annual report - Reggio Terzo Mondo
annual report - Reggio Terzo Mondo
ANNUAL REPORT 2015 “We do not know people when they come to us, we must go to them to know what they are.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 2015 was a difficult year for our world, a year of fear, attacks, mistrust and emotion. This is why I decided to open this report with this quote from Goethe. We must go to them to really get to know them, to understand their thoughts, let ourselves be carried away by their humanity. It’s always hard for me to be able to communicate not only the many activities you will find in the following pages, but above all the enthusiasm, the passion, the wonders that our work gives us. This enthusiasm might not be able to shine from a report and maybe this is the reason we would like to take you with us, in Madagascar, in Kosovo, in Albania, in Palestine. We would like to tell you about the children included in the integrated classes and who are finally laughing and playing with the other children and their eyes shining. We would like to tell you about the women who hold their own future in their hands and who are breeding pigs with the care that only women can give to a cub. We would like to tell you about the lambs that are learning to stand on their paws in the mountains of Albania. We would like to tell you about the young Palestinian teachers who want to give space to the 100 languages of the children and gift them the ability to create a peaceful future. We would like to tell you about the enthusiasm of the volunteers working on the field, the ability and desires to share with the people they meet, the humanity they are able to put into action. We would like to tell you about the jail where, with father Giovanni Davoli, they go to spend some of their time with the convicts, we would like to tell you that this experience gives a future even to them. We would like to tell you … to make you feel like a part of our projects, to have you at our side once again with our same enthusiasm, with the certainty that our world can be better and that we, all of us, are rallied to lay our small seed for the future. Nelson Mandela said: “We are the work, the bread, the water and the salt, things for all let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.” We add that there should also be schools, health and above all the faith in a world that would go back to being livable for all. Reggio Emilia, June 6, 2016 Maria Teresa Pecchini RTM President WH O W E ARE RTM is an international voluntary non-governmental organization. Since 1973, it has promoted international cooperation and solidarity projects in Africa, Central and South-Eastern Europe, Latin America, Western Balkans and Middle East as well as information, sensibilization and development education activities in Italy. RTM’s mission consists in promoting people’s dignity, safeguard their fundamental rights and support the economical and social development processes, paying particular attention to people and environment. RTM operates through medium and long-term interventions with the active participation of local partners and the involvement of local communities. The strength of RTM is represented by the volunteers who work both overseas, engaged in development projects, and in Italy, working on raising awareness activities and fundraising campaigns. OUR HISTORY Ours is a history where different people and different cultures come together. Our history tells the story of over 400 volunteers who dedicated years of their lives helping thousands of women, children and men in order to meet their needs, to prove that a more brotherly world is possible. It is a long story, this is why we will point out just a few of the many milestones along our journey. The international volunteering experiences and the projects to support the missionary activities start with the arrival of the first missionary team of the Diocese of Reggio Emilia in VOLONTAIRES Madagascar. Throughout the years, due the increasing needs of the local population, we moved on to rural development, sanitary social animation and nutritional help projects and income generation initiatives. It is all done thanks to the recognition as an NGO by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1973 and the co-financed projects. Since then, our presence in Madagascar has never been interrupted and as of today over 150 people have volunteered in this country for at least two years. At this day, many members and ex-volunteers are still in love with Red Island. 7 196 5 197 4 199 In this year begins the 20 year presence in Central African Republic to meet the locals needs that brought us to work on the development of the agriculture and of the community. It is the year of the first seat agreement with the hosting Government, the one of Madagascar. RTM starts a three-year project to support the kindergartens and the start of 25 new preschool classes in Palestine. RTM opens up to Brazil with a project DU MONDE for the rescue and reintegration of needy minors. It’s the last experience in Latin America after the ones in Bolivia (1990-1992) and Ecuador (2005). 9 199 09 0 2 6 200 3 201 RTM deals with Kosovo emergency: in collaboration with Caritas Reggiana we supported the Albanian Caritas of Scutari receiving the refugees. With the return of the refugees in Kosovo, we decided to stand by the population, planning interventions in the agro-zootechnical and peace education spheres. Even today, after more than 100 volunteers have interchanged during the years, we are still present with interventions for the rural development and supporting women’s shelters. Still in 1999, following the twinning between the Bethlehem Governorate and the Province of Reggio Emilia, RTM intervened in Palestine. Initially, the intervention was in support of a psychophysical rehabilitation center for minors and later on in favor of deaf-mute minors. 5 201 It’s the year when we return to Northern Albania with a project to fight gender violence. ORGANOGRAM (al 31/12/2015) PARTNER’S MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS (11 members) Maria Teresa Pecchini (Chairman), Pietro Gozzi (Vice-Chairman), Don Luciano Pirondini (A.E.), Achille Vezzosi, Andrea Guerrini, Cecilia Pellicciari, Claudio Gollini, Luca Capece, Roberto Soncini, Don Romano Zanni, Samanta Lanzi EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (5 members) Maria Teresa Pecchini Pietro Gozzi Don Luciano Pirondini Andrea Guerrini Marcello Viani (Executive Director) ITALIAN OFFICE Administration Foreign projects Marina Seligardi Office contact Mario Pelloni Madagascar Coordination Valeria Quaini Accounting Italy and Project proceedings Deanna Bassi (Volunteer) Francesco Gradari Albania, Kosovo and Palestine Secretary Valeria Quaini Vanna Spinato (volunteer) Giuseppe Ruozi (volunteer) Volunteers VCS-EVS Elena Gaiti Communication and Fundraising Francesca Cedraro Purchasing and Logistics Giacomo Galavotti Pietro Bedini (volunteer) Marcello Viani Madagascar FOREIGN OFFICES – Contact Persons Office of Antananarivo - Madagascar Annalisa Mansutti Office of Klina - Kosovo Nicola Battistella Office of Beit Jala - Palestine Danila Zizi Office of Vau Dejes - Albania Giuseppe Anania VOLUNTEERS IN MADAGASCAR Volunteer Project Departure Reentry Berard Cristina Psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation (Ambositra) February 2013 Caraffi Giulia Struggle against tuberculosis (Manakara) August 2013 Folloni Chiara Psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation (Manakara) October 2015 Guasina Eugenio Struggle against tuberculosis (Manakara) March 2014 February 2015 Guida Sofia RTM Coordination Office (Antananarivo) June 2013 September 2015 Lanzoni Luciano Psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation (Ambositra) November 1990 Leone Maria Gabriella RTM Coordination Office (Antananarivo) July 2015 Lorniali Elena Psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation (Manakara) March 2014 Mansutti Annalisa Psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation (Antananarivo) September 2008 Mariani Nicola Struggle against tuberculosis (Manakara) May 2015 Pitzalis Mauro Struggle against tuberculosis (Manakara) May 2015 Rovesti Silvia Psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation (Ambositra) October 2015 Rota Silvia Struggle against tuberculosis (Manakara) April 2010 Silva Valentina Psychiatric prevention and rehabilitation (Ambositra) October 2015 August 2015 February 2015 July 2015 VOLUNTEERS IN KOSOVO Volunteer Project Departure Reentry Arezzi Federica POWER (Klina) April 2014 Battistella Nicola AWARE (Klina) May 2014 Baù Giacomo Development of social entrepreneurship in the education and gender spheres (Klina) June 2014 Ferrari Maria Francesca POWER (Klina) September 2015 Raffin Fabio AWARE (Klina) September 2015 Terrosi Giulia Development of social entrepreneurship in the education and gender spheres (Klina) May 2014 April 2015 Viola Matteo MILK (Klina) June 2014 February 2015 Reentry April 2015 VOLUNTEERS IN ALBANIA Volunteer Project Departure Aloisi Daniele FSD (Lac Vau Dejes) September 2015 Anania Giuseppe FSD (Lac Vau Dejes) February 2015 Cariola Caterina WAVES (Lac Vau Dejes) September 2015 Castoldi Chiara WAVES (Lac Vau Dejes) June 2014 November 2015 Pieri Martina WAVES (Lac Vau Dejes) March 2014 June 2015 Reentry VOLUNTEERS IN PALESTINE Volunteer Project Departure Zizi Danila AEPIC (Beit Jala) March 2015 Toniolo Claudia AEPIC (Beit Jala) August 2015 RTM PRO KOSOVO • AWARE – Action of Women in Agri-business for a new Regional Economy • POWER – Partnership On Women Economic Rights RTM expatriate personnel: 7 Local personnel: 3 ALBANIA • FSD – Training, Development, Rights • WAVES – Women Action against Violence and for Equality in rural and remote areas of Shkoder region RTM expatriate personnel: 5 Local personnel: 5 PALESTINE • AEPIC - Alliance for an inclusive & qualitative early childhood education in west bank RTM expatriate personnel: 2 Local personnel: 2 ITALY • Promotion of international volunteering • Communications and development education MADAGASCAR • Community networks Community networks for the psychiatric rehabilitation and prevention in the Amoron’i Mania and Vatovavy Fitovinany regions • Struggle against tuberculosis and strengthening of the healthcare system in the Vatovavy Fitovinany region • School for everyone • Project to support the Fondation Médicale d’Ampasimanjeva (FMA) RTM expatriate personnel: 14 Local personnel: 54 MAD A GA MADAGASCAR COMMUNITY NETWORKS FOR THE PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION AND PREVENTION IN THE AMORON’I MANIA AND VATOVAVY FITOVINANY REGIONS AREA: 25 communes of the Amoron’i Mania Region and 45 of the Vatovavy Fitovinany Region DURATION: March 2014 – June 2017 ANNUAL COST 2015: 342.028 Euro EMPLOYED PERSONEL: RTM volunteers and local operators PARTNERS: Diocese of Ambositra, Diocese of Farafangana, Akanin’ny Marary NGO, Foyer Tanjomoha FINANCERS: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) THE PROJECT The project intends to improve the life quality and the social inclusion, educational and professional rate of the people who suffer from mental handicaps and their families, strengthening the community network for the psychiatric and psychosocial prevention and rehabilitation in collaboration with the local healthcare system. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 --The mental health and infant neuropsychiatry competences of the local public healthcare service were strengthened. --The awareness of the local institutions, organizations and communities about mental health was raised by involving 1800 Community Health Workers (CHW), participating to national and international days related to mental health, publishing two-monthly information slips and radio-communication campaigns. Also, 400 among teachers, educators, social and sanitary operators were trained on this matter. --The management of the illness was strengthened trough a community network of prevention and rehabilitation: 3,500 people suffering from mental and neurological handicap were taken care of. RTM continued its partnership with the Mental Health Center of the Amoron’i Mania’s regional hospital and the Fialofana Psycho-social Rehabilitation Center that welcomes women with mental disorders. --Teachers and educators received a specific training about inclusive education so that an early diagnose could be done within the schools and the training and youth centers. --The project supported the education of 600 children and teenagers with mental and neurological disorders and the training of the teachers from two pilot schools about an inclusive and specific pedagogy of children with intellectual developmental disability or other mental disorders. --Definition and validation of the training curricula for those responsible for the health centers, the community health workers and the teachers, thanks to the collaboration with the local Ministries of Healthcare and Education,; the training sessions in the two regions were also programmed. PROSPECTS FOR 2016 --Conclusion of the training sessions for the trainers (primary health care providers in the two regions) and the CHW of the respective communes to follow; to assist the CHW in their work of identifying and assisting the mentally ill. MADAGASCAR STRUGGLE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS AND STRENGTHENING OF THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN THE VATOVAVY FITOVINANY REGION AREA: Vatovavy Fitovinany Region DURATION: January 1st 2013 – November 30th 2016 ANNUAL COSTS 2015: 154.446 Euro EMPLOYED PERSONNEL: 2 RTM volunteers and 23 local operators PARTNERS: Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Healthcare, Fondation Médicale d’Ampasimanjeva, Foyer Tanjomoha, “Aina” Center FINANCERS: Fondation Assistance Internationale (FAI), private donations. THE PROJECT The project intends to reduce the incidence rate of tuberculosis in the Vatovavy Fitovinany Region especially among the poor and at the same time strengthening the peripheral healthcare system by empowering the local Health Committees, according to what is provided by the National Policy of Community Healthcare of Madagascar. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 -- The Health Centers were strengthened and supported by training the personnel of the 7 Diagnosis and Treatment Centers (DTC) and the 33 peripheral Treatment Centers (TC) for the treatment of tuberculosis. -- 894 ill people who presented the clinical signs of infection received 15.865 antibiotic capsules, while waiting for the lab confirmations. -- Nutritional support to the patients in need, for a total of 3.375 monthly rations. -- Training of 357 community health workers (CHW), who weren’t reached by the previous programs, in 13 communes of the Nosy Varika district. The sanitary and social importance of the CHW’s work was emphasized by the presence of 7 mayors and 14 primary health care providers. -- 45 Health Committees (Comités de Santé, COSAN) were reinforced: other than their CHW’s training, who are non-paid volunteers, the COSANs of 45 communes received support to conduct self-financed activities and to manage the collected funds. -- Activities of active research and monitoring of the ill: 2,778 patients, who were home visited by the CHW in 14,592 occasions, were convinced into turning to the Primary Health Care Centers; the patients then received medical examinations (2,185 in total) from the CHW to assure them with a proper treatment. -- The awareness of tuberculosis was raised for 180,000 people (estimation): other than the home visits, 3,807 collective awareness events were realized for various groups of neighbors; 754 sensible advertisements to fight tuberculosis were broadcasted via radio and 1,000 pamphlets for food education were given away; 419 posters were disseminated to encourage the voluntary participation to the transportation of the lab exams and the results. PROSPECTS FOR 2016 To reinforce the already obtained results and to strengthen the system of diagnosis and home care with the verification and improvement of the protocols in case of a multi resistant tuberculosis. MADAGASCAR SCHOOL FOR EVERYONE AREA: Districts of Ambatondrazaka and Amparafaravola (Alaotra Mangoro Region) DURATION: August 2015 to July 2017 ANNUAL COST 2015: 22.043 Euro EMPLOYED PERSONNEL: Italian volunteers and local operators FINANCERS: Indena S.p.a THE PROJECT The action aims to increase the school attendance rate in the Alaotra Mangoro Region. The activities address five primary schools of the Districts of Ambatondrazaka and Amparafaravola. The project rises from a corporate social responsibility action implemented by Indena within the communities that export the Centella asiatica to Italy. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 In the light of the context, the activities of the first year were focused to give an immediate and tangible contribution for making accessible the materials to the families, providing the teachers with essential educational materials and supplying the schools with basic equipment. In detail: --1.288 childrens received a school kit (as provided by the annual program); --30 teachers were given a kit to support them with their work. Although this is just partial data, the monthly supervision showed that the days of absence of the students have decreased while the teachers motivation has increased. PROSPECTS FOR 2016 To focus on the training of the teachers and improving the school environments during the second and third year. MADAGASCAR PROJECT TO SUPPORT THE FONDATION MÉDICALE D’AMPASIMANJEVA (FMA) AREA: Ampasimanjeva – Manakara (Vatovavy Fitovinany Region) DURATION: January 2015 – December 2015 EMPLOYED PERSONNEL: Italian volunteers and local personnel FINANCERS: Dioceses of Reggio Emilia and Guastalla, Fondation Assistence Internationale, private donors THE PROJECT RTM gives institutional and methodological support to the Fondation Médicale d’Ampasimanjeva, which is the only health facility in the Ampasimanjeva commune and the 22 surrounding communes, contributing to improve the life conditions of the population of the commune and of the entire Manakara district. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 In 2015, RTM assisted in the management of the project “Requalification and support to the Don Mario Hospital – Fondation Medicale d’Ampasimanjeva”. The intervention carried out two main activities: -- Realization of a 20 kW photovoltaic system Thanks to this system, the FMA was able to reduce its environmental impact and fuel consumptions; -- “Childbirth assistance sheet” trial This trial will help with the improvement of the mother-child healthcare services. This is a really important sector, considered the activities carried out in 2015: -- 1.786 parental consultations; -- 699 hospitalized women; -- 336 assisted childbirths, of which 108 cesareans; -- 1.017 vaccinations for children 0 to 11 months old. PROSPECTS FOR 2016 To start the training of the traditional midwifes in the area in order to improve the connection with the FMA and the assistance to the pregnant women. To strengthen the economic and environmental sustainability of the hospital. KOSOVO AWARE – ACTION OF WOMEN IN AGRI-BUSINESS FOR A NEW REGIONAL ECONOMY AREA: Kosovo - District of Peja/Pec DURATION: December 2014 - December 2016 ANNUAL COST 2015: 307.810 Euro EMPLOYED PERSONNEL: 2 volunteers and 2 local operators PARTNERS: Women association “INDIRA” (Kline/Klina), Local Democracy Agency of Kosovo (LDAK, Peja/Pec) FINANCERS: European Union, Italian Episcopal Conference THE PROJECT The intervention intends to support the development of the entire pig industry of the Western Region by promoting the local traditions and knowledge, the women’s role in agriculture and the cooperative productions adjusting the farming, transformation, selling and promotion practices of the pig industry to the European standards. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 --Realization of a local training program about the management of the pig farms addressed to the farmers and veterinarians of the District of Peja/Pec thanks to the collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia experts and the Food and Veterinary Agency of Kosovo. --Elaboration of customized development plans for 12 farms operating in the pig industry of the Municipality of Kline/Klina. -- 12 farms operating in the pig industry of the Municipality of Kline/Klina were modernized and enlarged. --Construction of a new slaughterhouse for the production of pig meat in the village of Videja/Vidanje (Municipality of Kline/Klina) to be managed by the Women Farming Cooperative “EVA”.. PROSPECTS FOR 2016 To realize a study visit in Emilia Romagna for some representatives of the “EVA” Cooperative, to elaborate and approve of a Production Regulation for the breeding and transformation of pig meat and a quality label for the cooperative’s products. Also the project will help the “EVA” Cooperative to launch the production at the new slaughterhouse, promote the new products and conclude trade agreements in the local market. KOSOVO POWER – PARTNERSHIP ON WOMEN ECONOMIC RIGHTS AREA: Kosovo – at a national level DURATION: February 2015 - September 2016 ANNUAL COST 2015: 112.502 Euro EMPLOYED PERSONNEL: 2 volunteers - 1 local operator LOCAL PARTNER: Kosovo Shelter Coalition (KSC) FINANCERS: European Union, Italian Episcopal Conference THE PROJECT POWER’s objective is to strengthen the cooperation among the grass-root women’s organizations that fight to overcome gender based violence, the local authorities, the policy-makers and service providers at a municipal level in order to promote the economic empowerment of the victims of violence against women (VAW). ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 -- A delegate for each of the 7 women’s shelters from Kosovo took part to a study visit in Emilia Romagna on the socialeconomic re-integration of VAW victims; the visit was organized in collaboration with the NONDASOLA Association of Reggio Emilia and the Network of Women Centers against Violence of Emilia Romagna Region (NWCAVER). -- Realization of a training program by experts from the NWCAVER for the 7 Women’s Shelters of Kosovo on the economic empowerment of VAW victims and the subjects of cooperation and training of other agencies involved with the struggle against VAW. -- 6 “Job Desks” were launched in order to give vocational orientation and support the economic empowerment of VAW victims within 6 women shelters run by Kosovan grass-root women’s organizations from all over the country; the “Job Desks” were then promoted in Kosovo through open events for the citizenry, information material and initiatives in local media. -- On November 25th, in occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the project realized a national seminar about the gender based violence matter and the work of the women’s shelters in Kosovo. PROSPECTS FOR 2016 To consolidate and expand the services offered by the “Job Desks”, to organize a national seminar and local round tables for the re-integration of VAW victims and a training program about the VAW victims’ economic empowerment addressed to the local authorities and service providers. ALBANIA TDR - TRAINING, DEVELOPMENT, RIGHTS AREA: Albania, County of Shkoder (Municipality of Pukë), Kosovo, District of Peja/Peć and District of Prizren DURATION: January 2015 - December 2017 ANNUAL COST 2015: 13.373 Euro EMPLOYED PERSONNEL: 2 volunteers and 2 local operators PARTNERS: Diocesan Caritas of Sapa (Vau Dejes), Partnership for Development Foundation (Tirana) FINANCERS: Italian Episcopal Conference THE PROJECT The general objective of the project is to promote the social-economic development among the disadvantaged rural communities of Northern Albania and South-Western Kosovo by promoting the traditional knowledge, the typical local products and the woman’s role. More specifically, the project takes place in the Municipality of Pukë and the Districts of Peja/Pec and Prizren with the aim to support the development of family businesses based on farming production and transformation activities and implement women employment through initiatives of economic empowerment for disadvantaged women. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 Rural development sector: -- 2 Trust Funds (one in Albania and one in Kosovo) were created for the development of family farms; -- The Funds provided technical training and awarding grants to the family farms that operate in the Albanian sheep/goat and Kosovan pig industries; -- The project provided for the training of sector experts (veterinarians) in Albania and for the organization of public events on the regulations and promotion of the pig meat production in Kosovo. Women’s rights sector: -- A Trust Fund was created to support the employment of the victims of violence against women (VAW victims) in Kosovo; -- By opening “Job Desks” within Kosovo’s women’s shelters services for vocational orientation were made available for VAW victims; -- The “Job Desks” assisted VAW victims during the realization of employment and/or co-housing pilot initiatives. PROSPECTS FOR 2016 To award new grants to family farms in Albania and Kosovo. Also, the Trust Fund will be launched to support the employment of disadvantaged women in Northern Albania. ALBANIA WAVES - WOMEN ACTION AGAINST VIOLENCE AND FOR EQUALITY IN RURAL AND REMOTE AREAS OF SHKODER REGION AREA: Albania, County of Shkoder – Municipality of Pukë DURATION: January 2014 - June 2016 ANNUAL COST 2015: 19.534 Euro EMPLOYED PERSONNEL: 2 volunteers + 3 local operators PARTNERS: Women’s Shelter “Light Steps” (Shkoder) FINANCERS: European Union, Operation Daywork THE PROJECT The general objective of the project is to oppose the gender based violence phenomenon in Albania by developing the prevention, support and re-integration services addressed to the victims of violence against women (VAW victims), within the frame of the Law on Domestic Violence and in reinforcement prospective of the National Strategy for Gender Equality and the Struggle Against Gender Based Violence 2011-2015 in rural and peripheral areas of Northern Albania. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 -- Violence Against Women (VAW) prevention: organization of quarterly meetings of the Inter-institutional Coordination Table on VAW and continuation of the VAW prevention and awareness program in schools. -- Services to support VAW victims: reception of 41 VAW victims at the “Woman Desk” (Pukë), promotion of the “Woman Desk” within the territory by organizing community meetings with groups of women who live in remote mountain areas and open events for the citizens. -- Re-integration of VAW victims: study visit in Reggio Emilia for the personnel of the “Light Steps” women’s shelter of Shkoder, realization of three employment and/or co-housing pilot initiatives for VAW victims assisted by the “Woman Desk” of Pukë. PROSPECTS FOR 2016 To strengthen the Inter-institutional Coordination Table on VAW of the Municipality of Pukë by underwriting an Operative Protocol among the stakeholders. Also, the project foresees to strengthen the services offered by the “Woman Desk” in Pukë, launch two self-help and mutual aid groups made up by (potential) VAW victims and realize further employment and/or co-housing pilot initiatives for VAW victims assisted by the “Woman Desk”. PALESTINE AEPIC – ALLIANCE FOR AN INCLUSIVE & QUALITATIVE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN WEST BANK AREA: OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES – West Bank Mainly the Governorates of Bethlehem, Ramallah e Jenin DURATION: March 2015 - February 2018 ANNUAL COST 2015: 257.482 Euro EPLOYED PERSONNEL: 2 volunteers + 2 local operators PARTNERS: Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE), Ramallah - Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem (LP), Beit Jala - Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem (GOP), Beit Sahour - Greek Catholic Patriarchate (GCP), Beit Sahour - Ibdaa for Children’s Development and International Cultural Exchange (IBDAA), Dheisheh Refugee Camp FINANCERS: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of International Cooperation, Region of Emilia Romagna THE PROJECT AEPIC’s objective is to strengthen the private-public partnership within the early childhood education sector in the Governorate of Bethlehem, with an Exchange of best practices with the rest of the West Bank t increase the quality and the level of inclusion of the educational services for early childhood in West Bank. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN 2015 -- The MoEHE’s professional capacities to manage the entire cycle of early childhood education services were increased by realizing a local training program followed by a study visit in Reggio Emilia addressed to the directors and MoEHE supervisors in collaboration with the Reggio Children Experts. -- The quality of the education services offered by 7 public and private kindergartens selected in the Governorate of Bethlehem was improved by realizing a local training program followed by a study visit in Reggio Emilia addressed to the directors and teachers of these 7 schools, all in collaboration with the Reggio Children Experts. -- The text “Everything has a shadow, except ants” (Reggio Children) was translated in Arab PROSPECTS FOR 2016 To realize a second local training program and a second study visit for the MoEHE’s and pilot schools’ personnel in collaboration with Reggio Children, to supply school equipment and teaching material to the 7 pilot schools, to realize investment expenditures (furniture, teaching materials, small restorations) for the public preschools’ classes, to disseminate the publication “Everything has a shadow, except ants”. ITALY PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEERING The first statutory objective of RTM-Volontari nel mondo is to promote development projects and International solidarity in the countries in need. In an exchanging perspective, the International Volunteers have a central role in the projects: they are asked to dedicate a period of their lives to others for free; such period can go from one up to two years. For such reasons RTM promotes the International volunteering, the European Voluntary Service, Civil Service experiences, internships in collaboration with the Universities, summer volunteering camps and volunteering forms in support of the raising awareness and social animation activities which the organism carries out locally. -- International volunteering training course: we continued with the research, selection, interview and training activities of the International Volunteers for the management of RTM’s projects in Albania, Kosovo, Madagascar and Palestine. The training program provides: • a first interview followed by the participation to the 4 weekend Training course. In 2015, RTM has provided one residential course in spring. • a specific training period with a 20-day duration aimed at the departure of the volunteer, in particular the study of the language and of the project in which he will take part in. -- European Voluntary Service (EVS): in 2015 the renewal of the accreditation to the program was formalized, though no new EVS projects were presented. -- National Civil Service (NCS): in 2015 RTM obtained approval for the civil service project in Italy and therefore welcomed 2 volunteers in its offices in Reggio Emilia; approval was also given for the overseas civil service project in Madagascar, Kosovo and Albania, sending a total of 8 volunteers. RTM took part to the new call for projects presenting a request for 10 volunteers, of which 2 in Italy and the remaining in Madagascar, Kosovo and Albania. -- Regional Civil Service (RCS): two volunteers started their RCS with RTM to support its activities of raising awareness and social inclusion, in collaboration with the Granello di Senapa. -- Garanzia Giovani: at the end of the year, a young adult from Reggio Emilia’s territory started a 6 month internship to support the secretary and administrative activities of the office.. -- Summer volunteer camps: the organism, in collaboration with the Diocesan Missionary Center, developed and proposed a summer camp in Madagascar with the objective of making the participants aware of the reality, the culture and the projects of RTM in the countries in which it operates; 10 people took part to this initiative. The camp was preceded by 4-5 training meetings. -- Promotion of International volunteering: RTM intervened at the training course on volunteering held by the Commune of Modena and addressed to 30 young people of the Modena territory. ITALY COMMUNICATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION RTM undertakes, in accordance with the statutory objectives, to do communication and development education activities. For this reason, RTM undertakes initiatives in the matters of global education, globalization, intercultural dialogue, peace education, fair trade and lifestyles. Activities carried out in 2015: - Granello di Senapa: it is the coordination body through which RTM brings the development education matter into the schools. In 2015 in Reggio Emilia the interventions in the primary and secondary schools were conducted over more than 750 hours. - “One world, one future” the project is co-funded by the MAECI in 15 regions; it promotes the education, the awareness and the participation of all the citizens to the International cooperation and sustainable development. RTM, in collaboration with Granello di Senapa has involved 10 Schools of the Reggio Emilia province. - Theatrical performance “A come SREBRENICA”: the civil theatrical performance was organized and shown on November 25th, international day for the elimination of violence against women, for the second year in a row, at the Cavallerizza theatre. The initiative was realized thanks to the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and with the contribution of the European Union. The event sold out, with an audience of 385, thanks to the participation of many citizens and companies. The entire proceeds were given to POWER, a project against gender based violence in Kosovo. - Photo Exhibition “Head-high – a journey through Kosovo’s women shelters”: from May 19th to June 20th, a Photo Exhibition was set up at Vittoria Cafè in Santa Vittoria (RE); the pictures on display were taken by Lorenzo Franzi and show his journey throughout the six women shelters of Kosovo in July 2014. The initiative, arranged by RTM and NONDASOLA Association, financed by the Emilia Romagna Region, was realized, thanks to the Municipality of Gualtieri and the Vittoria Cafè Community cooperative, to raise the awareness of the city and give visibility to the REVIVE - Reintegration of Victims of domestic Violence project. - Film exhibition “Altro Tema”: on May 27th, the film “Vergine giurata” was screened at the cinema in Campagnola. The proceeds (tickets were bought in exchange for a donation) were given to WAVES, a RTM’s project that supports the women’s shelters in Albania. The initiative, promoted by the Cinema Oratorio San Giovanni Bosco of Campagnola, was realized in collaboration with RTM and the NONDASOLA Association. - Solidarity dinners that take place thanks to our volunteers: on July 5th 2015, the solidarity dinner “FOOD FOR EVERYONE” was organized in Massenzatico, in the Church square, as the opening event of the Massenziadi. Also, two solidarity aperitifs were organized (in Formigine and Vezzano sul Crostolo); the proceeds were devolved to support RTM’s projects in Madagascar. Also, two solidarity aperitifs were organized (in Formigine and Vezzano sul Crostolo); the proceeds were devolved to support RTM’s projects in Madagascar. Sono stati organizzati due aperitivi solidali (a Formigine e Vezzano sul Crostolo): la raccolta è andata a sostegno dei progetti di RTM in Madagascar. - “At Christmas wrap the present, donate the future!”: it is a fundraising and awareness initiative to support grade zero public classes in Palestine and to launch 25 new public preschool classes. It was promoted by email and by making gift bags from November 24th to December 24th at the Bottega Ravinala of Reggio Emilia, thanks to the volunteers’ support. - Christmas Initiative “Angels go to school!”: 32 parishes of the Diocese of Reggio Emilia took part to this initiative in November and December: after setting up the stands, volunteers sold little angels of the Ravinala Cooperative’s fair trade; these angels were made in Indonesia by a cooperative of disabled people. The proceeds were devolved to the AEPIC project in Palestine. - Christmas cards campaign: in 2015, 18 companies of Reggio Emilia adhered to the Campaign. The proceeds were allocated to RTM’s projects in Madagascar, Palestine, Kosovo and Albania. - Solidarity scrolls: throughout the year, we were busy with the realization of solidarity gifts for various occasions such as Marriages, Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations. We thank those who chose to share their happy moments with RTM. - Peace school of Reggio Emilia: RTM takes part to the Peace School promoted by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia in order to create a platform for studies, research, training and action on the matters of development and non-violent transformation of the conflicts. st SHEET2015 AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 ST BALANCE SHEET AT 31BALANCE DECEMBER A) B) C) ASSETS FIXED ASSETS I- Immaterial fixed assets II- Material fixed assets III- Financial fixed assets Total WORKING CAPITAL Credits Credits in front of project donors Other credits Total II- Liquid assets Cash and bank deposits in Italy Cash and bank deposits abroad Total III- Remaining stock I- Total ACCRUALS AND REDISCOUNTS Accruals and rediscounts TOTAL ASSETS Estimation of furnished food aid during the financial year 2015 2014 0 8.849 436 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 0 1.562 436 9.285 1.998 1.642.502 190.093 1.832.595 1.582.524 224.807 1.807.331 498.467 132.427 630.894 539.060 87.136 626.196 2.463.489 2.433.527 450 545 2.473.224 2015 2.436.070 2014 0 240.613 A) B) C) D) E) FUND BALANCE Net funds Financial year result Total RISKS FUND Risks fund Total EMPLOYEES LIQUIDATION FUND Employees liquidation fund DEBTS Debts towards members Debts towards third parties Debts towards projects Project Fund Ohter debts Total ACCRUALS AND REDISCOUNTS Accruals and rediscounts TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE MANAGEMENT REPORTING 2015 2014 31.609 4.667 46.101 -17.878 36.276 28.223 1.748 REVENUES I- 1.748 1.748 1.748 127.132 115.870 44.137 68.697 1.505 1.485.110 160.850 57.662 30.044 1.428 1.340.153 157.099 1.760.299 1.586.385 547.769 703.844 2.473.224 A) 2.436.070 B) COFINANCED PROJECTS Cofinanced projects Madagascar projects Kosovo projects Albania projects Palestina projects Total I- II- OTHER REVENUES Microprojects and other initiatives Volunteers training Mad/Kos/Alb/Pal countries coordination Development education activities 2015 2014 531.095 428.379 35.437 463.462 661.575 185.009 22.629 0 1.458.373 869.213 7.870 158.402 25.512 8.214 44.078 55.550 Total Contributions and Reimbursements Contributions from Private subjects Volunteers work estimation Other Contributions (5x1000) Reimbursements 191.784 107.842 44.990 29.190 22.490 75.008 55.005 28.900 25.727 98.991 Total 171.678 208.624 Bank interests Active occurrances Other incomes Total Totale Income 506 40 328 874 364.336 21 38 2.013 2.073 318.539 III- Financial and extraordinary revenues A) B) COSTS I- Cofinanced projects Madagascar projects Kosovo projects Albania projects Palestina projects - Cost for personnel in Italy Total I- Microprojects and other initiatives Volunteers training Mad/Kos/Alb/Pal countries coordination Fund raising Development education activities Total Management costs Purchases for NGO Services costs Other management costs Financial costs Extraordinary costs Total Personnel Salaries Social costs Employees liquidation Volunteers work Total Mortagages Immaterial fixed assets Material fixed assets Total Allowances Allowance to Risks Fund Total Total NGO Costs II- III- IV- V- TOTAL REVENUES 1.822.709 1.187.752 COFINANCED PROJECTS NGO COSTS TOTAL COSTS Financial year result 2015 2014 531.095 428.379 35.437 463.462 -187.691 1.270.682 661.575 185.009 22.629 0 -96.968 772.245 6.206 180.338 7.381 11.021 204.946 3.054 73.499 8.147 31.875 116.575 7.791 24.668 13.404 2.292 10.922 59.077 5.589 25.474 12.332 2.755 250 46.401 185.179 52.412 14.555 29.190 281.336 174.325 53.008 13.596 28.900 269.829 0 2.001 2.001 579 0 579 0 0 547.360 0 0 433.384 1.818.042 0 4.667 - 1.205.630 17.878 Relazione della società di revisione indipendente Relazione della società di revisione indipendente Ai soci di Ai soci di RTM - REGGIO TERZO MONDO Via San Girolamo, 24 RTM - REGGIO TERZO MONDO 42121 Reggio Emilia RE