OUR MINISTERIAL STAFF - Community Baptist Maylene
OUR MINISTERIAL STAFF - Community Baptist Maylene
NON-PROFIT ORG . U.S . POSTAGE PAID ALABASTER, AL 35007 PERMIT NO. 9 REV. BO BROWN, P a s to r 663.2340 (H) • 427.2340 (C) • cbcpastor@gmail.com JONATHAN LOWERY, Y o u t h M i n i s t e r & A s s o c i at e P a s to r 670-7027 (H) • 283-8396 (C) • Jjlowery2121@char ter.net MELISSA CALTON, C h i l d r e n ’ s M i n i s t e r & A s s o c i at e P a s to r 620.6022 (H) • 790.5419 (C) • Meri_Weather@yahoo.com Matt Monk • E d u c at i o n M i n i s t e r 663-7490 (H) • 368-8785 (C) • mattmonk1980@gmail.com DAVE MILLER, M u s i c M i n i s t e r & A s s o c i at e P a s to r 478-4775 (C) • cbcmusic@char ter.net LISA SHADIX • C h u r c h S e c r e ta ry 837.4762(C) • ssecretary@communitybaptistmaylene.com DAVE SHORT, Custodian 663-0050 (H) • 682-0778 (C) DEACONS M I K E ( DA N A ) H O L L I N G S WO RT H , Chairman 6 6 3 - 4 6 7 2 ( H ) • 2 4 0 - 0 4 9 6 (C) m ike l e e h o l l i n g s wo r t h @ a t t.net B R I A N ( M A N DY ) M E A L E R , V i c e Chairman 2 4 3 - 8 1 6 1 ( H ) • 2 4 3 - 3 5 7 6 (C) bmealer@gmail.com B R I A N ( M A R I O N ) B A R N E TT 396-8494 (C) b b a r n e t t 9 2 4 6 @ c h a r t e r . net M I K E ( B O B B I E ) C A RT E R 6 6 3 - 4 3 7 7 ( H ) • 3 6 9 - 3 1 0 9 (C) J AY [ C H E RY L ] C O F I E L D 936-3822 (C) cofieldj@gmail.com R U S S ( A L I S A ) C O M P TO N 4 2 5 - 2 2 3 4 ( H ) • 5 1 5 - 5 3 4 5 (C) arcomp2K@gmail.com BOB EMRICK 441-8027 (C) emrick_r@yahoo.com A N DY [ D O N A ] G A R R E T T 229-2366 (C) g a r r e t t _ a n d y @ y a h o o . c om BRAD [TINA] GOGGINS 3 5 8 - 8 2 8 8 ( H ) • 5 3 3 - 0 3 3 0 (C) br a d @ s n o o z y b o o k s t o r e . c om ROB [LEE] JOLLEY 215-0476 (C) ofs@charter.net J I M [ S H A R O N ] K I L PAT R I CK 6 6 3 - 6 8 7 9 ( H ) • 2 2 2 - 6 5 7 4 (C) jdkilpat@charter.net DAV I D M A N N I N G 383-5000 (C) mannida@gmail.com D O U G ( T E R R I ) M C G A U G HY 999-0962 (C) d o u g m c g a u g hy @ g m a i l . c om B I L L Y [ B R E N DA ] M I M S 307-9253 (C) billy.mims44@gmail.com JACKIE (GWYN) MIMS 6 8 5 - 9 0 0 6 ( H ) • 5 8 7 - 1 3 3 8 (C) m i m s 9 0 0 6 @ b e l l s o u t h . n et TO M [ C L A R A ] P O S E Y 4 2 5 - 3 9 1 9 ( H ) • 6 4 3 - 8 6 6 7 (C) t o m p o s ey 3 9 1 9 @ a t t . n e t DA N N Y ( D E N B Y ) P OT T S 6 2 0 - 1 3 0 2 ( H ) • 5 4 1 - 4 8 4 3 (C) Tr e k N o i d @ a o l . c o m DON [LISA] SHADIX 540-2884 (C) donshadix@att.net PAT ( R H O N DA ) WA R D 6 2 0 - 3 4 5 6 ( H ) • 4 8 2 - 5 6 0 6 (C) parjward@att.net CH R I S [ J E N N I F E R ] WO F F ORD 6 2 1 - 3 6 9 4 ( H ) • 6 1 3 - 0 9 3 7 (C) c h r i s t o p h e r . wo f f o r d @ i p a c c .com 8 2 5 4 H i g h w a y 1 7 • P. O . B o x 1 5 9 • M a y l e n e , AL 3 5 114 • 205.664.1675 BE SURE TO VISIT US at www.communitybaptistmaylene .com JANUA RY 2 0 1 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL • 9:45 / WORSHIP • 8:30 & 11:00 AM • 6:00 PM • WED. BIBLE STUDY • 6:30 PM OUR MINISTERIAL STAFF Determined to come up with a unique Christmas gift for fellow ministerial staffers, Bro. Bo hit upon the notion of memorializing everyone through a caricature portrait, professionally-rendered. With the help of caricaturist James Aaron Hislope, Bro. Bo succeeded in capturing staffers in rare form. Represented are (Front, L-R:) Youth Minister, Jonathan Lowery, Children and Senior Adult Minister, Melissa Calton, Education Minister, Matt Monk, (Back, L-R:) Lay Outreach Minister, Mike Fitzgerald, Pastor Bo Brown, and Music Minister, Dave Miller. folks folks just just like like you you Pa g e J a n u a r y 2014 9 New Deacons Called Into Service for 2013 As 2014 approached last fall, we called 9 new deacons into ser vice. Bros. Jay Cofield and Jim Kilpatrick have had prior deacon ser vice at CBC . Bros. Rob Jolley and Tom Posey have had prior deacon ser vice at sister churches. Bros. Andy Garrett, Brad Goggins, Billy Mims, Don Shadix and Chris Wofford were all called for the first time. A list of our complete Deacon group, with contact information, is found on the front page of this newsletter. For the benefit of those who may not know the new deacon group members, the following pictures and information may be helpful. BRO. JAY COFIELD • Jay and Cheryl joined CBC in February 2009. • The Cofields married in 1996 and have 3 children: Josh, Jacob and Josie. • Jay Holds a Doctor’s degree in Communication Arts and is an Associate Professor at the University of Montevallo. • Cheryl has a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and is an elementary school teacher. BRO. BRAD GOGGINS • Brad and Tina became CBC members in September 2008. • They married in 1997 after dating since high school years at Montevallo H.S. • Their sons, Will and Parker, are 8 and 6. • She has a Master’s degree in Education and he one in General Business Management. • Tina teaches 5th grade and Brad is the General Manager of the UAB Snoozys Bookstore. • She is active with our Preschoolers and Brad with RA’s. BRO. JIM KILPATRICK • Jim and Sharon joined CBC decades ago. • They wed in 1981 after having met while both were working at Southern Company. • Jim has an engineering degree from the University of Alabama and has worked for Southern Company since 1979. • The Kilpatricks have 3 adult daughters: Kelly, Bonnie, and Lora. • Jim has served as a CBC Deacon previously and he and Sharon are faithful and thoughtful servants to the church and its people. BRO. TOM POSEY • Tom and Clara became CBC members in August 2012. • Both are originally from the Birmingham area. • Tom served in Merchant Marines at the end of World War II and during the Korean Conflict. His private career has been in electronics, retiring from Honeywell after 32 years. • Clara worked for nearly 25 years for Southern Co. and southern Nuclear. • Both lost their first spouses. They married in 1995. Between them they have 5 children, 8 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. BRO. ANDY GARRETT • Andy and Dona joined CBC in December 2010. • They were married in 1996 and have a son, Sy, 11, who joined CBC this past year. • Andy serves as a firefighter for the City of Alabaster. • Dona is a nurse and is very involved in our puppet ministry. BRO. ROB JOLLEY • Rob and Lee have been CBC members since November 2011. • Rob’s an Oklahoma native and Lee from Florida • They have 3 daughters: Leslie, who lives in Oklahoma, and Sarah and Krista, who live here, and 9 grandchildren. • After a career mostly spent