Schedule for the week of August 19th-August 25th
Schedule for the week of August 19th-August 25th
August 18, 2013 Pastor’s Corner Dear People of Divine Savior and our cherished visitors: Our Gospel today might catch us off-guard at first. Jesus is speaking in rather drastic ways. One aspect of the context of this passage from Luke’s Gospel is that he wrote his Gospel some sixty or so years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Paul was one to emphasize that no one of the believers in Jesus would die before He returned again. Paul had to face the fact that people were in fact dying and Jesus had not returned. Essentially, Paul encouraged the people to make the necessary adjustments and to believe that God in God’s wisdom and goodness would take care both of those who had already died as well as those currently alive. We all know how we human beings are when what we have expected something to happen at a certain time but doesn’t. We tend to become less interested in the whole matter. So, when Luke was writing his Gospel near the end of the first century, he realized that part of his responsibility was to wake up people and to get them out of their sleepy-minded ways. Today’s Gospel is meant to do exactly that. But as we believe, this Gospel is just as pertinent and alive for us as it was for Luke’s faith community. As some people say, it is high time to wake up the sleeping giant known as the Catholic Church. Certainly, all the efforts and statements of Pope Francis have thus far been focused on what the real mission of the Church is, namely, that we find ways to take care of the needy and those who have been pushed to the margins for whatever reason but especially those pushed there because of the Church. There are those who would like to re-enact our first reading. Some are not happy with Pope Francis because of his fairly thorough discontinuance of most anything to do with pomp and expensive adornments. It seems that some of these same people are upset as well with the Pope’s near constant call for the Church to reach out to the needy and marginalized. We tend not to like change, but Pope Francis wants all members of the Church to live out our baptismal commitment to continue the missions of Jesus. When Jesus says that he had come not to establish peace on the earth but rather division, Jesus is calling us to renew our commitment to make evident in our lives that our first concern in life is sharing the good news of God’s love for all. We might think it horrible that Jesus would somehow support animosity and division among family members. We need to understand that in Jesus’ day, His culture saw the family and village as the elements one needed to be faithful to in order to survive. What Jesus was asking His people and what Jesus is asking us is to choose Him over family, village or culture. Some people are simply too frightened to choose to live by the values of Jesus because they are afraid of the repercussions they might experience from family members who insist on family traditions. In line with our second reading, we are to turn over to God every burden and hindrance that might hinder us from being faithful followers of Jesus. ~Fr. Roman Schedule for the week of August 19th-August 25th 8:30am 9:15am 7:00pm Monday—August 19th Daily Mass Tai Chi Chih Cub Scouts Church Vestibule Hall A 10:00am 6:10pm 6:30pm 7:00pm Tuesday—August 20th Bible Study Divine Mercy Chaplet Mass 9:30 Choir Rehearsal Yth. Conf. Rm. St. Cecilia Rm. St. Cecilia Rm. Church 8:30am 5:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Wednesday-August 21st Mass 4:30 Choir Rehearsal 11:30 Choir Rehearsal St. Vincent de Paul Mtg Church Church Church M-4 8:30am 6:30pm 7:00pm Thursday — August 22nd Mass Rosary Group Mass Church St. Cecilia Rm. Church 8:30am Friday — August 23rd Mass Church 8:30am 3:00pm 4:30pm Saturday— August 24th Mass Confessions Mass Church Church Church 7:45am 8:45am 9:30am 9:45am 11:30am 3:00pm 5:00pm Sunday— August 25th Mass Rosary Group Mass RCIA Mass 5:00 Choir Rehearsal Mass Church Church Church Lg. Conf. Rm. Church Church Church WOMEN’S SPIRITUAL BOOK GROUP STARTS NEW BOOK IN SEPTEMBER! We will be reading “Life! Celebrate It (Listen, Learn, Laugh, Love) by Luci Swindoll. This light-hearted read will give you practical tips for joining with God through the acts of listening, learning, laughing, and loving your way through life. Each month we meet to reflect and discuss one chapter. This book has four chapters so we will be done by December. You can choose to attend one of two meeting times: 2nd Thursday of the month (first meeting September 12) from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. OR 2nd Tuesday of the month from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. (following the Tuesday 6:30 Mass; first meeting September 10). Youth Conference Room. Purchase your book on-line or order ahead through your favorite book store. For more information or to register, please contact Zori Friedrich at 635-7791. Weekend of August 10th & 11h Regular collection: $ 12,765 Order of Servants of Mary: $ 5,663 Mass Intentions August 17th 4:30pm Zoe Perrin (D) Josephine D’Arienzo (D) August 18th 7:45am People of the Parish 9:30am People of the Parish 11:30am Lee Steiner (D) 5:00pm People of the Parish August 19th 8:30am Lee Steiner (D) David Ganancial August 20th 6:30pm Bernardo Ibanez (D) August 21st 8:30am Pacita Laiz (D) August 22nd 8:30am Rosemary Boyd (D) August 23rd 8:30am Rosemary Boyd (D) August 24th 8:30am Robert Baylon (D) Vocations Cross Sunday, August 17th at the 4:30pm Mass, Pat Green, will take home the Vocations Cross to pray daily for Vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and the Religious Life. Catholic Communication – Help Us Connect the World with God’s Word! If Jesus Christ were on earth today, how would he spread his message? The Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) believes Jesus would use every means available, so it makes use of media outlets to evangelize and promote gospel values. You can truly make a difference right here in our diocese through your donation to today’s collection. Half of all funds collected in our diocese are used for local communications projects such as our diocesan newspaper and televised Mass for homebound persons. To learn more about CCC’s national communications projects, please visit ccc/ Please give generously in today’s collection. Envelopes are in the Vestibule. A QUICK JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE Presented by Jeff Cavins on video, this exciting 8-part DVD series briefly covers salvation history in a series of eight half-hour talks that are complemented by group discussion questions, useful maps and charts, and brief assignments for home study. This study makes the complexity of the Bible simple through an easy-to-follow narrative approach and an ingenious color-coded Bible timeline. This is a great way for Divine Savior parishioners to "get your feet wet" and learn how to begin authentic Catholic Bible study. Please contact Katie Karras at 9897400 or email to RSVP. The deadline to RSVP is August 30th. There will be a charge of $20 for materials and materials will only be ordered for those who have paid in full. The 8-week series is scheduled to run Tuesdays at 6:30pm during September (10, 17, 24) and October (1, 8, 15, 22, 29). Pray for our Military Personnel wherever duty calls them to serve, homeland or overseas. James Aleschus, Robert Atwood, Anthony Brooks, Jonathan Brooks, Tad Byrnes, Aimee Chabot, Elsie Cruz, Matt David, David DeLaCruz, Greg DeFilippo, Alisen Dowell, Joe Downey, Andrew Durham, Brian Eberhard, Andrew Edwards, Tom Feyoe, Mathew Fox, Timothy Fox, Gary Garbers, Cody Garcia, Kyle Garcia, David Gridley, Susan Hocker, Stephen Holtclaw, Yutaro Hosaka, Ben Isla, Tyler Kenobbie, Nicholas Koelfgen, William Kraintz, Tyler Kraintz, Andy Kuehn, Dayna Landry, Nick Liby, Maria Liranzo, Kelly Mancini, Doran Martin, Dustin McCay, Garrett McMann, Aaron McMurray, Francis Montojo, Cameron Mooney, Ian O’Sullivan, Joseph M. Paddock, David Petisor, Steven Perry (McAlpine), Logan Rasmussen, Tim Reid, Neal Ridge, Tony Rodriguez, Nicholas Roha, Ryan Roux, Jacob and Nikki Steeb, James Thatche, Jadyne Trujillo, Aimee Vigil, Danny Walsh, Rico Wasco, David Wentling, Kyle William and Brian Wright. Please contact Mary, 988-4984 to add or remove names as space is limited. If your loved one is out of the military please call Mary to take them off the list. FAITH FORMATION Registration! Children’s Faith Formation Early Childhood Development Kindergarten-5th Grade This Weekend Saturday, August 17 & Sunday, August 18 Registration for all 6th-12th graders for the Edge and Life Teen youth ministry programs will occur after all Masses this weekend. Please see the Life Teen and Edge table in the vestibule. If you have any questions regarding Edge, please contact Denise at For questions about Life Teen, please contact Nick at AFTER EVERY MASS IN THE VESTIBULE We Need More Children’s Faith Formation Catechists! A Thank You and an Invitation from the Social Justice Committee The Foster Care office in Sacramento county sends a huge thank you once again for the generosity of our parish in June. Over $1000 in gift cards were given to the Foster Care office to be distributed to youth as they are needed. Children’s Faith Formation has 11 positions to fill in order to start the new fall session. The 8:20am groups need Kindergarten, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade catechists. Grades K, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th also need assistants. The 10:20am groups need co-catechists and assistants for grades K, 2nd, and 5th. The Children’s Faith Formation for the 2013/2014 year will begin on September 15th, 2013. Catechists, co-catechists and assistants positions start with very helpful training. Support from our experienced catechists will make this a fun and rewarding opportunity. Please contact: Shery Maier, Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation call 990-6735 or READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44;Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1-2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 Our helping relationship with Northridge Elementary continues as we begin a new school year. The school welcomes volunteers from the community to help children be successful in their education in many ways. If you think you might want to help out you’re invited to a Volunteer Orientation at Northridge Elementary, 5150 Cocoa Palm Way in Fair Oaks on Thursday, August 22 at 9:30am in Room 5. For more information call Joyce at 990-0546. Adult Initiation into the Catholic Church If you or someone you know is interested in knowing more about joining the Catholic Church, please contact Sharon Laitinen at 9897400 or Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion for children, ages 7-17 It’s time to register children/teens seeking baptism or want to complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. The RCIA process is adapted for children/teens who consider themselves beginners in their faith journey. To register to get more information about these Tuesday evening sessions, call Sharon Laitinen, 989-7400 x104.
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