23 November/Noviembre


23 November/Noviembre
The Peekskill Presbyterian Church
November 2014
Worship Sundays – 10AM
Church Office Hours:
Tues - Fri, 9:30AM - 2:30PM
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 2
Breakfast – 8:30AM
Nov. 2
Nov. 4
Meeting – 11AM
Election Day
Nov. 9
Stewardship Sunday
Nov. 14 Bridge – 7:30PM
(Host, the Hortons)
Nov. 15 Live Auction – 6PM
Nov. 16 Congregational
Conversation /
Pie Sunday – 11:30AM
Nov. 19 Ladies Bridge – 1PM
United Methodist Church of Peekskill
1040 E. Main Street, Peekskill, New York
23 November / Noviembre – 6:00 PM
(Host, Diana Heaton)
Nov. 23 PAPA Thanksgiving
Inter-Faith Service –
Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Day
Nov. 29 Greening of the
Sanctuary – 9AM
In This Issue:
Pastor’s Message . . . . . . . . 2
Church News . . . . . . . . . 2, 4
Prayer Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Clerk’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . 3
Session Update . . . . . . . . . . 4
Preacher – Rev. Anthony Stevens Ph.D.
Bible Verses . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Our Vision:
The Peekskill Presbyterian Church is a faithful and diverse community of Christians with varied
backgrounds, ethnicities, talents, and ages. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to nurture
individual and corporate growth through Vibrant Worship, Committed Stewardship,
Relationship Building Fellowship, Mission Focused Discipleship, and Servant Leadership.
Messenger – November 2014
Page 2
A Message from Our Pastor –
“For Such A Time As This”
An amazing season of ministry is before us. As
we prepare to enter our fourth year of ministry
together, we have so much to look forward to. A lot
of prayerful work has occurred throughout the
summer and we will soon experience the fruit of our
labor. We have a new staff team almost in place, and
a new collective ministry on the horizon.
The educator’s round table discussion has proven
to be all that I hoped it would be. Several
conversations with Peekskill school administrators
have also been encouraging. After talking with our
exceptional educators, the vision for a mentoring and
tutorial collaboration with the Peekskill High School
is becoming more of a reality. After Sessions
approval, we can begin to implement our plans and
ideas for this ministry.
We are so fortunate to have such gifted and
committed educators as members of our
congregation. As I spoke with them about the
sacrifices required in order to make this ministry
effective, they corrected me and said, “This is not a
sacrifice; it is a calling, a passion and something we
have wanted to do for a long time.”
Our next meeting will include teachers from the
Peekskill Summit Academy. We will begin to discuss
ways to partner together to help students achieve
academic, emotional and social success. What a
blessing this partnership will be to the students, to
their families, to our congregation and to the
Peekskill community. Herein lies an opportunity for
us to “love our neighbors as we love ourselves.” We
can help transform the lives of students academically
and spiritually.
We look forward to sharing music and art
appreciation classes, as well as workshops on selfesteem, facing life’s challenges, and college and
employment preparation. We invite all members to
begin thinking about ways we can collectively
enhance the lives of students who are at risk of not
completing high school. As the ministry grows we
will invite other community agencies and
congregations to join us in this effort.
Perhaps we have come to the
kingdom “for such a time as this!”
Area Rugs
Bottles of Wine
Handbags & Wallets
Baked Goods
Skin Care Products
Oil Change Certificates
Handbags & Wallets
Sports Posters
Board Games
Hand Knit Sweaters
Products & Services from local Salons
Many Gift Certificates from restaurants:
Mohegan Diner, Thyme Restaurant, LaViletta II,
Kathleen’s Tea Room – just to name a few
One Hour Massage Certificate from Jos Body Shop
Dinner for 2 and Show Tickets from
the Westchester Broadway Dinner Theatre
Darlene Love Tickets from the Eisenhower Hall
Certificates for Classes or Trial Memberships from:
Go No Sen Karate
Gymnastics City
Yorktown Golf & Basketball
CKO Kickboxing
The list goes on and on . . .
By Faith,
Pastor Stephany
The Peekskill Presbyterian Church
Below is a preview of some of the items up for bid:
See you at the Auction!
