The Grace Chronicle, January 2014


The Grace Chronicle, January 2014
Rosedale Baptist Church
The Grace Chronicle
Children’s Committee
Formation Meeting
following worship
on Sun. Jan. 5
Get Involved
Be Involved
Volume 1
Inside this issue:
Pastor’s Page
Free Spirits/Youth
Praying for the
@ 6:30
Be A Part of the Team
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Weekly Budget
Don’t Miss !
Jan. 4
- 8:30 am
at Ryan's Buffet
Every effort will be made
to have Sunday worship
services without endangering the safety of the church
family and guests. In case
of inclement weather,
please watch WKYT27,
WTVQ36, WLEX18 and/
or listen to WVLK 590
AM or WLAP 630 AM
for information and
Through 4 Sundays
Weekly Offering Given
$ NA
Budget to Date
$ NA
January 16 @
at the home
Thelma Lawson
Receipts to Date
$ NA
Expenditures to Date
$ NA
$ NA
Planning equals success - That is what I have been doing over the past several weeks. Unlike many pastors, the Christmas season for me is not too hectic. I have only one additional service to plan, Christmas Eve. However, that
worship service this past December 24 was taken from a worship book provided by our Minister of Music, Clark Siler. All I really had to do was prepare
a short homily. Further, with our children/youth program and adult choir cantata I had two less Sunday Sermons to prepare, so with all that “free” time I
prepared. I prepared for 2014. I have given good attention to worship and sermon planning and to our church calendar for 2014. It will be a busy and exciting 2014 for Rosedale. Following are some of the highlights for 2014.
Beginning February 2nd (Super Bowl Sunday) (through March 30) will
be the sermon series, I Am a Church Member.
Ash Wednesday is Mar. 5 when we will begin 45 Days of Prayer leading to Easter Sunday on April 20.
We will have five Cottage Prayer Meetings during the months of March and April.
March 6-8 Georgetown College will host the CBF Dawnings Visioning Conference.
March 7-8 is scheduled to be our days of photography for our new pictorial directory.
March 21-22 will give RBC a SS teacher/leader training opportunity at Red House Baptist.
Saturday, April 5th we will have a neighborhood outreach and cookout.
April 13th is our annual Palm Sunday High Attendance Day and Lunch.
April 20 is Easter Sunday.
May 4 is Baptist Men’s Day.
On June 1, we will begin the Summer Sermon Series concerning Discipleship. Each SS class will be
studying the book The Gospel of Matthew: A Primer for Discipleship.
October 5 -12 is Operation Jerusalem local service projects and outreach.
October 12 is our annual fall High Attendance Day and Lunch.
October 26 is Baptist’s Women’s Day.
November 2nd is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
November 30 is the 1st Sunday of Advent 2014.
Also during 2014, the Constitution and By-Laws Committee will present the proposed new RBC Constitution
and By-Laws. We will have deacon elections. Our new committees will begin working. We begin a new
Sunday School class. Many other exciting events, activities, and ministries are also on the horizon.
Planning equals success. Planning is success. Many plans have been made. Many other plans will be made
for 2014. What are you planning to do? How do you plan to be involved? The LORD is working at RBC.
How do you plan to join the work?
In Christ the Victor, Chris
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The Grace Chronicle
Scott Aldridge
AHHHH! The Christmas Holiday Season is behind us now and a New Year has just begun.
Most people take a BIG sigh of relief when Christmas is over and if you're like me, you probably have already broken your resolution. So what now? As a Christian, it means that your
work has just begun. It is OUR JOB to keep sharing the message of Christ throughout the entire year. We all know that Christmas has been so commercialized that it is not politically correct to wish someone a Merry Christmas, it is better to wish them a Happy Holiday or a Season's Greeting. I want you to know that more and more companies are now going back to
"Merry Christmas" instead. This past year I attended Harley's Choir concert at Madison Central; in between every song a narrator told the story of Christ from beginning to end; and how
He is still the central key figure in our society today. WOW!!! I was so shocked, I couldn't believe it, yet at the same time, I was so amazed and overwhelmed that I could barely contain a
tear. Even more amazing was the softly spoken "Amen's" that I heard all around me. God is
still blessing and He is still saving. If like I said earlier is true, that it is our job to spread the
message, then now is the time that we begin working OVERTIME to make sure that the message is shared not only around the world, but especially those here in our neighborhoods and
those in our sphere of friends, family, coworkers, and classmates. Want an easy way to begin?
