Convegno AIRET Compositi per un Trasporto
Convegno AIRET Compositi per un Trasporto
INTERNAL Convegno AIRET Compositi per un Trasporto Aereo più Sicuro, Efficiente e Rispettoso dell’Ambiente L’Utilizzo dei Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi by Michele Iannone Rimini – 7 settembre 2012 Il materiale contenuto in questa presentazione (Materiale) è di proprietà di Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. (Alenia). È vietato qualsiasi utilizzo del Materiale se non preventivamente autorizzato da Alenia per iscritto. Le informazioni riportate nel Materiale hanno solo un fine illustrativo. Alenia non dà garanzia di validità dei contenuti e non sarà responsabile di utilizzi abusivi del Materiale. © Alenia Aermacchi – Tutti i diritti riservati INTERNAL INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Alenia Aermacchi, leader nazionale dell’industria aeronautica, pone in primo piano nella sua strategia lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie per il mantenimento e l’incremento della competitività sul mercato. La tecnologia delle strutture innovative in composito è sempre stata fra quelle identificate come prioritarie. Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 2 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Un Minuto di Storia • B767 Alettoni, Timone, Spoilers, Elevatore • MD 80 Alettoni e Timone • MD 11 Winglet • AMX Impennaggi • B777 Outboard Flap • ATR 42/72 Timone ed Elevatore • ATR 42/72 Deriva e Stabilizzatore Orizzontale • EF 2000 Pannelli di Fusoliera e Ala • B787 Stabilizzatore Orizzontale e Barili Fusoliera Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 3 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Programma Boeing 767 – Parti in Composito Alenia Aermacchi ha partecipato fin dalla fine degli anni ’70, con responsabilità di progettazione e produzione, al programma di questo jet commerciale wide-body della Boeing di grande successo con parti in composito per circa il 6% delle strutture. > Flaps > Slats > Ailerons > Spoilers > Elevators > Rudder > Radome Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 4 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi La Famiglia ATR Aereo regionale da trasporto con bimotore turboprop progettato e fabbricato da Alenia Aermacchi in a joint venture 50/50 con EADS. ATR42 (42-50 seats) and ATR72 (64-74 seats) sono molto apprezzati da passeggeri e airlines per gli elevati standard di confort, i bassi costi operativi e la semplicità di manutenzione. L’ATR ha abbondantemente superato i 1000 velivoli ordinati. > Vertical fin > Rudder > Horizontal stabilizer and elevator Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 5 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi ATR 42/72 Timone ed Elevatore • Struttura tipo Sandwich con Skin (Configurazione Pannellizzata/Full Depth) Carbon/Epoxy ATR 42/72 Deriva e Stabilizzatore • Struttura tipo laminato con pannelli cobondizzati e con cassone integrale cocurato multispar (Tecnologia Patented) Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 6 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi ATR 42/72 HORIZONTAL STABILIZER AND VERTICAL FIN Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 7 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Boeing 787 “Dreamliner” Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 8 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Boeing 787 “Dreamliner” Un nuovo aereo super efficiente ad alta tecnologia Il 787-8 Dreamliner trasporta 210 - 250 passeggeri su rotte da 8,000 a 8,500 miglia nautiche (da 14,800 to 15,700 km), mentre il 787-9 Dreamliner trasporterà 250 - 290 passeggeri su rotte da 8,600 a 8,800 miglia nautiche ( da 15,900 a 16,300 km). Primo volo nel 2010, prima consegna al cliente nel 2011. Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 9 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Boeing 787, partecipazione Alenia Aermacchi • Due barili di fusoliera (sez. 44 e 46), realizzati come “one piece barrel” con automated fiber placement con stringer a forma di “hat” cocurati • Ordinate di fusoliera per Resin Film Infusion • Stabilizzatore orizzontale multispar “one piece” cocurato Nel 787 la parte di struttura realizzata in composito supera il 50% Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 10 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Prospettive Future E’ in valutazione la realizzazione di un nuovo velivolo regionale nella fascia dei 90 posti, ad integrazione del successo dell’ATR. Il velivolo dovrebbe confermare le parti in composito realizzate sull’ATR, con possibilità di ulteriori soluzioni in composito (fusoliera). Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 11 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Dal punto di vista del rispetto dell’ambiente la riduzione di peso produce un significativo effetto di riduzione di risparmio di carburante e di produzione di COx a parità di distanza e di peso trasportato. Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 12 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Ulteriori miglioramenti dal punto di vista dell’ambiente: -Riciclaggio dei materiali compositi -Polimerizzati -Non Polimerizzati -Impiego di resine termoplastiche -Impiego di fibre naturali -Protezioni superficiali “verdi” Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 13 INTERNAL I Materiali Compositi in Alenia Aermacchi Conclusioni I materiali compositi hanno avuto un ruolo fondamentale in Alenia Aermacchi, e si prevede che possano avere un ruolo anche più importante in futuro, contribuendo alla difesa della competitività dell’azienda sul mercato, ed apportando benefici crescenti all’impatto ambientale dei velivoli ad ala fissa. Convegno AIRET – Rimini 7/9/2012 INTERNAL 14 Composite surface preparation Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Background Composites are used in aerospace since a long time but mainly for secondary parts Nowadays, thanks to new technical developments, composites are starting to gain primary parts The surface preparation becomes a critical operation to avoid breaking the mechanical skills of the material itself Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Background Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Background Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Targets Surface roughness Homogeneous coverage No parts damaging This is what can be matched with Airblasting technologies Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 PRODUCTION STEPS Solvant Degreasing Sanding Solvant Degreasing Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Mastic applying Soft Sanding Painting Control Methodology The preparation is mainly done by hand with sander machine. This solution is very empiric non repeatable Present risk for the part itself (Fiber damaging) Very long operation Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Parameters Type of media (nature, size, shape) Dry or wet process Angle Distance Pressure Shotflow rate Exposure time Automatic or manual processing Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Control Water drip flows out Water diffusion Bad result Good result Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Plastic media Plastic media blasting is qualified to do some composite surface preparation for airframes Currently used for delacquing, plastic media is adapted to clean up the surface from moulding products and dust Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Monitoring Shotflow monitoring by weighing system to shotflow regulation in closed loop Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 application Surface preparation on large composite panels before painting with plastic media 40/60 type II Grade B Pressure blasting Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 application Surface preparation on helicopter blades before painting with plastic media 20/40 type II Pressure blasting Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Conclusion A method qualified for composite surface preparation Nevertheless, This technical occurs warm up of the surface which can affect the material The aggression of the media on the surface can do deep damage to the material The electrostatic effect of the media Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Microscopic analysis Reference Drystrip 40/60 Drystrip 20/30 Process : Pressure dry All Views are x500 Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Aluminium Oxide Aluminium oxide is qualified to do some composite surface preparations Aluminium oxide is currently used for metallic based parts This solution is proofed since a long time in aerospace Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Monitoring Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Application Surface preparation on large blades with f220 aluminium oxide Suction blasting Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Application Surface preparation of liquid tanks with f220 aluminium oxide Suction blasting Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Microscopic analysis Reference F220 F120 Process : injection dry All Views are x500 Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Conclusion Aluminium oxide is qualified to do some composite surface preparations Nevertheless, this method occurs warm up of the surface which can affect the material risk of inclusions Sensitive process due to very fine aluminium oxide F320 or more The aggression of the media can do deep damage to the material Electrostatic effect Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Wetblasting Developments on wetblasting method have been done and qualifications are on processing Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Wetblasting The water is acting as a protection cover on the surface of the material to avoid inclusions and fibres damages Water Composite Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Process Filter unit Concentration between 20 to 25% Pressure 2 to 3 bars Air pressure Nozzle Mixture Pump Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Controls Concentration Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Calibration Microscopic analysis Reference Aluminium oxide 2 bar Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 3 bar 4 bar Conclusion Water doesn't generate any temperature upgrade The water is acting as a protection cover on the surface of the material to avoid inclusions The coverage is homogeneous The process can support air pressure variation without any damage Qualified in other industries Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Maurizio Foppa Pedretti Managing Director RÖSLER ITALIANA S.R.L. Via E. Vittorini 10/12 20863 Concorezzo (MB) tel: +39 039 611521 fax: +39 039 6115232 Maurizio Foppa Pedretti for AIRET – September 2012 Carbon preform concept , RTM process, applications for carbon component construction WHY RTM AUTOCLAVE vs RTM vs SMC Lamiflex RTM concept is for high performance carbon parts Vol % > 50% Productivity 100100-200 p/y WHY RTM AUTOCLAVE: Low production rate High mechanical performance One side net shape Simple moulds RTM: Medium production rate High mechanical