in banking, Rob is semi-retired but has a small consulting business. BRO. BILLY MIMS • After helping construct our current sanctuary, Billy and Brenda joined CBC in January 2009. • The Mims married in 1970 and they have 4 adult children and 5 grandchildren between them. • Billy racked up 23 years in active duty and National Guard military service. • The Mims’ both worked for AT&T/ BellSouth or South Central Bell and first met at a company Christmas party in the buffet line. • They have been very dedicated participants in Campers on Mission for nearly 15 years. They are also active with our seniors and children’s ministries. BRO. DON SHADIX • Don and Lisa joined CBC in December 2010. • Don was an Air Force brat who himself retired from the Air Force in 1997. He had been an electrician. • He has been employed with Coosa Composites for over a year. • Don and Lisa married in 2008. He has 2 children from an earlier marriage and Lisa’s daughter, Lyndsey Clevenger, is also a CBC member. • Don is active with CBC Men and the Fellowship Sunday School Class. BRO. CHRIS WOFFORD • Chris and Jennifer joined Community Baptist in August 2008. • They married in 1998 and have a young daughter, , • A Southern Miss graduate in Criminal Justice, Chris works as a subrogation manager for Infinity Insurance. • Jennifer has her degree in Business Administration from the University of Montevallo and works at Blue Cross-Blue Shield. • Chris has been an active member of the Worship Choir and has served as the church’s Treasurer in the past. P.O. BOX 159 • MAYLENE, AL 35114 205.664.1675 Periodicals postage paid at Alabaster, AL 35007. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHRUCH P.O. BOX 159 • MAYLENE, AL 35114 Published periodically by Community Baptist Church 8254 Highway 17 (P.O. Box 159) • Maylene, AL 35114 Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 P a g e T h e m a n i n t h e m i d dle From Your Pastor’s Heart RevERAND Bo B r own I was walking through the mall and passed by a sign shop. Curious as I am, I paused for a moment to read a few. Most were catchy phrases or familiar bible verses, but there was one that caught my eyes. It was made of the same material, used the same font, but it was the message that made me stop. It simply read “The man on the middle cross said I can come in.” It struck me that there was no theological statement tying this sign to a particular denomination, no legalistic demand under it in subscript, just a simple message. As I pondered it more deeply I realized, such is the power of the Gospel of Christ. It was John 3:16 in a simpler form. It was God so loving His creation that He gave us a way to spend eternity with Him. He didn’t consult men or angels, but with His infinite wisdom sent the Man in the middle, that anyone who truly believes in Him will have eternal life. Does that not motivate you? Does it not make you want to stand upon the roof tops and scream to a lost world of the love of Christ? Beloved we have been placed in the Harvest not to hide from it, but rather to introduce a lost world to a God who loves them, and His Son who died for them. Let us commit 2014 to that task, understanding that God has entrusted us with the responsibility to go. I look forward to one day seeing the criminal who met Jesus on the cross that day. I want to hear his story, to know what was going on in his mind when he finally realized that next to him was not a common man, but instead the very Son of God. And when he is done I hope he asks me how I got in. I will just smile and say, “the Man in the middle said I can come in too,” and then laugh together and share a hug. Let’s commit as a church and as THE Church to introducing this world to that Man in the middle. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, certain that God is appealing through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God.” – 2nd Corinthians 5:20 Thankful and Blessed to be your Pastor, Brother Bo G od is G ood - A ll the T ime !!! Pa g e J a n u a r y 2014 Bulletins from All Over! COMMUNITY BAPTIST NEWSBITS . . . • january BIBLE STUDY We were especially blessed this January to have Dr. Teman Knight visit us to conduct our January Bible Study. Dr. Knight chose to share insights about the book of the prophet Jeremiah and over his four evenings of teaching helped us gain a greater appreciation for and understanding of the life and witness of the Old Testament prophet. Dr. Knight, who currently serves as senior Pastor at Montgomery’s Heritage Baptist Church, is a noted Bible scholar and teacher who has shared his knowledge with churches all over the southeast and with countless New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary students for more than 20 years. He earlier pastored churches in Louisiana and in Sheffield, as well as having served as an Alabama State Missionary with the Alabama State Board of Missions. • LAY OUTREACH MINISTER Bro. Mike Fitzgerald has become a lay member of the church’s staff as a lay outreach minister. Bro. Mike, who joined CBC in is currently a student at the Southeaster Bible College as he pursues preparation to embark on his calling to ministry. He graduated form Thompson High School in 2007, He is a PK (“Preacher’s Kid”), as his father, Bob, has been a pastor for many years and is currently serving another church in the Birmingham metro area. • cbc men The CBC Men held their first-ever open Turkey Shoot on Saturday, November 16th. All the shooting had some of Mike and Bobbie Carter’s neighbors wondering what was going on over there. The shoot was well-attended and several turkeys and hams were handed out to the winners in the various competitive classes. Everyone considered it to have been a huge success and discussions are ongoing when the next one might be scheduled. Members of CBC Men were also heavily-involved in the Work Day at the church November 23rd. Once January arrived, the next big thing was the CBC Men’s quarterly breakfast meeting, which took place on Saturday morning, January 11th. There was a huge breakfast spread cooked up by the leadership group and everyone who was fortunate enough to be on hand benefitted from the devotional time. Time was also devoted to discussing future plans. There is pending discussion about holding a bowling outing soon. The group’s next quarterly breakfast meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 5th, starting at 7:30 a.m. • new member and prospects classes With the continuing influx of new members and prospective members, the time has come once again to conduct our periodic New Members and Prospects Classes. From time to time, this class time is set aside to help acquaint new members and those who may be interested in membership with the details of our denominational history and principles, our own church’s history, vision, and beliefs, the structure of the church organization and its various opportunities for service and growth, and a variety of other beneficial types of information. This winter, those classes will be offered on two Wednesday evenings: March 5th and March 19th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. both evenings. If you or someone you know might be interested in attending these informative classes, be sure to mark them on your calendar. If you have any questions about them, feel free to contact Bro. Bo or Bro. Matt. • spring work day Our periodic church-wide Work Day at the Church will be held this spring on Saturday, April 12th, beginning at 7:30 p.m. If possible, make plans to join other members of the church family as we spruce up the church premises for the fast-approaching Easter season and coming summer. As usual, there will be cleaning and painting and straightening and purging and landscaping and who-knows-what-else to be done. But it always makes the day go better and more quickly when a fair number of folks are on hand and ready to work. Hope we’ll see you then. • summertime Boston mission While the exact details are still being worked out by our church Mission Team, we have committed to conduct another summertime special mission trip to the New England area. More detailed information will be forthcoming soon and anyone who might be interested in being a part of the mission trip is urged to contact Russ Compton or Rebekah Parr for more information. Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 P a g e the community baptist sooper bole special SBC President Fred Luter, Jr., to Keynote Special Midweek Worship Service February 26th More than a year in the making, the long-awaited and highlyanticipated visit of Southern Baptist Convention President, Dr. Fred Luter, Jr., to Community Baptist will finally take place on Wednesday, Februar y 26th. Dr. Luter will deliver a message as the crowning moment of a special worship ser vice that will begin that evening at 6:30 p.m. Similarly, last spring, Dr. Luter’s predecessor, Br yant Wright joined us for a special midweek ser vice. Wright ser ved as President for the 2011-2012 church year. Most SBC Presidents in recent years have ser ved a single one-year term, although a maximum of 2 one-year terms is permitted. Dr. Luter, who was first-elected in June 2012, was re-elected at last June’s convention to ser ve a second term and was unopposed when the election took place. He received a standing ovation. The 57-year-old native New Orleanian has ser ved Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans since 1984. Prior to Hurricane Katrina, the church had grown to over 7000 members, and it has re-grown post-Katrina to over 5,000. His growth strategy is based on what is known as “FRANgelism,” with the FRAN standing for “Friends, Relatives, Associates and Neighbors” who are the keys to the networking that can both expand and strengthen the body of Christ. After a motorcycle accident was his “road to Damascus moment” in 1977, he began his ministr y by preaching on street corners and then in church’s in the city’s Ninth Ward. He sensed a need to especially reach out to men and aggressively pursued them in a variety of ways. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have two adult children. Their son, Fred Luter III, is also a Baptist pastor. Dr. Luter is widely-regarded as one of the most dynamic and engaging presentday pulpit preachers and we are privileged to have him come fill ours on this special night. The ser vice will be open to all who wish to come be par t. with Comedian Scott Davis When the Sunday of the Big Game rolls around, the Community Baptist family has regularly enjoyed a unique and high-spirited time of fellowship and worship that evening. This time around, we’re especially blessed to be visited by Christian comedian, Scott Davis. Scott received Christ at the age of sixteen. He graduated from Liber ty University in Lynchburg, VA, in 1984. He attended Liber ty on full scholarship as a member of Liber ty’s Light Singers and traveled across the US and to 10 foreign countries with the group. Scott’s ministr y has continued in the U.S. and abroad since his graduation and he has taken the gospel of Christ personally and via television to hundreds of thousands of people. He has appeared on Mark Lowr y’s videos and has written comedy for Mark. Scott appeared weekly on the national television show, “The Mark & Kathy Show,” with Mark Lowr y and Kathy Troccoli. Along with his weekly appearances, he has been a guest on numerous religious and secular radio and television broadcasts, including an appearance with comedian Dennis Swanberg on “Swan’s Place.” Today, Scott conducts “GET REAL” national conferences with the nations top speakers and musicians. He also presents music and comedy concer t events called “Hope Through Hilarity,” which are extremely conducive to inviting the lost and unchurched. Among Scott’s fans is Dr. Charles Stanley, of First Baptist Church of Atlanta, who says, ““There are performers and then there are those who minister the Word of God. Scott truly ministers the Word of God. Each time he has been to First Baptist, he has been a blessing to all of us.” SUNDAY • FEB. 2ND STARTING AT 6 PM Pa g e CBC are S ales in J anu ary but for F ebruary we have a COOL trip lined up that leans toward our GUYS...W e are headed to the S outhern M useum of F light out by the A irport on F ebruary 14 th from 9 am till 3 pm ... gonna be a BLAST!!! S ign U p S heet is in H allway next to F ellowship H all ...S ign U p T oday ! also have been a n u a r y 2014 5 5 ‘ n ’ S t a y i n ’ A l i v e (IN C H RI S T ) OFF....B iscuit B uddies has already started back ... and U missed the B est B is cuits N T own if you missed last T hursday ... so DON”T MISS THIS THURSDAY.... we begin @ 9 am with a GR8 B reakfast then go to the G ame T ables @ 10 and @ 11 we have already started our S enior A dult M usical : F aith of our F athers a P atriotic piece that we will sing M ay 25 th in the PM S ervice . We J SENIOR ADULTS 2014 SENIOR ADULTS....L