Simply invite someone to church and begin praying for him or her. You thought your job was
going to be hard, didn't you? Your job is easy. God does the hard part. You just have to be the
introduction; He is the one that transforms lives.
Chris Dotson
The Constitution and By-Laws Committee (Melba Hay, Thelma Lawson, Malcolm Lunceford, Vernon
Stubblefield, Scott Aldridge, Chris Dotson) continues to make good progress. The committee has been meeting twice a month since August. Several sections are complete: the Constitution, Membership, Deacons,
Church Staff, Church Officers. The committee hopes to finish its work in the spring at which time the committee will present the new Constitution and By-Laws to the Church Council and the church membership for
their comments, suggestions, changes, and approval. One of the most important sections of the proposed bylaws is the committees: Nominating, Finance, Personnel, Building and Grounds, Evangelism/Missions, Discipleship, Fellowship/Outreach, Youth and Children, Transportation. The committees are important because all
the committee members will be workers and leaders of the church. What these committees and workers will
do is help determine the success and growth of RBC. A committee system allows and encourages church
members to work and be actively involved. For present church members you will need to be willing to serve
on the above-mentioned committees. You have a responsibility. For those that have been attending RBC but
have yet to join, I ask you to consider seriously membership at RBC so you too may join the work that God is
doing at RBC. All that are a part of this congregation are important and only with the leading of the Holy
Spirit and our dedication, determination, and desire will we be able to grow, thrive, and the reach the world for
Christ .
Volume 1
Page 3
Thelma Lawson
As a new year begins, I tend to reflect over the past year and review it and see if I need to make any changes in the coming year in any aspect of my life. That seems kind of opposite to what most people do at the beginning of a new year I
would think. Actually, I look back and review, and then I look forward to changing the things I can, and accepting those
I cannot. Things I can change are being more faithful in my Bible reading and prayer time; doing a better job of contacting people, both secular friends and church members; working on having a more positive attitude; and doing everything
I can to keep my body as physically. mentally and spiritually fit as possible. These are not actually New Year’s resolutions, just things I want to work on.
As most of us “Free Spirits” are of “advanced age”, one of the most significant difficulties we face is the fact that our
bodies are just beginning to wear out and we can’t do as much as we want to; and that tends to make me at least, a little
depressed and frustrated. One of the best ways I have found to deal with that is to stay as physically active as possible.
What I have a problem with is stopping to get the rest I need because I have a tendency to go, go and go. Osteoarthritis
is a condition that is prevalent in my family, and it has attacked me with a vengeance, especially this last year. I know
most of you have it as well. I’m saying all of that to make the point that this is what the “Free Spirits” program’s purpose is - - - to encourage you to stay active and provide activities that will allow you to do that. Going to interesting
places and eating and fellowshipping together is so uplifting for me, and I hope it is for you as well. I stay so busy that
it is sometimes difficult for me to work in the senior adult activity, but if I have to, I rearrange something else. I love
going out and about and most importantly, I love getting together with you all and just having fun.
Our Senior Adult Council will meet in the next couple of weeks to
plan some things for us to do in 2014. I encourage you to contact
either Melba or myself with any ideas you have. I also hope that our
“regular” Free Spirits will continue on with us, and that each of us
with seek out others who may need the things our program provides,
and ask them to join us. We certainly don’t want to be “exclusive”.
Everyone is welcome, even if you are not advanced in years as we
Looking forward with you,
When I think of this youth group, I think of Proverbs 16:3:
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."
This group of young people is here and they are committed. They are ready and willing to perform whatever tasks are asked of them and ready to move on to the next
task with enthusiasm even when the last one fell through. I couldn’t ask for a better
group of young people to work with. They are an encouragement to me.
I’m really looking forward to what lies ahead for TORCH this year!!
****Note**** Collecting cans turned out to be a great way to raise a little money so
in 2014, TORCH will continue to collect cans as a means of raising money for their
activities. We will try to cash them in monthly if not biweekly. Thank you in advance for
your support.
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Robin Hensley
Happy New Year to Rosedale:
First, let me say a big thanks to Rosedale Baptist Church for your support. I would also like to give a special thanks to a
few people who do not get the recognition they so richly deserve.
