CARAVAN - Bahia Shrine


CARAVAN - Bahia Shrine
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan |
If you know of a child Shriners
Hospital might be able to help,
Please Call our toll-free patient
referral line: 1-800-237-5055
Ill. Sir Ken Harrelson
Volume 61 ~ No. 5
Check out the
Lo-Boil Ad
On Page 14!!
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 2
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 3
Potentate’s Message
Elected Divan By Ill. Sir Ken Harrelson
Top of the day to you:
I hope everyone had a good summer? The Temple stayed pretty busy
and I have seen a lot of posts from different people of their events this
summer and it looks like some had a wonderful summer.
We had a good time at the Imperial convention in Houston Texas. It
was voted on and passed to raise the per capita from $15 to $30 by the
Representatives at the session.
Ill Sir Ken Harrelson Potentate
Jon Thomas
Chief Rabban
Mitch Lokken
Asst. Rabban
The two months that we were dark the Bingo workers kept going,
every Wednesday night they are there working and we Thank them
very much for all they do. The Breakfast workers are another group
that we Thank so much for their time and effort as a lot of them are
there at 6am setting up and getting it started. You know, come to think
of it, there are a lot of Nobles and their Ladies that do so much to keep
your Temple going.
There was another Temple Chartered July 2015, Brazil, that brings us
to 196 Temples.
In closing, I look forward to the 2nd half of this year working for you
and having fun doing what we do best "Having fun and helping Kids"
Ken Harrelson
Potentate 2015
Ian Ielfield
High Priest &
Frank Guida
Trey Rapp
Dennis West
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 4
Table of Contents From the Editor
A Day For Brian
Assistant Rabban's Message
Athaliah Temple No. 114 D.O.N.
Bahia 55 Club
Bahia Bands
Brick Order Form
Camel Herders
Caravan Ad Rates
Caravan Boosters
Caravan Booster Form
Chief Rabban Message
Children’s Corner
Director’s Message/Ceremonial
Director’s Staff
From the Editor
Fun and Frolic
Golf Unit
Greater Daytona Shrine Club
High Priest & Prophet Message
In Memoriam (Black Camel)
Iron Horses
Kentucky Colonels Club
Kismet Kourt No. 86 L.O.S.N.A.
Ladies Auxillary
Legion of Honor
Membership Petition
Motorcycle Unit
Notes and More from F.S.A.
Oriental Guide Message
Past Potentates
Paper Crusade Program
Paper Drive Message
Petition for Membership
Potentate’s Ball Pictures
Potentate's Message
Provost Guard
Radio Unit
Ritual Unit
RV Club
Scribes Deadline
Special Meeting Notes
Special Meeting Pictures
Special Order No. 4 - Imperial
Stated Meeting Notice
The Villages Shrine Club
Transportation Fund Donations
By Noble David M. Rosenthal
My Fellow Nobles,
It has been a busy summer and should be a very busy fall as well.
There is some concern and talk in our Shrine Center regarding our Shrine Center’s Financial
and Fraternal well being. Our Temple is having financial difficultly yes, Fraternally, I think
we have a few hard working Nobles and many who prefer to sit on the sidelines and complain
that those few aren't’ doing enough. Talking about it is not going to help the situation. Doing
something about it, will. We all need to take a role in working with our Divan in fixing what
is broken.
Question is what can you do to help? That can be a tough question to answer in some cases.
One thing you can do is support the Temple’s functions when you can. September 12th is one
of those opportunities at the Music Legends and Variety Show “Live.” This event is being
sponsored by the Kentucky Colonels and will directly benefit the Temple. Check out the Ad
on Page 13. Come to our Pancake Breakfasts. Where can you go for Breakfast anymore for
$5.00 including a beverage? How many of you are Boosters in this very Publication or have
commercial businesses that could benefit from advertising in the Caravan?
If you know someone who is planning on getting married, the Temple is a great facility to
hold their reception. We need Rentals. Know of another group looking to hold a Conference
in Central Florida? Recommend our Shrine Center. We have what they need; a large
Convention/Vendor area. Eating Space. Breakout Rooms for training sessions and of course
the Large Outdoor Covered Area for Use as well.
Our Shrine Center can be use as a Concert Venue. Comedians, Music Groups and other Acts
can use the facility to bring revenue into the Center. We need to start thinking out of the box.
Do we have to rent the Center or can we Give the Center away and agree with a Promoter to
Share the Profits of an event and make additional money on Food and Beverages?
I would like you to consider the above and come up with other ideas as we move into the fall.
Our Divan needs our assistance in making our Temple successful. We didn’t elect them to do
all the work. We elected them to lead and administer the Shrine. I hope you will be diligent in
your support of our Divan. I encourage you to take an active role in the Shrine. Our Chief
Rabban, John Thomas Gumina, is holding a
Dinner for the 2016 Official Family on
Saturday, October 17th. If you have not volunteered to take a position give him a call. I am
sure he can find something for you to do in the official family that you will find rewarding
and something that will
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Noble David Rosenthal
OCTOBER 17, 2015
Happy Hour 6:00 PM
Dinner 7:00 PM
Program 8:15 PM
*Order your Official Family Clothing*
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 5
Starting Monday, 8/31/2015
at 8:00 pm, westbound
Pembrook Drive at Keller
Road will be permanently
closed to thru traffic.
A cul-de-sac will be built on
Pembrook near the current
intersection with Keller
Rd. From west bound SR
414, you will need to turn at
Summit Blvd to the
roundabout and then right to
272 W. State Road 15A, Deland
Dinner Meeting - 2nd Monday - 6 pm
Business Meeting - Last Monday - 7 pm
All Nobles and Ladies are Welcome to Join US!
President - Jim Zender
Secretary - Maurice Winsor
You can advertise your business, group meetings, dinners,
parties and fundraisers in the Caravan and in the Morning
Inside Front or Rear Cover (In Color) $450 per month or $2600
per year.
Back Cover (In Color)
$450 per month or $2600 per year.
Full Page (B&W)
$350 per month or $2,000 per year.
Ritual Unit
Half Page (B&W)
$175per month or $1,000 per year
By Noble David M. Rosenthal
Are you a Noble who enjoys the forms and ceremonies of initiation?
Have you ever wondered about the Nobles who perform the
Ceremonial initiation to become a Noble of Shriners
We have a place for you in the Ritual Unit.
Our Unit meets on the 1st Friday of each month in Unit Room
“A” at 7:30pm.
If you are interested in
becoming a member of the
Ritual Unit, contact our
Director, Tom Panetta at 863-224
-4398 or via email at
West Volusia Shrine Club
Quarter Page (B&W)
$90 per month or $500 per year
Business Card (B&W)
$55 per month or $300 per year
Shrine Unit, Clubs, and Masonic Appendant Bodies are offered
a 50% Discount on above Prices for non-commercial use.
