January Newsletter 2014 - Holy Cross Catholic Academy
January Newsletter 2014 - Holy Cross Catholic Academy
FROM THE ADMINISTRATION January 2014 Dear Parents, Guardians and Students: SCHOOL WEBSITE Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope that the Christmas holidays were an enjoyable time with family and friends, despite the challenges presented by the cold weather and ice storm! The year 2014 has arrived and my wish for all the Holy Cross Catholic Academy community is that this year brings much happiness, good health and prosperity to one and all. Throughout first semester, our students demonstrated strong Christian leadership in the variety of activities they planned and executed. This newsletter is a testament to their servant leadership, stewardship, sensitivity and spirit as they continue to create a culture of caring and an unstoppable energy at Holy Cross. Our student‐athletes demonstrated good sportsmanship, athletic skill, and drive in the numerous Fall and Winter sports teams of which they were a part. They remain excel‐ lent ambassadors of Holy Cross. The hard work and efforts of our dedicated staff members should be acknowledged as playing a vital role in the successes mentioned. We thank them for creating such a rich extra‐curricular life and for their ongoing support of our students! We are two and a half weeks away from final exams for first semester. It is hard to believe how quickly time goes by. The exam schedule was distributed to students before the Christmas Break. Our grade 9 students were given an exam study tips brochure, as they will be writing their first set of high school exams. We are confident they will examine the brochure carefully and apply the rec‐ ommendations given therein. We encourage all our students to begin preparing for final exams so that their final marks will be a true reflection of their hard work and commitment to academic ex‐ cellence. As we look ahead to semester two, students will be choosing their courses for the 2014‐2015 aca‐ demic school year, in February. Guidance counsellors will visit homerooms to review graduation requirements and the process for course selection. Administration will also visit homeroom classes to review expectations regarding attendance and uniform, encouraging students to continue to excel academically throughout the semester. Holy Cross is proud to host this year’s Horizon’s Stu‐ dent leadership conference in the spring. Our student leaders are in the midst of preparing for this event, which will draw over 200 staff and students from across our York Catholic High Schools. It promises to be an event that will enlighten, awe and inspire those in attendance. May the light of Christ remain in your hearts throughout the year, and continue to guide your every endeavour. Yours in Catholic Education, HTTP://HOCR.YCDSB.CA School Administration I. Faraone, Principal E. Lavor, Vice-Principal Gr. 10 & Gr. 12 P. Parente, Vice-Principal Gr. 9 & Gr. 11 School Board P. Preston, Director R. Crocco, Superintendent , Secondary Schools D. Giuliani, Trustee Chaplaincy Team I. Battilana, S. Bruno, M. Mignella Guidance B. Zen - Gr. 9 & Grade 11 (C - De) M. A. Bonfigli - Gr. 12 A. Carvalho - Gr. 10 & Grade 11 (A - B) G. D’Ambrogio - Gr. 11 (Di - Z) J. Fraser-Student Support Counsellor Student Services M. Marzario - 10 L. Lausic - 11 N. Greco - 12 M.T. Dotto - 9 A. Rossi - FLS P. Tricanico - FLS Iolanda Faraone Ed Lavor Peter Parente Special Points of Interest Principal Vice‐Principal Vice‐Principal • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Holy Cross Varsity Hockey Team 2013-2014 Our Varsity Boys’ Hockey team completed their regular season with a respectable 2 wins and 4 losses. They now embark on their playoff journey. Good luck to all our boys and coaches, Mr. Pasutto, Mr. Ceci and Mr. Parente! Message From Administration Planning our Future Together Student Government Specialist High Skills Major Holy Cross Open House Canadian & World Studies Chaplaincy Co-operative Education Modern Languages Guidance News @ your Library Youth Group Environmental Club Charity Style-a-Thon Best Buddies Student Activity Fee Distribution School Bus Cancellations Letter from Student Trustee The York Catholic District School Board is currently developing a multi-year strategic plan which will allow the Board to position itself for continued success as one of the top-performing school boards in Ontario. As part of this development process, a committee led by Director of Education, Patricia Preston is engaging the school board’s stakeholders to share their perspectives. As a valued stakeholder, all parents will be invited to provide their input via an online survey on York Catholic’s current performance, as well as next steps for the future. Beginning January 20, 2014, a short 10 minute online survey will be available on the board website at www.ycdsb.ca . Look for the ‘Planning our Future