705 South Street, Peekskill, NY 10566
Messenger – November 2014
Page 3
This month, I would like to
share excerpts from a passage
that I read in the book,
He Loves Me! by Wayne
Jacobson. It really resonated
with me and I hope it will be
meaningful to you also. The
passage is entitled, “The God
Who Wants To Be Loved.”
“Do you love me?”
It’s not exactly a question we expect God to ask,
and yet John records it as one of the most significant
conversations the resurrected Jesus had with one of
his disciples. The fact that He asks Peter more than
once really calls into question His motives.
Why would He care about being loved? He is
Almighty God enthroned in the presence of thousands
of adoring angels. He can command obedience simply
because He is the greatest power in the universe. Why
would He be seeking Peter’s love? . . .
After His work on the cross was finished, Jesus
comes looking for love from the one who had just
failed Him the most. Could this be what He wanted
the cross to produce in His followers? Was His death
designed to reach past their fears to the intimacy of
His love?
What Jesus seeks from Peter reflects what the
Father has always wanted from His people, but what
they have rarely understood. He desires the warmth
and tenderness of a relationship filled with love.
Jesus was inviting Peter past his failures to experience
the depths of God’s love – to tap into the most
powerful force in the universe.
Love lies at the very core of God’s nature. In fact,
when John sums up the substance of God, he does so
in a very simple statement: “God is Love”. . .
When that love touches you, you will discover
there is nothing more powerful in existence. It is more
powerful than your failures, your sins, your
disappointments, your dreams, and even your fears.
God knows that when you tap the depths of His love,
your life will forever be changed.
~ Charlene Woods
The Peekskill Presbyterian Church
Prayers & Sympathy
Prayers for Health
Kevin Campise
Odessa Graham
Nancy Horton
Helen Lindsey
Continued Prayer
“Ask, and it will be given
to you seek, and you will
Helen Beuchert
knock, and it will be
Polly Brandes
to you.”
Marge Crawford
~ Matthew 7:7
Joe Deutsch
Elaine Galella
Bob Straub
Dot Whitehouse
Seaman Robert Woods
The people of the Middle East and in all areas of conflict
All those struggling with addiction
~ If you have prayer requests for concerns or
Thanksgiving, please contact Philena Bolden.
Prayer Ministries
Wednesday Morning Prayer Call
Join Pastor Stephany Wednesday mornings
between 7:30 – 7:45 a.m. for the call.
To participate, dial 1-559-726-1000;
when prompted, enter code 703 336 #
Prayer Chain
Members of this ministry commit themselves
to offer up prayers requested by
the congregation and the community.
More pray-ers are needed.
To join the prayer chain, call 914-737-3322
or email prayerrequests@peekskillpresby.org
Connected Prayer Ministry
A quiet space and time for meditation and prayer;
the 4th Wednesday every month at 6 p.m.
705 South Street, Peekskill, NY 10566
Messenger – November 2014
Page 4
Session Update
Highlights from the October Session meeting . . .
On November 16, a Congregational Meeting will be
held to pass on information concerning our heating
systems in the Church, the Manse, and the Fowler
Our church will give Hudson River Presbytery $1000
for their 2015 Mission projects. There is a
recommendation to have Corporate and Business
include this donation in the budget each year.
The current method of The Messenger distribution via
e-mail, some mailed copies, and copies available at
church will continue through January 2015. A survey
will then be distributed throughout the congregation
to determine what form of delivery will be
implemented going forward.
The Stewardship Committee will use the church
credit card to pay for advertising for the upcoming
auction being held on November 15. Stewardship
budgeted money will cover this charge.
The position description for Sexton as amended by
Corporate and Business was voted on and accepted.
We plan to have a Sexton on site by December.
There is a concern about the condition of the folding
chairs currently in the social hall. Perhaps the wooden
chairs should be used for outside organizations that
use the social hall.
The Mission Ministry will not be adopting a family
this year for Christmas since there is not enough
money in their budget to handle the cost.
The Investment Committee that was recently formed
to address the investments of church funds may
continue as an organized committee, if recommended
by the Session. They are developing a comprehensive
report on the entire financial standing of the church.
Stewardship Sunday is November 9. There is a need
for a capital campaign for the needs of the church.
All of the ministries and offices of the church need to
submit their budgets by November 1, 2014.