Any Commercial B&W ad can be in color for a 20% surcharge.
For more information contact:
David Rosenthal
352-702-3878 Office
954-263-1110 Cell
Email Ads or changes to
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Caravan Editor at address above.
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 6
Chief Rabban's
Asst. Rabban's
Noble Jon Thomas Gumina
Noble Mitch Lokken
My Fellow Nobles,
Our July Special meeting has come and gone, everyone was very
anxious to hear what our plans are for our location. I have had many
people come to me with mixed feelings. Some want to look for a
small facility and others want to say where we are. I constantly hear
that our building is paid for, and it is. Our biggest challenge with our
present location is that it’s a large facility that requires upkeep and
maintenance. We moved into our location in 1992 and as we
progressed we constantly fixed things with band aids instead of the
way they should have been repaired. Mostly because of budget
problems and some just thought this would be the easiest way to do
it for "their year". Those days have caught up with us.
There are over 20 A/C units that were installed in 1992 and
they are still in use in the auditorium there are 4-20 ton units
the average cost of replacement could run between $7 - $10 K
per unit
Another expense would be replacing our roof. Cost to be
Parking lot resurfacing and repair and restriping.
Lighting could cost $65-$70 K plus a dimming panel for the
Auditorium would be an additional $12 K
Sound system replacement could cost from $18-$25K
We are embarking on an area that many of us never ventured into. I
was only a Shriner for a couple of years when we moved from Gore
Street to our current location. For the most part it was a happy
move. Some of the units were not happy because they had their own
unit rooms on Gore Street and here they had to share their unit room
with other units. In time, we all adapted and it really wasn't as bad
as some of the "older" members thought it would be. Do we leave
and find a new location? Do we build a new structure or try to find
an existing building, or do we stay and be a slave to our building to
keep it maintained. Utilities bills are our major challenge. These are
only a few questions that we will be up against. Please keep your
mind open for any and all suggestions. We are not closing our
Shrine. The membership will be updated as this progresses. Our
first step is to have a professional appraisal of the building and
property. That dollar figure will be announced at a stated meeting.
After the building is listed and we have an offer that we feel is
"acceptable" we will again bring this offer the membership for a
vote to either accept or reject the offer, then we will look for a either
a new location, build or buy an existing property. My point is that
the Membership will be involved every step of the process.
My Fellow Nobles,
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. I hope you had time to
travel and spend time with your family and friends.
The Imperial Session was held in Houston and I want to thank
you for allowing me to represent you. Illustrious Sir Ken
Harrelson will have a full report at the September Stated meeting.
A lot of work goes into these sessions and I know each of us will
start to assist the 2017-2018 Team as we get near. Next year the
Imperial Session is in Tampa. I hope some of you can make the
short drive and stay for a few days. If you can’t stay long, drive
down for the day and make sure you visit the marketplace and the
hospitality rooms hosted by other temples. It is a great way meet
Shriners from all over the world. The dates are July 3-7. Also
save the date of July 4th to participate in the Shrine Parade. The
Shrine Parade in Tampa on July 4th will be in Historic Ybor City,
known as Tampa's Latin Quarter for over a century. Ybor City is
an exotic blend of aromas, sights, and sounds. This area hosts
several parades each year and is a good fit for our Shrine parade.
The parade route will be down 7th Avenue, the main street of the
Historic District. The Shriners will be the Independence Day
Parade for the city. This should provide for a large viewing
audience of Tampa citizens along with our visiting Shriners. The
Parade will step off at 6:00 pm with fireworks to follow. Ybor
City is located approximately one mile from the Convention
Center area where the fireworks are traditionally held. Make your
plans to come to Ybor City and enjoy the parade.
I want to thank everyone that was able to attend the special
meeting of the Temple on July 23rd. Everyone showed their
passion to make sure we move in the right direction for the future
of OUR Bahia. It takes each and everyone to keep Bahia great.
I hope everyone is able to come and participate in the Variety
Show on September 12th at Bahia. It will be an interesting
evening for sure. The Iron Horses are hosting a fundraiser on
September 26th. They will have a poker run to some local
restaurants, motor cycle games, hang out at the Octoberfest, have
a pool and dart tournament at Cooter Browns and finish off with
live music. It is an event that everyone can enjoy. Cars, trucks,
bicycles, etc are all welcome to join in on the fun. This is an all
day event so participate however you can.
Finally, I request that you save the date now for the Sam Swope
Memorial Charity Ride. It will be held March 6th, 2016. The ride
will start at Bahia and we will have an escorted ride over to
Seminole Harley. If you would like to participate in the ride this
We are home from Imperial session in Houston. There were over
year please email me at or call me at
10,000 in attendance. I am overflowing with pride for all of us that
wear a Fez.
(Continued on Page 10)
See you at Bahia,
Mitch Lokken
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 7
High Priest &
Prophet’s Wisdom
Directions from
the Oriental Guide
Noble Ian Ielfield
Noble Trey Rapp
Nobles all,
Greetings Nobles, Ladies and Friends,
I would imagine that by now, each of you have discussed or
overhead amongst friends the main topic at hand that our Temple is
facing, the potential of selling and relocating our facilities. I say
“facilities” because Our Temple, Our Fraternity, Our Brotherhood
and Our service to the community and more importantly the
hospitals will not skip a beat. Bahia has faced this challenge of
packing and unpacking a few times through our history here in
Central Florida. This time will be no different. I assure you that
many qualified individuals are painstaking looking at every option
under the sun to make this work for the betterment of what we have
established. We are always looking for volunteers and men willing
to give assistance with this endeavor and with your help, I know a
rebirth of our facilities will untimely be what is best for us all.
Thank You to everyone that purchased a ticket for the Labor
Day Weekend Getaway! The drawing was held at the Pancake
Breakfast in August!!
Now for something not so heavy and preachy. I would like to thank
the many hard working Nobles who over the summer helped
continue our great cause and keep the lights on. The Nobles and
Ladies who week after week show up to host Bingo. These Nobles
dedicate a great portion of their Wednesdays helping serve the
community, and more importantly help raise much needed funds for
our General fund. If you get a chance to stop by the Mosque one
Wednesday, make sure you stop by and see what great work they do
as a team week after week. You may be lucky enough to grab a hot
dog or even a great spaghetti dinner that’s hosted by them once a
As the Summer draws to a close and the kids start to go back to
school, I look back and remember what it was like for me to start a
new grade or even possible have to go to a new school. It was
mostly the same kids, but the anxiety and thoughts of the unknown
grew over me as the days approached prior to the first bell ringing.