Together’ link. At the conclusion of the consultation phase, parent input will be taken into consideration with input from other stakeholders, as well as research to develop a multi-year strategic plan. Thank you in advance for your participation and ongoing support of the York Catholic District School Board. Student Government is very excited to share with you our fun and exciting past, current and future events. So far we have hosted many fun events, starting off the year with a Halloween Spirit Week and the Grade 9 Halloween Jam. Our New York, New York Semi-Formal was a great success. Christmas events included candygram sales, gingerbread house decorating contest, civvies day and our religious trivia. We attended a leadership conference called Leadership Links, and we are every excited to inform our school community that Holy Cross will be hosting this year's Horizons Conference. This conference will see representatives from all the high schools in our school board come together on May 16th, 2014 to celebrate student leadership and success. We are looking forward to sharing our school spirit with everyone at the conference. Thank you Selina Sallese & Simona Miceli, Student Government Halloween Fun at Holy Cross! Page 2 Our Holy Cross Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) " Experience the Artmosphere" is now in its third year. This program for students in Grades 11 and 12 provides unique and enriching experiences focusing on the thriving and vibrant Visual Arts program at Holy Cross co-ordinated by Mr Swanek, Arts Department Head. Students in this program seek to achieve a "Red Seal" designation on their diploma while actively participating in First Aid/CPR, WHMIS and Customer Service training. As well, they attend workshops in Portfolio development and Figure Drawing through our partnership with York University. Some other experiences include trips to ROM, Art Gallery of Ontario, a guided tour of Graffiti Alley. For more information, please see Guidance as space is limited. (Pictures of SHSM Art students at their Customer Service Certification) Antonio Carvalho,Guidance Counsellor SHSM Liaison ...E. Belmonte & A. Fazio Holy Cross Catholic Academy is proud to report that we are seeking approval from the Ministry of Education to offer a Health and Wellness Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program for the 2014-2015 school year. The SHSM program in Health and Wellness, to be called “Pathway to Wellness”, will give students an opportunity to specialize, gain qualifications, and plan a career pathway in various areas of the Health and Wellness sector while still in high school. The SHSM Program has a number of required components, designed to give students an advantage in pursuing post-secondary opportunities in Health and Wellness fields. These required components are at no cost to students and will allow students to gain certifications such as CPR, First Aid, WHMIS, infectious control certification, and other leadership certifications. In addition, students will be able to participate in workshops facilitated by members of the Health and Wellness community and there will be excursions organized to post-secondary institutions with a Health and Wellness focus. This program is designed to fit into any grade 11 and/or 12 student’s timetable, regardless of the chosen pathway (apprenticeship, college, university, or workplace). Please contact Mr. Belmonte, Ms. Fazio, and/or Ms. Savo for further information in the Religion or Cooperative Education Departments and to see if you are eligible to join this exciting initiative (pending Ministry of Education approval)! Page 3 On Tuesday November 5th, 2013, Holy Cross welcomed Grade 8 students and their parents from various elementary schools. Over 800 people were in attendance (including approximately 275 Grade 8 students) and were treated to an evening filled with information and with a plethora of activities led by staff and students from every discipline in the school. As parents settled in the cafeteria for a formal presentation, their children were given a tour of our school facilities, led by student volunteers. Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, the presentation, led by Mr. Lavor, described how our Catholic Faith is embodied in our school community. Holy Cross Catholic Academy supports the triad of Church (home, church, and school) while delivering the Ontario Catholic Graduate expectations. As a school, we are blessed to have a strong bond with Father Michael Corcione and St. Peter’s Church. Principal Faraone discussed the many attributes and accolades of our school community, highlighting our strong academic standing in both the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) and the EQAO Assessment in Mathematics. Parents were enlightened by the many co-curricular activities offered to students, a fine testament to the dedication and commitment of