2015 Third Quarter Holy Adventures
2015 Third Quarter Holy Adventures
HOLY ADVENTURES The Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT THE PASTORAL EDGE Peter Larom One of the blessings of a small parish like Holy Advent is that we share “face to face” relationships with those with which we worship Sunday by Sunday. And Holy Advent has developed over several years and with different clergy, a pastoral program. It begins with the Cares Fund, which is there on a discretionary basis to provide immediate assistance to Holy Advent folks experiencing a temporary difficulty. (In some parishes this was called the “Rector’s Discretionary Fund” but in these days such a fund has undergone scrutiny, and requires an audit, so at least in my case I feel that the Fund should better be in the hands of lay leadership, with the priest or other lay leadership both inaugurating or monitoring such help, but with privacy.) The second arm of pastoral care, and I believe I am saying this right, is the opening of the church daily, and in the use of the church for baptisms, weddings, and funerals as the need arises. Making the building and the Parish Hall available as widely as possible is in itself a pastoral act. Some members of the pastoral team have offered themselves for home and hospital visiting. Thank you to them. And sometimes this may involve bringing communion to those who are shut in. We have at least 4 members of the parish who have offered, and have been “licensed” by the Diocese to undertake such ministry. Of course, all of our chalicists can bring the sacrament (the consecrated bread and wine at the Sunday service) to those who are homebound directly from the service. The prayer list itself is a pastoral ministry…we remember those who need, or who have asked for our prayers. We should include each Sunday those who have visited the church and asked for our prayers. They have signed the visitor’s book in the back of the church. In addition we have prayer shawls (which have been made by parishioners with their prayers as well as their fingers) which are blessed and then given to the infirm. Baby blankets too, are for the tiny newcomers to our parish life and we have taken seriously the need for newcomer receptions, foyer groups and the lunch bunch, so that our ties may be more meaningful than just a Sunday Morning hello. The Coffee Hour too is a pastoral attempt to keep in touch with our beloved flock, week to week. Here’s a picture of George and Betty Eccleston enjoying the Hospitality coffee hour after the 10:00 service. We’re thankful for those whose ministry is to provide us with warm and / or cold beverages and refreshments that tempt our diets. Our AA and Yoga are also ways that we organize deeper fellowship by using our resources. So in addition to the ministrations of the priest, here are a number of ways that we minister to one another, and become a blessing not just to one another but to those who need a joyful and comforting word outside our circle. THE PASTORAL EDGE Peter Larom continued on page 2 Fourth Quarter 2015 FROM THE WARDEN Lisa D Scheffler MD Welcome to Autumn and to all the activities at Holy Advent that traditionally start up in September! This year promises to be busy, exciting and full of lots of great opportunities, for fellowship and mission. We welcome back our wonderful Choir, we welcome back Peter and Margaret from their birthday celebration trip to Italy, we welcome back our Sunday School kids and their teachers and your Vestry is shifting into “Drive” (none of us still drive a “5-on-the-floor”)! We will have celebrated Margaret and Peter’s birthdays on Sunday, September 27 after the 10 o’clock service. The Church School will resume participation in the 10 am service on the first Sunday of every month – don’t be surprised if your usher is 3 feet tall! The Choir will enhance the 10 am service with music and joy, while they plan the next Sing-off Concert on Sunday, November 1 and prepare for a joyous Holiday Season. The Vestry and Facilities Committee are very busy completing some projects that have been in the planning for some time: A new roof for the Rectory – shingles courtesy of an anonymous donor via John Wagner; the last portion of the ramp project with enclosure on the side to assure an attractive view from the church yard; the installation of stone tablets for the Memorial Garden that will hold the plaques with names of those interred in the Garden; initiating work with a historical architect to identify the appropriate repair work and methods for the walls, ceilings and interior arches of the church and identifying and working with the stained glass artisans who will design and fabricate our new stained glass window to be installed behind the organ bench. All of these projects will not only maintain, but also enhance our church property and our worship experience. Look for an enriched church home for the Christmas holidays! Blessings to All The Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT Page 2 Fourth Quarter 2015 THE PASTORAL EDGE Fr Larom continued from page 1 Our AA and Yoga are also ways that we organize deeper fellowship by using our resources. So in addition to the ministrations of the priest, here are a number of ways that we minister to one another and become a blessing not just to one another but to those who need a joyful and comforting word outside our circle CLERKS’ VESTRY MEETING RECAP Shelly DiAcri . The vestry met July 13 and voted to adopt the Connecticut Diocese of the Episcopal Church concerning alcohol use at Holy Advent. They also considered the optimum use of the lower level of the parish hall after the food pantry moves to First Church of Christ. Following tradition, the vestry did not meet in August. At its September 14 meeting, the vestry discussed Holy Advent's 140th Anniversary year and possible events to commemorate the milestone. The Facilities Committee presented a priority list of maintenance and repair items on church property and buildings, and the vestry voted to approve $6,215 for roof repairs to the rectory. Breakfasts between services were discussed, and the Facilities Committee volunteered to sponsor the first on October 25, 2015. FELLOWSHIP/HOSPITALITY Margie Faulkner . The summer has gone by like lightning. It seems like only yesterday we were all preparing for the beautiful Beach Service. Of course with all the wonderful worker bees it was again a happy spiritual Service. Also a great barbeque was had by all. Thank you to all that worked together to make it happen. I am blessed to have Gloria (a go to person) that works tirelessly when functions have to be organized and set up. I find the e-blast system works quite well. I’m still working to get everyone’s phone numbers so I can contact you well in advance for functions coming up in the future. Since the last News Letter we have had a few funerals that we were blessed to help with or to completely serve the families who have lost their loved ones. I continue looking forward to a year of organizing wonderful events that get sent my way. In closing I leave you with this thought from 1 Corinthians 10:24 “Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor.” I found these words and had to write them in. Again, thank you to all that do help. Anyone interested in helping out with this ministry can contact Maggie Faulkner at maggief719@gmail.com HALOS Holy Advent Ladies of Spirit Donna Gagné Well, here it is FALL already!! So hard to believe the summer has gone by, but that's how time works!! I, personally, love everything about the fall - everything, that is, except the fact that it is the harbinger of winter. Such is life here in Connecticut. Summer brings a slower pace, but also brings more activity and less of a structured schedule - and we HALOS are no exception to that! As such, our only gathering all summer was on a beautiful evening by the beach at the home of Dee Mozzochi and good food and good fun was had by all. Now that we are back in the swing of things (well, almost) we have made some progress and a plan! Recently, Barbara Zettergren and I spent a few hours in our parish hall kitchen. We got rid of a bunch of old, broken and generally YUCKY pans and utensils and had ourselves a lovely shopping day at Kohl's - coupons in hand, of course! The items in the picture were purchased with the funds we raised at our Little Taste of Heaven back in June. Smart shoppers are we and we were able to purchase sale items and get an additional 20% thanks to my coupon. We also received $50 in Kohl's cash which I will use when it is valid to purchase some more (waiting for another $5.00 off coupon to pair with that too!) - So, for the $350 or so that was raised by our little group, we will end up with somewhere in the area of $530 worth of equipment! Everything has been opened, washed and stored for use in our kitchen. All the pans we bought are non-stick, so we also made sure the cooking utensils are appropriate for use on such surfaces. We also got a large electric griddle as well as a waffle maker - as I hear tell "Breakfast between the Services" will be starting up again. In fact, we HALOS have been challenged by Ed Hartman to out-cook the men, as they will be holding the first breakfast. HALOS Continued on page 3 The Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT Page 3 HALOS Continued from page 2 We'll talk about that and see if we can meet the challenge. At this writing, we have our first fall gathering scheduled for Monday, Sept 28th at Lorraine Anderson's home. We are also discussing getting together for a lunch and a walk around the grounds at Incarnation center one weekend in October. As always, all Holy Advent women are welcome to join in on any of our gatherings or events. We strive to be a social group, though we are spiritual women, these are not religious gatherings but rather light, fun and self-directed. If you would like to be on our email or call list, please let me know! You can email me at dlgagne8@comcast.net or call 860-669-5114. Looking forward to our next get together! Donna Gagné. NOW HERE’S AN UPDATE Barbara went through the books and totaled out what was donated and what we'd already spent on kitchen stuff and found we had $46 left in the kitty...so with that in mind, tonight I took the $50 in Kohl's cash earned on our first shopping trip and my 30% off coupon back to Kohl’s and got another 5 qt covered non-stick fry pan, a second Belgian waffle maker (two going at a time will make a breakfast go faster) and 2 paring knives and one large santoko knife - all of which have blade covers that sharpen the knife each time it's put in or taken out (Farberware) - Peter specifically requested knives - so there you go. In total that trip was $133.44 worth of stuff - for which (after discount and Kohl's cash) I paid $41.65!!! (Barbara, I have the receipt for you) So - the money raised went very far in purchasing some quality items and between discounts and earnings, we saved a boatload!! Peter asked for a total - so, in total we purchased $590.00 worth of items and we spent $356.47 - that's a total savings of $233.55!!!!! Very excited indeed!! Thanks to all who worked so hard to pull this off from beginning to end. As I said from the beginning, women really can get stuff done!! Fourth Quarter 2015 MUSIC SERIES UPCOMING EVENTS Jackie Belmonte Third Annual A Cappella Sing-Off -- "Pitch Perfect" concert on Sunday, November 1 at 3:00 p.m. Concert features UCONN's Conn-Men, Yale's Spizzwinks and The New Blue, and Curtain Call, an all-male quartet. More information is on the HA website. Festival of Lessons and Carols is Sunday, December 13 at 5:00. This holidaythemed concert features the HA choir plus guest instrumental and vocal soloists. Join us! OBITUARY Thomas Whitbread March 12, 1953 – September 11, 2015 Thomas Whitbread, 62, of Clinton CT died at home on September 11 after a yearlong battle with cancer. A loving and dedicated husband and father, Tom was born in Brooklyn NY to Charlotte Markham and the late Edward Whitbread, Jr. He grew up in Fairfield, CT where he attended Andrew Warde High School and Fairfield University. Tom had recently retired from a 30 year career as Treatment Plant Supervisor at South Central Regional Water Authority. He pursued his passion for martial arts as a master instructor at Middlesex Tang Soo Do Academy. He was a strong, honorable and compassionate man. In addition to his mother, Tom is survived by his wife of 34 years, Kathleen; sons Matthew and Samuel and Matthew's fiancée Rachel Reid; brothers Robert Whitbread and Michael Whitbread; niece Allyson Currier, step-mother Robin Whitbread and goddaughter Chelsea Barbour. He will also be sorely missed by his devoted dog, Chester. A service was held on Sunday, September 27th at 5:30 pm in the Church of the Holy Advent, 81 E. Main St, Clinton, CT. Memorial donations may be made to Middlesex Tang Soo Do Academy FBO Tom Whitbread Scholarship Fund, 1363 Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook, CT 06475. The Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT Page 4 Fourth Quarter 2015 OBITUARY Christopher Keating February 