Nobles, this reminds me of the feelings I personally have now. We
have a few unknowns, we may not know where we will be going or
where our lockers and classrooms will be. What a great and
refreshing thought to know that our friends will be alongside of us
for this journey. People we have “grown up” with. Faces that you
see in the corridors and in the fez. This excitement should be looked
at as a new beginning to our future and a process of growth in our
beloved Fraternity.
The great Winston Churchill (also a Freemason)
once said “To improve is to change; to be
perfect is to change often”.
Get involved, stay involved, bring in new
members and most importantly, have fun!
High Priest and Profit
Ian Ielfield, Lady Deana and Princess Riley
The winner was M. Hodge! Congratulations!!
The Raffle raised a total of $680.00 for the General Fund.
A GIANT THANK YOU to everyone that showed up to help
with the last Pancake Breakfast. We were EXTREMELY
short handed but, because of your dedication and hard work,
we pulled through.
The next Pancake Breakfast will be on Sept. 6th. Join us for a
great breakfast and fellowship.
We will be missing quite a few of our usual help for the
OCTOBER breakfast so, if you have any interest in helping
your temple with a fundraiser, NOW IS THE TIME!
Come out on the 6th and see how it's done an find a spot you
think fits. There is always plenty to do and it's a great way to
meet new people.
If you have any interest or questions let me know. As always,
I'll see you in the Red Fez on Thursday!
Trey Rapp,
Oriental Guide
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 8
New Ladies Auxillary Forming
On Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 7:30 PM in unit room "D" of Bahia
Shrine Center, ladies of the nobility met to discuss the feasibility of
forming a Bahia Shrine ladies' auxiliary. Kathy Gumina was the
The primary focus of the auxiliary would be social with an emphasis
on getting to know each other better and having lots of fun. All
Shriners' ladies are welcome. The auxiliary would extend a helping
hand to the nobility as requested or needed and to help with new
Ladies coming into the Shrine, making them feel apart of this
organization. To promote Shrinedom by wearing logo shirts out in
the public.
On The 6th Annual
Hillbilly Family Cruise
Net Proceeds From The Cruise Benefit
Examples of the activities the auxiliary would work with the paper
drive, preparing the meal for the stated meeting (with dessert!) if
A motion was, made by Georgia Hershiser and seconded by Roberta
Segee to form the auxiliary.
The vote to form was nearly unanimous. There were 50 ladies in
attendance and nearly all signed up to become members.
The plan is to hold meetings in tandem with Bahia's stated meetings.
So ladies can come with their Nobles to the stated meeting and meet
the Ladies they have seen around for a long time and get to meet new
ones. The next meeting of the ladies' auxiliary will be on September
3 at which time officers and by-laws will be discussed as well as
Two ladies have already volunteered to be Officers. If you have any
questions about the auxillary, please call Kathy Gumina at 407-
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If you aren’t a Booster for the Caravan, head over to Page 15, fill out the form and
send it in with your Donation. We need your help to keep this Publication going!
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 9
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 10
Chief Rabban's Message
The Villages Shrine Club
(Continued from Page 6)
By Noble Omar Need, Publicity Chairman, Scribe and
Newsletter Editor at the Villages SC
We welcome a new country into the Shrine this session. Imperial
presented the South American Nation of Brazil its charter
empowering them to work.
We watched the two children who were selected to be our new
Imperial Hospital Patient Ambassadors share their experiences with
us their tragic life experiences and how the Shriners Hospital for
Children improved their quality of life, my heart went out to them,
knowing that we had a helping hand in providing this unbelievable
care. I am proud to be Shriner and that that we makes this
unbelievable contribution to everyone, regardless of the ability to
pay. I just wanted every member of the shrine to see and feel what
we experienced at this years Imperial Session, and to be equally as
We all enjoyed several days of fellowship with friends that we have
come to know, sharing ideas for future events. Bahia had over 50
people that attended this year’s session in Houston. Most of us from
Bahia got together and enjoyed a dinner on Monday night. Thanks
to Ian Ielfield, our High Priest and Profit, for putting things
The Committee of 2017 was very pleased at the response of room
booking for 2017.
The club hopes that everyone’s summer was as enjoyable as
The VSC was dark in July and August. However, it did hold an event
for the membership at Eaton Beach Restaurant at Lake Weir, in
Marion County, on July 31st.
In July the club lost two of its members to the Black Camel; Noble
Milton G. Bass, on July 25th and Noble Kenneth L. Johnson, 2014
club President, on July 28th. In August it lost Noble Dale Barsness on
August 8th. They will be truly missed.
The Stated Meeting in September will be Tuesday, September 8th.
There will be a pizza social and entertainment by a comedian before
the meeting..
Friday, October 2nd and Saturday, October 3rd, the club will hold its
Paper Drive, raising funds for Bahia Shriners Hospital
Transportation Fund. On Tuesday, October 6th, it will have a Phil
Dirt & The Dozers Concert at the Savannah Center, in The Villages,
to raise funds for the Tampa Shriners Hospital. Then Tuesday,
October 13th, it will end the month’s activities with its Stated
Meeting. Prior to the meeting there will be a chili cook-off.
The weather was actually very nice. Warm but not unruly HOT.
The Parade went off with out a hitch and lasted about one hour.
Entertainment for the Representatives night was the Texas Tenors.
There were many Facebook contributions from attendees.
August 18th, the club’s ladies organization, the Al Kora Shrine
Ladies, celebrated their 10 year Anniversary at the Orange Blossom
Hills Country Club.
Congratulations to Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt being elected to the
highest office in the Shrine. We at Bahia sincerely wish you much
success for your year.
The Al Kora Ladies are working on plans for a Money/Lottery Tree
Raffle and their annual Fall Garage Sale. In addition they will be
selling White House Christmas ornaments. The proceeds from these
will go to the Bahia Shriners Hospital Transportation Fund.
The Divan is putting together the team for 2016 and we are looking
for volunteers for key positions. If you have a strength in something,
let us know. Maybe you would like to work head up or work on our
monthly breakfast team, or assist our Editor with Ad Sales on the
Caravan Staff, or assist with something on one of our other
committees, the Shrine only works with your help and assistance
and I still have some openings for the official family for 2016. If
you would like to be involved, we love to have you. Call Noble Jim
Batenchuk or myself to join the team.
Yours in service,
Jon Thomas Gumina
The VSC continues to seek new membership and welcomes all
The club’s monthly Stated Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of
every month, except July and August, in the Orchid room of the
Hibiscus Village Recreation Center located on Bailey Trail next to
Cane Gardens Country Club, The Villages, Florida. All Shriners and
their Ladies are cordially invited to attend. Meetings start at 7:00 pm
and last about 1 hour. Prior to the meeting there is either a social
hour or dinner at 6:00 pm. For further information contact club
president Gerry Vannienwenhove at (352) 750-4513
Fun and Frolic
By Stovetop
Fellow Nobles, looking for a way to help the Shrine and have a
blast? Consider being a clown. Don't have any clown experience?
Who cares!? We will provide you a costume and do your make-up
or teach you what you need to do. We take photos, sign autographs,
crack jokes, and have a jolly good time. Easy right? And if you are
feeling like being a superstar, you can even join in on one of our
skits! For more information, call me at 203-815-4033 or email
Ryan Kilmartin, Fun and Frolic Unit.
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 11
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 12
Tue Divan Meeting
Thu Stated Meeting
Sun Pancake Breakfast
Sat Music Legends & Variety Show
Fri GMOV 18th Masonic District
Sat Oktoberfest
Sat Day for Brian - Bahia Poker Run
Thu Stated Meeting
Sun Pancake Breakfast
Tue Divan Meeting
23-24 F-S Fall Ceremonial
Wed Trustees Meeting
Tue Divan Meeting
Thu Stated Meeting
Enjoying a
“Mickey Mouse”
Pancake at the
(Includes $.31 FL Sales Tax)
Scrambled Eggs, Sausage,
Grits, Orange Juice
All the Pancakes You Can Eat!
1st Sunday of Each Month
8:30 am - Noon
Except July!
Sun Pancake Breakfast
Sat Motorcycle Unit Lo-Boil
Sat Scottish Rite Fishing Trip
Thu Thanksgiving
Get Unit, Club
and BSC Dates
and Times by
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 13
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 14
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 15
December 2014
John R. Armstrong
May 2015
Patrick Girvan
Eugene Willard Wathen
Jerry Lee Isbell
Joseph “Pete” Harley Jackson
LeRoy Stephen Matve Sr.
June 2015
Romand Bisby Nobles
July 2015
James Ronald Wylam
Clifford Arvin Radke
Archie Addison Gaylor
Robert Michael Massey
Kenneth L. Johnson
August 2015
Carl R. Gause
John J. O’Connell
“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose”
Bahia Caravan Booster
Become a Caravan Booster
Donation Form
I want to be a “Caravan Booster”
Remember a friend or family
member with an In Memory of
Caravan Booster Listing.
for only $10 a year.
Name or Organization:
City State, Zip
Booster Name (s) or Text to print on Booster
And help offset the cost of our publication.
Donations are only $10 per year. You may prepay for multiple years. Your name will be listed each month in the
Caravan for the period you are supporting. For example, for a $10 donation in January of 2014, you will be listed
through January of 2015.
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 16
Dealerships Support the Shriners
Greenway Auto Group is offer ing to all Shriners (and affiliated referrals), that pur chase a new or used vehicle, a
$100.00 donation to the Bahia Shriners General Fund.
The Greenway Automotive Group is one of the world's most progressive, privately held automotive companies. The organization proudly serves as an ambassador for the Ford, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Kia, Honda, Hyundai and Mitsubishi brands, as well
as offering a large inventory of pre-owned vehicles.
As a Noble in the Shrine with a current dues card, you are entitled to a special partner pricing with Greenway Ford on any new
vehicle purchase. Special Shriner Pricing.
To insure proper tracking and in order to get you the best pricing possible,
Please contact Ric
Roberts at 407-748-3901 or at
Greenway Ford
Greenway Dodge
Orlando Kia (East and West)
Longwood Kia Mitsubishi
Winter Haven Honda
Veterans Ford Tampa
Orlando Hyundai
From our Director
The 2015 Bahia Fall Ceremonial will be at Bahia on October 23rd and 24th. This year, we are doing new things to help keep our new
candidates get involved with our fraternity. As you know, we belong to the greatest philanthropy in the world and it is our job as a Noble to
ensure that they know that. Getting involved in our hospitals is very rewarding and the primary function of our Shrine. We need to encourage
them to join our Units, Clubs and BSC’s (groups) to join other Brothers who share their same drive and vision. This year, we hope to provide
them with the knowledge on how they can join us in having fun supporting our Temple and our hospitals.
Earlier this year, we developed a New Candidate Information book with general information about Bahia and the “Groups” within the
Shrine. The goal is to have a book with a page for all the Units, Clubs and BSC’s. This book will go hand in hand with the Introduction
Showcase and is available online for every Noble to review. Go to, then to the search bar at the top of the page and search
for “Shrine Info Book, the New Candidate Book will be there. Please look thr ough the book and pr ovide updated infor mation about
your “group” that you want added. In order to help pay for the Candidate’s Information books, the cost to be in the book is $25 for Units/
BSC/Clubs, $50 to advertise a Nobles business (1/2 page), and $100 for a Nobles business full page. We ar e wor king on the new book
and need your new or updated information for your “Group” to participate. Please give updated information to myself or Noble Ric Roberts
by September 20th.
In the Spring, we also had an Introduction Showcase, old fashion “RUSH” party, we will again this Ceremonial. In order to make this
happen, we need all of the Units, Clubs and BSC’s to setup stations in the unit rooms and around the Shrine. The new Nobles and Ladies will
then visit the Showcase, get introduced to all groups, and learn what we have to offer. You will be able to showcase your group and
hopefully pique their interest in your Unit, Club or BSC. The goal is to ensure that we inform the new members of everything that we do. It
is our job as Nobles to make them feel welcome and to stress that we have “FUN” supporting our Temple and hospitals. Hopefully this will
keep them active and feel a part of Bahia Shriners.
Most importantly, I would like to take this opportunity to invite all of you to attend the Fall Ceremonial at Bahia on October 23rd and 24th.
Becoming a Shriner was a very special day for me as I am sure it was for you. Please come and fill up the seats and watch our newest Nobles become Shriners. Help make this special day memorable, as they look at the audience and see all the Nobles present for their special
day. Please come out and join Bahia in welcoming our newest Nobles to our family!
Eddie Perez
Bahia Shrine Director
Cell – 407-970-9620 Email –
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 17
Director’s Staff
Provost Guard
By Noble Robert Kouba, President
By L.P. Brown
When you have a good thing going, it makes it hard to stop talking
about it. I am sure all the nobles, myself included, are still feeling
blessed that we had such an experienced noble like Ill Sir Ken
Harrelson and his first lady Samantha, to help guide us through this
financial instability and to advise us on building decisions that will
need to be made in the very near future. No matter the outcome, I
believe the nobles will vote as one, instead of putting it off until
financial ruins. Of course we would all like to stay in this building,
but it’s just a building. When we move to our new location, the
memories, camaraderie, bonds, and respect for this fraternity of
gentlemen, goes with us.
The Provost Guard was instituted in 1955. The Provost
Guard was for assisting the Potentate to assure the safety
and welfare of Bahia’s Nobility. Performing police
duties at stated meetings, Rentals, Ceremonials, parades,
conventions and other Shrine functions
The October calendar has the Director’s Staff scheduled for burgers
and brats and the Stated Meeting dinner. We have five weeks in
October to cover, and the Staff does not disappoint when it comes to
participation and fellowship. The stated meeting dinner will be
October 1st, not sure what we are planning but I am sure it will be
Captain David Neal 352-589-6788
The Paper Crusade for the Staff is scheduled for October 9th and 10th
at two Orlando Publix’s locations. Our Chairman Harley Jordan has
made arrangements with the Camel Herders to bring out Gus; our
fingers are crossed on Gus attending. Our Chairman has also put
together a signup sheet so we can schedule accordingly.
The Provost Guards are looking for a few good men to
assist in the Shrine functions to help secure our fine
building and property, if your interested please contact.
Secretary: Jim Allen 407-660-1124
Meetings on the 4th Monday
of each month in Unit Room
The fall ceremonial is scheduled for October 23rd & 24th and all we
need are new masons to make this a memorable experience for both
the new nobles and the staff. Willie B., and other nobles, has worked
tirelessly with the lodges educating the brothers about this grand
fraternity. The Director, Eddie Perez, is a seasoned veteran at
transforming brothers into Nobles, and will again take charge of this
exhausting privilege, helping and guiding these men in masonry to
Nobility. The staff works as one: assisting, guiding and supporting
these new nobles as they take their first step into our fraternity. They
are a bit hesitant at first, not knowing what to expect, but they put
their trust in us as they are guided down the path to Nobility. You
know that you were successful mentoring when you see their first
reaction, whether it be in their eyes or body language.
The following information on the Un-Fashion Show was provided by
Mike Segee our committee chairman. On Saturday, November 7th,
the Director’s Staff of Bahia Shrine will be hosting the second
Un-Fashion Show in the dining room. Those of you who attended the
first show of this kind three years ago will remember laughing so
hard your ribs hurt. This year, the Staff members have enlisted
members of other clubs at Bahia to enter a representative to join us in
the fun. For you new attendees, the Un-Fashion Show is a chance to
see some of your favorite Shriners dressed up as ladies. This year we
will have a star-studded, non-Shriner celebrity judge’s panel to select
the winner. If you have a desire to bring out your inner Caitlin
Jenner, contact a Director Staff member to join the show. This will
be a fundraiser for the General Fund as well as a great night of Adult
Entertainment. (Kids are not recommended) There will be a dinner
as well at Red Fez floating bar. Details on the food, ticket prices and
exact starting time will be announced in the coming days. So save
the date, November 7th, and come out to support your favorite
cross-dressing, slightly bent, and probably intoxicated Bahia Shriner.
(Continued on Page 18)
3rd Thursday Monthly
6:30 PM Steak Dinner / 7:30 PM Meeting
Unit Room “B”
President: Dave Taylor
Secretary: Joe Rudd
”All Shriners are Masons First”
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 18
Director’s Staff (Continued from page 17)
Crash-a-Rama November 27th is looking to be a successful
fundraiser for the Shrine. Shawn White and his lady Christine have
really put in the time and due diligence on this one. They have
arranged us to parade before the derby, sell pre-sale tickets with a
portion going back to the Shrine, a 50/50 drawing, Paper Crusade Tent
at the entrance, the Drum & Bugle Corp will do the National Anthem,
he will be running two maybe three cars in the derby & the Director’s
Staff will have a Booze Wagon fundraiser. We are hoping for all
units, clubs, and BSC to come out in force to make this a successful
fundraiser for the temple.
We have brought on fourteen new Director’s Staff members since the
first of the year. Our presence at the majority of functions, makes it an
easy choice to see way the Director’s Staff is their first choice when
deciding on a unit or even as a secondary unit.
Clothes Bins have been very successful for us and the needy. If any
nobles know of a location that could support one or two of these bin
please let us know, so we can have the area evaluated and approved;
the process usually takes a couple of weeks.
The next Director’s Staff meeting is September 14th, due to the holiday
we had to move it back a week, all nobles are welcome. We will be in
unit room D dinner at 6:30pm and the meeting at 7:00pm
Robert Kouba
386-490-5607 or
Camel Herders
By Noble Randy Morgan
My Fellow Nobles,
I hope this finds you all well. I am writing this to recruit more
active members to the Bahia Shrine Camel Herders Unit. We
are asking that any Noble that is interested in learning how to
handle Sir Gus, help the keepers out with his enclosure at the
zoo, and of course to be available when Sir Gus is asked to be
at events or to represent the unit at events. Our monthly
meeting is the second Monday of the month located in Unit
Room “D” at 7:30PM. We are in urgent need of assistance as
some of us work on the weekends and others are retiring from
taking Sir Gus to events.
President - Dr. Ken Vehec
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 19
Legion of Honor
By Noble Tracy Coughlin, Junior Past Commander
Hopefully you’ve had a great time at summer camp and are ready to return to duty. The duty roster is full of assignments and we’ll need all
the help we can get to successfully finish the year. Our next meeting will be 18 September beginning with social hour at 1800, followed by
dinner and yet again another boring meeting by the command element. But come on out anyway and have some fun with the rest of the
jokers and storytellers.
One of the first orders of business will be the selection of officers for next year. We’re light on candidates, but like they say in the Army,
we’re “Looking for a few good men.” But you would think after all these years, they would have found at least a couple by now…. We will
most likely need to re-cycle a couple past commanders this year. This is a great opportunity to volunteer and support the unit.
After we have a slate of volunteers, we’ll vote on them at the October 16th meeting, which is also the Past Commanders Appreciation dinner.
Details will follow on this event, but be prepared for a good time.
Speaking of a good time, I’m looking for suggestions of activities we can do on meeting night to have some fun. The Turtle Degree is one
example, but I think we need more to make the evening great. If you have any ideas and would like to sponsor something let either the
Commander or I know and we’ll try to include it for a future meeting.
In my travels this summer, I’ve gotten a chance to meet and talk to nobles from all over the southeast and like our self; they are having to
deal with the same issues; membership, fund raising, participation, etc. It’s good to know that it’s not Bahia having challenges, but it looks
like it’s all of Shrinedom. I did pick up a few interesting ideas that we can discuss in the next meeting, perhaps we might adopt one or two
for our self and see how it works out.
We’re all looking forward to meeting again soon and until then, here’s a little story to hold you over:
The First Sergeant noticed a new private one day and barked at him to come into his office. "What is your name?" was the first thing the
First Sergeant asked the new guy. "John" the new guy replied. The First Sergeant scowled, "Look, I don't know what kind of bleeding heart,
liberal pansy stuff they're teaching troops in Basic today, but I don't call anyone by their first name. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a
breakdown in authority. I refer to my privates by their last name only - Smith, Jones, Baker - that's all. I am to be referred to only as 'First
Sergeant.' Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, First Sergeant!" "Good! Now that we got that straight, what is your last name?" The new guy
sighed and said, "Darling. My name is John Darling, First Sergeant!" "Okay, John, the next thing I want to tell you is..."
Riding with the Motorcycle Unit
Dear Nobles,
Not a whole lot to report on as the summer grinds on. Last month, the Motorcycle Unit did a ride to Port Canaveral where Woody and Kevin
Boland got to show off their new Trikes. Looking good!
John Hamer earned his Wings at our last month's meeting by running the O Course in a very respectable 49 seconds. Way to go John! We
were all then treated to another one of John's now legendary prime rib dinners. That following Sunday, we had a large turnout from the
Motorcycle Unit at Seminole Harley to present a plaque to John and his chief mechanic Freddy to show our appreciation for the work they
did in restoring the Unit's 1961 Green Sheen Trike. Thank you for all you do for Bahia and the Motorcycle Unit.
Thank You to Joe Crum for hosting an Open House party at his home last month. The food and drink were great.
The Motorcycle Unit will be hosting the 13th Annual Lo Boil on November 14th from 4:00 until 6:00 at the Pavilion. This is an all you can
eat at event of snow crab legs, shrimp, sausage, corn and potatoes. we will also have musical entertainment and a cash bar. Tickets are only
$28.00 per person including tax. We are also selling raffle tickets with 3 chances to win a trip to Cabo San Lucas, a 22 cal. Ruger pistol, and
a gift basket of booze. Tickets are only $5.00 each. contact any member of the Motorcycle Unit or call Kevin Clarke at 407-331-3200 or
Bruce Carter at 407-383-5417. Last year we had over 250 people in attendance, and a great time was had by all. You don't want to miss this
one. (Editor Note: Check out the Color A d on Page 11. F.Y .I. - The wife and I had a blast, D.R., Editor)
The Motorcycle Unit always meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month in Unit Room B for a prime rib dinner at 6:30. We always welcome
any Shriners and their Ladies to attend.
Kevin Clarke
Motorcycle Unit Scribe
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 20
David Rohr I.M.O. Thomas A Rohr
Larry & Janet Limmel
Raymond & Annette Morrison
Ill. Sir John & Jan Seay
Ronald and Carole Falkner
Benjamin O. Benham
Billie Mew
Robert E.Newell
Gator Trucking - Gene DeVilbiss
Ernie Tolos I.M.O. Pantazis Tolos
Michael Snapp I.M.O. Ill. Sir Charles Snapp
William Faulk
Garth & Molly Phillips
Jerry & Dotty Deacon
Tom & Nevina Schaeffer I.M.O. Bill & Don Hirsch
A.V. Harrison I.M.O. Bob Herchek
Charles Franklin Smith
Bill & Gwen Brice
Pete & Janice Austin
John S. Johns IMO Judith Ann Johns-Williams
Bahia Widow's Club
Harry E Zechman
Margaret Zechman
Robert & Diane Rogers
David Gapp
Tom & Cathy Martin
Ill. Sir Lewis Cotterill
Lou Coppola I.M.O. Lorraine
Franklin & Hazel Right
Ill. Sir Jim & Lady Candy Gillespie
David & Debbie Rosenthal
Efrein Torres
Roy Philpott
Glenn Decker I.M.O. Dottie
Robert and Lady Diane Rogers
Richard and Rose Weatherell
John S Johns I.M.O. Leah S. Johns
Donna Kidder I.M.O. Ill. Sir Robert Kidder
John & Kathy Gumina - Fun Friday
Steve & Judy Stevenson
Cliff & Nancy Pottle
Janet Ray I.M.O. Carl Ray
Ill. Sir Bob & Bev Amico
Leon Flancher
Robert A. Carr - Horse Patrol
John D. Davis I.M.O. Aubrey Winner
Bob and Jean McPherson
Joe & Sam Rudd
Donna Kidder
Victor Murray
John N Davis III
Willie Jameson
Michael A. & Rosie Desjardins
James Farr
Motorcycle Unit
Ralph J Rodgers
Robert & Regina Henning
Don & Zoe Shearer
Capt. Earl K Woods- Roadrunners
Helen Glass I.M.O. Earl Glass
Ronald Ferguson
Richard R Devasto
Jeanette Dunstan IMO William Dunstan
Ted & Marian Burridge
Gary & Becky Rinehart
Shelby L. Davis
Dee Clingman
Ill Sir Butch & Pat Carpenter
Alvin & Roberte Segee
Roy & Lynn Campbell
Hobie & Janet Fisher
Ill. Sir Jack Kittinger
Ill. Sir Fred & Joyce Guentert
Charles Dee Clingman
Don “Gully” & Sue Gullickson
Connie Shreiner I.M.O. Karl Shreiner
Charles & Betty Rayborn
William K Falls
Ill. Sir George Mason (FunNFrolic)
Bahia 55 Boosters
Ric Roberts
Ian Ielfield
Deanna Ielfield
Dennis West
Michael T. Rudd
Cyndi Rudd
Rick Anderson II
Mitch Lokken
Bob Amico
Beverly Amico
Dr. Ken Vehec
Bernadette Vehec
Trey Rapp
Selene Rapp
Become A
Member of the
Most Electrifying
Shrine Unit
Directors Staff
2015 President - Robert Kouba
Vice President - Frank Kroll
Secretary - John Roberts
Treasurer - Bill Benham
Meetings: 1st Monday Monthly
Social 6:00 pm/ Meeting 7:00 pm
Unit Room “D”
ALL Nobles are Welcome!
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 21
Donations of $100.00 or more since the last issue of the Caravan: The purpose of the fund
is to provide a source of revenue to cover expenses necessary to transport children in
Bahia’s program to and from a Shrine Hospital, Clinic or Burn Institutes. Donations are
tax deductible. Donors receive an Appreciation Certificate for a single donation of
$100.00 or more.
James Ronald Wylam $101.00
Bahia Bingo Bunch $1674.00
The Villages Shrine Club $3083.63
Virgil T Gaylor IMO Virgil Taylor $475.00
JJPS Enterprises $102.00
Greater Daytona Shrine Club $4865.16
James Robert “Bob” Sheppard $100.00
Athaliah Temple No. 114
Daughters of the Nile
By Lillian Rodgers, Past Queen
Queen Barbara Cogley
Supreme Session was held from June 9 - 14, 2015 in Albuquerque, NM. Several of our ladies attended along with Queen Barbara and we had a really great
time. Congratulations to all of Athaliah’s Supreme Appointees this year. PSQ Alyce S. Thomas, Action Team Chairman and Membership and Public
Relations Committee Chairman; PQ Kathy Gumina, Supreme Action Team; PQ Della Usher, Supreme Goodwill Ambassador to the Southeast Area; PQ Joyce
Dargie, Supreme Goodwill Ambassador to the Northeast Area; and PQ Tracy Gardner Supreme Canadian Flag Escort.
Our “Day at the Beach” at PSQ Alyce Thomas’s beach condo in New Smyrna was a wonderful day as well as being very informative. We heard from Queen
Barbara and all the ladies who attended Supreme Session about the legislation and reports given during session. It was a very nice, informal way to socialize
and keep all our members who were unable to attend Supreme informed. After our meeting we ordered pizza and shared a lovely lunch together.
On July 26th our summer get together, “an old fashioned picnic” was held at Bahia dining room. We had a wonderful turn out. It is always such a pleasure to
get a chance to see all of our Nile friends during the time when our Temple is dark and we don’t have meetings. Princess Tirzah, Linda Fennell did a fantastic
job planning and hosting this picnic and a great time was had by all in attendance.
September 24th through 27th will find a very full bus load of Athaliah ladies traveling to Florida Days at Panama City Beach. This is a gathering of ladies
from all our Florida Temples as well as from outside of Florida and is always a wonderful weekend. There will be food functions, a breakfast business
meeting, a ceremonial and a banquet where all of the attending units will perform. Athaliah is very proud that all 4 of our performing units will be performing
at Florida Days.
Our October 15th session is going to be a ceremonial. These are beautiful sessions where we have the opportunity to welcome new members into our Temple.
As always, we will have a luncheon beginning at 11:30 am. It would be a great time to attend and greet our new ladies and welcome them to Athaliah. If you
are interested in becoming a mentor to our new members or help our Membership committee in any way, Pr Priscilla Dill, Membership Chairperson, would
surely love to hear from you. She can be reached at 352-483-0634.
October 22nd will be our White Rose Tea where the Past Queens are honored. This has been an annual event for the past few years and it is always a great
Athaliah Temple meets every third Thursday (except June, July and August) at Eola Masonic Lodge, 3200 East Grant Street, Orlando, Florida 32806. We
have a luncheon provided by our clubs, units and various groups beginning at 11:30 AM followed by our Stated Session at 12:30 PM.
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 22
Notes From F.S.A.
More From F.S.A.
By Ill. Sir Michael T. Rudd
2015-2016 President FSA
By Ill. Sir Michael T. Rudd
2015-2016 President FSA
August!!! and it still feels like July doesn’t it? Here at FSA we are
moving forward with our Mid-Winter and the Annual Convention
We have been told that FSA needs more meat to the mid-winter
meeting. To that end we are trying to hold a day that each temple will
find beneficial to their current and future needs. We are planning on 3
special sessions to be held simultaneously with the general meeting.
Those topics will include: Membership, with a focus on re-instating
and Unit/Group visits to Blue Lodges. Fundraising for the temple we
are talking to several Florida based associations who represent
Fundraising companies and we would like to invite them to address
our group on efforts that work, new efforts and what may need to be
retired. They understand our temples all are in unique demographic
areas and what works for Morocco will not necessarily work at Sahib
so they are trying to tailor a presentation. Public Relations we each
need to improve how to inform the public on all activities hosted by
each temple with a 21st Century perspective. We are inviting several
experts in this field to address the public relations group.
The other area we Shriners are known for is our Clowns and right
now we have taken them for granted and never understood how much
effort goes into what they do. The hours to put on and take off the
makeup, the development of their individual skills and what they do
for our local Communities. Here in Orlando the Kiwanis Club of
Orlando hosts an annual Christmas Party for Kindergarteners thru 4th
grade some 150 children and they rely on Bahia Shriners for
assistance. Bahia’s Directors staff in full ritual garb participate in the
story of Christmas as the wise men and the Clowns have for years
entertained the Children from their arrival until the program begins.
We each need to encourage Nobles to join the Clowns and participate
in their community efforts. What an additional great way to be
known in your local community.
"If a man does not know what port he is
steering for, no wind is favorable to him."
~ Seneca
Mid-Winter is only a couple of months away. This meeting has for
many years been a mystery to me and many Nobles and the Representatives who attend. My thoughts are we had no “Port” to steer to
and that has resulted in minimum accomplishments at Mid-Winter.
Thought was given to cancelling it this year. Well that thought went
away while I was at the 2015 Imperial Session in Houston last week.
The sheer number of general fund fundraising opportunities for Temples was amazing and the Gold (think Mahi), Silver and Bronze
membership winners lets us know we are growing. Still we have a
way to go but it is now promising, very promising.
We met Nobles from other Associations (similar number of member
Temples) and listened and understood their comments on serving
Temples and Nobility as well as Masonry. Many of their Temples are
benefitting from their mid-year meetings by sharing successes and
The November 7th FSA mid-winter (site to be determined) will have
a focus on Florida Temples, Florida membership growth and restoration and Florida Temple fundraising, general fund efforts. Florida is
different than many other states in demographics, economic and age.
However we can make this work to our advantage not a hindrance.
Now we have a “Port” to steer toward, working with our Florida
Temples and Grand Lodge to create a working plan for membership
and a focus on Temple general fund/operating revenue fundraising
ideas. There will be separate sessions for Membership and Fundraising in the morning and in the afternoon ask for a synopsis of each
group’s successes and plans thru May 2016. Then we will have the
general meeting and adjourn no later than 4PM.
Mid-Winter will be November 7, 2015 at Lake County Shrine Club
breakfast available at 7:30 and the meeting will start at 8:00 AM. The
We will have posted on our WEB site, Facebook, Yahoo and Twitter
Agenda and more is on the FSA WEB Site…
on September 1, 2015 the agenda and the location and times of the
mid-winter. Additionally we will be letting a few cats out of the bag
Lastly, we are looking for additional Sponsors/Vendors for the annual
for the May Convention to be held at the Orlando Airport Marriott
convention. The plan is to have Vendors who sell to all Units at the
Lakeside in Lee Vista Center.
convention: bingo supplies, go-carts; motorcycle parts/accessories;
motorcycles and more so if you have an idea or suggestion let us Thanks for supporting the Florida Shrine Association and its efforts
to serve your Temple.