staff and students beyond the classroom experience. Mr. Parente spoke about Board policy and student responsibilities. Areas discussed included absenteeism, punctuality, and uniform. Our Head of Guidance, Ms. Zen, outlined course selections, OSSD requirements, as well as the wide variety of courses offered. One of our current Grade 9 students, Nicholas Bonifacio, spoke about his smooth transition from elementary to secondary school, highlighting the importance for students to seek assistance from their teachers and peers when needed. Holy Cross welcomed back graduate Stefania Moro, who spoke about the wonderful way in which Holy Cross prepared her for post secondary studies. Ms. Moro was recently awarded a TD Grant in the field of Medical Excellence: a scholarship in rehabilitation-related research for people with disabilities. This 3-year grant has given her the opportunity to further research cross-modal plasticity (or how people with one eye adapt to the loss of binocularity). She is currently working towards a Ph.D. in Psychology at York University. Following the main presentation, parents were invited to visit department presentations and to stop by booths set up by York Regional Transit, Catholic School Council, and our uniform suppliers, Halpern’s. Constable Douglas MacRae, of the York Regional Police and liaison officer assigned to Holy Cross, was also in attendance, delivering a presentation to parents that focused on social media safety. Included in the evening’s festivities were tours of the school, offered to parents and led by our student peer mentors. Thank you to all who assisted this evening …based on comments made in the days that followed, the Open House was a smashing success!!! E. Lavor, Vice Principal & S. Vivilecchia, Moderns Teacher Associated with Free the Children, Freedom for Tomorrow provides support and comfort for those in need. The group within Holy Cross Academy works to achieve equality, spread information and provide those less fortunate with an opportunity to live freely. They have touched the lives of people living in poverty, affected by natural disasters or are faced with slavery within their daily struggles. Their participation in events such as the ‘Child Identity Campaign’, ‘Milk Bags for Haiti’ and the ‘Christmas Charity Recognition’ have all contributed to their success. Freedom for Tomorrow’s selfless acts have been recognized and commended by the founders of Free the Children at their annual We Day event, broadcasted internationally. The members of Freedom for Tomorrow are working to provide relief around the world, strengthen the school’s spirit and solidify our faith. ...Written by Alexis Leva Members of the Freedom For Tomorrow group organize fundraising events. Page 4 Canadian and World Studies Recently, students from Mrs. Martin’s grade 9 Geography class remembered the Canadian Military and their contribution to world peace and development. Students chose to send Christmas cards to troops who would not be home for Christmas. Cards were sent to various military operation sites such as Afghanistan, Haiti, Middle East, Kosovo and Sudan. With his Apostolic Letter of October 11, 2011, “Porta Fidei,” Pope Benedict XVI declared that a "Year of Faith" was to begin on October 11, 2012 and conclude on November 24, 2013. During the Year of Faith, Catholics were asked to study and reflect on the documents of Vatican II and the catechism so that they may deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith. The schools of York Catholic District School Board were involved during this time in enriching and demonstrating their faith in the “Walk of Faith” that began in the spring of 2013 with the creation of a cross at each High School. In September of this year, immediately following the celebration of our feast day “The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross,” our cross, which was constructed by our Technology Department, was processed in the west Woodbridge community by a large group of Holy Cross Youth Group members, school chaplains, administration and a member from parent council to St. Angela Merici C.E.S. For the next month and a half the cross travelled to each Holy Cross feeder school, spending time in each school and being processed in the community as a sign of our Catholic Faith. On November 8, the cross was returned to Holy Cross by the entire Grade 8 class of St. Peter’s elementary school, concluding with a prayer service in our chapel and refreshments in our Bonaventure Room restaurant. The Year of Faith celebrations in YCDSB concluded with a final board-wide mass celebrated by Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick on November 20 with all of the crosses from each High School. The Chaplaincy Department has also been busy planning our Grade Level retreats, beginning with the Grade 9 Orientation Retreat in Orillia at the Youth Leadership Camp of Canada (YLCC). This