Curé of Ars RC Church


Curé of Ars RC Church
Curé of Ars R. C. Church
2323 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566
Telephone (516) 623-1400 Fax (516) 623-1107
Pastoral Team
Rev. Charles N. Mangano, Pastor
Rev. Augustine, Associate Pastor
Rev. Zachary Callahan, In Residence
Deacon Joseph Zubrovich, Permanent Deacon
Mary Dennis, Youth Ministry
Lee Hlavacek, Religious Ed/Curé Family Ministry
Lisa Hudson, Parish Social Ministry/Stewardship
Marty Kenny, Business/Facilities Manager
Robert C. Levulis, Music Ministry
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 12:45pm
Holy Days
Vigil: 7:30pm
Day: 6:30am, 9:00am, 4:00pm, 7:30pm
Weekday Masses
Monday - Thursday: 6:30am
Monday - Friday: 9:00am
Monday and First Friday: 7:30pm
Saturday 8:30am (with Anointing of the Sick on
First Saturday only)
Miraculous Medal Novena
Monday - 9:00am and 7:30pm
Sacred Heart Novena
First Friday after 9:00am & 7:30pm Masses
with Benediction at 1:00pm & 9:00pm
Monday - Friday
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Wednesdays 10:00am - 4:00pm
First Friday
9:30am - 1:00pm & 8:00pm - 9:00pm
4:00pm - 4:45pm/Chapel
S.E.A.S. Regional School
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (516) 785-5709
“This is our glorious duty
to pray and to love”
St. John Vianney,
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
Parish Registration - We extend a welcome to all new members
of our parish family. We ask all parishioners to welcome and invite
new neighbors and their families to become a part of Curé of Ars.
Parish Registration booklets are available in the Rectory and at the
doors of the Church. Once completed, please submit your form to the
Rectory so we can finalize your registration process. You will receive
a visit from a Parish Welcoming Committee member shortly
Baptism - Parents wishing to present a child for Baptism should be
registered members of Curé of Ars Parish. Parents are required to have
a Baptism Preparation Interview with a member of the Pastoral Team
and attend a Baptism Class. Please call the Rectory for an
appointment. Baptisms usually take place on the first and third
Sundays of the month from 2:30pm - 3:30pm.
Marriage - Those wishing to be married in Curé should consult
with a member of the Pastoral Team before any other arrangements
are made. A minimum of six months is needed for marriage
preparation. Pre-Cana and FOCCUS are required for all couples.
Weddings may be scheduled on Fridays at 5:30pm (or an agreed upon
time), on Saturdays at 11:15am, 1:00pm or 2:30pm and Sundays at
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - An ongoing
process of formation for those who ever wonder if they should
become “Catholic”. If interested please call for a meeting with a
member of the Pastoral Team.
Reconciliation - Is celebrated on Saturday from 4:00pm to
4:45pm and in the Rectory upon request.
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
A very warm and special welcome to Bishop Raphy Manjaly from Varanasi, India, who is with us for a few days.
Bishop Raphy is Fr. Augustine's bishop.
This year we have 159 of our young people receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. A few weeks ago they presented letters to me expressing why they want to be confirmed. The letters were beautiful and so I wanted to share
some of their reasons with you: I wish for the Holy Spirit to guide me into a good, Christian, moral life. Receiving
Confirmation is making me into a man. Confirmation may be the end of my religious instruction but it is the beginning
of my life as a practicing Catholic. At my Baptism, although my parents chose my religion -- I am ready to choose to
be Catholic for myself and I hope to be a role model to my younger sisters and others in my community. I feel that I
am not close enough to Jesus and I believe Confirmation will bring me closer. I know as a teenager how many temptations there are and how hard it can be sometimes to stay close to God so I need the Holy Spirit to help me. I know I
have the Holy Spirit in me but I need more. By attending Mass each Sunday, you can see what Jesus Christ fulfilled
and follow in His footsteps. Christian service is necessary to being a true Catholic because it is showing your love for
Christ and God. I am ready to stand before God, the Bishop and the parish and say that I believe in God and the
teachings of the Catholic Church. Bishop Raphy is presiding at all the Confirmations (Sunday and Monday). Please
pray for these young people that they open their hearts to the Holy Spirit who can lead them to a holy life and help
them live lives of wonderful service to God and His people. Bishop Raphy will also be speaking at the Masses this
weekend and our second collection will be taken up for the missionary work being done in his diocese of Varanasi,
As you already know, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Mother Teresa from Calcutta, India,
Bishop Raphy said the 11:15am Mass yesterday, Saturday. Mother Teresa is on the road to Sainthood and while
alive, was awarded the Nobel peace prize for all the charitable work she did with the poor and homeless. See the
bulletin flyer regarding some wonderful quotes from Mother Teresa.
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Easter Mission on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 7th and 8th by the lay community, Children of Divine Love. More details to follow. They presently provide the music for the adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament in Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina, several times a week.
As I have mentioned in past bulletins, one of our parish boy scouts, Chris Murphy, is doing a project in order to
become an Eagle Scout. He will be installing a St. Rita Prayer Garden by the gate area that separates our two parking lots. We will have the blessing of the garden on Sunday, June 12th, following the 9:30am Mass, at the garden
itself. The family who purchased the statue will also be having some food and refreshments for everyone in honor of
St. Rita in the Parish Center. To help us know a little about St. Rita, see the bulletin flyer for some details about her
life and a novena, asking for her intercession. The St. Rita Garden will be dedicated to all married couples, especially
those struggling. There is also a shrine dedicated to her in Philadelphia, PA.
As priests, when we say Mass we use the Roman Missal, which contains ALL the prayers and blessings for the liturgy. It is the large red book that is placed upon the altar by the altar server when we begin the Liturgy of the Eucharist. As you know, the new and revised translation of the Roman Missal will be coming out the first weekend of Advent this November. When the present Roman Missal was translated into English from the original Latin, it was done
rather quickly so the Mass could now be said in the vernacular of the people (English). What happened was that in
translating it into English the translators used the common everyday English language of the people instead of the
exact translation from the Latin Missal which is the more mystical, majestic and formal language of the Church in talking about God. In reviewing the new text with Fr. Augustine and Fr. Zach we were all deeply moved by the new
translation. This 3rd revision is an exact translation from the original Latin. Therefore, on Penetcost Sunday, June
Bishop Murphy is saying Mass at St. Anthony's High School Student Center in South Huntington at 3:00pm. His hope
is to gather the people of our diocese in prayer and to pray together to the Holy Spirit as we embark on the coming of
the New translation of the Roman Missal in November, that it be a true and rich blessing to all of us as we grow in our
love and understanding of the Holy Liturgy. I will be going myself and concelebrating the Mass with the Bishop and
so I invite any extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, lectors, ushers, music ministers, cantors, pastoral team,
pastoral council, finance council members or any other interested parishioners to feel free to stop by the rectory and
pick up a ticket for you, your spouse or loved one. Every parish is welcome to bring a certain number of parishioners.
We have only been allotted 23 tickets total so get your tickets today.
Father Charles, Pastor
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
Tithing: God’s Plan for Giving
Stewardship - A Way of Life
Tithing Income
May 15, 2011
May 16, 2010
$ 15,526.03
$ 12,709.50
Kids for Kids
Pastor’s Comments - „Gratitude is the heart‟s mem-
ory,‟ says an old French proverb. By tithing we are
expressing our gratitude to God for all He has done
for us and continues to provide for us. The mercies of
the Lord are infinite and our gratitude to the Lord
should be without end as well. My gratitude to you
who tithe is also without end.
