore
Ky McGrath
Tristan Taylor
Sebastian Carrall
Connor Deasy
Will Bowcock
Students who placed in the top two overall in their events will now go on to compete at HRIS on the 20 th July.
Notes have all gone out and should be returned by Tuesday 14 th July.
Congratulations to all those students who achieved age champions!!
The winning house for 2015 was Ledger! Congratulations to all those students who participated on the day and
contributed points to their house.
House Results:
1st Ledger
2nd Pulling
3rd Jones
Power FM are coming to SGS
Power FM are bringing breakfast to our School! Nix and Sebba from the Power FM Brekky Show will broadcast
live from our school on Thursday the 23rd (NEXT WEEK) thanks to the Power FM Schools Brekky! The Power
FM crew will bring Breakfast for the kids available from 7am-8.30AM and a ton of laughter and fun!
Café Mobilita will also be there on the morning selling coffees for the mums and dads who are encouraged to
come along. Attached on the following page is a coloring in competition—bring your entries on the morning and
you may be the lucky winner!
We are looking for volunteers to help serve Breakfast on the day!
National Primary Games- Hockey
The inaugural National Primary Games were held in Tamworth during the holidays. The “Festival of Sport” was
developed by the Northern Inland Academy of Sport (NIAS) to promote participation, sportsmanship and friendship
for Primary School students. 12 sports were offered and SGS was represented by the Primary Girls Hockey team
who returned to the Tamworth Hockey Centre to participate in a second consecutive weekend of competitive
The girls played an 8-a-side, half field form of the game mainly on synthetic turf, a surface on which they have had
little experience. The speed of play, the accuracy of passes and dribbling control were all aspects of the game the
girls needed to become accustomed to after only ever playing on unpredictable grass fields.
Camilla Warner, Wilha Urquardt, Phoebe Cox and Heidi Edlington were very strong in attack. They were supported
by Olivia Ryan, Sophia Bell, Harriette Firth, Emily Turner, Charlotte Chopin and former SGS student Rhiarne
Edmonds who tirelessly defended our territory. Zoe Gallagher was kept extremely busy as goalie. Goals were scored
for and against, with the girls winning their final game, their first as a School team. However, the big winner of the
weekend was Hockey. These Year 5 girls have laid the foundation for a very competitive Primary school hockey
team and they represented their families and school in the finest possible way.
The weekend could not have been this successful without the organisation of Miss Jess Day. Mr Luke Gallagher
kindly volunteered to drive the girls in the bus and we are grateful to Calrossy School for providing accommodation.
I would also like to thank all the parents who travelled to Tamworth to watch the games over the weekend and
provide a vocal sideline of positive support.
Kate Gallagher
Equestrian News
Tyler Kelly represented the school at the EA Interschools in Sydney at the end of last term. He was
awarded the Overall State Champion in the Primary Show Hunter category, 1 st Show Hunter phase,
1st Led phase, 2nd Rider phase. He has been selected for the NSW Nationals team to compete at SIEC
in October!
The new date for Blandford Horse Sports is Friday 11 September. Entry forms will be available closer to the date.
Entries for the Hunter Valley Equestrian Championships must be at the School office by Friday 17 July.
The following students will be competing at the Merriwa Horse Sports Day on 15 AugustLilla and Angus Stanford, Olivia MacCallum, Zara Nugent, Hunter Wild, Charlotte Chopin, Jaimie and Tommi
Studdy, Jordan Christopher, Tim Caslick, Sophie Hawthorne, Wilhemina Urquhart, Charlie Mitchell, Will, Camilla
and Harry Warner, Chester and Charlton Hall, George and Alexander Bishop, Abigail, Oliver and Thomas Dart,
Jack Murphy, Alby and Daniel O’Regan, Mikayla O’Halloran and James Wicks.
Jessica Flynn, Clancy and Brydie Moore, Willa Mitchell, Sarah Dart and Matthew Smart.
Plastic bags
Primary Department needs some more Coles/Woolworths plastic bags. If you have to spare can you sent them to
the office. Thank you.
Hockey Under.13 State Championships
During the holidays a large number of the Primary Girls Hockey team combined with other members of the Scone
Hockey Club to play in the U-13 State Championships held in Tamworth. Despite 10 of the 14-player squad being
10/11 years old and a good foot shorter than most of the opposition, the girls played with incredible enthusiasm,
sportsmanship and skill which earned them recognition and praise from all levels of the game, including Richard
Willis, Head of NSW Hockey’s Accelerated Athletes Programme. Mr Willis provided technical coaching to the SGS
Primary Hockey team at a Development Day in Tamworth in 2014 and took the time to watch the girls play their
final game on Saturday and speak to them afterwards. All the games were challenging for the team, however,
Camilla Warner, Heidi Edlington, Harriette Firth and former SGS student Rhiarne Edmonds quickly ran away with
the ball at every opportunity in the forward line. Olivia Ryan and Wilha Urquart were consistently strong in the
halves and Karissa Harper, Phoebe Cox and Sophia Bell defended tirelessly in the back line protecting Zoe Gallagher in her first competition as Goalie. It is always a pleasure to take students away to sporting events when they
demonstrate respect for decisions made by game officials and support each players efforts on the field.
Kate Gallagher
Open Primary Rugby League
On Tuesday 14 July the Open boys Primary Rugby League Team travelled down to Hunter Stadium to play in the
final of the Knights Knockout. The boys were all excited about playing on Hunter Stadium in front of their
supporters. After an inspirational talk from their coach Kev Watts, the boys were ready to take on St Pauls
Rutherford. The boys jumped out to a 12-0 lead with a couple of tries from Ed Arnott, before St Pauls fought back
to 12-10, which made for a nail biting finish. They were able to hold on and lift the trophy. Ed Arnott was named
Man of the Match, but all the boys tried hard throughout the game. The team included – Fletcher Shearman,
Reagan Holstien, Lochlan McClean, Will Warner, Tyler Kelly, Sam Mount, Hamish Watts, Hayden Bull, Christopher
Henderson, Callum Goodwin, Lachlan Park, Ed Arnott, Charlie Brooks, Beau Devenish, Jack Brown and Oscar
Under 10 Primary Rugby League
To get to this stage both teams competed in qualifying round last term, both teams finishing unbeaten against 40
teams from around the Hunter area.
The under 10’s played first, getting the opportunity to get ready in the Knights change room and use their
practise area to warm up. They played Swansea Public school. The team started really well and scored first,
converting to lead 6-0. However, Swansea hit back soon after evening the score at half time 6-6. In the second
half the boys defended tirelessly for most of the second half; however, Swansea scored again to win the game 12
-6. I would like to congratulate the outstanding achievement of the team to get this far and the way in which
they played and conducted themselves during the day. I would also like to thank all the supporters who came to
watch. I would like to make a special mention to Brett Hails and Darren Crowther for giving up their time to
coach and manage the boys. They have done a wonderful job.
Community Notices & News
Scone Films Presents: The comedy-drama, X + Y, rated M, on Friday, 17 July at 7.30pm, at
Scone Films pop-up cinema at the Senior Citizens’ Centre, Oxford Road, Scone.
The film stars Sally Hawkins, Rafe Spall & Asa Butterfield. This is a heart-warming film about an
awkward, idiosyncratic teenage maths whizz and the unfathomable experience of first love.
Advance tickets $10 from Serendipity, Scone, or at the door. Refreshments available. Everyone is
welcome. For insurance, under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. Details are on the website
For Your Diary
Canteen Roster
Term 3 13 July until 18 September
Term 3 13 July to 18 September
Week 1 (B)
Fri 17 July
Week 1 (B)
Friday 17 July
Fiona Bailey, Jen Miskle
Week 2 (A)
Mon 20 July
Tues 21 July
Wed 22 July
Thurs 23 July
Fri 24 July
Week 3 (B)
Mon 27 July
Tues 28 July
Wed 29 July
Thurs 30 July
Fri 31 July
Scone Films
HRIS Secondary Athletics Div 2
Primary Band to Singleton
Year 10 Geography Excursion to
Redhead Beach
School Council Meeting
Power FM Breakfast at SGS ctd
K- 6 Walkathon
CIS 15 Touch Camp
Year 5 Camp to Milson Island
depart until 31 July
HRIS Football Gala Under15 Boys
at Adamstown
ICAS English Competition
HRIS Cultural Festival at HVGS
Starrs Production Stage 5 His
tory /English at St Luke’s Hall
Foundation Meeting.
Year 5 Camp return
Week 2 (A)
Monday 20 July
Jenny Crackett, Joy Harvey
Tuesday 21 July
Fiona Bailey, Bernadette Holz
Wednesday 22 July
Fiona Bailey, Deborah Haydon
Thursday 23 July
Jenny Crackett, Anne Ferries, Sally Devenish
Friday 24 July
Jenny Crackett, Lyn Dunn, Karen Yelverton
Week 3 (B)
Monday 27 July
Jenny Crackett, Maxine Cronin
Tuesday 28 July
Jenny Crackett,
Wednesday 29 July
Jenny Crackett, Katie McCann, Erryn Day
Thursday 30 July
Fiona Bailey, Lorraine Bull, Meegan O’Neill
Friday 31 July
Fiona Bailey, Julie Smart, Julianne Christopher
Please CHECK THIS LIST to see when you are
rostered on
New this term GLUTEN FREE PIES $4.50