Via San Girolamo, 24 42121 Reggio Emilia RE Abbiamo svolto la revisione contabile dell’allegato bilancio d’esercizio di RTM – Reggio Terzo Mondo, costituito dallo stato patrimoniale al 31 dicembre 2015, dal conto economico per l’esercizio chiuso a tale Abbiamo svolto la revisione contabile dell’allegato bilancio d’esercizio di RTM – Reggio Terzo Mondo, data e dalla nota integrativa. costituito dallo stato patrimoniale al 31 dicembre 2015, dal conto economico per l’esercizio chiuso a tale Responsabilità degli amministratori per il bilancio d’esercizio data e dalla nota integrativa. Gli amministratori sono responsabili per la redazione del bilancio d’esercizio che fornisca una rappresentazione veritiera e corretta in conformità alle norme italiane che disciplinano i criteri di Responsabilità degli amministratori per il bilancio d’esercizio redazione del bilancio degli enti non commerciali e alle raccomandazioni emanate dalla Commissione Gli amministratori sono responsabili perProfit la del redazione del bilancio d’esercizio che efornisca una Aziende Non Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti degli Esperti Contabili. rappresentazione veritiera e corretta in conformità alle norme italiane che disciplinano i criteri di Responsabilità della società di revisione redazione del bilancio degli entiE’non commerciali e alle raccomandazioni emanate dalla Commissione nostra la responsabilità di esprimere un giudizio sul bilancio d’esercizio sulla base della revisione Aziende Non Profit del Consigliocontabile. Nazionale dei Dottori Esperti Contabili. Abbiamo svolto laCommercialisti revisione contabileeindegli conformità ai principi di revisione internazionali (ISA Italia) elaborati ai sensi dell’art. 11, comma 3, del D.Lgs. 39/10. Tali principi richiedono il rispetto di Responsabilità della società di revisione principi etici, nonché la pianificazione e lo svolgimento della revisione contabile al fine di acquisire una ragionevoleun sicurezza che ilsul bilancio d’esercizio non contenga E’ nostra la responsabilità di esprimere giudizio bilancio d’esercizio sullaerrori basesignificativi. della revisione La revisione contabile comporta lo svolgimento di procedure volte ad acquisire(ISA elementi probativi a contabile. Abbiamo svolto la revisione contabile in conformità ai principi di revisione internazionali supporto degli importi e delle informazioni contenuti nel bilancio d’esercizio. Le procedure scelte Italia) elaborati ai sensi dell’art.dipendono 11, comma 3, del professionale D.Lgs. 39/10. Tali principi richiedono dal giudizio del revisore, inclusa la valutazioneildeirispetto rischi di di errori significativi principi etici, nonché la pianificazione e lo svolgimento della revisione contabile al fine di acquisire una nel bilancio d’esercizio dovuti a frodi o a comportamenti o eventi non intenzionali. Nell’effettuare tali valutazioni del rischio, il revisore errori considera il controllo interno relativo alla redazione del bilancio ragionevole sicurezza che il bilancio d’esercizio non contenga significativi. dell’impresa fornisca unavolte rappresentazione veritiera e corretta al fine di definire procedure La revisione contabile comportad’esercizio lo svolgimento diche procedure ad acquisire elementi probativi a di revisione appropriate alle circostanze, e non per esprimere un giudizio sull’efficacia del controllo supporto degli importi e delle informazioni contenuti nel bilancio d’esercizio. Le procedure scelte interno dell’impresa. La revisione contabile comprende altresì la valutazione dell’appropriatezza dei dipendono dal giudizio professionale revisore, inclusa valutazione delle dei rischi errorieffettuate significativi principidel contabili adottati, dellalaragionevolezza stime di contabili dagli amministratori, nel bilancio d’esercizio dovuti anonché frodilaovalutazione a comportamenti o eventidelnon intenzionali. Nell’effettuare della presentazione bilancio d’esercizio nel suo complesso. tali valutazioni del rischio, il revisore considera il controllo interno relativo alla redazionesudel bilancio Riteniamo di aver acquisito elementi probativi sufficienti ed appropriati cui basare il nostro giudizio. d’esercizio dell’impresa che fornisca una rappresentazione veritiera e corretta al fine di definire procedure Giudizio di revisione appropriate alle circostanze, e non per esprimere un giudizio sull’efficacia del controllo A nostro giudizio, il bilancio d’esercizio fornisce una rappresentazione veritiera e corretta della situazione interno dell’impresa. La revisione contabile comprende altresì la valutazione dell’appropriatezza dei patrimoniale e finanziaria di RTM – Reggio Terzo Mondo al 31 dicembre 2015 e del risultato di gestione principi contabili adottati, dellaperragionevolezza stime contabili alle effettuate daglicheamministratori, l’esercizio chiuso delle a tale data, in conformità norme italiane disciplinano i criteri di redazione nonché la valutazione della presentazione bilancio complesso. emanate dalla Commissione Aziende Non del bilanciodel degli enti non d’esercizio commerciali enel allesuo raccomandazioni Profit del Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili. Riteniamo di aver acquisito elementi probativi sufficienti ed appropriati su cui basare il nostro giudizio. Altri aspetti Giudizio La presente relazione è di tipo volontario. A nostro giudizio, il bilancio d’esercizio fornisce una rappresentazione veritiera e corretta della situazione Analisi S.p.A. patrimoniale e finanziaria di RTM – Reggio Terzo Mondo al 31 dicembre 2015 e del risultato di gestione Notari alle norme italiane che disciplinano i criteri di redazione per l’esercizio chiuso a tale data,Francesco in conformità Socio Amministratore del bilancio degli enti non commerciali e alle raccomandazioni emanate dalla Commissione Aziende Non Via Fleming, 10 - 42122 Reggio Emilia Phone: 0522 514205 Mail: