Curé of Ars - Cure of Ars Church


Curé of Ars - Cure of Ars Church
Curé of Ars
Our pastor, Fr. Charles Mangano, his brother priests,
Fr. Augustine, Fr. Zachary Callahan, and our Pastoral
Team welcome you to Curé of Ars. If you are visiting
us for the first time, you are our honored guests and
we pray that you will consider making Curé of Ars
your church home. We are here to assist you in your
spiritual growth and maturity as together we give glory
to God through our worship, prayer and service in the
Name of Jesus Christ. We are committed to the fullness of Roman Catholic teaching and to the promise
of Salvation that the Church offers to all believers.
May God accomplish a great work in you among us.
Mission Statement - The Church of the Curé of Ars
is a faith-filled Long Island community formed by
Scripture and Tradition, shaped by the Gospels,
enlivened by the sacraments, rooted in the teachings
of Christ and His Church, and marked by the living
witness of our parishioners. With the power and gift
of the Blessed Trinity at our center, we are a
community of faith, inspired by the wisdom of our
patron, St. John Marie Baptiste Vianney: “This is our
glorious duty, to pray and to love.”
strive as a faith community to love all people,
respecting the dignity and worth of each
person, welcoming all and excluding none.
accept our duty to respond to the spiritual,
catechetical and social needs of our parish
and local community.
are committed to the Spirit of Stewardship sharing our time, talent and treasure, as
witnesses of Jesus’ presence in the world.
November 3, 2013
It is everything we do after we say we believe
Tithing: God’s Plan for Giving
Stewardship - A Way of Life
Tithing Income
October 27, 2013
October 28, 2012
$ 16,549.50
$ 16,146.00
Kids for Kids October 27, 2013
Monthly Facilities Maintenance
$ 3,225.00
Pastor’s Comments - Tithing isn’t a gamble on what
can be, it’s an acknowledgment of what is. God
has, is, and always will do for us. By tithing, we’re
just saying ‘Thank You.’
Comments on Tithing from the pews - “As a new
couple in the parish, we found the tithing packet
most informative. We are thankful for all the blessings from God and feel honored to be giving Him
something in return.” A parishioner
Bulletin Reflection - We are called to be good stew-
ards of our personal vocations. St. Paul’s prayer for
the Thessalonians is therefore ours, too - ”that our
God may make (us) worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of faith.”
Living Stewardship - We are grateful this week for all
Welcome to Our New Parishioners…
stewards in our parish who help spread the faith by
living the faith.
Nicole Fontana
Michael, Allison, Isabelle & Alexander Byrne
Patrick and Erica O’Reilly
Brian and John Nevin
Anthony, Erin, Gavin, & Emerson Justice
Emmanuel, Karen, Serenity & Michael Fuentes
To Our Newly Baptized Children…
Reece Aristizabal
Eden Chao
Peyton Gies
Christian Alvarenga
Kenny Erdmann
Britton Travaglianti
Maximus Mitchell
Julia Murray
Michael Sceri
Julia Cutillo
Michael Demetriou
Collection Envelopes / Checks
Please remember to mark the amount of your offering
on the front of each envelope. Parishioners who place
checks into the weekly collection basket without an
envelope, please be sure to write your envelope number on your check. This will make the recording of
your offerings an easier and faster process for our
bookkeeping staff. Thank you.
Curé of Ars
Mass Intentions for the
Week of November 3rd
Saturday, November 2
5:00pm - Emily Merlo (L)
Fr. Augustine
Sunday, November3
7:30am - All Souls Novena
Fr. Augustine
9:30am - Kathleen Sullo
Fr. Zachary
11:15am - Parishioners
Fr. Zachary
12:45pm - Vocations, John Ryan,
Fr. Augustine
Manuel Concepcion,
Catherine Harley Ryan,
Joseph D’Ambrosio, Elsa Clark (L),
St. Monica’s Parent Group
Monday, November 4
6:30am - All Souls Novena
9:00am - Vincent & Susan Woodbury (L)
7:30pm - All Souls Mass
Tuesday, November 5
6:30am - All Souls Novena
9:00am - Michael J. Vittorio
Wednesday, November 6
6:30am - All Souls Novena
9:00am - Vocations, James Quinn, Jr.,
Isabella Grasso, Jason Jimenez,
Louis Bello, Potenza Policaro (L)
Thursday, November 7
6:30am - All Souls Novena
9:00am - Deceased Members of the
Crotty and King Families
Friday, November 8
9:00am - All Souls Novena
Saturday, November 9
8:30am - All Souls Novena
5:00pm - Parishioners
Fr. Zachary
Sunday, November 10
7:30am - All Souls Novena
Fr. Zachary
9:30am - Mary Riccio
Fr. Charles
11:15am - Denise Mongeau
Fr. Augustine
12:45pm - Vocations, Kathleen
Fr. Charles
Segerdahl, Julien Dujardin,
Anne McCarthy
November 3, 2013
Pray for Our Sick
Names submitted by immediate family members only
will remain on this list for 6 weeks. Thank you.
Daniel James, Geralynn Fountain, Ann Verni,
Eileen McDonough, John Ferrara, Wilma Baltazar,
Dolores Rao, Honesto Baltazar, Jr., Marc Besson,
Mary Sjeime, Jessica Gonzales, Jean Pazmino, Grace Hannan
Rest in Peace
Catherine DeFelice
Josephine Rizzo
Marguerite Dineen
Jay Krupa
Rom 11:29-36; Ps 69:30-31, 33-34, 36;
Lk 14:12-14
Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:1524
Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9;
Lk 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14;
Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9;
1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15;
2 Thes 2:16 - 3:5; Lk 20:27-38 [27, 34-38]
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Charles Borromeo
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
2014 Mass Intention Book
The 2014 Mass Intention Book for the months of January thru June is now open. If you would like a Mass
said for your loved ones, please stop by the Rectory.
Please note correction: Announced Masses are
$20.00 and Unannounced Masses are $15.00, exact
change and/or checks appreciated.
Televised Sunday Masses!
Wedding Banns
Second Time - Jessica Haas, Curé of Ars and Russell
Donaldson, First Presbyterian
Third Time - Jacqueline Ramous, St. Thomas and Matthew
Pursino, Holy Spirit
5:30am on WNYW Fox 5; 6:30am on ABC Family;
8:00am on EWTN, & 9:00am on WLNY Channel
10/55. Sunday Mass by the Passionist Fathers &
Brothers of NYC is available on local affiliates. Too
early for you? Tape it, Tivo it, or watch it online. For
information, go to:
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
Lee Hlavacek, 623-1400, Ext. 109
The C.A.R.E. Office is open 10:30am - 5:30pm,
Monday - Thursday. The Office is closed on Fridays,
except by appointment.
Family Prayer - Our 6th Graders ask all families to
pray the Hail Holy Queen each day for the sick, the
homeless and the poor.
