January 10, 2016 - St. Leo the Great Catholic Church | Fairfax, Virginia


January 10, 2016 - St. Leo the Great Catholic Church | Fairfax, Virginia
January 10, 2016
Inviting all Men of the Diocese to the 2016 Men’s
Conference on March 5 All men of the Diocese are invited
to the 6th annual diocesan Men’s Conference on March 5,
entitled, “God the Father of Extravagant Mercy.” It will
feature Damon Owens, Executive Director of the Theology
of the Body Institute, Fr. David Pignato, Theology Professor
at St. John Seminary, Boston, and Dr. Michael Horne,
Director of Clinical Services for Catholic Charities.
Breakfast, lunch, and Mass with Bishop Loverde included.
Registration began Jan. 1. Please note the new conference
location: All Saints Catholic Church, Manassas. For details
or to register, visit www.arlingtondiocese.org/men
Dear Friends,
I wish to take this opportunity to greet all of you
with the words “Merry Christmas!” one final me unl
next December. With our celebraon of the Bapsm of
the Lord the Christmas season comes to a close. When you
enter the church next weekend – or even for any of the
daily Masses this week it will seem rather bare. The
poinse*as, Christmas Trees, lights, and creche will all be
gone but the truth which is the cause of our joy certainly
never leaves. Christ has entered into our world and has
now given us hope. In the midst of darkness, sin, and
conflict, Jesus is here with us, forgiving, healing, and
transforming. We begin this New Year with a deeper faith
that God is with us. Whatever challenges this year might
hold, we are confident that we do not face them alone.
On behalf of Fathers Aitcheson and Dufresne, I
again would like to thank all of you who contributed so
much me and talent to make our church and celebraons
truly reflecve of the beauty of this season. Thank you as
well for your many expressions of kindness and gratude
(especially the edible kinds). We are humbled and
strengthened by your goodness.
In Christ,
Rev. David A. Whitestone, Pastor
All Women of the Diocese are invited to the
2016 Women’s Conference on March 12 All women of
the Diocese are encouraged to attend the annual Women’s
Conference at St. Joseph in Herndon on March 12 with
Kathleen Beckman, Co-founder and President of the
Foundation of Prayer for Priests and Sister Clare Hunter,
Respect Life Director for the Dioceses of Arlington. The
conference title is “God the Father of Extravagant Mercy.” It
will begin with Mass celebrated by Bishop Loverde at 8:45
am. Confessions will be offered from 7:00—8:45 am. Online
registration started January 1. No registration at the
door. Visit www.arlingtondiocese.org/women for details.
FAIRFAX Under the
patronage of Bl. Giorgio Frassati, we
are a community of young adults (20's30's, singles & couples) striving to
deepen our faith, serve the community,
& evangelize the culture, while enjoying
coffee & outdoors-y activities.
Running Group will take a break during the winter
months. We will start up again after Easter.
Every Wednesday: Whiskey and Wisdom at Auld
Shebeen, 6-7:00 pm. January 13 & 27, we will discuss
the wisdom in the book of "Letters to a Young Catholic,"
led by Mike Horvath.
Looking ahead: We will have our spring planning session March
12th at the Mass & Coffee event. Bring your ideas (or email them
if you can't attend) and we will come up with some great events
for the spring and summer.
If you would like to receive our newsletter with upcoming
events, or be added to our Google Community Group,
send an email to: FrassatiFairfax@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter: @FrassatiFairfax
—Please remember in your prayers the repose of
the souls of the faithful departed, especially:
Brendan Roche, brother of Erin Matlock; Eileen
Murphy, mother of Michael Murphy.
—We ask you to remember those in need of our
daily prayers.
The Extraordinary Form Traditional
Latin Low Mass according to the
1962 Missal of Pope St. John XXIII
will be celebrated at Saint Leo on
Thursday, January 14 at 7:00 pm
All are welcome. Please join us.
Father Diamond Scholarship
Knights of Columbus
Council 6292 will award a 4 year $500 scholarship to a
Catholic student entering 9th grade in a Catholic HS starting
in the Fall 2016. The application is available on the council
website at www.6292.kofcva.org in the News Headlines
section. For information contact Tim Tilson at 703-273-9436
or via email at HMSLYDIA@msn.com.
Calling all Science Fair Fans!
St. Leo School Needs You!
We are looking for judges for
our Middle School Science Fair
to be held the morning of
January 29th in the school gym. No prior judging or science
experience required ...just a desire to be a part of an event
for our children! If you're interested, please contact Jeffrey
Ketron at jeffreyketron@live.com. Many thanks!
LUNCH N' LIFE Are You 50 or Better? Please join us for
Lunch N’ Life sponsored by Shepherd’s Center of FairfaxBurke on Thursday, January 21(12-2pm) at The Lutheran
Church of the Abiding Presence, 6304 Lee Chapel Rd,
Burke. Entertainment: Capital Swing Quartet, a women's a
capella group will sing favorite & popular tunes. For
reservations, call Faye Quesenbery: 703-620-0161 by
January 15th. Cost is $10; checks payable to SCFB. If
transportation is needed, call SCFB office 703-3234788. See www.scfbva.org for more information
by the Shepherd's Center of Fairfax-Burke will be on
December 8th (2nd Tuesday) at Noon - 1:30 pm at the Lord
of Life Lutheran Church, 5114 Twinbrook Road, Fairfax.
The group is for those caring for someone with dementia or
interested in learning more about providing care giving to a
person with a disorder that affects memory and cognition
and may impact behavior and physical abilities. Before
attending, contact the facilitator, Eileen Thompson at 703451-8626 or Eileen.thompson1@gmail.com
1 Sm 1:1-8; Mk 1:14-20
1 Sm 1:9-20; Mk 1:21-28
1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Mk 1:29-39
1 Sm 4:1-11; Mk 1:40-45
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Mk 2:1-12
1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19, 10:1a; Mk 2:13-17
Is 62:1-5; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11
January 11 through January 17
Alberto Zavoli
William Cahill
Virginia Sandoval
Adoracion Litan
Teresa Colucci
John Essig
Marge Baringhaus
Capt. Thomas Rogers, USN
Louis Rowlands
Special Intention
Roberto Melgar
John Front
Patricia DeLateur
For The Parish
Edward Shackelford
Armando Guardado
David Stevens
In addition to the regular schedule of Masses, Mass has
been offered for the following intentions: Special Intention,
Mary Ellen Dalrymple, Larry Kropp, James Hartzell, Albert
and Conching Daradal, James Hartzell, James Hartzell,
Luenfeld Family, Estelle Allan, Estelle Allan, Estelle Allan,
In Thanksgiving.
Leo. The next class is Tuesday, January 12th at
7:30 pm in the St. Matthew room. Please call the
rectory office (703-273-5369) to register.
Low Gluten Hosts are available for those who need them.
Please inform the sacristan before Mass begins.
“This is My beloved Son in whom I am well
Are you considering making
known the love of our Heavenly Father as a
priest, deacon, sister or brother? Call
Father J.D. Jaffe at 703-841-2514, or write:
Seminarian Education Endowment Fund (SEEF) Matching
Gift Campaign Support our seminarians through the
Seminarian Education Endowment Fund (SEEF). SEEF, was
established in 2011 as a permanent endowment fund. SEEF’s
income provides funding for annual seminarian expenses such
as room, board, tuition, health insurance, and books; which
total almost $40,000 per seminarian. Give generously and
take advantage of a $100,000 matching gift program! To
donate, make checks to: Foundation for the CDA – SEEF.
Mail to: The Foundation, 200 N. Glebe Road, Suite 811,
Arlington, VA 22203. For more information on SEEF, please
Contact Matt Dwyer, Director of Special Gifts at
m.dwyer@arlingtondiocese.org or (703) 841-3819.
Bishop Loverde’s Letter on the Jubilee of
In the Year of Mercy, join Bishop Loverde
in embracing “the inner joy that comes from
receiving mercy.” He invites you to read his letter
on the Jubilee, now available in Spanish and
English: www.arlingtondiocese.org/jubilee
Saint Leo the Great
Catholic School
invites interested parents to visit the
school and learn what makes us a
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Applications for the current school year are available in the
school office. You may stop by to pick one up during school
hours, 8:00 am—3:00 pm or access forms on our website at:
Applications for the 2016-2017 school year are
available in the school office. Join us for an Open
House on any of the following dates: Jan. 31,
12:00 pm; Feb. 17, 10 am; March 16, 10 am;
April 20, 10 am; May 11, 10 am or call the school
office to make an appointment for a tour 703-273-1211, ext 645.
In case of inclement weather please check
the website or call the school office.
Financial Aid packets available upon
PLEASE NOTE: Saint Leo parishioners receive preferential
status in Pre-School through eighth grade applications.
In-parish families must be registered.
January 10, 2016
Faith & Food at P.J. Skidoos
Please join us on Monday, February 1st
at 7 pm, for an evening of fellowship
and lively discussion over dinner
(appetizers on us!). Father Whitestone
will lead out discussion. Be sure to
bring your friends! All ages are welcome! Contact Carolyn:
carolynsmith.stleos@gmail.com, 703-273-7277.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
(RCIA) is a process for bringing into the Catholic Church
both those who have never been baptized & those who
were baptized in a non-Catholic church. RCIA is also the
way for adult Catholics who have never been confirmed to
prepare for the final Sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation.
Every September, a new RCIA process begins at St. Leo.
We invite any adult who would like to join the Catholic
Church, be confirmed, or who is simply interested in
learning about the teachings and customs of Catholic
Christianity to come and join us. While classes are part of
the process, RCIA is more than a class; it is a gradual
introduction to the customs, beliefs, practices, and
devotions of Catholicism. There is no obligation, only an
opportunity to learn! RCIA meets on Tuesdays, from
7:30-9 pm in the Guadalupe Room.
Adult Confirmation Adults who wish to receive the
Sacrament of Confirmation need to attend the RCIA
classes on Tuesday evenings. Classes have begun and
will continue through March, 2016. Adult Confirmation will
take place at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in
Arlington, on May 14 & 15, 2016.
You Can Understand
the Bible!
If you want a better
understanding of our faith,
and a deeper relationship
with God, then you should join us for A Quick Journey
Through the Bible. The series begins January 15, and
continues for 8 weeks. Each session will include a halfhour video & a group discussion, and will begin at 9:45
am. Please contact Gigi (Gisela) Trujillo: 703-298-0481 for
further information.
For more information about any of the above, please
contact Carolyn at carolynsmith.stleos@gmail.com or
Religious Education News
Religious Education Office:
Pantry needs: toilet paper, tissues, hand
sanitizer, paper towels, exam gloves, corn
muffin mix, cake frosting, powdered milk,
mash potatoes, rice, syrup and jam.
Help immigrants in our parish and community learn
English! Catholic Charities of the Diocese of ArlingtonHogar Immigrant Services, Education Services is seeking
volunteer teachers for ESOL (English for Speakers of
Other Languages) at St. Leo Catholic Church beginning in
January. We offer four levels of English instruction and
classes will be held on Saturdays from 10:00am12:00pm. Training and materials are provided. No previous
experience or second language required! Please help us
demonstrate Christ's love by "welcoming the stranger" in
this country. If interested, please call 571-208-1572 or
email volunteer.hogar@ccda.net.
English Classes Available at St. Leo Catholic CharitiesHogar Immigrant Services offers English classes on
Saturdays from 10am-12pm. Registration for classes
will be Saturday, January 16th, from 10:00am-12:00pm.
Various class levels are available. The cost is $50 for 12
weeks of classes and includes the textbook. For more
information call Hogar Immigrant Services: 571-208-1572.
Father Diamond Council
Events & Calendar
Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
8:00 PM
Providence Hall
Corporate Communion – 11:00 am Mass
7:15 Bingo - Fairfax Nursing Home
7:30PM Rosary, 8:00PM Meeting Providence Hall
Family Breakfast after 7:30 & 9:00 Masses
January 22
March For Life – Washington, DC
Giant, Shoppers Food Warehouse & Safeway Food Cards
for sale – at Providence Hall every weekday at 3:00 PM
or call Larry Novak - 703-978-6137
Join the Knights – Contact Joe Gesker – 703-435-4811
Babies! What it Means to be Pro-Life" We will be talking
about the March for Life, and why it is such an important
event. Meet for Mass at 5:00pm, followed by dinner, games,
faith and fun from 6pm-8pm in the gym. Bring a friend!
Girls CLC is this week, Monday, January 11, 7:30-9 pm. Each
week we break open the Gospels and reflect on
scripture. Having tea pares and eang cupcakes are part of
the weekly fun! Interested? Contact Laura Benne>
at stleosgirlsclc@gmail.com
Boys CLC is this week! Join us Wednesday, January 13 from
7:30-9 pm. Each week we break open the Gospels and reflect
on scripture. Playing ulmate frisbee, board games, or
jamming out are part of the weekly fun! Interested? Contact
Mike Paque>e at stleosclc@gmail.com
Middle School
Thursday Takeovers return this week, January 14. We meet
weekly from 3:30-5:00 pm for snacks, games, and prayer!
New folks always welcome!
Mark your calendars for the next ON FIRE! January 30!
#BlessedAreTheMerciful. We will meet for 5:00pm Mass,
followed by dinner, games, at talk a Bonfire and S'mores! We
will be making baby blankets for the Gabriel Project. This
year's theme is #BLESSED.
Save the Date(s):
Save the Date for Life is VERY Good Evening of Prayer on
January 21 at GMU!! Ticket cost: $17.00. Forms online and
DUE by Monday, January 18. Open to 6th-12th graders.
Life is VERY Good Morning Rally on January 22 at GMU! We
will meet at 7:45 am, a>end the Rally, head to DC & return to
St. Leo by 3:30 pm. Chik Fil A Lunch and bus transportaon
included. Cost $20. A=end BOTH the Evening of Prayer &
Morning Rally for reduced price of $35!
WINTER RETREAT: February 19-21, 2016 at NorthBay
Adventure Camp, Grades 9-12
Do you have a heart for youth ministry?
We are looking for YOU! We are in need of adult
volunteers with hearts on fire for Christ! Must be at least
21 years of age, and must be fully compliant with the
requirements of the Diocesan Office for the Protection of
Children/Young People.
Questions? Email Melissa at stleosyouth@gmail.com
For more information, calendars and registration forms,
check out our website: www.stleosyouth.com
EnCourage is a Catholic support community for parents,
family, and friends who want to reach out in truth and
compassion to loved ones experiencing same-sex
attractions. Standing by the true teachings of the Roman
Catholic Church, EnCourage members support one
another and their loved ones through discussion, prayer,
and fellowship. EnCourage meets the first Monday of each
month at St. Veronica Parish in the school building, room
P205, at 7:30 pm. St. Veronica is located at 3460
Centreville Rd, Chantilly. For information, or to reach a
priest who works with EnCourage, please email:
encourage@arlingtondiocese.org. Even if you are not
comfortable with the idea of group meeting, priests working
in this ministry will help you!
Prime-Time Single Catholics PTSC is a club organized
to serve the needs of single Catholics, age 40 and over,
who are free to marry by Catholic standards. Share in
Christian fellowship through our religious, social and
recreational activities. For information, please visit our
webpage at www.blessedsacramentcc.org/church/parishcommunity/prime-time-single-adults, or contact John
McBride at (703) 820-9196 or jfmcbride_526@hotmail.com
Horarios e Información
Santas Misas:
domingos a la 1:00 pm
sábados–5 pm (Vigilia),
domingos–7:30, 9, 11:00, 5pm
January 10, 2016
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekends are on Feb 19-21 in Herndon or April
22-24 in Fredericksburg. For more information or
to apply, visit our website at renewmarriagevanorth.org or contact us at applications@renewmarriagevanorth.org or 703-378-4150.
The History Committee of the Fr. William Corby Division of
the Ancient Order of Hibernians, of Fairfax Station,
Virginia is sponsoring a four part history series to
commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the April 24,1916
Easter Rising. The series will explore key event that led up
to the Easter rising starting with the Irish rebellion of
1798. The Easter Rising of 1916, in which the volunteers,
explicitly declaring a republic, launched an insurrection
whose aim was to end British rule. It set in motion a series
of events that led to the creation of the Irish Free State in
1922 and the Irish Republic in 1937.
1~ Sunday, Jan.17—The United Irishmen of 1798 at 2:00 PM
2~ Sunday Feb. 14—The Great Famine 1845-1848 at 2:00 PM
3~ Sunday, March 13—The Fenians (Irish Republican Brotherhood),
1858-1915 at 2:00 PM
4~ Sunday, April 24—The Easter Rising of 1916 at 2:00 PM
For information, contact John Needham: 703-209-1575.
“Tú eres mi Hijo, el predilecto; en ti me
complazco". ¿Estás pensando en dar a
conocer el amor de nuestro Padre Celestial
como sacerdote, diácono, hermana o
hermano? Llama al Padre J.D. Jaffe (703)
Confesiones en español: Los domingos desde las 12:00pm
a 12:50pm.
Bautizos: Preparación- llamar a Carlos Cea: 703-8362139.
RCIA Para Adultos: Domingos 11:00am-12:15pm, Salón Juan
en el Centro Parroquial. Para información, llamar al Diácono
José López, 703-222-7704.
Matrimonio: Todo Católico que desee contraer matrimonio
debe contactar la parroquia por lo menos seis meses antes del
evento. Para mayor información comunicarse con Diacono
Jose Lopez 703-222-7704.
Catequesis Para Niños y Jóvenes: domingos 11– 12:30.
Llamar a: 703-273-4868.
Sacramentos para Estudiantes de Secundaria: llamar
a la Oficina de Jovenes al teléfono 703-591-6089, ó email a
stleosyouth@gmail.com .
Legion de Maria: sabado 5:00—6:30 pm ó domingo 11
am—12:30 pm.
Información: Virginia Pierson —vpierson@stleofairfax.com
Para información, llamar al Diacono José López 703-222-7704.
Se ofrece clases de inglés en Iglesia San Leo Magno
Caridades Católicas – Hogar Immigrant Services ofrece
clases de inglés los sabados de 10:00 am-12:00
pm. Inscríbase el 16 de enero de 10:00 am-12:00
pm. Ofrecemos varios niveles de clases. El precio de las
clases es $50 por las 12 semanas de clases e incluye el
libro. Llame a 571-208-1572 para más información.
Estudio Bíblico - Concordancia de la Biblia Todos los
viernes de 7:15 a 8:45pm en el salon San Juan. Para
mayor información llamar a Sandra Solares, 703-346-0409.
Hora Santa: Jesus nos dijo ¿No puedes acompañarme por
una hora? El grupo de oración de la parroquia los invita a
una Hora de Adoración delante del Santísimo normalmente
todos lo últimos sábados del més. La próxima será el 30
Grupo de Oración Sábados 6-8:30pm, Salon de Nuestra
Sra de La Guadalupe. Información: Jose Ferrufino: 703250-1343.
January 10, 2016

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