Comments on Tithing from the pews - “Giving is a
special word. I hope to set a good example so that
my children will learn the meaning of sharing.”
A Parishioner
Poppy Distribution
This Sunday, May 22nd, the American Legion Auxiliary Merrick Unit #1282 will be distributing Red Poppies honoring the American war dead after the 7:30am
& 9:30am Masses and before the 11:15am Mass. The
Veterans make each Poppy to help supplement physical and psychological therapy needed by both hospitalized and disabled veterans. They are paid a small
amount for each flower. For some, it is their only income. Please help support our Veterans.
Our pastor, Fr. Charles Mangano, his brother priests,
Fr. Augustine, Fr. Zachary Callahan, and our Pastoral
Team welcome you to Curé of Ars. If you are visiting
us for the first time, you are our honored guests and
we pray that you will consider making Curé of Ars
your church home. We are here to assist you in your
spiritual growth and maturity as together we give glory
to God through our worship, prayer and service in the
Name of Jesus Christ. We are committed to the fullness of Roman Catholic teaching and to the promise
of Salvation that the Church offers to all believers.
May God accomplish a great work in you among us.
Mission Statement - The Church of the Curé of Ars is
a faith-filled Long Island community formed by Scripture and Tradition, shaped by the Gospels, enlivened
by the sacraments, rooted in the teachings of Christ
and His Church, and marked by the living witness of
our parishioners. With the power and gift of the
Blessed Trinity at our center, we are a community of
faith, inspired by the wisdom of our patron, St. John
Marie Baptiste Vianney: “This is our glorious duty, to
pray and to love.”
strive as a faith community to love all people,
respecting the dignity and worth of each
person, welcoming all and excluding none.
accept our duty to respond to the spiritual,
catechetical and social needs of our parish
and local community.
are committed to the Spirit of Stewardship sharing our time, talent and treasure, as
witnesses of Jesus‟ presence in the world.
Appreciation Party - DATE CHANGE
Religious Retirement Fund
Every year we hold a parish Appreciation Party for all
those involved in ministry in the parish. The date has
been changed to Thursday, June 16th at 7:00pm in
the Parish Center. To attend the party, the requirement is that you must be in a ministry within the parish. All ministers will be receiving an invitation shortly.
As in the past, you are welcome to bring your spouse
or one guest only (not two or three). This celebration is a wonderful way of celebrating you and all you
do for our parish family. Thank you for your most
generous stewardship of time, talent and treasure.
On June 4th/5th, we will have our special annual
collection for the Sisters and Brothers of the Religious
Communities who serve us throughout the Dioceses
of Rockville Centre and Brooklyn. Many of these Religious are elderly and need our help. Like all retirees
on Long Island, our retired Religious face the hardships of rising costs in health care, housing & everyday living expenses. Your generous contributions
help their communities face the crisis of limited funding from Social Security and dwindling congregation
reserves. Most of us have had our lives touched by
caring Religious. They have taught us in schools and
given quality health care to many of us in hospitals
and nursing homes. Kindly consider a donation or a
pledge, as generous as your means will allow to the
Religious Retirement Fund. You may use your envelope to place this donation in the collection basket on
the weekend of June 4th/5th.
As a reminder, in case you forget to pick up your
weekly bulletin, it is on our Website. It also has a
listing of all our upcoming events. Our web address is
Curé of Ars
Mass Intentions for the
Week of May 22nd
Saturday, May 21
11:15am - Mother Teresa
Bishop Raphy
5:00pm - Aurora & James Locke
Fr. Augustine
Sunday, May 22
7:30am - Katherine Christy
Fr. Augustine
9:30am - Parishioners
Fr. Zachary
11:15am - Eugene Maletta
Fr. Charles
12:45pm - Vocations, Ignatius,
Bishop Raphy
Colombo, Tess & Patrick
Brady, Margaret Gerbino,
Sebastian Gerbino, Mary
D. Franco, Antonio & Maria
Calzetta, Ethel Fortanasce
Monday, May 23
6:30am - Mark Stenerson
9:00am - Anthony DelPozzo
7:30pm - John C. & Elizabeth F. Grabasky
Tuesday, May 24
6:30am - Frank Battaglia
9:00am - Rizzo & Marino Families
Wednesday, May 25
6:30am - Souls in Purgatory
9:00am - Vocations, Anna Segura,
Louise Wade, Joyce Darlington,
Linda Catalano, Gene Brent
Thursday, May 26
6:30am - Jason Jimenez
9:00am - Anthony DelPozzo
Friday, May 27
9:00am - Barbara Gaylor
Saturday, May 28
8:30am - Edward Fricke
5:00pm - Barbara Gaylor
Fr. Zachary
Sunday, May 29
7:30am - Vasconi & Monteserrato
Fr. Charles
9:30am - Karen Lange
Fr. Augustine
11:15am - Parishioners
Fr. Zachary
12:45pm - Vocations, Vincent & Ralph Fr. Charles
Principe, Bart & Luigina
Calzetta, Ethel Fontanasce,
Frank Balchaitis, Jean Guiteau,
Robert K Mecabe, Fr. K.J. Augustine (L)
May 22, 2011
Pray for Our Sick
Names submitted by immediate family members only
will remain on this list for 6 weeks. Thank you.
Daniel James, Paul Sadej, Sr., Joan Formisano, Thomas
McCarthy, Anthony Marchello, Frances DeSola, William
Dempsey, Amelia Grace Tawadros, Phyllis Vandyken,
Patricia Hamilton, Alex Todd, Sally Rockett, Steven Barrere,
John Timony, Patricia A. Dahlberg, Jane Lodispoto,
Callie Williams, Elizabeth Pechtol
Altar & Sanctuary Candles
In Loving Memory of
Edmund Killian
by Louise & Tony Mercogliano
Eucharistic Bread & Wine
Sunday, May 22nd
In Loving Memory of
John McEnery
by the Wilkens Family
Week of May 23trd
In Loving Memory of
John McEnery
by the Wilkens Family
Rest in Peace
Maurice Tartaglia
Acts 14:5-18; Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a
Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8
Acts 15:7-21; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21
Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; Ps 66; 1 Pt 3:15-18 or
1 Pt 4:13-16; Jn 14:15-21 or Jn 17:1-11a
Fifth Sunday of Easter
St. Bede the Venerable; St. Gregory VII;
St. Mary Magdalene de‟Pazzi
St. Philip Neri
St. Augustine of Canterbury
Mass Book
Wedding Banns
Second Time - Jessica Marti, St. Helen’s and Christopher
Oprysk, St. Anthony’s
Second Time - Natalie Villaplana, St. Robert’s and Jason
Toala, Curé of Ars
Third Time - Carmela Gandolfo, Curé of Ars and Vincent Marciante, Our Lady of Lourdes
The 2011 Mass Book is open from July thru December. Please do not hesitate to request a multiple
intention mass (Sundays at 12:45pm or Wednesdays
at 9:00am). Multiple intention masses afford the
same graces to each individual that the mass is being
offered for, as if it was a single intention mass. Exact
change and/or checks appreciated - Announced
Masses $15.00 and Unannounced Masses $10.00.
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
Adult Faith Formation
Lee Hlavacek, 623-1400, Ext. 109
Heartfelt thanks to all of our “Partners in Faith”, es-
pecially our parents, dedicated catechists, classroom
helpers and hall monitors for your commitment to
helping our children come to know Jesus and continue to grow as life-long disciples.
Progress Reports for this year‟s faith formation classes
will be mailed to all parents in a few weeks. Please
share the good news of your child‟s growth in faith
formation with them. Please stay close to Jesus all
summer long!
Important Reminder for parents of our current 6th
Graders: In order to spiritually enroll your child in our 2
year Confirmation Program you are required to attend
the Enrollment Prayer Service on Tuesday, May 24th
at 8:15pm in the Church. This evening is for parents
May Rosary
As we have done in the past, we are having our
Family Rosary Program for the month of May. We
invite everyone to sign up to say a Rosary for only
one day in May. We also ask that the intention of this
rosary be offered to God for the salvation of every
man, woman, and child in our parish family. This can
be done at home, at your own convenience. If everyone signs up, we could have someone praying every
day of the month for our parish family. This would be
wonderful. The sign-up board is in the Church lobby.
Monday Evening Rosary
Every Monday evening in May (weather permitting)
we will pray the Rosary at 7:00pm around the
statue of Mary in front of the school building. Please
join us. All are welcome.
2011/2012 New Student Registration for 1 Grade
will be held Monday, June 6th – Thursday, June 9th in
the Religious Education Office.
**An original Baptismal certificate is required at the
time of new registration.
Registration hours:
Monday -Thursday 10:00am to 5:00pm
Wednesday (additional hrs.) until 7:00pm
The following Chaminade High School students have
achieved Second Trimester Honor Roll status:
Freshmen - Connor T. Buckley, William F. Clemens,
Timothy F. McGovern; Sophomores - Brendan M. Kelleher, Derek M. Nelson; and Juniors - Terence J.
McGovern, Martin J. Minardi, Nicholas C. Steffen.
Curé Family Ministry
The goal of CFM is to bring together the families of our parish
to celebrate at both spiritual and social gatherings.
Special thanks to Penny Ninivaggi, Terri Zimmardi, AJ
Zimmardi, Rita Calzetta, Stacey Munson & Taylor
Munson for their help in setting up the Communion
Breakfast for our 1st Communicants & their families.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: (CLOW) - Children
K-6 are invited to participate in their own special
Liturgy of the Word during the 9:30am Mass the 2nd
& 4th Sundays of the month. Help is always welcome!
If you would like to volunteer as an adult shepherd,
please call Lee Hlavacek at 623-1400, X109.
CYM Curé Youth Ministry
Mary Dennis, 623-1400, Ext. 114
There is no Youth Group meeting tonight. Please
keep us in your prayers while we are on retreat.
Over the summer, during your travels, please save
any unused travel size toiletries. We will also need
toothbrushes and travel-size toothpaste, as well. We
will collect these items in September. Thank you for
your support.
Curé of Ars
-6Parish Social Ministry
Lisa Hudson, 623-1400, Ext. 108
Hospice Care Network - is an outreach into our faith
community - helping families deal with end-of-life issues for patients of all ages. For more information on
the Hospice Care Network, please call liaison Lisa
Hudson, Ext. 108.
Thrift Shop - located in Msgr. Leonard Hall is open
Mon-Fri 10:00am-2:30pm. Come find all kinds of
wonderful books, house knick-knacks, clothes, etc.
Donations are accepted upon calling Lisa Hudson at
Ext. 108.
It is everything we do after we say we believe
REFLECTION - “The one who has faith in me will do
the works I do, and far greater than these,” Jesus tells
his disciples. That‟s quite an assignment for us as
Christian stewards!
LIVING STEWARDSHIP - We are grateful this week
for all stewards in our parish who have discovered
their gifts are holy when they share them in love and
justice with their neighbor and watch the world be
May 22, 2011
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Regional School
With the school year coming to an end, we have lots
of events going on.
Monday, May 23rd we have our school Band Concert
at 7:00pm in the auditorium. Tuesday, May 24th at
7:30pm we have our last Spirit meeting. If you have
not joined us this year, please try to come and maybe
you will find an open position that interests you!
Wednesday, May 25th the 2nd Grade will have their
May Crowning. The children will be in their Communion outfits and will participate in the 9:00am Mass
followed by a special breakfast in the school. Thursnd
day, May 26th we will have our 2 annual Walk-AThon, where all the students will be walking to raise
money for our school. Friday, May 27th will be our
Field Day at Wantagh Park, where our kids along with
the teachers and staff enjoy a day of fun in the sun. A
special thank you to the Knights of Columbus in Bellmore for catering the lunch and for all the things they
do for St. Elizabeth‟s throughout the year.
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be held this week on
Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00am - 3:00pm in
the school library. Parents are welcome to stop by
and purchase books throughout the day.
Parish Family BBQ Basket Donations
How many of us have received gifts we don‟t need.
How about donating them for our Basket Table at our
Parish Family BBQ? Gift Cards, Restaurant gift certificates, Salon gift certificates, Wine & Liquors, Board
& Video Games, DVD‟s, any new and unused item
you have!! All donations can be dropped off at the
Rectory, Attn: Alice. We hope to see everyone at the
Curé of Ars Parish Family BBQ!! Professionals - How
about donating your service? Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Accountants, Painters, Plumbers, Landscapers,
Contractors - You will be mentioned in a future bulletin for your donation. Thank You and God Bless.
There Be Dragons
This is the name of a film that will soon be coming to
a theatre near you. It tells the story of revolutionary
soldiers, a journalist and his father, and St. Josemaria
Escriva, (founder of Opus Dei). The movie is set
during the tumultuous era of the Spanish Civil War.
There Be Dragons tells the story of friends & families
ravaged by division and war, and the redemptive,
mysterious forces that reunite them. It handles the
following themes: healing broken relationships, facing
your dragons, the power of forgiveness and final
redemption. It is a good Catholic film for families,
priests, and others.
St. John Marie Vianney Society
For Women
All women between the ages of 14 & 120 - single or
married, are welcome to join the St. John Marie
Vianney Society (SJMVS) on Saturday, June 18th at
6:30pm in the Divine Mercy Chapel. As women, we
unite with the maternal tenderness of Mary to pray for
our priests and an increase of vocations to the priesthood, men who will say yes to sharing in the ministerial Priesthood of Jesus Christ.
Volleyball Awards Night will be held on
Thursday, May 26th from 7:00 to 8:30pm
in Msgr. Leonard Hall. Please let your
coach know if you will attend.
Annual Robbie’s Run - the last few years CYO has
supported Robbie‟s Run by sponsoring all our track
runners to participate in this extremely worthy cause.
This year we would like to invite any and all of our
players from all our teams to participate. Please email us at if you would like
to participate and run under the Curé of Ars CYO banner. Please contact us if you have any questions.
This year‟s run will be held on May 22nd.
Curé of Ars
Vianney Fifty-Plus Club
May 22, 2011
Weekly Reflection
Wed., June 1 - Members Only End-of-Year Luncheon.
We’re in this together! - In these Easter days we sa-
Details to follow. Cost $10 per person.
vor the message of Jesus‟ life, suffering, death, and
resurrection; we may be filled with the light, joy, and
hope of resurrection. Today‟s readings also point us
toward the challenge of living as Easter people.
We hear that the apostles were receiving complaints - the widows were being neglected in their basic needs. In a society that regularly casts off widow
as non-persons, the Church stood accused of doing
the same. The cry of the widows is heard in our day in those denied land rights, where access to clean
water is limited or nonexistent, when women and children live in fear of slavery or abuse, where war and
violence are used to address difference and greed, in
the earth and air as they groan under our exploitation.
