patchwords press - Foothill Quilters Guild


patchwords press - Foothill Quilters Guild
Foothill Quilters Guild
Vol. 31 No. 10
April 2013
At the April 8 Meeting . . .
Inside This Issue:
2013 Quilt Show...........................
2013 /14 FQG Board....................
Community Service.....................
Discovery Day………….....….…..
Guild Policies….……….......……
Herky Jerky..................................
Meet Art Quilting – Part 2.........
Meeting Minutes..........................
Membership Roster Updates......
Name That Quilter........................
Officers and Committees…........
Opportunity Quilt 2014.…...........
Quilt Camp...................................
Quilt Show DVD for Sale.............
Treasurer’s Report…….....……...
Treasury Correction.....................
Our Advertisers:
Sugar Pine Quilt Shop...............
Our Guild Meetings:
The meeting starts at 7pm.
Come at 6:30pm for activities and
We meet at the Cornerstone Community
Church, 11111 Dry Creek Road (south of
Hwy 49), Auburn.
Website Address:
Tracey Brookshier will present “A
Love Affair with Japan,” a trunk show
of quilts made from Japanese and Asian
Her bold contemporary quilts, based on
pieced traditional blocks, have been
featured in books and magazines in the
US, the UK, France, Australia and
Japan. She has created advertising quilts
for many different fabric companies and
designs patterns for her own company,
Tracey has organized international
challenges with quilters from Australia,
the UK, France and Japan. A graduate of NCQC's Course on Judging Quilts and
Wearable Art, Tracey has judged at Pacific International from 2003-2011 and at
Road to California in 2012, as well as at guild, state and county fair shows.
She has a BS in Chemistry and a background in technical writing. Tracey is an
empty-nester in Capitola, California, with two kids in college, a young-at-heart
dog and a very patient husband.
In her April 8 program, she’ll show slides of the amazing Tokyo International
Great Quilt Show. You'll see gorgeous quilts, learn about Japanese quilting
culture, and enjoy scenes of Tokyo, along with a trunk show of Tracey's quilts
designed with Japanese and Asian-inspired fabrics.
President's Message
Karren’s Kwilting Korner
Wow!!!! What a fun time we had at the guild meeting in March. For those of
you who missed our Challenge Quilt reveal, we played “Name That Quilter”.
Members from the audience had to guess who made which challenge quilt. To
make it a bit easier, the quilts were hung in groups of four to six quilts and the
quilters who made them stood in a group near the quilts. Kudos to those
members who had to figure out who made which quilt. Not an easy job. But
lots of fun and lots of laughter and cheering. A big THANK YOU to Mona
Wooden, Beth Foust, Candy Brown, Melody Peters, Geraldine Nall and Linda
Gross who put it all together. Also a big THANK YOU to Carryn Perry, Vicki
Martin and Linda Spars and to all of you who brought those delicious cakes. If
you weren’t there, you definitely missed a good time.
(Continued on p.2)
April 2013
President's Message
Patchwords Press
(Cont'd from p.1)
At the time I am writing this, the quilt show has not
happened. So, I do look forward to seeing those challenge
quilts in the show. And what a turn out at show and tell this
month. I trust that all of those quilts will be in the quilt
show as well. I have been to the quilt show meetings and I
can tell you that a lot of work has been going on behind the
scenes. If you have not already signed up to help, call
Kristen Lucas or Cheri Andrews to find out what spots are
left. It takes all of us helping to make our show the great
event it has always been and will be again this year. Another
big THANK YOU to Kathy Sanchez and Vicki Martin for all
your hard work in pulling it together.
Now after all the hard work getting your quilts ready for
the show and helping out at the show, it is time to relax
and reap your reward. Jamboree is Saturday, April
20th. It looks to be a fun day. Lots of interesting
classes as well as open sewing. And the best part is it
does not cost you anything but your time. Well, just a
$25 check which is returned to you when you show up
at Jamboree. I hear that Betty Kisbey’s mystery class
is full, but the other classes are open. I look forward to
seeing you there.
Keep Kwilting,
Karren Lusignan, President
Page 2
1st Jane Haworth for Guy Fawkes Night
2nd Melody Peters for Victoria Day
3rd Carryn Perry for National Zoo Day
4th Valerie Jensen for Christmas houses
5th Lynn Tubbe for Dog Day
We want to thank members of the Holiday Challenge who
made this a memorable night for all and inspired 30 quilters
to submit their favorite holiday in fabric artwork: Mona
Wooden, Beth Foust, Melody Peters, Candy Brown, Linda
Gross and Geraldine Nall.
Melody Peters
All Members! Attention! The
New FQG Board is forming
for 2013/14!
I know Everyone is interested in keeping our guild
great, with fun meetings, activities, events, and classes!
So, Please help!
*Do you have a Committee that interests you?
*Do you want to form a new Committee?
Name That Quilter!
Naming the quilter at our last guild meeting was perhaps as
big a challenge as creating one of the 30 quilts entered in this
year’s Holiday Quilt Challenge. We all had a wonderful
time viewing the amazing quilts as well as eating delicious
cake for the guild’s birthday party and then playing the
“Name that Quilter” game based on the “Price is Right”
game. We laughed and laughed with our show hosts Mona
Wooden and Beth Foust and their lovely assistant “Vanna
White” (a.k.a. Linda Gross). We want to especially thank
Carryn Perry, her hospitality committee, and those who
baked cakes for each table. Carryn and her team did a
fantastic job with the delightful table decorations and
coordinating with our guild bakers to make this a memorable
and tasty event!
For those of you who missed the meeting, most of the
challenge quilts were hung in groups of 4 and then someone
from the audience was called up front to try to match the
quilters standing in front of the quilt display with the quilts
they made. Since this was timed, there was often not much
thought put into the guessing, but a few participants did get
them correctly on the second try. The challenge team
awarded prizes for contestants, and then we got the vote
from all attendees on their favorite five quilts:
*Do you want to lend a helping hand but not sure how?
Check out the column of Officers and Committees on
page 11 of this newsletter.
There is something for everyone to do to keep our guild
fun and productive. Some with small time commitments,
some large, but all important! Many committees need
new chairpersons and all could use an extra helping
hand! And remember, any committee without a
chairperson will be dissolved.
Elected Board Positions:
I would also like to hear from you if you know someone
you think would be a great nominee for the elected
board positions: President, Vise President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Program, Program Elect, Quilt Show, Quilt
Show Elect.
Call, text or email me! Or, see me at the meeting. Don't
be shy, I want to hear all your ideas, interests,
suggestions, and questions!
Tamera Failla
Nominating Committee Chair
April 2013
Patchwords Press
Meet Art Quilting – Part 2
Continuing with last month’s article on art quilting, we
“asked the experts” – Cathy Stone, Ingrid Cattaneo, and
Lynne Tubbe, a few more questions. We will have even more
coverage over the coming months. One reader actually wrote
in some questions and I’m getting some new experts to
contribute. So, keep those comments and questions coming!
Page 3
challenge to find someone to do my quilting; they would
have to share my vision for my work and be as finicky as I
am! Probably NOT going to happen.
Cathy says: You don't "have" to do your own quilting, but
you have to share credit if you don't and then the quilt is not
all yours. Quilting an art quilt doesn't have to look like a
$10,000 prize-winner at Houston. It may be very minimal or
primitive looking. It is whatever you think your quilt needs.
You may not even want to quilt it at all, but hold your layers
together in an altogether different way (staples, brads,
grommets???) But if you haven't taken a quilting class
before, take one! At least know the basics before you decide
to veer from the "rules".
Do you have to do thread play?
Ingrid says: It all depends on the piece. Since I do a lot of
thread painting and free motion machine embroidery, my
pieces tend to have a lot of thread play on them. Thread
play allows you to add texture, movement, color and it
actually draws the viewer in closer to examine the piece and
ask questions. And, we will hear more on this in our next
"Liberace - Night of the Chameleon", by Cathy Stone. Cathy
started this art quilt in a Susan Carlson class at Asilomar,
using Susan's collage technique and some tulle.
What advice would you have for someone who thinks
they want to be an art quilter?
Ingrid says: I would encourage them to consider attending
as many quilting classes that focus on art quilting. Another
strong recommendation would be to enroll in art classes at
their local community college. After going back to school as
an adult, taking drawing, color theory and principles in
design, I’ve been helped tremendously in my journey. It also
helps when I teach my thread painting classes and collage
Cathy says: Be willing to "think outside the box", to try new
techniques, take classes on techniques you have never done
before, keep an art journal (especially one in your purse so
you can jot down ideas and drawings as you think of them),
take lots of pictures from new and different angles, subscribe
to Quilting Arts magazine for a year to see how you feel
about what they have to say, keep an open mind and don't be
afraid to try something you've never done before.
Do you have to do your own quilting?
Ingrid says: Not necessarily. However, if you want to take
full credit and ownership of the piece, then you would
indeed do your own quilting whether it's machine quilting or
Lynn says: It is true that most art quilters do their own final
quilting, but it isn't some sort of rule. I think it would be a
Lynn suggests: Sometimes the most stunning thing about an
art quilt is its jaw-dropping use of threads and fibers of all
kinds. However, it certainly is not a requirement. Works by
art quilters such as Ruth McDowell, Jo Diggs, and Judith
Trager employ creative use of piecing and/or applique, and
fabulous fabric choices for their visual impact, rather than
thread play.
Cathy says: You absolutely don't have to do "thread play"
unless you feel your quilt needs it to be finished. She
continues with, I take classes at Asilomar. I am a "helper" at
Art Quilt Tahoe and get lots of exposure to different
teachers. I take classes at PTQG and FQG even if I don't
think I would like the technique and I've learned tons. I'm
not afraid of throwing something away if it doesn't turn out
"right". I have learned to dye fabric, use paint sticks, make
dimensional quilts and many other fabulous things I would
never have learned if I was afraid of trying something new.
Lynn concludes with a personal note----I am often asked,
"Where do you get your ideas?". Often Mother Nature
happily supplies me with fabulous views worth rendering in
cloth. But sometimes a piece of fabric will evoke a mental
picture, which becomes a wall quilt. Other times I'll see
some piece of artwork such as a watercolor and simply be
compelled to try making it in fabric. Then, copyright
permission is required before I proceed. Such was the case
with "KT 22 in Cloth", the quilt in the photograph [pictured
in last month's article]. Once Cecile Johnson and her agent
granted me permission, I joyfully used a professional artist's
talent, and simply copied it in fiber.
Lexy Martin
April 2013
Patchwords Press
Community Service
Treasurer’s Report
February, 2013
Beginning Balance as of Feb. 1, 2013
Net Gain/Loss
Checking Account
Money Market Account
Ending Balance February 28, 2013
Page 4
A detailed report may be seen at a guild
meeting at the officer’s table or by Email to
Lynn Cooper at
Treasury Correction
The January Treasurer's Report in the February Newsletter
contained a typographical error. The income should have
read $7,545.26. My apologies.
Now that the show is behind us, we hope that more members
will have time to participate in Community Service. Check
out kits to sew a top, quilt a quilt, or do some binding.
Our commitment to preemie quilts seems to be wavering.
The intensive care nurseries need an ongoing
supply. Preemie quilts are a great way to use up some of the
scraps and orphan blocks that we seem to collect. A preemie
quilt needs to be about 18 to 22 inches wide and 20 to 24
inches long. They can be made from Minkee, flannel and/or
kid-friendly cotton prints. They can be finished with
machine binding or in pillow style. Batting for a preemie
quilt should be cotton batting, flannel or no batting at all.
Since they are washed and dried in high temperatures,
polyester batting is not recommended. A preemie quilt is a
great way to practice your machine quilting since they do not
require a lot of quilting.
You can also sew 'to-go' bags for foster children.
In all cases, we supply everything you need, except thread
and love!
Community Service would like to acknowledge three
members for above-and-beyond work to meet our need for
cradle quilts. Mona Navarro not only completed 19 quilts
and pillows, but made white padded mattresses as well.
Linda Waddle completed 20 quilts, and Rita Kennedy called
me and filled in extra ones to make our quota. Way to go!
Judie Pieper and the Community Service Team
Lynn Cooper
Quilt Show DVD for Sale!
If you would like to buy a DVD with all the show quilts,
descriptions, and lots more, see Tamera. She hopes to have
them for the April meeting but if not, for sure at the May
meeting. They will be $5.
Tamera Failla
….is April 20 , 9:00 – 4:30
at the church.
Stitch your stress away.
2013 Quilt Show
Great Quilt Show Ladies....and Gentlemen! Stay tuned
for next month's newsletter to see pictures, and judges'
and viewers' -choice results. – Holly
April 2013
Patchwords Press
Page 5
April 2013
Patchwords Press
General Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2013
President Karren Lusignan called the meeting to order at 7:00
Karren welcomed 117 members and 2 guests and 2 affiliates
tonight. She then introduced the Pine Tree Quilt Guild and with
their lovely Opportunity Quilt.
Page 6
Barbara Shapel has one more opening left.
Carol Vierra—Block of the Month: Carol showed a sample for
BOM quilt-as-you-go in June. You will need extra fabrics to go
with Seminole bands and bands for class. $25.00 will hold your
place for the class. And this month’s winner is Sheila Lindquist.
Lynn Cooper—Treasurer: Budget time is coming up. Please
volunteer to help on the committee.
Secretary’s Report: The February minutes were accepted as
published in the March newsletter and will be filed for record.
Marcia Krummel—By-Laws Committee: Marcia needs help on
the committee which will meet at end of March or beginning of
Treasurer’s Report: A discrepancy was noted and the report will
be discussed at the March Board meeting.
Show and Tell: Looks like everyone is finishing those projects for
the quilt show as we had lots of pretties to oogle over.
Committee Reports:
2014 Opportunity Quilt Unveiling: Lynn Zacahrias unveiled
our 2014 Opportunity Quilt. She thanked those on her committee
which were Diana Nelson, Dorothy Van Pelt, and Terry
Kristin Lucas—Scheduler for Quilt Show: Thanks for filling
almost all of the 350 slots for the quilt show; there are a few left
still, including: door sales; logo merchandise; hanging wall
hangings on Friday; men to help in vendors take down. Everyone
who helps out will get a name tag which will be at the Armory. It
gets you into the show free.
Kathy Sanchez—Quilt Show: Thanks to all for your help! Please
remember preview night is Friday night in the Armory. Sisters in
Stitches mini group is making desserts for us. Non-perishable food
donations will be accepted and appreciated in the entryway of the
Armory at Preview Night? Check in time for judged quilts is
Thursday from 8-10 at this church. We have 127 judged quilts this
year. Non-judged quilts need to be submitted Friday at the Armory
building from 8-10. KAHI, 950 AM, is hosting Don and Sherry’s
Garden Show Saturday morning, and Gail Reinke and Lynn
Zacharias will be talking about quilt show for an hour. And a Grass
Valley radio station will host Kathy Sanchez Monday morning. An
article will appear in the Lincoln Messenger, as well. The billboard
is up and looks gorgeous! Thanks to Gail Reinke for publicity.
Pat McCandless—Opportunity Quilt: You can buy tickets
tonight for our quilt. We will not be selling tickets at Preview
Betsy—Demonstrations at quilt show: asked for hand quilters
for demos.
Sandy Crane—Community Panty: What a fabulous job of
donating food and egg cartons tonight. Next month is mac n cheese
and meal helpers.
Before a 10 minute break at 7:35, Karren Lusignan reminded us to
buy our Opportunity Quilt Tickets; pick up viewer’s choice ballots
and vote; and put the names in the basket.
Speaker: Mona Wooden and her committee – Challenge Quilts.
Mona, et al, created a fun game which kept us guessing all night
long as to who did what with those challenge quilts.
And the winners are:
5th place: Dog day—Lynn Tubbe
4th place: Christmas #16—Valerie Jensen
3rd place: Carryn Perry—Zoo Day
2nd place: Victoria Day—Melody Peters
1st place: Guy Fawkes Day—Jane Howarth
Thanks to Carryn Perry for the great event. And thanks to Mona
Wooden, et al for the great challenge this year.
Tonight’s Treasure Chest winners are: Maureen Burke; Marcia
Krummell; Arline Larkin; Diana Nelson; Cathy Stone; and the
quarterly drawing winner is Gail Reinke.
Reminder: Be sure to pick up your Block of the Month strip before
you leave tonight.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Serrano, Secretary
Colleen Voet—Webmistress: There was a problem with our
website’s server last week. It should be fine now after some
Board Meeting Minutes
Nancy Cremarosa—Discovery Day: Herkey Jerky with Maryann
Mealhow this Saturday at Janet Paehlig’s place. There will be no
Discovery Day in April because of Jamboree. In May, Vickie
Martin is doing shadow wall hanging.
President Karren Lusignan called the meeting to order at
Judie Pieper—Country Store: The Country Store will be in the
Tahoe building this year. When you are unloading, please come in
on the High Street side and do not bock the road in front of the
building as it is a fire land. We need shopping bags.
Linda Hurtt—Jamboree: Linda showed samples of classes
offered. The Mystery class is already filled; Linda has the supply
list for it. She also has the lunch menu.
Barbara Sammutt & Linda Gross—Workshops: They showed
the April sample—Bento Box which still has room; May with
March 18, 2013
Secretary’s Report: The February report was approved and filed
for record as printed in the March newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report: The February report as printed in the March
newsletter will be amended. Income was printed as 7,45.26 and
should have read 7,545.26. The report will be amended and will be
filed for audit. Lynn reports that $1000 has been transferred from
the contingency fund to the Quilt Show budget.
Old Business:
Tamera Failla will be sending out an email and preparing an
April 2013
Patchwords Press
article for the April newsletter in regards to needing volunteers to
help her with the Nominating Committee.
The Bi-laws.
Page 7
Karren Lusignan – President adjourned the meeting at 7:05p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by
Gail Reinke for Sue Serrano, Secretary.
Karren will follow-up on Vicki Sacre’s request to locate a rideshare partner.
New Business:
Lynn Cooper announced that Karren Lusignan, Vicki Martin and
Laura Rucker volunteered to be on this year’s Budget Committee.
She will set a meeting time after the quilt show.
Karren mentioned that we need a volunteer to market the 2014
Opportunity Quilt. Let Karren know if you have a suggestion for
an individual that might be interested in doing this job.
Carol Vierra and Barbara Sammut are working on a proposal for
the April board meeting in regards to chairing a workshop series
on quilt-skill building.
Committee Reports:
Linda Hurtt – Program Elect: There are 42 people signed-up to
attend the May 20th Jamboree. The breakdown is as follows: 8 –
Winding Way, 9 – Dresden, 10 – Mystery quilt (this workshop is
closed), 8 – Letty Bag, and 7 – open sewing. Kay King is
coordinating the lunch.
April 9th Workshop with Tracey
Brookshier - We still have some
openings in this class, so you can still
sign up. The supply list is on the
website and Tracey will be providing
the pattern for everyone. The cost is
May 14th Workshop with Barbara
Shapel - We've got a waiting list for
this thread painting class, but there is
still time, so you may get in. The cost
is $40 with a $8 pattern fee. Check
out the sample and supply list on line.
Mona Wooden – Challenge: The format for the challenge part of
the March General meeting was well received. Mona recommends
that we use it again. She’s planning on setting up separate viewer
choice ballots for the challenge quilts at the upcoming quilt show.
Holly Dolkas – Newsletter: Articles for the April newsletter are
due Thursday, March 21. Quilt show winners will be listed in the
May newsletter. The pictures that were in the March newsletter
were well received. Holly plans on continuing inserting them with
each article.
Judie Pieper – Community Service and Country Store: We will
be making dresses for Africa at our August general meeting. Judie
is working on the layout in the Tahoe Building for the Country
Linda Gross and
Barbara Sammut
Perky Brouillette – Retreat: The retreat is full with a waiting list.
There are 39 attendees. She has 6 people is triple rooms, 2 in
singles, and 31 in double rooms.
Lynn Zacharias – 2014 Opportunity Quilt Coordinator: The
quilt is complete. It was displayed at the March general meeting
and will be displayed at the quilt show.
Dorothy Van Pelt – Librarian: Dorothy plans on putting the
books out on the round tables during the general meetings. They
will be using smaller containers to transfer them from the storage
cabinet to the tables.
Teri Sartain – Membership: No changes to membership this
month. Teri plans on changing Whistle Stop Quilt Shop’s address
since the store is moving to Auburn.
Barbara Sammut – Workshops: There are 12 people signed up
to attend the April 9 Bento Box workshop. The May 14 workshop
with Barbara Shapel is full with a waiting list.
Carol Vierra – Block of the Month: Carol mentioned that there is
interest in the upcoming workshop to assemble the Seminal strips
into a quilt. She will write an article about the workshop for the
April newsletter.
Discovery Day
No Discovery Day in April because of
May will be a fun workshop by Vicki
Martin making a wall hanging using
shadowing techniques. Place and
further information to be announced.
Nancy Cremarosa,
Discovery Day chair
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to sew we go!
April 2013
Patchwords Press
Page 8
Herky Jerky Discovery Day
The class was a lot of fun. It was instructed by Maryann
Mealhow and hosted by Tenaj Studios. Why is the pattern
called Herky Jerky? It is due to the free-foot method of
attaching the appliqué pieces using a random jerky motion.
The choices of colors each person brought to their work
really spoke to the diversity of this little project. We each
were able to complete a 4-block section (off set with a small
block). We shared a good chuckle at the optimistic student
(me) that had brought batting! In my defense, it was on the
supply list! We made a pact to show the “completed”
projects at the July meeting.
The studio at Tenaj, is lovely as always and we were treated
to a wonderful salad and fresh bread. The necklaces, beads
and fibers were tempting as always.
Sharon Rizzato (no member photo available)
Victoria Beninga interviewed Gail Reinke, and Lynn
Zacharias March 16, 2013 on KAHI, about the guild and our
(at that time) upcoming quilt show. Great publicity!
April 2013
Patchwords Press
Foothills' Affiliates
Angel Quilters
6011 Nicolaus Rd
Lincoln, CA 95648-9514
Aunt Myra’s
2339 Cold Springs Rd
Placerville, CA 95667-3110
Page 9
The Final Stitch
15190 William Dr
Auburn, CA 95602
(530) 863-0391
Meissner Sewing Machine Co., Inc.
2417 Cormorant Way
Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 920-2121
Merrill-Lee Designs
8990 Robbins Rd.
Sacramento, CA 95829-9485
(916) 208-8801
Christine Barnes Design
208 Hill St.
Grass Valley, CA 95945-6313
(530) 273-3970
The Chameleon Handbag
Perky Brouillette
(530) 888-6360
Shari Bahr's Quilting
11233 Welty Ln
Auburn, CA 95603-9702
(530) 745-0264
Sugar Pine Quilt Shop
452 South Auburn Street
Grass Valley, CA 95945-7235
(530) 272-5308
Tenaj Creations
1940 Vista Del Lago
Auburn, CA 95603-3110
(408) 888-4580
The Tin Thimble
3750 Taylor Rd – PO Box 1759
Loomis, CA 95650-1759
(continued on p. 10)
April 2013
Patchwords Press
Foothills' Affiliates
(Cont'd from p.9)
Page 10
Block of the Month
Yes, the March pattern was a bit of a challenge. A big
congratulations to those who completed the "Intertwined"
pattern and turned it in at the March meeting. And I realize it
was also competing with all your quilt show entries!
The "Skyline" pattern, due in April, is very simple and fast;
so, maybe you can go back and finish one or two you might
have missed in past months?? If you plan to take the
Reversible Quilt Seminole Patchwork Workshop, you will
need 6-8 completed bands. See Workshops for sign-up.
Carol Vierra (530) 820-3433
Janet Paehlig (530) 823-1444
Whistle Stop Quilt Shop
54 N. Main Street –PO Box 1973
Colfax, CA. 95713-1973
(530) 346-8482
Quilts are like friends - a great source of comfort.
Quilt Camp
A waiting list is being made. Contact Perky Brouillette if
you would like to be added or would like information
regarding camp. We are going to Lake Tahoe May 5-10.
Perky Brouillette
Opportunity Quilt 2014
Yes, it is that time of year when we need one of you, or a
friendship group, to step forward to take on the task of
marketing our new 2014 Opportunity Quilt. As soon as our
quilt show is over, we can start marketing our new quilt. So,
there is no time to waste. The quilt was unveiled at our
March guild meeting. It should sell itself; it is beautiful with
paper-pieced flowers. I did not have a chance to look at it up
close, but I understand that Beth Foust did an outstanding
job with the quilting. Be sure to look for it at the quilt show.
If you have questions about marketing, if you think you are
interested in taking on this job, call me at (530) 887-1372 or
email me at
Karren Lusignan
April Birthdays
e e e e e e e
Kathleen Hangaard
Lana LaPlante
Dorothy Van Pelt
Linda Schreiner
Pam Bright
Beth Foust
Marie Bartorona
Jeanne Pincha-Tulley
Cheri Andrews
Pat Kile
Arline Larkin
Nancy Tellefson
Barbara Jean Vest
Phyllis Smith
Mary Milewski
Happy Birthday to you, one and all!
Membership Roster Updates
Whistle Stop Quilt Shop is moving to Auburn April 1, 2013!!
Whistle Stop Quilt Shop
13342 Lincoln Way
Auburn, CA 95603-3226
Teri Sartain
Membership Chair
April 2013
Patchwords Press
Vice President
Program Elect
Quilt Show
Quilt Show Elect
Past President
Karren Lusignan
Gail Reinke
Sue Serrano
Lynn Cooper
Beth Foust
Teri Sartain
Linda Hurtt
Carol Vierra
Kathy Sanchez
Vicki Martin
Beth Foust
Guild Policies
Rita Kennedy
Carol Vierra
Janet Paehlig
Bus Trips
Linda Gross
Valerie Jensen
Community Pantry Sandy Crane
Community Service Judie Pieper
Frankie Hey
Diana Hale
Lynn Cooper
Ginger Montero
Lynn Zacharias
Melody Peters
Mona Wooden
Discovery Days
Nancy Cremarosa
Lynn Zacharias
Beth Foust
Grants/Scholarship Diane Zandstra
Guild Greeters
Sandra Sekoch
Vicki Martin
Linda Spars
Tamera Failla
Carryn Perry
Junior Quilters
Jane Haworth
Dorothy Van Pelt
Maureen Burke
Logo Merchandise Susan Reeves
Lana LaPlante
Meet the Quilter
Lexy Martin
Teri Sartain
Joan Sampson
Mini Groups
Diane Zandstra
Beth Foust
Holly Dolkas
Opp Quilt Mktg '13 Pat McCandless
Opp Quilt Dsnr '14 Lynn Zacharias
Marcia Krummel
Perky Brouillette
Judie Pieper
Treasure Chest
Carol Riggert
Joy Myers
Colleen Voet
Ronda Kucala
Ginny Boan
Linda Gross
Barbara Sammut
Page 11
Guests may attend meetings for a $5 charge. We welcome
guests to become members at any time.
Annual dues are $35 for members; free for junior members;
and $50 for affiliates. The membership year is July 1-June
30. The half-year charge for new members (joining after
December 31) is $20.
Advertisements must be quilting or sewing related. They
must be sent to the editor by the newsletter deadline (see
below) for the desired date of publication. Make checks
payable to the Foothill Quilters Guild and send them to
P.O. Box 5653, Auburn CA 95604. Ad content may be
emailed, or sent as camera-ready text/illustration to the
editor (see addresses below). Rates: business card $8;
1/4 page $13; 1/2 page $25; full page $35 per issue.
Patchwords Press is published monthly by the Foothill
Quilters Guild. Copyright 2013 by FQG. The newsletter is
free for guild members in good standing. Any quilt guild in
California with whom we exchange newsletters may reprint
articles from Patchwords Press without further permission
by adding the following credit: “This article by [author] is
reprinted from the [appropriate date] issue of the Foothill
Quilters Guild Newsletter, Auburn, CA.” Articles may be
sent to:
Holly Dolkas
4110 Riverwoods Dr.
Auburn, CA 95602
OR (preferably)
Deadline for submissions is the Thursday after the Board
meeting (which is the 3rd Monday of the month).
Editing: The Patchwords Press editor reserves the right to
edit all submissions for grammar, content, and/or length
before publication.
Non-Profit Org
US Postage
Auburn, CA
Permit No. 160
Foothill Quilters Guild
P.O. Box 5653
Auburn, CA 95604
Mark Your Calendar
4/1 Quilt Show wrap-up meeting – Denny's at
6:30pm (6:00pm for dinner)
4/8 Guild Meeting – at the church
4/9 Workshop
4/17 NCQC Meet-the-Teachers
4/20 Jamboree – 9:00 - 4:30 at the church
4/20 & 4/21 Amador Valley Quilt Guild quilt
4/20 & 4/21 Loomis Guild quilt show
(Please see the Guild's website calendar for
more information on these events )
Bring to the Meeting:
• Name tag
• $2 for opportunity quilt tickets – one for our guild and one for our
guest guild
• Completed block-of-the-month
• Money for Treasure Chest
• Community Service and Preemie Quilt(s)
• Checkbook to pay for classes
• Library books due (or overdue!)
• Show and Tell
• Donation for Community Pantry – Suggestion for April is “packaged
mac & cheese or meal-helpers”
May Newsletter Deadline:
April 18, 2013
Don't forget your
Community Pantry donation.