No Classes Tuesday, Nov. 5 (Election Day). The
Office will be open until 4:00. No Classes Monday,
Nov. 11 (Veteran’s Day) The Office is closed.
1st Sacrament Parent Meeting: Please attend one
session in the auditorium:
Tuesday, Nov. 19th @ 4:15pm & 7:30pm
Tuesday, Nov. 26th @ 4:15pm & 7:30pm
On Sunday, November 17th we will celebrate Family
Liturgy at the 9:30am Mass. Students in Grade 7 will
take an active role in the liturgy as greeters, readers,
gift-bearers and ushers. Please join us after Mass for
hospitality in Msgr. Leonard Hall courtesy of Curé
Family Ministry (CFM).
Join us for Family Advent Night - Friday, November
22nd from 7:00–8:30pm in the auditorium. Come prepare your hearts for Advent. Enjoy Advent songs, prayer,
and pizza while creating a unique Advent craft with your
Curé Family Ministry
The goal of CFM is to bring members of our parish family
together in a spiritual and social atmosphere.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: (CLOW) - Children
Adult Faith Formation
Sharing Sunday Scripture Prayer Group - will meet on
Thursday, Nov. 7th, at 7:30pm in the Rectory Lower
Level, for a prayerful discussion of the three readings
for the upcoming Sunday with intercessory prayer.
Military Services Collection
Next week our parish will take up the collection for the
Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS). The
guiding mission of the AMS is to provide the sacraments, and the re-affirming Word of Christ, to the men
and women serving in our armed forces, patients in
VA Medical Centers, civilians working for the federal
government beyond U.S. borders, and the families of
these populations. To provide these services they
need your help - the AMS receives no federal funding.
Deceased Children’s Liturgy
Fr. Charles, our pastor, will be celebrating a Mass for
all our Deceased Children of the parish on Monday,
November 11th, Veteran’s Day, at 7:30pm. If you or
someone you know has lost a child, please call the
rectory at (516) 623-1400 to submit the child’s name
so they can be prayed for out loud during the Liturgy.
Whether this child died due to miscarriage, still birth,
abortion, or any other reason during their lifetime,
please call the rectory by Saturday, November 9th.
K-6 are invited to participate in their own special
Liturgy of the Word during the 9:30am Mass, on the
2nd & 4th Sundays of the month.
CYM - Curé Youth Ministry
Mary Dennis, 623-1400, Ext. 114
The High School Youth Group will meet from 6:00pm 8:00pm on Sunday night in the Youth Center. All are
welcome to join us.
Music Celebration Mass
Come begin the tribute to our Music Ministry early!
On Saturday, Nov. 9th, the Vianney Ball will honor all
the members of our parish Music ministry. In celebration of this event, the choirs will be singing for the
5:00pm Mass next Saturday, Nov. 9th. Come, sing,
and pray!
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
Parish Social Ministry
Lisa Hudson, 623-1400, Ext. 108
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Regional School
2341 Washington Avenue, Bellmore - (516) 785-5709
Clothes Needed - An 8-year-old girl is in need of clothing. Can you help? She is a size 8 and has a shoe
size 1 or 1-1/2. Please drop off clothes at PSM office
or call Lisa.
Thanksgiving Dinners Needed - During this festive time
of year with family & friends, there are those less fortunate who cannot afford a special holiday meal.
Items needed: food gift cards, turkeys, frozen pies,
corn bread, stuffing, marshmallows, cranberry sauce,
hams, etc. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Sponsor-A-Family (Thanksgiving) - If you and your
family are able to provide a complete Thanksgiving
dinner (turkey, trimmings, dessert) for a family that is
facing financial hardship in our parish, please contact
Lisa Hudson, Ext. 108.
Accommodations for the Disabled
Curé of Ars provides the following accommodations
for people with disabilities: space for wheelchairs,
scooters, etc., seating for those accompanying them
in the last pew in the right wing of the church, a ramp
and automatic doors located at this side entrance for
accessibility into the Church, headsets for those who
need hearing amplification, large print missalettes,
and accessible restroom to the right of the lobby.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School offers a parent & child
program called - “Our Time”. This program offers a
variety of age-appropriate activities for 2 & 3 yearolds, such as arts & crafts, live music, story time, playtime & prayer. Classes are held in a well-constructed
classroom setting and taught by Sabina Lamb, the
Director of Family Music at St. Barnabas Church.
Classes are once a week from 10:00am - 11:00am,
September through June on Mondays, Tuesdays or
Wednesdays. Please call 781-9834 for information.
Holiday Helps for the Bereaved
The Curé of Ars Journey of Hearts Bereavement Ministry will sponsor a presentation on “Holiday Helps for
the Bereaved” on Saturday, Nov. 9th in the Rectory
Lower Level from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. Guest speaker
will be Margie Demshock, MS Ed, LMHC, a Diocesan
Bereavement Ministry Counselor. The process of
healing from the pain of loss can get derailed as the
holidays approach. Join us to discover strategies to
cope with these days and these emotions for with God
all things are possible. You need not walk alone.
God is with us. See the bulletin flyer for more information. To register, complete the tear-off on the flyer
and place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the
Rectory. You can also RSVP to 516-623-1400, Ext.
175 by Nov. 5th.
New Year’s Eve Committee
New Altar Server Recruitment
Who can be an Altar Server?
Boys & Girls - Grades 4 and Up
When is the training? (three Saturdays)
Nov. 9th 12:00Noon - 1:00pm
Nov. 16th 11:00am - 12:00Noon
Nov. 23rd 12:00Noon - 1:00pm
Where is the training?
Curé of Ars Church
All candidates should bring an index card to training
with his/her: name, address, phone no., and parent’s
e-mail address, along with height, chest size, and arm
length measurements. Please call 623-1400, Ext. 106
to respond. Installation of New Altar Servers will take
place at the 9:30am Mass on Sunday, Nov. 24th.
The next New Year’s Eve Committee meeting date is
Wednesday, November 20th at 7:30pm in the Rectory
Lower Level (please use the side entrance facing the
south parking lot). If you have any questions, please
call RoseAnn (516) 987-3060 or (516) 623-3866.
Annual Sportsmanship Mass – will be held next Sun-
day, November 10th at the 9:30am Mass with a
breakfast reception to follow. Players are asked to
wear their uniforms. All are invited.
Girls Volleyball Sign-Ups - for Grades 5 - 12 will be
held on Sunday, Nov. 17th from 11:00am to 12:30pm
in the Conference Room & Tuesday, Nov. 19th from
7:30 to 8:30pm in St. Michael’s Room in the Parish
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
Vianney Fifty-Plus Club
Weekly Reflection
Wed., Nov. 6th -1:00pm meeting MLH, entertainment
by Jerry Cardone, featuring Old Brown Eyes Sings Ole
Blue Eyes.