There will be a Christmas Presentation during church
by the Christian Ed Ministry on December 14 as a part
of the worship service.
The church is forming a joint ministry with the
Peekskill High School to address the needs of
students who are at risk for not graduating in the
regular four year period.
There will be a Congregational Conversation on
November 16, 2014 after the worship service.
~ Submitted by Charlene Woods, Clerk of Session
The Peekskill Presbyterian Church
705 South Street, Peekskill, NY 10566
Messenger – November 2014
Page 5
Scripture Memorization Challenge
1. Revelation 4:11. “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for
You created all things, and by Your will they existed and were created.”
2. Psalm 100:1, 2. Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth, worship the LORD with
gladness; come into His presence with singing.
3. Psalm 100:3. .Know that the LORD is God. It is He that made us, and we are His, we are His
people, and the sheep of His pasture.
4. Psalm 100:4. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise, Give thanks to Him,
bless His name,
5. Psalm 100:5. For the LORD is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to
all generations.
~ Thanks to Rose Reed for the Memorization Challenge
Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther,
“Do not imagine that you in the king's palace
can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you
remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance
will arise for the Jews from another place and
you and your father's house will perish. And who
knows whether you have not come to the kingdom
for such a time as this?”
~ Esther 4: 13-14
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Serving with Joy in November ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Elder on Duty
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Lou Bohler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray Brown & Carole Apolinario
9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Cerreta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deborah Flood & Liz Maloy
16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Susan Dahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marsha Vernon & Debra Campise
23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warren Dyckman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanessa Hull & Nancy Horton
30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brenda Martinez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Buckiewicz & Phyllis Froebrich
The Peekskill Presbyterian Church
705 South Street, Peekskill, NY 10566
* Remember that the church has other users, such as Head Start and Gates of Heaven.
Please contact the office to confirm availability, before planning a building event.
Thank you! *
 Thrift Shop Hours: Wed, Thur & Sat: 10AM – 3PM 
8:30am –
6:00pm –
10:00am – Worship
(No Mission
7:30pm –
Meeting This Month) Christian
7:30pm –
Boy Scouts
Election Day
(with Communion)
11am –
6:45pm –
Fitness Class
6:30pm – AA
6:45pm –
Fitness Class
7:30pm –
Boy Scouts
9:00am –
Committee Mtg.
6:00pm –
Worship Ministry
7:30pm –
Boy Scouts
Church Office Hours –
Tues – Fri, 9:30AM – 2:30PM
6:45pm –
Fitness Class
Pastor: School
9:00am –
Congregational Life
12:00pm –
(No Connected
Prayer This Month)
Greening of
the Sanctuary
6:30pm – AA
Thanksgiving Day
~ ~ D
7:30pm –
Boy Scouts
7:30pm –
Mission Ministry
6pm –
Live Auction
12:00pm –
(No ‘Thirsty’
This Month)
6:45pm –
Fitness Class
7:30pm –
Bridge (Hosts:
The Hortons)
7pm –
Committee Meeting
6:30pm – AA
5:30pm –
Kitchen Prep
10:00am – Worship
10:00am – Worship
1pm –
Ladies Bridge
(Host: Diana Heaton)
7:30pm –
Boy Scouts
Pastor: School
7:30pm – Session
6:45pm –
Fitness Class
12:00pm –
Veterans’ Day
(with Communion)
6pm –
Inter-Faith Service
6:30pm – AA
10:00am – Worship
11:30am –
Pie Sunday /
7pm –
Corporate &
Business Meeting
6:00pm –
Deacons Meeting
10:00am – Worship
12:00pm –
6:15pm –
Thrift Shop
12:30pm –
PAPA Meeting
6:00pm –
6:15pm –
Thrift Shop
6:30pm – AA
7pm –
Corporate &
Business Meeting
Pastor Stephany Graham
Office Hours –
Wed: 10AM – 3PM, Thur: 4 – 7PM, Alternate
Fri & Sat and Mon & Tues: 11:30AM – 4:30PM
r ~ ~
7:30pm –
Book Club
7:30pm –
Bridge (Host:
Jean Kaiser)
Pastor: School
Church Website:
Find Us on Facebook:
Peekskill Presbyterian Church