three day, two night experience brought together the Grade 9 class of 2014 with the goal of building community and helping those students transition from elementary to high school life. This exciting experience culminated in a meaningful celebration of the Eucharist by Father Michael Corcione, before students returned to Holy Cross. This was a great start to a retreat program that continues through Grade 10 to Grade 12 in all religion classes. Advent began with a beautiful school-wide Liturgy with the theme “Advent: A Time to be Silent,” celebrated by Father Michael Corcione from St. Peter’s Parish. The Chaplaincy team has taken the Advent message of renewal to heart literally by beginning a process of renovating and renewing our school Chapel. With the kind cooperation from St. Peter’s Parish and their Knights of Columbus, our chapel will be receiving a much needed paint job and facelift. More news of this to follow in the New Year which will also include some of the following events that will take place early in the semester: Ash Wednesday – March 5 Lenten School Supply Drive for the Dominican Republic – March 31-April 17 Lenten Reconciliation – March 20-21 Easter Mass – Wednesday April 23 The Chaplaincy Team wishes to thank the entire school community of Holy Cross, parents, students and staff, for their support of all the initiatives we undertake. God Bless. I. Battilana, S. Bruno, M. Mignella Page 5 …A. Basile, Department Head Co-op and B. Zen, Department Head Guidance On November 14, 2013, Holy Cross Catholic Academy hosted a Career Expo. The Co-operative Education and the Guidance department collaborated to bring many different careers to Holy Cross Catholic Academy. The Career Expo represents an integral part of the Holy Cross Catholic Academy commitment to preparing students for choices involved in determining their future career path. Left - Mr. Andre Clafton of York Region Fire Dept. suits up Mary Rassam. Ladies, you can do it! Right - A member of our Canadian Armed Forces explains duties and application procedures to our male students. Former Holy Cross student, Stella Aquisto, now a reporter for City TV describes her role and answers questions about her career as a TV Reporter. Above - A representative from the Metal Works Institute gives information to students. The students had the opportunity to walk about the school atrium and ask the exhibitors questions regarding their career pathway. It was very informative and created a lot of buzz around the school. Guidance and Co-operative Education were excited to welcome various exhibitors such as York Regional Police, York Region Fire Services, The Nursing Association, EMS, Humber Spa, Canadian Armed Forces, Ontario Provincial Police, International Film & Video, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Marvel Beauty School, Metal Works, Royfoss, Toronto School of Dental Hygiene, Remax Realty, Bodies by Design, Petits Chef, Central Community Care Access Centre, Humber College, Insurance Institute, City of Vaughan, as well as student alumna: Stella Aquisto from CityTV. We would like to thank all those participants who took time out of their busy schedule to share valuable information regarding their career field with our students and answering their inquiries. Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) came with various exhibitors. Students were able to get information and asked questions. Page 6 It is always a pleasure to communicate with the Holy Cross community about all the happenings in the Modern Languages Department. We welcome Mrs. Vivilecchia to our department. She was a former student at Holy Cross which is always a pleasure because we witness first hand the success of present and past students. The grade 10 and grade 11 students of French have been actively using the Approche Acionnelle in the classroom. This is basically asking students to take a leadership role and they are actively interpreting and delivering new knowledge to their peers. Our pictures demonstrate Mrs. Campoli-Bozzo’s grade 11University French students presenting historical plays that portray the political and social times of Catherine de Medicis and le roi Henri II. Our Grade 8 Orientation was very successful. Students and parents were informed about our French programs and we also reminded students that we also offer an Italian program as well. We encourage students to continue with French studies. Please constult the following website to learn more: www.frenchfuture.org Did you know...speaking a new language helps you to get to know and understand another culture? The number of French-speakers has tripled in the last 50 years. Please enjoy the following article written in French by Alexandra Micoli. She shares her wonderful experience at Semi-Formal with friends and teachers. Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année Ivana Campoli-Bozzo Co-ordinator, Modern Languages New York, New York! Vendredi dernier, 22 Novembre les élèves de 11e année ont célébré leur semi-formelle ....à New York ! La nuit sur le thème de New York au Jardin Banquet Hall était un moment inoubliable ! Les élèves peuvent prendre des photos avec un fond étoilé nuit de la ville, avec l'aide des photographes de l'Annuaire. Une fois que chacun a trouvé leurs tables et a apprécié certains des hors d’oeuvres, la nuit a commencé avec un discours de bienvenue et de prière de vice-directeur, M. Parente. Ensuite, il était temps de manger! Les élèves ont aimé un repas de quatre plats - le dessert a été particulièrement apprécié. Après un repas copieux, la danse a commencé ! La musique était optimiste et varié de la musique techno actuelle d'une journée à la graisse de la bande sonore de 80. « J'e me suis bien amusée», dit élève de 11e année Briana Cascone lorsqu'on l'interroge sur son expérience. " La nourriture était bonne et la danse était beaucoup de plaisir », elle a ajouté. Un remerciement particulier à tous les accompagnateurs d'enseignants qui ont supervisé et rejoint même les élèves sur la piste de danse. Un autre merci à conseil étudiant pour l'ensemble de leur travail acharné et pour la fabrication de semi-formelle 2013 une soirée inoubliable! Written by Alexandra Micoli Page 7 Guidance News VISITING A UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE is a great way to find out more about the campus, the people, and the environment. Each post-secondary institution offers campus tours and special events throughout the year. Visit each institution’s website to find out the best time to visit. Ontario University Application Deadline: January 15, 2014, for equal consideration. Ontario Colleges Application Deadline: February 1, 2014, for equal consideration. Please refer to the Guidance web page or the Guidance Office for more information. The final day to request a timetable change for grade 11 and 12 students, is on Friday February 7, 2014. Check the Guidance website for instructions on “how to”, and to download the Course Change Request Form. TWITTER: We are please to announce that beginning February 3, 2014, the Guidance and Career Education Department can be followed on Twitter. Follow @HCCA_Guidance for updates and reminders related to opportunities and events. There are numerous COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES available. Students are welcome to come by the Guidance and Career Education Office to explore these opportunities and to pick up a handout. COURSE SELECTIONS for the 2014-2015 school year will begin in February, 2014. More information will be made available to students and parents. On-line Career Information Career Cruising is an interactive career reference guide providing in-depth profiles of hundreds of different careers, multimedia interviews with real people in over 800 careers, career search tools, and databases of colleges and universities. In order to search and find career information online, please visit Career Cruising at www.careercruising.com. User Name: yorkcatholic Password: 49630 Page 8 Where the Action Is The Holy Cross Catholic Academy School Library is truly a hub of learning and literacy. A Welcome Orientation Program for all grade 9 students, Literacy Support for grade 10’s as well as numerous research classes for all grades have kept the library in full swing during first semester. Literacy events and programs such as National School Library Week in October, We Create Change Celebration & Birthday Bash in November, Read This! Book Mark Promotion, and Advent and Giving Tree Campaigns in December have placed the School Library in the centre of student learning and school activities. Read This ! Book Mark Promotion Advent Action Plan Giving Tree Campaign The Holy Cross School Library We Create Change Celebration & Birthday Bash Where the Action Is !!! It has been a very exciting first semester for all youth group members! Throughout semester one, youth group members worked collectively to make our school community a better place. In addition to this, youth group members also attended many different retreats to help others in their community. At the beginning of October, many of the youth group members participated in picking apples at an apple farm. They then delivered the apples to the Good Shepherd Centre, a shelter for homeless men in Toronto. The apples that the youth group members picked were used in the Thanksgiving meal at the shelter. The rest of the day consisted of doing service work at the centre. October is also the time for our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive for the poor in support of the Vaughan Food Bank. Our school community brought in a generous amount of non-perishable food items that were desperately needed to feed those in Vaughan who are struggling to make ends meet and are living in poverty. At the end of October, youth group members also attended the Youth Forum at the International Plaza Hotel in Toronto along with students from every school in Ontario. There, they listened to Marina Nemat, the author of the international bestseller “Prisoner of Tehran,” who spoke about her experience in an Iranian prison. November and December brought about many seasonal projects, such as our day of service at the CHUM City Christmas Wish. A busload of students and staff spent the day working to help make Christmas a joy for young children who would not otherwise receive a gift at Christmas. This was also a milestone year with our school community celebrating the 20th anniversary of our Christmas Basket Campaign. In conjunction with Catholic Community Services of York Region, 35 needy families were adopted by homeroom classes at Holy Cross and were provided gifts, gift cards and other needed items that were delivered in time for the Christmas holidays. The love of Christ and the spirit of the Gospel is surely evident in the school community of Holy Cross Catholic Academy. Youth group members also have many exciting new projects planned for second semester and look forward to making our school community a better place! All the best to students in their second semester! - Cristina Morrone Page 9 ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB Live green and prosper. Holy Cross has taken this simple concept to an entirely new level. The Environmental Club here at Holy Cross provides the students with a gateway for developing the skills needed to explore the various environmental issues faced not only within the school community, but globally as well. We have joined together to use our enthusiasm to motivate and show the students of Holy Cross what amazing contributions can be made by having a green thumb. Last year we planted a maple tree as part of our memorial ceremony in remembrance of Jordan Castiglia and Mr. McQuiggan, two fallen members of the Holy Cross community. As part of our mission, we continue to beautify the front of the school with new plants and flowers. In addition, our recycling program continues to be a success, with green bin pick ups happening every Thursday. The club has also distributed additional blue bins throughout the school to assist with the recycling of plastics. Our efforts would not have been possible without the tremendous support of the students and staff, local businesses, such as Fortinos, and School Council. All the donated funds have enabled the club to thrive and bring more “green” to Holy Cross. We sincerely thank you for your generous contributions. This year, to celebrate the holiday season, our club decided to donate some plants and seeds to the Christian Children’s Fund organization. The monies donated will support the growth of fruit trees and drought resistant vegetable plants. This ensures we are not just helping our school but helping the global community to create a brighter and greener future. Come this spring, the funds that have been raised and provided by Parent Council will be used towards completing phase two of the landscaping project at the front entrance of the school. New plants and shrubs will bring more life to Holy Cross, providing a welcoming environment for our students and staff. One of the newer initiatives that the Environmental Club has undertaken is reducing our use of plastic water bottles. To achieve this, we are selling stainless steel water bottle canteens perfect for any cold or hot beverages. The cons of water bottles are overwhelming compared to the pros, thus action needs to be taken! Purchase your water bottle canteen during the lunch periods in the atrium. Holy Cross Charity Style-A-Thon The Cosmetology students at Holy Cross Catholic Academy came together to raise funds for a good cause on December 4th. The St. Peter's Church Dominican Relief Fund was the organization of choice for this year’s fundraiser. In order to raise enough money, the Cosmetology students offered various hair and aes‐ thetic services to other students, as well as their friends and family, which saw the students showcase skills including curling and straightening hair, makeup, manicures and pedicures, and facials. The staff members at the main office also lent a helping hand by running a silent auction and handing out some coveted rewards like tickets to see the Maple Leafs and some pieces of beautiful jewel‐ lery. The St. Peter's Church Dominican Relief Fund is working to help feed, clothe, and transport educational items to the Haitian residents of the Dominican Bateys. Page 10 Best Buddies Once again this year, Holy Cross is proud to have a thriving Best Buddies chapter at the school! Best Buddies is about creating friendships between mainstream students and students with developmental/intellectual disabilities. Since contact between these two groups of students seldom occurs spontaneously, Best Buddies facilitates friendships by organizing activities and events where all students come together. A Best Buddies friendship helps break down barriers to inclusion and provides opportunities for shared experiences, laughter, and support. The Holy Cross Best Buddies chapter consists of Buddies (students with developmental/ intellectual disabilities), Peer Buddies (mainstream student volunteers) and Teacher Facilitators. Together, this group helps bridge the gap between people with and without disabilities. From making an effort to eat lunch together a few days a week to sending quick “hello” texts, all Buddy pairs have found a way to forge a connection. While the Buddy pairs have many opportunities to socialize throughout the school day, events have been planned outside of the school day as well. In October, the Buddies attended a Halloween Dance and everyone danced the night away! If you are a student at Holy Cross and you are interested in joining our Holy Cross Best Buddies chapter, please contact Sophia Capo (Student President of BB) or Ms. Lausic. New members are always welcome! Page 11 The Holy Cross Commencement Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 at The Royalton located at 8201 Weston Road, Woodbridge, Ontario at 7:00 p.m. If you have not yet registered , please come to the main office as soon as possible. Ms. Emerson, Graduation Committee Chairperson HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC ACADEMY STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE 2013-2014 Amount of SAF Collected $92.00 X 994 = $91,448.00 Gr. 9 Student (Locks) 10.00 X 217 = $102.00 TOTAL SAF School Council SAF 2013/14 TOTAL SAF 2012/13 $122.00 Fees Waived 2,170.00 = $95,029.00 $19,880.00 $113,498.00 - 1,713.00 $111,785.00 RADIO 590 AM 640 AM 680 AM 860 AM 1010 AM 1050 AM 1540 AM 1580 AM DISTRIBUTION Athletics/Teams Sports On occasion, service cancellation due to inclement weather and/or poor road conditions may be required. As a result, parents and students should develop alternate care arrangements in case transportation services are cancelled. If buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not operate in the afternoon. Therefore, students transported to school by parents will require transportation home. All cancellation decisions are usually made before 7:00 a.m. and communicated to radio and television stations in our local area. Please take due care and caution with your child. 12,727.00 88.5 FM 89.9 FM 92.5 FM 93.1 FM 94.9 FM 95.9 FM 97.3 FM 98.1 FM 99.1 FM 99.9 FM Clubs/Awards 8,239.00 101.1 FM 102.1 FM 104.5 FM 100.7 FM 107.1 FM Student Government 3,916.00 TELEVISION Student Handbooks 4,895.00 CITY TV CTV Barrie CFTO TV CP24 Student Religion Retreats 29,370.00 GLOBAL NEWS Yearbook 31,328.00 A bus cancellation message will also be available at www.schoolbuscity.com and by calling 1-877-330-3001, or by following the YCDSB and YRDSB on twitter. Sub-total Gr. 9 Locks Catholic School Council Contribution TOTAL $90,475.00 2,210.00 19,100.00 $111,785.00 Page 12 Dear Parents of YCDSB, My name is Michael Pallotto and I am currently the senior student trustee for the York Catholic District School Board. I hope this letter is receiving you well at this joyous holiday season. I would like to inform you of an exciting opportunity pertaining to students across Ontario. As the student trustee of our board, I am also privileged to be part of the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association (OSTA-AECO). This association is made up entirely of student trustees, like myself, from across the province. We meet three times a year to plan initiatives and projects that affect students across Ontario, while also empowering the prominent student voice. The project I wish to inform you about in this letter is our Ontario Students, Parents and Educators Survey or OSPES for short. Though our mandate is to only represent students, we, as OSTA-AECO, understand that our education system cannot function without the support of our parents and educators alongside the student voice. Thus, we kindly ask that you, the parents, take the time to fill out our short, online, 10 question survey that asks questions about all areas that affect our students in their schools. To fill out the survey log onto www.studentsurvey.ca and find the respective survey that is geared towards yourself. I personally thank you for your support of the student voice across York Catholic and Ontario. I hope that this survey will allow us to gather as much information as possible and allow us the opportunity to make our schools more interesting and empowering places for students. If you have any further questions about this survey, or OSTA-AECO or the student trustee role itself, do not hesitate to contact me, as I would be glad to answer any questions. Thank you once again and God bless, Michael Pallotto Student Trustee michael.pallotto@ycdsb.ca 905-939-0551 Page 13
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