Tues., Nov. 12th - Westbury Theatre - bus will leave
What does Christ have for us today? - He wasn’t plan-
at 12:30pm from Curé’s Hewlett Avenue parking lot.
Mon., Nov. 18th - Sands Casino, Bethlehem, PA bus will leave 9:00am from Curé’s Hewlett Avenue
parking lot.
Wed., Dec. 4th -1:00pm Annual Christmas Partydesserts baked by members. Santa & Special music
Vianney Sunshine Club 
Monthly Raffle Society
Congratulations to the October 21st winners!
250 shares #367 Brodley/Fernandez
125 shares #118
M/M Wagner
75 shares #059
Robert Barry
75 shares #174
Frank Plaza
50 shares #136
Dallas Rozea
50 shares #285
M/M O’Grady
3 mo.Ext. #122 Rosemary Drewes
3 mo.Ext. #497
M/M Conklin
We had 164 members in this drawing, 1 less than last
month. Thank you, members. It is interesting to note
that 22 people in the Club have more than 1 number,
specifically totaling 51 numbers. That means that
though we have 165 “members”, we actually have 136
people in the Club. The next drawing will take place
on November 25th.
Perpetual Candles
As Catholics, we believe in the power of intercessory
prayer. That is why parishioners have built our NEW
Perpetual Candle Wall in the front lobby. What is a
Perpetual Candle? It is a candle that remains lit
every day for the next year for your intention. That
candle’s perpetual light, which is seen by God and
burns brightly before Him each day, is a constant
intercession for your intention. If you would like this
for your intention, whether it be in loving memory of
someone, for a special intention or in thanksgiving for
something, take a form located on the wall by the
candles or see the flyer in the bulletin. Whatever your
intention is, it can be printed on a gold label and
placed on the candle itself. Your intentions will be
prayed for at every Sunday Liturgy.
ning to have guests over that day. He just wanted to
see. He wanted to see who Jesus was. So he
climbed a tree. Zacchaeus was probably about my
height, but I’ve never come close to being able to
climb a tree. Fortunately for him, the closest tree was
a sycamore fig, much easier to climb than my local
maples. Zacchaeus wasn’t planning on being seen.
But Jesus looked up. And Jesus did know who Zacchaeus was. So Jesus invited himself over for the
Zacchaeus wasn’t planning to change anytime
soon. He thought he was entitled to extort as much
from the taxpayers as he dared, as long as Rome got
its proper assessment. He had done quite well for
himself, and everyone around knew how. Today,
however, he just wanted to see. But something happened. He saw Jesus, and it changed him.
When we gather for liturgy, we are often not ready
to see Christ everywhere he is. Before the first step is
taken down the aisle, before the first note resounds
through the space, Christ is present in and among His
assembled body, the Church. Look around. The
building is filled with human icons of Christ. Each
face bears His cross carved invisibly on the forehead
at baptism. What invitation to change does Christ
have for us today, written on the faces of our brothers
and sisters?
Margaret Bick, Living With Christ
The Vianney Ball
Our Annual Vianney Ball Dinner Dance will be back at
the Coral House in Baldwin this year. The Coral
House is under new management and many parishioners wanted to bring the Ball closer to home. The
Ball will be on Saturday, Nov. 9th, from 7:00pm to
12:00 midnight. This year we will be honoring our
Music Ministry (Adult Choir, Youth Choir, Cantors,
Organists, Instrumentalists and music ministry volunteers) and the great work that they do. Please join us
for our 49th Annual Vianney Ball as we honor them.
The tickets are $80.00 per adult and $30.00 for each
child (grades 3-12). Tickets will be on sale today after
Help Needed
The Altar Society would love to welcome new members to our ministry. You would be assigned to a
team of ladies and would work once every 6 weeks,
plus extra time at Christmas and Easter. For information call Peg Gormley at 868-2395.
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
Living Your Strengths
Courage Support Group
God Wants Us To Use Our Gifts and Strengths! God
created each of us as unique individuals – He has
given us gifts and strengths to help Him to build up
His Kingdom here on earth.
Courage This spiritual support group is for men and
women with same-sex attraction, who desire to lead a
chaste life in accordance with authentic Catholic
Church teaching.
Living Your Strengths is a program that will help YOU
to discover your top five strengths. It was developed
over a 40-year span by Dr. Donald Clifton and the
Gallup Organization after researching over 3 million
people through their conversations, focus groups and
surveys. Clifton and his team identified 34 Core
Themes of Talent, or Strengths, that people possess
in one degree or another.
An online assessment takes only a half hour to complete but at the end you will have a list of your top 5
“Signature” themes. There is a companion book entitled “Living Your Strengths” which expands on the
themes, explaining them in more detail. This book
also gives examples of scriptures that are related to
the themes as well as personal stories of people who
have put their strengths into practice in their lives.
When people discover and develop their strengths
rather than trying to fix their weaknesses, they find a
new and powerful sense of purpose in their lives.
Wouldn’t you like to discover what your Top Five Signature Themes Are? Keep watching this column for
more information about how you can begin to more
effectively build up God’s Kingdom here on earth by
using your gifts and talents!
Faith Direct
The five goals of Courage are:
1. Live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman
Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality.
2. Dedicate one’s life to Christ through service to
others, spiritual reading, prayer, meditation,
individual spiritual direction, frequent attendance
at Mass, and the frequent reception of the
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.
(Prayer and Dedication)
3. Foster a spirit of fellowship in which all may share
thoughts and experiences, and so ensure that no
one will have to face the problems of homosexuality alone. (Fellowship)
4. Be mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are
not only possible but necessary in a chaste
Christian life and in doing so, provide
encouragement to one another in forming and
sustaining them. (Support)
5. Live lives that may serve as good examples to
others. (Good Example)
We presently have a men’s group in Nassau County.
If you call 516-623-1400, Ext. 190 and leave your
name and phone number, someone will call you back
with the day, time and place of the meeting. Confidentiality and anonymity assured. Feel free to call the
Courage Office, located in Connecticut at (203) 8031564, their e-mail address is: NYCourage
or web-site: or
New Debit Date Option: As you may already know,
we offer electronic giving (Faith Direct) in place of envelopes for the weekly offertory and other collections.
Faith Direct has two different dates each month, the
4th or the 15th, on which they can debit your account,
depending on the need and choice of the parishioner.
If you are not using Faith Direct and would like to
learn more about it, please log onto the parish website at: and place the
cursor on "Parish Information".
