April 3, 2016 - Cure of Ars Church


April 3, 2016 - Cure of Ars Church
Curé of Ars R. C. Church
2323 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566
Telephone (516) 623-1400 Fax (516) 623-1107
Curé of Ars
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday: In this Jubilee Year of Mercy join us today, Sunday, from 2:30pm to 4:30pm in the
church as we praise God’s eternal love and His abundant mercy as a parish family. During the prayer service which I will
lead, the Eucharist will be exposed, we will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and have veneration of the image of Jesus as
the Divine Mercy (which you can see in the sanctuary) and the relic of St. Faustina.
In the apparition of Jesus to St. Faustina, in 1931, He gives us the Divine Mercy Novena to pray and like all Novenas, it is
9 days. The Novena began on Good Friday and it is very unique because with this Novena you are praying for God’s intentions, not your own. Jesus gave St. Faustina the intentions that He would like us to pray for each day. It is a most beautiful and selfless prayer. There are red Novena pamphlets at the doors of the church in case you did not get one.
A huge and merciful gift given us today on Divine Mercy Sunday is that we can receive a plenary indulgence. Jesus promised this to us through St. Faustina when He reminded us of his great mercy. What is a plenary indulgence? It is the total
remission (washing away) of temporal punishment due to sin. When I confess my sin with a sincere and contrite heart, I
am totally forgiven, but the temporal (the here and now) damage that was done to others (and myself) as a result of my sin
remains. That’s why we do penance to try to repair the damage we have done. That is what purgatory is about. That’s
why a plenary indulgence is a merciful gift from the Lord. How can one receive it? Here are the requirements: One must
go to Mass and receive Holy Communion on the day of the feast, April 2 nd or 3rd, go to confession within 20 days of the
feast (either before or after), pray the Apostles Creed (which is your profession of faith), take a few moments to reflect on
the mercy you have received in your life, pray one Our Father and Hail Mary for the Pope’s intention and lastly, have a
desire to be freed from the attachment to sin.
HOLY WATER: Bottles of newly blessed Easter water will be distributed to all our parishioners during the recessional
song today. Why? Out of the side of Jesus’ body flowed blood and water after he was pierced with a lance by the Roman
soldier. Jesus tells us through St. Faustina that the blood reminds us of his presence in the Eucharist -- how He feeds us.
The water reminds us of how He cleanses us through the waters of our Baptism and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This
purifies us and makes us righteous before God. Therefore, may the Holy Water serve as a reminder of the goodness of our
God and I invite you to use this sacramental to invoke God’s healing, protection, mercy and love upon you, your loved
ones and everything you own. May this holy water aid you on your journey to sainthood.
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, following in the footsteps of the Mercy Popes, Saint John Paul II and the beloved Benedict
XVI, embraces the Message of Mercy with devout enthusiasm. He says: “Hearing the word mercy changes everything, it
changes the world! A bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just.” That’s why he has declared this the year of
mercy. See the bulletin for more details.
ONCE A MONTH: As I said at all the Easter Masses, once a month we will be featuring a different ministry at all the
Masses so you can learn more about and even sign-up for a ministry. This month we are featuring Parish Outreach. Since
we are celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday, we thought we would feature a ministry that shows great mercy to many in need.
That is exactly what our Outreach does: helps the hungry, the homeless, the destitute, etc. In the lobby of the church is
information on all the good work that our Parish Outreach does for so many in need. See the outreach volunteers at the
table in the lobby for pamphlet information and pick up a cookie while you’re at it.
HEALING MASS: This Friday, April 8th, I will be celebrating a Healing Mass at 7:30pm in the church. The Rosary will
be prayed at 7:00pm. If you or someone you know is sick physically, emotionally or spiritually please bring them to the
Mass. Following the liturgy, everyone will have the opportunity to be prayed over and blessed with the Blessed Sacrament. Please join us.
UPDATED WORK REPORT: Lastly, in the bulletin you will find an updated progress report on the work being done in
our Restoration Campaign, letting you know how much of the work has been completed.
MINI-RETREAT: Our Adult Faith Formation Committee is sponsoring a mini-retreat led by Sister Ave Clark, O.P. on
Saturday, April 16 from 9am to 12noon in the rectory Lower Level. The theme is “Easter Joy, Peace and Mercy”. All are
Have a great week walking with your Lord, encountering His love and mercy. Remember, with Him in you, you can do
the unthinkable, unimaginable and even forgive what you think is unforgiveable.
Peace and blessings,
Fr. Charles, Pastor
Curé of Ars
Pastoral Team
Rev. Charles N. Mangano, Pastor
Rev. HenrLeuthardt, Associate Pastor
Rev. Zachary Callahan, In Residence
Deacon Joseph Zubrovich, Permanent Deacon
Deacon Ronald Federici, Permanent Deacon
Mary Dennis, Youth Ministry/Facilities Manager
Lee Hlavacek, Religious Ed/Curé Family Ministry
Lisa Hudson, Parish Social Ministry/Stewardship
William Geasor, Business Manager
Sean Cotty, Music Ministry
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 12:45pm
Holy Days
Vigil: 7:30pm; Day: 7:00am, 9:00am, 4:00pm, 7:30pm
Weekday Masses
Monday - Thursday: 7:00am
Monday - Friday: 9:00am
Monday and First Friday: 7:30pm
Sat 8:30am (with Anointing of the Sick 1st Sat only)
Miraculous Medal Novena - Mon 9am and 7:30pm
Sacred Heart Novena
First Friday after 9:00am & 7:30pm Masses
with Benediction at 1:00pm & 9:00pm
Monday - Friday 9:30am; Saturdays 9:00am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
in the Divine Mercy Chapel
10am - Friday 10am
First Friday after 9am Mass - 1pm & 8pm - 9pm
3:30pm - 4:45pm/Chapel
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Regional School
516-785-5709; www.STEAS.com
Summer Pilgrimage
206 Tours is running a pilgrimage to Medjugorje this summer.
Join them from August 8th – 16th. It’s the location of the alleged apparitions of the Blessed Mother. The group will be
staying at the home of one of the alleged visionaries. The
devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is so strong in
Medjugorje. They even have beautiful outside adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament at night at which thousands attend with
great devotion. Cost is $3,359.00. Feel free to stop by the
rectory for a colored flyer of the pilgrimage or there are flyers
at the doors of the church. Fr. Tony Stanganelli, Pastor of St.
Brigid’s, and I will go as spiritual directors for the pilgrims.
Fr. Charles
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Parish Registration - We extend a welcome to all new
members of our parish family. We ask all parishioners to
welcome and invite new neighbors and their
families to
become a part of Curé of Ars. Parish Registration booklets are available in the Rectory and at the doors of the
Church. Once completed, please submit your form to the
Rectory so we can finalize your registration process. You
will receive a visit from a Parish Welcoming Committee
member shortly thereafter.
Baptism - Parents wishing to present a child for
should be registered members of Curé of Ars Parish. Parents are required to have a Baptism
Preparation Interview with a member of the Pastoral Team and attend a Baptism Class. Please call the Rectory for an appointment.
Baptisms usually take place on the first and third Sundays
of the month from 2:30pm -3:30pm.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - An ongoing process of formation for those who ever wonder if
they should become “Catholic”. If interested please call for
a meeting with a member of the Pastoral Team.
Marriage - Those wishing to be married in Curé should
consult with a member of the Pastoral Team before any
other arrangements are made. A minimum of six months is
needed for marriage preparation.
Pre-Cana and FOCCUS are required for all couples. Weddings may be scheduled on Fridays at 5:30pm (or an agreed
upon time), on Saturdays at 11:15am, 1:00pm or 2:30pm
and Sundays at 4:00pm.
Reconciliation - Is celebrated on Saturday from 3:30PM
to 4:45pm and in the Rectory upon request.
Divine Mercy Rosaries
As part of the joyful celebration of
Divine Mercy Sunday today, Our
Lady’s Rosary Makers Ministry has
designed beautiful red/white Divine
Mercy Rosaries symbolizing the
shining rays pouring from the heart
of Jesus to Saint Faustina.
Each Rosary has been blessed and
is packaged with a Chaplet of
Divine Mercy prayer card.
We invite you to come to the vestibule after mass today, Divine Mercy Sunday, where
these Rosaries will be freely distributed. Any small
offering will be gratefully accepted.
Peace & Blessings,
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Ministry
Curé of Ars
Our pastor, Fr. Charles Mangano, his brother priests, Fr.
Henry Leuthardt, Fr. Zachary Callahan, and our Pastoral
Team welcome you to Curé of Ars. If you are visiting us
for the first time, you are our honored guests and we pray
that you will consider making Curé of Ars your church
home. We are here to assist you in your spiritual growth
and maturity as together we give glory to God through our
worship, prayer and service in the name of Jesus Christ.
We are committed to the fullness of Roman Catholic
teaching and to the promise of salvation that the Church
offers to all believers. May God accomplish a great work
in you among us.
Mission Statement
We welcome all and exclude none, as we are
inspired by the wisdom of our patron, St. John
Vianney, the Cure of Ars, who said: "This is
our glorious duty, to pray and to love." Therefore, we are committed to continue the mission
of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the Gospel and
love one another as He loves us.
Values Statement
Empowered with the strength given to us by
the Sacraments, we practice generosity in
faith, hope and love.
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
It is everything we do after we say we believe
Tithing: God’s Plan for Giving
Stewardship - A Way of Life
Tithing Income
Easter Sunday March 27, 2016
Easter Sunday April 5, 2015
Kids for Kids
March 27, 2016
Pastor’s Comments - Tithing isn’t a gamble on what
can be, it’s an acknowledgment of what is. God has,
is, and always will do for us. By tithing, we’re just
saying “Thank You.”
Comments on Tithing from the pews - “Giving is a
special word. I hope to set a good example so that
my children will learn the meaning of sharing.”
- A Parishioner
Bulletin Reflection - “Blessed are they who have not
seen and have believed,” Jesus says in today’s
Gospel. For those who have not seen to believe,
however, we must be good stewards of our faith, living it joyfully and sharing it generously.
Vision Statement
As we move forward, prioritized by our parishioners’ input, we will focus on liturgy and
worship, faith formation, family, communication, and service.
Living Stewardship - We are grateful this week for
all stewards in our parish who put our faith into action—especially through the spiritual and corporal
works of mercy—even when they may not “see” the
fruits of their service, relying on God’s grace to do
the rest!
Photos Needed!
PLEASE NOTE: 9 AM Daily Mass
The parish’s 90th anniversary committee needs
your help to update the past 15 years of Curé’s
history. We are looking for pictures of Fr.
Charles’ installation Mass as pastor in 2004 and
photos of the following parish pilgrimages: Poland – 2006, Medjugorje – 2006, Israel – 2008, Ars and
Lourdes – 2001, Italy and Pier Giorgio Frassati’s home in
Pollone – 2015, Holy Land – 2015. Please send your pictures to the rectory (they will be returned to you), Attn:
lamercogliano@optonline.net. Thanks so much.
Until further notice, the 9am weekday mass will be
held in the Divine Mercy Chapel due to interior restoration work in the church.
As a reminder, in case you forget to
pick up your weekly bulletin, it is on
our website. It also has a listing of
all our upcoming events. Our web
address is www.cureofarschurch.net.
Eucharistic Adoration
Jesus is inviting you to spend some
quiet time with Him. Come spend
half an hour or one hour with Him
each week.
Time spent in Eucharistic Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament is special
heart-to-heart time with Jesus. It will
change your life.
Please contact Pat Krug at 359-7404
to share an hour with Him and sign up
for the time slot of your choice.
Curé of Ars
Mass Intentions
For the week of April 2nd
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Pray For Our Sick
Names submitted by immediate family members only
will remain on this list for 6 weeks. Thank you.
Daniel James
Kyle Scheinhaus
Altar Candles
Saturday, April 2
8:30am - Ellen Tyler
5:00pm - Sean Cotty (L)
Eileen Riebe
Fr. Charles
By: Albert & Esther Belbol and Family
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3
7:30am - Russell Anderson
Fr. Henry
9:30am - Parishioners of Curé of Ars Fr. Zachary
11:15am - Carol Osche
Fr. Henry
12:45pm - Vocations,
Fr. Charles
Thomas & Maria DePalma, Beatrice Ferraro,
John M. & Helen M. Hendricks,
Dr. John T. Palmer, Joseph Flynn,
Chuck Arcidiacono, Joseph Green,
Frances DeSola
Monday, April 4
7:00am - Frances DeSola
9:00am - Maria Louise & Giovanni Jenerosa
7:30pm - Intentions of Our Lady
Tuesday, April 5
7:00am - Frances DeSola
9:00am - Theresé O’Neill
Wednesday, April 6
7:00am - Souls in Purgatory
9:00am - Vocations, Josephine DiFiglia,
Ellen Tyler, Christopher J. Gaylardo,
Dennis Connors
Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10;
Lk 1:26-38
Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19;
Jn 6:16-21
Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13;
Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14]
Second Sunday of Easter
(or of Divine Mercy)
The Annunciation of the Lord
St. Vincent Ferrer
Thursday: St. John Baptist de la Salle
Thursday, April 7
7:00am - Dorothea Ranieri
9:00am - Marion E Haas
Help Wanted
Friday, April 8
9:00am - Ellen Tyler
Saturday, April 9
8:30am - Ellen Tyler
5:00pm - Catherine Fabian
Fr. Henry
Sunday, April 10
7:30am - Alexander Vasconi
Fr. Charles
9:30am - Nicholas Mamo
Fr. Henry
11:15am - Parishioners of Curé of Ars Fr. Charles
12:45pm - Vocations,
Fr. Zachary
Esther Jordan, Frances DeSola,
Mari Lomino (L), Ellen Tyler,
Connie Fontana, Dorothea Hennig,
Joseph Iannicelli
needed at Curé of Ars Parish on Saturday and Sunday evenings only. To
apply for this position or for more
information, please contact our Business Manager, Bill Geasor at 516623-1400 Ext. 180.
Wedding Banns
1st Time - Kimberly Meehan, Curé of Ars and
William Petrowitz, St. Martin of Tours
Curé of Ars
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
CYM - Curé Youth Ministry
Mary Dennis, 623-1400, Ext. 114
E-Mail: mdennis@cureofarschurch.net
Lee Hlavacek, 623-1400, Ext. 109
E-Mail: lhlavacek@cureofarschurch.net
Family Prayer: This month our 1 Graders request
that families pray the Glory Be to the Father each
day for the sick.
Please keep all of our children preparing for
1st Communion and Confirmation in your prayers.
Early Re-Registration for September 2016 classes
will take place the week of April 11th in the C.A.R.E.
Office. Our current families who register early are
eligible to win free tuition for the whole family. There
will be one winner—it could be your family! Watch
your mail the first week in April for re-registration
New Family Registration for September 2016 classes
will take place May 31st to June 2nd. All families must
be registered parishioners of Curé of Ars prior to registering for faith formation classes. Please visit the
rectory to complete the parish registration form for
your family. Please watch the bulletin for more details
regarding registration for faith formation classes.
Parish Social Ministry
Lisa Hudson, 623-1400, Ext. 108
E-Mail: lhudson@cureofarschurch.net
FOOD PANTRY - In these challenging times, more
and more people find themselves in
need. Items especially needed at this
time: soups, tuna fish, pasta sauce,
cereal, kids’ snacks & juice boxes,
peanut butter, jelly, and paper
products. Items may be left at the doors
of the church or outside the PSM office.
next Blood Drive will be held on Sunday, June 26, in the Msgr. Leonard
Hall, after all the masses. Please plan
to donate to save those who are in need
of this precious gift.
Please pray for us as we are on retreat April 1-3.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Regional Catholic School
Where we “LIVE” with Respect,
Responsibility & Reverence
Our weekly news column to all alumni, families and parishioners
Bus Transportation Registration / Re-registration
Deadline is March 31st. Please make sure you send
in forms to your school district. Students entering
Kindergarten next year who will be taking the bus
will need to register for the first time.
Box Tops for Education - Please clip & send into
school or drop off at your parish Rectory, Attn:
SEAS/Box Tops.
Basketball Awards Night - Awards Night for BOTH
boys and girls teams will held on Thurs, April 7th,
from 7:00 - 8:30pm. Please let your coach know if
you will attend, so we can plan accordingly.
Baptism Ministry
If you feel the Lord is inviting you to share some of
your time and talent with His people and would like to
serve on a spiritual and joyous committee, please consider the Baptism Committee. The Baptism Committee consists of 2 different committees and you could
be a part of one or both if you feel led to.
The Baptism Preparation class: we are looking for
those who would provide hospitality for the class itself
(cake and coffee) that are held in the Youth Center
once a month on Tuesday night. A different committee gives the talks.
The Baptism Ceremony: here you would assist the
priest or deacon at the ceremonies in the church held
twice a month on a Sunday afternoon. If enough people sign up, you would assist only once a month or
maybe every 6 - 8 weeks depending on the rotation of
the committee members. Please contact Nancy Brown
at 632-9329 for more information.
Curé of Ars
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Curé of Ars
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Bereavement Ministry
St. Monica’s Parent Intercessory Group
Curé of Ars “Journey of Hearts” Bereavement Team will
hold a 7-week session on Wednesday evenings from
7:00pm - 9:00pm in the Rectory Lower Level on: April
13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, with the Closing Mass in the
Msgr. Leonard Hall on Thursday, May 26. In order to
attend, you must register by calling the Rectory, 623-1400,
Ext. 175 and a Team member will return your call. We
urge you to register early, as seating is limited and we cannot accept any walk-ins. Grief is the process of healing
from the pain of loss. If you find yourself on a journey
through the wasteland of grief, let us share our resources to
get you to the other side, for with God all things are possible. Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences will
help you get beyond the pain caused by the death of someone you love. The support of your faith community is so
needed at this time. We will help you survive those rough
changes in your life and help you to understand that the
emotions you are feeling may be shared by others as well.
You need not walk alone. God is with us.
This is a Parent Intercessory Group that prays
for their children under the patronage of St.
Monica who prayed for her son, St. Augustine,
for 30 years. Augustine was lost in a life of
self-indulgence and sin. Her prayers brought
him to God and the Church and helped to lead
him to a life of holiness, priesthood and sainthood. She is a
powerful intercessor for us in heaven. This group is for all
parents, dads, moms, grandparents, etc. Their focus is praying for children. They meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of
each month at 7:30pm in the Rectory Lower Level.
(Please use the side entrance.)
Mary’s Crown – Updated Names
In 2009, when we added the crown to the statue of our Lady
in the Church, we put into her crown the names of only our
registered parishioners, placing everyone in the parish before Her merciful heart. The names came to over 7000. We
updated it again a few years later and the number went to
over 9,000 names. Before I leave in June, I would like to
update the list a third time. This is how we will do it. All
parishioners who have registered with the parish since 2012
will automatically be put into the crown. If there have been
any additions to your family that were not with you at the
time you registered with the parish, please call the rectory
and give us those names so we can also update your file. If
a loved one has passed away, their name will remain in the
crown, they will NOT be removed. All new names must be
submitted to the rectory by Monday, April 25th. We need
two weeks to compare lists, update the names, set up scaffolding and then place the names into the crown of Our
Lady before Mother’s Day, May 8th. Any parishioners who
officially register with the parish over the next three weeks
will also have their name placed into the crown. On
Mother’s Day, May 8th, we will pray especially for all the
names in the crown.
Spiritually Enriching Website
If you are looking for a great website to be fed spiritually
www.priestlyformation.org. It also gives reflections on the
daily scriptures. It is excellent. Take 3 minutes each day
and feed your soul. You will find the website to be a blessing spiritually.
Sunday Scripture Prayer Group meets on the 1st and 3rd
Thursdays of each month at 7:30pm in the Rectory Lower Level. Join us for a prayerful discussion of the three
readings for the upcoming Sunday with intercessory
prayer. Our next meeting is Thursday, April 7.
Sister Ave Clark, O.P. Retreat – Saturday, April 16
Sister Ave Clark, O.P., will join us for "Easter's Joy,
Peace and Mercy" retreat on Saturday, April 16,
9:00AM-12:00PM, in the Rectory Lower Level. All
parishioners are invited to attend. Light refreshments
will be served. Please call Mary Re, 516-623-5378, to
Accommodations for the Disabled
Curé of Ars provides the following accommodations for
people with disabilities: space for wheelchairs, scooters,
etc., seating for those accompanying them in the last pew in
the right wing of the church, a ramp and automatic doors
located at this side entrance for accessibility into the
church, headsets for those who need hearing amplification,
large print missalettes, and accessible restroom to the right
of the lobby.
Hotline Numbers
Crisis Pregnancy Center
(631) 243-2373
Post-Abortion Counseling
(631) 463-4399
or (Project Rachel)
(631) 243-0066
Pregnancy Counseling
(631) 243-2373
Domestic Violence
Suicide Prevention
Porn Addiction
Curé of Ars
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Weekly Reflection
Catholic Ministries Appeal
BUT BELIEVE.’” (John 20:27-28).
What makes Thomas a believer? Not seeing Jesus in divine splendor. Not hearing Him preach a persuasive sermon. Not seeing Him perform an incredible miracle. No.
What makes Thomas a believer is simply touching the
wounds of Jesus. Connecting with the suffering humanity
of Jesus, his good friend, brings him to faith.
Isn’t it the same for us at times? We, too, come to faith
not through our strength, cleverness, or achievements, but
As someone has said, pain is a wise advisor. Often our
pain brings us to our knees. Our wounds turn us into believers—especially if they are joined to the pain and
wounds of Jesus, our good friend.
Wounded Jesus, may my pain and weakness lead me to
greater faith and trust in you.
St. Melanie Svoboda, SND
Living with Christ
Serving God by Serving Others
Cry for Life Prayer Cenacle
2016 Goal
$ 58,446.17
$ 34,306.17
I know that many of you are paying off your Restoration
Campaign pledge and I thank you from the bottom of my
heart for your generosity, but I invite you to be as generous as you can so the necessary ministries of the appeal
can be supported and help thousands of people in need,
ministries like Catholic Charities, vocations, campus &
youth ministry, senior services, etc.
Prayer for Persecuted Christians
Here is a special prayer to pray for our brothers and sisters
suffering in Iraq, Syria and throughout the Middle East.
“Lord, the plight of our brothers and sisters is deep and
the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening.
Therefore, we ask you Lord to spare their lives, to grant
them patience and courage to continue their witness of
Christian values with trust and hope. Lord, peace is the
foundation of life; grant us the peace and stability that will
enable us to live with each other without fear and anxiety,
and with dignity and joy. Glory be to You forever.”
Two other prayer opportunities:
1. Pray the Rosary for the situation.
2. Unity Wednesday: every Wednesday our parishioners are
invited to offer up a sacrifice (whatever it is) for our
brothers and sisters suffering. This unites us in prayer as
a parish during the week as well.
Schedule of Parish Groups
Beloved Mother Mary Angelica
Foundress of EWTN Global Catholic Network
Born 1923
Called home to be with the Lord Easter Sunday 2016
"“Well done good and faithful servant."
Divorced & Separated Ministry
The mission of the group is to cultivate a heart of forgiveness. As Catholics, we can learn to forgive in order to
be released from the burdens of divorce & separation. The
Divorced & Separated ministry meets Fridays at 7:30pm in
the Rectory Lower Level (Please use the outside, side entrance door). For the schedule of meeting dates, call Rich
at (516) 537-2748. If you are interested in a private session, call Rich or e-mail him at richtvchef@aol.com.
Choir - Youth
Choir - Adult
Mens’ Group
Moms’ Group
Our Lady’s Rosary
Shawl Ministry
St. Hildegard’s Light of Hope
St. Monica’s Group Youth Ministry
Vianney 50+ Club
3rd Order
Wed. 5:15pm / Church
Wed. 7:00pm / Church
Fri. 7:30pm / Rectory lower level
1st & 3rd Monday of the month
7:30pm / Rectory lower level
Mon. 10:00am / Youth Center
3rd Thurs. each month, 6:30pm
Conference Rm.
Thur. 7:45pm / PSM Parlor
Every other Monday, 7:00pm
Conference Rm.
1st Sunday of each month at
12:30pm in the Conference Rm
2nd & 4th Thursday 7:30pm
Rectory lower level
Friday 7:00pm / Youth Center
1st Wed. each month at 1:00pm
(except July & August)/MLH
4th Sun. each month/12:30pm
St. Michael’s Room
Curé of Ars
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Vianney Sunshine Club
Pray for Our Troops
Monthly Raffle Society
We are interested in collecting the names of our parish family members who are actively serving in the
Armed Forces. Please send the name, rank and
branch of service of your family members, in writing,
to the rectory so we can list their names.
Congratulations to our March 28 drawing winners:
#173 Kay Whelan
Vice- Pres.
#473 Carolanne Florez
#12 Angelo & Antoinette Uberti
#316 Albert Carmosino
#288 Claire & Al Coli
#445 Rose Marino
Associate 3 mo extention #367 M&C Brodley/J Fernandez
Associate 3 mo extention #497 Greg & Liz Conklin
We had 154 members in this drawing, one less than
last month. Two members did not renew. We had one
reinstatement. Thank you members!
The next drawing will take place on April 26, 2016.
Vianney Fifty-Plus Club
Wed. April 6 - 1 pm meeting Msgr. Leonard Hall - Richard Knox presents “Lights! Camera! Trivia!” - a movies &
music lecture
Thurs. June 16 - Trip to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse Jukebox Heroes Live! A Musical Impersonator Show.
Bus, lunch and show - $81.50/pp.
Mon. July 11 - 9am Bus trip to Sands Casino-Resort, Bethlehem, PA. $30/pp, $30 Rebate, $5 Food Voucher.
Wed. Aug 24 - 8am Bus trip to Kingston, NY for lunch followed by a narrated Hudson River cruise aboard the Rip
Van Winkle. End the day shopping at Krause’s Chocolates
in New Paltz - Cost $89/pp.
For more information on any of the above trips or to make
Maj. Gen. John Uberti
Col. Christopher Schlafer
Spc. Henry O. Knutsen
Sgt. Debbi Bailey
LCDR John R. Esposito
HMI Paul DeMaria
Sgt. James Moore
PO Thomas J. Valentino
L/Cpl. Michael Spadaro
Staff Sgt. Murray N. Griffin
Ezekiel Buck
PO John H. Baldauf
Capt. Liam Begley
Cpl. Robert A. Bernhardt
PFC Charlie Wojcik
Col. John O’Grady
Spc. John Donohue
SrA Joseph C. DeLullo
TSgt Johnnie Gipson
Maj. Michael John Schaefer
Capt. Thomas V. McKeon
Capt. Nicole A. McKeon
1st Lt. Patrick O’Sullivan
HN Samuel Morales
Joshua Schineller
Capt. Graham Denniston
Capt. Garrett Denniston
2nd Lt. Blake Denniston
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U.S. Navy
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U.S. Coast Guard
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U.S. Air Force
U.S. Coast Guard
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U.S. Marine Corps
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U.S. Marine Corps
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U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Navy
U.S. Army Special Forces
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force
Only 21 Candles Left
Mom’s Group
Have you ever considered lighting a
Perpetual Candle for your loved ones?
This candle remains lit every day for one
year. This candle’s perpetual light, which
is seen by God and burns brightly before
Him each day, is a constant intercession
for your intention. The priests and parishioners will also pray for your intention
during our Sunday and weekday Masses here at Curé of
Ars. See the forms in the rack hanging on the wall by the
Perpetual Candles in the lobby of the church. The candle
can also be purchased for any prayer intention: conversions, memorials, in thanksgiving or for special intentions /
Calling All Moms - You're Invited!
Join us, The Curé of Ars Mothers'
Group, for coffee, snacks, prayers, fellowship, and laughter. Our goal is to
offer support to each other in a caring,
relaxing, non-judgmental environment.
We meet every Monday (when school is in session)
10:00am to 11:30am in the Youth Center.
We have babysitting for your walking toddlers and
older children. Infants stay where we meet. If all your
children are in school, we invite you to have coffee
with us. We welcome all moms!
Curé of Ars
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Mark Your Calendar
Prayer Shawl Ministry
In lieu of a spring bible study we will be doing a seven (7)
day retreat. How? Seven consecutive Tuesdays starting April
19th in the parish center at 7:30pm. The dates are April 19,
26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31st. It will be based on the book of Fr.
Michael Gaitley, MIC, 33 Days to Morning Glory. The
DVD presentation is by Fr. Michael Gaitley followed by
small group discussion. Reading materials will be available
and refreshments will be provided. There is no set fee for the
retreat but a free will offering is greatly appreciated for cost
of materials!
This is a retreat that leads us to total consecration to the
Mother of Jesus which is a beautiful sequel to the study we
just completed in the fall entitled, The biblical walk with
Mary at which 170 parishioners participated. It is not necessary to have attended the last bible study in order to attend
this retreat. This seven week retreat focuses on "To Jesus
Through Mary”. Come and learn what four saints knew
about the quickest, surest and easiest way to holiness. The
last day of the retreat is May 31st which will be the Mass and
consecration in the Church. This is also the Feast of The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Let’s celebrate the
“Jubilee Year of Mercy” by turning to our Lady of Mercy, the
Blessed Virgin Mary! Please call the rectory (516) 623-1400
to register so we order enough work books and materials.
Attention all Knitters and Crocheters or those interested in
learning: Prayer shawls are tangible symbols of love. They
are warm hugs of empathy and support. The Curé of Ars
Prayer Shawl Ministry makes prayer shawls for those in
need of comfort. Prayer begins in the heart and the creation of a prayer shawl is a spiritual journey of prayer for
the shawl maker. Our ministry meets on Mondays from
7:00pm - 8:00pm, twice a month; next meeting is March
28, 2016. Beginners and all levels are welcome!
If you have unused skeins of worsted weight yarn to give
to the Prayer Shawl Ministry or for more information
please contact Joan Ryan 516-316-7648.
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers
6,700 Rosaries and counting!
Yes, that’s how many missionary Rosaries our
ministry has made and have freely given to places
as far away as Uganda and as close as South Nassau Community Hospital. We meet every 3rd
Thursday of the month in the Conference Room
from 6:30-8:00pm. All materials supplied. Call Jane at 7718469 with any questions and may God Bless You.
The Spirit of Generosity
At the
Merrick Car Wash
1820 Sunrise
God is good and we know He provides for all our needs. The owner of the
Merrick Car Wash made a pledge toward our Capital Campaign and this is
how he is doing it. For every car that gets washed each day, he will give the
parish a percentage of the profit. What generosity!!! Therefore, if you get
your car washed, please consider doing it at the Merrick Car Wash located
on Sunrise Highway (east of the Gateway Inn). The more cars that go there,
the higher the monthly rebate will be. The generosity of our parishioners
never ceases to amaze me. Please cut and use the coupons below for your
next three visits.
Thank you, Father Charles
$3 OFF
Any Wash
$3 OFF
Any Wash
$3 OFF
Any Wash
Merrick Brushless Car Wash
Merrick Brushless Car Wash
Merrick Brushless Car Wash
With this coupon only. Cannot be combined with
any other offer or sale item. Offer expires 10/1/2016
With this coupon only. Cannot be combined with
any other offer or sale item. Offer expires 10/1/2016
With this coupon only. Cannot be combined with
any other offer or sale item. Offer expires 10/1/2016
Curé of Ars
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Men of the Curé of Ars
Two are better than one, because they have
a good reward for their toil. For if they fall,
one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him
who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up.
The Men of the Cure of Ars invite you to
join us for some honest and thought provoking conversation. We meet twice a month for fellowship and spiritual
renewal. Take the first step and discover that there is a
“Regular Guy” sitting next to you! We always leave one
meeting rejuvenated and looking forward to the next.
We meet on the first Monday of the month for
“Signposts”, a Bible /Catechism study on how we answer
the call to be Catholic men in the world today. For April 4,
we will be discussing lesson #51 Evangelization: ‘Go and
make disciples’.
On the third Monday of the month, April 18, join us as
we continue our lecture series: “How to be a Man of Mercy”. Our topic will be Mercy & Scripture. Our speaker will
be Fr. Rob Ketchum. The meetings are held in the Rectory
lower level at 7:30pm.
**On Tues, April 5th in the Parish Center, we will be representing the skit “Burden” as a fundraiser for March for
Life NY. Please come and help us make this a success. **
Healing After Abortion
Have you suffered an abortion? Experience God’s love
and mercy and begin the journey of healing.
Please call the Sisters of Life: 1-866-575-0075 or email:
For men, call Theresa Bonopartis at Lumina: 1-877-5864621 or email: Lumina@postabortionhelp.org.
At the Seminary
Milton’s Paradise Lost with Dr. Marc Ricciardi
Don’t Miss Milton! Join Dr. Marc Ricciardi in the library
at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday
afternoon, April 10, at 2 pm. for his talk: “Milton’s Trinitarian Triumvirate: God For, As and In Man”. Dr. Ricciardi
teaches at St. Joseph’s College and is the author of John
Milton’s Incarnational Poetics: the Roles of Mary and
Christ in Paradise Regained, published by Edwin Mellen
Press. No registration required; refreshments will be served.
Seminary of the Immaculate Conception (4th floor Library)
440 West Neck Road, Huntington NY 11743 (3 miles
North of Main Street) .
Call or email for more information: 631-423-0483 ext. 141;
Real Men, Real lives, Real faith.
Website: www.motca.weebly.com
Photo Tour of Curé of Ars Grounds
A half-hour photo tour of our parish gardens, shrines,
statues, and chapels (with musical background) is available on a DVD.
If interested in obtaining one (free of charge), send an
email to joregbak@verizon.net with your name, address
and phone number. One will be held in the rectory in
your name and you will be notified when it is available.
Preferred method of contact is email. No email service?
Call 623-6802 and speak to Regina or Joe.
St. Hildegard Light of Hope
Light of Hope is a prayer group consecrated to
St. Hildegard of Bingen through the Blessed Mother.
St. Hildegard composed prayers specifically dedicated to
healing and good health. This group offers fellowship and
prayer for all those suffering physical illness and/or physical disability for themselves and/or loved ones. Praying for
the sick is a spiritual work of mercy. All are welcome to
join this intercessory prayer group which meets the first
Sunday of each month at 12:30pm - Conference Room.
Curé of Ars
All Young Adults (18-35) Welcome!
In the spirit of Laudato Si’ and Global Youth Service Day
please join us for
a Diocesan-wide
Young Adult
Service Retreat
Sunday, April 17, 2016,
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island
258 Eastport-Manor Rd, Manorville, NY 11949
Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Parish Center
Point Lookout, NY
Connect with others who are turning concern into action by
caring for God’s creation and serving the less fortunate.
“Care for our common home…” – Pope Francis
“The Eucharist is a source of light and motivation for our
concerns for the environment, directing us to be stewards
of all creation.”
T-shirts will be provided free of charge.
However, a free will offering is appreciated.
Co-sponsored by Young Adult Ministry, DRVC
& Society of St. Vincent de Paul LI.
RSVP by April 10th to www.svdpli.org/svdpli_events/
Molloy College Open House
Molloy College in Rockville Centre will host a Spring
Open House for prospective students and their guests
on April 24th at 1:00pm. For more information,
please call 516-323-4000.
Faith on Tap
Trying to Adopt?
All Young Adults are invited to Faith on Tap, an open forum engaging young adults in straight talk and honest answers to questions of faith, and where young adults can
meet others who are also living out their faith.
For those of you trying to adopt a child, one of our
parishioners recently adopted a baby through the following agency and they had nothing bur rave reviews
about them. The agency is: The Adoption Alliance.
They can be contacted at www.adoption-alliance.com
or call 1-800-626-4324. The director’s name is Staci.
We are honored to have with us Brother Timothy Driscoll,
a Marianist Brother of the Province of Meribah and an educator for the past 35 years teaching in Chaminade High
School and Kellenberg Memorial High School. Brother
Tim is a dynamic speaker and enthusiastic speaker. In light
of the Year of Mercy, Brother Tim’s topic for the evening
is: “The Art of Mercy” Rembrandt’s Return of the Prodigal
Son.” Bringing together his passion for art and drawing
young people closer to Christ, this is a talk you don’t want
to miss. Faith on Tap will be at the Wantagh Inn, 3264
Railroad Avenue, (across the street from the Wantagh RR
Station) on Monday, April 11, 2016. The talk begins at
7:30, but doors will open at 7:00. – Come early, have
something to eat – meet new friends, catch up with old
ones. Questions or for more information, please contact
Marianne Sheridan, Director for Young Adults at
Golden Wedding Jubilee Liturgies
This spring, couples that have been married
fifty years or more will be honored at a
liturgy on Sunday, April 24, at Maria
Regina Church in Seaford at 2:30pm. Registration forms and complete instructions can
be obtained at the rectory.
Registration must be received by the Office of
Worship by April 8 for the April 24 liturgy. If you
have any questions, you may call 516-678-5800, extension 207.
Curé of Ars
Marriage Crisis
Are you at a crossroad and need something
outside your marriage to help you? Well,
there is hope and help for your marriage.
Don’t despair!!!!
God is calling you to go on a Retrouvaille
weekend here on Long Island. When are the
next being held in 2016? April 8th, September 2nd, November 4th. The phone # is 1-800-470-2230. Ask for Steve and Patty Manella. The cost is $350.00. That includes
lodging, meals and materials needed for the weekend.
Do You Have a Special Party Coming Up?
If you or someone you know, who is a
parishioner, is planning a special party/occasion
and needs a hall, please consider leasing our
Monsignor Leonard Hall. It can seat more than
300 people. Kindly call our business manager
Bill at (516) 623-1400 Ext, 180 for more details.
Many people have found themselves suffering with an addiction to pornography. God says, “My saving power will rise on
you like the sun and bring healing like the sun’s rays.” Malachi 4:2. You can overcome pornography and other unhealthy
sexual behaviors with a professional, science-based Catholic
program called: RECLAIM Sexual Health. (Visit their site
www. ReclaimsexualHealth.com). Get help or Help Others.
Private and Anonymous Online Help 24/7. It is the latest
Brain Science cutting-edge technology. Personalized support
and Faith Focused.
The Brain Science of Change & Theology of the Body is
God’s way out. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 it says, “No trial has
come to you but what is human, God is faithful and will not
let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial He
will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear
it.” Pornography is an addiction. It enslaves the soul and deep
shame is connected to it but healing and recovery is possible.
If you or someone you know has a porn addiction, please log
onto the their website at: www.IntegrityRestored.com, designed for those who struggle with pornography use and those
who may know of someone who is struggling. Here you will
learn about the pornography epidemic in America and how
porn affects men, women, children and teens. You will learn
about the addictiveness of pornography and the recovery process. Wives will learn how to help their husbands as well as
how to find healing for their own emotional pain (feelings of
hurt, betrayal, etc.). The website takes a unique approach by
incorporating Catholic spirituality into the recovery process.
Porn reduces the human person to an object for one’s selfish
pleasure which is in direct opposition to the beauty of the
whole human person that God created in His image and likeness, never to be lusted after but to be loved as a whole person: body, mind and soul.
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016
Marriage Encounter
Attention Married Couples!
Spring into Love! with a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
This might be just what you’re looking for!
It’s time to renew your relationship. Rediscover your love
and enhance your hopes and dreams!
April 29 to May 1, 2016
@ The Montfort Spiritual Center
26 South Saxon Ave, Bay Shore, NY 11706
June 10 to 12, 2016
@ The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
440 W Neck Rd, Huntington, NY 11743
Space is limited. For more information about the weekends or to apply call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our website at
Courage Support Group
Courage. This spiritual support group is for men and
women who experience homosexual attractions and desire
to lead a chaste life in accordance with authentic Catholic
Church teaching. The five goals of Courage are:
1. Live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman
Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality.
2. Dedicate one’s life to Christ through service to others,
spiritual reading, prayer, meditation, individual
spiritual direction, frequent attendance at Mass, and the
frequent reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation
and Holy Eucharist. (Prayer and Dedication)
3. Foster a spirit of fellowship in which all may share
thoughts and experiences, and so ensure that no one
will have to face the problems of homosexuality alone.
4. Be mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are not
only possible but necessary in a chaste Christian life
and in doing so, provide encouragement to one another
in forming and sustaining them. (Support)
5. Live lives that may serve as good examples to others.
(Good Example)
We presently have a men’s group in Nassau County. If
you call 516-623-1400, Ext. 190 and leave your name and
phone number, someone will get back to you or email
Confidentiality & anonymity
assured. Feel free to call the Courage Office, in Connecticut (203) 803-1564, their e-mail address is: NYCourage
@aol.com or the following web-sites: www.couragerc.net
or couragerc.org.
The Men of the Curé of Ars Present:
(A Pro-Life Play written and performed by
The Men of the Curé of Ars Holy Skit Ministry)
Date: Tuesday, April 5th
Time: 7:30 pm (doors open 7:00 pm)
Tickets: $10 per ticket,
available at the door, general seating
Fellow Catholics, The Pro-Life Community
on Long Island needs your help.
On April 30, 2016, Long Island will be having it's
This is an astounding opportunity to stand up for life here at home.
Everyone is welcomed to participate in the historic event. More info to follow.
The Men of the Curé of Ars will be helping ensure the March for Life happens
by holding this FUNDRAISER on April 5th, 2016 in the Msgr. Leonard Hall.
"Prodigal" is the dramatic Pro-Life skit we wrote and performed last year.
Deacon Ron commented:
"Riveting. Absolutely riveting. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
I didn't want it to end, but WOW, what an ending."
PLEASE consider coming to this fundraiser
to give your support to this worthy cause.
Not everyone can march, but everyone can do something.
Let this fundraiser be something you do to support and promote
the Gospel of Life here at home on Long Island.
We hope to see you at the fundraiser. Thank you!
For further information, please contact Anthony Gentile at 516-857-0058.
The Merrick Lions Club presents
The 4th Annual Taste of Merrick
Come Taste the Wonderful Foods of Merrick
Friday, April 8th, 2016
6pm – 9pm – Curé of Ars Auditorium
2323 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, NY
(park behind church on Hewlett Ave.)
Carmela Lage to be recognized for her efforts
With the Cerebral Palsy Association
All proceeds will benefit
The Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County
Curé of Ars Food Pantry
Food – Entertainment – Raffles
Wine Pull – Lottery Tree
Contact Lisa Hudson 516-623-1400 Ext. 108
For tickets or more information
Unbound: Freedom in Christ
One Day Conference
Saturday, May 7th, 2016
8:30am - 4:30pm
Curé of Ars R.C. Church
2323 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566
Msgr. Leonard Hall
Presented by Neal & Janet Lozano
Heart of the Father Ministries
Neal is the author of the best seller
UNBOUND: A Practical Guide to Deliverance
Endorsed by Bishops, Priests and Lay Catholics worldwide
Do you find yourself struggling with the same area of sin time after time?
Do you sometimes feel helpless in finding freedom from anger, resentment, fear, jealousy, etc.?
Curé of Ars R.C. Church
2323 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566
Do you long to help someone stuck in destructive behavior
to be set
There is an answer. UNBOUND: Freedom in Christ. The UNBOUND book and conferences are the
result of years of experience helping people discover the freedom they have been given in Christ. Learn
the five simple keys of the UNBOUND model in the book, UNBOUND by Neal Lozano.
Contact Jody Breitfeller for more info
Neal and Janet Lozano will personally
lead the conference.or sonflowermjb@yahoo.com
It would be beneficial and recommended to read UNBOUND
before attending the conference.
Curé of Ars has a limited number of books at the Rectory for $14.00.
Also available at heartofthefather.com (610-952-3019).
Conference Schedule:
Registration, Coffee
Opening Worship
Session 1 “Overview of the Five Keys”
Reflection time and break
Session 2 “How We Pray”
Brown Bag Lunch
Gather with Worship/Offering
Session 3 “The Power of Forgiveness”
Prayer Ministry Time
Session 4 “The Father's Blessing”
Closing Remarks/Prayer
Registration Information:
$40 Early Registration by April 22nd
$45 Late Registration
$50 At the Door
Priests, Seminarians and Religious free of charge
Coffee and tea will be provided. Please bring your own brown bag lunch
Please send payment and registration form below to:
Curé of Ars R.C. Church
2323 Merrick Ave., Merrick, NY 11566
ATTN: Unbound Conference
The Gateway Inn is located near the Curé of Ars
1780 Sunrise Highway, Merrick, NY 11566
516-378-7100, gatewayinnlongisland.com
Contact Jody for more info 516-641-6999 or sonflowermjb@yahoo.com
(Ministry Team Training Friday, May 6th 9:30-4:30. Contact Jody for details)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGISTRATION FORM FOR THE MAY 7th UNBOUND CONFERENCE
Name of attendee: ___________________________________________________Cost:________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Parish: -____________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Easter Flower Remembrances 2016
In Loving Memory of:
In Loving Memory of:
The Deceased Members of the:
Joseph Bogenschutz
By Rita, Children & Grandchildren
Falzon & Greach Families
By Anthony & Sylvia Falzon
Albert & Justina Simmel
By Alice Simmel
Nasta Family
By Mr. & Mrs. D. Nasta
Peter & MaryAnn Simmel
By Alice Simmel
Cacciatore & Cilibrasi Families
By Joe & Mary Cilibrasi
Anita & Michael B. Mulvihill
By Pat Krug
Wilkens & Pfriender Families
By Florence Pfriender
Edward J. Hannan & Grace Hannan
By Edward Hannan
Worthington & Porcaro Families
By Rosemary & Thomas Worthington
Frank, Evelyn & Eileen Wright
By Pat & Lou Amoroso
Stress & Rizzo Families
By Mr. & Mrs. John Stress
Al, Alfred & Nedina Gargiulo
By Cathy Gargiulo
Clyne & Kenneke Families
By Lawrence & Eleanor Clyne
Patrick Kirby & Dorothy Tarantino
Mazzola & Cavalieri Families
By Susan Kirby
Pappalardo, Marchesi
& Mancuso Families
May & Alfred Laurino,
Frances & Thomas McCann
&Kevin McCann
By Fred & Jackie Cavalieri
By Marion & Ralph Pappalardo
By Mr. & Mrs. Richard Laurino
Duffy & Reed Families
John & Anna Althenn
& Dominick & Anna Carillo
By Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reed
By Joseph & Joan Carillo
O’Grady & Whelan Families
By Ron & Gerry O’Grady
Mary & Peter Leonard Vigliarolo
By the Vigliarolo Family
William Vernie & the Deceased
Members of the Bonadona Family
Kenneth & Joyce Darlington
By Edith Vernie
By the Darlington Family
Paul Sadej, Sr.
& the Deceased Members of the
Sadej & Alamia Families
Thomas J. Renschak
By Celia Renschak
By Paul Sadej
For the Special Intention of:
Louise & Ed Bochynski, Sr.
By Ed & Margie Bochynski
Albert & Esther Belbol & Family
By Albert & Esther Belbol
Rose Melley
By Stephen N. Melley
The Morgan, McGoldrick
& Reid Families
By Michael & Colleen Reid &
Barney Morgan
Lorraine & Frank Ranelli
By Lorraine & Frank Ranelli
Easter Flower Remembrances 2016
In Loving Memory of:
In Loving Memory of:
Richard C. McElroy
Jack Gormley
By John McElroy
Ronnie E. Gies
By Carol Gies & Family
Harvey Weinberg
By Anna York
Grace Amato
By John M. Amato
Peter & Barbara Slowik
By Jeanne Slowik
Kate & Mel Grannell
By Donna & Fred Jones
In Loving Memory of:
By Peg Gormley
Jeffrey Gallagher
Melville & Phyllis Rhoades,
John Bostrom &
Lillian & Ned Marzigliano
By Susan Gallagher
Frances Ferrara (Mom),
Saverio Ferrara (Dad) &
Sebastian Ferrara (Brother)
By Joann & Diane Pagan
By Michael & Sherry Marzigliano
By Linda A. Weinstock
Jack, Muriel & Kathleen
Herb Blauert
By Marilyn Blauert
Patricia Shea Pagan
John Jarosak
By Catherine Dailey Jarosak
Our Parents
By Robert & Mary O’Brien
Joseph C. Montesano
By Daughter, Sister & Grandson
Barbara Ann Yodice
Carol & Vincent Ortolani
Stephen Ambrosino
& David Jones
Joseph Green
By Nicholas J. Montesano
By Ken & CarrieAnn Paukowits
Lino Lussoro
By The Lussoro Family
Alexander Vasconi
By Kathy Vasconi & Family
Bob & Kevin Brandon
By Mr. & Mrs. John De Crescenzo
Mary Anna
& Anthony Joseph Hon
By The Yodice Family
By Pat Green & Girls
Alexander Veneroni
By The Gleason Family
By Mary V. Hon
John C. Hannan, Sr.
Edward Cotty, Sr.
& James McGowan
Pearl Rao
By Edward Hannan
By Terry Brandon
By Eileen & Edward Cotty
By Lynda Quarantello
Florence & Edward Walsh
Ann Bruss & Josephine Bey
Francine White
By Loretta & Mike Lagana
Stella & Joseph Lagana
By Loretta & Mike Lagana
Thomas G. Crotty
By Tom & Pat Crotty
James & Jimmy Wunder
By Carole & Henry Bey
Philip Kehl, Sr., Grace Kehl &
Philip Kehl
By Kathy Kehl
Adam Hicks
& Dolores Pecoraro
By Sue Gallagher
Bernadette E. Pagano
By The Pagano Family
Thomas Classi
By The Classi Family
Kathy Pellegrino
By Kasey, The Rose -Mom
By Mr. & Mrs. Barry Hicks
By The Curé of Ars Youth Choir
Johnny Carbone
Harvey Weinberg,
Paul Sadej, Sr. & Vito Alamia
Maureen Frawley
By Maryann Pereless & Family
Michael E. Cassella
By Paul Sadej
Edward A. Terryn
Mr.&Mrs. Manuel Concepcion &
Mr.&Mrs. Mariano Pesigan
By The Cassella Family
By The Baylis Family
Joseph Marino
By Nilo & Frida Concepcion
Jack Breen
By Rose M. Marino
By Jackie & James Gavin
Paul Montuori
Catherine Santaniello
By His Family
By the Walsh Family
By The Frawley Family
Paul R. Montuori
By Eunice Montuori
Frances DeSola
By Alice Simmel
Vincent J. Principe, Sr.
By Elizabeth Lewkowicz
Lorraine Rossetti
By Jackie & James Gavin
Anthony Lerro, LC.S.W.
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#246 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com
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Merrick Funeral Home
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603 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh, NY 11793
2515 N. Jerusalem Rd., E. Meadow, NY 11554
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1785 Merrick Ave., Merrick, NY
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Tel: (516) 785-0225 Fax: (516) 785-5406
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#246 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com