The Church responds by teaching that the whole
community must take responsibility for one another‟s
needs. It takes the whole community, with each
member playing their own part, to build and maintain
the new order of care that Jesus calls for. The old
ways of thinking have passed away. As our way,
truth, and life, Jesus not only points out the way, He
puts it into practice in a way that embraces us all. A
church community long ago heard the cry and responded. We carry on, and we will respond, with the
risen Jesus showing us the way.
Mon., June 13 - Red, White & Blue Cruise aboard the
Spirit of New York. Narrated tour of NY skyline, all
you can eat buffet, live musical show, DJ dance hits &
free time at Rockefeller Center. Cost $80pp.
Tues., July 12 - Trip to Atlantic City, Showboat
Casino - Cost $25pp. For information, call Maureen
Vianney Sunshine Club 
Monthly Raffle Society
Our current membership stands at 178 if all May
members renew. Thank you to the 20 members who
have renewed as of May 16th. The next drawing will
be May 23rd. Good luck to all! Appeal for New Members: We are an organization formed in 1994 with a
mission to raise funds for our parish, while at the
same time conducting a monthly raffle giving members six chances to win money prizes ranging from
$50 to $300. The club needs new members so we
can continue to provide needed funds for the parish.
Please join. Membership Flyers, with full information,
are at the doors of the church.
Divorced & Separated Ministry
We invite all those in our parish family who find themselves in this most difficult situation to come to our
support group at 7:30pm in the Rectory Lower Level.
The meetings consist of 3 components: prayer, information (talks, presentations) & social time. If you are
interested or would like more information, please call
Kim at 516-992-2873. Future dates are: May 24th &
June 28th. Please use the outside side entrance of
the Rectory to enter the Lower Level.
Divine Intervention
Question: What happens when you combine elements of classic TV game shows, a priest for a host,
who can bring together Catholic life & pop culture,
and play for some fantastic prizes? Answer: Divine
Intervention. Telecare, our Diocesan TV station is
looking for lively contestants to join them during the
afternoon & evening at their Uniondale studio from
July 26th-29th and August 1st & 2nd. If you can
make one of these dates, please e-mail or call us.
(516) 538-8704, Ext. 155
E-Mail: divineintervention@telecaretv. Org
Must be 16 years of age or older.
Sr. Carmen Diston, IBVM, Living With Christ
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Attention All Knitters & Crocheters: Please consider
joining our new Prayer Shawl Ministry here at Curé of
Ars. Prayer shawls will be created and given as comfort gifts to parishioners who are homebound or struggling with illness. We meet every other week on
Mondays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the Conference
Room. Beginners and all skill levels welcome. Donations of yarn would be greatly appreciated. Future
meeting dates are Mondays, June 13th, June 27th,
July 11th and July 25th. For more information, contact Joan Ryan at 516-316-7648.
Hurting from an Abortion?
The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend a
healing weekend retreat Friday evening thru Sunday
afternoon, June 17th/June 19th. For more information contact: Deacon Frank Gariboldi (516) 523-0586
or e-mail All communication is strictly confidential. To learn more about Rachel‟s Vineyard call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME or go online
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
Courage Support Group
Courage is a Roman Catholic Spiritual Apostolate
inspired by the late Terence Cardinal Cooke, of New
York, and promoted by Fr. John Harvey, for those
who struggle with same-sex attraction. This spiritual
support group is for men and women with same-sex
attraction who desire to lead a chaste life in accordance with authentic Catholic Church teaching.
The five goals of Courage are:
1. Live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman
Catholic Church‟s teaching on homosexuality.
2. Dedicate one‟s life to Christ through service to
others, spiritual reading, prayer, meditation,
individual spiritual direction, frequent attendance
at Mass, and the frequent reception of the
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.
(Prayer and Dedication)
3. Foster a spirit of fellowship in which all may share
thoughts and experiences, and so ensure that no
one will have to face the problems of
homosexuality alone. (Fellowship)
4. Be mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are
not only possible but necessary in a chaste
Christian life and in doing so, provide
encouragement to one another in forming and
sustaining them. (Support)
5. Live lives that may serve as good examples to
others. (Good Example)
We presently have a men‟s group in Nassau County.
If you call 516-623-1400, Ext. 190 and leave your
name and phone number, someone will call you back
with the day, time and place of the meeting. Confidentiality and anonymity assured. Feel free to call
the Courage Office, now located in Connecticut at
(203) 803-1564, their e-mail address is:
NYCourage or
web-site: or
As you know, the Catholic Media display, housing
CDs on various topics of Catholic Life, now hangs on
the wall outside Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel in
the front lobby. The donation is $3.00 per CD, to help
defray the cost of ordering more CDs and restocking
the display. In counting the donation money over the
last several months, we have noticed that the average
donation has been approximately $1.00 per CD. If
you are unable to afford the $3.00, then please give
what you can. Thank you.
Pray for Our Troops
We are interested in collecting the names of our
Parish family members who are actively serving in the
Armed Forces. Please send the name, rank and
branch of service of your family members, in writing,
to the rectory so we can list their names.
Brig. Gen. John Uberti
Col. Christopher Schlafer
Spc. Henry O. Knutsen
Sgt. Debbi Bailey
Lt. John R. Esposito
HMI Paul DeMaria
Sgt. James Moore
Spc. Darren P. Kempen
Joshua Schineller
PO Thomas J. Valentino
T/Sgt. Steven Callahan
L/Cpl. Michael Spadaro
Spc. Murray N. Griffin
Ezekiel Buck
Petty Officer John H. Baldauf
Capt. Liam Begley
L/Cpl. Robert A. Bernhardt
PFC Charlie Wojcik
PFC Christopher Rossi
Pvt. Christopher Spadaro
U.S. Army
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Army
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Navy
U.S. Army
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Army
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Army
Do you know the Bible?
Our two-year Bible Study series, The Great Adventure, a Journey through the Bible, began last Spring.
The Spring 2011 series will be held on Tuesdays, May
24th, 31st & June 7th. Our parish Bible Study will
consist of watching a 50-minute DVD presentation of
that week‟s session by Jeff Cavins. Following the
presentation, there will be time to ask questions and
have open discussion. The sessions run from 7:309:00pm in Msgr. Leonard Hall and are facilitated by
Mike & Loretta Lagana from our Adult Faith Formation
Committee. We will be using the same book from series I & II. At the beginning of each class there will be
a recap of the previous one. New participants are
welcome, but are asked to kindly call the Rectory to
register so we know how many more workbooks need
to be ordered.
Hotline Numbers
Crisis Pregnancy Center
Post-Abortion Counseling
or (Project Rachel)
Pregnancy Counseling
Domestic Violence
Suicide Prevention
(631) 243-2373
(631) 463-4399
(631) 243-0066
(631) 243-2373
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
2011 Catholic Ministries Appeal –
Supporting Programs that Help Us…
Thank you for your participation and support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal. To date, generous parishioners
have pledged $78,890.17, or 99.0% of our goal. We are truly blessed. As you know, a significant rebate will
come back to us to use for our own needs when we reach our goal.
Every year, the Catholic Ministries Appeal provides the means to continue the mission that Christ has
entrusted to us: to serve, to educate, to care for the poor, and to be a beacon of hope. The ministries, agencies,
and programs that benefit from this effort allow us to fulfill the mission given to us as Catholics.