As a reminder, in case you forget to pick up your
weekly bulletin, it is on our Website. It also has a
listing of all our upcoming events. Our web address
Blessed Sacrament Candle Memorials
In the Divine Mercy Chapel we have two large white
candles on the altar in the Sanctuary. These candles
are not only lit during the 6:30am Mass but throughout
the time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from
Monday 10:00am - Wednesday 4:00pm and then
again Thursday 10:00am - Friday 10:00am. These
candles last for 7 days. You now have the opportunity
to memorialize an Adoration Altar Candle. For $15.00
you can have a candle burn for your intentions for one
week. Feel free to stop by the rectory to make these
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
I have met several people over the years who have
found themselves addicted to pornography. God says,
“My saving power will rise on you like the sun and
bring healing like the sun’s rays.” Malachi 4:2. You
can overcome pornography and other unhealthy
sexual behaviors with a professional, science-based
Catholic program. It is called: RECLAIM Sexual
Health (visit www. Get
help or Help Others. Private and Anonymous Online
Help 24/7. It is the latest Brain Science cutting-edge
technology. Personalized support and Faith Focused.
The Brain Science of Change & Theology of the Body
is God’s way out. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 it says, “No
trial has come to you but what is human, God is faithful
and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but
with the trial He will also provide a way out, so that you
may be able to bear it.” Pornography is an addiction.
It enslaves the soul and deep shame is connected to it
but healing and recovery is possible. If you or someone you know has a porn addiction, please log onto
the website above. You can also pick up the pamphlet
at the doors of the church and visit their website: This site is designed for
those who struggle with pornography use and those
who may know of someone who is struggling. Here
you will learn about the pornography epidemic in
America and how porn affects men, women, children
and teens. You will learn about the addictiveness of
pornography and the recovery process. Wives will
learn how to help their husbands as well as how to find
healing for their own emotional pain (feelings of hurt,
betrayal, etc). The website takes a unique approach
by incorporating Catholic spirituality into the recovery
process. Porn reduces the human person to an object
for one’s selfish pleasure which is in direct opposition
to the beauty of the whole human person that God
created in His image and likeness, never to be lusted
after but to be loved as a whole person: body, mind
and soul. Peace, Fr. Charles
Bulletin Advertisers
As you read our weekly bulletin you can find a list of
our bulletin advertisers on the inside and outside back
pages. These are local businesses that support what
we do here at Curé of Ars and enable us to have a
weekly bulletin. We invite you to please make use of
these businesses by supporting them with your
patronage as a thank you for what they are doing for
us throughout the year.
Pray for Our Troops
We are interested in collecting the names of our
parish family members who are actively serving in
the Armed Forces. Please send the name, rank and
branch of service of your family members, in writing,
to the rectory so we can list their names.
Maj. Gen. John Uberti
Col. Christopher Schlafer
Spc. Henry O. Knutsen
Sgt. Debbi Bailey
LCDR John R. Esposito
HMI Paul DeMaria
Sgt. James Moore
Joshua Schineller
PO Thomas J. Valentino
M/Sgt. Steven Callahan
L/Cpl. Michael Spadaro
Staff Sgt. Murray N. Griffin
Ezekiel Buck
PO John H. Baldauf
Capt. Liam Begley
L/Cpl. Robert A. Bernhardt
PFC Charlie Wojcik
Cpl. Christopher Rossi
Col. John O’Grady
Spc. John Donohue
A1C Emily Montuori
U.S. Army
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Army
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Navy
U.S. Army
Special Forces
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Army
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Army
U.S. Army
U.S. Air Force
Gardens of Peace
As Fall approaches, the Garden Committee must
begin removing annuals and replacing them with Fall
plantings. In addition, we have been analyzing all the
planting areas to review what shrubs and trees require
removal and replacement. In order to do so, we find it
necessary to once again turn to our many friends for
support. Whatever amount you can afford to donate
will be greatly appreciated and will enable us to continue to maintain and beautify the parish grounds.
Please make your check payable to Curé of Ars, enclose it in an envelope clearly marked Gardens of
Peace and return it to the Rectory or place it in the
Collection Basket at Mass.
Invitation Home
Feel free to invite those Catholics who have been
away from the Church and the Sacraments to visit the
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
Nights of Recollection
Join us in the Great Work
My sister and I will not be doing a Christmas Show at
the theatre at Westbury this year, rather we will be
spending the rest of 2013 and 2014 evangelizing at
various parishes in the diocese. Please join us for a
Night of Recollection. It is a night of prayer and song
with a specific theme that we preach on, similar to
what we did at Jones Beach. The theme that night
was on God’s Divine Providence. We have various
themes we will be doing. Feel free to log onto our
website for all the Nights of Recollection up to June
2014 at: or see the bulletin boards
at the doors of the church. The date we are going to
Holy Redeemer Church in Freeport has been
changed to Thursday, Nov. 21st.
Peace, Fr. Charles
The Catholic Ministries Appeal is an Island-wide effort
by our Church to support critical services and ministries that affect more than 600,000 people every year.
To each of you that have already made a gift, please
know that I am very grateful. I want you to realize that
I believe so deeply in this program that I also contribute every year. And I hope that those of you who
have not yet had an opportunity to do so will seriously
consider making a contribution to the Catholic Ministries Appeal.
2014 Parish Holy Land Pilgrimage
Would you like to walk where Jesus walked and see
what Jesus saw? One of our parishioners recently
told me she would be coming on the parish pilgrimage
to Israel next summer. She also shared with me that
the only way she could afford to go is if she saved
money each month and had a monthly payment plan
with the 206 Tour company. She divided the total
cost of the trip by the months remaining, before we
go, and it came to $400.00 per month. She asked me
to share this information with others as a means of
helping them come up with a payment plan with 206
Tours as well. Fr. Augustine and I will be leading the
trip to the Holy Land, Israel, from August 7-19th. We
will visit Bethlehem, where Jesus was born; Nazareth
– where Jesus grew up; Galilee – where he did his
public ministry, preached to thousands and lastly;
Jerusalem – the places where Jesus performed miracles, the Last Supper, where he suffered, died, was
buried and rose. If you are interested in this pilgrimage, see the flyers on the bulletin boards at the doors
of the Church or stop by the rectory.
Peace, Fr. Charles
Provide & Protect: Family & Parish
Having an up-to-date Will is a gift to your
family, and helps them know what your wishes are
in their time of grief. If Curé of Ars has been
important to you in your lifetime, please consider
including our Parish in your Will as well.
For more information, please call 516-379-5210,
ext. 229 or email
Our goal is $94,700.00 and to date the parish has
pledged $91,618.67 with $86,747.67 paid to the
Appeal (Diocese) so far. When we reach our goal, we
will not only receive a share of the dollars raised, but
you will directly help to ensure that critical ministries
throughout our Diocese are supported.
As an example, the Catholic Ministries Appeal helped
to support my formation and ordination; and it touches
everyone in our diocese in many different ways. Hospital chaplains bring the Sacraments and comfort to
our loved ones in the hospital; volunteer catechists
are given the opportunity to receive training and advice before teaching our children to grow in their faith
through religious education; senior citizens are offered
safe and affordable housing; and struggling parents
receive assistance so they can feed and clothe their
children. Please join us as we Serve God by Serving
Others through the 2013 Catholic Ministries Appeal.