performance Twice side net shape Complex moulds SMC: High production rate Medium mechanical performance Twice side net shape Medium complex moulds WHY RTM AUTOCLAVE: Manual lamination - quality of the part is linked to the operator RTM: Automation carbon preform (Core of the RTM – how to make the preform..!!!) (Lamiflex proposes a new patent system for complex frames) SMC: High level of automation WHY RTM RTM is a good production system for: Medium production 100-500 / year (for one mould) Medium component dimensions from 1000mm to 3000mm High mechanical performance E from 70 to 140 GPa Sigma from 400 to 900 MPa All surfaces tool side for a perfect assembling parts Complex Shapes Depending of the preform technology If the component has these requirements RTM is a good solution Lamiflex RTM know how Lamiflex use RTM process from 20 years in particular for radiology table top and head rest applications (Siemens). FEM simulation RTM production Critical and structural medical component with high level of control in term of raw material, process parameters, NDA and XX-ray image quality QUALITY CONTROL SIEMENS Lamiflex RTM know how Lamiflex use RTM process from 20 years in particular for radiology table top and head rest applications (Siemens). Lamiflex RTM know how Lancing wheel for weaving looms Metallic inserts co-molded Dynamic component with 200G of acceleration / 0,05 sec Lamiflex RTM know how Lamiflex develop for Alenia an infusion carbon tool with thermal control for “T” stringer production (IMAC PRO program). 4000mm 200°C +/- 5°C length curing temperature temperature control FRAMES structural concept A new approach of a preform making and RTM molding Typical autoclave approach: Ribs elimination Corners elimination (too complex) (complex deformation for pre-pregs) corner rib RTM approach: Same external geometry of the aluminum frame…this concept is the core of the development. AW CARBON PREFORM Using multi-axial carbon reinforcement and unidirectional it is possible to make the preform Carbon preform for the frame Carbon preform for the complete frame Good manipulation Binder treatment Packaging with vacuum bag FROM AW project TO the CONCEPT for STRUCTURAL frames The RTM project is applicable for a huge range of geometries…using the same concept. FROM AW project TO the CONCEPT for STRUCTURAL frames The RTM project is applicable for a huge range of geometries…using the same concept. FROM AW project TO the CONCEPT for STRUCTURAL frames The RTM project is applicable for a huge range of geometries…using the same concept. BUTT-JOINT . New patented concept system for carbon preforming BUTT-JOINT New patented concept system for carbon preforming MATERIAL TESTING - Test mechanical test : traction and flexion - Aging - Water absorption - DSC and DMA - Surface analysis - Fatigue test on progress - Fiber content MATERIAL PROPERTIES 790 730 = = Tg (°C) = Fiber content (%vol) 14 0.32 310°C (DMA) 51% 11 10 0 1010 10-1 109 ) G (GPa) ν 10 G" ( ) [P a] σ (MPa) traction = σ (MPa) flexion = LME10521_350_1a G' ( ) [Pa] 68 42 tan_delta ( [] E (GPa) traction = E (GPa) flexion = 10-2 8 10 10 7 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 Temp [°C] 250.0 300.0 350.0 10 400.0 -3 F.E.M. traction test analysis 28000N traction test Stress concentration at the breaking point for 28000N CARBON RTM mould Lamiflex is able to project and build RTM carbon tool (HEXTOOL) with thermal control system Cable for power control Carbon mould control box CARBON RTM mould Temperature mould control Carbon tool with automatic temperature control system CARBON RTM mould Temperature mould control set point 2°C ° /min /min Temperature of the preform in 5 position Heating rate from 0,1 0,1° °C/min /mintoto 80 80° °C/min /min FRAME from CARBON MOULD FIRST MOULDED PART Preform Moulded part FRAME from CARBON MOULD SEM surface analisys Thanks Lamiflex Spa Member of Via De Angeli 51 24028 Ponte Nossa BG Tel 035.700011 Lombardy Aerospace Clusters Business Development Manager R&D Responsible INJECTING FIRE RESISTANCE Convegno Airet Rimini 07.09.2012 Lorenzo Musiani Agenda Solving Industry challenges in Interior composites Processing conditions Mechanical & thermal properties Fire resistance Aerospace standard Railway standard Conclusion Solving Industry challenges in Interior composites User-friendly system → 2-component liquid system → RT transportation and storage User-friendly process → RTM & infusion → Low temperature injection Fire resistant unfilled system → Inherently flame retardant (no flame retardant filtration) High mechanical performance → High Tg → High ILSS New development Araldite® LME 10521 LME 10522 Solving Industry challenges in Interior composites (cont’d) “Wet process for weight savings” Structural applications → Alternatives to Aluminum Non & Semi Structural applications → Alternatives to phenolics, filled polyester, halogenated epoxy New development Araldite® LME 10521 LME 10522 Processing conditions LME 10521 LME 10522 Araldite® LME 10521 LME 10522 Mix ratio (wt) 80 20 80 / 20 Viscosity (mPas) / 25ºC 200 13000 700 Products Mould temp (ºC) 50 – 80 Viscosity (mPa.s) 1200 1000 Low temperature RTM & Infusion impregnation 800 600 400 200 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Temperature (℃ ℃) 65 70 75 Processing conditions (cont’d) Pre-cure: RTM: 4H80°C ↔ 2H90°C depending on part size Infusion: 4H80°C 5 80°C 90°C 100°C 120°C 4 Viscosity (Pa.s) 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time (min) → Snap cure behavior: latency followed by sudden increase in viscosity Processing conditions (cont’d) After pre-cure (RTM & Infusion): 2H180°C (in the mould) 1H120°C (in the mould) + 2H180°C (oven) Cure cycle ILSS (MPa) Carbon Fabric * 4H80ºC 1H120ºC 4H80ºC 1H120ºC 2H180ºC 56.5 64.1 * Hexcel G0926 88% of ultimate value Mechanical & thermal Properties Standard Araldite® LME 10521 LME 10522 2H90°C 1H120°C 2H180°C Cure cycle Neat resin Tensile Modulus (MPa) Tensile Strength (MPa) 3000 ISO 527 Elongation at break (%) DRY DMA Tg onset (ºC) K1C (MPa.√m) G1C (J/m2) 53 2 ISO 6721 260 0.88 ISO 13586 273 Mechanical & thermal Properties (cont’d) Standard Araldite® LME 10521 LME 10522 2H90°C 1H120°C 2H180°C Cure cycle CFRP UD * Tensile Modulus (GPa) Tensile Strength (MPa) 126 AITM 1.0007 Elongation at break (%) DRY DMA Tg onset (ºC) 1.1 ISO 6721 ILSS (MPa) / 23ºC ILSS (MPa) / 120ºC ILSS (MPa) / 160ºC * Hexcel G1157 1600 260 97 ASTM D2344 65 55 Fire Resistance Aerospace standard Fiber type Carbon Fabric* Resin Vol % Glass Fabric** 50 Thickness (mm) 0.3 Test Standard Criteria Specified Values 2 0.3 Araldite® LME 10521 / LME 10522 Vertical Burn 12s AITM 2.0002B Burn length (mm) After flame time (s) Drip flame time(s) 203 15 5 122 0 0 - 48 15 0 Vertical Burn 60s AITM 2.0002A Burn length (mm) After flame time (s) Drip flame time(s) 152 15 3 158 0 0 47 6 0 65 0 0 Heat Release AITM 2.0006 HRR max* (kW/m2) HR**(kW.min/m2) 65 65 63.64 (at 18s) 32.13 86.66 (at 54s) 88.93 43.93 (at 15s) 24.9 Toxicity (flaming mode) AITM 3.0005 Components toxicity level ppm Smoke AITM 3.0005 after 4 min 200 PASS 23 12 * Hexcel G0926, ** Hexcel G1157 → LME 10521 / 10521 suitable for non visible parts where Heat Release is not required. Development is ongoing to improve. 16 Fire Resistance (cont’d) Railway standard EN 45545-2 Fiber type Industrial Glass Fabric Resin Vol % 50 Thickness (mm) Test Standard 1.15 Specified Value Criteria 4.15 Araldite® Min / Max HL1 HL2 HL3 LME 10521 LME 10522 Spread of flame ISO 5658-2 CFE (kWm-2) Min 20 20 20 24.5 HL3 35.5 HL3 Heat release ISO 5660-1 50 kWm-2 MARHE Max - 90 60 75 HL2 74 HL2 Ds(4) Max 600 300 150 373 Smoke density and toxicity EN ISO 5659-2 50 kWm-2 HL1= Tramway HL2= TGV, suburb trains HL3= Subway, Tube, Eurostar TBD HL1 VOF4 (min) Max 1200 600 300 779 CITG (8 min) Max 1.2 0.9 0.75 0.13 TBD HL3 → LME 10521 / 10521 suitable for at least HL1 type train. Larger thickness assessment ongoing. Conclusion Araldite® LME 10521 / 10522 at a glance… Key features: Processable at low temperature by Infusion and RTM Inherently flame retardant High mechanical and thermal properties Enables weight savings through: Replacement of Aluminum in structural applications Alternative to phenolics, filled polyester, halogenated epoxy Keep our products at your fingertips View the brochure on SlideShare Download our mobile app on your smartphone With this brochure get an overview of our comprehensive range of “Araldite® composite formulated system”. With this app select immediately the right “Araldite® composite formulated system” for your process or application. Access the product description and send us an email to request the technical data sheet. For more information Europe Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland) GmbH Klybeckstrasse 200 P.O. Box - 4002 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 299 20 41 Fax +41 61 299 20 40 Araldite is a registered trademark of Huntsman Corporation or an affiliate thereof. Sales of the product described herein (“Product”) are subject to the general terms and conditions of sale of either Huntsman Advanced Materials LLC, or its appropriate affiliate including without limitation Huntsman Advanced Materials (Europe) BVBA, Huntsman Advanced Materials Americas Inc., or Huntsman Advanced Materials (Hong Kong) Ltd. (“Huntsman”). The following supercedes Buyer’s documents. While the information and recommendations included in this publication are, to the best of Huntsman’s knowledge, accurate as of the date of publication, NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN IS TO BE CONSTRUED AS A REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR WARRANTIES AS TO QUALITY OR CORRESPONDENCE WITH PRIOR DESCRIPTION OR SAMPLE, AND THE BUYER ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF SUCH PRODUCT, WHETHER USED SINGLY OR IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER SUBSTANCES. No statements or recommendations made herein are to be construed as a representation about the suitability of any Product for the particular application of Buyer or user or as an inducement to infringe any patent or other intellectual property right. Data and results are based on controlled conditions and/or lab work. Buyer is responsible to determine the applicability of such information and recommendations and the suitability of any Product for its own particular purpose, and to ensure that its intended use of the Product does not infringe any intellectual property rights. The Product may be or become hazardous. Buyer should (i) obtain Material Safety Data Sheets and Technical Data Sheets from Huntsman containing detailed information on Product hazards and toxicity, together with proper shipping, handling and storage procedures for the Product, (ii) take all steps necessary to adequately inform, warn and familiarize its employees, agents, direct and indirect customers and contractors who may handle or be exposed to the Product of all hazards pertaining to and proper procedures for safe handling, use, storage, transportation and disposal of and exposure to the Product and (iii) comply with and ensure that its employees, agents, direct and indirect customers and contractors who may handle or be exposed to the Product comply with all safety information contained in the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets, Technical Data Sheets or other instructions provided by Huntsman and all applicable laws, regulations and standards relating to the handling, use, storage, distribution and disposal of and exposure to the Product. Please note that products may differ from country to country. If you have any queries, kindly contact your local Huntsman representative. Copyright © 2012 Huntsman Corporation or an affiliate thereof. All rights reserved. AIRET: Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Relatore: Mauro Farnese AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia: Leader nella distribuzione e realizzazione di macchine e impianti per la miscelazione e dosaggio di resine pluricomponenti MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia : chi siamo MVP Italia Azienda commerciale strutturata in Divisioni Distribuzione di prodotti industriali ad alta tecnologia. MVP Italia e' in grado di offrire ai clienti : consulenza tecnica per la scelta del componente più idoneo fornitura con relative certificazioni magazzino parti di ricambio assistenza tecnica per riparazione, revisione e addestramento operatori. MVP Italia distribuisce i seguenti marchi : MVP - Magnum Venus Plastech Sealant Equipment (Nordson Company) Meter Mix Gama RST5 Kilfrost MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Macchine per resine poliesteri • Macchine RTM Macchine per resine poliuretaniche • Idraulica ad alta pressione • Rapporto variabile Macchine per resine pluricomponenti • Pompe ad ingranaggi a rapporto variabile MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Macchine per adesivi strutturali Valvole erogatrici per mono e bicomponenti Detergente a base acqua MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Fluidi De/Antighiaccio per Aeronautica e Piste MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ RTM Principali famiglie di resine: Resine poliesteri Resine vinilesteri Resine epossidiche MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Per ciascuna di queste famiglie ci sono macchine specializzate ed accessori per l’RTM Macchine con pompe a pistoni Macchine con pompe ad ingranaggi Accessori MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Principi di dosaggio Pompa a pistoni MVP Italia Composite technologies srl Pompa ad ingranaggi AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Accessori MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Piston Pump Benefits: • Cost effective solution. • More adaptable for use in hazardous or “zoned” areas. (i.e. can be totally pneumatically operated) • Higher potential pressures can be created. • Higher viscosity handling capability. • More suitable for adhesives & abrasive materials • Ideal for precise metered shot applications. MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Patriot Pro Innovator (polyester / vinylester) • • • • • • MVP Italia Composite technologies srl Highly accurate Patriot Mix/Meter Technology Operated solely through pneumatics Increased efficiency Improved product quality Mould pressure guard Recirculation control AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Gear Pump Benefits: • • • • • • • • Constant material flow rate. Less moving/wearing parts. Low retained capacity/volume in pump. Low air entrapment Relatively compact in size. Rotary rear seal for longevity. Electrically driven / variable ratio. Longer material hose length capability. MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Mixer Valves: (typical) • MV601 & MV801 “Snuff-Back” valve Reverse shut-off creating slight suction on mixer • TSV601 & TSV801 “Tip-Seal” valve Forward shut-off preventing run on from mixer (sometimes incorporates “three-ported” high-ratio outlet to deliver hardener component directly in centre of material flow path) MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Standard Options Heating (Reservoirs, Pumps & Hoses) • • • • • • Can Can Can Can Can Can reduce viscosity to aid pump loading. reduce viscosity to increase output rate. reduce viscosity to help fill component. help mixing (brings viscosities closer) accelerate cure time. give better surface finish to end product. MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Standard Options Stirring • Prevents filler fallout. • Keeps S.G. constant. (When fitting heating to a reservoir, this normally reduces the viscosity therefore allowing the fillers to fall out of suspension more readily) MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Standard Options Level Sensing • High-level sensors are normally fitted with the automatic bulkfeed system, and will give a visual & audible alarm if the bulkfeed supply runs out. • Low-level sensors give visual and audible alarm. MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Standard Options Vacuum • Normally required when encapsulating electronic components within a Vacuum Chamber • Adds a considerable cost to the machine depending upon the exact vacuum requirements (i.e. high-vac or low-vac) MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Standard Options Hardened Parts • Normally required when processing heavily filled materials. (Thermally conductive materials, etc...) • Includes hardened gear pumps, pump tubes/piston rods & mixer valve spools. MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Standard Options Auto-Bulkfeed • Requires electronic high-level sensors with auto transfer pump start/stop sequencing. This also gives an indication of when the bulkfeed container has run low. • Machines can also be gravity fed directly from suppliers containers. MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Standard Options Anti-Gel Timer • Required to automatically dispense a shot to “purge” the mixer nozzle, therefore giving an extended mixer nozzle life. • Anti-Gel countdown time and shot volumes can also be pre-set on machine. MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ Standard Options Shot Counter / Repeater (Piston Pumps) • Required to dispense several pre-set metered shots into the component. This option is normally only used when dispensing into large components with a small shotting machine. It reduces the chances of underfilling, or overfilling a component. MVP Italia Composite technologies srl AIRET - Compositi per un trasporto aereo più sicuro, efficiente e rispettoso dell’ambiente “ Macchine specialistiche per processo RTM “ MVP Italia srl Ringrazia per la vostra attenzione Tel. : +39 02 48401180 Fax : +39 02 48401212 E-mail : Web : MVP Italia Composite technologies srl Heraeus Noblelight turnkey heating solutions for industrial applications Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Who we are Heraeus is a globally active precious metals and technology Group with firm roots in Germany. The company has been family-owned for over 160 years. We operate in global niche markets Over 13,300 employees in more than 120 companies Product revenue 2011: €4.8 billion Precious metals trading revenue: €21.3 billion Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Facts and Figures 2011 Heraeus Group Product revenue in € million 4.840 Precious metals revenue in € million 21.343 Employees at year-end 13.323 Business Groups Product revenue in € million Employees Precious Metals 1.949 2.614 Materials and technologies 1.645 3.102 Sensors 408 3.030 Dental products 306 1.421 74 208 Quartz glass 348 1.489 Specialty light sources 103 728 Biomaterials and medical products As of December 31, 2011 Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Our global presence With 121 locations and 25 dedicated development centers, Heraeus is active all over the world.* The Americas (19) Brazil (3) Canada (1) Mexico (2) Puerto Rico (1) USA (12) Europe (61) Asia (36) Austria (1) Belgium (1) Czech Republic (1) France (4) Greece (1) Hungary (1) Ireland (1) Italy (3) Poland (2) Portugal (1) Russia (2) Spain (2) Sweden (2) Switzerland (3) The Netherlands (3) Turkey (2) Ukraine (1) United Kingdom (7) China (15) Hong Kong (1) India (3) Indonesia (2) Japan (4) Korea (5) Singapore (2) Taiwan (2) The Philippines (1) Thailand (1) South Africa (2) • Australia (3) *Map shows number of locations as of December 31, 2011 Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Specialty Light Sources – Heraeus Noblelight Is among the market and technology leaders worldwide for special lamps and modules with wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared for industrial, scientific, and medical applications Manufactures specialty light sources for analytical measurement technology and the printing industry, infrared emitters for industrial heating processes, arc and flash lamps, and products for water and surface disinfection, air treatment, and sun simulation with a high level of vertical integration Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Heraeus Noblelight GmbH What can we provide to our clients? Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Scope of delivery Heraeus Noblelight Material testing Preliminary tests with customers‘ material IR emitter development and assembly Numeric analysis (ray tracing, computational fluid dynamics) System project planning and construction Analysis of heat processes Embedding in existing equipment Handling and transport system Component and system assembly Customer-specific Installation / commissioning Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Application Center Heraeus Application Centers can carry out trials to determine the most suitable emitter for the customers application: Is my material suitable for infrared? Which type of emitter / wavelength provides optimum output for the process? Can I integrate infrared into my process reasonable? Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Numerical Ray Tracing Analysis dynamic process optimize for conveyed substrate: 1.0 m2 size, 13 emitter, 2 different types in 3 zones usual basic setup: 1.0 m2 size, 11 emitter, all same power batch process optimize for batch process: 1.0 m2 size, 15 emitter, 3 different types in 5 zones Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Numerical Ray Tracing Analysis dynamic process optimize for conveyed substrate: 1.0 m2 size, 13 emitter, 2 different types in 3 zones batch process optimize for batch process: 1.0 m2 size, 15 emitter, 3 different types in 5 zones Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared heat Basics Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Heat transfer via ... vibration induction convection contact electron beam infrared radiation Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Advantage of infrared radiation Heat is transmitted straight to the substrate No carrier gas required, in contrast to convection Fast response Tungsten or carbon filaments react within seconds Closed loop control possible High energy efficiency Ideal for vacuum No power losses by convection Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Spectral power distribution Spectral Radiation Distribution at the same electrical power ratings 1200 °C Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared radiation reflection / r infrared radiation absorption / absorption transmission / +r+=1 Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Heraeus Noblelight Infrared Products Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared Emitters Short wave Fast response medium wave Carbon round Carbon twin Medium wave Max. Power/m2 200 kW 150 kW 100 kW 150 kW 60 kW Filament temperature °C 1800 -2400 1400 -1800 1200 1200 800 -950 1s 1-2s 1- 2 s 1- 2 s 1- 4 min Reaction time Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared modules and systems Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared modules and systems Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared modules and systems Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Heraeus Noblelight and Composites Individual solutions for lightweight materials Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared and composites Where is infrared needed? raw material fiber carbon/glass Only for carbon fiber thermoplastic matrix thermoset matrix semifinished part finished product finished product Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Understanding the process Infrared application in the value chain of FRP Drying of sizing Pre-heating of fiber fabrics in RTM Melting of thermoplastic matrices like PEEK, PPS, PP, PA6… Melting of hybrid yarns Heating of organic sheet materials for forming processes e.g. vacuum molding or stamping Pre-heating or pre-curing of thermo setting matrices prior to curing in an autoclave Curing under vacuum bagging films … Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared and composites Where is infrared needed? thermoset matrix finished product Resin infusion molding pre-heating fabrics (glass or carbon) curing annealing RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) pre-heating fabrics (glass or carbon) Annealing Pre-preg tape laying de-bulking Fiber winding pre-heating roving's curing Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared and composites Where is infrared needed? thermoset matrix semifinished part Pre-forming Pultrusion SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Infrared and composites Where is infrared needed? thermoset matrix finished product Injection molding with organo-sheets Forming processes vacuum molding stamping diaphragm forming … Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Heraeus Noblelight / CFK Valley Stade Heraeus Noblelight as a member of the CFK Valleys Stade Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Heraeus Noblelight und der Carbon Composites e.V. (CCeV) Heraeus Noblelight as a member of Carbon Composites e.V. (CCeV) Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Government funded research project Heraeus Noblelight is a partner of the research project funded by the German government “Energieeffizientes Pultrusionsverfahren zur Herstellung von Faserverbundbauteilen mit thermoplastischer Matrix in Serienanwendungen“ (acronym: TPult) Target: Developing and Use of specially adapted IR-heating systems to the respective heat demand. In this case: Drying of sizing Melting of hybrid yarns Pre-heating of consolidated composite tube prior to thermoforming process Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Massimo Bianchi Heraeus spa Via dei Chiosi 11 20040 Cavenago Brianza MB Sales Manager IR-Division of Heraeus Noblelight Phone +3902957591 mobile +393355642422 Peter Funk Heraeus Noblelight GmbH Industrial Process Technology Reinhard-Heraeus-Ring 7 63801 Kleinostheim Germany Phone +49 6181 / 35 - 8483 Fax + 49 6181 / 35 - 16 8483 Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation Disclaimer This presentation including all its parts (e.g. photographs, diagrams, drawings etc.) is protected by copyright. Any exploitation outside the close limits of the Copyright Act is inadmissible and punishable, unless pre-approved by Heraeus. This applies in particular to photocopies, publications, translations as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. All data in this presentation were thoroughly ascertained by Heraeus. However, Heraeus does not assume any liability for their correctness or completeness. The data are based on conditions of use and environmental influences assumed by Heraeus. They cannot be adopted indiscriminately, but require prior verification for the respective use of the customer. Exclusively Heraeus’ General Terms of Delivery shall apply to all deliveries of Heraeus for commercial transactions with business enterprises. Peter Funk | HNG-IPVA | September 2012 | All rights and any changes reserved, see last page of this presentation FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds D’Appolonia S.p.A., Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V., Blastech Ltd., Consorzio Cetma, Carmel Cargo Network BV, Meridiana S.p.A., Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, APC Composit AB Alessandro Bozzolo, D’Appolonia S.p.A. 7 September 2012, Rimini, Italy FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Cargo plane bombing plot October 30th 2010 • Two bombs travelled from Yemen to Dubai and the UK • Also onboard passenger flights • Around 400 g of PETN each PROTECTION MEASURES ARE NEEDED FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Explosions in aircraft cargo holds PROTECTION MEASURES ARE NEEDED FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds HULDs: past attempts • Since the Lockerbie disaster in 1988, development of HULDs • Never gained wide market acceptance: – – – – Too heavy Too bulky Too expensive Easily damaged during use and/or by environment • Only for wide bodies! A NEW APPROACH IS NEEDED FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FLY-BAG: Blastworthy textile-based luggage containers for aviation safety Project Type: Collaborative project – Small of medium-scale focused research project Call: FP7-AAT-2007-RTD-1 Topic: 7.1.5 PROTECTION OF AIRCRAFT AND PASSENGERS Aircraft Security AAT.2007.5.1.1.Aerostructures Start date: December 2008 End date: February 2011 Coordinator: Donato Zangani, D’Appolonia S.p.A. FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds The Consortium D’Appolonia S.p.A. Italy Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. Germany Blastech Ltd. UK Consorzio CETMA Italy Cargo Network The Netherlands Meridiana S.p.A. Italy Danske Tekniske Universitet Denmark APC Composite AB Sweden FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Result We have developed and successfully tested a blast-resistant flexible composite luggage container “FLY-BAG” for the protection of aircrafts from on-board explosions from explosives hidden in luggage in the cargo hold FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FLY-BAG Composite structure infusion @ APC, Sweden FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FLY-BAG Installation trials into Meridiana Airbus A319 FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds The FLY-BAG is not... • The FLY-BAG container is not a ULD (although extending the concept to a ULD version is straightforward) • It is more like “a bag full of bags” • It stays inside the cargo hold of the airplane (non-ULD version), hence no degradation problems • It does not require any modification to the hold equipment/structure • It does not require any special machinery or skill • When not in use, it is simply folded and kept in the hold, thanks to its flexible composite structure FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds The FLY-BAG is... • • • • • • Lightweight (65 kg) ≤ standard Al LD3-45 ULD (85 kg) Blast resistant (Relatively) inexpensive: target cost ≤ 2.000 € Easy to install and use Durable: target working life (foreseen) at least 3 years Slim – payload is unaffected when in use, when folded it fits in a 30x40x80 cm case • Suitable both for narrow- and wide-bodies; presently developed with focus on narrow bodies FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds The FLY-BAG Approach • Use a flexible composite multilayer structure • Use advanced concepts of progressive failure/energy absorption • Use advanced materials (including anti-blast fabrics, composites, and nanomaterials) • Follow functional requirements from the aviation sector FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Blast events • Four possible causes of damage: – High speed fragments ejection – Shock peak pressure (duration: few ms) – Quasi static pressure (duration: few s) – Fire/heat MULTILAYER CONFIGURATION FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Multilayered composite structure 1. Gas/heat resistant and flame retardant 2. Inner deformation and energy absorbing layer 3. Reinforcing and splinter protection layer 4. Defined outer deformation Joined by stitching + resin infusion FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Composite reinforcement concepts Controlled deformation Energy absorption FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Dynamic burst test of flexible composite layer with seam FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Shock-holing tests on composite floor panels Explosive charge not shown for confidentiality reasons FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Blast Test of LD3-45 ULD WOULD MOST LIKELY LEAD TO FUSELAGE COLLAPSE FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FLY-BAG blast test with the same explosive charge that destroyed the ULD THE FLY-BAG SURVIVES SUBSTANTIALLY INTACT! FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FLY-BAG blast test with the same explosive charge that destroyed the ULD THE FLY-BAG SURVIVES SUBSTANTIALLY INTACT! FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FE simulation of blast in cargo hold FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Watch the full length video at FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FLY-BAG Awards FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds From FLY-BAG to FLY-BAG2 • FLY-BAG has demonstrated the feasibility of a textilebased blast resistant container, but: – For a specific configuration (narrow-body, the container stays in the hold) • No use for wide bodies • No use against suicide bombers – We only blast-tested it in open air – The interaction with airframe is only known from simulations, not tested FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FLY-BAG2 • For addressing these issues, a new European Project, called FLYBAG2 has been proposed and approved by the EC – – – – – – Project Type: Call: Topic: Start date: Duration: Coordinator: Collaborative Project FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-1 AAT.2012.5.1-1. Aerostructures August 2012 3 years Alessandro Bozzolo, D’Appolonia S.p.A. University of Patras FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds FLY-BAG2 FLY-BAG LRBL FLY-BAG ULD LEAST RISK BOMB LOCATION CARGO COMPARTMENTS FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds Thank you for your attention! • Contact us at – Watch the full length promo video – Join the Community • For direct inquiries: FLY-BAG Blastworthy flexible composite luggage container for aircraft cargo holds