Hawthorne`s City Wide News


Hawthorne`s City Wide News
Hawthorne’s City Wide News
July 2015
3rd– Closed
7th– CRA Meeting
Meeting 6:30 PM
July 21st– Budget
Meeting @6:30 pm.
Hawthorne Election Results
The City of Hawthorne welcomed new commissioner Jimmy Floyd, Sr. to seat #3. Mr. Floyd won
his election bid against incumbent William Carlton.
Commissioner/Mayor Surrency and Commissioner/
Vice-Mayor Howard ran unopposed.
As Commissioners they also serve as five of the seven
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Board members. Two citizens board members are made up from
citizens, business or representatives within the CRA district.
Commissioner Floyd was sworn in on June 16th,
2015 and will serve a two year term.
The newly elected commission fielded a full slate of
agenda items. First on the agenda was the annual audit
presentation by auditor Sexton & Schnoll for the fiscal
year 2013-2014. A favorable audit report was presented.
The City has been working within the budget, paying
down debt and meeting the reserve requirements for the
utility bonds. General improvement in the operations of
the City over the last four years are now being reported
in the audit.
Each year in June the City Commission appoints a
Mayor and Vice Mayor. Matthew Surrency was again
appointed for Mayor and Commissioner Tommie
Howard was appointed for Vice– Mayor for another
year term.
Mayor’s Message
Good Afternoon! What an exciting time it is to be in Hawthorne! There was a time when we
were excited to announce one thing per year, now we are making exciting announcements
weekly and sometimes daily. Hopefully with all of this going on you can see the hard work that
our citizens, staff, commission and business owners have vested into our community over the
past few years. We cannot forget those that paved the way for our success because without
them this wouldn’t have been possible.
Tommie C. Howard
DeLoris Roberts
Let me start first with this statement. This past month we all witnessed the horrible event in
Charleston. We would be naïve in thinking that couldn’t happen here. I am sure those in
Charleston thought the same thing. What I can tell you that happens here is that we have numerous churches that
are exceptional in our community and even bring people from other areas to worship together. I always enjoy going
around and visiting other churches in fellowship and unity for sharing our faith.
It is important that we not let one evil person divide our nation. Instead we should come together and show this evil
that there is no place for that in our city, county, state, nation or world! We will not tolerate hate to shape our lives
but we will counter it with the love and fellowship that we share across denominations and even goes beyond religion
to the good of our society. Love transcends all things including race, religion, social status, gender, sex and politics. So
join me in support of not only just Charleston but our nation as we mourn those that were killed and we continue to
pray for healing of our country as a whole. Our country isn’t perfect and neither are we, but we are promised that
one day we will all be made pure through his Amazing Grace!
By now you have probably heard about the revised plans that Plum Creek is submitting to the county for approved
changes to a sector plan. This request does not include Hawthorne! That is because Plum Creek is proposing to annex approximately 1,400 acres into the city along the northwestern border of our current city limits. This will come
before the commission sometime later this year for a hearing.
Jimmy Floyd, Sr.
Patricia Bouie
As always, the most important thing to me is that we balance the economic development with minimal environmental
impact and we maintain the character of our small town. It is important that any future development fit this criteria of
maintaining our Hawthorne character. I look forward to seeing the proposal and working with our commission to
make sure that Hawthorne’s best interest is at heart!
In June we also had Hawthorne Homecoming. I love being able to see friends from when we were growing up and
the families they now have. This year we have the Annual Heart Walk combined with Homecoming. The Heart Walk
was started in honor of Mayor Kit Randall and her battle with heart disease. It is amazing how many people that are
affected by this disease. That is why the Randall family decided to include many more people that are fighting or have
passed from heart disease in the annual event. We lost my Grandpa, Dick Surrency, when I was only a few weeks old
and he was only 54 years of age. We all need to be aware of this disease and not let their battle be in vein. Make an
appointment today to get your heart checked annually.
Continued on page 3
Page 2
Hawthorne’s City Wide News
Commission Notes
The FDOT bicycling striping and
paving grant engineering has
been completed and will let for
bid and construction February of
June has been a very busy month for
the City of Hawthorne. The Commission has had many agenda items
to consider this month. The Developer’s agreement and Participating
party agreement with Love’s Travel
Stops have been signed and will be
forwarded to the Department of
Economic Opportunity, which is
another step in the grant for the 1.5
million dollar water line project to
the facility.
The Historic Downtown Johnson
Street (SE221) Visioning project has
been completed and will be incorporated into the Community Redevelopment plan for future funding.
The City has also applied for a
Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) from the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) for phase one (1) of
the Downtown water line replacement project. 10,000 lineal
feet of water line will be replaced with fire hydrants and
meters, along with a new well
house for the well on SE65th
ave. This grant is for 650,000.00
which should cover phase 1.
The City has also applied for a
cost share grant from St. Johns
River Water Management.
Which if granted would cover
phase 2 of the project.
The total project is from SE65th
ave on the north to SE71st ave
on the south. Between SE221st
and SE 215th. Phase 2 will be
engineered and planned depending on funds available.
More steps to complete the
Little Orange Creek Nature
Park are underway.
A $50,000.00 grant has been
approved by the Florida Department of Environmental agency
FRDAP grant. This grant will
pay for some of the elements
required to open the park.
Improvements to the Hawthorne Athletic Park are also in
the works. It has also received
notice that the $A50,000.00
FRDAP grant has been approved
for improvements at the ball
park. Irrigation and sod, playground equipments etc are on
the list.
The tax increments monies received from Wild Spaces public
places will also be used to improve the Hawthorne Athletic
park with a new storm water
Plum Creek has submitted their
voluntary annexation request for
almost 1400 acres of their property to the north and south of
the ball park, which is in the
Urban Reserve area for the City.
Review of the application and
the annexation process will
occur over the summer and
early fall.
Schedule of Events
City Hall Closed 4th of July
3rd– City Hall Closed
7th-CRA Meeting 5:30 &City
Commission Mtg.
7 CRA meeting 8
City Commission meeting
21 Budget
Meeting 6:30
15th- Chamber Luncheon
20th-American Legion
21st– Budget Workshop 5:30
&City Commission Meeting
April 2015 Page 3
Mayor’s message continued...
Please be careful this July 4th weekend. I encourage everyone to remember why we celebrate and the freedom that we have that others don’t
share across this global community. We had too many vehicle accidents
and other tragedies that we don’t need any more for quite some time.
We also had elections in June and Jimmy Floyd was victorious in his campaign. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the commission from his experience working for the city. I look forward to serving with you over
the next few years. I want to also thank outgoing Commissioner Billy
Carlton. He has served our city over 20 years on and off and he always
brought the historical perspective to our commission so we were able to
continue to move forward. We all wish you and Mrs. Barbara Carlton
the best. I am honored to once again serve you for the coming year as
Mayor. In Hawthorne, the Mayor’s position is largely ceremonial for running the meetings and allowing each person the opportunity to express
their opinion. We are all commissioners and we all share an equal
amount of input and authority.
I am appreciative to be able to work with my fellow commissioners, the
staff and the citizens of Hawthorne toward a better and more prosperous future for us all. If any of us can ever be of service to you please
contact us. We are greater together than we are individually!
Hawthorne is truly a great community and I am thankful to be a part of
Respectfully, Matthew Surrency, Mayor
1937 or 1938
1957 New City Fire Truck
Page 4
Hawthorne’s City Wide News
Hawthorne Branch Library July 2015 Programs
Adult Programs:
Hawthorne Book Club, Event Type: Book Discussion/Author Event,Age Group(s): Adult (19 and up), Seniors, Date: 7/9/2015 Start Time: 5:30
PM End Time: 6:45 PM, Description: Enjoy discussing fiction books with other readers. All are welcome! For more information, check out our
blog "Hawthorne Bookclub Activities" at www.aclib.us/Hawthorne
S.H.I.N.E. On Medicare, Age Group(s): Seniors,Date: 7/23/2015 Start Time: 12:00 PM End Time: 2:00 PM, Description: The Florida Department of Elder Affairs offer counseling that is unbiased, confidential and no cost, by trained SHINE Volunteer counselors. Join David Porter for individual sessions designed to help those eligible for Medicare understand their choices and options. The discussion will consist of definitions, costs,
options and all questions answered. Please bring with you: Medicare Card and Social Security Card; A print-out of medications from pharmacy or
bottles; Proof of annual household income to determine whether you qualify for extra help; MUST HAVE driver’s license or photo I.D.; Any letters
from Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid which you may have received. Call the Elder Helpline for sites that require appointments: 1-800-9635337.
Tools to Quit Tobacco, Age Group(s): Adult (19 and up), Seniors, Date: 7/25/2015 Start Time: 2:00 PM End Time: 4:00 PM, Description:
Tobacco Cessation: Do you smoke? Do you dip? Do you want to quit? IQuit with AHEC in partnership with Tobacco Free Florida is a free program
created by ex-smokers and led by trained facilitators who will guide you through the quitting process. Suwannee River AHEC is holding FREE onetime two hour classes at the Hawthorne Branch Library. These programs cover all forms of tobacco from cigarettes, cigars, to smokeless tobacco.
Participants in the class receive support, guidance, and a free one month supply of nicotine replacement therapy, such as patches, lozenges, and gum
(while supplies last and if medically appropriate). Research shows that tobacco users who receive counseling and use medication during their quit
attempt have twice the rate of success. To set yourself free from tobacco visit our website at www.ahectobacco.com or call toll-free 1-866-3412730 to find a class near you.
All Ages Programs:
Capoeira Martial Arts Dance, Age Group(s): Elementary (5-11 years), Teen (12-18),Date: 7/1/2015 Start Time: 3:00 PM End Time: 4:00
PM,Description: Come learn some superhero moves with the folks from Pathway Arts: Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of
dance, acrobatics, and music. This interactive-demo is part show and story, part participatory and tons of fun! Please wear comfortable clothing that
is easy to move in. Visit the Pathway Arts website: http://pathwaysarts.com/
Wii Gaming for All Ages,Age Group(s): All Ages,Date: Mondays 7/6; 7/13; 7/20; 7/27
Start Time: 4:00 PM
End Time: 5:00 PM
Description: Wii Gaming for all ages at the Hawthorne Library.
Tuesday Family Movie, Age Group(s): All Ages,Date: Tuesdays:7/7; 7/14; 7/21; 7/28 Start Time: 3:00 PM End Time: 5:00 PM
Description: All ages can come to the Hawthorne Branch to watch a family movie every Tuesday afternoon.
Superhero Face Painting,Age Group(s): All Ages,Date: 7/8/2015 Start Time: 3:00 PM End Time: 4:30 PM
Description: Enjoy a superhero tale and then have your face painted as a superhero! Lynda Perry from Fabulous Faces Entertainment will have you
enjoying your creative side - seel Lynda's website: https://www.facebook.com/fabulousfacesentertainment
Jongleur Jugglers, Age Group(s): All Ages,Date: 7/15/2015 Start Time: 4:00 PM End Time: 4:45 PM
Description: These guys juggle balls, clubs, rings, and kids. Well they don’t actually juggle kids, but they do get a lot of kids involved in
the show, come join the fun!
Create Your Superhero Shield,Age Group(s): All Ages,Date: 7/22/2015 Start Time: 3:00 PM End Time: 4:00 PM
Description: Use your superhero powers to create your very own awesome shield to complete your costume for the upcoming Laugh-alympics.
Edible SuperHero Badges, Age Group(s): All Ages, Date: 7/29/2015 Start Time: 3:00 PM End Time: 4:00 PM
Description: Create your own edible superhero badges and then eat your superpower like Scooby-snacks! Cookie Decorating by Jeni. What badge
will you make......
Teen Programs: Spray Can Art for Teens, Age Group(s): Teen (12-18), Date: 7/2/2015
Description: Teens will learn how to use spray paint and cans to make art.
Start Time: 2:00 PM
Monday Teen Scrabble Club, Age Group(s): Teen (12-18), Date: Mondays 7/6; 7/13; 7/20; 7/27
Description: Teens meet every Monday afternoon to play Scrabble with their peers.
End Time: 4:00 PM
Start Time: 2:45 PM
End Time: 3:45 PM
Teen Battle of the Books Meeting, Age Group(s): Teen (12-18), Date: Fridays 7/10; 7/17; 7/24 Start Time: 2:00 PM End Time: 2:40 PM
Description: Teens meet to discuss books for Battle of the Books Competition. And Practice answering questions for the competition...
Bugs Around the World for Teens/UF Bug Farm, Age Group(s): Teen (12-18), Date: 7/16/2015 Start Time: 2:00 PM End Time: 4:00
PM, Description: Meet and interact with a tarantula from Chile, a scorpion from Asia, a millipede from Africa, and roaches from Madagascar, among
other native arthropods. UF's Entomology and Nematology department will give a presentation on insect and arthropod defenses, life history strategies, and morphology. Learn the amazing ways that insects utilize camouflage, bright warning colors, fighting, and hunting skills. We will talk about
how insects can use dishonest signals to trick others, similar to wearing a mask.
Masks Around the World, Age Group(s): Teen (12-18), Date: 7/24/2015 Start Time: 3:00 PM End Time: 5:00 PM
Description: Linda Tiffany will introduce us to the way different cultures around the world use masks. Masks from Africa, and Mauritius as well as
others will be there for the teens to see and touch. Then they will have the opportunity to create their own mask to take home.
Children's Programs: Preschool Storytime, Age Group(s): Preschool (3-5 years), Toddler (1-3 years), Baby (1 and under)
Date: Thursdays 7/2; 7/9; 7/17; 7/24; 7/31 Start Time: 10:30 AM End Time: 11:00 AM
Description: Story-based interactive program featuring music, fingerplays, activities, and puppets for preschool children 0-5.
Hawthorne’s City Wide News
Plum Creek Submits Voluntary Annexation Request
The City of Hawthorne received the Letter of Transmittal requesting
voluntary annexation of 1199.81 acres of the Plum Creek property in the
urban reserve portion for the City of Hawthorne, along with a Comprehensive Plan Amendment application to amend the Future Land Use Plan
Map and text of the City of Hawthorne Comprehensive Plan.
The Future land Use amendment would change approximately 1198 acres
currently designated County Rural/Agriculture and 164 acres currently
designated City Agriculture to a proposed new category of mixed use
future land use designation (called EA-Hawthorne Mixed Use) and approximately 1.81 acres currently designated County Rural/Agriculture to
City commercial.
Estimated time line for the annexation and future land use amendment is
late 2015. Reviews and hearings should start in August 2015.
The proposed EA-Hawthorne Mixed Use future land use designation will
enable development of an employment center with a broad range of
emerging types of advance manufacturing and light industrial jobs.
Areas to be designated EA-Hawthorne Mixed Use will provide compact,
connected, and employment oriented development. It includes future
residential development (south of S.R. 20), and activity hub and related
commercial and retail services to provide for a balanced and sustainable
community. It will be a place where residents can walk or bike to work
and enjoy the many other services in the City of Hawthorne such as
school, churches, parks and civic amenities such as the GainesvilleHawthorne State Trail.
Development in the Plum Creek Land Company property annexed into the City of Hawthorne will complement and strengthen underutilized
resources in Hawthorne such as schools, retail/commercial , and residential uses. Hawthorne’s strong roadway and rail connections provide an
opportunity to reinforce the Hawthorne community and economy with new economic development in the area.
Susan Davenport, Vice President of Economic Development, Gainesville Area
Chamber of Commerce &
Council for Economic Outreach, was quoted by Business in the Heart of Florida
magazine in reference to the
Plum Creek Sector Plan, “Very
simply, this a game changer, the
type that only come along once
in multiple decades and, when
handled properly, can give an
energy and notoriety to a region
that changes the landscape in a
positive way forever.”
Hawthorne Area Historical Society News– July
City of Hawthorne
P.O. Box 1270
6700 SE221st Street
Hawthorne, Florida
Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555
City Wide News
City Wide News comes to you
from the desk of the City Manager,
Ellen Vause. This publication is a
monthly e-news letter.
If you
would like to sign up for an electronic copy of this letter or send an
e m a i l
t o :
evause@cityofhawthorne.net. If
you have an event or news that you
would like to convey, send the
information to the above address
before the 25th of each month to
have it posted on the calendar.
City Manager –Ellen Vause
City Clerk– LaKesha McGruder
Customer Serv.– Brenda Cooper
Park & Rec. Dir.-Reggie Strickland
Ci ty P l a n n e r - Mi k e Ca s ti n e
Account Specialist Deborah Pennington
Public Works Director– Bill
MEETINGS: The Hawthorne Area Historical Society
monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each
month at 4:30pm. . The Hawthorne Museum and
Cultural Center is located at 7225 SE 221 St.,
Hawthorne. For more information call or contact Bonita
Dewiliby-Moore @ 352-318-1265 OR bonitadewiliby@hotmail.com