Peace, Fr. Charles, Pastor
St. Monica’s Parent Intercessory Group
This is a Parent Intercessory Group that prays for
their children under the patronage of St. Monica who
prayed for her son, St. Augustine, for 30 years.
Augustine was lost in a life of self-indulgence and sin.
Her prayers brought him to God and the church and
helped to lead him to a life of holiness, priesthood and
sainthood. She is a powerful intercessor for us in
heaven. This group is for all parents, dads, moms,
grandparents, etc. Their focus is praying for children.
They meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at
7:30pm. They meet in the Rectory Lower Level.
(please use the side entrance)
Curé of Ars
Masculinity & Femininity:
Difference and Gift
Our Holy Redeemer Parish in Freeport will present
Masculinity & Femininity: Difference and Gift
Friday, November 8th
Lower Church
Presented by Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, O.P., STD
of the Nashville Dominicans, who holds a Doctorate
in Sacred Theology and is an Assistant Professor of
Theology at Aquinas College. In addition to contributing articles to several Catholic journals and magazines, Sister has also appeared on EWTN and has
presented on topics related to theology, religious life,
and marriage and family, speaking to varied groups,
religious and lay individuals, including numerous
college students. All Teens & Parents are welcome!
Refreshments afterwards.
Media and popular culture promote gender confusion.
As Catholics, we know that God created us male and
female for a reason: our bodies, psyches, and biochemistry differ because our vocations differ. Only by
rediscovering our identity as male or female can we
discover the gift of our lives and the genuine happiness that comes from living according to either the
masculine or the feminine mode of loving. For more
information, call the Rectory at (516) 378-0665.
A Blessed Prayer
A beautiful prayer by Blessed Charles de Foucauld:
”Father, I abandon myself into your hands; do with me
what you will. Whatever you may do, I thank you; I
am ready for all, I accept all. Let only your will be
done in me, and in all your creatures. I wish no more
than this, O Lord. Into your hands I commend my
soul; I offer it to you with all the love of my heart, for I
love you, Lord, and so need to give myself, to surrender myself into your hands, without reserve, and with
boundless confidence, for you are my Father.”
Hotline Numbers
Crisis Pregnancy Center
(631) 243-2373
Post-Abortion Counseling
(631) 463-4399
or (Project Rachel)
(631) 243-0066
Pregnancy Counseling
(631) 243-2373
Domestic Violence
Suicide Prevention
Porn Addiction
November 3, 2013
Spiritual Adoption
Last month more than 300 babies were Spiritually
Adopted. Please continue to pray daily for your child,
because the power of prayer is great. Don’t forget to
check the monthly bulletin flyer which will give you a
progress report of your spiritually adopted baby.
Each month when the bulletin flyers inform us of the
physical growth of our adopted babies, we place the
commitment cards on a pedestal under the statue of
the Blessed Mother. This serves as a reminder for us
to persevere in our prayers as we entrust these lives
to God and to Mary, Our Mother. Those who would
like to join the Spiritual Adoption prayer program may
do so any time during the next 7 months. Commitment cards may be found at the doors of the Church.
Once you fill out the commitment card, please drop it
off at the Rectory or place it in the Sunday collection
basket. Thank you for your stewardship of time. May
God richly bless all of you for your persistence in
prayer as Jesus taught us.
Men’s Group
Are you a Man of Resolution? Are you a Man of
Courage? Do you feel deep in your heart that you
were made for more than what you are settling for in
your life right now? Jesus Christ is the Answer!
Join the Men of the Curé of Ars on the first Thursday
of every month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center for
“Signposts,” our monthly catechism / bible study.
Are you Man enough to handle the call to holiness?
Men of the Curé of Ars
Real Men, Real Lives, Real Faith
Visit our website:
Divorced & Separated Ministry
The mission of the group is to cultivate a heart of forgiveness. The Apostle Paul teaches us in Ephesians
4:31-32 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger,
brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving
each other, just as Christ has forgiven you.” As
Jesus taught us, forgiveness is an essential part of
our faith. As Catholics, we can learn to forgive in
order to be released from the burdens of divorce &
separation. The Divorced & Separated ministry
meets on Fridays at 7:30pm in the Rectory Lower
Level (please use the outside, side entrance door).
For the schedule of meeting dates, call Rich at (516)
537-2748. If you are interested in a private session,
call Rich or e-mail him at
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
Spiritual Communion
You are invited to attend a dinner sponsored by
Magnificat - a ministry to Catholic women - on Thursday, December 5th at 6:00pm in Msgr. Leonard Hall in
the Parish Center. Our speaker will be Lorraine
Gariboldi, who started The Life Center. Lorraine will
share her inspiring testimony. The cost is $40.00 per
Person and reservations are required. For more information, call Angela Rizzo at (516) 763-1739. The
evening will include a time of Praise and Worship, so
come and join us as we enter into Advent and await
the birth of Jesus!
For those who cannot receive Communion at Holy
Mass, whether due to a marriage that was outside the
church and, therefore, not recognized in our faith; or
if you are not Catholic; or if you have not done your
Easter duty by going to confession last year so you
could receive Holy Communion; or if you have serious sin on your soul and need confession; doing a
Spiritual Communion is an ancient practice in our
faith. In addition to coming up during the reception of
Holy Communion and crossing your arms over your
chest so the priest or minister can bless you, you can
also do a Spiritual Communion.
Training for All Parish Volunteers
For the Safety & Protection of all our parish children,
All Volunteers, in every ministry, are required to
complete Background Check forms (available in the
Rectory) and attend VIRTUS training before starting
in a ministry. We ask that you please register on-line
at If you are unable to register online, you can go to our Rel. Ed. Office in person and
they will assist you. Dates/sessions in our area are:
11/5 St. Frances de Chantal - Wantagh
11/9 St. Brigid - Westbury
11/12 Sacred Heart - Merrick
Schedule of Parish Groups
Choir - Youth
- Wed., 5:15pm / Church
Choir - Adult
- Wed., 7:00pm / Church
Divorced/Separated - Fri. 7:30pm / Rectory Lower
Men’s Group
- 1st Thursday & 3rd Monday of
the month 7:30pm / MLH
Moms’ Group
- Mon., 10:00am / Youth Center
Shawl Ministry
- Every other Monday, 7:00pm
in the Conference Rm.
St. Monica’s Group - 2nd & 4th Thursday / 7:30pm
Rectory Lower Level
- Thur., 7:45pm / PSM Parlor
See of Peter
- Wed., 7:45pm / PSM Parlor
Youth Ministry
- Sun., 6:00pm / Youth Center
Vianney 50+ Club - 1st Wed. ea. month at 1:00pm
(except July & August)/MLH
3rd Order of
- 4th Sun. ea. month/2:00pm
Conference Room
"A Spiritual Communion acts on a soul as blowing on
a fire that is about to go out. Whenever you feel your
love of God growing cold, quickly make a Spiritual
Communion," said the Curé of Ars.
Below is a sample prayer O Jesus, I turn toward the Holy tabernacle where
you live hidden for love of me. I love you, Oh my
God. I cannot receive you in Holy Communion.
Come, nevertheless and visit me with your grace.
Come spiritually into my heart. Purify it, sanctify it.
Render it like unto your own. Amen.
St. Therese of Lisieux said: "I cannot receive Thee in
Holy Communion as often as I should wish, but, O
Lord, art thou not all-powerful? Abide in me as thou
dost in the tabernacle - never abandon Thy little
victim." The situation with St. Therese was that she
lived in a cloistered convent and could only receive
communion as often as the priest would say Mass at
the convent for the sisters.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me;
Blood of Christ, inebriate me;
Water from the side of Christ, wash me;
Passion of Christ, strengthen me;
O good Jesus, hear me; Within your wounds hide me;
Separated from you, let me never be;
From the evil one protect me;
At the hour of my death, call me;
And close to you bid me; That with your saints,
I may be praising you forever and ever. Amen
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
Commitment Weekend Update
Thank you to the 401 parish families that have contributed to the 2013 Catholic Ministries
Appeal. However, we are still 3% short of goal.
If you would like to support all the good work of our Church and have not had the chance,
please consider donating to the Appeal in order to help those in need. Thank You!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Make Checks Payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal
Parish: _______
Amount Enclosed _______________
Name: ________________________
City, State, Zip:
Donor Signature: ______________________
Date: _____________
A FALL FASHION EXTRAVAGANZA ~ “An Evening of Style & Grace”
Wednesday, November 13th – 6:30pm to 10:30pm
SEAS is hosting a Fashion Show at The Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury. Admission: $60. Cocktail
hour, sit-down dinner, soft drinks, coffee/tea/dessert included. Fashions provided by Runway Couture. Hair &
Makeup compliments of Bangz Salon. There will be a DJ, dancing, various raffles, and a Chinese auction.
Join us for a night of fashion and fun!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEAS – A Fall Fashion Extravaganza ~ “An Evening of Style & Grace”
# Attending: ______ @ $60 per person Total # in Your Party: ________ Total $ Enclosed: $ _________
(check payable to SEAS)
Name (party will be listed under): ________________________________________ Phone:________________
Other names in your party: ___________________________________________________________________
Please return this form to the Rectory or mail to: Attn: Lyn Politi - Fashion Show, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Regional School, 2341 Washington Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710
Curé of Ars
November 3, 2013
Around the Diocese
Catholic Charities - Volunteers Needed: Catholic Charities’ (Commodity Supplemental Food Program) is seeking volunteers to assist in food distribution, unloading trucks & general warehouse work at our Freeport location. The center is open
Monday - Friday, 8AM -4PM. Days & times flexible. If you are interested, please call Mary Ellen Kwiecinski, Volunteer Coordinator 516-733-7044. Your time and talent will be greatly appreciated.
Queen of Peace Residence - The Little Sisters of the Poor will hold their Annual Craft Fair Saturday, Nov. 9th from
9:00am - 3:00pm and their Annual Turkey & Ham drop Saturday, Nov. 16th from 10:00am - 3:00pm at their Queen of
Peace Residence, 110-30 221st Street in Queens Village.
The De La Salle School - invites all Ladies to the 6th Annual Ladies Luncheon on Tuesday, Nov. 12th from 11:30am to
2:00pm at the Garden City Country Club. For $75 you will be treated to a full sit-down luncheon, wine & soft drinks and a
Fashion Show with styles by Ann Taylor and Peter Duffy Furs. We will also have wonderful raffle baskets and a 50/50 raffle. All proceeds benefit the De La Salle School’s Scholarship Fund. For more information or to make a reservation, visit
the school’s website or call Brother Thomas, Director at (516) 379-8660.
The Molloy College Fall Open House will be held on Sunday, Nov. 17th at 1:00pm (516) 323-4000.
Bishop Emil Wcela will preach a “Mini Mission” at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in West Hempstead on Sunday,
November 17th, 2013 from 3:00pm - 5:00pm in the Lower Church/Parish Center. The “mini mission” will include two
conferences by Bishop Wcela, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Time for personal prayer, and Vespers / Benediction.
All are welcome. (For inquiries call 516-489-8585).
St. Anthony’s Relic Visits New York - The Franciscan Friars invite you to join them in welcoming St. Anthony of
Padua on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Discovery of St. Anthony’s Relics by St. Bonaventure. A relic of St.
Anthony from his Basilica in Padua, Italy will be visiting New York from December 7th-15th. The relic, accompanied by one
friar from the Messenger of St. Anthony in Padua, will visit the parish of St. Catherine of Sienna in Franklin Square on Saturday, Dec. 14th. There will be two vigil masses, 5:00pm and 8:00pm with veneration before and after each mass. For more
information, contact Anthonian Association (347) 738-4306.
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service & Molloy College - offer an exciting Graduate Social
Work Program (MSW Degree) at Molloy College, Rockville Centre and Fordham’s Lincoln Center campuses. Bus transportation to Lincoln Center from Molloy will be provided. Information sessions will be held at the Molloy Campus (Casey Center, Room 014) on Monday, Nov. 18th at 6:00pm. Contact Agnes Mitchell at (516) 3223-3883,
Reigning Mercy - For many people their abortion remains a haunting secret. They suffer alone. Let Jesus, who is mercy
Himself, flow through and heal your hurting soul. For information/register, call the Sisters of Life at 866-575-0075 or e-mail: Men & women can also call Theresa Bonopartis 877-586-4621 or you can e-mail:
Rachels’s Vineyard - Many women and men struggle with the emotional and spiritual pain associated with abortion. A
Rachel’s Vineyard retreat weekend offers a beautiful healing opportunity for them. If you would like to attend or have any
questions, please contact Deacon Joe McNicholas at (516) 445-3927 or online at: For additional information, visit or call Rachel’s Vineyard toll-free at 1-877-HOPE-4-ME.
Marriage in Crisis? - If your marriage is in a crisis, please make every effort to save it. Retrouvaille is a diocesan weekend (Friday night to Sunday morning) that helps couples in crisis. It is not a retreat but a wonderful weekend that has saved
many marriages. How? For more information call (516) 427-5474 or log onto The next weekend is
November 8th-10th.
Progress Report
••, can suck my thumbl··
The developing baby is now called a "fetus", which is Latin for "little one". Your
baby is making rapid progress developing all its external and internal organs.
During the second month baby teeth form, and fingers and toes are developing.
His/her ears, nose, lips and tongue can now be clearly seen. Brain waves can be
The skeleton changes from cartilage to bone. The central nervous
system is now functioning, and so forty muscle sets begin their first exercises. By 8
weeks all body systems are present. This little one can now suck its thumb. The
mother can now hear the baby's heartbeat on an ultrasonic stethoscope.
spiritually adopted baby weighs less than one ounce and is approximately one and
1/8 inches in length.
Having over 300 people participating in this program reveals that many do believe
in the value and sanctity of life which begins at conception. How refreshing this is!
As this precious child is being formed by our loving God, let us continue to pray
for the boy or girl we have adopted that his or her parents will choose life for their
baby. Remember, the power of prayer is great!! Thank you for participating in this
wonderful program for life. God thanks you, and your adopted child thanks you.
For those parents who have not chosen life for their unborn child, there is postabortion counseling available (known as Project Rachel). This diocesan service
helps to heal the emotional and spiritual scars caused by choosing abortion. The
telephone numbers for this service are 631-243-2940 or 631-243-0066 (24 hours) or
cell # 631-463-4399. Please be assured of our prayers)' and know that we are here to
share with you the love)' forgiveness and compassion of our God. If you would
like to speak with one of the priests or go to the sacrament of reconciliation), please
call the rectory at 516-623-1400.
Cure of Ars
~c~",'~ •• '~_
"Holiday Helps for the Bereaved"
Guest Speaker: Margie Demshock,LMHC
Associate Adjunct Professor, LlU / C. W. Post Campus;
Mental Health Counselor; Director, Coping with Crisis & Change
Saturday, November 9, 2013
1:OOpm to 2:30pm
Cure of Ars - Rectory Lower Level
Please RSVP by November 5th by placing the tear off in the collection basket
or returning the tear off to the Rectory
Bereavement Ministry Tear-Off
Name: --------------------------------------(please print)
Number attending:
for the men and women who fight our wars. They bless our troops with the healing power of the sacraments and good counsel. And they needYOUR
About 250 Catholic chaplains now serve on active duty. They minister to Catholics in the armed forces and the nation's military academies. Another 250
Catholic chaplains specifically serve patients in the nation's 153 Veterans Affairs 01A) Medical Centers. All told, 1.8 million Catholics and their families
depend on these approximately 500 priest-chaplains for spiritual sustenance.
Priest-Chaplains are in
SHORT SUPPLY ... Despite
The Largest Geographical and
Only Global Archdiocese ...
increased demand, the ranks of
active-duty Catholic priest-chaplains
have dropped from 400 around the
time of 9/11/2001 to about 250 due
to priests reaching retirement faster
than they can be replaced.
Archbishop Timothy P.Broglio presides over
the Archdiocese for the Military Services
(AMS).He and his four auxiliary bishops
travel the world spending 65% of their time
visiting their flock, all AMS expense. The
AMS offers catechesis and faith formation to
servicemen and women and their families
as well as maintaining over 2.5 million
sacramental records dating back to 1917.
Catholics make up roughly 25% of
the military, but only 8% of military
chaplains are Catholic. Often, our
young Catholic servicemen and women turn to other denominations for
pastoral care due to a lack of Catholic priests.
The Call to Evangelize
Active-Duty Young Adults
remains a particular focus for the
AMS. Its Office of Evangelization
supports priest-chaplains, lay leaders,
and ministry coordinators in meeting
the pastoral needs of this young
generation, those who need to hear
the Word of God proclaimed boldly
and authentically.
To provide these young men and women on their life's journey, often in
times of great spiritual need, with an encounter with Jesus Christ and
His Church through the ministry of the AMS is to fulfill our call to "be
ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through
us." 2 Corinthians 5:20
But More Seminarians Are on
the Way ... thanks to the support of
our bishops, religious superiors and increased
awareness and discernment opportunities,
more young men are now entering seminaries
to become priest-chaplains through the CoSponsored Seminarian Program, which splits
the cost of seminarian education between a
home diocese and the Archdiocese for the
Military Services (AMS).
Funding the Mission of the AMS Depends on You ...
the AMS owns no parishes or schools or physical buildings besides the
chancery seat of the Archdiocese in Washington, DC.
This vast Archdiocese receives absolutely no funding from the
U.S. military or government agendes and has no parishes to
provide weekly sources of funding.
The Archdiocese depends solely on generous donations from
the general public, from auren: ~ retired priest-chaplains, and
from private grants.
\?e.rpe.tua( Candle Form
I If you would like to have a candle that remains lit every
I day
for Iione" year in memory of a loved one, in
I !~::~3$~2~:~~ei~a!oi:~:n::~e
.: Your intention will be printed and placed on the candle for
one year and will be remembered in the prayers of our
Please complete the following:
Phone: [cell]
(Please check one)
In loving Memory
ln Thanksgiving
For the Special lnteneionls] of
- 1-
,\?erpetua[ Candle
Some Examples:
In loving Memory of
My mother/ Barbara
From Jane Harte
In thanksgiving for
The birth of our son/ John
From Ted & Mary Blaine
For the Special Intention of
The safe return of my son from Iraq
For the special incenrions of the Harte famjly
Wording for your intention:
you are allowed a maximum total of 44 characters.
This includes both letters and spaces. Do not include in these 44 characters the following headings:
In lovfn.g Memory of
In Thanksgiving for
For the Special lntenrionjs] of
Once you complete this [orm, kindly bring it to the rectory with your
$25°.00 offering. A label with your intention win be created) and your
candle will be lit within the week.
Please make all checks payable to Curt of Ars Church
If you have any questions/ please call the rectory at:
(516) 623-1400 Extension 100
-2 -
Coral House
Saturday, November 9th, 2013
7:00 - 8:00pm Cocktail Hour
8:00 - 12:00pm Dinner & Dancing
The Music Ministry of Cure of Ars
(Cantors, Adult Choir, Youth Choir, Musicians
& Music Ministry Volunteers)
$80.00 per Adult / $30.00 per Child (grades 3-12)
Dinner, Dancing to the music of 'tStages", Open Bar, Viennese Table,
Door Prizes & Raffles.
For Ticket Reservations, Journal Ads & RaJJles see reverse side.
Tickets will also be on sale at the doors of the Church after all
Masses the weekends of Oct. 5th/6th,Oct. 12th/13th,
Oct. 19th/20th and Oct. 26th
Name: ------------------------------
Address --------------------------------------------------------------DINNER RESERVATIONS
- Please make the following DINNER reservations in my name:
# of Adult
# of Children (Grades 3-12)
@ $30 each
Please seat me/( us) with:
If paying for more than one ticket, please list all names.
tickets @ $25 each OR be a" VIANNEY ANGEL"
5 tickets @ $100 and my name will be published in
the Vianney Ball Journal as a "Vianney Angel" and also in the Sunday Bulletin.
(15t Prize - $1,000, 2nd Prize - $500, 3rd Prize - $250--- Winner need not be present.)
IlWe are interested in taking a Family Ad in the Vianney Ball Journal.
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Eighth Page
$ 60.00
$ 40.00
A: Congratulations and Best Wishes to: Cure's Music Ministry
B: God's Blessings upon Cure of Ars Parish, our Parishioners, our Priests and our Parish Staff. The (name) Family
C: God's Blessings upon our Pastor, Fr. Charles Mangano
D: In Loving Memory of (name of deceased). The (name) Family
E: In Thanksgiving for God's Blessings on our __ th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. & Mrs. (name)
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for your Ad in the Journal is Saturday, November 2nd, 2013.
Please mail or deliver your Ad to:
Vianney Ball Committee, Cure of Ars Rectory, 2323 Merrick Ave, Merrick, NY 11566
(Please make all checks payable to: Cure of Ars)
_ Raffle -----
= $ ----
Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith.
November 2013
Cu re of Ars Ch u rch
Fr. Charles Mangano, Pastor
Thankfulness is good for the health
Fulton Sheen
The last Year of Faith saint is Peter
"Fulton" John Sheen.
ArchbiShOP Sheen
was a Catholic
"'*r~' !
~ VOIceand a
gift for communicating the
Christian message in the early
days of television. His popular
l) television series won awards,
yet he remained a dedicated
priest. Each day he spent a
Holy Hour in Eucharistic
Adoration. Pope John Paul II
told him, "You have written
and spoken wen of the Lord
Jesus. You are a loyal son of the
Need a map?
Christian morality is like a
road map for life. If we don't
know where we are headed, we
don't need a map at all. A
Christian road map will help
us get to Heaven.
If we let him, God will work
in our lives. Because he's
perfect, God can't make
mistakes. When we ®
trust him
completely, we
© Copyright 20t 3 Success Publishing & Media. LLC
Why Do
Do ThatO
Trust God
feel a sense of
security, and
"This is the day which the Lord has
made; let us rejoice and be glad in it"
(Psalm 118:24). Studies show
that people who are actively
thankful are less likely to
"be depressed, anxious,
..:::::jealous and find
they enjoy
pleasures like
sunsets, good
health and simply
being alive. Here is
how you can join
them ...
. -;0':
Keep score. For ~,..(,
three days straight,
keep track of how
many times you think
\\ r-;
grateful thoughts versus
complaining. This is your Grateful to
Grumbling Ratio. The higher your G2G
Ratio, the happier you will be.
Poll others. Find out what others are
thankful for. You will probably discover
something you should also be thankful
Catholics believe
in one God with
three distinct persons.
The third divine
person of the Blessed
Trinity is called the Holy
Spirit. He is consubstantial
with the Father and the
Other names for the
for but haven't thought of.
"I get to ... n Instead of saying,
"I have to ... n to describe tasks,
say, HI get to ... " Think of
every day as a blessing
and chance to serve
Fast. Forgo
something you like
such as food, TV, the
internet. It will make you
more thankful for it
when you get it back.
Watch the
company you
keep. Attitudes
are contagious.
Do the people
around you
encourage gratitude
or griping? Consider
changing your environment or your
friends to lean toward gratitude.
Purge often. Have you noticed that
the people who have the least seem the
. happiest? Keep only what you need.
Who is the
Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit include
the Paraclete,
Advocate, Spirit of
Truth, Consoler, the
Spirit of Christ, the Spirit
of God. We understand that
the Holy Spirit is at work with the
Father and the Son from the
beginning to the completion of
God's plan for our salvation.
Growing in Faith™
November 2013
Page 2
Forgiveness is a gift for you
Right or wrong, when we hold onto an injury, we
get trapped in the pain of it indefinitely.
Forgiving frees us to move on. Forgiveness is
something we do for ourselves:
Start with a sign. Even if you are the one
injured, let the other person know you are
ready to forgive by offering something tangible:
flowers, a card, a hug. "Come now, let us set things
right, says the Lord" (Isaiah 1: 18).
Separate the offense from the offender. God
doesn't abandon us when we sin. He loves us no
fromS crrpture
matter what and asks that we do the same for each
Forgive and forget. You can't have one without
the other. Forgiveness entails cancelling a debt,
whether by God or another person. "(Love) does
not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over
ummgdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all
things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures
all things ... " (1 Corinthians l3:5-8).
Celebrate. A mended relationship
than one that has never been tested.
Luke 23:35-43,
the true King
In 1925, Pope Pius XI, established the
solemnity of Christ the King to remind
the Church that our ultimate allegiance
is to Jesus, the true king of our
hearts and minds. In fact, Jesus
is the only king still in
power while all
others have passed
At first glance, this
gospel reading shows
Jesus at his weakest and
most vulnerable, moments
before his death on the Cross. Yet
it is at that moment when Jesus is
actually at his strongest. It is at that
moment when he is shouldering the
sins of the entire human race and
Feasts & •
In November we pray for the dead,
especially on November 1st All Saints
Day (A Holy Day of Obligation) and
on November 2nd All Souls Day.
Nov. 4 - St. Charles Borromeo
(1584). After earning doctorates in civil
and canon law by the age of 21, he was
called to Rome by his uncle, Pope Pius
N, to be cardinal and bishop of Milan.
He led by example to reform his
diocese and tirelessly worked for poor
and sick in his care.
Nov. 10 - Pope St. Leo, the Great
(461). Pope St. Leo helped the Church
stay united despite attacks from false
restoring God's grace to each one of us
then and now. No king could do that
except Jesus.
At that moment on Calvary;
Jesus opened the gates of
with the man
beside him
who led a life
of sin but
recognized the true
Christ is our King so that
the powers of this world
cannot hold us in their grip. With
Christ as our King, we will never be
consumed by the world.
teachers and warring tribes. He is
famous for his explanations of the
Nov. 11 - S1. Martin of Tours (397).
The patron of soldiers, St. Martin was
forced to join the army at the young
age of 15 in what is now Hungary but
left to become a priest. He
founded a monastery near Poitiers,
France, and later
became the
bishop of Tours.
is stronger
How can I
& "love" people
A I don't like?
In fact, Jesus addressed this very
question in Matthew 22. The Jewish
leaders didn't like
Jesus. Jesus made
them angry when he
accused them of
hypocrisy and
insincerity. They
knew he was right, of course.
So some of the Pharisees tried to trick
Jesus into saying something illegal in
public. They asked Iesus which of the
Jewish laws was most important. If he
encouraged people to disregard any law,
he could be harshly punished. This was
an old debate, so the lawyer who
challenged Jesus only asked hoping that
Jesus would trip himself up.
Instead Jesus said everything starts and
. ends with love - love for God and each
other. To love God is to love one
another. They are as inseparable as the
beams of the cross.
True love of neighbor is measured by
how we treat those outside our circle. It
means including people we may prefer
to exclude or avoid. Jesus loved
prostitutes, thieves, lepers, even
Pharisees. This is how God loves and we
are to do no less.
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(Unless noted Bible quotes and references are from
the Hevised Standard Version and the New American Bible)
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