HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW News 2015 March Issue
HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW News 2015 March Issue
MARCH 2015 Contents Chief Executive’s message . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HealthRoster roll-out imminent (continued) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Expo returns after recordbreaking 2014 event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Board update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Communication is key! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 HealthShare news HealthRoster roll-out imminent Clinical staff applaud new line of theatre linen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Top marks for Quality Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Closing the gap, little by little . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Staff profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sweet charity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Major metros to get new meals . . . . 9 Arm yourself for flu season . . . . . . . . . . 9 Check out our website at If you’ve got a story or feedback for HealthShare News, please contact Karen Fontaine on 8644 2246 or email karen. Work has started on the roll-out of HealthRoster across HealthShare NSW, with the first of three groups getting the new state-of-the-art system in just a few months’ time. Tracy Zammit, Manager of Workforce Transactions and project manager for the implementation of HealthRoster, has been meeting business unit managers from across the state to talk about the impacts of the project and commence gathering data on staff to be transitioned to the new online rostering system. An eHealth NSW project, HealthRoster has been specifically built to meet the rostering needs of all NSW Health, and will replace the ageing Kronos system with a uniform statewide system. It has been configured to share information with the StaffLink HR and payroll system, so that the two systems are aligned. “The feedback from the meetings has been very positive,” said Tracy. “Everyone loves the functionality of the system and can’t wait to use it to its full potential.” Given the size and breadth of the organisation, HealthRoster will be delivered to HealthShare NSW in a staged approach, with Linen and administration staff going first, Continued page 2 Continued p2 æ HealthShare News HealthShare News March 2015 March 2015 Chief Executive’s message “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” This quote – by George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright and co-founder of the London School of Economics, a renaissance man with a lifelong interest in healthcare – is a favourite of mine. I’m sharing it given how apt it is in light of the work currently underway on an important initiative that aims to foster a more constructive workplace culture at both HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW. As Workforce Director Paul Gavel puts it, the Leadership Charter is “our roadmap for providing leaders with a I couldn’t agree more with Paul that, given the growing complexity of our work environments, leadership now needs to be a collective process that is spread throughout networks of people. What we need is leaders who can thrive in highly ambiguous, unpredictable and diverse environments and are therefore self-aware, adaptable, flexible, collaborative and able to lead change. In our recent culture survey, staff told us that the number-one need for development is in the area of leadership. What we need at HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW is to not only develop leaders but a leadership culture that enables others to lead. Work is underway to foster that kind of culture and to develop leaders (and future leaders) who demonstrate accountability for their own growth and development and the collaboration needed for constructive leadership styles to flourish throughout the organisations. Have you seen our new website? Our Leadership Charter is yet another initiative of our Organisational Development team, and I am following its implementation with great interest. In my opinion, the best way to improve – to really improve, not merely pay lip service to it – is through some serious soul-searching and hard work. Undoubtedly, how an organisation is led affects people’s job satisfaction, engagement, trust in management, commitment, individual and team effectiveness, as well as the culture and climate of the organisation and its performance. The charter is to be driven by the Executive to all levels of leadership. It’s in our collective best interest to do all we can to foster the kinds of behaviours and skills that are essential to a constructive workplace culture and the achievement of our people, customer and service goals. Michael Walsh Acting Chief Executive, HealthShare NSW HealthRoster roll-out imminent Keep up to date with the latest news and highlights on the Expo and the Service Awards via www.hsnsw-ehnswexpo. Planning is well underway for the 2015 HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW Expo, returning after last year’s record-breaking event attended by more than 1,000 delegates. On Friday 14 August, the 2015 Expo will return to Rosehill Gardens, Rosehill, a venue which proved highly popular with attendees in 2014. From page 1 Bankstown Food and Hotel Services, Newcastle Linen, and Recruitment and Employee Transactional Services Page 2 (RETS) have been working with Workforce in recent weeks to test the system prior to the roll-out. “I’m grateful that these business units have put their hands up to help and early indications are positive,” said Tracy. Roster creators, administrators and approvers are required to undergo æ followed by Food and Hotel Services Southern in stage two, and finally Food and Hotel Services Northern as well as Service Centre Westmead customers (NEPT, MoH Corporate) transitioning in stage 3. Contents HealthRoster training and dates will be provided in the near future. If you have any immediate queries, please contact Tracy Zammit at Information on HealthRoster is available on the HealthShare NSW Intranet at about/ehealth/corporateit/rostering This year’s theme of Caring. Collaborating. Innovating. captures the breadth, vision and values of HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW. The Expo will feature a range of inspiring speakers who will explore these ideas and demonstrate ways in which we work in partnership with our customers to help them deliver the best care possible. Our ever-popular exhibition space will showcase the latest in shared service delivery and leading-edge eHealth programs, with expanded floor space to accommodate the growing number of our external business partners keen to share their latest work, ideas and innovations. Now in its sixth year, the HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW Expo has grown to become the largest event on the NSW Health calendar, providing delegates with unmissable networking and knowledge sharing opportunities. Now is the time to start thinking about how you and your team can be involved this year to showcase your services, programs and achievements to delegates. Register your interest via æ clear guide on the leadership standards and behaviours needed to create the workplace culture that will effectively deliver our strategic goals”. Expo returns after recordbreaking 2014 event Contents Keep an eye out during the coming weeks for the opening of nominations for the HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW Service Awards. This exciting annual event, now in its third year, will celebrate our highly esteemed award winners from across the both organisations at the conclusion of the Expo, followed by a twilight cocktail function at the venue. Page 3 HealthShare News HealthShare News March 2015 March 2015 In late 2014, the HealthShare NSW Board welcomed its second Chair, Dr Kerry Schott. and distribution function to the new service provider, Onelink. Dr Schott has a distinguished career in both the public and private sectors and extensive Board experience as both a member and Chair. Professor Phil Harris was thanked for acting as interim Chair and seamlessly guiding the Board through the latter part of 2014 and into the hands of Dr Schott. Discussions at the most recent Board meeting on 5 February centred around overpayment debt recovery, business intelligence and performance reporting improvement, EnableNSW’s involvement in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) trial in the Hunter area, HealthShare NSW’s Continuous Improvement Framework, and an update on the future state A presentation was given to members regarding the progressive move to a new activity-based costing model for Service Centres, including payroll and financial transactional services, and some patient food services. Clinical staff at Auburn Hospital have become the first to adopt a new line of surgical drapes in the reusable barrier theatre linen range, which HealthShare NSW designed in conjunction with suppliers. A presentation was also given updating the Board on the work which has been done around the Workplace Culture Program in the past 12 months and future plans. With barrier linen gowns already popular among clinicians around the state, surgeons and nursing staff at Auburn Hospital have enthusiastically adopted the drapes that cover patients during surgery. Dr Kerry Schott Customer Engagement Model which is currently being progressed. Additionally, members were briefed on plans within Procurement and Logistics to transition the warehousing At all recent meetings, members received reports on standing items including Financial Performance, Operational Performance, Enterprise Risk Management, Work Health and Safety, Workforce Diversity, and the Audit and Risk Management Committee. Communication is key! Samantha Norris of the Communications team is conducting an organisation-wide review of customer communications, and offers the following tips when communicating with customers: 5. Involve the Communications team early for help with strategic communications planning, material production and issues management support. Page 4 æ 1. Know your audience – think about how they consume information, the language they use and what’s important to them and tailor your information accordingly. 2. Consider language and tone – the technical language we use to communicate internally isn’t always suitable for customers with limited knowledge of our processes. When in doubt, plain language is best, so avoid overly long sentences, jargon and acronyms. 3. Be proactive and collaborative – people are much more receptive to change if they receive information early and often. 4. B e accessible and accountable – include contact information so your audience can seek further information and support if needed. Contents Clinical staff applaud new line of theatre linen PowerPoint design guide Delivering a PowerPoint put together with no attention to content or visual appeal is like turning up to an interview in a t-shirt and thongs. See the Communications Hub intranet page for tips on how to prepare professional and engaging PowerPoint presentations. Barrier linen now comes pre-packed and ready for a range of different types of surgery, including Ear Nose and Throat and gynaecological. “Clinicians like the faster set-up and clean-up for surgery that the new drapes allow,” said Project Officer Kylie Summers. “There is no need to clamp these drapes – they are lighter weight than conventional cotton drapes and are fixed to each patient with doublesided tape, which reduces leakage.” Kylie said the ease of use of barrier linen means savings in time and costs for hospitals. The drapes will soon be rolled out in other hospitals. The adoption of the entire reusable barrier range in NSW hospitals is progressing extremely well, said John Wragg, Manager Resources and Service Performance for Linen Services. “Hospitals are showing great interest in and enthusiasm for the benefits of the product, including ease of use, The reuseable barrier linen is chipped and tracked to ensure the linen is discarded after 100 washes malleability and reduction of waste,” said John. “A number of hospitals are already using the reusable barrier gowns including John Hunter and Royal Prince Alfred Hospitals. Blacktown and Mount Druitt Hospitals are also interested in the draping systems, which will convert all the linen requirements in theatres,” said John. “Clinicians and managers are pleased that Linen Services has shown such initiative in introducing this lightweight product which offers greater protection and usability while cutting waste.” Both Newcastle and Parramatta Linen Services are equipped to service reusable barrier linen. They provide the required washing techniques and use Radio Frequency Identification chip scanning to ensure the linen is discarded after only 100 washes. “Tamworth, Wagga, Lismore, Illawarra and Orange Linen Services will soon æ Board update Contents A young patient becomes the first to undergo Ear Nose and Throat surgery at Auburn Hospital using the new barrier linen drapes be equipped to offer the product as well,” said John. “The barrier linen meets the AAMI level 3 standards. A long robust tendering process was entered into with the Parramatta procurement team including Maryanne Sullivan and Nereda Daw who have been extremely supportive and helpful in obtaining two suppliers, Retex Australia and Polar Agencies. These two suppliers are among only a few who can attain the standards required and offer support in this very critical field.” Page 5 HealthShare News HealthShare News March 2015 March 2015 Top marks for Quality Assurance Closing the gap, little by little After a gruelling two-day examination of its process and procedures by an external auditor, Food and Hotel Services’ Quality Assurance (QA) has received top marks. Service Improvement - as well as Business Partners from Workforce and Risk Management showcased Food and Hotel Services’ achievements. With patient safety at its heart and using best practice, Quality Assurance encompasses a myriad of safe work processes and procedures within the overarching Food Safety Plan. Led by the highly experienced food safety experts Glenn Hadfield and Fifi Spechler, the Food Safety Plan ensures patient and staff safety, complying with stringent food safety legislation and international standards. This year the new auditor for HealthShare NSW left no doubt that Food and Hotel Services’ Quality Assurance is a leader. Glenn and Fifi were thrilled. The Aboriginal Workforce Unit recently celebrated a huge success with the achievement of 2.6%. While this may seem like a small amount, it is in fact a big achievement for the team and a step in the right direction for HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW in Closing the Gap. No stone was left unturned as the extensive corporate audit by BSI Group reviewed the Food Safety Plan, looking at how QA responds to major incidents, how it validates its processes and how it audits its sites. In addition, representatives of other Food Services area - the Food Services Improvement Program, Packaging Project and “I’ve always said I have the best Quality Team and this proves it,” says Glenn. “The team continues to shine and maintain a high level of commitment to patient safety and continuous improvement. “We have been audited by a major international company and they have already emailed us advising that the audit provided them with ‘a very comprehensive understanding of the overall organisation and the many industry best practices initiatives that have been implemented and are in the process of being implemented’.” Food Services at Pambula Hospital, on the far south coast of NSW, recently received this lovely note of appreciation from patient Kim Wardle: Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander employees as at January 2014 and January 2015 2.6% is a target set by the NSW government and is the proportion of Aboriginal employees which all NSW government agencies are to have by 30 June 2015. In January 2014, the representation of Aboriginal staff at HealthShare NSW (before eHealth NSW was established) was 1.8%, only 125 people of the nearly 7,000-strong organisation. In just 12 months, this has increased by nearly 50 people to 174. “Quiet hard work and dedication has got us to this point,” said Lana Kelly, Manager Aboriginal Culture and Workforce Development. “Recruiting Jordyn Colless to the position of Aboriginal Support Officer within the team was incredibly helpful. Jordyn has been instrumental in achieving our goals, together with Wayne McEwen, Manager Aboriginal Career Development. Their primary focus was to establish partnerships with managers across HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW and recruit Aboriginal people into positions within the organisations.” Directorate/business unit by employment type Employees 2014 Information Services Chief Clinical Information Office Chief Technology Office 1 Enable 1 1 Food & Hotel Services 97 131 Linen Services Non-Emergency Patient Transport Procurement 13 17 Service Centre - Finance Service Centre Procurement & Logistics Service Centre – Recruitment & Employee Transactions Workforce 2 Grand total They also promoted HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW to Aboriginal communities by working with Yarn’n Aboriginal Employment Services. Lana Kelly Employees 2015 1 4 2 4 3 2 5 5 4 6 125 174 Jordyn Colless Lana has been busy facilitating Respecting the Difference Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training for 1,500 staff across the state. Contents The team’s three key goals, which were outlined in the HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW Aboriginal Employment Strategy 2014-2016 and developed based on Good Health - Great Jobs, NSW Health Aboriginal Workforce Strategic Framework 2011-2015, are: • Improving the opportunities of current Aboriginal employees through career planning and training; and • Working with Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal employment agencies to find Aboriginal staff; The team’s focus for this year will be working to improve the opportunities of current Aboriginal employees. • Continuing to enhance the organisation’s knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture. æ Page 6 æ “The training provides staff with a greater understanding of why HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW are working towards Closing the Gap in employment for Aboriginal people and has been very well received,” said Lana. Contents Page 7 HealthShare News HealthShare News March 2015 March 2015 Staff profile When I’m not at work I like to... Spend time with my family and my new grandson, watch football and have family dinners. I’m at my happiest when... I’m with family and friends. The last book I read was... Australia’s Hardest Prison: Inside the Walls of Long Bay Jail. My top three movies are... Knocked Up, 27 Dresses and Pretty Woman. Jodie Robertson Laundry Assistant – Production, Newcastle Linen Service My dream holiday location is... Hawaii. If I had to describe myself in three words they would be... honest, kind, stubborn. A typical day at work for me involves... Working on the ironers, in dry fold and sorting. My colleagues would describe me as... Always happy, smiling and laughing, I talk a lot but I’m a hard worker. The most rewarding feedback about my job I have received is... My supervisor Inky telling me “I’m giving you this job because I know you will get the job done” and maintenance supervisor Tim giving me a high five and a chocolate when I get my quota on the sheet machine. My top three dinner party guests would be... My two children Luke and Sharnii and my grandson Mason. If I won the lottery I would... Take my family to Hawaii for a holiday. Major metros to get new meals The Food Services team is facing an exciting challenge in its introduction of new meals for patients in NSW public hospitals, with roll-out to major metropolitan hospitals across Sydney scheduled for this year. The Food Service Improvement Program (FSIP) team will introduce new menus in Western Sydney LHD and Nepean Blue Mountains, while Sydney LHD and South Western Sydney LHD will receive some new nutritionally compliant meals. “This involves a wide range of very different hospitals, from major metropolitan teaching hospital like Royal Prince Alfred and Liverpool Hospitals to smaller hospitals serving the community,” said Food and Hotel Services Manager Carmen Rechbauer. “We have completed successful roll-outs in large and small hospitals around NSW over the past year and we will seamlessly introduce the new menu in Sydney with no interruption to our service or the important work of clinicians.” When I was a child I wanted to be... A hairdresser. My guilty pleasure is... Cheese and bacon damper dip. The tasty new offerings meet NSW mandatory nutrition standards to support good nutrition outcomes for patients. My pet hate is... Lazy people who have no commonsense. If I could trade places with anyone for a week I would choose... Oprah Winfrey. “Introducing the new menus and new meals is a collaborative process with each LHD,” said Lynne D’Ambrosio, head of FSIP. The best advice I’ve been given is... You can achieve anything you put your mind to. “We consult local clinicians to take into account the specific needs of local patients. My most memorable meal was... Japanese teppanyaki. Sweet charity Brendan Mann (third from left) Many of HealthShare NSW’s 6,400-strong staff give freely of their spare time to make the lives of others a little bit brighter. On Christmas Eve, Brendan Mann, Customer Relationship Officer from RETS, helped to raise nearly $2,500 for the children’s charity Variety. That figure was the highest of any team collecting donations from travellers for Variety’s Sydney Airport Christmas Appeal, which raised a total of $263,000. The Purrple Paws... (L-R) Melissa Watson, Melissa Roberts, Sonia Anderson, Lys Blanchett, Rae Doble, Maxine Larcher, Dearne Waters Page 8 æ And in February a seven-strong team from the Communications and Events team from HealthShare NSW’s headquarters in Chatswood raised $1,322 for the RSPCA by participating in the 2015 Sydney Color Run held at Homebush. Contents Food Services staff will be provided with training on any new systems and processes and hospital staff will have the opportunity to see and taste some of the new meals before go live. “Early feedback from clinicians, staff and patients at hospitals where new menus have already been introduced has been very positive,” said Carmen. “We’re confident patients will enjoy the new meals.” Arm yourself for flu season It’s the time of year again when the weather starts to cool, and out go the swimsuits and in come the ugg boots. It’s also a time when the risk of influenza (flu) increases. So to spend your winter skiing and drinking hot chocolate by the fireplace instead of curled up in a ball in bed feeling sorry for yourself, get a free flu shot in April. The HealthShare NSW nurse will be visiting many HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW sites. Specific dates will be posted on noticeboards. Bookings are essential and can be made online for most workplaces. So keep an eye out for when the nurse will be visiting your site and how to book. For further information visit the Health and Wellbeing Team’s Flu page: workforce/health-and-wellbeing/ infectious-disease-prevention/ vaccinations æ I’d love to learn... pole dancing. “At the same time, updated food services and dietary management software will improve business practices within Food Services and support dietitians in their management of diet orders, patient meal preferences and dietary requirements.” Contents Flu Fast Facts • Influenza is highly contagious, spread by droplets caused by coughing, sneezing and direct contact with surfaces where infected droplets have landed. • Influenza can cause serious illness and death in children and the elderly. • Symptoms include fever and chills, sore throat, cough, runny or blocked nose, muscle aches and headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. • The best way to prevent the flu is through vaccination. Page 9 MARCH 2015 Contents Chief Executive’s message . . . . . . . . . . . . II This is IT for EMM (continued) . . . . . . . II Mapping the way forward . . . . . . . . . . . III Virtual migration for telephone platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III eHealth news This is IT for EMM Staff Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV New Program Director for HealtheNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV Expo returns after recordbreaking 2014 event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V Clinical analytics seen as key to better care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI New Program Manager for Integrated Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI New iOS app poses security risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII Check out our website at If you’ve got a story or feedback for eHealth News, please contact Karen Fontaine on 8644 2246 or email karen. Truly digital hospitals across NSW moved closer to reality last month with news that Cerner Corporation has been chosen to work with eHealth NSW to bring patient medication records and delivery online in the state’s public hospitals. Medication safety and delivery in hospitals will be revolutionised following NSW Health’s appointment of Cerner Corporation as the IT supplier for the Electronic Medication Management Program (EMM), which aims to improve medication safety from supply through to prescribing and administration. The EMM system will complement the existing Electronic Medical Record (eMR) to form a modern ‘digital hospital’. The eMR allows doctors to order tests, schedule surgery and prepare electronic discharge summaries for patients and covers approximately 80 per cent of our bed base. eHealth NSW Chief Executive and Chief Information Officer Michael Walsh said Cerner won the EMM tender following a rigorous process and extensive consultation with clinicians and Health Agencies. ”This is another building block in delivering cutting-edge, patientcentred care. The continued use of new technologies in hospital settings will result in sustainable improvements in patient care so that NSW retains its place at the forefront of healthcare delivery in Australia and internationally,” Michael said. Continued page II Continued pII æ eHealth News eHealth News March 2015 March 2015 Chief Executive’s message It’s a fantastic step given the outcome of the tender will deliver the following important benefits to NSW: It’s been an especially busy and rewarding month, with one of our flagship clinical programs, Electronic Medication Management (EMM), hitting an important milestone with the appointment of Cerner Corporation as the successful IT tenderer. All of us here at eHealth NSW are hugely excited by the opportunities this outcome gives the clinical portfolio, and the clarity this announcement brings the programs that are linked to EMM. Importantly, the deal means that on top of the planned hospital EMM implementations, every LHD which • The tender will enable roll-out of eMR and EMM across the majority of LHDs and the Children’s Hospital Network without further procurement. The Cerner EMM/ eMR combination provides for a digitised hospital environment and more sites will be able to progress to this level of maturity over time. • Contracting and vendor relationships will be simpler and more coordinated through improved licensing and increased involvement of NSW clinicians in ongoing product improvement and refinement. We have already started work with Cerner to finalise the overall implementation plan, and we will work with LHDs this month and next to finalise preparation and implementation plans in each LHD. This is the culmination of a huge effort involving the EMM Program team, clinicians, technical, management and project staff across NSW who have provided their time, commitment and expertise to this process; as well as other staff in eHealth NSW, HealthShare NSW, the Clinical Excellence Commission and the Agency for Clinical Innovation. The presentations covered the Corporate, Clinical, and Infrastructure Programs as well as Information Services, Innovation, Strategy and Architecture division and the Program and Change Management Office. “The second is the agile, rapid cycle of innovation, such as the development of mobile apps, which are radically changing the way doctors and patients interact and approach healthcare.” With the afternoon coming to a conclusion, Michael once again took the stage to reiterate our ongoing commitment to foster collaboration and share learnings as well as to support and promote ownership and responsibility. Michael Walsh Chief Executive, Chief Information Officer, eHealth NSW Virtual migration for telephone platform has provided lessons and a sound footing for the way forward, and we continue to support the teams there in preparing for implementation and roll-out,” he said. “We are also working hard with the teams at Hunter New England and the Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network to secure a system that will work for them.” The appointment does not apply to LHDs and Networks that do not use a Cerner eMR, namely Hunter New England LHD and the Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network, which have been provided with an alternate path to secure a suitable EMM vendor partner. Page II æ “The work done in Concord Hospital, the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Prince of Wales Hospital Contents Michael discussed the two speeds at which eHealth is operating “as we create an electronic world for NSW Health and become more and more an e-business”. “The first is a measured speed whereby we are implementing large programs such as Electronic Medication Management – programs which require intricate, long-term planning and implementation,” said Michael. From page I EMM Program Director Dr Robin Mann said the next steps are to work with LHDs and Cerner to finalise plans for the implementation and roll-out of EMM in specific hospitals, and to provide clinicians with a detailed picture of what the system will allow them to do as well as its benefits. Chief Executive and Chief Information Officer Michael Walsh kicked off the proceedings by sharing the vision for eHealth across NSW Health and providing an overview of functional responsibilities and governance arrangements. Working together was a theme of the eHealth NSW Senior Leadership Forum, which for me proved another highlight of last month. Just the tip of the iceberg, this inaugural event will be held regularly to provide further opportunities to showcase the work of individual portfolios and share insights into future planning activities. This is IT for EMM “The Electronic Medication Management Program will continue the process of bringing patient records, management and medication delivery online, significantly reducing the risk of medication errors.” Held last month at the Gladesville campus, the inaugural eHealth NSW Senior Leadership Forum provided executives with a golden opportunity to showcase their portfolios to a packed room of senior management and share insights into future planning activities. eHealth NSW Information Services recently migrated central components of the eHealth telephone infrastructure to a new fully virtualised enterprise platform built within the Government Data Centres (GovDC), providing greater, functionality, resilience and flexibility. The platform runs on a series of virtualised applications on eHealth NSW virtual servers and will be replicated across both GovDCs, providing georedundancy to the entire telephone solution. This means that data is kept at both GovDCs so that applications can switch from one to the other if needed. The original eHealth telephone platform was built to cater for five and today the telecommunications platform provides a stable and reliable service to 26 sites across a range of NSW Health agencies, with over 3400 telephone handsets. There are also four large call centres handling in excess of 110,000 answered calls per month. The NSW Health telephone platform will now be able to seamlessly integrate and deploy new technologies to its customers across the two GovDCs. sites including Liverpool, Chatswood, Cumberland, Gladesville and Newcastle, with an initial customer base of 400 users. However, over time, the platform has grown to meet the requirements of our customers, æ currently uses Cerner also has the opportunity to roll out EMR1, EMR2 and EMM across all of their facilities without incurring additional licence costs. Mapping the way forward Contents This migration is in line with ICT strategies of both the NSW Government and eHealth NSW, to migrate to virtual, cloud-based technologies. Page III eHealth News eHealth News March 2015 March 2015 Amy Tran eMR Application Support Specialist A typical day at work for me involves... providing advice and support to customers on Cerner solutions from a build perspective, communicating with a range of users such as LHD eMR Application Support Officers, enjoying lovely chats with my fellow colleagues and more. The most rewarding feedback about my job I have received is... for my quick turnaround in resolving tickets with an enthusiastic attitude. When I’m not at work I like to... watch movies and TV series in the comfort of my PJs. When I was a child I wanted to be... a school teacher as I remember reading books to my invisible classroom at home, and orchestrating my own ‘classroom’ (consisted of school mates) during lunch time at primary school. My pet hate is... when people do not fold the collar of their shirt down. I’d love to learn... how to do the breaststroke. learner, weird and an extrovert. My most memorable meal was... seriously huge oysters on ice with lemon a few years ago. My top three dinner party guests would be... Kenny G, Jackie Chan and my beautiful mother. I’m at my happiest when... the sun is out. If I won the lottery I would... travel around the world with my parents and partner. The last book I read was... Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chau, a very interesting read. My top three movies are... The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins and Serendipity. My dream holiday location is... South Africa, and fortunately this dream will be coming true shortly. If I had to describe myself in three words they would be... quirky, determined and a planner. My colleagues would describe me as... a quick Page IV Yin leaves big shoes to fill but Julie is an accomplished IT program and project management professional with over 16 years’ experience in a broad range of complex technology and integration environments. æ Yin has been involved with HealtheNet since September 2011. Three and half years down the track, HealtheNet is on the brink of being rolled out across NSW and has become the leading eHealth program in Australia, working in conjunction with NEHTA and integrating to the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCeHR). Chief Clinical Information Officer John Lambert said Yin’s energy, expertise and dedication will be missed. Contents Have you seen our new website? My guilty pleasure is... automatically switching into my baby role whenever I’m around my mother. If I could trade places with anyone for a week I would choose... I initially thought my partner for the purpose of observing myself from his perspective however this means I might realise how much I’m actually getting away with! The best advice I’ve ever been given is... Don’t dwell on it – learn from it. New Program Director for HealtheNet A changing of the guard has occurred in eHealth NSW’s HealtheNet team, with Yin-Ling Man finishing up as Program Director and Julie Cashin taking her place. Expo returns after recordbreaking 2014 event Julie started her career in Edinburgh, Scotland, working for an international bank managing their serial integration program. She brings a wealth of experience from different sectors and recently worked at Suncorp and Optus. Julie is excited to be joining HealtheNet and working closely with the team and other programs to support the wider eHealth strategy. Keep up to date with the latest news and highlights on the Expo and the Service Awards via www.hsnsw-ehnswexpo. Planning is well underway for the 2015 HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW Expo, returning after last year’s record-breaking event attended by more than 1,000 delegates. On Friday 14 August the 2015 Expo will return to Rosehill Gardens, Rosehill, a venue which proved highly popular with attendees in 2014. Our ever-popular exhibition space will showcase the latest in shared service delivery and leading-edge eHealth programs, with expanded floor space to accommodate the growing number of our external business partners keen to share their latest work, ideas and innovations. This year’s theme of Caring. Collaborating. Innovating. captures the breadth, vision and values of HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW. Now in its sixth year, the HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW Expo has grown to become the largest event on the NSW Health calendar, providing delegates with unmissable networking and knowledge sharing opportunities. The Expo will feature a range of inspiring speakers who will explore these ideas and demonstrate ways in which we work in partnership with our customers to help them deliver the best care possible. Now is the time to start thinking about how you and your team can be involved this year to showcase your services, programs and achievements to delegates. Register your interest via æ Staff profile Contents Keep an eye out during the coming weeks for the opening of nominations for the HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW Service Awards. This exciting annual event, now in its third year, will celebrate our highly esteemed award winners from across the both organisations at the conclusion of the Expo, followed by a twilight cocktail function at the venue. Page V eHealth News eHealth News March 2015 March 2015 Clinical analytics seen as key to better care eHealth NSW is collaborating with the Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) on a project aimed at giving clinicians the information they need to analyse their practices so they can deliver high-quality care. The joint project will set up a capability for Clinical Analytics, a rapidly developing field that harnesses real-time medical data to generate fact-based diagnostic and therapeutic decisions, guide work practices, improve clinical outcomes and ideally cut costs. Seen as the next big frontier in eHealth, Clinical Analytics blends advanced predictive analytics with the incredible volume of information that flows through healthcare organisations and converts it into useable, data-driven intelligence. In February, around 16 interested clinicians met with eHealth NSW Chief Clinical Information Officer Dr John Lambert to explore the creation of a Clinical Analytics taskforce. This taskforce would work in conjunction with the Data Analytics committee, chaired by eHealth NSW’s Director of Strategy and Architecture Dr Michael Costello. The CEC and eHealth NSW have been working with clinicians at selected LHDs to analyse requesting practices. Reporting tools have been developed to provide new insights and facilitate informed discussions between clinicians on what is best practice and cost effective. The new Microsoft Outlook for iOS application is not to be downloaded onto corporate-owned iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads. The Microsoft Outlook for iOS application has the ability to connect to OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive and share all mail attachments with those third-party systems or use files from those services within the organisation email system. Diagnostic testing is a great example of how Clinical Analytics can be used to drive decision-making and strategy, Dr Lambert said. The CEC recognises that unnecessary requesting of diagnostic tests occurs and has negative consequences for patients and financial implications for hospitals, and so an exemplar workshop on the topic will be held on 20 March. New iOS app poses security risk This introduces a risk to both NSW Health and to end users. It also appears the application may temporarily Guest speakers at the booked-out workshop will include Dr Lambert; Prof Roger Wilson, Director of NSW Health Pathology; and Dr Derek Glenn, Director, Medical Imaging St George Hospital. Sessions will focus on sharing clinician experiences to encourage requesting practice change, demonstrating available analysis tools and seeking input to guide further progress. Bringing extensive project management training and experience to the role, Linda previously worked in the UK for 10 years, predominantly in Health consulting roles focused on clinical pathway development, commissioning strategies for out-ofhospital care and programs delivering health system/service/workforce She was also involved in initiating work to roll out HealtheNet, and on Page VI æ Linda comes from the Ministry of Health’s Integrated Care Branch, where she worked on the development of the Integrated Care Strategy, including policy objectives and strategic approaches to implementation. Contents If you have already downloaded the application to your device, please remove it at once and change your network password to ensure the account information held in the cloud isn’t used to access your NSW Health or personal account. Australian Telehealth Conference 2015 SwissÔtel Sydney | 23 - 24 April YOUR DIGITAL HEALTH COMMUNITY New Program Manager for Integrated Care the framework for system architecture required to support integrated care across the state. Your mail account credentials (this also means your NSW Health network credentials) will also be stored in the cloud outside of NSW Health control. Dr John Lambert AUSTRAL IAN TEL EH EAL TH CON FEREN CE Linda Murray has joined eHealth NSW as its Integrated Care (IC) Program Manager. store your messages, calendar events and contacts along with their metadata in third-party locations. improvement, most of which had a strong eHealth component. Dr Michael Costello, Director of Innovation, Strategy and Architecture for eHealth NSW, said Linda will lead the team that has been working to support and develop strategic IT infrastructure and system enablers for the IC Strategy. This program of work cuts across NSW Health involving the Ministry and Pillars, particularly ACI, as well all LHDs and Specialty Health Networks. Will the future be virtual healthcare? Be part of the debate REGISTER NOW SPONSORED BY GP2U