et ’ s G o !!!! We S hoppin ’ the I n M arch we head to L a G range , GA. to H ills D ales E state for a tour and lunch ...C an ’ t wait ! JOIN US...U won ’ t B sorry !!! and We FULL CALENDAR for 2014... so C alendar posted some where .... share one with a FRIEND....U won ’ t want 2 miss it ... have a make sure you have a A long with the activities we are enjoying we M in C hurch ... helping out where wisdom ...MAKING A DIF- will also become involved with different istries within the we can ... offering FERENCE!! HE LOVES U, HE LOVES U, HE LOVES U... and so do I, M rs . M elissa THE BI RD S ’ NEST CBC EAGLES CBC DOVES The Eagles gathered for their annual Christmas event with 38 present to enjoy the food and activities. Much laughter was shared and new friendships made as all shared in the evenings events. Many thanks go to the Compton Family who led in Christmas music after a delicious meal and then all gathered around for Christmas fun. The next EAGLE gathering is scheduled for March. All Senior Adults are invited to take part in EAGLE events. The EAGLES’ ongoing mission project is to help provide snacks for the ESL sessions. Anyone wishing to help, please leave snacks in the kitchen in the box marked ESL. For more information regarding the EAGLES, please contact Reba Hatcher. The DOVES are CBC’s ministry team who serve in the Inreach program which tries to reach out to members and regular attendees during times of need, special occasions or just because… An example is during the month of December, 78 cards were sent, 20 visits made and phone calls were made to reach out and encourage members. DOVE members serve in the Homebound Ministry by visiting those unable to attend Sunday School on a regular basis due to an illness by providing SS lessons on DVD, educational materials, and other items to cheer and uplift those served. If you are homebound or know of someone who would like to be placed on the list to be served, please contact Reba Hatcher . If you are an adult, and would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact Reba at 663-0067. Community Women Connecting Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 Over the past few months, the ladies of Community Women Connecting have been very busy as we have planned and conducted events and have continued the process of connecting women with one another and with God. In the coming weeks we hope to continue those efforts and foster even more connections. Our November 22nd evening event–themed “Caring for Others – Working Together”–saw 36 ladies gathered together as we enjoyed a wonderful meal, outstanding fellowship and had a lot of fun assembling gift boxes for distribution to the women of the Shelby County Community Corrections Work Release Program. We enjoyed hearing from Alesha Smith, Residential Manager at the Corrections Facility, as she shared how God had placed her in her position as she strives to help the detainees work toward stable lives when their residency is completed. We also were touched by a wonderful devotion time by our own Laurita Miller about reflecting upon the people who God has put in our lives that cared for us in hard times. Following this event, we traveled to Columbiana to the Shelby Baptist Association Office on the afternoon of December 15th to host a wonderful meal and time of celebration with 18 women from the Corrections Work Release program. We arrived early to deck out the room with Christmas decorations and prepared a wonderful meal that we shared and enjoyed with the ladies. Debbie Reeves shared a touching devotional moment, and then we had more sharing as we distributed the gift boxes to the women and enjoyed a wonderful time of singing and praising God together with the musical assistance of the Compton family. The CWC Team members especially thank those of our church family who donated all the items that went into the gift boxes. We thank Vicki Chapman for pulling us out of the fire by helping us finalize the food and set-up at the Association office, Linda Bode for hand-making all of the scarves that went into the boxes, Bro. Dave Miller for his time and efforts of putting together praise and worship and Christmas CD’s, Bro. Matt Monk for ordering the Journey magazines, the Compton family for helping us with praise and worship, and Dana and Jessica Hollingsworth for joining us and helping us celebrate! On Saturday morning, January 25th, we had a special Brunch event. Stephanie Brown was our speaker and we shared more information about a variety of upcoming group and individual opportunities. We certainly look forward to seeing all the women at the upcoming events. Be sure and check out our future events and plan to be a part of our time together. P a g e Left; Debra Short with Ms. Alesha Smith, Director of the Shelby County Community Corrections Work Release Program Pa g e J a n u a r y 2014 M Y H 4 h t u o CBC y Brother Jonathan Lowery Youth Minister Dear Community Family, Wow can’t believe that it’s already 2014! I am eager and excited to see what God has in store for us this year!!! As 2013 ended, we had a really active time, with lots going on, like: • On Sunday, November 10th, we had our S.N.A.C./BIG MAC TIME. After our Veterans Recognition Service that evening we went out to eat together, then came back together to watch the movie Turbo. • On Saturday, December 7th, Missions and Movie: Due to scheduling conflicts we had to reschedule the mission, but we went as a group to see the new movie Frozen. Stay tuned as we will have the dates for the mission activity soon • On Sunday December 22nd - we had our annual Youth Christmas Party. This year we had the opportunity to go Christmas Caroling before the party. The caroling was such a blessing as we got to share the joy of Christmas with those in our community. Then we returned to the Youth House and had our party (which is always fun!) and we played NICE (not “dirty”) Santa, and, of course, ate some really good food. • On Friday, December 27th, we headed to the mall where we spent 3 hours or so exchanging all of the Christmas sweaters and wrong-sized socks that we’d received for Christmas. • January 10 - 12 was our Youth Blast 2014!!!! We once again converged on the Alabama 4-H Conference Center near Columbiana and we had an awesome time devoting a whole weekend to God!!! Both individually and as a youth group, we grew closer to God over the weekend and had fun doing so!!!! Don’t think that just because its a new year that things are going to slow down. Here are some upcoming things for 2014: • WinterJam - February 9th: This year’s WinterJam event at the BJCC is packed with a lot of big-name bands, and the cost is only $10 to get in the door. We will stay after the late morning worship service that Sunday and go eat together before heading to the BJCC for a night of Christian music. • Valentine’s Banquet - Sunday February 16th: The Valentines Banquet is an annual tradition at which we celebrate love, have some good food, fun and fellowship and also have our first opportunity to raise funds toward our summer trip to FUGE. We will stay after the morning worship services and start setting everything up for the Banquet. Be sure to bring money for lunch since we will eat right after the morning service. • FUGE June 16 - 21: Yep, that’s right! It’s just right around the corner and sign-ups have already started. D eposits are due F ebruary 2 nd !!!! If you’re interested in going be sure to sign-up!!! If you or your family have any questions or concerns, please contact me immediately. Once again I’m eager to see what God has in store for us in 2014!!! God has blessed us in so many ways here at Community!!!! By the way, for those who might not know, here are the activities that happen weekly with the Youth: • Youth Worship and Bible Study- Wednesday night starting at 6:30 p.m. • Youth Choir rehearsal - Sundays at 4 p.m. • Youth Discipleship Training - Sundays at 5 p.m. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Youth Group or other ministries at CBC, please don’t hesitate to contact me. . I n C hrist , B ro . J onathan Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 Advent Season Our Pa g e The Worship Choir blessed everyone with their presentation, “Hallelujah, Jesus Is Born,” on Sunday morning, December 15th. With technical support from Steve Bierman and Michael Parr, and narration by Tony Page, the choir was composed of (Front, center :) Reagan Etheridge, (Front row, L-R:) Glenda Short, Cindy Bierman, Denby Potts, Amber Friedman, Teresa Sims, Lisa Etheridge, Karlee Sims, Kay Page, Carolyn Proffit, Cindy Wingate, Kimberly Tanner, Annette Beyler, Rebekah Parr, Kyla Kortright, Rita Miller, Alisa Compton, (Back row, L-R:) Craig Reeves, Tim Sims, Paul Etheridge, Russ Compton, John Whitfield, Danny Potts, Randy Maxwell, Chris Edge and Richard McCoy. The CBC Men prepared and delivered more than 40 Christmas fruit baskets to senior church members and area shut-ins on December 17th. Those who helped included (L-R:) Jim Kilpatrick, Rob Jolley, Todd Riddle, Matt Monk, Wayne Fedewa, Jackie Mims, Christian Hollingsworth, Russ Compton, Mike Hollingsworth (behind Russ), Bob Emrick, Lee Pate, Don Shadix, Rusty Tanner, and Tim Owenby. Also helping, front left, were Jesse Monk and Grayson Monk. Pa g e 10 J a n u a r y 2014 m rs. me l is sa’s kidz notez MRS. MELISSA CALTON • CHILDREN’S MINISTER H ey K ids ( and P arents 2!): 2014 is going to be a GR8 year !!! J anuary we begin our P assport P als ... where we will be TRANSPORTED thru a T ime M achine called a T ardis back into BIBLE TIMES... the location will not be disclosed until you go thru the T ardis ... SIGN UP NOW J anuary 24 th 6-8 pm is our first trip . (P ar ents : we will have a light supper for your lil critter ) PLEASE get a K.I.D.S. C alendar and keep it posted ... W e have already started a new KIDS MUSICAL...I AM 2ND!! KIDS PRAYZE is S unday afternoon @ 4:30 and W ednesday E venings @ 6:30...W e have SO MUCH FUN with these musi cals ... we have C rafts and M usical M ovement as well as plain ole ’ down home SINGIN’. .. bring your child ... they will LOVE IT! MARCH 1 st is right around the corner and happens C.B.C. SPRING FLING... this years theme is : L et ’ s G o 2 T he CIRCUS! T here will be 3 R ings and of course JESUS will take CENTER STAGE! I nvite the kids in your neighbor hood .. bring the kids .... we can ’ t wait 2 S hare C hrist in this FUN and C ool W ay ! of our 2 I VBS M aterial .... so if you U KNOW U DO... come by LIST!!! C an ’ t wait !!! T raining have already started handing out want 2 TEACH or work with us and and get your name on the meeting As U can SOON!!! C.... we are S ervin ’ OFF the and RUNNING N 2014...JOIN US!! S hepherd , F eedin ’ H is L ambs . MRS. MELISSA be the date (ABOVE:) THE MEMBERS OF THE CBC KIDZ PRAYZE CHOIR AND ANGEL CHOIR POSE AT THE CONCLUSION OF THEIR PERFORMANCE OF “THE CHRISTMAS S.O.C.C.E.R. TEAM” FOR A GROUP PICTURE. (LEFT:) THE SENIOR ADULTS’ JOINT HEIRS CHOIR AND THE KIDZ PRAYZE AND ANGEL CHOIRS WERE GREETED WITH A THUNDEROUS STANDING OVATION AT THE CONCLUSION OF THEIR PERFORMANCE. ALL THE CHOIRS HAD DEVOTED NEARLY FIVE MONTHS’ WORTH OF REHEARSALS TO THE MUSICAL’S PREPARATION, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MRS. MELISSA AND HER HELPERS. Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 P a g e Passion Passion Week Week Easter & & PL A N TO S H A R E O U R S PECIAL CBC PASSION WEEK EVENTS: • Palm Sunday • April 13: The Worship Choir Easter Musical • Maundy Thursday • April 17: Maundy Thursday Service & Lord’s Supper Observance • Easter Sunday • April 20: Easter Sunday Celebration Worship Services 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8:30 & 11 a.m. WE COMFORTABLY SURPASS OUR LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING GOAL Our church’s goal for this year’s Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions was $5000, and we are blessed and delighted to report that we succeeded in surpassing that goal by the second Sunday in December. Ultimately our giving totalled nearly $6900 and we’re thrilled to be able to contribute those resources to the cause of international missions. A huge and heart-felt thanks goes out to everyone who contributed in any amount and in any way to this successful campaign. RECEIVED BY PRESS-TIME: $6,680 11 Pa g e 12 J a n u a r y 2014 NEW MEMBERS These new pieces have been added to our CBC quilt . . . brian foster amy betzhold pelham october 27 josie cofield alabaster november 24 payton hayes maylene december 22 margaret holcomb maylene january 5 • Brian is the son of CBC members, Wales and Betty Foster. • Brian and Amy are engaged but no date has yet been set. • Brian graduated from Shelby County High and attended Jacksonville State. He has worked in sales and electrical work. • Amy was born in Detroit and moved to Jemison at age 14. • She worked at Blue Cross-blue Shield for 8 years before qualifying for disability. • Amy has two adult children from her prior marriage: son Casey, 25, and daughter, Ashley, 24, and a 3-year-old granddaughter, Kylie, with another on the way. • They enjoy walking, working in the yard, movies, family time. • Josie is the youngest child of CBC members, Jay and Cher yl Cofield. Her brothers are Josh and Jacob. • Josie will be 8 years old in March and is a second-grade student at Meadowview Elementar y School. • She loves to sing and draw and is doing baton this year. She enjoys playing with her friends, eating good food, playing Minecraft and watching “girl” TV. • Payton is the oldest of Mike and Mandy Hayes’ three children. Her parents joined CBC in April 2010. • Payton will be 12 at the end of this month. • Her younger brother, Landon, is 9 and her younger sister, Br yleigh, is 7. • Payton is in the sixth grade and is home-schooled. • On the athletics side, Payton enjoys archer y and playing volleyball. She is also a talented singer and enjoys ar ts and crafts activities. • Mrs. Margaret is the mother of CBC member, Lisa Sims. She also has a daughter, Laura Grills, who is am nurse anesthetist. • Mrs. Margaret grew up in East Lake and graduated from Woodlawn in 1950. She went on to earn a degree in theology form Southeastern Bible College in anticipation of becoming a missionar y, “but God had other plans” she says. • She married Lamar Holcomb in 1960 and lost him in 2007. She has made mission trips to Venezuela and Thailand-Cambodia. • Lisa and Tim’s 2 sons are her only grandchildren. Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 P a g e 13 ng i n e v E y a D ’s e n i t n e A Ver y Special Val Married Couples is Coming for Our ONLY! Valentines’ Date Night 7 pm • Friday • February 14th featuring Paul Johnson Paul Johnson is a professionally licensed marriage and family therapist, professionally licensed and nationally cer tified counselor, and a licensed minister. He is a graduate of Samford University and a Master’s graduate of the Univeristy of Montevallo. He is a frequent published columnist on marital and family relationship issues. Dinner, Music, Entertainment, Loving Insights & Fun Cost: $25 (includes meal & materials) The 2014 Community Baptist Valentine’s Banquet MIKE SMOTHERMAN MONTEVALLO JANUARY 19 HOSTED BY OUR YOUTH STARTING AT 5 PM ON SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16TH • Mike is the 30-year old eldest son of CBC members, Sid and Teresa Smotherman, who joined us in April 2012. His younger brother, Mitch, is also a member after joining last May. • Mike graduated from Pelham High in 2001 and has been a construction worker/carpenter since. Currently he works for Lucas Construction. He has taken some college and fire college courses • He formerly worked for 9-1/2 years with his dad, Sid’s, former business. • Mike has two children: Chloe, age 6, and Sydney, age 2. Pa g e 14 EDUC A T I O N & D E V E L O P M E N T J a n u a r y 2014 from Brother Matt Monk Education Minister What Difference Will You Make? What difference will you make for God in 2014? That is the question we are asking everyone to ponder during the month of January. As I write this we are in an emphasis on stewardship. Stewardship in its basic forms is a management of resources. During the month of January we are discussing some of the resources God has entrusted us to steward for His name and for His kingdom. In Sunday School, each class is spending time considering the resources of time, talent, and treasure and how we each are entrusted to use these resources with our lives. We are also offering practical ways to apply these resources while we go through the Andy Stanley study called “Breathing Room. “ I encourage you to consider what God has entrusted you with in each of these areas and how you can apply these resources to the things that matter most. Here are some thoughts on each area: Time: Each of us have the same hours in a day, week, and a year. However the amount of time each person has left on this earth is different. Moses prayed in Psalm 90 for God to teach him how to number his days so that he could develop a heart of wisdom . One thing that Andy Stanley said that stuck with me came on his Breathing Room message on time is “If my time is limited, then I need to limit what I do with my time. Let me ask you, how do you spend your time? Do you spend time daily with God in His word and in prayer? How are you at devoting time to your spouse and kids? Do you make good use of your time at work? Do you try to spend time with fellow Christians? Take some time and see how you are spending your time. Consider doing a time diary for a week and write down each activity you are engaged in and how long you are spending in each activity. This activity will demonstrate how you are spending your time. Another activity that will help is getting in a small group. There are several options available. There is Sunday School at 9:45 AM. There is Bible Study on Wednesday evenings. We also will be offering additional discipleship classes from March 2April 27 each Sunday at 4:30 PM. We will be offering a class on personal finance as well as a class for women presented by CWC. We also have Discipleship small groups that meet during the week at various times and locations. Talents: What talents and abilities has God given you? One wonderful aspect of a church is that it is filled with people with many talents and abilities. In our church we have people who are mechanics, teachers, accountants, ministers, carpenters, stay-at-home moms, scientists, college professors, fire fighters, nurses, police officers, and computer programmers to name just a few. In addition to career talents, we have people who are good at music, art, graphics, and theater. The talent in our church is tremendous. God has given us each unique gifts and abilities to use for his kingdom. I encourage you to sit down and consider how God has uniquely designed you to serve in His kingdom. Last fall we offered a course called Jesus on Leadership that had each participant complete a profile to consider a person’s spiritual gifts, the things that they were enthusiastic about, their personality, their vocational skills, and their experiences. From this a person could get a clearer picture of how God designed them Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 P a g e S A T U R D A Y - M A R C H 1 ST and where they should serve. I would encourage you to take time to complete one of these profiles. If you are interested in taking one, please let me know. Then get involved in a ministry that will put your talents to use. If you would like to know more about the ministries that you can be a part of here, let a member of our nominating team know. This team consists of Jim Kilpatrick, Rusty Tanner, Rhonda Ward, and Matt Monk. THE CBC SPRING FLING!! 9 A.M. - NOON ALL FREE!!! Treasure: Of all the stewardship topics we cover, this is probably the personal. For many people, the perception of a church or Christians is that it is an organization that wants their money. Of course this perception is not true but Jesus does spend more time in scripture talking about money than He does about Heaven and Hell. Jesus taught the principal that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Many times, our treasures are here on earth as evidenced by the amount of money spent and borrowed on things that won’t last. However God wants us to invest a part of the treasure He has given us so that we can be part of what He is doing in His kingdom. How are you doing in this area? Do you need to begin to give? Could you give more? Are you giving cheerfully as prescribed by Paul in 2 Corinthians 9? I encourage you to evaluate this area of your life. Track spending and see if there needs to be any changes in the level you are committing to God’s kingdom work. As mentioned above, if you need help in this, we are offering a six-week course on personal finance from March 2-April 27. So what difference will you make in 2014? Have you thought about it, made any goals, sought the heart of God? I encourage you to consider the difference you can make using the resources you have. Make a commitment to make a difference, and follow through. Remember God never calls us to be successful, but He does call us to be faithful. Where can you be more faithful to Him? Where will you make a difference? As always, if I can help you in any way to discover the difference that you may make for God, please let me know. You can contact me any time by email at education@communitybaptistmaylene.com or by phone at 368-8785 Looking forward to making a difference for God in 2014! Christ is All B ro . M att (205) 368-8785 education@communitybaptistmaylene.com 15 Pa g e 16 From the Pen & Heart of MRS. ANN BURNETT Y ISAIAH 58 1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. 2 Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God. 3 Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours. 4 Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. 5 Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? 6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? 7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? 8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward. 9 Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; 10 And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day: 11 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. 12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. 13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: 14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. J a n u a r y 2014 From Isaiah 58: Much of What God Expects from His People ears back Isaiah 58 swept through our nation because of the naming of so very many of the things that are pleasing to our God found within this one chapter in the Bible, as well as the incredible blessings He promises to those who endeavor to keep sacred these tasks that He sets before us. We quickly discern in the first verse that He is not pleased with those who approach Him in total confidence of their own righteousness in a bold and loud manner like a blaring trumpet. They assert that they have prayed and fasted and He did not answer their prayers. He counters that in the days of their fasting, they did their own pleasures and did not afflict themselves before Him. He further informs them that they fast for strife and debate, praying to smite others for vengeance, to get the better of them. He calls this a “wicked fast“ and says He will not hear it. He then proclaims what is the true fast of the Lord which will be heard. He says to loose the bands of wickedness, which is to undo the heavy burdens we may be oppressing others with. He tells us to remove the yoke and free them. He says to feed the poor, open your home to the outcasts, clothe the naked and most certainly do not hide yourself from your own family in the doing of all these good things. He then proclaims that (vv 8-9) (t)hen shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward. Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. In the verses that follow He instructs that we are to put away the yoke of heavy burdens and the pointing finger speaking vanities and putting down of others. He directs that we have a heart for the hungry and afflicted and help them. Those verses are followed by His promise that then, your light will shine amongst others and your darkness will be as the noon day sun. Then, the Lord will guide and feed you in the droughts and make your bones strong and make you like a watered garden and your water, will never fail. Then your lineage will build up the old broken down places and you will raise up the foundations of many generation and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. He then cautions not to take our pleasures on His Holy day, the Sabbath. We must understand that Sunday is the Lord’s Day for the gentiles since we as well are counted the seed of Jacob and Abraham is our father as well, we are to keep the Lord’s Day in respect for Him. Keep laboring to a minimum. Honoring His day means going to church to hear His word and not finding your own pleasure, elsewhere. Eating out with friends after church is fine. Food and fellowship keeps labor to a minimum and God loves to see His family enjoying fellowship together. We are not bound by law; we are under grace and have free will to make choices. That being said, the wise know that blessings can come from wise choices, especially when pleasing God on His Holy day. Learn to delight in His Holy day. Remember the promised blessing; when you cry, He will answer, “Here am I.” The chapter closes with His promise: “Then shall thou delight thyself in the Lord and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob, thy father.; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” Love in Christ, Mrs. Ann Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 P E AC E P THE BIG DOG BARKS a g e 17 Rita and I recently spent a few days away and it proved beneficial in a variety of ways. She was able to enjoy some extended hours reuniting with the sand and crashing waves, despite colder weather, and I was able to just relax, enjoy some recreational reading and rest. It was a welcome respite for us both. There was a flood of peaceful, at-ease moments to enjoy during those days. Among the nine fruits of the spirit that the Apostle Paul enumerated in his letter to the believers at Galatia, it may by Brother Dave Miller, Music Minister well be that peace is one of the most difficult to routinely have. Surrounded as we all are by floods of reported incidents of things “gone wrong with the world,” and beset as many are with concerns about health and wealth and general well-being, not to mention spiritual concerns, is it any wonder that sedatives are so heavily prescribed and many folks turn to a variety of substances or escapes to overcome the lack of peace. “But what is peace?” I pondered one morning at the beach after re-visiting Calvin Miller’s excellent study. Being something of a “word person,” I was surprised at the difficulty I had in coming up with an acceptable definition on my own. Others have described peace as being an absence of dissension, violence, or war. It may also justly be considered to be existing in concord, or harmony and tranquility. There are those of our acquaintance who are the “Chicken Littles” of the world, whose lives or circumstances seem always to run calamity to calamity and fear to fear. How difficult it must be to perceive harm and threat constantly, even where none exists. While it is only natural to try to assess and prepare for challenges, those who turn life’s challenges into life-altering worry fail to embrace our Lord’s teaching and assurance. As His evening communing with His disciples in the upper room came to a close, Jesus sought to strengthen and enlighten his closest disciples, who clearly then had little or no understanding about what was soon to transpire. In chapter 14 of John’s epistle, Jesus says: • “Your heart must not be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me.” (14:1) • “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.” (14:27) “ . . . must not be troubled or fearful?” What? My human nature screams that it is impossible to not fear or be troubled. Just as it was His human nature to show distress to the point of sweating blood as He prayed concerning his impending crucifixion. Yet, His obedient heart and spirit enabled him to find His own peace as He submitted to His Father: “Not My will, but Thine.” Perhaps there lies the most important key: submission to God’s authority. Jesus said that He was giving His peace to them (and us), but it was a peace unlike the world’s. The closest current-day example of such a sense of peace I can conjure up would likely be the seeming peace of Dr. Martin Luther King as he shared his “I Have a Dream” speech, bravely shared with a foreboding of his premature death. Or the calmness our beloved friend, Jerry Hendon, demonstrated as his life ebbed away not long ago. It is hard to confess that I still allow things “I can’t control” to cause me concern. An abiding tranquility would be a wonderful thing, and I realize (though not necessarily fully practice yet) leaving the concerns in His hands, for He is greater than I. And He promised that He has given me His peace. Just like my salvation, it is my place to accept His gift of peace. Pa g e 18 Welcome to the CBC Family! J a n u a r y 2014 Kara and Shaun Johns were pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Master Daniel Elijah Johns, who was born Thursday, Jan. 16th, weighing 8.6 pounds and measuring 20.25 inches long. COMMUNITY’S OPPORTUNITIES sunday ( 2 - 2 ) 6 pmsooper bo L E extravaganza with comedian , scott davis , special guest wednesday ( 2 - 1 2 ) 6 : 3 0 pmmonthly church business meeting friday ( 2 - 1 4 ) 9 A M - 1 P M S E N I O R S R OA D T R I P TO S O UTHERN MUSEUM OF FLIGHT 7 pmmarried couples valentines date night with family counselor , paul johnson , special guest SATUR DAY ( 2 - 1 5 ) 9 A M - N O O N C B C K I D S : R OA D T R I P TO S OUTHERN MUSEUM OF FLIGHT SUNDAY ( 2 - 1 6 ) 5 P M VA L E N T I N E S B A N Q U E T hosted by youth tuesday ( 2 - 1 8 ) 5 : 3 0 pmcbc work night at shelby baptist association wednesday ( 2 - 2 6 ) 6 : 3 0 pmspecial wednesday evening worship service with dr . fred luter, special guest SATUR DAY ( 3 - 1 ) 9 AM-NOON CBC SPRING FLING wednesday ( 3 - 5 ) 6 : 3 0 pmnew members & prospects class FRIDAY ( 3 - 7 ) T I M E T B D S E N I O R S R OA D T R I P TO H I LLS AND DA L E S E S TAT E , L A G R A N G E , GA wednesday ( 3 - 1 2 ) 6 : 3 0 pmmonthly church business meeting friday ( 3 - 1 4 ) 7 : 0 0 pmcommunity women connecting event tuesday ( 3 - 1 8 ) 5 : 3 0 pmcbc work night at shelby baptist association wednesday ( 3 - 5 ) 6 : 3 0 pmnew members & prospects class FRIDAY ( 3 - 2 1 ) 6 - 8 : 3 0 P M C B C K I D S : PA S S P O RT PA L S FRIDAY ( 4 - 4 ) 9 A M - 3 P M S E N I O R S R OA D T R I P TO M ONTGOMERY SATUR DAY ( 4 - 5 ) 7 : 3 0 A M Q U A RT E R L Y M E N ’ S B R E A K FAST SATURDAY (4-12) 7:30 PM CHURCH-WIDE WORK DAY AT THE CHURCH SUNDAY (4-13) PALM SUNDAY 6:00 PM WORSHIP CHOIR MUSICAL wednesday (4-16) 6:30 pmmonthly church business meeting THURSDAY (4-17) 7:00 PM MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE FRIDAY (4-18) 6-8:30 PM CBC KIDS: PASSPORT PALS SUNDAY (4-20) EASTER SUNDAY tuesday (4-22) 5:30 pmcbc work night at shelby baptist association WEDNESDAY (4-30) 6:30 PM KIDZ PRAYZE MUSICAL: I A M S E C O N D FRIDAY (5-2) 9 AM-2 PM SENIORS ROAD TRIPT TO CLANTON civil WAR BATTLEGROUND WITH LUNCH SUNDAY (5-11) MOTHERS DAY (NO EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE) tuesday (5-20) 5:30 pmcbc work night at shelby baptist association FRIDAY (5-23) 6-8:30 PM CBC KIDS: PASSPORT PALS SUN-THUR (6-1-6-5) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL TUESDAY (6-10) 9 AM-NOON CBC KIDS: SOOPER TOOZDAY MUSIC CAMP - AMERIKIDS FRIDAY (6-14) 9 AM - ? SENIORS ROAD TRIP TO COLUMBIANA FOR HIGH TEA, TRADE DAYS AND FARMERS MARKET SUNDAY (6-15) FATHERS DAY (NO EVENING WORSHIP) TUESDAY (6-17) 9 AM-NOON CBC KIDS: SOOPER TOOZDAY MUSIC CAMP - AMERIKIDS 5:30 pmcbc work night at shelby baptist association TUESDAY (6-24) 9 AM-NOON CBC KIDS: SOOPER TOOZDAY MUSIC CAMP - AMERIKIDS folks folks just just like like you you