17, 1966 – August 21, 2015 Christopher C Keating, 49, of Clinton, CT, passed away peacefully on August 21, 2015. He leaves behind his loving wife, Deborah. Chris is also survived by his step-daughters, Falynn Bristol and Lauren Voss, a brother Michael Keating and sister Lisa Maruszewski (Douglas). His granddaughters, Tabitha and Jade Handgrove, nieces and nephews, Skylar, Daniel, Samantha, Douglas and Miranda. A Memorial Service was held Sunday August 30th at 5 pm at The Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, 81 E. Main St, Clinton, CT. In lieu of flowers, donations were asked to The Holy Advent Church in Chris's memory. A note from Chad Hardin our former Choir Master Chris was the most naturally loving guy I have ever known. I never heard him say a negative thing about anybody, for anything. He was what I consider to be a real success in life. His success was the opposite of what the world, so-called, considers success to be: which is all about money and power and fame. Chris’ was the opposite of the Donald Trump kind of success. Chris was all about serving others, helping others, in addition to looking after his wife and family—to the extent that, in certain ways, he never really learned to look after himself. His humanity was silent, humble, authentically Christian. Yet Chris was strong. He was no pushover, and the following story, which he told me himself, illustrates this. About twenty years ago, Chris was driving along Route 1 in Old Saybrook when he spotted a fruit and vegetable stand by the roadside. He thought it would be great to have fresh zucchini for dinner that night. So he pulled over and walked into the farm stand. There was one zucchini left in the bin, a beauty, over a foot long. He grabbed it by one end, yet as he picked it up, a hand reached out and gripped the other end. Chris turned to find himself face-to-face with an old lady who was doing her best to pull the zucchini away from Chris. At that moment, he glanced to his side and saw a chauffeured limousine parked at the curb. He realized in a flash that the woman he was in a tug-of-war with over that zucchini was Katherine Hepburn! “I saw that zucchini fi-i-rst!” she crowed in that unmistakable, trembly Hepburn voice. As Chris expressed it to me when he told me the story: “I don’t know what came over me at that moment. I realized that I wasn’t going to give up that zucchini to anyone, I didn’t care who it was!” So Chris held on with all his might. Finally, Kate let go, and with a scowl, trotted over to her limousine, got in and drove off. Chris took his zucchini home in triumph, and made a delicious dinner out of it. So as I said, Chris was no pushover. In fact, he was probably the only person who ever lived to go toe-to-toe with Katherine Hepburn—and win! A note from Michael John Valenti parish member Chris Keating, rest his wonderful soul, knew I sang a little, as back up in a band that toured the east coast in the early 70's. I feel I never had a strong singing voice and so I don't participate in singing groups anymore, but every Sunday when the choir was recessing from the church, Chris would fist bump me on the way out. That was Chris' message that there was room for another male voice in the choir. He wanted me there! He religiously (pun intended) did it every Sunday to try to get me to join the choir. I told Chris "I don't have the confidence to stay in key as much as I would like." He still gave me that fist bump every time we were both in church. Maybe one day I'll don the white and blue robe for him. He'll know I finally made it when he hears the occasional sour note. Chris was a great guy and I hope he's looking down and smiling. I'll be looking up. Fist bump back to you good friend. The Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT Page 5 Fourth Quarter 2015 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES We’d like to acknowledge your birthday or anniversary. If you are missing from our list, please update an information form (available in the back of the church) for us to maintain our records accurately. Thanks from the office staff. October Birthdays 01 John Mullane 06 Dori Baer 07 Bryan Archer 13 Marlayna Papacoda 16 Laura Bencivengo 17 Charles Bencivengo 20 Kelsey Cumming 22 Anna Bencivengo 22 Alicia Sturgess 24 Karen Stickney 27 Edie Nagy 28 John Wagner 31 Lisa Scheffler November Birthdays 03 Diana Brennan 08 Rev. Bruce Shipman 10 Chukwuemeka Brian Okeke 12 Kristin Bertier 15 Lorraine Anderson 15 Daniel Mahier 20 Jack Newsom 23 Jim Ambrogio 24 Diana Achee 28 Matthew Egan December Birthdays 01 Gilbert Stannard 05 Ruby Asby 05 Sheila Ashley 06 Jason Bloom 07 Fruzsina Marsh 09 Jacob Luchuk 09 Melissa Sullivan 11 Eileen Kelly 14 Jennifer Daniels 17 Carrie Bloom 19 Tucker Moore 21 Shellane Gasparini 24 Kathy Archer 26 Tom Brennan 28 Robert DeGoursey 28 Paul Edman Charlie Bencivengo had his final Board of Review for Boy Scouts and has now reached the rank of Eagle Scout. October Anniversaries 10/15/1960 Donald & Nancy Hubert 54 10/7/1959 Rufus & Fruzsina Marsh 55 10/24/1987 Jim & Deborah Ambrogio 27 November Anniversaries 11/11/2000 Rudy & Jacqui LeBel 14 11/13/1966 David & Glee Wahlquist 48 11/19/2010 Gabriel & Liz Keirstead 4 11/29/1969 Ronald & Lorraine Anderson 45 December Anniversaries 12/23/1960 Jack & Elsie Newsom 54 12/28/1972 Richard & Lisa Scheffler 42 Introducing Avery Ryan, born 09/22/15 granddaughter of Barbara Zettergren Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Stop down at the town beach to see his scenic path project. Attention social media experts – would you like to help manage the Holy Advent Facebook page? We’re looking for one or two volunteers who will monitor the page daily and help post updates as needed. If you’re checking your own page every day, maybe you can help us use Facebook to reach out to the Parish and the greater community. Interested? Please contact Dan Mahier on Facebook, or dan@mahier.net. Thanks! The Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT Page 6 Fourth Quarter 2015 HOLY ADVENT ARCHIVES FACILITIES We have no report this quarter, but our space is being kept in place to remind us all of how thankful we are to have so many treasures in our church home and to give our thanks to both Margaret Larom & Jean Wiley for continuing to work on the documenting of our history and recording Clues about Our Past. The facilities group met on September 8 and discussed priorities and overall improvements. We selected a contractor for replacement of the Rectory roof and this was approved by the Vestry. Work shall commence in the next few weeks. The two projects are repairs to the interior walls and ceiling arch in the sanctuary area of church the repairs and to the railing area on the ramp entrance to the church. We are also considering a new floor in the kitchen and the former pantry storage room. We are investing the use of this space for use as the Rector’s office and meeting room. The Facilities Committee meets about every six weeks. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about the group or joining. . Watch for bulletins reporting times and dates of these events in 4th quarter 2015 THANKSGIVING SERVICES, CHRISTMAS IN CLINTON, GIVING TREE, CHILDRENS PAGEANT CHRISTMAS SERVICES Bill Russell The Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT Page 7 Fourth Quarter 2015 The shoreline Soup Kitchens and Pantries presented the following letter and symbolic spoon to the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent. The spoon is inscribed as follows; The Shoreline Soup Kitchens & Pantries with heartfelt gratitude for freely providing food and fellowship to all those who entered your doors The Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent. HOLY ADVENTURES P.O. BOX 536 CLINTON, CT 06413 Worship with us on Sundays at 8:00 or 10:00 A.M. All are welcome! Parrish Office 860 669 2232 Parish Secretary: Gloria McQueeney holyadvent@sbcglobal.net Rector Peter Larom 914-282-2450 richardlarom@gmail.com Mail: P.O. Box 536, Clinton, CT 06413-0536 Website: www.holyadventclinton.org Newsletter editor: trudyvalenti@comcast.net Vestry meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7 P.M. in the Rectory. All are welcome to attend. Wardens Lisa Scheffler & Don Hubert Treasurer: Barbara Zettergren Clerk: Shelly DiAcri Vestry: Carol Dowd, Margie Faulkner, Bill Filanowski, Ed Hartman, Dan Mahier and Bill Russell Organist and Choir Director Jackie Belmonte Deanery Representatives/Convention Delegate: Martha Tolan-Wilbur, Art Wiley (alternate) Nominating Committee: Mary Luchuk, Dan Mahier and Bob Smith Watch for bulletins reporting times and dates of these events for 2015 THANKSGIVING SERVICES, CHRISTMAS IN CLINTON, GIVING TREE, CHILDRENS PAGEANT CHRISTMAS SERVICES