My hope is that each family will make a gift. We cannot ask everyone to consider the same size gift, but we ask
that your gift reflect how generous God has been to you with His gifts.
Supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal gives us an opportunity to work together to help seminarians studying
for the priesthood, diaconate candidates, young people receiving the Sacraments, hospital
patients, the hungry and poor, senior citizens in need, as well as our own Parish.
Thank you for your prayers and for offering your assistance through your CMA donation.
2011 Parish Goal
$ 79,366.00
$ 78,890.17
$ 50,588.67
To make a pledge, visit our parish website at and click on “Parish Information” and scroll
down to Catholic Ministries Appeal. Attention ALL Parishioners - If you are a registered parishioner here at Curé
of Ars but do not live in Merrick and you give a donation to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, if you want your
pledge money to go towards our goal, you must write on your check that your pledge is for the Curé of Ars parish
goal. This would also apply to all those who may worship here regularly and have not registered yet. Why?
Because your donation to the CMA will be attributed to the parish in your geographical boundary or to the parish
you might still be registered in and perhaps never informed them to remove you from their census. If you want
your CMA pledge to go toward the Curé of Ars goal, please write that on your pledge card and on the memo line
of your check. Thank you again for all your support of the parish, not only with your treasure, but with your time
and talent as well.
Sacred Space
As a reminder, when we enter our church, we enter the Holy of Holies. Our Church is a sacred space, a space
to be reverenced and respected. It is not some conference hall or meeting room. It is where we gather as
parish family to worship the living God in the presence of the living God in the Blessed Sacrament. Therefore,
everything we do should be with reverence, love, and respect - from how we dress (especially during the
summer months) to how we speak to one another, to how we treat our surroundings. When holy Mass is over, if
you see any debris on the pew or floor, kindly pick it up and dispose of it at the outside entrances of the church
where there are small garbage pails. If everyone takes pride in our sacred space, God's house, it will be maintained in a manner that glorifies God. Chewing gum is not appropriate in church especially when coming up for
Holy Communion. It is disrespectful to the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. In watching the royal wedding on TV
recently, I noticed that not one person, out of 1900 people, was chewing gum in the church.
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
The 85th Anniversary Pilgrimage
Don’t Forget Your Baby Bottle!
See the information below regarding our parish‟s 85th
Anniversary Pilgrimage to Ars (France), Lourdes and
Paris. So far, 52 people have signed up and there is
room for more. We are prepared to go onto a second
bus if we need to. There are three priests going on
the trip so we can more than handle a second bus.
On this special pilgrimage we will see the incorrupt
bodies of St. John Vianney, the Curé of Ars (1859)
and St. Bernadette Soubirous (1879), who Our Lady
appeared to in Lourdes, France. Each day there will
be time for Mass, prayer and reflection. A Pilgrimage
is a microcosm of our life on earth. We are family for
those 13 days and the bond that you form with the
other people on the pilgrimage is amazing to experience and watch. We laugh, have fun, we worship
together, pray, and maybe even cry, out of joy. There
will be moments of wonder and awe, moments of
being tired and maybe even cranky, ha ha ha, but
there is a love among the pilgrims due to the fact that
we all have one thing in common -- God. He is our
Father and we are His children. If you have never
been on Pilgrimage, consider it, pray about it. It will
so enrich your life. It's better than any Perillo tour.
God is the focus on Pilgrimage along with your journey and relationship with Him (yet you will have a lot
of fun at the same time). Don't fall into the trap of
thinking that everything with God has to be intense
and serious. Oh no, we worship a God who invented
laughter and gave us a sense of humor. He loves to
laugh with us. The scriptures tell us that He delights
in His people. Thank you God.
There are flyers at the doors of the Church or feel
free to stop by the Rectory to pick one up. You can
also log on to our parish website and look under
Current Events and click on Parish Pilgrimage. The
trip to France is August 9th - 17th to Lyon, Ars, and
Lourdes. The Optional Post Trip to Paris from
Lourdes is August 17th - 21st. We pray you will be
able to join us. If you pay for the insurance, in the
event you have to cancel the trip due to sickness,
etc., you would receive a refund. For more information, pricing, etc., please call Cathy Federici (516) 972
-8102 or e-mail her
Two weeks ago, we began hosting a Baby Bottle
Fundraiser for the Life Center of Long Island, a crisis
pregnancy center that counsels women and men who
are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. They provide maternity housing, medical care, referrals, cribs,
car seats, diapers and all other baby items that are
needed. We are asking that you pick up a baby bottle
and fill it with your change and return it to the Church
on June 4th/5th. Most importantly, we ask you to recite the prayer on the bottle. The prayer that is attached to the bottle will enable the counselors at the
Life Center to say just the right words a mother or father may need to hear. It especially helps to open a
mother‟s heart to accept the truth. We believe these
prayers lead abortion-minded women to call the Life
Center when in a pregnancy crisis. Let us pray, with
our whole hearts, for the lives of our unborn children.
Invitation Home
Feel free to invite those Catholics who have been
away from the Church and the Sacraments to visit the
All Parish Volunteers
For the Safety and Protection of all our parish children
All Volunteers, in every ministry, are required to
complete Background Check forms (available in the
Rectory) and attend VIRTUS training before starting
in your ministry. For a complete list of training sites
we ask that you go to the website &
register for the session of your choice by following the
prompts. Training dates in our area are:
Wed., 6/1
Wed., 6/15
Mon., 6/20
Thurs., 6/23
St. Raphael, E. Meadow
Curé of Ars, Merrick
Curé of Ars, Merrick
Sacred Heart, N. Merrick
If you are unable to register on-line, you can go to our
Rel. Ed. Office in person & they will assist you.
Rental of the TOP Floor & Parking Lot
Besides trying to rent our parish hall for parties, anniversaries, etc., in order to increase our income, we
are ALSO looking to rent the second floor of our
Parish Center to a not-for-profit organization from
8:00am to 3:30pm Monday thru Friday. Religious Ed
uses every room Monday thru Thursday from 4:00pm
to 5:30pm. We have many classrooms that could be
rented, helping to bring additional income to the parish. If you are interested in renting the hall for parties
or events, please call 623-1400, Ext. 160. If you are
interested in renting the top floor of the school or even
renting our parking lot, please call our Business Manager, Marty, at (516) 623-1400, Ext. 116.
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
Same Sex Marriage
Spiritual Direction
As you may know from the News, the Governor of
New York is having serious dialogue over the next
several weeks regarding "same-sex marriage" becoming legal in our State. As Catholic Christians, we
honor with respect and dignity all human persons as
created in the image of God and having a value that
transcends race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We believe that the government does not
possess the right to define the meaning of marriage other than the meaning that is given to us in
natural law, as the union of man and woman. As a
voting electorate, we have a supreme obligation to be
informed about why the Church holds to the positions
it teaches and to communicate our position to those
who represent us in government. We can either take
this seriously or just ignore it. At the doors of the
church there are pamphlets on the topic of "same sex
marriage" that you can take home with you to learn
more about what the Church teaches and why. I also
urge you to look at the following website which, when
you are ready, will lead you to make your voice heard
to our New York State representatives who are now
debating this issue, and follow the
link Take Action Now. You can also log onto the
United States Catholic Conference of Bishops website
for more information:
Spiritual Direction is a specialized ministry in the
church. It is a graced way of serving another believer, helping the other to grow in intimacy with God
and to live out the consequences of this intimacy.
The focus of spiritual direction is the directee‟s experience of God and how communication (prayer) happens
between God and the directee.
Schedule of Parish Groups
Choir - Youth
Choir - Adult
Men‟s Group
Moms‟ Group
Shawl Ministry
See of Peter
Youth Ministry
Vianney 50+ Club
3rd Order of
Wed., 5:15pm /Church
Wed., 7:00pm /Church
4th Tues. Rectory Lower Level
2nd & 4th Tues. ea. month
8:00pm / Church
1st Thursday & 3rd Monday of
the month 7:30pm/MLH
Mon., 10:00am/Youth Center
Every other Mon., 6:30pm in
Parish Center Conference Rm.
Thur., 7:45pm/PSM Parlor
Wed., 7:45pm/PSM Parlor
Sun., 6:00pm/Youth Center
1st Wed. ea. month 1:00pm
(except July & August)
3rd Sun. ea. month/1:45pm
St. Michael‟s Rm.
Why would you need a Spiritual Director?
The need for a Spiritual Director comes when you
want to develop a deeper relationship with God, when
your search for God seems to be at a crossroads,
when you want to explore new methods of prayer, or
prayer becomes difficult, when you feel the need for
someone to assist you in discerning the call of the
Spirit, or when you feel the need for a companion on
the spiritual journey to walk with you and listen.
What can I expect in Spiritual Direction?
The director assists you, in becoming more aware of
who God is for you, by helping you notice God‟s
movement in the events of your life as well as in your
prayers as they listen to your story. You can expect
the director to listen attentively to God‟s invitations,
urgings, and confirmations, and to help you recognize
resistance and roadblocks.
I am happy to share with you that one of our parishioners, Meg Albertini, is now a trained "Lay" Spiritual
Director. If you are interested in having a Spiritual
Director, feel free to call Meg at (516) 379-0115. Her
training was in the “Art of Spiritual Direction” at St.
Joseph Renewal Center in Brentwood for an intensive
three-year program on Ignatius Spirituality. To be
considered for entrance into the program she had to
be in spiritual direction herself, feel a call from God,
and have had an ongoing prayer life. She has been
in spiritual direction with Sr. Joan Kellenberg for about
15 years and currently has two directees.
A Dog in Church!!
Two of our parishioners, Frank and Eva Fontana, are
puppy walkers for the Guide Dog Foundation. They
are helping to train a "future" guide dog to be a service dog for the blind or for a disabled veteran. As
part of the dog's training he has to accompany the
Fontana's to church since attending church with his
master may be one of his duties later on. If you happen to see the dog, please do not pet him because
that could easily distract him from the important work
of training.
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
As you already know, November 2010, we became a tithing parish. Everyone was invited to join me in taking a
leap of faith and give to God the biblical tithe of 10% of their salary (5% to the parish and 5% to a charity of their
choice). Not only have many taken this leap of faith in the Lord, which is reflected in our weekly collection totals,
but every month our parish also tithes the tithe. What does that mean? At the end of each month I tally up the
total collection and 10% of that money goes to help those in need. All the charities we have given to are not-forprofit.
Therefore, based on the suggestions that you have submitted to me, as a parish we have given to the
following charities since November 2010. Because of your generosity we have helped many people in
need. This is what it means to live and act as the Body of Christ, to be bread for others. All these organizations have mailed me thank you notes expressing their deep gratitude for the good work we are
doing through our tithing. Congratulations!!
November 2010 tithe: --Regina Residence for unwed mothers -- $2,000.00
--INN in Freeport -- $2,000.00 (Feeds the hungry and poor)
--Life Center of Long Island -- $2,000.00
(Helps men and women in crisis pregnancies)
--To several parishioners in crisis: $1,500.00
December 2010 tithe: --Catholic Relief Services (Haitian Relief) -- $2,000.00
--Padre Pio Homeless Shelter-- $2,000.00
--St. Padre Pio Miracle Foundation -- $1,500.00 (Assists families with medical bills
for children with cancer whose insurance has reached its maximum)
--To several parishioners in need: $1,500.00
January 2011 + the Christmas collection tithe:
--AMT Children of Hope Foundation -- $3,000.00
--BULA - Better Understanding of Life in Africa -- $3,000.00
(improves the overall life of African children living in poverty)
--Rebuilding Together Long Island Inc. -- $3,000.00
--Saint Crispin's Food Pantry, Bronx, NY -- $3,000.00
--Medical assistance to a parishioner in need: $500.00
February 2011 tithe: --Esperanza -- $2,000.00 (To free children and their families from poverty)
--St. Francis Friends of the Poor -- $2,000.00
--St. Jude Children's Research Hospital -- $2,000.00
March 2011 tithe:
--Dismas House (St. Vincent de Paul) -- $2,000.00
(Helps those released from prison to re-enter society)
--Hope for the Children -- $2,552.00
--Long Island Teen Freedom -- $2.000.00
April 2011 tithe:
--Food for the Poor Inc.--$2,000.00
--Little Flower Children and Family Services of New York--$1,500.00
--St. Anthony's Shelter for Renewal--$2,000.00
--St. John Vianney Church in Hacienda Heights, California, burned down-$3,000.00
--To a family in the parish in financial crisis--$1,500.00
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
Summer Splash!!
Cash Prizes of $7,000 / $2,000 / $1,000
Purchase a ticket for $100 and you could win thousands of dollars.
One hundred dollars seems like a lot? Split the cost of a ticket with any number of people,
the cost per person is very reasonable and the possible winnings per person are still very good!
No. of
Cost per
$ 50.00
$ 33.33 / $33.34
$ 25.00
$ 20.00
1st Prize
2nd Prize
$ 7,000.00
$ 3,500.00
$ 2,333.33 / $2,333.34
$ 1,750.00
$ 1,400.00
$ 2,000.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 666.67 / $ 666.66
$ 500.00
$ 400.00
3rd Prize
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 333.33 / $333.34
$ 250.00
$ 200.00
Please make your check payable to: Curé of Ars Church and note “Summer Splash” on the memo line.
For information, call Anne Marie at (516) 868-8475.
The Universal Living Rosary Association
of Saint Philomena
The Living Rosary Association was founded by Venerable Pauline-Marie Jaricot at Lyon, France in 1826, at the
age of 27. She first founded the Propagation of the Faith at the age of twenty. Pauline was a close friend of
St. John Marie Vianney, the Curé of Ars.
The Living Rosary is not a new devotion, but a continuation of the Rosary preached by Saint Dominic and announced by our Blessed Mother for centuries. By signing up with the Living Rosary Association, you join millions
of other people praying the Rosary daily but you are asked to pray only one decade of a specific mystery as a
member of this Association because other people will be praying the other decades of that same mystery.
That's why it is called a Living Rosary.
In these days of evil, chaos, confusion, division and modernism, the Living Rosary will be a mighty force in every
family, parish, diocese and country. The Holy Rosary is a gift to us from the Queen of Heaven. If the Rosary is
prayed faithfully and is strengthened by the unity of association, it will render the attacks of Satan impotent. The
Living Rosary is endowed with great power before the throne of God through the union of Charity that flows
through its members. Immense are the graces and merits obtained daily, by every member, when united and
animated by the Fire of Divine Love in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. One who prays the Rosary alone receives
the grace and merits of a single Rosary, but if he or she is united with ELEVEN million members, then all of the
graces and merits of the whole are gained. To join, send your name, address and phone number to:
The Universal Living Rosary Association of St. Philomena
P. O. Box 1303, Dickinson, Texas, 77539, USA
(281) 309-9821 / Fax: (281) 337-3722 - E-mail: Web:
Altar Society
Rental Request
The Altar Society could use a few more ladies to join
our teams to help us keep our church and sanctuary a
special place to worship. Call Rose Marino 546-5915
or Peg Gormley 868-2395 for more information.
Two vowed Dominican Sisters, with a limited income,
seek to rent a two bedroom apartment or house in the
Central Nassau/Western Suffolk area. Please contact the Sisters at (718) 347-9072.
Curé of Ars
May 22, 2011
Blessed Mother Teresa
Calcutta, India - 1910-1997
Mother Teresa worked with the sick, the dying, the destitute and the poorest of the poor. Everything
was done for love of God. She founded the religious order, Missionaries of Charity and much more.
The following are quotes from Blessed Mother Teresa
"The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being
unwanted. There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation than for bread. We
think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of
being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own
homes to remedy this kind of poverty."
"I think today the world us upside down, and is suffering so much because there is so very
little love in the home, and in family life. We have no time for our children, we have no time for
each other, there is no time to enjoy each other."
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean but the ocean would be
less because of that missing drop."
"If you judge people you have no time to love them."
"I have found the paradox: that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt - only more
"God will not ask, how many good things have you done in your life? Rather, He will ask, How
much LOVE did you put into what you did?"
"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful
"Abortion is murder in the womb. A child is a gift of God. If you don't want him, give him to
How Natural Family Planning Renews Marriages
Medical/Scientific Issues
Marital/Relational Aspects
Moral/Cultural Dimensions
Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
Huntington, New York
June 11,2011
9:00 AM- 4:00 PM
For more information, contact (631) 423-0483, ext. 122
Congratulations To Our First Cornmunicants 2011
Colin Abrams
Lucas Accomando
Adrianna Ameruoso
Luke Annibale
Brian Asch
Robert Baguiao
Elexa Baldinger
Meghan Bello
Kali Blair
Laurn Boldis
Concetta Bordonaro
Gianna Borgia
Molly Bowe
Joseph Braccio
Nicholas Brett
Catherine Burke
Thomas Burke
Alissa Capobianco
Lucia Carapella
Mikaela Carroll
Nicole Castaglia
Richard Clark
Michael Clement
Mary Delise
Sophia DeMato
Francis DePalo
Vincent Devito
Nicole Devlin
Taylor Diana
Thomas Donahue
Emily Doscher
Samantha Dugan
Lauren Dziedziech
.Nicholas Dziedziech
Cristina Fargnoli
Michael Fazio
Dean Finn
Nicolas Fiscella
Devin Fischetto
Sophia Fitzpatrick
Alyssa Formisano
Joseph Fuggio
Kayla Gabel
Brianna Garcia
Shannon Gleason
Andrew Hanlon
Erin Hans
Ryan Harrington
Grace Anne laccino
Anthony laconis
Gianna Jaramillo
Christopher Kahles
Mason Keller
Isabelle Kessler
Michael Kornblum
Kaylin Kranmas
Victoria Lari
Paul LaRocco
Michael Larsen
Thomas Lawrence
John Leone
Kayla Locasto
Jake Lonigro
Jason Lubinsky
Jina Manfrellotti
Meghan Manning
Sadie Marine
Jack Marino
Julianne Martin
Alexa Matera
Kayla McCarron
Kaitlyn Medina
.Samantha Miller
Michael Mincieli
Patrick Mingione
Elizabeth Monastero
Alec Morales
. Kristen Mulqueen
Alexa Munson
Jordan Neale
Angelica-Paige Negron
Lorenzo Novelli
Mackenzie O'Connor
Natalie Palladino
Nolan Parenti
Arianna Peckham
Matthew Pietraniello
Anthony Pizzirusso
Anthony (AJ) Pizzirusso
Anthony Pusateri
Molly Quan
Molly Rappaport
Dante Reitz
Angelica Rivera
Olivia Roberto
Nicholas Rodriguez
Jack Rogers
Thomas John Rogers
Donald Romano
Owen Rose
Lauren Rossi
Alessia Russo
Robert Ryan
Valentina Sasso
Skylar Sena
Andrew Sferratore
Nadine Shabica
Jake Sherman
Eric Shindel
Aiden Short
Gary Solorzano
Christopher Spirito
Victoria Springer
Luke Stabile
Ricky Stag nitta
Ava Stamm
Nicole Svec
Jacqueline Testaiuti
John Testaiuti
Madison Tock
Christopher Toutoundjian
Megan Trageser
Anna Grace Tripoli
Noelle Turco
Alexandra Unz
Taylor Vas
Meghan Vecchione
Braeden Vieni
. Vincent Walsh
Lexi Weissman
Elizabeth Whiteman
Christian Wolf
Lawson Wolfe
Logan Woodiwiss
Chloe Zito
Congratulations To Our 2011 Newly Confirtned
Gregory Adams
Anthony Aiosa
Dominic Albi
Daniel Arkow
Camille Aruanno
Michael Athy
Thomas Barresi
Shaun Bartholomew
Rene Beccaris
louis Bellina
Nicole Bello
Christian Bennett
Evan Biancardi
Robert Bianco
Nikolas Boesenberg
Allison Boldis
Danielle Bonanno
Emily Bonanno
Joseph Bordonaro
Josephine Bordonaro
Liam Boweiy
Geina Brown
Anthony Cafiso
Amanda Cammiso
Daniel Campion
Joseph Cancro
Keven Carlson
Christine Carrasco
Taylor Catalano
Jacqueline Chin
Mickey Cianfrone
Melissa Clark
Caitlin Coleman
Christine Coleman
Marc Coletto
Kristen Ann Conniff
Joseph Corrao
Dakota Crowley
Analiese Cruz
Angelique D'Alessandro
Jake Dateno
Matthew DeFeis
Joseph ,DeFelice
Sean Delgado
Sylvianna Deluca
Scott DiDonna
Stephanie DeMarco
Shane Dolan
Elizabeth Dragan
Matthew Dunn
Elizabeth Earle
Valentina Elegante
Elias Encarnacion
Robert Eyerman
Nicole Falci
Ashley Ann Fennema
Jessica Ferrara
Frank-Paul Firriolo
Jessica Fischetto
Hannah Fitzpatrick
Christian Foster
Nicholas Francis
Macie Fuscaldo
Christopher Gallo
Sean Gleason
Jennifer Guarino
Brittany Hampton
Kathleen Hans
Kevin Hassan
Dylan Hawxhurst
Christine Higgins
Olivia Huckemeyer
Che Hughes
Sardy Hughes
Julia Iacono
Elizabeth Izzo
Patrick Jedlica
Meredith Jones
Marissa Jutt
Paige Kapoosuzian
Caitlin Kemerson
Matthew Krause
Benjamin Lahood
John Lanka
Andrew laquara
Joseph Ledogar
Steven Lodispoto
Jesse Mangual
Julia Marino
Rebecca Marks
John Marzigliano
Audrey McBrien
Alison McCutchan
Ryan Mele
Paige Melley
Alexandra Morganti
Paul Murillo
Alana Murtha
Christopher Nethaway
Michael Ninivaggi
Dominique Noto
Meghan O'Connor
Joseph Oliveri
Samantha Pellegrino
Cristian Pineda
Michael Proszak
Sarah Protan
Denise Prussen
Jillian Purick
Francis Pusateri
Steven Rehm
Amanda Reilly
Casey Roach
Claire Rogan
Courtney Roman
Jessica Romano
Alexandra Ronan
Vincent Rotella
Ryan Sala
Sarah Sandler
Brittany Scalli
Ryan Scarpa
Luke Scoggins
JohnMartin Seibert
Kristianna Spirito
Juliano Stagliano
Joseph Stasio
Carly Steffen
Andrew Strack
John Strack
Robert Sturiano
Timothy Sturm
Andrew Tanner
Amanda Taormina
Anastassia Thibodeau
Sabrina Tuozzo
Thomas Turner
Stephanie Valenti
Sydney Vaneck
Maximilian Vitale
Jillian Wagner
Kimberly Wallach
Nicholas Waterman
John Weber
Michael Weltner
Kaitlyn White
Anthony Wilson
. Sydney Wolke
Taylor Young
Todd Yovino
Amanda Zahran
Roofing • Flat / Shingles • Repairs
Roofing Removals • Vinyl Siding
“Love Thy Neighbor"
PVC • Custom Wood • Chain Link
Aluminum Estate Fence • Stockade
345 West Sunrise Hwy.
(516) 223-0777
Residential - Commercial
Licensed by the NYS Dept. of State
NYS LIC# 12000280667
330 W. Merrick Rd., Freeport, NY
Service (516) 379-0922
Fax (516) 867-5740
Catering for All Occasions
20% Off
All Catering With Ad
Homemade Baking
Hot & Cold Specialties
Homemade Salads
Daily Hot Specials
Mon-Sat: 5:45am-7pm,
Sun: 7am-5pm
Serving the Parish for 20 Years!
Parishioners: Curtis - Tara - Helen
34 Babylon Tpke., Merrick
Est. 1855 • Open 7 Days
23 Post Ave., WESTBURY, NY 11590
(Opposite Holy Rood Cemetery)
Serving All Cemeteries
Repair & Cleaning
Monuments, Lettering & Mausoleums
Kevin & Colleen Hanrahan
Licensed Master Plumber
No Overtime Mon-Sat 7 am - 7 pm
Auto Repair
Anthony Lerro, LC.S.W.
Individual • Marital • Family
379-0525 30 Years Experience
Complete Service
American & Foreign Cars
2106 Sunrise Hwy., Merrick, NY
516 378-5885
FREE ½ lb Plain Cream Cheese
with Purchase of
1 Doz Bagels
84 Merrick Ave., Merrick
Angela Collins, D.M.D
General Dentistry
Parish Member
Hours by
Stephen G. Hertz, CPA
Business Taxes • Personal Taxes • Bookkeeping Year Round
E-File - Free Consultation - Parish Member
We Deliver! ALL Day, EVERY Day!
PHONE (516) 746-7401 • FAX: (516) 746-7402
(516) 352-2204
20% Off Dining Room Check
(not to be combined w/other offers
Sunday thru Thurs. only.
Cesspool & Sewer Services • Plumbing • Aeration
Kitchens & Bathrooms • Main Line
& Storm Drain Cleaning
24-Hr Emergency Service • FREE Estimates
$10 Donation to Cure of Ars
(For every paid service providing a copy
of the Cure of Ars Bulletin)
631 – 277 – 2800
Two Cousins
Fish Market
“Top Quality Seafood"
Kevin & Tony • Open 7 Days
255 Woodcleft Ave.
(516) 379-0793
65 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, NY • Frank Fontana
(516) 338-5843
(516) 488-2480
All Plumbing Repairs
Licensed Master Plumber
Fred J. Jones, D.C. CCSP
Certified Chiropractic
Sports Practitioner
2260 Hewlett Avenue
Fax 377.3833
Serving the Commu-
nity Since 1990
#246 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
It’s your future ... be there healthy
N.F. Walker, Inc.
Merrick Funeral Home
(Since 1899)
2039 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566
Danford S. Baxter, Thaddeus W. Baxter & Wayne C. Baxter
James F Gavigan, Manager
A Family Owned Funeral Home Tailoring Our Services to Meet Your Family Traditions.
603 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh, NY 11793
2515 N. Jerusalem Rd., E. Meadow, NY 11554
Weddings, Anniversaries,
Showers, Birthdays Theme Parties,
Social & Corporate Affairs
2191 Merrick Rd., Merrick
A Full Service Electrical Contractor
Dr. Charles J. Puglisi–Parishioner
1785 Merrick Ave., Merrick, NY
516 - 378 - 1551
A Neighbor, Parishioner &
Local Electrician Since 1988
Licensed & Insured
Clai r S.
Emergency Service
“No Job Too Small or Too Big”
516 - 546 - 0700
Largest Chapel Room in Area
artholomew & Son , Inc.
Family to Family Service Since 1914
Todd W Althenn, licensed Funeral Director
& Pre-need Specialist
302 S. Bedford Avenue, Bellmore, N.Y. 11710
Tel: (516) 785-0225 Fax: (516) 785-5406
Ph: 516-378-4309 • FAX 867-6029
Toll Free:1-800-243-4309 Visit Us At.
Parishioners Since 1979
(516) 425-2214
Visit me on
“Merrick Living”
141 Merrick Ave., Merrick, NY
Medals Statues
Bibles / Books
25 Merrick Ave., Merrick (516) 804-2931
Music CD’s
Prayer Cards
Much More!
“Flowers For Your Every Need”
222 Merrick Ave., Merrick, NY 11566
31 Merrick Ave., Suite 220
Merrick, NY 11566
Catholic Gift Shop
“Come in Just to Pray!”
1486 Bellmore Ave., Bellmore
516 - 409 - 6201
Richard J. Ellwood, D.D.S.
John J. Ellwood, D.M.D.
General Practice Dentistry
516 – 379 – 4444
Implant &
Dental Care
ch • Attorney at Law
Center of Life Mary LaESTATE
Merrick Flower Shoppe & Fruiterers
54 Merrick Avenue • Merrick, NY 11566
Ian S. Kashinsky, D.D.S.
Andrew Sarowitz, D.D.S.
Richard S. Ellwood
Financial Services Professional*
Licensed Agent
New York Life Insurance Company
147 Pulaski Rd., Kings Pk., NY 11754
Tel: 631-864-9190 Fx: 631-864-9198 Cell: 516-297-8536
*Registered Representative offering securities through
NYLIFE Securities LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, A Licensed Insurance Agency
576 Broad Hollow Rd, Melville, NY 11747
North Merrick
Ph: 516-867-7096
Fax: 516-867-3275
399 Merrick Ave., Merrick, NY
Dr. James W. Rogers
Ana’s Touch
Licensed Skin Care
Waxing & Reflexology
In the Privacy of Your Own Home
Gift Certificates Available!!!
Se Habla Español
Michael J. Buffa, DDS, MPH
Gary J. Bowman, DDS
Roy J. Rothstein, DDS, FICOI
2446 Merrick Road, Bellmore, NY 11710
Ph: 516-783-2900 Fax: 516-783-8352
La Strada
of Merrick
It ali an Re st aur ant - W o o d Fi r e d Br i c k O v e n
Open 7 Days for Lunch & Dinner - Take Out Menu Available
On/Off Premise Catering For All Occasions
Ample Free Parking in Rear
$20 OFF
2100 Merrick Ave., Merrick
$200 Off-Premise
Catering Orders
North of Sunrise Across from Chatterton School
(5 16) 8 67 -54 88
(5 16) 8 67 -55 11
#246 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •