Bulletin September 18 2016.pub (Read-Only)
Bulletin September 18 2016.pub (Read-Only)
ST.ANTHONY’SPARISHCOMMUNITY 276DiamondBridgeAvenueHawthorne,NewJersey07506 Phone 973-427-1478 Fax 973-427-4826 Web www.stanthony-hawthorne.org School 973-423-1818 Religious Education 973-427-7873 Served by Rev. Msgr. Raymond J. Kupke, Ph.D. ................................ Pastor Rev. Roberto Amador ............................................. Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Elso C. Introini ................................. Pastor-Emeritus Mr. Anthony Bernardine ...........................................................Deacon Mr. Gerald Fadlalla ..................................................................... Deacon Mr. Richard Brudzynski ………………. Deacon (Retired) Sr. Emy De Filippi, F.M.A. .................................School Principal Sr. Betty Ann Martinez, F.M.A. ...................... Rel. Ed. Director Ms. Karen Monda ............................... Confirmation Coordinator Mr. Craig Jandoli…………... …….Confirmation Assistant Mr. Michael Riedel .....................................................Music Director Mr. Jerry Pecoraro ........................................................Youth Minister Mrs. Diane Brown ..................................................... Parish Secretary Ms. Mary Ann Martone ………………….. Parish Secretary Mrs. Cathy Clyne ............................................. Finance Department Mr. William Chaky ……………..Maintenance Supervisor Mr. Eugene Morabito ..................................................................Trustee Mrs. Barbara Homler .................................................................. Trustee Masses Sunday Liturgies Saturday ...............................................................................5:30 p.m. Sunday ............................ 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m. & 12 noon, Divine Mercy Holy Hour for Vocations Every first Friday following the 7:30 a.m. Eucharist Weekdays Monday - Saturday ........................................................ 7:30 a.m. Anointing of the Sick Please call the rectory for a priest to anoint anyone who is seriously ill. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday ................................................................ 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. Baptism are held on Sundays of each month at 1:30pm. Sunday, October 9, 2016 MASS intentions Saturday, 5:30 PM Sunday, 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM Monday, 7:30 AM Tuesday, 7:30 AM Wednesday, 7:30 AM Thursday 7:30 AM Friday, 7:30 AM Saturday, 7:30 AM 5:30 PM October 8, 2016 Renato Foschini Theresa Soltis Mary Pagnozzi Al Wallington October 9, 2016 People of the Parish Maria Cascio Jany Morabito Linda Koodray Giuseppe Fusaro Intention of Margaret Elwood Gaspare D’Agati Salvatore Inturrisi Enrico Marano Janet Reilly Karla Coombs Carmine Villani Patricia Sermania Salvatore Marrazzo William English Jr. Patricia Amato Denis Donahue Rosario Ettore October 10, 2016 Concetta Morabito Gail Monda Bishop & Neves Families October 11, 2016 Shirley Maggio Beatrice Gruber October 12, 2016 Maurice Joseph Corley III (1st Anniversary) Blanche Wassmer October 13, 2016 Hope Martin (2nd Anniversary) Anne T. Gairera October 14, 2016 Olga Bria Antonia Librio Georgina Gulino October 15, 2016 Lucy Napolitano Devin Iacono llario Tomasin George Zeralli Robert Ehrentraut Joseph Kroth Margaret Zizzi The Following Weekly Collection for October 2, 2016 Regular Sunday Envelopes $11, 576.00 Electronic Giving 1, 040.00 Total $12, 616.00 Thank you to our parishioners who have sent in their envelopes for the time they were away this summer, it has truly made a difference! If you have not had the chance to catch up on your envelopes, please prayerfully consider a gift to our fall collections. Your continued support is essential to meet our ongoing operational needs. Your heartfelt generosity is greatly appreciated. If you would like to participate in electronic giving, please complete the authorization form found on the tables at the exits of the church and return it to the Rectory for processing. If you have any questions, please call the Rectory at (973) 427-1478. Pray for the Sick of Our Parish The following names have been placed on our altar. Please remember in your prayers: Chris Aiellos, Nick Ambrose, Joseph Anderson, Joyce Anton, Frank Barone, Marie B., Deacon Anthony Bernardine, Virgina Borgese, Bruce Buffalino, Madeleine Chenette, Thomas M. Clifton, Charlotte Colombo, Baby Benjamin Como, Msgr. Neil Connolly, Theresa D’Amelio, Lucy De Muro, Stratton N. Drivanos, Christopher Eccles, Margaret Elwood, Tina Fadlalla, Kevin Frick, Charles & Iris Getzoff, Jean Gilsinan, Elinor Glasser, Sarah Goffredo, Edwin Gonzalez, Mae Grant, Fred Guarino, Marie Haas, Julia Hill, MaryBeth Huff, August Imbimbo, Bishop Irwin of Boston, Marissa Jamer, Mary Izzo, Nunzio Leo, Susan Lo Heack, Mark Hennig, Lynn Kolb, Mylie Kolb, Sam Kotoulas, Anthony La Cateana, Marie Longo, Michael Lucas, Bobby Maggio Jr., Frankie Maggio, Gary Maik, Kim Mapletost, Anselmo Martinez, Frank Martone, Ray Mastrobuoni, Charlie McCarthy, Frank Mc Carthy, Monica McDonale, Julieann Morabito, John Muth, Larry Orbe, Phyllis Orbe, Ella Jane Pannacciulli, Rita Paretti, Lucy Pataki, Kathleen Patti, Grace Marie Piepoli, Dawn Perrine, Ralph Petrucci, Bill Prusiensky Jr., Louis Recchione, Baby Michael Reeves, Mark Reeves, Ken Remo, Charlie Richardson, Charles Rocco, Patty Rossman, Jimmy Soder Jr., Joseph Spagnola, Eduardo Torres, Maria Torres, Ida Troll, Robert Verolet, Paul Villano, Donna Walesiewicz, Corey Wiles, Jack Williamson, Marie Zigarelli, Sunday, 7:00 AM Next Weeks Masses October 16, 2016 People of the Parish Renato J. Corsini Anthony Paruta 8:30 AM Jennie Bar one Elenor Rizzo Vito Maritatio Olga & Joseph Focaccia 10:00 AM J oseph & Anna Raymond Janet Reilly Rick Van Dyke Frank Massanova 12:00 Ann Marianacci Llario Tomasini Ann Lang Patrucua Tomporowski 6PM Stephen M. Rose Denis Donahue Mary Welsh Bread & Wine– In Memory of Hope M. Martin The Sanctuary Lamp honor ing the Euchar istic Presence of our Lord in the Tabernacle, is burning this week in Loving Memory of Anna Savino & Family 2 BY THE WAY ••• • Holy Year Pilgrimage - The Holy Year of Mercy ends with the Solemnity of Christ the King on November 20. As the Holy Year comes to an end, Saint Anthony's will sponsor a bus pilgrimage to the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, one of the churches with a designated Holy Door in order to avail ourselves of the Holy Year Indulgence. The pilgrimage will take place on Saturday, October 29. The bus will leave from Saint Anthony's at 11:45 A.M. and return to Saint Anthony's later that afternoon. At Newark we will be able to process through the Holy Door, have a brief prayer service for the Holy Year Indulgence, and be given a guided tour of the Basilica, including the relics of Pope Saint John Paul II. Sacred Heart Cathedral Basilica is one of the largest and most beautiful churches in the United States -larger than Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York. The Cathedral was elevated to the status of a basilica by Pope Saint John Paul II during his visit to New Jersey in 1995 when he presided at Evening Prayer in the Basilica in the presence of President Bill Clinton. To secure a seat on the bus for the Holy Year Pilgrimage, please call the rectory and make your reservation. Parishioners will also be able to join us by car. • This Saturday, October 15, the Paterson Diocese will present its First Annual Men's Conference at Saint Paul-inside-the-Walls in Madison. The conference is entitled Crossing the Goal: leading Men to the Cross. Speakers will include former NFL receiver Danny Abramowicz, Peter Herbeck Director of Missions for Renewal Ministries, and Pete Burak, from the Missions for Renewal Outreach. Registration begins at 7:30 A.M., and the conference itself gets under way at 8:30 A.M. Cost is $20.00 for adults, $10.00 for students, $30.00 for fathers and son(s). For registration and more information go to the Saint Paul-i~side-the-Walls website www.insidethewalls.org. • The 2017 Mass Book will open on Tuesday, October 11 at 9:00 A.M. for the booking of Mass Intentions for the Calendar Year 2017. • Our church has many beautiful artistic elements, both inside and out. One of these aspects that is hardly ever noticed is the granite roundel on Washington Street over the outside door to the church furnace room/basement. The roundel has as its central image the Paschal Lamb of Sacrifice holding a victory banner. This image is often used as a symbol both for Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, and also for Saint John the Baptist. Under the central image is seen the "caduceus" the bronze serpent wrapped around a pole from the Old Testament Book of Exodus that God instructed Moses to use as a symbol of healing for the Israelites. The "caduceus" has become the symbol for the medical profession. Surrounding the figures is the inscription "Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus," or Holy, holy, holy." There is a lot of symbolism packed into this small image. First, both images represent the care of God for his people, both in the redeeming Christ, and in the symbol from the Old Testament. Secondly, by the size of the figures, it clearly presents Christ as the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Thirdly, the presence of the "Sanctus, " and the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) remind us of the Holy Mass when we use those words ourselves from Scripture. Finally, the image is somewhat "prophetic." The church was dedicated in November, 1934 while Hawthorne was still a part ofthe Newark Diocese. Three years later, in December 1937, we became a part of the Paterson Diocese. When the coat-of-arms of the Paterson Diocese was being designed that winter, the Lamb of God was chosen as the central figure. This was to represent Saint John the Baptist, the diocesan patron, but it was also to render the Paterson Diocesan arms as "canting arms," a coat of arms whose symbols actually speak, or "cant" the name of the holder. The two symbols are the Lamb, for Jesus, the Son of God, and the shamrock for Saint Patrick. Thus the two symbols, spoken together, produce "Patr(ick) Son." 3 • As farmers, and gardeners, across the land begin to gather in the harvest from their labors of the past season, the following might be appropriately prayed. God our Creator, who never cease to bestow your bounteous fruits from the rains of the heavens and the riches of the soil, we thank your loving majesty for this year's harvest. Through these blessings of your generosity you have fulfilled the hopes of your children. Grant that together they may praise your mercy without end and in their life amid there good things of this world strive also after the blessings of the world to come. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you all, Father Ray 4 FAITH FORMATION First Reading: 2 Kings 5:14-17 Elisha cures Naaman of leprosy, which convinces Naaman that there is only one God. Naaman then asks to take some loads of soil from Israel, so that he can worship and make sacrifices to one true God on his own land. Second Reading: 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Paul reminds Timothy that Christ rose from the dead so that many people could be saved. Paul was being treated as a criminal and kept in chains but says. "There is no chaining the word of God!" Paul also says, "if we die in Christ, we will live in him. But if we deny him, he will deny us." The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program (RCIA) will begin on October 5, 2016, and climaxes at the Easter Vigil Service on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. RCIA classes are held each Wednesday beginning in October at 7:00 pm in the school. Our program prepares adults to be baptized, receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. Please call Sister Betty Ann to register: 973427-1478 or email: sareligioused13@gmail.com Gospel: Luke 17:11-19 Jesus cures ten lepers, but only one returns to express gratitude for being healed. Jesus is disappointed that only one gave thanks to God, but tells that one, "Your faith has been your salvation." PARISH CHOIR REHEARSALS THIS THURSDAY EVENING at 7:30PM IN CHURCH. Ministers of Communion On Sundays at 10:30 AM, St. Anthony’s Parish provides the Faithful of Van Dyk’s Park Place on Goffle Rd. the nourishment of Jesus Christ through a Communion Service followed by reception of the Holy Eucharist. This weekly ministry is provided by the Eucharistic Ministers of our parish. We are in need of a few more Eucharistic Ministers to continue this ministry effectively. Could you donate a ½ hour to an hour of your time once or twice every three months (4 to 8 times a year) to assist in the ministry to our brothers and sisters at Van Dyk’s? If interested, please contact Bill Martin at 201-314-2698 or bthandf@optonline.net. Music for Sunday Liturgies, for Christmas Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve will be distributed and started. Once again Par ish Choir will sing for and help lead the gathered assembly in sung at the 10:00am Mass on Sunday morning and at times the noon Liturgy. If you are interested in singing with the Choir, You DO NOT need to read music or have an operatic voice to be a member of the choir. The only requirements are the ability to attend rehearsals regularly and the ability to sing with the choir when they are scheduled. We are looking for Sopranos (high woman’s voice), Altos (low woman’s voice), Tenors (high men’s voice) and Bass’ (low men’s voice). The Choir is open to anyone of high school age and above. This is a good way to give back to your parish and tithe your time and talent to this important ministry. Please feel free to speak with me directly for further information. Michael Riedel, Director of Music Ministries. 5 St. Anthony’s TASC Youth Group PRE-CANA St. Anthony’s Youth Group is proud to announce their team members for the 2016-2017 school year! Once a year in mid-March, St. Anthony’s Parish provides our faithful engaged couples a day of reflection on the reason for their entry into the Sacrament of Matrimony. This is called PreCana and all couples that are married in the Catholic Faith are required to participate in a Church recognized preparation program for the Sacrament. We at St. Anthony provide this Faith based program to our engaged couples but it needs the participation of the our own Parish married couples. Can you as a faithful married Catholic couple participate one Sunday as a solid Catholic example for about 7 hours supporting our engaged couples to continue in their journey of Faith in the Catholic Church? You just need to be present as a table facilitator which entails being there and listening and engaging in the conversation that comes up. If interested, please contact Bill and Tina Martin at 201-314-2698 or bthandf@optonline.net. Mike Carone, Marc Crilly, Mina Di Filippo, Sofia Di Filippo, Kelly Murphy, Victoria Newman, Carley Tamburro, Meaghan Wisniewski, and Sarah Wisniewski Not only will these students direct the youth group for the year but they will work closely with the adult ministers to plan meetings, retreats, and community service activities. Furthermore, each of them will be an ambassador to the St. Anthony’s Parish and Hawthorne communities. What is Youth Group? Youth Group is a combination of fun, faith, and friends, usually with a little food added to keep our engines going! It’s is a place for teens to get together in a relaxed and social atmosphere to have fun and explore their faith in a positive environment. Who is invited? All high school-aged teenagers. Don’t feel like coming alone then bring some of your friends with you! The more, the merrier. Where? Don Bosco Youth Center located in the basement of St. Anthony’s School. When? Bi-weekly on Sunday nights from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Our next youth group meeting is next Sunday, October 16! We all look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our youth minister, Jerry Pecoraro, at tascyouthgroup@gmail.com. Upcoming Meetings & Events October 16 – Youth Group meeting - 7:00pm (St. Anthony’s Youth Center) October 23 – Out of the Darkness Walk - 9:00am (Saddle River County Park, Saddle Brook, NJ) November 6 – CROP Walk - 1:30pm (Meeting at St. Clement’s Church on Lafayette Avenue) November 6 - Youth Group meeting - 7:00pm (St. Anthony’s Youth Center) Calling All Organization and Ministries We are updating a New Web Site Please check your page for changes that need to be made please forward to me at the rectory! Mary Ann or email to cad76dy@aol.com. 6 SOCIAL SERVICES BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS Please help! We are still low on several items: Pancake Mix, Syrup and fruit CROP IS COMING!! SAVE THE DATE!! The annual CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Hunger Walk sponsored by the Hawthorne Ecumenical Council of Churches (First Reformed, St. Clement's Episcopal, Hawthorne United Methodist, Rea Ave Reformed, and St. Anthony's) will be held on Sunday November 6. Registration begins at 1:30 pm at St. Clement's (271 Lafayette Ave.). The walk will kick off at 2:00 pm and end at the First Reformed Church, immediately adjacent to St. Clement's. We encourage you to join us! CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events that bring people together in a common mission-helping hungry people in local communities and around the world. Walkers may register online at https://www.crophungerwalk.org/hawthornenj/StAnthonysChurch. Any individual walker who raises $150 in online donations by Oct. 21 will receive a complimentary T-shirt directly from Church World Service on the day of the walk. Participants are also invited to bring a donation of non-perishable food on the day of the walk; all food donations will go to our parish pantry. About 600 communities will sponsor CROP walks this fall. Of the monetary donations collected locally, 25% is returned to the Ecumenical Council for its work here in town. For more information, visit the CROP walk website listed above or contact Therese Grolly at 973 626 2801. DID YOU KNOW?... The Hawthorne Senior Center, located in the Ambulance Corps Building, 973 Goffle Road, provides one hot meal Monday through Friday for older adults in a friendly environment that is conducive to socialization. A 24-hour advance registration is required and there is a suggested $1.25 donation for lunch. The Center also offers theme parties, shopping, health-related lectures, and programs. Call 973-423-1027 for further information. Also, through its "Operation Reassurance," the Hawthorne Police Department provides checks on senior citizens who live alone. Call (973) 427-1800 to register. SAVE YOUR COUPONS, PLEASE!! Our Social Services Ministry is collecting baby products coupons (diapers, wipes, lotion, shampoo, powder, etc.) that will be given to clients of the Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center here in town. We ask that you please drop your coupons into the basket that's in the front (main) vestibule of the church. Please clip the coupons and place them in a sealed envelope. And please check dates; we can't use any expired coupons. We thank you in advance for your participation in this effort. And by the way, we also welcome the donation of diapers, wipes, baby food, formula, shampoo, and the like; these items will also be given to Lighthouse. You may drop these off at the rectory during business hours. 7 When a loved one has been taken as the result of death, illness, or the end of a relationship, we experience a wide variety of feelings and emotions. A support system helps those suffering move through grief and the ever-changing emotions accompanying it. To aid individuals through their grief journey, Christian Health Care Center (CHCC), 700 Mountain Ave., Wyckoff, offers a Bereavement Support Group and Faith & Grief Luncheons. The new Bereavement Support Group meets from 5:30 to 6:30 pm the third Wednesday of the month in the Commons Conference Room. The Support Group complements CHCC's Faith & Grief Luncheons, which are offered from noon to 1 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month in the Auditorium. Held in conjunction with Valley Hospice, the luncheons incorporate sharing, scripture, prayer, and reflection; they're open to all faiths. Complimentary lunch is provided, but donations are accepted. To register for the Bereavement Support Group, call 201-848-5867; to register for Faith & Grief, call 201-848-4264. NEED TRANSPORTATION? Seniors and individuals with disabilities needing transportation for medical and dental appointments, shopping, etc., can check out the following: Boro of Hawthorne: call 973 427 5555 ext. 340 to leave a message The Passaic County Para Transit Program, Wayne: 973 305 5756 Project LINC (sponsored by Catholic Family & Community Services), Wayne: 973 831 6588 Access Link (NJ Transit): 1-800-955-2321. Call between the hours of 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Mon. thru Fri. (choose the “not certified Access Link rider” option to speak with an assistant & apply for eligibility) ITN North Jersey 201 398 6885. This agency also welcomes volunteer drivers; call or visit www.itnnorthjersey.org for more information on how you can make a difference in someone's life. THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE The parish Social Services Ministry is preparing for the collection and distribution of Thanksgiving Day food for the needy families. This year we are inviting parishioners to donate a box/laundry basket/bag, filled with items for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, and/or a turkey. Among suggested items for the baskets are such non-perishable items as: Canned goods: vegetables, turkey gravy, cranberry sauce, fruit, potatoes Pumpkin, yams, pie filling, chicken or turkey broth. Package goods : rice (white, brown yellow, wild, mixes), instant mashed potatoes’ Stuffing mix, Jell-O, Pudding mix, cake/brownie/cookie mixes, icing, cookies, biscuit mix, ready-made piecrust mix, pie-fillings, raisins, sugar, and flour. Other: apples/oranges/tangerines, applesauce, coffee, tea, hot Chocolate, Parmalat or similar shelf stable milk, evaporated milk, fruit juices, nuts, boxed chocolate candy, disposable roasting pans, can openers, napkins. Please avoid glass bottles or jars, due to the possibility of breaking; No refrigerated or frozen items, no outdated products and no opened packages. If you would like to participate in this effort, please complete the tear-off form below, and place it in one of the baskets at the doors of the church until Sunday November 13, which is the deadline for participating. If you would like to help, but are unable to provide an entire basket, we suggest that you invite your friends, neighbors and/or extended family to join you in putting one together. Baskets/boxes/turkeys will be collected at the rectory garage (behind the church) Thursday evening, November 17 between 7:30 and 9:00 P.M. Please only use the Diamond Bridge Avenue entrance to the parking lot when dropping off the basket/turkey. You may also drop off at the rectory during the week. Smaller quantities of food are also welcome. These may be dropped off at the rectory or left in front of St. Joseph’s altar in church between October 15/16 and November 12/13. The social services Ministry thanks you for your support. Our Thanksgiving food drive has been very successful in the past, and they are a tangible sign of our parish’s generosity and commitment to live out the gospel values. As Jesus himself has told us, “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me”. (Matthew 25:40) ------------------------------------------------------------------------_________ I/we will prepare a Thanksgiving food basket/box _________ I/we will make a monetary contribution. Make checks payable to St. Anthony’s Church; write “Social Services” on the memo line. Mail to or drop of at the rectory. _________ I/we will donate a turkey NAME: __________________________________ PHONE # ________________ (Please print) 8 Ministries & Organizations Golden Horizon Religious Education Our next meeting will be Friday October 14th at 1:15 in the school cafeteria. Guests are always welcome. For information on trips, call Mary at 201445-2644 and for information on meetings, call Margaret at 973-4279120 Registration for Religious Education classes for the 2016-2017 school year (K-10) is underway. PLEASE call Diane Brown at 973-427-1478 for information. Mon-Thurs. between the hours if 9:00 am- 4pm. 973-427-1478 St. Anthony catholic Men's Group Prayer Praise & Healing The Saint Anthony's Catholic Men's Group gathers on the first and third Tuesday of every month for informal discussions on our Christian walk and other topics of interest to men of faith. All interested guys are welcome and encouraged to attend. Ours is a friendly and spontaneous atmosphere of camaraderie and sharing, bring a friend and make some new ones! For more information, or if you would like to be included in our mailing list to keep abreast of upcoming events, please contact Jim (973-219-8564 / ussenterprise8486@gmail.com) or Ed (862-8120293 / ecimbors@yahoo.com). Prayer Group will meet this Monday, at 7 PM in the chaplaincy center. Thank You! The Holy Name Society We are still looking for new members to join our ranks and bring new ideas to our organization. The next meeting will be October 9, 2016. Following the 8:30am Mass. Coffee & buns will be served. Partners in faith Rosary society Thank you for your continued commitment to your Partners In Faith pledges over the past 3 year s. If you have any questions regarding your balances, please contact Jane Sudol at theDiocesan Offices at (973)7778818 ext 218. She will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding your pledges. Pledge cards showing your commitment and payments are typically sent out once a year at the end of October or early November. If you do not receive this card, please call Jane for assistance. Thank you once again for yourgenerosity . "Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, NOVEMBER 8th at 7:00pm in the School Cafeteria. Any questions, please call Leilani Feliciano at (201) 281-5267. 9 Mark Your Calendar Organiza ons & Ministries Adult Catechumenate Advisory Committee A.A. Altar Servers Art & Environment Com. Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism Children’s Liturgy Catholic Men’s Group Communion Ministers Golden Horizon Club Holy Name Society Hospitality Committee Knights of Columbus Lectors Liturgy Committee Music Ministry Prayer & Healing Pre-Cana Rosary Society Scouting Social Services Special Friends of St. Anthony St. Anthony’s Feast Advent by Candle 973-427-7873 Mike Firrincili 973-427-0800 Meets Mondays 7:00 PM in School Fr. Roberto Amador 973-427-1478 Frank Abate 973-423-2440 Friday, December 2, 2016 6:00—8:30 pm St. Anthony’s Catholic Church Hawthorne, NJ Deacon Anthony Bernardine Mary Ann Martone 973-427-1478 Dana Hampson 973-427-2439 Jim Jekonski 973-219-8564 Jamie Blanchard 973-454-3123 Margaret Elwood 973-427-9120 Peter Ramos Stephen Fitzsimmons Tom Hoffman 973-423-3613 201-493-7971 Karen Monda Michael Riedel Carolyn Gerrish Tina & Bill Martin Deacon Tony 973-427-4197 973-696-7225 973-304-1498 201-314-2698 973-427-1478 Stephen Fitzsimmons Deacon Gerald Fadlalla 973-423-3613 973-427-1478 Betty Baliman Frank Rambala Joseph Silvestri Joseph Wojtecki Joan Elia Frank DeLuccia St. Vincent DePaul Society Ken Silvestri Ushers Michael Zakur Women’s Cornerstone Madeleine Carlson Kellyanne Morrissey Youth Ministry Jerry Pecoraro “Advent by Candlelight” is a gift for women to gather for a time of spiritual reflection on the significance and beauty of the Advent season. Our Keynote Speaker, Sister Loretta DeDomenicis, FMA is a Salesian Sister, who loves to serve the young with joy! She brings to us a wealth of experience and stories to help us grow closer to Jesus and His Mother during this Advent Season. The theme is: “To Him, She Leads!” Plan to leave energized and ready to take on the Season with grace and patience. A woman’s job is endless, attending to numerous details, so come be renewed, refreshed and leave better for having been part of St. Anthony’s First Advent by Candlelight Experience! 973-427-7588 973-238-0579 973-423-9515 973-427-1121 973-238-0780 201-317-2173 973-427-6299 973-427-2599 201-575-5052 201-452-6698 Please consider treating your friends, relatives or neighbors to this special event. Table hostess duties include reserving a table, inviting up to 7 guests, decorating your table, and providing table settings for your guests. This year, Coffee and Tea will be provided! Send in your Reservation today. Space is Limited! Each space is $10. Reservation forms and money may be dropped off at the Religious Education Office, Attn: Advent By Candlelight, 270 Diamond Bridge Ave, Hawthorne, NJ 07506. All checks should be payable to St. Anthony’s. If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Betty Ann @ 973-427-7873 or email: sareligioused13@gmail.com 4X8 -$100.00 or 12X12 pavers $500.00 ). For more information contact Mary Ann at the rectory office. (973-427-1478) f you would like to memorialize a loved one, why not choose a paver in our St. Anthony’s Jubilee Garden. Pavers are still available. 10 elp the American Redthe Cross, you Red help America. When you help American Cross, you help America. all 1-800-Help Now or visit usNow at redcross.org Call 1-800-Help or visit us at redcross.org Computer Driving You Crazy? I can Help Clean or Upgrade It! 16+yr. exp., 20+yr. Parishioner Tom Hauer • 973-310-2606 John P. Fischer Tiles, Inc. "Visit Our New Larger Showroom" 1096 Goffle Road • Hawthorne, NJ 07506 973-427-7870 Ceramic ~ Porcelain ~ Glass ~ Stones HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Family Owned and Operated For 4 Generations 201-444-7100 ASBnow.com 386 Lafayette Avenue Hawthorne, NJ 07506 Member FDIC Mary Contini Frank DeLuccia Cell: 973-641-5975 Cell: 201-317-2173 Sales Associate mary.contini@randrealty.com Sales Associate 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE FOR HEATING & A/C Serving All Your Home Heating Needs. FREE ESTIMATES CALL US TODAY AT 201-891-1000 www.bolkemafuel.com 973.423.4433 80 Wagaraw Road • Hawthorne www.bottagra.com frank.deluccia@randrealty.com 200 GRAND AVE. HAWTHORNE, NJ 07506 OFFICE: 973-427-9337 FAX: 973-427-9338 Goffle Road Poultry Farm DELICIOUS FARM FRESH POULTRY & EGGS Chicken · Turkey · Chicken Parts · Fresh Eggs 201-444-3238 · www.GofflePoultry.com 549 GOFFLE ROAD · WYCKOFF Glen Rock ~ Convenient Walk-In Urgent Care ~ OPEN EVERY DAY www.sovereignhealthsystem.com NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! 85 HARRISTOWN ROAD · GLEN ROCK · 201-479-5450 Holland Christian Home Caryn Edelbach, Administrator (Parishioner) 973-427-4087 151 Graham Avenue North Haledon, NJ 07508 Visit: www.hollandchristianhome.org 025C (JA) - St. Anthony's, Hawthorne FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC · P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. inside Browning-Forshay Funeral Home 557 Lafayette Ave., Hawthorne, N.J. 973-427-0800 “Serving St. Anthony’s Parish Since 1953” Michael Forshay, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 4897 • George W. Forshay, N.J. Lic. No. 3330 • Michael J. Firrincili, N.J. Lic. No. 4096 Mia A. Cardi, N.J. Lic. No. 5054 • Brandy A. Kramer, N.J. Lic. No. 5104 Tiffany's Florist FOODS DOMINIC MELE (973) 427-8450 50 UTTER AVENUE · HAWTHORNE, NJ All Phases of Tree Work Fully Insured • Year Round Service Residential • Commercial 562 Lafayette Ave. • Hawthorne (973) 427-1106 Downes Tree Service, Inc. www.tiffanysflorist.com (973) 238-9800 65 Royal Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 JESSE MALIK STEWART'S LAFAYETTE DELICATESSEN Catering 7 Days a Week Home Made Salads 658 Lafayette Ave., Hawthorne 973-427-9009 - Fax: 427-9091 Director 973-839-3761 2190 Hamburg Tpke., Wayne, NJ 07470· Fax: 973-839-3668 www.VisitingAngels.com · jmalik@VisitingAngels.com LIC. # 6174 HG WEBER TAX SERVICES, LLC For All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs Enrolled to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service PROVIDING TAX SERVICES AT REASONABLE PRICES Preparation ♦ Planning ♦ Representation 12-45 River Road, Unit 4C • Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 • Phone: 201-773-8101 Harvey G. Weber Jr., EA, MST, NTPI Fellow 973-423-4395 Email: hgwTaxoffice@optonline.net 352 Lafayette Ave. Hawthorne, NJ 07506 Executive Group Building Relationships One Family at a Time Your Source For Real Estate Information!! 973-636-9505 www.AnnaMarieSasso.com Anna Marie Sasso, Broker/Owner OLD FASHIONED HAND ROLLED BAGELS FRESH GROUND COFFEE 973-423-2055 210 DIAMOND BRIDGE AVE., HAWTHORNE PETER SALERNO, INC. Fine Catering, Prime Meats (201) 251-6608 813 Franklin Lakes Rd., Franklin Lakes 511 Goffle Road · Wyckoff, NJ 300 Sicomac Avenue, Wyckoff Custom Cabinetry Architectural Design PETER SALERNO, CKD, CBD Delicatessen, Bakery, Gourmet Foods, Fish, Fresh Produce 891-2000 891-1212 Always There Home Health Care License #HP0051801 We Provide: Certified Home Health Aides · Live-ins · Bath Service Shopping/Meal Preparation · Care Management · Home from the Hospital Service CALL US AT 973-427-7459 For Assisted Living In Your "Own" Home Visit Us On The Web At: www.AlwaysThereHC.com "There really is no place like home" Let our health care team keep you "Always There" We offer personal care services hourly or live-in Roz Minicozzi Owner/Parishioner ~ Celebrating Our 25th Year In Hawthorne ~ 234 Lafayette Avenue · Hawthorne · 973-423-4345 B.Y.O.B. General and Cosmetic Family Dentistry Dr. Margaret E. Somers SPEAKS POLISH 973-427-2121 www.toothfairynj.com 723 LAFAYETTE AVENUE · HAWTHORNE, NJ 07506 Flexible Hours · Most Dental Insurances Accepted · Compassionate and Caring Staff FREE 1/2 HOUR CONSULTATION A Full Service Law Firm Including Elder Law Parishioner 025C (JA) - St. Anthony's, Hawthorne Dee's LUNCHEONETTE Breakfast & Lunch OPEN SUNDAYS 6:30AM-1:00PM MONDAY-FRIDAY 5:00AM-3:00PM SATURDAY 6:00AM-2:00PM 973-423-9879 318 DIAMOND BRIDGE AVENUE · HAWTHORNE GOD BLESS AMERICA FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC · P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. outside