Angie Smitha who is so faithful to help on Wednesday nights with preparing the food for our children and always has
the nicest smile.
Hope Reiss the calming presence in our children's ministry. She is such a rock and a blessing to the children and me.
Malcolm who so graciously helps me when I need it. He leads our McCready Manor services each month, he helps in
Bible school, donates money to whatever we are doing and gives his time whenever possible. Malcolm is a gem!
The Reiss family that does the music each month at McCready Manor.
Mr. & Mrs. Wells and Nancy Quinley who are such supporters of our Thanksgiving Day lunch because, without them, it
would not have been possible all of these years.
Troy Hensley and Randy Richardson who always seem make our children's programs better because of their creativity.
Then last but not least is Pastor Chris who drives the van each Wednesday (and does a million other things that I ask).
Thanks to all of you for love and support.
Now to the New Year, we will begin a Children's Committee and have a meeting on January 5th after worship,
anyone that would like to be involved please attend.
Also, I would like people to consider helping with the food and the preparation on Wednesday nights (I am sure
Angie would appreciate the help :))
Louise Burrows
God is so good. I thank God for being a part of a loving and praying
church. I am now cancer free. Praise the LORD. I thank all of you
for your prayers, phone calls, and cards. The New Year is hear and I
am eagerly looking forward to seeing God work in our church. Beginning Sunday, January 5th I will the Sunday School nursery
My word for the New Year is COMMIT
C– Christ Committed
O- Others
M- Ministry
I— Involvement
T— Time
Happy New Year,
Page 5
Rosedale Baptist Church
411 Westover Ave.
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-623-1771
9:30 am - Sunday School
10:30 am - Worship
6:30 pm - Sunday Evening Adult Discipleship
Wed. @ 6: 30 pm— Adult Prayer and Bible Study
TORCH - Youth (grades 6 –12)
Children Bible Study and Music
@ 7:30 Adult Choir Practice
LAOS A group of new Christians in a Laotian village have been blamed for the unrelated deaths of three men. In March 2013, two
evangelists brought the gospel message to three remote Hmong and Khmu villages. As a result, 178 people received Christ and 18
were baptized. Less than a month later, three villagers died in a series of unrelated deaths. One was given the wrong medicine, one
died in his sleep, and the third was accidentally electrocuted while trying to run a cable line. The shaken community consulted a
witch doctor, who concluded that the strange new religion brought by the evangelists had angered their ancestors. "Those Christians
have to renounce their faith or they have to leave the village!" he warned. "Otherwise, more people will die." The community leader
told the believers to renounce their faith. So far, all of them remain committed, but they may soon be forced out of the village.
Please Pray! Please pray that God will strengthen the new believers and fill them with his peace. Pray that the community leaders
turn from their false gods to the true, living God. Pray that the believers will be allowed to stay in the village and that they will continue to be a light to the community. "Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this
matter." 1 Pet. 4:16 VOM provides various means of assistance to Christians in Laos, including Bibles, Christian radio broadcasts,
skills training and support for pastors.
NIGERIA The Gwoza Christian community in southern Borno state has faced increased attacks from Boko Haram insurgents in
recent months. Thousands have fled to refugee camps established near the Cameroon border. As of May 2013, more than 60 Christians had been killed and thousands displaced from many villages in the Gwoza community. About 55 churches and 541 houses have
been burned or destroyed. In addition, 180 houses have been vandalized, and some are now occupied by the insurgents. Most concerning is the plight of those who witnessed the murders of their family members. The Nigerian government has offered no relief
materials to save the dying children in refugee camps and has offered no compensation to the destroyed churches. Children suffer
from malnutrition and disease, while many adults suffer from peptic ulcers, high blood pressure and premature death due to repeated
attacks on their villages by the insurgents. Please Pray! Pray for the Christians who have lost their loved ones, homes, churches and
livelihoods. Pray that the government will step in and provide relief. Pray for the demise of Boko Haram and that its members will
experience God's saving grace. "Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust." Ps. 16:1 VOM staff are caring for some of the victims of these recent attacks. VOM also assists hundreds of pastors in Nigeria and also provides food, clothing and medical aid to
Nigerian Christians who are attacked.
This month please pray for Christians in Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh