ECQG Basket Bulle}n - East Cobb Quilters` Guild


ECQG Basket Bulle}n - East Cobb Quilters` Guild
East Cobb Quilters’ Guild August 2012 Volume 18, Issue 8 ECQG Basket Bulle>n Welcome, Robbi Joy Eklow!
(“Goddess of the last minute”)!
Robbi is a fiber ar>st and longarm quilter who lectures and teaches interna>onally, and has shown quilts and won ribbons in major quilt shows across the United States. She writes a bi-­‐monthly column “Goddess of the Last Minute” for Quil%ng Arts Magazine and has designed quilts and wriSen ar>cles for many quil>ng publica>ons. Her first book is en>tled Free Expression: The Art and Confessions of a Contemporary Quilter. Robbi Joy has been playing with fabric since kindergarten, loving the feel, the colors, and the texture. Over the years, she has developed a personal style that is quirky, wildly contemporary and saturated with color. An engineering degree lends a mechanical quality to her designs, and she uses soYware extensively to refine them. Primarily, though, she simply makes quilts that she likes and doesn’t let anyone tell her what she is supposed to do. Robbi’s special>es are free-­‐mo>on quil>ng, fused appliqué and fabric dyeing. She enjoys dyeing fabrics to get just the color she needs; fusing because it gives a quick result; and free-­‐mo>on quil>ng for its feeling of doodling on fabric, dancing with thread. On Thursday, August 30th, Robbi will be offering her “Free Expression Buffet” workshop. In this fun and relaxing class, each student will pick one from Robbi’s current paSern selec>on to complete one 18” x 24” top. The class is both a project and a process class as you learn Robbi’s unique method of working with fusibles to create sophis>cated art quilts as described in her book Free Expression. You can also join Robbi on Saturday, September 1st for her “Expressive Unmarked Free Mo7on Quil7ng” workshop. Learn the keys to execu>ng smooooooooth free mo>on s>tches, prac>cing on inexpensive felt rectangles in the morning, switching to muslin sandwiches in the aYernoon. The techniques in this class are also great for long-­‐armers who want to get started or get more ideas on how to free mo>on without using pantographs or marking. And be sure to mark your calendar for the August 31st guild mee>ng. During her lecture “Transcendentools: New Ways to Get Quil7ng Stuff Done,” Robbi will share how she raids home improvement, office supply and dollar stores for cool stuff to use in her studio. She’ll show you how to use it, where to get it and why wandering the aisles of the home repair store can lead to beSer quil>ng tools and more efficient storage at reasonable prices. ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 2 For more informa>on on Robbi Joy, visit her website: hSp:// Inside this issue Welcome, Robbi Joy Eklow 1 Looking Ahead 2 President’s Message 3 Logo on Steriods 3 Looking ahead…to September!
September Birthdays 4 It’s George Siciliano! – En>ced by the endless design possibili>es of the “log cabin” block, George creates miniature quilts using founda>on piecing to bring his paSerns to life. Assisted by his wife, Virginia, an accomplished hand quilter, George will be presen>ng a lecture at the September guild mee>ng en>tled “ This Guy Must be Nuts!” as well as the “Size Really Does MaSer” workshop on Thursday September 27th. Welcome New Members 4 Treasurer’s Report 4 Refreshments for August 4 Golden Scissors 5 Modern Quilts – Call for Entries 6 More about Modern Quilts 6 It’s Never too Early to Get Ready for Georgia Celebrates Quilts™ ! 7 For registra>on info, see hSp://­‐programs/ ECQG is a Chapter Member of NQA, so don’t forget to also check out the NQA website to keep informed of the NQA Quilt Show, call for nomina>ons, educa>onal opportuni>es, and so much more! 0 hSp:// Stars N Stitches
2012 Show Lakewood 400 An>que Market, Cumming, GA September 22, 2012 from 10am – 5 pm September 23, 2012 from 11am – 5pm More informa>on at General Mee>ng Minutes Sunshine 8-­‐9 9 Day Time Show & Tell 10 Evening Mee>ng Minutes 11 Evening Show and Tell 12 Lake and Mountain Quilters Guild
2012 Festival of Quilts Celebrating Silver
Shaver Recrea>on Center 698 W South 4th Street Seneca, SC Friday, September 21: 9:30AM -­‐ 6:00PM Saturday, September 22: 9:30AM -­‐ 5:00PM LMQG will display more than 200 quilts at the show. More Informa>on at: hSp:// ECQG Basket Bulle7n We have many opportuni>es coming up for quilts, so get a jump on everybody by registering your quilts early for the show and for our upcoming museum opportunity “Thoroughly Modern Quilts”. Stay tuned. In case you missed it on Facebook, I can’t resist repea>ng a pos>ng that I saw…   So remember to “like us” on Facebook! (BoSom right link on our home page Have fun, laugh a lot, and keep s>tching Happy S>tching, Carolyn Powers!
Page 3 You know you are a Quilter if . . . .
There's more Fabric in the House than Food
"Fat Quarters”
are not the heaviest part of your body
Your ironing board is always set up, but you never iron clothes You pet fabric
People are always picking threads off you
You can measure a scant 1/4 by eye
"Featherweight" doesn't mean boxer
Your "UFOs" are not from outer space
You clean up your sewing room & they think you are leaving
You have a “stash” and it isn’t illegal Logo on Steroids!
My thanks to Joe Bautsch, our show photographer and DVD producer extraordinaire (as well as husband of Michele Bautsch) has spiffed up our logo. Now it can be as big as a page without looking “digital.” If anyone has need for a larger logo, please let me know and I will pass it on to you. Carolyn Powers ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 4 September Birthdays!
LaVerne AbboS New and Returning Members!
9/9 Margaret Anderson 9/13 Susan Bertrand 9/6 Beth Brady 9/4 Sara Brown 9/13 Martha Campbell 9/6 Shari Chastain 9/6 Dawn Collins 9/22 Pamela CornuS 9/8 Natalie Custer 9/4 Tiffany Elya 9/1 Art Meets Science!
David J. Sencer CDC Museum 1600 CliYon Road, NE at CDC Parkway Atlanta, Georgia 30333 June 11 – September 5, 2012 Thirty-­‐five tex>les by interna>onal ar>sts—
illustrate, with strikingly visual impact, a gamut of scien>fic ideas, from the harmonies of randomness to the dynamics produced by scien>fic imagery. Many of the quilts are inspired by the "world unseen"—microscopic reflec>ons of viruses, bacteria, and other cellular forms. hSp:// "Star Gazing”
A Quilt Show presented by the York County Quilters Friday & Saturday October 26 & 27 10 AM to 5 PM both days  Admission: $5.00 Baxter M. Hood Center 452 South Anderson Road  Rock Hill, SC Free Parking Over 130 quilts on display, plus vendors, silent auc>on, quilt demos. bou>que, bake sale and much more! For more info visit: Welcome to our new and returning members who joined at the last mee>ng. Since we do not publish contact data for new members, if you need that informa>on, contact our membership chairperson, Shiras Guion. New Members: Chrystal Campbell Jane L Madsen Treasurer's Report 8/1/2012 Guild Bank Accounts: Wells Fargo Guild Checking $ 28,991.76 Cornerstone Bank CD 30,025.90 TOTAL Guild Bank Accounts $ 59,017.66 Quilt Show Bank Account: Wells Fargo Show Checking $ 2,960.40 “S”
Thank you to all who brought goodies for the July mee>ng, we had a great selec>on and everyone seemed to enjoy the treats. This month is an easy one for people to remember, if your name begins with the leSer "S" please bring treats. And, no the "O’s” have not been forgoSen they will be bringing in Septem-­‐
ber. Please remember that if you don't have >me to bake, just pick something up at the store, all treats are welcomed and as you have seen, enjoyed. Thank you, Olwynne!
ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 5 Golden Scissors Golden Scissors are awarded to those quilters whose quilts measure 280 inches around. The quilt must have been pieced and quilted by the quilter. The only excep>on is if the blocks were won by the quilter from another group. To be awarded a Golden Thimble the quilt must have been hand quilted by the quilter. The July Golden Scissors went to: Vickie Lord They Lived Happily Ever AYer Joan Marsh Flying Eagles in Alaska Community Service !
Our July mee>ng was impressive -­‐-­‐ 107 charity quilts for foster children and 25 patrio>c quilts for the families of fallen soldiers! Thank you all for your generous hours of sewing and par>cipa>ng. Need I remind you that we s>ll have work to do. Con>nue making those charity quilts, pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer, and placemats for meals on wheels. Let's see if we can double our numbers by year's end! Karen Webster!
Community Service Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum Opening It is with great excitement that the Southeastern Quilt and Tex>le Museum announces the grand opening of the museum on September 15, 2012 at the Bradley Street Warehouse in Carrollton, GA. A special two-­‐day “Preview” for area quilters will be held on September 13th and the 14th. Con>nue to check out the new museum website at hSp:// for details.  ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 6 Thoroughly Modern Quilts – Call for Entries ECQG is joining with the Atlanta Modern Quilt Guild (AMQG) to present an exhibit of modern and contemporary quilts at the Mable House Arts Center in South Cobb County next year. En>tled “ Thoroughly Modern Quilts,” this exhibit is open to ECQG and AMQG members and will run from January 14 to February 27, 2013. Take a look at the “Call for Entries” posted on the ECQG website and consider offering one or more of your contemporary or modern quilts for this exhibit. We are looking for landscapes, portraits, abstract composi>ons, quilts using nontradi>onal fabrics, materials and embellishments – and other quilts outside the general descrip>on of “tradi>onal.” Of course, we love tradi>onal quilts, but we want to highlight the contemporary and modern quilts that are catching the public eye these days. The Modern Quilt movement is really growing! You’ll find more informa>on about it elsewhere in the newsleSer and at the na>onal Modern Quilt Guild website at The entry deadline is October 15, 2012. You can enter a quilt in this exhibit and in Georgia Celebrates Quilts next year. The exhibit gallery is small, so quilts must be less than 60” by 72.” Because space is limited and entries will also be offered from the AMQG, we might not be able to accept all the quilts offered. So think about it! Do you have a favorite quilt that fits this exhibit? Want to get it out of the closet and out in public? If you do, we want to see it, so fill out that entry form now! Please contact Melinda Fulkerson with any ques>ons. !
More about Modern Quilts . . .!
We are excited about the upcoming Thoroughly Modern Quilts Exhibit featuring contemporary and modern quilts. I especially love the embellishments and design of the contemporary art quilts that are so intriguing (for example, the trunk show from Judy Alexander at our mee>ng just a few months ago), but what in the world is meant by “modern quilt?” The Modern Quilt Guild here in Atlanta, our partner in this exhibit, is an offshoot of the Modern Quilt Guild first started in California in 2009. Since then, through Internet connec>ons, such as blogs and social media, the movement has mushroomed with guilds all over the world. This internet connec>on is an important part of their building community. They will be presen>ng their first Showcase in Houston October 26 – November 4, followed in February by an inaugural conference and show in Aus>n, Texas ( There is a great ar>cle in the August/September edi>on of Quilters NewsleBer (p.29-­‐34). The picture shown here is an example of a modern quilt done by Alissa Haight Carlton, a co-­‐founder of The Modern Quilt Guild and included in the web extras of the magazine. Although it is hard to define characteris>cs of the modern quilt, since they seem to follow the adage “rules are made to be broken;” you frequently (but not always!) will see a minimalist design, no borders, use of solid colors, use of “nega>ve” space, and less emphasis on repeated blocks, more asymmetry and more use of white and gray as neutrals, and use of regular domes>c sewing machine instead of long arm. I invite you to explore further their website hSp://­‐2/ and mark your calendars for our exhibit (January 14 – February 27). Also I encourage all the nontradi>onal quilters to think about entering a quilt. This is your chance to shine! Carolyn Powers !
ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 7 It’s Never too Early to Get Ready for !
Georgia Celebrates Quilts™ !!
The guild’s quilt show, Georgia Celebrates Quilts™, is ten months away and that may seem like a long >me from now. It’s really not very long, but it’s long enough for us to complete all the prepara>ons necessary for a successful quilt show. The Quilt Show CommiSee has had two mee>ngs thus far and has heard updates on topics such as rental of venues, communica>on with poten>al vendors, quilt entry, photography, and publicity. Robin Meyer, Quilt Show Publicity Chair, has thought of some new ways to get out the word about the date change for our show and to encourage Georgia quilters to enter quilts. As an example, she has recruited a team of Ambassadors who have volunteered to help spread the word about Georgia Celebrates Quilts™. These energe>c and enthusias>c guild members are also members of other local quilt guilds and will share informa>on with members of these other guilds. The goal of the Ambassador program is to inform other guild members about the show and to encourage them to enter quilts and to aSend the show. Stars am
nd scraps While the Quilt Show CommiSee meets regularly to report on progress ade towards the June 2013 quilt show, I imagine you are working on – or at least thinking about -­‐-­‐ the quilts you will enter in the show. I also hope you will consider crea>ng a small piece to be included in the Small Treasures Silent Auc>on. Emma Parker, Small Treasures Chair, has provided a list of specifica>ons for Small Treasures entries as follows:  
The item may have a perimeter of up to 120 inches. This is a larger size than we have allowed in the past and will accommodate items with a dis>nct ver>cal or horizontal orienta>on.  
Small Treasures entries should feature piecing, appliqué, or mixed techniques. Items made of printed panels will not be accepted.  
Your entry must have a hanging sleeve of a size propor>onate to the size of the entry. In other words, the hanging sleeve of your Small Treasures entry does not have to be as large as the sleeve on quilts entered in the show.  
The guild newsleSer will provide recogni>on for Small Treasures dona>ons by lis>ng the people making dona>ons and showing some pictures of contribu>ons. I encourage every guild member to par>cipate in the quilt show in some way, whether serving as a commiSee chair or Ambassador to another guild, volunteering at the show, entering quilts, and/or making a Small Treasures entry. Just think, in ten months, we’ll see the fruits of our planning and prepara>ons! Stella Lang, Quilt Show Chair ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 8 East Cobb Quilters’ Guild General Mee7ng Minutes July 27, 2012 The mee>ng was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Carolyn Powers at St. Ann Catholic Church, MarieSa GA. She reminded us to silence our cell phones and to sign up for Show and Tell, Golden Scissors and Door Prizes. Carolyn requested and received a mo>on and a second to approve the minutes of the previous mee>ng as published in the newsleSer. Passed on a voice vote. Treasurer’s Report: Stella Lang reported that the current detailed financial report is in the newsleSer and that we have approximately $60,000 in the bank to cover expenses for the 2013 quilt show and expenses of running the guild. The yearly review of the treasurer’s books will be conducted by the guild in August Quilt Show Report: Repor>ng as Quilt Show Chair Stella introduced two of the commiSee chairs. Emma Parker is heading Small Treasures and said there are a couple of new rules this year. Items for the auc>on should be no more than 30” per side or 120” total perimeter. A side may be more than 30” so long as the total perimeter does not exceed 120”. No items made from panels will be accepted and no free membership incen>ve prize is being offered this year. Robin Meyer will be in charge of Publicity with Pat Allen as a co-­‐chair. She asked that members who belong to other guilds volunteer to take the Call for Quilts flyers to those groups and keep the groups informed of the Quilt Show plans. Raffle Quilt: Heather Kosbab showed a completed border for the quilt done by Linda Simons and asked that all blocks be turned in as soon as possible. If they are not here today she requested that they be mailed to her home. Final assembly will begin soon. Programs: Jan Cunningham gave us a brief rundown of today’s program along with what lectures and classes are coming up in the next few months. Newbees: Chris Wilbur said there is a new bee forming in the Sandy Plains/East MarieSa area. Anyone interested in joining should contact her. Hospitality: Peg Johns announced that there were no guests present today. Membership: Shiras Guion reported 90 members in aSendance today with a total membership of 253. Golden Scissors/Thimble Awards: Judy Cobb introduced two members with quilts qualifying for Golden Scissors. Names and quilts are elsewhere in the newsleSer. Show and Tell: A large group of members showed both individual and group projects during the Show and Tell por>on of the mee>ng. A full list is elsewhere in the newsleSer. Program: AYer a short break, Jan Cunningham introduced Laura Mar>n who gave an A/V presenta>on and lecture on the Ties That MaSer-­‐ Hai> program. She had some of the products produced by the women from Hai> for sale and thanked the members for their dona>on of >es to the program. ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 9 East Cobb Quilters’ Guild General Mee7ng Minutes (cont’d.) June 29, 2012 Community Service: Karen Webster reported that today an addi>onal 30 pillowcases for Conkerr Cancer and 26 placemats for Meals on Wheels had been donated. Including quilts turned in today, we have made 105 quilts and 41 tote bags for children in foster care in Cobb County and 25 patrio>c themed quilts for families of deceased soldiers in Cobb County. All of the quilts were paraded around the room so that all members could see them. Michele Hice of the Survivor Outreach Services of the US Army accepted the 25 quilts and gave a moving talk on what these quilts mean. She also said she will send us photos of the quilts with the families who receive them. A representa>ve from Cobb County DFACS accepted the children’s quilts, thanked us for them and told us how much they mean to the children and to the DFACS staff. Carolyn Powers reminded us of the Ricky Tims seminar next January at Clayton State University. We have a group discount price for the Guild of $179.00 which is $40 off the regular price. Carol Stanek is coordina>ng this. She is looking into hotels near the seminar for those who do not wish to drive back and forth each day. More informa>on to come. October 26, 2012 is the deadline for the group price. Mee>ng adjourned at 11:45 AM Respec|ully submiSed, Michele Bautsch, Secretary A Little
We wish a speedy recovery to Kathy Duggleby, who had surgery August 6. Also, please let Barbara Korey know of friends needing Sunshine so she can send a card. ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 10 Show!
Congratula>ons to everyone who made something for the Charity Show....that was "Show and Tell" at it's finest.....and thank you to those who brought something to "Show" at our regular >me. Our members are the BEST! Helena Krapp!
July Show & Tell Ben Hollingsworth
Karen Combs blocks
Pat Deacon
Wedding quilt
Luci Sunshine
Fish Quilt
Heather Kosbab
London tube
Linda simons
Crabapple Trees
Lynda Bussolari
Anne Anderberg
Mountain retreat
A Flower Garden for Natalie
The 12 X 12 Group
Peace, Piano
Tina Hable
2 table runners & strips
ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 11 East Cobb Quilters’ Guild Evening Mee7ng Minutes July 26, 2012 Kim Neighbors opened the mee>ng at 6.45pm with several announcements: Library Books: Since our regular room was not available for the July mee>ng, members returning library books were asked to turn them in to librarian Shelby Smith, or keep them un>l the August mee>ng with no penalty. HST Exchange: Members par>cipa>ng in the HST Exchange asked to turn their bags into Pat Allen, in Carol’s absence this month. They will be returned to the contributors at the August mee>ng. Raffle Quilt: Members with completed Raffle Quilt blocks were asked to turn them in to Pat Allen. 2013 Quilt Show: Pat Allen gave the group an update on the 2013 Quilt Show, and reminded members that the show is scheduled for June 14-­‐16, 2013. As a result, the deadline for quilt submissions for the show is March 30. She handed out reminder cards to help everyone remember the dates. Pat shared that Guild Ambassadors are being sought. She has packets which can be handed out at quilt shops, bees, and other sewing groups. Sue Eisen offered to take some packets to the American Sewing Group, and guest speaker Mary Ellen Holt asked for some packets to have at LiSle Quilts. Next Month’s Program: Kim reminded the group that the program for the August mee>ng is a Meet and Greet with Robbie Joy Ecklow. 2013 Planning: Kim also announced that we need to begin thinking about 2013 Planning. She explained the Evening Group tradi>on of holding a mee>ng at La Madeleine restaurant in MarieSa, oYen on a Saturday or Sunday, to plan evening programs to fill the open months in the 2013 calendar. A brief discussion followed, asking members to look at their schedules to see what dates are people available in September. New Members: New member June Madsen has joined our group. Community Service: Sue Eisen and Lynn Rhinehart showed the Quilts of Valor quilt. The quilt was pieced by many Evening Group members during Sew-­‐Ins at Tiny S>tches, and was quilted by Lynn. The quilt was turned over to Karen Webster to be taken to the Day mee>ng. Karen Webster joined us from the Day Group to show about 20 Patrio>c quilts made for Wounded Warriors, which were scheduled to be turned over to the Army at the Day mee>ng the next day. The quilts were made by sew-­‐ins, groups, bees, and even some individual quilters. All quilts are labeled. Show and Tell: Many members showed their completed projects. Quite a few members had completed their projects from Karen Eckmeier’s June classes. Terry Utz shared her many aSempts at trying to create portrait quilts using Maria Elkins technique. The full list is on the next page. Program: Following the comple>on of the business por>on of the mee>ng, guest speaker Mary Ellen Holt was welcomed. She gave the group a well-­‐presented, and at >mes, humorous account of the founding of both the ECQG, as well as the beginnings of the business that is now LiSle Quilts. She spoke and gave a demonstra>on on Fabric Color Theory, and gave >ps to have the right mix of both color and value in every quilter’s fabric stash to create the most interes>ng quilts. Following this, she shared several new Tools and Gadgets that are available for quilters. The program concluded with a chance for members to shop the items Mary Ellen brought. A good >me was had by all. See you in August, back in our regular mee>ng room at Mt Bethel. Respec|ully submiSed, Shelby Smith!
ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 12 East Cobb Quilters’ Guild Evening Mee7ng Minutes, (cont’d.) July 26, 2012 Evening Show and Tell Carol York Kay Harper Pat Deacon Mary Ellen Holt Julee James Laura Randolph Akiko Matsumoto Terry Utz Linda Wirtz Happy Village from Karen Eckmeier’s June Class; Prayers and Squares church group quilt; One complete applique border for the 2013 Raffle Quilt Finished block for the Raffle Quilt Charity Quilt for turn in; a quilt made for her nephew who is ge~ng married in October Two Charity Quilts, one with Cats & Dogs, another using the Bow Tie block Happy Village and Accidental Landscape from Karen Eckmeier’s June Classes, as well as two quilt post cards using the Accidental Landscape method Pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer; a placemat for Meals on Wheels Accidental Landscape from Karen Eckmeier’s June class Happy Village from Karen Eckmeier’s June class; a vest made based on the Accidental Landscape technique; portraits based on Maria Elkin’s technique. Two pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer June Madsen Shared her FIRST completed quilt block, as well as a skirt she made. ECQG Basket Bulle7n Page 13 Georgia Quilt Council challenge quilts are due August 31, 2012. For details, check Adver>sing Guidelines and Rates East Cobb Quilters’ Guild ECQG meets monthly, (except November) on the last Friday of the month. Social >me starts at 9:15 am at the Parish Center of St. Ann’s Catholic Church, 4905 Roswell Road NE, MarieSa, GA. Mee>ngs end at Noon. The Evening group meets at 6:45 pm on the Thursday prior to the regular Friday guild mee>ng at Mount Bethel United Methodist Church, Room F001, 4385 Lower Roswell Road, MarieSa, GA. Basket Bulle>n Adver>sing Rates 1 month 3 months 11 months Bus. Card $5 $10 $40 ¼ Page $10 $20 $80 ½ Page $20 $40 $160 Full Page $40 $80 $320 Size Ads must be prepaid and informa>on received by the 2nd of each month. Please contact me at for informa>on on sending your Ad and payment. Melinda Rushing!
NewsleSer Editor Newslefer Informa7on … The newsleBer is published every month, except for a combined Nov/Dec issue. The deadline for ar%cles and informa%on is the 2nd of each month. Please email your informa%on to