Untitled - ProWein
Untitled - ProWein
ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Personal guide for: EMail: Product category: 02 - SPARKLING WINES Search Criteria: • • • • • • • • Company Figures Company Profile Contact Persons Exhibitors with address and hall location Hall map for each exhibitor News / Product News Product groups with descriptions and illustrations main_prod_no Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Postfach 101006 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49 (0)221 / 45 60-01 Fax +49 (0)221 / 45 60-668 www.messe-duesseldorf.de © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 3 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 4 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 1.38 1.39 Contents 1 Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 0815 extrem ® gut AHA Factory Axel Hadulla . . . . . . . . . 1.2 1701 SRL Societa Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 A Mano SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 A. Segnitz & Co. GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Adami s.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Affentaler Winzer Bühl e.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Agrarmarketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH . . . . . . . 1.8 Agricola Mazzolada S.R.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Agricola Ronco Calino S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 Agusti Torello Mata S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 Al Galli Azienda Agricola di Buziol Elide . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 Alliance Alsace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.13 Alsace Gilbert Ruhlmann Fils Earl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.14 Alsina & Sarda (Cellers Alsina, S.L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 Antica Cantina Fratta SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.16 Antica Masseria Jorche, S.A.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.17 Antonio Facchin & Figli S.S. Soc. Agr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.18 Armenia Wine Factory LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.19 Arnaud de Villeneuve Cave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 Arunda Sektkellerei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.21 Astoria Vini s.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.22 Az. Agr. Borgo Antico srl di Marchesin Leonardo . . . . . . . 1.23 Az. Agr. Conte Emo Capodilista di Giordano Emo Capodilista 1.24 Az. Agr. le Marchesine S.S. di Biatta Giovanni ec. . . . . . . 1.25 Az. Agr. Montetondo S.S. di Magnabosco Gino e Maria Paola Società Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.26 AZ. AGR. VETTORI di Vettori Arturo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.27 Az. Agricola Castello di Roncade di Vincenzo Ciani Bassetti . 1.28 Az. Vinicola Follador di Rossi Italia S.n.c. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.29 AZ.AGR.F.LLI CORVEZZO DI CORVEZZO RENZO . . . . . 1.30 Azienda Agricola Cieck s.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.31 Azienda Agricola Dal Bello Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.32 Azienda Agricola F. IIi BORON s.s. Società Agricola . . . . . 1.33 Azienda Agricola Fratelli Berlucchi SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.34 Azienda Agricola Ghione Anna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.35 Azienda Agricola La Gironda S.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.36 Azienda Agricola Mirabella S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.37 Azienda Agricola Molino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 16 16 17 20 21 26 26 27 33 35 37 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 56 58 59 62 65 66 69 70 73 75 77 78 80 81 85 89 91 91 93 5 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 Azienda Agricola Monte Cicogna Societa´Agricola . . . . . . AZIENDA AGRICOLA MONTEGRANDE i Cristofanon Luigi e figli S.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Azienda Agricola RONCA di RONCA MASSIMO . . . . . . . Azienda Agricola San Giuseppe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Azienda Vinicola Colferai S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Azienda Vinicola Maccari srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Azienda Vinicola San Giovanni Snc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Azienda Vitivinicola Giacometto Bruno . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bacalhoa Vinhos de Portugal, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balestri Valda Società Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barcelona Brands S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barone Pizzini s.a.p.a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BAVA S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellenda S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benjamin Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bera Azienda Agricola di Bera Valter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BERNARD S.R.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernard-Massard Sektkellerei GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bertha Group Josep Torres Sibill, S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BESTHEIM S.C.V.B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bezirkskellerei Markgräflerland eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibo & Runge Wein GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bideau-Giraud SCEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Binderer St. Ursula Weinkellerei GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BM2R Loire Valley Wines S.A.R.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bodega San Marcos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bodegas Murviedro, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bodegas Ruiz Torres S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bodegas Sumarroca, S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bodegas Verduguez, S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOHEMIA SEKT, s.r.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonfadini Franciacorta Azienda Agricola Bonfadini Graziano . Borie-Manoux, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bortolin Angelo Spumanti S.a.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bortolomiol S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bosco Viticultori Casa Vinicola Bosco Malera Srl . . . . . . . Bottega S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Botter Carlo & C. S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cabert SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantina Di Carpi e Sorbara SAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 94 95 97 99 101 103 104 106 108 109 111 113 118 120 123 133 136 138 139 143 145 147 148 149 150 152 154 155 160 162 163 164 166 168 169 172 174 175 176 177 179 6 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 1.104 1.105 1.106 1.107 1.108 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 1.116 1.117 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cantina di Soave s.a.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantina Franzosi di Franzosi Bruno & Figli SAS . . . . . . . . Cantina La Salute S.c.a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantina Marsadri Di Marsardi Vincenzo & C. SNC . . . . . . Cantina S. Osvaldo S.O.L. srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANTINA SETTECANI - CASTELVETRO Soc. Agr. Coop. . Cantina Sociale Montelliana e dei Colli Asolani s.c.a. . . . . . Cantinae Clara C di Clara Carpenè S.A.S. . . . . . . . . . . . Cantine Biondelli Soc. Agr. Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantine Ceci S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantine Giorgio Lungarotti s.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantine Lunae Bosoni S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantine Sgarzi Luigi S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capetta I.VI.P. S.P.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Casa Vinicola Gioacchino Garofoli S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . Cascina Albano di Vacca Natale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cascina Ballarin di Viberti Luigi e Figli S.S. Agricola . . . . . . Case Bianche S.R.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Castell d’Age S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Castell d’Or, S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Castell Sant Antoni (Pere Canals, SL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Castellari Bergaglio Azienda Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Castellroig de Sabaté i Coca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Casè Società Agricola s.a.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cattin Freres S.A.R.L. Maison Joseph Cattin . . . . . . . . . Cava Varias (Berral i Miro, S.L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cave Vinicole de Cleebourg Cooperative . . . . . . . . . . . . Caves Bailly Lapierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cavit S.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Celler Carles Andreu S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Aspasie Les Mains Terroirs de Champagne SARL Ariston et Fils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAMPAGNE AUTREAU DE CHAMPILLON - SARL LES VIGNOBLES CHAMPENOIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Bernard Remy SARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Billecart-Salmon S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne COLLARD-PICARD SCEV COLLARD-PICARD CHAMPAGNE COLLET - Cogevi Cooperative . . . . . . . . . Champagne Devaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne DOM CAUDRON - SCV Champagne DOM CAUDRON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Duménil SAS Bureaux et Entlèvement . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 181 182 183 187 188 190 193 200 201 202 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 218 222 225 227 231 233 234 236 240 243 244 245 248 251 252 254 280 282 283 285 287 289 7 1.118 1.119 1.120 1.121 1.122 1.123 1.124 1.125 1.126 1.127 1.128 1.129 1.130 1.131 1.132 1.133 1.134 1.135 1.136 1.137 1.138 1.139 1.140 1.141 1.142 1.143 1.144 1.145 1.146 1.147 1.148 1.149 1.150 1.151 1.152 1.153 1.154 1.155 1.156 1.157 1.158 1.159 Champagne Esterlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAMPAGNE F. COSSY EARL FRANCIS COSSY . . . . . . Champagne Fallet-Dart EARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne GH Martel & Cie SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne GOSSET SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Gratiot-Delugny SCEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAMPAGNE GRUET SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne HATT et SÖNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Hélène Delhéry - SCV Les Vignerons d’Hautvillers Champagne J.M. Goulard E.A.R.L. Goulard . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Jean Pernet SARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Lenoble (A.R.) SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAMPAGNE NOMINE RENARD SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Pannier SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Pehu-Simonet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Philippe Gamet EARL Gamet-Heucq . . . . . . CHAMPAGNE PHILIPPE MARTIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAMPAGNE PIERRE MIGNON SARL PIERRE MIGNON . Champagne Rémy Massin et Fils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Vazart-Coquart & Fils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagne Vollereaux SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champagnes Tsarine SNC L.I.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Château du Galoupet - GWC, SARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Château la Coste SARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Château les Valentines Les Valentines SARL . . . . . . . . . Château Rives-Blanques Plaine de Roquefort . . . . . . . . . Clostermann Organics Rolf Clostermann . . . . . . . . . . . . Codorniu S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Col Vetoraz Spumanti S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colesel Spumanti Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consorzio Coop. Riunite d’Abruzzo S.C. Citra Vini . . . . . . Contadi Castaldi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTARINI VINI E SPUMANTI SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conte Loredan Gasparini Azienda Agricola . . . . . . . . . . CORTE MANZINI DEI F.LLI MANZINI SOCIETA AGRICOLA Cottini Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRICOVA JSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cristo de la Vega Bodegas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cumulus Wines Pty. Ltd. Export Manager Michael Fischer . . DE.S.A. Deutschland Sommelier Association . . . . . . . . . Destilleria Flli Pisoni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 290 291 293 297 300 302 303 304 309 311 312 314 318 321 323 324 327 331 334 335 337 338 343 345 346 347 350 352 353 354 357 359 360 367 370 373 374 376 378 379 383 401 8 1.160 1.161 1.162 1.163 1.164 1.165 1.166 1.167 1.168 1.169 1.170 1.171 1.172 1.173 1.174 1.175 1.176 1.177 1.178 1.179 1.180 1.181 1.182 1.183 1.184 1.185 1.186 1.187 1.188 1.189 1.190 1.191 1.192 1.193 1.194 1.195 1.196 1.197 1.198 1.199 1.200 1.201 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Distillerie Franciacorta S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOGLIOTTI 1870 s.n.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine de la Petite Roche SCEV Regnard da la Ville Fromoit Domaine des Trottières . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine Dopff au Moulin Pierre Etienne Dopff . . . . . . . . Domaine Edmond RENTZ SARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine Glinavos S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine Huber et Bléger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine Jean-Marc Bernhard, EARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine la Guillaumerie EARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine Laurent Vogt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine Octavie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine R. de la Grange EARL Rémy et Raphael Luneau . Domaine Rolet Pere et Fils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine Viticole A. Gloden et Fils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaine Zinck SARL Vins d´Alsace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domaines Vinsmoselle Château de Stadtbredimus . . . . . . Dominio de la Vega, S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domus Vini Srl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domäne Müller Gutsverwaltung GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drusian Francesco Azienda Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DUCA DI DOLLE SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA S.S. . . . . . . . . . E. BOECKEL, Vins d’Alsace, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EARL Baumann - Zirgel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EARL Domaine la Haute Févrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enobis S.r.l. Wein und Feinkostwaren Export . . . . . . . . . Faotto-Bottignolo s.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fattoria Conca d´Oro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fidora Organic Wines Azienda Agricola Lorenzo Fidora . . . Finest Food Factory GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fitapreta Vinhos L.da . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fornara GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franca Contea Az. Agr. di Cavalleri Luigi e figli S.S. . . . . . Frank John Das Hirschhorner Weinkontor . . . . . . . . . . . Frankenwein-Frankenland GmbH Haus des Frankenweins . . Frassinelli Gianluca Azienda Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fratelli Martini Secondo Luigi S.P.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Furlan ss. Società Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FUTURA 14 SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaierhof S.R.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 403 404 406 407 408 410 411 413 415 416 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 428 433 436 438 442 444 445 446 448 450 451 455 457 458 459 460 461 463 468 470 476 478 479 482 483 9 1.202 1.203 1.204 1.205 1.206 1.207 1.208 1.209 1.210 1.211 1.212 1.213 1.214 1.215 1.216 1.217 1.218 1.219 1.220 1.221 1.222 1.223 1.224 1.225 1.226 1.227 1.228 1.229 1.230 1.231 1.232 1.233 1.234 1.235 1.236 1.237 1.238 1.239 1.240 1.241 Giovanni Bosca Tosti I.V.I. S.p.A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gleva Estates Parxet SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLOBEN SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAND C GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grover Zampa Vineyards Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grupo Freixenet - Freixenet GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grupo Valdecuevas Explotaciones Agrícolas Páramo de Valdecuevas S.L.U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guerrieri Rizzardi Azienda Agricola s.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gut von Beiden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hallgartener Weinkeller eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haltinger Winzer e.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herres Gruppe International Peter Herres GmbH Wein- und Sektkellerei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hostomme Champagne SARL Hostmme et Fils . . . . . . . . Il Farneto Soc. Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il Mosnel di E, Barboglio e Figl Soc. Agr. S. . . . . . . . . . . IM ’Salcuta’ SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industrias Espadafor S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IQ 4 YOU GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joh. Eggers Sohn GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Josef Drathen GmbH & Co. KG Wein- und Sektkellerei . . . . Joseph Perrier Champagne c/o Vinco-Import GmbH . . . . . JV Chateau Vartely SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaiserstühler Winzergenossenschaft Ihringen e.G. . . . . . . KOGL, Franci Cvetko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Farra Azienda Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Marca Vini e Spumanti sca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Montina SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Valle Società Agricola di Pezzola s.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . La-Vis S.C.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LADAIROCS SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA s.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . Langenbach & Co. GmbH Wein & Sektkellerei . . . . . . . . Latvijas balzams JSC AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lauffener Weingärtner eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Layat Champagner- und Sekt-Vertriebs GmbH . . . . . . . . Le Rive di Bonato Andrea & Luigi S.S. Società Agricola . . . LEJAY LAGOUTE SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lenz Moser c/o VOG Import-Export Deutschland Ges.m.b.H. . Livio Bruni & Co. S.r.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louis de Grenelle SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 485 487 488 492 495 497 509 514 515 516 517 519 537 538 540 541 544 546 547 549 550 552 555 557 558 559 562 565 569 570 572 573 575 576 581 582 584 585 589 590 10 1.242 1.243 1.244 1.245 1.246 1.247 1.248 1.249 1.250 1.251 1.252 1.253 1.254 1.255 1.256 1.257 1.258 1.259 1.260 1.261 1.262 1.263 1.264 1.265 1.266 1.267 1.268 1.269 1.270 1.271 1.272 1.273 1.274 1.275 1.276 1.277 1.278 1.279 1.280 1.281 1.282 1.283 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Ludwig Rilling GmbH & Co. KG Rilling Sekt . . . . . . . . . . Maison Alexandre Bonnet SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maison Olivier Tricon Sarl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maison Père & Fils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Majolini S.r.l. Societa Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MANFREDI A & C s.r.l. AZIENDA VITIVINICOLA . . . . . . . Manufaktur Jörg Geiger GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARANELLO WINES s.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mare Magnum Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marenco S.r.l. Casa Vinicola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maria Casanovas i Roig S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mas que Vinos Global, SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mascaró (Antonio Mascaró S.L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Masottina S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medici Ermete & Figli S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moletto Azienda Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mont Marçal, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monte la Reina S.C.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montelvini SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moreno GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moselwein e.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moulin de Gassac S.A. Mas de Daumas Gassac . . . . . . . Move Import Export srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NYETIMBER Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oberkircher Winzer eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obstkelterei van Nahmen GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . Pasqua Vigneti E Cantine SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrimoine des Terroirs Assoc. of french wine producers Sarl Perlage Winery Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PICCOLO BACCO DEI QUARONI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PIERA MARTELLOZZO S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pierre Chainier SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PIGHIN di Fernando Pighin & Figli Soc. Agr. A.R.L. . . . . . Poderi la Collina Azienda Agricola di Marengo Piergiorgio . . Privat - Sektkellerei Reinecker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Privatkellerei Rolf Willy GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Progettidivini srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puffs Brause UG (haftungsbeschränkt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quatricello di Roberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quinta da Lapa Agrovia S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QUOTA 101 Srl. Società Agricola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rechsteiner di Florian von Stepski-Dolwa . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 592 593 597 598 600 602 604 606 610 615 617 620 622 625 628 629 631 639 640 642 644 652 653 655 656 658 659 663 669 672 673 674 677 679 683 684 685 687 689 689 691 692 11 1.284 1.285 1.286 1.287 1.288 1.289 1.290 1.291 1.292 1.293 1.294 1.295 1.296 1.297 1.298 1.299 1.300 1.301 1.302 1.303 1.304 1.305 1.306 1.307 1.308 1.309 1.310 1.311 1.312 1.313 1.314 1.315 1.316 1.317 1.318 1.319 1.320 1.321 Remstalkellerei e.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rheingauer Weinwerbung GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Riepl - Life - Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rive della Chiesa Az. Agr. di Gasparetto Michele . . . . . . . Rolf Herzberger GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Romano Vitas & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rossello Cav. Bernardino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH . . . . . . . . . . Ruggeri & C. Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rüdesheimer Sektkellerei Ohlig GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . S.A. Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SA Bouvet-Ladubay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sacchetto srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Michele Societa’ Agricola S.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Santero F.LLI & C. IVASS S.P.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarl Champagne Francoise Bedel et Fils . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarl Diffusion Georges Vesselle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SARL MURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SARL PHILIPPE TURC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAS Ch. & A. Prieur Champagne Paul Goerg . . . . . . . . . SAS Maison Pierre Sparr Successeurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCEA Domaine des Deux Vallees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCEA Domaine des Forges Vignoble Branchereau . . . . . . SCEA Domaine Guizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCEV Champagne Jean Josselin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schmitt Söhne GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sekt und Weingut Gebrüder Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sekt- & Weingut Winterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sektgut St. Laurentius Klaus Herres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sekthaus Raumland GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sekthaus Solter GmbH &Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sektkellerei Andres & Mugler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sektkellerei Gebrüder Szigeti GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sektmanufaktur Dirk Kessler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soc. Agr. Ca’ di Rajo di Cecchetto Bortolo & S. s.s. . . . . . Soc. Agr. Villa Canestrari di Franchi Adriana & C. snc . . . . SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA CASTELVEDER . . . . . . . . . . . . SOCIETA´AGRICOLA ZAGO GASPARINI S.R.L. Tenuta 2Castelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.322 Società Agricola Colli Asolani di Bedin di Bedin Enrico & C. s.s. 1.323 Sodiko NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.324 Solive s.s. Cascina Agrituristica F.lli Bariselli . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 693 695 698 699 700 702 703 704 706 711 717 718 720 727 729 731 735 736 738 740 745 746 748 749 751 752 754 756 758 760 762 764 765 767 770 771 772 775 779 781 783 12 1.325 1.326 1.327 1.328 1.329 1.330 1.331 1.332 1.333 1.334 1.335 1.336 1.337 1.338 1.339 1.340 1.341 1.342 1.343 1.344 1.345 1.346 1.347 1.348 1.349 1.350 1.351 1.352 1.353 1.354 1.355 1.356 1.357 1.358 1.359 1.360 1.361 1.362 1.363 1.364 1.365 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Sommariva Societa´Agricola Palazzo Rosso S.S. . . . . . . . Spagnol Soc. Agricola Di Orazio Spagnol & c, s.s. . . . . . . Spumanti VALDO S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staatsweingut Meersburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . StephanO DAS-WEIN-GUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strauch Sektmanufaktur KvD GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH Schloss Wackerbarth . . . Tenuta Asinara S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tenuta Bonotto delle Tezze di Bonotto Antonio . . . . . . . . Tenuta Dalle Ore S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tenuta Polvaro SAS di De Zan Caterina & C. Societa’ Agricola Tenuta Roletto Agricola SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tsililis K. S.A. Distillery - Winery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Törley Pezsgpincészet Kft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Umberto Cesari S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Val D’Oca s.r.l. Cantina Produttori di Valdobbiadene . . . . . Vignobles Garzaro SARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villa Franciacorta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villa Sandi - La Gioiosa spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villa Sceriman di Martini Maria Antonietta . . . . . . . . . . . Vina Montes S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vinicola Perini Lda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vinicola Tombacco s.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vinissimo GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vins d’Alsace KUEHN S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vins El Cep, S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viticola Toscana S.p.A. Castello di Meleto . . . . . . . . . . . Viña Casal de Gorchs S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wachtenburg Winzer eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WANTZ CHARLES SAS Vins d’Alsace . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wein & Secco Köth GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wein- & Sektgut Ernst Weisbrodt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wein- und Sektgut F.B. Schönleber Bernd und Ralf Schönleber GbR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wein- und Sektkellerei Stengel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Albert Gälweiler GbR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Allram GmbH Michaela und Erich Haas . . . . . . . Weingut Becker Landgraf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Bollig Lehnert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Braunewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Christian Reiterer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Christine Pröstler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 785 786 788 790 791 792 794 798 798 800 801 807 809 810 812 816 819 822 825 827 829 830 832 836 837 839 840 841 843 844 846 847 848 856 858 859 861 862 865 867 868 13 1.366 1.367 1.368 1.369 1.370 1.371 1.372 1.373 1.374 1.375 1.376 1.377 1.378 1.379 1.380 1.381 1.382 1.383 1.384 1.385 1.386 1.387 1.388 1.389 1.390 1.391 1.392 1.393 1.394 1.395 1.396 1.397 1.398 1.399 1.400 1.401 1.402 1.403 1.404 1.405 1.406 Weingut Danner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Dr. Balzhäuser GbR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Egon Schmitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Eitzinger GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Ernst Bretz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Fritz Waßmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Gebrüder Andres Josef Andres . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Georg und Anja Merkle GbR . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Gustavshof GbR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut H. J. Kreuzberg GbR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Heiderer-Mayer Helmut Mayer . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Heinrich Spindler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Heinz Nikolai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Hofbauer Ludwig Ludwig Hofbauer KG . . . . . . . . Weingut Höfling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Karlo Dillmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Langenwalter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Langmann Langmann Wein u. Sekt Ges m.b.H. . . . Weingut Manfred Bickelmaier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Markus Schuller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Matthias Gaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Max Ferdinand Richter Inh. Dr. Dirk M. F. Richter . . Weingut Michael Schroth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Mohr Dipl. Ing. Jochen Neher . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Peter Kriechel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Prinz von Hessen Johannisberg/Rheingau Hessische Hausstiftung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt GmbH . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Rinke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Rosenhof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Scherr Inh. Andreas Scherr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Schloss Sommerhausen Martin Steinmann e.K. . . . Weingut Schloss Westerhaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Seebrich GbR Jochen und Heinrich Seebrich . . . . Weingut Sommer Donnerskirchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Sonnenhof Martin & Joachim Fischer GbR . . . . . . Weingut Staffelter Hof Jan Matthias Klein . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Steininger GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Steitz GbR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Stigler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weingut Thanisch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 869 870 871 872 874 875 876 877 879 880 881 882 884 885 886 887 889 890 891 893 893 895 897 898 899 901 906 907 908 910 912 915 916 917 918 920 921 923 925 927 929 14 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 1.407 Weingut Then Daniel Then . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.408 Weingut W. J. Schäfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.409 Weingut Wageck Pfaffmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.410 Weingut Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.411 Weingut Werner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.412 Weingut Werner Anselmann & Gebrüder Anselmann GmbH 1.413 Weingut Zimmerle Jens Zimmerle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.414 Weinhaus Boessneck GbR Mathias Meimberg . . . . . . . 1.415 Weinkontor Westhofen GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.416 Weinland Königsbach GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.417 Weinland Meckenheim GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.418 Weinwelt Mack & Schühle AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.419 Wide Wisdom Consulting, LDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.420 Wilhelm Zähringer GmbH Weingut und Weinkellerei . . . . 1.421 Wine International Adolph Huesgen e.K. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.422 Winzer e.G. Herrenberg-Honigsäckel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.423 Winzergenossenschaft Achkarren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.424 Winzergenossenschaft Bickensohl eG . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.425 Winzergenossenschaft Weinbiet eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.426 Winzerhof Ebringen eG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.427 Winzerkeller Hex vom Dasenstein e.G . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.428 Winzerverein Deidesheim e.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.429 Winzervereinigung Freyburg-Unstrut eG . . . . . . . . . . . 1.430 Wolfberger Cooperative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.431 WUNSCH ET MANN sarl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.432 Zardetto Spumanti Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.433 ZETER - Die Weinagentur GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . 2 Fairground Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hall Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Hall 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Hall 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Hall 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Hall 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Hall 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Hall 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Hall 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Hall 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 Hall 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931 932 933 935 936 937 938 940 942 943 945 946 948 949 950 952 953 954 956 957 958 959 960 961 963 964 966 970 972 972 974 978 982 986 990 994 998 1002 Exhibitors 0815 extrem ® gut AHA Factory Axel Hadulla Address Burgstr. 4 67251 Freinsheim Germany Phone +49 6353 507485 Fax +49 6353 507655 Internet address www.0815extremgut.de E-Mail info@0815extremgut.de Stand Hall 14, A80 (Page 990) Product Overview 0815 extrem ® gut AHA Factory Axel Hadulla 02.03 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Pfalz Product Details 02.03 0815 extrem ® gut AHA Factory Axel Hadulla Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Rose secco Rose die Farbe der Liebe Fruchtiger Perlwein, trocken angelegt. Duftet schön nach Erdbeeren in Kombination mit Himbeeren. Nicht zu süß und nicht aufdringlich, eben fruchtig. 0,75l - 11,5 % Alkoholgehalt - Traube: St. Laurent Enthält Sulfite © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 15 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 16 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Weiß secco Product Details Weiß, aber nicht unschuldig. Trocken, eleganter Perlwein. Die Farbe signalisiert Frische und schmeckt fein nach Aprikosen. Er besitzt sehr angenehme Citrus Aromen ist dabei aber nicht sauer, sondern angenehm fruchtig. 0,75l - 11,5 % Alkoholgehalt - Traube: Bacchus und Silvaner Enthält Sulfite Phone Franciacorta 1701 SULLERBA Wine on lees obtained from 100% Chardonnay grapes fermented in stainless steel and amphora with wild yeasts. Second fermentation in bottle with the must of the same grapes. Sullerba is bottled without micro filtration therefore retaining a percentage of these yeasts and has a cloudy or turbid appearance.Pas dosé. Not disgorged. Not filtered. 1701 SRL Societa Agricola Address 02.07.05 1701 SRL Societa Agricola Piazza Marconi 6 25046 Cazzago San Martino (BS) Italy Grapes: +39 030 7750875 3,000 bottles 100% Chardonnay from our own vineyards using biodynamic farming methods. Production: Production Method: Fax Classic Internet address www.1701franciacorta.it 1701 VINTAGE E-Mail info@1701franciacorta.it Stand Hall 13, E100-12 (Page 986) 1701 Vintage is limited edition Franciacorta, produced in only the best years. It is the fruit of scrupulous selection of the finest quality Chardonnay and Pinot Nero grapes, harvested in our hillside and 11th century walled garden vineyard. Product Overview 1701 SRL Societa Agricola 01.07.05 Ecological Wines 02.07.05 Franciacorta 85% CHARDONNAY 15% PINOT NERO DRAW IN MAY 2010. AGEING: MINIMUM OF 40 MONTHS ON THE LEES. HAND REMUAGE. DISGORGEMENT PRINTED ON THE LABEL. PRODUCTION: 6.701 BOTTLES. THE VINEYARDS OF 1701 ARE PROCESSED WITH METHOD OF BIODYNAMIC AGRICOLTURE. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 17 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 18 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 85% CHARDONNAY THE VINERY IS CERTIFIED ORGANIC. 15% PINOT NERO CHARACTER AGEING: MINIMUM OF 30 MOTHS ON LEES HAND REMUAGE Pinot Nero is the star of the 1701 Franciacorta Rosé. The exclusive use of this grape lends a unique shade of pink with a powerful aromatic fragrance punctuated with notes of wild strawberries and small red berries. DISGORGEMENT PRINTED ON THE LABEL PRODUCTION: 40.000 BOTTLES 100% PINOT NERO A Mano SRL AGEING: MINIMUM OF 30 MONTHS ON LEES HAND REMUAGE Address Via Agostino Bertani, 6 20154 Milano (MI) Italy ELEGANCE Phone +39 080 3434872 A Blanc de Blancs made exclusively from Chardonnay, 1701 Franciacorta Satèn displays the broad spectrum of flavours and elegance that are the preserve of this varietal. By virtue of a beautifully fine perlage, 1701 Franciacorta Satèn is soft, mature and well-rounded. With 30 months ageing, the Franciacorta Satèn espresse all the richness and intensity of which chardonnay is capable. Fax +39 080 3481833 Internet address www.amanowine.com E-Mail a.mano@amanowine.com Stand Hall 16, C31 (Page 998) DISGORGEMENT PRINTED ON THE LABEL PRODUCTION: 5.000 BOTTLES 100% CHARDONNAY AGEING: MINIMUM OF 30 MONTHS ON LEES HAND REMUAGE Product Overview DISGORGEMENT PRINTED ON THE LABEL Puglia 02.04 Sparkling wine A Mano SRL PRODUCTION: 15.000 BOTTLES IDENTITY 1701 Franciacorta Brut is the perfect union between the structural elegance of Chardonnay and the character of Pinot Nero. A marriage of exceptional raw materials, its full palate is bilance by marked acidity-this wine is the perfect ambassador of the winemaker’s art. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 19 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 20 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details A Mano SRL Product Overview 02.04 A. Segnitz & Co. GmbH Sparkling wine 02.07.05 Franciacorta 02.07.01 Champagne A Mano Spumante Rosa ”The Pink Panther” Herkunft: Apulien Rebsorten: Greco, Primitivo, Negroamaro Product Details Ausbau/Reife: Vergärung des Grundweins über zwei Monate bei einer sehr niedrigen Temperatur von 6°C, anschließende malolaktische Gärung um das intensive Mundgefühl zu erhalten. Die zweite Gärung nach dem Charmat-Verfahren und mit anhaltendem Kontakt zur Weinhefe dauert 4 Monate, um dem Sekt 02.07.05 Barolo Sarmassa Eigenschaften: Erinnert farblich an einen Sonnenuntergang, erstaunlich komplexes Aroma nach Himbeeren, frischen Kirschen, Orangenblüten und gerösteten Haselnüssen, reich im Abgang. Im Geschmack spürt man die Mineralität und Frische. Kurz gesagt: Schmeckt nach Apulien! Ideal zu: Aperitif, kann ein ganzes Menü begleiten Pressenotizen: bleiben abzuwarten, seit April 2012 auf dem Markt A. Segnitz & Co. GmbH Löwenhof 28844 Weyhe Germany Phone +49 4203 8130-0 Fax +49 4203 8130-99 Internet address www.segnitz.de E-Mail segnitz@segnitz.de Stand Hall 16, H59 (Page 998) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Franciacorta Barolo Sarmassa seine feine Perlage und Komplexität zu geben. Address A. Segnitz & Co. GmbH 21 Barolo DOCG Expertise ausblendenExpertise einblenden Erzeuger: Bereits seit 1720 lebt und arbeitet die Familie Lodovico Borgogno mitten in Barolo in ihrem Betrieb Borgognot. Virna, die Tochter von Lodovico, wurde ebenfalls von der Leidenschaft für dieses Land und seine Weine angesteckt. Tatkräftig hilft sie ihrem Vater in allen Produktionsphasen mit der einzigen und einfachen Zielsetzung, im Einklang mit der Natur, jedes Jahr das Beste aus den vorzüglichen Lagen zu machen. Oberste Prämisse der studierten Önologin ist es, ihren überwiegend in traditionellen Fudern aus slowenischer Eiche gereiften Spitzenweinen die Typizität der Einzellagen zu lassen. Deshalb setzt Virna moderne Technologie nur zurückhaltend ein. Das acht Hektar große Weingut verarbeitet nur Trauben aus den eigenen Weinbergen, wobei es sich hierbei um historische Einzellagen des Barolo-Gebietes handelt: CannubiBoschis, Preda, Sarmassa, I Merli, San Giovanni, Costa delle rose. Trotz vorzüglicher internationaler Bewertungen während der letzten Jahre hebt Virna nicht ab und steht für Weine mit einem exzelenten Preis-GenussVerhältnis © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 22 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 02.07.01 Der Rest stammt aus dem Zukauf von Trauben während der Ernte von fast einhundert Winzern. Das Champagner-Haus besitzt Weinberge in allen Grand Cru Gemeinden der Côtes des Blancs und ist außerdem sehr gut in den äGrands Noirsô Gemeinden in der Montagne de Reims vertreten. Die Weinberge in diesen beiden Regionen machen 40% des Gesamtbesitzes von Duval-Leroy aus, ein außergewöhnlich hoher Anteil an Grand Cru Lagen imVergleich zu anderen Champagne-Häusern. Eleganz, Mineralität und strahlender Glanz. Dies sind die Eigenschaften, die das Haus Duval-Leroy aus der sensiblen und anspruchsvollen Chardonnay Traube hervorzuheben weiß, was die Basis für die herausragende Qualität aller Cuvées darstellt. Champagne Champagne Duval-Leroy Clos de Bouveries Brut Champagne Duval-Leroy Clos de Bouveries Brut Appellation Contrôlée, Blanc de Blanc Expertise ausblendenExpertise einblenden Erzeuger: Das Champagne-Haus Duval-Leroy entstand im Jahr 1859 aus dem Zusammenschluss von Jules Duval und Edouard Leroy. Das Unternehmen wurde seither von Generation zu Generation immer vom Vater an den Sohn weitergegeben und ist über die Jahre weiter gewachsen. Seit 1991, nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres Ehemannes, leitet Carol Duval-Leroy zusammen mit ihren drei Söhnen das Familienunternehmen. Duval-Leroy bewirtschaftet 200 Hektar eigene Weinberge, die ein Drittel des Bedarfs an Trauben decken. Der Rest stammt aus dem Zukauf von Trauben während der Ernte von fast einhundert Winzern. Das Champagner-Haus besitzt Weinberge in allen Grand Cru Gemeinden der Côtes des Blancs und ist außerdem sehr gut in den äGrands Noirsô Gemeinden in der Montagne de Reims vertreten. Die Weinberge in diesen beiden Regionen machen 40% des Gesamtbesitzes von Duval-Leroy aus, ein außergewöhnlich hoher Anteil an Grand Cru Lagen imVergleich zu anderen Champagne-Häusern. Eleganz, Mineralität und strahlender Glanz. Dies sind die Eigenschaften, die das Haus Duval-Leroy aus der sensiblen und anspruchsvollen Chardonnay Traube hervorzuheben weiß, was die Basis für die herausragende Qualität aller Cuvées darstellt. Duval-Leroy Blanc de Blancs Brut Grand Cru Duval-Leroy Blanc de Blancs Brut Grand Cru Appellation Contrôlée Expertise ausblendenExpertise einblenden Erzeuger: Duval-Leroy Decor Paris Brut Duval-Leroy Decor Paris Brut Appellation Contrôlée Expertise ausblendenExpertise einblenden Erzeuger: Das Champagne-Haus Duval-Leroy entstand im Jahr 1859 aus dem Zusammenschluss von Jules Duval und Edouard Leroy. Das Unternehmen wurde seither von Generation zu Generation immer vom Vater an den Sohn weitergegeben und ist über die Jahre weiter gewachsen. Seit 1991, nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres Ehemannes, leitet Carol Duval-Leroy zusammen mit ihren drei Söhnen das Familienunternehmen. Duval-Leroy bewirtschaftet 200 Hektar eigene Weinberge, die ein Drittel des Bedarfs an Trauben decken. Der Rest stammt aus dem Zukauf von Trauben während der Ernte von fast einhundert Winzern. Das Champagner-Haus besitzt Weinberge in allen Grand Cru Gemeinden der Côtes des Blancs und ist außerdem sehr gut in den äGrands Noirsô Gemeinden in der Montagne de Reims vertreten. Die Weinberge in diesen beiden Regionen machen 40% des Gesamtbesitzes von Duval-Leroy aus, ein außergewöhnlich hoher Anteil an Grand Cru Lagen imVergleich zu anderen Champagne-Häusern. Eleganz, Mineralität und strahlender Glanz. Dies sind die Eigenschaften, die das Haus Duval-Leroy aus der sensiblen und anspruchsvollen Chardonnay Traube hervorzuheben weiß, was die Basis für die herausragende Qualität aller Cuvées darstellt. Das Champagne-Haus Duval-Leroy entstand im Jahr 1859 aus dem Zusammenschluss von Jules Duval und Edouard Leroy. Das Unternehmen wurde seither von Generation zu Generation immer vom Vater an den Sohn weitergegeben und ist über die Jahre weiter gewachsen. Seit 1991, nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres Ehemannes, leitet Carol Duval-Leroy zusammen mit ihren drei Söhnen das Familienunternehmen. Duval-Leroy bewirtschaftet 200 Hektar eigene Weinberge, die ein Drittel des Bedarfs an Trauben decken. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 23 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 24 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Duval-Leroy Lady Rose Sec anspruchsvollen Chardonnay Traube hervorzuheben weiß, was die Basis für die herausragende Qualität aller Cuvées darstellt. Duval-Leroy Lady Rose Sec Expertise ausblendenExpertise einblenden Adami s.r.l. Erzeuger: Das Champagne-Haus Duval-Leroy entstand im Jahr 1859 aus dem Zusammenschluss von Jules Duval und Edouard Leroy. Das Unternehmen wurde seither von Generation zu Generation immer vom Vater an den Sohn weitergegeben und ist über die Jahre weiter gewachsen. Seit 1991, nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres Ehemannes, leitet Carol DuvalLeroy zusammen mit ihren drei Söhnen das Familienunternehmen. Duval-Leroy bewirtschaftet 200 Hektar eigene Weinberge, die ein Drittel des Bedarfs an Trauben decken. Der Rest stammt aus dem Zukauf von Trauben während der Ernte von fast einhundert Winzern. Das Champagner-Haus besitzt Weinberge in allen Grand Cru Gemeinden der Côtes des Blancs und ist außerdem sehr gut in den äGrands Noirsô Gemeinden in der Montagne de Reims vertreten. Die Weinberge in diesen beiden Regionen machen 40% des Gesamtbesitzes von Duval-Leroy aus, ein außergewöhnlich hoher Anteil an Grand Cru Lagen imVergleich zu anderen Champagne-Häusern. Eleganz, Mineralität und strahlender Glanz. Dies sind die Eigenschaften, die das Haus Duval-Leroy aus der sensiblen und anspruchsvollen Chardonnay Traube hervorzuheben weiß, was die Basis für die herausragende Qualität aller Cuvées darstellt. Address Via Rovede 27 31020 Colbertaldo di Vidor (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 982110 Fax +39 0423 982130 Internet address www.adamispumanti.it E-Mail info@adamispumanti.it Stand Hall 16, C31 (Page 998) Product Overview Contrôlée Expertise ausblendenExpertise einblenden Adami s.r.l. 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Erzeuger: Das Champagne-Haus Duval-Leroy entstand im Jahr 1859 aus dem Zusammenschluss von Jules Duval und Edouard Leroy. Das Unternehmen wurde seither von Generation zu Generation immer vom Vater an den Sohn weitergegeben und ist über die Jahre weiter gewachsen. Seit 1991, nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres Ehemannes, leitet Carol Duval-Leroy zusammen mit ihren drei Söhnen das Familienunternehmen. Duval-Leroy bewirtschaftet 200 Hektar eigene Weinberge, die ein Drittel des Bedarfs an Trauben decken. Der Rest stammt aus dem Zukauf von Trauben während der Ernte von fast einhundert Winzern. Das Champagner-Haus besitzt Weinberge in allen Grand Cru Gemeinden der Côtes des Blancs und ist außerdem sehr gut in den äGrands Noirsô Gemeinden in der Montagne de Reims vertreten. Die Weinberge in diesen beiden Regionen machen 40% des Gesamtbesitzes von Duval-Leroy aus, ein außergewöhnlich hoher Anteil an Grand Cru Lagen imVergleich zu anderen Champagne-Häusern. Eleganz, Mineralität und strahlender Glanz. Dies sind die Eigenschaften, die das Haus Duval-Leroy aus der sensiblen und © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 25 Product Details 02.04 Adami s.r.l. Sparkling wine Vigneto Giardino Il Vigneto Giardino, in proprietà dal 1920, è il migliore vigneto di famiglia e fu presentato già nel 1933 alla 1ª Mostra dei Vini Tipici d’Italia. Particolarmente fruttato, armonico, di gusto leggero, morbido ed asciutto. Un superbo aperitivo, è anche piacevole a fine pasto da solo, o accompagnato da frutta e pasticceria secca. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 26 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Affentaler Winzer Bühl e.G. Agrarmarketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH Address Betschgräblerplatz 77815 Bühl Germany Address Steinigstr. 9 39108 Magdeburg Germany Phone +49 7223 9898-0 Phone +49 391 73790-0 Fax +49 7223 9898-30 Fax +49 391 73790-16 Internet address www.affentaler.de Internet address www.amg-sachsen-anhalt.de E-Mail info@affentaler.de E-Mail andrea.hofmann@amg-sachsen-anhalt.de Stand Hall 13, B100 (Page 986) Stand Hall 14, F80 (Page 990) Product Overview Affentaler Winzer Bühl e.G. Baden 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.07.08 Company News 26.02.2016 Affentaler Winzer Bühl e.G. Winzersekt Sekt & Secco rassig-feine prickelnde Perlen Als Aperitif oder einfach so - unser Sekt- und Seccospezialitäten werden Sie und Ihre Gäste verzaubern. Agrarmarketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH Herkunft verbindet – vier Weinproduzenten von Saale-Unstrut stellen sich dem internationalen Vergleich Rund 6.000 Aussteller aus 57 Nationen haben sich zur ProWein 2016 in Düsseldorf angekündigt. Auch Saale-Unstrut zeigt wieder Flagge und setzt das nördlichste Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet Deutschlands auf der Wein-Leitmesse mit einem Gemeinschaftsmessestand in den internationalen Fokus. Mit der Agrarmarketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt wurde ein starker und verlässlicher Partner ins Boot geholt, welcher den gemeinschaftlichen Messeauftritt nun schon das zweite Jahr in Folge fördert. Angeführt wird die Riege der Saale-Unstrut Weinproduzenten am Gemeinschaftsstand vom größten Weinerzeuger der Region, der Winzervereinigung Freyburg-Unstrut eG . Dazu gesellen sich das Landesweingut Kloster Pforta, das Thüringer Weingut Zahn und das Weingut Klaus Böhme sowie die Meissner Spezialitätenbrennerei Prinz zur Lippe aus Sachsen . In der Düsseldorfer Messehalle 14 am Stand F 80 , gegenüber dem benachbarten Weinbauverband Sachsen, auf einer Fläche von knapp 40 m² zeigt SaaleUnstrut Präsenz. „Es ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die hiesige Weinregion sowie das Gemein- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 27 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 28 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de schaftsgefüge, dass wir uns auf der größten deutschen Branchen-Fachmesse präsentieren.“, so die Geschäftsführerin der Gebietsweinwerbung, Sandra Polomski . Neuigkeiten von Saale-Unstrut Das neu eingeführte Autorisierungssystem für Rebrechte in Deutschland bietet die Möglichkeit zu einem maßvollen Wachstum der Reblandschaft. Den kleinen Anbaugebieten, darunter zählt selbstverständlich auch Saale-Unstrut, kommt dies zu Gute, denn hier ist der Landhunger besonders groß. Eine moderate Öffnung der Anbaufläche ermöglicht damit auch gute Chancen zu einer Weiterentwicklung der Betriebe, denn die Nachfrage ist groß, die Preise, die die Weine am Markt erzielen, lohnen durchaus für neue Investitionen. Der Absatz läuft sehr gut. „Viele der Winzer sind in den frühen Herbstmonaten bereits ausverkauft und warten sehnsüchtig auf die neuen Trauben.“, unterstreicht der Frontmann des Weinbauverbandes Saale-Unstrut Siegfried Boy . Eine überaus positive Entwicklung hat die Ausweitung des Weinanbaugebietes in den letzten 25 Jahren bereits genommen. Das Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet zeigt sich erstarkt und gewachsen. Gegenwärtig sind es ca. 765 Hektar Rebläche . Das heißt, seit der Wende hat sich die Weinfläche verdoppelt. Dabei sind in S achsen-Anhalt derzeit 643 und in Thüringen 112 Hektar bestockt. Dazu kommen die Flächen in Brandenburg mit 9 Hektar Qualitätswein. Laut Schätzung reifen in den Weinkellern von Saale-Unstrut 55.000 Hektoliter vom 2015er Jahrgang. Somit liegt dieses Ergebnis über dem langjährigen Mittel. Der 2015er Jahrgang stand ganz im Zeichen der heißen und trockenen Wochen des Sommers. Ungeachtet dessen ist es wieder einmal gelungen, sehr gute Qualitäten zu ernten. Viel Handarbeit und punktgenaues Handeln der Weinmacher zahlten sich einmal mehr aus. einmal im Eichenholzfass und Barrique gereift, über Spätlese bis hin zum Bergstern. Dazu schließt ein Grauburgunder vom Landesweingut Kloster Pforta auf. Auf Platz 3 rangiert derzeit der Riesling im nördlichsten Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet Deutschlands. Unter den vier Vertretern des Riesling, welche sich in Düsseldorf dem internationalen Vergleich stellen, ist sogar eine edelsüße Spezialität, ein Eiswein, im Sortiment des Thüringer Weingutes Zahn zu finden. Die Winzervereinigung Freyburg-Unstrut eG schickt neben traditionellen Rebsorten einen Winzersekt vom Kerner aus traditioneller Flaschengärung und einen Auxerrois ihrer neuen Thüringer Marke WERKSTÜCK WEIMAR ins Rennen. In das Sortiment des Landesweingutes Kloster Pforta sind eine Weiße Cuvée „Traubenräuber“, ein Rosé „Blütensammler“ und ein Blauer Zweigelt aus der Breitengrad51 Edition impliziert. Familie Zahn aus Thüringen präsentiert auf der ProWein Exoten wie Blauer Zweigelt in Rot und Rosé sowie einen Acolon im Barrique gereift. Das Weingut Klaus Böhme setzt in Düsseldorf auf eine Weißwein-Cuvée mit dem klangvollen Namen „Traubenspiel“, einen Perlwein „Sommerfrische“ zu denen sich ein Rosé „Alles Rosa“ gesellt. Saale-Unstrut steht für Vielfalt und somit ist die Sortenpalette der vier Weinbaubetriebe breitgefächert vom fruchtigen Silvaner über Kerner bis hin zum gehaltvollen Dornfelder. Veranstaltungen am Gemeinschaftsstand Saale-Unstrut (14 F80) Die anwesenden Winzer laden zur informativen Verkostung an den Gemeinschaftsstand ein: Termin: Sonntag, 13. März, 16.00 Uhr Die ersten Verkostungen zeigen, dass die Weine mit tollen Fruchtaromen ausgerüstet sind. Hans Albrecht Zieger, Geschäftsführer der Winzervereinigung , schätzt den aktuellen Weinjahrgang ein: „Die 2015er Weine sind sehr sortentypische und feinfruchtige Weine, mit einer gut eingebundenen frischen Säure, die eine hohe Langlebigkeit erwarten lassen.“ Gerade die frühen Sorten sind sehr gehaltvoll und von den spätreifenden Weinen sticht seiner Meinung nach erneut der Grauburgunder mit hochkarätigen Spät- und Auslesen hervor. Im Rotweinbereich überzeugen vor allem Früh- und Spätburgunder. Einzellagenweine - Terroir an Saale-Unstrut Die Winzer warten mit einem breiten Sortenspektrum in Düsseldorf auf Was macht diese Weine besonders? Verkosten Sie Lagenweine mit unverwechselbarem Was alle vier Weinmacher von Saale-Unstrut in Düsseldorf eint – der WEISSBURGUNDER und der RIESLING, welche natürlich im Gepäck nicht fehlen dürfen. Der Weißurgunder hat Platz zwei der Rebsortenhitliste an Saale-Unstrut inne und zeigt sich sehr facettenreich: vom Deutschen Qualitätswein, davon je © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 29 Was macht diese Weine besonders? Verkosten Sie Lagenweine mit unverwechselbarem Charakter aus dem nördlichsten Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet Deutschlands. Termin: Montag, 14. März, 15.00 Uhr Einzellagenweine - Terroir an Saale-Unstrut Charakter aus dem nördlichsten Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet Deutschlands. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 30 26.02.2016 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Herkunft verbindet – vier Weinproduzenten von Saale-Unstrut stellen sich dem internationalen Vergleich sind in S achsen-Anhalt derzeit 643 und in Thüringen 112 Hektar bestockt. Dazu kommen die Flächen in Brandenburg mit 9 Hektar Qualitätswein. Laut Schätzung reifen in den Weinkellern von Saale-Unstrut 55.000 Hektoliter vom 2015er Jahrgang. Somit liegt dieses Ergebnis über dem langjährigen Mittel. Rund 6.000 Aussteller aus 57 Nationen haben sich zur ProWein 2016 in Düsseldorf angekündigt. Auch SaaleUnstrut zeigt wieder Flagge und setzt das nördlichste Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet Deutschlands auf der WeinLeitmesse mit einem Gemeinschaftsmessestand in den internationalen Fokus. Mit der Agrarmarketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt wurde ein starker und verlässlicher Partner ins Boot geholt, welcher den gemeinschaftlichen Messeauftritt nun schon das zweite Jahr in Folge fördert. Angeführt wird die Riege der Saale-Unstrut Weinproduzenten am Gemeinschaftsstand vom größten Weinerzeuger der Region, der Winzervereinigung Freyburg-Unstrut eG . Dazu gesellen sich das Landesweingut Kloster Pforta, das Thüringer Weingut Zahn und das Weingut Klaus Böhme sowie die Meissner Spezialitätenbrennerei Prinz zur Lippe aus Sachsen . In der Düsseldorfer Messehalle 14 am Stand F 80 , gegenüber dem benachbarten Weinbauverband Sachsen, auf einer Fläche von knapp 40 m² zeigt SaaleUnstrut Präsenz. „Es ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die hiesige Weinregion sowie das Gemeinschaftsgefüge, dass wir uns auf der größten deutschen Branchen-Fachmesse präsentieren.“, so die Geschäftsführerin der Gebietsweinwerbung, Sandra Polomski . Neuigkeiten von Saale-Unstrut Das neu eingeführte Autorisierungssystem für Rebrechte in Deutschland bietet die Möglichkeit zu einem maßvollen Wachstum der Reblandschaft. Den kleinen Anbaugebieten, darunter zählt selbstverständlich auch Saale-Unstrut, kommt dies zu Gute, denn hier ist der Landhunger besonders groß. Eine moderate Öffnung der Anbaufläche ermöglicht damit auch gute Chancen zu einer Weiterentwicklung der Betriebe, denn die Nachfrage ist groß, die Preise, die die Weine am Markt erzielen, lohnen durchaus für neue Investitionen. Der Absatz läuft sehr gut. „Viele der Winzer sind in den frühen Herbstmonaten bereits ausverkauft und warten sehnsüchtig auf die neuen Trauben.“, unterstreicht der Frontmann des Weinbauverbandes Saale-Unstrut Siegfried Boy . Eine überaus positive Entwicklung hat die Ausweitung des Weinanbaugebietes in den letzten 25 Jahren bereits genommen. Das Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet zeigt sich erstarkt und gewachsen. Gegenwärtig sind es ca. 765 Hektar Rebläche . Das heißt, seit der Wende hat sich die Weinfläche verdoppelt. Dabei © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 31 Der 2015er Jahrgang stand ganz im Zeichen der heißen und trockenen Wochen des Sommers. Ungeachtet dessen ist es wieder einmal gelungen, sehr gute Qualitäten zu ernten. Viel Handarbeit und punktgenaues Handeln der Weinmacher zahlten sich einmal mehr aus. Die ersten Verkostungen zeigen, dass die Weine mit tollen Fruchtaromen ausgerüstet sind. Hans Albrecht Zieger, Geschäftsführer der Winzervereinigung , schätzt den aktuellen Weinjahrgang ein: „Die 2015er Weine sind sehr sortentypische und feinfruchtige Weine, mit einer gut eingebundenen frischen Säure, die eine hohe Langlebigkeit erwarten lassen.“ Gerade die frühen Sorten sind sehr gehaltvoll und von den spätreifenden Weinen sticht seiner Meinung nach erneut der Grauburgunder mit hochkarätigen Spät- und Auslesen hervor. Im Rotweinbereich überzeugen vor allem Früh- und Spätburgunder. Die Winzer warten mit einem breiten Sortenspektrum in Düsseldorf auf Was alle vier Weinmacher von Saale-Unstrut in Düsseldorf eint – der WEISSBURGUNDER und der RIESLING, welche natürlich im Gepäck nicht fehlen dürfen. Der Weißurgunder hat Platz zwei der Rebsortenhitliste an Saale-Unstrut inne und zeigt sich sehr facettenreich: vom Deutschen Qualitätswein, davon je einmal im Eichenholzfass und Barrique gereift, über Spätlese bis hin zum Bergstern. Dazu schließt ein Grauburgunder vom Landesweingut Kloster Pforta auf. Auf Platz 3 rangiert derzeit der Riesling im nördlichsten Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet Deutschlands. Unter den vier Vertretern des Riesling, welche sich in Düsseldorf dem internationalen Vergleich stellen, ist sogar eine edelsüße Spezialität, ein Eiswein, im Sortiment des Thüringer Weingutes Zahn zu finden. Die Winzervereinigung Freyburg-Unstrut eG schickt neben traditionellen Rebsorten einen Winzersekt vom Kerner aus traditioneller Flaschengärung und einen Auxerrois ihrer neuen Thüringer Marke WERKSTÜCK WEIMAR ins Rennen. In das Sortiment des Landesweingutes Kloster Pforta sind eine Weiße Cuvée „Traubenräuber“, ein Rosé „Blütensammler“ und ein Blauer Zweigelt aus der Breitengrad51 Edition impliziert. Familie Zahn aus Thüringen präsentiert auf der ProWein Exoten wie Blauer Zweigelt in Rot und Rosé sowie einen Acolon im Barrique gereift. Das Weingut Klaus Böhme setzt in Düsseldorf auf eine Weißwein-Cuvée mit dem klangvollen Namen „Traubenspiel“, einen Perlwein „Sommerfrische“ zu denen sich ein Rosé „Alles Rosa“ gesellt. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 32 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Saale-Unstrut steht für Vielfalt und somit ist die Sortenpalette der vier Weinbaubetriebe breitgefächert vom fruchtigen Silvaner über Kerner bis hin zum gehaltvollen Dornfelder. Agricola Mazzolada S.R.L. Address Via Triestina, 66 30026 Portogruaro (VE) Italy Phone +39 0421 704646 Fax +39 0421 287015 Was macht diese Weine besonders? Verkosten Sie Lagenweine mit unverwechselbarem Internet address www.mazzolada.it Charakter aus dem nördlichsten Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet Deutschlands. E-Mail info@mazzolada.it Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) Veranstaltungen am Gemeinschaftsstand Saale-Unstrut (14 F80) Die anwesenden Winzer laden zur informativen Verkostung an den Gemeinschaftsstand ein: Termin: Sonntag, 13. März, 16.00 Uhr Einzellagenweine - Terroir an Saale-Unstrut Termin: Montag, 14. März, 15.00 Uhr Einzellagenweine - Terroir an Saale-Unstrut Was macht diese Weine besonders? Verkosten Sie Lagenweine mit unverwechselbarem Charakter aus dem nördlichsten Qualitätsweinanbaugebiet Deutschlands. Product Overview Agrarmarketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH Saale-Unstrut 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Overview Agricola Mazzolada S.R.L. 02.04 Sparkling wine Veneto Product Details 02.04 Agricola Mazzolada S.R.L. Sparkling wine ROSÈ SPUMANTE EXTRA DRY Vino Spumante Rosato Alcohol 11,0% Vol Area Lison-Pramaggiore Eastern Veneto (near Venice). Vine Raboso Veronese 50%, Merlot 50% Vineyard © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 33 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 34 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Flat well drained ground, with limestone and clay texture. Product Overview Sylvoz style of pruning with a density of 3,000 vines/ha. Lombardia Vinification in white with soft pressing, maximum yield 70%. Fermented at 16 °C. 02.07.05 Franciacorta SPARKLING WINEMAKING Product Details Traditional “Charmat Method”, fermentation in an autoclave for 45 days at 15°C with selected yeasts. 02.07.05 Agricola Ronco Calino S.r.l. Vinification technics Agricola Ronco Calino S.r.l. Franciacorta Franciacorta Brut Tasting Notes Pale pink color, fresh fruity and floral smell. Its flavor and fragrance make it a nicely harmonized wine. best served with This Brut is captivating in its complexity of fragrances. Elegant cuvée of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir matured for at least 24 months on yeast lees before disgorging. Ideal for aperitif, a perfect with pasta dishes, fish courses served with delicate sauce or light fish fry. Ideal as an aperitif, with italian appetizers, fish entance and vegetable. It should be served at a temperature of 8 ° C. preservation Franciacorta Brut Rosé ”Radijan” Keep bottles stored in a cool, dry place away from light, where possible horizontally, at a temperature of 12-14°C. Agricola Ronco Calino S.r.l. Address Great coupled with well-aged salami and ham, pasta dishes in rich sauces. Via Fenice 45 - Frazione Torbiato 25030 Adro Italy Phone +39 030 7451073 Fax +39 030 7453000 Internet address www.roncocalino.it E-Mail info@roncocalino.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Dedicated to Gianni Radici, Paolo’s father, it is a Franciacorta with strong personality, created exclusively with Pinot Noir grapes and matured on yeast lees 24 months minimum before disgorging. Franciacorta Brut Satèn This creamy and refined blend of Chardonnay with a tiny perlage and delicate mineral hints is kept on yeast lees for at least 24 months before disgorging. Excellent with fish appetizers, plateau de fruit de mer, sushi and sashimi. 35 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 36 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Franciacorta Brut Vintage 2008 Product Overview Seductive in its rich and fully-developed notes, this cuvée of Chardonnay and Pinot noir matures on yeast lees for 36 months before disgorgement: the most genuine expression of the vintage. Perfectly accompanies a large range of food, excellent with cold appetizers like ham, salami and shellfish. Agusti Torello Mata S.A. Penedès 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details Franciacorta Brut Vintage Nature 2009 02.07.02 A strong-willed Franciacorta but delicate to the taste which matured for at least 30 months on yeast before disgorging. Obtained from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir bases, it shows very fine perlage and rich inklings of fruit. A wine suitable for all courses but also brings out its potentials if matched with fish or white meat. Agusti Torello Mata S.A. Cremant APTIA AGUSTÍ TORELLÓ MATA APTIÀMacabeu 100%. DO Penedès – VINTAGE 2014 · VINIFICATION Fermented in French oak barrels for 6 months. Ageing in bottle for 12 months · APPEARENCE Agusti Torello Mata S.A. Address Intense look clean and bright, with a yellow, thin Teardrop La Serra s/n 08770 Sant Sadurni d’Anoia Spain · AROMA Typical of Macabeu, Apple ripe, toffee, vanilla and nuts · TASTE Phone +34 938 911173 In the mouth is greasy, unctuous, satiny, full-bodied. Fax +34 938 912616 · PAIRING Internet address www.agustitorellomata.com E-Mail Finances@atmcava.com Stand Hall 10, F132 (Page 974) Ideal for food fats, sauces, foie gras and cheeses · DISTILLATES CREMANT Magnum Gran Reserva· BRUT NATURE GRAND RESERVA – VINTAGE 2008 · AGEING Gran Reserva. Minimum ageing 60 months with the cork. · BLENDING © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 37 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 38 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Born out of complicity: cuisine and cava Macabeu 45%, Xarel·lo 25% and Parellada 30% Sòlid Rosat From very old vines in the Penedès region. Texturized Sòlid Rosat Trepat · ANALYSIS The imagination comes into play. Alcohol content: 11.5% vol. Pleasing sensation in the mouth. Total acidity (tartaric): 6.12 g/l. Sugar: 0.40 g/l. A fun touch for fleshy fish, berries and cocktails with different colours and densities. Dry extract: 16.40 g/l. A few gastronomic proposals: · FEATURES ·· With tuna cubes marinated in soya and ginger. Appearance: Golden and clean. Slow-evolving fine and persistent bubbles. ·· With smoked salmon cubes and tomato. Aroma: Elegant with delicate fruit and vanilla notes and smooth toasted hues against a balmy smoked background with good complexity. ·· A SÒLID ROSÉ foundation crowned with salmon roe. Finish: Delicate flavour with very well-integrated bubbles. Pleasant evolution with a creamy froth on a vanilla, toasted and brioche background resulting from its long ageing process. Very long and complex aftertaste that comprises its whole aroma and flavour. ·· Rose and strawberry jam. Food pairing: Its structure and ageing go well with caviar, smoked food, fish and meat in sauce, game, foie-gras and cured cheese. ·· With cherry sherbet and natural cherries. Serve at 7 to 8°C. ·· In strawberry or cherry gazpacho. ·· Red fruit jam and natural red fruits.· ·· With wild strawberries and eucalyptus ice cream. As a cocktail: The cocktail is reinterpreted through color and differing densities. Limited production with numbered bottles. We recommend a Kir Royal with suspended red fruits. · DISGORGEMENT We print the date of desgorgement on each label of our bottles. It shows the date when the bottle has finished its aging process. It is our guarantee and commitment to quality. CREMANT Gran Reserva Barrica Gran Reserva Barrica· BRUT NATURE GRAND RESERVA – VINTAGE 2010 · AGEING Gran Reserva. Back A reflection on cava cuisine 40% of the basic wine is fermented and aged for 8 months in French oak barrels. Sòlid: An innovative gastronomic product born out of the complicity of two families: El Celler de Can Roca and Agustí Torelló Mata. Cava with a minimum ageing of 30 months. · BLENDING A product to revolutionize cava cuisine: the utmost respect for the product, greater density, longer-lasting taste, greater fixation of endogenous carbonic acid. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Macabeu 100% from Penedès. · ANALYSIS 39 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 40 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Alcohol content: 12% vol. Product Overview Al Galli Azienda Agricola di Buziol Elide Total acidity (tartaric): 6.4 g/l. Sugar: 0.50 g/l. Dry extract: 16.90 g/l. 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto · FEATURES Appearance: Ligth straw colour with green hues. Fine and abundant bubbles with well-developed bead. Product Details Aroma: Intense green apple notes with a delicate, balmy, toasted and spicy touch produced by the barrel. 02.07.04 Finish: Dry and glyceric flavour with dense and creamy froth. The freshness of the fruit and the balmy notes stands out against a toasted and vanilla background. Food pairing: Ideal as an aperitif at any time. Goes well with Iberian ham, seafood, fish in sauce, risottos, poultry, smoked food, foie-gras, white and red meat and semi-cured cheese. Al Galli Azienda Agricola di Buziol Elide Prosecco Spumante Chardonnay delle Venezie I.G.T. Slighlty sparkling wine Typology: Slighlty sparkling white wine Vine: Chardonnay Serve at 6 to 7 °C Name: Limited production with numbered bottles. Delle Venezie I.G.T. Alcoholic content: 11% vol. Al Galli Azienda Agricola di Buziol Elide Conservation: Address Via Loredan 28 30020 Pramaggiora Italy Phone +39 0421 799-314 Fax +39 0421 203-350 Internet address www.aigalli.com E-Mail info@aigalli.com Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) 1/2 years Winemaking: White winemaking through soft pressing of the grapes. The obtained must, after a cold decantation, is left fermenting in contact with active yeasts at a controlled temperature of 18 - 20° C for 15 - 20 days. The resulting wine is put in an autoclave, where yeasts and rectified concentrated must are added, so that it ferments till it reaches the desired pressure. The fermentation process is afterwards stopped by sinking the temperature. Organoleptic characteristics: Straw-coloured yellow when young, slightly darker when mature. A fine and elegant wine with characteristic, delicate scent reminiscent above all of Golden apples. Taste is composite, noble, harmonic and persistent. Food matches: © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 41 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 42 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de An appetizer wine suitable for fried fish, vegetarian grills and pizza. Product Details Serving temperature: 02.07.02 8 - 10° C Alliance Alsace Cremant Crémant Héritage de Dagobert Alliance Alsace Address Phone What does the winemaker think of this wine ? Matured several years in our cellar, this seducing and delicate crémant d’Alsace shows a long finish and elegant aftertaste. 16, rue des Tuileries 68230 Turckheim France Specification Volume : 75 cl +33 3 89302360 Grape : Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay Fax +33 3 89273533 Internet address www.cave-turckheim.com E-Mail info@alliance-alsace.com Stand Hall 11, J65 (Page 978) Use-by-date : ready to drink Served with : Aperitif - festive occasions Crémant le Jardin de Dagobert What does the winemaker think of this wine ? Product Overview This sparkling wine (traditional method : second fermentation in bottle) produces fine bubles and fruity flavours. Fresh, intense and well-balanced, crisp and supple at a time. Alliance Alsace Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant Specification Volume : 75 cl Grape : blend of Pinot grapes Use-by-date : ready to drink Served with : Aperitif - festive occasions - desserts Mayerling Brut Crémant d’Alsace Blanc de Blancs What does the winemaker think of this wine ? This sparking wine ( traditionnal method ) produces fine bubles and fresh flavours of apple, white flowers. Fresh, dry and delicate Specification Volume : 75 cl © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 43 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 44 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Alsace Gilbert Ruhlmann Fils Earl. Grape : Pinot blanc Address 31, rue de l Ortenbourg F67750 Scherwiller France Phone +33 38892 0321 Fax +33 38882 3019 What does the winemaker think of this wine ? Internet address www.vinruhlmann.fr Fine bubles and aromas of backed fruits (apples, peaches), round and full bodied but the finish is fresh E-Mail vin.ruhlmann@terre-net.fr Stand Hall 11, K138 (Page 978) Soil : Gravel and granit Use-by-date : 2 years - serve chilled Served with : Aperitif - Fish - Desserts Mayerling demi-sec demi-secCrémant d’Alsace demis sec Specification Volume : 75 cl Grape : Auxerrois Product Overview Soil: Gravel and granit Use-by-date : 2 years - serve chilled Alsace Gilbert Ruhlmann Fils Earl. Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant Served with : Aperitif - Desserts Mayerling Rosé Product Details Crémant d’Alsace Rosé Alsace Gilbert Ruhlmann Fils Earl. What does the winemaker think of this wine ? 02.07.02 Cremant Fine bubles, fresh flavours of raspberries, fresh, fruity and dry. CREMANT D ALSACE BRUT Specification Volume : 75 cl AOC CREMANT D’ALSACE Grape : Pinot noir Grape variety : Pinot Blanc and Riesling Soil : Gravel and granit This sparkling wine was obtained after a second fermenting in bottles. After a 12-15 moth ageing, bottles are disgorged. Use-by-date: 2 years - serve chilled It’s a fine sparkling wine, offer some nice bubbles, fruity and distinguished. Served with : Aperitif - cold plates- Dessert This crémant ia a delicate aperitif. It can be served to cold starter, seafoods, whites meats and to dessert © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 45 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 46 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Crémant d’Alsace Brut Rosat Nice sparkling wine fine and fruity for every events Varieties: Pinot Noir. Vineyards: 15 years. Winemaking: Light maceration of the must with the skins for colour and aroma extraction, followed by light pressing and later fermentation at low temperature. Second fermentation in the bottle for 12 months. Tasting: Redcurrant pink in colour with elegant bubbles. Aromas of red fruit and fresh yeast. In the mouth fruitiness stands out, with volume and creaminess. Alsina & Sarda (Cellers Alsina, S.L.) Address Barri Les Tarumbes, s/n 08733 El Pla del Penedes (Barcelona) Spain Brut Nature Gran Reserva Especial Varieties: 50% Xarel·lo, 50% Chardonnay Phone +34 938 988132 Fax +34 938 988671 Internet address www.alsinasarda.com E-Mail alsina@alsinasarda.com Stand Hall 10, F112 (Page 974) Vineyards: 30-40 years, selected for quality Winemaking: Light pressing obtaining 50% free-run juice, followed by fermentation at low temperature (15º) in stainless steel tanks. Second fermentation in the bottles and aged for 36-48 months. Tasting: Yellow in colour with green overtones, elegant and fine bubbles. During the smelling stage floral aromas stand out (violets), with nuances of white fruit and honey, with a background of coffee roasting. In the mouth it is balanced, fresh and lengthy Mas d’Alsina Sardà Product Overview Gran Reserva Especial Alsina & Sarda (Cellers Alsina, S.L.) Mas d’Alsina Sardà Penedès Varieties: 65% Chardonnay, 35% Macabeu, Xarel·lo and Parellada. 02.07.07 Cava Product Details 02.07.07 Vineyards: 25-30 years, grown on higher altitude. Alsina & Sarda (Cellers Alsina, S.L.) Cava Tasting: Yellow in colour, with golden tones, fine constant bubbles and elegant, fine crown. Aromas of white fruit (baked pears), stone fruit (apricot), with fine and soft touches of toast which mix well with its yeast and lactic nuances. Also, nuts (hazelnuts) and a floral background. Well-integrated carbon dioxide, creamy, Brut Rosat © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Winemaking: Part of the wines are fermented and aged in oak barrels prior to a second fermentation in the bottle, which gives the wine a very specific taste. Aged for 20-24 months. 47 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 48 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de with a lengthy aftertaste of ripe white fruit and retronasal reminiscences of yeast. Product Details Vestigis 02.07.05 Vestigis ANTICA FRATTA ESSENCE BRUT 2008 Varieties: 20% Macabeu, 20% Xarel·lo (fermented in oak), 20% Parellada, 20% Chardonnay, 20%Pinot Noir. You write Essence Brut and you read essence of Chardonnay. Only the best parcels, enriched with small additions of Pinot Noir vinified in white and a slight touch of base wine fermented in barrique. Three years on yeasts in search of the right degree of complexity that exalts the elegance and pleasantness of the fruity and floral aromas characterising the “Antica Fratta style”, without ever penalizing its pleasantness to drink. Very elegant as an aperitif, an eclectic wine to accompany meals and a highly refined break in a frenzied lifestyle. Vineyards: Selected. Winemaking: Ageing for 48 months. Tasting: Outstanding floral notes (Mediterranean garden) that quickly become more complex by introducing toast notes. The mineral (limestone) presence is notorious. The mouth reflects the slow ageing process, with a fragrance that turns elegant, and with outstanding creaminess. Fine and persistent bubble Antica Cantina Fratta SPA Franciacorta ANTICA FRATTA ESSENCE ROSE’ 2010 Antica Fratta takes its first step towards the future, one in which pleasure and approachability encounter complexity and structure. A union that strikes the eye as much as it does the other senses, yielding a Franciacorta whose finesse from Chardonnay enjoys the fruit brought to it by Pinot Noir. The eye and the nose enjoy it before the mouth: a refined, pale rose announces scents of country woods and fruit preserves, polished by 36 months sur lie. Sensuous, elegant, eclectic, a wine perfect for any moment, and with any dish, to be enjoyed with the finest charcuterie, but with meat dishes as well, and full-flavoured fish preparations. Antica Cantina Fratta SPA Address Via Fontana 11 25040 Monticelli Brusati Italy Phone +39 030 652-068 Fax +39 030 652-661 Internet address www.anticafratta.it E-Mail info@anticafratta.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) Product Overview ANTICA FRATTA ESSENCE SATEN 2010 Antica Cantina Fratta SPA Lombardia 02.07.05 Franciacorta © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 49 The most Franciacorta of Franciacortas. Elegant, seductive, with ever-changing nuances. Subtle notes of citrus meld effortlessly into hints of tropical fruit. Made exclusively from Chardonnay, and crafted in a way to produce an effervescence more delicate than that of the other styles. It rests sur lie for a minimum of three years. An aperitif of aristocratic proportions, but at the same time a superb choice at table for complementing dishes of fish and light meats. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 50 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de ANTICA FRATTA FRANCIACORTA DOCG BRUT Product Details An elegantly fresh, vivacious and full Franciacorta, characterized by pleasing fruity and floral aromas. Obtained from Chardonnay grapes after more than 24 months on yeasts. Excellent as an aperitif but it can also be served throughout a meal; it is particularly suitable for delicate dishes of fish and white meat. Bianco d’Alessano e Fiano Salento IGP 2012 02.04 Antica Masseria Jorche, S.A.S. Sparkling wine Obtained from classic method, the Sparkling wine of Jorche is the original expression of a unique terroir. Great equilibrium , persistent bouquet and elegant structure. Antica Masseria Jorche, S.A.S. Address C. da Jorche 74020 Torricella (TA) Italy Phone +39 099 9573232 Fax +39 099 9573232 Internet address www.jorche.it E-Mail jorchewines@jorche.it Stand Hall 16, E09 (Page 998) Product Overview Antonio Facchin & Figli S.S. Soc. Agr. Antica Masseria Jorche, S.A.S. 02.04 Sparkling wine Puglia © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Address Via Barucchella, 10 31020 San Polo di Piave Italy Phone +39 0422 743550, 803213 Fax +39 0422 803213 Internet address www.antoniofacchin.com E-Mail info@antoniofacchin.com Stand Hall 15, G20 (Page 994) Product Overview 51 Antonio Facchin & Figli S.S. Soc. Agr. Veneto 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 52 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.02.03 Antonio Facchin & Figli S.S. Soc. Agr. Prosecco Frizzante 750ml. Braite il Rosè Spumante Dry Prosecco DOC Treviso Millesimato Brut Dalla Balla nob. Vino spumante dry ottenuto da vinificazione di uve Raboso Piave in bianco. Di caratteristico colore rosa; da un fine e persistente perlage, fragrante e deciso, piacevolmente acidulo. Il sapore abboccato lo rende uno splendido compagno per le cene estive sia come vino d’apertura che a fine pasto. Vino accattivante color giallo paglierino luminoso, con profumo fresco, fruttato floreale e sapore abboccato, armonico e gradevolissimo. Può accompagnare festosamente i molluschi di mare, i tartufi, le ostriche, gli scampi ai ferri, la sogliola gentile, e ancora i risotti veneti di primavera e altri primi piatti leggeri. Adatto come vino d’apertura e con gli antipasti. 11,0% vol. Gradazione: Annata: 11,0% vol. 2010 Annata: Volume: 2013 750ml. Gradazione: Volume: Müller Thurgau spumante brut aromatico 750ml. 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Braite il Brut Vino Spumante di Qualità Vino ottenuto con le uve raccolte rigorosamente a mano nel vigneto che già in epoca romana veniva chiamato Braite. Ottenuto dall’uvaggio di uve Chardonnay (40%), Pinot Grigio (20%), Sauvignon (20%), Incrocio Manzoni 6.0.13 (15%), Traminer (5%). La spumantizzazione avviene con il metodo Charmat lungo (6 mesi di presa di spuma). Lo spumante che si ottiene è aromatico lievemente fruttato con sentore di lievito, pieno sapido, armonico e giustamente acidulo. Particolarmente indicato come vino da aperitivo, antipasti e primi piatti di pesce. Vino delicatissimo; di colore giallo paglierino con riflessi verdognolo, asciutto citrino, leggero di corpo, ma molto elegante, fine aristocratico. Ha un caratteristico profumo fruttato che ricorda il vecchio brolo delle case padronali. Ottimo da aperitivo ed inizio pasto, sposa molto bene il pesce, le creme di verdure, i risotti di primavera. Va consumato giovane. Gradazione: 11,5% vol. Annata: 2010 Volume: 750ml. Gradazione: 12,0% vol. Annata: 2010 Volume: © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 53 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 54 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 01/18/2016 Armenia Wine Factory LLC The Best Muscat of the World 2013 Muscat Semisweet ”Armenia” 2012 Address Aragatsotn Region 0223 Sasunik Village Armenia Phone +374 10 482597 Fax +374 10 491549 Internet address www.armeniawine.am E-Mail info@armeniawine.am 01.05.01 Armenia Stand Hall 15, K01 (Page 994) 02.04 Sparkling wine Company News 01/18/2016 Gold Medal and The Best Muscat of the World Product Overview Armenia Wine Factory LLC Product Details 02.04 Le Mondial du Rosé - Gold Medal Armenia Wine Factory LLC Armenia Wine Factory LLC Sparkling wine ”TAKAR” Sparkling Extra Brut (Charmat Method) Rosé ”Armenia” 2014 Gold Medal at ”Le Mondial du Rosé” Vintage: 2014 Origin: Armavir Region Grape: Kangun 01/18/2016 Tasting notes: This great sparkling wine clearly shows the elegant style of Kangun grape variety. It’s a refined release dominated by brioche aromas and combined with fruity freshness. Fine bubbles and elegant style of this wine are the best choice for great celebrations. The Best Muscat of the World 2013 Muscat Semisweet ”Armenia” 2012 Gold Medal and The Best Muscat of the World 01/18/2016 Packaging: 75 cl glass bottle (olive green) - Diam Mytik cork. Winemaker: Laurent Dubreuil Le Mondial du Rosé - Gold Medal Consultant Winemakers: Paolo Peira, Jean-Baptiste Soula Rosé ”Armenia” 2014 Gold Medal at ”Le Mondial du Rosé” © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 55 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 56 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Fine en Bulles rosé Arnaud de Villeneuve Cave Address Phone +33 4 68636969 Fax +33 4 68646469 Internet address www.arnauddevilleneuve.com E-Mail contact@caveadv.com Stand Hall 11, G85 (Page 978) Product Overview Grape Varieties: 80% Grenache, 20% Syrah Arunda Sektkellerei Address Prof.-Josef-Schwarz-Straße 18 39010 Mölten Italy Phone +39 0471 668033 Fax +39 0471 668229 Internet address www.arundavivaldi.it E-Mail info@arundavivaldi.it Stand Hall 15, G71 (Page 994) Arnaud de Villeneuve Cave 02.04 Sparkling wine Languedoc-Roussillon Product Details 02.04 SPARKLING WINESTerroir:Roussillon vineyard lying between the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean coast. Wines from selected plots. 153 RD 900 66600 Rivesaltes France Arnaud de Villeneuve Cave Sparkling wine Bel Or Product Overview SPARKLING WINESTerroir:Roussillon vineyard lying between the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean coast. Wines from our best vines on our most suitable terroir. Grape Varieties: 60% Alexandria Muscat and 40% Small-berry Muscat © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 57 Arunda Sektkellerei 02.04 Sparkling wine Südtirol/Alto Adige © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 58 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.04 Arunda Sektkellerei Sparkling wine Astoria Vini s.r.l. Address Via Crevada 31020 Refrontolo (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 6699 Fax +39 0423 665603 Internet address www.astoria.it E-Mail export@astoria.it Stand Hall 15, G70 (Page 994) ARUNDA BRUT METODO CLASSICO CUVÉE BLEND: 50% Chardonnay 30% Pinot Blanc 20% Pinot Noir FIRST IMPRESSION: With its extremely rich and long-lasting perlage, its full straw-yellow to greenish color, and its brilliance and brightness, ARUNDA Brut demonstrates a fruity, broadlyvaried bouquet, along with finely restrained aromas of yeast. ARUNDA CUVÉE MARIANNA Product Overview CUVÉE BLEND: 80% Chardonnay 20% Pinot Noir FIRST IMPRESSION: A lovely, lively perlage is matched by an extravagant and complex bouquet. In the mouth, the ARUNDA Cuvée Marianna immediately shows its tendency toward fullness and substance. As a result of its freshness, its luxuriant juiciness, and its tastiness, it is an extraordinary product at every phase including its longlasting and opulent finish that is characteristic of the great sparkling wines. Astoria Vini s.r.l. 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto Product Details 02.07.04 Astoria Vini s.r.l. Prosecco Spumante ”Galíe” Prosecco Treviso DOC PRODUCTION AREA Grown on the hills of the “Astoria” Estate, at approx. 150 m. above sea level. Vineyards: with an east-to-west and north-to-south orientation, with 3,000/4,000 grapevines per hectare (average age: 8-18 years). Average production: 3/4 kg per grapevine (120/130 q. per hectare). Grape variety: Glera. Growing technique: Sylvoz. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 59 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 60 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de TECHNOLOGY Grape variety: aromatic variety typical from Treviso province. The grapes are harvested by hand in September/October, when they have the best chemical/organoleptic properties, and are lightly crushed. The must then undergoes static decantation. Primary fermentation takes place inside steel vats at 18/19°C with the help of selected autochthonous yeasts. The thus obtained wine remains in contact with the grape skins for a month, then it is cleared and run into pressure tanks, where it becomes sparkling. Secondary fermentation occurs at 16/18°C with the help of selected yeasts and lasts approx. 25/30 days; a further fining process follows, whereby the wine remains in contact with yeasts for some days. After bottling, the wine is allowed to age a couple of weeks. Growing technique: Sylvoz. ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS TECHNOLOGY The grapes are manually harvested in September and are then soft pressed. The skins are then subject to a short cold maceration and the must to static racking. The must primary fermentation takes place in steel tanks at 18/19°C with select yeasts. The new wine is then kept on the noble lees for some weeks. Then the foam removal lasts 20/25 days at 18°C. After that the sparkling wine is kept on the lees for some weeks. Then the tartaric acid is stabilised and the sparkling wine is bottled. Final ageing in bottle. ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS Perlage: tiny and continuous. Perlage: very fine and persistent. Colour: light straw yellow. Colour: straw yellow with greenish reflections. Bouquet: elegant, clean-cut and fruity for the typical aro-ma. Bouquet: ethereal, delicate, and very characteristic because of the synergy between the variety perfume and the yeasts. Clear-cut aroma. Taste: characteristic, pleasantly slightly acid, harmo-nious. CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Taste: full, harmonious, dry. Alcohol content, % vol. 10.50 – 11.50 CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Sugars, g/l 13.50 – 14.50 Alcohol content, % vol. 10.50 – 11.50 Total acidity, g/l 5.50 - 6.50 Sugars, g/l 13.50 – 14.50 SERVING TEMPERATURE Total acidity, g/l 5.50 - 6.50 6 - 8°C, opened at the moment. SERVING TEMPERATURE PRESERVATION 6 - 8° C, obtained in the ice bucket. Keep in a dry and cool place and far from light and heat sources. PRESERVATION AS INDICATED IN THE WINE LIST Keep in a cool and dry place, away from light and heat sources. Sparkling wine ”Galíe” Prosecco DOC Treviso - Astoria AS INDICATED IN THE WINE LIST Astoria Lounge brut Astoria Lounge - Astoria PRODUCTION AREA Farm Val de Brun. Vineyards: are north-south and west-east oriented with about 4,000/4,500 vine-stocks per hectare that in average are about 8/12 years old. Average production: 3/4 kg per vine-stock corresponding to 120/130 q. per hectare. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 61 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 62 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Maturation: steel. Az. Agr. Borgo Antico srl di Marchesin Leonardo Address Sparkling wine process: Charmat method with at least 45 days of foaming. Strada delle Spezie, 39 Ogliano 31015 Conegliano (Tv) Italy Sugar residue: 15 gr/l Perlage: fine and persistent. Phone +39 0438 788111 Colour: brilliant straw-yellow. Fax +39 0438 788111 Aroma: a pleasant note of white acacia flowers, with a hint of fruit – mainly pear, and apple not yet ripe. Internet address www.borgoanticovini.com Taste: dry, intensely fruity and harmoniously combined with a white florarl bouquet, enjoyable and persistent. Dry on the palate with a strong invitation to further tasting. E-Mail info@borgoanticovini.com Gastronomic matches: from the beginning to the end of a meal with fish or chicken, risotto, soups, salami and ham. Excellent as an aperitif. Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) Alcohol: 11,50% vol. Serving temperature: 8-10 °C Product Overview Az. Agr. Borgo Antico srl di Marchesin Leonardo Production of bottles: 10.000 - available sizes: 0,75 L - 1,5 L Sparkling wine : Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Classification: Conegliano - Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Product Details 02.07.04 Production location: Conegliano Az. Agr. Borgo Antico srl di Marchesin Leonardo Vine: Glera 100% Soil characteristics: land with moraine origins. Deep, clay-rich, heavy. Prosecco Spumante Training system: Guyot / Double inverted 3.300 strains/Ha Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G. Harvest: by hand in September. Classification: Conegliano - Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Vinification: 50% cryomaceration of pressed grapes for 18 hours a 6 °C, 50% pressing whole grapes. Production location: Conegliano Maturation: steel. Vine: Glera 100% Sparkling wine process: Charmat method with at least 45 days of foaming. Soil characteristics: land with morain origins. Deep, clay-rich, heavy. Sugar residue: 19 gr/l Training system: Guyot / Double inverted 3.300 strains/Ha Perlage: fine and persistent. Harvest: by hand in September. Color: brilliant straw-yellow. Vinification: 50% cryomaceration of pressed grapes for 18 hours a 6 °C, 50% pressing whole grapes. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 63 Aroma: an intense pleasant note of white acacia flowers, citrus, white peach, yellow apple and pear. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 64 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Taste: soft to the palate, brings out its fruity, floral structure with a nice bite. Product Details Gastronomic matches: sweets, dry pasta or spicy food. A curious match with cheese with herbs. 02.07.09 Alchol: 11,20% vol. FIOR D’ARANCIO SPUMANTE COLLI EUGANEI D.O.C. Az. Agr. Conte Emo Capodilista di Giordano Emo... Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Serving temperature: 8-9 °C GRAPES: Orange-Blossom yellow Moscato grapes. Production of bottles: 8.000 - available sizes: 0,75 L - 1,5 L CULTIVATION METHOD: Cordon trained. AVERAGE PRODUCTION: 7000 kg./hectare. Az. Agr. Conte Emo Capodilista di Giordano Emo Capodilista Address WINE-MAKING: Selected grapes are collected by hand and cooled at 0,5°C. Grapes are then softly pressed so that the fruity aroma is enhanced at best. The must is then conveyed to the sparkling unit. Via Montecchia , 16 35030 Selvazzano Dentro (Padova) Italy SPARKLING PROCESS: The must starts to ferment at 10°C until the desired pressure is reached. The must is left to stand for 15 days at -2°C. ALCOHOL CONTENT: 5,5% Vol. Phone +39 049 637294 Fax +39 049 8055826 Internet address www.lamontecchia.it **** E-Mail lamontecchia@lamontecchia.it The name Fior d’Arancio comes from a gentle hint of citrus fruit, the hallmark of thisf yellow Moscato, which is typical of the volcanic soil in the Euganean Hills. Stand Hall 15, A42 (Page 994) TOTAL ACIDITY: 6,50 - 7 g./l. NET EXTRACT: 23 - 25 g./l. SERVING TEMPERATURE: 6 - 8°C. CHARACTERISTICS COLOUR: pale yellow with nuances of green. AROMA: intence, aromatic with hints of orange and lemon. Product Overview Az. Agr. Conte Emo Capodilista di Giordano Emo... Veneto 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin TASTE: fine and velvety parlage, sweet, harmonic and persistent taste. SERVING SUGGESTIONS The wine is an excellent accompaniment to fruit tarts and biscuits after meals. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH **** 65 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 66 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Brut Az. Agr. le Marchesine S.S. di Biatta Giovanni ec. Address Via Vallosa, 31 25050 Passirano (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 657005 This wine is produced from our vineyards in the district of Paderno Franciacorta and Rodengo Saiano in one of the most reputed regions in Italy for the productions of sparking wines. Very bright color, fine and long perlage. Aromas of exotic fruits and elderflower, white chocolate and ginger. At the mouth it is fresh, clean, round. Secolo Novo Riserva Dosage Zero Fax +39 030 6857933 Internet address www.lemarchesine.it E-Mail info@lemarchesine.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) This wine is produced from our vineyard situated on the hill LA SANTISSIMA in GUSSAGO (about 270 metres high). The production of grapes is 40 ql. per hectare. Bright gold color with shades of olive green. Notes of quince and honey emerge, with hints of chalk and minerals. Lashing and consistent palate, long almond finish. Extra Brut Product Overview 02.07.05 Az. Agr. le Marchesine S.S. di Biatta Giovanni... 02.07.05 A beautiful deep yellow. Strong character, tight, mineral. Franciacorta Product Details This wine is produced from our vineyards in the district of Paderno Franciacorta, Rodengo Saiano, Erbusco and Cologne. Az. Agr. le Marchesine S.S. di Biatta Giovanni... Olfactory memories of golden apple, peach and hazelnut, with a hint of liquorice. Soft at the palate, dry finish and persistent. Rosé Millesimato Franciacorta This wine is produced from our vineyards situated in the Blanc de Blancs Millesimato commune of Paderno Franciacorta. This wine is produced from our vineyard situated on the hill Monte Orfano in Cologne. Golden yellow color. Rich and sophisticated nose, with aromas of apricot, chamomile flowers and toffee. Excellent balance of acidity and sapidity, creamy, with soft balsamic shades. Colour pastel pink, bright and clear. Expresses nose width and extreme finesse, with hints of raspberry, fig, rose petals and sweet paprika. Compact and full flavor with floral and iodine backgrounds and a strong sapid note. Saten Millesimato From a vineyard in the district of Paderno Franciacorta. Blanc de Noir Millesimato It shows a particularly bright and shiny color, with tiny and innumerable bubbles. Delicate aromas of genista, kiwi, beeswax and pearl barley. Extremely soft and balanced. This wine is produced from our vineyard situated in Paderno Franciacorta and Gussago. Bright yellow with light pink reflexes. Complex aromas of biscuit, mandarin jam, butter and resin. Thick and powerful palate fading into of Mediterranean herbs memories. Secolo Novo Millesimato This wine is produced from our vineyard situated on the hill LA SANTISSIMA in GUSSAGO (about 270 metres high). © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 67 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 68 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Shiny straw yellow with golden-green shades. Fine and extremely long perlage. At the nose reminds of toasted peanuts, margarine, notes of mint and candied citron. Full body and round on the palate, revealing great balance between acidity and flavor. Product Details Elegant in the end. MONTETONDO SPUMANTE 02.04 Az. Agr. Montetondo S.S. di Magnabosco Gino e... Sparkling wine recioto di soave docg Denomination Az. Agr. Montetondo S.S. di Magnabosco Gino e Maria Paola Società Agricola Address Recioto di Soave Docg Production area Via San Lorenzo, 89 37038 Soave (VR) Italy Soave Classico area Grape variety 100% Garganega Phone +39 045 7680347 Fax +39 045 6198567 Internet address www.montetondo.it E-Mail info@montetondo.it Stand Production for hectare about 60 q Grape harvest mid-September Vinification Hall 15, D72 (Page 994) Product Overview Az. Agr. Montetondo S.S. di Magnabosco Gino e... made in small quantities, locally and in an artisan-like way with a selection of the most sun-exposed grapes having the highest sugar content; hand-picked into small crates; semi-dried in special dry and well-ventilated rooms called ”fruttai”; stored in stainless steel tanks for 90 days following the Charmat Method to obtain a sparkling wine. Characteristics Veneto 02.04 Sparkling wine straw-yellow with golden highlights; brilliant; sweet, harmonious, fruity flavour with a slightly bitter aftertaste. Food matches ideal with all kinds of desserts and for all festive occasions. Temperature serve chilled at 7–8°C © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 69 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 70 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de FEATURES AZ. AGR. VETTORI di Vettori Arturo Address Grapes Via Borgo America, 26 31020 San Pietro di Feletto (TV) Italy glera 100% Colour light gold yellow Phone +39 0438 34812 Odour Fax elegant, clean-cut, with apple overtones and wisteria and acacia flower fragrances Internet address www.vinivettori.it E-Mail info@vinivettori.it Stand Hall 16, B51 (Page 998) Taste dry, pleasantly acidulous and well-balanced Perlage fine and persistent Food matches Product Overview 02.07.04 AZ. AGR. VETTORI di Vettori Arturo This sparkling wine is best matched with the light dishes, especially fish and seafood How to serve Prosecco Spumante This wine is best served at around 7-8°C and uncorked just before serving. Product Details 02.07.04 AZ. AGR. VETTORI di Vettori Arturo Prosecco Spumante This sparkling wine comes from a selection of only prosecco grapes of our own production. Our vineyard is grown with the Sylvoz and Double Upside-Down method featuring 3,000 grapevines per hectare (10,000m², 2.47acres), which allows a relatively low production per vine, resulting in grapes of superior quality. Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg Brut This sparkling wine comes from a selection of only prosecco grapes of our own production. Our vineyard is grown with the Sylvoz and Double Upside-Down method featuring 3,000 grapevines per hectare (10,000m², 2.47acres), which allows a relatively low production per vine, resulting in grapes of superior quality. The wine base comes from a careful vinification in white with soft pressing, cleaning of the must, refrigeration and temperature-controlled fermentation at about 19-20°C. The second fermentation takes place in a lowtemperature tank in order not to dampen the typical fragrances and aromas of this kind of vine. The second fermentation takes place in a low-temperature tank in order not to dampen the typical fragrances and aromas of this kind of vine. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg Extra Dry 71 The wine base comes from a careful vinification in white with soft pressing, cleaning of the must, refrigeration and temperature-controlled fermentation at about 19-20°C. The second fermentation takes place in a lowtemperature tank in order not to dampen the typical fragrances and aromas of this kind of vine. FEATURES Grapes glera 100% Colour © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 72 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de light gold yellow Odour Product Overview elegant, clean-cut, with apple overtones and wisteria and acacia flower fragrances 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto Taste round, pleasantly acidulous and well-balanced Az. Agricola Castello di Roncade di Vincenzo... Product Details Az. Agricola Castello di Roncade di Vincenzo... Perlage fine and persistent 02.07.04 Food matches Spumanti - Prosecco Extra-Dry Spumante DOC Treviso This sparkling wine is excellent as aperitif. It is best matched with the light dishes, especially fish and seafood. • Production area: Roncade, Teson vineyards. How to serve Prosecco Spumante Double arched cane, 3/5000 plants/ha; Clay soil with an underground layer of ”caranto”, a calcareous stone deposit. White fermentation, soft crushing, Charmat method This wine is best served at around 7-8°C and uncorked just before serving. • Colour: Light straw-yellow, greenish tinges. Fine and elegant perlage Az. Agricola Castello di Roncade di Vincenzo Ciani Bassetti Address Phone • Nose: Floral, fruity, exotic, light acacia hints • Palate: Fresh, balanced, semi-dry with good acidity Via Roma, 141 31056 Roncade (Treviso) Italy • Alcohol: 11,5% by vol. • Sugar: 18 g/l • Total acidity: 5,5 g/l +39 0422 708736 • Pairings: Perfect for aperitifs, can be paired with pastry Fax +39 0422 940964 • Serving temperature: 6/8°C Internet address www.castellodironcade.it Spumanti - Prosecco Frizzante DOC Treviso (100% Glera) E-Mail info@castellodironcade.com • Production area: Roncade, Teson and Pantiera vineyards Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) Double arched cane, 3/5000 plants/ha; Clay soil with an underground layer of ”caranto”, a calcareous stone deposit. White fermentation, soft crushing, Charmat method • Colour: Light straw-yellow • Nose: Floral, fruity, light acacia hints • Palate: slightly acid, sapid • Alcohol: 11% by vol. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 73 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 74 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details • Sugar: 14 g/l 02.07.04 • Total acidity: 6,00 g/l • Pairings: Perfect for aperitifs, finger food Prosecco Spumante PROSECCO / FRIZZANTE • Serving temperature: 6/8° C Quality, passion and tradition combined bring you Follador’s semisparking line of wines. Historically, these are some of the first sparkling wine from Italian soil, and include the Prosecco D.O.C. Treviso in the Spago, Aeris and Renana versions, along with other varieties like Pinot Rosa and Vita Rosa. These Frizzanti/semi sparkling varietals are made from the Prosecco area from the family’s southwest facing vineyards. Yielding 18,000 kg per hectare annually, the wines are fermented in autoclaves for up to 20 days. Az. Vinicola Follador di Rossi Italia S.n.c. Address Via Gravette, 42 31010 Col San Martino (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 898222 Fax +39 0438 989520 Internet address www.folladorprosecco.com E-Mail info@folladorprosecco.com Stand Hall 16, E40 (Page 998) Product Overview Az. Vinicola Follador di Rossi Italia S.n.c. They are easy to drink alone or accompanying a variety of dishes. PROSECCO / SPARKLING – CLASSIC Follador’s Classic Line is the direct result of high-quality vineyards, traditional techniques and a family heritage of wine-making reverence. The line comprises a range of historic, Prosecco Sparkling wines in the Brut, Extra-Dry, and Dry categories. Now denominated in the D.O.C. Treviso, this wine line owes its quality to the grapes from the hills lying between Conegliano-Valdobbiadene, within the Prosecco Territory. Az. Vinicola Follador di Rossi Italia S.n.c. 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Follador produces a maximum yield of 18,000 kg per hectare annually from the well-positioned, southwest facing family vineyards. To complement the Classic range, Follador has developed blends that are available in the Joani, Cuvée Rosé Brut Millesimato and Marzemino, varieties. The carefully selected fruit undergoes to cryomaceration before fermentation in autoclaves for up to 60 days. PROSECCO – SUPERIOR The Folladors are a family passionate about their wine-making heritage. Neither stuck in the past nor daunted by modernity, they’ve quietly gone about marrying traditional vineyard cultivation with the latest production techniques to create wines that are highly respected among their peers. Follador’s Superior Line of wines include 4 DOCGs in the ‘Torri di Credazzo’ Cuvée, Cartizze, Brut and Extra-Dry categories. Carefully selected grapes first undergo a rigorous cryo-maceration. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 75 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 76 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de The wines are then fermented in small autoclaves for up to 120 days. The maximum annual production yield is 13,500 kg per hectare (12,000 kg for Cartizze). These DOCG superior grapes are restricted to a limited area of ValdobbiadeneConegliano, including the famous Torri di Credazzo’s, the family’s property, southwest facing vineyards. Product Details 02.04 AZ.AGR.F.LLI CORVEZZO DI CORVEZZO RENZO Sparkling wine TERRE DI MARCA ORGANIC PROSECCO MILLESIMATO AZ.AGR.F.LLI CORVEZZO DI CORVEZZO RENZO Address Via Palu’ , 17 31040 Cessalto Italy Phone +39 0421 327203 Fax +39 0421 328330 Internet address www.corvezzo.it E-Mail info@corvezzo.it Stand Hall 16, B33 (Page 998) Product Overview PROSECCO DOC TREVISO ORGANIC PROSECCO DOC TREVISO FRIZZANTE AZ.AGR.F.LLI CORVEZZO DI CORVEZZO RENZO Veneto 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante UNFILTERED PROSECCO TERRE DI MARCA DOC TREVISO © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 77 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 78 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Profumo Fresco, intenso con sentori di mela golden e vaniglia, ricordo di ananas e fiori di campo. Azienda Agricola Cieck s.s. Address Casa Castagnola 2 10090 San Giorgio Canavese Italy Sapore Pieno, fresco e armonico, buon nerbo acido supportato da una buona struttura estrattiva, lungo e persistente nelle sensazioni di lievito e crosta di pane. Phone +39 0124 330522 Abbinamenti Ottimo come aperitivo, meraviglioso per una cena importante a tutto pasto. Fax +39 0124 429284 Internet address www.cieck.it E-Mail info@cieck.it Servizio In flûtes. Stappare la bottiglia al momento. Servire a 8 - 10°C. Conservazione Da consumare entro 2 anni dalla sboccatura. Conservare preferibilmente in una cantina buia ad una temperatura compresa fra i 15 ed i 18°C. Azienda Agricola Dal Bello Antonio Stand Hall 16, C39 (Page 998) Product Overview Address Via Belli, 2 31010 Fonte Italy Azienda Agricola Cieck s.s. 01.01.09 Italy Phone +39 0423 949015 02.07.08 Winzersekt Fax +39 0423 949928 Internet address www.dalbellovini.it E-Mail info@dalbellovini.it Stand Hall 15, C51 (Page 994) Product Details 02.07.08 Azienda Agricola Cieck s.s. Winzersekt CALLIOPE BRUT Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG Spumante Dalla sperimentazione di metodi per valorizzare il vitigno erbaluce spumantizzato secondo il metodo classico tradizionale, nasce lo spumante Calliope brut. Con bollicine finissime e persistenti, sapore freso e armonico è da considerarsi un ottimo aperitivo oltre ad essere meraviglioso per una cena importante a tutto pasto. Product Overview Vitigno Erbaluce 100% Azienda Agricola Dal Bello Antonio 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Alcol 12,5 % vol. Colore Giallo paglierino con riflessi oro. Perlage Bollicine finissime e persistenti, spuma bianchissima. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 79 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 80 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.02.03 Azienda Agricola Dal Bello Antonio Prosecco Frizzante Azienda Agricola F. IIi BORON s.s. Società Agricola Address Viale Vittoria 6 30020 Annone Veneto (ve) Italy Phone +39 0122 861020 Fax +39 0122 861020 Internet address www.boronvini.com E-Mail boronvini@gmail.com Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) Asolo Prosecco D.O.C.G. Superiore Millesimato DRY Asolo Prosecco D.O.C.G. Superiore Millesimato DRY PROSECCO DOC TREVISO BRUT EXTRA DRY PROSECCO DOC TREVISO BRUT EXTRA DRY Product Overview 02.07.04 Azienda Agricola F. IIi BORON s.s. Società... 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Prosecco Spumante Marzemino Dolce Marzemino Dolce Product Details 02.02.03 Azienda Agricola F. IIi BORON s.s. Società... Prosecco Frizzante Chardonnay NAME Chardonnay CLASSIFICATION IGP Veneto TYPE Sparkling White Wine GRAPE VARIETY 100% Chardonnay © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 81 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 82 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de AVERAGE YIELD PRODUCTION AREA 100 quintals of grapes/hectare Annone Veneto District HARVEST VINE TRAINING SYSTEM By hand, end of August, first week of September Sylvoz VINIFICATION VINE DENSITY 4000 plants per hectare Vinification without skins, soft pressing of the whole grapes, the lees are removed at a low temperature, fermentation at a controlled temperature. AVERAGE YIELD AGEING 130 quintals of grapes/hectare 5 months in steel vats and 2 months in the bottle HARVEST 02.07.04 Early September Cabernet Sauvignon Prosecco Spumante VINIFICATION NAME Fermentation in stainless steel vats with selected yeasts at a controlled temperature is followed by a short secondary fermentation using the Charmat Method in autoclaves. Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Grigio IGP Veneto CLASSIFICATION TYPE NAME Red Pinot Grigio GRAPE VARIETY CLASSIFICATION 100% Cabernet Sauvignon IGP Veneto PRODUCTION AREA TYPE White Annone Veneto District GRAPE VARIETY VINE TRAINING SYSTEM 100% Pinot Grigio Sylvoz PRODUCTION AREA VINE DENSITY 4200 plants per hectare Annone Veneto District AVERAGE YIELD VINE TRAINING SYSTEM 120 quintals of grapes/hectare Sylvoz HARVEST VINE DENSITY Mid-September 4200 plants per hectare © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH VINIFICATION 83 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 84 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Traditional maceration of the skins for 10-14 days at a controlled temperature of 24-27 °C in steel tanks. AGEING Azienda Agricola Fratelli Berlucchi SRL Address Via Broletto 2 25040 Borgonato di Cortefranca (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 984451 Fax +39 030 9828209 Internet address www.fratelliberlucchi.it E-Mail info@fratelliberlucchi.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) 5 months in steel vats and 2 months in the bottle Prosecco DOC Extra Dry NAME Prosecco DOC Extra Dry CLASSIFICATION DOC Prosecco TYPE White Spumante GRAPE VARIETY 100% Glera-Prosecco PRODUCTION AREA Product Overview Annone Veneto District 02.07.05 Azienda Agricola Fratelli Berlucchi SRL Franciacorta VINE TRAINING SYSTEM Double inverted Sylvoz Product Details VINE DENSITY 02.07.05 3000 plants per hectare Azienda Agricola Fratelli Berlucchi SRL Franciacorta FRANCIACORTA BRUT 25 AVERAGE YIELD 120 quintals of grapes/hectare HARVEST Early September VINIFICATION Fermentation in stainless steel vats with selected yeasts at a controlled temperature is followed by the spumante process in autoclaves using the Charmat Method. It need 25 months from the harvest to be ready to drink and… we shall have 25 good occasions to celebrate , 25 friends to share with and 25 interesting things to do….The young people from the Berlucchi family conspired with the oenologist for a new brilliant solution, just right for many occasions: wine’bars offered it as aperitif and everybody had a lovely time trying this lighter Franciacorta version, still so engaging and satisfying. Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc, picked a little before ripening and pressed rapidly one time. And, missing…if we will try to drink it 25 hours a day?... Grapes Chardonnay 70% Pinot Blanc 30% Organoleptic examination © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 85 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 86 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de FRANCIACORTA SATEN VINTAGE Colour: bright and brilliant. Bouquet: fresh and simplebouquet(light yeasty scent). Taste: dry but pleasant. Alcohol content: 12.50 Vol. % Sugars: 7 g/l FRANCIACORTA ROSE’ VINTAGE In 1977 the oenologist Cesare Ferrari wanted us to try a new creation, so dry and so different. It was unusual for the time and the people did not know a Rosè quality of this calibre. The famous designer and aesthete, F.M.Ricci, made a baby blue label for it as a contrast with the deep pink of the wine. And the contrast continues between the pink feminine colour and the so rich, so severe, so deep taste. Chardonnay, White Pinot and Black Pinot fermented for 8, 9 hours to reach the desired pink nuance. Raffaella Curiel, the famous Italian stylist, chose our Rosè for her fashion show “Arte e Moda” in Trieste, thinking that the same harmony of her beautiful creations could easily be found in our Brut Rosè. The Satèn, ”white from white”, 70% Chardonnay and 30% Pinot bianco (blanc de blancs), with low pressure of about 4 atmospheres, is fascinating and seducing, much like a tango, with dancers with red flowers behind their ears, rustling silks giving way to mixed emotions. Gentle bubbles, elegant and attractive aroma of Chardonnay, taste of White Pinot without the body of black Pinot.During the”tirage” as they call in France the first step of the their method Champènois, which takes place six months after the grapes harvest, we use less sugar then in all other qualities of classic method; about 18 grams for a liter of new wine. The little bubbles that will develop in a natural way due to the presence of sugar, alcohol and yeast, are going to be tiny like pearls. The carbonic dioxide is going to be between 3 and 4 atmospheres; its long stay on the yeasts, more then 30 months, will refinish and refine the splendid result. From aperitif to dessert, with rich or complex food, delicious also with…chocolate. We introduced our Franciacorta Satèn with tango music and dance, thinking that is so appropriate for any magical and seducing time. Grapes Chardonnay 100% (blanc de blancs). Grapes Organoleptic examination Chardonnay 50% Pinot Noir vinified as rosè 30% Pinot Noir vinified as white 20% Colour: greenish yellow, with creamy froth and extremely fine and very thin gassiness (perlage). Organoleptic examination Bouquet: refined, rich in spicy notes. Colour: more or less intense rosé, depending on the year, well-defined froth and head, minute and persistent gassiness (pérlage). Taste: of soft and caressing grace; nothing but harmonic agreeableness. Thus benefiting from the 30 months of maturing. Bouquet: characteristic with delicate scent of yeast, at times fruity. Alcohol content: approximately 12.50 Vol. % Taste: sapid, fresh, fine and harmonic, excellent nose-palate correspondence, vigorous and shrewd consistency. Sugars: 6.5 g/l Alcohol content: approximately 12.50 Vol. % Freccianera Brut Vintage Sugars: from 6 g/l A Franciacorta that is well suited for long ageing on the lees and that has reached the peak of its evolution today, after seven years. It is celebrated by the expert hand of Franco Maria Ricci, publisher and designer, who created the label for this limited series of 7000 bottles by varying the original label created by himself back in 1977. Grapes: 50% Chardonnay, 35% Pinot Blanc and 15% Pino Noir Production method: Franciacorta method (re-fermentation in bottle) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 87 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 88 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Ageing on the lees for 48 months Organoleptic examination: Product Details Colour: straw yellow with golden hues, abundant froth, persistent and fine perlage. 02.06.01 Bouquet: balsamic and citrusy notes, with a lightly toasted scent. Taste: well balanced, mellow and sapid. SPUMANTE BRUT CHARDONNAY “Monblanc” Serving suggestions: The wine has to be served at a temperature of 8°C in transparent, thin glass glasses of good dimensions. The Freccianera can accompany all courses during a meal, except stews and game dishes. Alcohol content: 13,00% Sugars: 8gr/l Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin SPUMANTE BRUT CHARDONNAY “Monblanc” Grape varietal : 100% Chardonnay Area of origin : sparkling wine produced with the best Chardonnay grapes of the vineyard located in the wonderful hills of Canelli Bottle Size: 0,750 - 1,5 - 3,00 - 6,00 Soil type/Exposition : Calcareous marl with some lime and rich in microelements - South Azienda Agricola Ghione Anna Address Azienda Agricola Ghione Anna The sunlight exposure and the favourable microclimate make this sparkling wine intense and characteristic. Regione Bassano, 39 14053 Canelli Italy Height A.S.L. : 400 mt. Vine Training method : Guyot Percentage of Alcohol : 12,5% Vol. Phone +39 0141 823297 Fax +39 0141 823233 Internet address www.ghionewine.com Bouquet : Intense, delicate flowers bouquet also with fresh fruits notes. E-Mail info@ghionewine.com Taste : Full-bodied, well-balanced, smooth to the palate, with a light sweet note, good texture and final freshness sensation. Stand Hall 15, C19 (Page 994) Colour : pale yellow, brilliant reflections. Perlage : Fine and persistent pearling Harvest period : From 25 August to 5th September Product Overview 02.06.01 Azienda Agricola Ghione Anna Sparkling Winemaking Method: Martinotti Method (Charmat) Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Cellar condition : store in a cool dry place, shaded from the light Accompaniments : Excellent appetizer, from first courses to meat and fish main courses and with dessert. Great accompaniment for fresh dishes with a delicate structure such as seafood in general, tuna and legume salads, cold dishes and rice salads. Trendy wine, it goes well with all meals. Piemont © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Vinification : Traditionally hand-picking, pressed gently. White vinification. First fermentation occurs inside steel vats at controlled temperature, after selected yeasts are added. The wine becomes bubbly inside low-temperature pressure tanks. This process confers the wine its distinguishing characteristics. 89 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 90 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Serving Temperature : 6°-8°C. Azienda Agricola Mirabella S.r.l. Capacità : 0.75 Lt. Address Via Cantarane, 2 25050 Rodengo Saiano (BS) Italy Str. Bricco 12 14049 Nizza Monferrato (AT) Italy Phone +39 030 611197 Fax +39 030 611388 Phone +39 0141 701013 Internet address www.mirabellafranciacorta.it Fax +39 0141 726485 E-Mail info@mirabellafranciacorta.it Internet address www.lagironda.com Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) E-Mail info@lagironda.com Stand Hall 15, A42 (Page 994) Azienda Agricola La Gironda S.S. Address Product Overview Company News 01/19/2016 Azienda Agricola La Gironda S.S. Press release on the PRODUCT INFORMATION Lombardia 02.07.05 Franciacorta Product Details See Press Release on the PRODUCT INFORMATION 01/19/2016 Azienda Agricola Mirabella S.r.l. 02.07.05 Azienda Agricola Mirabella S.r.l. Franciacorta Mirabella Brut – Franciacorta D.O.C.G. Press release on the PRODUCT INFORMATION Grapes See Press Release on the PRODUCT INFORMATION Pinot Bianco 50% – Chardonnay 50% Wine-making Product Overview Azienda Agricola La Gironda S.S. Piemont 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH soft pneumatic pressing with very low yields (65%). Fermentation with selected yeasts at a controlled temperature of 18-2O °C in steel vats Bottling in the May after harvesting in classical champagne bottles. Re-fermentation and prise de mousse at I4-I6 °C to overprcssure of 6 atmosphere 91 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 92 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Refining minimum of 24 months on yeasts in botile, natural clearing in riddling racks and disgorgement at least 3 months before being marketed Product Overview Azienda Agricola Molino 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Piemont Additives 7 gr/lt of sugar Fragrance delicate notes of yeast and baked bread with a sophisticated Imitiness (golden apple and banana) Flavour Product Details 02.02.02 Azienda Agricola Molino Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Moscato D’Asti balanced with medium persistente and pleasant bitter aftertaste, perfect acidity Serving suggestions classical aperitif for all occasions. Ideal with simple seafood based dishes or served with flakes of Grana cheese Packing cartons with 3 and 6 0.75 litre bottles, wooden cases for largc sizes Azienda Agricola Molino Azienda Agricola Monte Cicogna Societa´Agricola Address Via Ausario, 5 12050 Treiso Italy Address Delle Vigne, 6 25080 Moniga del Garda (BS) Italy Phone +39 0173 638384 Phone +39 0365 503200 Fax +39 0173 638384 Fax +39 0365 503200 Internet address www.molinovini.com Internet address www.montecicogna.it E-Mail info@molinovini.com E-Mail montecicogna@tin.it Stand Hall 15, A51 (Page 994) Stand Hall 15, F02 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 93 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 94 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview Azienda Agricola Monte Cicogna Societa´Agricola Lombardia 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Details 02.07.09 Azienda Agricola Monte Cicogna Societa´Agricola Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin MONTE CICOGNA BRUT AZIENDA AGRICOLA MONTEGRANDE i Cristofanon Luigi e figli S.S. Address Via Torre, 2 35030 Rovolon (PD) Italy Phone +39 049 52262-76 Fax +39 049 52273-08 Internet address www.vinimontegrande.it E-Mail info@vinimontegrande.it Stand Hall 15, C37 (Page 994) GRAPES : Chardonnay 100 % ORIGIN : Vineyard “Fontane” in Moniga del Garda at an altitude of 140 meters. Soil is calcareous and clayey on the foothills. DESCRIPTION : Brut sparkling wine fermented in the bottle resting on the yeast for at least 36 months. In best vintages it is produced the best selection “millesimato”. TASTING : Very fine and persistent sparkle with the characteristic bouquet of “bread crust” . The taste is dry elegant and full bodied. SUGGESTED FOOD : Excellent as aperitif and along all the meal with every kind of food. TO be served at 6°C Product Overview AZIENDA AGRICOLA MONTEGRANDE i Cristofanon Luigi... 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Product Details 02.07.09 AZIENDA AGRICOLA MONTEGRANDE i Cristofanon Luigi... Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Fior d’Arancio Colli Euganei Fior d’Arancio D.O.C.G. When talking about Euganean Hills, the thought runs unconsciously to the Fior d’Arancio, the dessert sparkling wine par excellence in this territory. From the grapes of the yellow Muscat variety, a wine with a beautiful light golden colour emerges with dense mousse and refined persistent perlage. The aroma is typical of Muscat, intense but delicate, with clear reminiscent of wisteria, white flowers and citruses. In the mouth, it retrieves what the nose announced; it is pleasantly sweet and fresh. Served at 6° C in the classical cup, it is emphasized if accompanied with puff pastries, focacce, assorted biscuits and fruit tarts. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 95 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 96 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Prosecco Prosecco Spumante Brut Azienda Agricola RONCA di RONCA MASSIMO Varietal with probable origin in the Trieste Kras, in which there is a similar varietal known as Glera. There is also a village called Prosecco. In the Euganean Hills, it is named Serprina. A sparkling wine was born with vivid straw yellow colour, substantial mousse, and refined and persistent perlage. It has delicate and slightly aromatic fragrances, typical of the grape. In the mouth, it is fresh, fragrant, sapid and moderately dry. A classic wine for aperitifs, to be accompanied with canapés, vegetable-based starters, fish dishes and any kind of meal. To be served cooled at 8°C. Address Via Val di Sona 7 37066 Sommacampagna (VR) Italy Phone +39 045 8961641 Fax +39 045 8961654 Internet address www.cantinaronca.it E-Mail info@cantinaronca.it Stand Hall 16, E71 (Page 998) Serprino Serprino Spumante Extra Dry A typical Euganean vine and a noble descendent of the Prosecco family, Serprino is a straw-yellow colour with light green reflections which are accented in the glass by the minute bubbles generated from the Charmat process. A classic wine suitable for aperitifs, to accompany appetisers, vegetable based first dishes, fish and complete meals. Serve cool at 8°C. 02.02.02 Product Overview Azienda Agricola RONCA di RONCA MASSIMO Veneto 02.04 Sparkling wine Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Serprino Colli Euganei Serprino Frizzante It is assumed that the Prosecco varietal, of karstic origin with the name of Pucino, was the wine preferred by the Empress Livia (Roman Emperor Augustus’s wife) and it was led to Euganean Hills where it was named Serprino. From the grape with the same name, a sparkling, fresh and pleasantly aromatic wine emerges. The colour is straw yellow with greenish tinges; in the nose, the fruit is delicate with pleasant reminiscent of white flowers, white-meat fruits, pineapples. In the mouth, it has a soft and fresh structure that makes it an eclectic easy-to-drink wine. At 8°C, it is a classic for aperitifs, ideal for lean appetizers, light starters and fish dishes in general. Product Details 02.04 Azienda Agricola RONCA di RONCA MASSIMO Sparkling wine Bardolino Chiaretto Spumante Grape varieties Corvina, Rondinella Vineyard The training system is by Pergola and GDC; with a production of about 3,5 kg per plant. The vines are grown on the Moraine soils of the Garda Lake and the harvest is carried out exclusively by hand selection. Vinification Partial maceration of the grape skin with racking off after few hours from the be- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 97 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 98 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de ginning of fermentation and, in order to accentuate the fermented fruity aromas, the temperature is not allowed to go above 16° C. The wine is matured on the yeasts until the next spring. Then the wine goes through a re -fermentation in the bottle using selected yeasts Product Overview Azienda Agricola San Giuseppe Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Refinement Refinement for minimum 12 months resting in the cellar at a controlled temperature of 14°C. Remuage Product Details Manual on wood pupitres. 02.07.04 Organoleptic aspects CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE DOCG FRIZZANTE Delicate pink colour, with fine and persistent perlage. On the nose, a fragrance that recalls the original grapes and fruity aromas. It has an enjoyable acidity balanced by a great flavour and creaminess. Food matching It is ideal as an aperitif or perfect accompaniment to appetizers, pasta dishes, pizza and fish. Azienda Agricola San Giuseppe Prosecco Spumante Lightly bubbled ”Prosecco” is a light-bodied wine featuring fine perlage and with a vaguely aromatic fruity aroma. Served chilled it is an excellent aperitif and ideal with fish. CHARACTERISTICS: Demi-sec wine Serving temperature Total acidity: 5,5 gr/litre 8-10° C Maturation in stainless steel tanks for 6-12 months Keeps well for 2 years Blend: 100% Glera Azienda Agricola San Giuseppe Re-fermentation (Charmat method) in stainless steel pressure tanks for 30 days Address Phone Via Po, 10/A 31020 San Pietro di Feletto (TV) Italy Pressure 2.5 atm. Sugar content after re-fermentation: 17 gr/litre Colour: pale straw +39 0438 4505-26 Aroma: Persistent, fruity, floral Fax +39 0438 6516-64 Internet address www.aziendaagricolasangiuseppe.it E-Mail vini.sangiuseppe@libero.it Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) Flavour: delicate and persistent Vol. 11% © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 99 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 100 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de ROSÈ SPUMANTE ROSATO EXTRA DRY Azienda Vinicola Colferai S.r.l. This ”rosè” made from Pinot Noir grapes has a fine perlage, a delicate fragrance reminiscent of woodland fruits and a light body. Served cool it is an ideal aperitif, exxellent at any time of the day; it also goes well with desserts. Best at a temperature of 6-8°. Address Via Castelletto, 64 31010 Col S. Martino (TV) Italy CHARACTERISTICS: Phone +39 0438 898102 Fax +39 0438 989643 Internet address www.colferai.it E-Mail info@colferai.it Stand Hall 16, E20 (Page 998) A semi-dry wine Total acidity: 5,85 gr./litre Maturation in stainless steel tanks for 6-12 months Blend: 100% Pinot Noir Second fermentation in stainless steel pressurised tenks for approx. 45 days Pressure: 4.6 atm. Residual sugar after second fermentation: 18 gr/litre 11.8% Vol. Company News Azienda Vinicola Colferai S.r.l. Colour: livery pink Fragrance: small woodland fruits 01/29/2016 Flavour: delicate and well-balanced. Il nuovo Spumante Millesimato Ribolla Gialla Brut Ribolla Spumante Keeps for 2 years. Ottenuto dalla spremitura delle uve provenienti dai vigneti della Azienda Agricola Pecol Boin, a Spilimbergo (PN) Product Overview © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 101 Azienda Vinicola Colferai S.r.l. 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Veneto © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 102 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details Azienda Vinicola Colferai S.r.l. Product Overview 02.02.02 Azienda Vinicola Maccari srl Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Veneto 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Prosecco frizzante DOCG Az. Agr. MONCADER Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco Superiore versione Frizzante e Spumante extra dry Dalla vendemmia manuale nei ripidi pendii che sfiorano i 470 metri di altitudine del colle Moncader, prende vita questo Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco Superiore di alta quota nella versione Frizzante e Spumante extra dry. Product Details Fortemente caratterizzato dal terreno roccioso e dall’ambiente collinare in cui vegeta, esprime forti note di frutta matura e di fiori tipici del territorio. Di struttura importante, si accosta finemente a tutto ciò per cui brindiamo. Ci accompagna dal “benvenuto” all’ “arrivederci” avvolgendoci con suoi tipici sentori. GLERA del Veneto 02.06.01 Servire a 6-8° con chi preferite. Azienda Vinicola Maccari srl Address +39 0438 441248 Fax +39 0438 740992 Internet address www.maccarivini.it E-Mail info@maccarivini.it Stand Hall 16, C72 (Page 998) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin I.G.T. FRIZZANTE 11% vol. Semi-Sparkling white wine obtained by the ”Charmat Method”. Straw-yellow colour. Bright, fine and persistent perlage. Slender bouquet reminiscent of pear Williams, pleasant fruity flavour. Serving temperature, 7°C. Prosecco Vino tranquillo Via Generale Cantore 55 31020 Visnà di Vazzola (TV) Italy Phone Azienda Vinicola Maccari srl 11% Vol. Excellent still wine. Straw yellow colour. Fresh and fruity with scents of apple and ripe pear and white flowers hints. Smooth, harmonic, velvety flavour, with a medium-dry finish. Perfect choice with fish and seafood. Best served at 8-10°C. 103 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 104 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Centopercento Azienda Vinicola San Giovanni Snc Driven by the passion for our native grapes and inspired by the experience of Ceppo 326, we can finally fully express the sparkling wine potential of Groppello. For the first time in purity ever, the native grape of the Valtènesi area is vinified to produce a white wine and it is refermented in the bottle for 24 months in wine cellars in Raffa. This has given rise to the almost experimental Centopercento Classic Method. It is complete, vivid in its vibrant acidity and elegant. The Centopercento is our best interpretation of a Classic Method wine. Best served at 6°C, excellent as an appetizer, with lake white-fish risotto and fried food. Address Via Manzana, 4 31015 Conegliano (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 31598 Fax +39 0438 35300 Internet address www.aziendaagricolasangiovanni.it E-Mail vinisangiovanni@libero.it Stand Hall 16, C04 (Page 998) Product Overview Meotodo Classico Sparkling wine achieved from Turbiana grapes, grown on our San Benedetto vineyards. This wine referments in the bottle for at least 18 months. Soft effervescence, endowed with a tinge of tartness supporting a good composition and pulpy fruit. Ideally with appetizers, best served at 5-6 °C. Azienda Vinicola San Giovanni Snc 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.07.04 Lugana Brut Azienda Vitivinicola Giacometto Bruno Address Via Armando Diaz 69 10014 Caluso (TO) Italy Phone +39 0119 832898 Azienda Vinicola San Giovanni Snc Prosecco Spumante 326 Brut Rosè Fax Following ten-year experimentation conducted on several varieties of yeats, Pasini San Giovanni has managed to bring together in a balanced composition some yeats which ensure an important quality level with their special subtlety. The wine has made with Chardonnay and with the very local Groppello, obtained from the vinification of the red grapes without the skins. This is the origin of this spumante, fermented in bottle according to the “metodo classico” regulation; great elegance and balance, it is excellent as an aperitif and ideal for the whole meal. It should be served at a temperature of 5-6°C. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 105 Internet address www.giacometto.com E-Mail info@giacometto.com Stand Hall 15, A41 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 106 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de green apple and white peach. Product Overview Azienda Vitivinicola Giacometto Bruno Piemont The taste is fresh, tasty with a sapid vein that accompanies it. Soft, this wine is full-bodied, long and harmonious. Combinations: 02.06.01 Product Details 02.06.01 It’s great as an aperitif or with a meal paired with hors d’oeuvres and appetizers, pasta dishes (especially rice) and main dishes of fish, where Erbaluce di Caluso with its flavor and minerality counteracts the fatness. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Azienda Vitivinicola Giacometto Bruno Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Bacalhoa Vinhos de Portugal, S.A. Address E.N. 10 - Vila Nogueira de Azeitáo 2925-901 Azeitao Portugal I produce the Wine Erbaluce di Caluso or Caluso DOCG using the most modern techniques of the cold. When the Erbaluce grapes have a pH of 3 and acidity around 9, the grapes are harvested immediately and placed in boxes in cold storage for 4/5 days at a temperature of 3-4° C. This phase leads to the cold grape cryomaceration (from the Greek kryos, ”cold”). This process aims to produce a wine with fruity characteristics , as well as give them greater smoothness and longevity, while also allowing less use of sulfites. The cold grapes are pressed, the wort is floated for a first clarification before . The alcoholic fermentation is carried out at 13/ 14° C in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats which ensure a controlled fermentation to preserve and enhance the characteristics of the Erbaluce grapes, for the fermentation we use selected yeast. At the end of fermentation, after about a month, the wine is decanted , and left on the lees until bottling and periodically I do a battonage. Before bottling, wine is taken by the supervisory body ”Camera di Commercio di Torino” Chamber of Commerce in Turin carrying out audits chemical and organoleptic and provides an opinion of the lot. Depending on the vintage, the alcohol content of wine varies from 12% to 13.50% Vol with a pH of 3.3 and an acidity of 6. Phone +351 21 2198060 Fax +351 21 2198086 Internet address www.bacalhoa.com E-Mail info@bacalhoa.pt Stand Hall 10, D32-26 (Page 974) Erbaluce di Caluso or Caluso DOCG Wine Erbaluce di Caluso or Caluso DOCG Product Overview Bacalhoa Vinhos de Portugal, S.A. Alentejo Lisboa The aging in the bottle for a few years enhances the quality of minerality. Setúbal The service temperature is around 7-10° C. Wine is straw yellow in color with golden hues and greens, very limpid and crystalline. Vinho Regional Penísula de Setúbal From the fresh scent with a slight herbaceous note, clotted and mineral, this wine recalls the notes of sage, jasmine, acacia, in addition to the sweet scent of 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 107 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 108 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.06.01 Bacalhoa Vinhos de Portugal, S.A. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Balestri Valda Società Agricola Address Via Monti 44 37038 Soave Italy Phone +39 045 7675393 Fax +39 045 7681296 Internet address www.vinibalestrivalda.com E-Mail info@vinibalestrivalda.com Stand Hall 16, A60 (Page 998) Loridos Rose Bruto Sparkling Wine Situated in the heart of the Óbidos region and with a history linked to wine and sparkling wine production dating back to the XV Century, the Quinta dos Loridos estate is a unique place, where tranquillity and nature play a special role. In this region there is a very cool and humid climate as it is located near the Atlantic coast. 2012 was a year globally to very healthy grapes, with natural weeding done at the time of flowering, which reduced production. The Harvest occurred without rain. The base wine consists of 90% of red grape variety, Castelão and 10% Merlot. The Loridos Rosé 2012 is made by a softly pressing the grapes. The base is fermented in low temperatures guaranteeing the preservation of the finesse of the aromas that contribute to Merlot and Castelão. There is then a second fermentation using the classic method. The Loridos Rosé 2012 matured in the bottle for 2 years before “dégorgement”. Loridos Vintage Bruto Sparkling Wine 02.07.04 Balestri Valda Società Agricola Prosecco Spumante Product Details Situated in the heart of the Óbidos region and with a history linked to wine and sparkling wine production dating back to the XV Century, the Quinta dos Loridos estate is a unique place, where tranquillity and nature play a special role. In this region there is a very cool and humid climate as it is located near the Atlantic coast. 02.07.04 Balestri Valda Società Agricola Prosecco Spumante Amarone della Valpolicella Our version of the great red wine of Verona, which comes from the heart of the “Classico” production area. 2011 was globally a very healthy year for the grapes, with rain during flowering that lowered the fruit set and levels of production and a harvest with no rain. The base wine consists of 75% white wine of the red grape variety, Castelão (Blanc de Noir) and 25% white wine (Blanc de Blanc) with the white grape variety Arinto. The grapes fermented separately and wines basic allotment to the ”cuvée” and bottled the following spring by adding yeast and liqueur-de-tirage. The bottles aged in contact with yeasts (”sur lies”), then underwent a manual process known as (remuage) and finally the ”degorgement” without the addition of expedition liqueur, sparkling wine originating extra-brut. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Product Overview 109 Corvina and Rondinella masterfully dried give an elegant bouquet of red fruits and spices and a fruity and generous body on the palate. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 110 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Lunalonga Barcelona Brands S.L. An appealing Soave, born from long and skilful ageing in the bottle. Garganega and Trebbiano di Soave are harmoniously balanced, offering a warm coloured, fragrant and mellow wine. Address Carrer Joan Puig Mester 3,1-1a 08870 Sitges Spain Phone +34 198 2503 Recioto di Soave Fax Recioto is the wine of memories, a precious nectar that was offered to guests and used to sealed important events. Internet address www.holacava.com E-Mail hola@barcelonabrands.com Stand Hall 10, G81 (Page 974) Our interpretation was developed as a result of a long natural drying process which allows the Garganega grapes to enhance their rich characteristics: almond and apricot envelop the palate with moderate sweetness balanced by savoury mineral hints. Sengialta Vineyard Product Overview ”Sengio” in our dialect is a black stone of volcanic origin; this Soave is in fact the full expression of the vineyard from which it originates. 02.07.07 Well rounded, with pronounced mineral notes on the palate, it reveals a complex nose of tropical fruit and rock. Ideal for ageing. Cava Product Details 02.07.07 Barcelona Brands S.L. Cava Brut Soave classico A delicious cava combining the freshness of white fruit (grape and apple) with a toasted aroma. The cava is pleasant, complex, delicate and flavorful. It can be enjoyed at any moment. This is Soave according to Balestri Valda; unmistakable for its distinctive minerality, it fully expresses our terroir. Fresh, fruity and delightful. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Barcelona Brands S.L. 111 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 112 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Brut Nature Barone Pizzini s.a.p.a Its pure and natural, a non added sugar cava. Dry, expressive and persistent. Full and complex in the palate, elegant with a lovely structure. Fresh and very fruity, traditional aroma of green apple, pear and pineapple. Mature with notes of almond. Brut Nature Pink It’s a fruitier and dry cava with cherry colour and rubi tones. It has no sugar added but feels fresh, bright and lively in the mouth. Elegant aroma of flowers and strawberry and raspberry fruit. Complex, round and very feminine. Address Via San Carlo, 14 25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 9848311 Fax +39 030 9848323 Internet address www.baronepizzini.it E-Mail info@baronepizzini.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) Brut Pink Product Overview A creamier and fruitier brut cava, it has a pale strawberry color with violet notes and fine, long lasting bubbles. On the nose wild fruits stand out, with notes of strawberry and blackberry and a citrus Barone Pizzini s.a.p.a Lombardia 02.07.05 Franciacorta Product Details Extra Brut 02.07.05 It’s a low sugar cava that combines the fruitness and freshness of a brut cava with a light bitter end. Very pleasent in the palate due to the sweetness compensation. A round and complex cava with fine and delicate bubbles. Barone Pizzini s.a.p.a Franciacorta Animante Franciacorta DOCG Straw yellow in color, with notes of flowers, citrus, acacia honey, apricot and dried fruit. Since the end closure with savory creaminess. It represents the soul of Barone Pizzini because it embodies the living nature of its vineyards. It’s the crowning achievement of a long process of pionering renewal that led Barone Pizzini to become the first organic grower and winemaker in Franciacorta. Vintage N.V. Grapes Chardonnay 78%, Pinot noir 18%, Pinot blanc 4% Vinification gentle pressing, fermentation in temperature-controlled stainless © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 113 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 114 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de steel tanks Soil Type morainic enrich with glacial deposits. Ageing 6 months in stainless-steel tanks Training System Guyot Refinement 20-30 months on the lees Number Of Plants Per Hectare 6.000 Alcol 12% Production Per Hectare In Kg 8.000 – 8.500 Serving Suggestion As an appetizer with raw seafood or Culatello di Zibello, at the table with pasta, fish and white meats. Nature Franciacorta DOCG Edizione 2012 Serving Temperature 8° C – 10° C By planting cover crops and using green manure, we increase the vitality of the soil. As a result, the character and balance of this unique, singular vintage are expressed through the wine. Vineyards 25 vineyards in the municipalities of Provaglio d’Iseo, Passirano, Corte Franca, Adro. Soil Type Morainic enriched with glacial deposits Training System Guyot Number Of Plants Per Hectare 5.000 – 6.250 Production Per Hectare In Kg 9.000 – 9.500 Rigorous, earnest and with dense flavor, rich structure and healthy acidity. Part of the grapes comes from a higher elevation vineyard,Pian delle Viti, which was called Valle Sospesa or “Suspended Valley” in the Middle Ages. Its limestone-rich soil gives the wine a delicious mineral note. Its sparkle is Franciacorta in its purest expression. Vintage 2012 Bagnadore Franciacorta DOCG Pas Dosè Riserva Grapes Chardonnay 70%, Pinot noir 30% Vinification gentle pressing, fermentation in temperature-controlled stainlesssteel tanks and barrique. 1356 cases from Chardonnay and Pinot noir grapes. 60 months on its lees. Refinement 30 – 40 months. The grapes for this wine come from a single vineyard where the more than twenty-year-old vines enjoy the benefits of a climate mitigated by the surrounding woods. Healthy temperature variation between day and night gives the site rich biodiversity. This reserve wine is made only in small quantities and only in top vintages. Its production is held to the highest quality standards. Alcol 12% Serving Suggestion Ideal with shellfishes and sushi. Serving Temperature 8°C – 10°C Vintage 2008 Vineyards Pian delle Viti, Cioset, Roccolo, Clogna, Carabioli, Troso, Dosso, Ronchi, Prada, Gallo. Grapes Chardonnay 50%, Pinot noir 50% Soil Type morainic enriched with fluvioglacial deposits. Vinification gentle pressing, fermentation in temperature-controlled stainlesssteel tanks and barrique. Training System Guyot Ageing 6 months in stainless steel tank and barrique. Number Of Plants Per Hectare 5.000 – 6.250 Production Per Hectare In Kg 8.500 – 9.000 Refinement 60 – 70 monthsAlcol 12% Serving Suggestions Ideal with roasted fish, white meats, cheeses also matured. Serving Temperature 8°C – 10°C Vineyards Roccolo © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 115 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 116 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Rosé Franciacorta DOCG Edizione 2012 Vinification Gentle pressing, fermentation in temperature-controlled stainlesssteel tanks. By planting cover crops and using green manure, we increase the vitality of the soil. As a result, the character and balance of this unique, singular vintage are expressed through the wine. Ageing 6 months in stainless-steel tanks and barrique. Made from grapes grown in vineyards that lie on the edge of the woods, this sensual and idyllic expression of Pinot Noir is transformed into notes of underbrush, currant, and blueberry together with hints of rose petal in the glass. The structure and balance of this wine are interwoven in a lingering tension between its rich flavor and acidity. Alcol 12% Vintage 2012 Vineyards Roccolo, Clogna, Carabioli, Ronchi Grapes Pinot noir Soil Type Morainc enriched with glacial deposits Vinification gentle pressing, fermentation in temperature-controlled stainless steel tanks and barrique. Training System Guyot Ageing 6 months in stainless-steel tanks and barrique. Production Per Hectare In Kg 9.000 – 9.500 Refinement 30 – 40 months Serving Suggestions This wine matches all courses, from appetizers to white meats and cheeses. Serving Temperature 8° C – 10° C Numbero Of Plants Per Hectare 5.000 – 6.250 Refinement 30 – 40 months Alcol 12% Serving Suggestions Ideal with main courses, fish, white meats, cheeses and salami. BAVA S.p.A. Address Strada Monferrato 2 14023 Cocconato (AT) Italy Phone +39 0141 907083 Fax +39 0141 907085 Internet address www.bava.it E-Mail export@bava.com Stand Hall 15, B51 (Page 994) Serving Temperature 8°C – 10°C Vineyards Santella, Roncaglia, Gallo Soil Type morainic enriched with fluvioglacial deposits. Training System Guyot Number Of Plants Per Hectare 5.000 – 6.250 Production Per Hectare In Kg 9.000 – 9.500 Satén Franciacorta DOCG Edizione 2011 By planting cover crops and using green manure, we increase the vitality of the soil. As a result, the character and balance of this unique, singular vintage are expressed through the wine. Only the best Chardonnay grapes are used in this Satèn to achieve its silky and smooth character while leaving room for citrus notes and lingering minerality. It is a highly original wine in its category. Grapes Chardonnay © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 117 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 118 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview 02.06.01 BAVA S.p.A. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.06.01 Appellation: Piemonte DOC Grape / Origin: Pinot and Chardonnay Piemont Product Details Usually served as a chilled aperitif, it is perfect with a wide range of dishes. Vinification: Accurate vinification; slow, low-temperature foaming process. BAVA S.p.A. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Character / Tasting Notes: An intense aroma and rich taste do complement the sensation of freshness from the continuous, very fine perlage of this chic, wonderfully-dry sparkling wine. Asti docg All efforts are made in cellars in order to keep - and unveil even more - the fruity, delicate aroma of the grape. A very slow fermentation process takes place in steel vats at controlled temperature to get the very fine bubbles that are peculiar to this Asti’s. Bellenda S.r.l. Asti Cocchi is a balanced, sweet, low alcohol content sparkling wine, holding an immediately appreciable fragrance. Its aroma is rich and intense with a fruity taste of wisteria, acacia and honey. Bianc d’ Bianc Address Via Giardino, 90 31029 Carpesica di Vittorio Veneto (Tv) Italy Phone +39 0438 920025 Fax +39 0438 920025 Internet address www.bellenda.it E-Mail info@bellenda.it Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) Grapes / Origin Chardonnay, “early Burgundy” biotype. Vineyards 320 meters above sea level Vinification Presses are loaded with 4,500 kg grapes to get 2,450 liters of free-run Chardonnay wine. The first fermentation takes place in small steel vats for nearly three weeks. At the end of this process, the wine is chilled down to allow sediments to settle. The cuvée is made at the end of winter by incorporating the wines from the small vats, all coming from the same harvest. Foaming takes place in piled bottles and ends after aging in a dark, fresh place for 36 months. Company News During this period the special, valuable characters of this sparkling wine develop. The remuage and dégorgement processes are done by hand on wooden Ashaped racks (the so-called pupitres) with frozen disgorgement (dégorgement à la glace). 01/21/2016 Piemonte Brut doc ABOUT THE LIST Bellenda S.r.l. WINE SPECTATOR - 100 TOP LIST Dec. 31, 2015 TOP 100 LISTS Each year, Wine Spectator editors survey the wines reviewed over the previ- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 119 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 120 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de ous 12 months and select our Top 100, based on quality, value, availability and excitement. This annual list honors successful wineries, regions and vintages around the world. Sparkling The complex process for making sparkling wine, coupled with high demand, tends to translate into steep prices. Yet affordable sparklers are being made in diverse styles in both Old World and New World regions. France and Italy have long been associated with sparkling wine, but impressive versions from Washington, New Mexico and New Zealand may come as eye-openers. Product Overview Bellenda S.r.l. Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.07.04 Bellenda S.r.l. Prosecco Spumante 88 $14 BELLENDA Brut Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore San Fermo 2014 Così è Col Fondo Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdo Frizzan Italy Bright and tangy, with lively flavors of nectarine, kumquat, fresh ginger and steeped white cherry. Balanced and creamy. A Conegliano Valdobbiadene “as it was in the beginning,” interpreted by those living for generations among the Prosecco hills. 01/21/2016 WINE SPECTATOR - 100 TOP LIST Dec. 31, 2015 TOP 100 LISTS MILLESIMATO ORO PROSECCO TREVISO DOC EXTRA DRY ABOUT THE LIST A generous, richly-fruited bouquet boasting fragrant Golden Delicious apple, peach, and wisteria. Its full Each year, Wine Spectator editors survey the wines reviewed over the previous 12 months and select our Top 100, based on quality, value, availability and excitement. This annual list honors successful wineries, regions and vintages around the world. volume and firm structure make this Prosecco the perfect partner to fish and vegetable antipasti and first courses Sparkling The complex process for making sparkling wine, coupled with high demand, tends to translate into steep prices. Yet affordable sparklers are being made in diverse styles in both Old World and New World regions. France and Italy have long been associated with sparkling wine, but impressive versions from Washington, New Mexico and New Zealand may come as eye-openers. 88 $14 BELLENDA Brut Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore San Fermo 2014 Italy Bright and tangy, with lively flavors of nectarine, kumquat, fresh ginger and steeped white cherry. Balanced and creamy. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 121 Miraval Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdo DOCG Extra Dry The most-respected expression of Italy’s pre-eminent class of sparkling wine; clean-edged fruit and a magisterial balance between fragrances and crisp acidity, with Bellenda’s hallmark minerality and superb structure © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 122 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de S.C. 1931 Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdo DOCG Pas Dosé Benjamin Bridge Address 1842 White Rock Road B4P2R1 Gaspereau Valley, Nova Scotia Canada Phone +1 902 542-1560 Fax +1 902 542-1667 San Fermo Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdo DOCG Brut Internet address www.benjaminbridge.com Bellenda’s most well-known Prosecco Superiore. Our first wine, an amalgam of brisk bead, fearless froth, E-Mail wines@benjaminbridge.com Stand Hall 09, D48 (Page 972) The first Prosecco Superiore made by the Classic Method. A courageous leap into history, by reinterpreting fermentation of the glera grape in a modern key. Historically, Prosecco was fermented in the bottle, until the establishment of the Martinotti Method in the 1920s. For over ten years now, our Classic Method has brought Prosecco Superiore into a new world. and ethereal explosions of tiny, dry bubbles. Company News SEI UNO Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdobbiaden DOCG Brut 02/03/2016 Abandoning the model of secondary fermentation in pressure tanks, with Sei Uno we return to the more Benjamin Bridge CANADA’S MOST ACCLAIMED SPARKLING WINE HOUSE RECEIVES HIGH PRAISE FROM TOP AMERICAN WINE WRITER ALDER YARROW. Wednesday, January 20, 2016 (Gaspereau Valley, Nova Scotia) – Benjamin Bridge is delighted to announce new international recognition for its sparkling wine program. San Francisco based wine writer, Alder Yarrow, founder of the highly influential Vinography.com, a goto for wine enthusiasts and professionals throughout the wine world, highlighted Benjamin Bridge in his holiday blog on sparkling wine, stating it to be ”among North America’s most ambitious and serious winery ventures I’ve had the pleasure of encountering in years.” traditional method of a second fermentation in the bottle, with disgorging after 6-8 months and further ageing in the cellar for another 4-6 months. In addition to his Vinography.com blog, Mr. Yarrow is the author of several acclaimed wine books, including ”The Essence of Wine”, and is the North American columnist for famed British wine writer Jancis Robinson OBE, MW, publishing under ”Alder on America” (Jancisrobinson.com). In his blog, Mr. Yarrow highlights the international quality of Benjamin Bridge sparklings: © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 123 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 124 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de The most notable wines this week were a remarkable trio whose very existence deserves respect, regardless of their quality, which happens to be astounding....Established in the far reaches of Nova Scotia, these folks are making serious wines in the most marginal of conditions, with a dedication that is astounding....Well let’s just say that those who have claimed these to be the best sparkling wines made in Canada couldn’t possibly be wrong, as these wines can easily hold their own with the best of California and Champagne. Benjamin Bridge Head Winemaker, Jean-Benoit Deslauriers, explains the importance of this recognition to its winemaking objectives: Alder Yarrow’s endorsement of our wine program is a really meaningful step for not only the growth of our winery, but also the Nova Scotia wine region as a whole. It is the recognition of key influencers like Mr. Yarrow that has the potential to place us on the international wine map. If Benjamin Bridge’s founding principle was to create international caliber sparkling wines by relying upon our unique micro climate, this international validation fuels our ambitions to even loftier heights. Mr. Yarrow’s column went on to review three Benjamin Bridge sparkling wines scoring them all an amazing 9 to 9.5 out of 10, including its 2008 Brut Reserve. In late 2015, Benjamin Bridge released the follow up to this 2008 vintage, the 2009 Brut Reserve ($74.50), a cellar keeper available exclusively from the winery. It also released its first non-vintage sparkling, the Benjamin Bridge NV ($27.95), to overwhelming demand. The non-vintage draws upon the winery’s library of wines spanning nearly 15 years, including blending components from its inaugural 2002 vintage. Available on-line through Benjamin Bridge, through NSLC stores and private wine stores in Nova Scotia, NLC stores in Newfoundland, and ANBL stores in New Brunswick, while supply lasts. ABOUT BENJAMIN BRIDGE • Since 1999 the McConnell Gordon family has been working with a team of international winemakers to produce world-class sparkling wines and premium table wines in the picturesque Gaspereau Valley of Nova Scotia, Canada. • In 2000, lead wine consultant, Peter J. Gamble, recommended Benjamin Bridge experiment with the potential to produce traditional method sparkling wine. Upon the recommendation of Peter and the world’s leading Champagne authority, Tom Stevenson, Benjamin Bridge invited Raphaël Brisbois, former chef de cave of Piper-Heidsieck, to visit Benjamin Bridge to make an assessment. After tasting tremendous potential, Raphaël agreed to consult. • In 2002, Benjamin Bridge produced several cuvées, becoming Nova Scotia’s first producer of traditional method sparkling, and commenced a vigorous programme of planting the classic Champagne grape varieties of Pinot Noir, Pinot © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 125 Meunier and Chardonnay on its organic estate vineyard. • In 2008 winemaker Jean-Benoit Deslauriers joined Benjamin Bridge’s winemaking team and, together with Peter and Raphaël, has crafted the sparklings, and also its signature white wine Nova 7 – widely referenced as Nova Scotia’s ”iconic wine.” • Nova 7 is a lightly sparkling, off-dry white produced by Benjamin Bridge, acknowledged by critics from coast to coast, as the maker of Canada’s finest sparkling wines. Made from 100% Nova Scotia grapes, Nova 7 is a proprietary blend of signature aromatic white grapes, highlighting select Muscat varieties, to create an unparalleled freshness, brightness and minerality. -3002/03/2016 CANADA’S MOST ACCLAIMED SPARKLING WINE HOUSE RECEIVES HIGH PRAISE FROM TOP AMERICAN WINE WRITER ALDER YARROW. Wednesday, January 20, 2016 (Gaspereau Valley, Nova Scotia) – Benjamin Bridge is delighted to announce new international recognition for its sparkling wine program. San Francisco based wine writer, Alder Yarrow, founder of the highly influential Vinography.com, a go-to for wine enthusiasts and professionals throughout the wine world, highlighted Benjamin Bridge in his holiday blog on sparkling wine, stating it to be ”among North America’s most ambitious and serious winery ventures I’ve had the pleasure of encountering in years.” In addition to his Vinography.com blog, Mr. Yarrow is the author of several acclaimed wine books, including ”The Essence of Wine”, and is the North American columnist for famed British wine writer Jancis Robinson OBE, MW, publishing under ”Alder on America” (Jancisrobinson.com). In his blog, Mr. Yarrow highlights the international quality of Benjamin Bridge sparklings: The most notable wines this week were a remarkable trio whose very existence deserves respect, regardless of their quality, which happens to be astounding....Established in the far reaches of Nova Scotia, these folks are making serious wines in the most marginal of conditions, with a dedication that is astounding....Well let’s just say that those who have claimed these to be the best sparkling wines made in Canada couldn’t possibly be wrong, as these wines can easily hold their own with the best of California and Champagne. Benjamin Bridge Head Winemaker, Jean-Benoit Deslauriers, explains the importance of this recognition to its winemaking objectives: Alder Yarrow’s endorsement of our wine program is a really meaningful step © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 126 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de for not only the growth of our winery, but also the Nova Scotia wine region as a whole. It is the recognition of key influencers like Mr. Yarrow that has the potential to place us on the international wine map. If Benjamin Bridge’s founding principle was to create international caliber sparkling wines by relying upon our unique micro climate, this international validation fuels our ambitions to even loftier heights. Mr. Yarrow’s column went on to review three Benjamin Bridge sparkling wines scoring them all an amazing 9 to 9.5 out of 10, including its 2008 Brut Reserve. In late 2015, Benjamin Bridge released the follow up to this 2008 vintage, the 2009 Brut Reserve ($74.50), a cellar keeper available exclusively from the winery. It also released its first non-vintage sparkling, the Benjamin Bridge NV ($27.95), to overwhelming demand. The non-vintage draws upon the winery’s library of wines spanning nearly 15 years, including blending components from its inaugural 2002 vintage. Available on-line through Benjamin Bridge, through NSLC stores and private wine stores in Nova Scotia, NLC stores in Newfoundland, and ANBL stores in New Brunswick, while supply lasts. ABOUT BENJAMIN BRIDGE • Since 1999 the McConnell Gordon family has been working with a team of international winemakers to produce world-class sparkling wines and premium table wines in the picturesque Gaspereau Valley of Nova Scotia, Canada. • In 2000, lead wine consultant, Peter J. Gamble, recommended Benjamin Bridge experiment with the potential to produce traditional method sparkling wine. Upon the recommendation of Peter and the world’s leading Champagne authority, Tom Stevenson, Benjamin Bridge invited Raphaël Brisbois, former chef de cave of Piper-Heidsieck, to visit Benjamin Bridge to make an assessment. After tasting tremendous potential, Raphaël agreed to consult. • In 2002, Benjamin Bridge produced several cuvées, becoming Nova Scotia’s first producer of traditional method sparkling, and commenced a vigorous programme of planting the classic Champagne grape varieties of Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay on its organic estate vineyard. • In 2008 winemaker Jean-Benoit Deslauriers joined Benjamin Bridge’s winemaking team and, together with Peter and Raphaël, has crafted the sparklings, and also its signature white wine Nova 7 – widely referenced as Nova Scotia’s ”iconic wine.” • Nova 7 is a lightly sparkling, off-dry white produced by Benjamin Bridge, acknowledged by critics from coast to coast, as the maker of Canada’s finest sparkling wines. Made from 100% Nova Scotia grapes, Nova 7 is a proprietary blend of signature aromatic white grapes, highlighting select Muscat varieties, to create an unparalleled freshness, brightness and minerality. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 127 -30- Product Overview Benjamin Bridge Annapolis Valley 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Details 02.02.02 Benjamin Bridge Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Nova 7 A true original, Nova 7 is inspired by the European tradition of lightly sparkling, off-dry wines. Yet, it uniquely captures the natural strengths of our terroir - brightness, floral aromatics, and minerality - a combination you simply don’t find in other wine regions of the world. Made from 100% Nova Scotia grapes, Nova 7 relies upon a proprietary blend of signature aromatic whites, highlighting select Muscat varieties, to create its unparalleled tasting experience. Thanks to our local grape-growing partners, who are committed to expressing the freshness and distinctiveness of our maritime climate, the result is another standout vintage. Winemaker’s Tasting Note: “In the glass, a pale rose colour with a coral hue. On the nose, floral suggestions of white rose, water lilies and orange blossom are complicated by hints of lychee. On the palate, notes of ruby red grapefruit, blood orange and star fruit emerge from this harmonious wine. An elegant display of density and substance with great aromatic complexity and quintessential brightness.” Technical Specifications: Harvest date: 5 September - 30 October 2014 Alcohol: 8 % TA: 7.5 G/L © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 128 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de pH: 3.15 six tonnes per acre. RS: 80 G/L Winemaker’s Tasting Note: In the glass, light gold with a subtle rose hue. On the nose, youthful notes of juicy peaches are complicated by aromas of sea breeze and maritime minerals. On the palate, the wine reveals clarity and focus with hints of ripe cranberries and a fleur de sel-like minerality. Asian spices and more mineral notes resonate throughout a deep, persistent finish. Brix (average at harvest) 18° 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Benjamin Bridge Méthode Classique Brut With more than a decade’s experience pioneering Méthode Classique sparkling wine in the Gaspereau Valley, we are confident in calling the 2008 vintage a standout. While the long growing season was cool, the regulating effects of the Bay of Fundy allowed for moderate and, slowly acquired, grape ripeness. The resulting vintage is one of impressive freshness and remarkable phenolic maturity. Benjamin Bridge is situated in one of the extremely rare grapegrowing regions of the world that has a growing season remarkably similar to Champagne, France. This is critical in enabling it to produce great classic method sparkling wines at the highest – cuvée prestige – level. In fact, Benjamin Bridge was the first Canadian winery to focus its production on the tradition of prestige cuvée Champagnes, wines that are typically aged six or more years prior to release. Varietal composition: 42% L’Acadie, 40% Seyval, 10% Pinot Noir, 8% Chardonnay Vineyard composition: 100% Benjamin Bridge Estate In comparison to the vast majority of the world’s great wine regions, the Gaspereau Valley is relatively northerly like Champagne. Its extraordinarily cool growing season permits the classic Champagne varieties of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier to ripen to phenolic maturity, while maintaining the low natural sugar levels and inherent high acidities that are critical to the style and structure of the very finest Champagnes. These extremely special wines from the north of France have been the paradigm of great sparklings for well over a century for very good reason - their vibrant yet delicate nature simply cannot be accomplished in the warmer, drier viticultural regions that dominate international winemaking endeavours. Similarly, the Gaspereau Valley is an ideal site for Benjamin Bridge’s vibrant classic sparklings as it is influenced by the coastal effects of the Bay of Fundy, preventing very high temperatures, and moderateing the sun’s rays with rains and higher humidity levels. Contributing further to our sparkling quest are two factors that we believe make particularly important contributions to our wines. The first is an elongated growing season that allows us to hang the grapes until as late as mid-November, and still arrive at classic sparkling maturity levels. The grapes benefit from gentle ripening over a greatly extended period, developing (and never burning off) the brisk acidities and delicate aromatics that have defined the style. The second is the extraordinarily low cropping levels of the estate - a costly advantage in terms of the expense of making the Benjamin Bridge wines - yet low grape yields are universally acknowledged as a key determinant of a wine’s overall quality – increasing a wine’s flavours, texture and length. The Benjamin Bridge vineyard harvests an average of less than one tonne of grapes per acre whereas in Champagne it is not uncommon for even famous producers to harvest nearly © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 129 Harvest dates: October 2008 (hand harvested) Alcohol: 11.0% TA: 10.8 G/L pH: 3.04 Brix (average at harvest): 17.9º Bottling date: June 2009 Aging: 4 years on lees Recommended drinking: 2014-2017 Benjamin Bridge Methode Classique Brut Reserve Benjamin Bridge is situated in one of the extremely rare grapegrowing regions of the world that has a growing season remarkably similar to Champagne, France. This is critical in enabling it to produce great classic method sparkling wines at the highest – cuvée prestige – level. In fact, Benjamin Bridge was the first Canadian winery to focus its production on the tradition of prestige cuvée Champagnes, wines that are typically aged six or more years prior to release. In comparison to the vast majority of the world’s great wine regions, the Gaspereau Valley is relatively northerly like Champagne. Its extraordinarily cool growing season permits the classic Champagne varieties of Chardonnay, Pinot © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 130 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Noir and Pinot Meunier to ripen to phenolic maturity, while maintaining the low natural sugar levels and inherent high acidities that are critical to the style and structure of the very finest Champagnes. These extremely special wines from the north of France have been the paradigm of great sparklings for well over a century for very good reason - their vibrant yet delicate nature simply cannot be accomplished in the warmer, drier viticultural regions that dominate international winemaking endeavours. Similarly, the Gaspereau Valley is an ideal site for Benjamin Bridge’s vibrant classic sparklings as it is influenced by the coastal effects of the Bay of Fundy, preventing very high temperatures, and moderateing the sun’s rays with rains and higher humidity levels. Contributing further to our sparkling quest are two factors that we believe make particularly important contributions to our wines. The first is an elongated growing season that allows us to hang the grapes until as late as mid-November, and still arrive at classic sparkling maturity levels. The grapes benefit from gentle ripening over a greatly extended period, developing (and never burning off) the brisk acidities and delicate aromatics that have defined the style. The second is the extraordinarily low cropping levels of the estate - a costly advantage in terms of the expense of making the Benjamin Bridge wines - yet low grape yields are universally acknowledged as a key determinant of a wine’s overall quality – increasing a wine’s flavours, texture and length. The Benjamin Bridge vineyard harvests an average of less than one tonne of grapes per acre whereas in Champagne it is not uncommon for even famous producers to harvest nearly six tonnes per acre. Winemaker’s Tasting Note: In the glass, a vibrant yellow gold colour. On the nose, suggestions of lemon rind and minerals abound. On the palate, vibrant and expressive notes of sweet Devonshire cream and baked green apples lead to an enticing rich finish. The finesse and creaminess of the wine’s effervescence is both mouth coating and persistent. A definitive cellar keeper with 20+ years of aging potential. When legendary Champagne oenologist Raphaël Brisbois passed away in 2013, he left behind a legacy at Benjamin Bridge. From the moment his name was suggested by world-renowned sparkling wine critic, Tom Stevenson, to his more than a decade of blending and winemaking exploration at Benjamin Bridge, Brisbois’ expertise and influence can be tasted in every sparkling bottle. Yet, it is the 2008 Brut Reserve that captured Brisbois’ attention like no other wine and achieved his highest rating in tasting trials. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Varietal composition: 61% Chardonnay, 39% Pinot Noir Vineyard composition: 100% Benjamin Bridge Estate Harvest dates: October 2008 (hand harvested) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 131 Alcohol: 11.5% TA: 10.5 G/L pH: 3.01 Brix (average at harvest): 18.2º Bottling date: June 2009 Aging: 5 years on lees Recommended drinking: 2018-2030 Benjamin Bridge Methode Classique Rosé Benjamin Bridge is situated in one of the extremely rare grapegrowing regions of the world that has a growing season remarkably similar to Champagne, France. This is critical in enabling it to produce great classic method sparkling wines at the highest – cuvée prestige – level. In fact, Benjamin Bridge was the first Canadian winery to focus its production on the tradition of prestige cuvée Champagnes, wines that are typically aged six or more years prior to release. In comparison to the vast majority of the world’s great wine regions, the Gaspereau Valley is relatively northerly like Champagne. Its extraordinarily cool growing season permits the classic Champagne varieties of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier to ripen to phenolic maturity, while maintaining the low natural sugar levels and inherent high acidities that are critical to the style and structure of the very finest Champagnes. These extremely special wines from the north of France have been the paradigm of great sparklings for well over a century for very good reason - their vibrant yet delicate nature simply cannot be accomplished in the warmer, drier viticultural regions that dominate international winemaking endeavours. Similarly, the Gaspereau Valley is an ideal site for Benjamin Bridge’s vibrant classic sparklings as it is influenced by the coastal effects of the Bay of Fundy, preventing very high temperatures, and moderateing the sun’s rays with rains and higher humidity levels. Contributing further to our sparkling quest are two factors that we believe make particularly important contributions to our wines. The first is an elongated growing season that allows us to hang the grapes until as late as mid-November, and still arrive at classic sparkling maturity levels. The grapes benefit from gentle ripening over a greatly extended period, developing (and never burning off) the brisk acidities and delicate aromatics that have defined the style. The second is the extraordinarily low cropping levels of the estate - a costly advantage © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 132 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de in terms of the expense of making the Benjamin Bridge wines - yet low grape yields are universally acknowledged as a key determinant of a wine’s overall quality – increasing a wine’s flavours, texture and length. The Benjamin Bridge vineyard harvests an average of less than one tonne of grapes per acre whereas in Champagne it is not uncommon for even famous producers to harvest nearly six tonnes per acre. Bera Azienda Agricola di Bera Valter Address Loc. Castellero, 12 12050 Neviglie Italy Phone +39 0173 630194 Fax +39 0173 630956 Internet address www.bera.it Not only do sparkling rosés add merriment to any occasion when sipped as an apéritif, they define versatility — pairing beautifully with pork tenderloin, duck, lobster, or Mediterranean-inspired dishes. This is a sparkling designed to enjoy. E-Mail info@bera.it Varietal composition: 43% Pinot Meunier, 42% Pinot Noir, 15% Chardonnay Stand Hall 15, A41 (Page 994) Winemaker’s Tasting Note: Light rose colour with a pale ruby hue. On the nose, hints of wild strawberry and raw cinnamon combine with a range of toastiness from grilled bread to soft ember aromas. The palate displays the wine’s intensity with dynamic effervescence and a structured richness. The elevated concentration complements the wine’s elegance, as freshness and earthy cherry notes keep the wine in a state of balanced harmony. Vineyard composition: Benjamin Bridge Estate, Bear River Vineyard, One Ten Vineyard Product Overview Bera Azienda Agricola di Bera Valter Harvest dates: October 2011 (hand harvested) Alcohol: 11.5% TA: 10.9 G/L 02.04 Sparkling wine Piemont pH: 3.01 Brix (average at harvest): 18º Product Details Bottling date: July 2012 02.04 Aging: 3 years on lees Bera Azienda Agricola di Bera Valter Sparkling wine BERA BRUT METODO CLASSICO ALTA LANGA DOC Recommended drinking: 2015-2018 L’eleganza di un grande metodo classico che rimane ben 4 anni sui lieviti, esalta le uve Pinot Nero e Chardonnay coltivate sulle colline di Langa. La lunga permanenza sulle fecce lascia note di crosta di pane in un bouquet complesso, ampio e persistente. Gradevolmente secco, lungo, sapido, rallegra il bicchiere con un perlage finissimo e persistente. Vino da aperitivo e da tutto pasto. Descrizione Tecnica Composizione terreno: terreno in prevalenza argilloso. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 133 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 134 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Densità Ceppi: circa 4800 ceppi per ettaro. l’azione solare su foglie e grappoli Tipo di allevamento: Gouyot. Composizione terreno: Argillo-tufaceo ricco di calcare, che dona finezza e aromaticità dei vini, molto importante per questo vitigno. Vendemmia: fine agosto/ inizio settembre. Le uve sono raccolte in cassette e pressate direttamente con spremitura soffice. Densità Ceppi: circa 4500 ceppi per ha. Vinificazione: Il mosto viene fatto fermentare parte in acciaio. Nella primavera successiva si prepara il vino base per la rifermentazione in bottiglia con l’aggiunta di lieviti selezionati e zucchero per la presa di spuma. Si imbottiglia e le bottiglie vengono poi messe in luogo fresco dove avverrà la rifermentazione e la presa di spuma; successivamente vengono lasciate a riposo sui lieviti per almeno 4 anni, dopodiché vengono trasferite sulle pupitres dove verranno girate secondo tradizionale processo per circa 30/40 giorni al fine di ottenere l’illimpidimento dello spumante e la separazione del naturale sedimento sul tappo delle bottiglie. Verrà poi sboccato (”degorgement”) e ritappato. Tipo di allevamento: Pianta bassa con guyot semplice, tendente a portare verso l’alto la parte fogliare, onde scoprire i grappoli all’azione solare e favorire la fotosintesi sulle foglie. Vengono lasciate al massimo 8/9 gemme a frutto. Scheda organolettica Colore: Giallo paglierino più o meno carico, con fine e persistente perlage. Denominazione: ALTA LANGA DOC. Profumo: Aroma ricco, intenso e fragrante dell’uva moscato che ricorda il glicine, la pesca, l’albicocca con sentori di salvia, limone e fiori d’arancio. Vitigno: chardonnay e pinot nero. Vendemmia: 1a o 2a decade di settembre. Raccolta manuale Scheda organolettica Denominazione: Moscato d’Asti D.O.C.G. Vitigno: Moscato . Gusto: Sapore dolce, delicato, fresco con moderato tenore alcolico. Colore: Giallo non troppo carico. Perlage: fine e persistente. Profumo: la crosta di pane e il lievito si sommano ai profumi primari dello chardonnay attenuati dall’invecchiamento e dalla rifermentazione. Gusto: Fine, delicato, intenso; si sente la corposità del pinot insieme alla maggior delicatezza e acidità dello chardonnay. Abbinamenti gastronomici: ideale per aperitivi, e il tutto pasto. Abbinamenti gastronomici: Da servire fresco, col dessert, con pasticceria varia, come dissetante in qualsiasi momento della giornata. La bassa gradazione può riunire in un brindisi festoso l’ intera tavolata. Scheda Analitica Gradazione alcolica: 5 % vol. Zucchero: 130 g/l. Acidità totale: 6.0 /l. Scheda Analitica Pressione: 2.0 atm. Gradazione alcolica: 12,5 % vol. SU REIMOND MOSCATO D’ASTI DOCG Questo vino è un Moscato, complesso e strutturato, prodotto con uve provenienti da vigneti vocati. Gli aromi intensi e fragranti che sanno di glicine e di pesca, di salvia e di limone, durano a lungo nel tempo e valorizzano il sapore dolce, fresco e delicato, stimolante per il fine perlage. Vino da meditazione, si accompagna ad ogni tipo di dolce. Descrizione Tecnica Esposizione vigneti: Esposizione con orientamento filari che permette di sfruttare © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 135 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 136 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de BERNARD S.R.L. Address ML. 750 Trav. A. Rubino-Cond. Varducci 254 84078 Vallo Della Lucania Italy PROSECCO D.O.C. Vitigno: Prosecco Phone +39 0335 6566815 Zona: Colli Trevigiani (Treviso) Internet address www.mdbernard.it Caratteristiche: Vino spumante ottenuto dall’esclusiva selezione di uve Prosecco. Presenta colore giallo paglierino scarico, perlage fine e persistente, bouquet ricco e fragrante; sapore asciutto, con piacevole fondo amarognolo. E-Mail amministrazione@mdbernard.it Gastronomia: Ottimo aperitivo, freschezze e fruttato lo suggeriscono come vino de tutto pesto. Stand Hall 16, B45 (Page 998) Fax Servire a 6/8° C. Alc. 11% vol. ML. 750 Product Overview BERNARD S.R.L. 02.03 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Veneto Product Details 02.03 Bernard-Massard Sektkellerei GmbH Address Jakobstr. 8 54290 Trier Germany Phone +49 651 7196-0 Fax +49 651 7196-312 Internet address www.bernard-massard.de E-Mail info@bernard-massard.de Stand Hall 12, D30 (Page 982) BERNARD S.R.L. Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide CUVE’E I.G.T. Vitigno: Prosecco e Manzoni Zona: Marca Trevigiana (Treviso) Caratteristiche: Vino di raffinata eleganza, dal colore giallo paglierino brillante, con perlage fine e persistente, profumo delicato e gradevole, sapore fragrante, piacevolmente strutturato, equilibrato e fresco, con buona persistenza aromatica. Gastronomia: Ottimo fuori pasto e come aperitivo. Servire a 6/8° C. Alc. 11% vol. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 137 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 138 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Bertha Group Josep Torres Sibill, S.L. Product Overview Bernard-Massard Sektkellerei GmbH 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.06.01 Bernard-Massard Sektkellerei GmbH Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Address Laverno, 14 08770 Sant Sadurni d’Anoia (Barcelona) Spain Phone +34 93 8911091, 8267089 Fax Internet address www.bertha-group.com Bernard-Massard Sekt E-Mail mer@cavabertha.com, wentas.j@wentas.com Die Bernard-Massard Spitzen-Cuvées werden nach der Flaschengär-Methode hergestellt. Bei diesem aufwändigen Verfahren wird der Sekt in der Flasche vergoren und reift mind. 9 Monate in den Gewölbekellern des Palais Pillishof. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst von dem besonders feinen Mousseux! Stand Hall 10, H151 (Page 974) Product Overview Bertha Group Josep Torres Sibill, S.L. Cava Chacoli de Vizcaya Bizkaiko Txakolina Priorat Dieser Flaschengärsekt ist in 3 Geschmacksrichtungen Brut, Trocken und Halbtrocken erhältlich. Ausstattung mit individuellen Etiketten möglich! Rías Baixas Bernard-Massard Crémant Ribera del Duero Seit einigen Jahren ist die Erzeugung von ”Crémant” auch in Deutschland möglich. Der als klassische Flaschengärung hergestellte ”Crémant Mosel Riesling - Brut” zählt zu den Top-Cuvée der Sektkellerei Bernard-Massard. Terra Alta 02.07.07 Cava Riesling, Chardonnay, Weißburgunder ... Traditonell wurden regionale Rieslingweine nach der Flaschengär-Methode versektet, nicht weniger interessant sind aber die ’moderneren’ rebsortenreinen Cuvées aus Chardonnay, Weißburgunder und Elbling Weinen. Diamant Imperial Product Details 02.07.07 Bertha Group Josep Torres Sibill, S.L. Cava BERTHA BRUT 1989 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 139 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 140 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de BERTHA BRUT NATURE GRAN RESERVA CARDUS Bertha cava Brut 1989 is a fresh, aromatic and lively product. We add only 8 grams per litre of liqueur d’expedition to Brut. The liqueur d’expedition is a totally natural liquor, made with wine and sugar, and its only task is to sweeten the product. We do not add any aged or mellow wine, neither any kind of Brandy. Our Brut 1989 is made of Macabeo, Xarel·lo and Parellada. It offers very pleasant aromatic flavours that relate to different types of fruit. These are the primary aromas that come from the grape itself, it has a complex, warm mouth feel with a very mild amount of carbon dioxide and a subtle entry. Cava Bertha’s Brut 1989 requires a minimum of 12 months maturation. VINTAGE: 2012 Bertha Gran Reserva is a very special cava, starting with the minimum maturation in bottle of 30 months. The grape varietals used for its production are Macabeo, Xarel·lo and Parellada, a tribute to our local grape varietals. Undergoing a very long maturation, the different varietals manifest themselves in their maximum expression, offering all their potential of the correct evolution in bottle. It has a great aromatic complexity. It has mature fruit, thanks to the long maturation, and dried fruit fragrance as well as a warm, balanced and very complex mouth feel. Creaminess, lactic flavours and a long aftertaste with smoked products flavours. Visually, it offers its golden yellow shade and slow and harmonious bubbles. VINTAGE: 2009 BERTHA BRUT LOUNGE BERTHA BRUT NATURE RESERVA Those who opt for Cava Bertha Lounge, will taste young wine which has gone through only 9 to 13 months of maturation. It is this youthfulness that provides its most appreciated values - it is fresh, fruity, aromatic and with prevailing primary aromas of the grape itself. The grape varietals chosen for its elaboration are Xarel·lo and Parellada. Cava Bertha Lounge is a special cava with contemporary touches. A different glass adapted to our times. Easy to drink and perfect to experiment with, it defines the person as well the meal which it is served with. Bertha Brut Nature Reserva is guaranteed to have between 15 and 24 months of maturation. The grape varietals used to make this cava are Macabeo, Parellada and Xarel·lo. The aromas are very varied, offering the opportunity to notice flavours of fruit, confectionary, flowers and vegetables. It offers light lactic mouth feel, a taste of fresh yeast and above all, a very subtle and well- integrated carbon dioxide. Without any doubt, Brut Nature Reserva is one of our best products as well as one of the best cavas in the market for its quality- price relation. VINATGE: 2013 VINTAGE: 2011 BERTHA BRUT LOUNGE ROSE BERTHA MAX GRAN RESERVA Bertha Lounge Rosé is a young cava who has a great coupage of five kind of grapes blending red and white grapes. It�s a cava fresh, young funny the notes of red fruits in the nose is combine with some aromatic herbs, elegant and intense in the mouth and always with a perfect well balance. Max Gran Reserva is one of our cavas with the most aromatic complexity. It contains 40% of Chardonnay fermented in cask, 50% of the Macabeo, Xarel·lo and Parellada blend and the rest is Pinot Noir fermented as white. It has a minimum maturation of 36 months. Perfect glass to enjoy. In the glass, the small bubble displays itself very smoothly and harmoniously. Its aromas are complex, prevailing the toffee, pastry products, biscuits and citrus fruit flavours. It has a very creamy, lactic and subtle mouth feel. VINTAGE: 2013 VINTAGE: 2006 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 141 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 142 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de BERTHA S.XXI GRAN RESERVA BESTHEIM S.C.V.B Bertha Siglo XXI Gran Reserva is made of Macabeo, Parellada, Xarel·lo and only 10% Chardonnay, a coupage thus creating a cava with its own personality. It has a long minimum maturation, of 36 months, which produces a great aromatic complexity. Therefore, we do not find primary or fresh fruit aromas, but a mixture of yeast, bakery or confectionery products flavours as well as autolysis aromas which bring the smoked and toasted products, mature fruit, cooked vegetables, dried fruit and woodland flavours. It enters with fresh, elegant and smooth taste with very subtle and well-integrated carbon dioxide and with toasted products aromas. Address 3, rue du Général de Gaulle 68630 Bennwihr France Phone +33 3 89490929 Fax +33 3 89490920 Internet address www.bestheim.com E-Mail vignobles@bestheim.com Stand Hall 11, E159 (Page 978) VINTAGE: 2006 BERTHA S.XXI GRAN RESERVA ROSE Bertha Siglo XXI Gran Reserva Rosé is made with exclusive 100% Pinot Noir, the cava remain for a 36 months ageing during the second fermentation. Product Overview Elegant, fresh, intense aromas with a great balance of the wine, its bubbles are small and well integrated offering a perfect and delicate body. The production of this cava is very limited, only around 5000 bottles made per year, his exclusivity and his perfect taste is perfect for a special moments. Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 IVETTE BRUT CLASSIC CUVÉE BESTHEIM S.C.V.B BESTHEIM S.C.V.B Cremant Le Crémant d’Alsace: sparkling, fresh and elegant This is our youngest Cava, elaborate with Macabeo, Xarel.lo and Parellada. The cava remain for the second fermentation around 10 months and is coming with a dosage of 8gr/l of sugar. It’s elegant, fresh and a perfect glass for aperitive, the bubbles are fine and small and well integrate in the wine. Since 1976, the Crémant d’Alsace has been subject to extremely strict production criteria. The grapes are harvested before complete maturity to ensure that the wine preserves its acidity and freshness which never fails to make the Crémant the star guest at any celebration. Ivette is a perfect option to enjoy a glass of cava. Vintage: 2013 The Crémant is produced using traditional methods, from a still to a sparkling wine, from when it acquires its bubbles in the bottle until riddling on its stand after a minimum of 12 months’ ageing in the cool atmosphere of our cellars. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 143 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 144 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de White or rosé, the Crémants from Bestheim are recognised around the world for their refinement and for their distinctive aromas. They provide a refined accompaniment for your special occasions. Bezirkskellerei Markgräflerland eG Address Winzerstr. 2 79588 Efringen-Kirchen Germany Phone +49 7628 9114-0 Fax +49 7628 2976 Internet address www.bezirkskellerei.de E-Mail info@bezirkskellerei.de Stand Hall 13, A109 (Page 986) Crémant d’Alsace Brut Derived from a selection of wines from some of our finest vineyards, the Crémant brut offers delicate aromas of flowers and fruits, with a great delicacy. Crémant d’Alsace Chardonnay Created from an exclusive selection of the Chardonnay grape variety, this elegant Crémant offers the palate the typical notes of white flowers, brioche and toasted bread. Crémant d’Alsace Blanc de Noirs Produced exclusively from Pinot Noir carefully selected for its quality, this Crémant will enchant you with its fruity and spicy aromas. Crémant d’Alsace Demi-Sec The richness of its aromas of flowers and ripe fruits and its body and sheer generosity ensure that the Crémant Demi-Sec always adds a smooth touch to your social occasions. Product Overview Crémant d’Alsace Rosé Baden Produced from a selection of Pinot Noir varieties, the Crémant d’Alsace rosé never fails to delight the senses with its hints of strawberry, raspberry and redcurrant. This wine adds a touch of originality to any celebration. 02.07.08 Winzersekt Crémant d’Alsace Millésimé Product Details A unique vintage skilfully selected from our finest vineyards, offering exquisite notes of fruits and flowers. This Crémant seduces by its freshness and elegance. 02.07.08 Bezirkskellerei Markgräflerland eG Winzersekt Binzener Sonnhole Nobling Sekt b.A. Crémant Prestige The jewel in the crown of our range, the Prestige was listed in 2009 among the 10 best sparkling wines in the world. Produced exclusively from Pinot Blanc grapes selected from among our best vineyards in the Noble Valley, the Prestige is matured during long months in our cellars in order to develop and strengthen its distinctive character. A rare and unforgettable vintage! © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Bezirkskellerei Markgräflerland eG 145 2009, Brut, 1,5 l Trad. Flaschengärung Klassisch-eleganter Sekt, trocken im Geschmack, mit feinem Mousseux. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 146 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Nobilé Sekt b.A. Product Details Blanc Brut, 1,5 l 02.07.09 Charmant-süffiger Sekt mit feiner Aromenstruktur. Bibo & Runge Wein GmbH & Co. KG Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Bibo Runge Rheingau Riesling Sekt brut Bibo & Runge Wein GmbH & Co. KG Address Jungferweg 18 65375 Oestrich-Winkel, Hallgarten Germany Phone +49 6723 9986-900 Fax +49 6723 9986-901 Internet address E-Mail Stand Bideau-Giraud SCEA Address La Cornillère, 11 rue du Calvaire 44690 La Haye Fouassiere France Phone +33 2 40548324 Fax +33 2 40548985 Internet address www.bidgi.fr E-Mail contact@bidgi.fr Stand Hall 11, D99 (Page 978) www.bibo-runge-wein.de info@bibo-runge-wein.de Hall 14, D69 (Page 990) Product Overview Bibo & Runge Wein GmbH & Co. KG Rheingau 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Overview © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 147 Bideau-Giraud SCEA 02.07.05 Franciacorta Val de Loire © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 148 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.05 Bideau-Giraud SCEA Genießen Sie ihn eisgekühlt bei 6-8°C. Hugo Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello Franciacorta Hugo Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello – Passione d’Italia! CHAMPERLÉ Herrlich aromatisch prickelnd und verführerisch SPARKLING WINE (Methode Traditionnelle) Hugo Sprizz 2Go ist eine herrlich prickelnde Komposition aus Secco Frizzante, natürlichen Aromen von Holunderblüten, Minze, verfeinert mit einem Hauch von Limette. Genießen Sie das Trendgetränk Hugo Sprizz 2Go als Aperitivo italiano am besten eisgekühlt bei 6-8°C. Binderer St. Ursula Weinkellerei GmbH Lerchenstr. 66 80995 München Germany Pink Hugo Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello Phone +49 89 314003-0 Fax +49 89 314003-55 Pink Hugo Sprizz 2Go ist eine herrlich prickelnder Hugo Genuss völlig neu interpretiert und aufregend anders im Auftritt und Geschmackserlebnis. Genießen Sie das Trendgetränk Pink Hugo Sprizz 2Go als Aperitivo italiano am besten eisgekühlt bei 6-8°C. Internet address www.binderer.de E-Mail info@binderer.de Für rosige Zeiten ist der sinnlich duftende Rosato 2Go aus dem Herzen des Veneto genau das Richtige! Stand Hall 13, D40 (Page 986) Dieser herrlich frische Rosato lädt zum Aperitif und auch zu leichten Salaten oder Vorspeisen ein. Genießen Sie Ihren Rosato 2Go eisgekühlt bei 6-8°C. Address Pink Hugo Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello – Passione d’Italia! Völlig neu interpretiert und aufregend anders! Rosato Frizzante 2Go by Sovinello Rosato Frizzante 2Go by Sovinello – Passione d’Italia! Product Overview Binderer St. Ursula Weinkellerei GmbH Secco Frizzante 2Go by Sovinello Secco Frizzante 2Go by Sovinello – Passione d’Italia! 01.07.03 Branded wines 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Details 02.07.09 Feiern Sie mit Secco Frizzante 2Go und gönnen Sie sich den Glamour glitzernder Metropolen. Dieser herrlich frische Secco Frizzante aus dem Herzen des Veneto lädt zum Aperitif und auch zu leichten Salaten oder Vorspeisen ein. Lassen Sie Ihren Secco Frizzante 2Go eisgekühlt bei 6-8°C prickeln. Binderer St. Ursula Weinkellerei GmbH Veneziano Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello Veneziano Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello – Passione d’Italia! Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Dieser unglaublich spritzige und herrlich anregende Veneziano Sprizz lädt zum Aperitif und auch zu leichten Salaten oder Pasta ein. Genießen Sie Ihren Veneziano Sprizz 2Go eisgekühlt bei 6-8°C. Black Hugo Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello Black Hugo Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello – Passione d’Italia! Dieser herrlich fruchtig prickelnde Black Hugo Sprizz 2Go by Sovinello ist ein perfekter Begleiter zu Partys, Events und jeder Gelegenheit. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 149 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 150 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de lithography from 1902, which pays homage to Mosel wine during its heyday at the turn of the century. It was a period of time when many of the wines from the properties of Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier fetched higher prices than those for a famous Bordeaux château. Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier Address Gervasiusstr. 1 54290 Trier Germany Phone +49 651 145760 Fax +49 651 40253 Internet address www.bwgtrier.de E-Mail service@bwgtrier.de Stand Hall 13, C59 (Page 986) Product Overview BM2R Loire Valley Wines S.A.R.L. Address 54 rue des Martyrs 49730 Turquant France Phone +33 6 11361126 Fax +33 2 41517533 Internet address www.bm2r.com E-Mail info@bm2r.com Stand Hall 11, D81 (Page 978) Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier Mosel 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Product Overview Product Details 02.06.01 BM2R Loire Valley Wines S.A.R.L. Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.02 Cremant Val de Loire Wine Collection That the Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier was established from the merger of three legendary properties can be immediately seen in the appearance. The logo combines since the vintage 2011 the coat of arms of all three wine estates and visually underscores the triad of the Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier. Each quality level has its own label: Dom Collection, river Rieslings, village Rieslings, as well as single-vineyard Rieslings. The design of the village and single-vineyard wines goes back to an historical © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 151 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 152 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.02 BM2R Loire Valley Wines S.A.R.L. Cremant Straw yellow brilliant with fine “foam” and a regular bubble. Nose: very strong attack due to the white grapes varieties. Aromatic, fruity, full of finesse and elegance. Cremant de Loire - Domaine de Terrebrune Bodega San Marcos THE DOMAIN The “Domaine de Terrebrune” is a family domain, made of 50 hectares of vines, producing 400,000 bottles/year. More than half of this production is rosé wine. Respect for the environment has a very high priority at Terrebrune. Their methods are both ecologically friendly and efficient in that they make use of the most recent technological innovations while preserving their natural heritage. Address Ctra. de Aceuchal, s/n 06200 Almendralejo Spain Phone +34 924 670410 THE VINEYARD Fax +34 924 665505 Internet address www.bodegasanmarcos.com Grape variety: Chenin 50%, Chardonnay 30 %, Grolleau gris 10 %, Cabernet Franc 10 % E-Mail export@bodegasanmarcos.com Age of the vines: 20 years old on average Stand Hall 10, D193 (Page 974) Soil: clay-gravely with schist Subsoil: loamy sand and sandy clay Yield: 65 hl/ha Residual sugar: > 2 g/l Product Overview Bodega San Marcos Alcohol: 11.5 %ALC./VOL HARVEST Manual harvest in slatted boxes, at full maturity, carried out in multiple passes to selectively pick grapes. Ribera del Guadiana 02.05 Sparkling wine with added carbon-dioxide WINE MAKING PROCESS - Pneumatic pressing - Static settling of the must at low temperature - Fermentation in stainless steel vats to obtain a dry wine - Malolactic fermentation - Clarification - Second fermentation in bottles - Maturing on racks - Riddling and disgorging TASTING NOTES © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 153 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 154 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details Bodega San Marcos Bodegas Murviedro, S.A. Address Ampliación Polígono El Romeral, s/n 46340 Requena (Valencia) Spain Phone +34 96 2329003 Nose Fax +34 96 2329002 Frank nose with fruity aromas of raspberry, wild berries and dairy. Internet address www.murviedro.es E-Mail murviedro@murviedro.es Stand Hall 16, H01 (Page 998) 02.05 Sparkling wine with added carbon-dioxide JARA FIZZY ROSÉ Appearance Very intense brilliant rosé colour. Taste Presents a great palate, very light, with sweets hints well combined with touches of carbonic and moderate acidity. JARRA FIZZY WHITE Appearance Product Overview Bright pale wine with greenish metallic-tinged hues. Utiel-Requena Clean and frank. Aromas of white fruit and flowers over a background of Muscat which delight us. Valencia Taste 02.04 Sparkling wine Sweet palate, followed by the freshness of the acidity and carbonic, leaving the feeling that encourage us to continue tasting. Product Details Bodegas Murviedro, S.A. Nose 02.04 Bodegas Murviedro, S.A. Sparkling wine EXPRESIÓN Solidarity Cuvée EXPRESIÓN Solidarity Cuvée CHARDONNAY BRUT NATURE Sparkling White Wine, Traditional Method, D.O. CAVA Murviedro, ‘Muri Veteres’ gets its name from the ancient walls that surround the old town. They bear witness to an ancient spirit which, even today, wanders through the caves and cellars. Expresión is the first cava brut nature by Bodegas Murviedro, made from the © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 155 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 156 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de grape variety Chardonnay grown in the vineyards of Requena on the best quality soils that enjoy long hours of sunshine to reach optimum ripeness. Wooden case 1 bottle x 75 cl. Area of Production 5,180 bottles Denominación de Origen Cava (Requena). Continental climate with Mediterranean influences. Large day and night temperature variations. Average annual temperatura: 13ºC. Chalky-clay soils. LUNA DE MURVIEDRO Brut Limited edition of LUNA DE MURVIEDRO BRUT Grape Variety D.O. CAVA 100% Chardonnay Winemaking We only select the best Chardonnay grapes from our own vineyards. The grapes are collected in special boxes, each one weighing 15kg. Once at the winery the full boxes of grapes are placed in cold storage rooms for 3 days at a temperature of 4ºC. We select the grapes box by box followed by destalking and crushing. Cold pellicular maceration (8ºC) for more than 14 hours. We then gently press the grapes and then take the extracted must to be fermented in new American Oak barrels each one with a capacity of 400L, at a temperature of 16ºC. Once fermentation is completed the wine stays on its leas until the final filtration. The second fermentation takes place, in accordance with the Traditional Method, in the bottle at a constant temperature of 16ºC. The wine is aged on its leas for a minimum of 15 months and is disgorged manually. Murviedro, ‘Muri Veteres’ gets its name from the ancient walls that surround the old town. They bear witness to an ancient spirit which, even today, wanders through the caves and cellars. Luna de Murviedro is the first Cava made by Bodegas Murviedro. Cava Brut is made from the grape variety Macabeo, grown in the vineyards of Requena on the best quality soils that are exposed to long hours of sunshine so that the grapes reach their perfect ripeness. Area of Production Denominación de Origen Cava (Requena). Continental climate with Mediterranean influences. Large day and night temperature variations. Average annual temperature 13ºC. Chalky-clay soils. Grape Variety 100% Macabeo Winemaking Tasting Note Appearance: Thick mousse of fine well integrated bubbles. Taste: It is mouth filling and creamy with well balanced acidity and a long finish. The carefully selected Macabeo grapes are picked at the beginning of September. Following a cold maceration of the grapes in pneumatic presses, the must is fermented in stainless steel tanks at a temperature of 14ºC. In January a process called ‘tiraje’ takes place where the new wine is bottled and the second fermentation occurs in the bottle. The Cava is stored in ‘rima’, special containers for holding the bottles in position, for 11 months. Serving Suggestions Tasting Note Serve at 6ºC. Any light sediment that may be present is natural as we have tried to make this wine using the minimum filtration possible in order not to take anything away from the quality. Appearance: A dense and fine mousse. Alcohol Content Aroma: Dry fruit character with floral aromas. 12% Vol. Taste: A creamy sensation from the fine mousse, well balanced, with citric flavours and a long finish. Colour: Deep yellow gold. Aroma: Intense nose with aroma ripe white fruits, floral tones, dried fruits and a touch of vanilla. Available in Serving Suggestions Cases 6 bottles x 75 cl. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Colour: Pale yellow in color with green tones. 157 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 158 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Ideal as an aperitif and to accompany starters and desserts, that is not too sweet. Serve cold between 4 and 6ºC. Aroma: Clean aromas of citrus and white fruits (Apples and pears), dry fruits (hazelnuts and walnuts) together with aromas of baked cakes. Alcohol Content 11,5% vol. Taste: Lively, fresh and easy, with a subtle touch of citrus fruits, floral (orange blossom) flavours, creamy with a long, lingering finish. Available in Serving Suggestions 75 cl. Ideal as an aperitif and to accompany starters and desserts, that is not too sweet. Serve cold between 4 and 6º C. LUNA DE MURVIEDRO Brut Organic Alcohol Content LUNA DE MURVIEDRO BRUT Organic 11,5% vol. D.O. CAVA Available in Murviedro, ‘Muri Veteres’ gets its name from the ancient walls that surround the old town. They bear witness to an ancient spirit which, even today, wanders through the caves and cellars. 75 cl. Bodegas Ruiz Torres S.A. Area of Production Denominación de Origen Cava (Requena). Continental climate with Mediterranean influences. Large day and night temperature variations. Average annual temperature 13ºC. Chalky-clay soils. Grape Varieties 90% Macabeo and 10% Chardonnay from organically grown vines Winemaking A selection is made of the Macabeo and Chardonnay grapes, grown in accordance with the rules of Organic Farming. This form of organic viticulture and wine-making is based on the development of environment and consumer friendly technologies for organic wine quality improvement and scientifically based legislative framework (using only natural resources, without any chemicals, in this way producing organic fruit while at the same time conserving the fertility of the land and respecting the environment). The grapes are picked at the beginning of September. Cold maceration in a pneumatic press. Fermentation at 14ºC in stainless steel tanks. In January we add the ‘liqueur de tirage’, to provoke a second fermentation in bottle. The Cava is stored in ‘rima’, or horizontally, for a minimum of eleven months. Address Carretera Ex 116, km. 33,8 10136 Canamero (Cáceres) Spain Phone +34 927 369024 Fax +34 927 369302 Internet address www.ruiztorres.com E-Mail exterior@ruiztorres.com Stand Hall 10, C216 (Page 974) Product Overview 02.06.01 Tasting Note Bodegas Ruiz Torres S.A. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Appearance: Dense mousse of fine, well integrated bubbles. Colour: Pale yellow with a hint of gold. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 159 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 160 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.06.01 Bodegas Ruiz Torres S.A. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin ANTERO TINTO TRAMPAL BLANCO TRAMPAL BLANCO Blanco joven 11,5 % Vol. Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura. 100 % Macabeo ANTERO TINTO 13% Vol. Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura. Varietal 100% Trampal Tinto TRAMPAL TINTO 13 % Vol. Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura. Tempranillo y Garnacha ATTELEA CRIANZA ATTELEA CRIANZA Bodegas Sumarroca, S.L. 13.5 % Vol. D. O. Ribera del Guadiana. Tempranillo y Cabernet Sauvignon Address Barrio El Rebato, s/n 058739 Subirats Spain Phone +34 938 911092 Fax +34 938 911778 Internet address www.sumarroca.com E-Mail hmayor@sumarroca.com Stand Hall 10, G132 (Page 974) ATTELEA TINTO ROBLE ATTELEA TINTO ROBLE 13,5% Vol. D. O. Ribera del Guadiana. 100% Tempranillo CABERNET SAUVIGNON COSECHA 2009 CABERNET SAUVIGNON COSECHA 2009 Product Overview 100% Tinto Cosecha 2009 13,5% Alc. Vol © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 161 Bodegas Sumarroca, S.L. Penedès 02.07.07 Cava © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 162 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details Bodegas Sumarroca, S.L. 02.07.07 Cava Product Details 02.01 Brut Reserva Bodegas Verduguez, S.L. Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine BLUE SPARKLING COCTKAIL In the best company This is an elegant blue sparkling cocktail , a drink aromatized made from wine with persistent bubbles, refreshing taste and fruity aroma. Classic Sumarroca, from our own vineyards, adding a minimal amount of Chardonnay (always less than 7%) to the traditional mix of Macabeo, Parellada and Xarel·lo and aged for a minimum of 24 months in stacks. Sight: Blueberry-colored, clean and bright. Characterized by abundant bubbles of medium size. Aroma: Fresh sensations with hints of blue fruits like blueberries, blackcurrant blackberries and plums. Taste: Fruity, sweet and fresh with subtle touches of acidity. Bodegas Verduguez, S.L. It matches perfectly with all kind of aperitifs, seafood and desserts. Address Phone C/ Los Hinojosos, 1 45810 Villanueva de Alcardete (Toledo) Spain SPARKLING OF FIRE AND BLUE SPARKLING FOGOSO SPARKLING OF FIRE +34 925 167493 Fax +34 925 166148 Internet address www.bodegasverduguez.com E-Mail info@bodegasverduguez.com Stand Hall 10, C144 (Page 974) This range includes our famous FOGOSOS sparkling that are available in Gold, Silver, Bronze, Green, Blue, Pink and Purple!! This wine makes a special effect when you shake it as you can check in the enclosed image. Sparkling cocktail particularly refreshing , nice and smooth designed to bring the fun after shaking, allowing the wine to shine like fire then eventually it appears clear and calm. • Aroma: Delicate fragrance, reminiscent of white flowers and hints of citrus fruits Product Overview Bodegas Verduguez, S.L. • Taste: Spectacular fruity and refreshing with a citrus aftertaste. and a pleasant touch of muscatel. On mouth it’s sweet and slightly persistent with balanced and integrated acidity. Come to our booth, You won’t regret it! 01.07.09 Alcohol-free wines and spirits 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 163 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 164 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de impart a lovely light body, a natural fruity sweetness as well as a mellow flavour and low acidity. Bohemia Sekt Blanc de Noirs will bewitch you with its unconventional taste, fine bubbles and outstanding floral aroma. BOHEMIA SEKT, s.r.o. Address Smetanova 220 332 02 Starý Plzenec Czech Republic Phone +420 377 197-111 Fax +420 377 956-048 Internet address www.bohemiasekt.cz E-Mail export@bohemiasekt.cz Stand Hall 15, J19 (Page 994) Product Overview 01.01.25 Bohemia Sekt Chardonnay brut Buy on-lineThe individuality of this sparkling wine lies in the Chardonnay in the cuvée. Not only is Chardonnay one of the most popular grape varieties, it is also the only white variety that forms the basis of genuine Champagne. What makes it a winner? BOHEMIA SEKT, s.r.o. An elegant “Blanc de Blancs” made from the appealing Chardonnay grape variety, which imbues it with a unique character. The brut style brings out the wine’s sophisticated aroma combining notes of lime, pomelo and white blossom, with a hint of honey and nuts in the background. It charms at first glance with its pale yellow-green colour with flashes of gold and its very fine effervescence, the bubbles ascending in fine streams and forming a gorgeous crown of foam at the top of the glass. Consumers voted Bohemia Sekt Chardonnay brut the Best New Product of 2012 in its category. Czech Republic Bohemia Sekt Rosé demi sec 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Details 02.07.09 BOHEMIA SEKT, s.r.o. Bohemia Sekt rosé is for all those who crave a bit of love and affection. The ideal choice for a romantic dinner, this rosé fizz will appeal particularly to women. What are its charms? Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Salmon pink in colour with a fresh, mild fruity nose and sweet, demi sec palate. The cuvée is composed of carefully selected black grapes. The fine, long-lasting bubbles are especially inviting in combination with desserts or ice cream. Excellent in mixed drinks such as punch. Bohemia Sekt Blanc de Noirs brut Bohemia Sekt Blanc de Noirs is a unique white sparkling wine that has no rival on the Czech market. Made from black grapes, it is an ideal product for consumers who enjoy discovering unique tastes and styles. What makes it unique? Sparkling wines are most often made from white wines produced from white grapes. Such wines are referred to as Blanc de Blancs. Bohemia Sekt Blanc de Noirs is special in that it is made from black grapes (which are usually used to make red wines). This method gives it unique characteristics, different from those of Blanc de Blancs sparkling wines. The black grapes © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 165 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 166 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de BONFADINI FRANCIACORTA CARPE DIEM SATEN Bonfadini Franciacorta Azienda Agricola Bonfadini Graziano Chardonnay 100% Address Via Luigi di Bernado 85 25049 Iseo (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 9826-721 Fax +39 030 9847-930 Internet address www.bonfadini.it E-Mail info@bonfadini.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) Product Overview 02.07.05 Borie-Manoux, S.A. Address 86, Cours Balguerie Stuttenberg 33300 Bordeaux France Phone +33 5 56000070 Fax +33 5 57876030 Internet address www.borie-manoux.com E-Mail export@borie-manoux.fr Stand Hall 12, B16 (Page 982) Bonfadini Franciacorta Azienda Agricola Bonfadini... Franciacorta Product Details 02.07.05 Hand-picked,softpressing.Fermentation at controlled temperature 60.8/64.4 °F. Storage in barrels and fermentation in the bottle under controlled pressure for a maximum of 5 bar foam less impetuous andmore velvety. After 24 months in contact with the yeast is subjected to three months after disgorgementand marketed. Straw yellow color. Perfume diver and complexremains where a fragranceof fruit. Taste persuasiveand persistent. Perlage fine and balanced. Alcohol12.50% - Sugar 6.5 g- Acidity 6.5 g Served 44.5/48 °F Bonfadini Franciacorta Azienda Agricola Bonfadini... Franciacorta BONFADINI FRANCIACORTA BRUT Company News 03.02.2016 Borie-Manoux, S.A. Borie-Manoux verkauft Drouet Frères Borie-Manoux hat per Ende Dezember 2015 Drouet Frères, Chapelle Heulin bei Nantes und bekannt für sein sehr umfangreiches Loire-Weinportfolio an die Ackerman Gruppe verkauft. Drouet ist einer der grössten Händler und Produzenten in der Loire. Auch Mitaktionär Jean-Philippe Drouet aus der Grün- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 167 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 168 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de derfamilie verkaufte seine Anteile und wird sich künftig verstärkt um die Familienweingüter kümmern. Borie-Manoux konzentriert sich momentan auf die Bordeauxaktivitäten und baut diese weiter aus. 03.02.2016 Bortolin Angelo Spumanti S.a.s. Address Strada di Guia 107 31049 Valdobbiadene Italy Phone +39 0423 900125 Fax +39 0423 901015 Internet address www.bortolinangelo.com E-Mail info@bortolinangelo.com Stand Hall 15, G20 (Page 994) Borie-Manoux verkauft Drouet Frères Borie-Manoux hat per Ende Dezember 2015 Drouet Frères, Chapelle Heulin bei Nantes und bekannt für sein sehr umfangreiches Loire-Weinportfolio an die Ackerman Gruppe verkauft. Drouet ist einer der grössten Händler und Produzenten in der Loire. Auch Mitaktionär Jean-Philippe Drouet aus der Gründerfamilie verkaufte seine Anteile und wird sich künftig verstärkt um die Familienweingüter kümmern. Borie-Manoux konzentriert sich momentan auf die Bordeauxaktivitäten und baut diese weiter aus. Product Overview Product Overview Borie-Manoux, S.A. Bordeaux Languedoc-Roussillon Bortolin Angelo Spumanti S.a.s. 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto Product Details Bortolin Angelo Spumanti S.a.s. Val de Loire California BRUT Valle del Maipo 02.04 Sparkling wine This sparkling wine has a fine and persistent perlage, and it comes from grapes exclusively picked in the D.O.C.G. Valdobbiadene area. Its characteristic fruity aroma and its dry and delicate taste make it 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante very good as aperitif and it goes well with all meal. 02.07.02 It should be served at a temperature of 6-8° C. Cremant © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 169 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 170 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de BRUT ROSE’ ”DESIDERIO” SUPERIORE DI CARTIZZE - DRY Schaumwein von seltener Feinheit, der von weißen und roten Trauben aus Südtirol gewonnen wird. Die Nachgärung erfolgt in einem Autoklav, wo eine weitere Gärung bei einer kontrollierten Temperatur von 15°C für zirka 40 Tagen durchgeführt wird. Nach der Gärung bleibt der Schaumwein für 14 Monate im Autoklav bei einer Temperatur von 5°C, wo er altern kann, bevor er abgefüllt wird. Dieser Schaumwein besitzt eine zarte rosarote Farbe und hat einen blumigen Duft mit Geschmack von kleinen roten Früchten. Er ist elegant aromatisch, leicht und trotz seiner Konsistenz gut trinkbar. Dieser Schaumwein eignet sich für Aperitifs und für anspruchsvoll zubereitete Fischgerichte und Meeresfrüchten. Sehr gut für orientalische und generell für gewürzte Speisen geeignet. Ein seltener und wertvoller Schaumwein, gewonnen aus Trauben aus dem D.O.C.G. Gebiet des Cartizze, dem die Geomorphologie des Bodens und das besondere Mikroklima ein feines und fruchtiges Aroma, einen harmonischen Geschmack und ein ausgesuchtes Bouquet verleihen. Ausgezeichnet zu allen Anlässen, angebracht in jedem Moment des Tages, ideal zu Desserts. DRY ”DESIDERIO” Servieren bei Temperaturen zwischen 6-8 °C. Bortolomiol S.p.A. Address Via Garibaldi, 142 31049 Valdobbiadene (Tv) Italy Phone +39 0423 9749 Fax +39 0423 9750-66 It should be served at a temperature of 6-8° C. Internet address www.bortolomiol.com EXTRA DRY E-Mail info@bortolomiol.com Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) This is an elegant and precious sparkling wine, which confirmes a great passion for the ancient art of prosecco. It has a good scent, a fruity and delicate aroma and a fine and persistente perlage. If it is served cool it is perfect as aperitif, but goes well with all kinds of meal courses, especially with fish dishes. A glass of ”Desiderio” elegantly enhances every particular occasion of the day. Dieser Schaumwein, zeichnet sich durch seine feine und anhaltende Perlage aus. Er w ird aus Trauben gewonnen, die ausschliesslich aus den D.O.C.G. Gebiet von Valdobbiadene stammen. Sein besonders fruchtiger Duft und sein trockener und delikater Geschmack eignen ihn besonders gut als Aperitif und geignet für jede Angelegenheit. Product Overview Servieren bei Temperaturen zwischen 6-8 °C. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 171 Bortolomiol S.p.A. Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 172 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.04 Bortolomiol S.p.A. “natural law”, upon which every human law is based. Prosecco Spumante Bosco Viticultori Casa Vinicola Bosco Malera Srl BANDAROSSA VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE D.O.C.G. EXTRA DRY MILLESIMATO Address Via Correr 17 31040 Salgareda (TR) Italy Phone +39 0422 807818 Fax +39 0422 807675 Internet address www.boscoviticultori.it E-Mail info@boscoviticultori.com Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) BANDAROSSA. A “GOOD SIGN” Originally the banda rossa or Red Band was a mark that the founder, Giuliano Bortolomiol ,put only on bottles containing the best Extra Dry of the year. These were the bottles that were kept for real friends, those who shared his passion for the land, tradition and good wine. That special Prosecco that Giuliano marked has, since 1986, had its own label and signifies the quality of the best wines from the Bortolomiol winery. The bouquet is rich and enormously pleasurable. The fragrance is of a variety of mature fruit: an aroma of powdery yellow apple and pear stand out, while there are also gentle shades of citrus sweet, fine flowery hints. The creamily sparkling palette doesn’t disappoint as it’s well moulded into the sugar residue. Wonderful as an aperitif, this wine is intriguing with savoury dishes delicately combined with fruit, such as trout marinated with Melissa grass accompanied by cooked must and sour cream. Product Overview Bosco Viticultori Casa Vinicola Bosco Malera Srl (Tasting & text by Michele Bressan) IUS NATURAE Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE D.O.C.G. BRUT MILLESIMATO Product Details ORGANIC WINE 02.07.04 We’ve been using organic wine-growing techniques for many years, converting our family vineyards, located in the heart of Valdobbiadene within the Parco della Filandetta, to meet EU standards for organic wine growing. We firmly believe in the principles of sustainability and total respect for the environment. Doing everything by hand means that organic wine growing has become synonymous with the intrinsic qualities and natural characteristics of the Terroir. This is why one of the highest quality wines embodying the traditional flavours of Prosecco Superiore is our IUS NATURAE. We chose the Brut because of its more international appeal, Millesimato so as to highlight the characteristics of each and every harvest in keeping with the Ius Naturae, or © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 173 Bosco Viticultori Casa Vinicola Bosco Malera Srl Prosecco Spumante Prosecco Treviso DOC Extra Dry Dieser Sekt wird mit der in der Provinz Treviso angebauten Weinsorte Glera hergestellt. Die Schaumweinherstellung erfolgt nach der Charmat Methode in Druckkesseln, wo der Wein ca. zuerst 20 Tage lang bei einer kontrollierten Temperatur eine erste Gärung erfährt und danach weitere 10 Tage auf den edlen Traubenschalen (Trester) ruht. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 174 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Danach kommt die Stabilisations- und Abfüllungsphase. Botter Carlo & C. S.p.A. Ideal als Aperitif und für auserlesene Fisch- Frischkäse- oder Geflügelgerichte. Address Via Luigi Cadorna, 17 30020 Fossalta di Piave (VE) Italy Phone +39 0421 67194 Fax +39 0421 67309 Internet address www.botter.it E-Mail info@botter.it Stand Hall 16, C20 (Page 998) Bottega S.p.A. Address Vicolo Aldo Bottega 2 31010 Bibano di Godega di Sant.Urbano Italy Phone +39 0438 4067 Fax +39 0438 401-006 Internet address www.bottegaspa.com E-Mail info@bottegaspa.com Stand Hall 16, E22 (Page 998) Product Overview Product Overview Abruzzo Veneto 02.04 Sparkling wine Bottega S.p.A. 03.12 Marc brandies 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.04 Product Details 02.07.04 Botter Carlo & C. S.p.A. Bottega S.p.A. Prosecco Spumante Botter Carlo & C. S.p.A. Sparkling wine Sparkling A line that expresses the characteristics of our land, our people and our history. Bottega Gold Bottega Gold is a Prosecco DOC made from Glera grapes which are grown in the heart of Prosecco Area, the Valdobbiadene hills. Fresh, fruity, cryspy, this excellent and outstanding Prosecco can be enyoyed any moment of your life. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 175 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 176 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Sparkling wine Product Details A line that expresses the characteristics of our land, our people and our history. 02.02.03 Cabert SPA Prosecco Frizzante Glera REBSORTE Glera, antiker Name der Rebe WEINTRAUBE: groß, mit einem Flügel WEINHERSTELLUNG / GÄRUNG: Cabert SPA Address Der Wein wird mit sofortigem Abtrennen des Mostes von der Schale erzeugt. Der erste Gärprozess findet im Tank, der zweite in der Autoclave statt, dabei lagert der Wein 2 Monate auf der Feinhefe. Via Madonna, 27 33032 Bertiolo Italy Phone +39 0432 917434 Fax +39 0432 917768 Internet address www.cabert.it E-Mail info@cabert.it Stand Hall 15, A82 (Page 994) GESHMACKSRICHTUNG: prickelnd / weich CHARAKTER: fruchtig mit Blütenbouquet, frisch EMPFEHLUNG: ausgezeichneter Aperitif, passend zu allen Speisen, die delikat sind TRINKTEMPERATUR: 8-10° C ALKOHOL: Alkohol 11% vol Product Overview Cabert SPA 02.07.04 Friuli Venezia-Giulia Prosecco Spumante 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante WEINTRAUBE: 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Prosecco Spumante groß, mit einem Flügel WEINHERSTELLUNG / GÄRUNG: Der Wein wird mit sofortigem Abtrennen des Mostes von der Schale erzeugt. Der erste Gärprozess findet im Tank, der zweite in der Autoclave statt, dabei lagert der Wein 2 Monate auf der Feinhefe. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 177 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 178 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de GESCHMACKSRICHTUNG: Cantina Di Carpi e Sorbara SAC schäumend / weich CHARAKTER: Address Via Cavata, 14 41012 Carpi (RE) Italy Phone +39 059 643-071 Fax +39 059 641-911 Internet address www.cantinadicarpiesorbara.it E-Mail carpi@cantinadicarpi.it Stand Hall 15, E61 (Page 994) fruchtig mit Blütenbouquet, frisch EMPFEHLUNG: ausgezeichneter Aperitif, passend zu allen delikaten Speisen und Obsttorten. TRINKTEMPERATUR: 8-10° C ANALYSE: Alkohol 11,0% vol Spumante Spumante Prosecco Extra Dry - Magnum 1,5Zurück zu den Weinen WEINTRAUBE: Product Overview groß, mit einem Flügel Cantina Di Carpi e Sorbara SAC WEINHERSTELLUNG / GÄRUNG: Emilia-Romagna Der Wein wird mit sofortigem Abtrennen des Mostes von der Schale erzeugt. Der erste Gärprozess findet im Tank, der zweite in der Autoclave statt, dabei lagert der Wein 2 Monate auf der Feinhefe. 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin GESCHMACKSRICHTUNG: Product Details schäumend / weich 02.02.02 CHARAKTER: Cantina Di Carpi e Sorbara SAC Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin SPUMANTE PIGNOLETTO fruchtig mit Blütenbouquet, frisch 123 EMPFEHLUNG: PreviousNext ausgezeichneter Aperitif, passend zu allen delikaten Speisen und Obsttorten. Project Description TRINKTEMPERATUR: PRESTIGE 8-10° C SPUMANTE PIGNOLETTO ANALYSE: Bazzano Line Alkohol 11,0% vol Type and Denomination Pignoletto Spumante Brut Colli Bolognesi DOP © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 179 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 180 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Dry Sparkling White wine Product Details Bouquet: Spumante Brut sparkling Brut with aromatic and fresh fragrance; the flavor is sapid, lively with delicate hint of yeast. White straw color. Persistent froth. 02.04 Some characteristics – Alcohol 12% vol. Cantina di Soave s.a.c. Sparkling wine DOLCE SPUMANTE A sweet spumante produced through a careful secondary fermentation of aromatic grape varieties. Rigorous quality selection of the grapes, combined with expert attention to every phase of its production, yields a remarkably stylish spumante. It is the perfect accompaniment to all sweets, but can be enjoyed by itself on any happy occasion. Best enjoyed at 6-8°C. – Service Temperature 8-10° – 100% Pignoletto – Province of Bologna Alcohol: 7.5% Cantina di Soave s.a.c. Address Bottle size: 750 ml Viale della Vittoria, 100 37038 Soave (VR) Italy Phone +39 045 6139811 Fax +39 045 7681203 Internet address www.cantinasoave.it E-Mail export@cantinasoave.it Stand Hall 16, D32 (Page 998) Product Overview Cantina Franzosi di Franzosi Bruno & Figli SAS Address XXV Aprile, 6 25080 Puegnago del Garda (BS) Italy Phone +39 0365 651380 Fax +39 0365 651380 Internet address www.cantinefranzosi.it E-Mail info@cantinefranzosi.it Stand Hall 15, D09 (Page 994) Cantina di Soave s.a.c. 02.04 Sparkling wine Veneto Company News 02/20/2015 Cantina Franzosi di Franzosi Bruno & Figli SAS Vini d’Italia Gambero Rosso 2015 Vini d’Italia Gambero Rosso 2015 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 181 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 182 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 02/20/2015 Vini d’Italia Gambero Rosso 2015 Product Overview Vini d’Italia Gambero Rosso 2015 Cantina La Salute S.c.a. Veneto 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details Product Overview Cantina La Salute S.c.a. Cantina Franzosi di Franzosi Bruno & Figli SAS 02.06.01 Lombardia 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin CABERNET SAUVIGNON VENETO IGT Excellent with sliced fillet steak. Cantina La Salute S.c.a. Address Serving temperature: 18 - 20 °C SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS Via Salute 8 31047 Ponte di Piave (TV) Italy An elegant, well-structured red, filled with aromas. Phone +39 422 759298 AREA OF ORIGIN San Polo di Piave Fax +39 422 859584 TRAINING SYSTEM Spalliera Internet address www.cantinalasalute.it HARVEST PERIOD Mid September E-Mail info@cantinalasalute.it Stand Hall 15, G20 (Page 994) TECHNICAL DATA VARIETY Cabernet Sauvignon YIELD Kg GRAPES PER ha 16.000 kg VINIFICATION Maceration and vinification with the pomace ALCOHOL 12% Vol SUGAR RESIDUE 5,00 g/l TOTAL ACIDITY 5,50 g/l AVAILABLE SIZES Classica 0,75 Litres © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 183 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 184 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de SILEUM nious, fresh and well-balanced flavour. TECHNICAL DATA PINOT NERO - MARCA TREVIGIANA IGT AREA OF ORIGIN Ponte di Piave, Monastier, Zenson di Piave & San Polo di Piave Ideal with lamb and roast pork dishes as well as with cold cuts and cheeses. VARIETY 100% Glera Serving temperature: 18 - 20 °C TRAINING SYSTEM Cappuccina SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS A bouquet of red fruits with well composed balsamic and tamarind notes. Elegant and well balanced on the palate. HARVEST PERIOD Early TECHNICAL DATA VINIFICATION Off the skins using soft pressure AREA OF ORIGIN A small area in Biancade FIRST FERMENTATION At a controlled temperature with select yeasts VARIETY Pure Pinot Nero PRESA DI SPUMA 45 days using the Charmat method in horizontal autoclaves TRAINING SYSTEM Cappuccina MATURING On the lees from 2 to 3 months YIELD Kg GRAPES PER ha 13.000 kg ALCOHOL 11% Vol HARVEST PERIOD Early SUGAR RESIDUE 8,00 - 10,00 g/l YIELD Kg GRAPES PER ha 13.000 kg VINIFICATION Traditional with limited contact of the must with the pomace, at a low temperature TOTAL ACIDITY 6,00 g/l AVAILABLE SIZES MATURING Part in oak barrels, the rest in stainless steel containers Classica 0,75 Litres ALCOHOL 13% Vol ZATÉR DRY SUGAR RESIDUE 4,00 g/l VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG TOTAL ACIDITY 5,00 - 5,60 g/l The ideal aperitif for all seasons. In the kitchen it goes well with light hors d’oeuvres, all kinds of fish, deep fried fish and delicately flavoured first courses. AVAILABLE SIZES Classica 0,75 Litres 02.07.04 Serving temperature: 6 °C Prosecco Spumante SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS VENTUNO PROSECCO BRUT With a delicate yet intense bouquet with flowery notes and hints of yellow fruit, golden delicious apples and a vaguely tropical sensation. SPUMANTE DOC TREVISO Best with all kinds of fish, raw, cooked and deep fried, as well as with delicately flavoured first courses. TECHNICAL DATA Serving temperature: 6 - 8 °C SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS VARIETY Glera with a small percentage of grapes traditionally used in the Cuvée Prosecco di Valdobbiadene A bouquet of wild flowers and Williams pears with a harmo- TRAINING SYSTEM Cappuccina © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH AREA OF ORIGIN Guia di Valdobbiadene 185 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 186 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de HARVEST PERIOD First half of September Product Details YIELD Kg GRAPES PER ha 12.000 kg 02.04 VINIFICATION Off the skins using soft pressure FIRST FERMENTATION At a controlled temperature of 14°C with select yeasts PRESA DI SPUMA Charmat method in horizontal autoclaves Cantina Marsadri Di Marsardi Vincenzo & C. SNC Sparkling wine Garda Frizzante Serving temperature 8° C. Light sparkling wine with a mild and velvety taste. Intense flower smell. Perfect to be drunk with light dishes, fish, white meat and vegetables. MATURING On the yeasts for more than 30 days ALCOHOL 11% Vol SUGAR RESIDUE 14,00 - 16,00 g/l TOTAL ACIDITY 6,00 g/l AVAILABLE SIZES Classica 0,75 Litres Cantina S. Osvaldo S.O.L. srl Address Nazionale, 26 25080 Puegnagno D/G (BS) Italy Via Cal Trevigiana, 51 31040 Volpago Italy Phone +39 0422 864012 Phone +39 0365 651005 Fax +39 0422 864048 Fax +39 0365 560576 Internet address www.sanosvaldo.com Internet address www.cantinamarsadri.it E-Mail info@sanosvaldo.com E-Mail info@cantinamarsadri.it Stand Hall 16, H21 (Page 998) Stand Hall 15, D05 (Page 994) Cantina Marsadri Di Marsardi Vincenzo & C. SNC Address Product Overview Product Overview Cantina Marsadri Di Marsardi Vincenzo & C. SNC Cantina S. Osvaldo S.O.L. srl Veneto Lombardia 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 187 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 188 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.04 Cantina S. Osvaldo S.O.L. srl 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante PROSECCO DOP TREVISO Sparkling wine PODERE IMPERO Pale straw yellow with greenish highlights, an harmonic bouquet, with delicate hints of acacia flowers, Lemon peel and apple. The taste is fresh, pleasantly acidic with delicate hints of apple and banana. Ideal as an aperitif, it can also be served with grilled or fried fish. Also great with cold cuts and fresh cheeses. Bright straw yellow with a persistent perlage. A fruity bouquet of golden apple, pear and hints of citrus. A sweet, elegant and pleasantly lively flavour, enveloped with a pleasant acidity and sapidity. Great as an aperitif, it can open or close any meal. Perfect with shellfish, it’s ideal for special occasions but also for quick snacks. LITERS 750 ml ALCOHOL % VOL. 11,00 LITERS 750 ml SUGAR CONTENT % 1,20 ALCOHOL % VOL. 11,50 PRESSURE AT. 2,50 SUGAR CONTENT % 1,50 PRESSURE AT. 4,20 RABOSO IGP VENETO PROSECCO DOP Produced at the feet of the Valdobbiadene and Conegliano hills, it’s a Spumante with a fine and persistent perlage. The aromatic qualities are fresh and rich of perfumes of fruit, apple and pear, with hints of citrus fruit that blend into flowery scents. The taste is soft and harmonic. Great as an aperitif, perfect with fish and white meat. This wine has a low alcohol content, it’s light and pleasant thanks to its plentiful perlage. The wine is then processed in such a way to maintain the typical scents of cherry and fresh red fruit. The characteristic & persistent acidity and the pleasant sweetness accompanied by a fine perlage make this wine an interesting and young alternative to be served with light snacks, finger food, grilled meat, cold cuts and Paella. LITERS 750 ml LITERS 750 ml ALCOHOL % VOL. 11,00 ALCOHOL % VOL. 10,50 SUGAR CONTENT % 1,40 SUGAR CONTENT % 4,20 PRESSURE AT. 5,00 PRESSURE AT. 2,50 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 189 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 190 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de acteristics typical of Lambrusco. After “running off”, fermentation is completed at a controlled temperature. CANTINA SETTECANI - CASTELVETRO Soc. Agr. Coop. Address Via Modena 184 41014 Castelvetro (MO) Italy COLOUR: intense ruby red with purple lights, fine and persistent perlage, with lively, evanescent foam. Phone +39 059 702505 FLAVOUR: sparkling, full and harmonious. Fax +39 059 702010 Internet address www.cantinasettecani.it E-Mail info@cantinasettecani.it BOUQUET: vinous, intense with aromas of forest fruits, currant and blackberry. ALCOHOL CONTENT: 11% VOL. SERVING COMBINATIONS: goes well with entrées, charcuterie, boiled meats, cheeses, roast meats and in general typical regional dishes from Emilia. A versatile wine, it is also excellent as an aperitif and with modern dishes. SERVING TEMPERATURE: cellar temperature (14°-16°C) BOTTLE: a prestigious and important glass bottle with shaved cork stopper. Stand Hall 15, E71 (Page 994) Settecani 02.02 Pearl wine Our Settecani Line represents the fresh and cheerful taste of Lambrusco and Pignoletto. A perfect combination between tradition, high quality hand-picked grapes and winemaker’s expertise. 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOP Secco - Red Sparkling Dry Product Overview CANTINA SETTECANI - CASTELVETRO Soc. Agr. Coop. Product Details 02.02.02 CANTINA SETTECANI - CASTELVETRO Soc. Agr. Coop. Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOP Semisecco - Red Sparkling Semi-Sweet Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOP Amabile - Red Sparkling Sweet Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Pignoletto Modena DOP Secco - White Sparkling Dry Lambrusco Divino DOP Spumante Our Top Wine coming from the selection of hand-picked Lambrusco grapes with the highest standard of quality. ”Divino” expresses the aromas and freshness of the Castelvetro Lambrusco. VINE: Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro Lambrusco and Pignoletto are our territory’s priviledged vines, which by the way, are an excellent base for sparkling wines. Its freshness and fine bouquet creates an enchanting balance of parfumes and elegance. HARVEST: hand picked exclusively in the Castelvetro hills, it is the last Lambrusco to be harvested. Lambrusco di Grasparossa DOP Rosato Vino Spumante Secco - Sparkling Rosé Dry VINIFICATION: gentle pressing followed by maceration on the skins at low temperature (10/12°C) for 3/4 days to extract the colour and enhance the fruity char- Pignoletto di Modena DOP Spumante Secco - Sparkling White Dry © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 191 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 192 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Vini del Re Product Details Prowein 2016 will be the perfect occasion to present our renewed labels of ”Vini del Re” - ”The king’s wines” bottles. 02.02.03 Asolo Prosecco docg Frizzante ’Spago’ Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOP Secco Red Sparkling Dry Classification Lambrusco di Sorbara DOP Secco - Rosé Sparkling Dry Asolo Prosecco docg Lambrusco di Modena DOC Rosato - Rosé Sparkling Dry Glera Pignoletto Modena DOC Secco - White Sparkling Dry Origin Cantina Sociale Montelliana e dei Colli Asolani... Prosecco Frizzante Varietal Montello and Colli Asolani Winemaking Cantina Sociale Montelliana e dei Colli Asolani s.c.a. Address In white with soft pressing,natural fermentation in pressure tank Tasting Notes Via Caonada, 2/a 31044 Montebelluna (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 2266-1 Fax +39 0423 2265-0 Internet address www.montelliana.it Typical, fruity and pleasant Asolo Prosecco docg Frizzante Tappo Fungo Classification Asolo Prosecco docg Varietal Glera E-Mail fabrizio.visentin@montelliana.it Stand Hall 15, C51 (Page 994) Origin Montello and Colli Asolani Winemaking In white with soft pressing, natural fermentation in pressure tank Product Overview Cantina Sociale Montelliana e dei Colli Asolani... 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Tasting Notes Typical, fruity and pleasant 193 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 194 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Asolo Prosecco Frizzante Docg Cornaro Prosecco Frizzante doc Treviso Classification Classification Asolo Prosecco Docg Prosecco Frizzante Doc Treviso Varietal Varietal Glera Glera Origin Origin Hills of Montello and Colli Asolani Treviso province Winemaking Winemaking In white with soft pressing, natural fermentation in pressure tank In white with soft pressing, natural fermentation in pressure tank Tasting Notes Tasting Notes Typical, fruity and pleasant. Typical, fruity and pleasant. Mont Blanc Vino Frizzante Bianco 02.07.04 Classification Asolo Prosecco Superiore Docg Extradry Vino Bianco Frizzante Classification Varietal Asolo Prosecco Superiore Docg Glera, Verduzzo, Pinot Bianco Varietal Prosecco Spumante Origin Glera Veneto Origin Winemaking Hills of Montello e Colli Asolani In white with soft pressing,natural fermentation in pressure tank Winemaking Tasting Notes In white with soft pressing, fermentation method charmat Typical, fruity and pleasant Tasting Notes PINOT GRIGIO Igt Marca Trevigiana Typical fruity bouquet and taste, pleasant and slightly sweet. White wine. Straw-yellow color, intense and persistent bouquet, typical of light bread crust. Full and dry taste. Ideal for fish and vegetables dishes. Serve at 10°C. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 195 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 196 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Prosecco Spumante Doc Treviso Brut Cornaro Treviso Province Classification Winemaking Prosecco Spumante Doc Treviso In white with soft pressing, fermentation method charmat Varietal Tasting Notes Glera Typical fruity bouquet and taste, pleasant and slightly sweet. Origin PROSECCO SPUMANTE EXTRADRY Doc Treviso Treviso Province Winemaking Sparkling wine made according to natural fermentation Charmat method. Produced with grapes cultivated in the Trevigiano hill area. Pale straw-yellow colour, typical fruity bouquet and taste, pleasant and slightly sweet. Ideal for desserts. Serve at 6-7 °C. In white with soft pressing, fermentation method charmat Tasting Notes fine perlage, fruity aroma, well balanced flavour ORIGIN: Prosecco Spumante Doc Treviso Extradry Cornaro Hills of Treviso province VINIFICATION: Classification In white with soft pressing, fermentation method charmat Prosecco Spumante Doc Treviso ALCOHOL: Varietal 11,5% Vol. Glera ACIDITY: Origin 5,8 g/l Hills of Treviso province RESIDUAL SUGAR: Winemaking 15 g/l In white with soft pressing, fermentation method charmat Tasting Notes SASSER ROSSO Doc Montello e Colli Asolani Typical fruity bouquet and taste, pleasant and slightly sweet Glera Red wine produced with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grapes grown in the Montello hills area, this exclusive wine is aged for 18 months in “Allier” oak barriques of 225 liters. Red color with garnet glints, it has a wide vinous fragrance with hints of forest fruits and marasca, and deeper savour of black pepper and vanilla. Its full and slightly tannic flavour introduce to a warm and persistent taste. Recommended serving temperature 18-20° C. The ideal accompaniment for rare steak and aged cheese, roast kid with potatoes and stewed rabbit . Origin ORIGIN: Prosecco Spumante Doc Treviso Magnum 1,5 Lt Cornaro Classification Prosecco Doc Treviso Varietal © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 197 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 198 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Hills of Montello and Colli Asolani typical aroma of wild flowers and a floral, pleasantly mellow flavour VINIFICATION: VALDOBBIADENE SUPERIORE DI CARTIZZE Docg Spumante Dry In red Classic, aging in cask. ALCOHOL: Doc sparkling wine produced according to natural fermentation Charmat 13,5% Vol. ACIDITY: 5,5 g/l method. Pale straw-yellow colour, fine and intense bouquet, tipically fruity. Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg Extradry Slightly sweet taste. Ideal for desserts. Serve at 6-7 °C. ORIGIN: Classification Part of Valddobbiadene Area, Cartizze Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg Varietal Glera Cantinae Clara C di Clara Carpenè S.A.S. Origin Conegliano Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G. area Address Via Capitello Ferrari, 3b 31049 Valdobbiadene (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 1899995 Fax +39 0438 1899996 Internet address www.clarac.it E-Mail clara@clarac.it Stand Hall 15, G20 (Page 994) Winemaking In white with soft pressing, fermentation method charmat Tasting Notes Typical aroma of wild flowers and rich, pleasantly palatable flavour. Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg Extradry Cornaro Classification Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg Varietal Glera Origin DOCG area of Conegliano-Valdobbiadene Winemaking In white with soft pressing, fermentation method charmat Tasting Notes © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 199 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 200 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview Cantinae Clara C di Clara Carpenè S.A.S. Product Overview Cantine Biondelli Soc. Agr. Srl Veneto Lombardia 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.05 Franciacorta 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.07.05 Product Details 02.07.04 Cantinae Clara C di Clara Carpenè S.A.S. BIONDELLI BRUT Only the Chardonnay grapes that are produced on our estate are used to produce Biondelli Brut. Fiori di Prosecco (or “The Best Of Prosecco”) is a selection of the best sparklers in the Conegliano Valdobbiadene area in the Premium and Super Premium Segnemt. Cantine Biondelli Soc. Agr. Srl Phone Franciacorta Prosecco Spumante Fiori di Prosecco Address Cantine Biondelli Soc. Agr. Srl Via Basso Castello, 2 25046 Bornato di Cazzago San Martino Italy Come Spring, our wine experts carefully assemble portions of different vintages to achieve the ideal balance of scents and fragrances which distinguish Biondelli Brut and then proceed to bottling the wine for the secondary fermentation to occur. The bottles are then set to rest in our underground cellar at a constant and monitored temperature of 17° Celsius for a minimum of 24 months to assure a perfect lysis of the lees. +39 030 7759896 Fax Internet address www.cantinebiondelli.com E-Mail info@cantinebiondelli.com Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH The grapes are pressed within a maximum of two hours since the harvest and only the best part of the must (obtained by pressing the grapes at 0.7 atm) will be used to produce Biondelli Brut. Immediately after the pressing, the must is let to decant in stainless steel barrels for a period of 12 hours and then set to ferment with autochtonous lees at a strictly monitored temperature that must never exceed 17° Celsius for roughly 15 days. Once the fermentation process is complete, the must is filtered for the first time and then let to mature for a period of 8 months on its noble lees. After no less than two years of patient waiting, the bottles are disgorged with a final sugar content of 6.5 gr/lt and, after a couple more months of aging, they are finally ready to leave our premises. 201 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 202 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Address Via Provinciale, 99-99A 43056 Torrile (PR) Italy Phone +39 052 1810-252 is allowed to rest for a long time so that it naturally cleans itself of all impure substances, after which it is placed in temperature controlled isobaric tanks where a secondary fermentation takes place. This last operation which lasts about 3 months precedes the sterile filtration and bottling. Excellent as an aperitif, served with ice, it is a great companion during the long, cheerful and carefree summer evenings - See more at: http://www .lambrusco .it/en/pro ducts/grea t-food/ote llo/otello n-ice/#sth ash.JPr9Gv Cf.dpuf Fax +39 052 1810-134 sparkling rose wine Internet address www.lambrusco.it Cantine Ceci S.p.A. Typology: sparkling rose wine Alcohol content: 11,5% vol E-Mail ufficiotecnico@lambrusco.it Stand Hall 15, E61 (Page 994) Serving temperature: 7°/9° C Denomination: Spumante Extra Dry Color: Rosato Product packaging: 0,75 l Product Overview Cantine Ceci S.p.A. 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Product Details 02.06.01 Out of the ancient Martinotti Method of sparkling wine making comes a truly lively Rosé. Excellent bouquet of roses, strawberries and violets, frank to the taste buds and of marked mellowness. Excellent as an aperitif, but also faithful partner to cheeses, cured meats and salami and sh dishes. Cantine Ceci S.p.A. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Lambrusco - See more at: http://www .lambrusco .it/en/pro ducts/grea t-food/ote llo/otello -rose-1813 /#sthash.H Vut7Sjy.dp uf 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Red Wine Typology: semi sparkling red wine Vines: Lambrusco Maestri Typology: sparkling red wine Vines: Lambrusco Maestri Alcohol content: 11% vol Serving temperature: 6°/8° C Denomination: Sparkling Demi Sec Color: Red Product packaging: 0,75 l Code: N-17 In midOctober, a week after the traditional start date of the Lambrusco grape harvest, the harvest of the grapes produced on our lands starts. The juice is obtained through a soft pressing procedure. The winemaking is red, that is the maceration of the skins with repeated pressings enables the extraction of all the colorants and scents contained within these grapes. After fermentation at a controlled temperature, the wine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Code: N-27 Alcohol content: 11% vol Serving temperature: 8°/10° C Denomination: Emilia I.G.T. Color: Red Product packaging: 0,75 l, 0,375 l, 1,5 l Code: N-22, N-14, N-7 203 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 204 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Considered the “Cantine Ceci” masterpiece. Harvested at the beginning of October and undergoes 5-7 days of cold maceration on the skins. Extraordinary violet-red colour and full enveloping bouquet of strowberries, blackberries and raspberries with marked woody scents. Excellent tannicity moderated by the important residual sugar. Marries well with all the excellencies of the Parma cusine and more besides. Cantine Giorgio Lungarotti s.r.l. Address Viale Giorgio Lungarotti, 2 06089 Torgiano (PG) Italy Phone +39 75 98866-1 Fax +39 75 98866-50 Internet address www.lungarotti.it E-Mail lungarotti@lungarotti.it Stand Hall 16, C22 (Page 998) sparkling white wine Typology: sparkling white wine Alcohol content: 11,5% vol Serving temperature: 6°/8° C Denomination: Extra Dry Sparkling Wine Color: White Product packaging: 0,75 l Code: Product Overview Cantine Giorgio Lungarotti s.r.l. white wine 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Umbria Typology: semi sparkling white wine Vines: Malvasia di Candia Alcohol content: 11% vol Product Details Serving temperature: 7°/9° C Denomination: Emilia IGT 02.07.09 Color: White Cantine Giorgio Lungarotti s.r.l. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Brut Millesimato - VSQ da Metodo Classico millesimato Product packaging: 0,75 l Code: N-26 Rebsorte Between meadows, pastures and woods, on the sunny slopes dwell the vineyards that produce the best wines of the hills of Emilia. Chardonnay, Pinot Nero. Lese Ende August-Anfang September. Rebschnitt: Kordonschnitt mit Zapfen; Besatzdichte: 4.000 Rebstöcke/ha; Ertrag: 8 Tonnen/ha By selecting the best bunches of malvasia grapes we have obtained the best from every quality aspect; an excellent wine to offer to partner the typical dishes of the Parma cuisine. It is very aromatic, fresh and young in the mouth. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 205 Weinbereitung Der Herstellungsprozess orientiert sich streng an den langen Zeiten und Regeln der klassischen Methode (auch „Champagner”-Methode genannt) für das Tankgärverfahren. Nach 36 Monaten Reife werden die Flaschen in Rüttelgestellen über 45 Tage täglich von Hand gerüttelt. Der Wein © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 206 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de bleibt 1 Monat auf Spitzstoß vor dem Degorgieren und noch 3 Monate in der Flasche, bevor das Produkt in den Handel gebracht wird Product Overview Gastronomische Verbindungen 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Liguria Bestens geeignet als Aperitif, aber auch sehr gut zu allen weiteren Gängen Genuss Vorzugsweise jung zu trinken, lässt sich aber auch gut einige Jahre in der Flasche lagern. Servieren bei 8-10 °C, in der Flûte Cantine Lunae Bosoni S.r.l. Product Details Größe 02.06.01 750 ml, 1500 ml Cantine Lunae Bosoni S.r.l. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Besonderes Die umbrische Sektherstellung geht nicht weiter zurück als auf die frühen 80-er Jahre. Aber die bewußte Wahl der Lagen mit einem für die Erzeugung weißer Trauben von guter Säure geeigneten Mikroklima ermöglicht eine Produktion, die derjenigen der bekanntesten Gebiete in nichts nachsteht Brut Quality Sparkling Wine GRAPES: Vermentino Nero, Ciliegiolo ALCOHOL CONTENT: 12% GRAPES: Vermentino Nero, Ciliegiolo Location of vineyards: Vineyards of Castelnuovo Magra and Ortonovo (SP) Cantine Lunae Bosoni S.r.l. Address Via Bozzi, 63 19034 Ortonovo Italy Exposure and altitude: southeast; around 150/200 metres above sea level. Phone +39 0187 669222 Cultivation system: Guyot Fax +39 0187 669223 Period and method of the harvest: middle of September; manual harvest in 20 kg crates Internet address www.cantinelunae.com E-Mail bosoni@cantinelunae.com Stand Hall 16, A03 (Page 998) Type of terrain: stony, rich texture Type of fermentation tanks: Stainless steel Vinification technique: (long) Metodo Charmat ORGANOLEPTIC FEATURES The colour is a delicate pink with subtle hints of onion skins. The aroma is elegant and intense, with floral notes, hints of red fruits and citrus. The taste is fresh and harmonious. The sensations on the nose are recalled in the mouth, especially the subtle fruity notes that emerge in a pleasurable finale with freshness and minerality. COMBINATIONS Excellent as an aperitif. Suitable for fish dishes and, in particular, shellfish. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 207 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 208 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de SERVING TEMPERATURE: 6/8° C Piemont SERVING GLASS: Tall, narrow, flute glasses that enhance the elegance and fragrance of the aromas. Puglia Sicilia Toscana Veneto 01.07.03 Branded wines 01.07.05 Ecological Wines 01.07.08 Wine-based drinks 01.07.09 Alcohol-free wines and spirits 02.02.01 Pearl wine/Frizzante without indication of origin 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Cantine Sgarzi Luigi S.r.l. Address Via Bernarda, 1650 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme (BO) Italy Phone +39 051 940962 Fax +39 051 944435 Internet address www.cantinesgarzi.com E-Mail nadia@cantinesgarzi.com Stand Hall 16, C03 (Page 998) Product Overview Cantine Sgarzi Luigi S.r.l. Abruzzo Emilia-Romagna Product Details 02.02.01 Friuli Venezia-Giulia Marche © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Cantine Sgarzi Luigi S.r.l. Pearl wine/Frizzante without indication of origin PunZoné organic Vodka 209 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 210 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details Rosato igt Puglia Luigi Leonardo 02.07.04 02.07.03 Prosecco Spumante Capetta I.VI.P. S.P.A. Asti Spumante ASTI docg Rosé Organic Sangiovese igt MARCHE VINE VARIETY: White Moscato Capetta I.VI.P. S.P.A. Address PERLAGE: Corso Piave, 140 12058 Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) Italy Fine and persistent. COLOUR: Pale yellow with soft golden tints. Phone +39 0141 841611 BOUQUET: Fax +39 0141 843277 Typical fragrance of Moscato, reminding fruity scents with memories of wistaria and acacia. Internet address www.cantinecapetta.it E-Mail export@capetta.it Stand Hall 15, C60 (Page 994) FLAVOUR: Sweet, gently balanced. ALCHOOL CONTENT: 7% Vol MATCHINGS: It exquisitely matches hazelnut cakes, custard pies, pastries. Product Overview Capetta I.VI.P. S.P.A. 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.03 Asti Spumante Perfect guest for any celebration and happy moment. SERVING TEMPERATURE: 8 - 10° C Brachetto D’Acqui docg It is the unmistakable, intriguing ruby red Spumante from Piedmont: aromatic, sweet and delicate like no other wine. Sparkly and joyous, with exuberant froth and a persistent bead, it reveals scents of roses, fresh violets and moss. Its taste is complex, yet always soft and delicate. A traditional sophisticated accompaniment to strawberries and other fresh fruits and, of course, all desserts and ice creams, it is also a revelation as an aperitif. Serve chilled. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 211 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 212 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Moscato Spumante Casa Vinicola Gioacchino Garofoli S.p.A. VINE VARIETY: Address Via Arno, 9 60025 Loreto (AN) Italy Phone +39 071 7820162 Fax +39 071 7821437 Internet address www.garofolivini.it E-Mail export@garofolivini.it Stand Hall 15, A17 (Page 994) Moscato PERLAGE: Fine and persistent. COLOUR: Quite intense straw yellow. BOUQUET: Characteristic aroma of Moscato grapes. FLAVOUR: Sweet, aromatic. ALCHOOL CONTENT: 6,5% Vol MATCHINGS: Product Overview It exquisitely matches cakes and special day sweets such as Panettone and Easter Dove. 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin SERVING TEMPERATURE: Marche Casa Vinicola Gioacchino Garofoli S.p.A. 8° - 10° C Pinot Brut Product Details It is the Brut Spumante par excellence, in which the Pinot grapes are enhanced by the Charmat method production. Light yellow in color, it has a small and persistent bead which releases a delicate scent of white peach and bread crusts. To the taste, it is fresh and full-bodied, with a good acidity and a harmonious flavour. The ideal aperitif ”bubbly”, it is also suited to accompany all dishes, and will add an elegant touch to all gourmet food, from oysters to Parmesan cheese. Also perfect as a cocktail or long-drink base, to enhance fresh fruits and juices. Serve chilled (7-8°C) 02.07.09 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Casa Vinicola Gioacchino Garofoli S.p.A. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Bollicine Freshness, delicacy and charm are the principal characteristics of this sparkling wine, which is adapted to every circumstance. 213 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 214 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Grappe Product Overview A sweet, soft, warm and enveloping wine but with an appealing touch of freshness that renders it particularly adapted to various types of desserts. Cascina Albano di Vacca Natale 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Piemont Product Details Verde 02.06.01 Its lively natural perlage, its color with greenish reflections, its proper degree of acidity and sense of freshness encapsulated in the aroma make this wine irresistible as an aperitif, especially during the summer. Strada Ovello 38 12050 Barbaresco Italy Phone +39 329 1603265 Fax +39 0173 635225 Internet address www.cascina-albano.com E-Mail info@cascina-albano.com Stand Hall 15, A41 (Page 994) Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin PerSchers The high-quality sparkling wine “PerSchers” was born in 2008 as a challenge to enhance our hills, showing them through an original champenoise-method sparkling wine. PerSchers is rare and precious due to its uniqueness and to the tight link with the territory. It is made from a selected white grapes cuvée. Cascina Albano di Vacca Natale Address Cascina Albano di Vacca Natale The label reflects the proprieties and the story of the wine following Cascina Albano style. The will to dare meets the traditional champenoise-method and comes out in the draw of a lady with aristocratic hairs, typical of eighteen century. She is having a bath and the bubbles remind to the thin PerSchers perlage, which, as the poem says, never stops surprising us. The colors and the silver represents the structure of the wine and its complex and elegant perfumes. The grapes come from vineyards situated in Barbaresco, in the Langhe territory. The soils are rich of white clay alternating with sandy beds and calcareous marl. The grapes, which are pickled in the first hours of the morning, are put to a soft pressing, separating the freerunning must from the peels. The must is kept in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats for the static settling and then it is vinified under controlled temperatures and pressure. The malolactic fermentation is avoided, thanks to the preservation of the wine at low temperatures. During spring time, the wine has a second fermentation; this process is made in bottle and it is followed by a period of sur-lie aging in a fresh and dark room in the cellar. All this is made following the exact champenoise-method process. PerSchers is obtained from the vinification of grapes which, thanks to the manual harvest at the end of August, release a natural freshness and sourness. After a long period of sur-lie aging, PerSchers goes on to the phase of disgorgement. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 215 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 216 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de When served, it discloses a persistent perlage, the color is a brilliant straw yellow with delicate greenish hues. The subtle and persistent perlage whets the sight and the palate. It discloses a fresh and intense bouquet, recalling tropical fruits, lime and bread crust. On the palate, it is rich and fullbodied thanks to the highquality grapes and to the territory in which they grow. Intense aromas of fresh fruit, citrus and sage together with a pleasant note of toasted dried fruit, make this wine fresh, smooth and delicious. The finish is lasting and persistent with sapid and aromatic sensations. Product Details 02.04 Cascina Ballarin di Viberti Luigi e Figli S.S.... Sparkling wine Langhe Bianco Ballarin DOC Grape varietals: Chardonnay, Favorita, Pinot Grigio Vineyard of origin: La Morra and Monforte d’Alba Planting layout: 2.30 x 0.90 m Altitude: 230 metres a.s.l. Cascina Ballarin di Viberti Luigi e Figli S.S. Agricola Exposure: south Address Frz. Annunziata, 115 12064 La Moora Italy Vine training technique: guyot Age of vines: 10 years Yield per hectare: 75 quintals of grapes/ha Phone +39 0173 50365 Soil: limestone – blue marlstone Fax +39 0173 50365 Harvest: September Internet address www.cascinaballarin.it E-Mail cascina@cascinaballarin.it Stand Hall 15, A51 (Page 994) Vinification: traditional in temperature controlled tanks Ageing: 6 months in stainless steel tanks Further ageing: 6 months in the bottle Sensory characteristics: Deep straw yellow colour, dense almost oily, with sweet scents of ripe fruit, peach, apricot and gooseberry. The palate is thick, savoury, low in acidity and full-bodied. Pairs nicely with fresh water fish. Product Overview Cascina Ballarin di Viberti Luigi e Figli S.S.... Piemont 02.04 Sparkling wine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 217 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 218 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de PRODUCTION AREA: company vineyards at Case Bianche in Susegana (TV). Case Bianche S.R.L. Address SOIL: calcareous, clayey with sandstone subsoil, relatively shallow. Barriera, 41 31058 Susegana (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 64468 Fax +39 0438 453871 Internet address www.casebianche.it E-Mail info@casebianche.it Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) EXPOSURE: south, south-west. AVERAGE ALTITUDE OF VINEYARDS: 250 m a.s.l. TRAINING: cappuccina, double-arched cane. PLANTING DENSITY: 3.000 vines per hectare. YIELD: maximum 13.500 Kg/hectare. HARVEST: grapes are hand-picked during the second half of September. Product Overview VINIFICATION: destemming and soft pressing of the grapes, static decantation of the must and temperature-controlled fermentation (approximately 18°C). Aged on fine lees in steel tanks for 3-4 months. SECONDARY FERMENTATION: the wine is bottled the following spring and second fermentation takes place in the bottle for approximately 2-3 months, after which the yeasts settle to the bottom. Case Bianche S.R.L. TASTING NOTES Veneto APPEARANCE: straw-yellow colour, with light but evident release of a fine and persistent perlage. 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante AROMA: the fresh and fruity notes typical of Prosecco combine with the characteristic nuances of “bread crust” that arise from the contact with the yeast. TASTE: fresh and velvety, dry and pleasingly slightly bitter at the finish, Product Details 02.07.04 Case Bianche S.R.L. good structure and slight minerality. SERVING SUGGESTIONS: excellent lightly sparkling wine for throughout the meal Prosecco Spumante Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco “Antico” Case Bianche and with fish dishes, it is a wonderful accompaniment to charcuterie and salamis typical of the region, such as “Sopressa”. SERVE: chill to 8-10°C just before serving. Pour carefully into a carafe, separating the clear liquid from the sediment. The Prosecco has an aroma reminiscent of bread crust, while the taste brings to mind the mineral-rich soil where the grapes are carefully cultivated. RECOMMENDED GLASS: medium white wine glass. Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco “Antico” Case Bianche D.O.C.G. STORAGE: store the bottle upright in a cool, dark place, avoid keeping in the refrigerator for long periods. (Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin) WHEN TO CONSUME: after the summer of the year following the harvest and the subsequent 6 months. TYPE: lightly sparkling, bottle-fermented. ANALYTICAL DATA GRAPES: 100% Glera. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 219 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 220 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de ALCOHOL CONTENT: 11% Vol SUGARS: absent with secondary fermentation in an autoclave for approximately 60 days at a constant temperature of 16-18°, followed by filtration and cold stabilization. total ACIDITY: 5.5 g/l BOTTLING: isobaric bottling, after sterile filtration of the sparkling wine. PH: 3,2 TASTING NOTES TOTAL SO2: 60 mg/l APPEARANCE: brilliant, with a fine and persistent perlage. FREE SO2: absent COLOUR: straw yellow. PRESSURE: 2.4 bar AROMA: pleasing with a characteristic fruitiness and scents of green apple. FLAVOUR: dry and harmonious, slightly tangy, pleasing and lingering. “Vigna del Cuc” SERVING SUGGESTIONS: excellent as an aperitif, it is also the perfect accompaniment to light and delicate dishes. This Prosecco will delight you with its delicate aroma, unmistakeable brilliance, fine and persistent perlage, dry and harmonious flavour and the gentle sound of its tiny bubbles. SERVING TEMPERATURE: 8°C ANALYTICAL DATA ALCOHOL CONTENT: 11.5% Vol Prosecco Superiore Brut “Vigna del Cuc” Case Bianche RESIDUAL SUGAR: 10 g/l Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG ACIDITY: 6.5 g/l (Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin) TYPE: sparkling white wine. Castell d’Age S.A. GRAPES: Glera (90-95%), Chardonnay (5-10%), depending on the year. Address Carretera de Martorell a Capellades 6-8 08782 La Beguda Baixa (Barcelona) Spain Phone +34 93 7725181 Fax +34 93 7727061 Internet address www.castelldage.com E-Mail info@castelldage.com Stand Hall 10, F132 (Page 974) PRODUCTION AREA: the company’s “Cuc” vineyards at Case Bianche in Susegana (TV). SOIL: calcareous, clayey, with sandstone subsoil. EXPOSURE: south-west. ALTITUDE: 250 m a.s.l. TRAINING SYSTEM: vertical trellised PLANTING DENSITY: 3.000 vines per hectare. YIELD: 13.500 Kg/hectare. HARVEST: grapes are hand-picked during the second half of September. VINIFICATION: destemming and soft pressing followed by temperature-controlled fermentation. SECONDARY FERMENTATION: conducted according to the Italian method, © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 221 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 222 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Aurélia Product Overview Castell d’Age S.A. Penedès 02.07.07 Cava Product Details 02.07.07 Aurèlia Inspired by Aurelia Figueras, the woman who gave a tremendous boost to the development of our vineyards, this is the Bodega’s cava with the most personality and energy. It also boasts a highly distinctive touch of Chardonnay. Castell d’Age S.A. Varieties: 40% Macabeo, 40% Xarel.lo, 10% Parellada, 10% Chardonnay Type of wine: Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Cava Estate: Can Pere Valls, Can Gener and Can Aguilera Anne Marie Elegant Soil type: Slate and clay-limestone Region: DO Cava Anne Marie Elegant, subtle cava with great sensitivity, conveying the personality of its creator. With a welldesigned, sober and distinguished presentation, this very special cava cries out to be enjoyed. Alcohol content: 12% APPEARANCE: Straw yellow colour with bright, golden tones. Small, elegant and long-lasting bubbles. Good crown of mousse and beading. Varieties: 40% Macabeo, 40% Xarel.lo, 20% Parellada Type of wine: Cava Brut Nature Reserva NOSE: At first it emits a symphony of white flowers and citrus, later followed by light touches of honey and fruit jam. Estate: Can Pere Valls, Can Gener and Can Aguilera PALATE: Silky from the perfectly integrated carbon dioxide. Soil type: Slate and clay-limestone Finish: Long with gentle citrus touches. Region: DO Cava Olivia Alcohol content: 12% APPEARANCE: Straw yellow colour with green tones. Fine, slow moving bubbles, forming strings of beads and a crown of mousse.. NOSE: Delicate aging aromas with diary notes of fresh butter against a backdrop of ripe fruit. PALATE: Pleasant and fresh on entry, opening up fully over the palate. Wellintegrated carbon dioxide. The light aging aromas merge with ripe fruit and hints of toast and dried fruit and nuts. FINISH: Full with good length and long-lasting flavours. Olivia With its finesse, delicacy and femininity, combined with the strength that comes from aging, this 100% Chardonnay cava inspires admiration and never goes unnoticed. Like the woman who inspired it. Variety: 100% Chardonnay Type of wine: Cava Reserva Brut Nature Estate: Can Gener Soil type: Stony chalk Region: DO Cava Alcohol content: 12% APPEARANCE: Bright straw gold colour. Fine, totally integrated, bubbles. Delicate, elegant beading. NOSE: Fresh and fruity, typical of the varietal, combined with slight nuances of © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 223 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 224 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de candied and dried fruit and nuts, brought by the maturity of long aging. Product Details PALATE: Flawlessly integrated carbon dioxide, making the cava silky and wellbalanced on the palate. Light aftertaste of fruit and sweets. 02.07.07 Castell d’Or, S.L. Cava Cossetània Cava Brut Rose Castell d’Or, S.L. Address Cossetània Cava Brut Rose Grapes C/ Mare Rafols 3 08720 Vilafranca del Penedes Spain Phone +34 93 8905385 Fax +34 93 8905446 Internet address www.castelldor.com E-Mail castelldor@castelldor.com Stand Hall 10, G142 (Page 974) Trepat 100% Ageing Second fermentation in the bottle, minimum of 12 months ageing in our cellars Ampolla Cava white 75 cl. Alcohol 11,5º Visual examination Clear and brilliant, attractive cherry-pink colour and lively violet highlights. A fine and persistent bubble with abundant formation of rosaries and a thick crown. Aroma examination Product Overview Castell d’Or, S.L. A fresh arooma, clean with signs of ripe fruit. 02.07.07 Cava Taste examination Catalunya Characteristic of the variety, fruity and complex, with particular emphasis on wild fruits, above all the strawberry. Its ageing confers it a long, balanced flow in the mouth, maintaining it fresh and lively. Final impression Fresh, pleasant, balanced, good structure and carbonic features well integrated. Aftertaste pleasant and full, with repetition and harmonisation of the aromas in the nose and mouth. Gastronomy Ideal as an aperitif at any time. Perfect with all kinds of fish, shellfish, white and red meats, sauces, etc. Ideal, also, to accompany a whole meal. Temperatura ideal © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 225 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 226 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 6º - 8º C Castell Sant Antoni (Pere Canals, SL) Cossetània Gran Reserva Brut Vintage Address Passeig del Parc, 13 08770 Sant Sadurni d’Anoia Spain Phone +34 93 8183099 Fax +34 93 8184451 Internet address www.castellsantantoni.com E-Mail cava@castellsantantoni.com Stand Hall 10, F132 (Page 974) Cossetània Gran Reserva Brut Vintage Grapes Xarel·lo 50%; Macabeu 30% and Parellada 20% Ageing Second fermentation in the bottle, ageing of at least 36 months in our cellars. Bottle Cava, green, 0,75 cl. Alcohol 12º Visual examination Straw-coloured yellow with slight golden highlights, good release of small bubbles forming a rosary and a persistent crown. Product Overview 02.07.07 Castell Sant Antoni (Pere Canals, SL) Cava Aroma examination A fine aroma of long ageing followed by floral scents and ripe fruits. Product Details Taste examination 02.07.07 Castell Sant Antoni (Pere Canals, SL) Cava Fruity and complex emphasizing mainly the fruits of forest where dominates red strawberries. The maturity of its long aging has provided a persistent and balanced palate, conserving fresh and alive. 37.5 BRUT & 37.5 BRUT NATURE Final impression D.O. CAVA - GRAN RESERVA BRUT & BRUT NATURE Fresh, pleasant, well-balanced and a good, fine structure of the bubble. ”Because the size sometimes does matter”. Gastronomy A blend of the traditional varieties ( macabeu, xarel•lo & parellada ) and chardonnay . Ideal at any time, also suitable 375 ml all kinds of fish, seafood, white and red meats, sauces, etc. Optimum for to accompany a whole meal. Ageing: 42 months. Ideal temperature 90 PTS - PEÑÍN 2015 ( Brut Nature ) 6-8ºC 91 PTS - PEÑÍN 2015 ( Brut ) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 227 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 228 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de BRUT DE POSTRE GRAN BRUT D.O. CAVA - GRAN RESERVA BRUT NATURE D.O. CAVA - GRAN RESERVA BRUT ”The elegance of a genuine long ageing cava with his well-bred yeasts”. ”The subtlety of the expedition liquor”. A blend of the traditional varieties ( macabeu, xarel•lo & parellada ) with a slight touch of chardonnay . A blend of the traditional varieties ( macabeu, xarel·lo & parellada ) with a slight touch of chardonnay . Ageing: 36 months. Ageing: 60 months. 750 ml / 1500 ml (MAGNUM) 750 ml 92 PTS - PEÑÍN 2016 (91 MAGNUM) 89 PTS - PEÑÍN 2016 GRAN RESERVA BRUT NATURE CAMÍ DEL SOT D.O. CAVA - GRAN RESERVA BRUT NATURE D.O. CAVA - RESERVA BRUT NATURE ”The elegance of a genuine long ageing cava with his wellbred yeasts”. ”Very close to the long-aged cavas, but with touches of freshness and youth” A blend of the traditional varieties ( macabeu, xarel•lo & parellada ). A blend of the traditional varieties ( macabeu, xarel·lo & parellada ) with a slight touch of chardonnay . Ageing: 28 months. Ageing: 60 months. 750 ml 1500 ml 750 ml / 1500 ml (MAGNUM) 92 PTS - PEÑÍN 2016 (93 MAGNUM) 93 PTS - PEÑÍN 2016 (92 MAGNUM) GRAN BARRICA GRAN ROSAT PINOT NOIR D.O. CAVA - GRAN RESERVA BRUT NATURE D.O. CAVA - GRAN RESERVA BRUT NATURE rosé ”The elegance of a genuine long ageing cava with his well-bred yeasts”. ”A high expression rosé”. A blend of the traditional varieties ( macabeu, xarel·lo & parellada ) with a slight touch of chardonnay . Ageing: 42 months. A long-ageing rosé made out entirely of pinot noir . 750 ml Ageing: 60 months. 88 PTS - PEÑÍN 2016 750 ml 93 PTS - PEÑÍN 2016 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 229 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 230 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de PRIMVS BRUT Castellari Bergaglio Azienda Agricola Address Frazione Rovereto 136 R 15066 Gavi Italy Phone +39 0143 644000 Fax +39 0143 644900 PEÑIN’16 89 PTS Internet address www.castellaribergaglio.it TORRE DE L’HOMENATGE E-Mail gavi@castellaribergaglio.it D.O. CAVA - GRAN RESERVA VINTAGE Stand Hall 16, C31 (Page 998) D.O. CAVA - RESERVA BRUT The freshness of a young cava made with the indigerous varieties. A blend of the traditional varieties (macabeu, xarel·lo & parellada) Ageing +15 meses 750 ml ”The cava brought to its highest expression” A blend of the traditional varieties ( macabeu, xarel·lo & parellada ) Product Overview Ageing: +120 months. Piemont 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Castellari Bergaglio Azienda Agricola 750 ml - LIMITED EDITION 1999: 94 PTS PEÑÍN 2016 93+ PTS-PARKER 2003: 94 PTS PEÑÍN 2016 92 PTS-PARKER Product Details 2005: 94 PTS PEÑÍN 2016 (MAGNUM 94) 02.07.09 Castellari Bergaglio Azienda Agricola Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Ardé Gavi Brut DOCG Herkunft: Piemont DOCG-Anbaugebiet Gavi del Comune di Gavi Rebsorten: 100% Cortese Ausbau/Reife: Die von Hand geernteten und selektionierten Trauben werden sanft gepresst. Die verschiedenen Cortese Grundweine werden im Edelstahltank fermentiert. Flaschengärung (metodo classico). 18 Monate lange Lagerung auf der Hefe. Eigenschaften: helles Goldgelb. Feine, langanhaltende Perlage. Fruchtige und blumige Noten von Biskuit, getoasteten Nüssen und Brotkruste. Im Gaumen frisch, intensiv und fein. Gute Länge. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 231 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 232 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de ideal zu: Aperitif und zu Vorspeisen Maridatge Per aperitius, arrossos i fideus. postres. Castellroig de Sabaté i Coca Address Carretera de Sant Sadurni 08739 Subirats Spain Phone +34 938 911927 També acompanya perfectament algunes Temperatura de consum: 7-8 Cº Terrers Sòls desenvolupats sobre abundants graves calcàries a les terrasses del Riu Bitlles. Són sòls que aporten molta precocitat a la maduració del raïm, factor que resulta de extrema importància per a que es completi satisfactòriament la maduració de la varietat Trepat a la nostra zona. Cava Gran Reserva Fax Internet address www.castellroig.com E-Mail info@castellroig.com Stand Hall 10, G82 (Page 974) Product Overview Després de vinificar per separat les varietats tradicionals Xarel·lo i Macabeu de vinyes velles, es realitza un cupatge amb el que s’elabora aquest cava seguint el mètode tradicional. El Xarel·lo i una criança mínima de 36 mesos caracteritzen aquest cava. Tast Castellroig de Sabaté i Coca Cava de molt fina bombolla degut a la seva llarga criança. Aroma peculiar i complex, notes fresques i tostadadas perfectament ensamblades. Estructurat i sorprenentment fresc. Molt persistent. Penedès Maridatge 02.07.07 Cava Apte per a totes les ocasions. Té cos i personalitat per acompanyar plats forts i salses. Especialment recomanable amb carn. Temperatura de consum: 8-9 Cº Product Details 02.07.07 Castellroig de Sabaté i Coca Terrer L’assemblatge d’aquests quatre terrers (Marges, Calma, Torró i Rigolet) en les proporcions que demana aquest cava Gran Reserva, s’ajusta a una gran complexitat que barreja frescor, acidesa, i tipicitat, fent una gran aportació al paladar més exquisit. Cava Cava brut Rosat Després de vinificar la varietat autòctona Trepat s’elabora aquest cava seguint el mètode tradicional. Tast D’aspecte net i brillant, color rosa cirera de bombolla fina i persistent. Aroma característica de fruits vermells com el gerd. En boca és fresc i net, molt fàcil de beure. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 233 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 234 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Casè Casè Società Agricola s.a.s. Address Località Casalpozzino SNC 29020 Travo (PC) Italy Phone +39 347 2590551 Fresh wine from younger vines Casè is made from Pinot Noir grapes coming from younger vines. The reduced maceration period, and the aging in steel tanks produce a fresher, lighter wine that can be enjoyed immediately after bottling. Fax Casè – Riva del Ciliegio Internet address www.naturallywine.com E-Mail case@naturallywine.com Stand Hall 13, E110 (Page 986) Product Overview Casè Società Agricola s.a.s. Emilia-Romagna 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 Structured wine suitable for long aging CasèBianco Perfumed white wine macerated on the skins Casè Società Agricola s.a.s. Sparkling wine calcaròt Traditional local wine from old vines Calcaròt is a handcrafted wine made as our grandfathers made it before the advent of industrial wine production. Our goal was to produce a wine with character, featuring a strong flavor, far from the international standards adopted by the conventional wine industry. Following our local tradition, two varieties of indigenous red grapes are combined to ensure the ideal balance of acidity and roundness. This wine comes from a project of recovery of an old vineyard. It is a rustic, honest wine, well suited for the local food culture, based on cold cuts, tasty cheeses, stuffed pasta and game. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Casè Riva del Ciliegio is a Pinot Noir with quite distinctive taste. The altitude of the vineyard and the soil composition (clay and limestone) produce a dry, sharp, and mineral wine. The maceration period and the aging in wood barrels adds structure and complexity to a wine that can evolve more than 10 years in the bottle, giving a different and surprising result every year. 235 CasèBianco is made from four different white grapevines growing in the same vineyard, intermixed with other red varieties. This arrangement was common in the past in our region, and the vineyard itself is quite old. We chose to stick to tradition even in the vinification process, using a moderate maceration on the skins that gives a surprising result of sweet, fruity perfumes associated with an unexpected dry taste. Natural rosé sparkling wine harusame is a sparkling Pinot Noir made with completely natural methods. The vinification follows the traditional method, but without adding any substance other than grapes. The base wine is obtained by vinification “in white” of Pinot Noir grapes in purity. After aging in steel for about a year, natural must is used to achieve the second fermentation in the bottle. We do not add sugar or industrial yeasts. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 236 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cattin Freres S.A.R.L. Maison Joseph Cattin Product Overview Address 19, Rue Roger Fremeaux 68420 Voegtlinshoffen France Phone +33 3 89493021 Fax +33 3 89492602 Internet address www.cattin.fr E-Mail contact@cattin.fr Stand Hall 11, L135 (Page 978) Cattin Freres S.A.R.L. Maison Joseph Cattin Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 Cattin Freres S.A.R.L. Maison Joseph Cattin Cremant Crémant d’Alsace Brut CATTIN Crémant d’Alsace Brut CATTIN Crémant d’Alsace Brut CATTIN is a dry and fruity sparkling wine with delicate bubbles. It’s the perfect drink for celebrations! Appellation: AOC Crémant d’Alsace Company News 12/22/2015 Cattin Freres S.A.R.L. Maison Joseph Cattin Grape Variety: Pinot Blanc & Auxerrois Soil: Clay - limestone Vintage 2015 Harvest: Hand-harvest Prowein 2016 The Cattin Winery happily recommend the vintage 2015 to you. Ageing Potential: Drink now or within the next 3 years With warm weather, sufficient sunshine, the vintage 2015 is a great year to expect. Great condition of the year enables the wines to achieve their full potential of flavor and ageing. Welcome to have a tasting in our stand. Appearance: clear; delightful lemon green; constant and fine bubbles. 12/22/2015 Tasting Notes Vintage 2015 Palate: fresh and dry palate; lively acidity balanced with fruitiness of green apple and lemon; fine and creamy bubbles. Prowein 2016 The Cattin Winery happily recommend the vintage 2015 to you. Serving With warm weather, sufficient sunshine, the vintage 2015 is a great year to expect. Great condition of the year enables the wines to achieve their full potential of flavor and ageing. Welcome to have a tasting in our stand. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Nose: clean and fresh nose; characters of perfumed green apple and white flower. 237 Ideal for aperitif, Crémant Brut CATTIN goes perfectly with shell-based dishes, fish and white meat. It is also excellent with fruit pasty. Serving Temperature: 5-7�. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 238 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Crémant d’Alsace Brut CATTIN Rosé gant and fine bubbles, forming a steadily up-rising stream. Crémant d’Alsace Brut Cattin Rosé is made from the single variety of Pinot Noir, which is indicated by the fine notes of red fruits. Elegant and delicate, this sparkling wine is suitable for all the situations for celebration. Nose: clean and complex; obvious notes of brioche and honey with a hint of peachy aroma. Appellation: AOC Crémant d’Alsace Serving Grape Variety: Pinot Noir The freshness and crispness of Pinot Blanc mix perfectly with the complexity of Chardonnay, making it a perfect aperitif for all the festivals. It also goes well with fish and seafood. Palate: dry on the palate; structured by moderate acidity balanced with rich flavor of pastry and honey; creamy and mouth-filling bubbles; fine and long finish. Soil: Clay - limestone Harvest: Hand-harvest Serving Temperature: 5-7�. Ageing Potential: Drink now or within the next 3 years GRANDE CUVÉE Tasting Notes Appearance: clear; elegant salmon pink; abundant and dynamic bubbles. Nose: clean and gentle nose; floral with notes of honey and red fruits. Made with traditional method, this sparkling wine comes from selected exclusive cuvee. Ample and complex, it can be enjoyed alone as well as with a meal. Palate: smooth, mouth-fulling bubbles; dry on the palate; fresh and fruity with a hint of nuts on the finish. Appellation: AOC Crémant d’Alsace Serving Grape Variety: Pinot Blanc (80%) & Chardonnay (20%) Ideal for aperitif, Crémant Brut CATTIN Rosé matches perfectly with light starters based on white meat. For dessert, it goes perfectly with red fruit pasty. Soil: Clay - limestone Serving Temperature: 5-7�. Ageing Potential: Drink now or within the next 5 years Crémant Emotion Brut Tasting Notes Crémant Emotion Brut Appearance: clear; medium lemon green with golden reflects on the rim; abundant and pure bubbles, forming a steadily up-rising stream. Harvest: Hand-harvest Nose: clean and slightly smoky nose; intensive toasty aromas accompanied by a nutty character. Crémant Emotion Brut of Joseph Cattin is a high-end product made from a blend of Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay. Being fruity and delicate, this sparkling is perfect for receptions and festival aperitif. Palate: deliciously dry; delicate brioche and honey flavor, subtly smoky and nutty; creamy and delightful bubbles; pleasant finish. Appellation: AOC Crémant d’Alsace Grape Variety: 80% Chardonnay 20 % Pinot Blanc Serving Soil: Clay - limestone Harvest: Hand-harvest Crémant Grande Cuvée can be enjoyed alone as well as with meals. It matches particularly well with fish and seafood (scallop, lobster, oyster and caviar). Ageing Potential: Drink now or within the next 5 years Serving Temperature: 6-8�. Tasting Notes Appearance: clear; medium lemon green with light gold reflect on the rim; ele- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 239 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 240 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cava Rosé Brut Nature Cava Varias (Berral i Miro, S.L.) Address Pl. Manuel Raventós, 8 08770 Sant Sadurni d’Anoia Spain Cava Origin: Penedès Monastrell 80% and Garnacha 20% Phone +34 93 8912763 Fax +34 93 8912713 Internet address www.cavavarias.com E-Mail info@cavavarias.es Stand Hall 10, F132 (Page 974) Is bright cherry red in colour and has a clean aroma with notes of ripe red fruit on a very pleasant liquorice background. The mouth is mature and well structured, with a ”nish that contains aging notes and a perfectly integrated acidity. Cava Varias Reserva Brut Cava Origin: Penedès. Macabeo 30%, Xarel·lo 40%, Parellada 20% and Chardonnay 10% Product Overview Cava Varias (Berral i Miro, S.L.) Penedès 02.07.07 Cava It is straw yellow in colour, with ”ne, constant bubbles. The nose is so# and delicate with fresh notes and hints of fennel and ripe fruit. The mouth is lingering and mature with a bitter, creamy and extremely elegant finish. Cava Varias Reserva Brut Nature Product Details Cava Varias (Berral i Miro, S.L.) Cava 02.07.07 Cava Origin: Penedès Cava Flors i Violes Brut Macabeo 30%, Xarel·lo 40%, Parellada 20% and Chardonnay 10% Cava Pale straw yellow in colour, with fine, constant bubbles. The nose is soft and delicate with fresh notes and hints of fennel and ripe fruit. The mouth is lingering and mature with a bitter, creamy and extremely elegant finish. Origin: Penedès Macabeo 30%, Xarel·lo 40%, Parellada 30% Bright pale lemon color with a green hue. Fresh citrus on the nose with varietal aromas. In the mouth is lively and refreshing, with a pleasant and crispy aftertaste. Genuí Brut Superb as aperitif, with fresh salads and white meat dishes. Origin: Penedès The best choice for your celebrations. Macabeo 40%, Xarel·lo 40% and Parellada 20% © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Cava 241 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 242 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Bright yellow in colour, with greenish glints. Extremely aromatic, with single variety notes. Product Details 02.07.02 In the mouth is soft and delicious with a pleasant, crispy after-taste. Cave Vinicole de Cleebourg Cooperative Cremant Crémant d’Alsace AOC Tasting: pastel pink robe. Fine and regular bubbles. Smooth and fresh in mouth. Elegant and feminine. A perfect drink to enjoy during summer. Cave Vinicole de Cleebourg Cooperative Address Food and wine combination: as an aperitif Route du Vin 67160 Cleebourg France Storage: ready to drink or into the next 4 years Tasting temperature: 8°C Phone +33 3 88945033 Fax +33 3 88945708 Internet address www.cave-cleebourg.fr E-Mail info@cave-cleebourg.fr Stand Hall 14, D19 (Page 990) Product Overview Caves Bailly Lapierre Address Quai de l´Yvonne - Hameau de Bailly 89530 Saint Bris Le Vineux France Phone +33 6 87711895 Fax +33 3 86538094 Internet address www.bailly-lapierre.fr E-Mail home@bailly-lapierre.fr Stand Hall 12, A10 (Page 982) Cave Vinicole de Cleebourg Cooperative Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant Product Overview 02.07.02 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 243 Caves Bailly Lapierre Cremant © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 244 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.02 Caves Bailly Lapierre Cremant 22.02.2016 Our Crémants and their splendid bubbles Cavit S.C. Cavit auf der ProWein Cavit blickt auf ein sehr positives Jahr zurück mit einem Wachstum in allen Produktkategorien. Auf der ProWein 2016 präsentiert sich die Trentiner Weinkellerei mit einem größeren Stand im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr. A delicate, longlasting sparkle whose purety reveals the lively freshness and aromatic quality of the original base wines... A balance that is the hallmark of Bailly Lapierre Crémants: from the bedrock... yet finely chiselled, carrying you away with their intense, mineral freshness. Truly an expression of Burgundy’s rich heritage. Die Genossenschaft aus Trient wird dem Publikum der wichtigsten internationalen Messe für die Weinindustrie eine große Auswahl an Weinen vorstellen. Dazu gehören die Linie Bottega Vinai/Norico für die gehobene Gastronomie und Weinhandlungen, sowie die Weine aus der Linie Mastri Vernacoli, die für den LEH bestimmt sind. Mit der Linie Altemasi TrentoDoc werden außerdem Sekte präsentiert, die nach der Methode der klassischen Flaschengärung hergestellt werden. In the unvarying coolness and soft light of the underground vaults and passages, the cellarmaster oversees the seried racks of bottles while the natural yet magical phenomenon gives rise to the sparkle and fizz. Whichever of our brands you choose –Réserve, Rosé, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Noir et Blanc and, specially for winelovers, original blends from Pinot Noir as well as our cuvées “Vive-la-Joie”–, you are sure to find a Crémant to set your taste buds going and match each moment of enjoyment and pleasure. Am Stand können Sie auch kürzlich goldprämierte Weine verkosten. Der Mastri Vernacoli Chardonnay Trentino Doc 2015 wurde mit Gold auf dem internationalen Wettbewerb Berliner Wein Trophy 2016 ausgezeichnet, während der Mastri Vernacoli Pinot Grigio Trentino Doc 2015 und der Bottega Vinai Nosiola Trentino Doc 2015 jeweils eine Goldmedaille auf dem Mundus Vini 2016 im Neustadter Saalbau erhalten haben. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch zu einer Weinverkostung an unserem Stand F61 in der Halle 15. Eine gute Gelegenheit, um sich mit dem Management von Cavit über die Ergebnisse des letzten Jahres und die Neuheiten der nächsten Monate zu unterhalten. Cavit S.C. Address Company News Via del Ponte, 31 38123 Trento (TN) Italy Cavit, Halle 15, Stand F61 Phone +39 0461 381711 22.02.2016 Fax +39 0461 381787 Internet address www.cavit.it, www.altemasi.it Cavit blickt auf ein sehr positives Jahr zurück mit einem Wachstum in allen Produktkategorien. Auf der ProWein 2016 präsentiert sich die Trentiner Weinkellerei mit einem größeren Stand im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr. E-Mail export@cavit.it Stand Hall 15, F61 (Page 994) Cavit auf der ProWein Die Genossenschaft aus Trient wird dem Publikum der wichtigsten internationalen Messe für die Weinindustrie eine große Auswahl an Weinen vorstellen. Dazu gehören die Linie Bottega Vinai/Norico für die gehobene Gastronomie und Weinhandlungen, sowie die Weine aus der Linie Mastri Vernacoli, die für den LEH bestimmt sind. Mit der Linie Altemasi TrentoDoc werden außerdem Sekte präsentiert, die nach der Methode der klassischen Flaschengärung hergestellt werden. Am Stand können Sie auch kürzlich goldprämierte Weine verkosten. Der Mas- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 245 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 246 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de tri Vernacoli Chardonnay Trentino Doc 2015 wurde mit Gold auf dem internationalen Wettbewerb Berliner Wein Trophy 2016 ausgezeichnet, während der Mastri Vernacoli Pinot Grigio Trentino Doc 2015 und der Bottega Vinai Nosiola Trentino Doc 2015 jeweils eine Goldmedaille auf dem Mundus Vini 2016 im Neustadter Saalbau erhalten haben. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch zu einer Weinverkostung an unserem Stand F61 in der Halle 15. Eine gute Gelegenheit, um sich mit dem Management von Cavit über die Ergebnisse des letzten Jahres und die Neuheiten der nächsten Monate zu unterhalten. Cavit, Halle 15, Stand F61 weather cool, slowing down the maturation of the grapes and allowing regular development, without critical issues. The return of good weather at the end of August and in September, together with low night time temperatures, ensured the health of the grape bunches: good sugar content and very satisfactory acidity levels. Harvest began in the first week of September with well-ripened grapes of excellent quality. Production techniques: Healthy grapes in excellent condition were collected in small crates. After a gentle pressing, the must underwent fermentation in stainless steel and barriques. The second fermentation (tirage) took place in April after the base wine (cuvee) had matured. The bottles were disgorged 70 months after tirage. Analysis: Product Overview Cavit S.C. Trentino/Alto Adige 02.07.06 Trentodoc Alcohol: 12.00 % vol. Total acidity: 6.0 g/l Net dry extract: 22 g/l Product Details 02.07.06 Residual sugar: 6 g/l Cavit S.C. Wine description: White foam with fine and consistent perlage. Straw-yellow colour with golden reflections. Intense and complex aroma with hints of apple and peach, accompanied by hints of dried fruit such as hazelnut and of cocoa. Well-balanced and enveloping on the palate. Significant acidity highlights the body and texture, which are balanced with elegance, flavour and persistence. Trentodoc Altemasi Trentodoc Riserva Graal 2008 General description: An elegant and classic Spumante Riserva Millesimato, produced by Cavit only in the best years. Production area: The most suitable highest hills for the cultivation of grapes for sparkling wine in Trentino (the hills aroundTrento, the Brentonico Plateau and Valle dei Laghi). Grapes grown on loose, generally shallow, glacial and volcanic soils at altitudes of 500 to600 metres a.s.l. Grape varieties: 70 % Chardonnay and 30 % Pinot Nero, with yields of 70 hl per hectare. Weather conditions: The season, after a particularly mild winter, the warmest since 1950, began with weak precipitation in the first months of the year. Springtime conditions were favourable, while in the summer frequent and abundant showers kept the © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 247 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 248 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de from the ageing process. In the mouth it is smooth with a good structure, honest, fresh and persistent, with an explosion of little bubbles that gives a delightful effervescent sensation. Celler Carles Andreu S.L. Address C/ Major 9 43400 Montblanc Spain Phone +34 977 860001 Fax +34 977 860279 Internet address Elaboration: Variety of grape : Macabeu, Parellada and Chardonnay. Elaboration of the base wine: Fermentation at 15ºC for ten days of the must obtained from the smooth pressing one of whole blunches of each variety. Later coupage of obtained wines of each variety. Elaboration of the cava: Second fermentation in bottle at 14ºC and remaining on lees for twenty-six months www.cavandreu.com E-Mail info@cavandreu.com Stand Hall 10, G72 (Page 974) Presentation: case of 1 or 3 bottles, wooden box of 3 bottles or cardboard box of 6 bottles. CAVA ROSAT BRUT CARLES ANDREU Product Overview Celler Carles Andreu S.L. Conca de Barberà 02.07.07 Cava Product Details 02.07.07 CAVA ROSAT BRUT CARLES ANDREU Celler Carles Andreu S.L. Cava CAVA RESERVA BRUT NATURE CARLES ANDREU Tasting notes: One of the differentiating characteristics of the Conca de Barberà, within the cava making region, is the production of rosé cavas from a base wine of the indigenous variety, the Trepat grape. Our extra-brut rosé is made exclusively with this variety, which has adapted perfectly to our climate. On the one hand the Trepat brings generosity and strength to bear, while on the other it contributes youth and freshness.The tasting impression is unique. Its vivid cherry colour gives a tender, romantic effect. A fine necklace of pearls is given off continuously yet slowly, forming a white circular crown inside the glass. The perceptions on tasting evoke enthusiasm, with a very unique and elegant fruitiness. In the mouth it is a sum of sensations: intense, unctuous, complex, which, together with its vivacity, generate an ensemble of extremely pleasurable sensorial perceptions during tasting. Elaboration: CAVA RESERVA BRUT NATURE CARLES ANDREU Variety of grape : Trepat 100% Tasting notes: We make this cava using a meticulous selection of base wines from Macabeo and Parellada grapes from vines with a balanced yield, and only from harvests where the grape maturity has proved excellent. The second fermentation is carried out very slowly with our cavas, at a constant temperature of 14ºC. The ageing period is prolonged to 36 months to ensure that the yeasts endow our Gran Reserva cava with its unique characteristics.Pale gold in colour, with a fine and constant rosary of bubbles, it presents itself for tasting with considerable fruitiness, recalling certain nuances Elaboration of the base wine: Fermentation at 15ºC of temperature for ten days, after a cold maceration with the skins to extract the variety’s color and aromas Elaboration of the cava: Second fermentation in bottle at 14ºC and remaininigon lees for fifteen months © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 249 Presentation: Case of 1 or 3 bottles, cardboard box of 3 and 6 bottles, or wooden box of 3 bottles . © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 250 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de CAVA SEMISEC CARLES ANDREU Product Details CAVA SEMISEC CARLES ANDREU 02.07.01 Varieties: Parellada and Macabeo. Champagne Aspasie Les Mains Terroirs de Champagne... Champagne Brut Carte Blanche Ageing: cellar ageing for 18 months. A well balanced, full-bodied champagne with plenty of fresh, Presentation: Case of 1 or 3 bottles, cardboard box of 3 and 6 bottles, or wooden box of 3 bottles . floral flavours on the palette. Open as an aperitif to a special meal. Also available in 1/2 bottle. Champagne Aspasie Les Mains Terroirs de Champagne SARL Ariston et Fils Address 4 Grande Rue 51170 Brouillet France Phone +33 32697 4346 Fax +33 32697 4934 Internet address www.champagneaspasie.com E-Mail contact@champagneaspasie.com Stand Product Overview 02.07.01 CHAMPAGNE AUTREAU DE CHAMPILLON SARL LES VIGNOBLES CHAMPENOIS Address 7 rue René Baudet 51160 CHAMPILLON France Phone +33 3 26594600 Fax +33 3 26594485 Internet address www.champagneautreau.com E-Mail champagne.autreau@wanadoo.fr Stand Hall 12, E09 (Page 982) Hall 12, D04 (Page 982) Champagne Aspasie Les Mains Terroirs de Champagne... Champagne Product Overview © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 251 CHAMPAGNE AUTREAU DE CHAMPILLON - SARL LES... Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 252 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.01 CHAMPAGNE AUTREAU DE CHAMPILLON - SARL LES... Champagne The Gift Boxes We can sell you some gift boxes on demand, in different sizes : Champagne Brut Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru - 1 Bottle Characteristics - 2 Bottles 100 % Chardonnay Grand Cru from the White Hillside - 3 Bottles The words of the oenologist - 1 Magnum The lemon yellow colour with bright gold and almond green glints is typical of the Chardonnay. - 1 Bottle & 2 champagne flutes The nose is a combination of ripe citrus fruits with a buttery overtone and flowery finish. These gift boxes are available for all our cuvées except the Perles de la Dhuy and the Cuvée 1670. Tasting Champagne Bernard Remy SARL Ideal to serve with all types of seafood. Presentation Address 19, rue des Auges 51120 Allemant France Phone +33 3 26806034 Only available in bottle. Champagne Brut Réserve Grand Cru Characteristics Fax The « Grands Crus » from Aÿ and Chouilly have been selected for this blend, which combines with equality the Pinot Noir and the Chardonnay. Internet address www.champagnebernardremy.com E-Mail info@champagnebernardremy.com Stand Hall 11, G157 (Page 978) The words of the oenologist This bright gold champagne has also mahogany glints, which is a sign of maturity. Its fruity aromas (peach, melon and raspberry) blend with the aromas of hazelnut and forest. Tasting Ideal to serve with white meats and salads. Presentation Only available in bottle. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 253 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 254 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Company News 01/29/2014 Champagne Bernard Remy SARL Guide Larousse des Champagnes 03/12/2015 90 points Wine Spectator 2 of our champagnes have been successfully rated by the Wine Spectator The Guide Larousse des Champagnes has recently rewarded our skills and know-how by dedicating 2 pages to our House. Our cuvées Prestige and Millésime 2004 have been particularly enjoyed and receive both 4 stars !! Carte Blanche 90 points Millésime 2004 90 points 01/29/2014 Silver Medal at Mundus Vini Our Carte Blanche received a Silver medal at the wine tasting Mundus Vini 2013 01/29/2014 Magazine Vinum The magazine Vinum highlighted our Carte Blanche in its December issue by granting it the note of 16/20 !! 08/07/2014 90 points Wine Spectator 2 of our champagnes have been successfully rated by the Wine Spectator Carte Blanche 90 points Millésime 2004 90 points 01/29/2014 Assemblage Early January we made our ”assemblages” - a key step in the production of Champagne! 01/20/2015 Still wines tasting - reflections of the last harvest proved to be very promising. And it is in a relaxed, yet professional, atmosphere that Mr REMY father, his son Rudy and Mr. Chaumont, our winemaker, defined the subtle equations that give birth to our wines. 01/29/2014 Prestige Com Vinification :In stainless steel tanks. Maturation : 5 years of ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Our Blanc de Noirs ranked in the top 10 In its December issue, the wine magazine Vinum has made a selection of the best Blanc de Noirs champagnes (i.e. champagnes only made with Pinot Noir). And our cuvée ”Blanc de Noirs” ranked 8th of this list with a beautiful 16/20 !! Tasting : Amber-coloured. Aroma of toasted bread, fine fruit. Soft and lively flavour. Beautiful balance. Excellent finish. Bottle sizes :750 ml bottle. Awards : Guide Hachette des Vins © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 255 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 256 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Guide Dussert-Gerber des Vins de France Guide Hachette des Vins International Wines & Spirits Competition (IWSC) 01/20/2015 Grand Cru Decanter World Wine Awrads Comfrom Mesnil sur Oger 08/07/2014 Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. Maturation : 3 years ageing on laths. Holiday Cheers - a summer in Champagne Happy Holidays !! Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Tasting : Amber-coloured. Fresh nose. Aroma of citrus fruits. Soft and lively flavour. Excellent finish. 02/02/2016 Bottle sizes : 750 ml bottle. In its last edition, the famous wine magazine Vinum highlighted not only our champagnes but also the quality and the know-how of our House : Awards : Guide Hachette des Vins International Wines & Spirits Competition (IWSC) Decanter World Wine Awrads Gilbert & Gaillard Gilbert & Gaillard In the spotlight of Vinum ”a House in wich you can have complete confidence” Moreover 2 champagnes were noted 16/20 : Prestige 12/16/2015 Happy New Year !! Blanc de Blancs We wish you a Merry Christmas and an Happy New year !! 02/02/2015 customized bottles Paint, sleeve, skin, strass, etc. all is possible with the Champagne House Bernard REMY !! 01/20/2015 Give free rein to your imagination to customize your bottles ! We assist you in your boldest projects !! Blanc de Blancs Contact us for more information at info@champagnebernardremy.com Comte des Blancs. Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. Maturation : 3 years ageing on laths. 01/29/2014 Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. The magazine Vinum highlighted our Carte Blanche in its December issue by granting it the note of 16/20 !! Tasting : Amber-coloured. Aroma of citrus fruits. Fresh nose. Fine body, excellent finish. Magazine Vinum Bottle sizes : 750 ml bottle. Awards : © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 257 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 258 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 08/07/2014 A Golden Cuvée 07/23/2015 2 Silver Medals for Champagne Bernard REMY Our Cuvée Prestige got a Gold Medal for the 10th year running, we have been awarded at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles. We received 2 Silver Medal : at a tasting in Czech Republic - Silver Medal for our Carte Blanche - Silver Medal for our Blanc de Blancs 08/07/2014 More info under www.champagnebernardremy.com Holiday Cheers - a summer in Champagne Happy Holidays !! 03/07/2014 New website for Champagne Bernard REMY our new website is now opened !! We kindly invite you to visit it under www.champagnebernardremy.com and obviously we wait for your comments ! 01/15/2015 Happy New Year We wish you all the best for the year 2015 !!! 01/29/2014 New Gift Box We would like to present you our new gift box. Available for 750 ml bottles, this black and gold packaging is covered by a ”soft touch” film, which grants it a soft and silky effect to the touch. 03/12/2015 90 points Wine Spectator To be discovered absolutely!! 2 of our champagnes have been successfully rated by the Wine Spectator 09/03/2014 Decanter: Bronze Medal Carte Blanche 90 points Our Carte Blanche received a Millésime 2004 90 points Bronze Medal at the famous wine tasting Decanter World Wine Awards 2014 03/09/2016 Invitation Champagne tasting we kindly invite you to come and taste our different champagnes during Prowein Hall 11 / Stand G157 See you ! © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 259 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 260 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 03/07/2014 Prowein Hall 5 / Stand H02 / Invitation Champagne tasting we kindly invite you to come and taste our different champagnes during Prowein 02/16/2016 Special design for Champagne Paint, sleeve, skin, strass, etc. all is possible with the Champagne House Bernard REMY !! Hall 5 / Stand H02 Give free rein to your imagination to customize your bottles ! We assist you in your boldest projects !! See you ! Contact us for more info@champagnebernardremy.com 04/30/2015 Prowein 2015/ Hall 11 / Stand E184 / Invitation Champagne tasting we kindly invite you to come and taste our different champagnes during Prowein information at Essi Avellan (MW) rated our Blanc de Blancs 01/20/2015 Essi Avellan is Finland’s first Master of Wine. She is recognized as an international wine author and Champagne specialist. Hall 11 / Stand E184 She tasted our cuvées and was particularly impressed by two of them : See you ! - - Blanc de Blancs 86 points - - Grand Cru 79 points For more info, have a look at our website : http://www.champagnebernardremy.com/en/actualites 05/27/2015 Visit us at Vinexpo Hall 1 Stand BD78 We will be exhibiting at Vinexpo 01/29/2014 14 - 18 June 2015 Hall 1 Stand BD78 We are currently looking for an importer for the UK market and will take part to the tasting ” First Date for France ” in London on the 18th of February 2014 . See you there with a glass of Champagne ! We kindly invite you to come and taste our champagnes at this event !! 01/20/2015 see invitation attached Blanc de Noirs Com 100 % Pinot Noir 04/30/2015 Vinification :In stainless steel tanks. Invitation Champagne Tasting Essi Avellan (MW) rated our Blanc de Blancs Essi Avellan is Finland’s first Master of Wine. She is recognized as an international wine author and Champagne specialist. Maturation : 2 years of ageing on laths. She tasted our cuvées and was particularly impressed by two of them : Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Bottle sizes :750 ml bottle. - - Blanc de Blancs 86 points - - Grand Cru 79 points For more info, have a look at our website : http://www.champagnebernardremy.com/en/actualites © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 261 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 262 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 12/08/2015 03/07/2014 Our website Champagne Blanc de Noirs www.champagnebernardremy.com Our cuvée Blanc de Noirs is now available again !!! is now ”mobile” Unfortunately quantity remains still limited, so contact us rapidly if you wish to get some bottles ! You can stay connected with us from anywhere !! 01/29/2014 01/15/2015 Jeroboams avalanche for the Christmas Season We ’ve got a huge order of Jeroboams (3L) for Christmas ! Happy New Year We wish you all the best for the year 2015 !!! 07/23/2015 Always with you !! 01/13/2016 Decanter Awards: 2 medals!! The quality and the know-how of our House have been highlighted at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2015 : 2 Silver Medals for Champagne Bernard REMY for the 10th year running, we have been awarded at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles. We received 2 Silver Medal : Silver Medal for our Grand Cru Commended for our Rosé more info under www.champagnebernardremy.com - Silver Medal for our Carte Blanche - Silver Medal for our Blanc de Blancs 03/07/2014 More info under www.champagnebernardremy.com 01/29/2014 Jeroboams avalanche for the Christmas Season Prowein Hall 5 / Stand H02 / Invitation Champagne tasting we kindly invite you to come and taste our different champagnes during Prowein We ’ve got a huge order of Jeroboams (3L) for Christmas ! Hall 5 / Stand H02 See you ! © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 263 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 264 01/20/2015 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Blanc de Noirs 05/27/2015 Com 100 % Pinot Noir Visit us at Vinexpo Hall 1 Stand BD78 We will be exhibiting at Vinexpo Vinification :In stainless steel tanks. 14 - 18 June 2015 Maturation : 2 years of ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Hall 1 Stand BD78 Bottle sizes :750 ml bottle. See you there with a glass of Champagne ! 01/09/2015 01/20/2015 Gilbert & Gaillard : 2 Gold Medals Carte Blanche two of our cuvées received each a Com Gold Medal Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. at the tasting Gilbert et Gaillard 2014 Maturation : 2 years of ageing on laths. Grand Cru 87/100 Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre for the Brut, 33 g for the Demi-Sec, 0 g for the Brut Nature. Carte Blanche 81/100 Tasting : Golden-coloured. Vivacious sparkling. Fine aroma of lime blossom, honey and lemon. Fresh flavour. 01/09/2015 Bottle sizes : All bottle sizes, from the quarter bottle to the Nabuchodonosor. Awards : Gilbert & Gaillard: 2 Gold Medals two of our cuvées received each a Gold Medal Guide Hachette des Vins Guide Dussert-Gerber des Vins de France Concours Mondial de Bruxelles International Wines & Spirits Competition (IWSC) Decanter World Wine Awards Mundus Vini Gilbert & Gaillard Wine Spectator : 90 points at the tasting Gilbert et Gaillard 2014 Grand Cru 87/100 Carte Blanche 81/100 01/20/2015 Millésime 2010 Com 01/29/2014 Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. Early January we made our ”assemblages” - a key step in the production of Champagne! Maturation : 5 years of ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Tasting : Amber-coloured. Fine nose. Floral aroma. Very complex wine. Excellent finish. Assemblage Still wines tasting - reflections of the last harvest - proved to be very promising. And it is in a relaxed, yet professional, atmosphere that Mr REMY father, his son Rudy and Mr. Chaumont, our winemaker, defined the subtle equations that give birth to our wines. Bottle sizes : 750 ml bottle. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 265 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 266 01/20/2015 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Prowein 2015/ Hall 11 / Stand E184 / Invitation Champagne tasting 02/26/2016 we kindly invite you to come and taste our different champagnes during Prowein Hall 11 / Stand E184 Route USA is a new exporting support program at Prowein 2016 To make it as easy and as obvious as possible, producers will have a special signage (Route USA logo) on their booth indicating their interest in finding importing and distribution partners in the United States New website for Champagne Bernard REMY our new website is now opened !! We kindly invite you to visit www.champagnebernardremy.com As we are currently looking for distribution in the US , we haved joined the ” Route USA Program ” at Prowein 2016 The Route will guide visitors from the U.S. through Prowein to those producers who seek to meet them. See you ! 03/07/2014 it Let’s follow the Route and stop by our booth under HALL 11 / Stand G157 and obviously we wait for your comments ! to taste our different champagnes ! 01/28/2015 03/07/2014 Route USA for Champagne Bernard REMY Champagne Blanc de Noirs A design made-to-measure for Champagne Paint, sleeve, skin, strass, etc. all is possible with the Champagne House Bernard REMY !! Our cuvée Blanc de Noirs is now available again !!! Unfortunately quantity remains still limited, so contact us rapidly if you wish to get some bottles ! Give free rein to your imagination to customize your bottles ! We assist you in your boldest projects !! Contact us for more info@champagnebernardremy.com 01/20/2015 information at Prestige Com 04/29/2015 Vinification :In stainless steel tanks. The quality of our champagnes have been highlighted in the last edition of the famous wine magazine Gilbert & Gaillard !! Maturation : 5 years of ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Gilbert & Gaillard Magazine for more information, visit www.champagnebernardremy.com Tasting : Amber-coloured. Aroma of toasted bread, fine fruit. Soft and lively flavour. Beautiful balance. Excellent finish. our website Bottle sizes :750 ml bottle. Awards : Guide Hachette des Vins Guide Dussert-Gerber des Vins de France © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 267 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 268 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 02/02/2016 In the spotlight of Vinum Thanks to our QR Codes , you can get information about us and our different champagnes quickly and easily just by flashing them with your phone. In its last edition, the famous wine magazine Vinum highlighted not only our champagnes but also the quality and the know-how of our House : Let’s flash !! ”a House in wich you can have complete confidence” Moreover 2 champagnes were noted 16/20 : 01/13/2016 Prestige The quality and the know-how of our House have been highlighted at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2015 : Blanc de Blancs 03/09/2016 Invitation Champagne tasting we kindly invite you to come and taste our different champagnes during Prowein Decanter Awards : 2 medals !! Silver Medal for our Grand Cru Commended for our Rosé more info under www.champagnebernardremy.com Hall 11 / Stand G157 12/16/2015 See you ! 01/28/2015 Happy New Year!! We wish you a Merry Christmas and an Happy New year !! A design made-to-measure for Champagne Paint, sleeve, skin, strass, etc. 01/20/2015 all is possible with the Champagne House Bernard REMY !! Com Give free rein to your imagination to customize your bottles ! We assist you in your boldest projects !! Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. Contact us for more information at info@champagnebernardremy.com 09/30/2014 Millésime 2010 Maturation : 5 years of ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Tasting : Amber-coloured. Fine nose. Floral aroma. Very complex wine. Excellent finish. Guide Hachette des Vins 2015 : 2 Stars ** our Carte Blanche received Bottle sizes : 750 ml bottle. 2 STARS ** in the last edition of the famous Guide Hachette des Vins 12/08/2015 Always with you!! Our website www.champagnebernardremy.com is now ”mobile” 02/26/2015 QR Code for Champagne Bernard REMY You can stay connected with us from anywhere !! The Champagne House Bernard Remy is a ”connected” company !! © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 269 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 270 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 02/26/2016 Route USA for Champagne Bernard REMY As we are currently looking for distribution in the US , we haved joined the ” Route USA Program ” at Prowein 2016 01/20/2015 Blanc de Blancs Route USA is a new exporting support program at Prowein 2016 Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. The Route will guide visitors from the U.S. through Prowein to those producers who seek to meet them. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Comte des Blancs. Maturation : 3 years ageing on laths. To make it as easy and as obvious as possible, producers will have a special signage (Route USA logo) on their booth indicating their interest in finding importing and distribution partners in the United States Tasting : Amber-coloured. Aroma of citrus fruits. Fresh nose. Fine body, excellent finish. Bottle sizes : 750 ml bottle. Awards : Let’s follow the Route and stop by our booth Guide Hachette des Vins International Wines & Spirits Competition (IWSC) Decanter World Wine Awrads HALL 11 / Stand G157 to taste our different champagnes ! 01/20/2015 01/29/2014 Grand Cru Our Blanc de Noirs ranked in the top 10 Comfrom Mesnil sur Oger In its December issue, the wine magazine Vinum has made a selection of the best Blanc de Noirs champagnes (i.e. champagnes only made with Pinot Noir). And our cuvée ”Blanc de Noirs” ranked 8th of this list with a beautiful 16/20 !! Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. Maturation : 3 years ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. 09/30/2014 Guide Hachette des Vins 2015: 2 Stars ** our Carte Blanche received Tasting : Amber-coloured. Fresh nose. Aroma of citrus fruits. Soft and lively flavour. Excellent finish. 2 STARS ** Bottle sizes : 750 ml bottle. in the last edition of the famous Guide Hachette des Vins Awards : Guide Hachette des Vins 02/16/2016 Special design for Champagne International Wines & Spirits Competition (IWSC) Decanter World Wine Awrads Gilbert & Gaillard Paint, sleeve, skin, strass, etc. Gilbert & Gaillard all is possible with the Champagne House Bernard REMY !! Give free rein to your imagination to customize your bottles ! We assist you in your boldest projects !! 01/20/2015 Contact us for more information at info@champagnebernardremy.com Com © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 271 Rosé © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 272 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 12/10/2015 our champagne GRAND CRU in the TOP 10 of Janna Rijpma Janna Rijpma is a famous journalist. She is recognized worldwide as a wine writer and a champagne specialist. Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. Maturation : 2 years of ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Tasting : Pale rose. Fruity nose. Aroma of raspberry. Balanced and sensual flavour. Fine finish. To view the entire article of Janna Rijpma, follow the link : http://www.jan-magazine.nl/eten/trends/artikel/de-10-bestechampagnes-volgens-vinoloog-janna-rijpma Bottle sizes : Half bottle, 750 ml bottle and Magnum. Awards : 09/03/2014 Guide Hachette des Vins Decanter : Bronze Medal Our Carte Blanche received a Concours Mondial de Bruxelles Bronze Medal International Wines & Spirits Competition (IWSC) at the famous wine tasting Decanter World Wine Awards 2014 Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 01/29/2014 She tasted our cuvées and ranked our Grand Cru in the TOP 10 of her favourite champagnes. Guide Larousse des Champagnes The Guide Larousse des Champagnes has recently rewarded our skills and know-how by dedicating 2 pages to our House. 01/29/2014 Our cuvées Prestige and Millésime 2004 have been particularly enjoyed and receive both 4 stars !! We are currently looking for an importer for the UK market and will take part to the tasting ” First Date for France ” in London on the 18th of February 2014 . 04/29/2015 We kindly invite you to come and taste our champagnes at this event !! Gilbert & Gaillard Magazine The quality of our champagnes have been highlighted in the last edition of the famous wine magazine Gilbert & Gaillard !! for more information, visit our website www.champagnebernardremy.com Invitation Champagne Tasting see invitation attached 01/20/2015 Rosé Com Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. Maturation : 2 years of ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre. Tasting : Pale rose. Fruity nose. Aroma of raspberry. Balanced and sensual flavour. Fine finish. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 273 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 274 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Bottle sizes : Half bottle, 750 ml bottle and Magnum. Vinification : In stainless steel tanks. Awards : Guide Hachette des Vins Concours Mondial de Bruxelles International Wines & Spirits Competition (IWSC) Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 01/15/2015 Hungary The Hungarian magazine VINOPORT has recently published an article about our House. This one can be downloaded at the following address : http://vinoport.hu/aktualis/a-deli-fekvestol-gyumolcsosebbek-a-pezsgoink/2265 08/07/2014 Maturation : 2 years of ageing on laths. Dosage : 10 g of sugar per litre for the Brut, 33 g for the Demi-Sec, 0 g for the Brut Nature. Tasting : Golden-coloured. Vivacious sparkling. Fine aroma of lime blossom, honey and lemon. Fresh flavour. Bottle sizes : All bottle sizes, from the quarter bottle to the Nabuchodonosor. Awards : Guide Hachette des Vins Guide Dussert-Gerber des Vins de France A Golden Cuvée Concours Mondial de Bruxelles Our Cuvée Prestige got a International Wines & Spirits Competition (IWSC) Gold Medal Decanter World Wine Awards at a tasting in Czech Republic Mundus Vini Gilbert & Gaillard 08/07/2014 90 points Wine Spectator Wine Spectator : 90 points 2 of our champagnes have been successfully rated by the Wine Spectator Carte Blanche 90 points 01/29/2014 Millésime 2004 90 points Our Carte Blanche received a Silver medal at the wine tasting Mundus Vini 2013 02/02/2015 Silver Medal at Mundus Vini customized bottles 01/29/2014 Paint, sleeve, skin, strass, etc. all is possible with the Champagne House Bernard REMY !! Give free rein to your imagination to customize your bottles ! We assist you in your boldest projects !! 35 years old and a Mathusalem of Champagne Our customer and friend, the caterer Dominique Dansard, commemorated his 35 years of activity with a personnalised Mathusalem of Champagne (6L) Congratulations !! Contact us for more information at info@champagnebernardremy.com 12/10/2015 01/20/2015 Carte Blanche Janna Rijpma is a famous journalist. She is recognized worldwide as a wine Com © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH our champagne GRAND CRU in the TOP 10 of Janna Rijpma 275 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 276 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de writer and a champagne specialist. 01/29/2014 She tasted our cuvées and ranked our Grand Cru in the TOP 10 of her favourite champagnes. We would like to present you our new gift box. Available for 750 ml bottles, this black and gold packaging is covered by a ”soft touch” film, which grants it a soft and silky effect to the touch. To view the entire article of Janna Rijpma, follow the link : http://www.jan-magazine.nl/eten/trends/artikel/de-10-beste-champagnes-volgensvinoloog-janna-rijpma 02/26/2015 New Gift Box To be discovered absolutely!! QR Code for Champagne Bernard REMY The Champagne House Bernard Remy is a ”connected” company !! Product Overview Thanks to our QR Codes , you can get information about us and our different champagnes quickly and easily just by flashing them with your phone. Let’s flash !! 01/29/2014 Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne Product Details 35 years old and a Mathusalem of Champagne 02.07.01 Our customer and friend, the caterer Dominique Dansard, commemorated his 35 years of activity with a personnalised Mathusalem of Champagne (6L) Champagne Bernard Remy SARL Champagne BLANC DE BLANCS see technical sheet Congratulations !! 01/15/2015 Champagne Bernard Remy SARL Hungary The Hungarian magazine VINOPORT has recently published an article about our House. BLANC DE NOIRS see technical sheet This one can be downloaded at the following address : http://vinoport.hu/aktualis/a-deli-fekvestol-gyumolcsosebbek-a-pezsgoink/2265 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 277 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 278 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de CARTE BLANCHE ROSE see technical sheet see technical sheet GRAND CRU See technical sheet Champagne Billecart-Salmon S.A. Address 40, rue Carnot 51160 Mareuil Sur Ay France Phone +49 89 4396560 Fax +49 89 43909114 Internet address www.champagne-billecart.fr E-Mail eric.calzolari@web.de Stand Hall 12, B02 (Page 982) MILLESIME see technical sheet PRESTIGE see technical sheet Product Overview 02.07.01 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 279 Champagne Billecart-Salmon S.A. Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 280 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.01 Champagne Billecart-Salmon S.A. Extra brut Pure and natural Champagne A Champagne full of brightness and purity.Its innovating style remains faithful to the balanced charm of the three varietals from Champagne: Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. No sugar has been added to the dosage. Blanc de blancs Grand cru Delicacy and elegance This Chardonnay cuvée has been elaborated from the five grand cru vineyards of the Côte des Blancs : Avize, Chouilly, Cramant, Mesnil-sur-Oger and Oger. It is a blend of two different years revealing the special quality of the Chardonnay. Champagne COLLARD-PICARD SCEV COLLARD-PICARD Brut réserve Harmony and balance Address The Brut Réserve is a light, fine and harmonious champagne. Its blend is made with Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier from three different years, sourced from the best sites in the Champagne region. 15, avenue de Champagne 51200 Epernay France Phone +33 3 26523693 Fax +33 3 26599082 Internet address www.champagnecollardpicard.fr E-Mail collard-picard@wanadoo.fr Stand Hall 12, D05 (Page 982) Brut rosé A Romantic champagne The production secrets and the vinification method of this cuvée go back to the origins of the House of BILLECART-SALMON and have been handed down for seven generations. The Brut Rosé is a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir vinified as red wine. Brut sous bois Product Overview Champagne COLLARD-PICARD SCEV COLLARD-PICARD Captivating and original This unique cuvée, entirely vinified in oak, is respectfully composed of the three champenois grape varieties. It totally masters the art of blending by renewing the ancestral spirit and savoir-faire of the original Champagnes. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 281 05.04 Gift packaging 02.07.01 Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 282 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.01 Champagne COLLARD-PICARD SCEV COLLARD-PICARD Champagne Product Details 02.07.01 Collard-Picard champagnes CHAMPAGNE COLLET - Cogevi Cooperative Champagne CHAMPAGNE COLLET BRUT Collard-Picard cuvées express the best of yesteryear associated with the quest for contemporary perfection. The true connoisseur, on the lookout for subtle and varied sensations, will find satisfaction in every glass. Finesse and elegance, fruitiness, diversity and the generosity of the Champagne terroir are all expressed in liquid allegory. intentionally age our wines longer than the officially required period (minimum 15 months) so as to provide our customers with champagne that is at its optimum. A dosage of 9.5 grams of sugar is added per liter. TASTING NOTES: Appearance: Light golden-amber color. Nose: Toasted brioche aromas with fine citrus notes. Palate: Powerful and full-bodied revealing great freshness and amazing length. Serve chilled at 7-8°C (44-46°F). CHAMPAGNE COLLET - Cogevi Cooperative Address 14, Boulevard Pasteur CS 30008 51160 Ay France FOOD AND WINE PAIRING: COLLET BRUT is wonderful as an aperitif and ideal when served with a vast array of dishes from oysters to light game dishes such as rabbit terrine and seared suck breast. Phone +33 3 26551588 Fax +33 3 26540240 Internet address www.champagne-collet.com E-Mail david.rieu@champagne-collet.com Since 1921, the house of Collet has been creating champagnes of character with a view to satisfy connoisseurs who are looking for authenticity, elegance and a great finesse. Located in Aÿ, at the heart of the Champagne region, Collet′s vineyards are based mainly on Premier and Grand crus that reflect the diversity of the champagne regions terroirs. Champagne Collet is a high gastronomy wine. Each cuvee was developed to be perfectly associated with all occasions, from the aperitif to the finest dish. Stand Hall 11, H30 (Page 978) CHAMPAGNE COLLET BRUT ART DÉCO Product Overview CHAMPAGNE COLLET - Cogevi Cooperative Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne This clear and elegant champagne is the symbol of Collet′s demand for excellence. Its balance and freshness makes it perfect to drink on any occasion. BLEND: 40% Chardonnay creates elegance and finesse. 40% Pinot Noir adding depth and structure. 20% Pinot Meunier imparts freshness and rich fruit flavors. AGEING: © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 283 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 284 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de COLLET BRUT ART DÉCO is aged for a minimum of four years in ideal conditions in our one hundred-year-old chalk cellars. We intentionally age our wines longer than the officially required period (minimum 15 months) so as to provide our customers with champagne that is at its optimum. Champagne Devaux Address Domaine de Villeneuve 10110 Bar-sur-Seine France TASTING NOTES: Phone +33 3 25383065 Appearance: Bright crystal like appearance displaying a fine and elongated bead. Fax +33 3 25297321 Nose: Powerful, fruit driven nose with floral and mineral overtones derived from the Chardonnay component. Internet address www.champagne-devaux.com Palate: High noted start with subtle richness and distinguished mid palate texture leading to a long and fresh finish. E-Mail info@champagne-devaux.fr Serve chilled at 7-8°C (44-46°F). Stand Hall 16, G31 (Page 998) A dosage of 9 grams of sugar is added per liter. FOOD AND WINE PAIRING: COLLET BRUT ART DÉCO suits itself to aperitifs and refined gourmet occasions, pairing greatly with seafood, Mediterranean and Japanese dishes. Product Overview Since 1921, the house of Collet has been creating champagnes of character with a view to satisfy connoisseurs who are looking for authenticity, elegance and a great finesse. Located in Aÿ, at the heart of the Champagne region, Collet′s vineyards are based mainly on Premier and Grand crus that reflect the diversity of the champagne regions terroirs. Champagne Collet is a high gastronomy wine. Each cuvee was developed to be perfectly associated with all occasions, from the aperitif to the finest dish. Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne Champagne Devaux Product Details 02.07.01 Champagne Devaux Champagne Cuvée D The ultimate expression of the DEVAUX’s style This rare blend of first press ”cuvées” is a combination of several vintages and is made with carefully selected plots of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes. Three of the vintage still wines were aged in oak before blending and bottling. The ”Cuvée D” matures on its lees for a further four years before its release. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 285 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 286 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Grande Réserve Product Details Champagne DOM CAUDRON - SCV Champagne DOM CAUDRON Emblematic Cuvée of Champagne DEVAUX, the charming Grande Réserve seduces and casts a spell. 02.07.01 Its golden colours will take you on a beautiful dream journey. Cuvée Prédiction Exists in Magnum and Jeroboam Prédiction est un 100 % Meunier issu d’une vinification traditionnelle. Il dispose en moyenne de 2 ans d’élevage sur lattes. Cette cuvée est la première création du Champagne Dom Caudron, celle qui incarne l’identité du terroir de Passy-Grigny et la particularité de son cépage Meunier… Ses notes d’agrumes et de miel en sont les attributs typiques. Un champagne de convivialité et de plaisir. Champagne DOM CAUDRON - SCV Champagne DOM CAUDRON Address 22, rue Jean York 51700 Passy-Grigny France Phone +33 326 52 45 17 Fax +33 3 26517585 Internet address www.domcaudron.fr E-Mail champagne@domcaudron.fr Stand Hall 12, D06 (Page 982) Champagne Cuvée Cornalyne Cornalyne révèle le Meunier par sa vinification à 50 % en fûts de chêne. Afin d’apporter une subtile nuance boisée au fruité de ce fragile cépage, les fûts de 300 litres bénéficient d’une chauffe dite Aquaflex (saturation en eau du bois de chêne). Un bâtonnage régulier est effectué au cours de l’élevage pour une expression fine du bois au nez et en bouche. Le Meunier y est frais, fin, complexe… Un Blanc de Noirs original et gourmand réservé aux fins palais ! Cuvée Epicurienne Product Overview 02.07.01 Dans cette cuvée de prestige : une sélection de Meuniers de l’année, issus de vignes de plus de 50 ans est élevée sur lies après fermentation alcoolique. Cette vinification apporte rondeur et souplesse au vin et une fermentation malolactique partielle permet d’atteindre un parfait équilibre d’élégance… La concentration des Vieilles Vignes lui permet de trouver sa place lors de repas gastronomiques. Champagne DOM CAUDRON - SCV Champagne DOM CAUDRON Ce rosé à la particularité d’assembler 80 % de Meunier vinifié en vin blanc, 10 % de Meunier vinifié en vin rouge et 10 % de Chardonnay élevé en fût de chêne. D’une vinification traditionnelle et d’un vieillissement de 2 ans sur lattes, naissent des arômes sensuels de fruits rouges. C’est un rosé de gastronomie par sa finesse et sa complexité. Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Cuvée Fascinante 287 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 288 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cuvée Sublimité 50 / 50 Product Details Le Millésime 2007 fut une année prestigieuse… Ici, le Meunier (50 %) est allié aux Chardonnays (50 %) vieillis en fûts de trois vins de Chardonnay nobles (Chassagne Montrachet). Ce passage sous bois sublime la particularité des Chardonnays du village : ils sont ronds et gourmands, on dit d’eux qu’ils « pinotent » ! Un champagne élevé 7 ans sur lattes : unique et raffiné. Champagne Duménil SAS Bureaux et Entlèvement 02.07.01 Champagne Champagne BRUT MILLÉSIME 2004 Champagne for connoisseurs, our Brut Vintage 2002 is a wine to be combined with a meal. It is as fantastic as the legendary 2002 vintage from which it was born! Blend: 60% of Chardonnay 20% of Pinot Noir 20% of Pinot Meunier Champagne Duménil SAS Bureaux et Entlèvement Ageing: 7 years Address 15 Rue des Vignes 51500 Chigny-Les-Roses France Tasting notes: Phone +33 3 26034448 On the nose: hazelnuts, yellow fruit jam, caramel, gingerbread. Fax +33 3 26034525 In mouth: full-bodied, fruity wine though retaining the elegance of chardonnay. Very long velvety finish. Internet address www.champagne-dumenil.com E-Mail contact@champagne-dumenil.com Stand Hall 12, C01 (Page 982) Visual aspect: straw yellow gold, constant stream of supremely fine, whirling bubbles. Available in bottle (75 cl) Champagne Esterlin Product Overview 02.07.01 Address 25, avenue de Champagne 51200 Epernay France Phone +33 3 26597152 Fax +33 3 26597772 Internet address www.champagne-esterlin.com E-Mail contact@champagne-esterlin.fr Stand Hall 12, D23 (Page 982) Champagne Duménil SAS Bureaux et Entlèvement Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 289 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 290 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Company News 02/25/2016 Champagne Esterlin New labeling In order to display its fresh, simple and uninhibited brand identity with more force and originality, Champagne Esterlin is renewing its labeling (available in May). CHAMPAGNE F. COSSY EARL FRANCIS COSSY Address 15 rue des Jaurielles 51390 Jouy Les Reims France Phone +33 6 09213916 Fax +33 3 26492477 Internet address www.champagne-cossy.com E-Mail info@champagne-cossy.com Stand Hall 12, C24 (Page 982) We invite you to discover this new presentation during the fair. If you have not planned to come to Pro Wein but want to learn more about our ambition to refresh the moments Champagne, we will be happy to provide you with any information that might be helpful. Your Team from Champagne Esterlin 02/25/2016 New labeling In order to display its fresh, simple and uninhibited brand identity with more force and originality, Champagne Esterlin is renewing its labeling (available in May). Product Overview CHAMPAGNE F. COSSY EARL FRANCIS COSSY We invite you to discover this new presentation during the fair. Champagne If you have not planned to come to Pro Wein but want to learn more about our ambition to refresh the moments Champagne, we will be happy to provide you with any information that might be helpful. 02.07.01 Champagne Your Team from Champagne Esterlin Product Details 02.07.01 Product Overview Champagne Esterlin Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne CHAMPAGNE F. COSSY EARL FRANCIS COSSY Champagne Cuvée Vieilles Vignes Assemblage Actually Vintage 2006 3 Made with 33% of Chardonnay, 33% of Pinot Noir and 33% of Pinot Meunier Coming from our oldest plots, this vintage wine brings a maximum maturation and an optimum concentration of the sugars and acids. Dosage : 6 grammes per liter Description © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 291 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 292 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de You will appreciate its pale yellow colour tinged with pearly hints, sublimated by small delighted bubbles. Product Details The nose releases a very delicate aromatic expression and brings fruity freshness. The flavours reveal beautiful acidity and delicious freshness that accentuate the tasting. 02.07.01 The mouth is characterised by fruity aromas that perfectly express themselves in a mix of white fruits, pear, mirabelle and lightly sweet apple. This champagne will be perfect for the aperitif or during meals. This is a cuvee you will keep on mind for different occasions. Champagne Fallet-Dart EARL Champagne Fallet-Dart EARL Champagne 1. Cuvée de Réserve Brut Our classic from the typical grape of the Marne Valley, Pinot Meunier This non-vintage champagne perfectly reflects the roundness and fruitiness of the Pinot Meunier, the grape predominant in this blend. A touch of Pinot Noir brings body, structure and power to the champagne. Expressive and fruity, it evokes notes of fresh pear, peach and apple. Food and wine matches : The Cuvée de Reserve Brut will perfectly accompany appetizers of fresh cheese, carpaccio of fish and white meats.This Cuvée is also available in a sweeter variety (demi-sec) to go with foie gras and desserts. Address 2, rue des Clos du Mont 02310 Charly-sur-Marne France Phone +33 3 23820173 Fermentation : alcoholic and malolactic fermentations in stainless & enameled steel tanks Fax +33 3 23821915 Aging (in Fallet-Dart cellars) : 3 years (36 months minimum) Internet address www.champagne-fallet-dart.fr E-Mail contact@champagne-fallet-dart.fr Stand Hall 12, C04 (Page 982) Blend (over several years) : Pinot Meunier: 70%, Pinot Noir: 30% Rest period after disgorging : 9-12 months Aging potential : 3 years 2015 Awards : Gold medal - Epernay Contest of the champagnes of the vineyard (Epernay, France) Silver medal - Brussels Worldwide Contest (Brussels, Belgium) Product Overview 02.07.01 Champagne Fallet-Dart EARL Silver medal - International Vinalies Silver medal - Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition (HKIWSC) (Hong-Kong) Champagne Bronze medal - Independent Winegrowers Contest (France) Bronze medal - Wine International Challenge Bronze medal - National Vinalies (France) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 293 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 294 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 2. Grande Sélection Brut Blend (over several years) : Pinot Meunier: 60%, Pinot Noir 40% The charm of Pinot Noir... Fermentation : alcoholic and malolactic fermentations in stainless steel tanks and oak barrels The ”Great Selection” is a wine that elegantly reflects the power and long finish of the Pinot Noir, predominant grape in this blend. A touch of Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay contributes to the complexity of this champagne. Its period of maturation in the cellar reveals aromas of candied fruit, almonds and hazelnuts, and fruity notes such as green apple and peach. Aging (in Fallet-Dart cellars) : 4 years (48 months minimum) Food and wine matches : This is a mature champagne; a lovely complement to appetizers of sweet biscuits, cheese crackers, seafood and delicate fish. Gold medal - Paris General Agricultural Competition (Paris, France) Rest period after disgorging : 9-12 months Aging potential : 2 to 3 years 2015 Awards : Blend (over several years) : Pinot Noir: 70%, Pinot Meunier: 15%, Chardonnay 15% Gold medal - Epernay Contest of the champagnes of the vineyard (Epernay, France) Gold medal - “Feminalise” (Beaune, France) Fermentation : alcoholic and malolactic fermentations in stainless steel tanks and oak barrels Silver medal - La Capelle contest (La Capelle, France) Aging (in Fallet-Dart cellars) : 4 years (48 months minimum) Silver medal - Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition (HKIWSC) (Hong-Kong) Rest period after disgorging : 8-12 months 4. Millésime Brut 2006 Aging potential : 4 years 2015 Awards : Captures the unique character of an exceptional harvest year… Unlike Fallet-Dart non-vintage champagnes, this champagne reflects the particular character of one very good harvest year - the rare years of near perfect growing conditions. The Chardonnay grapes, which come from the favorite section of the Fallet-Dart vineyard “Les Malivas” bring to the Brut Millésime freshness and outstanding aromatic finesse. The finest Pinot Noirs are also part of this blend. In part turned to wine in oak barrels, this champagne confirms a complex taste and genuine elegance with fresh and brioche-like aromas. To produce this distinguished champagne, vintages age at least 8 years in Fallet-Dart cellars, so that the magic of time can bring it to maturity. Gold medal - Wine International Challenge Gold medal - La Capelle Contest (La Capelle, France) Award of Excellence (Silver) - International Vinalies Bronze medal - National Vinalies (France) 3. Rosé Brut An experience far beyond the color... Produced from Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir, this blend of ‘macerated’ pink champagnes has a pretty light copper color and flavors of strawberry, cherry and pink grapefruit. This wine plays in the category of thin and supple pink champagnes to be enjoyed for its fruity youth. Food and wine matches : This champagne for connoisseurs can be enjoyed alone, or accompanied by a few appetizers. This vintage champagne also goes well with salmon toasts, scallops or fine fish. Blend : Chardonnay: 70%; Pinot Noir: 30% Food and wine matches : Its light woody aroma with red fruit notes makes it a charming champagne for an aperitif with seafood appetizers, a skewer of melon and cured ham, a white meat appetizer or as a dessert with a bowl of fresh berries. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 295 Fermentation : alcoholic and malolactic fermentations in stainless steel tanks and oak barrels Aging (in Fallet-Dart cellars) : 8 years (96 months minimum) Rest period after disgorging : 8-12 months © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 296 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Champagne GH Martel & Cie SA Aging potential : 5 years Latest Awards : Address Rue Bernard Rapenau 51318 Epernay France Phone +33 3 26513895 Fax +33 3 26322979 Internet address www.champagnemartel.com E-Mail contact@champagnemartel.com Stand Hall 11, E160 (Page 978) Gold Award - 2016 UOB Tower Club Wine Awards (Singapore) Gold medal - 2013 Epernay Contest of the champagnes of the vineyard (Epernay, France) Top 100 wines - 2013 & 2014, Peak Magazine (Singapore) 5. ”Les Clos du Mont” Derived from our most exceptional soil... Facing south-east on the banks of the Marne river, the “Clos du Mont” plot is an exceptional terroir. Derived from harvests on this historic plot (former property of the Diocese of Soissons), “Les Clos du Mont” is a carefully selected blend of vintages vinified in oak barrels. This process allows a slow evolution of aromas and brings a creamy woody touch and a pleasant long finish. A maturation on lees of 13 years minimum gives notes of dried fruits, honey, fresh butter and caramel to this ‘cuvée’. The bubbles are fine and delicate, the color straw-yellow. Food and wine matches : This high-end champagne can be served alone or with a carpaccio of scallops, white fish in dill sauce, goats cheese canapés, comté cheese or other hard cheese. Blend : Chardonnay: 90%; Pinot Noir: 10% Product Overview Champagne GH Martel & Cie SA Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne Product Details Champagne GH Martel & Cie SA Fermentation : alcoholic and malolactic fermentations in oak barrels Aging (in Fallet-Dart cellars) : 13 years (156 months minimum) 02.07.01 Rest period after disgorging : 8-12 months Rosé Champagne Aging potential : 5 years Latest Awards : A fruity, refined, gourmet cuvée produces a high quality rosé. Gold medal - 2010 Brussels Worldwide Contest (Brussels, Belgium) Medals International Wine Challenge 2013 Silver Medal Concours International des Rosés du Monde 2013 Silver Medal Decanter 2013 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 297 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 298 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Bronze Medal 30% Chardonnay | 55% Pinot Noir | 15% Meunier Citadelles du Vin 2013 Tasting Notes - The look- Gold Citadelles International Wine and Spirit Competition 2012 et 2013 A superbly bright yellow gold robe. Silver Medal - The smell - International Wine Challenge 2012 Fresh, complex fragrances of acacia flowers. Congratulation An expressive, elegant nose. Assemblage - The taste - 20% Chardonnay | 50% Pinot Noir | 15% Meunier | 15% Red Wine Champagne AOC A fine, smooth and harmonious texture. Tasting Notes Pair With... Can be enjoyed as an aperitif or accompanied by scallops. - The look A pink robe with salmon-like glints. Champagne GOSSET SAS - The smell Notes of red fruits (cherry and raspberry). Address 69, rue Jules Blondeau 51160 Ay-Champagne France Phone +33 3 26569954 Fax +33 3 26515588 Internet address www.champagne-gosset.com E-Mail export@champagne-gosset.com Stand Hall 12, A08 (Page 982) Dry-cured ham, Serrano. - The taste Licorice, spices, crushed raspberries. Mouth slightly chocolaty. Pair With... Goes really well with sole. Can also be served to accompany desserts such as a sabayon of yellow fruits or fuit salad. Victoire Brut An exceptional cuvée ! Medals Decanter 2013 Bronze Medal Product Overview Effervescents du Monde 2011 et 2012 02.07.01 Silver Medal Champagne GOSSET SAS Champagne Assemblage © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 299 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 300 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.01 Champagne GOSSET SAS Champagne merhonig. Der Grand Millésime ist ein gradliniger, komplexer und dennoch opulenter Champagner. CELEBRIS VINTAGE Extra Brut 1998 Diesen herausragenden Champagner hat der Kellermeister von Gosset, Jean Pierre Mareigner aus Chardonnay (64 %) von der Côte des Blancs und aus Pinot Noir (36 %) aus dem Grande Vallée de la Marne und der Montagne de Reims komponiert. Eine Cuvée von bestechender Klarheit und Brillanz. Champagne Gosset: Die Cuvées Die Cuvées des ältesten Weinhauses der Champagne, Gosset, sind einzigartig und unverwechselbar. Sie präsentieren sich in der Gosset-eigenen Antikflasche, die seit Jahrhunderten für die Marke steht. Neben den Prestige Cuvées CELEBRIS umfasst die Range ein Sortiment an ausgezeichneten Cuvées, die vom Blanc de Blancs, dem Millésime bis zur Grande Réserve die Bandbreite der Champagne reflektieren. CELEBRIS ROSE Extra Brut 2003 Mit dem CELEBRIS Rosé Extra Brut 2003 präsentiert Champagne Gosset einen großen Rosé vor, eine Allianz aus 68 % Chardonnay und 32 % Pinot Noir, darunter Rotweine von Ambonnay und Bouzy. Ein Rosé mit den Attributen fruchtig, geschmeidig, brillant und fein ausgewogen. Eine elegante und aromareiche Cuvée. Champagne Gosset GRANDE RESERVE www.champagne-gosset.com Champagne Gosset Grande Réserve steht für den „Style Gosset“. Die Cuvée aus Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier und Chardonnay ist aus Weinen dreier Jahrgänge komponiert unter Zugabe von Reserveweinen. Die elegante, hellrot-goldene Cuvée ist von blumigen und fruchtigen Aromen geprägt. Sie präsentiert sich vollmundig, weinig und konzentriert. Pressekontakt: H + P Public Relations GmbH, Brigitte Huebner Neue Börsenstr. 6, D-60487 Frankfurt/Main, Telefon (049) -69-555 111, welcome@hup-publicrelations.de Champagne Gosset GRAND ROSE Chardonnay und Pinot Noir gehen im Grand Rosé eine harmonische Verbindung ein, perfekt abgerundet durch die Zugabe von Vin Rouge aus Bouzy und Ambonnay. Champagne Gratiot-Delugny SCEV Address 26, Rue de la Marne 02310 Crouttes sur Marne France Champagne Gosset GRAND BLANC DE BLANCS Brut Phone +33 3 23821536 Die Cuvée aus reinem Chardonnay besticht durch florale und fruchtige Noten. Ein außergewöhnlicher Champagner. Elegant, von guter Struktur, frisch und rassig, komplex und ausgewogen. Ein echter Gosset. Vielfach ausgezeichnet. Fax +33 3 23822909 Champagne Gosset GRAND MILLESIME 2004 Internet address www.gratiotdelugny.fr Champagne Gosset Grand Millésime beschreibt eine Cuvée aus den klassischen Champagnertrauben Chardonnay und Pinot Noir von den Grand Crus und Premiers Crus-Lagen. Er spiegelt die klimatischen Verhältnisse des Jahres 2004 wider, die letztendlich zu einem guten Säuregehalt und einem hohen Konzentrat im Traubengut führten. Besonders bemerkenswert sind seine feine Perlage und sein elegantes Bouquet mit mineralischen Noten und dem Duft nach Som- E-Mail contact@gratiotdelugny.fr Stand Hall 11, J63 (Page 978) Die elegante Cuvée zeigt ein brillantes Farbenspiel in lachsrosa mit kirschroten Reflexen. Fruchtig, frisch und ausgewogen. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 301 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 302 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de CHAMPAGNE GRUET SAS Product Overview Champagne Gratiot-Delugny SCEV 03.08.04 Other Liqueurs 02.07.01 Champagne Product Details 02.07.01 Address 48, Grande rue 10110 Buxeuil France Phone +33 3 25385494 Fax +33 3 25385184 Internet address www.champagne-gruet.fr E-Mail contact@champagne-gruet.com Stand Hall 12, B11 (Page 982) Champagne Gratiot-Delugny SCEV Champagne Cuvée Champagne Brut Millésime Assembly : Chardonnay : 100 %, Liqueur : 9 g/l Gustative characters : Vintage 2002. It is characterized by pronounced maturities which give very present flavours and low sournesses. Intensity of aromas of yellow fruits with pits. A soul Champagne powerful and structured. To reserve to amateurs or during intimate evenings. The bottles of the harvest 97 are presented in a golden dressing. Tariffs : Bottle (0,75 l) : On demand Product Overview CHAMPAGNE GRUET SAS Champagne 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 02.07.01 Champagne Cuvée Champagne Brut Réserve Product Details Assembly : 02.07.01 Pinot Meunier : 80 %, Pinot Noir : 20 % , Liqueur : 9 g/l CHAMPAGNE GRUET SAS Champagne CUVEE DES 3 BLANCS Gustative characters : A pale yellow color with green reflections, aromas of dried fruits give to it Champagne a winy and well-balanced character. A good length in mouth marks its ground of origin. This complet Champagne is excellent in aperitif and will mark the best moments of your life. This rare cuvee is made of old grape varieties : 50% Arbane 25% Pinot Blanc 25% Chardonnay - Cuvee des 3 Blancs won 2 stars ** at Guide Hachette 2014 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 303 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 304 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Low amount of sugar Champagne HATT et SÖNER Address Phone Low amount of sulphites 10, avenue des Comtes de Champagne 51130 Bergères-Les-Vertus France Using resonable methods for nature - VINTAGE 2009 Grape selection: Grand et Premier Cru vineyards +46 705796878 Harvest: 12e September 2009 Fax Internet address Grape variety: 100% Chardonnay Pressing: First press from coquard presses www.hatt-soner.com Fermentation: Non malolactic Wine analysis: E-Mail – Alc/Vol: 12.5% Stand Hall 12, C02 (Page 982) – Acidity: 6g/L – pH: 5.5 Product Overview Champagne HATT et SÖNER Peak drinking: 2015 - 2028 Champagne GRANDE CUVÉE EXTRA BRUT MILLÉSIME 2007 02.07.01 Champagne Single parcel wine from old vines planted by our winemakers grand father just after the second world war. Product Details 02.07.01 Champagne HATT et SÖNER Sigle parcelled wine from “les matines” in Bergères-les-Vertus Only Chardonnay Champagne Only Premier Cru Only the first press out of three GRANDE CUVÉE BRUT MILLÉSIME 2008 Only non malolactic fermented wine The signum of our philosophy: “Freshness, Finess and Elegance” Always a vintage Low amount of sugar Multi parcelled wine from 20 different vineyards Low amount of sulphites Only Chardonnay from top 20 of 330 villages Only Grand et Premier Cru Using resonable methods for nature Only the first press out of three - VINTAGE 2008 - Only non malolactic fermented wines Grape selection: Premier Cru vineyard ”Les Matines” in Bergères-les-Vertus Always a vintage Harvest: 18e September 2008 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 305 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 306 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de LE GRAND-PÈRE BRUT PRESTIGE 2006 Grape variety: 100% Chardonnay Pressing: First press from coquard presses Wine analysis: Our homage cuvée to the grand father Joseph Ruscon. It consists of our oldest vines from Bergères-les-Vertus and Oger and shows the true power of our vineyards. – Alc/Vol: 12.5% Always made from the two same vineyards – Acidity: 5.5g/L Only Chardonnay from top 20 of 330 villages – Sugar: 0.5g/L Only Grand et Premier Cru Peak drinking: 2015 - 2023 Only the first press out of three GRANDE CUVÉE ROSÉ BRUT Only non malolactic fermented wines Fermentation: Non malolactic Always a vintage Our only cuvée using pinot noir but still in the philosophy of “Freshness, Finesse and Elegance” Low amount of sugar Low amount of sulphites Mutil parcelled wine A majority of Chardonnay Using resonable methods for nature Only Premier Cru - VINTAGE 2006 - Only the first press out of three Grape selection: 80% from a Grand Cru vineyard in Oger and 20% from a Premier Cru vineyard in Bergères-les-Vertus Only non malolactic fermented wine Harvest: 15 September 2006 Low amount of sugar Grape variety: 100% Chardonnay Low amount of sulphites Pressing: First press from coquard presses Using resonable methods for nature Fermentation: Non malolactic - ASSEMBLAGE 2009/2010 - Wine analysis: Grape selection: Premier Cru vineyards – Alc/Vol: 12.5% Harvest: 12 September 2009, 14 September 2010 – Acidity: 5.5g/L Grape variety: 90% Chardonnay, 10% Pinot Noir – Sugar: 6g/L Pressing: First press from coquard presses Peak drinking: 2015 - 2032 Fermentation: Non malolactic Wine analysis: – Alc/Vol: 12.5% – Acidity: 5.4g/L – Sugar: 6g/L Peak drinking: 2015 - 2019 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 307 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 308 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de OGER GRAND CRU Champagne Hélène Delhéry - SCV Les Vignerons d’Hautvillers 100% Chardonnay from old vines in Oger Bottle produced in a quantity of 1000 bottles. Address Chemin des Garennes 51160 Hautvillers France Phone +33 352 740164 Fax +33 326 594413 Internet address www.champagne-helene-delhery.fr E-Mail contact@champagne-helene-delhery.fr Stand Hall 12, D04 (Page 982) Sold by personal invitation or limited Personal Vintage(PV) service Only sold by personal invitation. Only Chardonnay from Oger Only Grand Cru Only the first press out of three Only non malolactic fermented wines Only vintage - VINTAGE 2005 Grape selection: Grand Cru vineyard in Oger Harvest: 12e September 2005 Grape variety: 100% Chardonnay Product Overview Pressing: First press from coquard presses 02.07.01 Champagne Hélène Delhéry - SCV Les Vignerons... Champagne Fermentation: Non malolactic Wine analysis: Product Details – Alc/Vol: 12.5% 02.07.01 – Acidity: 6g/L Champagne Éclat de perles – pH: 5.5 Reflecting the finest grapes from an exceptional and unique soil. The pleasure of tasting a « Grand Vin de Champagne ». Peak drinking: 2015 - 2035 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Champagne Hélène Delhéry - SCV Les Vignerons... 309 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 310 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Perles d’Assemblage Product Overview Harmony and a balance of flavors, delicate and silky on the palate. A real pleasure for every occasion Champagne J.M. Goulard E.A.R.L. Goulard Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne Product Details Perles Rosées 02.07.01 Behind the seductive appearance lies a well-defined identity. Its structure goes well with most delicacies. Champagne J.M. Goulard E.A.R.L. Goulard Champagne L’Epanouie Vintage 2008 A blending of 40 % of Chardonnay, 30 % of Pinot Noir and 30 % of Pinot Meunier was created from the fullness of the harvest 2008. With a golden and shiny appearance and a fine and rapid mousse, L’épanouie reveals its aromas of plum, cinnamon and chestnut. This is a mature and complex vintage cuvee, whose character takes nothing away from its freshness... For gourmet connoisseur! Champagne J.M. Goulard E.A.R.L. Goulard Address 13, Grande Rue 51140 Prouilly France Champagne Jean Pernet SARL Address 6, rue de la Brèche d´Oger 51190 Le Mesnil sur Oger France Phone +33 3 2648-2160 Fax +33 3 2648-2367 Phone +33 3 26575424 Internet address www.champagne-goulard.com Fax +33 3 26579698 E-Mail contact@champagne-goulard.com Internet address www.champagne-jean-pernet.com Stand Hall 12, C01 (Page 982) E-Mail champagne.pernet@orange.fr Stand Hall 12, E47 (Page 982) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 311 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 312 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Reserve grand Cru Chardonnay Product Overview Champagne Jean Pernet SARL 02.07.01 Champagne 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.07.01 This pure Chardonnay oraginating fromm our vinyeard in Le Mesnilsur-Oger, Oger and Chouilly is made with the best Crus of Chardonnay of Champagne. Purity, minerality, finesse and elegance are the great characteristics of our cuvee. Champagne Jean Pernet SARL Champagne This ”Grand Cru” champagne obtains its finesse and bouquet thanks to the high quality of the grapes and the rigourous blending process of the reserve wines. Champagne Brut Rosé The Brut Rose is a blend of Champagne Blanc de Blancs, along with a red wine Epernay. Born of Pinot Noir, and a traditional winemaking, the red wine of our vineyard gives this wine finesse quite remarkable. Champagne Lenoble (A.R.) SA Address 35-37, rue Paul Douce 51480 Damery France Phone +33 3 26584260 Fax +33 3 26586557 Internet address www.champagne-arlenoble.com E-Mail contact@champagne-arlenoble.com Champagne “Prestige” Stand Hall 12, C13 (Page 982) This wine is a blend of the best white grapes Chardonnay selected from specific plots to which we add a quantity of wine reserve of the same origin. His aging, never less than three years can be brought to an exceptional level the bouquet and freshness of this wine. Company News Champagne Tradition Harmonious blend of the three champagne grapes that are pinot noir, pinot meunier and chardonnay from our vineyard Epernay. This wine receives the contribution of reserve wines previous harvests giving it its balance and fairness. 02/09/2016 Champagne Lenoble (A.R.) SA Presenting the Champagne AR Lenoble 2016 International Press Review http://champagne-arlenoble.com/presenting-the-champagne-ar-lenoble-2016-internationalpress-review/ © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 313 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 314 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 02/09/2016 Presenting the Champagne AR Lenoble 2016 International Press Review http://champagne-arlenoble.com/presenting-thechampagne-ar-lenoble-2016-international-pressreview/ 12/29/2015 yields on purpose. AR Lenoble uses exclusively the CUVEE from the first pressing to craft our wines, never the TAILLE from the second pressing. All reserve wines are conserved in either small Burgundy barrels of 225 litres or 5000-litre foudres established along the lines of the solera or “perpetual blending” system. The legal minimum for ageing in Champagne is established at 15 months but AR Lenoble never releases its wines until at least 3 years of ageing in the cellars followed by 3 additional months of post-disgorgement ageing. Our Brut Intense and Rosé Terroirs each spend three years in the cellars. Our Brut Nature Dosage Zéro and Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs Chouilly each spend 4 years in the cellars. Our vintages are allowed to age even longer... 12 IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT CHAMPAGNE AR LENOBLE AR Lenoble is one of the very rare producers in Champagne to be consistently family-owned throughout its entire history of nearly 100 years. Owners Anne and Antoine Malassagne are the great-grandchildren of founder Armand-Raphaël Graser and the fourth generation of the family to run the company entirely by themselves. AR Lenoble is one of few producers in Champagne to use the “black bottle”. You can be confident that every single bottle of AR Lenoble you encounter has been crafted “in house” by AR Lenoble. AR Lenoble has been completely independent since it was first established nearly a century ago in 1920. No outside investors or shareholders of any kind are involved in the business. This allows us to guarantee the stability of our long-term, comprehensive strategy. AR Lenoble believes in privileging the characteristic expression of fruit from our own vineyards: 10 hectares in the Grand Cru village of Chouilly for Chardonnay (pure chalk soils) 6 hectares in the Premier Cru village of Bisseuil for Pinot Noir (pure chalk soils) 2 hectares in the Marne Valley village of Damery for Meunier (clay and limestone soils) The expression of Chouilly defines who we are and what we do at AR Lenoble. Chouilly is one of only 17 Grand Cru villages in Champagne and one of only 6 known for Chardonnay. AR Lenoble is one of few producers to use 100% Grand Cru Chardonnay in every single one of our wines. Biodiversity is an extremely important part of our philosophy at AR Lenoble. We seek to create an environment which enables us to harvest the healthiest grapes possible. We have planted hedgerows to stabilise the soils. The vineyards are also home to a cluster of beehives from which the House makes a limited amount of honey each year. Bees are an important symbol to us as they literally preserve the natural equilibrium of the world. The yields at AR Lenoble are significantly lower than the average yields in Champagne, year after year. We let the grass grow in our vineyards in order to reduce © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 315 AR Lenoble produces 320,000 bottles per year, making us one of the smallest Houses in the entire region. We have intentionally decided to limit our production in order to create the finest wines possible. AR Lenoble defines our wines as PRECISE, VINOUS and FULL OF CHARACTER, wines recognised for their round and creamy texture, with bubbles perfectly integrated. 12/29/2015 12 IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT CHAMPAGNE AR LENOBLE AR Lenoble is one of the very rare producers in Champagne to be consistently family-owned throughout its entire history of nearly 100 years. Owners Anne and Antoine Malassagne are the great-grandchildren of founder Armand-Raphaël Graser and the fourth generation of the family to run the company entirely by themselves. AR Lenoble has been completely independent since it was first established nearly a century ago in 1920. No outside investors or shareholders of any kind are involved in the business. This allows us to guarantee the stability of our long-term, comprehensive strategy. AR Lenoble believes in privileging the characteristic expression of fruit from our own vineyards: 10 hectares in the Grand Cru village of Chouilly for Chardonnay (pure chalk soils) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 316 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 6 hectares in the Premier Cru village of Bisseuil for Pinot Noir (pure chalk soils) 2 hectares in the Marne Valley village of Damery for Meunier (clay and limestone soils) The expression of Chouilly defines who we are and what we do at AR Lenoble. Chouilly is one of only 17 Grand Cru villages in Champagne and one of only 6 known for Chardonnay. AR Lenoble is one of few producers to use 100% Grand Cru Chardonnay in every single one of our wines. Biodiversity is an extremely important part of our philosophy at AR Lenoble. We seek to create an environment which enables us to harvest the healthiest grapes possible. We have planted hedgerows to stabilise the soils. The vineyards are also home to a cluster of beehives from which the House makes a limited amount of honey each year. Bees are an important symbol to us as they literally preserve the natural equilibrium of the world. The yields at AR Lenoble are significantly lower than the average yields in Champagne, year after year. We let the grass grow in our vineyards in order to reduce yields on purpose. AR Lenoble uses exclusively the CUVEE from the first pressing to craft our wines, never the TAILLE from the second pressing. All reserve wines are conserved in either small Burgundy barrels of 225 litres or 5000-litre foudres established along the lines of the solera or “perpetual blending” system. The legal minimum for ageing in Champagne is established at 15 months but AR Lenoble never releases its wines until at least 3 years of ageing in the cellars followed by 3 additional months of post-disgorgement ageing. Our Brut Intense and Rosé Terroirs each spend three years in the cellars. Our Brut Nature Dosage Zéro and Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs Chouilly each spend 4 years in the cellars. Our vintages are allowed to age even longer... AR Lenoble is one of few producers in Champagne to use the “black bottle”. You can be confident that every single bottle of AR Lenoble you encounter has been crafted “in house” by AR Lenoble. AR Lenoble produces 320,000 bottles per year, making us one of the smallest Houses in the entire region. We have intentionally decided to limit our production in order to create the finest wines possible. AR Lenoble defines our wines as PRECISE, VINOUS and FULL OF CHARACTER, wines recognised for their round and creamy texture, with bubbles perfectly integrated. Product Overview Champagne Lenoble (A.R.) SA Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne Champagne Lounge Address 3, rue de la Louvière 78120 Rambouillet Cedex France Phone +33 1 34571144 Fax +33 1 34571140 Internet address www.promessa.com E-Mail promessa@promessa.com Stand Hall 12, E10 (Page 982) Company News 03/09/2016 Champagne Lounge Champagne Lounge at ProWein 2016 - Hall 12 Stand E03 Since 2013, ProWein and Promessa – Representative of Messe Düsseldorf for France and Monaco – are proud to introduce the Champagne Lounge, an exclusive area dedicated to Champagne Wines. The Champagne Lounge is located in Hall 12 Stand E03 and showcases the heritage and know-how of 40 Champagne Growers & Houses in a friendly and professional atmosphere. Come and experience our Champagne Bar and exhibitors. A fantastic Champagne bar Follow our oenologists for a tasteful tour in Champagne region. They will provide you professional advices to select wines. The Champagne Lounge allows you © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 317 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 318 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de to taste Champagne Wines according to your own criteria in unique friendly and professional atmosphere. To discover - 70 Wines on our exclusive Champagne Bar. A 100% Champagne Events Program Alongside the exhibitors and Champagne tasting bar, discover a rich set of 11 presentations around Champagne. Find out more information about Champagne Lounge, participants and Events Program on internet: www.champagne-lounge.fr Product Details 02.07.01 Champagne Lounge Champagne Champagne Lounge 2016 CHAMPAGNE APOLLONIS CHAMPAGNE ASPASIE CHAMPAGNE AUTRÉAU DE CHAMPILLON 03/09/2016 Champagne Lounge at ProWein 2016 - Hall 12 Stand E03 Since 2013, ProWein and Promessa – Representative of Messe Düsseldorf for France and Monaco – are proud to introduce the Champagne Lounge, an exclusive area dedicated to Champagne Wines. The Champagne Lounge is located in Hall 12 Stand E03 and showcases the heritage and know-how of 40 Champagne Growers & Houses in a friendly and professional atmosphere. Come and experience our Champagne Bar and exhibitors. CHAMPAGNE BEAUMONT DES CRAYÈRES CHAMPAGNE A.BERGÈRE CHAMPAGNE MAXIME BLIN MAISON ALEXANDRE BONNET CHAMPAGNE BRIMONCOURT CHAMPAGNE BROCARD PIERRE CHAMPAGNE LE BRUN DE NEUVILLE CHAMPAGNE CL DE LA CHAPELLE A fantastic Champagne bar Follow our oenologists for a tasteful tour in Champagne region. They will provide you professional advices to select wines. The Champagne Lounge allows you to taste Champagne Wines according to your own criteria in unique friendly and professional atmosphere. To discover - 70 Wines on our exclusive Champagne Bar. CHAMPAGNE BENOIT COCTEAUX CHAMPAGNE COLLARD-PICARD CHAMPAGNE DAUTEL-CADOT CHAMPAGNE DE BARFONTARC A 100% Champagne Events Program CHAMPAGNE DE CASTELLANE Alongside the exhibitors and Champagne tasting bar, discover a rich set of 11 presentations around Champagne. CHAMPAGNE HÉLÈNE DELHÉRY Find out more information about Champagne Lounge, participants and Events Program on internet: www.champagne-lounge.fr CHAMPAGNE DOM CAUDRON CHAMPAGNE DE VENOGE CHAMPAGNE FORGET-BRIMONT CHAMPAGNE GAIDOZ-FORGET Product Overview Champagne Lounge CHAMPAGNE GALLIMARD PÈRE ET FILS CHAMPAGNE MICHEL GONET Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne CHAMPAGNE JEAN-NOËL HATON CHAMPAGNE HOSTOMME CHAMPAGNE JANISSON & FILS © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 319 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 320 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de CHAMPAGNE JEAN JOSSELIN CHAMPAGNE LAURENT-PERRIER Product Overview CHAMPAGNE XAVIER LECONTE Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne CHAMPAGNE NOMINE RENARD SA CHAMPAGNE LAURENT LEQUART CHAMPAGNE MICHEL MAILLIARD CHAMPAGNE MALARD Product Details CHAMPAGNE PIERRE MIGNON CHAMPAGNE NOMINE RENARD SA CHAMPAGNE PALMER & CO 02.07.01 Champagne CHAMPAGNE PIOT SEVILLANO Nomine Renard Rose Brut NV CHAMPAGNE FRANÇOIS SECONDÉ TASTING NOTES CHAMPAGNE TAITTINGER A blend of Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier. Light and elegant with small bubbles and a fine mousse. CHAMPAGNE TENDIL & LOMBARDI CHAMPAGNE MAURICE VESSELLE BACKGROUND CHAMPAGNE VOLLEREAUX Address 32 Rue Vigne-l’abbesse 51270 Villevenard France The Nominé family produces their Champagnes from 20 hectares near Sézanne with Chardonnay representing 40% of the vineyard. This gives a light, elegant style of very fine Champagne as befits one of the founder members of the prestigious Champagne Club of Vignerons. Quality is very important here; they use a traditional old vertical press and age their wines in bottle longer than most. The bubbles are small and the Champagne has a fine mousse. In a recent “Decanter” tasting the Brut came third of 118 Brut NV Champagnes. Phone +33 3 26528260 FOOD MATCHING Fax +33 3 26528405 Internet address www.champagne-nomine-renard.com E-Mail contact@champagne-nomine-renard.com Stand Hall 12, C01 (Page 982) CHAMPAGNE NOMINE RENARD SA Poultry especially duck, pink-roasted lamb, seafood and fish. CELLAR POTENTIAL Drink now. APPELLATION Champagne AOP Region Champagne Colour Rose Vintage NV Grape Pinot Noir blend Bottle Size 75cl © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 321 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 322 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Sweetness Dry Product Details Body Light 02.07.01 Maturation Drink now Champagne Pannier SAS Champagne Extra-Brut Exact Alcohol 12.5 % Classics 40% Chardonnay30% Pinot Noir30% Pinot Meunier Champagne Pannier SAS Address 23, rue Roger Catillon 02407 Château Thierry Cedex France Phone +33 3 2369513-0 Fax +33 3 2369513-1 Internet address www.champagnepannier.com E-Mail Stand A minimum ageing of 4 years in our cellars Champagne Pehu-Simonet Address 7, rue de la Gare 51360 Verzenay France export@champagnepannier.com Phone +33 3 26494320 Hall 12, B05 (Page 982) Fax +33 3 26494506 Internet address www.pehu-simonet-champagne.com Product Overview Champagne Pannier SAS Champagne E-Mail champagnepehu@gmail.com 02.07.01 Champagne Stand Hall 11, C20 (Page 978) Product Overview 02.07.01 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 323 Champagne Pehu-Simonet Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 324 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.01 Champagne Pehu-Simonet Champagne Face Nord Brut Grand Cru This wine is a very faithful expression of the strong personality of the Grand Crus of the Montagne de Reims. Vinification without malolactic fermentation preserves all the fruitiness of the land, its elegance and freshness. Cuvée Spéciale Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Pure expression of Chardonnay on its most prestigious land, Le Mesnils sur Oger. These few plots with ideal exposure offer this Cuvée Spéciale an exclusive style reflecting finesse and beauty. 15% vinified in barrels. 100% Chardonnay Grand Cru More than 24 months in the cellar. More than 24 months in the cellar Dosage: 8 g per liter. Dosage: 9g per liter This Champagne sets the tone of the character of the Pehu-Simonet House. Strength, freshness and fruitiness, this is the signature of the Verzenay land. 70% Pinot Noir, 30% Chardonnay including 30% reserve wines from previous two years. The nose is fresh, present and subtle at the same time. It is in perfect harmony with its discrete citrus base. The attack on the palate is direct and tonic thanks to its freshness. Structure in the mouth is subtle with utmost elegance. Cuvée Spéciale Blanc de Noirs Grand Cru Olfaction delights you with sensations of ripe fruit; the attack is full and round on the palate; the acidity is completely hidden by the body of the wine, and its strength. The midpalate is still fruity and there is an excellent straightness of the tasting. This generous champagne is a pure aromatic explosion. Face Nord Brut Rosé Grand Cru Quintessential of the Verzenay Pinot Noir, the grapes come from the oldest plots of the family vineyard. The vinification of this Blanc de Noirs occurs without malolactic fermentation in oak barrels from the Verzy forest. This unique process highlights the great character of this wine. What could be more attractive than a pale pink, crystal, with a pink salmon color glitter? The taste buds are delighted with a moderate effervescence. Obtained by assembling with red wine produced in barrels. 100% Pinot Noir More than 30 months in the cellar 80% Pinot Noir, 20% Chardonnay. 25% reserve wines from the previous two years Dosage: 8g per liter Development in barrels: 20% A deep gold color intensified by a magnificent copper color of rare beauty demonstrating fine and brilliant bubbles. A powerful, fruity and spicy nose shows the ultimate expression of Pinot Noir. More than 30 months in the cellar. On the palate, the orchard fruits and the exotic notes add sophistication to this very generous champagne. A very open bouquet, nose lace composed of small red fruits, strawberries, raspberries and cherries. First impression on the palate is a solid structure composed of fine, elegant tannins as well as a continued strength. Dosage: 7g per liter The sensations are then particularly intense and reveal the trademark of the Crus used in the composition. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 325 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 326 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Face Nord Extra Brut Grand Cru Champagne Philippe Gamet EARL Gamet-Heucq This very low dose champagne reveals the land in its purest expression. 60% Pinot Noir, 40% Chardonnay. 30% reserve wines from the previous two years. 15% vinified in barrels. More than 36 months in the cellar Address 12, rue Pasteur 51530 Mardeuil France Phone +33 3 26518754 Fax +33 3 26531873 Internet address www.champagne-gamet.com E-Mail info@champagne-gamet.com Stand Hall 11, A119 (Page 978) Less than 3 g per liter dosage A very discreet nose enhanced by very fruity secondary aromas. The mouth is slightly silky, blocking the malolactic fermentation, which allows the champagne to show all of its dimensions. The aromas of white fruit and papaya draw a complex and refined palette. The tasting ends with a perfectly balanced and discreetly creamy final bouquet. Face Nord Millésime 2006 Grand Cru Company News 2006 is a great vintage for the Champagne vineyards. 12/14/2015 A 100% Grand Cru not to be missed: 50% Chardonnay, 50% Pinot Noir Champagne Philippe Gamet EARL Gamet-Heucq Award Bronze 2015 Our Cuvée Réserve Brut was rewarded this year by the competition Decanter with the bronze medal ! More than 48 months in the cellar http://awards.decanter.com/DWWA/2015/Wine/31106?name=Philippe+GametCuv%C3%A9e+de+R%C3%A9serve-NV Dosage: 8g per liter It has an expressive nose. Powerful, elegant and complex! Over aromas of citrus and white flowers we find iodized notes that will marry harmoniously with dishes from the sea. The mouth is frank and develops a slightly salty character, this sublime Vintage 2006 Grand Cru that gently leads you to the open sea! 12/14/2015 Quotation on Viinitalli Our Cuvée 5000 was quoted on Viinitalli on Thursday 3rd December 2015 ! https://www.facebook.com/Viinitalli-212718102082303/ 12/14/2015 Cuvée Caractères rewarded!! This year, our Cuvée Caractères received the Gold Medal of the Vignerons Indépendants competition and the Silver Medal of Mundus Vini ! © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 327 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 328 12/14/2015 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cuvée Caractères rewarded !! 12/14/2015 This year, our Cuvée Caractères received the Gold Medal of the Vignerons Indépendants competition and the Silver Medal of Mundus Vini ! Quotation in LePoint Our Cuvée Caractères and our Cuvée 5000 were quoted and marked in Le Point on Thursday 3rd December 2015 =) 12/14/2015 Quotation in LePoint Our Cuvée Caractères and our Cuvée 5000 were quoted and marked in Le Point on Thursday 3rd December 2015 =) 12/14/2015 Quotation on Viinitalli Our Cuvée Brut Sélection was quoted on Viinitalli on Sunday 6th December! https://www.facebook.com/Viinitalli-212718102082303/ 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 Award Bronze 2015 Our Cuvée Réserve Brut was rewarded this year by the competition Decanter with the bronze medal ! Quotation on Viinitalli Our Cuvée 5000 was quoted on Viinitalli on Thursday 3rd December 2015 ! https://www.facebook.com/Viinitalli-212718102082303/ http://awards.decanter.com/DWWA/2015/Wine/31106?name=Philippe+Gamet-Cuv%C3%A9e+de+R%C3%A9serveNV 12/14/2015 Commended by Decanter Our Cuvée 5000 was commended by Decanter this year ! http://awards.decanter.com/DWWA/2015/Wine/31107?name=Philippe+GametCuv%C3%A9e+5000-NV 12/14/2015 Quotation on Viinitalli Our Cuvée Brut Sélection was quoted on Viinitalli on Sunday 6th December! https://www.facebook.com/Viinitalli-212718102082303/ 12/14/2015 Commended by Decanter Our Cuvée 5000 was commended by Decanter this year ! http://awards.decanter.com/DWWA/2015/Wine/31107?name=Philippe+Gamet-Cuv%C3%A9e+5000NV © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 329 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 330 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview Champagne Philippe Gamet EARL Gamet-Heucq Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne The elegance This Vintage will know how to flatter your papillae by its freshness and its aromatic delicacy. Assembly Champagne developed in 100 % with the vine Chardonnay. Tasting With notes of white fruits, pear, peach, this champagne will find its place in the apéritif but will also know how to accompany your meals gourmets. CHAMPAGNE PHILIPPE MARTIN Address Phone 355, rue du Bois DES Jots 51480 Cumieres France Pairing and Champagne It will be ideal as an aperitif, but could accompany a lobster Bellevue Caviar with steamed potatoes tempura or a mullet on his eggplant mousse. +33 26553037 0664944378 Awards *Blow of heart of the restaurant Oasis (Mandelieu, sommelier Pascal Paulze) on the living room and flavors terroirs November 2014 Fax Internet address champagne-philippe-martin.com Cuvée Réserve E-Mail martinp@hexanet.fr The Essential – Major Champagne of our house, a vintage to be tasted at any time of the day and in any opportunities. Stand Hall 12, A06 (Page 982) Assembly Stemming from the assembly of three big champenois vines: Product Overview CHAMPAGNE PHILIPPE MARTIN 02.07.01 Champagne Champagne 5 % of Chardonnay, 25 % of pinot noir, 70 % of pinot Meunier. A champagne consisted for 46 % of wines of reserve 2010 And 54 % of the grape harvest 2011. Product Details 02.07.01 CHAMPAGNE PHILIPPE MARTIN Tasting A champagne presenting a beautiful dress to the pale golden tint. Its nose, discreet, opens on fruity notes and of candied fruits. The spare vintage exists in brut or in semi-dry. Champagne Blanc de Blancs Pairing and Champagne Champagne aperitif, festive, friendly. Enjoying themselves throughout the day and night. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 331 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 332 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cuvée Rosé * Gault Millau 2014 Note 15/20 “pure champagne Air relief, bravo!) * Cuvée finalist talent Champagne (October 2014) The Pleasure – A wine joyful and filled with delight to be shared between friendly or romantic during a romantic dinner. * Blow of heart of the restaurant Oasis (Mandelieu, sommelier Pascal Paultze) on the flavors and terroirs seating November 2014 Assembly * Guide Hachette 2015 Champagne stemming from the traditional assembly of white wines and from red wines, exclusively with Pinot noir and with Pinot Meunier. * Gault Millau 2015 note15.5 / 20 “fine and incisive bubble” Tasting A vintage of a big freshness revealing flavors of fresh fruit to the palace.Its bright pink color hides reflections ” tile salmon “. CHAMPAGNE PIERRE MIGNON SARL PIERRE MIGNON Address 5 rue des Grappes d’Or 51210 LE BREUIL France Phone +33 3 26592203 Terre d’Antan Fax +33 3 26592674 The Seduction – All the soul of champenois soils finds itself in this produced from black grapes champagne at the sophisticated presentation. Internet address www.pierre-mignon.com E-Mail info@pierre-mignon.com Stand Hall 12, D06 (Page 982) Pairing and Champagne Rosé Champagne is considered a wine of pleasure and celebration, it will work well as an appetizer at your barbecue with salads, but also crustaceans, a poached haddock with red berries, a blank of artichoke, a tomme sheep or iced raspberry dessert. Assembly Champagne exclusively developed from the vine Pinot noir pulled by a single plot of land and stemming from the grape harvest 2008. Worked in traditional method, this vintage is brought up in oak barrels. Product Overview Tasting A champagne which admires in the eye, in its bottle of a rare elegance. The bubbles of an extreme delicacy bring freshness and delicacy to this vintage full of charm. CHAMPAGNE PIERRE MIGNON SARL PIERRE MIGNON Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne Pairing and Champagne This Champagne will accompany your gourmet meal, it matches with foie gras, black truffle risotto, an oral bony, an epigram of lamb with chanterelles. Awards * Wines and terroirs (Belgium 2014) notes 16/20 “a good food wine” © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 333 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 334 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details CHAMPAGNE PIERRE MIGNON SARL PIERRE MIGNON Champagne Rémy Massin et Fils Address 34 Grande Rue 10110 Vill-sur-Arce France Blend of : Phone +33 3 25387409 35% Chardonnay, 55% Pinot Meunier and 10% Pinot Noir Fax +33 3 25387767 Internet address www.champagne-massin.com 02.07.01 Champagne BRUT PRESTIGE Tasting: A blend of structure and vivacity, beautiful aromatic complexity, E-Mail dense and distinguished, with very good persistence . Drink as an aperitif or to accompany your meals. Stand Hall 12, C01 (Page 982) Bright yellow. Aromatically intense with mineral notes, yellow fruit and brioche, the palate is dry, firm and zesty, attractive creaminess and length, well made. Tasting from Andreas Larsson ( Best Sommelier ) : 90/100 Product Overview SILVER MEDAL AT VINALIES INTERNATIONALES 2012 Champagne BRUT ROSE 02.07.01 Champagne Blend of 70% Pinot Meunier , 15% Chardonnay and Champagne Rémy Massin et Fils Product Details 15% Pinot Noir. Champagne Rémy Massin et Fils Tasting : 02.07.01 Champagne A tender rosé with luminous colour . Wodnerfull balance. Prestige The touches of red fruit minxed with the fruitiness 2012 - Gold Medal, International Wine Challenge of the Pinot Meunier ,give it aromatic subtlety. BRUT - 50 % Pinot Noir - 50 % Chardonnay A blend of wines from : 2007-2008-2009 A fine and delicate champagne with subtle aromas of acacia blossom and citrus fruit. Lots of finesse and elegance. Cuvée Prestige is excellent as an aperitif served with shavings of parmesan and it’s perfect with scallops marinated in olive oil, lime juice and dill. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 335 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 336 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Tradition Product Overview 2013 - Silver Medal, Vinalies International (competition organised by sommeliers in France) Champagne Vazart-Coquart & Fils Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne 2012 - Silver Medal, International Wine and Spirit Competition. 2011 - Gold Medal, Concours des Vins de Champagne in Epernay. 100% Pinot Noir Product Details Champagne Vazart-Coquart & Fils A blend of wines from : 2007 - 2008 - 2009 A bold Blanc de Noirs full of fruity and floral flavours. 02.07.01 Champagne A beautifully soft and balanced structure with wonderful character thanks to extended ageing. Brut Reserve, Grand Cru “Blanc de Blancs Cuvée Tradition is a brut champagne that will add an extra sparkle to any occasion. The Cuvee Brut Reserve is made only from Chardonnay: this is a “Blanc de Blancs. It’s superb on its own as an aperitif and is also a great match for more robust flavours like “wild mushroom country terrine”. This is a blend of several years, whose 25% are from a perpetual reserve implemented by Jacques Vazart in 1982. A pale yellow colour with lightgreen hints which go with fine and light bubbles, it gives a fresh and ethereal vision. It delivers aromas of lemon, chalk, iodine, grapefruit and acacia give a fruity and delicate floral and mineral balance. Champagne Vazart-Coquart & Fils Address 6 Rue des Partelaines 51530 Chouilly France Its aperitif vocation harmonizes perfectly with oysters, grapefruit carpaccio, semi-cooked scallops, cod, with a saffron white butter sauce, with Brillat-Savarin (it is a French cheese)… Phone +33 3 26554004 Cuvée Camille, 1er Cru Fax The Cuvee Camille is a blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. This is a white wine, vinified in the Champagne tradition. Internet address www.vazart-coquart.com Deep yellow in colour with golden and lightgreen highlights gives a rich and fresh visual sensation. E-Mail contact@vazart-coquart.com Aromas of biscuit, blueberry, almond paste, red apple, strawberry give a smooth effervescence which makes a fruity and soft product. Stand Hall 12, C01 (Page 982) Its richness can be combined with fleshy iodated and tasty food. It is a perfect match with oysters, salmon and basil rillettes, fresh salmon, cod filet, “aumônière” of ashy goat cheese and leeks. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 337 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 338 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 02/17/2016 Champagne Vollereaux SA Campagne Vollereaux new Magnum Vintage launch! Address 48, rue Léon Bourgeois 51530 Pierry France Phone +33 3265403 05 Fax +33 3265488 36 Our following champagnes have been rewarded by great scores in the Wine Spectator Magazine and International contest : Internet address www.champagne-vollereaux.fr -Brut Resrve NV : 92 points WIne Spectator / Gold Medal @ Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2015 E-Mail contact@champagne-vollereaux.fr - Blanc de Blancs Brut NV : 90 points Wine Spectator / Gold Medal @ Chardonnay du Monde 2015 Stand Hall 12, D12 (Page 982) Champagne Vollereaux is happy to announce the release during Prowein 2016 of its new prestige magnum vintage Cuvee Tradition Vintage 2004! 11/07/2014 Wine Spectator - Brut Rosé de Saignée NV : 91 points - Cuvée Marguerite Vintage 2007 : 92 points / Gold Medal @ IWC 2014 Company News 11/07/2014 Champagne Vollereaux SA Wine Spectator Our following champagnes have been rewarded by great scores in the Wine Spectator Magazine and International contest : 02/12/2016 Champagne Vollereaux on Japan Airline Champagne Vollereaux is proud to announce that the Vollereaux Brut Reserve has been chosen by Japan Airlines and will be served on all JAL flights in Business Class. -Brut Resrve NV : 92 points WIne Spectator / Gold Medal @ Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2015 02/17/2016 - Blanc de Blancs Brut NV : 90 points Wine Spectator / Gold Medal @ Chardonnay du Monde 2015 Champagne Vollereaux is happy to announce the release during Prowein 2016 of its new prestige magnum vintage Cuvee Tradition Vintage 2004! - Brut Rosé de Saignée NV : 91 points Campagne Vollereaux new Magnum Vintage launch! - Cuvée Marguerite Vintage 2007 : 92 points / Gold Medal @ IWC 2014 02/12/2016 Champagne Vollereaux on Japan Airline Champagne Vollereaux is proud to announce that the Vollereaux Brut Reserve has been chosen by Japan Airlines and will be served on all JAL flights in Business Class. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Product Overview 339 Champagne Vollereaux SA 02.07.01 Champagne Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 340 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.01 Champagne Vollereaux SA Champagne Champagne Vollereaux Cuvée Tradition Vintage The robe is light yellow, bright, with golden glimmers. Fine bubbles feed a nice mousse collar of beautiful whiteness. Champagne Vollereaux Blanc de Blancs Brut NV The nose is expressive, offering aromas of ripe fruits (sweet apricot) and dried fruits (dried fig and hazelnut). With aeration, it opens up on spicy notes of white pepper and pink bays. The pale yellow robe with green reflections is adorned with fine bubbles that reach the surface to form a fine and persitent collar. The attack, clean and pure, quickly gives way to the expressive structure. The mouth is faithful to the nose. It carries aromas of fresh hazelnut and goes on with some honeyed notes. The nose is very pleasant, with delicate aromas of dried lime infusion that mingle with mineral and aerial notes. This well balanced vintage will accompany with delights a foie gras with figs or truffle based dishes. After a frank, pure and dry first impression in the mouth, we discover a round and supple wine. Perfect as an “aperitif”, the Blanc de Blancs Brut will also be the perfect match with white fish such as monkfish. CHampagne Vollereaux Demi Sec Gold Medal @ Chardonnay of the World 2015 The effervescence forms a white and creamy mousse on the surface which highlights the intense gold robe of this champagne. The nose develops floral notes (white flowers like hawthorn), toasted aromas which mingles with more mature aromas of yellow peach. 90 points @ Wine Spectator Magazine 89 points @ Wine Enthusiast Magazine Champagne Vollereaux Cuvée Marguerite Vintage 2008 The mouth, fleshy and syrupy, is nicely supported by a delicate effervescence . Nuances of flower honeys come to enrich the aromatic pallet. The tumultuous effervescence maintains an attractive string of bubbles. The robe is light yellow with golden reflections. Our Demi-Sec champagne, rich and with a beautiful density, can be served with a sorbet of fruits. The nose is of great finesse. It reveals aromas of peach syrup, and very delicious aromas (salted butter caramels), to finally flourish towards floral (orange blossom) and bergamot. Champagne Vollereaux Extra Brut The mouth is rich and full. After a round and generous introduction, this vintage wine 2008 keeps an incredible freshness. The balance of the flavors and the elegance of the aromas confer to this vintage a very beautiful harmony. As an aperitif, this Champagne can accompany crispy sesame seed crackers or a meal of whitefish. The first nose evokes spicy, peppered notes and light tobacco which, with aeration, gives the way to aromas of zest of citrus fruits and marmalade of orange. The attack is frank and of a beautiful freshness. The mouth is well balanced and ends by an attractive lemony final full of finesse. All of these aromas give harmony and a beautiful length. 92 points WIne Spectaor (Vintage 2007) Médaille d’Or @ International Wine Challenge 2014 (VIntage 2007) 92 points WIne Enthusiast Magazine (Vintage 2007) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH The effervescence, intense and steady forms a persistent ring of mousse. The tint is light yellow with silvery reflections. Our Extra-Brut can be savoured in “aperitif” or accompany shellfish or oysters. 341 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 342 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Champagne Vollereaux Extra Dry Champagnes Tsarine SNC L.I.D. Our Extra Dry champagne presents a light yellow color with golden reflections. The fine effervescece creates an elegant ring of mousse. The nose is subtle and fresh, releasing aromas of grapefruit and peach. The mouth, ample and mellow, blooms towards aromas more evolved like candied fruits and exotic fruits showing maturity like mango. This generous champagne has a beautiful length. You may try an original pairing with a creamy and tender cheese such as Gorgonzola. Champagne Vollereaux Rosé de Saignée Brut NV The effervescence is fine and persistent, creating a beautiful mousse on the surface. The robe has an intense raspberry color, slightly tiled. Address Allee du Vignoble 51100 Reims France Phone +33 3 26785008 Fax +33 3 26367645 Internet address www.tsarine.com E-Mail info@tsarine.com Stand Hall 12, D17 (Page 982) Product Overview Our Rosé has a nose of red berries and crushed strawberry. Champagnes Tsarine SNC L.I.D. After aeration, the nose reveals greedier notes, evoking pastries and vanilla aromas. Champagne In a suave and greedy structure, the mouth is full and bodied as aromas persist to give a very long finish. 02.07.01 Champagne This Rosé champagne of great roundness and subtly sweetened by notes of red berries, will perfectly go with macaroons. Product Details 02.07.01 91 points @ Wine Spectator Magazine Champagnes Tsarine SNC L.I.D. Champagne Rose 90 points @ International Wine Cellar Blend: 34% Chardonnay 33% Pinot Meunier 33% Pinot Noir Draped in ruby silk, a fine stream of fine bubbles envelops this rosé champagne. Like some magical alchemy, aromas of wild strawberry, wheat and blackcurrant buds awaken the instinct of our senses. On the palate, body and finesse com- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 343 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 344 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de bine in red berry and cream notes. Gentleness and pleasure come together as one. Product Details 02.06.01 Château du Galoupet - GWC, SARL Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Château du Galoupet - Cru Classé Blanc 2011 Château du Galoupet - GWC, SARL Château du Galoupet - Cru Classé Blanc 2011 Address Saint-Nicolas 83250 La Londe les Maures France Phone +33 4 94664007 Fax +33 4 94664240 Château du Galoupet - Cru Classé RESERVE Rouge 2008 Internet address www.galoupet.com Château du Galoupet - Cru Classé RESERVE Rouge 2008 E-Mail wines@galoupet.com Stand Hall 11, J64 (Page 978) Château du Galoupet - Cru Classé rosé 2013 Product Overview Château du Galoupet - GWC, SARL Provence 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 345 Château du Galoupet - Cru Classé rosé 2013 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 346 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Château la Coste SARL Château les Valentines Les Valentines SARL Address 2750 Route de la Cride 13610 Le Puy Sainte Réparade France Address Route de Collobriéres 83250 La Londe Des Maures France Phone +33 4 42619272 Phone +33 4 94159550 Fax +33 4 42618941 Fax +33 4 94159555 Internet address www.chateau-la-coste.com Internet address www.lesvalentines.com E-Mail contact@chateau-la-coste.com E-Mail contact@lesvalentines.com Stand Hall 11, K83 (Page 978) Stand Hall 11, H80 (Page 978) Product Overview Château la Coste SARL Company News Château les Valentines Les Valentines SARL Provence 12/14/2015 02.04 Sparkling wine Overall Ratings Wine Enthusiast Product Details 02.04 Château la Coste SARL Sparkling wine 12/14/2015 WINE ENTHUSIAST RATINGS - SUMMER 2015 GRANDE CUVEE N°8 - 93/100 WINE ENTHUSIAST Congratulations to Château Les Valentines Grande Cuvée N°8 Rosé, securing the Wine Enthusiast Top 100 list of 2015 ! Première Cuvée White A fine and complex nose of citrus and white fruits with hints of flowers. Round in the mouth. Fresh and lively, with a lovely fruity finish. 12/14/2015 GRANDE CUVEE N°8 - 93/100 WINE ENTHUSIAST VERMENTINO 60% Congratulations to Château Les Valentines Grande Cuvée N°8 Rosé, SAUVIGNON BLANC 40% securing the Wine Enthusiast Top 100 list of 2015 ! FOOD PARINGS Carpaccio of Salmon and sea bream with a lime and dill vinaigrette. Sauté of calamari with garlic and parsley. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 347 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 348 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 12/14/2015 WINE ENTHUSIAST RATINGS - SUMMER 2015 dépasser 12° de titre alcoolique. Nous réservons également 10% du volume total sous forme d’un moût (jus de raisin non fermenté) que nous congelons pour éviter un départ en fermentation sans ajout de soufre. Overall Ratings Wine Enthusiast La méthode traditionnelle consiste alors à mettre en bouteilles de type ”champenoises”, (épaisses et résistantes à la pression du gaz carbonique) le vin de base additionné d’une liqueur de tirage, mélange de levures et de sucre destiné à provoquer la deuxième fermentation ou prise de mousse. 12/14/2015 Ici - et c’est la spécificité de la méthode provençale - le moût concentré rectifié qui sucre cette liqueur est remplacé par le moût congelé de nos raisins, ce qui permet de garder une grande fraîcheur, de ne pas faire monter le degré alcoolique et de préserver la personnalité de notre rosé sans intrants extérieurs. PRESS REVIEW OUR CAPRICE DE CLEMENTINE’S PRESS REVIEW On rebouche les bouteilles hermétiquement à l’aide de capsules provisoires, on les dépose horizontalement sur des clayettes le temps de la prise de mousse, cet ”élevage sur lattes” permettant d’extraire les arômes. A la dégustation on découvre les arômes caractéristiques d’agrumes, de petits fruits rouges, d’anis et de garrigue du Château Les Valentines rosé, soudain enrichi de milliers de petites bulles fines, fraîches et légères. 12/14/2015 PRESS REVIEW OUR CAPRICE DE CLEMENTINE’S PRESS REVIEW Product Overview Château Rives-Blanques Plaine de Roquefort Address 11300 Cepie France Château les Valentines Les Valentines SARL Provence Phone +33 4 68314320 02.04 Sparkling wine Fax +33 4 68314320 Internet address Www.rives-Blanques.com E-Mail rives-blanques@wanadoo.fr Stand Hall 11, G92 (Page 978) Product Details 02.04 Château les Valentines Les Valentines SARL Sparkling wine BULLES by LES VALENTINES - EXTRA BRUT ROSE ”BULLES” by Les Valentines est un vin effervescent élaboré avec une méthode spécialement mise au point pour les vins de Provence. Nous assemblons nos plus beaux raisins de Cinsault et de Rolle pour exprimer toute la délicatesse qu’on attend d’un vin de fête, sans © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 349 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 350 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de with cheese, fruit pies, foie gras … or just on its own. Product Overview Château Rives-Blanques Plaine de Roquefort Languedoc-Roussillon 02.07.02 Cremant Very clean honeyed flavours (17 pts) – Jancis Robinson Delicious and dangerously sippable – Andrew Jefford Clostermann Organics Rolf Clostermann Product Details 02.07.02 Château Rives-Blanques Plaine de Roquefort Address Jöckern 2 46487 Wesel - Bislich Germany Phone +49 2859 325 Fax +49 2859 747 Internet address www.clostermann-organics.de E-Mail info@clostermann-organics.de Stand Hall 13, F73 (Page 986) Cremant Appellation Limoux Protégée Occitania is a uniquely ‘Limoux’ wine, and we are passionate about it. Mauzac has been thriving in our hills for over 600 years, and is generally associated with Blanquette de Limoux, the oldest sparkling wine in the world. Occitania was Limoux’s first modern non-sparkling white wine made from this traditional Renaissance grape variety. Normally we end our harvest in Les Moulignieres, a beautiful field of uncloned 50-year old vines, reserved exclusively for Occitania. This extra hang-time plus careful vinification in seasoned oak barrels gives added richness, making Occitania a delicious food wine: lovely and creamy in the mouth with a lot of peach and apricot, finishing off with a touch of vanilla. Occitania features on the wine-lists of several Michelin-starred restaurants around the world. Product Overview 02.02.02 Clostermann Organics Rolf Clostermann Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin A fascinating curiosity– Andrew Jefford A truly unique, world class wine– KLM’s award-winning wine list Product Details 02.02.02 Late Harvest Dessert Wine Clostermann Organics Rolf Clostermann Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Apple sparkling wine The delicious and delectable curiosity of our range: the grapes for our ‘Tears of Gold’ were picked in October and November, when their naturally concentrated sugars were perfectly balanced by natural freshness, and then fermented and aged in stainless steel tanks. Pressed of 100% apples from our orchard, we provide delectable varieties, such as Emmily (dry), and for special occasions Apple & Rose with natural rose extracts. The grapes were blessed with a phenomenon we experience only once every ten years: noble rot. Neither syrupy nor cloyingly sweet, Lagremas d’Aur is delicious © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 351 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 352 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Appléritif Product Details The prickly fresh apple juice available with and without roseflavour, is our latest product in Demeter quality. 02.04 Codorniu S.A. Sparkling wine FRIZZ 5.5 Albariño FRIZZZZZZ... Sparkling bubbles and low alcohol content make FRIZZ 5.5 Verdejo a perfect balance of sweetness and sharpness. Codorniu S.A. Address Phone FRIZZ 5.5 Verdejo Avenida Països Catalans 38, 2 floor 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat - Barcelona Spain FRIZZZZZZ... Sparkling bubbles and low alcohol content make FRIZZ 5.5 Verdejo a perfect balance of sweetness and sharpness. +34 93 5051551 Fax Internet address www.codorniu.com E-Mail codinfo@codorniu.com Stand Hall 10, H152 (Page 974) Product Overview Col Vetoraz Spumanti S.r.l. Codorniu S.A. Cava Priorat Rioja 02.04 Sparkling wine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 353 Address Strade delle Treziese, 1 31049 Santo Stefano di Valdobbiadene (Tv) Italy Phone +39 0423 975291 Fax +39 0423 975571 Internet address www.colvetoraz.it E-Mail info@colvetoraz.it Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 354 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview 02.07.04 Col Vetoraz Spumanti S.r.l. Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.07.04 VALDOBBIADENE - CARTIZZE Superiore - Denom. di Orig. Control VALDOBBIADENE CARTIZZE SUPERIORE DOCG Col Vetoraz Spumanti S.r.l. Produced in the hills (Rive) of Col Vetoraz and Mont in the well-know Cartizze Superiore Docg area. Intense and yet delicate bouquet of flowers and ripe fruits. Prosecco Spumante Velvety, round and well balanced to the taste. Brut Recommended drinking temperature 8 °C. VALDOBBIADENE - Prosecco Superiore - Denom. di Orig. Controllata e Garantita Food matching: Ideal to finish a exquisite meal, perfect for special occasions Brut Produced with fruits grown in the high hills (Rive) facing west, where they can reach the ideal maturity to produce this sparkling wine. VALDOBBIADENE - Prosecco Superiore - Denom. di Orig. Control Fine and slightly aromatic bouquet. VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG EXTRA DRY Dry and intense to the taste. Very harmonious. Produced in the steep hills (Rive) in the Valdobbiadene area. Recommended drinking temperature 8°C. Delicate fruity bouquet, elegant and well balanced to the taste: appealing. Food matching: The perfect aperitif, can be matched with shellfish and precious fish Recommended drinking temperature 8°C. Food matching: Brut Zero To be sipped with friends as an aperitif. It is a perfect match with delicate and exquisite dishes VALDOBBIADENE - Prosecco Superiore - Denom. di Orig. Controllata e Garantita Valdobbiadene Brut Zero VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG MILLESIMATO DRY Produced in the hillside vineyards (Rive) with ideal exposure in the Valdobbiadene area. VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG MILLESIMATO DRY Extremely dry, but still velvety and round, with hints of fruit and flowers. Produced in the hillside vineyards (Rive) with ideal exposure in the Valdobbiadene area. Recommended drinking temperature 8°C. Food matching: The perfect aperitif, can be matched with shells and shellfish The wine is elegant, intense and fruity with hints of floral notes. Aromatic and round to the taste. Recommended drinking temperature 8 °C. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 355 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 356 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Food matching: Product Details Ideal for toasting and parties, the perfect drink all day long 02.07.04 Colesel Spumanti Srl Prosecco Spumante CARTIZZE BRUT Colesel Spumanti Srl Sparkling method. Address Via Vettorazzi e Bisol, 4 31049 Santo Stefano di Valdobbiadene Italy Valdobbiadene, second fermentation refined in our territory, in autoclave. Phone +39 0423 901055 Prosecco grown in the Cartizze sub-area in Santo Stefano, Valdobbiadene. Fax +39 0423 901066 Vineyard. Internet address www.colesel.com E-Mail info@colesel.it Vine. 65% Colesel vineyard. 25% Bastie vineyard. 10% Noai and Fei vineyard. Analytical data. Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) Alcohol by volume 12,00% vol. Residue sugars 7 g/l. Product Overview Colesel Spumanti Srl Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Organolectic characteristics. Colour: straw yellow, brilliant. Bubbles: fine and persistent. Aroma: characteristic of fruit. Flavour: soft, pleasantly fruity. How to serve. In an ice bucket or serve at a temperature of 2 – 5° C. We suggest. To taste on major occasions, excellent for every situations, ideal with seafood dishes. ROSÉ BRUT Sparkling method. Long Charmat method. Vine. 70% Pinot nero © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 357 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 358 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 30% Glera. Vineyard. Product Overview S. Stefano di Valdobbiadene. 02.04 Sparkling wine Alcohol by volume 12,00% vol. Abruzzo Residue sugars 8 g/l. Product Details Consorzio Coop. Riunite d’Abruzzo S.C. Citra Vini Analytical data. Organolectic characteristics. 02.04 Rose color. Abundant and persistent bubble. Delicate red fruit perfume. Consorzio Coop. Riunite d’Abruzzo S.C. Citra Vini Sparkling wine BOLLICINE How to serve. Harmonic, persistent, lively taste, producing an enjoyable acidulous sensation due to its carbon dioxide content and pleasant sensations of sour-cherry and cherry. Its long finish carries along slightly bitterish notes. Excellent as aperitif, in fact, it is known as “The Prince of Happy Hour”. In an ice bucket or serve at a temperature of 2 – 5° C. We suggest. Excellent as an aperitif, in pairing with appetizers and seafood dishes. Consorzio Coop. Riunite d’Abruzzo S.C. Citra Vini Address Contrada Cucullo 66026 Ortona (CH) Italy Phone +39 085 9031342 Fax +39 085 9031332 Internet address www.citra.it E-Mail citra@citra.it Stand Hall 16, A12 (Page 998) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Contadi Castaldi 359 Address Via Colzano 32 25030 Adro (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 7450126 Fax +39 030 7450322 Internet address www.contadicastaldi.it E-Mail contadicastaldi@contadicastaldi.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 360 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview Contadi Castaldi Soft pressing. Cold settling. Inoculation with selected yeast. Fermentation of 20 days in stainless steel AISI 316. Partial malolactic fermentation First ageing Lombardia 7 months, partly in steel and partly in barriques 02.07.05 Stabilization Franciacorta Cold static Product Details 02.07.05 Contadi Castaldi Bottling (draft) May Franciacorta Ageing on the lees Franciacorta Brut From 20 to 26 months BOTTLE SIZE Disgorgement 375 ml, 750 ml, 1500 ml, 3000 ml, From December 6000 ml, 9000 ml Ageing after disgorgement GRAPES 3 - 4 months Chardonnay (80%), Pinot nero (10%), This is a lively brut, full of fragrance, tending to smoothness and an accessible sensory language, with a balanced and versatile style. In the glass it is yellow in colour with greenish reflections, enlivened by a fine and persistent perlage. The nose is fresh, with floral notes of lime, shades of citrus, white peach and green pepper. The mouth is tight and crisp, fresh and vertical, full-bodied, refined and with a lingering very enjoyable finish. Pinot bianco (10%) Origin Mix of plots of land in the Franciacorta Cultivation systems Franciacorta Rosé Guyot, Casarsa Plant density BOTTLE SIZE 3000-5000 vines per hectare 375 ml, 750 ml, 1500 ml YIELD GRAPES 100 quintals of grapes per hectare Chardonnay (65%) Pinot nero (35%) WINE YIELD Origin 65% or 65 HL per hectare Average age of vines A particularly exposed and windy position, stony soil, moderately calcareous, excellent drainage in the Deep Morainic, Fluvio-Glacial and Terraced Colluvial 15 years Cultivation systems Harvest period Guyot Late August, early September Plant density Vinification © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 361 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 362 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Franciacorta Satèn 5000 vines per hectare YIELD BOTTLE SIZE 100 quintals of grapes per hectare 750 ml, 1500 ml, 3000 ml, 6000 ml WINE YIELD GRAPES 65% or 65 HL per hectareAverage age of vines Chardonnay 100% 15 years Origin Harvest period Mix of plots of land in the Franciacorta Late August, early September Cultivation systems Vinification Soft pressing after cold (17/18° C) maceration of about 3-4 hours. Cold settling. Inoculation with selected yeast. Fermentation of 20 days in stainless steel AISI 316. Partial malolactic fermentation. First ageing Guyot, Casarsa, Cordone Speronato Plant density 3000-5000 vines per hectare YIELD 7 months, partly in steel and partly in barriques 100 quintals of grapes per hectare Stabilization WINE YIELD Cold static 65% or 65 HL per hectare Bottling (draft) Average age of vines May 15 years Ageing on the lees Harvest period From 24 to 30 months Late August, early SeptemberVinification Disgorgement From July Soft pressing. Cold settling. Inoculation with selected yeast. Fermentation of 20 days in stainless steel AISI 316. Partial malolactic fermentation. Post-disgorgement refinement First ageing 3 - 4 months 7 months, partly in steel and partly in barriques It has a beautiful coral pink colour, very bright, with a fine and persistent perlage. An original Franciacorta, in a modern style, making skilful use of the Pinot nero grapes. The nose has clear notes of wild berries, fresh rose petals, hints of apple and tropical fruit. The mouth is structured, crisp and lively, tangy and sensually upbeat. The finish is long and well balanced. Stabilization Cold static Bottling (draft) May Ageing on the lees From 30 to 36 months Disgorgement © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 363 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 364 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de From December First ageing Post-disgorgement refinement 7 months, partly in steel and partly in barriques 3 - 4 months Stabilization A fragrant wine, which immediately seduces you with its originality, presaging an exceptionally fresh taste. The style plays strongly on a quest for harmony between complexity and pleasure, in keeping with the sweetness of expression of the Franciacorta area. The colour is a bright straw, with a fine and persistent perlage. The nose is fresh and elegant, with clear bouquets of hawthorn, bread crust, balsamic notes, hints of apple rennet, dried figs and peanuts. Soft in the mouth, but not sweet, it has a fresh pleasant flavour. The finish is long and dense, with very pleasant flavour. Cold static Franciacorta Zero From May Bottling (draft) May Ageing on the lees From 36 to 40 months Disgorgement Post-disgorgement refinement BOTTLE SIZE 3 - 4 months 750 ml, 1500 ml Mix of plots of land in the Franciacorta A Franciacorta of great personality, consisting in a selection of Pinot nero grapes from a specific morainic soil that gives the grape its full-bodied flavour, which carries over well to the wine. It has a very precise flavour, complex bouquet, with hints of grapefruit, blackcurrant, and walnut hull, and unusual traces of laurel and green tobacco. Modulated and sharp-flavoured, structured and full-bodied, fast-paced, it has a long and pleasantly persistent finish. Cultivation systems Pinònero Natura GRAPES Chardonnay (50%) Pinot nero (50%) Origin Guyot, Casarsa BOTTLE SIZE Plant density 0.75 l 3000-5000 vines per hectare GRAPES YIELD 100% Pinot Nero 100 quintals of grapes per hectare Origin WINE YIELD Mix of plots of land in the Franciacorta area 65% or 65 HL per hectare Cultivation systems Average age of vines Guyot, Casarsa 15 years Plant density Harvest period Late August, early SeptemberVinification 3000-5000 vines per hectare Soft pressing. Cold settling. Inoculation with selected yeast. Fermentation of 20 days in stainless steel AISI 316. Partial malolactic fermentation YIELD © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 365 100 quintals of grapes per hectare © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 366 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de WINE YIELD CONTARINI VINI E SPUMANTI SRL 65% or 65 HL per hectare Address Via General Cantore, 35 31028 Visnà di Vazzola (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 444700 Soft pressing. Cold settling. Inoculation with selected yeast. Fermentation of 20 days in stainless steel AISI 316. Partial malolactic fermentation Fax +39 0438 444791 First ageing Internet address www.contarinivini.it E-Mail info@contarinivini.it Stand Hall 16, E44 (Page 998) Average age of vines 25 years Harvest period Late August, early SeptemberVinification 7 months, partly in steel and partly in barriques barrels Stabilization Cold static Bottling (draft) May Product Overview Ageing on the lees 60 months CONTARINI VINI E SPUMANTI SRL 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Disgorgement May Post-disgorgement refinement 6 months Product Details This Franciacorta wine has a pale yellow colour with slightly orange reflections. Fine persistent perlage; very ample bouquet: citrus fruit, pink grapefruit, wild strawberry, white flowers, lime, acacia honey and green oregano. On the palate this wine is crisp, fruity and fresh with notes of citrus-flavoured fruit from wild forests. 02.02.03 CONTARINI VINI E SPUMANTI SRL Prosecco Frizzante CONTARINI PROSECCO DOC TREVISO FRIZZANTE BVS Vine Origin: Glera Type: Prosecco DOC Treviso Production Area: Province of Treviso Alcohol: 10.5% vol © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 367 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 368 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Pleasantly acidulous, fruity, soft, brings to mind acacia flowers Colour: Association: Clear straw yellow with greenish highlights Fragrance: This extremely elegant fizzy wine is excellent as an aperitif and can also be served at any important occasion fresh, slightly aromatic Temperature: Taste: 4-6ºC fresh, fruity, smoth with a typical scent of apple Conservation: Association: In a cool and dry cellar, away from heat and light Ideal as aperitif and for its typical freshness can be served anytime Temperature: Conte Loredan Gasparini Azienda Agricola 6-8ºC Conservation: Address Via Martignago Alto 23 31040 Venegazzu’ Del Montello (TV) Italy In a cool and dry cellar, away from heat and light. Not be stored in the fridge 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Phone +39 0423 870024 CONTARINI VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG MILLESIMATO Fax +39 0423 870052 Vine origin: Internet address www.LoredanGasparini.it E-Mail export@venegazzu.com Stand Hall 15, C51 (Page 994) Glera Type: Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G. Production Area: Hills between Conegliano and Valdobbiadene Alcohol: Product Overview 11.5% vol Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Conte Loredan Gasparini Azienda Agricola Colour: Clear straw yellow with greenish highlights, faint, abundant froth, fine and persistent perlage Product Details Fragrance: very refined, brings to mind acacia flowers 02.07.04 Taste: Asolo Prosecco © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 369 Conte Loredan Gasparini Azienda Agricola Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 370 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de DOCG Asolo Prosecco Superiore This vine’s variety is with no doubt the most traditional and widespread reality in the territory of the Montello and the hills surrounding Asolo (North of Venice). The Azienda Agricola Loredan Gasparini has been cultivating it for many years in a typical hilly area (150-300m. a.s.l.). The grapes that grow on mineral soil give the product a definitely structural character which makes it unique and unmistakable as to its other types. Cuvée Indigene Created by direct fermentation of the must using indigenous yeasts, this spumante will enable you to rediscover the true original feeling of the Prosecco variety. Metodo Classico DOCG Asolo Prosecco Loredan Gasparini “Metodo Classico” is a sparkling wine made with Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes, growing on the hilly side of the estate in Nervesa, carefully harvested and immediately softly pressed. This original CUVÉE INDIGENE derives from a selection of the best grapes from the old “Belvedere Vineyard”, a plot dating back to 1969, situated on the Montello hillside (to the North of Venice) in the historic Prosecco Superiore area. Apart from the characteristics of the grapes used, which stem from old Prosecco clones, another feature of this Cuvée is the natural wine-making method used. Soon after a light pressing, the must is placed in a very low temperature autoclave to initiate a very, very slow fermentation process. Thereby only indigenous yeasts are used and there is no addition of sugars. This slow, lowtemperature fermentation lasts over 9 months and it creates an extremely fine and elegant perlage, endowing this spumante with its extraordinary creaminess. When united with the natural complexity of Asolo Prosecco, a unique and unmistakable character sets this spumante apart from other kinds. Created by direct fermentation of the must using indigenous yeasts, this spumante will enable you to rediscover the true original feeling of the Prosecco variety. Cuvee Indigene Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG This original CUVÉE INDIGENE derives from a selection of the best grapes from the old “Belvedere Vineyard”, a plot dating back to 1969, situated on the Montello hillside (to the North of Venice) in the historic Prosecco Superiore area. Apart from the characteristics of the grapes used, which stem from old Prosecco clones, another feature of this Cuvée is the natural wine-making method used. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Soon after a light pressing, the must is placed in a very low temperature autoclave to initiate a very, very slow fermentation process. Thereby only indigenous yeasts are used and there is no addition of sugars. This slow, lowtemperature fermentation lasts over 9 months and it creates an extremely fine and elegant perlage, endowing this spumante with its extraordinary creaminess. When united with the natural complexity of Asolo Prosecco, a unique and unmistakable character sets this spumante apart from other kinds. 371 This wine is the result of the fermentation of the first must, which represents the 50% of the starting grapes, and it is produced according to the classic French method. Straw yellow in colour with light golden glints it has a fine and continuous perlage and its froth represents a prelude to a lot of elegant sensations. Vigna Monti This original selection comes from the “Monti Vineyard”, a plot added in 1975, situated on the Montello hillside (50KM north of Venice) and in the historic area for Prosecco Superiore DOCG (verified designation of origin guaranteed). Apart from the distinctive character of the grapes, which originate from old Glera (Prosecco) clones cultivated under organic conditions, this vineyard has always produced premium structure wines, which we have opted to enhance through a separate vinification process using the classic method of in-bottle fermentation, with the wine remaining on its yeasts for approx. one year. Having been produced according to the traditional method, the wine is then bottled in the spring for a second fermentation and a period spent dwelling on its yeasts, which lasts until the following springtime. This slow maturation on its yeasts enhances the natural richness of Asolo Prosecco, highlighting the unique and unmistakable character that makes it stand out among all the other categories of Prosecco. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 372 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de This Prosecco Extra Brut, which contains only the tiniest amount of residual sugar (0.2 grams/litre), allows you to enjoy the mineral richness of our Asolo DOCG terroir to the full. Product Details 02.07.09 CORTE MANZINI DEI F.LLI MANZINI SOCIETA AGRICOLA Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Magnum Bollicine Magnum Bollicine CORTE MANZINI DEI F.LLI MANZINI SOCIETA AGRICOLA Address Via Per Modena n 131 41014 Castelvetro Modena Italy Phone +39 059 702658 Fax +39 059 701591 Internet address www.cortemanzini.it E-Mail cantinamanzini@gmail.com Stand Hall 16, E71 (Page 998) Product Overview Cottini Spa Address Via Maestri del Lavoro, 7 37029 San Pietro in Cariano (VR) Italy Phone +39 045 6280157 Fax +39 045 6283259 Internet address www.cottinivini.com CORTE MANZINI DEI F.LLI MANZINI SOCIETA AGRICOLA Emilia-Romagna 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin E-Mail Stand Hall 16, J32 (Page 998) Product Overview © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 373 Cottini Spa 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.06 Trentodoc © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 374 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.04 Cottini Spa un calore persistente, un vino corposo, ma al contempo dotato di qualche nota amarognola e di una lieve sapidità, tipiche del Valpolicella Classico. Sparkling wine I vini: Amarone, Recioto e Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore CRICOVA JSC Amarone E’ un vino unico che trabocca di aromi e sensazioni, è l’esaltazione dei sensi. I vitigni che lo compongono crescono solamente nelle verdeggianti colline intorno a Verona. Il metodo con cui viene prodotto, che prevede il semi-appassimento delle uve prima della pigiatura, non viene usato in nessuna altra parte del mondo per la produzione di vini rossi di qualità. Questa tecnica fa si che i suoi aromi e i suoi sapori siano pieni ed avvolgenti quando viene inizialmente immesso al consumo, e che rimangano altrettanto immediati ed attraenti dopo decenni di invecchiamento in bottiglia. Il suo colore è un rosso rubino vellutato ed intenso. Odorandolo ci appare morbido e caldo, con fragranze attraenti e in evoluzione che si ritrovano poi nel gusto e che possono ricordare le amarene, le prugne mature, le confetture, i lamponi, le viole, le ciliege appassite e la frutta sotto spirito, con affascinanti sentori di uva passa misti ad uno speziato che ricorda la cannella. È un vino secco che, per l’abbondante estratto e per l’alto grado alcoolico, dà una seducente illusione di dolcezza. Recioto Address Unguryanu 1 2084 Cricova Moldova Phone +373 22 604027 Fax +373 22 452572 Internet address www.cricova.md E-Mail office@cricova.md Stand Hall 15, G81 (Page 994) Product Overview E’ un vino dolce, ben equilibrato e di corpo, prodotto nella Valpolicella con uve semi-appassite. Le uve per il Recioto vengono spesso raccolte più tardi rispetto a quelle dell’Amarone e fatte appassire per un periodo più lungo. Di conseguenza gli aromi sono ancora più concentrati ed il contenuto zuccherino è elevato. CRICOVA JSC 01.01.14 Moldova 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore E’ un vino DOC del Veneto prodotto da vitigni autoctoni quali Rondinella, Corvina e Molinara, gli stessi vitigni che vengono utilizzati per la produzione dell’Amarone. La tecnica del ripasso consiste nel versare, prima dell’imbottigliamento, il vino Valpolicella Superiore (che è rimasto nelle botti per circa 16 mesi) direttamente nei tini dove è stato precedentemente pigiato l’Amarone lasciandolo riposare a contatto con le vinacce appena pressate per circa 15 giorni. In questo modo il vino riceve dalle vinacce appassite parte dell’aroma che è proprio dell’Amarone. Il Valpolicella Ripasso si caratterizza per il suo colore rubino intenso e per il profumo gradevole che richiama alla mente la frutta matura e le spezie (lo zenzero, in particolare che accomuna quasi tutti i vini prodotti nella zona della Valpolicella). Il Valpolicella Ripasso è un vino che lascia in bocca © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 375 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 376 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.06.01 CRICOVA JSC Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin acter, are the strengths of this sparkling wine aiming at cuddling your senses. Cristo de la Vega Bodegas Crisecco Address C/ General Goded, 8 13630 Socuellamos Spain Phone +34 967 215388 Crisecco Brut White sparkling Wine Produced in line with the original method, through fermentation in special stainless steel tanks, Crisecco is a sparkling wine made by using the Italian method Prosecco. Fax +34 967 218300 Being floral and fresh, the sparkling wine is characterized by its rich aroma specific to the local variety of Feteasca Albă from which it is produced. Internet address www.bodegascrisve.com Heart-warming and refreshing, it fully deserves the attention of those who are passionate about sparkling wines. E-Mail export@cristodelavega.es Cuvée Prestige Stand Hall 10, H161 (Page 974) Cuvée Prestige Product Overview Quality Brut White sparkling wine It is a coupage of Pinot and Chardonnay varieties, with secondary fermentation in the wine bottle, and further ”cuvée” of minimum 2.5-year maturation. The compound bouquet of the sparkling wine is perfectly balanced, displaying singular floral accents. The seducing pale-straw colour with warm beams of light, anticipate the fresh and creamy taste. La Mancha 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details Cristo de la Vega Bodegas Sparkling wine Sotanillo Pinot Noir Blanc de Noirs Der liebliche Rosé-Perlwein Sotanillo mit zugesetzter Kohlensäure präsentiert einen intensiv rosa Farbton, transparent und sauber. Aromen von Beeren. Eine leichte Perllage macht den Wein attraktiv für das Auge und den Gaumen. Lieblich und ausgeglichen zwischen Säure, Körper und Alkohol. Kalt servieren zu Meeresfrüchten und Fisch. Quality Extra Brut White Sparkling Wine The sparkling wine is vinified according to the classic French method, with maturation in bottles for at least two years. This very process induces its genuine character, fruitiness and fine minerality of the taste. Rosé-Perlwein mit zugesetzter Kohlensäure The colour of white gold along with the attractive creamy char- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 02.04 Pinot Noir, Blanc de Noirs Cristo de la Vega Bodegas Unser lieblicher Rosé-Perlwein stammt aus einer Auswahl der besten 377 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 378 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Trauben, kurze Maischung und Gärung und Zugabe von Kohlensäure während der Abfüllung. Product Details 02.07.09 Cumulus Wines Pty. Ltd. Export Manager Michael... Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin 2011 Cumulus Merlot Cumulus Wines Pty. Ltd. Export Manager Michael Fischer Address Davys Plains Rd. 2864 Cudal NSW Australia Our premier red wine. Crafted from fruit sourced in our Estate vineyard in high-elevation Orange, Australia. Hand crafted in exceptional vintages, and vinified in small batches, it reflects our cool climate viticulture and winemaking techniques. Phone +49 176 20389135 2011 VINTAGE NOTES: Fax +49 -0 Internet address www.cumuluswines.com.au E-Mail sales@cumuluswines.com.au Stand A cooler than average seasonal temperatures resulted in a longer growing and ripening period, leading to higher than normal natural acidity and classic cool climate flavours. The fruit was picked in the cool of the morning 3 weeks later than average, as a result of seasonal conditions, to ensure flavours and balance were right. 2011 Cumulus Merlot: Aroma is leafy herbaceous edge with dark berry fruits and tobacco. Palate is medium bodied, savoury dark berry fruit with softly integrated oak characters with an elegant structure. Fine grained very persistent tannins. Alcohol: 14%. Recommended to cellar for up to 10 years. An excellent wine to match with lamb shanks, beef casserole, spaghetti bolognaise or hard cheeses. Hall 09, J13 (Page 972) Product Overview Cumulus Wines Pty. Ltd. Export Manager Michael... Orange 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin 100% Merlot from Orange, Australia. Harvested 13th April, 2011. Serve with Lamb shanks, beef casserole, spaghetti bolognaise or hard cheeses Tasting Notes Brick red edges, leafy herbaceous edge, dark berry fruits and tobacco. Medium bodied, savoury dark berry fruit with softly integrated oak characters, elegant structure. Fine grained very persistent tannins. Extra Vintage Notes This wine spent extended time on skins post ferment, adding to the structure and weight. Pressed off in French oak barriques and then matured in barrels for 12 months. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 379 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 380 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 2012 Cumulus Cabernet Sauvignon barrels. The wine was left in barrel for 15 months, then pumped out and bottled when we thought it was ready. The wine was bottled just before christmas 2013 with minimal filtration. 100% Cabernet Sauvignon from Orange, Australia. Harvested 3rd April, 2012. Serve with spice crusted barbecued butterflied leg of lamb or slow-braised shoulder of lamb with salt, rosemary, cumin & coriander in the spice mix. We’ve held this wine in bottle for 12 months prior to release. 2013 Cumulus Chardonnay RELEASED: JULY 2015 Tasting Notes HOT OFF THE PRESS! Brick red. Lifted and perfumed; herbaceous, violet and blackcurrant notes. Stewed rhubarb and dark berry fruits alongside liquorice and spice notes. Earthy, dusty feel to the palate from a combination of elegant oak and supple tannins. The natural acidity of the wine gives powerful structure and length. 94 POINTS for 2013 Cumulus Chardonnay - as rated by James Halliday WC 2016 Vintage Notes The grapes from Block 52 North were the standout fruit of the vintage, being full of flavour and balanced with ripe tannins and acidity. We saw it’s potential in the vineyard and the fruit on arrival at the winery didn’t disappoint. The resulting wine is full flavoured with varietal Cabernet characteristics such as dark berry fruit, great length and balance and firm balanced tannins. It is a wine for keeping. The 2012 vintage was a cooler vintage and these growing and ripening conditions allowed the typically chewy Cabernet tannins to ripen at the same time the grapes achieved their sugar ripeness. This, along with some vineyard canopy work produced beautifully balanced grapes that we didn’t have to interfere with too much. Canopy management included slight crop reduction from shoot thinning after bud burst, wire lifting and leaf plucking immediately after fruit set to increase sun exposure on to the bunches from an early age. This facilitates colour and flavour development. Also a great clone – CW44. The wine has been in bottle for 18 months now, and we believe it is looking great at this stage. Saying this, the wine has enormous potential to age if you have the patience to cellar it carefully. The wines that are a standout from every vintage get considered for the Cumulus label, and this is the first time the winemaking and viticultural team considered a Cabernet to be of this standard. It is full flavoured, balanced with firm tannins, and will continue to develop well into the future. The grapes were transferred directly into the open fermenters at very low temperatures and held cold with gentle plunging for a week. The ferment kicked off naturally at a low temperature and was a long, slow, and even ferment. We gently hand plunged the grapes throughout this time, ensuring a gentle extraction of colour, flavour and tannins. The wine was pressed off into French oak barrels, of which 15% were brand new. The rest werean even mix of 1, 2, and 3 year old © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 381 Our premier Chardonnay from Orange, NSW. Crafted from fruit sourced in our Estate vineyard in high-elevation Orange, Australia. Hand crafted in exceptional vintages, and vinified in small batches, it reflects our cool climate viticulture and winemaking techniques. Harvested 13 & 14th February, 2013. Serve with white meat, fish or creamy pasta dishes. 2013 VINTAGE: We had a mild frost in early October. The season soon warmed up with a return to average temperatures from November to January. The average temperatures combined with lower than average rainfall resulted in really well balanced canopies and minimal disease pressure. Vine foliage growth pulled up naturally reducing the need for green trimming in all varieties. Bunches were of an average size this season and well spread out in the bunch zone. We had quite a comprehensive canopy management plan this season for our Cumulus blocks with wire lifting, shoot thinning and leaf plucking. Vine balance was the excellent and the fruit picked very cleanly during harvest. White wines are showing great elegance and fine flavours, with Chardonnay proving to be particularly good this year. Tasting Notes Bright golden with green edges. Citrus and white stone fruit with a hint of creaminess. Elegant and tightly structured. Subtle integrated oak characters, hints of yeasty complexity. A creamy softly textured palate derived from yeast lees stirring in barrel. Extra Vintage Notes Small parcels of fruit hand picked over 2 days. A high level of juice solids was retained in the juice to acheive palate weight and complexity. Fermented in french oak barrels. The wine was held in the bottle for 10 months pre-release. 2014 Cumulus Chardonnay - Now Available - Trophy Winner! © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 382 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cumulus Reds Mixed 6 Pack DE.S.A. Deutschland Sommelier Association Our premier red wine. Crafted from fruit sourced in our Estate vineyard in high-elevation Orange, Australia. Hand crafted in exceptional vintages, and vinified in small batches, it reflects our cool climate viticulture and winemaking techniques. 2011 VINTAGE NOTES : A cooler than average seasonal temperatures resulted in a longer growing and ripening period, leading to higher than normal natural acidity and classic cool climate flavours. The fruit was picked in the cool of the morning 3 weeks later than average, as a result of seasonal conditions, to ensure flavours and balance were right. Address Birkenweg 4 30657 Hannover Germany Phone +49 511 22061618 Fax +49 209 375066 Internet address www.deutschlandsommelierassociation.de E-Mail info@deutschlandsommelierassociation.de Stand Hall 15, A21 (Page 994) 2011 Cumulus Merlot: Aroma is leafy herbaceous edge with dark berry fruits and tobacco. Palate is medium bodied, savoury dark berry fruit with softly integrated oak characters with an elegant structure. Fine grained very persistent tannins. Alcohol: 14%. Recommended to cellar for up to 10 years. An excellent wine to match with lamb shanks, beef casserole, spaghetti bolognaise or hard cheeses. 2011 Cumulus Shiraz: Company News Aroma is dark plum & cherry with fragrant white pepper. Palate is very elegant medium bodied Shiraz. Notes of cherry, plum, liquorice and cool climate spices combine with subtle oak maturation which adds depth and complexity. The palate is refined with natural acidity from a cool year creating a structural backbone that runs the length of the palate. Alcohol: 13%. Recommended cellar time 10 to 15 years. An excellent wine to match with red meat or game dishes, hard or bleu cheeses. 08.03.2016 Celebrate our James Halliday 94 points announcement! DE.S.A. Deutschland Sommelier Association GRECO DI TUFO, FIANO DI AVELLINO UND TAURASI GROSSARTIGE WEINE AUS IRPINIEN AUF DER PROWEIN! GRECO DI TUFO, FIANO DI AVELLINO UND TAURASI GROSSARTIGE WEINE AUS IRPINIEN AUF DER PROWEIN ! #ProWein #Winetasting #Weinseminare Eine unserer Verkostungen bei der ProWein 2016: A MIXED case of Cumulus Reds - for a limited time! ENOTECA 3 x 2011 Cumulus Shiraz Sonntag, 13. März 2016, ab 12:30 Uhr 3 x 2011 Cumulus Merlot Monntag 14. März 2016, ab 12:30 Uhr GRECO DI TUFO, FIANO DI AVELLINO UND TAURASI GROSSARTIGE WEINE AUS IRPINIEN AUF DER PROWEIN ! Messeauftritt auf der nächsten Prowein 2016 für Irpinien. Vorgestellt wird eine Auswahl der besten Produkte aus der Weinerzeugung dieses Terroirs, das von allen Weinliebhabern der Welt beliebt ist. Drei Verkostungen mit den Hauptdarstellern der großartigen DOCG-Weine Irpiniens: Greco di Tufo, Fiano di Avellino und Taurasi und jeder Wein wird von sechs Etiketten dargestellt. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 383 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 384 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Monntag 14. März 2016, ab 12:30 Uhr Die Degustationen werden auf dem Stand der DE.S.A. – Deutschland Sommelier Association - in der Halle „Italia“ stattfinden HALLE 15A21 , die sicherlich den höchsten Besucherverkehr auf Prowein verzeichnet. Alessandro Scorsone, der bekannteste Sommelier Italiens, TV-Entertainer, Herausgeber von Weinführern und begeisterter Liebhaber der Weine aus Irpinien wird die Verkostungen führen. „Kaum ein anderes Gebiet auf der ganzen Welt kann in nur wenigen Quadratkilometern mit drei so wertvollen Weinen rechnen. Greco, Fiano und Taurasi gehören zur Elite der weltweiten Weinproduktion und sie können auch die erfahrensten Fachleute erstaunen“ - so Scorsone. Die Teilnahme an der Prowein wird von der Handelskammer von Avellino unterstützt, für die seit immer die Förderung und die Verbreitung der önogastronomischen Kunstschätze Irpiniens von großer Wichtigkeit gewesen sind. „Wir waren daran interessiert, Kontakte zu einer so wichtigen Fachmesse wie Prowein zu knüpfen - so Costantino Capone, Vorsitzender der Handelskammer von Avellino. Wir wollten nochmals unser Interesse für den deutschen Markt bekräftigen. Der Anteil unserer Weinexporte nach Deutschland beträgt 15%; es geht um eine konstant wachsende Quote, die einen jährlichen Wert von ca. 2,4 Millionen Euro ausmacht. Worauf ist dieser Erfolg zurückzuführen? Die deutschen Verbraucher, mehr als viele andere, bevorzugen hochqualitative Produkte und unsere Weine stellen in diesem Sinne eine echte Garantie dar“. Nehmen Sie kostenlos teil! Nur für Fachbesucher. DE.S.A. Stand Halle 15, Stand A21 Anmeldung unter:info@deutschlandsommelierassociation.de 08.03.2016 GRECO DI TUFO, FIANO DI AVELLINO UND TAURASI GROSSARTIGE WEINE AUS IRPINIEN AUF DER PROWEIN ! GRECO DI TUFO, FIANO DI AVELLINO UND TAURASI GROSSARTIGE WEINE AUS IRPINIEN AUF DER PROWEIN ! Messeauftritt auf der nächsten Prowein 2016 für Irpinien. Vorgestellt wird eine Auswahl der besten Produkte aus der Weinerzeugung dieses Terroirs, das von allen Weinliebhabern der Welt beliebt ist. Drei Verkostungen mit den Hauptdarstellern der großartigen DOCG-Weine Irpiniens: Greco di Tufo, Fiano di Avellino und Taurasi und jeder Wein wird von sechs Etiketten dargestellt. Die Degustationen werden auf dem Stand der DE.S.A. – Deutschland Sommelier Association - in der Halle „Italia“ stattfinden HALLE 15A21 , die sicherlich den höchsten Besucherverkehr auf Prowein verzeichnet. Alessandro Scorsone, der bekannteste Sommelier Italiens, TV-Entertainer, Herausgeber von Weinführern und begeisterter Liebhaber der Weine aus Irpinien wird die Verkostungen führen. „Kaum ein anderes Gebiet auf der ganzen Welt kann in nur wenigen Quadratkilometern mit drei so wertvollen Weinen rechnen. Greco, Fiano und Taurasi gehören zur Elite der weltweiten Weinproduktion und sie können auch die erfahrensten Fachleute erstaunen“ - so Scorsone. Die Teilnahme an der Prowein wird von der Handelskammer von Avellino unterstützt, für die seit immer die Förderung und die Verbreitung der önogastronomischen Kunstschätze Irpiniens von großer Wichtigkeit gewesen sind. „Wir waren daran interessiert, Kontakte zu einer so wichtigen Fachmesse wie Prowein zu knüpfen - so Costantino Capone, Vorsitzender der Handelskammer von Avellino. Wir wollten nochmals unser Interesse für den deutschen Markt bekräftigen. Der Anteil unserer Weinexporte nach Deutschland beträgt 15%; es geht um eine konstant wachsende Quote, die einen jährlichen Wert von ca. 2,4 Millionen Euro ausmacht. Worauf ist dieser Erfolg zurückzuführen? Die deutschen Verbraucher, mehr als viele andere, bevorzugen hochqualitative Produkte und unsere Weine stellen in diesem Sinne eine echte Garantie dar“. Nehmen Sie kostenlos teil! Nur für Fachbesucher. DE.S.A. Stand GRECO DI TUFO, FIANO DI AVELLINO UND TAURASI GROSSARTIGE WEINE AUS IRPINIEN AUF DER PROWEIN ! Halle 15, Stand A21 Anmeldung unter:info@deutschlandsommelierassociation.de #ProWein #Winetasting #Weinseminare 05.03.2016 Eine unserer Verkostungen bei der ProWein 2016: ENOTECA Sonntag, 13. März 2016, ab 12:30 Uhr © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Die Weinhersteller Apuliens auf der größten Fachmesse im Herzen Europas ProWein 2016 HALLE 16 STAND 16/A31 385 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 386 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Die Weinhersteller Apuliens auf der größten Fachmesse im Herzen Europas Apulien kehrt auf die ProWein in Düsseldorf zurück. Das ist die weltweit wichtigste Weinfachmesse in der Mitte Europas, die Buyers, Journalisten und Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt begeistert. Als Bezugspunkt für die Weinhersteller Apuliens rechnet die Messe ProWein schon seit fünfzehn Jahren mit der Teilnahme der Regione Puglia und Unioncamere Puglia. Sie organisieren den Messeauftritt von immer mehr Weingütern aus dieser Region auf einer Gemeinschaftsausstellungsfläche, die Jahr für Jahr das steigende Interesse für diesen internationalen wichtigen Termin beweist. Auf der ProWein präsentieren sich die apulischen Weinhersteller bei den eigenen Tasting Desks mit einer zunehmenden Zahl von Weinen. Es geht um 56 Weingüter, die ein vielfältiges Angebot von Qualitätsweinen vor allem aus authochtonen Rebsorten auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand der Regione Puglia in der Halle 16 (Süditalien) – Stand A31 ausstellen werden. Sie sind alle unter einem Dach vereint, das bereits mit graphischen Elementen die Verbindung zwischen der Weintradition Apuliens und dem kulturhistorischen Erbe zeigt: die berühmten Unesco-Welterbstätte von Castel del Monte und Trulli von Alberobello seit immer inmitten von wunderbaren Weingärten. Während der Messe wird Apulien die Aufmerksamkeit von Buyers und Journalisten mit zwei besonderen Schwerpunkten erwecken. In der Mitte des Gemeinschaftsstands wird sich der Bereich Enoteca befinden, wo die De.S.A. De.utschland S.ommelier A.ssociation Verkostungen und apulische Aperitifs in Zusammenarbeit mit Movimento Turismo del Vino Puglia veranstalten wird. Neben den großartigen Rotweinen Nero di Troia, Primitivo und Negroamaro wird Apulien auch die wiederentdeckte weiße Traube Fiano präsentieren, sowie weitere weniger bekannte Rebsorten, die den immensen Reichtum dieser Region darstellen. Während der dreitägigen Fachmesse sind nicht nur freie Verkostungen sondern auch thematische Events vorgesehen, sowie ausgewählte gastronomische Produkte aus den regionalen Presidi-Projekten Slow Food. Nachstehend die Events: Sonntag, 13. März großartige Rotweine aus Apulien und Käse Caciocavallo podolico del Gargano; Montag, 14. März, Fiano und Wurst Capocollo di Martina Franca; Dienstag, 15. März andere Rebsorten und Brot aus Altamura mit naturreinem Olivenöl aus Apulien. Um das apulische Gebiet durch seine typischen Produkte besser kennenzuler- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 387 nen, werden die Verkostungen mit Erzählungen aus der Gegend und Vorstellungen von enogastronomischen Routen ergänzt. Apulische Weine sind auch in der Halle 13 Stand A 37 im Bereich Vinum zu verkosten. Dank der engen Zusammenarbeit und Koordinierung von Movimento Turismo del Vino Puglia sind geführte Verkostungen mit dem Journalisten Christian Eder geplant: drei Begegnungen mit der Geschichte der Trauben Primitivo, Negroamaro und Nero di Troia und Verkostung einiger repräsentativen Etiketten jeder Rebsorte. Vinum ist das qualifizierteste Weinmagazin in deutscher Sprache, das sich an das breite Fachpublikum von Gastwirten, Buyer, Journalisten und Weinliebhabern in Deutschland, Österreich und in der Schweiz richtet und das auch eine Internet-Ausgabe hat. Die Sonderausgabe für ProWein wird eine Reportage über apulische Weine und enogastronomische Routen enthalten. Somit kann man weniger bekannte Rebsorten kennenlernen und ein neues Gesicht dieser Region entdecken. Nach der ProWein Messe wird Apulien mit den eigenen Weinen ein weiteres Ziel in der internationalen Weinszene erreichen: Verona, wo die 50. Vinitaly vom 10. bis zum 13. April stattfinden wird. Mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung/Veröffentlichung. AUSSTELLER: Agricola Pliniana - Manduria (Ta) | Amastuola - Massafra (Ta) | Apollonio - Monteroni di Lecce (Le) | Beato – Oria (Br) | Bonsegna - Nardò (Le) | Botromagno Gravina in Puglia (Ba) | Candido - San Donaci (Br) | Cantele - Guagnano (Le)| Cantina Cooperativa della Riforma Fondiaria - Ruvo di Puglia (Ba) | Cantine Lizzano - Lizzano (Ta) | Cantore di Castelforte - Manduria (Ta) Castel di Salve Depressa di Tricase (Le) | Cerfeda dell’Elba - Sava (Ta) | Cignomoro - Taranto | Colle Petrito - Minervino Murge (Bt) | D’Alfonso del Sordo - San Severo (Fg) | De Falco - Novoli (Le) | Dell’Erba Pasquale Cantina Le Grotte - Apricena (Fg) | Duca Carlo Guarini - Scorrano (Le) | Erminio Campa - Torricella (Ta) | Felline - Manduria (Ta) | Ferri - Valenzano (Ba) | Feudi di Guagnano - Guagnano (Le) | Giuliano Vito Donato - Turi (Ba) | I Pastini - Martina Franca (Ta) | Ionis - Martina Franca (Ta) | L’Antica Cantina - San Severo (Fg) | La Cantina di Andria Andria | Le Vigne di Sammarco - Cellino San Marco (Br) | Li Veli - Cellino San Marco (Br) | Massimo Leone - Foggia | Nuovavite - Francavilla Fontana (Br) | Palamà - Cutrofiano (Le) | Paradiso - Cerignola (Fg) | Pietraventosa - Gioia del Colle (Ba) | Rivera - Andria | Romaldo Greco - Seclì (Le) | Rubino - Brindisi | Santi Dimitri - Galatina (Le) | Schola Sarmenti - Nardò (Le) | Severino Garofano - Copertino (Le) | Soloperto - Manduria (Ta) | Taurino Cosimo - Guagnano (Le) | Teanum - San Severo (Fg) | Tenuta Coppadoro - San Severo (Fg) | Tenuta Giustini - Taranto | Tenuta Zicari - Taranto | Tenute Girolamo - Martina Franca © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 388 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de (Ta) | Torrevento - Corato (Ba) | Trullo di Pezza - Torricella (Ta) | Vagliomassa Bellanoa - Lecce | Varvaglione Vigne & Vini - Leporano (Ta) | Vecchia Torre Leverano (Le) | Vetrere - Taranto | Villa Schinosa - Trani Vinicola Mediterranea - San Pietro Vernotico (Br) Um 12.45 Uhr geht es auf unserem Stand um “Il Soave dei Grandi Cru” [Den Soave der großen Gewächse] , eine Verkostung geführt von Veronika Crecelius und von Giovanni Ponchia. Dabei wird es über den Wert der historischen Weinberge als Symbol des ”önologischen Parks” im Soave-Gebiet berichtet. 05.03.2016 Um 18.00 Uhr kommt “Dulcis in fundo” wieder aufs Podium mit einer Verkostung von Recioto di Soave. SOAVE: AUF DEM SPRUNG ZUR PROWEIN IN DÜSSELDORF Am Dienstag, dem 15. März um 11.00 Uhr ein neuer Termin auf dem DE.S.A.Stand mit „Volcanic Wines”. Consorzio per la Tutela vini Soave e Recioto di Soave HALLE 15 STAND 15C41 SOAVE : AUF DEM SPRUNG ZUR PROWEIN IN DÜSSELDORF Die Bedeutung der Cru, der Produktionsstil als Unterscheidungsmerkmal, der Vulkan im Sinne vom Terroir: das sind die Leitthemen, auf die sich der Consorzio del Soave während der deutschen Weinausstellung vom 13. bis zum 15. März in der Halle 15 C41 fokussieren wird. Vom 13. bis zum 15. März wird der Consorzio del Soave an der Prowein in Düsseldorf (Halle 15 C41) teilnehmen; das ist die führende Fachmesse für den deutschen und nordeuropäischen Markt, der seit immer eine strategische Rolle für den Soave gespielt hat. Und geraden auf diesen Märkten bestätigt wieder diese italienische Ursprungsbezeichnung ihre starke Attraktivität im Hinblick auf ihr Preis-Qualitäts-Verhältnis. In der Halle 15 C41 wird um 12.45 Uhr das Event „Mineralità vs Salinità” [„Mineralität vs Salinität”] mit Andreas Mertz von der Zeitschrift Merum und Giovanni Ponchia stattfinden. Es geht um eine originelle Verkostung, begleitet von kulinarischen Kreationen mit Trüffeln unter der Regie vom Chefkoch Claudio Burato. „Im Vorfeld dieses bedeutungsvollen Termins spüren wir eine äußerst positive Stimmung - so Aldo Lorenzoni, Direktor vom Consorzio del Soave. Der deutsche Markt zeigt sich kräftig und die Aufmerksamkeit auf Soave, als Wein und Reiseziel, steigt konstant an”. Teilnehmende Unternehmen: Cantina Castelnuovo del Garda Cantina Sociale di Monteforte d’Alpone Viticultori d’Italia Die Bedeutung der historischen Gewächse, die Differenzierung der Produktionsstile, der ”Vulkan-Faktor”: das werden die drei Leitlinien sein, welche die geführten Verkostungen kennzeichnen und einem begrenzten Panel von Journalisten, Facheinkäufern und Fachleuten vorbehalten sind. Cantina di Verona Am Sonntag, dem 13. März, um 12.45 Uhr ist unser Highlight “Il Soave in bianco e nero – un viaggio vulcanico” [”Der Soave schwarz und weiß - eine vulkanische Reise], eine Verkostung geführt von Veronika Crecelius aus Weinwirtschaft und von Giovanni Ponchia aus dem Consorzio del Soave. Anlässlich dieser Veranstaltung wird das Buch “Volcanic Wines” der Fachpresse und den Fachleuten präsentiert; es geht um das letzte Werk, das der Schutzverband veröffentlicht hat und das eine Art von illustriertem Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch über die Wirkung des Vulkans auf den Weinbereich darstellt. Zu den Weinen werden Auster serviert, die vom Chefkoch Claudio Burato vorbereitet werden . Um 18.00 Uhr ist ein Edelsüßer dran: Verkostung “Dulcis in fundo” mit Recioto di Soave und Foie Gras. Colli Vicentini Am Montag, dem 14. März findet folgendes Event um 11 Uhr auf dem DE.S.A.Stand statt: Durello – feine Perlen vom Vulkan. Die junge, venezianische DOC für Spitzenschaumwein aus traditioneller Flaschengärung stellt sich vor. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 389 Cantine VITEVIS Cantina di Gambellara Corte Mainente Franchetto Cantina del Castello Pagani Dal Cero Fratelli Giuliari I Stefanini Gini Deutschland bleibt immer noch einen Bezugsmarkt und verzeichnet Wachstumstrends sowohl volumen- als auch wertmäßig: jährlich werden über 40 Millionen © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 390 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Flaschen Weißwein aus der Region Venetien nach Deutschland exportiert und der Soave stecht unter ihnen besonders heraus. Es geht um bedeutungsvolle Produkte, die trotz der Wirtschaftskrise keinen besonderen Rückgang verzeichnet haben. Hinzu kommt die Aufmerksamkeit der deutschen Verbraucher auf das Preis-Qualitäts-Verhältnis und die stärkere Bedeutung der Weine, die mit nachhaltigen und umweltschonenden Methoden erzeugt werden. All dies und vieles mehr steht auf dem Programm der nächsten Messe Vinitaly am Stand vom Consorzio del Soave, Halle 5 G4 / 7, vom 10. bis zum 13. April in Verona. Pressebüro Consorzio Tutela Vini Soave e Recioto di Soave: Gersten-, Roggen-, und Weizenmalz. Das ausgewogene Zusammenspiel der unterschiedlichen Geschmacksprofile zeichnet den Italian Malt Whisky aus.Tradition und Moderne Bei der Produktionsanlage paaren sich original schottische Brennblasen und das traditionelle Pot-Still-Verfahren mit modernster Technik um eine herausragende Qualität zu garantieren. Die Kontrolle der Temperatur während der Destillation hat einen elementaren Einfluss auf den Geschmack des Whiskys. Deshalb wurde ein einzigartiges Heizsystem konzipiert. Für die Beheizung der Brennblasen verwendet die PUNI Destillerie nicht wie sonst üblich Dampf, sondern überhitztes Wasser. Lucia Vesentini 328.4961031 – 045.7681578 - press@ilsoave.com Sito internet: www.ilsoave.com 05.03.2016 Die verschiedenen Aromen der einzelnen Getreidesorten zeigen sich in unterschiedlichen Rezepturen. Grundlage für unseren ersten Whisky ist eine Rezeptur aus drei Getreidesorten: THE ITALIAN MALT WHISKY am STAND DE.S.A Halle STAND 15/A21 Nach jahrelanger Ideensammlung und Planung legte der erfolgreiche Baumeister Albrecht Ebensperger im Jahr 2010, sprichwörtlich, den Grundstein für die erste italienische Whiskydestillerie. Die große Leidenschaft für das schottische Lebenswasser hatte Familie Ebensperger angespornt die PUNI Destillerie zu gründen. Inmitten der Alpen, nahe dem Ortlermassiv, steht die moderne Destillerie in Glurns im Vinschgau. Denn die „Highlands Italiens“ bieten ideale Voraussetzungen für die Herstellung eines ausserordentlichen Whiskys. Der Getreideanbau hat im Vinschgau eine lange Tradition . Das Tal war bereits im Mittelalter als Kornkammer Tirols bekannt. Vor allem die einheimischen Roggensorten bestechen durch hervorragende Qualität. Daher verwendet die PUNI Destillerie ausschliesslich regional angebauten Roggen, welcher dem Destillat seinen einzigartigen Charakter verleiht. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Methoden können die Temperaturen während der Destillation dadurch sehr genau gesteuert werden. Dies ermöglicht es besonders schonend und präzise zu destillieren.Bei der Reifung des Whiskys spielt nicht nur die Art des Fasses eine wesentliche Rolle, sondern vor allem auch das vorherrschende Klima. Das Südtiroler Klima zeichnet sich durch warme Sommer und kalte Winter aus. Dies begünstigt eine schnellere Reifung der überirdisch gelagerten Fässer. Der Italian Malt Whisky ist deshalb bereits nach verhältnismäßig kurzer Reifezeit ausgewogen und vielschichtig. Für die älteren Jahrgänge wird die einzigartige Möglichkeit unterirdischer Lagerräume genutzt. Ausgediente Militärbunker bieten hierfür die perfekten Bedingungen: ein konstant kühles Klima und eine sehr hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit. Dadurch werden hohe Verdunstungsraten vermieden. Hier ruhen die wertvollsten Fässer, sicher hinter bombenfesten Betonwänden. 05.03.2016 SOAVE : AUF DEM SPRUNG ZUR PROWEIN IN DÜSSELDORF Der Namensgeber der Destillerie ist der Fluss Puni, welcher durch den Oberen Vinschgau fliesst. Der rätische Name des Flusses stellt einen ähnlichen Bezug zur Region her wie die gälischen Namen der schottischen Whiskydestillerien. Consorzio per la Tutela vini Soave e Recioto di Soave Der Getreideanbau hat im Vinschgau eine lange Tradition. In der einstigen Kornkammer Tirols wird, zum Teil noch auf über 1000 M.ü.M., Getreide angebaut. Auch vor der schönen Kulisse des höchstgelegenen Klosters Europas, der Abtei Marienberg in Burgeis. Eine sehr alte Landsorte wird dort eigens für die PUNI Destillerie angebaut. SOAVE : AUF DEM SPRUNG ZUR PROWEIN IN DÜSSELDORF © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 391 HALLE 15 STAND 15C41 Die Bedeutung der Cru, der Produktionsstil als Unterscheidungsmerkmal, der Vulkan im Sinne vom Terroir: das sind die Leitthemen, auf die sich der Consorzio del Soave während der deutschen Weinausstellung © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 392 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de vom 13. bis zum 15. März in der Halle 15 C41 fokussieren wird. Vom 13. bis zum 15. März wird der Consorzio del Soave an der Prowein in Düsseldorf (Halle 15 C41) teilnehmen; das ist die führende Fachmesse für den deutschen und nordeuropäischen Markt, der seit immer eine strategische Rolle für den Soave gespielt hat. Und geraden auf diesen Märkten bestätigt wieder diese italienische Ursprungsbezeichnung ihre starke Attraktivität im Hinblick auf ihr Preis-Qualitäts-Verhältnis. deutsche Markt zeigt sich kräftig und die Aufmerksamkeit auf Soave, als Wein und Reiseziel, steigt konstant an”. Teilnehmende Unternehmen: Cantina Castelnuovo del Garda Cantina Sociale di Monteforte d’Alpone Viticultori d’Italia Die Bedeutung der historischen Gewächse, die Differenzierung der Produktionsstile, der ”Vulkan-Faktor”: das werden die drei Leitlinien sein, welche die geführten Verkostungen kennzeichnen und einem begrenzten Panel von Journalisten, Facheinkäufern und Fachleuten vorbehalten sind. Cantina di Verona Am Sonntag, dem 13. März, um 12.45 Uhr ist unser Highlight “Il Soave in bianco e nero – un viaggio vulcanico” [”Der Soave schwarz und weiß - eine vulkanische Reise], eine Verkostung geführt von Veronika Crecelius aus Weinwirtschaft und von Giovanni Ponchia aus dem Consorzio del Soave. Anlässlich dieser Veranstaltung wird das Buch “Volcanic Wines” der Fachpresse und den Fachleuten präsentiert; es geht um das letzte Werk, das der Schutzverband veröffentlicht hat und das eine Art von illustriertem Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch über die Wirkung des Vulkans auf den Weinbereich darstellt. Zu den Weinen werden Auster serviert, die vom Chefkoch Claudio Burato vorbereitet werden . Um 18.00 Uhr ist ein Edelsüßer dran: Verkostung “Dulcis in fundo” mit Recioto di Soave und Foie Gras. Colli Vicentini Am Montag, dem 14. März findet folgendes Event um 11 Uhr auf dem DE.S.A.Stand statt: Durello – feine Perlen vom Vulkan. Die junge, venezianische DOC für Spitzenschaumwein aus traditioneller Flaschengärung stellt sich vor. Gini Um 12.45 Uhr geht es auf unserem Stand um “Il Soave dei Grandi Cru” [Den Soave der großen Gewächse] , eine Verkostung geführt von Veronika Crecelius und von Giovanni Ponchia. Dabei wird es über den Wert der historischen Weinberge als Symbol des ”önologischen Parks” im Soave-Gebiet berichtet. Um 18.00 Uhr kommt “Dulcis in fundo” wieder aufs Podium mit einer Verkostung von Recioto di Soave. Am Dienstag, dem 15. März um 11.00 Uhr ein neuer Termin auf dem DE.S.A.Stand mit „Volcanic Wines”. In der Halle 15 C41 wird um 12.45 Uhr das Event „Mineralità vs Salinità” [„Mineralität vs Salinität”] mit Andreas Mertz von der Zeitschrift Merum und Giovanni Ponchia stattfinden. Es geht um eine originelle Verkostung, begleitet von kulinarischen Kreationen mit Trüffeln unter der Regie vom Chefkoch Claudio Burato. „Im Vorfeld dieses bedeutungsvollen Termins spüren wir eine äußerst positive Stimmung - so Aldo Lorenzoni, Direktor vom Consorzio del Soave. Der © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 393 Cantine VITEVIS Cantina di Gambellara Corte Mainente Franchetto Cantina del Castello Pagani Dal Cero Fratelli Giuliari I Stefanini Deutschland bleibt immer noch einen Bezugsmarkt und verzeichnet Wachstumstrends sowohl volumen- als auch wertmäßig: jährlich werden über 40 Millionen Flaschen Weißwein aus der Region Venetien nach Deutschland exportiert und der Soave stecht unter ihnen besonders heraus. Es geht um bedeutungsvolle Produkte, die trotz der Wirtschaftskrise keinen besonderen Rückgang verzeichnet haben. Hinzu kommt die Aufmerksamkeit der deutschen Verbraucher auf das Preis-Qualitäts-Verhältnis und die stärkere Bedeutung der Weine, die mit nachhaltigen und umweltschonenden Methoden erzeugt werden. All dies und vieles mehr steht auf dem Programm der nächsten Messe Vinitaly am Stand vom Consorzio del Soave, Halle 5 G4 / 7, vom 10. bis zum 13. April in Verona. Pressebüro Consorzio Tutela Vini Soave e Recioto di Soave: Lucia Vesentini 328.4961031 – 045.7681578 - press@ilsoave.com Sito internet: www.ilsoave.com © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 394 05.03.2016 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Die Weinhersteller Apuliens auf der größten Fachmesse im Herzen Europas Montag, 14. März, Fiano und Wurst Capocollo di Martina Franca; Dienstag, 15. März andere Rebsorten und Brot aus Altamura mit naturreinem Olivenöl aus Apulien. ProWein 2016 HALLE 16 STAND 16/A31 Die Weinhersteller Apuliens auf der größten Fachmesse im Herzen Europas Apulien kehrt auf die ProWein in Düsseldorf zurück. Das ist die weltweit wichtigste Weinfachmesse in der Mitte Europas, die Buyers, Journalisten und Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt begeistert. Als Bezugspunkt für die Weinhersteller Apuliens rechnet die Messe ProWein schon seit fünfzehn Jahren mit der Teilnahme der Regione Puglia und Unioncamere Puglia. Sie organisieren den Messeauftritt von immer mehr Weingütern aus dieser Region auf einer Gemeinschaftsausstellungsfläche, die Jahr für Jahr das steigende Interesse für diesen internationalen wichtigen Termin beweist. Auf der ProWein präsentieren sich die apulischen Weinhersteller bei den eigenen Tasting Desks mit einer zunehmenden Zahl von Weinen. Es geht um 56 Weingüter, die ein vielfältiges Angebot von Qualitätsweinen vor allem aus authochtonen Rebsorten auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand der Regione Puglia in der Halle 16 (Süditalien) – Stand A31 ausstellen werden. Sie sind alle unter einem Dach vereint, das bereits mit graphischen Elementen die Verbindung zwischen der Weintradition Apuliens und dem kulturhistorischen Erbe zeigt: die berühmten Unesco-Welterbstätte von Castel del Monte und Trulli von Alberobello seit immer inmitten von wunderbaren Weingärten. Während der Messe wird Apulien die Aufmerksamkeit von Buyers und Journalisten mit zwei besonderen Schwerpunkten erwecken. In der Mitte des Gemeinschaftsstands wird sich der Bereich Enoteca befinden, wo die De.S.A. De.utschland S.ommelier A.ssociation Verkostungen und apulische Aperitifs in Zusammenarbeit mit Movimento Turismo del Vino Puglia veranstalten wird. Neben den großartigen Rotweinen Nero di Troia, Primitivo und Negroamaro wird Apulien auch die wiederentdeckte weiße Traube Fiano präsentieren, sowie weitere weniger bekannte Rebsorten, die den immensen Reichtum dieser Region darstellen. Während der dreitägigen Fachmesse sind nicht nur freie Verkostungen sondern auch thematische Events vorgesehen, sowie ausgewählte gastronomische Produkte aus den regionalen Presidi-Projekten Slow Food. Nachstehend die Events: Sonntag, 13. März großartige Rotweine aus Apulien und Käse Caciocavallo podolico del Gargano; © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 395 Um das apulische Gebiet durch seine typischen Produkte besser kennenzulernen, werden die Verkostungen mit Erzählungen aus der Gegend und Vorstellungen von enogastronomischen Routen ergänzt. Apulische Weine sind auch in der Halle 13 Stand A 37 im Bereich Vinum zu verkosten. Dank der engen Zusammenarbeit und Koordinierung von Movimento Turismo del Vino Puglia sind geführte Verkostungen mit dem Journalisten Christian Eder geplant: drei Begegnungen mit der Geschichte der Trauben Primitivo, Negroamaro und Nero di Troia und Verkostung einiger repräsentativen Etiketten jeder Rebsorte. Vinum ist das qualifizierteste Weinmagazin in deutscher Sprache, das sich an das breite Fachpublikum von Gastwirten, Buyer, Journalisten und Weinliebhabern in Deutschland, Österreich und in der Schweiz richtet und das auch eine Internet-Ausgabe hat. Die Sonderausgabe für ProWein wird eine Reportage über apulische Weine und enogastronomische Routen enthalten. Somit kann man weniger bekannte Rebsorten kennenlernen und ein neues Gesicht dieser Region entdecken. Nach der ProWein Messe wird Apulien mit den eigenen Weinen ein weiteres Ziel in der internationalen Weinszene erreichen: Verona, wo die 50. Vinitaly vom 10. bis zum 13. April stattfinden wird. Mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung/Veröffentlichung. AUSSTELLER: Agricola Pliniana - Manduria (Ta) | Amastuola - Massafra (Ta) | Apollonio - Monteroni di Lecce (Le) | Beato – Oria (Br) | Bonsegna - Nardò (Le) | Botromagno Gravina in Puglia (Ba) | Candido - San Donaci (Br) | Cantele - Guagnano (Le)| Cantina Cooperativa della Riforma Fondiaria - Ruvo di Puglia (Ba) | Cantine Lizzano - Lizzano (Ta) | Cantore di Castelforte - Manduria (Ta) Castel di Salve Depressa di Tricase (Le) | Cerfeda dell’Elba - Sava (Ta) | Cignomoro - Taranto | Colle Petrito - Minervino Murge (Bt) | D’Alfonso del Sordo - San Severo (Fg) | De Falco - Novoli (Le) | Dell’Erba Pasquale Cantina Le Grotte - Apricena (Fg) | Duca Carlo Guarini - Scorrano (Le) | Erminio Campa - Torricella (Ta) | Felline - Manduria (Ta) | Ferri - Valenzano (Ba) | Feudi di Guagnano - Guagnano (Le) | Giuliano Vito Donato - Turi (Ba) | I Pastini - Martina Franca (Ta) | Ionis - Martina Franca (Ta) | L’Antica Cantina - San Severo (Fg) | La Cantina di Andria Andria | Le Vigne di Sammarco - Cellino San Marco (Br) | Li Veli - Cellino San Marco (Br) | Massimo Leone - Foggia | Nuovavite - Francavilla Fontana (Br) | © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 396 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Palamà - Cutrofiano (Le) | Paradiso - Cerignola (Fg) | Pietraventosa - Gioia del Colle (Ba) | Rivera - Andria | Romaldo Greco - Seclì (Le) | Rubino - Brindisi | Santi Dimitri - Galatina (Le) | Schola Sarmenti - Nardò (Le) | Severino Garofano - Copertino (Le) | Soloperto - Manduria (Ta) | Taurino Cosimo - Guagnano (Le) | Teanum - San Severo (Fg) | Tenuta Coppadoro - San Severo (Fg) | Tenuta Giustini - Taranto | Tenuta Zicari - Taranto | Tenute Girolamo - Martina Franca (Ta) | Torrevento - Corato (Ba) | Trullo di Pezza - Torricella (Ta) | Vagliomassa Bellanoa - Lecce | Varvaglione Vigne & Vini - Leporano (Ta) | Vecchia Torre Leverano (Le) | Vetrere - Taranto | Villa Schinosa - Trani Vinicola Mediterranea - San Pietro Vernotico (Br) 05.03.2016 THE ITALIAN MALT WHISKY am STAND DE.S.A Halle STAND 15/A21 Nach jahrelanger Ideensammlung und Planung legte der erfolgreiche Baumeister Albrecht Ebensperger im Jahr 2010, sprichwörtlich, den Grundstein für die erste italienische Whiskydestillerie. Die große Leidenschaft für das schottische Lebenswasser hatte Familie Ebensperger angespornt die PUNI Destillerie zu gründen. Bei der Produktionsanlage paaren sich original schottische Brennblasen und das traditionelle Pot-Still-Verfahren mit modernster Technik um eine herausragende Qualität zu garantieren. Die Kontrolle der Temperatur während der Destillation hat einen elementaren Einfluss auf den Geschmack des Whiskys. Deshalb wurde ein einzigartiges Heizsystem konzipiert. Für die Beheizung der Brennblasen verwendet die PUNI Destillerie nicht wie sonst üblich Dampf, sondern überhitztes Wasser. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Methoden können die Temperaturen während der Destillation dadurch sehr genau gesteuert werden. Dies ermöglicht es besonders schonend und präzise zu destillieren.Bei der Reifung des Whiskys spielt nicht nur die Art des Fasses eine wesentliche Rolle, sondern vor allem auch das vorherrschende Klima. Das Südtiroler Klima zeichnet sich durch warme Sommer und kalte Winter aus. Dies begünstigt eine schnellere Reifung der überirdisch gelagerten Fässer. Der Italian Malt Whisky ist deshalb bereits nach verhältnismäßig kurzer Reifezeit ausgewogen und vielschichtig. Inmitten der Alpen, nahe dem Ortlermassiv, steht die moderne Destillerie in Glurns im Vinschgau. Denn die „Highlands Italiens“ bieten ideale Voraussetzungen für die Herstellung eines ausserordentlichen Whiskys. Der Getreideanbau hat im Vinschgau eine lange Tradition . Das Tal war bereits im Mittelalter als Kornkammer Tirols bekannt. Vor allem die einheimischen Roggensorten bestechen durch hervorragende Qualität. Daher verwendet die PUNI Destillerie ausschliesslich regional angebauten Roggen, welcher dem Destillat seinen einzigartigen Charakter verleiht. Der Namensgeber der Destillerie ist der Fluss Puni, welcher durch den Oberen Vinschgau fliesst. Der rätische Name des Flusses stellt einen ähnlichen Bezug zur Region her wie die gälischen Namen der schottischen Whiskydestillerien. Der Getreideanbau hat im Vinschgau eine lange Tradition. In der einstigen Kornkammer Tirols wird, zum Teil noch auf über 1000 M.ü.M., Getreide angebaut. Auch vor der schönen Kulisse des höchstgelegenen Klosters Europas, der Abtei Marienberg in Burgeis. Eine sehr alte Landsorte wird dort eigens für die PUNI Destillerie angebaut. Die verschiedenen Aromen der einzelnen Getreidesorten zeigen sich in unterschiedlichen Rezepturen. Grundlage für unseren ersten Whisky ist eine Rezeptur aus drei Getreidesorten: Gersten-, Roggen-, und Weizenmalz. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Das ausgewogene Zusammenspiel der unterschiedlichen Geschmacksprofile zeichnet den Italian Malt Whisky aus.Tradition und Moderne 397 Für die älteren Jahrgänge wird die einzigartige Möglichkeit unterirdischer Lagerräume genutzt. Ausgediente Militärbunker bieten hierfür die perfekten Bedingungen: ein konstant kühles Klima und eine sehr hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit. Dadurch werden hohe Verdunstungsraten vermieden. Hier ruhen die wertvollsten Fässer, sicher hinter bombenfesten Betonwänden. 04.03.2016 SPECIAL GUEST VKA am STAND DE.S.A. www.vka.it ProWein 2016 DE.S.A. - Halle/Stand 15 A21 Aus der Region Toskana mit ihren althergebrachten Traditionen in Landbau und Gastronomie stammt ein Produkt, das Charakter, Tradition, Innovationskraft und Eleganz dieser Region wunderbar repräsentiert: VKΛ, vodka bio made in Tuscany. Auf dem philanthropischen Projekt der Familien Ricci und Lavacchini fußt die Idee, durch die Erzeugung exzellenter Rohstoffe dem Boden die Wesensbestandteile seiner Fruchtbarkeit wieder zurückzugeben. Bio-Weizen aus der Toskana und Quellwasser aus dem Mugello-Tal des Appenin-Gebirges sind die Inhaltsstoffe, die diesen Wodka prägen. Sie zeichnen unseren Wodka als Produkt wie als Marke aus und machen ihn unverwechselbar. Leitbild des Unternehmens Futa S.r.l., das VKΛ seit 2013 produziert, ist die Aufwertung der Produktionskette für toskanischen © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 398 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Bioweizen und die Schaffung von Anreizen für Genossenschaften und Landwirte, um den Ausbau der Beschäftigung im Sektor zu fördern. für Genossenschaften und Landwirte, um den Ausbau der Beschäftigung im Sektor zu fördern. Die angewandte Sorgfalt und die Selektion der Weizensorten, v.a. der Sorten Bologna, Bolero und anderer traditionsreicher Biotypen wie Sieve und Verna, zertifizieren Wodka von VKΛ als einen der weltweit Besten. Der biologische Alkohol wird mit Hilfe der doppelt wirkenden kontinuierlichen Vakuumdestillation nach dem 4-Säulen-Verfahren destilliert. Die Filterung basiert auf dem Einsatz von Aktivkohle und Demethylierung. Die perfekte Mischung wird abschließend durch Zugabe von Quellwasser aus dem oberen Mugello-Tal gewonnen, die das Produkt unverwechselbar macht. Wie einige der renommiertesten Winzereien hat auch VKΛ seine Maison in San Giusto a Fortuna bei San Piero a Sieve (Provinz Florenz), mit Blick auf das romantische Mugello-Tal. Die angewandte Sorgfalt und die Selektion der Weizensorten, v.a. der Sorten Bologna, Bolero und anderer traditionsreicher Biotypen wie Sieve und Verna, zertifizieren Wodka von VKΛ als einen der weltweit Besten. Der biologische Alkohol wird mit Hilfe der doppelt wirkenden kontinuierlichen Vakuumdestillation nach dem 4-Säulen-Verfahren destilliert. Die Filterung basiert auf dem Einsatz von Aktivkohle und Demethylierung. Die perfekte Mischung wird abschließend durch Zugabe von Quellwasser aus dem oberen Mugello-Tal gewonnen, die das Produkt unverwechselbar macht. Wie einige der renommiertesten Winzereien hat auch VKΛ seine Maison in San Giusto a Fortuna bei San Piero a Sieve (Provinz Florenz), mit Blick auf das romantische Mugello-Tal. VKA ist reinster Wodka, der zu 100% aus toskanischem Bio-Weichweizen erzeugt und im Piemont destilliert wird . Letzteres geschieht unter Nutzung des professionellen Fachwissens in Sachen Qualität, das den traditionsreichen Destilleriebetrieb Distillerie G. Sacchetto auszeichnet. In diesem Betrieb mit eigenem hochmodernen Prüflabor sind Destilliermeister mit langjähriger Facherfahrung und geduldiger Sorgfalt für das Destillierverfahren verantwortlich. VKA ist reinster Wodka, der zu 100% aus toskanischem Bio-Weichweizen erzeugt und im Piemont destilliert wird . Letzteres geschieht unter Nutzung des professionellen Fachwissens in Sachen Qualität, das den traditionsreichen Destilleriebetrieb Distillerie G. Sacchetto auszeichnet. In diesem Betrieb mit eigenem hochmodernen Prüflabor sind Destilliermeister mit langjähriger Facherfahrung und geduldiger Sorgfalt für das Destillierverfahren verantwortlich. Das Ergebnis ist ein Produkt von höchster Exzellenz, das 100% glutenfrei ist. Das Ergebnis ist ein Produkt von höchster Exzellenz, das 100% glutenfrei ist. Unter Verwendung von Quellwasser aus dem toskanischen Appenin entsteht so ein Wodka, dessen außergewöhnlich reine und seidenweiche Qualität vielfach gelobt wurde. Dahinter verbirgt sich das Wagnis, die duftenden Kräuter und die Mineralstoffe der mediterranen Region Toskana einzufangen. VKA Spirit, der die Seele berührt. Unter Verwendung von Quellwasser aus dem toskanischen Appenin entsteht so ein Wodka, dessen außergewöhnlich reine und seidenweiche Qualität vielfach gelobt wurde. Dahinter verbirgt sich das Wagnis, die duftenden Kräuter und die Mineralstoffe der mediterranen Region Toskana einzufangen. VKA Spirit, der die Seele berührt. 04.03.2016 SPECIAL GUEST VKA am STAND DE.S.A. www.vka.it ProWein 2016 DE.S.A. - Halle/Stand 15 A21 Product Overview DE.S.A. Deutschland Sommelier Association Aus der Region Toskana mit ihren althergebrachten Traditionen in Landbau und Gastronomie stammt ein Produkt, das Charakter, Tradition, Innovationskraft und Eleganz dieser Region wunderbar repräsentiert: VKΛ, vodka bio made in Tuscany. Abruzzo Calabria Auf dem philanthropischen Projekt der Familien Ricci und Lavacchini fußt die Idee, durch die Erzeugung exzellenter Rohstoffe dem Boden die Wesensbestandteile seiner Fruchtbarkeit wieder zurückzugeben. Bio-Weizen aus der Toskana und Quellwasser aus dem Mugello-Tal des Appenin-Gebirges sind die Inhaltsstoffe, die diesen Wodka prägen. Sie zeichnen unseren Wodka als Produkt wie als Marke aus und machen ihn unverwechselbar. Leitbild des Unternehmens Futa S.r.l., das VKΛ seit 2013 produziert, ist die Aufwertung der Produktionskette für toskanischen Bioweizen und die Schaffung von Anreizen Campania Emilia-Romagna © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 399 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 400 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Friuli Venezia-Giulia Lombardia Marche Piemont Puglia Sardegna Sicilia Toscana Veneto Product Overview Ribera del Duero 02.07.06 Trentodoc 02.04 Sparkling wine 03.17 Other spirits 03.17 Other spirits Product Details 08.01 Trade associations 02.07.06 08.03 Schools Destilleria Flli Pisoni Address via San Siro 7/b 38076 Pergolese di LASINO Italy Phone +39 0461 564106 Fax +39 0461 563163 Internet address www.pisoni.it E-Mail info@pisoni.it Stand Hall 16, C04 (Page 998) Destilleria Flli Pisoni Destilleria Flli Pisoni Trentodoc Brut Classico Brut Classico Made with Chardonnay grapes harvested and vinified directly by the Pisoni family, this spumante is produced according to Metodo Classico with a second fermentation in the bottle known as “champenoise” in France. Each bottle is dated and marked with the year of its vintage and degorgement. This spumante has an attractive, lustrous straw yellow colour with greenish tinges and a fine, timid yet persistent perlage. This wine is ample, refined and immediate on the nose, with fruity notes followed by flowery tones and concluding with an intense aroma created by the long period of contact between © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 401 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 402 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de wine and yeast. Product Details 02.07.05 Rose Distillerie Franciacorta S.p.A. Franciacorta Acquavite di Castagne 38° A Metodo Classico spumante with an antique pink colour created by the presence of Pinot noir that, together with its 24month sojourn in fresh cellars, endows this product with an inimitable refinement and aroma. Each bottle is marked with the date of its degorgement. The wine has a fairly clear pink peal-of-onion colour and a very fine, continuous and persistent perlage. It is fresh, clean and of medium intensity on the nose, with flowery, vegetable and fruity aromas Distillate of chestnuts of the Camonica Valley, selected, peeled and saccharified hot. An original product with a mountainous agricultural tradition, finally available to the general public. A perfect end to the meal for those who love to end by keeping all the authentic flavours and perfumes of nature intact. Grappa Chardonnay di Franciacorta 40° Delicately floral and intensely fruity scents for this grappa made from Franciacorta Chardonnay selected grapes. Distillerie Franciacorta S.p.A. Address Via Mandolossa, 80 25064 Gussago (Bs) Italy Phone +39 030 2526000 Generosity of alcohol is balanced by a remarkable smoothness in the mouth, enhancing flavours and hints of dried fruit that are typical of this traditional distilled. Grappa di Franciacorta 40° A distillate obtained from the very best grapes of Franciacorta flaunting an extraordinary bouquet that is balanced between flowers and honey on the one side and fresh fruit that just hints at bread crusts, on the other. Fax Internet address www.distilleriefranciacorta.com, www.borgoanticosavitale.it E-Mail export@dfran.it Stand Hall 16, G21 (Page 998) Soft and generous on the palate, it amazes with a fruity persistence, dominating over an aromatic vegetable timbre complex. Grappa Franciacorta “Barricata” 40° Product Overview Distillerie Franciacorta S.p.A. 03.12 Marc brandies 02.07.05 Franciacorta © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH The lengthy refinement in oak exalts the ethereal and noble aromas of this valuable grappa obtained by distilling the very best marc of Franciacorta. Crystal-clear and with amber colour, to the palate it develops into an incredibly complex, soft bouquet that is wonderfully rounded and full. 403 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 404 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de VINO SPUMANTE BRUT DOGLIOTTI 1870 s.n.c. Address Via Fratelli Vicari, 70 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze Italy Phone +39 0141 878153 Fax +39 0141 878153 Internet address www.dogliotti1870.com E-Mail commerciale@dogliotti1870.com Stand With a light straw yellow color, it’s raccomanded with fresh buffet, and appetizer Domaine de la Petite Roche SCEV Regnard da la Ville Fromoit La Petite Roche 49310 Tremont France Phone +33 2 41594303 Fax +33 2 41596943 Internet address www.domainepetiteroche.com E-Mail contact@domainepetiteroche.com Stand Hall 11, E69 (Page 978) Hall 15, D08 (Page 994) Product Overview DOGLIOTTI 1870 s.n.c. 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Piemont Product Details 02.06.01 Address DOGLIOTTI 1870 s.n.c. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin ASTI SPUMANTE DOCG Product Overview This sweet sparkling white wine is considered to be Moscato’s brother but in a spumante version. 02.04 Sparkling wine It’s made with Martinotti Method, that means it is fermented in stainless steel tank for 3 months on the yeast Val de Loire © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 405 Domaine de la Petite Roche SCEV Regnard da la... © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 406 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.04 Domaine de la Petite Roche SCEV Regnard da la... Sparkling wine Product Details 02.07.02 Crémant de Loire Domaine de la Petite Roche Domaine des Trottières Cremant Anjou Blanc ”expression” A cristal clear robe with a typical ”blanc de noir” hue, Vibrant tiny bubbles with a bouquet tending towards white flowers and fruit (peaches), A fresh and clean finish. The magic of a Pinot noir and Chardonnay blend! Robe dorée aux reflets ambrés. Le nez est friand et fruité sur des coings et de pommes fraiches. En bouche le vin se présente sur des notes acidulées, d’une belle fraicheur et une fin de bouche soutenue et soyeuse. Afin de savourer totalement sa structure veloutée, il est également conseillé de ne pas trop rafraîchir votre vin une température de 10-12° sera parfaite. Domaine des Trottières Evolution et potentiel de garde : Address Lieu dit Les Trottières 49380 Thouarcé France Phone +33 24 154-1410 Fax +33 24 154-0900 Internet address www.domainedestrottieres.com Nos anjou blanc expression s’épanouissent pleinement dès la deuxième année, le potentiel exceptionnel de nos chenins vous offre une garde supérieure à 5 ans pour les meilleurs millésimes. Accords mets vin : Frais, aromatique et rafraichissant à l’apéritif. Entrées: Tartes ou cassolettes de fruits de mer gratinés, quiches lorraines, coquilles Saint-Jacques à la crème E-Mail contact@domainedestrottieres.com Stand Hall 11, D75 (Page 978) Plats: Saumon fumé, crustacés, et poissons, filet de sole, brochet ou saumon au beurre blanc, rôti de porc aux pommes, filet mignon de veau, choucroute, boudin blanc aux truffes ou aux pommes, Fromages : Comté, Beaufort, Parmesan, raclette et fondue savoyarde. En savoir plus Product Overview Domaine des Trottières Val de Loire 02.07.02 Cremant © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 407 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 408 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Domaine Dopff au Moulin Pierre Etienne Dopff Address ORIGIN : Au Moulin 68340 Riquewihr France Phone +33 3 89490969 Fax +33 3 89478361 DOPFF ”Au Moulin” CUVEE JULIEN Brut Blanc de Blancs is made exclusively from grapes grown around Riquewihr and the Hardt of Colmar. The vineyards selected are on well drained light sandy soil, with a capacity to ripen early and to be picked early in order to preserve the fresh character of the grapes. VINIFICATION Grape Varieties : 50% PINOT BLANC + 50% AUXERROIS Internet address www.dopff-au-moulin.fr Pressing : The grapes are carefully hand picked. At the press house the whole, uncrushed grapes are placed directly into pneumatic presses E-Mail domaines@dopff-au-moulin.fr Pressing is limited to give 100 liters of juice from 150kg of grapes (compared with 130kg of grapes for the still Alsace wines) Stand Hall 12, B04 (Page 982) The first fermentation takes place in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks. The rest of the winemaking process follows the traditional method. Product Overview Domaine Dopff au Moulin Pierre Etienne Dopff Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant The second fermentation takes place in the bottle. Remuage or riddling is made on computer programmed gyropalettes. Dégorgement (the removal of the yeast sediment) is made after 18 months. Product Details 02.07.02 CHARACTER Domaine Dopff au Moulin Pierre Etienne Dopff Cremant Appearance : Light straw colour with a green hue. Nose : Fruity nose revealing notes of green apple; pear and citrus. With hints of mirabelle and minerality, slight maturation flavour Taste : Creamy palate with integrated acidity, smoothness and medium to long finish. Alc./vol . : 12% Acidity : 4g/l (sulf) – 6,15 g/l(tart.) Residual Sugar : 8 g/l Ageing : up to 5 years CREMANT D’ALSACE CUVEE JULIEN BRUT TO SERVE WITH GOLD MEDAL CONCOURS DES VINS D’ALSACE 2014 CUVEE JULIEN is a delightfully fresh easy-to-drink sparkling wine, ideal as an aperitif or as a party wine. HISTORY As early as 1900, Julien DOPFF trained in Champagne and later returned to his native Alsace region to use the technique to produce sparkling wines with the grapes from his own vineyards. He is considered the pioneer of quality sparkling wines in Alsace. Under the guidance of Pierre DOPFF, the appellation Crémant d’Alsace was created on August 26 1976. It laid down very rigorous standards. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 409 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 410 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Domaine Edmond RENTZ SARL Domaine Glinavos S.A. Address 7, route des Vins 68340 Zellenberg France Address Monastiri-Zitsa 44003 Zitsa Ioannina Greece Phone +33 3 89479017 Phone +30 26 58022212 Fax +33 3 89479727 Fax +30 26 58022261 Internet address www.edmondrentz.com Internet address www.glinavos.gr E-Mail info@edmondrentz.com E-Mail domaine@glinavos.gr Stand Hall 11, K130 (Page 978) Stand Hall 09, C67 (Page 972) Product Overview Domaine Edmond RENTZ SARL Product Overview Domaine Glinavos S.A. Alsace 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.02 Cremant Epirus Product Details 02.07.02 Domaine Edmond RENTZ SARL Cremant Product Details 02.04 Cremant d’Alsace Edmond Rentz Domaine Glinavos S.A. Sparkling wine Debina (PDO Zitsa) Elsäsischen Sekt nach traditionnellen Methode hergestellt aus Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay oder Pinot Noir A unique sparkling white wine that has been given its name from the famous local white grape variety of Zitsa, ”our” own Debina. It is a variety ideal for the production of sparkling and semi-sparkling wines. An excellent wine with rich natural foaming and intense fresh aromas, achieved during the second fermentation in stainless steel tanks following the method of ”closed tanks” (cuvée close or Méthode Charmat). © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 411 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 412 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Lefteris Glinavos Brut (PDO Zitsa) Domaine Huber et Bléger A fine, fragrant and tasty, natural sparkling white wine made from the popular variety Debina of Zitsa. It has a rich foam and duration in its bubbles which provides the wine with complex aromas. Address 6 route du Vin 68590 Saint Hippolyte France It is produced using the traditional method of Champagne, i.e. second fermentation in the bottle, where the wine remains on its lees for about 18 months, and the pressure in the bottle reaches 5 atmospheres. Phone +33 3 89730112 Fax +33 3 89730081 CHARACTERISTICS Internet address www.huber-bleger.fr Colour: Clear and vivid with golden-yellow nuances, intense bubbles and crystal transparency. E-Mail domaine@huber-bleger.fr Nose: Rich aromas of citrus blossoms, apple and pear with a hint of sweet aromas which give its aromatic character. Stand Hall 11, C20 (Page 978) Mouth: Youthful taste, lively with hints of fine spices. It impresses with its creamy texture, refreshing acidity, rich fruity flavour and lemon blossoms as well as its yeasty flavour, the aromas of coconut, almond and the hints of fine spices. The complexity remains with a long aftertaste. VINIFICATION The free run juice is gradually extracted from selected grapes. The long fermentation period in bottles in ideal temperature and moisture conditions, grants the delicate palate and aroma of the wine, a rich foam and long duration of the bubbles. Domaine Huber et Bléger Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 Paleokerisio (PGI Ioannina) Domaine Huber et Bléger Cremant Crémant Our Crémant stemsfrom the Pinot Blanc type of vine, which makes it a gentle, lissom and well-balanced wine. It is better to drink it when still young and must be served chilled between 5°C and 7°C. A unique in its kind orange, semi-sparkling and semi-dry wine, which impresses with its distinctive and totally traditional vinification. It is produced from the indigenous white wine grape variety Debina with the addition of a small percentage of the red variety Vlahiko. It is a special type of wine, which revives the well-known traditional semi-sparkling wine of Ioannina, produced in the past by the locals. The little natural carbonate reveals the richness of flavours and aromas with a sweetness that blends in with all the other elements. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Product Overview 413 This cocktail party wine will ideally go with your refined apéritifs. Its discreetly fruity freshness will ennoble all gastronomic combinations during the meals. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 414 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Crémant Rosé Product Details This Crémant Rosé is vinified only with Pinot Noir, which gives it a light salmon pink colour. It expresses beautiful aromas of red fruits like raspberry and cherry. 02.07.02 Our Crémant d’Alsace Blanc and Rosé are elaborated thanks to the traditional fermenting process in bottles. During this process, the carbonic gas produced by the yeasts remains inside the bottle, which then create the sparkling wine. After one year the bottles are disgorged, that is to say recorked with a natural cork and then ready to be tasted. Domaine Jean-Marc Bernhard, EARL The Crémant d’Alsace is preferably enjoyed young, the pleasure is immediate. 21 grand-rue 68230 Katzenthal France CREMANT D’ALSACE Brut Réserve CREMANT D’ALSACE Brut Rosé Phone +33 3 89270534 Fax +33 3 89275872 Internet address www.jeanmarcbernhard.fr E-Mail vins@jeanmarcbernhard.fr Stand Hall 11, L115 (Page 978) Product Overview Domaine la Guillaumerie EARL Domaine Jean-Marc Bernhard, EARL Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Cremant Crémant With its fine bubbles and its fresh acidity, this sparkling rosé is a perfect aperitif. Address Domaine Jean-Marc Bernhard, EARL 415 Address La Liaumerie 49190 Rochefort sur Loire France Phone +33 2 41787953 Fax +33 2 41787953 Internet address www.domainelaguillaumerie.com E-Mail domainelaguillaumerie@gmail.com Stand Hall 11, B132 (Page 978) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 416 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Company News 12/21/2015 Domaine la Guillaumerie EARL Angers in february. If you want to taste it , you are welcome in my booth !... NEW CREMANT DE LOIRE FROM DOMAINE LA GUILLAUMERIE 12/21/2015 We launch this year our CREMANT DE LOIRE, white and rose and we welcome you to taste them Grapes : Chenin (for the white), Grolleau (for the rosé). Terroirs : Beautiful terroir of altered schists with bench of phtanite and quartz. Harvest: Only by hand, in cases Process : traditional method with a second fermentation in bottle like a Champagne. Aging on its lees for a minimum of twelve months. WHITE CREMANT DE LOIRE Aromas and flavour: Pale yellow with fine bubbles. Fruity pear-apple aromas. Fresh and elegant finish on compote notes. Food pairing : As an aperitif with salted appetizers.Also well match with Seafood and shell fish. With a dessert like an apple crumble or an apricot tart ROSE CREMANT DE LOIRE Aroma and flavour : pale pink with fine bubbles. Red fruits and crushed strawberries. Finely structured, pure classical style. NEW CREMANT DE LOIRE FROM DOMAINE LA GUILLAUMERIE We launch this year our CREMANT DE LOIRE, white and rose and we welcome you to taste them Grapes : Chenin (for the white), Grolleau (for the rosé). Terroirs : Beautiful terroir of altered schists with bench of phtanite and quartz. Harvest: Only by hand, in cases Process : traditional method with a second fermentation in bottle like a Champagne. Aging on its lees for a minimum of twelve months. WHITE CREMANT DE LOIRE Aromas and flavour: Pale yellow with fine bubbles. Fruity pear-apple aromas. Fresh and elegant finish on compote notes. Food pairing : As an aperitif with salted appetizers.Also well match with Seafood and shell fish. With a dessert like an apple crumble or an apricot tart ROSE CREMANT DE LOIRE Food pairing : As an aperitif with sweet appetizer. Fresh prawn, Sushi. With a dessert like a Strawberry tart, chocolate cheesecake, fruit salad. Aroma and flavour : pale pink with fine bubbles. Red fruits and crushed strawberries. Finely structured, pure classical style. Service temperature : 6 to 8° Food pairing : As an aperitif with sweet appetizer. Fresh prawn, Sushi. With a dessert like a Strawberry tart, chocolate cheesecake, fruit salad. Aging : Now or after few years Service temperature : 6 to 8° 03/04/2016 GOLD MEDAL AT THE LIGERS Aging : Now or after few years Very happy to inform you that my ANJOU VILLAGE 2014 (red, cabernet franc) was awaRded with a GOLD MEDAL at the LIGER WINE COMPETITION in Angers in february. Product Overview If you want to taste it , you are welcome in my booth !... Val de Loire 03/04/2016 01.05.16 Turkmenia 02.07.02 Cremant GOLD MEDAL AT THE LIGERS Very happy to inform you that my ANJOU VILLAGE 2014 (red, cabernet franc) was awaRded with a GOLD MEDAL at the LIGER WINE COMPETITION in © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 417 Domaine la Guillaumerie EARL © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 418 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.02 Domaine la Guillaumerie EARL berries. Finely structured, pure classical style. Food pairing : As an aperitif with sweet appetizer. Fresh prawn, Sushi. With a dessert like a Strawberry tart, chocolate cheesecake, fruit salad. Cremant Service temperature : 6 to 8° CREMANT DE LOIRE (WHITE) Aging : Now or after few years Grapes : Chenin Terroirs : Beautiful terroir of green to crimson altered shists Domaine Laurent Vogt Harvest : Only by hands, in cases Process : Traditional method with a second fermentation in bottle like a Champagne. Aging on its lees for a minimum of eighteen months Address Aromas and flavour : Pale yellow with fine bubbles. Fruity pear-apple aromas. Fresh and elegant finish on compote notes. 4, rue des Vignerons 67120 Wolxheim France Phone +33 3 88388128 Food pairing : As an aperitif with salted appetizers.Also well match with Seafood and shell fish. With a dessert like an apple crumble or an apricot tart Fax Service temperature : 6 to 8° Aging : Now or after few years Internet address www.domaine-vogt.com CREMANT DE LOIRE BLANC SEC E-Mail thomas@domaine-vogt.com It has been awarded two GOLD MEDAL IN 2016 : Stand Hall 11, L97 (Page 978) GOLD MEDAL at Concours mondial des Féminalise 2016 Product Overview GOLD MEDAL at Lyon international competition 2016 Domaine Laurent Vogt 100% Chenin grape Alsace CREMANT DE LOIRE ROSE 02.07.02 Cremant Grapes : Chenin, Grolleau. Terroirs : Beautiful terroir of altered schists with bench of phtanite and quartz. Harvest: Only by hand, in cases Process : traditional method with a second fermentation in bottle like a Champagne. Aging on its lees for a minimum of twelve months. Aroma and flavour : pale pink with fine bubbles. Red fruits and crushed straw- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 419 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 420 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details Domaine Laurent Vogt 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.04 Domaine Octavie Sparkling wine Riesling Grand Cru Altenberg de Wolxheim DOMAINE OCTAVIE - CUVEE PAULINE Alcohol : 13,5 % by vol CUVEE PAULINE Residual Sugar : 12,8 g/l white TOURAINE sparkling wine BRUT Titrable acidity : 6,67 g/l rosé TOURAINE sparkling wine BRUT Description of the wine : Very expressive nose which has notes of yellow fruits. Goes very well with seafood, shellfish Domaine R. de la Grange EARL Rémy et Raphael Luneau Address La Grange 44430 Le Landreau France Phone +33 2 40064565 Fax +33 2 40064817 Internet address www.domaine-r-delagrange.com E-Mail domaine.r.delagrange@wanadoo.fr Stand Hall 11, D89 (Page 978) Domaine Octavie Address 7, route de Marcé 41700 Oisly France Phone +33 2 54795457 Fax +33 2 54796520 Internet address www.domaineoctavie.com E-Mail domaineoctavie@domaineoctavie.com Stand Hall 11, C117 (Page 978) Product Overview Product Overview Domaine R. de la Grange EARL Rémy et Raphael... 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Val de Loire Domaine Octavie Val de Loire 02.04 Sparkling wine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 421 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 422 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.06.01 Domaine R. de la Grange EARL Rémy et Raphael... Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin DOMAINE R DE LA GRANGE RAPHAEL LUNEAU Product Details 02.07.02 Domaine Rolet Pere et Fils Cremant Crémant du Jura Range of three different crémant : brut, rosé and blanc de blanc MUSCADET SEVRE ET MAINE SUR LIE Our Crémant are always vintaged and stay several years on lies. GROS-PLANT SUR LIE Domaine Rolet Pere et Fils Address Route de Dole 39600 Arbois France Phone +33 3 84660005 Fax +33 3 84374741 Internet address www.rolet-arbois.com E-Mail rolet@wanadoo.fr Stand Hall 11, F20 (Page 978) Product Overview Domaine Viticole A. Gloden et Fils Address 12, Albaach 5471 Wellenstein Luxembourg Phone +352 23698324 Fax +352 23698132 Internet address www.gloden.net E-Mail info@gloden.net Stand Hall 13, C56 (Page 986) Domaine Rolet Pere et Fils Jura 02.07.02 Cremant Company News 03/05/2016 Domaine Viticole A. Gloden et Fils Discover our wines and sparkling wines of the Schengen wine country (Luxembourg) We invite you to discover our wines and sparkling wines (Crémant de Luxembourg) at our booth. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 423 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 424 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 03/05/2016 Discover our wines and sparkling wines of the Schengen wine country (Luxembourg) Product Overview We invite you to discover our wines and sparkling wines (Crémant de Luxembourg) at our booth. Product Overview Domaine Viticole A. Gloden et Fils 01.01.11 Luxembourg 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 Domaine Zinck SARL Vins d´Alsace Cremant Crémant A range both rosé and white Domaine Viticole A. Gloden et Fils Cremant Crémant de Luxembourg A.Gloden & Fils Brut Rosé de Noirs Brut Crémant de Luxembourg Domaine Zinck SARL Vins d´Alsace Address 18, rue des Trois Châteaux 68240 Eguisheim France Phone +33 3 89411911 Fax +33 3 89241285 Internet address www.zinck.fr E-Mail info@zinck.fr Stand Hall 11, L93 (Page 978) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Domaine Zinck SARL Vins d´Alsace For his white crémant, Philippe Zinck has chosen three grape varieties of different vintages, all particularly suited to sparkling wine: the Pinot Blanc and the Pinot Noir, which confer a certain strength and richness to the crémant, and the Chardonnay, which lends its fresh fruitiness. Both light and full-bodied, with a biscuity bouquet of exotic fruit and apricots, this crémant can be served with aperitifs as desserts. It surprises and pleases the palate thanks to the fine bubles that rise gracefully to dance on the tongue. The rosé crémant, made exclusively with Pinot Noir grapes, gets its slightly pink tont from a short maceration before pressing, when it develops the aromas of cherry, raspberry, wild strawberries…A refreshing touch of acid and a solid structure make this an ideal accompaniment to white meat or fish dishes. It has a persistent, joyous finish, with bubbles becoming ever silkier. Effervescent, bubbling wines, the crémants occupy a choice position for any and all festive moments. 425 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 426 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Crémant POLL-FABAIRE Cult Brut in a Gift Box Domaines Vinsmoselle Château de Stadtbredimus Very subtle mousse, creamy, elegant fragrance, fine Pinot notes with tropical fruit aromas, voluminous refreshing, exciting structure, longlasting. Address 12, route du Vin 5450 Stadtbredimus Luxembourg Phone +352 23 696636 Fax +352 23 699189 Crémant POLL-FABAIRE Pinot Noir Brut 75cl Internet address www.vinsmoselle.lu Elegant, exciting structure with abundant finesse, distinct cherry aromas, brilliant colour, extremely subtle mousse. E-Mail info@vinsmoselle.lu Stand Hall 13, C56 (Page 986) Product Overview Domaines Vinsmoselle Château de Stadtbredimus 01.01.11 Luxembourg 02.07.02 Cremant Dominio de la Vega, S.L. Address Carretera Madrid-Valencia, km. 270 46390 San Antonio - Requena Spain Phone +34 96 2320570 Crémant POLL-FABAIRE Brut Gold Medal Fax +34 96 2320330 Round, full bodied and spicy, an impressive balance achieved by the composition of selected varietals. Internet address www.dominiodelavega.com Product Details 02.07.02 Domaines Vinsmoselle Château de Stadtbredimus Cremant E-Mail Stand © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 427 Hall 10, F171 (Page 974) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 428 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cava Brut Expression Product Overview Dominio de la Vega, S.L. Utiel-Requena 02.07.07 Cava Vintage: 2013 Varietals: Macabeo Aging on the lees: At least 18 months Altitude: 750 m Product Details 02.07.07 Dominio de la Vega, S.L. Soil: Clay-calcareous Vineyard: Vineyard with an average of 30 years from La Vega. Cava Harvest: Selection in the vineyard and manual harvesting in early September. Cava Dominio de la Vega Brut Reserva Especial Winemaking: Selection of plots according to freshness criteria (acidity) and grapes aromatic potential. The plots are vinified separately. The grapes are cooled to 10ºC before draining, to use only the free-run must. Cold decanting and cleaning with no use of clarifying agents. Controlled fermentation at 16-18ºC for 15 days Varietals: Macabeo 70% and Chardonnay 30% Aging in barrel: 20% of the base wine spends 3 months in new French oak barrels Bottling: After blending together the different plots, we start the tirage in the first few months of the year. Second fermentation and aging take place in our cellars at 16°C during at least 18 months. Aging on the lees: At least 22 months Vineyard: Altitude: 750 m Soil : Stony (Macabeo) and clay (Chardonnay) Harvest: Sorting in the vineyard and hand harvesting at night, in late August for the Chardonnay and early September for the Macabeo. Bottling : After blending together the various grape varieties, we start bottling in the first few months of the year. Second fermentation and aging take place in our cellars at 16°C. Tasting notes : Bright golden yellow color with very fine bubbles. Complex aromas, particularly ripe fruit and stone fruit (baked apple and apricot), white flowers and pastries, against a toasted, vanilla backdrop. On entry to the palate, the cava is creamy with toasty notes, possessing lively acidity and a long, elegant finish. Tasting notes: Pale yellow color and fine bubbles. Aromas of baked pastrys together with fresh notes of white fruit (pear). The palate is subtle, with a very nice entrance, good and balanced carbonic dioxide. Creamy and long pleasant finish. Food pairings: On its own or with seafood (mussels, prawns, crawfish), pasta, rice, Asian food, grilled vegetables and all kinds of snacks (almonds, and Spanish olives). Try it with a seafood Paella. Cava Brut Nature Authentique Vintage: 2013 Food pairings : On its own or with appetizers, fresh and smoked fish, oysters, seafood, pasta, rice, Asian food, spicy dishes, white meats and chocolates. Varietals: Xarel·lo and Macabeo 89 points on Peñin guide Altitude: 750 m Aging on the lees: At least 18 months Soil: Clay-calcareous Vineyard: Macabeo vineyard with an average of 30 years; Xarel·lo vineyards of La Loma with an average of 6 years. Harvest: Selection in vineyard and manual harvest in early-mid September. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 429 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 430 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Winemaking: Selection of plots according to freshness criteria (acidity) and grapes aromatic potential. The varieties and plots are vinified separately. The grapes are cooled to 10ºC before draining, to use only the free-run must. Cold decanting and cleaning with no use of clarifying agents. Controlled fermentation at 16-18ºC for 15 days. Bottling: After blending together the various grape varieties and plots, we start the tirage in the first few months of the year. Second fermentation and aging take place in our cellars at 16°C during at least 18 months. Tasting notes: Pale straw yellow and very fine bubbles. Symphony of fresh floral and citrus aromas, a touch of salty taste and toasted backdrop.Very fresh entry and good body. Covered by a powerful well balanced, and fresh carbon dioxide, with a pleasant long finish. Food pairings: On its own or with seafood, pasta, rice, Asian food, and all kinds of snacks. Try it with our authentique Valencian Paella! Cava Cuvée Prestige plexity, volume and personality. We make the “tirage” in January-February. Second fermentation and aging take place in our cellars at 16°C. Tasting notes: Bright golden yellow color with a thin beautiful bubble. Intensely aromatic and balanced personality, highlights mineral notes and ripe fruit such as apples, toast and hints of vanilla. Elegance and complexity, turn into smoked sensations. Velvet entry to palate, intense long creamy notes with a fresh acidity and everlasting gourmand aftertaste. Food pairings: On its own or with appetizers, fresh and smoked fish, oysters, seafood, Asian food, spicy dishes, chocolate confectionery. Cava Dominio de la Vega Pinot Noir Brut Varietals : Pinot Noir Aging : At least 20 months on the lees Vineyard : Selection of two parcels, La Vega and Tornel in Campo Arcís, vertically trellised vineyards. Altitude: 750 m Vintage : 2012 Soil: Stony and clayed Varietals: Chardonnay 60% and Macabeo 40% Harvest : Hand-picked at night to preserve the variety’s full aromatic potential, in late August. Aging in barrel: The base wine spends 3 months in new French oak barrels Bottling: After blending together the wines from both plots, we start bottling in the first few months of the year. Second fermentation and aging take place in our cellars at 16°C. Aging on lees: Minimum 30 months Vineyard: Chardonnay from Pinarejo Estate and Macabeo from Cerro Tocón Estate. Tasting notes : Bright pink color of medium depth with violet hues. Intense aromas of ripe red fruit with floral (violet) and mineral notes. Sweet, fruity drinking with fine, creamy, very well integrated bubbles. Altitude: 720-780 m Soil: Clay (Macabeo) and limestone (Chardonnay) Harvest: By hand in 15kg boxes, in late August for the Chardonnay and early September for the Macabeo. Winemaking: Once in the winery the grapes go through a second round of the selection process. Then the entire grape proceeds to a light pressing in order to extract only the nuances of the grape variety and personality of soil (structure and complexity). After a draining with no pressure only a 40% yield is obtained. Then cold decanting and cold cleaning without adding clarifying agents. Controlled fermentation at 16ºC for 15 days. During the time in oak, the base wine is battonaged. Food pairings : On its own or with appetizers, salads, fresh and smoked fish, seafood, pasta, rice, white meats and chocolates. 86 points on Peñin guide Bottling: After tasting both varieties, we choose the final blend according to com- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 431 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 432 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cava Reserva Especial Rosé Domus Vini Srl. Vintage: 2013 Address Via Bigolo, 26 35010 Fossalta di Trebaseleghe (PD) Italy Phone +39 049 5796405 Fax +39 049 5796715 Internet address www.domusvini.eu E-Mail info@domusvini.eu Stand Hall 16, C50 (Page 998) Varietals: Pinot Noir. Aging on lees: Minimum 22 months Vineyard: Tornel and La Vega plots. Altitude: 750 m Soil: Clay–calcareous Harvest: Manually in boxes by late August. Winemaking: The grapes arrive at the winery in boxes where they are cooled to 10ºC. The grapes are pressed without crushing them, in order to obtain the aromatic potential, its varietal identity and minimize polyphenol extraction. The draining is carried out without pressure to obtain a 58% yield. Cold decanting and cleaning without adding clarifying agents. Controlled fermentation at 16ºC for 15 days. Bottling: After blending the base wines from both plots, the tirage takes place during the first months of the year. Second fermentation and aging take place in our cellars at 16°C. Tasting notes: Pink salmon colour, with light violet tones. Red fruits and citrus peel highlights in aromas led to grapes and sweet pastry coming from lees ageing. Surprising fresh palate with a well-integrated acidity ending in a long red fruit sensation. Company News 01/22/2016 Domus Vini Srl. PINOT ROSE’ SPAGO Fragrant bouquet rich in red fruit scents. Fine and equilibrated taste with persistent freshness and liveliness. Food pairings: On its own or with appetizers, fresh and smoked fish, seafood (crab, sea urchins), rice and pasta, spicy dishes, chocolate confectionery. Try it with our traditional Duck and Foie-gras Paella! 01/22/2016 PINOT ROSE’ SPAGO Fragrant bouquet rich in red fruit scents. Fine and equilibrated taste with persistent freshness and liveliness. 12/10/2014 ANOTHER MEDAL FOR NOVECENTO23 DOMUS VINI NOVECENTO23 has been awarded by another medal: IWC 2014 Bronze Medal. Very intense and ample bouquet with sweet vanilla and red flowers overtones © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 433 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 434 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de standing out from a background of groundcover, dried fruits, toasted nuts, spices and many unexpected scents. Taste shows a pleasant medium-dry entrance spinghtly softening in a velvety sensation full and structured. 12/10/2014 PINOT ROSE’ SPAGO Fragrant bouquet rich in red fruit scents. Fine and equilibrated taste with persistent freshness and liveliness. ANOTHER MEDAL FOR NOVECENTO23 DOMUS VINI NOVECENTO23 has been awarded by another medal: IWC 2014 Bronze Medal. PRIMERO Very intense and ample bouquet with sweet vanilla and red flowers overtones standing out from a background of groundcover, dried fruits, toasted nuts, spices and many unexpected scents. PRIMERO ROSE’ VINO SPUMANTE ROSATO Rosé Sparkling Wine Taste shows a pleasant medium-dry entrance spinghtly softening in a velvety sensation full and structured. Fine and persistent perlage. Elegant perfume thanks to delicate red fruits and flower hints. Fragrant and harmonic palate with long lasting freshness. Product Overview Domus Vini Srl. Veneto 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 Domäne Müller Gutsverwaltung GmbH Address Grazer Str. 71 8522 Gross St. Florian Austria Phone +43 3464 2155 Fax +43 3464 211625 Internet address www.mueller-wein.at E-Mail office@mueller-wein.at Stand Hall 17, C37 (Page 1002) Domus Vini Srl. Sparkling wine PINOT CHARDONNAY BRUT PINOT-CHARDONNAY BRUT Sparkling wine CA’ DELLE ROSE Intense and persistent perfume between fruity and floral. Balanced taste, dry, with a fragrant apple aftertaste. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 435 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 436 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Lage: 9,1 Hektar in reiner Südlage – geschützte Kessellage Product Overview Domäne Müller Gutsverwaltung GmbH Charakteristik des Weines 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Funkelndes Lachsrosé, ... ein Körbchen gefüllt mit frisch geernteten, duftenden Himbeeren und schwarzen Johannisbeeren mit dezent eingewobenem „champagnerähnlichem“ Hefetimbre. Südsteiermark Sein Geschmacksbild vereint Frische, Fruchtigkeit und verführt den Durstenden mit seinem zitronenfrischen Säurespiel. Die natürliche Kohlensäure !!! verursacht durch das feine Mousseux eine Inspiration der Sinne, man fühlt sich erfrischt und freut sich auf eine gute Mahlzeit. Ein Jahr auf der Hefe gelegen – nur in der Champagne üblich – verleiht dieser weststeirischen Spezialität ein sehr hohes Niveau und entspricht den Vorstellungen des anspruchsvollen Gaumens. Product Details 02.06.01 Domäne Müller Gutsverwaltung GmbH Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Herrlich als Aperitif, elegant zu Lachs und Krustentieren, Salaten mit interessanten Dressings, in Kombination zu Sorbées ... oder als aufmunternde Erfrischung im romantischen Gastgärtchen .....Als Dekoration empfehlen wir ein Minze – oder Melisseblatt in das Glas zu tun, besonders extravagant sind Granatapfelperlen 2013 Der Schilchersekt - Brut Jahrgangsreserve Technische Daten Rebsorte: 100% Blauer Wildbacher Alkohol: 12,0 % vol Drusian Francesco Azienda Agricola Säure: 7,6 g/l Address Strada Anche, 1 - Bigolino 31030 Valdobbiadene (TV) Italy Die Lage Phone +39 0423 982151 Ried Burgegg, Ehem. Prinz Liechtenstein’sches Weingut, Deutschlandsberg, Weststeiermark Fax +39 0423 980000 Internet address www.drusian.it E-Mail drusian@drusian.it Stand Hall 16, D20 (Page 998) Restzucker: 5,0 g/l Gärführung: Charmat – Methode, mit 15 monatiger Reife auf der Feinhefe Serviertemperatur: 8 - 10 ° C Die Ried Burgegg, der im Jahr 1125 erbauten Burg Landsberg, beheimatet die bekanntesten Schilcherweingärten der Weststeiermark – das Prinz Liechtenstein’sche Weingut. Unsere Familie zieht heute auf der 9,1 Hektar großen Rebfläche die Sorten Blauer Wildbacher = Schilcher, Welschriesling, Traminer, Pinot Gris und Zweigelt. Prof. Dr. Zweigelt setzte eigenhändig in den 30er Jahren die ersten Zweigelt Reben in die Ried Burgegg und demnach gehört diese Lage zu den ältesten Zweigeltanlagen in Österreich. Product Overview Drusian Francesco Azienda Agricola Boden: Urgesteinsverwitterungsboden Fürstenstück : Das Herzstück – die beste Lage der Ried Burgegg – eigenes Mikroklima © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 437 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 438 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.02.03 Drusian Francesco Azienda Agricola 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Spumante Dru el Cru Prosecco Frizzante Valdobbiadene Prosecco superiore D.O.C.G. Frizzante General characteristics This sparkling wine is obtained from Glera, Bianchetta and Perera grapes. Its name represents three typical characteristics: “Dru” because of its quality is equal to other Drusian sparkling wines, “El” in the dialect of Veneto means “il” which is the Italian definite article and “Cru” because it indicates its identifiable place of origin. Pale straw colour, fine and persistent bead, freshness and delicacy are the distinctive features of “Dru el Cru” that make it ideal for all occasions. General characteristics Lightly sparkling white wine, made from the Glera grape variety by the Charmat method. This wine is extremely versatile and suitable to all occasions. It is particularly appreciated by those who prefer a little less sparkling than the exuberant effervescence of the Spumante. This light, perfumed, dry wine is ideal with savory snacks or as an aperitif. Colour: pale straw with hints of green Colour: pale straw with hints of green Variety: Glera, Perera – Bianchetta Variety: Glera Area of production: Valdobbiadene-Conegliano Area of production: Conegliano – Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G. Soil: clay and limestone in hilly terrain Soil: clay and limestone Climate: Mediterranean, cool Climate: Mediterranean, cool Maturation: 20th September – 10th October Maturation: 20th September – 10th October Vinification: white. Light pressing. Yield: 70% Vinification: white. Light pressing. Yield: 70%. Fermentaton: Charmat method (tank fermentation) Fermentation: Charmat method (tank fermentation) Storage: store below 15˚C. Best appreciated within one year of production. Storage: Store below 15˚C. To be consumed within one year. Serve: at 6° – 8˚C. Serve: at 8˚-10˚ Chemical Characteristics Chemical Characteristics Acidity: 5,5 – 6 g/l Acidity: 5,5 – 6 g/l Sulphur dioxide: 60 – 80 mg/l Sulphur dioxide: 70 – 90 mg/l Free Sulphur dioxide: 15 – 20 mg/l Free Sulphur dioxide: 10 – 20 mg/l Alcohol: 11% – 11,5% Alcohol: 10,5% – 11% vol. Sugar: 16 – 18 g/l Sugar: 8 – 10 g/l Pressure: 4,5 – 5 atm. Pressure: 2,2 – 2,5 atm. Ash: 1,10 – 1,40 g/l Ash: 1,20 – 1,50 g/l © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 439 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 440 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Valdobbiadene Prosecco superiore D.O.C.G. Spum. Millesimato Sugar: 18 – 20 g/l Pressure: 4,5 – 5 atm. General characteristics Ash: 1,10 – 1,50 g/l White sparkling wine made from the Glera grapes specifically selected and grown on hilly terrain. This selection is composed of grapes that even on the vine appear to be gifted with particular style and perfect equilibrium. DUCA DI DOLLE SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA S.S. Fermentation occurs during carefully controlled phases of vinification according to the charmat method in absolute respect of each current year’s production. It presents a lovely, pale straw colour topped by joyful and sparkling froth, which is both fine and persistent bringing out of the youthful, delicate fragrance. Address Via Piai Orientali, 5 31030 Cison di Valmarino Italy Phone +39 04389 75809 Its bouquet ranges from fruity (golden delicious apple, pear, white peach and hints of citrus) to floral (blossoming wisteria and acacia). Fax +39 04223 97116 It is mellow and velvety on the palate, but at the same time dry, due to its wellbalanced acidity. This harmonious wine is, without doubt, of superior quality. Internet address http://www.ducadidolle.it/ E-Mail amministrazione.baccini@gmail.com Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) The surprisingly full, lingering flavor makes this wine ideal for all occasions. Colour: pale straw Variety: Glera Area of production: Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G (selected varieties) Soil: clay and limestone, hilly terrain Product Overview DUCA DI DOLLE SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA S.S. Climate: mediterranean (cool) Maturation: 20th September – 10th October Vinification: white, light pressing, yield 70% Fermentation: Charmat method (tank fermentation) Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Storage: store below 15°C. To be consumed preferably within one year of date of production. Serve: at 6-8°C Chemical Characteristics Acidity: 5,5 – 6 g/l Sulphur dioxide: 80 – 100 mg/l Free Sulphur dioxide: 15 – 20 mg/l Alcohol: 11% – 11,5% vol. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 441 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 442 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.04 DUCA DI DOLLE SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA S.S. Prosecco Spumante Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Spumante Brut Intense straw yellow colour with greenish hues not dominant but well blended. Medium intensity nose with a hint of fresh green leaves. The overall impression is fruity, with apple notes, and a slight flowery note of acacia. Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore di Cartizze DOCG DDD Duca di Dolle Superiore di Cartizze “DDD” Extra Dry is exclusively made with Glera grapes from a hectare of the company vineyard in Santo Stefano di Valdobbiadene (Treviso) Italy. A new addition to the Duca di Dolle Prosecco range, which joins the Cartizze Brut “Zero” as the higher end of the range. Meagre, slightly rough, dry, with good structure, moderate length, acidulous with a salty finish. Thanks to its distinctive personality, this wine is the perfect accompaniment to important fishes and white meats, but also an entire meal. To be tried in accompany to grilled red meat. Appearance: Intense straw yellow with hints of green. Nose: Broad and inviting aroma, with intense floral, rose especially, and fruity notes, including pear, apple, apricot and ripe citrus. Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Spumante Brut CUV Palate: Pleasant, flavourful with an aftertaste of bread crust and the mineral note typical of moraine soil. In the local Valdobbiadene dialect, “riva” means a single, specific vineyard located on the hills, often on a steep slope. Duca di Dolle Spumante Brut “Rive di Rolle” Cuvèe is made with Glera grapes cultivated in a single vineyard, with over 50-years-old plants. Thanks to the particular composition of soil and the favourable exposure, this “riva” continues to produce a small but high-quality crop of fruit. A real Cru produced in limited and numbered quantity (2014 vintage not available). Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore di Cartizze DOCG ZERO Duca di Dolle Superiore di Cartizze is produced with Glera grapes cultivated in one single hectare in Santo Stefano di Valdobbiadene, with low-impact and natural methods, according to Duca di Dolle philosophy. A really unconventional Cartizze: usually this wine is produced in the Dry version, while Duca di Dolle decided to preserve as best as possible the purity of Glera grape reducing to the minimum the residual sugar, and obtaining a Cartizze Brut which represents the essence of Prosecco. Appearance: Clear and bright wine, pale yellow coloured, with fine and persistent perlage. Nose: Intense, agreeable bouquet with typical flower and cytrus fruit sensations and a characteristic hint of green apple. Appearance: Clear and bright wine, pale yellow coloured with greenish glints, fine and persistent perlage. Nose: Strong and agreeable bouquet with flowery notes, enriched by the typical hints of citrus fruit, green apple and acacia. Palate: Harmonious and balanced, rich in salt; creamy and velvety in mouth. Long lasting flavour with notes of acacia and green apple. Perfect as an aperitif, its unique personality goes well with raw fish courses, first and second courses with delicate fish and white meats. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 443 Palate: Well balanced between sweetness and roundness, acidulous in the mouth with slightly bitter aftertaste. Ideal as an aperitif, with fish and vegetable starters, not too spicy cured pork, delicate first and second courses. Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Spumante Extra Dry Pale yellow colour with green hues. Tiny, rich and persistent perlage. Medium intensity, with citrus and white fruits notes. Sweet note is delicate and not overwhelming, in perfect harmony with acidity. The perfect harmony between sweetness and acidity allows to accompany this wine with well-balanced in sweetness and salt courses © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 444 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de E. BOECKEL, Vins d’Alsace, S.A. EARL Baumann - Zirgel Address 2, rue de la Montagne 67140 Mittelbergheim France Address 5, Rue du Vignoble 68630 Mittelwihr France Phone +33 3 88089102 Phone +33 3 89479040 Fax +33 3 88089188 Fax +33 3 89490489 Internet address www.boeckel-alsace.com Internet address www.baumann-zirgel.com E-Mail boeckel@boeckel-alsace.com E-Mail baumann-zirgel@wanadoo.fr Stand Hall 11, L129 (Page 978) Stand Hall 11, K98 (Page 978) Product Overview E. BOECKEL, Vins d’Alsace, S.A. Product Overview EARL Baumann - Zirgel Alsace Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 E. BOECKEL, Vins d’Alsace, S.A. Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 EARL Baumann - Zirgel Cremant Crémant Brut Blanc de Blanc Cremant d’Alsace Chardonnay Crémant Brut Traditional method , derived from 100% Chardonnay Blanc de Blanc Bulle very fine and typical Chardonnay nose ( Flower, Butter, Toasted ) . This crude is approaching some sparkling champagnes by its finesse and elegance. It accompanies aperitifs and desserts , but you can also serve it with fish or even throughout a meal. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 445 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 446 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 12/22/2015 EARL Domaine la Haute Févrie Nouvelle Gamme Pour PROWEIN, Le Domaine Haute Févrie vous présentera sa nouvelle Gamme Address 109, la Févrie 44690 Maisdon sur Sevre France Phone +33 240 369408 Fax +33 240 369669 02.07.08 Winzersekt Internet address www.lahautefevrie.com Val de Loire E-Mail haute-fevrie@orange.fr Stand Hall 11, E95 (Page 978) Product Overview EARL Domaine la Haute Févrie Enobis S.r.l. Wein und Feinkostwaren Export Address Via A. Volta 9 37010 Affi (VR) Italy Phone +39 045 6201154 Le Clos de la Févrie (vieilles vignes) sera cdertifié BIO sur le millésime 2015 Fax +39 045 6201868 12/22/2015 Internet address www.enobis.it E-Mail info@enobis.it Stand Hall 16, H12 (Page 998) Company News 12/22/2015 EARL Domaine la Haute Févrie Clos de la Févrie Clos de la Févrie Le Clos de la Févrie (vieilles vignes) sera cdertifié BIO sur le millésime 2015 12/22/2015 Nouvelle Gamme Product Overview Pour PROWEIN, Le Domaine Haute Févrie vous présentera sa nouvelle Gamme © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 447 Enobis S.r.l. Wein und Feinkostwaren Export Abruzzo 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 448 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.04 Enobis S.r.l. Wein und Feinkostwaren Export Prosecco Spumante LE MANZANE - 20.10 PROSECCO ”MILLESIMATO EXTRA DRY” PROSECCO SUPERIORE CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE DOCG - EXTRA DRY Dieser Prosecco stammt aus der hügeligen Prosecco DOCG-Zone zwischen den Ortschaften Conegliano und Valdobbiadene. Die Weinberge befinden sich 200 bis 250 m. ü. d. Meeresspiegel. In den letzten drei Jahren wurde die Traubenproduktion in diesen Weinbergen Jahr zu Jahr begrenzt, um eine höhere Traubenqualität zu erhalten. Traubensorte: 100% Prosecco-Trauben (heute GleraTraube genannt). Nach der alkoholischen Gärung ruht der Wein 2 Monate lang auf die Hefen. Es folgt eine zweite 50-tägige Gärung in Edelstahlbehältern und eine weitere Ruhezeit von 3 Monaten auf die Hefen. Nach der Abfüllung lagert der Wein noch 1 Monat lang in der Flasche zur Verfeinerung, bevor er auf den Markt kommt. Strohgelbe Farbe, die durch die Perlage zusätzlich Lebendigkeit erhält. Das Bukett ist frisch und reich an delikate Obstnoten, mit einem leichten florealen Charakter. Seine Perlage ist sehr fein und elegant. Im Geschmack ist er weich und zugleich auch trocken, mineralisch und lange anhaltend. Ausgezeichnet als Aperitiv, passt aber auch sehr gut zu Antipasti, leichten Gerichten, Fisch und hellem Fleisch. LE MANZANE - SPRINGO ”RIVE DI FORMENIGA” PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG BRUT Der Name “Springo” bedeutet im Dialekt von Venedig “lebendig, jung, frisch”. In der Tat ist dieser Prosecco von seiner Lebendigkeit und Frische charakterisiert. Das Anbaugebiet ist die hügelige Prosecco DOCG-Zone in der Gemeinde von Vittorio Veneto. Die Trauben stammen ausschliesslich aus einer der 43 Cru-Lagen, (“Rive di Formeniga” genannt) welche sich im Herzen der DOCG-Zone vom Prosecco befinden. Diese “Riva” (Cru-Lage) ist Eigenbesitztum von Ernesto Balbinot, der seinen Prosecco nur mit Trauben herstellt, die von den eigenen Weinbergen stammen. Aus 100% Glera-Trauben gewonnen (Prosecco-Trauben). Nach der alkoholischen Gärung bei kontrollierter Temperatur, ruht der Wein 3 Monate lang auf selektionierte Hefen in Edelstahlbehältern. Es folgt eine zweite Gärung und weitere Lagerung in Edelstahlbehältern für zirka 3-4 Monate . Nach der Abfüllung lagert der Wein in der Flasche zur Verfeinerung zirka 30 Tage, © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 449 bevor er auf den Markt kommt. Seine Farbe ist Strohgelb mit platin farbenen Reflexen und feiner Perlage. Sein Bukett ist komplex mit fruchtigen Noten von Apfeln und blumigen Noten von Maiglöckchen und Glyzinien; es finden sich außerdem Noten von Salbei, Thymian, Zedern, Orange sowie einem leich mineralischen Einschlag. Am Gaumen ist frisch und schmackhaft, cremig, fein und lange anhaltend. Hervorragend als Aperitiv. Ein ist auch ein toller Begleiter zu salzigen Vorspeisen, wie Austern, Sushi, Sashimi, Krustentieren, Salzwasserfisch und Risotto mit Meeresfrüchten. Er kann aber auch eine ganze Menüfolge begleiten. LE MANZANE - SPRINGO ”RIVE DI MANZANA” PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG DRY Der Name “Springo” bedeutet im Dialekt von Venedig “lebendig,jung, frisch”. In der Tat ist dieser Prosecco von seiner Lebendigkeit und Frische charakterisiert. Das Anbaugebiet ist die hügelige Prosecco DOCG-Zone in unmittelbarer Nähe der Ortschaft Conegliano. Die Trauben stammen ausschliesslich aus einer der 43 Cru-Lagen, (“Rive di Manzana” genannt) welche sich im Herzen der DOCG-Zone vom Prosecco befinden. Diese “Riva” (Cru-Lage) ist Eigenbesitztum von Ernesto Balbinot, der seinen Prosecco nur mit Trauben herstellt, die von den eigenen Weinbergen stammen. Er wird aus 100% Glera-Trauben gewonnen ( ProseccoTrauben). Nach der alkoholischen Gärung bei kontrollierter Temperatur, ruht der Wein 3 Monate lang auf selektionierte Hefen in Edelstahlbehältern. Es folgt eine zweite Gärung und weitere Lagerung in Edelstahlbehältern für zirka 3-4 Monate . Nach der Abfüllung lagert der Wein in der Flasche zur Verfeinerung zirka 30 Tage, bevor er auf den Markt kommt. Die leuchtend strohgelbe Farbe erhält durch die Perlage zusätzliche Lebendigkeit. Das Aroma ist reich an frische Obstnoten, die an Apfel und Ananas erinnern, sowie an Zitrusfrüchten und an floreale Glyzinien-Noten. Am Gaumen ist der Wein frisch, cremig und spritzig, harmonisch und lange anhaltend. Hervorragend als Aperitiv. Er paßt zu allen Arten von Gemüsesuppen oder Meeresfrüchten, leichten Nudelgerichten, Frischkäse und hellem Fleisch. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 450 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Faotto-Bottignolo s.r.l. Fattoria Conca d´Oro Address Via Lizzor, 20 31049 Valdobbiadene Italy Address Via dei Colli, 55/a 31015 Conegliano (Tv) Italy Phone +39 0422 401834 Phone +39 0438 450477 Fax +39 0422 401834 Fax +39 0438 655898 Internet address www.faottobottignolo.it Internet address www.fattoriaconcadoro.com E-Mail mail@faottobottignolo.it E-Mail info@fattoriaconcadoro.com Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) Stand Hall 16, H18 (Page 998) Product Overview Faotto-Bottignolo s.r.l. Product Overview Fattoria Conca d´Oro Veneto 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.07.04 Faotto-Bottignolo s.r.l. Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.02.02 PROSECCO DOC Fattoria Conca d´Oro Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Frizzante Conegliano-Valdobbiadene Prosecco d.o.c.g. T.Spago PROSECCO DOCG VALDOBBIADENE SUPERIORE ORGANOLEPTIC FEATURES Foam:persistent and refined. Perfume:persistent, delicate, very fruity and fresh that reflects perfectly the features of the original prosecco. Taste:inviting and pleasant,well balanced, flavoursome. Food matches:starters, white meat, fish and enjoyable at any time of the day TECHNICAL DATA SHEET © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 451 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 452 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Alchool:11,00 02.07.04 Acidity:6,50 g/l Prosecco Spumante CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG EXTRADRY Residual sugar:13 g/l Serving temperature:6-8 °C ORGANOLEPTIC FEATURES: Frizzante Prosecco doc Collina T.Spago Foam:fine and gentle, persistent perlage are the distinctive features of the refined elegance of this sparkling wine. ORGANOLEPTIC FEATURES: Perlage:fine and continuous. Perfume:fresh and fruity recalling green apples,grapefruit, banana, while the dominating flowery note is acacia flower. Perfume:delicate, initially flowery then fruity. Taste:elegant, a bit sweet, refined and persistent. Taste: refreshing, elegant, fruity. Food matches: an excellent aperitif and on all occasions. Food matches: perfect at any time of the day. CONEGLIANO-VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE D.O.C.G. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: Alchool:11,00 ORGANOLEPTIC FEATURES: Acidity:6,50 g/l Residual sugar:11 g/l Foam:fine and gentle, persistent perlage are the distinctive features of the refined elegance of this sparkling wine. Serving temperature:6-8 °C Perfume:mature, fresh and fruity recalling green apple, grapefruit, banana, while the dominating flowery note is acacia flower. Rosa Rosé Frizzante “spago” Taste:elegant, dry but without any sharpness. Food matches:superb with prestigiuos cold buffets and fish. ORGANOLEPTIC FEATURES TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: Foam: persistent and refined. Alchool:11,5 Perfume: fresh fruity reminds the exouc fruit. Acidity:6,00 g/l Taste: well structured, flavoursome with a good acidity. Residula sugar:10-12 g/l Food matches: for every occasion of the day, with starters and fish. Serving temperature: 6-8 °C DATA SHEET Prosecco Cuvée Oro D.O.C. Treviso Extra dry Millesimato Alchool: 11,0 % Acidity: 6,50 g/l ORGANOLEPTIC FEATURES: Residual sugar: 13 g/l Foam:fine and persistent. Perfume:very subtle, aromatic, very fruity. Serving temperature: 6-8 °C Taste:fresh and fruity, reminiscent of the fragrance of mixed apples. Food matches: excellent as an aperitif. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 453 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 454 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim eG TECHICAL DATA SHEET: Address Am Felsengarten 1 74394 Hessigheim Germany Phone +49 7143 8160-0 Spumante Prosecco Rosa Rosé Extra dry Fax +49 7143 8160-29 ORGANOLEPTIC FEATURES: Internet address www.felsengartenkellerei.de E-Mail info@felsengartenkellerei.de Stand Hall 14, B60 (Page 990) Alchool:11,5 Acidity:6,00 g/l Residual sugar:20 g/l Serving temperature:6-8 °C Foam:persistent and refined. Perfume:fresh fruity reminds the exotic fruit. Taste:well structured, flavoursome with a good acidity. Food matches:for every occasion of the day,with starters and fish. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: Product Overview Alchool:11,5 Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim eG Württemberg 02.07.08 Winzersekt Pfalz Acidity:6,50 g/l Residual sugar:16 g/l Serving temperature:6-8 °C Product Details 02.07.08 Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim eG Winzersekt SEKT Nach strengen Richtlinien werden die Grundweine von unseren Kellermeistern selektioniert und im Verfahren der „klassischen Flaschengärung“ zu facettenreichen Sekten voller Esprit veredelt. TERRA SECCO Es muss nicht immer Sekt sein! Herrlich spritzige, prickelnde Perlweine sind erfrischende Begleiter für launige Stunden und festliche Anlässe. Terra Secco © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 455 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 456 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de ist prickelnd anregender Genuss im mediterranen Stil. Product Details FRUGECCO Ein anregender Weincocktail, bei dem sich das faszinierende Aroma wilder Kirschen mit dem zarten Schmelz feinster Weine vereinigt. Ein Weincocktail, der sinnlich-prickelnd verführt. SEKT TERRA SECCO Am Felsengarten 1 74394 Hessigheim Germany Es muss nicht immer Sekt sein! Herrlich spritzige, prickelnde Perlweine sind erfrischende Begleiter für launige Stunden und festliche Anlässe. Terra Secco ist prickelnd anregender Genuss im mediterranen Stil. Phone +49 7143 8160-0 Fax +49 7143 8160-29 Internet address www.felsengartenkellerei.de E-Mail info@felsengartenkellerei.de Stand Hall 14, A60 (Page 990) Product Overview Winzersekt Nach strengen Richtlinien werden die Grundweine von unseren Kellermeistern selektioniert und im Verfahren der „klassischen Flaschengärung“ zu facettenreichen Sekten voller Esprit veredelt. Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim eG Address 02.07.08 Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim eG FRUGECCO Ein anregender Weincocktail, bei dem sich das faszinierende Aroma wilder Kirschen mit dem zarten Schmelz feinster Weine vereinigt. Ein Weincocktail, der sinnlich-prickelnd verführt. Fidora Organic Wines Azienda Agricola Lorenzo Fidora Address Via Formigar, 11 37015 Sant’Ambrogio di Valplicella (VR) Italy Phone +39 049 662898 Fax +39 049 657705 Internet address www.fidorawines.com E-Mail info@fidorawines.com Stand Hall 15, F41 (Page 994) Felsengartenkellerei Besigheim eG Württemberg 02.07.08 Winzersekt © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 457 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 458 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details Product Overview Finest Food Factory GmbH Fidora Organic Wines Azienda Agricola Lorenzo... 02.05 Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Sparkling wine with added carbon-dioxide SECCO+ SECCO+ Energy: Product Details 02.07.04 Fidora Organic Wines Azienda Agricola Lorenzo... Die perfekte Symbiose aus SECCO+ und Energy! SECCO+ Kokos: Prosecco Spumante Knackig-fruchtige Exotik trifft auf prickelnden SECCO+ Prosecco DOC Brut SECCO+ Pink Guava Taste: Prosecco DOC Extra-Dry Fruchtige Harmonie aus SECCO+ und echtem Saft der Trendfrucht Guave mit einem Extra Schuss Vitamin C Prosecco DOC Semi-Sparkling Finest Food Factory GmbH Fitapreta Vinhos L.da Address Gewerbestr. 12 44866 Bochum Germany Address Herdade Outero Esquila EN 18 7005-838 Évora Portugal Phone +49 234 51666-491 Phone +351 21 3147297 Fax +49 234 51666-494 Fax +351 21 3643018 Internet address www.finestfoodfactory.com Internet address www.fitapreta.com E-Mail info@fitapreta.com Stand Hall 10, E22 (Page 974) E-Mail Stand Hall 13, D50 (Page 986) Product Overview Finest Food Factory GmbH Product Overview Fitapreta Vinhos L.da 01.01 Europe Alentejo 02.05 Sparkling wine with added carbon-dioxide 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 459 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 460 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.06.01 Fitapreta Vinhos L.da Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Product Details 02.07.01 Fornara GmbH Champagne Tendil & Lombardi Blanc de Blancs Brut SIGNATURE SERIES Signature Series are wines that tackle change, test new directions, that sometimes just mean going back to the past, or helping the recovery of an almost extinct varietals. Here the winemaker has a lot fun. Feinste Perlage in strahlendem Hell. Duft nach frischer Melone, Birne, Mandarine und eine Erinnerung an den heimischen Kalkboden. Saftig und fruchtig, mit deutlichen Citrus- und Melonenaromen. Im Abgang deutliche Noten von Birne und Feige, mineralisch und würzig. Ein geradliniger, extrem „sauberer“ Champagner, perfekt als Aperitif und universeller Begleiter feinster Speisen. Bereits die ersten unter komplett eigener Regie entstandenen Champagner von Laurent Tendil und Stéphane Lombardi erhielten Bewertungen von 90-92 Punkten beim ”Wine Spectator” und Stephen Tanzer. Es folgten enthusiastische Besprechungen und Firmenportraits in amerikanischen Fach- und Lifestyle-Magazinen, und seitdem zählen Tendil & Lombardi-Champagner in den USA und Kanada bereits zu den Kultmarken. Fornara GmbH Address Platter Str. 90 65232 Taunusstein OT Wehen Germany Wir sind stolz darauf, diese phantastischen Produkte dem deutschen Publikum vorstellen zu können. Phone +49 6128 9667-0 Sie finden Champagne Tendil & Lombardi auf dem Stand von FORNARA 16E82 Fax +49 6128 9667-22 Tendil & Lombardi Cuvée Hyménée Brut Internet address www.fornara.de E-Mail fornara@fornara.de Von zartgelber Farbe zeigt sich dieser Champagner klar und brillant. Seine feine Perlage trägt tiefschichtige mineralische, florale, und fruchtige Noten in alle Winkel des Gaumens und sorgt für ein lang anhaltendes sensorisches Erlebnis der besonderen Art. Ein wahrhaft großer Champagner! Stand Hall 16, E82 (Page 998) Product Overview Fornara GmbH Puglia Veneto 02.07.01 Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Der Top-Champgner des Hauses, mit allen Voraussetzungen, zum Hecht im Karpfenteich der großen Champagner zu werden. Einer dieser Tropfen, die eine feierliche Runde ehrfürchtig schweigen lassen, um dann umso intensiver und lautstärker vom gerade erlebten Genuss zu schwärmen... Bereits die ersten unter komplett eigener Regie entstandenen Champagner von Laurent Tendil und Stéphane Lombardi erhielten Bewertungen von 90-92 Punkten beim ”Wine Spectator” und Stephen Tanzer. Es folgten enthusiastische Besprechungen und Firmenportraits in amerikanischen Fach- und LifestyleMagazinen, und seitdem zählen Tendil & Lombardi-Champagner in den USA und Kanada bereits zu den Kultmarken. 461 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 462 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Sie finden Champagne Tendil & Lombardi auf dem Stand von FORNARA 16E82 Company News Tendil & Lombardi Cuvée Rosé Brut 03/03/2016 Ein Rosé mit großer Persönlichkeit, nussige und würzige Aromen unterstützen Kirschnoten, reife Johannisbeeren, Pfirsich und kandierte Zitrusschalen. Wunderbar ausbalanciert und zugänglich. Dazu ein ganz eigenes Styling - mit dem ”gewissen Etwas”! Franciacorta Brut ”Sul Vert” Docg certified Vegan Ok, Perfekter Aperitif! Begleitet auch gerne ein großes Menü, wobei er sich mit fast allen Speisen hervorragend „verträgt“. Vegan philosophy, which does not accept any kind of violence and rejects speciesism (a better treatment for a species over another), has as its basis the Ecocentric outlook on life. Franca Contea Az. Agr. di Cavalleri Luigi e figli... FRANCIACORTA VEGAN It is a product that is part of a food category and a philosophy of life that is developing a lot in Italy and worldwide, the Veganism. Bereits die ersten unter komplett eigener Regie entstandenen Champagner von Laurent Tendil und Stéphane Lombardi erhielten Bewertungen von 90-92 Punkten beim ”Wine Spectator” und Stephen Tanzer. Es folgten enthusiastische Besprechungen und Firmenportraits in amerikanischen Fachund Lifestyle-Magazinen, und seitdem zählen Tendil & Lombardi-Champagner in den USA und Kanada bereits zu den Kultmarken. Wir sind stolz darauf, diese phantastischen Produkte auch dem deutschen Publikum vorstellen zu können! Sie finden Champagne Tendil & Lombardi auf dem Stand von FORNARA 16E82 Accustomed since Descartes to see the top human species to the other of the Animal Kingdom, and this see in animals something to have a profit (clothing, food, test for drugs, entertainment, transport) without much care whether or not they may have feelings or not; It ”s understandable that at first glance this philosophy is conceived by many as absurd or extreme. In reality, however, there is absolutely nothing extreme in respect also volunteered the smallest form of life on the planet. Ecocentrism so sees the man placed among other species, and not at the top of a hierarchy is not really present in nature but of human invention. The man like the woman. The Animal like woman and man. All together in harmony in a relationship of mutual respect and co-existence. Franca Contea Az. Agr. di Cavalleri Luigi e figli S.S. Unlike as some people suspect, philosophy vegan is not followed because it views as a fashion trendsetter and gossip. It born almost spontaneously in a very emotional personality and with greater sensitivity than the average, with no age limit, costumes or historical context. Among the many famous people vegan / vegetarian in history that have spread throughout the world the message of compassion for the mistreatment of animals, we find philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, politicians, writers, musicians: Pythagoras, Epicurus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, Charlie Chaplin , Gandhi, George Bernard Shaw and many others. Address Via Valli 130 25030 Adro - BS Italy Phone +39 030 7451217 Fax +39 030 7450369 Internet address www.francacontea.it All united common from the custom of not eating animals and / or their derivatives. E-Mail info@francacontea.it Stand Hall 16, B51 (Page 998) And entering in the context of nutrition, it is important to know that the vegan diet does not include meat and fish consumption, and even of animal derivatives (eggs, milk, honey), unlike power Vegetarian (often confused with the vegan) instead it accepts the consumption. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 463 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 464 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de The neologism VEGAN was born in England in 1944 thanks to Donald Watson (Member of the Vegetarian Society) who wanted to separate the two types of different diet without using subcategories. Although apparently similar as united on the table from the elimination of meat and fish, these eating habits are actually two different things. People often think the vegan diet as a restriction, forced, unnatural or as a deprivation of ”the true pleasures of the table”, but it’s just a return to basics. It ’s the fastest way, through food, to return to a contact with nature was lost with industrialization. Hence the choice of Franca county to give birth to the FIRST FRANCIACORTA VEGAN, made without any animal exploitation, so no animal fertilization of vineyards, no use of animals for processing and especially no use of oenological products containing animal derivatives in wine. Infact, many do not know that in most wines are present substances such as albumin, casein, fish glue and other animal derivatives; Franca contea has chosen to NOT use them just for a ”return to origin”, not to lose contact and respect of Nature, in all its forms. Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food Unlike as some people suspect, philosophy vegan is not followed because it views as a fashion trendsetter and gossip. It born almost spontaneously in a very emotional personality and with greater sensitivity than the average, with no age limit, costumes or historical context. Among the many famous people vegan / vegetarian in history that have spread throughout the world the message of compassion for the mistreatment of animals, we find philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, politicians, writers, musicians: Pythagoras, Epicurus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, Charlie Chaplin , Gandhi, George Bernard Shaw and many others. All united common from the custom of not eating animals and / or their derivatives. And entering in the context of nutrition, it is important to know that the vegan diet does not include meat and fish consumption, and even of animal derivatives (eggs, milk, honey), unlike power Vegetarian (often confused with the vegan) instead it accepts the consumption. The neologism VEGAN was born in England in 1944 thanks to Donald Watson (Member of the Vegetarian Society) who wanted to separate the two types of different diet without using subcategories. Although apparently similar as united on the table from the elimination of meat and fish, these eating habits are actually two different things. People often think the vegan diet as a restriction, forced, unnatural or as a deprivation of ”the true pleasures of the table”, but it’s just a return to basics. (Hippocrates) 03/03/2016 Ecocentrism so sees the man placed among other species, and not at the top of a hierarchy is not really present in nature but of human invention. The man like the woman. The Animal like woman and man. All together in harmony in a relationship of mutual respect and co-existence. FRANCIACORTA VEGAN Franciacorta Brut ”Sul Vert” Docg certified Vegan Ok, It is a product that is part of a food category and a philosophy of life that is developing a lot in Italy and worldwide, the Veganism. Vegan philosophy, which does not accept any kind of violence and rejects speciesism (a better treatment for a species over another), has as its basis the Ecocentric outlook on life. Accustomed since Descartes to see the top human species to the other of the Animal Kingdom, and this see in animals something to have a profit (clothing, food, test for drugs, entertainment, transport) without much care whether or not they may have feelings or not; It ”s understandable that at first glance this philosophy is conceived by many as absurd or extreme. In reality, however, there is absolutely nothing extreme in respect also volunteered the smallest form of life on the planet. It ’s the fastest way, through food, to return to a contact with nature was lost with industrialization. Hence the choice of Franca county to give birth to the FIRST FRANCIACORTA VEGAN, made without any animal exploitation, so no animal fertilization of vineyards, no use of animals for processing and especially no use of oenological products containing animal derivatives in wine. Infact, many do not know that in most wines are present substances such as albumin, casein, fish glue and other animal derivatives; Franca contea has chosen to NOT use them just for a ”return to origin”, not to lose contact and respect of Nature, in all its forms. Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food (Hippocrates) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 465 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 466 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de years of production. Bottle: Product Overview Franca Contea Az. Agr. di Cavalleri Luigi e figli... special glass of 0,75 liters; also available in sizes of 1,50 liters and 3,00 liters. Feelings: Lombardia 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 good foam and discrete perlage, pale straw yellow with light green reflections, good structure and balance; presents good sapidity, minerality and pleasant persistence. Franca Contea Az. Agr. di Cavalleri Luigi e figli... Sparkling wine FRANCIACORTA DOSAGGIO ZERO -MIA DUSATFRANCIACORTA DOSAGGIO ZERO -MIA DUSAT- FRANCIACORTA BRUT VEGAN Specifications: FRANCIACORTA BRUT VEGAN tot. Alc. Vol.% 12,60, Ac.Tot 7,60, Ph 3,02, Sugar 1,00 gr/lt (average values of the various lots) Specifications: Bottle: tot. Alc. Vol.% 12,50, Ac.Tot 7,20, Sugar 5,3 gr/lt (average values of the various lots) obtained from an accurate cut of the best matches obtained in different years of production. special glass of 0,75 liters; also available in sizes of 1,50 liters and 3,00 liters. Feelings: good foam, intense yellow, good structure and sapidity. Bottle: FRANCIACORTA SATÈN MILLESIMATO Special glass of 0,75 liters. Feelings: FRANCIACORTA SATÈN MILLESIMATO good foam and perlage, pale straw yellow, good structure and balance; fruity, fresh and of pleasant persistence. Specifications: Let food be your medicine tot. Alc. Vol.% 12,50, Ac.Tot 7,00, Ph 3,02, Sugar 6,50 gr/lt (average values of the various lots). and medicine be your food Bottle: (Hippocrates) special glass of 0,75 liters; also available in size of 1,50 liters and 3,00 liters. Feelings: FRANCIACORTA CUVÉE PRIMUS presents similar characteristics of Brut but is different for softness, foam and perlage finer and more delicates, less aggressive; lightly toasted, equilibrated structure and delicated taste. FRANCIACORTA CUVÉE PRIMUS Specifications: tot. Alc. Vol.% 12,60, Ac.Tot 7,60, Ph 3,02, Sugar 8,50 gr/lt (average values of the various lots) obtained from an accurate cut of the best matches obtained in different © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 467 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 468 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Frank John Das Hirschhorner Weinkontor Address the elegant, well integrated acidity of the Riesling. As a result Hirschhornring 34 67435 Neustadt Germany of the classic aging method, our sparkling wines always display fine bubbles that perfectly underline their mineral nuances. Phone +49 6321 670-537 Fax +49 6321 970-6293 Internet address www.johnwein.de E-Mail info@johnwein.de Stand Hall 13, D80 (Page 986) Product Overview Frank John Das Hirschhorner Weinkontor 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Pfalz Product Details 02.06.01 Frankenwein-Frankenland GmbH Haus des Frankenweins Address Hertzstr. 12 97076 Würzburg Germany Phone +49 931 3901118 Fax +49 931 3901155 Internet address www.frankenwein-aktuell.de E-Mail kontakt@haus-des-frankenweins.de Stand Hall 14, D86 (Page 990) Frank John Das Hirschhorner Weinkontor Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 22.12.2015 SPARKLING RIESLING Brut Frankenwein-Frankenland GmbH Haus des... Programm Weinbar und Seminare Haus des Frankenweins Frankenwein: Programm Weinbar und Seminare The grapes for our sparkling wine grow on old Riesling vineyards and are produced by whole-cluster pressing and Auf der ProWein 2016 in Düsseldorf präsentieren sich ca. 38 fränkische Weingüter, sowie drei Winzergenossenschaften und deren Vertriebs-Kooperation Fränkisches Weinkontor eG. Treffen Sie die Top-Winzer aus Franken in gastlichem Ambiente, genießen Sie eine Pause in unserer Lounge, probieren Sie sich durch die spannenden Weinverkostungen an der Frankenwein-Bar, oder long aging processes in special Palatine barrels. The secondary fermentation of the base wine follows the classic traditional method with a 38 month aging process on yeast, giving the sparkling wine its filigree Riesling aroma. After riddling and disgorging, the bottles get a dosage of about 8 g to balance © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Company News 469 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 470 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de nehmen Sie an den informativen und moderierten Frankenwein-Seminaren teil. Montag, 14. März Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Sonderverkostungen an der offenen Weinbar: Sonntag, 13. März 10:00-12:30 Uhr: Säulen der Erde! Kathedralen des Weins. Sonderverkostungen an der offenen Weinbar: 888 Jahre Weingut Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg 10:00-12:30 Uhr: Anno Domini 1874. Wertvolle Geschichte! 12:30–14:30 Uhr: Anno Domini 1874. Wertvolle Geschichte! Alte fränkische Sätze und historische Weinberge Alte fränkische Sätze und historische Weinberge 12:30–15:00 Uhr: 100 Jahre Scheurebe. Echt Geschmack! 14:30-16:30 Uhr: Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Die Aroma-Elite - trocken-aromatisches aus Franken Maischevergorene Weißweine aus Franken. Ein Überblick 15:00-17:00 Uhr: TRIAS-Terroirs. Authentisch, autochthon! 16:30-19:00 Uhr: 100 Jahre Scheurebe. Echt Geschmack! Heimat im Glas: VDP.Ortsweine vom Silvaner Die Aroma-Elite - trocken-aromatisches aus Franken 17:00-19:00 Uhr Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Moderierte Seminare: Maischevergorene Weißweine aus Franken. Ein Überblick 12:00 Uhr: Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Pressegespräch / Talk: Der fränkische Weg beim maischevergorenen Weißwein 11:30 Uhr: Die neue Ikone des Frankenweins: Bocksbeutel PS (Peter Schmidt) 6 Silvaner-Flights – 12 Weine. Ein Überblick. Genuss , Qualität , Design Referent Andreas Röhrich Sommelier Restaurant Broeding, München Gäste: Peter Schmidt, Designer; Gerhard Eichelmann, Weinkritiker und Autor; Bernd Glauben, Präsident Sommelierunion Deutschland 15:00 Uhr: Das kauft man nicht – das gönnt man sich! Luxus im Glas Moderation Dr. Hermann Kolesch, Präsident Bayerische Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau Referent Rakhshan Zhouleh, Sommelier Diese Weine setzen Zeichen! 17:00 Uhr: 100 Jahre Scheurebe. Echt Geschmack! Moderierte Seminare: Die Aroma-Elite - trocken-aromatisches aus Franken 13:00 Uhr: Vegan & Wein. Bewusst genießen! Referentin Susanne Platzer, Weinakademikerin Wie geht‘s, wie schmeckt’s?! Warum vegan bei Wein Sinn macht Dienstag, 15. März Referent Götz Drewitz Sonderverkostungen an der offenen Weinbar: 15:00 Uhr: 700 Jahre Bürgerspital. Das Beste seit 1316 10:00-11:30 Uhr: Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Großes Kino. Eine spannende Riesling-Vertikale zum Geburtstag Maischevergorene Weißweine aus Franken. Ein Überblick eines der berühmtesten Weingüter Frankens 11:30–14:00 Uhr : A nno Domini 1874. Wertvolle Geschichte! Referent Rakhshan Zhouleh, Sommelier Alte fränkische Sätze und historische Weinberge 17:00 Uhr: Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! 14:00-16:30 Uhr : T RIAS-Terroirs. Authentisch, autochthon! Der fränkische Weg beim maischevergorenen Weißwein Heimat im Glas: VDP.Ortsweine vom Silvaner 6 Silvaner-Flights – 12 Weine. Ein Überblick. 16:30-19:00 Uhr: S äulen der Erde! Kathedralen des Weins. Referent Andreas Röhrich Sommelier Restaurant Broeding, München 888 Jahre Weingut Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 471 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 472 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 17:00-19:00 Uhr Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Moderierte Seminare: Maischevergorene Weißweine aus Franken. Ein Überblick 11:00 Uhr: Den kauft man nicht – den gönnt man sich! Luxus im Glas Pressegespräch / Talk: Diese Weine setzen Zeichen! 11:30 Uhr: Die neue Ikone des Frankenweins: Bocksbeutel PS (Peter Schmidt) Referent Rakhshan Zhouleh Genuss , Qualität , Design 13:00 Uhr: Silvaner rockt! Gäste: Peter Schmidt, Designer; Gerhard Eichelmann, Weinkritiker und Autor; Bernd Glauben, Präsident Sommelierunion Deutschland Großer Charakter, großes Format. Große Gewächse vom Main Referentin Susanne Platzer, Weinakademikerin 15:30 Uhr: O range ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Moderation Dr. Hermann Kolesch, Präsident Bayerische Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau Der fränkische Weg beim maischevergorenen Weißwein Moderierte Seminare: 6 Silvaner-Flights – 12 Weine. Ein Überblick. 13:00 Uhr: Vegan & Wein. Bewusst genießen! Referent Andreas Röhrich Sommelier Restaurant Broeding, München Wie geht‘s, wie schmeckt’s?! Warum vegan bei Wein Sinn macht Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Referent Götz Drewitz 15:00 Uhr: 700 Jahre Bürgerspital. Das Beste seit 1316 22.12.2015 Großes Kino. Eine spannende Riesling-Vertikale zum Geburtstag Programm Weinbar und Seminare eines der berühmtesten Weingüter Frankens Haus des Frankenweins Frankenwein: Programm Weinbar und Seminare Referent Rakhshan Zhouleh, Sommelier Auf der ProWein 2016 in Düsseldorf präsentieren sich ca. 38 fränkische Weingüter, sowie drei Winzergenossenschaften und deren Vertriebs-Kooperation Fränkisches Weinkontor eG. Treffen Sie die Top-Winzer aus Franken in gastlichem Ambiente, genießen Sie eine Pause in unserer Lounge, probieren Sie sich durch die spannenden Weinverkostungen an der Frankenwein-Bar, oder nehmen Sie an den informativen und moderierten Frankenwein-Seminaren teil. 17:00 Uhr: Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Der fränkische Weg beim maischevergorenen Weißwein 6 Silvaner-Flights – 12 Weine. Ein Überblick. Referent Andreas Röhrich Sommelier Restaurant Broeding, München Montag, 14. März Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Sonderverkostungen an der offenen Weinbar: Sonntag, 13. März 10:00-12:30 Uhr: Säulen der Erde! Kathedralen des Weins. Sonderverkostungen an der offenen Weinbar: 888 Jahre Weingut Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg 10:00-12:30 Uhr: Anno Domini 1874. Wertvolle Geschichte! 12:30–14:30 Uhr: Anno Domini 1874. Wertvolle Geschichte! Alte fränkische Sätze und historische Weinberge Alte fränkische Sätze und historische Weinberge 12:30–15:00 Uhr: 100 Jahre Scheurebe. Echt Geschmack! 14:30-16:30 Uhr: Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Die Aroma-Elite - trocken-aromatisches aus Franken Maischevergorene Weißweine aus Franken. Ein Überblick 15:00-17:00 Uhr: TRIAS-Terroirs. Authentisch, autochthon! 16:30-19:00 Uhr: 100 Jahre Scheurebe. Echt Geschmack! Heimat im Glas: VDP.Ortsweine vom Silvaner Die Aroma-Elite - trocken-aromatisches aus Franken © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 473 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 474 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Moderierte Seminare: Referent Andreas Röhrich Sommelier Restaurant Broeding, München 12:00 Uhr: Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Der fränkische Weg beim maischevergorenen Weißwein 6 Silvaner-Flights – 12 Weine. Ein Überblick. Referent Andreas Röhrich Sommelier Restaurant Broeding, München Product Overview Frankenwein-Frankenland GmbH Haus des... 15:00 Uhr: Das kauft man nicht – das gönnt man sich! Luxus im Glas Diese Weine setzen Zeichen! Referent Rakhshan Zhouleh, Sommelier Franken 01.07.03 Branded wines 01.07.05 Ecological Wines 01.07.08 Wine-based drinks 02.03 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide 02.07.08 Winzersekt 17:00 Uhr: 100 Jahre Scheurebe. Echt Geschmack! Die Aroma-Elite - trocken-aromatisches aus Franken Referentin Susanne Platzer, Weinakademikerin Dienstag, 15. März Sonderverkostungen an der offenen Weinbar: 10:00-11:30 Uhr: Orange ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Maischevergorene Weißweine aus Franken. Ein Überblick 11:30–14:00 Uhr : A nno Domini 1874. Wertvolle Geschichte! Alte fränkische Sätze und historische Weinberge Frassinelli Gianluca Azienda Agricola 14:00-16:30 Uhr : T RIAS-Terroirs. Authentisch, autochthon! Heimat im Glas: VDP.Ortsweine vom Silvaner Address Via della Vittoria, 7 31010 Mareno di Piave (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 30119 Fax +39 0438 30119 Internet address www.frassinelli.it E-Mail info@frassinelli.it Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) 16:30-19:00 Uhr: S äulen der Erde! Kathedralen des Weins. 888 Jahre Weingut Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg Moderierte Seminare: 11:00 Uhr: Den kauft man nicht – den gönnt man sich! Luxus im Glas Diese Weine setzen Zeichen! Referent Rakhshan Zhouleh 13:00 Uhr: Silvaner rockt! Großer Charakter, großes Format. Große Gewächse vom Main Referentin Susanne Platzer, Weinakademikerin 15:30 Uhr: O range ist das neue Weiß. Echt Franken! Der fränkische Weg beim maischevergorenen Weißwein 6 Silvaner-Flights – 12 Weine. Ein Überblick. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 475 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 476 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview Frassinelli Gianluca Azienda Agricola Dry and together sweetish taste, pleasantly flavoursome, well-balanced and very pleasant. Alcohol: 11%. Veneto Total acidity: 5.50 g/l 02.07.04 Sugar: 16 g/l Prosecco Spumante Overpressure: 4.5 BAR Product Details 02.07.04 Frassinelli Gianluca Azienda Agricola Serving: best served at 6-8°C Pairing with food: perfect with light starters, pumpkin tortellini, risotto with fish, grilled shellfish, shellfish soup, fried prawns and squid, boiled or baked shellfish, fried courgette flowers in batter. Also ideal alone and perfect at the end of a meal. Prosecco Spumante PROSECCO di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene Ideal companion on an afternoon spent amidst the hills of Valdobbiadene, waiting for a clear and warm spring sunset. Prosecco, in its sparkling wine version, produces a gentle perfume of wild apples and flowers. The dry and slightly acidulous taste help to perceive the light soul of this wine that can whet and satisfy even the most demanding palates. Fratelli Martini Secondo Luigi S.P.A. Address Localitá San Bovo-Via Statale, 26 12054 Cossano Belbo (CN) Italy Varietal: it prefers hilly soils although it has no particular problems getting acclimatised. Good vegetative vigour and high production. The bunch is rather large - over 20 centimetres long - loose, scarce at tip and with wings. Phone +39 0141 837211 Grape picking: end of September Fax +39 0141 837204 Winemaking: Prosecco grapes are crushed and then pressed immediately. Fermentation occurs at low temperature. Internet address www.fratellimartini.it Secondary fermentation: yeasts are added to the still wine which is then put into hermetic vessels (pressure tanks) at a low temperature for at least 40 days. E-Mail info@fratellimartini.it Stand Hall 16, D31 (Page 998) Fining: in steel tanks before secondary fermentation and then in bottles. Dimensions 750 cc Product Overview Tabella Comparativa CC LT 750 0,75 Fratelli Martini Secondo Luigi S.P.A. 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.03 Asti Spumante Features Bright straw-yellow colour. Very fine perlage. A typical perfume recalling acacia flowers and wisteria, ripe wild apple, mountain honey, pineapple, breadcrust. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 477 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 478 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.02.03 Fratelli Martini Secondo Luigi S.P.A. Prosecco Frizzante Furlan ss. Società Agricola Address Vicolo Saccon, 48 31020 San Vendemiano (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 778267 Fax +39 0438 478996 Internet address www.furlanvini.com E-Mail info@furlanvini.com Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) CANTI PROSECCO: YOUR STYLISH PROSECCO CHOICE CANTI PROSECCO FRIZZANTE is the right choice for the ones which love to spend time with friends and to celebrate life. With its gentle bubbles it’s the perfect partner for any of your toast. Grape: Glera. Colour: Straw yellow with greenish reflections Aroma: Flowery, pleasantly fruity. Flavour: Fresh, soft and elegant. Alcoholic volume: 10.5% VOL. Serving temperature: 6-10°C. Serving suggestion: Excellent with all kinds of fish-dishes and any dish throughout the meal. Also perfect as aperitif. Product Overview 02.07.03 Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Asti Spumante Sweet Bubbles to celebrates CANTI ASTI DOCG Millesimato is an intense experience for all the senses. Fresh and aromatic at the nose it embraces you tastebuds with notes of white flowers, sage, apricot and Spring spirit. Furlan ss. Società Agricola Product Details 02.07.04 With its sweet and crackling bubbles CANTI ASTI DOCG Millesimato is the perfect guest for any celebration! Furlan ss. Società Agricola Prosecco Spumante Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Frizzante DOCG Grape: White Moscato from the Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria area. Production area: Conegliano hills, vineyard’s exposure Colour: Light straw yellow with golden hues. Fine and persistent perlage. south-east Aroma: Fresh and fruity. Type of soil: clayey, calcareous, heavy, of morainic Flavour: Delicate sweet and aromatic. origin Alcoholic volume: 7% VOL. Training system: inverted Guyot Serving temperature: 6-10 °C. Serving suggestion: Ideal for an aperitif and for special occasions. Excellent with desserts and fruit. Planting density: 3.800 vines/ha (2.60 mt x 1 mt) Grapes: glera 100% Harvest period: second half of September © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 479 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 480 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Vinification: white vinification Vinification: white vinification, short maceration at Bottling: from November to June controlled temperature before soft pressing Organoleptic characteristics: aromatic and fruity wine with scents of Bottling: from November to June apple and notes of acacia flowers. Pale Organoleptic characteristics: aromatic and fruity wine, with hints of straw yellow colour with greenish green apple and a clear scent of flowers reflections (wisteria and acacia blossom). The wellbalanced Food matching: ideal as an aperitif it also accompanies and not too high acidity give perfectly desserts, white meat dishes and freshness to this harmonious, fine wine. soft cheeses. Pale straw yellow colour with greenish Serving temperature: serve at 6°C reflections. Fine and persistent perlage Analytical data: Alcohol: 11 % vol. obtained thanks to a slow fermentation in a Acidity: 6,0 gr/lt steel pressure tank following the Charmat Sugars: 16 gr/lt method. Pressure: 5 atm Food matching: it pairs perfectly with fish dishes, vegetable soups and appetizers FUTURA 14 SRL Serving temperature: serve at 6°C Analytical data: Alcohol: 11 % vol. Address Viale G. Mazzini 132 00195 Roma Italy Phone +39 06 3722120 Fax +39 06 37517625 Internet address www.bvfutura14.it E-Mail info@bvfutura14.it Stand Hall 16, F81 (Page 998) Acidity: 6,0 gr/lt Sugars: 16 gr/lt Pressure: 2,5 atm Prosecco Treviso DOC Spumante Extra Dry Production area: Conegliano hills, vineyard’s exposure south-east Type of soil: clayey, calcareous, heavy, of morainic origin Training system: inverted Guyot Planting density: 3.800 vines/ha (2.60 mt x 1 mt) Grapes: glera 100% Harvest period: second half of September © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 481 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 482 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Gaierhof S.R.L. Product Overview FUTURA 14 SRL Address Via 4 Novembre, 51 38030 Roverè della Luna (TN) Italy Phone +39 0461 658514 Fax +39 0461 658587 Internet address www.gaierhof.com NOITRE is a sparkling wine (thirty six months on the yeasts) fruit of Negroamaro grapes. Its name joins Bruno Vespa and his two sons associated in this enological adventure. Refined and elegant thanks to the long on the lees – goes well with different moments : from appetizers to a complete light meal. E-Mail informazioni@gaierhof.com Stand Hall 15, G61 (Page 994) Grape Variety: Negramaro Product Overview Geographical Area: Salice Salentino Trentino/Alto Adige 02.07.06 Trentodoc 02.04 Sparkling wine Puglia Product Details 02.04 FUTURA 14 SRL Sparkling wine NOITRE – SPUMANTE BRUT ROSÉ Gaierhof S.R.L. Vineyards Elevation: 40 metri s.l.m. Land Type: Clayish – Sandy Training System: Spurred Cordon Vines per Hectare: 5.000 vines/ha Product Details Yield per Hectare: 50 Quintals 02.07.06 Grape Yield in Wine: 70% Gaierhof S.R.L. Trentodoc Schiava IGT delle Dolomiti Vineyards average age: 15-20 year Grape variety Harvesting: Last week of August 100 % Schiava Alcoholic Fermentation: In stainless steel Production area Malolactic Fermentation: Partial Roverè della Luna Ageing process: In bottles for 36 months Accompaniments Pizza and quick meals of sandwiches and foccaccia, and rich salads Description Pink colour, with fragrances of blackberry and died plum; lightly bitterish on the © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 483 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 484 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de palate Temperature Product Overview 15° - 16° Open at moment of service 02.07.03 Asti Spumante Siris TRENTODOC 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Grape variety Giovanni Bosca Tosti I.V.I. S.p.A Product Details Giovanni Bosca Tosti I.V.I. S.p.A 100 % Chardonnay Production area 02.07.03 Hills of Lavis and the Valle di Cembra Asti DOCG Accompaniments Made with 100% Moscato Bianco di Canelli grapes, Asti Tosti DOCG represents the historical tradition of sweet bubbles. Rich in floral perfumes and aromas, it is served chilled with desserts, patisserie, fruit and ice-cream. Delicious bubbles which are excellent with all courses of a meal. Perfect as an aperitif wine but ideal with all the courses of a meal Description Pronounced bouquet of Golden Delicious apple and wildflowers, with linglingering bead, mineral-edged and seductive in the mouth Asti Spumante Temperature 02.07.04 6° - 8° Open at moment of service Brachetto d’Acqui DOCG Tosti is recognised by the refined and exquisite ruby red bubbles. Rich in history and tradition, it is a fine red sparkling wine for connoisseurs, ideal with desserts, fruit, ice cream, biscuits and chocolate. An authentically refined product of this territory. Giovanni Bosca Tosti I.V.I. S.p.A Address Viale Italia 295 14053 Canelli Italy Phone +39 0141 822011 Fax +39 0141 823773 Internet address www.tosti.it E-Mail info@tosti.it Stand Hall 15, C22 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Prosecco Spumante Brachetto D’Acqui DOCG Piemonte Chardonnay Made with Chardonnay grapes grown in vineyards in the Province of Cuneo, Piemonte Chardonnay DOC i Somelieri is a fresh, scented white wine suitable for all occasions. Ideal with fish, shellfish and seafood, light rice and pasta dishes and mild cheeses. 485 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 486 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Piemonte Grignolino Product Details Grignolino is one of the oldest grapes of Piedmont and is one of the most delicate and elegant wines. Piemonte Grignolino DOC i Somelieri expresses fruity perfumes and has a dry flavour. A red wine which is ideal with salami, raw meat, light main courses and mediummature cheeses. 02.07.07 With a history stretching back almost a hundred years, Parxet is one of the most established and important wine producers in the country. As the current caretakers, we’re aware that our stewardship will only account for a short chapter in the life of the Bodega and with this in mind have taken on the responsibility of creating wines for the enjoyment of our peers, lovingly building and improving upon the brand’s history in order to pass it down to the next generation… and the next. Cami Can Garra s/n 08391 Tiana Spain Phone +34 650 716671 Fax +34 933 955500 Internet address www.glevaestates.com E-Mail info@glevaestates.com Stand Hall 10, H121 (Page 974) Cava CAVA PARXET · CAVA MONT-FERRANT · CAVA TITIANA Gleva Estates Parxet SA Address Gleva Estates Parxet SA The essence of our project resides in our passion for ensuring the highest levels of sophistication, elegance, distinctiveness and delicacy possible, while staying true to our love of pure fruit, balance and the fundamental importance of vine tending and conservation of the terroir. This is all part of our role as interpreters, rather than manipulators, of nature. —– Mont Ferrant is the oldest cava producer in Spain. Over 150 years dedicated to the elaboration of quality sparkling wines, strictly adhering to traditional methods, and resulting in wines of breath-taking personality, marked by strong acidity, an exceptional capability for laying down, and a character that is hard to forget. One can achieve a great deal in a century and a half. This year, as the vineyard celebrates this important milestone, we’ve decided to shake things up a little; paving the way for the 150 years to come. —- Product Overview Gleva Estates Parxet SA Ribera del Duero he history of this project is inseparable from the town of Tiana in the region of Sierra de Marina; its sandstone soil; the influence of the sea; the city of Barcelona; and, last by no means least, the finca of Mas Parxet. 02.07.07 Cava It’s name, Titiana, is derived from the Roman name Titus, and indeed, records from the 11th century cite the settlement varyingly as Vila Tiziana and Titana. — The wine region of Alella is one of the oldest in Europe. Ever since roman times, when it was a principal wine region for the empire, the area has been infamous for the quality of its wines. In the modern era, without a doubt, Mas Parxet is one of these. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 487 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 488 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de GLOBEN SAS Address • Curtefranca rosso doc Piazza XX settembre, 13 33170 Pordenone (PN) Italy • Curtefranca rosso doc cattius > I Franciacorta DOC • Brut Cuvèe Basic Phone +39 0498 63577 • Satén Brut Cuvèe Excellent • Extra Brut Cuvèe Terre dei Trici Millesimato Fax • Rosé Brut Cuvèe R.R. Millesimato Internet address www.globen.it E-Mail info@globen.it Stand Hall 16, C52 (Page 998) GRILLO INZOLLIA MONFERRATO Product Overview GLOBEN SAS 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.06.01 GLOBEN SAS Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Franciacorta DOCG The Cascina San Pietro farmhouse, situated on the road called “Strada delle vigne di Franciacorta”, tills grapes and makes wine since 2001, with the maximum respect of environment and the biological grapes cycle in order to get genuine and unadulterated wine, according with the territorial characteristics.The very high quality of wines produced by Cascina San Pietro Farmhouse, is assured through the restricted but completed range of labels: We are continuously committed to improving product quality, so as to evoke intense emotions and promote pleasant ambiences and atmospheres. The firm’s traditional wine-making is inspired by ancient growing techniques, which, combined with passion and research, are just some of the ingredients that have led to the success of “La Ballerina“. Our production philosophy stems from the cooperation of skilled workers specialised in the scrupulous care of each individual vine. The processes adopted on site are aimed at preserving the soil’s natural balance, and hence the fruits of our labour are undisputedly wholesome, refined and of high quality. VALPOLICELLA & BARDOLINO The story of the Azienda Vinicola Valetti started in the early years of 900 with our grandfather Angelo, very small producer of Bardolino before this wine gets today’s fame. Our story is linked to the American dream. Angelo’s brother used to send him some money in order to buy the small farm in the locality of Pra Grande at the • Curtefranca bianco doc © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH The main purpose of “La Ballerina” is the production of top quality, ecologically sustainable wines from rigorously selected grape varieties, enhancing the local natural resources and leading to the “creation” of highly sophisticated wines. 489 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 490 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de feet of the village of Calmasino that faces Lago di Garda. following: There, he built his house and the small vineyard to sustain the family. His son Luigi established the existent winery and now the steering is in the hands of Stefano, Luca and Davide. • some common substances used in the clarification and stabilization of wine, like caseinates, gelatines and albumins (deriving from milk and eggs) are substituted with bentonite alone (a certain type of clay), furthermore in very low quantity. Afterwards, we still remain a family run winery situated at the heart of the Classical Production Area of Bardolino that wants to obtain the best of the grapes of Bardolino putting together tradition and technology. • in order to avoid the fertilization through manure, we have successfully experimented alternative organic fertilizers, obtained with chipped vine shoots deriving from pruning, exhausted marc and grape stalks from previous vinifications. We use only grapes from the restricted Bardolino Classic Zone, that one more intended to the cultivation of the grape, where the gravely soil of the morainic hills and the particular microclimate of the Garda Lake allow to obtain a superior quality product. The transformation of these grapes to wine is made from the Valetti Wine Farm with the best care and only aims to maintain the original excellence of the pressed grapes, which main part comes from vineyards more than thirty years old. Paeànca Vegan: harmony and synergy among tradition, taste, healthiness and sustainability.  GRAND C GmbH Address 19, rue Roger Frémeaux 68420 Voegtlinshoffen France Phone +33 3 89493021 Fax +33 3 89492602 Internet address www.grandc.de Paeànca Vegan is CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE DOCG: excellence and “Superiority” guaranteed in every bottle. E-Mail info@grandc.de Paeànca Vegan is INTEGRATED VITICOLTURE AND REDUCTION TO MINIMUM OF CHEMICAL TREATMENTS in the vineyard: the healthiness of our wine is fundamental to its value. Stand Hall 11, L139 (Page 978) 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG VEGAN THE VEGAN CHOICE Our company is proud to launch on the market Paeànca Vegan, in order to satisfy the ever growing number of people who choose to exclude from their diet any element of animal origin, for either ethical, ecological or healthy reasons. Paeànca Vegan Vegan is MAXIMUM LIMITATION OF ENOLOGICAL TREATMENTS: this is the key of our production philosophy. We are convinced that all the types of Prosecco we offer should necessarily bear the typical characteristics of the land in San Pietro di Feletto: SAPIDITY and MINERALITY, which make Paeànca a unique product within the Prosecco Superiore panorama. Paeànca Vegan is guarantee of TOTAL ABSENCE OF SUBSTANCES OF ANIMAL ORIGIN, either in the production, vinification, bottling or labeling processes (corks, adhesives, etc.). This is duly verified by an external authority in charge of this task: Certification Europe Italia S.r.l. Very briefly, the requirements of major interest within “Vegan Conformity” are the © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 491 Company News 17.02.2015 GRAND C GmbH GRAND C Vintage 2009 Extra Brut GRAND C VINTAGE EXTRA BRUT wird ausschließlich aus Trauben eines einzigen, außergewöhnlichen Jahrgangs hergestellt. Die Reifezeit beträgt mindestens 36 Monate auf der Hefe. Dadurch erhält er seine besondere Komplexität und Eleganz.Die Farbe ist goldgelb. Die Nase ist frisch und fruchtig, weiße Obstsorten, Mango, weiße Blüten und etwas Citrus, anschließend Aromen von Mandeln, Brioche und frischem Hefebrot. Am Gaumen beeindruckt zunächst die feine Perlage, dann Frische, Komplexität und ein langer Abgang ebenfalls © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 492 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de mit Aromen weißer Früchte, etwas Citrus, Mandel und feiner Hefe. GRAND C VINTAGE EXTRA BRUT ist ein komplexer und eleganter Crémant mit einer sehr harmonischen Struktur. Product Overview 17.02.2015 GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec Für GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec wird ausschließlich Most von handverlesenen Pinot Gris Trauben verwendet. Die Reifezeit beträgt ca. 18 Monate auf der Hefe. GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec beeindruckt durch seine außergewöhnliche Frische und Fruchtigkeit.Frische und fruchtige Noten von Apfel, Birne, etwas Citrus und Aprikose; weiterhin florale und würzige Noten, feine Mineralität. Am Gaumen frisch und lebhaft, dabei würzig und dicht mit sehr feiner Perlage. GRAND C PINOT GRIS EXTRA SEC ist ein sehr charmanter Crémant mit einer außergewöhnlichen Frische und Fruchtigkeit. 17.02.2015 GRAND C Vintage 2009 Extra Brut GRAND C VINTAGE EXTRA BRUT wird ausschließlich aus Trauben eines einzigen, außergewöhnlichen Jahrgangs hergestellt. Die Reifezeit beträgt mindestens 36 Monate auf der Hefe. Dadurch erhält er seine besondere Komplexität und Eleganz.Die Farbe ist goldgelb. Die Nase ist frisch und fruchtig, weiße Obstsorten, Mango, weiße Blüten und etwas Citrus, anschließend Aromen von Mandeln, Brioche und frischem Hefebrot. Am Gaumen beeindruckt zunächst die feine Perlage, dann Frische, Komplexität und ein langer Abgang ebenfalls mit Aromen weißer Früchte, etwas Citrus, Mandel und feiner Hefe. GRAND C VINTAGE EXTRA BRUT ist ein komplexer und eleganter Crémant mit einer sehr harmonischen Struktur. GRAND C GmbH Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 GRAND C GmbH Cremant GRAND C Brut GRAND C Brut has been produced according to the ‘méthode traditionnelle’ with highest demand to diligence, using solely the must from virgin Pinot Blanc grapes which have been handpicked. The ageing time for GRAND C Brut is 24 months. The colour is brilliant with golden reflexes. The bubbles are fine and persistent. The nose is discreet, floral flavours and citrus fruits are combined with delicate aromes of pears and quints. The taste is pleasant and fresh. GRAND C Brut is an elegant and perfectly balanced Crémant of great finesse. GRAND C Brut Rosé 17.02.2015 GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec Für GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec wird ausschließlich Most von handverlesenen Pinot Gris Trauben verwendet. Die Reifezeit beträgt ca. 18 Monate auf der Hefe. GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec beeindruckt durch seine außergewöhnliche Frische und Fruchtigkeit.Frische und fruchtige Noten von Apfel, Birne, etwas Citrus und Aprikose; weiterhin florale und würzige Noten, feine Mineralität. Am Gaumen frisch und lebhaft, dabei würzig und dicht mit sehr feiner Perlage. GRAND C PINOT GRIS EXTRA SEC ist ein sehr charmanter Crémant mit einer außergewöhnlichen Frische und Fruchtigkeit. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 493 GRAND C Brut Rosé has been produced according to the méthode traditionnelle with highest demand to the diligence, using solely the must from virgin Pinot Noir grapes which have been handpicked The subtle pink colour is joined by aromes of red wild berries, cherry and brioche. GRAND C Brut Rosé is an inspiring companion for various occasions. As an elegant and fruity apéritif it invites you to more. Accompanying the meal it also © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 494 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Grover Zampa Vineyards Ltd perfectly fits with grilled fish, seafood, pasta or poultry. GRAND C Brut Rosé is a fresh and sparkling crémant and thanks to the ageing time Address 107/108, Arcadia, NCPA Lane 400 021 Mumbai India Phone +91 22 30859141 of 24 months he is particularly fine and elegant. GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec Fax GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec is made exclusively from handpicked Pinot Gris grapes. The maturity period is 18 months on the lees. GRAND C Pinot Gris Extra Sec stands out for its exceptional freshness and fruitiness.Fresh and fruity notes of apple, pear, some citrus and apricot; complemented by floral and spicy notes, fine minerality. The palate is fresh and lively, slightly spicy and dense with very fine bubbles. GRAND PINOT GRIS C EXTRA SEC is a fresh, fruity and very charming Crémant. Internet address www.groverzampa.in E-Mail info@groverzampa.in Stand Hall 09, E03 (Page 972) Product Overview GRAND C Vintage 2009 Extra Brut GRAND C - Vintage Extra Brut is made exclusively from Chardonnay grapes of a single, exceptional vintage. The maturity period is at least 36 months on the lees. Therefore this Crèmant d’Alsace is partularly complex and elegant. The color is golden yellow. The nose is fresh and fruity, white fruits, mango, white flowers and some citrus, then aromas of almonds, brioche and fresh yeast bread. On the palate first the fine mousseux impresses, then freshness, complexity and a long finish also with aromas of white fruits, some citrus, almond and lees. GRAND C VINTAGE EXTRA BRUT is a complex and elegant Crémant with a very harmonious structure. Grover Zampa Vineyards Ltd 01.05.04 India 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 Grover Zampa Vineyards Ltd Sparkling wine Zampa Soirée Grape variety: Chenin Blanc. Colour: Pale straw. Aromas: Reveals a nose of floral, fresh lemon with hints of toasted bread and white fruit such as pear. Palate: Light and creamy, clean, fresh lemon, crisp acid, fine beads and persistent mousse with dry finish in classic brut style. Food Pairings: Brilliant served as an aperitif. Great pairing with mildly spiced Indian, Japanese, © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 495 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 496 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Chinese or Thai cuisine. Grupo Freixenet - Freixenet GmbH Serving Temperature: Serve at 6°C. *Gold at the All Things Nice Indian Wine Consumer’s Choice Awards 2014. Address Göttelmannstr. 13b 55130 Mainz Germany Phone +49 611 23835-0 Fax +49 611 23835-210 Internet address www.freixenet.de,www.freixenet-onlineshop.de E-Mail info@freixenet.de Stand Hall 13, F01 (Page 986) *Silver at the Hong kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2014. *Silver at the Hong kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2013. *Bronze at Decanter Asia Wine Awards by 2014. *Bronze at Decanter Asia Wine Awards by 2013. *Gold at the All Things Nice Indian Wine Consumer’s Choice Awards 2012. Zampa Soirée Brut Rosé Grape variety: Shiraz. Colour: Pale pink. Aromas: Bright red cherry fruits with a hint of strawberry and subtle yeast character to give the aroma complexity and appeal. Palate: The wine is light and creamy with fine beads and persistent mousse and red cherry and strawberry fruits that define the fruit character . Company News Food Pairings: Perfect during a meal with white meat or a desert with a red fruit gratin. A great aperitif. 04.02.2016 Serving Temperature: Serve at 6°C. Freixenet launcht „Mia Sangría & Co“ *Commended at Decanter Asia Wine Awards by 2015. *Gold at the All Things Nice Indian Wine Consumer’s Choice Awards 2014. *Bronze at the Hong kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2014. *Commended at 2012 the International Wine Challenge, London. Wiesbaden – Freixenet, Spaniens erfolgreichster Cavaproduzent, präsentiert auf der ProWein 2016 in Halle 13, F01 das umfangreiche Cava- und Wein- sortiment. Das Highlight der diesjährigen Präsenz auf der internationalen Fachmesse für Wein und Spirituosen ist die nationale Einführung von „Mia Sangría & Co“. Freixenet geht mit innovativen Geschmacksvarianten in die Offensive und setzt neue Impulse im Trendsegment der Weinmixgetränke. Grupo Freixenet - Freixenet GmbH Freixenet auf der ProWein 2016 Freixenet zählt im deutschen Lebensmittelhandel sowohl im Sekt- als auch im Weinsegment zu den führenden Markenanbietern. Zum Auftakt der ProWein 2016 in Düsseldorf, prognostiziert Dr. Hans-Joachim Momm, Geschäftsführer der Freixenet GmbH, für seine Marken weiterhin gutes Wachstumspotenzial am deutschen Absatzmarkt. Dr. Momm verweist dabei auf die gute Umsatzentwicklung von Freixenet Carta Nevada, dem spanischen Publikumsliebling im deutschen Handel. Freixenet hat im Vorjahr kräftig in die Strahlkraft der traditionsreichen Markenrange investiert. Das © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 497 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 498 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de äußere Erscheinungsbild wurde aufgefrischt, und dank kontinuierlicher Schaltungen des Freixenet-TV-Spots stand Carta Nevada 2015 werblich im Rampenlicht. Auch der Handel honorierte das Engagement mit einer erhöhten Aktionsfrequenz und gesteigerten Umsatzerlösen. Für 2016 kündigt das Wiesbadener Marketingteam eine große Aktivierungskampagne für Carta Nevada an. Dr. Momm: „Vor 75 Jahren wurde die erste Flasche Carta Nevada produziert – die weiß gefrostete Flasche war damals eine Sensation und versprüht nach wie vor den Glanz einer modernen Marke.“ Die Weinmarken von Freixenet: Umsatzgaranten im Regal Überdurchschnittlich stark wachsen für Freixenet auch die Umsätze im Weinbereich. Mit Mederaño auf Platz 1 und Mia auf Platz 5 im spanischen Weinregal hat Freixenet zwei starke Markenranges geschaffen, die sich durch stetes Wachstum als Umsatzgaranten etabliert haben (IRI, LEH Gesamt, Umsatz, KW 01-52 2015). Dr. Momm: „Im Weinbereich profitieren wir von unserer langjährigen Weinbautradition gepaart mit unserer Markenkompetenz. In 2015 haben wir die Bekanntheit unserer Weine durch strategische Werbemaßnahmen enorm gestärkt.“ Rund 247 Millionen Kontakte erzielte Freixenet im Vorjahr durch erhebliche Investitionen in mediale Kampagnen. Als großer Erfolg erwiesen sich die in 2015 realisierten TV-Kooperationen mit „The Taste“ – Deutschlands größter Kochshow – und „Grill den Henssler“. Freixenet wird auch in 2016 die Strategie der reichweitenstarken TV-Präsenz weiterführen. und die farbintensiven Mosaikmuster, angelehnt an Gaudí, prägen die spanische Ausstrahlung. Die nationale Einführung im Lebensmittelhandel wird durch attraktive Promotionmaterialien unterstützt. Elegante Displays sorgen für eine gute Sichtbarkeit und ermöglichen dem Handel, die gesamte Sortimentspalette von „Mia Sangría & Co“ aufmerksamkeitsstark zu präsentieren. Dr. Hans-Joachim Momm: „Sangria erfährt weltweit und insbesondere in Spanien eine Renaissance. Insbesondere moderne Interpretationen und hochwertige Qualitäten wie z. B. der weiße Frizzante erfreuen sich in führenden Szenebars wachsender Beliebtheit. Mit „Mia Sangría & Co“ bleiben wir als spanisches Traditionsunternehmen unseren authentischen und qualitätsorientierten Wurzeln treu. Wir greifen dieses Thema jetzt auf, weil wir überzeugt sind, dass in Deutschland die Zeit reif ist, um im Regal der weinhaltigen Cocktails mit Premiumprodukten werthaltige Impulse zu setzen.“ Freixenet freut sich auf die Eroberung dieses neuen Marktsegments. Mit der Expansion ins weinhaltige Cocktailregal folgt Freixenet den sich ändernden Vorlieben der Konsumenten. Dr. Momm: „Mia ist eine innovative Markenrange, die optimal den Bedürfnissen einer selbstbewussten Konsumentenschicht entspricht. Wir sind ein global agierendes Familienunternehmen und haben ein ausgeprägtes Gespür für Verbrauchertrends. Zudem besitzen wir die notwendige Flexibilität und langjährige Markenkompetenz, um spezifische Konsumentenbedürfnisse strategisch aufzugreifen und dem Handel werthaltige Neuprodukte zu präsentieren.“ Freixenet auf der ProWein 2016 Marktoffensive: nationaler Launch von „Mia Sangría & Co“ 13.-15. März in Düsseldorf Nach erfolgreichen Markttests im Jahr 2015 startet Freixenet mit Mia Sangría nun eine nationale Offensive. Gleichzeitig kündigt Freixenet für die ProWein 2016 die Vorstellung neuer trendbasierter Weincocktails an. Bereits im Vorjahr testeten die Halle 13, Stand F01 Spanier zwei Mia Sangrías in ausgesuchten Märkten. Die starke positive Resonanz vonseiten der Verbraucher und des Handels auf Mia Sangría Classic Royal – eine rote Stillweinvariante – und den trendig-prickelnden weißen Frizzante bestärkt die Spanier, Kirstin Brunkhorst, Marketingdirektorin Ansprechpartner: Dr. Hans-Joachim Momm, Geschäftsführer Dominic Killinger, Senior Brand Manager Asgard Schönherr, Brand Manager sich intensiv im Segment der weinhaltigen Cocktails zu engagieren. Der optische Auftritt von „Mia Sangría & Co“ ist spritzig, modern und versprüht lebensfrohen Esprit. Die elegante 0,75-l-Flasche mit weißem Sleeve © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 499 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 500 04.02.2016 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Freixenet auf der ProWein 2016 mediale Kampagnen. Als großer Erfolg erwiesen sich die in 2015 realisierten TV-Kooperationen Freixenet launcht „Mia Sangría & Co“ Wiesbaden – Freixenet, Spaniens erfolgreichster Cavaproduzent, präsentiert auf der ProWein 2016 in Halle 13, F01 das umfangreiche Cava- und Weinsortiment. Das Highlight der diesjährigen Präsenz auf der internationalen Fachmesse für Wein und Spirituosen ist die nationale Einführung von „Mia Sangría & Co“. Freixenet geht mit innovativen Geschmacksvarianten in die Offensive und setzt neue Impulse im Trendsegment der Weinmixgetränke. Freixenet zählt im deutschen Lebensmittelhandel sowohl im Sekt- als auch im Weinsegment zu den führenden Markenanbietern. Zum Auftakt der ProWein 2016 in Düsseldorf, prognostiziert Dr. Hans-Joachim Momm, Geschäftsführer der Freixenet GmbH, für seine Marken weiterhin gutes Wachstumspotenzial am deutschen Absatzmarkt. Dr. Momm verweist dabei auf die gute Umsatzentwicklung von Freixenet Carta Nevada, dem spanischen Publikumsliebling im deutschen Handel. Freixenet hat im Vorjahr kräftig in die Strahlkraft der traditionsreichen Markenrange investiert. Das äußere Erscheinungsbild wurde aufgefrischt, und dank kontinuierlicher Schaltungen des Freixenet-TV-Spots stand Carta Nevada 2015 werblich im Rampenlicht. Auch der Handel honorierte das Engagement mit einer erhöhten Aktionsfrequenz und gesteigerten Umsatzerlösen. Für 2016 kündigt das Wiesbadener Marketingteam eine große Aktivierungskampagne für Carta Nevada an. Dr. Momm: „Vor 75 Jahren wurde mit „The Taste“ – Deutschlands größter Kochshow – und „Grill den Henssler“. Freixenet wird auch in 2016 die Strategie der reichweitenstarken TV-Präsenz weiterführen. Marktoffensive: nationaler Launch von „Mia Sangría & Co“ Nach erfolgreichen Markttests im Jahr 2015 startet Freixenet mit Mia Sangría nun eine nationale Offensive. Gleichzeitig kündigt Freixenet für die ProWein 2016 die Vorstellung neuer trendbasierter Weincocktails an. Bereits im Vorjahr testeten die Spanier zwei Mia Sangrías in ausgesuchten Märkten. Die starke positive Resonanz vonseiten der Verbraucher und des Handels auf Mia Sangría Classic Royal – eine rote Stillweinvariante – und den trendig-prickelnden weißen Frizzante bestärkt die Spanier, sich intensiv im Segment der weinhaltigen Cocktails zu engagieren. Der optische Auftritt von „Mia Sangría & Co“ ist spritzig, modern und versprüht lebensfrohen Esprit. Die elegante 0,75-l-Flasche mit weißem Sleeve und die farbintensiven Mosaikmuster, angelehnt an Gaudí, prägen die spanische Ausstrahlung. Die nationale Einführung im Lebensmittelhandel wird durch attraktive Promotionmaterialien unterstützt. Elegante Displays sorgen für eine gute Sichtbarkeit und ermöglichen dem Handel, die gesamte Sortimentspalette von „Mia Sangría & Co“ aufmerksamkeitsstark zu präsentieren. die erste Flasche Carta Nevada produziert – die weiß gefrostete Flasche war damals eine Sensation und versprüht nach wie vor den Glanz einer modernen Marke.“ Dr. Hans-Joachim Momm: „Sangria erfährt weltweit und insbesondere in Spanien eine Renaissance. Insbesondere moderne Interpretationen und hochwertige Qualitäten wie Die Weinmarken von Freixenet: Umsatzgaranten im Regal z. B. der weiße Frizzante erfreuen sich in führenden Szenebars wachsender Beliebtheit. Mit „Mia Sangría & Co“ bleiben wir als spanisches Traditionsunternehmen unseren authentischen und qualitätsorientierten Wurzeln treu. Wir greifen dieses Thema jetzt auf, weil wir überzeugt sind, dass in Deutschland die Zeit reif ist, um im Regal der weinhaltigen Cocktails mit Premiumprodukten werthaltige Impulse zu setzen.“ Überdurchschnittlich stark wachsen für Freixenet auch die Umsätze im Weinbereich. Mit Mederaño auf Platz 1 und Mia auf Platz 5 im spanischen Weinregal hat Freixenet zwei starke Markenranges geschaffen, die sich durch stetes Wachstum als Umsatzgaranten etabliert haben (IRI, LEH Gesamt, Umsatz, KW 01-52 2015). Dr. Momm: „Im Weinbereich profitieren wir von unserer langjährigen Weinbautradition gepaart mit unserer Markenkompetenz. In 2015 haben wir die Bekanntheit unserer Freixenet freut sich auf die Eroberung dieses neuen Marktsegments. Mit der Expansion ins weinhaltige Cocktailregal folgt Freixenet den sich ändernden Vorlieben der Konsumenten. Dr. Momm: „Mia ist eine innovative Markenrange, die optimal den Weine durch strategische Werbemaßnahmen enorm gestärkt.“ Rund 247 Millionen Kontakte erzielte Freixenet im Vorjahr durch erhebliche Investitionen in Bedürfnissen einer selbstbewussten Konsumentenschicht entspricht. Wir sind ein global agierendes Familienunternehmen und haben ein ausgeprägtes Gespür © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 501 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 502 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de für Verbrauchertrends. Zudem besitzen wir die notwendige Flexibilität und langjährige Markenkompetenz, um spezifische Konsumentenbedürfnisse strategisch aufzugreifen und dem Handel werthaltige Neuprodukte zu präsentieren.“ Freixenet auf der ProWein 2016 Auch dieser Cava erreicht seine Reife nach mindestens zwölf Monaten Lagerung auf der Hefe. Im Licht leuchtet er hellgelb. Seine zarten Mirabellen-, Zitrus- und Blumennuancen entfachen ein wahres Feuerwerk im Glas. Eine Überraschung ist sein Geschmack: spritzig-frisch, trocken und trotzdem fruchtig begeistert er durch sein angenehmes Süße-Säure-Verhältnis. Eigenschaften: 13.-15. März in Düsseldorf Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) Halle 13, Stand F01 Rebsorten Parellada, Macabeo, Xarel-lo Ansprechpartner: Auszeichnungen Mundus Vini 2012, Silber Dr. Hans-Joachim Momm, Geschäftsführer Kirstin Brunkhorst, Marketingdirektorin Carta Nevada Semi Seco Dominic Killinger, Senior Brand Manager Asgard Schönherr, Brand Manager Product Overview Grupo Freixenet - Freixenet GmbH Bordeaux Penedès 02.07.07 02.07.07 hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. Carta Nevada Semi Seco – der Klassiker Der traditionsreiche Botschafter aus dem Hause Freixenet wird seit 1941 unverändert nach dem traditionellen Verfahren der Flaschengärung hergestellt. Mindestens zwölf Monate reift er auf der Hefe, bevor er seine optimale Qualität erreicht hat. Cava Product Details Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) Grupo Freixenet - Freixenet GmbH Cava Dieser Cava präsentiert sich im Glas mit seiner leuchtenden hellgelben Farbe, in der Nase mit animierendem Bouquet von Pfirsich und Honig und im Geschmack süßlich, fruchtig und spritzig. Eigenschaften: Carta Nevada Seco Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) Rebsorten Parellada, Macabeo, Xarel-lo Auszeichnungen Berliner Wein Trophy 2012, Gold hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. Carta Nevada Seco – der Trockene © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 503 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 504 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Carta Rosado Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) Rebsorten Garnacha, Trepat Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) Auszeichnungen Berliner Wein Trophy 2012, Gold Cordon Negro Brut hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. Carta Rosado – der Aromatische Ein traditionell in der Flasche gereifter Cava, der sich durch seine leuchtende erdbeerrote Farbe und seinen spritzig-fruchtigen Geschmack auszeichnet. In der Nase präsentiert sich dieser Cava mit animierenden Aromen von Cassis und Brombeere. Mit der Dosage „seco“ und seiner feinen Perlage lässt er zu jeder Zeit und zu jedem Anlass Genießerherzen höher schlagen. Nach neun bis zwölf Monate Reife auf der Hefe erreicht er seine optimale Qualität. Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. Cordon Negro Brut – black tastes beautiful Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) Dieser Cava-Klassiker umschmeichelt zunächst sanft und fein den Gaumen und verwöhnt ihn dann mit Aromen von Honig, grünem Apfel, Birne und einem Anklang von Zitrusfrüchten, um anschließend einen frischen und reinen Abgang zu bescheren. Seine trockene Dosage (Brut) besticht dabei mit einem außergewöhnlich geringen Säuregehalt. Rebsorten Garnacha, Trepat Eigenschaften: Auszeichnungen Berliner Wein Trophy 2012, Gold Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) Eigenschaften: Rebsorten Parellada, Macabeo, Xarel-lo Carta Rotiña Auszeichnungen Berliner Wein Trophy 2012, Gold Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. Cordon Rosado Brut Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) Carta Rotiña – der Unwiderstehliche Er ist der dunkelrote Cava des Hauses Freixenet - ein unwiderstehliches Geschmackserlebnis mit halbtrocken-fruchtiger Note. Sein frisches Bouquet erinnert an Sommerfrüchte und Pflaumen und sorgt für ein rundum sinnliches Erlebnis. Carta Rotiña reift mindestens neun Monate auf der Hefe, bevor er seine optimale Qualität erreicht. hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. Eigenschaften: Cordon Rosado Brut ist eine lebendige Freude – ein elegant perlender Rosé © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 505 Cordon Rosado Brut – Eleganz in Rosé Auszeichnungen LaSelección Schaumwein Trophy 2012, Silber © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 506 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de mit einer glanzvollen Farbgebung. Am Gaumen zeigt er sich fein und seidig mit einer Nuance von Cassis und einem vielschichtigen Beerenaroma. Dabei ist er überraschend trocken im Abgang mit einem langen, feinen Nachhall der Aromen. Cordon Rosado erreicht seine optimale Reife nach 12 bis 18 Monaten. Eigenschaften: Elyssia Pinot Noir – sanfte Harmonie in Rosé Elyssia Pinot Noir ist die mutige Verbindung von Tradition und Moderne: eine traditionelle Cava-Rebsorte vermählt sich mit ihrem klassischen Pendant. Dieses harmonische Meisterwerk unter den roséfarbenen Cavas entfaltet ein intensives, frisches Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) Aroma von Himbeeren, Korinthen und Kirschen am Gaumen und begeistert mit einem angenehm fruchtigen Nachhall und einer sanften Säure. Rebsorten Garnacha, Trepat Eigenschaften: Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) Elyssia Gran Cuvée Brut Rebsorten Pinot Noir, Trepat Auszeichnungen Berliner Wein Trophy 2012, Gold Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. LaSelección Schaumwein Trophy 2012, Gold Royal Spanish Academy of Gastronomy 2010, Best Cava in the world Reserva Real Eigenschaften: Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) Reserva Real - Der Königliche Rebsorten Chardonnay, Macabeo, Parellada, Pinot Noir 1987 wurde dieser ganz besondere Cava durch die Anwesenheit des spanischen Königpaares im Hause Freixenet geadelt. Ihnen zu Ehren wurde die erste Flasche dieser außergewöhnlichen Komposition geöffnet und ihm wurde offiziell die Bezeichnung Elyssia Gran Cuvée Brut – himmlischer Genuss in Weiß Sein Bouquet aus gerösteten Nüssen, Zitrusfrüchten und Honig entfaltet sich in einer vielschichtigen Komplexität am Gaumen, worauf Aromen von Zitrone und Melone folgen und in einem würzigen Abgang enden. Auszeichnungen Berliner Wein Trophy 2012, Gold LaSelección Schaumwein Trophy 2012, Gold „Real“ – „der Königliche“ – verliehen. Er wird im spanischen Königshaus getrunken und hat sich zu einer wahren Legende entwickelt, vor der sich jeder Kenner verneigt. Ausgewählte Spitzen-Jahrgangsweine reifen mehr als zwei Jahre in der Flasche, um am Ende der Kellerzeit als vollmundiger Reserva Real zu erwachen. Das Ergebnis ist eine wunderbare Cuvée, die den Gaumen jedes Kenners mit einer extrem feinen und vornehmen Note verwöhnt. Bemerkenswert ist dabei sein sehr geringer Säuregehalt. Elyssia Pinot Noir Brut Traditionell wird Cava aus Spitzenweinen der 3 einheimischen Rebsorten der Weinbauregion Penedès im Nordosten Spaniens hergestellt: Macabeo, Xarel-lo und Parellada. Bei Freixenet werden Cavas seit 1914 mit der aufwendigen Methode der Flaschengärung (Método Tradicional / Champagnermethode) hergestellt. Vorteil der Methode gegenüber mechanischen Verfahren: Perlage und Aroma fallen feiner aus. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Eigenschaften: Anbaugebiet D.O. Cava (Penedès) 507 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 508 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Rebsorten Parellada, Macabeo, Xarel-lo individually in small vats and barriques of the best and finest French oak. Auszeichnungen LaSelección Schaumwein Trophy 2012, Gold Their passion and commitment to quality doesn’t go unnoticed. The 2013 and 2014 vintages got several medals: gold for the Flor Innata and silver for the Verdejo at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2015, three golden medals at the Berliner Wein Trophy 2015, 92 points in the Gilbert & Gaillard wine guide, a commended at Decanter. The Martín family had high expectations for the harvest of 2015 as they are ascribed as a benchmark for quality, craftsmanship and authenticity in the sector. Grupo Valdecuevas Explotaciones Agrícolas Páramo de Valdecuevas S.L.U. Address Phone camino de Buenaventura, s/n 47800 Valladolid Spain Winemaker In the cellar it is up to oenologue Antonio Nieto to vinify, measure, blend and taste. And taste. And taste. Until the wine is perfect. He creates four different white wines, all from the Verdejo grape. +34 608 062059 Fax +34 983 034356 Internet address www.valdecuevas.es E-Mail andresbonet@valdecuevas.es Stand Hall 10, F101 (Page 974) Antonio loves everything about his job, each time of the year has its own magic. His favourite moment in the year is the harvest, because it is the goal of the fieldwork. This is the end and the yield of a year of hard work. But it is not only an end, it is also the beginning of a new vintage. This is the moment the wine is born, and it is up to him to raise it right. This winemaker at heart likes to listen to all kinds of music, from classical to modern. But most of all he loves to train his palate, even at home. He cooks with the olive oil that the winery produces and selects the best wine for a perfect food pairing. Wines Company News 01/25/2016 Grupo Valdecuevas Explotaciones Agrícolas Páramo... Valdecuevas Verdejo Presentation The first wine they ever made was the Valdecuevas Verdejo, a 100% Verdejo, which brings the tradition of Rueda as a wine region to expression. The grapes come from their older and less productive vineyards to ensure an intense and high quality wine. Controlled maceration to preserve the freshness and aged on the lees to create this distinctive characteristic Verdejo Valdecuevas. Very smooth mouthfeel, balanced, persistent and long acidity. Val•de•cuevas literally means Valley of caves, since ancient times used to store and cool wines. This cooling is essential to make the refreshing and crisp wines that this winery specializes in. Family Martín combines the most ancient know how, traditions and winemaking secrets of Rueda with state of the art techniques. The best of both worlds, you could say. Flor Innata Their 100 hectare vineyard is located in the Golden triangle of the D.O. Rueda, [between villages La Seca, Serrada and Rueda] blessed with a soil that is rich in pebbles. On these soils grow the best grapes of Rueda, but at Valdecuevas they do more to ensure the best quality of their wines. It takes constant and personal caretaking of the vineyard, hard work through the year. In the cellar they vinify the grapes of each plot © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Valdecuevas produces all white wines, all crisp, fruity and full of character. In that way all similar, but so different at the same time: 509 Flor Innata is made of 90% Verdejo and 10% Sauvignon Blanc, it’s made from a blend of grapes from different plots, all located in the vicinity of the winery. The concept of Flor Innata Verdejo is a balance between classic and a modern Verdejo styles, with clear notes of tropical fruit and a high aromatic intensity. It got the medal of best white wine at the Champions Wine Competition 2015. Valdecuevas fermentado en barrica (barrel fermented) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 510 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de The best wine until now is the Valdecuevas fermentado en barrica 2013. Gilbert & Gaillard praised it with 92 points in the prestigious wine guide (2015 edition). This is the highest score a Rueda wine received at this edition, which confirms that it’s one of the best wines in its category. Valdecuevas fermentado en barrica is made of 100% Verdejo, fermented in French oak barrels for 7 months on its lees. The grapes are selected at the optimum ripeness for the highest aromatic expression. Diwine The newest wine they make at Valdevuevas is something unique. It is a frizzante wine, made from the juice of partially fermented verdejo grapes. To make this wine, they stop the fermentation early. The result is a refreshing, fizzy drink with low alcohol and sweetness of its natural sugar, which balances perfectly with the acidity. Olive oil Besides the vineyard they also own a 140-hectare olive grove, where they produce their tasty olive oil. The dedication and passion they show when making their wines, can also be seen in the production of their oil. To keep total control on the whole production process, they have built their own oil mill in middle of the olive grove. This way they ensure the quality because they can press the oil as soon as the olives are ready to avoid olive oxidation. Future In five years Valdecuevas wants to still be at the top of the Rueda winemakers. They have the ambition to make the best wine ever, made out of Verdejo variety. Maybe with some hints of Sauvignon Blanc and some slight tones of the finest french oak, a “special cuvée”. 01/25/2016 Presentation Val•de•cuevas literally means Valley of caves, since ancient times used to store and cool wines. This cooling is essential to make the refreshing and crisp wines that this winery specializes in. Family Martín combines the most ancient know how, traditions and winemaking secrets of Rueda with state of the art techniques. The best of both worlds, you could say. Their 100 hectare vineyard is located in the Golden triangle of the D.O. Rueda, [between villages La Seca, Serrada and Rueda] blessed with a soil that is rich in pebbles. On these soils grow the best grapes of Rueda, but at Valdecuevas they do more to ensure the best quality of their wines. It takes constant and personal caretaking of the vineyard, hard work through the year. In the cellar they vinify © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 511 the grapes of each plot individually in small vats and barriques of the best and finest French oak. Their passion and commitment to quality doesn’t go unnoticed. The 2013 and 2014 vintages got several medals: gold for the Flor Innata and silver for the Verdejo at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2015, three golden medals at the Berliner Wein Trophy 2015, 92 points in the Gilbert & Gaillard wine guide, a commended at Decanter. The Martín family had high expectations for the harvest of 2015 as they are ascribed as a benchmark for quality, craftsmanship and authenticity in the sector. Winemaker In the cellar it is up to oenologue Antonio Nieto to vinify, measure, blend and taste. And taste. And taste. Until the wine is perfect. He creates four different white wines, all from the Verdejo grape. Antonio loves everything about his job, each time of the year has its own magic. His favourite moment in the year is the harvest, because it is the goal of the fieldwork. This is the end and the yield of a year of hard work. But it is not only an end, it is also the beginning of a new vintage. This is the moment the wine is born, and it is up to him to raise it right. This winemaker at heart likes to listen to all kinds of music, from classical to modern. But most of all he loves to train his palate, even at home. He cooks with the olive oil that the winery produces and selects the best wine for a perfect food pairing. Wines Valdecuevas produces all white wines, all crisp, fruity and full of character. In that way all similar, but so different at the same time: Valdecuevas Verdejo The first wine they ever made was the Valdecuevas Verdejo, a 100% Verdejo, which brings the tradition of Rueda as a wine region to expression. The grapes come from their older and less productive vineyards to ensure an intense and high quality wine. Controlled maceration to preserve the freshness and aged on the lees to create this distinctive characteristic Verdejo Valdecuevas. Very smooth mouthfeel, balanced, persistent and long acidity. Flor Innata Flor Innata is made of 90% Verdejo and 10% Sauvignon Blanc, it’s made from a blend of grapes from different plots, all located in the vicinity of the winery. The concept of Flor Innata Verdejo is a balance between classic and a modern Verdejo styles, with clear notes of tropical fruit and a high aromatic intensity. It got the medal of best white wine at the Champions Wine Competition 2015. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 512 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Valdecuevas fermentado en barrica (barrel fermented) The best wine until now is the Valdecuevas fermentado en barrica 2013. Gilbert & Gaillard praised it with 92 points in the prestigious wine guide (2015 edition). This is the highest score a Rueda wine received at this edition, which confirms that it’s one of the best wines in its category. Made from the juice of partially fermented grapes primarily from estate grown verdejo grapes. Valdecuevas fermentado en barrica is made of 100% Verdejo, fermented in French oak barrels for 7 months on its lees. The grapes are selected at the optimum ripeness for the highest aromatic expression. Controlled fermentation at very low temperatures and stopped at the right time to obtain our Diwine. The drink offers a unique and characteristic aroma and a distinctive balance between all its components (low alcohol, high acidity and high sugar content). Diwine The newest wine they make at Valdevuevas is something unique. It is a frizzante wine, made from the juice of partially fermented verdejo grapes. To make this wine, they stop the fermentation early. The result is a refreshing, fizzy drink with low alcohol and sweetness of its natural sugar, which balances perfectly with the acidity. Elaborated following an early stopped fermentation method. The result is a pleasant and refreshing and fizzy drink. DiWine Olive oil Besides the vineyard they also own a 140-hectare olive grove, where they produce their tasty olive oil. The dedication and passion they show when making their wines, can also be seen in the production of their oil. To keep total control on the whole production process, they have built their own oil mill in middle of the olive grove. This way they ensure the quality because they can press the oil as soon as the olives are ready to avoid olive oxidation. Future In five years Valdecuevas wants to still be at the top of the Rueda winemakers. They have the ambition to make the best wine ever, made out of Verdejo variety. Maybe with some hints of Sauvignon Blanc and some slight tones of the finest french oak, a “special cuvée”. Product Overview Grupo Valdecuevas Explotaciones Agrícolas Páramo... Rueda 02.03 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Product Details 02.03 Grupo Valdecuevas Explotaciones Agrícolas Páramo... Guerrieri Rizzardi Azienda Agricola s.s Address Sede legale: Via Verdi, 4 37011 Bardolino (VR) Italy Phone +39 045 7210028 Fax +39 045 6212254 Internet address www.guerrieri-rizzardi.it E-Mail mail@guerrieri-rizzardi.it Stand Hall 16, C42 (Page 998) Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Diwine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 513 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 514 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Gut von Beiden Product Overview Guerrieri Rizzardi Azienda Agricola s.s 02.04 Sparkling wine Veneto Product Details 02.04 Address Hauptstr. 25 67483 Kleinfischlingen Germany Phone +49 6347 700896 Fax +49 6347 700897 Guerrieri Rizzardi Azienda Agricola s.s Sparkling wine Internet address Prosecco Extra Dry Prosecco has been a well known wine for several centuries, even the Romans recorded their enjoyment of the wine. However, it was not until after the scourge of Phylloxera that the grape’s suitability for sparkling wine was discovered and its subsequent rise in popularity saw major cities such as Venice become capitivated by the new style. E-Mail wein@gutvonbeiden.com Stand Hall 14, C02 (Page 990) Product Overview Prosecco is today the most famous sparkling wine made from grapes grown in the moderate climate surrounding the hills of Treviso in the Veneto region. It is light, soft and refreshing with crisp citrus flavors and is traditionally served chilled (6-8° C or 43-46° F) as an aperitif before the meal or with light lunches and also with Asian foods. Ageing potential: up to 1 year. Gut von Beiden 02.03 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Pfalz Product Details 02.03 Gut von Beiden Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide 2015er Secco Rosé In die Nase springen Aromen von Erdbeere, Himbeere und roter Johannisbeere. Die leicht schmeckbare Süße ist erfrischend und animierend. Zu jeder Gelegenheit die kleine Erfrischung aus dem Glas. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 515 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 516 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Hallgartener Weinkeller eG Haltinger Winzer e.G. Address Hattenheimer Str. 15 65375 Oestrich-Winkel Germany Address Winzerweg 8 79596 Weil am Rhein Germany Phone +49 6723 3369 Phone +49 7621 62449 Fax +49 6723 7064 Fax +49 7621 65725 Internet address www.hallgartener-wein.de Internet address www.wg-haltingen.de E-Mail info@hallgartener-wein.de E-Mail info@wg-haltingen.de Stand Hall 14, D19 (Page 990) Stand Hall 13, D120 (Page 986) Product Overview Hallgartener Weinkeller eG Product Overview Haltinger Winzer e.G. Rheingau Baden 02.07.08 Winzersekt 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.07.08 Hallgartener Weinkeller eG Winzersekt Product Details 02.07.08 Adam von Itzstein Hallgartener Jungfer Sekt b.A. Rheingau Ri Haltinger Winzer e.G. Winzersekt 2012 Leonardo Pinot Rosé Sekt trocken 0,75 l Deutscher Sekt B.A. Baden-Markgräflerland Bukett & Geschmack: Aromen von Beeren wie Erdbeere und Himbeere. Harmonische Fülle, mit viel Prickeln auf der Zunge. Lage & Boden: Süd-West-Hanglage. Kalk-Mergel-Boden mit Lössauflage © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 517 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 518 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Vinifikation: Product Overview Kurzer Maischekontakt von 24h. Kühlere langsame Vergärung bei 15°C. Pfalz 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.01 Champagne 02.07.02 Cremant 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante 02.07.07 Cava 02.07.08 Winzersekt 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin 03.04 Gin 03.05 Corn liquor 03.10 Rum 03.13 Brandy 03.15 Vodka Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG Analysewerte: vorhandener Alkoholgehalt: 12,0 % vol. Gesamtsäure: 5,8 g/l Restzucker: 20,4 g/l enthält Sulfite Trinkempfehlung: Dieser Sekt ist eine charmante Verführung und ein idealer unterhaltsamer Begleiter. Trinktemperatur: 8°C Lagerpotenzial: 2-3 Jahre Erzeuger: Haltinger Winzer eG, Winzerweg 8, 79576 Weil am Rhein-Haltingen Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG Address Biebricher Allee 142 65187 Wiesbaden Germany Phone +49 611 63-0 Fax +49 611 63-103 Internet address www.henkell-sektkellerei.de E-Mail vertrieb@henkell-sektkellerei.de Stand Hall 13, A50 (Page 986) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 519 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 520 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.02.02 Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin und Zitrus-Note verfeinert den Geschmack nach Holunder und verheißt Genuss zum Verlieben. Dosage: 80 g/l Sortiment: 0,75 l DEINHARD 02.02.03 DEINHARD Semi Secco Der gold-gelbe DEINHARD SEMI SECCO verführt nicht nur äußerlich zu einem sinnlichen Moment. Feiner italienischer Weißwein macht ihn zu einem rundum harmonischen Charakter. Prosecco Frizzante MIONETTO FRIZZANTE Seit der Gründung 1887 hat sich Mionetto zu einer der bedeutendsten italienischen Kellereien entwickelt. Mit großem Pioniergeist und viel Hingabe hat das Unternehmen in den ver gangenen Jahren seine Vertriebsstrukturen und das Produkt-Portfolio erweitert. Dabei war der Blick stets auf Innovation und Markt entwicklung gerichtet. Seither überzeugt die italienische Traditionsmarke nicht nur durch die Qualität der Weine. Dieser Frizzante hat damit das Zeug zum absoluten Frauenschwarm. Dosage: 45 g/l (halbtrocken) Sortiment: 0,2 l · 0,75 l DEINHARD Secco Der DEINHARD SECCO nimmt das Leben leicht. Mit seiner trockenen Fruchtigkeit sorgt er für allgemeine Verzückung. Seinen harmonischen Charakterzug verdankt er ausschließlich ausgewählten italienischen Weißweinen. Damit ist der Deinhard Secco nicht nur eine fruchtig-frische Verlockung, sondern auch ein vollkommenes Geschmackserlebnis. Dosage: 25 g/l (trocken) Bei Mionetto sollen alle Sinne genießen können: Zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und Preise belegen, dass die Marke nicht nur erstklassigen Prosecco-Genuss, sondern auch außer - gewöhnlich gutes Design bietet. Mionetto steht für das moderne Italien mit seiner eleganten und leichten Lebensart und ist somit zur Premium-Marke geworden. Dosage: 11 g/l (brut) Sortiment: 0,75 l Sortiment: 0,75 l MIONETTO il MODERNO DEINHARD Dolce Der feinperlige Deinhard Dolce verwöhnt mit seiner vollkommenen Fruchtigkeit. Seinen fruchtig-milden Charakter verdankt er einer Cuvée feiner Weine aus klassischen italienischen Rebsorten. Mit himbeerfarbenen Reflexen und dem feinen Duft roter Beeren weckt diese Komposition beim ersten Genuss das süße Begehren. Dosage: 75 g/l (mild) Sortiment: 0,75 l MIONETTO il PROSECCO DOC - Extra trockenes Prickeln für fröhliche Feste. DEINHARD Hugo Herrlich sommerlich und unschlagbar charmant wickelt der „Hugo“ von Deinhard nicht nur die Damenwelt um den Finger. Natürliche Aromen sorgen bei diesem Charmeur für prickelnde Begegnungen der fruchtigen Art. Die angenehme Minz- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH il steht für das moderne Leben und bewusstes Genießen. Mit dieser außergewöhnlichen Produktlinie wird das international bekannte Haus Mionetto bei Wahrung von Tradition und Qualitätsanspruch dem Zeitgeist gerecht: Es bietet mit il einen lebhaften, unkomplizierten und leichten Frizzante, der perfekt in unser heutiges Leben passt. 521 MIONETTO il PROSECCO DOC ist reiner Genuss. Das beweist nicht nur das Gütesiegel DOC, das nur Weine aus den gesetzlich festgelegten Regionen um die Gemeinden Valdobbiadene und Conegliano erlaubt, sondern vor allem sein feinperliges Mousseux und sein frischer, lebhafter Geschmack. Der schwungvolle Frizzante besticht durch unkomplizierte Brillanz und ist – gut © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 522 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de gekühlt oder auf Eis – die Top-Empfehlung für unbeschwerte Stunden an der Bar und auf der Party. Sortiment: 0,75 l Dosage: 16 g/l (extra dry) Fürst von Metternich Sortiment: 0,375 l · 0,75 l MIONETTO il ROSÉ - Leicht, frisch, fröhlich, fein. Lust auf eine sanfte Sommerbrise? MIONETTO il ROSÉ bringt sie direkt auf die Zunge, denn der feinperlige Frizzante hat die Strahlen der untergehenden Sommersonne für Sie eingefangen. Mit seinen leuchtend kirschroten Reflexionen, seinem leichten Erdbeerduft und seinem fruchtigen Geschmack betört er die Sinne. Kühl serviert ist MIONETTO il ROSÉ ein temperamentvolles Genusserlebnis vor dem Essen sowie zu hellem Fleisch, Fisch und Grillgerichten. Dosage: 20–22 g/l (dry) Sortiment: 0,375 l · 0,75 l 02.04 For over 1,000 years wine has been cultivated in Johannisberg, in Germany’s Rheingau wine growing area. The Riesling wines from this region travelled the world. As early as 1834, the estate owner Chancellor Prince Metternich instructed his cellar master to take notice of the increasing popularity of sparkling wine. A sparkling wine is only as good as its base wines. The carefully selected German Riesling wines give Fürst von Metternich sparkling wine its special character. The fine balance and round bouquet stem from the racy, steely wines which have been cultivated in the Johannisberg area and at the Fürst von Metternich estate of Schloss Johannisberg for generations. Fürst von Metternich Riesling sparkling wine is available in three different cuvées: Fürst von Metternich Riesling Sekt Trocken (Dry) Sparkling wine The blue neck label stands for the Dry cuvée, which attracts a wide public. The bouquet is characterized by German Riesling wines. Fürst von Metternich combines, as no other product, an elite flair with high quality and is a symbol of German sparkling wine culture. Mionetto Spumante Fürst von Metternich Riesling Sekt Extra Trocken (Extra Dry) The gold-coloured neck label signifies the Extra Dry cuvée, which enjoys particular popularity in the restaurant trade. Connoisseurs who prefer a drier taste will find it in this variation. 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin DEINHARD Lila Fürst von Metternich Riesling Sekt Brut Vintage The Brut Vintage cuvée is bottle fermented exclusively from Riesling wines from the Johannisberg district in the Rheingau. The origins of this sparkling wine guarantee a unique pleasure. Fürst von Metternich Rosé Sekt Trocken (Dry) Unvergängliche Eleganz und edle Exklusivität sind die Synonyme des Deinhard Lila Riesling Sekt Trocken. Mit seinem verführerischen Duft nach Pfirsich und Aprikose, hellgelb leuchtend und von rassigem Geschmack schmeichelt Deinhard Lila anspruchsvollen Genießergaumen seit über 100 Jahren. The Fürst von Metternich Rosé Dry offers connoisseurs an exceptionally subtle taste experience. Its special cuvée composed of selected wines gives the sparkling wine its outstanding quality. A selection of noble top quality light-colour wines dominated by smoothly pressed dark Pinot Noir grapes rounds off its bouquet and emphasizes its unique finesse – the sparkling wine is as good as the wines it is made of. Eine Riesling-Kostbarkeit in glanzvollem Design, die ihre prickelnde Sinnlichkeit luxuriös entfaltet und besondere Momente zu veredeln vermag! HENKELL Dosage: 24 g/l (trocken) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 523 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 524 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Der feinperlige HENKELL ROSÉ ist ein erfrischend eleganter Sekt aus hochwertigen Weinen. Die beliebteste und meistexportierte Sektmarke trifft seit über 150 Jahren den Geschmack Sein erlesener, feinfruchtiger Geschmack ist ein Hochgenuss für alle, die auch bei Rosé den trockenen internationalen Charakter vorziehen. ADAM HENKELL Der Sekt, der den Namen des Firmengründers trägt. Seine besondere Beziehung zu Frankreich und seine hochqualifizierten Kellermeister waren die Wegbereiter der vor über 150 Jahren beginnenden Sektherstellung am Rhein. Dosage: 24 g/l (trocken) So sind es heute erlesene Chardonnay-Weine, die sich zu der außergewöhnlichen ADAM HENKELL Prestige-Cuvée vereinen und dem, nach dem Verfahren der Traditionellen Flaschengärung hergestellten Sekt, seinen außergewöhnlichen Charakter verleihen. Das exklusive Flaschendesign überzeugt mit unaufdringlicher Eleganz. Sortiment: 0,75 l Erleben Sie erstklassige Weine vereint in einer exzellenten Cuvée. Pure Lebensfreude und das besondere Gefühl von Eleganz und Frische – mit dieser fruchtigprickelnden Premiumcuvée, kreiert aus erlesenen Trauben renommierter traditioneller Weinanbaugebiete. Sorgfältig verarbeitet, sanft gepresst und bei niedriger Temperatur schonend vergoren, um die ganze Geschmacksfülle des Weines zu bewahren. Im aufwendigen Verfahren hergestellt, entstand ein großer Sekt mit den typischen, feinen Aromen, einem noblen, feinperligen Mousseux und einem großen Potenzial. Adam Henkell Rosé Dosage: 12 g/l (brut) Ausgesuchte Weine aus den klassischen französischen Weindomänen geben dieser Rosé-Cuvée ihren typischen fruchtigen Geschmack. Hergestellt nach dem Verfahren der Traditionellen Flaschengärung, wird dieser Sekt als besondere Spezialität Adam Henkells Liebe zu Frankreich mehr als gerecht. Sortiment: 0,75 l Dosage: 12 g/l (brut) Dosage: 12 g/l (brut) Sortiment: 0,75 l HENKELL TROCKEN Der trockene, voll ausgereifte Sekt verdankt seinen eleganten internationalen Charakter einer einzigartigen Cuvée exzellenter Weine aus klassischen Rebsorten. HENKELL TROCKEN moussiert feinperlig und lang anhaltend glanzvoll im Glas. Die fein abgestimmte, harmonische Komposition macht HENKELL TROCKEN zu einem runden, vollkommenen Geschmackserlebnis. Dosage: 22 g/l (trocken) HENKELL BRUT HENKELL BLANC DE BLANCS Erleben Sie pure Lebensfreude und das besondere Gefühl von Eleganz und Frische – mit dieser fruchtig-prickelnden Premiumcuvée, kreiert aus weißen Trauben renommierter traditioneller Weinanbaugebiete. Sorgfältig verlesen, wurden die Trauben sanft gepresst und bei niedriger Temperatur schonend vergoren, um ihre ganze Geschmacksfülle zu bewahren. Nach feiner Reifung wurde aus selektierten Partien eine erlesene Premiumcuvée kreiert. Im aufwendigen Verfahren hergestellt, entstand ein großer Sekt mit den typischen, feinen Aromen, einem noblen, feinperligen Mousseux und einem großen Potenzial. Dosage: 28 g/l (trocken) Sortiment: 0,75 l Henkell Halbtrocken Der halbtrockene, voll ausgereifte Sekt verdankt seinen eleganten Charakter einer einzigartigen Cuvée exzellenter Weine aus klassischen Rebsorten. Sortiment: 0,2 l lose und in Geschenkhülle 2 x 0,2 l in Geschenkhülle · 0,375 l Henkell Halbtrocken moussiert feinperlig und lang anhaltend glanzvoll im Glas. Die fein abgestimmte, harmonische Komposition macht Henkell Halbtrocken zu einem runden, vollkommen fruchtigen Geschmackserlebnis. 0,75 l · 1,5 l · 3,0 l HENKELL ROSÈ © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Sortiment: 0,75 l Dosage: 34 g/l (halbtrocken) 525 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 526 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Lutter & Wegner Sortiment: 0,75 l Henkell Alkoholfrei Henkell Alkoholfrei bietet Sektgenuss für alle, die gerne auf Alkohol verzichten möchten. Die helle und klare Flasche lässt seinen ansprechend leichten, fruchtigfrischen Geschmack bereits erahnen – und lädt nicht nur zu feierlichen Gelegenheiten ein, das Glas zu erheben. Sein höchster Qualitätsanspruch wird durch die Verwendung eines hochwertigen Naturkorks als Flaschenverschluss unterstrichen. Dosage: 60 g/l Sortiment: 0,75 l Kupferberg Gold In the year of 1811 the wine tavern „Lutter & Wegner“ opened at “Gendarmenmarkt” in Berlin. Soon the tavern turned into the most popular meeting place for notable artists and littérateurs. The tavern’s high quality was valued by both E.T.A. Hoffmann and actor Ludwig Devrient who met regularly at “Lutter & Wegner”. The word “Sekt” (German for sparkling wine) is said to have been born right here: When Devrient arrived one day calling for a glass of sack (the archaic word for sherry) after a performance of Shakespeare’s play “Falstaff” at the nearby playhouse, the waiter, being well aware of the guest’s passion for bubbly drinks, brought him sparkling wine. Thus the word “Sekt” was born. Kupferberg Gold is complete classic sparkling wine enjoyment. It is a German sparkling wine with the quality guarantee of over 150 years of tradition from the house of Christian Adalbert Kupferberg. This makes Kupferberg the ideal companion for festive occasions. It embodies the pleasure and joy in life – “one of the loveliest moods in the world”. Already in the 19th century the wine house of Lutter & Wegner was, like once again today, a centre of Berlin’s hospitality. Thanks to its high level of quality it was assigned the title “purveyor of the Prussian Court”. Still today the cellar masters feel obliged to this tradition. They create a cuvée of German Riesling wines from select sites, and allow much time to let it mature to a harmonic and balanced sparkling wine. Kupferberg Gold is available in four varieties: white (dry & brut), red and rosé. The brand offers the appropriate sparkling wine for every taste and occasion; be it as an aperitif, with a good meal or for festive celebrations. The dry Lutter & Wegner Gendarmenmarkt sparkling wine has 11% alcohol by volume and a dosage of 28 g/l. It is also available in 200ml bottles. It is produced with the Charmat method and traditional grape varieties from classical winegrowing areas are used. Lutter & Wegner Gendarmenmarkt Dry KURPFALZ Lutter & Wegner Gendarmenmarkt Red Medium Dry Die Marke Kurpfalz wurde bereits im Jahre 1921 gegründet und weist somit eine lange Tradition aus. Rasse, Klasse und Eleganz zeichnen die KurpfalzSekte seit jeher aus.Getreu dieser Devise haben wir die Marke KURPFALZ in ihren Geschmacksprofilen als idealen Begleiter für anspruchs vollen Sektgenuss kreiert. The semi-dry Lutter & Wegner red sparkling wine (Rotsekt) has 11% alcohol by volume and a dosage of 48 g/l. It is produced with the Charmat method and traditional grape varieties from classical wine-growing areas are used. Lutter & Wegner Gendarmenmarkt Riesling Extra Dry For the extra dry premium sparkling wine Lutter & Wegner Riesling, with a particularly fine bead, strictly German Riesling wines from the best German growing areas are utilised. These lend the Riesling-Sekt its harmonious balance and pleasant freshness. KURPFALZ Cabinet TROCKEN Dosage: 23 g/l (trocken) Sortiment: 0,75 l KURPFALZ Cabinet HALBTROCKEN Dosage: 42 g/l (halbtrocken) Sortiment: 0,75 l © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 527 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 528 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Söhnlein Brillant 3,0 l in Holzbox · 6,0 l in Holzbox BRUT ROSÉ Since 1964 Söhnlein Brillant has been one of the dominant brands in the middle price segment of the German sparkling wine market. Consistent development and care have been worth the effort – Söhnlein Brillant is the brand with the best image in the middle price segment. Its overall appearance generates a high degree of desirability and value. The result is that Söhnlein Brillant is the market leader in the German middle price market segment. The dynamic sales performance carries on relentlessly. Der Stil von Alfred Gratien spiegelt sich deutlich in diesem Rosé-Champagner wider. Eine edle Cuvée, bei der sich die Eleganz des Chardonnay und die fruchtige Note des Pinot Meunier in delikater Weise verbinden. Dosage: 8 g/l (brut) Sortiment: 0,75 l BRUT BLANC DE BLANCS Dieser außergewöhnliche Champagner, der ausschließlich aus Chardonnay Grand Crus hergestellt wird, entfaltet all die Noblesse und Ausprägung eines Champagne Alfred Gratien. Aus Passion kreiert und als Ergebnis unermüdlicher Arbeit, bleibt dieser Blanc de Blancs-Champagner dem Grundsatz des Hauses Alfred Gratien treu: der Entwicklung von außergewöhnlichen Weinen. Söhnlein Brillant – the sparkling wine measure Söhnlein Brillant Vintage White Söhnlein Brillant Vintage Medium Dry Söhnlein Brillant Vintage Red Die Lagerung in Eichenholzfässern verleiht Champagne Alfred Gratien seine Reichhaltigkeit und Fülle. Charakterisiert durch ein starkes und komplexes Bukett, entfaltet dieser Blanc de Blancs-Champagner die Aromen eines Vanille-Brioche und offenbart im Abgang eine erfrischende Spur von Zitrusfrüchten. Söhnlein Brillant Vintage Mild (Sweet) Söhnlein Brillant Vintage Rosé Söhnlein Brillant Alcohol-Free Dosage: 8 g/l (brut) Söhnlein Brillant Alcohol-Free Rosé Sortiment: 0,75 l Söhnlein Brillant Alcohol-Free is made from selected, bouquet rich wines. After it has matured, the alcohol is removed in a vacuum at a low temperature. The alcohol content of Söhnlein Brillant Alcohol-Free is the same as that of fruit juice or bread. The calorie content of about 300 kcal per litre is two thirds less than comparable sparkling wines. Like sparkling wine, Söhnlein Brillant Alcohol-Free should always be drunk well chilled and not kept for longer than one year. BRUT MILLÉSIMÉ 2000 Ein typischer, voller und sehr gut lagerfähiger Wein des Jahres 2000. Strenge Auswahl der Trauben, Weinreifung entsprechend der Tradition der Champagne, freiwillige Beschränkung des Volumens, Respekt der Erde. Champagne Alfred Gratien Millésimé 2000 ist wirklich einzigartig. Dosage: 8 g/l (brut) 02.07.01 Champagne Sortiment: 0,75 l CHAMPAGNE ALFRED GRATIEN CUVÉE PARADIS BRUT Eine ausgezeichnete Cuvée, von schöner Farbe mit dem Duft kleiner Früchte, fest und lieblich im Geschmack, ein gleichzeitig weinreicher und sehr feiner Champagner, sehr anhaltend im Geschmack, sehr harmonisch, wirklich außergewöhnlich. Öffnen Sie die Pforten zum Paradies mit diesem Champagner. BRUT CLASSIQUE Die stilvolle Komposition eines großen Klassikers. Raffiniert zusammen gesetzt durch die Dominanz des fruchtigen Pinot Meunier, verbunden mit der Eleganz des Chardonnay. Dosage: 8 g/l (brut) Sortiment: 0,75 l in Geschenkhülle Dosage: 9 g/l (brut) CUVÉE PARADIS BRUT ROSÉ Sortiment: 0,375 l · 0,75 l · 1,5 l © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Dieser sehr weiche und fruchtige, sublime Rosé mit der vorzüglichen Farbe und 529 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 530 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de paradiesischem Bouquet ist eine geschmackliche Offenbarung handwerklicher Champagner-Kunst. und Ruhezeit verleihen dem Sekt ein sehr feines Mousseux und seine erlesene Eleganz, deren Qualität unvergleichbar ist. Dosage: 8 g/l (brut) Dosage: 13 g/l (brut) Sortiment: 0,75 l in Geschenkhülle Sortiment: 0,75 l VEUVE EMILLE CHAMPAGNE CUVÉE FLAMME Brut Rosé CRÉMANT DE LOIRE AOC Auch für die Cuvée Flamme Brut Rosé Crémant de Loire werden nur Trauben aus eigenem Anbau verwendet. Pinot Meunier-, Pinot Noir- und Chardonnay-Trauben liefern die Basis für diese abgerundete, unverwechselbare Brut-Cuvée. Ein Champagner mit typischer Farbe und harmonisch angenehm abgestimmtem Geschmack. Dosage: 14 g/l (brut) Sortiment: 0,75 l Veuve Emille ist der Hausmarken-Champagner speziell für die Gastronomie. Vorwiegend für den glasweisen Ausschank. 02.07.04 Dosage: 15 g/l (brut) Mionetto Mo Premium Sortiment: 0,75 l Das Monogramm MO – hervorgegangen aus dem ersten und letzten Buchstaben des Markennamens– kennzeichnet eine Spumante-Linie, die sich aufgrund exquisiter Weinqualität und des charakteristischen Verpackungsdesigns internationaler Auszeichnungen erfreut. MO steht, vor allem mit »Sergio« und seiner exklusiven Trauben-Cuvée, stellvertretend für das Erfolgsrezept des Hauses Mionetto: die gelungene Verbindung aus modernem italienischem Lebensgefühl und der Erfahrung traditionellen Weinbaus. 02.07.02 Cremant GRATIEN & MEYER CRÉMANT DE LOIRE AOC Brut Diese Herkunftsbezeichnung entspricht strengen Ansprüchen bezüglich des Ertrags und der Pressung. Für die Cuvée werden Chenin Blanc-, Cabernet Franc- und Chardonnay-Trauben verwendet. Sie zeichnet sich aus durch eine schimmernde, strohgelbe Farbe, eine feine Perlung sowie ein feines, elegantes Bukett mit Mandelund Pfirsichdüften. Im Mund ist dieser Crémant de Loire reich, ausgiebig, weinig und weich. MO Prosecco Cartizze DOCG Spumante Dry: Mit MO besondere Anlässe feiern. Wenn MIONETTO als „Hot Brand of the Year“ (2009 – 2013) ausgezeichnet wird, liegt das auch am Prosecco Cartizze DOCG. Der Premium-Spumante aus dem Anbaugebiet Prosecco in der außergewöhnlichen MO-Designflasche ist prädestiniert für besondere Anlässe. Ob Jubiläum, Hochzeit oder Karrieresprung: Mit facettenreichem Bouquet und lang anhaltendem Perlen lädt der grazile Premium-Spumante ein zum Feiern, Lachen, Leben. Dosage: 12 g/l (brut) Sortiment: 0,75 l CUVÉE FLAMME Brut CRÉMANT DE LOIRE AOC Für die Cuvée Flamme Brut Crémant de Loire werden ausschließlich ausgewählte Trauben aus eigenem Weinanbau verwendet. Der kalkhaltige Boden, „Tuffeau“ genannt, verleiht der Cuvée Flamme Brut Crémant de Loire die spezifische Finesse und das ausgeprägte Weinbukett. In den wohltemperierten Tuffsteinkellern von Gratien & Meyer genießt die Cuvée Flamme Brut Crémant de Loire eine außergewöhnliche Reifezeit von über zwei Jahren. Diese Sorgfalt © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Prosecco Spumante 531 Harmoniert perfekt mit leichten würzigen und süßen Snacks sowie Fisch und Krustentieren. MO Prosecco DOC Treviso Spumante Extra Dry: MO ist dort, wo das Leben spielt. Prickelnde Begegnungen, inspirierende Gespräche, entspannte Lebensfreude – und mittendrin Prosecco DOC Treviso. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 532 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Der Spumante aus dem Anbaugebiet Prosecco strahlt eine Leichtigkeit des Seins aus: Sein sympathischer Charakter und seine herausragend schöne Erscheinung machen diesen Spumante Extra Dry zu einem gern gesehenen Gast bei allen Anlässen und Gelegenheiten. berühmten »Perlen«. Prosecco DOC Treviso begibt sich mit seiner einzigartigen Eleganz gerne dorthin, wo das Leben spielt. Wer die mediterrane Küche und die italienische Leichtigkeit des Seins liebt, kommt um diesen Prosecco nicht herum. Und das ist auch gut so, denn der exklusive Spumante darf sich mit dem Zusatz „Superiore“ schmücken. Schließlich stammt er aus dem Herzen der geschützten Prosecco-Region Valdobbiadene DOCG. Mit dezenter Fruchtnote, perfekter eingebundener Säure und feiner Perlage verwöhnt er die Sinne. Ob gut gekühlt als Aperitif oder als charmanter Begleiter zu Hummer, Scampi & Co.: Dieser Prosecco Superiore trägt seinen Namen ganz zu Recht. MO Sergio Spumante Extra Dry: Preisgekrönte Extraklasse. Experten aus 49 Nationen haben entschieden – und MO Sergio mit der MUNDUS VINI-Goldmedaille (2010) prämiert. Der edle Spumante Extra Dry ist anlässlich ganz besonderer Momente präsent: Das edle Getränk im vielfach ausgezeichneten MO-Design, das mit feiner Perlage, angenehmer Säure und facettenreichem Bouquet die elegante Alternative zu Champagner darstellt, ist der Star auf Festen, Feiern, Soireen. Harmoniert mit leichten Vorspeisen und Hauptgerichten. MIONETTO Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco Superiore Spumante Extra Dry: Fein, fruchtig, leicht. Dosage: 17 g/l (extra dry) Sortiment: 0,75 l MIONETTO Prosecco DOC Treviso Brut Orange Label Spumante Brut: Neu, modern, brut. MO Sergio Rosé Spumante Extra Dry: Erlesener Rosé für die Sinne. Den zarten Verführungskünsten von MO Sergio Rosé sollte man einfach erliegen. Seine leuchtende Rosé-Färbung ist das Ergebnis einer feinen Selektion handverlesener Trauben – und ein prickelndes Versprechen, das sich mit dem ersten Schluck erfüllt. Lebendig, fruchtig, unwiderstehlich: Der international ausgezeichnete MO Sergio Rosé in der unvergleichbaren Designflasche ist pure italienische Verführung. MIONETTO Spumante Prosecco DOC Treviso Brut der Prestige-Linie überrascht selbst ausgesprochene Kenner. Dieser hochwertige Spumante interpretiert die Kategorie „Brut“ völlig neu und zählt geschmacklich zu den Modernsten seiner Klasse. Es handelt sich um einen Spumante von hervorragender Struktur, der sich durch seine leuchtend strohgelbe Farbe, sein intensives, feines Perlen und seinen Apfelduft auszeichnet. Am Gaumen brilliert er dabei mit Noten von grünem Apfel, Pfirsich und Honig. Dosage: 10–12 g/l (brut) Passt zu fast allen Speisen, ideal zu Krustentieren, Muscheln oder edlem Fisch. Sortiment: 0,2 l · 0,75 l Mionetto Prestige/Vivo MIONETTO Prosecco DOC Treviso Extra Dry Black Label Spumante Extra Dry: Extra trocken, zart, prickelnd. Das Haus Mionetto hat seinen Ursprung und Firmensitz in den Hügeln von Valdobbiadene, einer Region in der italienischen Provinz Treviso, die durch den Weinund Prosecco- Anbau welt berühmt wurde. Hier gründete der Winzer Francesco Mionetto 1887 aus Leidenschaft zum Produkt und aus Liebe zur reizvollen Landschaft die Kellerei Mionetto. Diese Begeisterung und die enge Verbindung zur Kultur der Heimatregion sind zur tragenden Säule der Marke geworden und finden sich – damals wie heute – in der gesamten Mionetto- Produkt linie wieder. Die exklusiven Schaumund Perlweine haben die italienische Traditionskellerei weltbekannt gemacht und so schätzt man die Bollicine Italiane heute international als die Marke der © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 533 Der extra trockene und dennoch weiche Prosecco DOC Treviso eignet sich zum Genuss ganz ohne besondere Anlässe. Der unkomplizierte „Extra Dry“ präsentiert sich mit feiner Perlage, angenehmer Säure, intensiv fruchtigem und blumigem Duft sowie zart hellgelber Farbe. Dieser außergewöhnliche Prosecco macht nicht nur als Aperitif einen erstklassigen Eindruck, sondern auch als Präsent, das die richtigen Akzente setzt. Dosage: 17 g/l (extra dry) Sortiment: 0,75 l MIONETTO VIVO © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 534 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Spumante Extra Dry: Fruchtig, delikat, zart. 02.07.08 MIONETTO VIVO ist ein moderner Spumante, der sich ideal für den Einstieg in die Mionetto-Welt und als Basis fruchtiger Longdrinks eignet. In ihm verbinden sich ausgesuchte Rebsorten aus dem Friaul und Venetien zu einem süffigen, delikaten Geschmackserlebnis, das mit Aromen von Apfel über Honig bis hin zu blumigen Duftnoten überrascht. Der Spumante Extra Dry passt eigentlich immer – aber besonders gut zu mediterranen Gerichten und prickelnden Sommerabenden. Salute! Dosage: 17 g/l (extra dry) Sortiment: 0,75 l 02.07.07 Cava Winzersekt Menger-Krug Menger-Krug commits itself to the basic principle, that nature alone rules quality. Careful utilisation of modern technology permits it to harvest healthy and ripe grapes, and to develop noble wines and sparkling wines. From the vine seedling to the bottle – everything lies in one hand. The vines from the house of MengerKrug are identical to those grown in the Champagne region. Soils in the Rhine Palatinate are favoured by the climate, and thus wines cultivated here belong to the top growths in Germany. The six stars in the brand name symbolise the six guiding principles for quality Menger-Krug pursues. Menger-Krug exclusively processes grapes from its own vineyards of the best German sites. The Menger-Krug family has committed itself to grow exclusively Riesling, Chardonnay and Pinot grapes. Solely the first part of the pressing is used. All sparkling wines are made in the traditional bottle fermentation. The dosages are of selected wines, which optimally harmonise with each other. Thus our sparkling wines are agreeable and of exemplary freshness – an experience for the senses. Cavas Hill 1887 Seit 1887 stellt Cavas Hill im spanischen Moja, Alt Penedès, eine der bekanntesten Spezialitäten Kataloniens nach alter Tradition her – edlen Cava aus erlesenen, spanischen Rebsorten. Um den Ansprüchen von echtem Cava zu genügen, wird von Cavas Hill seit dem 17. Jahrhundert das klassischen Flaschengärverfahren, die Método Tradicional angewandt. Dabei lagern alle Produkte mindestens neun Monate in den Kellern von Cavas Hill auf der Hefe und reifen zu fein prickelndem Cava. Menger-Krug Riesling Brut Zu den auserlesenen Produkten von Cavas Hill gehören Cavas Hill 1887 Brut, Cavas Hill 1887 Semi Seco und Cavas Hill 1887 Rosado, die aus den hochwertigen weißen Rebsorten Xarel.lo, Macabeo und Parellada sowie den charaktervollen Rebsorten Grenache und Mouvèdre (spanisch: Garnacha, Monastrell) hergestellt werden. Eine hochwertige, attraktive Ausstattung unterstreicht den exklusiven Anspruch der fruchtig-frischen spanischen Qualitätserzeugnisse und die stilvollen, in klarem Design gestalteten Flaschenetiketten sorgen für einen edlen und gleichzeitig modernen Auftritt der spanischen Traditionsmarke. Menger-Krug Riesling Brut is a cuvee made from a single grape variety of selected reserve quality wines. This fine, elegant sparkling wine has a surprisingly refreshing acidity and a taste of fresh fruit with some earthy aromas. It is a wine with elegance and breeding that combines seemingly opposing characteristics to create a uniquely harmonious taste experience. Menger-Krug Pinot Brut The classic from the Menger-Krug range. The special character of this cuvée comes from the Pinot Blanc grape and the lightly-pressed Pinot Noir grape. This produces an expressively full-bodied wine with a fine structure that displays style and elegance at every occasion. Menger-Krug Rosé Brut Menger-Krug Rosé Brut is a fresh sparkling wine that is especially recommended as an aperitif. It has a bright copper colour – and its taste combines a gentle acidity with a bouquet that is both powerful and full of fruit. This cuvée distinguishes itself with the flavours of Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier grapes which combine in a sensually fresh way to make an extremely enjoyable wine. Menger-Krug Cuvée Zero © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 535 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 536 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Menger-Krug Cuvée Zero is characterised by a well-balanced combination of Riesling and Pinot Blanc grapes. This cuvée has a refined structure with a finely fruity taste and a high density that is, at the same time, very dry on the palate. 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Menger-Krug Chardonnay Brut Selected Chardonnay wines that have been kept in barriques for over a year give this noble sparkling wine its especially rich and distinctive taste. Menger-Krug Chardonnay Brut is a dense, powerful, full-bodied sparkling wine with delicate aromas of vanilla and brioche. Product Details Herres Gruppe International Peter Herres GmbH Wein- und Sektkellerei Address 02.06.01 Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 7-9 54292 Trier Germany Herres Gruppe International Peter Herres GmbH... Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Fiesta del Sol With the temperament of Spain Phone +49 651 20906-0 Fax +49 651 20906-125 Only grape varieties typical for cava, from Spanish vineyards, are used for Fiesta del Sol. It is known and esteemed by lovers of Spanish wine and cava. Internet address www.herres-sekt.com Fiesta del Sol served chilled is an excellent aperitif or accompaniment for tapas and seafood. E-Mail info@herres-sekt.com Stand Hall 13, A10 (Page 986) Product Overview Michelangelo Vino Frizzante Herres Gruppe International Peter Herres GmbH... 01.07.08 Wine-based drinks 01.07.09 Alcohol-free wines and spirits 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine 02.02.01 Pearl wine/Frizzante without indication of origin © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Michelangelo – the fresh Italian semi-sparkling wine. The combination of fine grapes results in a particularly aromatic cuvée and conveys a finely fruity taste experience and Italian lifestyle. Michelangelo is fantastic served either ice-cold as an aperitif or on the rocks. 537 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 538 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Champagne Blanc de Blancs Hostomme Champagne SARL Hostmme et Fils Address 5 rue de l´Allée 51530 Chouilly France Phone +33 3 26554079 Fax +33 3 26550855 Internet address www.champagne-hostomme.com E-Mail champagne.hostomme@wanadoo.fr Stand Hall 12, D04 (Page 982) Of course only from Chardonnay grapes in our vineyard produces Grand Cru Chouilly. This is the finesse, freshness, lightness but also the length, roundness, flexibility, complexity of primary aromas (fruit) and secondary aromas (alcoholic fermentation and fermentation). C ’Champagne lovers is informed, thoughtful consumers, which unfolds mostly as an appetizer. Champagne Grande Réserve Product Overview 02.04 Hostomme Champagne SARL Hostmme et Fils This is the selection of the best from the harvest of our vineyard wines from Grand Cru Chouilly. Product of our oldest vines are well established in the limestone, which gives the entire Chardonnay typicity. In this wine, we have the full range of flavors, primary (fruit), the secondary (alcoholic fermentation and fermentation) and tertiary (those aging) that begin to appear, but do not dominate not. Champagne for an aperitif or prestige associated with your fish and seafood. Sparkling wine Cuvée Harmonie 2005 Premier Cru Product Details 02.04 Hostomme Champagne SARL Hostmme et Fils Sparkling wine Champagne Blanc de Blancs Course only from Chardonnay grapes in our vineyard produces Grand Cru Chouilly, this vintage silky and smooth which retains excellent freshness will perfectly match to your most delicate desserts Vinified only in the best years, is the harmonious blend of 40% Pinot Black and 60% Chardonnay selected from the harvest with a production of 2000 bottles per year. Champagne for the very rich, developed and robust flavors, developed especially for your pleasure our pleasure consumer winemaker. Cuvée Tradition Brut. Champagne made from a blend harmoniously three Champagne grape varieties (Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier and Black), which gives this wine a nice balance. Pinot Noir gives this wine its structure, its structure, its length. The miller gives fruitiness, an immediate presence in the mouth and freshness. As for Chardonnay, it gives this champagne finesse and elegance. This is the Champagne of all times. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 539 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 540 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Il Farneto Soc. Agricola Il Mosnel di E, Barboglio e Figl Soc. Agr. S. Address Covetta, 50 42014 Castellarano Italy Address Via Barboglio 14 25050 Camignone (BS) Italy Phone +39 0536 1888052 Phone +39 030 653117 Fax +39 0536 990400 Fax +39 030 654236 Internet address www.agrifarneto.it Internet address www.ilmosnel.com E-Mail info@agrifarneto.it E-Mail info@ilmosnel.com Stand Hall 13, E110 (Page 986) Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) Product Overview Il Farneto Soc. Agricola Product Overview Il Mosnel di E, Barboglio e Figl Soc. Agr. S. Emilia-Romagna Lombardia 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.05 Franciacorta Product Details Product Details 02.07.05 02.06.01 Il Mosnel di E, Barboglio e Figl Soc. Agr. S. Il Farneto Soc. Agricola Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin BRUT NATURE Franciacorta Franciacorta Brut After a minimum of 18 months on the lees, the bottle is riddled to concentrate the sediment against the temporary cap, then disgorged and packaged. Our Franciacorta Brut displays a delicate, subtle bouquet that is still crisp and fruity, and quite long lasting; in the mouth it is attractively dry, with a velvety texture and exceptionally fine balance. The bead boasts dense, pin-point bubbles, with a foamy mousse seems almost endless. This grape variety comes originally from the Scandiano Hills of our Emilia Romagna region and it is very ancient dating back to XV century. This grape seemed condemned to extinction, but then some wise grape farmer decided to preserve its cultivation. In the Spumante version, this wine takes up a light straw yellow colour, it has a flowery taste which reminds of bread crust. Its pesistent acidic flavor defines this wine with perfect characteristics. Grapes: 60% Chardonnay - 30% Pinot Blanc - 10% Pinot Noir © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 541 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 542 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Franciacorta Rosé Serving suggestions: Its distinctive, refreshing crispness makes it a wonderful partner to all dishes featuring fish, and it is perfect enjoyed by itself as an aperitif. Franciacorta EBB An exceptionally generous, long-lingering mousse, and a dense bead of pin-point bubbles that seem never to end. Pale green highlights enhance its luminous yellow hue, while ample, ripe fruit composes a complex, appealing bouquet, enriched with subtle notes of spring blossoms and smooth vanilla. A leisurely progression in the mouth gradually reveals savoury flavours, and a velvety mouthfeel and admirable balance of all its components creates a Franciacorta of great harmony and true nobility. After a minimum of 24 months on the lees, the Rosé Brut is riddled to concentrate the sediment against the temporary cap, then disgorged and packaged. It is remarkable for its lively, frothy mousse; its delicate, elegant cascade of bubbles; and a long-lingering, stylish bouquet, showing crisp nuances of ripe fruit and fresh wild berry. Grapes: 40% Pinot Noir - 40% Chardonnay - 20% Pinot Blanc Serving suggestions: Its classic crispness makes this Rosé a delicious partner to vegetarian dishes, fish soups, and lighter meats. Grapes: Franciacorta Satèn 100% Chardonnay Serving suggestions: Created to highlight your most festive meals. Delicious with raw seafood, and with lighter, even spicy meats. Franciacorta Pas Dosé The liqueur de tirage is added to the wine and the bottle is placed in the cellar to rest for the second fermentation. After a minimum of 30 months on the lees, our Pas Dosé is riddled to concentrate the sediment against the temporary cap, then disgorged and packaged. It displays a delicate, refined bouquet, excellent weight and body, a crisp vein of tasty acidity, velvety mouthfeel, a soft, foamy mousse and a long-lingering bead of fine bubbles. After a minimum of 30 months on the lees, our Franciacorta Satèn is riddled to concentrate the sediment against the temporary cap, then disgorged and packaged. It releases complex fragrances of fruit and impressions of smooth vanilla, and opens to a generous palate of multi-layered ripe fruit and tea biscuits. It displays a classically delicate, lingering mousse that caresses the palate with inimitable grace. Grapes: 100% Chardonnay Serving suggestions: Satèn makes a superb aperitif, but it is a fine partner as well to a wide range of dishes. One sip of our strikingly seductive Franciacorta Satèn makes everyone an aficionado. Grapes: 60% Chardonnay - 30% Pinot Blanc - 10% Pinot Noir Serving suggestions: Outstanding with fish and shellfish. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 543 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 544 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de IM ’Salcuta’ SRL Address Combination: perfectly suitable for pasta and tomato sauce. Is served with meat dishes of pork, beef, duck and ostrich, as well as hard cheeses. 53, Str. A. Sciusev 2012 Chisinau Moldova Phone +373 22 245252 Fax +373 22 228153 Internet address www.salcutawine.md E-Mail sales@salcuta.com Stand Hall 15, G81 (Page 994) Product Overview Serving: to be served at room temperature (17-18°C). Volume: 0.75 l Wine Road “Wine Road” Series – High-Quality Selected Varietal Dry Wines. A collection of high-quality varietal dry wines made from selected grapes according to the classical technology with regulation of the fermentation process. They conquer with their delicate varietal aroma, mild taste and unsurpassed quality. Elegant design and excellent quality of wines will be duly appreciated by the connoisseurs of noble wines. Industrias Espadafor S.A. IM ’Salcuta’ SRL 01.01.14 Moldova 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Product Details 02.06.01 Address Avda. de Andalucia, s/n 18015 Granada Spain Phone +34 958 800136 Fax +34 958 800405 Internet address www.espadafor.es E-Mail export@espadafor.es Stand Hall 10, B211 (Page 974) IM ’Salcuta’ SRL Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Pinot Noir Description Origin: South-East of Moldova, Tenetari micro-zone Product Overview Grape variety: Pinot Noir 100% Type: dry Description: exotic wine with a bright ruby color. Exquisite aroma of blueberries, cherries and raspberries is complemented by hints of spices. The taste is harmonious, with a refined tannic structure and a long aftertaste. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 545 Industrias Espadafor S.A. 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine 01.07.09 Alcohol-free wines and spirits © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 546 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.01 Industrias Espadafor S.A. Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine 04 Mineral water Product Details IQ 4 YOU GmbH Cloudem 02.01 ”Magic” Sparkling wine Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine PRIMASECCO Hugo Our cheeky, fresh PRIMASECCO HUGO has now become the life and soul of every party – and fashionable bars and restaurants cannot do without it. It combines finest PRIMASECCO VINO FRIZZANTE with fragrant elderflower syrup, aromatic mint and natural mineral water – rounded off with a dash of lemon. IQ 4 YOU GmbH Address PRIMASECCO Lilly Geislinger Str. 61 73337 Bad Überkingen Germany The innovation of wine-based mixed drinks: PRIMASECCO LILLY. The fresh, sparkling wine enjoyment of our PRIMASECCO VINO FRIZZANTE is complemented with the tangy taste of cranberries and raspberries. Phone +49 7331 3034-0 Fax +49 7331 3034-444 This combination adds to the atmosphere of hot summer parties or romantic evenings for two. Internet address www.iq4you.de PRIMASECCO Sprizz E-Mail info@iq4you.de Stand Hall 12, D76 (Page 982) Product Overview IQ 4 YOU GmbH At fashionable bars and restaurants or garden parties, our fruity, dry PRIMASECCO SPRIZZ classic finds its fans everywhere. It is based on our vivacious PRIMASECCO VINO FRIZZANTE. With the addition of choice bitter orange, it becomes the refreshingly iconic PRIMASECCO SPRIZZ that stimulates all our taste buds. 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine PRIMASECCO Vino Frizzante 02.04 Sparkling wine 03.04 Gin Our fresh and exciting PRIMASECCO VINO FRIZZANTE owes its fine fruit character exclusively to the sun-spoilt grapes from the hills of the picturesque Veneto region, lying between Lake Garda and the gates of Venice. 03.07 Other clear spirits © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Its Mediterranean origins are reflected in its taste, with 547 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 548 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de its vivacity, its fruity dry flavour and mellow character. PRIMASECCO VINO FRIZZANTE lends a uniqueness to those special moments in our lives. Joh. Eggers Sohn GmbH Address Konsul-Smidt-Str. 8J 28217 Bremen Germany Phone +49 421 8301460 Fax +49 421 8301469 Internet address www.eggerssohn.com E-Mail info@eggerssohn.com Stand Hall 13, B39 (Page 986) Product Overview Stellenbosch 02.07.01 Champagne Product Details 02.07.01 1851 gegründet, ist das in Reims ansässige Champagnerhaus CHARLES HEIDSIECK ein kleines, unabhängiges und außergewöhnliches Familienunternehmen. Müsste man Charles beschreiben, würde man ihn als brillanten Entrepreneur und Visionär mit großem Durchsetzungsvermögen bezeichnen, aber auch als Dandy und wahren Gentleman. Als Champagner Pionier eroberte er die USA und wurde als „Champagne Charlie“ berühmt. Auch in Europa gewann er diverse gekrönte Häupter für seinen Champagner - selbst die Bourgeoisie trank leidenschaftlich gern „Charles“. Couragiert investierte Charles Heidsieck in 2.000 Jahre alte Kellergewölbe aus der Römerzeit, deren hygrometrische Bedingungen ideal für die Reifung von Weinen sowie die Entfaltung von Finesse und Eleganz sind. Seine damalige Entscheidung die Weine über einen verlängerten Zeitraum reifen zu lassen, war ein kostenintensiver aber auch zukunftsweisender Schachzug. Joh. Eggers Sohn GmbH Ganz im Sinne des Firmengründers Charles Heidsieck, feilt das WinemakingTeam und die Eigentümerfamilie Descours Jahrgang für Jahrgang beständig am Niveau. Sie haben die bereits stark selektierten Cru Lagen von 120 auf nunmehr 60 reduziert und das Alter der Réserve Weine auf durchschnittlich 10 Jahre hochgesetzt (entgegen der vorherigen 8 Jahre). Diese sind schon immer stilprägend für den ausdrucksstarken und generösen Charakter der CHARLES HEIDSIECK Champagner. Bereits bei den non-vintage Weinen beträgt die Reifezeit in den hauseigenen Gallo-Romanischen Kreidekellern mindestens drei Jahre. Der Anteil an Réserve Weinen stellt bei dem Brut non-vintage nun sage und schreibe 40% dar. Joh. Eggers Sohn GmbH Champagne Charles Heidsieck Heute zählen die Champagner von CHARLES HEIDSIECK zu den wohl höchst ausgezeichneten Champagnern der Welt. Thomas Stevenson, renommierter Weinautor und einer der führenden Champagnerverkoster weltweit, über CHARLES HEIDSIECK: „Nach mehr als 30 Jahren Erfahrung habe ich meine alte Liste der besten Champagner hervorgeholt und noch einmal neu geschrieben. Ganz oben, an die erste Stelle, habe ich CHARLES HEIDSIECK gesetzt.“ Unter den „100 besten Champagnern 2013“ des Fine Champagne Magazine war CHARLES HEIDSIECK gleich vier Mal Klassenbester (Brut, Vintage, Rosé und Vintage Rosé)! Und bei den erstmals in diesem Jahr ausgetragenen Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championships, die von weltbekannten Juroren wie Thomas Stevenson oder Essi Avellan geleitet wurden, erhielt der CHARLES HEIDSIECK Rosé Réserve die bedeutende Auszeichnung „World Champion Non-Vintage Rosé”. Seit April 2014 werden die Champagner des Hauses CHARLES HEIDSIECK in Deutschland durch die Joh. Eggers Sohn GmbH, Bremen vertrieben. Das Traditionshaus CHARLES HEIDSIECK wurde vor 3 Jahren von EPI, der Holding Gesellschaft der Descours Familie, gekauft. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 549 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 550 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Schloss Koblenz Spätburgunder Rosé Sekt trocken1 Josef Drathen GmbH & Co. KG Wein- und Sektkellerei Feines, filigranes Spätburgunder Bukett, spritzig, langanhaltend prickelnd am Gaumen. Address Fliehburgstr. 23 56856 Zell Germany Phone +49 6542 700-0 Fax +49 6542 700-55 Splendid Riesling Jahrgangssekt brut Internet address www.josef-drathen.de Die spritzige Variante der Rieslingtraube. Bei allen Festen ein besonderer Trinkgenuss. E-Mail info@josef-drathen.de Ausgezeichnet mit drei Sternen, bei Selection, ”Alles was schäumt Internationale Perlwein- und Schaumweinverkostung 2011”. Stand Hall 13, C31 (Page 986) Product Overview Josef Drathen GmbH & Co. KG Wein- und... Joseph Perrier Champagne c/o Vinco-Import GmbH Mosel 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Address Jakobstr. 8 54290 Trier Germany Phone +49 651 7196-0 Schloss Koblenz Chardonnay Jahrgangssekt brut Fax +49 651 7196-310 Komplexe Aromatik nach reifen gelbe Früchten und weich, geschmeidig am Gaumen. Internet address www.bernard-massard.de E-Mail info@bernard-massard.de Stand Hall 12, D26 (Page 982) Product Details 02.07.09 Josef Drathen GmbH & Co. KG Wein- und... Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Overview 02.07.01 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 551 Joseph Perrier Champagne c/o Vinco-Import GmbH Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 552 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.01 Joseph Perrier Champagne c/o Vinco-Import GmbH Champagne Schaumweinen nach der Dom Perignon-Methode, die heute als traditionelle Flaschengärung (Méthode Traditionelle) bekannt ist. Höchster Qualität verschrieben Bis heute ist Caves Monmousseau auf der ganzen Welt für seine Qualitätsweine und Spitzen-Crémants bekannt. Die Firmenphilosophie des Hauses beruht auf traditionellen Herstellungsmethoden und modernster Kellertechnik. Dabei bildet ausgewähltes, feinstes Lesegut die Basis für Weine und Crémant, die Genießer und Weinfreunde weltweit begeistern. Bernard-Massard Crémant Mosel Die ursprünglich nur französischen Schaumweinen vorbehaltene Bezeichnung ’Cremant’ darf seit einigen Jahren darf auch für deutschen Sekt verwendet werden, wenn er bestimmte Kriterien bezüglich Herstellung und Qualität erfüllt. Unter anderem muss Crémant aus typischen Trauben der Region hergestellt werden, die besonders schonend als ’Ganztraubenpressung’ vinifiziert werden. Auch die traditionelle Flaschengärung sowie eine 12-monatige Reifung in der Flasche zählen zu den Voraussetzungen. Bernard-Massard Crémant Brut ist heute das Top-Cuvée unserer Sektkellerei. Die Basis bilden edle Riesling-Trauben ausgewählter Weinlagen der Mosel. Die fruchtig-eleganten Riesling-Weine werden individuell in der Flasche vergoren und reifen unter ständiger Kontrolle erfahrener Kellermeister in den Gewölbekellern des historischen Palais Pillishof. Bernard-Massard Crémant Brut besticht durch besondere Eleganz, feines Mousseux, intensive Fruchtaromen, feinherben Geschmack und seine cremige Art. GRAF LUXEMBURG Oh Pardon, sind Sie der Graf von Luxemburg? Graf Luxemburg steht für edlen Qualitätssekt exklusiv für den Fachhandel und ist in den Geschmacksgraden trocken, halbtrocken und mild erhältlich. Jahrgangssekt im Namen des geheimnisvollen Grafen Neben der gleichnamigen Operette von Franz Lehár wurde der Graf des kleinen Großherzogtums im Herzen Europas bereits 1968 in einem alten Schlager besungen. Heute ist Graf Luxemburg vor allem für erstklassigen Jahrgangssekt bekannt. Perfekte Alternative zu Eigenmarken CAVES MONMOUSSEAU Als erstklassige Alternative zu Sekteigenmarken ist Graf Luxemburg bei uns ständig verfügbar und perfekt für Bestellungen in kleinerem Umfang. Die ganzjährige Verfügbarkeitsgarantie über unser Zentrallager und die schnelle Lieferung bindet Kunden nicht an Mindestabnahmemengen. Feinstes aus dem Felsenkeller Caves Monmousseau steht für edelste Crémants aus traditioneller Flaschengärung und feinste Weine aus der Felsenkellerei Monmousseau im Loiretal. Die weitläufigen Felsenkeller des Hauses mit ihren 15 Kilometer Gängen und der konstanten Temperatur von 12°C und idealer Luftfeuchtigkeit bieten beste natürliche Bedingungen für die Herstellung und Lagerung von Crémant und Wein. Pur oder als Cocktail In den Höhlen der Loire Bereits im Jahre 1886 erkannte Firmengründer Alcide Monmousseau das perfekte, natürliche Reife- und Lagerungsklima der Höhlen des Loiretals und gründete dort seine Felsenkellerei. Die Felsenkeller entstanden durch den Abbau von Steinen zur Errichtung der berühmten Loire-Schlösser. Sekt aus dem Hause Graf Luxemburg schmeckt pur und ist wie geschaffen für spritzige Sektcocktails. Einfache Sektcocktails lassen sich bereits mit einem Schuss Monin-Sirup und Graf Luxemburg zaubern. Unter Sektcocktails finden Sie einige Inspirationen für prickelnde, erfrischende Sektcocktails. Weitere Rezepte und Cocktail-Empfehlungen haben wir unter www.sektcocktail.de für Sie zusammengestellt. Méthode Traditionnelle 1930 begann unter der Führung des Neffen des Firmengründers, Justin-Marcel, Caves Monmousseau als erste Kellerei in der Touraine mit der Herstellung von © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 553 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 554 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de JOSEPH PERRIER JV Chateau Vartely SRL Anspruch, Qualität und Tradition Seit 1852 ist der Name Joseph Perrier gleichzusetzen mit höchstem Anspruch, edelster Qualität und langer Tradition. Die Wurzeln des Weltruhms der Marke Champagne Joseph Perrier befinden sich seit Generationen im Champagne-Haus „Joseph Perrier fils et Cie“ in Châlons-en-Champagne. Seit jeher in Familienbesitz Bis zum heutigen Tag leiten die Nachkommen Joseph Perriers die Geschäfte des Hauses - seit 1980 ist Jean-Claude Fourmon als Geschäftsführer für die Geschicke des inzwischen international tätigen Unternehmens verantwortlich. Edelste Früchte für einzigartige Cuvées Die hauseigenen 21 Hektar Weinberge liefern immer noch einen großen Teil erlesenster Trauben für die Produktion von Champagne. Der Rest stammt von 30 ausgewählten Cru-Lagen in Cumières. Hier, in der Domaine de Cumières, die zum Perrier’schen Familienbesitz gehört, werden nur die besten Früchte gepresst und zu Wein vergoren. Die eigentliche Champagne-Bereitung erfolgt im Haupthaus in Châlon-en-Champagne. Natürliche Lagerung - perfekte Reife In den natürlich klimatisierten Kreidekellern lagern die Cuvées drei bis zehn Jahre bis zur optimalen Trinkreife und erfüllen so die höchsten Qualitätsansprüche, um den Namen Joseph Perrier und das markante gelbe Etikett mit der berühmten Adresse in Châlons-en-Champagne zu tragen. Address 170/b Eliberarii Str. 3501 Orhei Moldova Phone +373 22 8298-81 Fax +373 22 8298-88 Internet address www.vartely.md E-Mail sales@vartely.md Stand Hall 15, G81 (Page 994) Product Overview JV Chateau Vartely SRL 01.01.14 Moldova 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Product Details 02.06.01 JV Chateau Vartely SRL Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin VARTELY Brut Château Vartely Brut - a nice sparkling wine with a tiny bead of bubbles. Made from 100% Pinot Noir grapes, the wine has a lovely ripe yeasty fizz factor in the mouth with underlying floral, lemony and apple cider flavors. Straw gold color, dry but a pleasant finish with fruit sweetness. Made by “method classique” with 12 months in cellar. Enjoy the floralfruity character of this lively and refreshing brut. This wine will become a irreplaceable attribute of any celebrations. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 555 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 556 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Silvaner, brut Kaiserstühler Winzergenossenschaft Ihringen e.G. Address Winzerstr. 6 79241 Ihringen Germany Phone +49 7668 9036-0 Fax +49 7668 555-6 Internet address www.winzergenossenschaft-ihringen.de E-Mail info@winzergenossenschaft-ihringen.de Stand Hall 14, D19 (Page 990) Product Overview 02.07.08 Kaiserstühler Winzergenossenschaft Ihringen e.G. Address Velika Nedelja 23 2274 Velika Nedelja Slovenia Phone +386 2 713-6060 Fax +386 2 713-6061 Internet address www.kogl.net E-Mail info@kogl.net Stand Hall 15, H37 (Page 994) Baden Winzersekt Product Details 02.07.08 KOGL, Franci Cvetko Kaiserstühler Winzergenossenschaft Ihringen e.G. Winzersekt Pinot, brut, Traditionelles Flaschengärverfahren © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Product Overview 557 KOGL, Franci Cvetko 02.04 Sparkling wine Podravje © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 558 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details KOGL, Franci Cvetko Product Overview 02.04 La Farra Azienda Agricola Sparkling wine Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Vinum Spumans Albus Clasique A sparkling wine ALBUS - CLASIQUE is produced by classic method with second fermentation in bottles. Product Details A base wine is a blend of Riesling, Yellow Muscat, Chardonnay and Furmint and has been lying on the lees for two years before disgorgement. While on lees it had developed its smooth ageing bouquet. It has deeper golden colour with numerous slow and elegant bubbles. On the nose it immediately confirms its maturity. It has very intense nose, with nice diversity reminding of flowers, honey and gentle spicy notes in the background. The richness of the character is also confirmed in the mouth, where it shows fuller body and moderate acidity for a sparkling wine. While labelled as dry it shows nice sweetness. It spent less time on lees as our A.D. sparkling and suits well as an aperitif. Nevertheless, it will go well with food, even with main dish. +39 0438 801242 Fax +39 0438 801504 Internet address www.lafarra.it E-Mail info@lafarra.it Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) Prosecco DOC Treviso / Prosecco DOC Brut Type: Sparkling Brut Cultivar: Glera Denomination: Prosecco DOC (Certification of Controlled Origin) Treviso Grape origins: The grapes come from the company’s vines situated in “Colle d’Attila” in Farra di Soligo. The “Sylvoz” cultivation method is used. The soil is clayey. Fermentation without the skins with delicate pressing and slow fermentation, app. 15 days, at a controlled temperature of 18°C. The wine is then racked and kept in special stainless steel vats at controlled low temperatures. Via San Francesco, 44 31010 Farra di Soligo (Tv) Italy Phone Prosecco Spumante Harvest: Hand-picked in the last decade of SeptemberFermentation La Farra Azienda Agricola Address 02.07.04 La Farra Azienda Agricola Sparkling wine making method Charmat method, which is traditionally used for young, delicate and aromatic wines. Second fermentation in pressurised vats lasts 20-25 days, and maturing takes a further 2 months. Sensory features Brilliant straw yellow colour with very fine beading fruity bouquet of apples, peaches and acacia flowers Well-orchestrated flavour, light body and dry close Accompaniments Excellent aperitif, as a base for fruit cocktails and ideal served with fish hors d’oeuvres, vegetable soups and first courses and young fresh cheeses. Alcohol content: 11% Vol. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 559 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 560 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Sugar ripeness: 11 g/l. bollicine, the scents is yields to you; apple, peach and flowers of acacia. The harmonious sapore, vellutato, light of body and with dry end. Total acidity: 6.0 g/l Gastronomici couplings: Optimal like aperitif, or to base for cocktails to the fruit, one comes near perfectly to appetizers of fish, and cheeses. Packing: “Collio” bottle, 0.75 l. Serving temperature: 8°-10° C. Alcoholic degree: 11% Vol. Recommended glass: White wine glass, medium-wide. Residual sugar: 11 g/l. Epoca di consumo: Entro l’anno successivo alla vendemmia per poter apprezzare la caratteristiche massime di freschezza Pressure: 2.4 bar Available sizes: Bottle 0.75 l. and Magnum 1.5 l. Packaging: “Collio” bottle from lt. 0,75 Product code: S15 Temperature of service: 8°-10° C. Advised glass: White wine glass, medium-wide Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco Frizzante VALDOBBIADENE Prosecco DOCG La Marca Vini e Spumanti sca “Frizzante spago” Address Via Baite, 14 31046 Oderzo (TV) Italy Phone +39 0422 814681 Origin of the grapes: Created from a selection of grapes coming from the vines on the Farra di Soligo and S.Pietro di Feletto hills. Clay and limestone soils, and the “Double-arched Cane” and “Sylvoz” cultivation methods are respectively used. Fax +39 0422 814069 Internet address www.lamarca.it The vines are cultivated directly by the firm “LA FARRA”. E-Mail lamarca@lamarca.it Stand Hall 15, C61 (Page 994) Tipologia: Frizzante -semi-sparkling wineVitigno: Glera 100% Denomination: Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG (Certification of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin) . Collection: By hand in the last decade of September Winemaking: vinification in white man with soft pressing, the fermentation happens in slow way, 15 days approximately, to a controlled temperature of 18 degrees, subsequently it comes decanted and conserved in I affixed inoxtermoconditioned tanks to you of steel to low temperatures. Secondary fermentation: It comes executed with the Charmat method, procedure that traditionally adduced for wines young, delicate and aromati to us. Product Overview La Marca Vini e Spumanti sca Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Organolettiche characteristics: The color is paglierino shining with the most fine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 561 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 562 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.04 La Marca Vini e Spumanti sca Prosecco Spumante at a temperature of 15°C. Secondary fermentation through the Charmat method at a temperature of 15°C. Colour Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG - Extra Dry Straw yellow. Grape Variety Bouquet 100% Glera Elegant, fine, delicate, with fruity notes and floral aromatics. Winemaking Notes Main Features Short cryo-maceration followed by a very soft pressing of the selected grapes. Initial fermentation with selected yeasts at a temperature of 15°C. Secondary fermentation through the Charmat method at a temperature of 14°C. Fresh, soft, pleasantly slightly bitter, harmonious, with marked fruity notes. Alcohol Content 11,00% Colour Food Pairing Suggestions Straw yellow. Ideal as an aperitif, it perfectly matches with light starters and fish dishes. Bouquet Delicate, elegant, with a distinctive aroma of apple and apricot. Vibrant floral bouquet. Serve chilled between 6 - 8° C. Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Millesimato - Brut Main Features Grape Variety Fine perlage with a pleasant and lively acidity. Medium bodied, soft, velvety and well-balanced. 100% Glera Winemaking Notes Alcohol Content Soft pressing. Fermentation with selected yeasts at a temperature of 15°C. Second fermentation with Charmat method at a temperature of 15°C. 11,5% Food Pairing Suggestions An excellent aperitif, ideal for any occasion. Pairs well with light fish dishes, risotto, mild cheeses or desserts. Serve chilled between 6 - 8° C. Colour Bright straw yellow. Bouquet Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG - Extra Dry Fresh and with a fine bouquet of flowers. Strong, with delicious and marked hints of fruit. Main Features Grape Variety 100% Glera Crispy and harmonious, with delicate hints of fruit like apple, pear and peach. Winemaking Notes Alcohol Content Very soft pressing. Initial fermentation with selected yeasts 11,5% © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 563 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 564 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Food Pairing Suggestions La Montina SRL Perfect as an aperitif or accompaniment to the whole meal. It also pairs well with shellfish and white meat. Address Via Baiana 17 25040 Monticelli Brusati (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 653278 Fax +39 030 6850209 Internet address www.lamontina.it E-Mail info@lamontina.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) Serve chilled between 6 - 8° C. Valdobbiadene Superiore di Cartizze DOCG - Dry Grape Variety 100% Glera Winemaking Notes Short cryo-maceration followed by a very soft pressing of the selected grapes. Initial fermentation with selected yeasts at a temperature of 15°C. Secondary fermentation through the Charmat method at a temperature of 14°C. Colour Pale straw yellow. Product Overview Bouquet 02.07.05 Fine bouquet with peach, apple and pear fruit characters. La Montina SRL Franciacorta Product Details La Montina SRL Main Features Sapid, soft, well-balanced with delicate hints of fruit. Lively and agreeable acidity. 02.07.05 Franciacorta La Montina Franciacorta Argens Satén Brut Effektiver Alkoholgehalt 11,00% TRAINING SYSTEM: Guyot Food Pairing Suggestions YIELD PER HECTARE: 90 quintals/hectare A delicate aperitif. Pairs well with cakes and biscuits. GRAPE VARIETIES: 100% Chardonnay (30% has first Serve chilled between 6 - 8° C. fermentation in wood) MATURATION: spends at least 30 months on the lees, two years with 65% harvest of 2009 and 35% harvest of 2008 RESIDUAL SUGAR: 8 gr/l AVAILABLE THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: 0.75 litre, 1.5 litre (Magnum) The Chardonnay grapes that go into this wine come only from our best vineyards, which are some of the oldest in the estate and have a superb micro- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 565 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 566 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de climate thanks to their proximity to the Lago d’Iseo. The grapes are pressed very softly using only the ‘Marmonier’ press and the fermentation takes place partly in medium toast «barriques» to add elegance, finesse and a note of vanilla. The mousse is very soft and the bubbles fine with a colour of varying depths of straw yellow depending on the vintage. The nose offers a complex bouquet of tropical fruits and aromatic herbs. The palate is smooth and delicate. Ideal accompaniments are light first courses, fish and white meat. La Montina Franciacorta Aurum Millesimato Brut 2008 TRAINING SYSTEM: Guyot YIELD PER HECTARE: 90 quintals/hectare AVAILABLE THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: 0.75 litre The grapes for this wine come from particularly vineyard locations of moraine origin with shallow pebbly soils well suited to the production of very fresh berries with high acidity. The bunches, having reached phenolic ripeness, are hand harvested and then undergo the same process as the Brut with only the selection of the first press juice going into the wine. The wine has a very fine mousse which hugs the glass like a wreath. On the palate it is dry, as it should be, very clean and with excellent minerality. The nose is broad and offers aromas of Artemisia flowers and fresh fruit. It is ideal as an aperitif or served with oysters, fried fresh lake fish or Grana Padano cheese La Montina Franciacorta Rosatum Rosé Extra Brut GRAPE VARIETIES: Chardonnay 60% and Pinot Noir 40% MATURATION: spends at least 38 months on the lees TRAINING SYSTEM: Guyot RESIDUAL SUGAR: 8 gr/l YIELD PER HECTARE: 80 quintals/hectare AVAILABLE THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: 0.75 litre, 1.5 litre (Magnum) GRAPE VARIETIES: 85% Pinot Noir, 15% Chardonnay MATURATION: Spends at least 30 months on the lees AVAILABILITY: available from September 2014 RESIDUAL SUGAR: 4.5 gr/l Aurum is obtained from grapes picked only in the best vineyards. It is composed of Chardonnay which gives the wine elegance and finesse and Pinot Noir which imparts structure and life. This blend combined with a very gentle pressing produces a distinctly golden hued wine of unmistakeable personality. The mousse is soft and the bubbles are persistent and long. The olfactory notes and hints of acacia honey are combined with engaging stone fruits and a whiff of roasting. In the mouth the racy acidity balances with a full body and depth of flavour. Aurum works supremely well with full flavoured but balanced foods. AVAILABLE THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: 0.75 litre Rosatum is obtained from predominantly Pinot Noir harvested from vineyards steeped in history and quality. The usual soft pressing of the berries and the carefully timed maceration on the skins give this wine nerve and body, while the Chardonnay completes the wine with finesse. The mousse is generous and soft and the nose full of aromas of mature forest fruits. In the mouth, it is soft and full bodied. It is super as an aperitif but is at its best accompanying cold meat, grills and strong cheeses. La Montina Franciacorta Extra Brut La Montina Franciacorta Rosé Demi Sec TRAINING SYSTEM: Guyot TRAINING SYSTEM: Guyot YIELD PER HECTARE: 95 quintals/hectare YIELD PER HECTARE: 95 quintals/hectare GRAPE VARIETIES: 85% Chardonnay, 15% Pinot Noir GRAPE VARIETIES: 60% Pinot Noir, 40% Chardonnay MATURATION: it is made by 2 cuvee of different years, 65% harvest 2010 and 35% harvest 2009. MATURATION: spends as minimum 24 months on the lees Spends at least 28 months on the lees RESIDUAL SUGAR: 34 gr/l RESIDUAL SUGAR: 4.5 grams/litre © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 567 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 568 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de AVAILABLE THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: Product Details Classic 0.75 L, 0.375 L, 1.5 L This wine of considerable softness was born almost by chance from a stylistic experiment and has since become a pleasurable reality. It is made from predominantly Pinot Noir upon whose skins the wine spends a short time to extract not just the enticing colour, but also the aromas and f lavours of little red fruits and undergrowth. The combination of freshness and finesse imparted by the Chardonnay completes the wine. The mousse is vibrant and harmonious and the fruit, sweet and fresh, an ideal accompanimentto fresh fruit, small tarts and desserts and even delicatelyf lavoured cheeses. 02.07.05 La Valle Società Agricola di Pezzola s.s. Franciacorta Franciacorta Brut DOCG ”PRIMUM” Franciacorta Brut DOCG ”REGIUM” Millesimato Franciacorta Brut DOCG Rosè Franciacorta Brut DOCG Saten Franciacorta Dosaggio Zero DOCG ”Zerum” Riserva Franciacorta Extra Brut DOCG ”Naturalis” La-Vis S.C.A. La Valle Società Agricola di Pezzola s.s. Address Phone Fax Internet address E-Mail Stand Address Via del Carmine, 7 38015 Lavis (TN) Italy Phone +39 0461 440111 Fax +39 0461 440244 Internet address www.gruppo-la-vis.com E-Mail cantina@la-vis.com Stand Hall 15, G61 (Page 994) Via S. Antonio, 4 25050 Rodengo Saiano (BS) Italy +39 030 7722045 +39 030 7248273 www.vinilavalle.it info@vinilavalle.it Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) Product Overview Product Overview 02.07.05 La Valle Società Agricola di Pezzola s.s. La-Vis S.C.A. Trentino/Alto Adige 02.07.06 Trentodoc Lombardia Franciacorta © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 569 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 570 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.06 La-Vis S.C.A. Trentodoc the values that it has conveyed for half a century – the classic prestige of the region, the simple elegance of its sparkling wines and good work practices both in the vineyards and the winery. CEMBRA cantina di Montagna - OROROSSO TRENTODOC CEMBRA cantina di montagna is the highest winery on the Trentino mountains (700 m ASL). Established in 1952 at the initiative of a group of vine-growers, today its members number about 400, passionately dedicated to heroic grape growing on the hard-to-reach terraces that are typical in the valley. Cembra is nestled in the area that is also Europe’s leading producer of porphyry, the valley’s red gold, a rock that gives wines extraordinary flavour and persistence. In this unique landscape, a number of vines selected through the 1980 zoning project find their ideal habitat, revealing all the tradition and strength of the Trentino area in the aromas and flavours of their wines. ’OROROSSO’ (’red gold’) is the name given in Valle di Cembra to porphyry, the volcanic rock typical of the region, which is an important economic resource for this mountainous area. LADAIROCS SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA s.s. Address Via della Roggia 7 33040 Faedis (UD) Italy Phone +39 0421 320438 Fax +39 0421 320965 Internet address www.ladairocs.it,www.tessereonline.it E-Mail ladairocs@gmail.com Stand Hall 15, D72 (Page 994) Cesarini Sforza - Classic Method TRENTODOC Cesarini Sforza has emerged as the most successful example of a company that symbolizes its region, Trentino. Origin, tradition, history and innovation are important elements of its sparkling wines, from the prestigious “Aquila Reale” and the four sophisticated “Tridentvm” wines to its “Brut Riserva”, which has been a continuing favourite for more than forty years. Product Overview LADAIROCS SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA s.s. Veneto 02.04 Sparkling wine All of these sparkling wines faithfully reflect the region and its wine growing tradition (which is at times heroic – like in the Cembra Valley) “decanted” into a production philosophy that originated many years ago, in 1974, when Count Lamberto Cesarini Sforza, along with Giuseppe Andreaus and other bold pioneers of the virtues of the Classic Method, founded the company Cesarini Sforza in Trento. Today, the company is led with renewed passion by management that is able to express the characteristics and richness of Trentino’s lands, aptly apply innovation and oenological science and meet the challenges presented by the new times. Cesarini Sforza is therefore facing the upcoming years strengthened by © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 571 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 572 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.04 LADAIROCS SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA s.s. Sparkling wine Langenbach & Co. GmbH Wein & Sektkellerei Address Jakobstraße 8 54290 Trier Germany Phone +49 651 7196-122 Fax +49 651 7196-310 Internet address www.langenbach-wein.de E-Mail is@langenbach-wein.de Stand Hall 12, D28 (Page 982) 357 – Spumante Verduzzo Friulano Extra Dry Uve: Verduzzo Friulano selezionate Terreno: In prevalenza argilloso Sistema di allevamento: Guyot Anno di impianto: 1960 Densità: 3000 piante per ettaro Resa uva: 2 kg per ceppo Vendemmia: Fine settembre, a mano Vinificazione: In acciaio, sosta prolungata su fecce fini, metodo Charmat lungo Colore: Giallo Paglierino Profumo: Floreale Product Overview Gusto: Persistente con un finale di mandorla Mosel Abbinamenti: Ottimo come aperitivo, con antipasti e fritti ed in abbinamento a formaggi, carni bianche, pesce, focacce, panettoni, biscotti e Gubana 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Temperatura di servizio: 10-12 °C Note: Gestione dell’azienda nel rispetto del territorio, non si usano nè erbicidi nè concimi chimici, operazione “Ape Amica” Langenbach & Co. GmbH Wein & Sektkellerei Product Details 02.06.01 Langenbach & Co. GmbH Wein & Sektkellerei Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Sekt Elegante Vielfalt Unsere Tradition reicht zurück bis ins Jahr 1911, seit dem im Hause Langenbach selbst Sekt hergestellt wurde. Damals wie heute ist Langenbach-Sekt geprägt von zeitgemäßen Spitzen-Cuvées von vornehmer Eleganz und Finesse. Langenbach Riesling Tradition Feinperliger, fruchtiger Rieslingsekt mit markanter Säure. In der Flasche gegoren und mit Naturkork verschlossen, mit einem Restzucker von © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 573 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 574 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 19 g/l. Product Details Langenbach Weißburgundersekt Fruchtbetonter, weicher und aromatischer Jahrgangssekt mit feiner Restsüße. Mit 18 g/l Restzucker. Zur Vollendung gereift in Flaschengärung. Langenbach Riesling Brut Spritziger, rassig-eleganter Jahrgangssekt. Feine Eleganz trifft natürliche Finesse. Restzuckergehalt 12 g/l. Mit Naturkork verschlossen. Langenbach Goldlack Chardonnay Extra Dry Sehr feinperliger, erfrischender Chardonnay mit typischem Rebsortencharakter. Mit 16 g/l Restzuckergehalt. Perfekt für jeden Anlass. Langenbach Weißlack Brut, Trocken und Halbtrocken Klassiker aus dem Rheingau. Edle JahrgangssektReihe mit feinherber Note. Ideal als Apéritif und als eleganter Essensbegleiter. 02.04 Latvijas balzams JSC AS Sparkling wine Cosmopolitan Diva Cosmopolitan Diva is delightfully crisp and fruity. Each drop of this divine sparkling has passed through an exclusive pure gold filtration system to make it as special as you are. Its aromas reveal delicious hints of fresh fruits, mixed with the complexity and elegance of vanilla and white flowers.Enjoy chilled and match with fruit desserts, cakes and light creamy cheeses. It is ideal as an aperitif. Best served at 10°-12°C. Lauffener Weingärtner eG Address 160, A. Caka Str. 1012 Riga Latvia Im Brühl 48 74348 Lauffen am Neckar Germany Phone +49 7133 185-0 Phone +371 6 7081213 Fax +49 7133 185-60 Fax +371 6 7315265 Internet address www.wg-lauffen.de Internet address www.lb.lv E-Mail service@wg-lauffen.de E-Mail office@lb.lv Stand Hall 14, B60 (Page 990) Stand Hall 12, C77 (Page 982) Latvijas balzams JSC AS Address Product Overview Latvijas balzams JSC AS 02.04 Sparkling wine 03.15 Vodka © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 575 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 576 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Company News 04.02.2016 Lauffener Weingärtner eG Lauffener Weingärtner gewinnen den Bundesehrenpreis Lauffener Weingärtner gewinnen den Bundesehrenpreis Katzenbeißer-WG zum 12. Mal nacheinander bester Württemberger Erzeuger -Im DLG-Ranking auf Platz 7 verbessert Lauffen am Neckar/Hambacher Schloss (wg) – Die Lauffener Weingärtner sind wieder in Feierlaune und können auf neue Erfolge anstoßen: Bei der 65. Bundesweinprämierung der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG) wurde die Katzenbeißer-WG wieder mit dem Bundesehrenpreis ausgezeichnet. Staatssekretär Peter Bleser vom Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, DLG-Präsident CarlAlbrecht Bartmer und die Deutsche Weinkönigin Josefine Schlumberger übergaben die Urkunde und Medaille im Hambacher Schloss an die Lauffener Vorstände Ulrich Maile und Dietrich Rembold sowie Geschäftsführer Marian Kopp. Außerdem machten die Wengerter aus der Hölderlinstadt das Dutzend voll: Zum zwölften Mal nacheinander behaupteten sie sich als bester und einziger Weinerzeuger in Württemberg in den TOP 10 und verbesserten sich im DLG-Ranking der 100 besten deutschen Weingärtner sogar auf Platz 7. „Dieses tolle Ergebnis spiegelt unser unbändiges Streben nach absoluter Qualität wider“, kommentierte Ulrich Maile, der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Lauffener Weingärtner, das abermals hervorragende Abschneiden. In der traditionsreichsten Qualitätsprüfung für Weine und Sekte aus den deutschen Anbaugebieten testete die DLG rund 4300 Weine und Sekte. Die höchste Qualitätsauszeichnung der deutschen Ernährungswirtschaft, die Bundesehrenpreise, wurden in diesem Jahr nur an 19 Weingüter und Winzergenossenschaften vergeben, darunter je zwei an Erzeuger aus Württemberg und Baden. „Ich freue mich mit den Kollegen in Lauffen und Mundelsheim über diese Auszeichnung. Es steckt viel Arbeit im Weinberg, im Keller und im Vertrieb dahinter, ehe unsere Kunden die Weine genießen können, und ich danke allen Mitarbeitern herzlich für ihre Passion“, sagte Geschäftsführer Marian Kopp. Bei der diesjährigen Prämierung gab es für die Lauffener Weingärtner eG 16 Gold-, 31 Silber- und 17 Bronzemedaillen. „Die DLG-Prüfung besitzt für uns einen besonders hohen Wert. Hier werden die Weine ausschließlich von neutralen zertifizierten Verkostern bewertet. Deshalb sind die Resultate auch wirklich aussagekräftig“, urteilte Uli Maile. Bereits zum 21. Mal tragen die Lauffener Weine nun die DLGMedaillen. Dass auch der aktuelle Jahrgang 2015 wieder sehr gut abschnei- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 577 den kann, steht für den Lauffener Kellermeister Michael Böhm schon heute fest. „Unsere Weißweine präsentieren sich fruchtig, sortentypisch, frisch und reintönig. Durch die trockene Witterung und die enormen Zuckergehalte sind die 2015er-Weine von einer außergewöhnlichen Dichte und Stoffigkeit geprägt“, berichtet der Kellermeister. Auch die Rotweine würden „durch ihre gehaltvolle Art“ überzeugen. „Sie verkörpern Gebiets-Typizität, fruchtig-feine Ausprägung und einen ausgewogenen, harmonischen Geschmack mit dichtem Charakter und langem Nachhall“, beschreibt Michael Böhm die Weine. Insgesamt ernteten die Lauffener Weingärtner in diesem Herbst 12,2 Millionen Kilogramm Trauben. Damit lag die Lese auf einem guten Mengen-Niveau im langjährigen Mittel. Am Standort Lauffen wurden 9,1 Millionen kg (Vorjahr: 8,4 Mio kg) und am Standort Mundelsheim 3,1 Mio. kg (2,9 Mio. kg) geerntet. Die Lese hatte am 15. September begonnen, letzter Hauptlesetag war Anfang. Innerhalb von 24 Lesetagen wurde der komplette Jahrgang in Lauffen und Mundelsheim angeliefert. Das Durchschnittsmostgewicht lag bei den Rotweinen bei 85,9 Grad Oechsle und bei den Weißweinen bei 86,3 Grad. 10,9 Millionen kg rote und 1,3 Mio. kg weiße Trauben wurden angeliefert. „Die alkoholische Gärung verlief reibungslos. Wir erwarten durch die hoch reifen Trauben keine Probleme beim biologischen Säureabbau“, sagt Kellermeister Böhm. Die Lauffener Weingärtner eG verkauft 73 Prozent ihrer Produkte über den Lebensmittel-Einzelhandel und 12 Prozent über den Fachhandel. 8 Prozent machen Endverbraucher und 7 Prozent Gaststätten, Export und sonstige Abnehmer aus. Mit einem Absatzanteil von 33 Prozent ist die Sorte Schwarzriesling nach wie vor die bedeutendste Rebsorte der Genossenschaft. Riesling ist bei Weißweinen unangefochten die Nr. 1. Lauffener Weingärtner eG Die Lauffener Weingärtner eG ist nach der Fusion mit der WG Mundelsheim mit einer Rebfläche von 881 ha und 1170 Mitgliedern sowie einem Umsatz von 19,9 Millionen Euro die größte Einzelgenossenschaft im Weinanbaugebiet Württemberg. Bei 106 ha verfügt Lauffen über die größte terrassierte Steillagenfläche in Württemberg. In den Großlagen Kirchenweinberg und Schalkstein sowie den Einzellagen Katzenbeißer, Käsberg, Mühlbächer und Rozenberg wachsen vor allem Schwarzriesling, Trollinger, Samtrot, Lemberger und Riesling. Der „Katzenbeißer“ ist bei den Verbrauchern in ganz Deutschland der bekannteste Württemberger Wein. Die Lauffener Weingärtner sind im DLG-Ranking seit elf Jahren ununterbrochen bester Weinerzeuger in Württemberg. Die Qualität der Lauffener und Mundelsheimer Weine wird von zahlreichen Auszeichnungen belegt. Neben dem Sieg im europäischen VINUM-Genossenschaftscup gab es den ersten und dritten Platz beim Deutschen Rotweinpreis, den zweiten Platz im Focus-Weintest, den Sieg beim Deutschen Lemberger-Preis „Vaihinger Löwe“, die Ehrung als „beste Jungwinzer-Vereinigung“ in Deutschland, den Jungwinzerpreis des Weinbauverbandes Württemberg sowie verschiedene Spitzenplatzierungen bei der ARTVINUM und der Berliner Weintrophy, bei © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 578 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Mundus Vini und Selection etc. Außerdem wurde Lauffener Wein und Sekt wiederholt beim Filmfestival Berlinale kredenzt. 04.02.2016 Lauffener Weingärtner gewinnen den Bundesehrenpreis Lauffener Weingärtner gewinnen den Bundesehrenpreis Katzenbeißer-WG zum 12. Mal nacheinander bester Württemberger Erzeuger -Im DLG-Ranking auf Platz 7 verbessert Lauffen am Neckar/Hambacher Schloss (wg) – Die Lauffener Weingärtner sind wieder in Feierlaune und können auf neue Erfolge anstoßen: Bei der 65. Bundesweinprämierung der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG) wurde die Katzenbeißer-WG wieder mit dem Bundesehrenpreis ausgezeichnet. Staatssekretär Peter Bleser vom Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, DLG-Präsident Carl-Albrecht Bartmer und die Deutsche Weinkönigin Josefine Schlumberger übergaben die Urkunde und Medaille im Hambacher Schloss an die Lauffener Vorstände Ulrich Maile und Dietrich Rembold sowie Geschäftsführer Marian Kopp. Außerdem machten die Wengerter aus der Hölderlinstadt das Dutzend voll: Zum zwölften Mal nacheinander behaupteten sie sich als bester und einziger Weinerzeuger in Württemberg in den TOP 10 und verbesserten sich im DLG-Ranking der 100 besten deutschen Weingärtner sogar auf Platz 7. „Dieses tolle Ergebnis spiegelt unser unbändiges Streben nach absoluter Qualität wider“, kommentierte Ulrich Maile, der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Lauffener Weingärtner, das abermals hervorragende Abschneiden. In der traditionsreichsten Qualitätsprüfung für Weine und Sekte aus den deutschen Anbaugebieten testete die DLG rund 4300 Weine und Sekte. Die höchste Qualitätsauszeichnung der deutschen Ernährungswirtschaft, die Bundesehrenpreise, wurden in diesem Jahr nur an 19 Weingüter und Winzergenossenschaften vergeben, darunter je zwei an Erzeuger aus Württemberg und Baden. „Ich freue mich mit den Kollegen in Lauffen und Mundelsheim über diese Auszeichnung. Es steckt viel Arbeit im Weinberg, im Keller und im Vertrieb dahinter, ehe unsere Kunden die Weine genießen können, und ich danke allen Mitarbeitern herzlich für ihre Passion“, sagte Geschäftsführer Marian Kopp. Bei der diesjährigen Prämierung gab es für die Lauffener Weingärtner eG 16 Gold-, 31 Silber- und 17 Bronzemedaillen. „Die DLG-Prüfung besitzt für uns einen besonders hohen Wert. Hier werden die Weine ausschließlich von neutralen zertifizierten Verkostern bewertet. Deshalb sind die Resultate auch wirklich aussagekräftig“, urteilte Uli Maile. Bereits zum 21. Mal tragen die Lauffener Weine nun die DLG-Medaillen. Dass auch der aktuelle Jahrgang 2015 wieder sehr gut abschneiden kann, steht für den Lauffener Kellermeister Michael Böhm schon heute fest. „Unsere Weißweine präsentieren sich fruchtig, sortentypisch, © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 579 frisch und reintönig. Durch die trockene Witterung und die enormen Zuckergehalte sind die 2015er-Weine von einer außergewöhnlichen Dichte und Stoffigkeit geprägt“, berichtet der Kellermeister. Auch die Rotweine würden „durch ihre gehaltvolle Art“ überzeugen. „Sie verkörpern Gebiets-Typizität, fruchtig-feine Ausprägung und einen ausgewogenen, harmonischen Geschmack mit dichtem Charakter und langem Nachhall“, beschreibt Michael Böhm die Weine. Insgesamt ernteten die Lauffener Weingärtner in diesem Herbst 12,2 Millionen Kilogramm Trauben. Damit lag die Lese auf einem guten Mengen-Niveau im langjährigen Mittel. Am Standort Lauffen wurden 9,1 Millionen kg (Vorjahr: 8,4 Mio kg) und am Standort Mundelsheim 3,1 Mio. kg (2,9 Mio. kg) geerntet. Die Lese hatte am 15. September begonnen, letzter Hauptlesetag war Anfang. Innerhalb von 24 Lesetagen wurde der komplette Jahrgang in Lauffen und Mundelsheim angeliefert. Das Durchschnittsmostgewicht lag bei den Rotweinen bei 85,9 Grad Oechsle und bei den Weißweinen bei 86,3 Grad. 10,9 Millionen kg rote und 1,3 Mio. kg weiße Trauben wurden angeliefert. „Die alkoholische Gärung verlief reibungslos. Wir erwarten durch die hoch reifen Trauben keine Probleme beim biologischen Säureabbau“, sagt Kellermeister Böhm. Die Lauffener Weingärtner eG verkauft 73 Prozent ihrer Produkte über den Lebensmittel-Einzelhandel und 12 Prozent über den Fachhandel. 8 Prozent machen Endverbraucher und 7 Prozent Gaststätten, Export und sonstige Abnehmer aus. Mit einem Absatzanteil von 33 Prozent ist die Sorte Schwarzriesling nach wie vor die bedeutendste Rebsorte der Genossenschaft. Riesling ist bei Weißweinen unangefochten die Nr. 1. Lauffener Weingärtner eG Die Lauffener Weingärtner eG ist nach der Fusion mit der WG Mundelsheim mit einer Rebfläche von 881 ha und 1170 Mitgliedern sowie einem Umsatz von 19,9 Millionen Euro die größte Einzelgenossenschaft im Weinanbaugebiet Württemberg. Bei 106 ha verfügt Lauffen über die größte terrassierte Steillagenfläche in Württemberg. In den Großlagen Kirchenweinberg und Schalkstein sowie den Einzellagen Katzenbeißer, Käsberg, Mühlbächer und Rozenberg wachsen vor allem Schwarzriesling, Trollinger, Samtrot, Lemberger und Riesling. Der „Katzenbeißer“ ist bei den Verbrauchern in ganz Deutschland der bekannteste Württemberger Wein. Die Lauffener Weingärtner sind im DLG-Ranking seit elf Jahren ununterbrochen bester Weinerzeuger in Württemberg. Die Qualität der Lauffener und Mundelsheimer Weine wird von zahlreichen Auszeichnungen belegt. Neben dem Sieg im europäischen VINUM-Genossenschaftscup gab es den ersten und dritten Platz beim Deutschen Rotweinpreis, den zweiten Platz im Focus-Weintest, den Sieg beim Deutschen Lemberger-Preis „Vaihinger Löwe“, die Ehrung als „beste Jungwinzer-Vereinigung“ in Deutschland, den Jungwinzerpreis des Weinbauverbandes Württemberg sowie verschiedene Spitzenplatzierungen bei der ARTVINUM und der Berliner Weintrophy, bei Mundus Vini und Selection etc. Außerdem wurde Lauffener Wein und Sekt wiederholt beim Filmfestival Berlinale kredenzt. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 580 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.06.01 Product Overview Lauffener Weingärtner eG Layat Champagner- und Sekt-Vertriebs GmbH Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Württemberg Fürst Egmont 02.07.08 Winzersekt Adeliger Genuss für jeden Anlass Fürst Egmont ist eine Traditionsmarke, die seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich im Markt etabliert ist. Gut gekühlt als Sektaperitif pur oder mit frischen Früchten garniert ein adeliger Genuss. Layat Champagner- und Sekt-Vertriebs GmbH Address Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 7-9 54292 Trier Germany Layat Cabinet Phone +49 651 20906-0 Fax +49 651 20906-154 Layat Cabinet ist die ausdrucksstarke GastronomieMarke mit besonderer Note, die sich seit mehr als 20 Jahren erfolgreich im Markt etabliert hat. Dieser hervorragende Jahrgangs-Sekt darf bei keinem Empfang fehlen. Ideale Serviertemperatur bei 7° C. Internet address www.layat.de Schloß Trier E-Mail info@layat.de Unvergessliche Momente erleben Stand Hall 13, A10 (Page 986) Product Overview Der Jahrgangs-Sekt mit der eleganten Note Layat Champagner- und Sekt-Vertriebs GmbH 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 01.07.08 Wine-based drinks © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Schloß Trier Sekt, produziert im Herz der Moselregion, kombiniert Kultur mit Sekttradition und Lifestyle. Durch hoch qualitatives Markendesign hat Schloß Trier Sekt einen Trend gesetzt und ist national sowie international sehr erfolgreich und bekannt. In den Benelux Staaten ist Schloß Trier der Marktführer. Dieser Sekt bietet das richtige Cuvée für alle Genießer. Genießen Sie Schloß Trier Sekt gemütlich oder beim Feiern. 581 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 582 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de controlled temperature of 18° C. The wine is then poured and set to refinement for some months in steel basins, before selling. The second fermentation takes place at low temperatures in autoclave. Le Rive di Bonato Andrea & Luigi S.S. Società Agricola Address Grave di Negrisia 50 31047 Ponte di Piave (TV) Italy Phone +39 0422 743759 Fax +39 0422 854812 Internet address www.lerive.it E-Mail info@lerive.it Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) Product Overview Description: bright straw yellow coloured wine, with very fine and sparkling perlage. Intense perfume, balanced and full-flavoured with green apple, peach, acacia flowers and wisteria notes. Rich, intense, morbid, fresh on the palate, with notes perfectly corresponding to its perfume. Pairings: good in every moment of the day. Before meal it surprisingly whets appetite, on the table it makes a good pairing with light everyday dishes. It matches well also with risottos, season vegetables, and fish dishes. To be served preferably in ice bucket at a temperature of 06-08 ° C. Conservation: to be kept in fresh places at a temperature of 12-16° C, far from light, avoid to keep it long time in refrigerator. Gold Medal Diploma – Vinitaly 2010 Le Rive di Bonato Andrea & Luigi S.S. Società... 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 01.07.03 Branded wines Product Details 02.02.02 Alcoholic volume: 10,50 – 11,50 %. LEJAY LAGOUTE SAS Address 5-9 rue Etienne Dolet 21000 Dijon France Phone +33 3 80784314 Fax +33 3 80784300 Internet address www.lejay-lagoute.com E-Mail contact@lejay-lagoute.fr Stand Hall 12, B43 (Page 982) Le Rive di Bonato Andrea & Luigi S.S. Società... Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Prosecco DOC Frizzante Spago Production area: our vineyards in Negrisia (Tv) Ripening: half of September Vine training technique: Geneva Double Curtain and Guyot Plants density: 3500 plants per hectare Soil composition: consisting of stones, loose, calcareous. Vinification: after grapes harvest, the grapes and the entire bunches of grapes are pressed softly, without lacerations, to obtain the “flower must”. Then the static cold decantation of the must follows, in order to eliminate all solid parts on the surface. With the inoculation of selected yeasts the fermentation begins at a © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 583 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 584 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview LEJAY LAGOUTE SAS 01.07.08 Wine-based drinks 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine 03.08.04 Other Liqueurs Product Details 02.01 LEJAY LAGOUTE SAS Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine Lenz Moser c/o VOG Import-Export Deutschland Ges.m.b.H. Address Rheinstr. 32 64283 Darmstadt Germany Phone +49 6151 1725-0 Fax +49 6151 151022 Internet address www.lenzmoser.at E-Mail office@vog-deutschland.de Stand Hall 13, C17 (Page 986) KIR ROYAL® KIR ROYAL® is the sparkling and ready-to-drink version of LE KIR® ! It is based on the blend of sparkling French white wine and cassis berries maceration. Well balanced, light and fruity, KIR ROYAL® has a perfect blackcurrant dosage. Company News LEJAY LAGOUTE also holds the trademark KIR ROYAL®. 10.03.2016 Lenz Moser c/o VOG Import-Export Deutschland... 2013 - Ein charmanter Rotweinjahrgang Der Rotweinjahrgang 2013 hat die ursprünglich eher verhaltenen Erwartungen weit übertroffen und sehr gute Ergebnisse geliefert, was gleichermaßen für das Burgenland und die bevorzugten Rotweinlagen in Niederösterreich gilt. Bei schöner Dichte und weichem Tanninkern punkten die 2013er Rotweine mit charmanter Beerenfrucht, feiner Struktur und Rasse, was ihre Landestypizität unverkennbar macht und perfekt betont: So wünscht man sich Rotwein aus Österreich! 10.03.2016 Siegendorfs neue Weine Die Premium-Gewächse des Weinguts Klosterkeller Siegendorf haben Verstärkung bekommen: Drei Weine ergänzen die hochdotierten Rotweincuvées „Siegendorf Rot“ und „O‘Dora“. Mit einem Weißburgunder, einem Merlot und einem Cabernet Sauvignon kann Lenz Mosers burgenländisches Weingut sein volles Potenzial nun in breiterer Aufstellung entfalten. Seit 1988 bewirtschaftet Lenz Moser das Weingut, das inzwischen zu den © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 585 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 586 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de renommiertesten Österreichs zählt und als eine der besten Adressen des österreichischen Rotweinanbaus gilt. Gut 17 % des Weingartens sind außerdem mit Weißburgunder ausgepflanzt, der wie die Roten die reizvolle Mischung aus Terroir und internationaler Note besitzt. 10.03.2016 2015 - Ein großartiger Weißweinjahrgang Ein weitgehend unproblematischer Witterungsverlauf mit perfektem Erntewetter hat uns hervorragende 2015er Weißweine aus Niederösterreich und dem Burgenland beschert. Einziger Wermutstrofen ist die Ertragseinbuße am Wagram, im Kremstal und Kamptal infolge eines einzigen Hagelschauers im Mai. Aber der kann die Freude über den durchaus gelungenen 2015er Jahrgang nicht schmälern: Während einer langen Ernteperiode konnte das Lesegut zum jeweils optimalen Zeitpunkt reif und gesund eingeholt werden. Dank der kühlen Nächte vor der Lese haben die Weißweine eine wunderschöne Aromatik ausprägen können. 10.03.2016 Willkommen bei Lenz Moser auf der ProWein 2016! Wir würden uns sehr freuen, Sie bei uns am Stand der Weinkellerei Lenz Moser in Halle 13, Stand C 17 begrüßen zu dürfen. Bereits zum 20. Mal ist Lenz Moser heuer dabei! Wir präsentieren Ihnen den hervorragenden Weißweinjahrgang 2015 und die charmanten 2013er Rotweine. Darüber hinaus haben wir uns auch in diesem Jahr wieder etwas Besonderes für Sie einfallen lassen. In einer Fachdegustation, jeweils am Sonntag, dem 13.03. und Montag, dem 14.03. zwischen 12:00 und 13:30 Uhr verkosten wir drei Premiumweine unseres Sortiments. Unsere Oenologen stehen Ihnen während dieser Zeit für individuelle Fachgespräche zur Verfügung. Begleitet wird die Verkostung wieder von den Spitzenköchen des Romantik Hotels Gravenberg, die unter der Leitung von Frank Lohmann kleine, korrespondierende Gerichte zubereiten und auch persönlich für Sie zur Verfügung stehen. 10.03.2016 2013 - Ein charmanter Rotweinjahrgang Der Rotweinjahrgang 2013 hat die ursprünglich eher verhaltenen Erwartungen weit übertroffen und sehr gute Ergebnisse geliefert, was gleichermaßen für das Burgenland und die bevorzugten Rotweinlagen in Niederösterreich gilt. Bei schöner Dichte und weichem Tanninkern punkten die 2013er Rotweine mit charmanter Beerenfrucht, feiner Struktur und Rasse, was ihre Landestypizität unverkennbar macht und perfekt betont: So wünscht man sich Rotwein aus © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 587 Österreich! 10.03.2016 2015 - Ein großartiger Weißweinjahrgang Ein weitgehend unproblematischer Witterungsverlauf mit perfektem Erntewetter hat uns hervorragende 2015er Weißweine aus Niederösterreich und dem Burgenland beschert. Einziger Wermutstrofen ist die Ertragseinbuße am Wagram, im Kremstal und Kamptal infolge eines einzigen Hagelschauers im Mai. Aber der kann die Freude über den durchaus gelungenen 2015er Jahrgang nicht schmälern: Während einer langen Ernteperiode konnte das Lesegut zum jeweils optimalen Zeitpunkt reif und gesund eingeholt werden. Dank der kühlen Nächte vor der Lese haben die Weißweine eine wunderschöne Aromatik ausprägen können. 10.03.2016 Willkommen bei Lenz Moser auf der ProWein 2016! Wir würden uns sehr freuen, Sie bei uns am Stand der Weinkellerei Lenz Moser in Halle 13, Stand C 17 begrüßen zu dürfen. Bereits zum 20. Mal ist Lenz Moser heuer dabei! Wir präsentieren Ihnen den hervorragenden Weißweinjahrgang 2015 und die charmanten 2013er Rotweine. Darüber hinaus haben wir uns auch in diesem Jahr wieder etwas Besonderes für Sie einfallen lassen. In einer Fachdegustation, jeweils am Sonntag, dem 13.03. und Montag, dem 14.03. zwischen 12:00 und 13:30 Uhr verkosten wir drei Premiumweine unseres Sortiments. Unsere Oenologen stehen Ihnen während dieser Zeit für individuelle Fachgespräche zur Verfügung. Begleitet wird die Verkostung wieder von den Spitzenköchen des Romantik Hotels Gravenberg, die unter der Leitung von Frank Lohmann kleine, korrespondierende Gerichte zubereiten und auch persönlich für Sie zur Verfügung stehen. 10.03.2016 Siegendorfs neue Weine Die Premium-Gewächse des Weinguts Klosterkeller Siegendorf haben Verstärkung bekommen: Drei Weine ergänzen die hochdotierten Rotweincuvées „Siegendorf Rot“ und „O‘Dora“. Mit einem Weißburgunder, einem Merlot und einem Cabernet Sauvignon kann Lenz Mosers burgenländisches Weingut sein volles Potenzial nun in breiterer Aufstellung entfalten. Seit 1988 bewirtschaftet Lenz Moser das Weingut, das inzwischen zu den renommiertesten Österreichs zählt und als eine der besten Adressen des österreichischen Rotweinanbaus gilt. Gut 17 % des Weingartens sind außerdem mit Weißburgunder ausgepflanzt, der wie die Roten die reizvolle Mischung aus Ter- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 588 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de roir und internationaler Note besitzt. Product Overview Product Overview Livio Bruni & Co. S.r.l 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Marche Lenz Moser c/o VOG Import-Export Deutschland... Mittelburgenland Neusiedlersee Product Details Neusiedlersee-Hügelland 02.07.04 Livio Bruni & Co. S.r.l Prosecco Spumante Allungo Spumante Bianco Cuvée Millesimato Brut Kremstal Weinviertel 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin This white sparkling wine is the product of a long fermentation process - that is why is called Allungo - of the Glera wine obtained from the homonymous grapes grown in eastern Veneto. Similarly to Prosecco, it is fresh and light wine ideally suited for the aperitif or for fish-based meals. Greman Spumante Manzoni Glera Extra Dry vsq Livio Bruni & Co. S.r.l Undoubtedly an original sparkling wine as an aperitif, but also served throughout the meal especially with shellfish. Address Via A. De Gasperi, 34/C 38017 Mezzolombardo (Tn) Italy Phone +39 0461 606065 Fax +39 0461 600038 Madreperla Spumante Metodo Classico Brut VSQ Internet address www.bruniwines.com Best with uncooked fish (oysters), but it is also good with apetizers and first courses with fish or seafood. E-Mail info@bruniwines.com Stand Hall 16, D03 (Page 998) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 589 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 590 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Louis de Grenelle SA Product Overview Address 20, rue Marceau 49415 Saumur Cedex France Louis de Grenelle SA 02.07.02 Cremant Val de Loire Phone +33 2 41501763 Fax +33 2 41508365 Internet address www.louisdegrenelle.fr Louis de Grenelle cremant de Loire specialist E-Mail grenelle@louisdegrenelle.fr Louis de Grenelle is one of Saumur top cremant de Loire producers. Come and taste our white, rosé organic and vintage rendition of the finest Loire sparkling! Stand Hall 11, D123 (Page 978) Product Details 02.07.02 Company News 12/16/2015 Cremant Louis de Grenelle SA 3/7.7.4, magic and enigmatic Ludwig Rilling GmbH & Co. KG Rilling Sekt Discover this exceptional cuvée produced from Pinot Noir, Cabernet franc and Pinot d’Aunis in the Loire Valley. This Blanc de Noirs is chiselled and structured with a delicate sparkle and a savoury palate. Longageing potential, this is one for the cellar! 12/16/2015 Louis de Grenelle SA 3/7.7.4, magic and enigmatic Discover this exceptional cuvée produced from Pinot Noir, Cabernet franc and Pinot d’Aunis in the Loire Valley. This Blanc de Noirs is chiselled and structured with a delicate sparkle and a savoury palate. Long-ageing potential, this is one for the cellar! © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 591 Address Brückenstr. 8 70376 Stuttgart Germany Phone +49 711 5006-0 Fax +49 711 5006-230 Internet address www.rillingsekt.de E-Mail marketing@rillingsekt.de Stand Hall 13, A35 (Page 986) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 592 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview Ludwig Rilling GmbH & Co. KG Rilling Sekt Württemberg 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Product Details 02.06.01 Maison Alexandre Bonnet SAS Address 138, rue Général de Gaulle 10340 Les Riceys France Phone +33 3 25293093 Fax +33 3 25293865 Internet address www.alexandrebonnet.com E-Mail info@alexandrebonnet.com Stand Hall 12, E10 (Page 982) Ludwig Rilling GmbH & Co. KG Rilling Sekt Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin o Rubin Charakteristik: granatrot, feine Blume, Samt und wenig Säure, mit Kork Geschmacksangabe: demi sec Empfehlung des Kellermeisters: toll zu dunkler Schokolade Product Overview Rosee demi sec Charakteristik: duftig und bezaubernd Maison Alexandre Bonnet SAS Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne Geschmacksangabe: halbtrocken Empfehlung des Kellermeisters: unser Rosee-Klassiker Product Details 02.07.01 Maison Alexandre Bonnet SAS Champagne Blanc de Noirs ASSEMBLAGE 100 % Pinot Noir CHARAKTER Der Cuvée Blanc de Noirs ist üppig, warm und sehr ausdrucksstark, mit goldenen Reflexen in der Farbe. Die Perlung ist fein und doch lang anhaltend. In der Nase ist er frisch und intensiv, mit einer feinen Aromatik aus Johannisbeere, Sauerkirsche und Quitte. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 593 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 594 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Am Gaumen präsentiert er eine würzige Dichte, die den weinigen und überaus ausdrucksstarken Charakter der Pinot-Trauben der südlichen Champagne unterstreicht. Gambas in Papillote Besonders beliebt bei Empfängen oder als Aperitif. Millésime 2006 Vintage SPEISEEMPFEHLUNGEN A vintage Champagne which is a blend of our best Cuv�es, -half from Pinot Noir which gives a solid richness and half from Chardonnay to add honeyed floral tones. Speisevorschläge, mit denen unser Cuvée Blanc de Noirs besonders harmoniert: A Champagne of great complexity and finesse. Lachs in Champagnersauce Pochierter Kapaun an Stopflebercreme Feine Entenbrustscheiben Dieser Cuvée ist die ideale Begleitung zum Essen, aber auch ein ausgezeichneter Aperitif. Noir Extra Brut Blanc CHARAKTER Grande Reserve 100% PINOT NOIR DES RICEYS Eleganz, Frische, Großzügigkeit und Länge aus dem Weinanbaugebiet Les Riceys ASSEMBLAGE 80 % Pinot Noir, 20 % Chardonnay Der NOIR ist von blassgoldener Farbe. CHARAKTER Dieser Champagner überzeugt durch ein ausdrucksstarkes, elegantes Bukett, bei dem eine bemerkenswert ausgewogene Aromenmischung aus Früchten und Gewürzen zur Entfaltung kommt. Der Cuvée Grande Réserve ist ein cremiger, überaus aromatischer, heller Champagner mit schöner Länge und lang anhaltender, feiner Perlung. Sein leichtes, finessenreich feines Bukett liefert Aromen von weißen Blüten und Zitrusfrüchten. Auf der Zunge präsentiert er sich fruchtig, voll und weinig, mit einer schönen Länge, in welcher der Pinot Noir zur Geltung kommt. Diese Aromen findet man auch am Gaumen wieder, mit einem klaren Auftakt von Zitrusfrüchten, die durch Gewürznoten und schließlich von Aromen von Trockenfrüchten (Mandeln) abgelöst werden. SPEISEEMPFEHLUNGEN Darüber hinaus zeichnet er sich im Abgang durch eine mineralische Note aus, die typisch für die Lagen von Riceys ist und den besonderen Charakter unserer NOIRS Extra-Brut ausmacht. Speisevorschläge, mit denen unser SPEISEEMPFEHLUNGEN Cuvée Grande Réserve Ein Champagner für die festlichsten Tafeln besonders harmoniert: ZUM APERITIF : Thunfisch-Tartar zu Appetithäppchen aus leicht geräuchertem Lachs oder gehobelter Trüffel auf Toast Rotbarbe ZUR VORSPEISE : Jakobsmuscheln zu Kaviar, Lachsterrine oder Foie gras Carpaccio von der Goldbrasse ZUM HAUPTGANG : Meeresfrüchtespieß © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 595 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 596 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de in Trüffel-Risotto, zu einem Gericht mit Jakobsmuscheln oder schwarzen Trüffeln, zu einem Meeresfrüchteteller oder auch zu glasierter Ente mit gebratenen Birnen ZUM DESSERT : zu Fruchtmousse, beispielsweise aus Pfirsichen Product Overview Maison Olivier Tricon Sarl 02.04 Sparkling wine Bourgogne Noir Rosé Extra Brut Product Details A Champagne with a soft pink colour and some orange glints. NOIR Extra-Brut Rosé offers an intense nose. It is a racy, while being refined, and remains dominated by the fragrances of fruits, including red berries. 02.04 Maison Olivier Tricon Sarl Sparkling wine Sparkling Rosé Wine Sparkling wine elaborated in pressure vats - 100% Grenache. In the mouth, this is the gooseberry that appears firstly. It is a robust wine amount in power. Just after it lead us to a touch of minerality at the end of the mouth. This minerality is a typical of the Riceys soil; it is the same as NOIR. Nice steady pink robe. The nose of this rosé is fresh and fruity, and please to all. Sparkling White Wine Sparkling white wine elaborated in pressure vats. Grapes : 50% Uni Blanc, 50% Colombard. Maison Olivier Tricon Sarl Address Route d’Avallon 89800 Chablis France Phone +33 3 86421037 Green tints on a limpid robe with the brilliance of fine bubbles increasing the vividness. A fine nose of butter and hazelnut introduces of brioche and almond. Maison Père & Fils Address 22, rue de la Roche 41120 Sambin France Fax +33 3 86424913 Internet address www.olivier-tricon.com Phone +33 2 54202287 E-Mail maison.tricon@gmail.com Fax +33 2 54202291 Stand Hall 12, E47 (Page 982) Internet address www.domainemaison.com E-Mail contact@domainemaison.com Stand Hall 11, C68 (Page 978) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 597 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 598 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de A festive wine, well made and elegant. Product Overview Maison Père & Fils Val de Loire 02.07.02 Cremant A fine Crémant de Loire, harmonious and balanced. Gastronomy Serve at 5 – 6 degrees, as an aperitif. Product Details Maison Père & Fils Majolini S.r.l. Societa Agricola Address Via Alessandro Manzoni, 3 (loc. Valle) 25050 Ome (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 652-7378 Fax +39 030 652-9800 The Loire Valley. Argilosilicieous soil, slightly gravelly on gentle slopes Internet address www.majolini.it Alternating oceanic and continental influence modulated by the micro climat of the Loire Valley E-Mail majolini@majolini.it Whole grapes, hand picked, sorted and destemmed. Moderate extraction using pneumatic wine presses. Low-temperature fermentation ( 18-20° C ) 2nd fermentation in bottles- traditional method. Left to mature for 22 months. Stand Hall 16, E71 (Page 998) Yield Product Overview 150 kgs of grapes produces 100 litres of must. 02.07.05 02.07.02 Cremant LOIRE CREMANT Grape varieties CHARDONNAY 100 % Region / Soil Wine-making Majolini S.r.l. Societa Agricola Franciacorta Colour The straw yellow colour of the wine brings out the sparkle of fine abundant bubbles, forming a persistent cord. Nose The complexity of aroma offers clear hints of buttered brioche and fruit – pear, apricot, as well as the delicate aroma of sweet peas. On the palate Well-balanced and harmonious, with an outstanding sugar/acidity balance. Backed by a well-present sparkle of bubbles. Character © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 599 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 600 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.05 Majolini S.r.l. Societa Agricola the fermentation is over. REFINEMENT Franciacorta The wine is aged on the yeasts in the bottle for at least 60 months. CURTEFRANCA D.O.C. BOUQUET Rosso “Ruc di Gnoc” Complex, with a predomination of tertiary aroma, with hints of dry fruits. The red wine produced still today with the grapes of the Ruc di Gnoc, the magnificent high-hilled vineyard cultivated by Valentino Maiolini from the end of the 60’s. TASTE The long maturation on the yeasts gives to this reserve a full and persistent taste, very elegant and enveloping. GRAPES GRAPPA INVECCHIATA DI FRANCIACORTA Cabernet, Merlot, Nebbiolo and Barbera. WINE-MAKING The grapes are picked when ripe, removed from their stalks and pressed. Then they are left to steep with their skins for more than ten days in tanks at a controlled temperature of 28°C. After thirty days the alcoholic fermentation is complete. REFINEMENT After blending, part of the wine is placed in small oak barrels (barriques). The wine is refined approximately six months in the bottle before being put out for sale. BOUQUET For those who prefer a more complex and demanding product, Majolini produces an “aged Franciacorta grappa”. Skilfull distillation of the “dregs” from the Estate’s own wines create to the “base” grappa, which is refined in small oak casks for five years. The Grappa, after this aging process, has a characteristic amber colour, an intense and decisive bouquet, and a soft and enticing taste. Undoubtedly a product for connoisseurs of high quality grappa. Alcoholic content 45%. Intense and complex, as a result of being stored in wood. TASTE Full and austere with the essential qualities of a great wine. FRANCIACORTA BRUT “Blanc de Blanc” From the very first tasting, it reveals a mature and articulate expression, that always leads to great elegance and moderation. GRAPES Chardonnay 100%. WINE-MAKING When they become fully ripe, the grapes are picked extremely quickly and pressed gently. The most is kept at 8°C for one day and then at 16-18°C until © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 601 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 602 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de MANFREDI Asti D.O.C.G. MANFREDI A & C s.r.l. AZIENDA VITIVINICOLA Address Via Torino, 15 12060 Farigliano Italy This wine shall wholly be produced from vineyards that are exclusively made up of white Moscato vines. This pleasant type of sparkling wine presents a light and persistent froth, straw-yellow colour, lightly aromatic, sweet and vivacious taste. Phone +39 0173 76666 Fax +39 0173 76690 In order to appreciate the characteristics of this product for the best consumers are advised to drink it in the year following the one of harvest. Internet address www.manfredicantine.it E-Mail anna@manfredicantine.it Stand Hall 16, C58 (Page 998) Serving Suggestion: sweet dessert, pastries. Product Overview Address Reichenbacher Str. 2 73114 Schlat Germany Phone +49 7161 9990224 Fax +49 7161 9990214 Internet address www.manufaktur-joerg-geiger.de E-Mail info@manufaktur-joerg-geiger.de Stand Hall 13, A87 (Page 986) MANFREDI A & C s.r.l. AZIENDA VITIVINICOLA Piemont 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 Manufaktur Jörg Geiger GmbH MANFREDI A & C s.r.l. AZIENDA VITIVINICOLA Sparkling wine Brut Cuvée Spumante Spumante obtained after a very slow fermentation in autoclave under low temperature (charmat method). Bland of best wines particularly suitable for “spumantizzazione” (the transformation from wine to spumante). The perlage is fine and persistent, the colour is straw yellow. Bouquet: fruity, intense and persistent. Taste: fresh, good acidity but soft and harmonic. Pairing: ideal wine during all the meal, is best exalted with fish and as aperitif Serving temperature: cool (8°C). © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 603 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 604 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Cuvée Nr. 17 - Bohnapfel | Sellerie | Sesam Product Overview Manufaktur Jörg Geiger GmbH Cuvée Nr. 22 - Apfel | Brennnessel | Stachelbeerlaub Cuvée Nr. 23 - Rhabarber | Apfel | Blüten Baden 01.07.09 Alcohol-free wines and spirits 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine 02.03 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide 02.04 Sparkling wine Bio Cuvée Nr. 29 Birne | Apfel | Hagebutte 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin PriSecco - alkoholfreier Cocktail 03.09 Fruit spirits Cuvée Nr. 24 - Kirsche | Paprika | Rote Beete Cuvée Nr. 26 - Apfel | Birne | Quitte | weißer Pfirsich Cuvée Nr. 27 - Birne | Gurke | Quitte BIO: Bio Cuvée Nr. 25 Birne | Schlehe | Douglasie Bio Cuvée Nr. 28 Apfel | Emmer | Kräuter Product Details 02.01 Manufaktur Jörg Geiger GmbH Aus den landschaftsprägenden Streuobstwiesen entlang des Vogelschutzgebietes am Fuße der Schwäbischen Alb stammen unsere alten Apfel- und Mostbirnensorten - handverlesen, gereift und schonend verarbeitet in unserer Manufaktur. Diese Säfte bilden durch ihre ausgeprägte Aromatik, mit einzigartiger Säure alter Apfelsorten und betonter Säurealter Apfelsorten und betonter Gerbstoffnote der Birne, eine ganz natürliche und gesunde Grundlage. Abgerundet mit heimischen Früchten und Kräutern, prickelnd auf die Flasche gefüllt, sind sie zu jeder Jahreszeit ein Genuss. Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine PriSecco - alkoholfrei in der 0,375l Flasche Unsere neuen Flaschen in 0,375l speziell für unsere PriSecco Cuveés: Cuvée Nr. 8 - Stachelbeere | unreifer Apfel | Douglasienspitzen Cuvée Nr. 9 - Kerner | Müller-Thurgau | Portugieser Cuvée Nr. 10 - Mostbirnen | wilder Holunder Cuvée Nr. 11 - Unreifer Apfel | Eichenlaub Cuvée Nr. 12 - Schwarzriesling | Johannisbeerzweige Cuvée Nr. 13 - Rote Beete | Zweigelt | Lemberger Cuvée Nr. 14 - Apfel | Topinambur Cuvée Nr. 15 - Mostbirne | Apfel | Kaffee Cuvée Nr. 16 - Sämling | Petersilie © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 605 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 606 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de MARANELLO WINES s.c. Address Phone Product Details Strada Scaglia Est 134 41126 Modena (MO) Italy 02.04 MARANELLO WINES s.c. Sparkling wine LAMBRUSCO GRASPAROSSA DI CASTELVETRO DOC “MARANELLO” +39 059 313159 Production area: Emilia Fax +39 059 7133674 Grapes variety: 85% Lambrusco Grasparossa, 15% Lambrusco Fortana, Malbo Gentile. Internet address www.maranellowines.it E-Mail r.tiriac@maranellowines.it Vinification and Fermentation Notes: Traditional red vinification with maceration of the must on the skins, with fermentation in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperature. Stand Hall 16, C45-2 (Page 998) Product Overview The fine and persistent foam comes from the second fermentation done using selected yeasts in pressurized steel tanks at controlled temperature according to the Marinotti (Charmat) method. MARANELLO WINES s.c. 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.04 Colour: Ruby red with violet highlights Bouquet: Fine and evanescent foam, with a fresh, fruity and vinous bouquet characterized by floral fragrances. Taste: Medium sweet, smooth, well-balanced and round. Total Alcohol Content: 8,0% vol. Sugars: 45 g/l Food Pairings: Versatile, it’s a delight to the palate both with meals and alone. Excellent with first courses with meat sauce, boiled meats, salami and seasoned cheeses. Prosecco Spumante Serving Temperature: 10-12°C Storage: In a cool and dry place, far from direct light MOSCATO SPUMANTE DOLCE “MARANELLO GOLD” Production area: Piemonte Grapes variety: Moscato Vinification and Fermentation Notes: Soft pressing and traditional white vinification with fermentation in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperature. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 607 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 608 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de The fine and persistent perlage comes from the second fermentation done using selected yeasts in pressurized steel tanks at controlled temperature according to the Marinotti (Charmat) method. icate dishes, such pasta and rice dishes with light sauces, white meats and cheeses. It goes very well with desserts such as baked cakes and pastries. Colour: Straw yellow with golden hues; fine and persistent perlage. Storage: In a cool and dry place, far from direct light Bouquet: The bouquet is characterized by intense and delicate fragrances of flowers, white fruits and vanilla, notes constantly changing but always wellbalanced. Taste: The taste is persistent, sweet, fruity and it leaves a pleasant aftertaste always evolving. Serving Temperature: 6-8°C Mare Magnum Srl Address Via Cialdini 1 53024 Montalcino (SI) Italy Phone +39 0577 839018 Total Alcohol Content: 7% vol. Sugars: 80 g/l Food Pairings: Ideal with seasoned cheeses, desserts, pastry and cakes. Serving Temperature: 6-8°C Fax Storage: In a cool and dry place, far from direct light Internet address www.terramaremagnum.com PROSECCO DOC SPUMANTE EXTRADRY E-Mail info@terramaremagnum.com Production area: Veneto – Provincia di Treviso Stand Hall 09, E48 (Page 972) 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Grapes variety: 100% Glera Vinification and Fermentation Notes: Short maceration and soft pressing of the grapes. Traditional white vinification with fermentation in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperature. Company News 01/28/2014 The fine and persistent perlage comes from the second fermentation done using selected yeasts in pressurized steel tanks at controlled temperature according to the Marinotti (Charmat) method. Mare Magnum Srl International Wine Challenge Tranche 1 2014 Escapades Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2013 – Silver Escapades Semillon Blanc 2013 – Silver Colour: Straw yellow with golden hues; fine and persistent perlage. Bouquet: Nicely intense, fruity and floral with fragrances of apple Taste: Fresh, well-balanced, with a fruity taste and a note of almond. Total Alcohol Content: 11,5% vol. Sugars: 14 g/l Food Pairings: Excellent aperitif, it is perfect also throughout the meal with del- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 609 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 610 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 11/11/2015 MARE MAGNUM: ”BEST ORGANIC WINES ASSORTMENT” SELECTIONS DAS GENUSSMAGAZIN, awarded MARE MAGNUM as the company with the ”Best organic vineyard with an international product range” 11/11/2015 GRAN MAURO PRIMITIVO AWARDED DECANTER ASIA, BEST RED WINE /SOUTH ITALY. GRAN MAURO Primitivo del Salento was awarder by Decanter with the GOLD AWARDS and as THE BEST RED SOUTH ITALY. 7 of our ORGANIC CERTIFIED wines were awarded. 11/11/2015 CITADELLES WINE COMPETITION 2015 CACADU RIDGE Semillon-Chardonnay GOLD and AUSTRALIA SPECIAL PRIZE 11/11/2015 MARE MAGNUM: ”BEST ORGANIC WINES ASSORTMENT” MAURO CHARDONNAY GOLD AWARD SELECTIONS DAS GENUSSMAGAZIN, awarded MARE MAGNUM as the company with the ”Best organic vineyard with an international product range” 11/11/2015 MONDUS VINI 2015 SUMMER AWARDS 7 of our ORGANIC CERTIFIED wines were awarded. MARE MAGNUM acheived more awards at MONDUS VINI this year as well: CYCLISTE Côtes du Rhône Organic GOLD 01/28/2014 MAMMOTH ZINFANDEL Puglia GOLD International Wine Challenge Tranche 1 2014 MANIFESTO Nero D’Avola Organic GOLD Escapades Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2013 – Silver Escapades Semillon Blanc 2013 – Silver 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 MARE MAGNUM received more gold medals at this years competition: MONDUS VINI 2015 SUMMER AWARDS MARE MAGNUM acheived more awards at MONDUS VINI this year as well: CYCLISTE Côtes du Rhône Organic GOLD LA PRUA APPASSIMENTO / GOLD MAURO CHARDONNAY / GOLD UMBALA GR. RESERVE / GOLD MAMMOTH ZINFANDEL Puglia GOLD MANIFESTO Nero D’Avola Organic GOLD 11/11/2015 CONCOURS MONDIAL DE BRUXELLES 2015 01/28/2014 John Platter Guide 2014 Escapades Pinotage 2011 – 4 stars VERNISSAGE WINE PURSE / AWARDED Escapades Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2013 – 4 stars ”VERNISSAGE, THE BEST BAG IN BOX WINE” The only wine to wine 3 GOLD MEDALS at the international wine competition ”BEST BAG IN BOX WINES 2015” for all 3 colors. 11/11/2015 CONCOURS MONDIAL DE BRUXELLES 2015 MARE MAGNUM received more gold medals at this years competition: LA PRUA APPASSIMENTO / GOLD © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 611 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 612 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de MAURO CHARDONNAY / GOLD Product Overview UMBALA GR. RESERVE / GOLD 01/28/2014 John Platter Guide 2014 Escapades Pinotage 2011 – 4 stars Mare Magnum Srl Pfalz Vallée du Rhône Languedoc-Roussillon Makedonien-Thrakien Peloponnes Abruzzo Puglia Sicilia Toscana Umbria Veneto Other Spanish wine cultivation areas Stellenbosch California Zona Alta del Río Mendoza Adelaide Plains 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Escapades Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2013 – 4 stars 11/11/2015 CITADELLES WINE COMPETITION 2015 CACADU RIDGE Semillon-Chardonnay GOLD and AUSTRALIA SPECIAL PRIZE MAURO CHARDONNAY GOLD AWARD 11/11/2015 GRAN MAURO PRIMITIVO AWARDED DECANTER ASIA, BEST RED WINE /SOUTH ITALY. GRAN MAURO Primitivo del Salento was awarder by Decanter with the GOLD AWARDS and as THE BEST RED SOUTH ITALY. 11/11/2015 VERNISSAGE WINE PURSE / AWARDED ”VERNISSAGE, THE BEST BAG IN BOX WINE” The only wine to wine 3 GOLD MEDALS at the international wine competition ”BEST BAG IN BOX WINES 2015” for all 3 colors. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 613 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 614 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.04 Mare Magnum Srl Prosecco Spumante Marenco S.r.l. Casa Vinicola Address Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 10 15019 Strevi (Al) Italy Phone +39 0144 363133 Fax +39 0144 364108 Internet address www.marencovini.com E-Mail info@marencovini.com Stand Hall 16, E71 (Page 998) MAURO PROSECCO Type: Sparkling wine Prosecco Origin: Veneto, Italy Grape variety: 100% Glera Description: A dry and very fresh sparkling wine with charming flowery notes as well as aromatical elements of citrus, apple and pear. A pleasant creamy mousse with fresh citrus and light yeast notes on the palate makes this an elegant prosecco perfect as an aperitif or accompanying seafood, salads and green dishes. Awards: Product Overview Marenco S.r.l. Casa Vinicola Piemont 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.03 Asti Spumante Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2013 - Silver China International Wine & Spirits Competition 2013 - Silver Les Citadelles du Vin 2013 - Silver Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition Awards 2012 - Silver Product Details 02.07.03 Marenco S.r.l. Casa Vinicola Asti Spumante Asti Vinification Notes 100% Moscato Bianco. After crushing and de-stemming the juice is kept in refrigerated tanks. At the time of fermentation it is placed in pressurized tanks until reaching 7° alcohol. Fermentation is arrested by lowering the temperature. The wine is then filtered and bottled © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 615 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 616 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Brachetto Spumante Product Details Vinification Notes 02.07.07 100% Brachetto d’Acqui . Maria Casanovas i Roig S.L. Cava MARIA CASANOVAS BRUT de BRUT After crushing, grapes are macerated on the skins for 3 to 4 days in order to extract the desired color; the juice is then clarified and aged in stainless steel tanks at 0 degrees C until ready for the second fermentation that takes place in temperature- controlled pressurized tanks up to 4 atmospheres. N/V BRUT NATURE BLEND OF TRADITIONAL CAVA VARIETIES MACABEO,XAREL·LO AND PARELLADA CAPACITY 750ml. TASTING NOTE Maria Casanovas i Roig S.L. Address C/Montserrat, 117 08770 Sant Sadurni d’Anoia Spain Phone +34 93 8910812 Fax +34 93 8911572 Internet address www.mariacasanovas.com E-Mail A pale, yellowy-green hue with a fresh, light and fruity bouquet and a balanced acidity which complements the wine clean aromas. Very good carbonic presence with citric finish. Incentive hints of apple and delicate toasted bread flavours round out this Classic Penedes Brut Nature blend. Perfect with fish, shellfish and best companion when sharing with friends. The wine Advocate Robert Parker 2011-87 points MARIA CASANOVAS BRUT NATURE GRAN RESERVA 2010 Grape Varieties 20% Blend of the Traditional Cava Varieties MACABEO,XAREL·LO, PARELLADA mariacasanovas@brutnature.com 42%CHARDONNAY Stand 38%PINOT NOIR Hall 10, F74 (Page 974) Minimum aged 32 months on its lees Product Overview Maria Casanovas i Roig S.L. CAPACITY: 750ml /MAGNUM 1500ml 90 POINTS-ROBERT PARKER WINE ADVOCATE 2011 02.07.07 Cava TASTING NOTE Light straw coloured with persistent small bubbles and a classy bouquet. Aromas of yeast, mineral, apple and hazelnuts lead to a full flavoured, intense Cava with a firm palate feel, crisps flavours and a lengthy finish. Ideal with seafood, fish, red and roasted meats and semi cured cheeeses. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 617 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 618 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de MARIA CASANOVAS BRUT NATURE PINOT NOIR ROSÉ 2010 PARELLADA CAPACITY: 750 ml/ MINIGLAÇ 375 ml Grape Varieties TASTING NOTE 90% PINNOT NOIR(IS DESTEMMED PRIOR TO PRESSING) The new in and a must have in your cellar awaitting for the spring air and the warmth weather. 10%CHARDONNAY(IS WHOLE CLUSTER PRESSED) Minimum aged 32 months on its lees Soft pink color with bright reflections. Fine and constant bubbles drawing a beautiful rosary. Light touches of red fruit and citrus flavors of lemon. The palate conveys elegance, fresh with a lingering finish. CAPACITY: 750ml / MAGNUM 1500ml TASTING NOTES Dark pink-coloured with an enticing perfume of strawberry, cherry and rose petal. Dry, crisp, and refreshing, this tasty bubbly has excellent depth and length. Perfect as an aperitif or mid-afternoon treat. Ideal with fried fish, pizza, carpaccio and mild cheeses. Delicious with Joselito ham. A must have as an aperitif for special occasions, and perfect with Pasta, Pizza and white meats. Mas que Vinos Global, SL MARIA CASANOVAS GLAÇ Address Plazuela de la Iglesia, 1 45311 Dos Barrios (Toledo) Spain 40% PINOT NOIR Phone +34 925 122281 60% Blend of Traditional Cava Varieties MACABEO, XARELLO Y PARELLADA Fax +34 925 137033 Internet address www.bodegasmasquevinos.com E-Mail mqv@bodegasmasquevinos.com Stand Hall 10, G192 (Page 974) N/V BRUT NATURE Grape Varieties CAPACITY: 750 ml / MINI GLAÇ 375 ml / MAGNUM 1500 ml TASTING NOTE Light yellow. Highly perfumed, complex bouquet evokes lemon, orange, toasty lees and white flowers. Nervy citrus flavours give weight to heftier melon and pear with air. Fresh with persistent finish. Perfect as an aperitif or mid afternoon treat. Ideal with rice, carpaccio and mild cheeses. Product Overview Mas que Vinos Global, SL MARIA CASANOVAS GLAÇ ROSÉ 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Protected Geographical Indications / Wines from the Region N/V BRUT NATURE Grape Varieties 40% PINOT NOIR- Soft pressing 2 hours skin contact with base wine 60% Blend od the traditional Cava Varieties MACABEO, XARELLO, © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 619 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 620 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Mas que Vinos Global, SL PERLAS DE OTOÑO Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin PERLAS DE OTOÑO Product Details 02.06.01 Espumoso Método tradicional, Brut Nature. EL SEÑORITO 2011 - Single Vineyard Rebsorten: Tempranillo (Cencibel) und Garnacha. EL SEÑORITO 2011 - Single Vineyard Weinberge: 20-50 Jahre alte Weinberge, Kalk - Lehmböden, kontinentales Klima. Grape variety: 100% Tempranillo (Cencibel). Ertrag: 3500 Kg/Ha. Vineyards: El Señorito is a vineyard located in our farm Finca el Horcajo. Of all the vineyards we have this one is the most capricious and difficult to cultivate, but it gives us an exceptional fruit. Weinlese: Handlese, Anfang September. Gärung: Nach einer kurzen Maischestandzeit wird der Rosémost abgezogen und gärt bei kühlen Temperaturen im kleinen Edelstahltank. Yield: 3000 kg/ ha. Harvest: Manual in late September. Fermentation: Cold maceration for 2 days and spontaneous fermentation in small stainless steel tanks. Flaschengärung: Der Wein durchläuft bei kühlen Temperaturen die klassische Flaschengärung (Champagnermethode). Malolactic: In amphorae (tinajas). Hefelager: Der Wein lagert 18 Monate auf der Hefe. Barrel: 9 months in new French oak barrels. Degorgierung: September 2014. TASTING NOTES VERKOSTUNGSNOTIZEN Farbe: Zart rosaner Lachston. Colour: Cardinal red with violet hues on the rim. High layer. Aroma: While swirling the glass one appreciates notes of red fruit like plum and cherry, accompanied with an acid touch of redcurrant and spices wrapped in elegant toasted aromas of cedar wood. Palate: The wine presents itself fresh with medium body, marked by red fruit and elegant cool flavours of liquorice, red currant and exotic spices. The finish is long and velvety. Nase: Elegante und feine, charakterisiert durch rote Beeren: Wilde Erdbeeren und Himbeeren mit einem Hauch Zitrusnoten. Geschmack: Der Wein ist gekennzeichnet durch seine feine Struktur und Frische. Die elegante Frucht harmonisiert mit der ausgewogenen Säure und apartem Fruchtspiel und liefert einen langanhaltenden filigranen Abgang. Temperatur: 8-10ºC Serviervorschlag: Zum Geniessen in jeder Gelegenheit The aftertaste is long and silky, inviting to drink some more. Temperature: We recommend opening the bottle one hour before serving at 15ºC. Food pairing: With savory stews, duck and any meat dishes, as with pizza and pasta Accolades: Wine Advocate February 2015: 90 points Mundus Vini 2015: Silver Medal © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 621 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 622 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de monious end. Mascaró (Antonio Mascaró S.L.) Address 4 Casal, 9 08720 Vilafranca de Penedès Spain Phone +34 938 901628 Fax +34 938 901358 Internet address www.mascaro.es E-Mail export@mascaro.es Stand Hall 10, F132 (Page 974) TASTING Cherry color that reminds you of the blush that stained the sky at dawn. Crystalline appearance with fine bubbles of good release. Fruity (cherries, raspberries) and sweet aromas. Dry, with a good attack and body. Tonic and balanced structure, good retention and wide end when you taste it. SERVICE Between 6 and 8ºC CONSUMPTION It is a cava ideal during the appetizer or to drink with friends. It is also a very good choice served with soft milky sauces, rice and foie gras. CAVA RESERVE BRUT NATURE Product Overview 03.13 02.07.07 Mascaró (Antonio Mascaró S.L.) 02.07.07 Pure Brandy Since 1946 Mascaró family has taken care of controlling the quality of its products throughout all the production process, from the vineyard to the bottle. Cava Product Details Mascaró (Antonio Mascaró S.L.) Cava The grapes used to produce the base wines come from “Mas Miquel” estate, located in Aiguamúrcia (Tarragona). The recollection is manual and it is taken to the winery in small boxes to protect the qualitiy of the grapes. To prepare our cavas we press the grapes without destemming, champanya style, that means that we squeeze but not break the grain, and weuse only the grape-juice of the highest quality to elaborate our base wine. This juice is fermented at controlled temperatures to preserve its rich aroma. CAVA BRUT ROSÉ CAVA BRUT ROSÉ Rubor Aurorae The process of second fermentation and aging in bottle gives structure and and complexity to our cava, a high quality product. The Cava Brut Rosé “Rubor Aurorae” is a good example of the suitability of Grenache for the production of rosé cava. This variety provides freshness, fruitiness and vinosity that we believe a good rosé cava should have. The Cava Reserve Brut Nature “Pure” does not have expedition liqueur, so we you will be able to taste the wine in all its forms and aspects. It is pure cava. The process of second fermentation and aging in the bottle provides the structure and complexity that characterize a high quality rosé cava. The Cava Brut Rosé “Rubor Aurorae” is elegant, has good structure and a har- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH CAVA RESERVE BRUT NATURE 623 TASTING Pale yellow color with greenish reflections and shiny and crystalline. The bubbles are fine and have a good release. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 624 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Elegant expression of fruits with hints of clean fresh yeast. Product Details Dry, tonic and balanced structure. Good retention and nice finish when you taste it. 02.07.04 SERVICE ”Rive di Ogliano”Conegliano Valdobb.Docg Prosecco Superiore Masottina S.p.A. Prosecco Spumante Between 6 and 8ºC Produced with the best Glera grapes of the vineyards located in the wonderful hills of Conegliano; the sunlight exposure and the favourable microclimate, make this sparkling wines intense and characteristic. Masottina S.p.A. Address Via Custoza, 2 31015 Conegliano (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 400775 Fax +39 0438 402034 Internet address www.masottina.it E-Mail venditeestero@masottina.it Stand Hall 15, B01 (Page 994) Aroma: intense, fruity with a rich scent of citrus, particulary lemon and cedar. It has pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flowers. Flavuor: It has a pleasantly acidity, fresh flavour. Full-bodied, it has a pleasant and harmonious taste characteristic with an aftertaste that confirms the citrus notes. Conegliano Valdobbiadene Docg Prosecco Superiore Brut Produced with the best Glera grapes of the vineyards located in the wonderful hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene; the sunlight exposure and the favourable microclimate, make this sparkling wines intense and charateristic. Aroma: intense, fruity with a rich scent of apple, lemon and grapefruit. It has pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flowers. Product Overview Masottina S.p.A. 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto Flavuor: It has a pleasantly acidity, fresh flavour. Full-bodied, it has a pleasant and harmonious taste characteristic. Conegliano Valdobbiadene Docg Prosecco Superiore Extra Dry Produced with the best Glera grapes of the vineyards located in the wonderful hills of Valdobbiadene; the sunlight exposure and the favourable microclimate, make this sparkling wines intense and characteristic. Aroma: intense, fruity with a rich scent of apple, lemon and grapefruit. It has pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flowers. Flavuor: it has pleasantly acidity, with fresh flavour. Full-bodied, it has a pleasant and harmonious taste characteristic. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 625 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 626 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Contrada Granda Brut Rive di Ogliano Prosecco Treviso Doc Extra Dry Produced with the best Glera grapes of the vineyards located in province of Treviso Produced with the best Glera grapes of the vineyards located in the wonderful hills of Conegliano; the sunlight exposure and the favourable microclimate, make this sparkling wines intense and characteristic. Aroma: intense, fruity with a rich scent of apple, lemon and grapefruit. It has pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flowers Flavuor: it has a pleasantly acidity, fresh flavour. Full-bodied, it has a pleasant and harmonius taste characteristic Aroma: intense, fruity with a rich scent of citrus, particulary lemon and cedar. It has pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flowers. Flavuor: It has a pleasantly acidity, fresh flavour. Full-bodied, it has a pleasant and harmonious taste characteristic with an aftertaste that confirms the citrus notes. Medici Ermete & Figli S.r.l. Address Via I. Newton, 13/A - Gaida 42124 Reggio Emilia (RE) Italy Phone +39 0522 942135 Fax +39 0522 941641 Internet address www.medici.it E-Mail info@medici.it Stand Hall 16, A03 (Page 998) Masottina Cartizze Produced with the best Glera grapes of the vineyards located in the wonderful hills of Valdobbiadene characterized by coolness summer nights and long sunny days. Aroma: intense, fruity with a rich scent of apple, lemon and grapefruit. It has pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flowers with shading of rose. Flavuor: it has pleasantly acidity, with fresh flavour. Fullbodied, it has a pleasant and harmonious taste characteristic. Prosecco Treviso Doc Brut Produced with the best Glera grapes of the vineyards located in province of Treviso. Product Overview Aroma: intense, fruity with rich scent of apple, lemon and grapefruit. It has pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flowers. Flavuor: it has a pleasantly acidity, fresh flavour. Full-bodied, it has a pleasant and harmonius taste characteristic. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 627 Medici Ermete & Figli S.r.l. Emilia-Romagna 02.04 Sparkling wine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 628 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.04 Medici Ermete & Figli S.r.l. Sparkling wine Moletto Azienda Agricola Address Via Moletto 19 31045 Motta di Livenza (TV) Italy Phone +39 0422 860576 Fax +39 0422 861041 Internet address www.moletto.com E-Mail moletto@moletto.com Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) Quintessenza Malvasia Spumante (fully sparkling wine) Bottiglia: 0,75 l. fungo Classificazione: vino bianco spumante brut Area di produzione: Reggio Emilia Località: colline di Reggio Emilia Sistema di allevamento: cordone speronato Produzione massima per ettaro: kg. 16.000 Tipo di terreno: argilloso Zuccheri: 11 g/l. Acidità totale: 6,20 g/l. (valore indicativo medio) Acidità volatile: 0,35 g/l. (valore indicativo medio) Product Overview Indicato per accompagnare antipasti, prosciutto, salumi e formaggio Grana. Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Moletto Azienda Agricola Quintessenza Malvasia Spumante Dolce Bottiglia: 0,75 l. fungo Classificazione: vino bianco spumante dolce Product Details Area di produzione: Reggio Emilia 02.07.04 Località: colline di Reggio Emilia Moletto Azienda Agricola Prosecco Spumante Prosecco Doc Treviso Frizzante Sistema di allevamento: cordone speronato Delightfully sparkling, easy to drink. A sparkling wine to be enjoyed as an aperitif or to end a meal. Great with antipasti and delicately flavoured starters. Produzione massima per ettaro: kg. 16.000 Tipo di terreno: argilloso Zuccheri: 75 g/l. .Appelation Acidità totale: 6,2 g/l. (valore indicativo medio) Prosecco DOC Treviso Acidità volatile: 0,35 g/l. (valore indicativo medio) .Vintage Indicato per accompagnare dessert. 2014 .Sizes available 750 ml © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 629 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 630 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Mont Marçal, S.A. .Grape variety Address Finca Manlleu, s/n 08732 Castellvi de la Marca Spain Phone +34 938 918281 Soil: Motta di Livenza Vineyard Soil - flood plain origins of natural clay and limestone. Fax +34 938 919045 Exposure: east/west Internet address www.mont-marcal.com E-Mail export@mont-marcal.com Stand Hall 10, F72 (Page 974) Glera .Vineyard Growing Region: Motta di Livenza - Treviso Province - Veneto Region Altitude: 9 m A.M.S.L. Trellis System: sylvoz Plant Density: 3.000 plants per hectare Age of vines: 34/17/8 years .Vinification The fermentation in stainless steel vats, using selected yeasts and at controlled temperature, is followed by re-fermentation using the short ’Charmat method’, in pressurized tanks, in order to preserve the fresh perfumes which characterize this wine. Product Overview Mont Marçal, S.A. Penedès 02.07.07 Cava .Tasting notes Colour: pale straw yellow, brilliant. Bouquet: fine but well-defined. Taste: pleasantly aromatic, slightly soft but at the same time crisp and fruity. .Alcohol content Product Details 02.07.07 11% by vol. Mont Marçal, S.A. Cava Cava Aureum de Mont Marçal Brut Nature Gran Reserva .Serving temperature 6-8°C / 42-46°F .Serving suggestions Denomination of Origin: Cava An aperitif or to end a meal. Great with antipasti and delicately flavoured starters. Type: Brut Nature - See more at: http://www .moletto.c om/eng/win es/prosecc o_doc_trev iso_frizza nte-36#sth ash.1QVY8r iA.dpuf Varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Xarel·lo, Parellada Alcohol: 12º (%vol) Total acidity (t.a.): 6.3-6.9 g/l Residual sugar: < 2 g/l TASTING NOTES © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 631 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 632 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Colour: Bright pale yellow with perfect bubbles in terms of size and their flow. The mousse is full and persistent. It is a hypnotizing vision. Colour: Bright pale yellow with fine and continuous bubbles with a perfect mousse. Bouquet: Clear notes of dried apricots, ripe fruit (peach and grapefruit), brioche and vanilla. On the nose there is order, finesse and elegance. Bouquet: Clean and fresh, with toasted notes such as coffee, combined with vanilla, fruits such as peach and grapefruit, mineral tones and white flowers. Palate: Fresh, with a creamy presence on the palate, it is rich and round, with hints of apple, almonds and fennel, very pleasing and persistent. The palate is endless, enjoy it. Palate: Fresh, fruity, creamy and light, with the body from its contact with the yeasts, fine mousse and very pleasant on the palate with hints of raw almonds and hazelnuts. ELABORATION ELABORATION Selections of the best parcels of vines, the grapes are tasted, the harvest is manual and the varieties are vinifi ed separately.The grapes are carefully destemmed, cooled to a temperature of 12ºC, they undergo a gentle pneumatic pressing and the first mosts are selected. The fermentation is done at a low temperature, the Chardonnay is fermented in French barrels, and the varietal wines are blended and for 4 months undergo Battonage on the fine lees. The wine is racked and stabilized. The second fermentation takes place in the bottle with specially selected yeast for a minimum of 30 months in our cellars. The bottles are clarified and disgorged without expedition liquor. Each variety is picked and fermented separately. The grapes are destemmed, cooled to 12°C, pressed pneumatically at a pressure of 0.2kg, selection of the most, clarification by gravity and alcoholic fermentation at 14-16°C, the Chardonnay is fermented in barrels of French oak for 8 weeks. Racking after the alcoholic fermentation, blending of the varietal wines, clarification, stabilization and final filtration. Second fermentation in the bottle for a minimum of 15 months in the cellar. The Cava is disgorged and the expedition liquor is added. GASTRONOMY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This is a Cava that can be opened from the aperitif through to the dessert, from a fi rst course based on foie to a dessert made with chocolate and dried nuts, without forgetting how well it drinks with clams, Dublin Bay Prawns, octopus, shrimp and fried squid, rich food, Iberian cured sausages, cheeses, rice dishes and all manner of fish.The fine mousse makes it refreshing and an ideal complement to help the digestion. The recommended serving temperature is between 6 and 8ºC. To keep the Cava in ideal conditions, it should be stored in a cool and dry place, always in a vertical position. Cava does not improve with time, so we suggest that it is consumed no later than 20 months after its acquisition. Cava Extremarium de Mont Marçal Brut Reserva This is highly recommendable to drink as an aperitif and with dishes with strong, sharp and spicy flavours, although it can be paired with eggs (scrambled, boiled and light preparations), cheeses (cured and fermented), rice dishes, Iberic cured ham, oily fish and shellfish, (oysters and caviar), desserts (based on vanilla and chocolate). The fine mousse makes it refreshing and an ideal complement to help the digestion. The recommended serving temperature is 6°C. To keep the cava in ideal conditions, it should be stored in a cool and dry place, in a vertical position. Cava does not improve with time, so we suggest that it is consumed no later than 20 months after its acquisition. Cava Extremarium de Mont Marçal Rosé Brut Nature Denomination of Origin: Cava Type: Brut Nature Denomination of Origin: Cava Varieties: 100% Pinot Noir Type: Brut Alcohol: 12º (%vol) Varieties: Chardonnay, Xarel.lo, Macabeo, Parellada Total acidity (t.a.): 6-6.5 g/l Alcohol: 12° (%vol) Residual sugar: <2 g/l Total acidity (t.a.): 6.2-6.8 g/l TASTING NOTES Residual sugar: 8 g/l Colour: Bright cherry with a violet hue, it has abundant, fine and lasting bubbles, with a generous mousse with persistent beads. TASTING NOTES © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH GASTRONOMY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 633 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 634 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de TASTING NOTES Bouquet: Intense notes of wild berries (raspberries and blackberries) blended with a subtle perfume of strawberries and floral notes of rose petals and lilies, it also has fine aromas of pastry and red liquorice. Palate: Intense and pleasant, with a fruity and refreshing palate (cherries and watermelon) with an excellent depth. This is an elegant, delicate, creamy and persistent Cava. Colour: Pale yellow with fine and continuous bubbles and a perfect mousse. Bouquet: Intense notes of fresh fruit (peach and citrus fruits). Floral notes with hints of brioche and yeasts with a honey finish. Palate: Fresh and fruity, balanced, fine and subtle mousse. A persistent cava, very pleasant and elegant. ELABORATION ELABORATION We are in front of a delicate grape variety that does not like heat, it is affected by excessive damp and is also very sensitive to frost, even so and taking into account how difficult it is to cultivate, when the moment of optimum ripeness has arrived, we harvest manually only selecting the best bunches of grapes. Due to the fact that the bunches of Pinot are very tight, we decide not to destem and press them whole. We obtain the free-run juice which we ferment at a temperature of 14ºC. The second fermentation takes place in our Cava “Manel and Martina” for 50 days without exceeding 15ºC, the rest of the fermentation in contact with the lees will continue for a minimum of 9 months. We always try to disgorge as close as possible to the date that the Cava will be consumed. GASTRONOMY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Thanks to its freshness, its delicate aroma and the tingle of its bubbles, this Extremarium Rosé pairs very well with canapés, all manner of dishes (salads, pasta, rice dishes – paellas, smoked food, cured meats, meat and shellfish…. ) and desserts made with red berries and chocolate. The recommend serving temperature is 6ºC. To keep the Cava in ideal conditions, it should be stored in a cool and dry place, always in a vertical position. Cava does not improve with time, so we suggest that it is consumed no later than 15 months after its acquisition. Each variety is picked and fermented separately. The grapes are destemmed, cooled to 12ºC, pressed pneumatically at a pressure of 0.2 kg, selection of the most, clarification by gravity and alcoholic fermentation at low temperature for two weeks, blending of the varietal wines and stabilization by electrodialysis and final filtration by micro filter. Second fermentation in the bottle for a minimum of 15 months in the cellar. The Cava is disgorged and the expedition liquor is added. GASTRONOMY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This is a cava that matches perfectly with aperitifs, fish and shellfish, white meats, sheep milk cheeses, pastas and rice dishes, charcuterie, salads and desserts for example strawberries. The carbonic is perfectly integrated and as a result it is ideal for any celebration from the aperitif to the dessert. The recommended serving temperature is 6 ºC. To keep the Cava in ideal conditions, it should be stored in a cool and dry place, always in a vertical position. Cava does not improve with time, therefore we suggest that it is consumed no later than 20 months after its acquisition. Cava Gran Cuvée de Mont Marçal Brut Rosé Denomination of Origin: Cava Type: Brut Cava Gran Cuvée de Mont Marçal Brut Reserva Varieties: 100% Pinot Noir Denomination of Origin: Cava Alcohol: 12º (%vol Type: Brut Total acidity (t.a.): 6-6.5 g/l Grape varieties: Xarel·lo, Chardonnay, Macabeo, Parellada Residual sugar: 6 g/l TASTING NOTES Alcohol: 11,5º (%vol) Total acidity (t.a.): 6.2 - 6.8 g/l Colour: Bright raspberry with a violet hue, it has abundant, fine and lasting bubbles, with a generous mousse with persistent beads. Residual sugar: 8 g/l Bouquet: Intense notes of wild berries (raspberries and blackberries) blended © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 635 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 636 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de with a subtle perfume of cassis and floral notes of violets, it also has fine aromas of pastry and red liquorice. Palate: Soft on the attack, with a fruity and refreshing palate (red fruits) with a sweet depth and a lively and persistent finish. ELABORATION We are in front of a delicate grape variety that does not like heat, it is affected by excessive damp and is also very sensitive to frost, even so and taking into account how difficult it is to cultivate, when the moment of optimum ripeness has arrived, we harvest manually only selecting the best bunches of grapes. Due to the fact that the bunches of Pinot are very tight, we decide not to destem and press them whole. We obtain the free-run juice which we ferment at a temperature of 14ºC. The second fermentation takes place in our Cava “Manel and Martina” for 50 days without exceeding 15ºC, the rest of fermentation in contact with the lees will continue for a minimum of 9 months. We always try to disgorge as close as possible to the date that the Cava GASTRONOMY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Thanks to its freshness, slight sweetness and fine and lively bubbles, this Gran Cuvée Rosé pairs very well with savoury and sweet aperitifs, tapas, dishes based on pasta, salads, rice, cured meats, fine meats, shellfish, salmon and any kind of desserts. We recommend serving the Cava at a temperature between 6 and 8ºC and storing it in a cool and dry place, far from the direct light and always in a vertical position. Cava does not improve with time, so we suggest that it is consumed no later than 15 months after its acquisition. Cava Mont Marçal Brut Reserva Palate: Fine presence on the palate, slightly sweet on the attack, balanced, crisp, elegant, with character. ELABORATION Each variety is picked and fermented separately. The harvest is done mechanically, the grapes are destemmed, cooled to 12ºC, the mass is pressed pneumatically at a pressure of 0.2 Kg, selection of the most, clarification by gravity and a fermentation at 14-16ºC for 12 days. Racking after alcoholic fermentation, blending of varietal wines, clarification, tartaric stabilization and final filtering. Second fermentation in the bottle for a minimum of 15 months in the cellar. The Cava is disgorged and the expedition liquor is added. GASTRONOMY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This is an ideal cava to drink as an aperitif and with cockles, clams, scampi, sardines, octopus, etc, and with a great variety of fried dishes (prawns and squid) soups and consommés, rich food (pigs trotters), rice dishes, scrambled, eggs, fi sh, pulses, soft cheeses.The fine mousse makes it refreshing and an ideal complement to help the digestion. The recommended serving temperature is 6ºC. To keep the Cava in ideal conditions, it should be stored in a cool and dry place, always in a vertical position. Cava does not improve with time, so we suggest that it is consumed no later than 20 months after its acquisition. Cava Mont Marçal Rosado Brut Denomination of Origin: Cava Type: Brut Grape variety: Trepat Denomination of Origin: Cava Alcohol: 11.5º (%vol) Type: Brut Total acidity (t.a.): 5.5 - 6 g/l Grape varieties: Macabeo, Xarel·lo, Chardonnay, Parellada Residual sugar: 8 g/l Alcohol: 11,5º (%vol) TASTING NOTES Total acidity (t.a.): 6- 6.5 g/l Colour: Intense and attractive redcurrant with violet tones. Fine bubbles and mousse. Residual sugar: 8 g/l Bouquet: Dominated by berries such as cherries and blackberries, with a base of plum and fig compote and slight evolution of the lees. TASTING NOTES Colour: Pale yellow, with fine bubbles and a perfect mousse. Bouquet: Aromas of yeast with a fruity base of ripe apples, banana and pineapple. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 637 Palate: On the palate it is young, fruity, fresh, soft and above all very elegant. ELABORATION © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 638 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de The harvest is done mechanically, the grapes are destemmed, cooled to 12º C, and macerated for 12 hours. The mass is pressed pneumatically at a pressure of 0.2 kg, selection of the most, stabilization for a fermentation at 12-14ºC for 15 days. Racking after alcoholic fermentation, clarification, tartaric stabilization and final filtering. Second fermentation in the bottle for a period of 9-12 months in the cellar. The Cava is disgorged and the expedition liquor is added. Company News 01/26/2016 Monte la Reina S.C.L. Monte la Reina 3 of our D.O. Toro wines have been awarded at the last Mundus Vini with a: - Grand Gold Medal GASTRONOMY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This is an ideal cava to drink as an aperitif and with a great variety of dishes, from croquettes, soft creamy cheeses, light white fish dishes, pasta, salads of red berries, carpaccios, to dishes made with cured sausages, white meats (veal, rabbit, milk fed lamb), poultry (quails, chicken wings), strong spiced and smoked food and a great variey of cakes. The fine mousse makes it refreshing and an ideal complement to help the digestion. The recommended serving temperature is 6ºC. To keep the Cava in ideal conditions, it should be stored in a cool and dry place, always in a vertical position. Cava does not improve with time, so we suggest that it is consumed no later than 15 months after its acquisition. - Gold Medal - Silver Medal 01/26/2016 Monte la Reina 3 of our D.O. Toro wines have been awarded at the last Mundus Vini with a: - Grand Gold Medal - Gold Medal Monte la Reina S.C.L. Address - Silver Medal Ctra. Toro - Zamora, KM 436,7 49881 Toro (Zamora) Spain Phone +34 980 082011 Fax +34 980 082012 Internet address www.montelareina.es E-Mail export@montelareina.es Stand Hall 10, D72 (Page 974) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Product Overview 639 Monte la Reina S.C.L. Toro Protected Geographical Indications / Wines from the Region 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 640 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Asolo Prosecco Superiore Docg Extra Dry Master Montelvini SRL Address Via Cal Trevigiana 51 31040 Volpago Del Montello (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 8777 Fax +39 0423 621303 Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG Master spumante extra dry From the Montello and Colli Asolani hills, Asolo Prosecco is born. The richness of this area is represented in the colour concentration and in the bouquet that bring to mind golden apples and pears. It’s an extraordinary Prosecco, rich, scented, with a great structure, symbol of an area to be discovered. Download the technical sheet. - See more at: http://en. montelvini .it/vini/p rosecco-as olo-superi ore-docg/# sthash.YIU 2olTs.dpuf Internet address www.montelvini.it Promosso Spumante Extra Dry E-Mail montelvini@montelvini.it Stand Hall 15, C51 (Page 994) Product Overview Montelvini SRL Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.07.04 A marriage between the words “Prosecco” and “mosso”(move). Fresh and young it’s produced exclusively by Montelvini. Strawyellow in colour, it has a fruity, delicate and slightly aromatic bouquet. It’s best served with shellfish and fish, ideal for aperitifs. Accompagna crostacei, pesce e molluschi, ottimo anche come aperitivo. Prosecco Doc Treviso Extra Dry Cuvèe dell’Erede Master Montelvini SRL Prosecco Spumante Asolo Prosecco Superiore Docg Brut Master This is the typical wine of the “Prealpi Trevigiane”. A Charmat method Spumante Extra Dry. A straw-yellow colour with greenish hues, it has a fresh and highly fruity bouquet that reminisces acacia flowers, wisteria and wild apples. The delicate perlage instinctively generates happiness and its round and enchanting flavours have made it the ideal aperitif worldwide. Il perlage fine genera istintivamente allegria e il gusto morbido e avvolgente lo hanno reso l’aperitivo ideale in tutto il mondo. From the top wine making abilities of the company the Asolo Prosecco Superiore Docg Brut Master is born. A high quality wine obtained from the best vines. Splendidly harmonic, it’s without doubt a product of superior quality. The surprising long lasting roundness makes this wine a perfect match for all occasions. La sorprendente pienezza, che solletica a lungo, rende questo vino adatto e gradito a tutte le occasioni. - See more at: http://en. montelvini .it/vini/m illesimato -prosecco- doc-trevis o/#sthash. sKzEA21f.d puf © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 641 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 642 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Moreno GmbH & Co. KG Address Product Details Ottostr. 20-22 53332 Bornheim Germany Phone +49 2227 9901-0 Fax +49 2227 9901-10 Internet address www.moreno.de E-Mail info@moreno.de Stand Hall 10, F52 (Page 974) Product Overview 02.07.07 Madeira Porto Vinho Verde La Mancha Ribera del Duero Rioja Valdepeñas 01.07.07 Vino de Jerez 02.07.07 Cava © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Cava Gran Gaman Brut, Seco und Semi-Seco Cava ist ein Qualitätsschaumwein, der wie sein berühmter französischer Vetter nach dem traditionellen Flaschengärungsverfahren hergestellt wird. Dabei werden aus den einzelnen, verwendeten Rebsorten zunächst junge, fruchtige Stillweine hergestellt. Diese werden zu Cuvées verschnitten und reifen dann noch einmal in der Flasche – für mindestens 9 Monate. In einem aufwändigen Verfahren wird anschließend der Hefebodensatz entfernt und der Cava – je nach gewünschter Geschmacksrichtung (brut, seco, semi seco) – durch Zugabe von Traubenmost veredelt. Das katalonische Örtchen Sant Sadurni d´Anoia ist die Hochburg des Cavas – aus der auch unser Cava Gran Gaman stammt. Moreno GmbH & Co. KG Moreno GmbH & Co. KG 643 Moselwein e.V. Address Gartenfeldstr. 12a 54295 Trier Germany Phone +49 651 71028-0 Fax +49 651 71028-20 Internet address www.weinland-mosel.de E-Mail info@weinland-mosel.de Stand Hall 13, C59 (Page 986) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 644 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Company News 01.02.2016 Moselwein e.V. Reifer Riesling und modernes Design Eine überwältigend positive Resonanz erfuhr der MoselGemeinschaftsstand im vergangenen Jahr auf der bedeutendsten Weinfachmesse der Welt. An diesen Erfolg will der Moselwein e.V. auf der diesjährigen ProWein vom 13. bis 15. März anknüpfen. 48 Weingüter und Sektmanufakturen beteiligen sich am rund 460 Quadratmeter großen Gemeinschaftsstand in den Düsseldorfer Messehallen. Das erfolgreiche Standkonzept im neuen Design der Mosel-Weinwerbung wird beibehalten: Eine Deckenabhängung macht den Stand in Halle 13 (Standnummer C 59) weithin sichtbar, großflächige Fotos von Winzern in Steillagen ziehen den Blick der Besucher in den Gängen auf den Stand. Die Standeinheiten der Betriebe gruppieren sich um den zentralen Logistik- und Lagerbereich, Loungebereiche laden die Fachbesucher aus aller Welt zum Verweilen ein. An der großen Verkostungstheke finden täglich bis zu sieben Proben zu verschiedenen Themen statt, von Jungweinen des Jahrgangs 2015 bis zu Steillagenriesling mit zehn und mehr Jahren Flaschenreife. Unter dem Dach der Gebietsweinwerbung stellen neben Betrieben von der Saar bis zur Terrassenmosel auch die Weingütervereinigungen Bernkasteler Ring sowie die Jungwinzervereinigung MoselJünger aus. Neu am Stand sind in diesem Jahr erstmals Weingüter aus Cochem, Trittenheim, Kesten sowie aus Kasel an der Ruwer. Das Spektrum der Betriebe reicht von großen und international bekannten Spitzenweingütern bis zum noch unbekannten Start up-Weingut. Mehr als ein Viertel der Aussteller sind junge Winzer. Der Mosel-Stand ist daher eine interessante Anlaufstelle für Fachbesucher aus aller Welt, die sich für Weine renommierter Güter ebenso interessieren wie für neue Entdeckungen. Die Gestaltung mit großen Fotos der Weinlandschaft spiegelt die Themenschwerpunkte am Stand wider: Im Mittelpunkt stehen die charakteristischen Steillagen-Rieslinge. Der Großteil der beteiligten Betriebe sind Erzeuger mineralischer, eleganter Rieslingweine an Mittel- und Terrassenmosel sowie an Saar und Ruwer. Aber auch vom weniger bekannten südlichen Teil der Mosel präsentieren sich Weingüter, die feine Weißweine von den Muschelkalkböden mitbringen. Spezialitäten wie Elbling und Auxerrois sind hier ebenso zu finden, wie Weißer und Grauer Burgunder sowie Chardonnay. Winzersekt und Crémant gehören zum Sortiment der meisten Mosel-Aussteller. Viele der Winzer haben Messeneuheiten im Gepäck, darunter auch „Orange Wine“. Um den Gemein- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 645 schaftsstand des Moselwein e.V. herum platzieren sich zudem zunehmend weitere Erzeuger und Händler der Region mit eigenen Ständen, so dass in Halle 13 ein breites Angebot an Weinen von Mosel, Saar und Ruwer zu finden ist. Für regen Andrang am Mosel-Gemeinschaftsstand werden auch die ThemenWeinproben an der Verkostungstheke sorgen. Sie bieten nicht nur Weine von den am Stand vertretenen Betrieben, sondern auch von weiteren Weingütern der Region. Der Moselwein e.V. bietet Proben mit Winzersekt und Crémant, 2015er Jungweinen und mit gereiftem Riesling. Der Bernkasteler Ring stellt an der Theke seine Großen Gewächse vor, die internationale Vereinigung „Terroir Moselle“ präsentiert Moselweine aus Frankreich, Luxemburg und Deutschland. Neu sind Präsentationen der Elblingfreunde der Südlichen Weinmosel und des Vereins BREVA Wein&Weg aus Ernst. Zum Messeausklang am Sonntag und Montag bieten die MoselJünger unter dem Motto „Cru & Craft“ eine Probe ihrer besten Gewächse und spendieren anschließend ein Craft Beer. Die Themen und Termine im Überblick: Perlen der Mosel: Winzersekt und Crémant aus traditioneller Flaschengärung aus Elbling, Riesling und Burgundersorten. Sonntag 11 Uhr; Dienstag 10:30 Uhr Reifeprüfung: Steillagen-Riesling der Mosel mit 10 und mehr Jahren Flaschenlager. Montag 17 Uhr Große Gewächse des Bernkasteler Ring e.V.: Superpremium-Riesling trocken aus Spitzenlagen. Sonntag und Montag jeweils 12 Uhr Gutsweine trocken und feinherb Jahrgang 2015: Riesling, Rivaner, Elbling und weiße Burgundersorten der Mosel. Sonntag 13:30 Uhr; Montag 11 Uhr; Dienstag 12:30 Uhr Terroir Moselle: Moselweine aus Frankreich, Luxemburg, Deutschland. Sonntag 16 Uhr; Montag 15 Uhr Den Mythos schmecken: Verkostung von Weinen der Mythos Mosel Gastgeber 2016. Montag 16 Uhr Cru & Craft: Die Moseljünger zeigen Ihre besten Gewächse und spendieren anschließend ein Craftbier. Sonntag 17:30 Uhr; Montag 18 Uhr BREVA Wein & Weg: Ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, ein Wein, ein Weg, eine Vinothek, ein Ziel: Erhaltung der Steillagen! Sonntag 15 Uhr; Montag 14 Uhr Südliche Weinmosel: Elbling und Burgunderweine von den Muschelkalkböden im Süden des Anbaugebietes. Montag 13 Uhr Die Betriebe am Mosel-Gemeinschaftsstand ProWein 2016: Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier Bollig-Lehnert, Trittenheim © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 646 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Kees-Kieren, Graach Dominikanerweingut C. von Nell-Breuning, Kasel Martin Kerpen, Wehlen Matthias Dostert, Nittel Carl Loewen, Leiwen Karl Erbes, Ürzig Meulenhof, Erden Frieden-Berg, Nittel Philipps-Eckstein, Graach Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium, Trier Werner, Leiwen Fürst, Metzdorf MoselJünger: Dr. Hermann, Ürzig Markus Berres, Weingut C.H. Berres, Ürzig Markus Hüls, Kröv Timo Dienhart, Weingut Zur Römerkelter, Noviand Kloster Ebernach, Cochem Peter Lehnert, Weingut Lehnert-Veit, Piesport Christoph Koenen, Minheim Tobias Lorenz, Weingut Lorenz, Detzem Nick Köwerich, Leiwen Stefan Lotz, Weingut Klaus Lotz, Erden Margarethenhof, Ayl/Saar Thomas Ludwig, Weingut Gebrüder Ludwig, Thörnich Reis feine Weine, Briedel Matthias Meierer, Weingut Meierer, Kesten Reverchon, Konz-Filzen/Saar Axel Pauly, Weingut Pauly, Lieser Rinke, Trier Sebastian Oberbillig, Weingut Deutschherrenhof, Trier Josef Rosch, Leiwen Karl-Josef Thul, Weingut K.J. Thul, Thörnich Rosenhof, Maring P.L.O.B. GmbH Rueff-Röchling, Enkirch Saar-Mosel Winzersekt GmbH, Trier 01.02.2016 Reifer Riesling und modernes Design Steffen-Prüm, Maring Eine überwältigend positive Resonanz erfuhr der Mosel-Gemeinschaftsstand im vergangenen Jahr auf der bedeutendsten Weinfachmesse der Welt. An diesen Erfolg will der Moselwein e.V. auf der diesjährigen ProWein vom 13. bis 15. März anknüpfen. 48 Weingüter und Sektmanufakturen beteiligen sich am rund 460 Quadratmeter großen Gemeinschaftsstand in den Düsseldorfer Messehallen. Günther Steinmetz, Brauneberg Alfons Stoffel, Leiwen Jörg Thanisch, Lieser Villa Huesgen, Traben-Trarbach Vols, Wiltingen/Ayl (Saar) Das erfolgreiche Standkonzept im neuen Design der Mosel-Weinwerbung wird beibehalten: Eine Deckenabhängung macht den Stand in Halle 13 (Standnummer C 59) weithin sichtbar, großflächige Fotos von Winzern in Steillagen ziehen den Blick der Besucher in den Gängen auf den Stand. Die Standeinheiten der Betriebe gruppieren sich um den zentralen Logistik- und Lagerbereich, Loungebereiche laden die Fachbesucher aus aller Welt zum Verweilen ein. An der großen Verkostungstheke finden täglich bis zu sieben Proben zu verschiedenen Themen statt, von Jungweinen des Jahrgangs 2015 bis zu Steillagenriesling mit Walter, Briedel Wwe. Dr. H. Thanisch – Erben Müller-Burggraef, Bernkastel-Kues Bernkasteler Ring: Reinhold Franzen, Bremm Albert Kallfelz, Zell-Merl © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 647 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 648 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de zehn und mehr Jahren Flaschenreife. Unter dem Dach der Gebietsweinwerbung stellen neben Betrieben von der Saar bis zur Terrassenmosel auch die Weingütervereinigungen Bernkasteler Ring sowie die Jungwinzervereinigung MoselJünger aus. Neu am Stand sind in diesem Jahr erstmals Weingüter aus Cochem, Trittenheim, Kesten sowie aus Kasel an der Ruwer. Das Spektrum der Betriebe reicht von großen und international bekannten Spitzenweingütern bis zum noch unbekannten Start up-Weingut. Mehr als ein Viertel der Aussteller sind junge Winzer. Der Mosel-Stand ist daher eine interessante Anlaufstelle für Fachbesucher aus aller Welt, die sich für Weine renommierter Güter ebenso interessieren wie für neue Entdeckungen. Die Gestaltung mit großen Fotos der Weinlandschaft spiegelt die Themenschwerpunkte am Stand wider: Im Mittelpunkt stehen die charakteristischen Steillagen-Rieslinge. Der Großteil der beteiligten Betriebe sind Erzeuger mineralischer, eleganter Rieslingweine an Mittel- und Terrassenmosel sowie an Saar und Ruwer. Aber auch vom weniger bekannten südlichen Teil der Mosel präsentieren sich Weingüter, die feine Weißweine von den Muschelkalkböden mitbringen. Spezialitäten wie Elbling und Auxerrois sind hier ebenso zu finden, wie Weißer und Grauer Burgunder sowie Chardonnay. Winzersekt und Crémant gehören zum Sortiment der meisten Mosel-Aussteller. Viele der Winzer haben Messeneuheiten im Gepäck, darunter auch „Orange Wine“. Um den Gemeinschaftsstand des Moselwein e.V. herum platzieren sich zudem zunehmend weitere Erzeuger und Händler der Region mit eigenen Ständen, so dass in Halle 13 ein breites Angebot an Weinen von Mosel, Saar und Ruwer zu finden ist. Große Gewächse des Bernkasteler Ring e.V.: Superpremium-Riesling trocken aus Spitzenlagen. Sonntag und Montag jeweils 12 Uhr Gutsweine trocken und feinherb Jahrgang 2015: Riesling, Rivaner, Elbling und weiße Burgundersorten der Mosel. Sonntag 13:30 Uhr; Montag 11 Uhr; Dienstag 12:30 Uhr Terroir Moselle: Moselweine aus Frankreich, Luxemburg, Deutschland. Sonntag 16 Uhr; Montag 15 Uhr Den Mythos schmecken: Verkostung von Weinen der Mythos Mosel Gastgeber 2016. Montag 16 Uhr Cru & Craft: Die Moseljünger zeigen Ihre besten Gewächse und spendieren anschließend ein Craftbier. Sonntag 17:30 Uhr; Montag 18 Uhr BREVA Wein & Weg: Ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, ein Wein, ein Weg, eine Vinothek, ein Ziel: Erhaltung der Steillagen! Sonntag 15 Uhr; Montag 14 Uhr Südliche Weinmosel: Elbling und Burgunderweine von den Muschelkalkböden im Süden des Anbaugebietes. Montag 13 Uhr Die Betriebe am Mosel-Gemeinschaftsstand ProWein 2016: Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier Bollig-Lehnert, Trittenheim Dominikanerweingut C. von Nell-Breuning, Kasel Matthias Dostert, Nittel Für regen Andrang am Mosel-Gemeinschaftsstand werden auch die ThemenWeinproben an der Verkostungstheke sorgen. Sie bieten nicht nur Weine von den am Stand vertretenen Betrieben, sondern auch von weiteren Weingütern der Region. Der Moselwein e.V. bietet Proben mit Winzersekt und Crémant, 2015er Jungweinen und mit gereiftem Riesling. Der Bernkasteler Ring stellt an der Theke seine Großen Gewächse vor, die internationale Vereinigung „Terroir Moselle“ präsentiert Moselweine aus Frankreich, Luxemburg und Deutschland. Neu sind Präsentationen der Elblingfreunde der Südlichen Weinmosel und des Vereins BREVA Wein&Weg aus Ernst. Zum Messeausklang am Sonntag und Montag bieten die MoselJünger unter dem Motto „Cru & Craft“ eine Probe ihrer besten Gewächse und spendieren anschließend ein Craft Beer. Karl Erbes, Ürzig Die Themen und Termine im Überblick: Nick Köwerich, Leiwen Perlen der Mosel: Winzersekt und Crémant aus traditioneller Flaschengärung aus Elbling, Riesling und Burgundersorten. Sonntag 11 Uhr; Dienstag 10:30 Uhr Margarethenhof, Ayl/Saar Reifeprüfung: Steillagen-Riesling der Mosel mit 10 und mehr Jahren Flaschenlager. Montag 17 Uhr Reverchon, Konz-Filzen/Saar © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 649 Frieden-Berg, Nittel Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium, Trier Fürst, Metzdorf Dr. Hermann, Ürzig Markus Hüls, Kröv Kloster Ebernach, Cochem Christoph Koenen, Minheim Reis feine Weine, Briedel © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 650 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Rinke, Trier Sebastian Oberbillig, Weingut Deutschherrenhof, Trier Josef Rosch, Leiwen Karl-Josef Thul, Weingut K.J. Thul, Thörnich Rosenhof, Maring P.L.O.B. GmbH Rueff-Röchling, Enkirch Saar-Mosel Winzersekt GmbH, Trier Steffen-Prüm, Maring Product Overview Moselwein e.V. Günther Steinmetz, Brauneberg Alfons Stoffel, Leiwen Jörg Thanisch, Lieser Mosel 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.02 Cremant Villa Huesgen, Traben-Trarbach Vols, Wiltingen/Ayl (Saar) Walter, Briedel Wwe. Dr. H. Thanisch – Erben Müller-Burggraef, Bernkastel-Kues Moulin de Gassac S.A. Mas de Daumas Gassac Bernkasteler Ring: Reinhold Franzen, Bremm Albert Kallfelz, Zell-Merl Address Haute Valle du Gassac 34150 Aniane France Phone +33 4 67577128 Fax +33 4 67574103 Internet address www.daumas-gassac.com E-Mail export.europe@daumas-gassac.com Stand Hall 11, F49 (Page 978) Kees-Kieren, Graach Martin Kerpen, Wehlen Carl Loewen, Leiwen Meulenhof, Erden Philipps-Eckstein, Graach Werner, Leiwen MoselJünger: Markus Berres, Weingut C.H. Berres, Ürzig Timo Dienhart, Weingut Zur Römerkelter, Noviand Peter Lehnert, Weingut Lehnert-Veit, Piesport Tobias Lorenz, Weingut Lorenz, Detzem Company News Moulin de Gassac S.A. Mas de Daumas Gassac Stefan Lotz, Weingut Klaus Lotz, Erden Thomas Ludwig, Weingut Gebrüder Ludwig, Thörnich 11/25/2015 PICPOUL DE PINET Matthias Meierer, Weingut Meierer, Kesten PICPOUL DE PINET - GOLD MEDAL 2015 MUNDUS Axel Pauly, Weingut Pauly, Lieser © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 651 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 652 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 11/25/2015 PICPOUL DE PINET Move Import Export srl PICPOUL DE PINET - GOLD MEDAL 2015 MUNDUS Product Overview Address Piazza De Marini 1/6 16123 Genova Italy Phone +39 010 2462307 Fax +39 010 2462307 Internet address www.lacartadoro.it Moulin de Gassac S.A. Mas de Daumas Gassac 02.04 Sparkling wine E-Mail info@lacartadoro.it Languedoc-Roussillon Stand Hall 13, E100-15 (Page 986) Product Details 02.04 Moulin de Gassac S.A. Mas de Daumas Gassac Sparkling wine Product Overview 02.07.05 Move Import Export srl Franciacorta MAS DE DAUMAS GASSAC ROSE FRIZANT Product Details 02.07.05 Move Import Export srl Franciacorta Parlapà Dolcetto Dogliani Bio Docg Azienda Agricola Aldo Marenco - Dogliani (Cuneo) Piemonte Uvaggio: Dolcetto 100% - Gradazione alcolica: 14 % - Maturazione e affinamento: vinificazione classica, con diraspatura e macerazione sul cappello per 8 - 10 giorni controllate con cura meticolosa. In seguito matura in botti di legno da 30 HL. per circa 15 mesi fino all’imbottigliamento, che avviene solo dopo ripetute degustazioni. Si affina in bottiglia per un paio di mesi prima di essere avviato al mercato. Proprietà organolettiche - Sorprendente per la complessità della struttura, si presenta con un colore rubino intenso e profondo dai vivaci riflessi violacei ed un impatto olfattivo ampio, etereo e persistente di frutta matura e confettura di mirtilli. L’accenno elegante del legno si completa con un sapore pieno, caldo e sapido, appena tannico, dal finale piacevolmente amarognolo. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 653 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 654 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Premi/certificazione Docg - (denominazione origine controllata e garantita) Bio (certificazione conformità biologica) NYETIMBER Ltd. Address Broughton House W1S 3DG London United Kingdom Phone +44 207 7348490 Fax +44 207 7292084 Internet address www.nyetimber.com E-Mail info@nyetimber.com Stand Hall 09, C63 (Page 972) Product Overview Great Britain 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 Pale gold in colour with tiny, delicate bubbles. Floral and lime aromas lead on to rich notes of pastry and brioche. On the palate, fresh citrus flavours are balanced with an underlying minerality and a toasty intensity. Very fine and elegant with a long, complex finish. Nyetimber Demi-Sec NV Light golden hues and a slight silver undertone illuminate this delicately effervescent wine. Aromas of pure lemon, mineral and honey tones and a hint of tangerine fill the nose. The palate has a lively sweet lemon start set off by a crisp acidity and a very clean, pure structure. The finish is minerally and citrus filled. Nyetimber Rosé NV NYETIMBER Ltd. 01.01.08 Nyetimber Blanc de Blancs 2009 A beautiful, sunset pink colour. Aromas include a charming mix of fresh red fruits along with intriguing spice notes of anise and lavender. The palate has a creamy, round texture with refreshing redcurrant, raspberry and cherry flavours. Suggestions of brioche lead into an elegant, silky finish. Nyetimber Tillington Single Vineyard 2009 NYETIMBER Ltd. Sparkling wine Light gold and hints of silver colour with tiny bubbles on the eye. The nose begins with the toasted topping of crème brulee and meringue before the wine continues with time in the glass to open and build in intensity. Flavours of strawberry and cherry emerge. A great example of both power and freshness on the palate. Classic Cuvee 2010 Lovely pale gold and gentle, fine bubbles. Toasty, spicy and complex aromas showing wonderful development after more than three years on lees in our cellar. The palate supports these complex aromas with honey, almond, pastry and baked apple flavours. Very fine and elegant with a great combination of intensity, delicacy and length. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 655 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 656 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de diesen Sekt verwendeten Grundweine miteinander komponiert. Oberkircher Winzer eG Address Renchener Str. 42 77704 Oberkirch Germany Phone +49 7802 9258-0 Fax +49 7802 9258-38 Internet address www.oberkircher-winzer.de E-Mail info@oberkircher-winzer.de Stand Hall 13, B100 (Page 986) Product Overview Oberkircher Winzer eG Baden 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.07.08 Obstkelterei van Nahmen GmbH & Co. KG Address Diersfordter Str. 27 46499 Hamminkeln Germany Phone +49 2852 96099-0 Fax +49 2852 96099-29 Internet address www.vannahmen.de E-Mail info@vannahmen.de Stand Hall 14, F40 (Page 990) Product Overview Obstkelterei van Nahmen GmbH & Co. KG 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine Cider Oberkircher Winzer eG Winzersekt Sekt, Eisstern Cuvée Sekt trocken Product Details Charakteristik 02.01 Der „Eisstern“ Sekt der Oberkircher Winzer zeichnet sich durch eine geschmackliche Vielschichtigkeit und eine feine Perlage aus. Mit seiner tropischen Frucht und Harmonie passt er zu vielen feierlichen Anlässen insbesondere als Aperitif. Für den Genuss auf Eis kreiert, ist er das ideale Getränk nicht nur für warme Sommertage - verfeinern Sie ihn zu passenden Anlässen einfach mit frischer Limette oder Minzblättern und sein Aroma kommt noch deutlicher zur Geltung. Wie es sich für einen erstklassigen Sekt gehört, ernten wir die Trauben hierfür von Hand. Es ist es das Geheimnis unseres Kellermeisters Martin Bäuerle, wie er die für Frucht-Secco Apfel-Quitte © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 657 Obstkelterei van Nahmen GmbH & Co. KG Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine Komponiert man den Saft von Apfel und Quitte, so erhält man eine Cuvée mit einem bestechend vollen Geschmack, der an einen gereiften Riesling erinnert. van Nahmen Frucht-Secco Apfel-Quitte ist ein trocken-fruchtiger Apéritif mit 0% Alkohol und 100% prickelndem Fruchterlebnis. Sein vielschichtiges Aroma entfaltet sich am besten bei einer Trinktemperatur von 8 bis 10 °C. Testen Sie van Nahmen Frucht-Secco auch in den Geschmacksrichtungen Traube und © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 658 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Apfel-Rote Johannisbeere-Himbeere Nach dem Öffnen innerhalb von 3 Tagen genießen. Pasqua Vigneti E Cantine SPA Unser Frucht-Secco Apfel-Quitte wurde mit dem Best of Bio - Award 2015 in der Kategorie Innovationen prämiert. Address Via Belvedere 135 37131 Verona Italy Frucht-Secco Apfel-rote Johannisbeere-Himbeere Phone +39 045 8432111 Fax +39 045 8432121 Internet address www.pasqua.it E-Mail info@pasqua.it Stand Hall 16, J01 (Page 998) Der van Nahmen Frucht-Secco Apfel-Rote Johannisbeere-Himbeere ist ein Apéritif mit garantiert 0% Alkohol – ein reiner, anregender Genuss von Frische und Frucht. Bei einer Trinktemperatur von 8 -10 °C entfaltet er sein volles beeriges, frühlingshaftes Aroma. Abgerundet wird der Geschmack der Cuvèe durch die feine Säure der Roten Johannisbeere. van Nahmen Frucht-Secco ist ein fruchtig-prickelndes Genusserlebnis für den besonderen Anlass, das auch in den Geschmacksrichtungen Apfel-Quitte und Traube erhältlich ist. Nach dem Öffnen innerhalb von 3 Tagen genießen. Frucht-Secco Traube (BIO) Product Overview Das Aroma des van Nahmen Frucht-Secco Traube ist mild, wie es für ausgereifte Trauben typisch ist. Dabei ernten wir die Früchte so zeitig in der Saison, um auch ihre erfrischende Säure zu erhalten. van Nahmen Frucht-Secco Traube ist ein Apéritif in Bio-Qualität – ein reiner, anregender Genuss von Frische und Frucht ganz ohne Alkohol. Das war seit langem ein Wunsch der gehobenen Gastronomie, den wir auch in den Geschmackrichtungen Apfel-Quitte und Apfel-Rote Johannisbeere-Himbeere erfüllen. Trinktemperatur 8 -10 °C. Nach dem Öffnen innerhalb von 3 Tagen genießen. 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto Pasqua Vigneti E Cantine SPA Product Details 02.07.04 Pasqua Vigneti E Cantine SPA Prosecco Spumante Denominazione di Origine Controllata Denominazione di Origine Controllata Geographic Area Vineyards located on the hillside areas of Valpantena, north eastern part of Valpolicella. Soil Calcareous, flaky debris, and prevalently pebbly soil. Grape Varieties Corvina, Rondinella, Corvinone, Negrara. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 659 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 660 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de soils and climate conditions that grant a wine unique in characteristics. Vinification The sparkling process is made with Charmat method After pressing and destemming, fermentation is set off at controlled in steel autoclave in compliance with the regulation of the temperature of 25°-26° C with remontages every 8 hours to materia, obtaining an extra dry young wine, exciting and perfect extract polyphenols and anthocyanins. Placed in steel tanks until in all occasions. February, the wine is then left on the dried skins of the Amarone Style where it ferments again, enhancing the structure and aromas of The wine pours a bright straw yellow colour, with some greenish the wine, according to traditional “Ripasso method”. After decanting, hints; the nose is pleasant and fruity, with good intensity. It the wine is transferred into barriques of various capacity has a fresh flavor, and to the palate is pleasant and harmonious. and toasting, where it stays for 8 months before assembling and Food Pairings bottling. Ageing in bottle for 2-3 months. An ideal aperitif wine, it goes well with appetizers, white Style meats and fish. Ruby-red, this wine offers intense aromas of wild cherries, redcurrant Serve cold at 6-8° C. and hints of toasting. A rich and full-bodied wine, with sweet Size 0,75 l and round tannins on the palate. Alcohol 11% vol. Food Pairings Valpolicella DOC Excellent with savory first course dishes or meat, such as roast lamb, barbecued meats and seasoned cheese. Serve at 18-20°C. Valpolicella DOC Size 0,75 l Geographic Area Vineyards located on the hillside areas of Valpantena, north eastern part of Valpolicella. Alcohol 13,5% vol Soil Calcareous, flaky debris, and prevalently pebbly soil. Prosecco Treviso Doc Grape Varieties Corvina, Corvinone,Rondinella, Croatina. Vinification The grapes are pressed, then left to macerate on the skins for 8-10 hours at 10°C. During fermentation carried out at controlled temperature for 10-12 days, the must undergoes frequent remontages to favor extraction. After malolactic fermentation, it is transferred to oak barriques where it matures for 6 months before being assembled and bottled. SPUMANTE EXTRA DRY Denominazione Origine Controllata Area of origin Vineyards of the Hills in the province of Treviso. Style Ruby-red color, this wine offers intense fruity aromas of wild cherries, vanilla and hints of toasting. A rich, full-bodied wine, round and warm on the palate. Grapes Prosecco (Glera) 100% Winemaking Food Pairings It pairs well with tasty first course dishes of the Veneto such as risotto ai porcini or radicchio, red meats and mature cheeses. To be served at 16°-18°C. Sparkling wine produced with the “Glera” grape variety, native to the Treviso area. In this countryside there are the best © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 661 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 662 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Size 0,75 l commandes. Nous souhaitons ainsi réduire nos délais de préparation, améliorer la gestion de nos stocks, développer le nombre de commandes et la fidélité de nos clients tout en conservant notre implantation dans la région bourguignonne. La société BECKER nous est apparue comme un prestataire répondant à ces objectifs. » Alcohol 12,5% vol Patrimoine des Terroirs Assoc. of french wine producers Sarl Address 7 rue Valentine Besson 25310 Herimoncourt France Phone +33 3 81918430 Fax +33 3 81918430 Internet address www.patrimoinevin.canalblog.com E-Mail Stand Patrimoine des Terroirs sera aussi présent à Vinisud en Février 2016 sur son stand (17 vignerons) ainsi que sur Prowein à Dusseldorf en Mars 2016 ( 30 vignerons). 3 vignerons participeront à titre individuel à Millésime Bio en Janvier 2016. Product Overview Patrimoine des Terroirs Assoc. of french wine... Alsace Beaujolais Bergerac Bordeaux Bourgogne Champagne Vallée du Rhône Languedoc-Roussillon Provence Sud-Ouest patrimoinedesterroirs@laposte.net Hall 11, L39 (Page 978) Company News 01/15/2016 L’ambition affichée est de doubler le nombre de palettes vendues/mois via cette nouvelle plateforme à destination uniquement des professionnels, en France ( Circuit traditionnel) et à l’export ( importateurs, cavistes indépendants, grossistes, restaurants). Patrimoine des Terroirs Assoc. of french wine... l’association de vignerons va confier la logistique de ses commandes à compter du mois de JANVIER 2016 à la société Becker à CHALON-SUR –SAÔNE (71). Dans le cadre de son développement et afin de répondre à la croissance de ses ventes, l’association de vignerons va confier la logistique de ses commandes à compter du mois de JANVIER 2016 à la société Becker à CHALON-SUR –SAÔNE (71). Cela inclut la gestion de 150 à 200 références en stock permanent (température entre 15-18°C, site sécurisé, entrepôt spécifiquement dédié aux vins ) , la préparation des commandes ainsi que d’une grande partie des flux de transports en France ( en amont et en aval). Céline, et Alain, soulignent les raisons et les objectifs poursuivis : « Nous tenons à remercier notre ancien partenaire de nous avoir accompagné ses dernières années et avoir participé à notre développement commercial depuis 2010. Ce nouveau partenariat s’inscrit dans la volonté d’optimiser le traitement de nos © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 663 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 664 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Val de Loire 02.04 Sparkling wine Completely realized malo-lactic fermentation Product Details 02.04 Maturing: On lees for 6 months follow-up of a filtration before the bottling. Patrimoine des Terroirs Assoc. of french wine... 9g/L of sugar • Grape Variety(ies) : 60% Pinot Meunier, 30% Pinot Noir et 10 % Chardonnay. And coteaux champenois 16 % from pinot Meunier of the harvest 2007 for the tint. Sparkling wine Champagne Brut Prestige • Type of soil : clay and limestone • Age of the vine: 35 years « Light yellow dress. Lemony nose. Fresh mouth in the notes of white flowers mixed by citrus fruits...” Champagne Extra Brut Selection Aging potential :To consume in 5 in 7 years. « Clear yellow. Nose of citrus fruits: grapefruit and lemon. Fresh and mineral mouth.. Culinary agreements : To serve at 9° C Good match with aperitif, toasts, grilled fish and fish with sauce Light dosage (5,5 g/L) which lets the wine express itself..” Vinification:Grapes picked manually in search for an optimum sugar / acid in the berry follow-up of a traditional pressing Aging potential : To consume in 3 in 5 years. Alcoholic fermentation in stainless stell tanks Culinary agreements : To serve at 9° C Completely realized malo-lactic fermentation Good match with aperitif and meal.. Maturing: On lees for 6 months follow-up of a filtration before the bottling. Vinification: Grapes picked manually in search for an optimum sugar / acid in the berry follow-up of a traditional pressing • Grape Variety(ies) : 80% de chardonnay et 20% de Pinot Noir. Alcoholic fermentation in stainless stell tanks • Type of soil : clay and limestone Completely realized malo-lactic fermentation • Age of the vine: 35 years Maturing: On lees for 6 months follow-up of a filtration before the bottling. Champagne Brut Rosé • Grape Variety(ies) : 60% Pinot Meunier, 30% Pinot Noir et 10 % Chardonnay. « Soft pink dress. • Type of soil : clay and limestone Nose of fresh red berries. • Age of the vine: 35 years Light mouth reminding a typical cake pastry strawberry plant..” Aging potential : To drink in two years. Culinary agreements : To serve at 9°C Good match with aperitif and dessert of fruits if they are not too much sweetened. Vinification:Grapes picked manually in search for an optimum sugar / acid in the berry follow-up of a traditional pressing Alcoholic fermentation in stainless stell tanks © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 665 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 666 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de DOMAINE BRISEBARRE, Vouvray Fines Bulles Methode Tradit. DOMAINE FREY, Crémant d’Alsace « The intense dress in the golden yellow nuances decorates of a light cordon of fine and persistent bubbles. The opened nose expresses himself on characters of apple ripe(mature) strengthened by soft levurées and brioche-like notes. The mouth, in the subtle attack, develops on the power and the generous vinosité. Finale long find a beautiful balance between a point(headland) of structuring bitterness, the fraicheur and fleshy one delicate. Brioche-like, complex and generous beautiful Vouvray…...» « Nose fresh and lightly wooded, elegant and fine bubbles. Expresses at the palate all the flavors of a great wine.....» Aging potential : Can be kept 3 to 5 years. Culinary agreements: To serve at 8-10° C It will be served from the aperitif at the end of the meal. Aging potential : Vinification: 10 years Collect 100% manual. Fermentation with indigeous yeasts. Culinary agreements: Maturing: To serve at 8° C Good match with all the moments of user-friendliness, the parties and the ceremonies, the wines of honors, but also in apéritif, only or in cocktail. It will also very feel at ease on a fruit salad without sugar or a soup of ginger strawberries…. 6 months on fine dregs ( half in inox tank, half in barrel ). Vinification: 18 months on lattes. Classic vinification in tanks with thermoregulation after a pneumatic pressing. Fermentations are followed every day.. • Grape Variety(ies) : Pinot Noir 60 %, Auxerrois 30 %, Pinot Gris 10 % Maturing: • Yield: 60 hl/ha 6 months minimum in tanks. Second fermentation into the bottle then 2 years aging « sur lattes » in natural cellar. • Grape Variety(ies) : 100% Chenin No malolactic fermentation • Type of soil : Granic sand and schist • Age of the vine: 15 years • Harvest : manual VIGNOBLE MUSSET ROULLIER, Crémant de Loire • Type of soil : Clay -Limestone. « Full mouth with aromas of white fruit, fine bubbles.» • Yield: 65 hl/ha Aging potential : • Age of the vine: 25 years Laying down : ……………………… • Harvest : Mechanical Culinary agreements: To serve at 9 .° C Good match with aperitif, for the end of meal Vinification: Straightforward gentle pressing and juice selection.Complete malo-lactic fermentation. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 667 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 668 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Maturing: Product Details Vat making on fine lees to February . Foam taking : end may. Degorgement when needed. So, to this day, our crémant has been aging for 30 months on fine dregs in its bottles, allowing good flavour maturation. BACARO Prosecco DOC Treviso • Grape Variety(ies) : 100 % chenin • Type of soil : Silt and sand top soil on Brioverian shale. 02.02.03 Perlage Winery Srl Prosecco Frizzante It is the most forthcoming and therefore the easiest Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOC to taste: it was first made with the young and less expert consumer in mind. • Yield: 60 hl/ha • Age of the vine: 5 years • Harvest : Hand-picked grapes laid in crates. PINOT GRIGIO Pinot Grigio delle Venezie IGT Perlage Winery Srl Address A refined and elegant white wine, rich with perfumes that remind us of summer and of freshly baked bread. Via Cal del Muner, 16 31010 Farra di Soligo (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 900203 Fax +39 0438 900195 It is a soft straw yellow colour, with an aromatic and fragrant perfume that evokes mountain meadows at harvest time. Its flavour is dry, pleasurably velvety and harmonious. AWARDS: ”Decanter World Wine Award” 2011: Bronze Medal ”Mundus Vini” 2013: Silver Medal Internet address www.perlagewines.com E-Mail info@perlagewines.com Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) ”Mundus Vini Biofach” 2014: 84 points ”Wine System AG” 2014: 88 points SORALOC Prosecco Frizzante DOC Soraloc is the first organic Prosecco DOC realized with the screw cap. Product Overview Perlage Winery Srl 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Beyond being a specific request of the market, the screw cap offers lot of advantages: besides to eliminate the threat of the deterioration of the stopper, it prevents the premature oxidation and the darkening of the color. It is surely more hygienic and it influences less on the final result of the wine in the glass. 669 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 670 02.07.04 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de PICCOLO BACCO DEI QUARONI Prosecco Spumante ALEPH Manzoni Bianco Metodo Classico Brut Address Made from exceptional vines that reflect the terroir of origin. The Perlage pursuit of innovation balanced with traditional methods allowed them to develop this wine in the ”Metodo Classico”. Fraz. Costamontefedele 27040 Montu’ Beccaria Italy Phone +39 0385 60521 Incrocio Manzoni grapes are harvested by hand between late August and early September and the wine is fermented at a controlled temperature until late spring. After the draw, the wine rests in stack and is aged on the lees for at least 25 months. This delicate stage allows the wine to express all its richness and character. After a long cycle of remouage the disgorgement takes place in absence of oxygen, in order to avoid oxidative shock. The sparkling wine Aleph is pleasant and long-lived. Fax Internet address www.piccolobaccodeiquaroni.it E-Mail info@piccolobaccodeiquaroni.it Stand Hall 13, E110 (Page 986) The result is extraordinary, unique and irresistible. CABERNET Cabernet Veneto IGT The harmonious union of Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, has produced this Perlage organic wine with a rich bouquet and a genorously inebriating flavour. It is ruby red in colour with purplish reflections. Its perfume is intensely winey, characteristic of raspberries and fruits of the forest. It has a dry and full flavour, a light body and the right amount of tanin and herb flavours. Product Overview PICCOLO BACCO DEI QUARONI Lombardia 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Details SGAJO Prosecco DOC Treviso Extra Dry Vegan 02.07.09 Fresh in taste and color! Sgajo means smart and exuberant. So is this organic sparkling wine, a delicately sweet and aromatic version of an Extra Dry Prosecco. PICCOLO BACCO DEI QUARONI Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin PBQ - Cruasé From 2014 officially becomes a Vegan Prosecco: it is realized without any animal protein, normally used during clarification. Zona di produzione: La Fiocca vineyard in the municipality of Bosnasco. Fragrant, fresh and easy to drink. Colour tending to an ancient pink. Floral opening enveloping the nose, it persists with notes of small ripe fruits and bread crust. It is enjoyable to the palate for its fresh and clean flavour. In a complex of good sapidity, it’s convincing for its eleg Vitigni: Pinot Nero Tip: Drink it with ethnic dishes based on fresh fish and rice... even if, as in Prosecco land, you can certainly drink it anytime! AWARDS: “CWSA” 2014: Silver medal “Mundus Vini Biofach” 2015: 84 points © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 671 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 672 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Pinot Nero Charmat Zona di produzione: Municipality of Bosnasco Product Overview Vitigni: Pinot Nero Friuli Venezia-Giulia Fresh, fruity and floreal with glimpses of apple, pear and flowers of (Acacia). Persisting spume. Good acidity supported by a optimal structure. 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante PIERA MARTELLOZZO S.p.A. Sangue di Giuda Zona di produzione: Municipality Montù Beccaria. Product Details Vitigni: Croatina 60%, Barbera 10% and Uva Rara 30%. 02.04 Intense ruby colour. Scents of ripe fruit and patisserie with good persistence of confection. It is sweet and structured to the palate with a preminent and pleasant tanninic note. 075 CARATI PIERA MARTELLOZZO S.p.A. Sparkling wine A large range of sparkling wines, fresh, sprightly and elegant. PROSECCO DOC, RIBOLLA GIALLA, ROSE’ CUVEE, MOSCATO, MULLER THURGAU, PINOT GRIGIO, PINOT CHARDONNAY, MILLESIMATO, ROSSO DOLCE. PIERA MARTELLOZZO S.p.A. Address Phone Fax Via Pordenone, 33 33080 San Quirino (PN) Italy PERLE DI PIERA Just as pearls are created as pure spheres covered with precious iridescent layers unlike any other gem, +39 0434 963-100 “Perle di Piera” possess their own inherent lustre in subtle yet bright colors; impulsive and cheerful +39 0434 963-115 in one moment and romantic and sexy in the next. Internet address www.pieramartellozzo.it E-Mail welcome@martellozzo.com Stand Hall 15, C20 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH PROSECCO DOC - RIBOLLA GIALLA - ROSE’ CUVEE - PINOT GRIGIO 673 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 674 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Pierre Chainier SAS Address YIELD/ ALCOOL%: ZI Ouest de la Boitardiere 37400 Amboise France Phone +33 2 47307307 Fax +33 2 47307309 Internet address www.pierrechainier.com E-Mail chainier@pierrechainier.com Stand Hall 11, D60 (Page 978) 60 Hl/Ha./13% Alc. Vol. GRAPE VARIETY: 100% Gamay. VINIFICATION: 25% carbonic maceration, 75% short traditional maceration, alcoholic fermentation ends in the liquid phase. CHARACTER: Intense in colour. On the nose it is eloquent with hints of red berries. On the palate it is smooth and fruity (cherries) with peppery notes. Long aromatic finish. STORE: 3 years. Product Overview Pierre Chainier SAS 02.07.02 Cremant Val de Loire FOOD/WINE COMPLIMENTARITY: This wine is ideal with red meat, poultry, game and cheese. Serve at 15°C. VOUVRAY SEC AOC 20 Product Details 02.07.02 Pierre Chainier SAS BOTTLED: On the estate. Cremant GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: TOURAINE GAMAY AOC Le Clos de Nouys is situated on Vouvray’s prime hillsides with a south to BOTTLED: south-west aspect. At the château. SOIL TYPE: GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: Clay limestone. On the riversides of the south bank of the Loire. SIZE OF THE ESTATE : SOIL TYPE: 8.5 Ha of beautiful consolidated plots. Siliceous clay limestone. SIZE OF THE ESTATE : YIELD/ ALCOOL%: 35 Ha. 35 Hl/Ha. /13.5% Alc. Vol. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 675 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 676 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de GRAPE VARIETY: Chenin blanc. Product Overview VINIFICATION: Friuli Venezia-Giulia 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin PIGHIN di Fernando Pighin & Figli Soc. Agr.... Entirely handpicked. CHARACTER: Pale yellow in colour with silver tints. Fruity on the nose with white flowers and redcurrant notes. On the palate it is clean and well-balanced with dried Product Details PIGHIN di Fernando Pighin & Figli Soc. Agr.... fruit aromas. 02.06.01 STORE: Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 5 years. Spumante Brut Rosè FOOD/WINE COMPLIMENTARITY: This wine will happily accompany aperitifs, cold meats, smoked or grilled fish, Technical sheet white meats. Type of wine: Spumante rosè, Charmat method. Serve at 10ºC. Producer: Fernando Pighin & Figli S.agr. a r.l. Grape varieties: Merlot 100%. PIGHIN di Fernando Pighin & Figli Soc. Agr. A.R.L. Address Zone of production: Fraz. Risano, Pavia di Udine (UD), FriuliVenezia Giulia, Italy. Viale Grado, 11/1 33050 Pavia di Udine (UD) Italy Soil: Moderately loose-packed, with patches of gravel. Training system: Single Guyot with 4,800 vines per hectare. Yield per hectare: 70 quintals of grapes per hectare. Phone +39 0432 675444 Harvest: During the period of optimal ripeness, in the first ten days of September. Fax +39 0432 675999 Vinification: Grapes conditioned at +10° C with brief maceration and subsequent vinification without the skins through soft crushing. Internet address WWW.PIGHIN.COM E-Mail Stand Must to fruit ratio: 60%. Fermentation: In temperature controlled stainless steel containers for 18 days at a controlled temperature of +16° to +20° C. info@pighin.com Sparkling winemaking process: The wine is kept in the cellar in stainless steel vats at the constant temperature of +12°C and then goes through secondary fermentation in a 50 hl autoclave for 9 months, resulting in the full fusion of refermentation yeasts and the relative lysis with the lees. Hall 16, C38 (Page 998) Alcohol content: 12% by vol. Residual sugar: 9.00 g/l. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 677 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 678 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Total acidity: 6.80 g/l in tartaric acid. Product Details Tasting sheet 02.07.08 Appearance: White fizz, fine and persistent perlage. Poderi la Collina Azienda Agricola di Marengo... Winzersekt BARBERA OF ALBA DOC Colour: Rosé with luminous nuances of onion peel. Aroma: Intense, with delicate fruity tones of jam and bread crust. Taste: Dry, not harsh, balanced, elegant body with good aromatic length accompanied by a light citrus sensation. Produced with 100% Barbera grape Ground: loamy sandy, calcareous Pairing: Refined aperitif, pairs well with all fish dishes. Excellent with risotto, tagliolini and the classic sweet prosciutto with melon. Aspect: south-east Serve: At the temperature of +9° to +10° C. Uncork just before serving. Winemaking: Red Hat winemaking emerged with daily turning, racking at the end of the fermentation and subsequent malolactic fermentation Poderi la Collina Azienda Agricola di Marengo Piergiorgio Type of farming: classic Guyot vertically trellised Sharpening: in steel for 6 months followed by a sharpening in bottle for 2-3 months before the sale. Address Borgata Pianezzo, 71 12063 Dogliani (CN) Italy Phone +39 0173 70155 Fax +39 0173 742-778 Color: intense red ruby color with evident purplish reflexes Internet address www.poderilacollina.it Perfume: intense clean wide perfume with floral notes of canine rose and berry jam E-Mail marengo@poderilacollina.it Taste: full taste, harmonic, warm savory with persistent and very pleasant after taste Stand Hall 15, A41 (Page 994) Because of the freshness and the fragrance of this wine, the pairing with food has no limits, nevertheless it is generally best expressed with first and second courses of meat. Product Overview Barbera wine is one of the most popular wines of Piedmont; the production of Barbera of Alba falls in the territory of 54 surrounding municipalities in Alba, the earth of the Langhe. The hardiness of the vineyard and the particular attention to vineyard management ensure the quality of grapes even in years does not fully support; also , a careful management of the decanting, means that this wine is best expressed in the glass giving us the following organoleptic characteristics. Poderi la Collina Azienda Agricola di Marengo... 01.07.09 Alcohol-free wines and spirits 02.07.08 Winzersekt DOGLIANI - Pian Marie DOC Produced with 100% Dolcetto grape Ground: silt loam, calcareous Aspect: west Type of farming: classic Guyot vertically trellised Winemaking: Red Hat winemaking emerged with daily turning, short © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 679 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 680 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de maceration on the peels FIRST ASSOLO - LANGHE RED DOC Sharpening: in steel for a short period followed by a sharpening in bottle for 2-3 months before the sale. Produced with 100% Nebbiolo and Barbera grapes The Dolcetto of Dogliani “Pian Marie” was born on a slope to the west with a medium texture ground, deep and well drained: the aspect, the ground and the careful management of crown, mean that the grapes mature each year in advance giving us a wine whit great drinkability and personality. Organoleptic examination shows a beautiful garnet color with evident purplish reflexes, wide net smell with hints of blackberry, rose and to slightly spices; the full and harmonic taste, is persistent and leaves a pleasant fruity aftertaste. It is a wine that goes well with all meals, it goes well with most Piedmont dishes, giving the best with starters and main courses. Ground: silt loamy, calcareous, deep Aspect: south-west, west Type of farming: classic Guyot vertically trellised Winemaking: Red Hat winemaking emerged with daily turning, prolonged maceration of the peels, racking and subsequent malolactic fermentation Sharpening: in oak wood of little dimensions (barriques) for 18 months followed by a sharpening in bottle for other 6 months before the sale. Produced with 100% Dolcetto grape The first Assolo comes from the skilful blend of Nebbiolo and Barbera wines of Langhe properly aged in wood quality; the careful selection of wood species and the particular care to follow the product refinement, allow this wine to express the proper characteristics of individual vineyards and linked by more complex smells arising from wooden vessels. Ground: loamy clayey, calcareous Color: very intense, alive and bright pomegranate with light purplish reflexes Aspect: east Type of farming: classic Guyot vertically trellised Perfume: intense ample clean sense of smell with notes of rose, blackberry, vanilla, cocoa, licorice and light toasted hazelnut Winemaking: Red Hat winemaking emerged with daily turning, medium maceration on the peels Taste: full taste, harmonic, savory with a slightly dry and pleasant Sharpening: in steel for a short period followed by a sharpening in bottle for 4-6 months before the sale. It goes very well with second courses of meat: roast, grilled, mature game and cheeses. The Dolcetto of Dogliani Castiglia’s vineyard of La Collina’s farm grows on a loamy clayey soil located to the east, where hot but delicate rays in the morning joint to the richness of the grounds allow to obtain a powerful wine taste and in its structure; these qualities are enhanced by a brief aging in wood that originate the following organoleptic characteristics. LANGHE NEBBIOLO DOC DOGLIANI DOCG - Bricco Castiglia Ground: loamy sandy, calcareous Aspect: south-west Color: very intense red ruby pomegranate with evident purplish reflexes Perfume: clean wide with notes of blackberry , violet, jam of cherries and spice, light vanilla Taste: full, warm, harmonic with tannic feelings barely perceptible which prolong the aftertaste and make it pleasant The Dolcetto is a wine that generally goes well with meats, boiled, game and seasoned cheeses. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Produced with 100% Nebbiolo grape 681 Type of farming: classic Guyot vertically trellised Winemaking: red Hat winemaking emerged with daily turning, maceration of the peels until the end of alcoholic fermentation, racking and subsequent malolactic fermentation Sharpening: in oak wood for 6 months followed by a sharpening in bottle for other 3 months before the sale. The Nebbiolo is the noblest vineyard of Piedmont but it is also the most demand- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 682 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de ing, indeed late ripening, it requires warm, sunny exposure and well drained soils, it also requires particular attention in canopy management and the production must be contained in order to facilitate and assists as much as possible the maturation. Color: medium intensity and bright living ruby Product Details 02.07.08 Privat - Sektkellerei Reinecker Winzersekt Baden Crémant Brut Perfume: clear floral notes of roses and violet accompanied by fruity notes of cherry and raspberry Die Basiscuvée des Hauses wird im Frühling eines jeden Jahres neu zusammengestellt. Leichtigkeit, Blumigkeit, Frucht und Frische prägen diesen Sekt aus den Traubensorten Sauvignon Blanc, Weißburgunder und Chardonnay. Taste: at the end the taste is hot and harmonic with a slight tannic feeling which accompanies a long and very pleasant aftertaste Er eignet sich ganz besonders als Aperitif und Begleiter eines geselligen Abends mit Freunden. This Nebbiolo, thanks to its personality, goes well with main tasty courses and with game and red meats. Cuvée Classic Brut Die Cuvée Classic ist eine Komposition der klassischen Traubensorten der Champagne, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir und Pinot Meunier. Nur die Weine der besten Lagen finden für diese Cuvée Verwendung. Privat - Sektkellerei Reinecker Address Oberdorfstr. 17 79424 Auggen Germany Phone +49 7631 3441 Fax +49 7631 14509 Der Chardonnay stellt den Hauptanteil (50-60%) und wird ausschließlich in kleinen, älteren Eichenholzfässern vergoren und gelagert. Er prägt maßgeblich den Stil dieser außerordentlichen Cuvée. Der Sekt reift mindestens 3 Jahre in unseren Kellern, ehe er gerüttelt und degorgiert wird. Die Cuvée Classic entwickelt eine großartige Weinigkeit, einen intensiven Reichtum an Aromen und eine Komplexität wie sie nur wenigen Sekten zu eigen ist. Internet address Rosé Brut E-Mail info@sektkellerei-reinecker.de Stand Hall 14, E75 (Page 990) Product Overview Weiß gekelterter Spätburgunder und Chardonnay bilden die Basisweine des Reinecker Rosé brut. 1-2% dunkle Rotweine geben ihm seine elegante kupferrote Farbe und exzellente Frucht Privat - Sektkellerei Reinecker 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.08 Winzersekt © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 683 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 684 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Privatkellerei Rolf Willy GmbH Progettidivini srl Address Schafhohle 26 74226 Nordheim Germany Address I° settembre 20 loc. Soligo 31010 Farra di Soligo Italy Phone +49 7133 9501-0 Phone +39 0438 983151 Fax +49 7133 9501-19 Fax +39 0438 837525 Internet address www.rolf-willy.de Internet address www.progettidivini.it E-Mail info@rolf-willy.de E-Mail info@progettidivini.it Stand Hall 14, A60 (Page 990) Stand Hall 16, E54 (Page 998) Product Overview Privatkellerei Rolf Willy GmbH Product Overview Progettidivini srl Württemberg 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante 02.07.08 Winzersekt 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Details 02.07.08 Privatkellerei Rolf Willy GmbH Winzersekt 02.07.04 Lemberger Weißherbst Sekt brut 2012 Lemberger Weißherbst Sekt brut 0,75 ltr. Flaschengärung Product Details Progettidivini srl Prosecco Spumante Prosecco D.O.C. Treviso traditionelle Der Lemberger Weißherbst Sekt besitzt einen verführerischen Duft von Brombeeren und Erdbeeren. Diese erfrischenden Aromen finden sich auch im kristallklaren, kräftigen und gleichzeitig angenehm herben Geschmack wieder. Ein edler Sekt aus besten Lemberger Trauben hergestellt nach dem traditionellen Champagnerverfahren. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 685 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 686 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G. Extra Dry Product Overview 02.03 Puffs Brause UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Product Details 02.03 02.07.09 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Puffs Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Rosé Cuvée Extra Dry ”Puffs” is world’s first semi-sparkling wine with cranberry. A natural flavoured wine based on a unique combination of german premium wines, cranberry added. No synthetic ingredients are used. ”Puffs” pink colour is a result of cranberry’s converting. The taste is simple to describe: fresh- fruity at the beginning, delicious sparkling on top and a light bitter aftertaste. The wine’s impregnation is handled with premium carbonic acid which takes place over many steps. Due to this manufacturing method a unique bond will be the result. With a pressure of 2,5bar, ”Puffs” is a very fresh and highly concentrated sparkling wine. Puffs Brause UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Address Puffs Brause UG (haftungsbeschränkt) For scenic pioneers, cool trendsetters, cosmopolitans, natural bon vivants, all people who love to enjoy the natural way of sparkling life. Schwester-Christine-Weg 17 47802 Krefeld Germany Phone +49 2151 3630250 Fax +49 2151 3630252 Internet address www.puffsbrause.de E-Mail info@puffsbrause.de Stand Hall 13, A67 (Page 986) The alcohol leves is very low by 7,5%. Premium can be so light and so delicious! Puffsbrause ”Puffsbrause” is world’s first semi-sparkling wine with cranberry and basis product of Puffs Brause UG. A natural flavoured wine based on a unique combination of german premium wines, cranberry added. The different to ”Puffs” is the cuvèe. No synthetic ingredients are used. ”Puffsbrause” pink colour is a result of cranberry’s converting. The taste is simple to describe: fresh- fruity at the beginning, delicious sparkling on top and a light bitter aftertaste. The wine’s impregnation is handled with premium carbonic acid which takes place over many steps. Due to this manufacturing method a unique bond will be the result. With a pressure of 2,5bar, ”Puffsbrause” is a very fresh and highly © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 687 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 688 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de concentrated sparkling wine. Quinta da Lapa Agrovia S.A. For scenic pioneers, cool trendsetters, cosmopolitans, natural bon vivants, all people who love to enjoy the natural way of sparkling life. Address Quinta da Lapa, Arrifana, 2065-360 Manique do Intendente Portugal Phone +351 263 486214 Fax +351 263 486214 Internet address www.quintadalapa-wines.com E-Mail geral@quintadalapa-wines.com Stand Hall 10, D22 (Page 974) The alcohol leves is very low by 7,5%. Premium can be so light and so delicious! Quatricello di Roberto Address Via Matilde di Canossa 1/A 42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) Italy Phone +39 0522 866220 Fax +39 0522 861546 Internet address www.quarticello.it E-Mail info@quarticello.it Stand Hall 13, E110 (Page 986) Product Overview Quatricello di Roberto Emilia-Romagna 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 Product Overview Quinta da Lapa Agrovia S.A. 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Tejo Product Details 02.06.01 Quinta da Lapa Agrovia S.A. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Quinta da Lapa Sparkling Nature Brute Reserve 2012 Quatricello di Roberto Soil: Clay-Limestone. Grapes: 100% Arinto Sparkling wine Vinification: Base wine was fermented in temperature-controlled stainless steel tanks. Second fermentation took place inside cellared bottles, as in traditional, champenois method, for 9 months, after which dégorgement was done. Ferrando Taste Note: Yellow hue, with hints of green. Vigorous and tiny bead, compact when served, loosening up a little some seconds after. In the mouth this wine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 689 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 690 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de shows a vibrant mousse, with firm acidity and great freshness. The aftertaste is long and elegant. Time to Drink: It will be best enjoyed within the next 7 years. Product Overview QUOTA 101 Srl. Società Agricola 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin pH: 3,27 Residual Sugar: 4,4gl 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Food Pairings: This wine is perfect to drink as it is, as an appetizer. Creamy, poultry dishes will also go alongvery well. Grilled monkfish or similar will also be a goodmatch, and sushi/sashimi solutions should work well. Product Details Recommended Temperature: 5-7ºC 02.07.09 Alcohol: 12% Vol. Total Acidity: 5,3g/l QUOTA 101 Srl. Società Agricola Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Fior d’Arancio Winemaker: Jaime Quendera Bottling Details: This sparkling wine is bottled in “Bourgogne seduction antique” bottles, conditioned in Portuguese natural cork stopper. Packaging and shipment: bottles 0,75 L - EAN UNI UPC 5608149381094 boxes (6 bottles.) - EAN UNI UPC 15608149381091 w. 9,79 kg / pallets (74 boxes) - 740,88kg Colli Euganei Fior d’Arancio Docg The grapes grow in the Natural Park of the Euganei Hills. The scent is that of these places where Moscato is called Fior d’Arancio. We’re proud of its Docg certification. Straw yellow with golden reflections, it smells like Moscato grapes. Then you get the peach and the lemon. In the mouth it is well-balanced, the bubbles are nice and creamy. Prosecco Extra Dry Prosecco Doc QUOTA 101 Srl. Società Agricola Address Via Malterreno 12 35038 Torreglia (PD) Italy Phone +39 425 410922 Prosecco defined as Extra Dry for the higher quantity of residual sugar. It is chosen by those who prefer soft tastes. A double fermentation gives the wine its typical variety fragrance. A fine and persistent to the eye perlage, the memory of field flowers and bread crust to the nose. In the mouth it is velvety, fresh and well-balanced. 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Fior d’Arancio Fax Internet address www.quota101.com E-Mail info@quota101.com Stand Hall 15, C37 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Colli Euganei Docg A dry Moscato, but nice and velvety, endowed with an important structure which is the result of partial fermentation in oak tonneaus. A wine made with Yellow Moscato grapes which, to the detriment of the fame of Fior d’Arancio usually intended as a sweet sparkling, it is surprising both in the dry and still versions. A perfect bottle for starters and main courses. Better if aromatic and zingy. 691 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 692 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Rechsteiner di Florian von Stepski-Dolwa Remstalkellerei e.G. Address Via Frassené, 2 31046 Oderzo (TV) Italy Address Kaiserstr. 13 71384 Weinstadt Germany Phone +39 0422 752074 Phone +49 7151 6908-10 Fax +39 0422 752155 Fax +49 7151 6908-38 Internet address www.rechsteiner.it Internet address www.remstalkellerei.de E-Mail floriano.stepski@rechsteiner.it E-Mail info@remstalkellerei.de Stand Hall 16, A60 (Page 998) Stand Hall 14, D19 (Page 990) Company News Rechsteiner di Florian von Stepski-Dolwa Product Overview Remstalkellerei e.G. Württemberg Pinot Grigio D.O.C. Venezia 02.07.08 Winzersekt 01/26/2016 Product Details 01/26/2016 Mondus Vini Gold Medal Mondus Vini Gold Medal Pinot Grigio D.O.C. Venezia 02.07.08 Remstalkellerei e.G. Winzersekt Muskateller Secco 0,75 l Perlendes Erlebnis jugendlich-frisch, spritzig, lieblich, fruchtig, würzig, exotisch, Muskat Verschluss: Kork mit Schnur Geschmack: lieblich Product Overview Rechsteiner di Florian von Stepski-Dolwa Verpflichtende Angaben: Qualitätsstufe: Perlwein 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Erzeugerabfüllung: Remstalkellerei eG • D-71384 Weinstadt • Kaiserstraße 13 Alkohol: 10.5 % Vol 693 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 694 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Rheingauer Weinwerbung GmbH Inhalt: 0,75 l Allergenkennzeichnung: enthält Sulfite Address Rheinweg 20 65375 Oestrich-Winkel Germany Phone +49 6722 93770-0 Fax +49 6722 93770-29 Internet address www.kulturland-rheingau.de/wein E-Mail wein@kulturland-rheingau.de Stand Hall 14, D69 (Page 990) 2014er Muskateller Secco Jugendlich-frischer, angenehm spritziger, dabei lieblich daherkommender Secco mit fruchtig-würziger, zart exotischer Muskatanmutung - ein super Aperitif! Das fanden auch die Juroren der Fachzeitschrift ”selection” und haben ihn beim Degustationswettbewerb ”Die besten Winzergenossenschaften des Jahres 2016” mit ”drei Sternen” (sehr gut) ausgezeichnet. Die Rebsorte: Muskateller – In Deutschland ist die alte weiße Rebsorte eine Rarität; das mag daran liegen, dass in unseren Breiten ein gutes Jahr, ein gutes Terroir und viel Können nötig sind, damit der Muskateller seine Stärken voll ausspielen kann. Die Weine bringen unter den genannten Voraussetzungen goldgelbe, duftige, im Geschmack leicht würzige Tropfen hervor, die zum Betonen der Fruchtaromen gern mit etwas Süße abgerundet werden. Secco: Company News Seit einigen Jahren hat sich der Name „Secco“ für den etwas in die Jahre gekommenen, aber weingesetzlich nach wie vor korrekten Begriff „Perlwein“ etabliert. Er bezeichnet in der Regel angenehm-spritzige Tropfen, die auf Weiß- oder Roséweinen basieren. Von Schaumwein unterscheidet sich Perlwein vor allem durch die Herstellungsmethode: Die Kohlensäure stammt in der Regel nicht aus einer zweiten Gärung, sondern wird meist zugesetzt. Der Druck muss dabei zwischen 1 und 2,5 bar liegen. Produkte mit einem höheren Druck gelten als Schaumweine und werden mit einer speziellen Steuer belegt. Genussempfehlung: Ideal zu leichter Sommerküche, als Aperitif oder Erfrischung bei Partys – und super für einfach mal so zwischendurch! Trinktemperatur: 6 bis 8 °C 29.01.2016 Rheingauer Weinwerbung GmbH - Rheingau bewegt - Kulturland Rheingau auf der ProWein 2016 Geisenheim (29.01.2016) – Pressemitteilung des Rheingauer Weinbauverbandes Rheingauer Winzer präsentieren sich unter ihrer Dachmarke „Kulturland Rheingau“ mit den aktuellen Ersten Gewächsen auf der diesjährigen ProWein am neuen Standplatz in Halle 14 Stand D 69 In diesem Jahr tritt das Kulturland-Rheingau mit einem neuen Standkonzept auf. Durch optische Neugestaltung des Blockstandes können die Gäste und Messebesucher den Rheingau rundum erleben. 18 Erzeugerbetriebe werden persönlich vor Ort sein. „Mit den Einzelbetreiben und unseren beiden Gemeinschafts-präsentationen der Rheingauer Jungwinzer und der Ersten und Großen Gewächse möchten wir den Fachbesuchern eine Weinreise durch den gesamten Rheingau präsentieren. Dieses Konzept haben wir auch optisch umgesetzt“, so Ingrid Steiner, Geschäftsführerin der Rheingauer Weinwerbung GmbH. Der aktuelle Jahrgang der Ersten und Großen Gewächse sowie die Weine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 695 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 696 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de der Rheingauer Jungwinzer werden charmant von den Rheingauer Weinmajestäten präsentiert. Die Besucher haben die Gelegenheit sich fachkundig von den Weinmajestäten durch die Präsentation führen zu lassen. Als Highlight werden am Dienstag, 15.03.2016 um 14:00 Uhr die drei amtierenden Weinhoheiten, Louisa Follrich, Irene Rodschinka und Carolin Uhr den Besuchern des Kulturland-Rheingau Standes in einer moderierten Verkostung ihre Lieblingsweine vorstellen. Product Overview Rheingauer Weinwerbung GmbH Rheingau 02.07.08 Winzersekt Kommen Sie uns in Halle 14 Stand D 69 besuchen. Riepl - Life - Wine 29.01.2016 - Rheingau bewegt - Address Schulgasse 2 7122 Gols Austria Phone +43 2173 2489 Fax +43 2173 2489-4 In diesem Jahr tritt das Kulturland-Rheingau mit einem neuen Standkonzept auf. Durch optische Neugestaltung des Blockstandes können die Gäste und Messebesucher den Rheingau rundum erleben. 18 Erzeugerbetriebe werden persönlich vor Ort sein. Internet address www.weingut-riepl.at E-Mail office@weingut-riepl.at „Mit den Einzelbetreiben und unseren beiden Gemeinschafts-präsentationen der Rheingauer Jungwinzer und der Ersten und Großen Gewächse möchten wir den Fachbesuchern eine Weinreise durch den gesamten Rheingau präsentieren. Dieses Konzept haben wir auch optisch umgesetzt“, so Ingrid Steiner, Geschäftsführerin der Rheingauer Weinwerbung GmbH. Stand Hall 17, E27 (Page 1002) Der aktuelle Jahrgang der Ersten und Großen Gewächse sowie die Weine der Rheingauer Jungwinzer werden charmant von den Rheingauer Weinmajestäten präsentiert. Die Besucher haben die Gelegenheit sich fachkundig von den Weinmajestäten durch die Präsentation führen zu lassen. Als Highlight werden am Dienstag, 15.03.2016 um 14:00 Uhr die drei amtierenden Weinhoheiten, Louisa Follrich, Irene Rodschinka und Carolin Uhr den Besuchern des Kulturland-Rheingau Standes in einer moderierten Verkostung ihre Lieblingsweine vorstellen. Neusiedlersee 02.05 Sparkling wine with added carbon-dioxide Kulturland Rheingau auf der ProWein 2016 Geisenheim (29.01.2016) – Pressemitteilung des Rheingauer Weinbauverbandes Rheingauer Winzer präsentieren sich unter ihrer Dachmarke „Kulturland Rheingau“ mit den aktuellen Ersten Gewächsen auf der diesjährigen ProWein am neuen Standplatz in Halle 14 Stand D 69 Product Overview Riepl - Life - Wine Kommen Sie uns in Halle 14 Stand D 69 besuchen. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 697 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 698 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.05 Riepl - Life - Wine Sparkling wine with added carbon-dioxide Product Details 02.07.04 Rive della Chiesa Az. Agr. di Gasparetto Michele Prosecco Spumante Rose MILLESIMO Vino Spumante Extra Dry halbtrocken, Alk.11 % Vol zitronige Frische, rosafarben, Duft nach Erdbeere, dezenter Rotweincharakter am Gaumen; Cuvée aus ZW,SL; From a careful selection of grapes and an accurate vinification we obtain this Fine Sparkling wine made with Charmat Method. Straw yellow color with greenish glints. The perlage is fine and persistent and the aroma is pleasantly fruity. Taste is soft, flavorsome with a long-lasting finish Vigna Nuova Cuvée Prosecco Spumante Extra Dry Doc Treviso Rive della Chiesa Az. Agr. di Gasparetto Michele Address Via Fra Giocondo, 89 31040 Selva del Montello (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 870200 Fax +39 0423 879786 Internet address www.rivedellachiesa.com E-Mail info@rivedellachiesa.com Stand Hall 16, B59 (Page 998) Product Overview This Prosecco is produced from Glera grapes and a little percentage of Chardonnay, harvested in early September. Vineyards are located in the hills surrounding Treviso area and the grapes are crushed immediately after harvest before being pressed in gentle membrane press. The color is pale, golden straw yellow color. Bubbles are very tiny and persistent. On the nose the wine brings fresh citrus with hints of honey and white floral notes. The flavor is fresh, clean with ripe citrus, lemon, green apple and touches of grapefruit. The finish is light and refreshing Rive della Chiesa Az. Agr. di Gasparetto Michele 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 699 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 700 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Wolfberger Rolf Herzberger GmbH & Co. KG Address Am Felsbrunnen 8 66119 Saarbrücken Germany Im Jahre 1902 beschließen die Winzer von Eguisheim, sich zu einer der ersten Winzergenossenschaften des Elsass zusammen zu schließen. Der Grundstein für eine der erfolgreichsten Kellereien war gelegt. Phone +49 681 8707-01 Von jeher wußte man Tradition und Moderne zu verbinden und ist nach wie vor Spitzenreiter in Sachen Innovation. Fax +49 681 8707-128 Internet address www.herzberger.de Wolfberger genießt nicht nur im Anbaugebiet größtes Ansehen. Mit insgesamt 1300 Hektar bewirtschafteten Rebflächen und den größten Grand CruBesitzungen der Region weiß Wolfberger sich auch durch die Vielfalt des Angebotes zu behaupten ... E-Mail email@herzberger.de Stand Hall 12, C20 (Page 982) Product Overview Address Via S. Marco, 5 33052 Strassoldo-Cervignano del Friuli (UD) Italy Phone +39 0431 930-83 Fax +39 0431 931-01 Internet address www.vitas.it E-Mail info@vitas.it Stand Hall 15, B73 (Page 994) Rolf Herzberger GmbH & Co. KG 02.07.02 Cremant Bordeaux Product Details 02.07.02 Romano Vitas & Co. Rolf Herzberger GmbH & Co. KG Cremant Vivre la differénce - Es lebe der Unterschied: Während vieler Jahrzehnte begnügten sich die Konsumenten von Sekt mit standardisierten Geschmacksrichtungen. Seit einiger Zeit jedoch ist auf dem internationalen Markt eine Veränderung zu spüren. Das Wissen um die Vielfältigkeit des Weines ist gewachsen, mit dem Ergebnis, dass aus dem ursprünglichen Konsument ein kritischer Weinkenner geworden ist, der seine Vorliebe für spezielle Rebsorten und somit verschiedene Geschmacksrichtungen entdeckt hat. Company News 11/27/2015 Romano Vitas & Co. new website We are delighted to announce that our new website is now live and operational. The new look is fresh and appealing but, at the same time, it holds a firm connection with our tradition. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 701 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 702 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de We would love to hear your feedback. Product Overview We hope you enjoy! Rossello Cav. Bernardino Piemont We are delighted to announce that our new website is now live and operational. 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin The new look is fresh and appealing but, at the same time, it holds a firm connection with our tradition. Product Details 11/27/2015 new website 02.07.09 We would love to hear your feedback. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Brut di Pinot We hope you enjoy! Product Overview Rossello Cav. Bernardino Romano Vitas & Co. Friuli Venezia-Giulia 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH Rossello Cav. Bernardino Address Via Bergolo,10 12074 Cortemilia (CN) Italy Phone +39-0173-818-44 Fax +39-0173-81846 Internet address www.rossellovini.it E-Mail info@rossellovini.it Stand Hall 15, A51 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 703 Address Matheus-Müller-Platz 1 65343 Eltville am Rhein Germany Phone +49 6123 606-0 Fax +49 6123 606-160 Internet address www.rotkaeppchen-mumm.de E-Mail info@rotkaeppchen-mumm.de Stand Hall 13, A30 (Page 986) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 704 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de erhältlichen Flaschen von Hand gerüttelt und sorgfältig degorgiert. Product Overview Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH Rheinhessen 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Product Details 02.06.01 Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Marken mit grosser Tradition und innovativer Kraft Rotkäppchen Flaschengärung. Aus hochwertigen Grundweinen komponieren die Kellermeister der Freyburger Rotkäppchen Sektkellerei einen vollendeten Genuss in den rebsortenreinen Rotkäppchen Riesling Trocken, Rotkäppchen Chardonnay Extra Trocken und Rotkäppchen Spätburgunder Rosé Trocken. Rotkäppchen Traditionsmarken. Klassische Grundweine aus verschiedenen europäischen Weinanbaugebieten bilden die Grundlage dieser Erfolgsmarke. Natürlich mit dem einmalig-unverkennbaren Markenzeichen der roten Kappen. Die Überraschung trägt rot. MM Extra. Die Traditionsmarke mit dem prickelnden jugendlichen Charme ist ein unkomplizierter Begleiter für die augenzwinkernden Momente des Lebens. Der MM Extra Rosé Trocken ergänzt perfekt das MM Extra-Portfolio. Kloss und Foerster. Kloss & Foerster Wappen Trocken wird exklusiv der deutschen Gastronomie und dem Fachgroßhandel angeboten. Das Sortiment der Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien im Überblick Ein reiches Sortiment von traditionsreichen Marken und geschmackvollen Varianten bietet die RotkäppchenMumm Sektkellereien GmbH aus Freyburg (Unstrut) heute Kennern und Genießern. Die bekannten und lebendigen Marken der tragenden Firmensäulen Sekt, Spirituosen und Wein des 1856 gegründeten Traditionsunternehmens im Überblick: Sekt Geldermann . Der Supérieure-Sekt für besondere Ansprüche wird seit über 170 Jahren im Hause Geldermann in Breisach im Breisgau in Flaschengärung nach dem traditionellen Verfahren hergestellt. Ein besonderer Sekt für besondere Menschen. Rotkäppchen Alkoholfrei. Diese Spezialität ist die prickelnde Alternative im Sektglas für alle, die aus guten Gründen auf Alkohol verzichten wollen oder müssen. Die leichten und fruchtig-frischen Varianten Rotkäppchen Alkoholfrei in Weiß und in Rosé sind ideal für den Sektempfang im Büro, die Familienfeier oder die Gartenparty im Freundeskreis. Spirituosen: Chantré. Der Klassiker überzeugt pur oder gemixt mit seiner neuen, frischen Markenwelt sowohl Traditionalisten als auch junge Entdecker des unverwechselbar weichen, runden Geschmacks von Chantré. Mariacron . Die Erfolgsmarke vom Rhein vereinigt in sich ein reifes weiniges Bouquet mit charaktervollem Geschmack zu der Harmonie, wie sie Weinbrandkenner schätzen und genießen. Mumm . Immer ein Zeichen guten Stils. Ein Premium-Sekt mit Champagnertradition – dafür steht die Traditionsmarke, deren Wurzeln bis ins Jahr 1827 reichen. Die elegante Ausstattung und auch die Variante Mumm Rosé Dry spiegeln diesen Anspruch wider. Eckes Edelkirsch . Der tiefrote ECKES Edelkirsch verführt Genießer(innen) mit seiner feurig-sanften Geschmacksnote der sinnlichen Art. ECKES Edelkirsch in der formschönen Flasche überzeugt überraschend vielfältig – sowohl pur, gemixt oder als kulinarischer Begleiter zum Essen. Jules Mumm. Lebensfreude, Ungezwungenheit und elegante Fruchtigkeit zeichnen diese Marke aus. Jules Mumm, der Sekt für Frauenfreundschaften, ist provozierend anders, fruchtig im Geschmack und unkonventionell im Erscheinungsbild. Ein Trendsetter höchster Qualität. Zinn 40 . Der korn-klare Zinn 40 ist eine charaktervolle Spezialität aus Wein und Alkohol. Rotkäppchen Weißburgunder Extra Trocken. Die Prestigemarke des Hauses Rotkäppchen vereinigt in sich seit 1858 die ganze Kunst und Könnerschaft der Freyburger Kellermeister. Tag für Tag werden die nur in sehr begrenzter Zahl © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 705 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 706 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Ruggeri & C. Srl Address On the hills of the tuny delimited zone of Cartizze, lying between the towns of Santo Stefano, Saccol and San Pietro di Barbozza. Via Prà Fontana, 4 31049 Valdobbiadene Italy Harvest Period The second part of September. +39 0423 9092 Vinification Fax +39 0423 973304 White vinification, that is to say without the skins, at a controlled temperature of 18°C (68°F). Internet address www.ruggeri.it E-Mail ruggeri@ruggeri.it Phone Taking on of the Sparkle Trought slow refermentation in large sealed tanks at 12-14°C (approx. 54-57°F). Pressure behind the cork 4.5 atm. Stand Hall 16, J61 (Page 998) Serving Temperature 5-7°C (approx. 41-45°F), uncorking the bottle just before serving. Product Overview Ruggeri & C. Srl Residual Sugar About 28 gr/Ltr. 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 Extra brut Ruggeri & C. Srl Sparkling wine Cartizze This wine is very pale straw-yellow in colour with a persistent perlage of fine bubbles.It is intensely fruity and floral with very persistent and delicate perfumes. Good mature fruit (golden apples in particular) and wisteria blossoms make themselves evident. Cartizze is gentle, caressing and fresh as well as rounded and well-structured. A wine that has great harmony and a long, intense aromatic persistence. Decisively fruity on the finish. Enjoyed as a dessert wine or gran finale, it can also go wonderfully well with certain cheeses or a delicate liver patè. Sparkling wine characterized by a lively straw yellow colour with light green glares and by a fine and vivacious perlage. The nose is fragrant and fruity, with fresh notes of Golden apple and white peach, delicately floral and with a soft touch of acacia flowers and hints of orange fruits. The taste is perfectly dry and reveals a good body and a sapidity which combines itself with the acid structure and makes the wine a pleasant and fresh drink. Its long finish is enlivened by the aromatic notes which come into evidence with the olfactory postsensations. Very good as aperif, served alone or to join fish appetizers, pumpkin flowers or vegetable tempura. It is also an excellent wine to be served all trough the meal, with vegetable or shell fish first courses, seafood dishes in general or delicate recipes based on white meat. Grape Variety Glera* (traditionally called Prosecco) grapes grown on our hills. Grape Variety Geographical Location Glera (traditionally called Prosecco). Vineyards situated on the hills of the Dolomitic ridges, in the northern part of Treviso province. Geographical Location © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 707 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 708 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Harvest Period The second part of September. White vinification, that is to say without the skins, at a controlled temperature of 18°C (68°F). Vinification Taking on of the Sparkle White vinification, that is to say without the skins, at a controlled temperature of 18°C (68°F). Through slow refermentation in large sealed tanks at 12-14°C (approx. 5457°F). Taking on of the Sparkle Pressure behind the cork In big sealed steel vats at a controlled temperature of 12-14°C (approx. 4145°F), with permanence on the yeast of about 2 months. 5 atm. Serving Temperature 5-7°C (approx. 41-45°F), uncorking the bottle just before serving. 5-7°C (approx. 41-45°F), uncorking the bottle just before serving. Residual Sugar Residuo zuccherino About 15 gr/Ltr About 4,5 gr/Ltr. Giustino B. * From 2010 Glera is synonymous of Prosecco. The new regulations which discipline the production of Prosecco do not contemplate the Extra Brut version, therefore this sparkling wine can not indicate Prosecco on its label Gialloro The colour is light straw – yellow tending to pale green. Its crystal clarity is laced with a persistent perlage of fine bubbles. The bouquet, although persistent and intensely fruity, is extremely delicate which brings mature golden apples and acacia flowers readily to mind. It is gently sweet and fresh on the palate and pleasantly light in alcohol, extremely smooth and well-balanced with long and fruity finish. With its great versatility, Giall’Oro can be enjoyed equally well as an aperitif or to enhance the close of a meal. Indeed, this is a wine that can brighten up any hour of the day. Serving Temperature Dedicated to Giustino Bisol, who founded the winery in 1950, this sparkling wine is the fruit of extensive trials and experiments with particular selections and techniques, from the vines to the bottle. The Giustino B. therefore embodies the living expression of our experience and determination in the search for the very best and of our passionate dedication to the grape itself (traditionally called Prosecco). After the first fermentation the wine matures in the big vats at a low temperature until spring and then it is transferred in the pressure-vats for the second fermentation. It remains with its yeast until the bottling that is carried on at the beginning of June. We suggest to drink it from September. Grape Variety Glera (traditionally called Prosecco). Geographical Location Grape Varieties Glera (traditionally called Prosecco), with small quantities of Verdiso and Perera. On the hills of the first Dolomitic ridges, in the northern part of the Province of Treviso, from selected grapes in the best crus of the upper Valdobbiadene hills. Geographical Location Harvest Period Within the delimited D.O.C.G. production zone, on the hills of the first Dolomitic ridges in the northern part of the Province of Treviso. The second part of September. Harvest Period White vinification, that is to say without the skins, at a controlled temperature of 18°C (68°F). The second part of September. Vinification © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Vinification Taking on of the Sparkle 709 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 710 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de In the first spring after harvesting, trought slow refermentation in large sealed tanks at 12-14°C (approx. 54-57°F), remaining with the yeasts for approximately three months. Rüdesheimer Sektkellerei Ohlig GmbH & Co. KG Address Kaiserstr. 4a 65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein Germany Phone +49 6722 3001-0 Vecchie Viti Fax +49 6722 3001-13 “This wine, obtained from the Old Vines of Valdobbiadene, the most beautiful and longlived Prosecche, Bianchette, Verdise and Perere, would be a tribute to our country and to the memory of all men and women who, with their hands and their heart, made it an extraordinary and fertile land”. Internet address www.ohlig-sekt.de E-Mail info@ohlig-sekt.de Stand Hall 13, A09 (Page 986) Serving Temperature 5-7°C (approx. 41-45°F), uncorking the bottle just before serving. Residual Sugar About 16 gr/Ltr. We named this wine “Vecchie Viti” (Old Vines) because it is the fruit of grapes coming from old vines scattered all over the hills of Valdobbiadene’s territory and not from a single vineyard. Of course, it is difficult to determinate with absolute precision the age of these vines, but we can say that they are between 80 and 100 years old. To produce this wine we need the cooperation of numerous farmers, owners of the best vineyards in San Pietro, Santo Stefano, Cartizze, Guia and Saccol. In winter and in spring we select about 2000 old vines that give us altogether about 5800 Kg. grapes. The wine obtained from the first fermentation, after some decanting-operations, is left together with the yeasts until spring and then it is transferred into the pressure-vat. The second fermentation is carried on slowly, with great care, and then the wine is left in contact with the yeast until a few days before the bottling, that is made at the end of June. Grape Variety Product Overview 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.03 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Product Details 02.06.01 Glera (traditionally called Prosecco) 90%, Rüdesheimer Sektkellerei Ohlig GmbH & Co. KG Rüdesheimer Sektkellerei Ohlig GmbH & Co. KG Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Verdiso 6%, Bianchetta 2% and Perera 2% ”HERZOG” RHEINGAU RIESLING JAHRGANGS-SEKT B. A. - brut HERZOG BITTE, so bestellt man im Rheingau diesen Riesling! Dieser Sekt ist nicht nur für Könige kreiert, die Ihn Jahrzehnte lang getrunken haben, auch jeder andere soll sich daran erfreuen! Diese erlesene Cuvée aus Rheingauer Riesling Weinen wählte © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 711 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 712 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de der Herzog von Sachsen als seine Hausmarke aus. Wir widmen ihm diesen Sekt, der genau so sein soll: Charaktervoll und feinfruchtig. Ein Rheingau Riesling mit anhaltend moussierender Perlage, der nicht nur dem Herzog schmeckt. Über die Jahrzente wurde aus dem Herzog von Sachsen – Die Abkürzung : Herzog! CHARDONNAY JAHRGANGS-SEKT - brut Hochwertige Chardonnay-Weine aus der Weinregion Val de Loire in Frankreich verleihen diesem Sekt seine samtig-weiche Burgundernote. Die elegante und sehr ausgewogene Cuvée wird gerne bei festlichen Anlässen getrunken, da er stilvollen Genießern ganz und gar gerecht wird. EDITION ANTON OHLIG ERBACHER MARCOBRUNN - brut Schon seit Jahrhunderten sind die Riesling-Weine aus dem Erbacher Marcobrunn auf der ganzen Welt bekannt, wurde die Lage doch schon seit 1726 auf Etiketten geführt. Zu den vielen Liebhabern des Marcobrunn zählten u.a. schon die Zaren, Theodor Fontane, von Hindenburg und Eisenhower. Aus Wertschätzung dieser einzigartigen Lage bieten wir einen Premium-Sekt der EDITION ANTON OHLIG an. Der Erbacher Marcobrunn Riesling Brut präsentiert sich körperreich und sehr aromatisch. Seine sehr fruchtige und elegante Art ist typisch für den Marcobrunner Riesling, dennoch zeigt er sich zudem auch kraftvoll und sehr spritzig. EDITION ANTON OHLIG HATTENHEIMER WISSELBRUNN Dieser besondere Jahrgangssekt gehört der limitierten EDITION ANTON OHLIG an, welche an den Gründer der Sektkellerei Ohlig erinnert und besonders hohe Qualität garantiert. Grundlage des PremiumSektes sind beste Riesling-Spätlese-Weine aus der Hattenheimer Spitzenlage »Wisselbrunn«. Der Sekt beeindruckt durch seine bestechende Riesling-Aromatik in Verbindung mit einer körperreichen Mineralität. Geprägt durch die feine Frucht und ausgezeichnet mit unserem Siegel findet dieser hervorragende Riesling-Sekt die Wertschätzung des anspruchsvollen Sektgenießers. EDITION ANTON OHLIG ASSMANNSHÄUSER SPÄTBURGUNDER - ext. tro. Eine Bereicherung für die EDITION ANTON OHLIG stellt dieser einzigartige Rotsekt dar. Durch die lange Lagerung auf der Feinhefe erhält er seinen ausgewogenen, kräftigen Charakter. Vollmundig und samtig präsentiert sich unsere Rarität aus dem berühmten Rüdesheimer Stadtteil Assmannshausen weich schäumend im Glas und verspricht Genuss von höchster Qualität. EDITION ANTON OHLIG CUVÉE PINOT- extra trocken METHODE RURALE - RHEINGAU RIESLING B. A. trocken Ein Geheimtipp ist der Pinot aus der EDITION ANTON OHLIG. Der aus den Rebsorten Weiss- und Grauburgunder sowie Spätburgunder gekelterte Rosé präsentiert sich mit einem zarten Bouquet. Sein nussiger Geschmack und der cremige, füllige Charakter spiegeln seinen Premiumanspruch wider. Ohlig Méthode Rurale ist ein junger, frischer Sekt, der zum unkomplizierten Genuss in der Sonne einlädt. Er besticht durch seinen Fruchtzucker und sein wahnsinniges Traubenaroma. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Bei der Méthode Rurale entsteht die Kohlensäure nicht wie bei der traditionellen Methode aus der zweiten Gärung, sondern schon beim Vergären des frischen Mostes (1. Gärung). Beim Vergleich der Gärverfahren bei Schaumweinen an der Fachhochschule Geisenheim wurde festgestellt: „Durch nur einmalige Hefebeeinflussung kann das ursprüngliche Traubenaroma vermehrt in den Vordergrund treten.“ – zum Wohle des Geschmacks. 713 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 714 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de PINOT BLANC JAHRGANGS-SEKT - brut PRIVAT WEISS JAHRGANGS-SEKT - trocken Dieser Rebsortensekt aus deutschen Weissburgunder-Weinen ist mit seinem harmonischen und betont blumigen Geschmacksbild extravagant. Als beliebte Rarität weiß der Pinot Blanc Brut sein für die Rebsorte charakteristisches Aroma hervorzuheben. Gerade deshalb ist diesem Spitzensekt ein fulminanter Auftritt bei jeder Gelegenheit garantiert. Der leichte, trockene Privat Jahrgangssekt zeichnet sich durch seinen sehr weinigen Typus aus, der durch einen dezenten Duft unterstrichen wird. Seine Grundweine wachsen in sonnenverwöhnten Regionen Spaniens und Italiens, sodass diese Cuvée durch ihre frische, lebendige Art überzeugen kann, die sie zum vielseitigen Begleiter für jeden Anlass macht. PRIVAT ROSÉ JAHRGANGS-SEKT - extra trocken PRIVAT WEISS JAHRGANGS-SEKT B. A. - brut Frische, fruchtig-blumige Roséweine aus Südfrankreich verleihen dem extra trockenen Sekt seine ganz besondere Note. Beschwingt wie die lockere südfranzösische Lebensweise lässt er die mediterrane Sonne aus dem Glase scheinen. Mit seiner leicht rosa schimmernden Farbe und seinem frisch-fruchtigen Aroma ist er genau der richtige Begleiter für einen milden Sommerabend auf der Terrasse oder auch eine spritzige Abkühlung an heißen Tagen. Ausgesuchte Weine aus Italien und Spanien verleihen diesem Jahrgangssekt sein kraftvolles Aroma verbunden mit einer beschwingten Leichtigkeit. Dezent-duftig in der Nase und substanzreich im Charakter beeindruckt diese Cuvée vor allem jene Sektliebhaber, welche eine herb-trockene Geschmacksrichtung bevorzugen. Durch seine körperreiche, elegante Art kann man ihn wunderbar zu verschiedensten Speisen anbieten. PRIVAT ROT - halbtrocken RHEINGAU RIESLING JAHRGANGS-SEKT B. A. - brut Leuchtend-rubinrot brilliert der halbtrockene Privat-Rotsekt im Glas. Aus deutschem Rotwein hergestellt, hat er einen herzhaft-kräftigen Charakter mit dem er jeden Liebhaber von roten Sekten überzeugen kann. Durch seinen vollmundigen, blumigen Geschmack mit der gut eingebunden leichten Süße, die ihn besonders fruchtig erscheinen lässt, eignet sich der Privat Rot Halbtrocken als hervorragender Begleiter zu einem abendlichen Menü oder auch als Aperitif. Dieser edle Rheingauer Tropfen aus hochwertigen Riesling-Weinen präsentiert sich körperreich mit einer sehr mineralischen Note und überzeugendem fruchtig-herben Aroma. Der Rheingau Riesling in der Geschmacksrichtung Brut ist ein substanzreicher Sekt, der mit seinem feinrassigen Abgang nicht nur die Liebhaber des herben Geschmacks zu begeistern weiß. Durch seinen Nuancenreichtum bietet er allen eine willkommene Belohnung, die sich entspannen und zurücklehnen möchten. PRIVAT WEISS JAHRGANGS-SEKT - halbtrocken Diese klassische Cuvée vereint die wichtigsten regionaltypischen Rebsorten des katalonischen Weinbaugebietes Penedès sowie der norditalienischen Regionen. Das Ergebnis ist der charaktervolle, runde halbtrockene Privat, der durch seinen fruchtig-milden Geschmack besticht. Süffig und elegant ist dieser Sekt der Frauenheld in unserer Linie. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH RHEINGAU RIESLING JAHRGANGS-SEKT B.A. - trocken Die weltberühmten Riesling-Weine der Region Rheingau verleihen diesem Sekt seine hohe Wertigkeit. Die trockene Cuvée überzeugt mit ihrem fruchtig-frischen Charakter und edler, mineralischer Note. Die typische Riesling-Säure verleiht dem Sekt eine besondere Lebendigkeit, ist jedoch so gut eingebunden, dass ein abgerundetes GeschmacksErlebnis höchsten Genuss verspricht. Egal ob bei einem geschäftlichen Anlass oder einer Feier mit Freunden und Familie, dieser Sekt bietet sich ideal zum Anstoßen an. 715 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 716 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de RHEINGAU ROSÉ JAHRGANGS-SEKT B. A. - brut S.A. Ackerman Eine echte Rarität ist dieser Weissherbst-Sekt aus Rheingauer Spätburgunder-Weinen. Lachsfarben leuchtend animiert er schon im Glas zum Genuss. Gaumen und Zunge weiß diese Spezialität mit einer samtigen Burgundernote und seinem fruchtig-eleganten Geschmack zu verwöhnen. Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass man sich von diesem Hochgenuss schnell einige Flaschen sichern sollte, da er regelmäßig in kürzester Zeit ausgetrunken ist. RIESLING CUVÉE JAHRGANGS-SEKT - extra trocken Dieser Rebsorten-Jahrgangssekt besticht durch das rassige Bouquet klassischer, deutscher Riesling-Weine. Als herb-trockener RieslingSekt bringt er nicht nur Kenner zum Schwärmen. Dem Aroma des edlen Getränks sind zudem sensorische Feinheiten zu Entnehmen. So entfaltet der Sekt eine sortentypische Pfirsich-Note, die Begeisterung weckt. 02.03 Pearl wine with added carbon-dioxide Address 19 rue Léopold Palustre 49400 Saumur France Phone +33 2 41530310 Fax +33 2 41530318 Internet address www.ackerman.fr E-Mail contact@ackerman.fr Stand Hall 11, D140 (Page 978) Product Overview S.A. Ackerman ” Fräulein Minna” Rosé Secco Die Trauben der Rebsorte Spätburgunder für diesen Secco reifen bei uns in Deutschland. ”Fräulein Minna” überzeugt durch ihre samtige und harmonische Art sowie ihre zarte rosa Farbe, welche dem Rosé Secco sommerliche Attraktivität verleiht aber auch bei kühleren Temperaturen wärmende Begeisterung stiftet. 02.07.02 Cremant Val de Loire ”HERR ERNST” SECCO Crémant de Loire, Saumur mousseux, Vouvray mousseux Product Details 02.07.02 S.A. Ackerman Cremant Dieser deutsche Perlwein aus Riesling Weinen ist ein unkompliziert zu genießender Secco. Da anders als beim Sekt die Kohlensäure nicht durch eine zweite alkoholische Gärung entsteht, brilliert er mit einer beschwingten Leichtigkeit. Gut gekühlt ist er der ideale Begleiter bei sommerlichen Partys oder auch ein ungezwungener Auftakt für festliche Anlässe. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 717 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 718 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Bouvet Crémant de Loire Rosé SA Bouvet-Ladubay Address Phone +33 2 41838383 Fax +33 2 41502432 Internet address www.bouvet-ladubay.fr E-Mail contact@bouvet-ladubay.fr Stand Hall 11, D80 (Page 978) Product Overview Delicate pale pink colour. Tiny bubbles, elegant bouquet with raspberry and vine peach notes. On the palate, this wine is well balanced, fresh with a pleasing mousse. Sacchetto srl Address Via Roma 44 35010 Trebaseleghe Italy Phone +39 049 9385023 Fax +39 049 9386075 Internet address www.sacchettovini.it E-Mail mail@sacchettovini.it Stand Hall 16, D41 (Page 998) SA Bouvet-Ladubay Val de Loire 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 An inviting pale rose colour for this new Crémant de Loire Rosé...Tasting notes : 1, rue de l´Abbaye 49412 Saumur Cedex France SA Bouvet-Ladubay Cremant Bouvet Crémant de Loire Excellence Product Overview This Crémant de Loire Blanc is made to express harmony and delicacy.Tasting notes : Gold with amber hints. Delightful flower, pear & apple aromas. On the palate : fresh, well balanced with a pleasing mousse. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 719 Sacchetto srl 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 720 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.04 Sacchetto srl Residual sugar: 4 - 5 g/l Sparkling wine Serving temperature: PINOT GRIGIO IGT VENETO – L’ELFO 8 - 10 °C Gastronomic match: Classification: Pinot Grigio I.G.T. Veneto To be served with fish-based hors-d’oeuvres, shellfish, fried fish, soups, boiled meat and chicken. Area of origin: 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto - Area delimited by Production regulations. CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO DOCG “FOGLIA“ – LINEA SPAG Grapes: Pinot Grigio Wine-making: Classification: Must obtained through stalkless pressing, marc maceration at a controlled temperature, followed by pressing and fermentation of must thanks to selected yeasts. Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG Ageing: Vino Frizzante Area of origin: In steel containers at a controlled temperature. DOCG Prosecco area, between Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, where the nearby mountain range shelters from the cold wheather. Refining: Grapes: In bottle Glera Preservation: Wine-making: 18/24 months depending on the temperature and lighting of the place where it is stored. Must obtained through soft pressing by means of a horizontal press, followed by slow fermentation of pure must at a controlled temperature and thanks to selected yeasts. Colour: Straw yellow with copper reflections. Ageing: Aroma: In steel containers at a controlled temperature. Fine, delicate, with pleasant apricot and linden flower scents. Refining: Flavour: In bottle Full-bodied, intense and well-balance, with typical mango hints. Preservation: Alcohol content: 18/24 months depending on the temperature and lighting of the place where it is stored. 12% Vol Colour: Total acidity: Bright straw yellow. 5,5 - 5,8 g/l © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 721 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 722 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Aroma: Ageing: Typical fruity with acacia and wisteria scents and rose hints. In steel containers at a controlled temperature. Flavour: Refining: Pleasantly young, fresh, lively. In bottle Alcohol content: Preservation: 11% Vol Total acidity: 18/20 months depending on the temperature and lighting of the place where it is stored. 5,6 - 5,9 g/l Colour: Residual sugar: Pale straw yellow. 12 - 14 g/l Aroma: Serving temperature: Delicate and elegant aroma with fruity scents of ripe apples and flower hints of acacia. 8 - 10 °C Flavour: Gastronomic match: Mellow, fine and elegant taste, slightly fruity and juicy. It is an excellent as appetizer and a perfect drink for those who like tasting a cheerful glass of wine alone or with friends, at any time of the day. Excellent served with fish - based dishes too. Alcohol content: PROSECCO DOC EXTRA DRY Total acidity: 11,5% Vol 5,8 - 6 g/l It’s one of our most awarded wines: delicate, versatile, it comes from the unique grapes of Prapian vineyards. Excellent for any stylish occasion, it makes each occasion stylish. Residual sugar: Classification: Serving temperature: Prosecco DOC Extra Dry 6 - 8 °C Vino Spumante di Qualità del Tipo Aromatico Gastronomic match: Area of origin: It’s an excellent aperitif and perfectly accompanies legume and shellfish soups, macaroni with delicate meat sauces, fresh cheese and white meat. 15 - 17 g/l The area of Treviso Awards: Grapes: Commended - IWC 2014 Glera 86/87 Points - MEININGERS WEINWELT 2013 Wine-making: 87+ WEIN+Markt 2012 Must obtained through soft pressing by means of a horizontal press, followed by slow fermentation of pure must at a controlled temperature and thanks to selected yeasts. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 723 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 724 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de PROSECCO DOC EXTRA DRY – LINEA SILVER 15 - 17 g/l Serving temperature: Classification: 6 - 8 °C Prosecco DOC Extra Dry Gastronomic match: Vino Spumante di Qualità del Tipo Aromatico The “classical” Prosecco, It blends aroma and velvet taste with clear and lively perlage. It perfectly accompanies pulse and shellfish soups, macaroni with delicate meat sauces, fresh cheese and white meat. Area of origin: The province of Treviso Grapes: VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG EXTRA DRY Glera Wine-making: Must obtained through soft pressing by means of a horizontal press, followed by slow fermentation of pure must at a controlled temperature and thanks to selected yeasts. Selected grapes of our Prapian estate, dedicated vinification and unique richness and freshness. Its perlage is charming, but “versatility” is its middle name. Classification: Ageing: Valdobbiadene Prosecco SUPERIORE DOCG Extra Dry Spumante In steel containers at a controlled temperature. Area of origin: Refining: Valdobbiadene - Prapian area, in the heart of Prosecco land where the Prapian estate is located In bottle Grapes: Preservation: 18/20 months depending on the temperature and lighting of the place where it is stored. Glera Wine-making: Must obtained through soft pressing by means of a horizontal press, followed by slow fermentation of pure must at a controlled temperature and thanks to selected yeasts. Colour: Pale straw yellow. Aroma: Typical fruity with peach and pear scents. Citrus hints mixed with acacia and wisteria notes. Ageing: Flavour: Refining: Harmonious, mellow, dry and fresh. In bottle Alcohol content: Preservation: 11,5% Vol Total acidity: 16/20 months depending on the temperature and lighting of the place where it is stored. 5,8 - 6 g/l Colour: Residual sugar: Pale Straw yellow, clear thanks to its fine and long-lasting perlage. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 725 In steel containers at a controlled temperature. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 726 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Aroma: San Michele Societa’ Agricola S.S. Intense and fruity with apple, pear and white pulped-fruit scents, with wisteria, acacia and white flower hints. Address Via Parrocchia 57 25020 Capriano del Colle (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 9444091 Fax +39 030 9444091 Internet address www.sanmichelevini.it E-Mail info@sanmichelevini.it Stand Hall 15, F10 (Page 994) Flavour: Fine and delicate, fresh and harmonic bouquet. Alcohol content: 11,5% Vol Total acidity: 5,7 - 5,9 g/l Residual sugar: 15 - 17 g/l Serving temperature: 8 - 10 °C Gastronomic match: It’s a very versatile wine, it can be served as an aperitif or with all the courses. Excellent with finger food and with fish, delicate meat or fresh cheese - based dishes. Awards: Bronze - IWC 2014 Product Overview San Michele Societa’ Agricola S.S. Lombardia 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 87/89 Points - MEININGERS WEINWELT 2013 Product Details 02.06.01 San Michele Societa’ Agricola S.S. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Belvedere Brut Denomination: Vino Spumante di Qualità Region: Lombardy, Italy Vintage: 2012 Characteristics: Great taste for this linear and fresh brut, in which the aromatic richness and the creaminess of the bubbles balance the mellow nervousness of the chardonnay. Variety of grapes: 100% Chardonnay © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 727 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 728 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Vinification: Fermentation at controlled temperature for about 12 - 15 days. Fermentation in bottle for at least 20 months. 01.07.09 Alcohol-free wines and spirits Gastronomy: White truffles, fish, great ham. 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine 02.07.03 Asti Spumante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Santero F.LLI & C. IVASS S.P.A. Address Via Cesare Pavese 28 12058 Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) Italy Product Details 02.07.03 Santero F.LLI & C. IVASS S.P.A. Asti Spumante Phone +39 0141 841212 Asti d.o.c.g. Linea Premium Fax +39 0141 841222 Typology: D.O.C.G. - Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin Internet address www.santero.it Characteristics: Sweet white sparkling wine. E-Mail santero@santero.it Stand Hall 16, C12 (Page 998) Vineyards: 100% White Moscato. Product Overview Vinification: The grapes, picked manually, are immediately pressed and their must, filtered and refrigerated, is conserved at a low temperature until the following fermentation phase, in order to preserve the freshness of its bouquet. Santero F.LLI & C. IVASS S.P.A. Piemont 01.07.01 Fruit wines 01.07.02 Kosher Wines Sparkling Process: The sparkling process is carried out by using the ”Charmat” method at a controlled temperature. Appereance: More or less intense, straw yellow. Perlage: Fine and persistent. Bouquet: Delicate, aromatic, typical; sometimes it presents sage signs. Flavour: Aromatic, delicate and sweet, balanced. Best served with: Perfect with desserts, especially with pastries. 01.07.05 Ecological Wines Serving temp.: 6 - 8 degrees. Alcohol content: 7,5 % Vol. Capacity: 750 ml © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 729 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 730 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 02.07.04 Sarl Champagne Francoise Bedel et Fils Prosecco Spumante PROSECCO SPUMANTE Address 71 Grande Rue 02310 Crouttes sur Marne France Phone +33 3 2382-1580 Fax +33 3 2382-1149 Internet address www.champagne-bedel.fr E-Mail contact@champagne-bedel.fr Stand Hall 13, D70 (Page 986) Typology : D.O.C. Controlled Denomination Of origin. Characteristics : White sparkling dry wine. Vineyards : White grapes: 100% PROSECCO . Vinification : The grapes, picked manually, are immediately pressed and their must, filtered and refrigerated, is fermented to get the basic wine for the following sparkling process. Sparkling Process: The sparkling process is obtained by using the ”Charmat” natural refermentation method at a controlled temperature. Appereance : Light straw yellow colour with greenish hints. Perlage: Fine and persistent. Bouquet : Characteristic, aromatic, rich of flowers and fruits scents. Flavour : Fresh, persistent, fruity taste. Product Overview Best served with: Excellent aperitif and perfect with starters, main courses, cheese and seafood. Serving temp. : 5 - 6 degrees. 02.02.02 Sarl Champagne Francoise Bedel et Fils Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Product Details Sarl Champagne Francoise Bedel et Fils Alcohol content : 11,5 % Vol. 02.02.02 Capacity : 750 ml Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Cuvée Comme Autrefois This reserve is vinified completely in oak casks and bottled directly with a traditional cork in a square bottle ring, and left to age on its lees for at least 10 years. Wine making Vinified in oak casks (100%). Bottled under cork. Harvest 2003. Tasting Visual impression : When served, this champagne produces a lovely, creamy mousse that is held up at the surface by thumultuous effervescence. In colour, it is light amber and is both limpid and sparking. Nose : The first whiff is powerful and expressive, with a pleasing blend of freshness and maturity. The bouquet then evolves into dried fruits and sweet spices, © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 731 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 732 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de finishing on mineral and lightly salty notes. Palate : Powerfull and persistent. The duality of maturity and freshness scented in the bouquet is confirmed on the palate. The wine presents dried fruit aromas and a general sensation of vivacity. rich and generous floral notes, enhanced by a touch of liquorice. The dosage is understated and perfectly integrated, thus allowing the true essence of the wine to come to the fore. This finish is exuberant with a freshness accentuated by citrus aromas (lemon and grapefruit). Cuvée Dis, Vin Secret Cuvée L’Âme de la terre Millésime 2004 Ideal as un aperitif, but would go well a meal if served with the appropriate dish. Made in Brut. This vintage is particularly expressive. As delightful before dinner as during, it will bring its richness and complexity to the meal. Wine making Wine making Vinified in enamelled steel tanks and oak barrels. Made from the majority of the 2006 harvest. Vinified in enameled steel tanks and oak barrels. Tasting Tasting Visual impression : Sumptuous effervescence with a delicate bead of fine bubbles. The colour is antique gold. Tthe wine is limpid and sparking. Visual impression : Un actively effervescent champagne with a this bead of fine bubbles. Limpid and sparkling. In colour, it is radiant antique gold and amber. Nose : The wine’s maturity comes to the fore with a combination of dried fruits and spicy undercurrent, and confirmed after aeration by vague suggestions of tropical fruits. Nose : Ripe and mature on the nose with candied fruits and dried apricots. After aeration, it reveals very delicate aromas of santalwood, cinnamon and orange tree. Palate : It is full and round with nice apple’s freshness and citrus aromas. The final reveals maturity, giving the wine a great length. Palate : It is full and round on the palate, with great vivacity. The finish is exuberant with honey and gingerbread aromas. Its right dosage gives the impression of balance. Cuvée Entre Ciel et Terre Cuvée Origin’elle A champagne whose subtle combination of vinosity and freshness gives it great appeal. A brut or extra-brut made from a select blending of new wines and reserve wines that would be perfect before dinner, but could equally accompany a meal with dishes carefully paired for the occasion. Wine making Vinified exclusively in enameled steel tanks. Made from the majority of the 2006’s harvest. Wine making Tasting Visual impression : Wonderfull effervescence with very fine bubbles, although the bead is evanescent. Bright and brilliant gold in colour, it has cristalline limpidity. Nose : The nose is fresh and reminiscent of white flowers (hawthorn, acacia). After agitation, it reveals very delicate aromas of floral-flavoured honey and spice bread. Palate : A champagne with a crisp initial impact on the palate, giving way to © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 733 Vinified in enameled steel tanks and oak casks. Majority of the 2011 harvest. Tasting Visual impression : It pleases the eye with its abundant and creamy foam when served. A lively effervescence enhances the length and persistence of its rim ring. Brilliant golden in color, it has striking clarity. Nose : A pleasing round and fruity bouquet marries yellow fruits (apricots and peaches), and dried fruits (raisins and dried apricots). When swirled the rich © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 734 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de alcohol notes of cognac and Armagnac waft up. Product Details Palate : The pleasingly supple palate of dried fruit notes reflects the bouquet. The finish shines with maturity and freshness. This last lends it a pleasant thirstquenching quality. 02.07.01 Sarl Diffusion Georges Vesselle Champagne Brut non Millésimé - Grand Cru GRAPE VARIETIES 90 % Pinot Noir - 10 % Chardonnay Sarl Diffusion Georges Vesselle Address Phone SIZES Bottle (750ml) - Half (375ml) - Magnum (1500ml) WINEMAKING 16, rue des Postes 51150 Bouzy France Traditional elaboration of Non Vintage Brut Champagne, blend of 2 to 3 years. CHARACTER +33 3 26570015 Must be served between 7 and 9° C. Fax +33 3 26570920 Internet address www.champagne-vesselle.fr Golden-colour, very fine bubbles, it expresses mineral freshness, followed by strong aromas of matured fruits. The noble origin of the grapes gives a powerful and fine feeling in mouth. A racy, simple wine. AGEING E-Mail contact@champagne-vesselle.fr Stand Hall 11, A10 (Page 978) To enjoy now for the liveliness and the exceptional freshness of its aromas. MATCHING WINE & FOOD A Champagne for all the year for the aperitif, parties or any other festive moments. Product Overview Sarl Diffusion Georges Vesselle Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 735 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 736 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de SARL MURE Address Clos Saint Landelin 68250 Rouffach France Phone +33 3 897858-00 Fax +33 3 897858-01 Internet address www.mure.com E-Mail domaine@mure.com Stand Hall 11, K94 (Page 978) Product Overview This crémant is made with pinot noir. Only perfectly sound grapes are harvested, to reach the most finesse and liveliness in the crémant. They are exclusively coming from the clay- and limestone made soil of the Rouffach’s area. The grapes are pressed whole after a quick maceration that gives the color to the Crémant d’Alsace rosé. The juice starts then its first fermentation in casks. The wine stays on fine lees. Fatness is coming from regular ”bâtonnages”. During the second fermentation, the wine wins elegance and fullness in bottle. The contact with the lees and the riddling give richness which makes a good balance to the freshness. The lees are taken out by disgorging and replaced by the dosage. The wines gains its harmony during the few months of rest after the disgorging. Tasting notes : This crémant has got a nice pink color. There is a persistent string of fine bubbles aroung the glass. Its open nose gives off scents of red fruits (strawberry, raspberry). On the palate it is rounded but strong. Some tanins from the pinot noir make a nice virility impression. At last, the finish is fine, fresh and strong. SARL MURE Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant To be served as an aperitif or with a meal. - See more at: http://www .mure.com/ en/cremant -dalsace/2 6-cremant- dalsacero se.html#st hash.QllWQ 1cc.dpuf SARL PHILIPPE TURC Product Details 02.07.02 SARL MURE Address Les Chailloux 49380 Champs sur Layon France Phone +33 2 41749838 Cremant Crémant d’Alsace Rosé The vine : Sheltered by the highest peaks of the Vosges mountains, this terroir receives an exceptional amount of sunshine. The mainly calcareous subsoil ensures good drainage. The exposure of the hillsides goes from east to south-west. Fax Internet address www.domainechailloux.com Area of production : Rouffach region E-Mail chailloux@domainechailloux.fr Stand Hall 11, B138 (Page 978) Soil : Clay and limestone Average age of vines : 20 years The winemaking : © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 737 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 738 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Company News 03/02/2016 SARL PHILIPPE TURC At last, Anjou Villages 2014 is in bottle! - Bronz for the Rosé de Loire 2014 that has already a star in the Guide Hachette. First Anjou Villages ever produced at the Domaine des Chailloux, it has been bottled on the 29th of February...at last! Taste is really pleasant, well structured but smooth, after 12 months ageing in oak barrels for 50%, this is a very promising red wine. I hope you will enjoy the taste! 03/02/2016 - Silver for the Crémant de loire 2014 2 medals for 2 cuvés presented, good ratio! Come to taste during the fair, I will have those 2 and others delicious of course. 01/28/2016 New at Domaine des Chailloux New from this year, Domaine des Chailloux is producing Crémant de Loire, the famous sparkling wine from the Loire Valley. Subtle and frank, this is a real pleasure wine for all good moments. At last, Anjou Villages 2014 is in bottle! Enjoy a taste! First Anjou Villages ever produced at the Domaine des Chailloux, it has been bottled on the 29th of February...at last! Taste is really pleasant, well structured but smooth, after 12 months ageing in oak barrels for 50%, this is a very promising red wine. I hope you will enjoy the taste! 01/04/2016 01/28/2016 1 Star in the Guide Hachette des Vins For its first participation, Domaine des Chailloux is very proud to annouce that he got 1 star in the Guide Hachette des Vins 2016 for its Rosé de Loire 2014. New at Domaine des Chailloux New from this year, Domaine des Chailloux is producing Crémant de Loire, the famous sparkling wine from the Loire Valley. Subtle and frank, this is a real pleasure wine for all good moments. Enjoy a taste! 02/12/2016 01/04/2016 More medals 1 Star in the Guide Hachette des Vins For its first participation, Domaine des Chailloux is very proud to annouce that he got 1 star in the Guide Hachette des Vins 2016 for its Rosé de Loire 2014. 2 more medals at The Loire Valley Wine Fair: - Silver for the Crémant de loire 2014 - Bronz for the Rosé de Loire 2014 that has already a star in the Guide Hachette. 2 medals for 2 cuvés presented, good ratio! Product Overview Come to taste during the fair, I will have those 2 and others delicious of course. Val de Loire 02/12/2016 02.07.02 Cremant More medals SARL PHILIPPE TURC 2 more medals at The Loire Valley Wine Fair: © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 739 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 740 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de den. It will also go happily with oysters, fish in mousseline sauce or a white fish sashimi. For the cheese course, this Blanc de Blancs can be served with Chaource or fresh goat’s cheese. SAS Ch. & A. Prieur Champagne Paul Goerg Address 30, Rue du Général Leclerc 51130 Vertus France Phone +33 3 26521331 Fax +33 3 26522396 Internet address www.champagne-goerg.com E-Mail info@champagne-goerg.com Stand Hall 12, A12 (Page 982) And for dessert, it is the ideal accompaniment to fresh fig soup or fruits in syrup. The professionals’ view of the Brut Blanc de Blancs SILVER Medal - Vinalies Internationales 2009 TECHNICAL PROPERTIES Blend: 100% Chardonnay Ageing time before disgorgement: 3 years minimum Ageing time after disgorgement: 4 to 6 months Moderate dosage (8 to 9 g/ litre), solely from reserve wines. Product Overview 02.07.01 SAS Ch. & A. Prieur Champagne Paul Goerg Brut Vintage 2005 Champagne Product Details SAS Ch. & A. Prieur Champagne Paul Goerg ALL THE SPARKLE OF CHARDONNAY IN A GREAT VINTAGE Champagne PAUL GOERG 02.07.01 Champagne Millésime 2005 Brut Blanc de Blancs Premier Cru 750 ml A PURE, ENGAGING AND DELICATE CHARDONNAY A pale yellow gold with silver tints. A very pretty and persistent cordon Champagne PAUL GOERG of extremely fine bubbles. A rich and complex bouquet of dried fruit Blanc de Blancs and nuts such as almonds, aromas of fruity jellies including quince Premier Cru and also exotic fruits. 375 ml, 750 ml, 1500 ml, 3000 ml Pale yellow in colour with hints of green. Plentiful and lasting mousse with extremely fine bubbles. A deliciously creamy nose with notes of water crowfoot and white fruits such as just-ripe peaches and pears. Attractively crisp and lemony on the palate. A lasting and delicate smoothness which is the whole appeal of this pure Chardonnay Champagne. A perfect wine for aperitifs, especially in spring or summer, with a few crudités from the gar- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 741 A Grand vintage combining delicateness and strength. An excellent balance of controlled freshness and volume on the palate, a harmonious wine of excellent maturity with impressive length. This appealing vintage is perfect for a festive and smart aperitif, served with a few elegant canapés. At the table, it can be enjoyed © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 742 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de throughout the entire meal, enhancing sea bass in a salt crust or a light veal stew. With cheese, a successful ally would be Reblochon or SILVER Medal - Mondial du Rosé 2009 Vacherin. For dessert, a floating island or cream-filled choux buns SILVER Medal - Concours Général de Paris 2009 would be an excellent choice. TECHNICAL PROPERTIES TECHNICAL PROPERTIES Blend: Blend: 85% Chardonnay, 15% Pinot Noir 100% Chardonnay Ageing time before disgorgement: Ageing before disgorgement: 3 years minimum 5 years minimum Ageing time after disgorgement: Ageing after disgorgement: 4 to 6 months 6 months Moderate dosage (8 to 9 g/ litre), solely from reserve wines. Very light dosage (7 to 8 g/ litre), Brut Tradition solely from reserve wines. A STYLISH CHARDONNAY-DOMINATED BRUT Brut Rosé Champagne PAUL GOERG A VERY CHARDONNAY ROSÉ Tradition Champagne PAUL GOERG Premier Cru Rosé 750 ml Premier Cru Straw-yellow in colour with hints of gold. Delicate and lasting mousse with fine and continuous bubbles. A subtle nose of acacia flowers and notes of citrus, ending with the rich flavour of yellow fruits and fried bananas. 750 ml, 1500ml A fascinating pink colour combining the hue of the roses of yesteryear with tints of salmon. Fine and sustained bubbles betraying the high proportion of Chardonnay. A delicately fruity, pure nose, dominated by notes of fresh red fruits, such as raspberries, wild strawberries and redcurrants, with bursts of pomegranate flavour. Appealingly light on the palate, with freshness reminiscent of the smoothness and persistence of a red fruit jelly. An attractive Rosé, the charm and elegance of which will particularly appeal to more delicate palates. Perfectly balanced on the palate between the crispness of Chardonnay and the creaminess of Pinot Noir. It lingers on the palate and has a surprisingly lengthy aftertaste. A wine that never fails to impress. A perfect Champagne for aperitifs under all circumstances. When dining, it will go well with a seafood platter or sushi, for those who enjoy Japanese cuisine. It can also be served with fish, such as sole meunière, or white meat such as breast of chicken in aspic. It will make a perfect aperitif, especially at the end of a long day. It could also happily accompany a number of summer starters such as beef carpaccio, salmon tartare, gaspacho or Bayonne ham. For the main course, it is perfect with a lightly roasted leg of suckling lamb. During the cheese course, serve with extra dry mimolette, and with a fresh red fruit soup during dessert. The professionals’ view of the Brut Tradition The professionals’ view of the Brut Rosé Blend: © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 743 GOLD MEDAL - Mondial de Bruxelles 2009 TECHNICAL PROPERTIES © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 744 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 60% Chardonnay, 40% Pinot Noir Product Details Ageing time before disgorgement: 02.07.02 3 years minimum 4 to 6 months Moderate dosage (8 to 9 g/ litre), solely from reserve wines. In light golden yellow this Pinot Gris Mambourg embodies the opulence of the gold autumn of the year 2006: in the smell excessively and fruity, it reminds of ripe quinces and pineapple, juicy apricots and aromatic foliage, as well as lemon peel, hazelnuts and a touch of broom flourish. SAS Maison Pierre Sparr Successeurs 14, rue de Hoen 68980 Beblenheim France Phone +33 3 89781126 Fax +33 3 89473262 Internet address www.vins-sparr.com E-Mail info@vins-sparr.com Cremant AOC ALSACE PINOT GRIS GRAND CRU MAMBOURG 2011 Ageing time after disgorgement: Address SAS Maison Pierre Sparr Successeurs In the palate as well full-aromatic this drop seduces with a lot of extract, a dynamically racy body, meanwhile the fine ripe sweetness match very well with the delicate fruity acid. Completes with a long spicy aftertaste this wine probably belongs to the best what this vintage can offer! Temp: 8-10°C | Storage: 10-year plus Food pairing: chicken liver pasty, smoked salmon with oranges-horseradish cream, shrimps with orange butter, caramelized little walnut cake, Crêpes Suzette with Zabaglione. Alcohol vol. : 13,5% alc./vol. Residual sugar : 28,0 g/l Stand Total acidity (tartric): 6,58 g/l Hall 11, L133 (Page 978) Product Overview SAS Maison Pierre Sparr Successeurs Alsace 02.07.02 Cremant © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 745 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 746 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de SCEA Domaine des Deux Vallees Address Dégustation : Mousse blanche. Bulles fines et constantes. Robe d’une belle brillance, luminosité, reflets jaune or, blanc, vert pâle. Bellevue 49190 St Aubin de Luigne France Nez très frais, finement aromatique avec de très subtiles senteurs florales ; acacia, verveine, tilleul. Phone +33 2 41783324 Bouche à l’attaque plaisante, friande, à peine mordante et carbonique. Bien harmonisé. Fax +33 2 41786658 Très agréable vin de bouche et d’appétence pour toute sympathique occasion, sans même avoir besoin d’attendre autant de cérémonial Internet address www.domaine2vallees.com E-Mail contact@domaine2vallees.com Stand Hall 11, D102 (Page 978) Product Overview SCEA Domaine des Forges Vignoble Branchereau SCEA Domaine des Deux Vallees Address Le Clos des Forges 49190 Saint Aubin De Luigne France Phone +33 2 41783356 Val de Loire Fax +33 2 41786751 02.07.02 Cremant Internet address www.domainedesforges.net E-Mail cb@domainedesforges.net Stand Hall 11, C96 (Page 978) Product Details 02.07.02 SCEA Domaine des Deux Vallees Cremant Crémant de Loire Blanc Brut ou Demi-Sec Superficie : 2Ha Product Overview Cépage : Chenin 60% 02.07.02 Cremant Val de Loire SCEA Domaine des Forges Vignoble Branchereau Chardonnay 40 % Sol : Dégradation schisto gréseuse sur sous sol limoneux Conservation : A boire dans les 2 ans Température : 6 à 8°C Récolte : Manuelle Vinification : respect du cahier des charges, avec élimination de tous les 1er jus © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 747 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 748 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.07.02 SCEA Domaine des Forges Vignoble Branchereau Cremant 03/13/2016 CRÉMANT DE LOIRE & FINES BULLES ROSÉS SCEA Domaine Guizard Revolutionary Helix cork on Guizard Rosé wine A great innovation for wine consumers ! In any circumstances, bubbles will be welcome. (see picture below) In apéritif or in desserts, all the opportunities are good to uncork the Crémants of the Loire and the Fines Bulles Rosé .... The Rosé 2015 of Domaine Guizard is equipped with a Helix cork which combines the advantages of the traditional cork with those of the screw cap. With it you can open the bottle without a corkdriver, close it quickly and without effort, while keeping the benefits and the esthetics of the natural cork. It is perfectly fit for the consumption of a dry rosé to be cooled in between 2 services. SCEA Domaine Guizard Address Company News Moreover the Rosé of Domaine Guizard is an excellent Languedoc AOP, blend of Grenache and Mourvèdre, which won a Silver Medal at the Concours des Grands Vins de France. 12, boulevard de la Mairie 34880 Laverune France Worth a visit to the Grés de Montpellier booth ! Hall 11 G79 Phone Ask for Benoit Guizard Fax +33 4 67278659 03/13/2016 Internet address www.domaineguizard.com A great innovation for wine consumers ! E-Mail benoit.guizard@domaineguizard.com Stand Hall 11, G79 (Page 978) Revolutionary Helix cork on Guizard Rosé wine (see picture below) The Rosé 2015 of Domaine Guizard is equipped with a Helix cork which combines the advantages of the traditional cork with those of the screw cap. With it you can open the bottle without a corkdriver, close it quickly and without effort, while keeping the benefits and the esthetics of the natural cork. It is perfectly fit for the consumption of a dry rosé to be cooled in between 2 services. Moreover the Rosé of Domaine Guizard is an excellent Languedoc AOP, blend of Grenache and Mourvèdre, which won a Silver Medal at the Concours des Grands Vins de France. Worth a visit to the Grés de Montpellier booth ! Hall 11 G79 Ask for Benoit Guizard © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 749 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 750 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details Product Overview SCEV Champagne Jean Josselin SCEA Domaine Guizard 02.07.01 Languedoc-Roussillon 01.07.05 Ecological Wines 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Champagne Alliance As its name implies, this champagne is a harmonious blend. It is composed of 70% Pinot Noir and 30% Chardonnay. Fresh, lively, softened by the roundness of Pinot Noir, it will be enjoyed by all. SCEV Champagne Jean Josselin Audace Rosé Address 4 rue des Vannes 10250 Gyé sur Seine France Phone +33 32 53-82148 Fax +33 325 382-500 Internet address www.champagnejeanjosselin.fr E-Mail champagne-josselin@orange.fr Stand Hall 12, E03 (Page 982) Appreciated for its rich color and fruity notes. It is presented in a beautiful frosted bottle. Blanc de Blancs Millésimé Product Overview ”White” in color and ”whites” for Chardonnay, the white grape varietal of which it is exclusively composed. A champagne to keep cellared, it will seduce you with its elegance and finesse. Made from grapes of a single harvest year, it shows the unique particularities of that vintage. SCEV Champagne Jean Josselin Champagne 02.07.01 Champagne © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 751 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 752 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details Schmitt Söhne GmbH 02.07.08 Address Weinstr. 8 54340 Longuich Germany Phone +49 6502 409-0 Fax +49 6502 409-36 Internet address www.schmitt-soehne.com E-Mail info@schmitt-soehne.com Stand Hall 13, A22 (Page 986) Product Overview Schmitt Söhne GmbH Winzersekt Ockfener Scharzberg Sekt A traditional dry Sparkling wine from Germany Sekt und Weingut Gebrüder Simon Address Hauptstr. 6 54492 Lösnich Germany Phone +49 6532 2130 Fax +49 6532 94369 Internet address www.weine-sekte.de E-Mail weingut@gebrueder-simon.de Stand Hall 14, E75 (Page 990) Schmitt Söhne GmbH Mosel Nahe Pfalz Rheinhessen 01.07.08 Wine-based drinks 02.07.08 Winzersekt © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 753 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 754 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Company News 27.01.2016 Sekt und Weingut Gebrüder Simon Beliebt in der Gastronomie..... 02.07.08 Das Sekt- und Weingut Gebrüder Simon legt nicht nur Wert auf den Inhalt der Sektflaschen sondern bemüht sich auch auf ein ansprechendes Flaschendesign. Speziell die Gastronomie, Hotels, Firmen und Eventgestalter nutzenden preiswerten Service der individuellen Flaschengestaltung. Sei dies in Form eines ausgefallenden Labels z.B. mit eigenem Firmenlogo, oder gar einer speziellen Sekt-Charge (und dies auch in kleinen Mengen). Informationen: Ingo Simon Mobil: +0049 170 854 8145 www.gebrueder-simon.de Facebook: Weingut Gebrüder Simon 27.01.2016 Beliebt in der Gastronomie..... Sekt und Weingut Gebrüder Simon Winzersekt Pinot Sekt Brut Pinot Sekt Die klassichen Rebsorten Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier und Pinot Blanc bilden die Cuvée des Sektes: Der reife Sektgrundwein wird vom Barrique „geküsst“ und lagert zur zweiten Gärung auf der Feinhefe in der Flasche. Handgerüttelt, warm degorgiert, versehen mit einer auserwählten Dosage, zeigt der Sekt Aromen von Brioche, reifem Apfel, Birnen und „verführt“ mit seinem feinperligem, erfrischenden Mousseux. Der Pinot Sekt ist ein idealer Champagner-Vertreter. Riesling Brut Das Sekt- und Weingut Gebrüder Simon legt nicht nur Wert auf den Inhalt der Sektflaschen sondern bemüht sich auch auf ein ansprechendes Flaschendesign. Speziell die Gastronomie, Hotels, Firmen und Eventgestalter nutzenden preiswerten Service der individuellen Flaschengestaltung. Sei dies in Form eines ausgefallenden Labels z.B. mit eigenem Firmenlogo, oder gar einer speziellen Sekt-Charge (und dies auch in kleinen Mengen). Informationen: Ingo Simon Mobil: +0049 170 854 8145 www.gebrueder-simon.de Facebook: Weingut Gebrüder Simon Product Overview Product Details Riesling Brut Die handgelesenen Trauben stammen aus den Steillagen der Mittemosel, Erdener Treppchen, Ürziger Würzgarten und Lösnicher Försterlay. Der Sektgrundwein lagert kurze Zeit im Holzfass, bevor er zur zweiten Gärung auf die Flasche gefüllt wird. Dosiert ist der Sekt mit hochwertiger Riesling Auslese. Aromen von Apfel, Litschi, Zitrus und Pfirsich sind erkennbar. Der Riesling Brut ist ein erfrischender Begleiter, er spiegelt die Spritzigkeit und Frische der Mosel und überzeugt mit seiner feinen Perlage. Sekt und Weingut Gebrüder Simon 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.08 Winzersekt © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 755 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 756 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 2014 Spätburgunder und Schwarzriesling Rosé Trocken Sekt- & Weingut Winterling Address Im Brühl 15 67150 Niederkirchen Germany Phone +49 6326 8952 Fax +49 6326 980436 Internet address www.winterling-sekt.de E-Mail info@winterling-sekt.de Stand Hall 14, E75 (Page 990) Product Overview 02.07.08 Winzersekt 2013 Blanc de Blancs Brut Der 2013er Blanc de Blancs ist 100% Chardonnay, 100% Bio und 100% Verführung. Kaum zu glauben, dass so jung schon so komplex und raffiniert sein kann. Beim Blanc de Blancs handelt es sich um einen Klassiker. Aber was macht so einen Klassiker aus? Zumindest einen hohen Wiedererkennungswert, eine gewisse Tradition und Qualitätsvoraussetzung muss er erfüllen. Außerdem zeitlos, formvollendet und harmonisch sollte er sein...ja, das ist er, der Blanc de Blancs. Sekt- & Weingut Winterling 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.04 Was für ein Jungspund, was für ein Kerl. So jung und schon so vielschichtig. Das passiert, wenn man feinen und eleganten Spätburgunder mit würzigem kräftigen Schwarzriesling kombiniert. Eine Cuvee die zu Höchstleistungen fähig ist: knackig, feurig und mit einem Abgang, der mit jedem Bundespräsidenten mithalten könnte. Einfach unvergesslich. 2013 East Side Riesling Trocken Sekt- & Weingut Winterling Sparkling wine 2012 Alter Garten Rotwein Trocken Neue Sorten für den ’Alten Garten’: Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Dornfelder und Spätburgunder sind in dieser würzig erfrischenden Cuvée. Feine Aromen von Kakao, Zartbitterschokolade und scharfer Paprika, küren diesen Roten zu einem stoffigen Burschen! © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Endlich ist er wieder da! In diesem Riesling steckt die East Side der Weinstraße, dort wo Riesling großbeerig und rassig wächst, dort wo nicht jeder durchkommt, von dort kommen die Trauben für diesen Wein. Auch 2013 haben wir wieder alles gegeben und sind in einer frostigen Mainacht mit Hubschrauben über den Weinbergen gekreist. Mit Erfolg! Der East Side besticht durch seine Langlebigkeit, auch wenn der erste Schluck schon längst den Weg durch die Kehle gefunden hat, ist da noch ein knallbunter und sehr präsenter Nachhall im Mund. Ein Wein zum singen und tanzen, ein Wein für jede Nacht und jeden Tag, voller Energie. 2013 Pinot Brut Die Pinot-Fans haben eine wortwörtliche Durststrecke durchlebt, was diesen Winterling angeht. Jetzt ist er zurück. Weißburgunder und Spätburgunder lassen den fülligen Burschen zu einem Trinkerlebnis werden. Kompakt, voluminös, viel Harmonie und Schmelz. Trotz seiner Jugend zeigt er sich sehr ausgewogen. 757 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 758 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de 2010 Grande Cuvée Sponti Riesling Crémant Brut Sektgut St. Laurentius Klaus Herres Klassische Flaschengärung Deutscher Sekt b. A. Address Laurentiusstr. 4 54340 Leiwen Germany Phone +49 6507 3836 Fax +49 6507 3896 Internet address www.st-laurentius-sekt.de Spontan vergorener Grundwein, alte Reben aus Klüsserather Bruderschaft, feine Säurestruktur, interessante Frucharomen, mit eigener Süße zum Sekt vergoren 2012 Spätburgunder Rosé Brut Cuvée Nadine E-Mail mail@st-laurentius-sekt.de Stand Hall 14, E75 (Page 990) Product Overview Klassische Flaschengärung Deutscher Sekt b. A. weicher, milder Sekt mit dezenter Hefenote, Geruch nach roten Früchten, Himbeere und Erdbeere Sektgut St. Laurentius Klaus Herres 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.08 Winzersekt Sekthaus Raumland GmbH Address Alzeyer Str. 134 67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim Germany Phone +49 6243 908070 Fax +49 6243 908077 Internet address www.raumland.de klassischer, säurebetonter Riesling, schöne Reife- und Hefenoten E-Mail raumland@t-online.de Gerne drucken wir Sonderetiketten für diverse Anlässe wie z. B. Hochzeit, Geburtstag. Stand Hall 14, E75 (Page 990) Product Details 02.07.08 Sektgut St. Laurentius Klaus Herres Winzersekt 2008 Riesling Brut Magnum Klassische Flaschengärung Deutscher Sekt b. A. Cuvée Marriage Nadine & Johannes 6. Juli 2013 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 759 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 760 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Säure: 6,8 g/l Product Overview Sekthaus Raumland GmbH 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.08 Winzersekt Füllmenge: 750 ml Versandeinheit: 6er Karton EAN: 4 26016164 003 3 Artikel Nummer: 61039 Product Details 02.07.08 Sekthaus Raumland GmbH Winzersekt Riesling Brut 2004 MonRose Brut Feiner frischer fruchtiger Riesling Brut Sekt mit einem Hauch von Citrus, Pfirsich und Aprikosen. Geringe Restsüße. Feine Perlage. Angenehme Säure. Der Sommer- und Terrassensekt. Ein Sekt aus einer anderen Liga, dicht, animierend, opulent und doch filigran. (GaultMillau 2014) Jahrgang: Auszeichnungen: - Jahrgang: 2004 Analyse: Alkohol: 12,5%vol. Auszeichnungen: Bester Sekt Deutschlands mit 94 Punkten im Weinführer ”Gault Millau 2014” Restzucker: 9,3 g/l Säure: 5,9 g/l Analyse: Alkohol: 12,5%Vol. Füllmenge: 750 ml Restzucker: 4,0 g/l Versandeinheit: 6er Karton Säure: 6,4 g/l EAN: 4 26016164 001 9 Füllmenge: 750 ml - auch als Magnum erhältlich Versandeinheit: 6er Karton Artikel Nummer: 61050 EAN: Artikel Nummer: 60581 Cuvée Katharina Brut Ein kräftig strukturierter, harmonischer Sekt mit feinem Biskuit-, Orangen, Feigen- und Walnußaroma, weinig-dichtem Körper und samtiger Länge. Burgundercuvée überwiegend aus Spätburgunder- und PinotMeunier Trauben weiß gekeltert. Jahrgang: Auszeichnungen: - Analyse: Alkohol: 12,0%vol. Restzucker: 6,0 g/l © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 761 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 762 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de SOLTER EXTRA BRUT Blanc des Blancs Sekt Sekthaus Solter GmbH &Co. KG Address Phone Mit 1,2 g/l Restzucker ist unser Blanc de Blanc extra brut. Er besteht aus Chardonnay und Weißburgunder. Zum Niederwald-Denkmal 2 65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein Germany 12,0 % vol. Alkohol, 1,2 g/l Restzucker, 7,5 g/l Gesamtsäure, enthält Sulfite Der Blanc de Blancs besticht durch seinen gradlinigen, filigranen Charakter. Hiermit ist er ein idealer Begleiter zu Austern, Fisch und Meeresfrüchten. +49 6722 2566 Fax Solter Sekt Dolce Vita Internet address www.sekthaus-solter.de E-Mail info@sekthaus-solter.de Unser DOLCE VITA ist eine Cuvée aus 60% hochwertigen, reifen und gesunden Gewürztraminer-Trauben und einem Riesling mit erfrischender, mineralischer Säure aus dem Rüdesheimer Berg. Stand Hall 14, E75 (Page 990) 12,5 % vol. Alkohol, 6,5 g/l Restzucker, 7,8 g/l Gesamtsäure, enthält Sulfite Product Overview Sekthaus Solter GmbH &Co. KG 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.07.08 Dieser Sekt besticht durch sein finessenreiches Fruchtspiel von Weinbergspfirsich und wilden Rosen – einfach nur köstlich! Sektkellerei Andres & Mugler Address Hauptstr. 33 67152 Ruppertsberg Germany Phone +49 6326 8667 Sekthaus Solter GmbH &Co. KG Winzersekt SOLTER BRUT Pinot Noir Rosé Fax Dieser Sekt besteht zu 100 % aus Spätburgunder Trauben. Die Lachsfarbe erhält der Rosé Sekt durch die geringe Maische-Standzeit. 13,0 % vol. Alkohol, 10,3 g/l Restzucker, 7,5 g/l Gesamtsäure, enthält Sulfite Unser Rosé besticht durch sein Bukett aus Himbeer- und KirschAromen. Der Geschmack ist erfrischend feinfruchtig mit einer nachhaltig dezenten Säure. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 763 Internet address www.andresundmugler.de E-Mail info@andresundmugler.de Stand Hall 14, E75 (Page 990) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 764 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview Sektkellerei Andres & Mugler 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.04 Sektkellerei Andres & Mugler Sparkling wine Product Overview 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.06.01 Sekt + Weine Sektkellerei Gebrüder Szigeti GmbH Sektkellerei Gebrüder Szigeti GmbH Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin siehe: Szigeti Grüner Veltliner Brut www.andresundmugler.de Lovely golden colour with light green tinges. Delicate aromas of apple with a touch of white pepper. Dry with crunchy acidity, hint of honeysuckle and kiwi over elegant lime notes. www.andres-weine.de www.m-schaedler.de Sektkellerei Gebrüder Szigeti GmbH Address Szigeti Muskat Ottonel Extra dry Am Anger 31 7122 Gols Austria Phone +43 2173 2167 Fax +43 2173 2514 Internet address www.szigeti.at E-Mail sektkellerei@szigeti.at Stand Hall 17, E32 (Page 1002) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Light golden colour with soft green reflexes. Exotic fragrances with elderberry-lychee bouquet. Gradually, sweet aromas of forest berry blossoms reveal themselves. Very expressive and full-bodied on the palate, with typical notes of Muscat grapes, oranges and mango. Szigeti Pinot Blanc Brut Delicately golden with soft green tinge. Attractive yellow fruit aromas with nutty Burgunder aromas and pear. Dry, with soft juicy structure. Balanced mineral characters. Hint of fresh apple and crunchy pear. Gentle lime blossom aromas. 765 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 766 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Szigeti Pinot Noir Rosé Brut Product Overview Bright salmon pink to pale ruby red. Attractive aromas of black cherry, fruits of the forest over strawberries and raspberries freshness. A touch of vanilla. Full-bodied structure with balanced acidity. Typically elegant Pinot Noir with a very well balanced red fruit finish. Sektmanufaktur Dirk Kessler 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.07.08 Winzersekt 02.07.08 Szigeti Gols Prestige Brut Winzersekt Chardonnay Sekt brut Bright gold with lively aromas of honeysuckle, wild strawberries and yellow peach with overtones of almonds and brioche. Bone dry style with remarkable vitality; the palate is an explosion of fruit, much like a taster of the molecular cuisine. Creamy texture, pleasant richness and complexity with the refreshing notes of grapefuit and even peach melba. Lingering aftertaste with a mineral finish. Artikelnummer: 05 Klassische Flaschengärung Ein typischer Sekt der klassischen Rebsorte Chardonnay ist ein fein moussierender eleganter Sekt. Das Aroma und der Geschmack erinnert an Fruchtnoten, wie Banane und Birne, ist aber eher von den nussigen Fruchtaromen geprägt mit Anflug von Vanille. Er präsentiert sich mit einer weichen Säure. Sektmanufaktur Dirk Kessler Address Sektmanufaktur Dirk Kessler Für Sektfreunde, die eine säureärmere Burgunder-Linie bevorzugen! Der Sekt wurde vom Genussmagazin Selection (Ausgabe: 2/2014) mit 86 Punkten bewertet. Moselstr. 19 54487 Wintrich Germany Jahrgang 2012 Süße: ca.10 g/l Säure: ca. <5,0 g/l Phone +49 6534 931-40 Fax +49 6534 934-41 Alkoholgehalt: ca. 12,5% Vol. Internet address www.sekt.ws Flasche: Weiße Sektflasche, Naturkork E-Mail kessler@sekt.ws Stand Hall 14, E75 (Page 990) Trinktemperatur: ca. 10° C 0,75 l-Flasche © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 767 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 768 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Riesling Sekt brut 0,75 l-Flasche Artikelnummer: 01a Soc. Agr. Ca’ di Rajo di Cecchetto Bortolo & S. s.s. Klassische Flaschengärung Für Sektfreunde, die eine säurebetonte Linie bevorzugen! Der Sekt wurde vom Genussmagazin Selection (Ausgabe: 2/2014) mit 88 Punkten bewertet! Address Via del Carmine 2/2 31020 San Polo di Piave (TV) Italy Phone +39 0422 855885 Fax +39 0422 805627 Internet address www.cadirajo.it E-Mail info@cadirajo.it Stand Hall 16, B27 (Page 998) Jahrgang 2012 Süße: ca.12g/l Säure: ca 7,0 g/l Trinktemperatur: ca. 10° C Alkoholgehalt: ca. 12,5% Vol. Flasche: Grüne Sektflasche, Naturkork 0,375 l-Flasche Ein Spitzenprodukt in einer kleinen Flasche für das Treffen mit der Freundin. Preis 5,80 € – Preis pro Liter: 15,47 € 0,75 l-Flasche Product Overview Rotling Sekt trocken Soc. Agr. Ca’ di Rajo di Cecchetto Bortolo & S.... 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Veneto Artikelnummer: 06 Dornfelder/Rivaner – Klassische Flaschengärung Für Sektliebhaber, die einen roséefarbenen Sekt mit feinen Aromen, die an die Wildbeeren erinnern, wünschen. Diese Fruchtaromen beeindrucken und überzeugen! Product Details Eine sehr interessante Variante für einen Sektempfang, die die Gäste überzeugt! Be Lux - Spumante Brut Jahrgang 2013 Elegant, intense, fresh with notes of linden, mature yellow fruit, citrus, bread crust and green pepper. 02.07.04 Süße: ca. 25g/l Soc. Agr. Ca’ di Rajo di Cecchetto Bortolo & S.... Prosecco Spumante Good structure and balance; savoury with notes of white flowers and spices. delicate but persistent aftertaste. Säure: ca. 6,2 g/l Trinktemperatur: ca. 8-10° C Alkoholgehalt: ca. 13,0% Vol. Weiße Sektflasche, Naturkork © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 769 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 770 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Prosecco Doc Treviso Extra Dry It reminds of acacia flowers, of good intensity with particular notes of apple, lemon and grapefruit. SPARKLING WINE – CLASSIC METHOD Good structure, soft with emerging fruity notes; balanced and full-bodied, it is pleasant and harmonious on the palate. Tasting notes: 100% Corvina Very small, long-lasting and wrapping bubbles It has the same color as the roses’ petals It smells like wild roses, “morel cherries” and raspberries The intense taste reminds the fragrances and is in keeping with them Soc. Agr. Villa Canestrari di Franchi Adriana & C. snc Address Via Dante Broglio 2 37030 Colognola ai Colli (VR) Italy SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA CASTELVEDER Address Via Belvedere 4 25040 Monticelli Brusati Italy Phone +39 045 7650074 Fax +39 045 6170120 Phone +39 030 652308 Internet address www.villacanestrari.com Fax +39 030 6527224 E-Mail info@villacanestrari.com Internet address www.castelveder.it Stand Hall 16, B59 (Page 998) E-Mail info@castelveder.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) Product Overview Soc. Agr. Villa Canestrari di Franchi Adriana &... Veneto Product Overview 02.04 Sparkling wine 02.07.05 Product Details 02.04 Soc. Agr. Villa Canestrari di Franchi Adriana &... SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA CASTELVEDER Franciacorta Franciacorta Brut Edo’s © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Franciacorta Product Details 02.07.05 Sparkling wine SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA CASTELVEDER 771 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 772 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Fresh and balanced, it is obtained by the fragrance and the delicacy of Chardonnay. While this wine can be enjoyed by itself as an apéritif, it is also perfect with fresh oysters and other shellfish, crab cakes and grilled sea bass. It is also delicious with and creamy risottos and throughout the meal. Sugar: 6,4 g/l Color: Bright straw yellow. Strong and long-lasting perlage. Taste: Crisp acidity and impressive balance. Obtained by the careful selection of the best chardonnay grapes , Castelveder Pas Dosé is produced only in vintages of great quality. It remains on the lees for at least 30 months before degorgement. Characterized by the complete absence of sugars that allow you to enhance the characteristics of Chardonnay, giving it a flavor and longevity. Temperature: Combine with the whole meal. It should be served at a temperature of 6-8 ° C. Color: Glossy bright yellow color. Fine and persistent perlage, rich and creamy froth. Grapes: Chardonnay 100% Scent: Fine and elegant with hints of crust of freshly baked bread, white flowers and vanilla, all in harmony with notes of dried fruits and yellow fruits. Extract: 22 g/l Franciacorta Pas Dosè Scent: Intense and characteristic, opening with a biscuity note that enriches the maturity of the ensemble, it reminds the crust of fresh bread. Alcool: 13% Taste: The taste is structured and expresses the most of its elegance, the finish is persistent and harmonious. Acidity: 6,5 - 7,0 g/l Sugar: 7,0 g/l Extract: 20,8 g/l Temperature: Combine with the whole meal. It is particularly suitable for appetizers important, pasta dishes and main courses of fish. Serve at 6-8 °. Franciacorta Brut Rosé Grapes: Chardonnay 100% Alcool: 13% “ La bouche “: reveals red fruit captured at their full freshness. The finish is bright and long. The pink copper colour with a hint of raspberry when young evolves to salmon while ageing. The fine and smooth bubbles are due to a strict selection of the best grapes, a perfectly controlled temperature in the cellar and a very long ageing. Acidity: 6,7 g/l Color: Coppery pink with pale salmon. Franciacorta Satèn Brut Sugar: < 1 g/l Extract: 20,9 g/l Scent: The initial aromas of apple and red fruits evolves to cherry and wild strawberry while breathing. With age, aromas tend towards dark fruits like dark cherry, and blackberry. Taste: The taste is fresh, soft and well balanced with an aftertaste of mineral and citrus. The Satèn is the most typical wine of Franciacorta. Its perlage is soft and very fine because of a lower pressure in the bottle. A silky, freshly wine, to be enjoyed on its own or with seafood-oysters, caviar, spicy sea soups. Color: Straw yellow. Perlage very small but persistent. Temperature: Alcool: 12,5 - 13% Scent: Delicate and intense. A perfect expression of Chardonnay grapes. Its multiple aromas are a blend of white flowers with white and yellow fruit. Acidity: 7 g/l Taste: White flowers, white fruit. The Castelveder Satèn offers a wide range of Grapes: Pinot Nero 100% © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 773 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 774 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de flavours. Acacia and candied citrus are well balanced with honey, vanilla and dry fruit. SOCIETA´AGRICOLA ZAGO GASPARINI S.R.L. Tenuta 2Castelli Temperature: Address Via Cucco 31058 Collalto di Susegana Italy Sugar: 7,0 g/l Phone +39 0333 9681955 Extract: 20,3 g/l Fax +39 0422 730739 Internet address www.2castelli.com E-Mail info@2castelli.com Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) Grapes: Chardonnay Alcool: 13% Acidity: 7,0 g/l Monte della Rosa The name of this wine comes from vineyards surrounding the Sanctuary of the “Madonna della Rosa” from which we get the grapes to produce it. The clusters are picked into shallow boxes, then gently de-stemmed. The must is fermented in steel with ambient yeasts, then the wine is drawn off. A portion then matures in small oak barrels, while the rest is transferred to glass-lined cement vats, where it matures for 12-15 months. Only after this stage is the final blend assembled. It is especially recommended with first courses and second meat courses. Product Overview Color: Medium-dense ruby red. Scent: The nose releases generous fragrances of cherry, blueberry, and other berries, appealingly complemented by typical Cabernet spiciness and smooth, toasty nuances from the cask-ageing. SOCIETA´AGRICOLA ZAGO GASPARINI S.R.L. Tenuta... Veneto 02.07.01 Champagne 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Taste: Notable dynamism and a velvet-smooth, vanilla-edged mouthfeel. Temperature: Product Details SOCIETA´AGRICOLA ZAGO GASPARINI S.R.L. Tenuta... Grapes: Cabernet, Merlot, Barbera, Nebbiolo 02.07.04 Alcool: 12,5% Prosecco Spumante Prosecco DOC Treviso Acidity: 6 g/l Sugar: SPUMANTE DOC Extract: 27 g/l Color straw yellow with a faint greenish reflection Aroma floral scents of rose and citrus, fruity scent of apple, pear and peach © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 775 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 776 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Flavor Flavor harmonic, delicate, sapid and slightly aromatic fresh acidity with a pleasant and harmonic flavor Production area Production area northern hills of Treviso Collalto, Susegana (TV) Grapes Grapes 100% Glera Glera 100% Vineyard exposure Vineyard exposure north south south Vineyard height Vineyard height between 100 and 200 m above sea level 200 m above sea level Terrain Terrain marl with medium density areas marl and limestone Training system Training system Sylvoz and double overturned Sylvoz and double overturned Harvest period Harvest period end of Sept/beginning of Oct beginning of October Alcohol content Alcohol content 11% vol. 11% vol. Serving temperature Serving temperature 8-10° C 8-10° C Best served with Best served with a perfect aperitif, it is also ideal with light and fine meals light pasta and rice dishes, shellfish and white meat Prosecco Superiore Brut Prosecco Superiore Extra Dry PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG CONEGLIANO-VALDOBBIADENE SPUMANTE BRUT PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOG CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE SPUMANTE EXTRA DRY Color Color straw yellow with a faint greenish reflection straw yellow with a faint greenish reflection Aroma Aroma subtle scents marked with flavour characteristics of citrus and peach with hints of green apple subtle aroma with a fruity scent and hints of apple © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Flavor 777 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 778 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Società Agricola Colli Asolani di Bedin di Bedin Enrico & C. s.s. tastes dry, crispy and fruity. Pleasant on the palate, with a clean finish Production area Collalto, Susegana (TV) Address Via Monte Pasubio, 22 31041 Cornuda (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 639411 Fax +39 0423 838335 Internet address www.colliasolani.it E-Mail info@colliasolani.it Stand Hall 15, C51 (Page 994) Grapes Glera 100% Vineyard exposure south Vineyard height 200 m above sea level Terrain marl and limestone Training system Sylvoz and double overturned Harvest period Product Overview beginning of October Alcohol content 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante 11% vol. Serving temperature Società Agricola Colli Asolani di Bedin di Bedin... 8-10° C Best served with Product Details excellent for cocktails and aperitifs, pairs nicely with lighter dishes 02.07.04 Società Agricola Colli Asolani di Bedin di Bedin... Prosecco Spumante Asolo Prosecco DOCG Superiore Our DOCG is produced from a careful selection of the best grapes grown in the sunny hills of Asolo and hand - harvested to preserve fruit integrity. Native grape varieties are blended with Glera to enrich it with elegant, fruity aromas that express fully the characteristics of its unique terroir. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 779 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 780 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de DAVID rose’ spumante brut Sodiko NV ”David” symbolises the masterpiece, the craftsman’s touch, the Italian taste for refinement. To these principles we inspired our rosé: a delicate selection of merlot grapes, carefully vinified to obtain an elegant sparkling wine, harmonious and balanced, which pairs well with seafood. Address Demerstraat 9 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium Phone +32 11 850540 Fax +32 11 352386 Internet address www.sodiko.be E-Mail info@sodiko.be Stand Hall 12, B64 (Page 982) Prosecco D.O.C. Treviso Frizzante – Spago UVAGGIO 100% Glera. ZONA DI PRODUZIONE Colline dell’asolano. Vigneti situati in pianura e a piede collina. TIPOLOGIA DI TERRENO Di medio impasto, tendente all’argilloso. Product Overview ALTITUDINE Circa 150 mt. s.l.m. SISTEMA DI ALLEVAMENTO Sodiko NV 02.05 Sparkling wine with added carbon-dioxide 03.17 Other spirits Filare a Sylvoz, doppio capovolto. RESA Product Details 180 q/ha. Resa per pianta auspicata: 7-8 kg. 02.05 Sodiko NV Sparkling wine with added carbon-dioxide Blue Cocktail Volume: 75cl Alcohol: 0% © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 781 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 782 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Flemish Purple Product Details Flemish Purple 75cl 02.07.05 « back to catalogue Solive s.s. Cascina Agrituristica F.lli Bariselli Franciacorta Franciacorta Brut D.O.C.G. Solive Volume: 75cl Alcohol: 0% GRAPE VARIETY: Chardonnay 90% - Pinot Nero 10% ORGANOLEPTIC PROFILE: Fine and persistent perlage, straw colour with a golden glint. Intense aroma with pleasant hint of yeasts and bread crust. Full flavour, sapid and dry. Good persistence, good nose. Sparkling Wine ID : 5162001 Volume : 75 cl. FOOD PAIRING: Franciacorta Brut is for sure the most versatile of all the Franciacorta wines in food pairing. Besides as aperitif it is particularly suitable all courses, mainly with the delicate flavours of meat and fish. Alcohol : 8,4 %. 12 units per carton Franciacorta Pas Dosé D.O.C.G. Solive GRAPE VARIETY: Chardonnay 95% - Pinot Nero 5% Solive s.s. Cascina Agrituristica F.lli Bariselli Address ORGANOLEPTIC PROFILE: Fine and persistent perlage, straw colour with a green hints. Intense aroma, mature. Full flavour and elegant, very sophisticated. Via Bellavista 25030 Erbusco (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 7450138 FOOD PAIRING: Franciacorta Pas Dosé goes very well with elaborate and tasty dishes, such as pasta dishes with strong sauces and spicy soups. Fax +39 030 9884402 Franciacorta Rosé D.O.C.G. Solive Internet address www.solive.it GRAPE VARIETY: Pinot Noir 100% E-Mail cantina@solive.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) ORGANOLEPTIC PROFILE: Very fine and persistent perlage, onion skin colour. Intense aroma, fruity with a pleasant hint of red fruits. The Pinot Noir gives this Franciacorta a particular body and vigor. Product Overview 02.07.05 Solive s.s. Cascina Agrituristica F.lli Bariselli FOOD PAIRING: Franciacorta Rosé is very well with porcini mushrooms or chicory risotto. Excellent with flavorsome fish soupe, lamb or veal and aubergines with parmesan cheese. Franciacorta © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 783 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 784 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Franciacorta Satèn D.O.C.G. Solive Product Details GRAPE VARIETY: Chardonnay 100% 02.07.04 ORGANOLEPTIC PROFILE: Very fine and persistent perlage, almost creamy. Intense yellow with greenish colours. Soft but decisive aroma of ripe fruits with delicate hints of dried, even toasted, fruit (almond and hazelnut). A pleasant sapidity and freshness with an innate softness. Sommariva Societa´Agricola Palazzo Rosso S.S. Prosecco Spumante Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg – Brut FOOD PAIRING: Franciacorta Satèn is very well with starters as well as all courses: exceptional with oven cooked dishes, delicate risottos and fish-based dishes. Goes well with strong tastes that are well balanced by its freshness A delicious aroma of citrus fruit and fresh herbs, with pleasant hints of bread crust, reach the palate together with exquisite energetic taste. The fine perlage enhances a bright straw colour and ensures a persistent flavour that cleans the palate and makes this sparkling wine excellent for the table: with simple or complex fish dishes and vegetable starters, white meats or, in the custom of its land of origin, throughout the entire meal. Exceptional served with sushi and sashimi. GRAPES: Glera Sommariva Societa´Agricola Palazzo Rosso S.S. ALCOHOL VOL: 11,5% Address Luciani, 16/A Loc. Santa Maria 31020 San Pietro Di Feletto Italy Phone +39 0438 784316 Fax +39 0438 784839 Internet address www.sommariva-vini.it E-Mail info@sommariva-vini.it Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) SERVING TEMPERATURE: 7-9 °C FORMATS AVAILABLE: 0,75 L – 1,5 L – 3 L Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg – Dry The very colour heralds greater intensity, expressed in a broad complex of attractive fragrances: from apples to pears and apricots to pineapples, with pleasant hints of frosted almonds in the aftertaste. The flavour is pleasantly round, smooth and savoury, enhanced in the mouth by subtle perlage. It goes well with traditional cakes, from shortcrust pastry to fruit tarts; or better still is delightful sipped while chatting with friends at the end of the evening, swilling it round a large glass to highlight its crystal-clear elegance. GRAPES: Glera Product Overview Sommariva Societa´Agricola Palazzo Rosso S.S. Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante ALCOHOL VOL: 11,5% SERVING TEMPERATURE: 7-9 °C FORMATS AVAILABLE: 0,75 L © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 785 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 786 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de COL DEL SAS EXTRA DRY Spagnol Soc. Agricola Di Orazio Spagnol & c, s.s. Address Via Scandolera 51 31020 Colbertaldo di Vidor (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 987177 Fax +39 0423 989100 Internet address www.coldelsas.it E-Mail info@coldelsas.it Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) Product Overview LO SPAGO Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco Spagnol Soc. Agricola Di Orazio Spagnol & c,... Spumanti VALDO S.r.l. Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details 02.07.04 Conegliano Valdobbidene DOCG Prosecco Superiore Spagnol Soc. Agricola Di Orazio Spagnol & c,... Address Via Foro Boario, 20 31049 Valdobbiadene (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 9090 Fax +39 0423 975750 Internet address www.valdo.com E-Mail export@valdo.com Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 994) Prosecco Spumante COL DEL SAS BRUT Conegliano Valdobbidene DOCG Prosecco Superiore © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 787 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 788 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview Spumanti VALDO S.r.l. Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante It is the greatest result in typical Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG. Obtained from the grapes cultivated in the ancient ”valle dei buoi”, blessed with extraordinary soil features. Staatsweingut Meersburg Product Details Spumanti VALDO S.r.l. Address Seminarstr. 6 88709 Meersburg Germany Phone +49 7532 446744 Valdo Spumanti Fax +49 7532 446747 A date, 1926, and a place, Valdobbiadene, from here comes our name full of pride and prestige Internet address www.staatsweingut-meersburg.de E-Mail info@staatsweingut-meertsburg.de Stand Hall 14, A60 (Page 990) 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Prestige Cuvèe 1926 Sparkling wine Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG E. Dry Long Charmat Method 5-month Charmat ageing followed by 3 months in the bottle Worldwide known A mild and extra dry bouquet, which has delivered worldwide fame to Prosecco It was 1926, when the first bottle was uncorked with the start of a great company. This date combined with Valdobbiadene of which we are so proud, and ”Prestige” are behind the new Prosecco wine: a tribute to our history and your palate. Product Overview Staatsweingut Meersburg Baden 02.07.08 Winzersekt Prestige Cuvée di Boj Sparkling wine Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Brut Highly distinguished features It is the greatest result in typical Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Valle dei buoi Obtained from selected grapes cultivated in the “valle dei buoi”, an age-old and extraodinary viticultural area Long Charmat Method 5-month Charmat ageing followed by 3 months in the bottle © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 789 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 790 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details Staatsweingut Meersburg Product Overview 02.07.08 StephanO DAS-WEIN-GUT Winzersekt Südburgenland 02.04 Sparkling wine Unser prickelndes Angebot an Sekt und Perlwein: Unsere Premiumsekte „Pinot brut“ und Pinot brut rosé werden stets in begrenzter Auflage und auch nicht jedes Jahr aus exzellenten Weiß- und Grauburgundern, Blanc de Noirs vom Spätburgunder und Spätburgunder gewonnen. Krönen Sie mit diesem tollen Sekt besondere Anlässe. Product Details 02.04 StephanO DAS-WEIN-GUT Sparkling wine francisca - vintage 2013 Unser Winzersekt der Marke „Schloss Meersburg“ lädt Sie dazu ein, im Kreise lieber Freunde mit dieser Cuvée aus Lagenweinen anzustoßen. Name: francisca Unsere Seccos in Weiß und Rosé bereiten herrlich viel Trinkspaß, vor allem an lauen Sommerabenden auf der Terrasse, aber auch einfach nur so. Sorte: Zweigelt Jahrgang: 2013 Herkunft: Deutsch Schützen Boden: mineralischer tiefer Lehmboden Alter der Rebstöcke: 30 Jahre StephanO DAS-WEIN-GUT Address Weinberg 150 7474 Deutsch-Schützen Austria Phone +43 664 2636939 Ernte: Handlese mit Kleinkisten nach mehrfachem Ausdünnen der Trauben Gärung und Ausbau: nach traditioneller Methode (Flaschenvergärung) hergestellter Qualitätsschaumwein Flaschenzahl: 1600 Füllvolumen: 0,75l Alkohol: 14,00 % Vol. Fax Restzucker: 6 g/l Internet address www.stephano.at E-Mail office@stephano.at Stand Säure: 7 g/l Enthält: Sulfite Charakteristik: Die wie Weißwein verarbeiteten Zweigelttrauben wurden sehr früh per Hand gelesen um das sortentypische fruchtige Aroma zu bewahren. Die schonende Verarbeitung und die zweijährige Reifung auf der Sekthefe verleihen dem Winzersekt un sehr feines vielschichtiges Aromenspiel. Perfekt als Aperitif, als Speisebegleiter oder zu jedem anderen Anlass.... Hall 17, F18 (Page 1002) Serviertemperatur: 8° C Trinkreife: 2015 - 2020 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 791 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 792 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Der Michelsberg 2011 Strauch Sektmanufaktur KvD GmbH Address Dalbergstraße 14-18 67574 Osthofen Germany Ein Jahrgang, wie er besser kaum hätte sein können. Sonne und Regen in ausgewogenem Verhältnis und ein wunderbarer Herbst bescherten uns gesunde, aromatische Trauben. Phone +49 6242 913-000 Fax +49 6242 913-0020 Eine Jahrgangscuvée aus 50% Riesling & 50% Gewürztraminer. Auf feinster Sekthefe reiften die beiden Rebsorten zusammen 24 Monate in der Flasche und gingen eine interessante Verbindung ein, die es zu entdecken gilt. Internet address www.strauch-sektmanufaktur.de Genießen Sie diese limitierte Jahrgangscuvée ”DER MICHELSBERG 2011”, zu den besonderen Momenten im Leben. E-Mail info@strauch-sektmanufaktur.de Pinot Blanc Brut Stand Hall 14, D39 (Page 990) 02.04 Sparkling wine Ein eleganter Schaumwein aus der international bekannten Rebsorte Weißburgunder mit tollem Mousseux. Durch das 16 monatige Hefelager auf Champagnerhefe begeistert dieser Sekt mit seiner hellen Farbe und dem finessreichen Bukett, welches an weiße Birnen und Bananen erinnert. Am Gaumen zeigt die Cuvée einen frisch, fruchtigen Geschmack mit zartem Schmelz. 02.07.08 Winzersekt Riesling Extra Brut Product Overview Strauch Sektmanufaktur KvD GmbH Product Details 02.04 Strauch Sektmanufaktur KvD GmbH Sparkling wine Blanc de Blancs Brut Ein eleganter Schaumwein aus den Rebsorten Silvaner & Chardonnay mit tollem Mousseux. Hellgelb leuchtet er im Glas mit einem finessreichen Bukett, dass Nuancen von Mandel und Pfirsich zeigt. Durch die 15 monatige Lagerung auf der Hefe erlebt man die Cuvée am Gaumen sehr cremig, nach Steinobst erinnernd und etwas Pomelo. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Ein eleganter Schaumwein aus der besonderen Rebsorte Riesling mit tollem Mousseux. Durch das 30 monatige Hefelager auf Champagnerhefe entsteht ein Sekt der durch seine feine Mineralität und seine elegante Säure beindruckt. Spritzigkeit, Rasse und Harmonie zeigen sich im Geschmack, der an weiße Pfirsiche und Äpfel erinnert. Zero Brut Nature Zero- der Name ist Programm! Ein eleganter Schaumwein aus der international bekannten Rebsorte Weißburgunder ohne Dosage und ohne Schwefel. Durch das 28 monatige Hefelager auf Champagnerhefe begeistert dieser Sekt mit seiner hellen Farbe und dem finessreichen Bukett, welches an gelbe Früchte und Brioche erinnert. Am Gaumen nimmt man die Cuvée cremig und vollmundig wahr. Nachhaltig, filigraner Abgang mit tollem Mousseux. 793 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 794 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de des Sommers den Pflanzen zu. Wechselhaft und feucht blieb das Wetter auch nach dem Lesebeginn Ende August. Dennoch konnten selektiv gute Weine gekeltert werden. Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH Schloss Wackerbarth Address Wackerbarth Strasse 1 01445 Radebeul Germany Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage Volumen 0,75 L Rebsorte Riesling, Grauburgunder, Weißburgunder, Elbling Phone +49 351 8955-0 Fax +49 351 8955-450 Geschmack trocken Internet address www.schloss-wackerbarth.de Herstellungsart Klassische Flaschengärung E-Mail kontakt@schloss-wackerbarth.de Stand Hall 14, F71 (Page 990) Prämierung Silbermedaille AWC Vienna 2015 Alkoholgehalt in vol % 12,5 Restsüße in g/L 21,1 Säure in g/L 7,4 Abfüller/Hersteller Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH Schloss Wackerbarth Allergen-Hinweis Enthält Sulfite. Product Overview Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH Schloss... Schloss Wackerbarth Cuvée Pinot brut Jahrgang 2007 Sachsen Degustationsnotiz 02.07.08 Winzersekt Product Details 02.07.08 Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH Schloss... Winzersekt Eine Spezialität aus handverlesenen sächsischen Weiß- und GrauburgunderTrauben. Vom Holzfass geküsst, reift der Wein viele Monate klassisch in der Flasche auf der Hefe und wird anschließend vier Wochen lang von Hand gerüttelt. So verführt der Sekt mit ausgeprägten Nuss- und Quittenaromen und einer feinen Perlage – ganz nach feiner sächsischer Art zu genießen. Jahrgangsbeschreibung August der Starke Sekt trocken Degustationsnotiz Sachsens älteste Sektmanufaktur Schloss Wackerbarth vermählt ausgewählte Trauben zu höchstem Genuss. Nach klassischer Flaschengärung reift die Cuvée viele Monate in unseren Kellern. So entfalten sich ihr fruchtiges Bukett und die feine Perlage. Ein Genuss, wie ihn August der Starke liebte – erlesen sächsisch. Jahrgangsbeschreibung Nach einem milden Winter und einem warmen Frühjahr trieben die Reben zeitig aus und wuchsen schnell. Allerdings setzten Hagelschauer und Hitze während des Sommers den Pflanzen zu. Wechselhaft und feucht blieb das Wetter auch nach dem Lesebeginn Ende August. Dennoch konnten selektiv gute Weine gekeltert werden. Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage Volumen 0,75 L Rebsorte Grauburgunder, Weißburgunder Nach einem milden Winter und einem warmen Frühjahr trieben die Reben zeitig aus und wuchsen schnell. Allerdings setzten Hagelschauer und Hitze während Jahrgang 2007 Prämierung Goldmedaille Gebietsweinprämierung 2015, Silbermedaille Bun- © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 795 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 796 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de desweinprämierung 2015 Allergen-Hinweis Enthält Sulfite. Geschmack brut Tenuta Asinara S.r.l. Herstellungsart Klassische Flaschengärung Alkoholgehalt in vol % 12,5 Address Z.i. Campo Mela 07030 Cargeghe (SS) Italy Phone +39 079 3402017 Schloss Wackerbarth Rosé brut Jahrgang 2007 Fax +39 079 3402033 Degustationsnotiz Internet address www.tenutaasinara.com E-Mail info@tenutaasinara.it Stand Hall 16, C15 (Page 998) Restsüße in g/L 5,8 Säure in g/L 4,8 Abfüller/Hersteller Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH Schloss Wackerbarth Allergen-Hinweis Enthält Sulfite. Eine Sekt-Rarität aus sächsischen Rotweintrauben. Vom Holzfass geküsst, reifte der Wein 4 Jahre klassisch in der Flasche auf der Hefe und wird anschließend vier Wochen lang von Hand gerüttelt. So entfaltet sich ein ausgeprägtes Beerenaroma mit einer fein-schmelzigen Schokoladennote - ganz nach feiner sächsischer Art zu genießen. Jahrgangsbeschreibung Nach einem milden Winter und einem warmen Frühjahr trieben die Reben zeitig aus und wuchsen schnell. Allerdings setzten Hagelschauer und Hitze während des Sommers den Pflanzen zu. Wechselhaft und feucht blieb das Wetter auch nach dem Lesebeginn Ende August. Dennoch konnten selektiv gute Weine gekeltert werden. Product Overview Tenuta Asinara S.r.l. 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Sardegna Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage Volumen 0,75 L Product Details Tenuta Asinara S.r.l. Rebsorte Dornfelder, Spätburgunder 02.06.01 Jahrgang 2007 Geschmack brut Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Birbante Rosé - Birbante white Herstellungsart Klassische Flaschengärung Alkoholgehalt in vol % 13,0 Restsüße in g/L 8,4 Säure in g/L 4,3 Abfüller/Hersteller Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH Schloss Wackerbarth © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 797 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 798 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de and is made from 100% Raboso del Piave, a grape which is autonomous to the Piave area. It is a known fact that grapes used in the making of wine have been grown in this area for over 3000 years and Malanotte is an evolution of centuries of trial and error, knowledge handed down from one generation to the next of the Bonotto family. There is a little known legend originating from the 16th century about how the Malanotte’s family crest came into being. The legend tells of how the Duke’s young son was chased through the woods by a black bear and had to take refuge in a tree to avoid being eaten. On the crest, one can see a prancing bear trying to reach the boy who has taken refuge in a tree. Tenuta Bonotto delle Tezze di Bonotto Antonio Address Duca d’Aoasta, 16 31028 Vazzola (TV) Italy Phone +39 0438 488323 Fax +39 0438 488891 Internet address www.bonottodelletezze.com E-Mail info@bonottodelletezze.com appasimento for a period of 4 months, an ancient tecnique of drying out the grapes Stand Hall 15, A21 (Page 994) on straw mats which takes place in our 200 year old granary. Juice is fermented in Product Overview 02.07.04 Harvest takes place in late autumn when the first sign of snow can been seen from the vineyards. Total yield per hectare is approx 60 Q/HA . It takes 3 years to make Malanotte with 22% of the grapes undergoing Tenuta Bonotto delle Tezze di Bonotto Antonio stainless steel for 2 weeks and then aged in French oak barrels for 24 months. It is then bottled and further aged in the bottle before it is ready to be drunk Prosecco Spumante PROSECCO DOC TREVISO SPUMANTE BRUT Product Details 02.07.04 Tenuta Bonotto delle Tezze di Bonotto Antonio Prosecco Spumante This Prosecco Spumante Brut has a fine, crispy, elegant floral bouquet with hints of crusty bread, sweet peach and banana coming to the fore. RABOSO DOC PIAVE POTESTA’ 2011 COL REAL PROSECCO DOCG Raboso del Piave is a grape that is autonomous to the Veneto region of Italy. For centuries, Raboso del Piave was the preferred wine of the Venetian aristocracy and was one of the principle commodities in trade between the Venetian Republic and many Mediterranean countries. It is known as “El Paron de Casa” or roughly translated “The head of the household”. Located in the hills of Collalbrigo, Provincia di Treviso, the land consists mainly of clay soil and is able to support the vines during the hot summers. The difference in temperature between day and night typical of this area are fundamental in the growth cycle of these grapes for the development of their specific aromas.This wine is fresh and fruity with flavors of green apple, floral with notes of wisteria and acacia blossom. The color is straw yellow with greenish reflections, shows subtle perlage of the right persistence. Potesta is the name of the vines at our vineyards in Tezze. Located in the Veneto region of North East Italy, on the banks of the Piave river. Harvest takes place in late autumn when the first sign of snow can been seen from the vineyards.This Raboso has a bouquet of violets, prune as well as hints of spices. MALANOTTE DEL PIAVE DOCG Malanotte is named after the small medieval hamlet located in the heart of Tezze © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 799 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 800 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Tenuta Dalle Ore S.r.l. Address Tenuta Polvaro SAS di De Zan Caterina & C. Societa’ Agricola Via San Nicolò, 84 36070 Trissino Italy Phone +39 0445 1925051 Fax +39 0445 1711193 Internet address www.tenutadalleore.it E-Mail info@tenutadalleore.it Stand Hall 13, E110 (Page 986) Product Overview Address Via Polvaro, 35 30020 Annone Veneto (VE) Italy Phone +39 042 1281-023 Fax +39 042 1760-199 Internet address www.TenutaPolvaro.it E-Mail export@tenutapolvaro.it Stand Hall 15, D21 (Page 994) Tenuta Dalle Ore S.r.l. Company News Veneto 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin 02/27/2014 Product Details 02.07.09 Tenuta Dalle Ore S.r.l. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Calesio Calesio is our sparkling wine produced using the Charmat method and using the ancient native grape variety the Durella. The vineyard is cultivated with a strict respect for the land, in a hilly volcanic area, south facing and hedged by woodland. All of these conditions guarantee exclusive grape characteristics. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Tenuta Polvaro SAS di De Zan Caterina & C.... The Elviana Collection - Elviana Red The Elviana Collection is Mrs. Elviana Candoni’s tribute to the quintessential Italian woman. She has a certain smolder, extraordinary confidence, a sassy attitude, and natural elegance. She is vivacious and unpredictable; the embodiment of feminine mystique, where womanliness is worn proudly and unapologetically, and a passionate nature has been kept alive. She embraces and appreciates her cultural heritage, and like all Italians, she abandons herself to the sensual pleasures offered by fine food and wine. It is our wish that the quality wines from the Elviana Collection will spark a little of the Italian passione e gioia di vivere in all our consumers… It’s how you live, what you eat, what you drink… 801 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 802 02/27/2014 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Our vinification process - The ”Metodo Divino” 02/27/2014 Tenuta Polvaro Estate Winery uses Mythos tanks, an exclusive set of state-of-the-art fermentation equipment. Only a handful wineries around the world have adopted this innovative machinery that elevates the vinification process to a higher level of quality. Il Metodo Divino, Italian for “The Divine Method,” of Mythos has several capabilities that almost all other fermentation technology lacks; complete control of temperature and pressure, macro/micro-oxygenation of must, and optimal saturation of both red and white grape skins. Unlike other fermentation equipment, the Mythos tanks are sealed airtight, ensuring an optimal level of control. In addition, Mythos is the first ecological fermenter; it uses only the natural CO2 created in fermentation in combination with a small amount of external air to obtain the maximum quality from the vinified grapes. This Mythos technology allows us to carry out this process for a longer amount of time to completely extract the aromas and flavors from both the red and white skins that would otherwise be lost. 02/27/2014 Our vinification process - The ”Metodo Divino” Tenuta Polvaro Estate Winery uses Mythos tanks, an exclusive set of stateof-the-art fermentation equipment. Only a handful wineries around the world have adopted this innovative machinery that elevates the vinification process to a higher level of quality. Il Metodo Divino, Italian for “The Divine Method,” of Mythos has several capabilities that almost all other fermentation technology lacks; complete control of temperature and pressure, macro/micro-oxygenation of must, and optimal saturation of both red and white grape skins. Unlike other fermentation equipment, the Mythos tanks are sealed airtight, ensuring an optimal level of control. In addition, Mythos is the first ecological fermenter; it uses only the natural CO2 created in fermentation in combination with a small amount of external air to obtain the maximum quality from the vinified grapes. This Mythos technology allows us to carry out this process for a longer amount of time to completely extract the aromas and flavors from both the red and white skins that would otherwise be lost. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 803 Candoni’s painted bottles - The Serigraphy Candoni Etruscan Collection’s painted bottles feature a unique piece of artwork, silk-screened directly onto the glass using a technique known as serigraphy . This form of art involves stenciling blocks of ceramic glaze colors onto the surface of the bottles through a woven mesh. The glazes build up to create the reproductions of Etruscan fresco paintings , which are then subjected to heat treatments that render the colors indelible. The Etruscan JOY OF LIVING is the inspiration behind this collection’s outstanding wine packaging. The richest source of information regarding the Etruscan way of life is their paintings, with most examples coming from excavated vaults. Typically in bright colors and a vigorous, animated style, these frescoes depict activities from the daily life and mythology of the Etruscans. Scenes of feasting, dancing, swimming, fishing, and playing depict confident people who enjoyed life to the fullest. They even portrayed themselves in a joyous and festive manner after death. 01/28/2016 POLVARO TENUTA - The Candoni De Zan Family Encapsulates The Italian Art Of Living La dolce vita —we often talk about it, but few of us really live it. On this point, we could all take a few cues from the Candoni De Zan family, whose dynamism and optimism infuse their daily lives and their enthusiastic approach to their wine business. Winemaking runs its roots here back to the late 1800s , carried down by both sides of the family, and manifests itself as a deep love of wine in husband-andwife team Armando and Elviana Candoni De Zan . With such deep ties to the land and fruit, it is no surprise that Armando and Elviana integrated their daughters Barbara and Caterina into their business from the start, allowing for the two generations to work side by side to perpetuate the brand. They have always kept their hands busy with everything from grape-growing to bottle sales. Their historic Tenuta Polvaro is situated in the Lison-Pramaggiore DOCG, in the eastern Veneto region . Wines from this stunning property, founded in 1681 , once filled the goblets of the Doges of Venice. If you visit the property today, the De Zans will give you a personalized tour of their museum-esque gem. From their stronghold at the Tenuta Polvaro winery estate, the Candoni De Zan family produces a portfolio of wines that represent the viticultural and geological diversity of Italy, emphasizing native varieties that speak not only to their desire © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 804 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de to create honest wines at accessible prices, but also to their desire to make wines that are a tribute to the art and history of their respective famiies. With an eye to their stewardship of the land and desire to contribute to the wellbeing of society, Candoni produces a line of organic wines that are also certified vegan and gluten-free , with a portion of the proceeds going directly to replanting national forests. The winery at Tenuta Polvaro uses CO2-powered fermenters to improve the atmosphere’s health, and their Elviana line of wines supports advancements in women’s health and promotes breast cancer awareness. In all that they do, the Candoni De Zan family entwines its passions for the earth, art, history and homeland into a dazzling selection of wines, ready to delight and inspire. 01/28/2016 POLVARO TENUTA - The Candoni De Zan Family Encapsulates The Italian Art Of Living La dolce vita —we often talk about it, but few of us really live it. On this point, we could all take a few cues from the Candoni De Zan family, whose dynamism and optimism infuse their daily lives and their enthusiastic approach to their wine business. Winemaking runs its roots here back to the late 1800s , carried down by both sides of the family, and manifests itself as a deep love of wine in husband-and-wife team Armando and Elviana Candoni De Zan . With such deep ties to the land and fruit, it is no surprise that Armando and Elviana integrated their daughters Barbara and Caterina into their business from the start, allowing for the two generations to work side by side to perpetuate the brand. They have always kept their hands busy with everything from grape-growing to bottle sales. Their historic Tenuta Polvaro is situated in the Lison-Pramaggiore DOCG, in the eastern Veneto region . Wines from this stunning property, founded in 1681 , once filled the goblets of the Doges of Venice. If you visit the property today, the De Zans will give you a personalized tour of their museum-esque gem. From their stronghold at the Tenuta Polvaro winery estate, the Candoni De Zan family produces a portfolio of wines that represent the viticultural and geological diversity of Italy, emphasizing native varieties that speak not only to their desire to create honest wines at accessible prices, but also to their desire to make wines that are a tribute to the art and history of their respective famiies. With an eye to their stewardship of the land and desire to contribute to the wellbeing of society, Candoni produces a line of organic wines that are also certified © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 805 vegan and gluten-free , with a portion of the proceeds going directly to replanting national forests. The winery at Tenuta Polvaro uses CO2-powered fermenters to improve the atmosphere’s health, and their Elviana line of wines supports advancements in women’s health and promotes breast cancer awareness. In all that they do, the Candoni De Zan family entwines its passions for the earth, art, history and homeland into a dazzling selection of wines, ready to delight and inspire. 02/27/2014 Candoni’s painted bottles - The Serigraphy Candoni Etruscan Collection’s painted bottles feature a unique piece of artwork, silk-screened directly onto the glass using a technique known as serigraphy . This form of art involves stenciling blocks of ceramic glaze colors onto the surface of the bottles through a woven mesh. The glazes build up to create the reproductions of Etruscan fresco paintings , which are then subjected to heat treatments that render the colors indelible. The Etruscan JOY OF LIVING is the inspiration behind this collection’s outstanding wine packaging. The richest source of information regarding the Etruscan way of life is their paintings, with most examples coming from excavated vaults. Typically in bright colors and a vigorous, animated style, these frescoes depict activities from the daily life and mythology of the Etruscans. Scenes of feasting, dancing, swimming, fishing, and playing depict confident people who enjoyed life to the fullest. They even portrayed themselves in a joyous and festive manner after death. 02/27/2014 The Elviana Collection - Elviana Red The Elviana Collection is Mrs. Elviana Candoni’s tribute to the quintessential Italian woman. She has a certain smolder, extraordinary confidence, a sassy attitude, and natural elegance. She is vivacious and unpredictable; the embodiment of feminine mystique, where womanliness is worn proudly and unapologetically, and a passionate nature has been kept alive. She embraces and appreciates her cultural heritage, and like all Italians, she abandons herself to the sensual pleasures offered by fine food and wine. It is our wish that the quality wines from the Elviana Collection will spark a little of the Italian passione e gioia di vivere in all our consumers… It’s how you live, what you eat, what you drink… © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 806 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.01 Product Overview Tenuta Roletto Agricola SRL Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine Tenuta Polvaro SAS di De Zan Caterina & C.... BRUT Vino Spumante Veneto 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Trademark: Tenuta Roletto Sparkling wine obtained from Erbaluce grape harvested slightly early, selected on the vine for their freshness and acidity level. Harvest: early September Tenuta Roletto Agricola SRL Address Vinification: thermocontrolled at 18°C Via Porta Pia 69/71 10090 Cuceglio (TO) Italy Refermentation: in autoclave Maturation: on noble yeast for 6 months Aging: 2 months in bottle Phone +39 0124 492293 Fax +39 0124 432113 Internet address www.tenutaroletto.it E-Mail info@tenutaroletto.it Stand Hall 15, B12 (Page 994) Bottling during spring, with waning moon. Ideal as an aperitif or with all fish and shellfish dishes. Rosè Spumante Metodo Classico Trademark: Tenuta Roletto A soft pink, appealing, creamy foam and fine perlage. Flavours that remind of bread crust that melt together with hints of fresh red fruits. The bubble in the mouth is embracing and long lasting. Very fresh. Grape: Nebbiolo, Neretto e Barbera Product Overview Tenuta Roletto Agricola SRL Harvest: beginning of September Piemont Vinification: primary fermentation at a controlled temperature of 16°C, 5 months in stainless steel tanks in contact with lees 02.01 Fruit-flavoured sparkling wine Secondary fermentation: in bottle, according to the traditional method Aging in contact with lees: about 32 months Very versatile wine, it can be drunk as aperitif. Very good with all seafood. To be served at 9°C. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 807 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 808 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Spumante Erbaluce di Caluso Metodo Classico Product Overview Trademark: Tenuta Roletto Greenish shimmers, bright colour, fine and long lasting perlage. The bubble is creamy and wrapping with savoury endnotes. The bouquet is intense with notes of citrus and acacia flowers. Hints of bread and butter embrace the palate at first, citrus and herbaceous then. Tsililis K. S.A. Distillery - Winery Thessalien 02.02 Pearl wine Grape: Erbaluce 100% Product Details Harvest: beginning of September 02.02 Vinification: primary fermentation at a controlled temperature of 16°C, 5 months in stainless steel tanks in contact with lees BiancoNero Pink Sparkling Wine Tsililis K. S.A. Distillery - Winery Pearl wine Aging in contact with lees: about 36 months Pink sparkling wine made from Hamburg of Muscat grapes, characterized by fruity aromas of strawberry, raspberry and cherry combined with hints of violet and vanilla. Versatile wine, it can be drunk throughout the meal, from the entry course to the dessert. Pleasant and playful can be drunk on its own as an aperitif or with fruits and chocolate desserts. Secondary fermentation: in bottle, according to the traditional method Very good with all sea fish dishes. BiancoNero White Sparkling Wine To be served at 9°C. White sparkling wine made from Hamburg of Muscat grapes, characterized by floral aromas of rose and lemon blossom, fruity aromas of peach and tangerine, leaving a sense of green tea. Tsililis K. S.A. Distillery - Winery Address Raxa, Trikala 421 00 Trikala Greece Phone +30 24310 85885 Fax +30 24310 85381 Internet address www.tsililis.gr E-Mail info@tsililis.gr Stand Hall 09, B68 (Page 972) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Cool and zesty can be drunk on its own, with fruits, finger food and creamy desserts. 809 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 810 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de TÖRLEY Orfeum Rose Törley Pezsgpincészet Kft. Address Haros u. 2-6 1222 Budapest Hungary Phone +36 1 4242500 Fax +36 1 2260551 Internet address www.torley.hu E-Mail info@torley.hu Stand Hall 15, G03 (Page 994) Product Overview Orfeum Rosé Sec, the newest member of the bottle-fermented Törley sparkling wine family, is prepared using the technology of fermenting in bottles for 10-12 months and then removing the sediment by filtering. It contains 19 g/l sugar and is produced mainly from Pinot Noir grapes. Fitting in well with the quality range of Transvasiée, bottle-fermented and matured sparkling wines, Orfeum Rosé offers the greatest pleasure for consumers when chilled to 6-8°C. It is recommended as an accompaniment for sour-sweet fruits, salmon dishes, piquant desserts. TÖRLEY Tokaji Doux Golden colour, very rich fruity taste. The fruity and elegant Tokaji-like flavour of this sparkling wine is complemented by the taste of raisin, apricot and citruses. The signs of bottle-fermentation can be experienced in the taste. Törley Pezsgpincészet Kft. Etyek-Buda 02.06.01 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin Product Details 02.06.01 This sweet sparkling wine can be consumed solo or as an accompaniment for fruity dishes, desserts. Umberto Cesari S.r.l. Address Via Stanzano, 1120 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme (BO) Italy Phone +39 051 6947811 Fax +39 051 944387 Internet address www.umbertocesari.it E-Mail info@umbertocesari.it Stand Hall 15, A17 (Page 994) Törley Pezsgpincészet Kft. Quality sparkling wine/Sekt without more precise indication of origin TÖRLEY Fortuna Elegant, light greenish-yellow colour, intensive sparkling. Its bouquet resembles of fresh muscat grape-juice, green apple, lime and Brioche cake. Fortuna is a complex sweet sparkling wine with medium long after-taste. It is made of the grape must of Irsai Olivér, Muscat Lunel, Muscat Ottonel, Rizlingszilváni by a single fermentation. Törley Fortuna is a pleasant accompaniment for desserts made from exotic fruits. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 811 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 812 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Company News 02/11/2016 Umberto Cesari S.r.l. COLLE DEL RE PASSITO, AWARDED 93/100 POINTS BY THE WINE ADVOCATE BY ROBERT PARKER Colle del Re Albana Passito DOC G was awarded 93 points by Robert Parker - The Wine Advocate , the online guide which has turned into a landmark for all wine aficionados. Monica Larner, Robert Parker’s correspondent for Italy, reviewed our Albana di Romagna DOCG Passito vintage 2007 as: ”A dessert wine with an intense colour with amber tones. The bouquet reminds of ripe apricot, candied orange peel, dry grass and honey. The taste is dense and enchanting .”. 02/11/2016 THE 2ND EDITION OF UMBERTO CESARI ART CONTEST CAME TO AN END: THE WINNER IS FUTURWINE Donatella Carollo , student at the Fine Arts Academy of Venice, is the winner of the second edition of Umberto Cesari Art Contest . Her Futurwine conquered the consent of the web thus winning the first place in the second edition of Umberto Cesari Art Contest and the privilege of seeing her artwork printed on the labels of Umberto Cesari’s MOMA wines . Indeed, Futurwine will replace Paper Glass by Elena Valentini, the winning label of the first edition. The web chose its favorite label: after the first selection made by the jury, web users supported their favorite label by voting on the website www.umbertocesariartcontest.it, expressing their choice among a range of 6 finalists. With more than 1000 votes , Futurwine surpassed the other artworks, thus winning the first place. A success that confirms the formula of online voting, which allows everyone to participate directly in the selection of the new label of MOMA wines. 02/11/2016 THE 2ND EDITION OF UMBERTO CESARI ART CONTEST CAME TO AN END: THE WINNER IS FUTURWINE Donatella Carollo , student at the Fine Arts Academy of Venice, is the winner of the second edition of Umberto Cesari Art Contest . Her Futurwine conquered the consent of the web thus winning the first place in the second edition of Umberto Cesari Art Contest and the privilege of seeing her artwork printed on the labels of Umberto Cesari’s MOMA wines . Indeed, Futurwine will replace Paper Glass by Elena Valentini, the winning label of the first edition. The web chose its favorite label: after the first selection made by the jury, web © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 813 users supported their favorite label by voting on the website www.umbertocesariartcontest.it, expressing their choice among a range of 6 finalists. With more than 1000 votes , Futurwine surpassed the other artworks, thus winning the first place. A success that confirms the formula of online voting, which allows everyone to participate directly in the selection of the new label of MOMA wines. 02/11/2016 COLLE DEL RE PASSITO, AWARDED 93/100 POINTS BY THE WINE ADVOCATE BY ROBERT PARKER Colle del Re Albana Passito DOC G was awarded 93 points by Robert Parker - The Wine Advocate , the online guide which has turned into a landmark for all wine aficionados. Monica Larner, Robert Parker’s correspondent for Italy, reviewed our Albana di Romagna DOCG Passito vintage 2007 as: ”A dessert wine with an intense colour with amber tones. The bouquet reminds of ripe apricot, candied orange peel, dry grass and honey. The taste is dense and enchanting .”. 02/11/2016 THE “COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA” PRIZE BIWA – BEST ITALIAN WINE AWARD 2015 ”The communication of one’s wine-making value today goes far beyond the message of the bottle. The prize goes to those who are spreading their talents, divulging them through the most contemporary methods of communication”, these are the reasons that led the jury - made up of some experienced journalists like Marco Tonelli (Jury President), Davide Oltolini , Alessandro Bocchetti , Aldo Fiordelli and Giorgio Melandri - to choose Umberto Cesari as the winner of this special prize. What has been awarded is the attention that we pay on the web as well as the social channels as a means of loyalty and consumer engagement in this year, that witnesses the great success of the Umberto Cesari Art Contest. The contest was promoted and developed by foregrounding the customers, trying to give them all the tools they need to express their ideas and so choose the new label of our product line called MOMA. 02/11/2016 THE “COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA” PRIZE BIWA – BEST ITALIAN WINE AWARD 2015 ”The communication of one’s wine-making value today goes far beyond the message of the bottle. The prize goes to those who are spreading their talents, divulging them through the most contemporary methods of communication”, these are the reasons that led the jury - made up of some experienced © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 814 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de journalists like Marco Tonelli (Jury President), Davide Oltolini , Alessandro Bocchetti , Aldo Fiordelli and Giorgio Melandri - to choose Umberto Cesari as the winner of this special prize. What has been awarded is the attention that we pay on the web as well as the social channels as a means of loyalty and consumer engagement in this year, that witnesses the great success of the Umberto Cesari Art Contest. The contest was promoted and developed by foregrounding the customers, trying to give them all the tools they need to express their ideas and so choose the new label of our product line called MOMA. Product Overview Umberto Cesari S.r.l. Emilia-Romagna 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Product Details 02.02.02 Umberto Cesari S.r.l. Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin MOMA Spumante Classification : Pignoletto DOC Vino Spumante Brut Grapes : 100% Pignoletto Alcohol content : 12% vol. Ageing : Charmat method. The cuvée is refermented in highpressure fermenters at a controlled temperature of 15°C for some 30 days. It then matures for 120 days on the spent yeast. Val D’Oca s.r.l. Cantina Produttori di Valdobbiadene Address Via S. Giovanni, 45 31049 Valdobbiadene (TV) Italy Phone +39 0423 982070 Fax +39 0423 982097 Internet address www.valdoca.com E-Mail valdoca@valdoca.com Stand Hall 16, E14 (Page 998) Pignoletto Frizzante Classification : Pignoletto DOC - Frizzante Grapes : 100 Pignoletto Alcohol content : 11.5% vol. Ageing : Short ageing on the lees. Product Overview © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 815 Val D’Oca s.r.l. Cantina Produttori di... 02.02.03 Prosecco Frizzante 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 816 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Details 02.02.03 Val D’Oca s.r.l. Cantina Produttori di... Prosecco Frizzante occasion! 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante PROSECCO DOC TREVISO CA’VAL DI ROSE’ The “Prosecco D.O.C. (Denominazione di Origine Controllata)” appellation, officially introduced with 2009 vintage, replaces the previous I.G.T. appellation and represents an important step towards protection of authenticity of Prosecco produced in our region, ensuring to consumers greater guarantees of quality and traceability. Sparkling Wine – Rosè – Pinot Grigio, Pinot Nero – Brut Since January 2012 each bottle is signed with a particular seal, that assures the quality and origin of the product inside. The Prosecco D.O.C. production area includes provinces of Treviso, Belluno, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Udine, Gorizia, Pordenone and Trieste. It is a wide area, wich includes over 600 municipalities. Cantina Produttori di Valdobbiadene uses grapes coming from the Prosecco D.O.C. area of Treviso. From here come Glera grapes of high quality, from which you get a wine suitable for fermentation with Charmat Method, getting sparkling and demi sparkling wines that are perfect for any occasion! THIS SPAKLING WINE IS A MIX OF PINOT NOIR and PINOT GRIS. HAS A LIGHT PINK COLOUR AND A FLORAL BOUQUET. IT IS PRODUCT THROUGH SOFT PRESSING AND A FERMENTATION A TEMERATURE CONTROLLED. IT IS RICH IN DELICATE NOTES THAT SMELL THE STRAWBERRY, AND OTHER SMALL RED FRUITS. THE TASTE IS BLANCE, RIGHT STRUCTURE AND AFTERTASTE IS PERSISTENT. Suggested serving temperature: 6-8 °C. Suggested food to accompany: AS APERITIF, WITH LIGHT RECIPES: FISH OR WHITE MEAT.. Product group: Sparkling Wine – Rosè – Pinot Grigio, Pinot Nero – Brut COLLI TREVIGIANI IGT TAPPO VITE SCUDO CA’VALSemi Sparkling Wine White – Colli Trevigiani I.G.T. VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG Produced with grapes grown in the hills between Valdobbiadene and Conegliano, the Conegliano-Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G is a fine, light-bodied sparkling wine with bright crispy fruit, a bouquet of apples, citrus and flowers, with a surge of acidity to be sipped anytime during the day. COLLI TREVIGIANI IGT TAPPO SPAGO SCUDO CA’ VALSemi Sparkling Bianco Colli Trevigiani I.G.T. Since January 2010, on each bottle of Conegliano – Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore there is a special seal that guarantees that the product comes from this region and is bottled following strict production rules. Cantina Produttori di Valdobbiadene – Val d’Oca offers a huge choice of Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G, starting from the famous Cartizze (a small area of 107 hectares of vines), going on with Sparkling Brut and Extra Dry, Demi sparkling wines, Cru and Selected grapes, perfect to celebrate any special © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 817 Questo vino bianco secco, frizzante, giallo paglierino, ricco d’aromi fruttati e floreali. E’ un prodotto fresco, accompagna in modo elegante tutto il pasto. Molto indicato accanto a ricette a base di carni bianche alla griglia e piatti di pesce azzurro o crostacei. DEMI SPARKLING VALDOBBIADENE DOCG AND PROSECCO DOC In the usual fermentation in autoclave with the Charmat Method, Prosecco demi © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 818 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de sparkling harmonizes the fragrance of the grape varietal aromas with a pinch of carbon dioxide, in a union that gives great freshness. Vignobles Garzaro SARL In the wide range of products from our wine cellar , you can find this type in both versions of the Prosecco DOC, with screw cap or “Spago”, either in the VALDOBBIADENE SUPERIORE Prosecco DOCG. Address Chateau le Prieur 33750 Baron France SPARKLING VALDOBBIADENE DOCG - PROSECCO DOC Phone +33 5 56301616 Prosecco sparkling wine , both VALDOBBIADENE SUPERIORE DOCG and DOC , is mainly known in two versions, the Extra Dry and Brut . Fax +33 5 56301263 Internet address www.vignoblesgarzaro.com E-Mail contact@vignoblesgarzaro.com Stand Hall 11, C50 (Page 978) In the Extra Dry version , the fermentation is stopped when still remains a small percentage of sugar ( 12-20 gr/ liter) . It ’s the classic version, which combines the varietal aroma with the flavor enhanced by the bubbles. The color is bright straw , enlivened by perlage. The aroma is fresh and rich in fruity aromas of apple and scents of citrus that blend into the floral bouquet . In mouth the wine is soft and dry at the same time , thanks to the acidity . Wonderful as aperitif, ideal to 8-10 ° C, on vegetable soups and seafood , pastas with delicate sauces of meat, fresh cheeses and white meats. In the Brut version , the fermentation is conducted near the end, so that it becomes more dry sparkling wine (maximum 15 gr / liter ) . It is characterized by rich aromas of citrus and greater freshness , which are accompanied by a pleasant smell of bread , combined with a beautiful and vibrant energy of taste . The perlage ensures the persistence of flavor and clean in mouth. . To be enjoyed at 7-9 ° C throughout the meal , especially with fish and vegetables , pasta with seafood and baked fish dishes. There is also a third version of Prosecco , the Dry ( 17-35 gr / liter ) , characterized by a softness higher than the Extra Dry. This is the less commercialized version of this wine , but particularly used for the Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG CARTIZZE . Product Overview Vignobles Garzaro SARL Bordeaux 02.07.02 Cremant Product Details 02.07.02 Vignobles Garzaro SARL Cremant CREMANT DU PRIEUR, CREMANT DE BORDEAUX (sparkling rosé) Soil types : Chalky clay Grape varieties : 100 % Cabernet Sauvignon Harvesting : Harvesting is manual and the grapes are carried in perforated trays, to prevent them from being crushed and reduce oxidation and maceration as much as possible © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 819 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 820 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Pressing : Each tray is weighed, because for every 150 kilos of grapes, only the initial 100 litres of juice are kept Whole bunches are placed in a pneumatic horizontal press. Each tray is weighed, because for every 150 kilos of grapes, only the initial 100 litres of juice are kept Wine Market Techniques : The first fermentation takes place as usual in the same way as with dry white wines. This produces the ”Crémant” base wine Bottle fermentation : After light clarification this base wine is bottled before fermenting a second time. The fermentation produces carbon dioxide, which manifests itself when the bottle is opened in the form of the familiar bubbles. The longer this bottle fermentation goes on, the finer are the bubbles, which is a sign of great quality Disgorging : After being aged for at least 9 months, the bottles are placed on special holed boards and turned before being disgorged, to remove the impurities produced during the bottle fermentation. The Crémant is then ready to be drunk. Wine Market Techniques : The first fermentation takes place as usual in the same way as with dry white wines. This produces the ”Crémant” base wine Bottle fermentation : After light clarification this base wine is bottled before fermenting a second time. The fermentation produces carbon dioxide, which manifests itself when the bottle is opened in the form of the familiar bubbles. The longer this bottle fermentation goes on, the finer are the bubbles, which is a sign of great quality Disgorging : After being aged for at least 9 months, the bottles are placed on special holed boards and turned before being disgorged, to remove the impurities produced during the bottle fermentation. The Crémant is then ready to be drunk. Production : 30,000 bottles in ordinary year Production : Tasting : 30,000 bottles in ordinary year Serve chilled as an aperitif. It may be served throughout a meal and goes well with desserts Tasting : Serve chilled as an aperitif. It may be served throughout a meal. Villa Franciacorta CREMANT DU PRIEUR, CREMANT DE BORDEAUX (Sparkling white) Address Via Villa 12 25040 Monticelli-Brusati (BS) Italy Phone +39 030 6523-29 Fax +39 030 6852-305 Internet address www.villafranciacorta.it E-Mail info@villafranciacorta.it Stand Hall 15, F03 (Page 994) Soil types : Chalky clay Grape varieties : 50 % Sémillon - 50 % Muscadelle Harvesting : Harvesting is manual and the grapes are carried in perforated trays, to prevent them from being crushed and reduce oxidation and maceration as much as possible Pressing : Whole bunches are placed in a pneumatic horizontal press. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 821 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 822 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Product Overview 02.07.05 Villa Franciacorta Franciacorta is a seductive Franciacorta with a structure that is both generous and appealing and offset by a lively freshness. It is a colourful palette of sensations: yellow peach, pippin apple, hazelnut and vanilla. Its bouquet exudes the sweetness of summer, blended harmoniously with the quieter moods of autumn. Pairing Product Details 02.07.05 Villa Franciacorta Franciacorta It displays considerable structure and remarkable softness. Thanks to its engaging character, it will drink well throughout the meal.GRAPES 85% Chardonnay, 15 SATÈN BRUT MILLESIMATO Franciacorta Diamant Pas Dosè Franciacorta GRAPES 100% Chardonnay GRAPES AGING 85% Chardonnay, 15% Pinot Noir vinification in stainless steel and a minimum of 36 months aging on the lees AGING Technical Data » partial in barriques for 6 months and following 66 months aging on the lees Produced exclusively from selected clones of Chardonnay planted in the vineyard’s best terroir. The Satèn produced at Casa Villa is instantly recognizable: velvety bubbles that release a sensual bouquet and softly caress the palate before slipping away like silk. The sensations are ecstatically pleasurable and the persistence is enchanting. Think of purity, of unadorned sensuality that precisely balances taste and smell. With no added sugar Diamant is the ultimate expression of terroir, an experience not to be missed if you are looking for a wine with a distinct personality. Hazelnuts and white flowers combine with a hint of vanilla and croissant making for an intoxicating pleasure. Pairing Pairing Fine persistent bubbles caress the palate, exalting the wine’s alluring softness and elegant structure. Pleasant, persistent finish. The wine’s silkiness makes it perfectly suited to steamed fish, or delicate fish or vegetablebased first course dishes. Also excellent as an aperitif.GRAPES Its essence provides the maximum expression of the land from which it comes: structure, fragrance, aromatic complexity and backbone. Perfect with many dishes, and unsurpassed with oysters.GRAPES 85% Chardonnay, 15% 100% Chardonnay Emozione Brut Franciacorta Cuvette Brut Franciacorta GRAPES GRAPES 85% Chardonnay, 10% Pinot Noir, 5% Pinot Blanc 85% Chardonnay, 15 Pinot Noir AGING AGING vinification in stainless steel and a minimum of 36 months aging on the lees partial in barriques for 6 months and following 66 months of aging on the lees Technical Data » For Villa Franciacorta the production of Emozione is a tribute A tribute dedicated to the fascinating art of vintage, Cuvette © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 823 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 824 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de to tradition. This vintage sparkling wine recounts Villa’s history with a special charm engendered by research and enriched with emotions; it is still today the winery’s only Franciacorta to be produced with the three Franciacorta grapes: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc. A heady scent where flowers and fresh fruit are enhanced by the sweetness of acacia and the fragrance of bread. Villa Sandi - La Gioiosa spa Address Via Erizzo 113 A 31035 Crocetta del Montello (TV) Italy Fine persistent bubbles caress the palate, exalting the wine’s elegant structure, and flowing into intriguing, persistent aftertastes. Perfect as an aperitif or with the meal.GRAPES Phone +39 0423 665033 Fax +39 0423 870924 Extra Blu Extra Brut Franciacorta Internet address www.villasandi.it E-Mail info@villasandi.it Stand Hall 16, G31 (Page 998) Pairing GRAPES 90% Chardonnay, 10% Pinot Noir AGING partial in barriques for 6 months and following 54 months of aging on the lees A look at the Extra Blu label hints in advance at how our soils enable the ancient seas that formed them to re-emerge. From these soils, made up of stratified marl and fossil-rich rocks, comes an Extra Brut that gives expression to freshness, minerality and structure. This wine’s personality emerges through its aromas: the delicacy of almond, the fresh tang of citron and the exuberance of ginger. A rich and varied story that is re-written each time you taste it. Product Overview Villa Sandi - La Gioiosa spa 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin 02.07.04 Prosecco Spumante Product Details Villa Sandi - La Gioiosa spa Pairing 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin On the palate, because of its low residual sugar content, it is dry, clean, fullflavored,perfectly balanced, and persistent. Perfect as an aperitif or with the meal.GRAPES PROSECCO DOC TREVISO IL FRESCO 90% Chardonnay, 10% Pinot Vitigno: Prosecco. Zona di produzione: DOC TREVISO Gradazione: 11% vol Tenore zuccherino: Brut. Colore: giallo paglierino brillante con perlage fine e persistente. Bouquet: fruttato e floreale con note di mela golden matura e piccoli fiori di montagna. Gusto: secco, fresco e sapido su fondo morbido con finale di bocca fruttato ed aromatico. © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 825 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 826 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Servire a: 6-8 °C Product Overview Villa Sceriman di Martini Maria Antonietta VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG MILLESIMATO 02.02.02 Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Zona di produzione: Area D.O.C.G. Valdobbiadene 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Gradazione: 11% vol Tenore zuccherino: Brut Product Details Colore: giallo paglierino scarico; ha perlage fine e persistente. 02.02.02 Bouquet: intensamente fruttato con evidenti note di mela golden matura. Piacevole ed elegante la nota floreale che ricorda i fiori di acacia. Villa Sceriman di Martini Maria Antonietta Pearl wine/Frizzante with indication of origin Colli Euganei Fior d’Arancio passito Docg Gusto: Fresco, asciutto su fondo sapido con finale piacevolmente fruttato ed armonico. Servire a: 6-8 °C Villa Sceriman di Martini Maria Antonietta Address Vio Dei Colli 184 35030 Vo´Euganeo Italy Phone +39 049 9940123 Fax +39 049 9940942 Internet address www.villasceriman.it E-Mail villasceriman@villasceriman.it Stand Hall 15, C37 (Page 994) © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Colli Euganei Fior d’Arancio spumante Docg 02.07.09 Quality sparkling wine/Sekt of other origin Colli Euganei Prosecco 827 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 828 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de MONTES CLASSIC SERIES Colli Euganei Serprino Montes Classic wines are true ambassadors, representing the outstanding value Chile can offer for everyday drinking. Sourced from vineyards with yields greater than those producing our Alpha wines, the vineyard husbandry is nonetheless just as professional. Cultivation is virtually organic, and grapes are hand-picked and transported to the winery with the utmost care, to keep bunch damage to an absolute minimum. MONTES ICONS Vina Montes S.A. Address Av. del Valle N° 945, Of. 2611 Santiago de Chile Chile Phone +56 2 248-4805 Fax +56 2 248-4790 Internet address www.monteswines.com E-Mail montes@monteswines.com Stand Hall 09, J56 (Page 972) Product Overview MONTES SPECIAL WINES Quality and innovation are part of our philosophy from day one. Our Montes Cherub , a rosè of Syrah, the Montes Late Harvest , a very special wine with 70% of botrytis, and our Montes Twins , part Malbec, part Cabernet Sauvignon, are synonymous of the high quality and the level of innovation that Montes can achieve. Vina Montes S.A. Valle de Curicó 02.04 Sparkling wine Product Details 02.04 Coming from the heart of Colchagua Valley, these extraordinary wines have exceptional character and distinction, and great cellaring potential: Montes Alpha M , the first Chilean “Ultra-Premium” (in classic Bordeaux style), Montes Folly , the wildest Syrah from Apalta, and our Purple Angel , the super Carmenère from Montes. They all became instant successes and represent our obsession with making the best wines. Vina Montes S.A. Sparkling wine © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 829 © 2016 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 830 ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits ProWein – - International Trade Fair Wines and Spirits www.prowein.de www.prowein.de Vinicola Perini Lda. Product Details Address Santos Anjos 95180-000 Farroupilha Brazil Phone +55 54 2109-7300 Fax +55 54 2109-7304 Internet address www.vinicolaperini.com.br 02.04 Sparkling wines from Brazil are well known by its refreshness and unique style! Casa Perini sparkling wines are made from the selection of the best grapes produced at the Vale Trentino terroir, in the Serra Gaúcha region, in a scenery which combines the ideal conditions for the unique products that s
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