We now have a destination Port and a favorable wind for steering.
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 23
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 24
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 25
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 26
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 27
SCRIBES DEADLINE Greater Daytona Shrine Club
For articles, photographs
and advertising for the
Next issue of the Caravan:
10th DAY OF:
January, March, May,
August, October, and
Items received after the 10th of
the month may not be published.
Ads submitted by Unit and Clubs
must be in Black and White and
should be submitted by email and
should be at least 300 dpi in jpg
or pdf formats.
By Charles Lizotte
The Nobles of the Greater Daytona Shrine Club hosted it's 4th Annual Baseball Game/Picnic
at "The Jack" in Daytona Beach with the new Cinncinatti Reds affiliate "The Tortugas", was
well attended and the food and beverages were outstanding and our local Shrine Patient
Ambassador, Robbie Onusko got to throw out a 1st pitch (it looked like a low and inside
breaker to me). Were hoping that next year's Outing will bring out a bus load of Nobles from
Bahia and begin paving the way for our 2017 Imperial Session here in Daytona Beach.
At the June stated communication we had the pleasure of presenting Ill Ken with a couple of
checks totaling over $9000.00 resulting from our 23rd Annual Golf Outing and from a joint
fund raiser with the Port Orange,Fraternal Order of Eagles.
In an effort to increase member participation as well as recruit potential new Nobles it was
voted at our June meeting to try something new and to combine our usual 1st Thursday
Luncheon Meeting with our 3rd Tuesday Evening Social Dinner (w/the ladies of course) for
our September and October meetings to be held at the Pelican Bay Golf Club in Daytona
Beach. Come join us for a night of fun, fellowship and fine food. Details on menu and costs
will hopefully be made available on the Bahia website and Greater Daytona Shrine Club
Facebook page.
Articles can be accepted only if For more information about our activities, please contact Noble Charlie Lizotte, Secretary
they are received no later than GDSC at 386-256-7219 or by email at You can also see us on
the deadline using the following Facebook as Greater Daytona Shrine Club.
Plain text email using your favorite
processed documents.
Submitted before the deadline?
E-mailed using Doc/Docx format
Single Spaced
Single space after a period.
Limited to 1/2 page (1 column)
Type no smaller than 12-point
Used upper and lower case?
Included name, phone number
and email address of author?
Captions included for photos?
Send Articles, Ads or Photo’s to:
Fax: 407-264-6582
Caravan Questions:
Call David Rosenthal
(352) 702-3878
The Bahia Caravan is published
Kuilters for Kids
Wanted: Individuals that enjoy sewing.
Kuilters for Kids is a gr oup of individuals that have a
passion for sewing and quilting.
Our quilts are stitched together with love and filled with warm hugs.
If you have never quilted but would like to learn, then join us and be
ready to have fun as we show you how easy quilting can be.
Bring a sewing machine, sewing tools and a lunch.
Where: Bahia Shr ine Center
9 a.m.-2 p.m.
When: The 2nd Monday of each month except
for the months of July and August.
For additional information
Contact: Diana Shirley-407-273-7706
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 28
The Paper Crusade is a year around program with a two-fold purpose: (1) To inform the public about Shriners Hospitals and
the children we treat. Two days each year are designated for our members to distribute a special edition of a Hospital
Newspaper to the general public on street corners, in stores, and shopping centers, and (2) To raise funds for Shriners
Hospitals through voluntary donations not only during those two days, but also throughout the year.
In 1998, Bahia started a Plaque Program as an integral part of our annual Paper Crusades. The plaques are awarded
throughout the year to members, their friends and businesses for a donation of $100.00 or more. The plaques are engraved
with the donor’s name and there are ten update bars to denote the donor’s subsequent additional annual donations. Nobles
who make or obtain Plaque donations receive credit for their Club, Unit or BSC for Paper Crusade competition purposes.
As of January 15th the following have renewed or obtained New Paper Crusade Plaques donations. Contact your prior year
donors and get them to renew! We need a big push to match or exceed last year’s total! A Big Thank You to all the Nobles
and donors who are helping to make this happen. *denotes new plaque
Plaque Donations
David Viers
Deland Kia
St. Cloud Lodge No. 221
John J. O’Connell
Allan F Keeth
Don Julio Mexican Grill &
Tequila Bar*
Myron D. Christensen
Bahia Shriners
Paper Crusade Plaque Program □ New Plaque $100 □ $100/Year #_____years
Name for Plaque ____________________________________
In 1998, Bahia started the Plaque Program which is an
Address ___________________________________________
integral part of our annual Paper Crusade.
Throughout the year for a donation of $100 or more a City, State, Zip ______________________________________
plaques is engraved with a donor’s name, and there are ten
update bars to denote the donor’s subsequent additional Phone _____________________________________________
Club/Unit __________________________________________
Nobles who make or obtain Plaque donations receive credit
for their Unit/Club or BSC for our Annual Paper Crusade Amount $___________ □ Cash □ Check □ Credit Card
competition between the various Uniformed Units, Social
Visa/MC# _________________________________________
Clubs and Bahia Shrine Clubs.
Fill out and forward the application below to:
Exp Date _____________________Sec Code______________
Bahia Shriners, 2300 Pembrook Drive, Orlando, FL 32810
Signature __________________________________________
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 29
The Children’s Corner
Noble Peter J. Gregory, Children’s Director
While many of you were taking advantage of the warmer weather in the northern sections of America a number of our children were taking
advantage of the fact that school had closed for the summer vacation. This fact affords our special children the time to have those needed
surgeries performed without the children having to miss school while they recover and/or tolerate their casts/bandages without the other
healthy children making fun of them. Well, this is all well and good Peter you might say, but what does this have to do with us and Bahia?
Most of these surgeries have taken place at our hospitals in Cincinnatti or Philadelphia, and one in Houston, so we have had to fly the children up there for these procedures. We have actually had a record number of our children coming and going these last ten weeks. The higher
than usual numbers of flights have meant that Bahia's Transportation Fund has taken more of “hit” than was expected based on past year's
numbers. The good news is that with the advent of new routes for Frontier Airline there is now a DIRECT flight from OIA to Cincinatti, and
at a fairly reasonable cost, when one is provided with adequate prior notice of the date of the flight. Getting parents, legal guardians, and
often even our hospital staffs to inform us of the dates for the childrens' events in a timely manner, continues to be constant problem. It
occurs to me that no one really cares how much Bahia must spend to transport the children, but I can assure you that I care; and I make our
case to each and every offender.
We have also had yet another child burned in a catastrophic accident in Mexico. This young man from Apopka was flown from Mexico to
the Galveston Hospital by air ambulance. The total cost for just his transportation expenses associated with the accident stands at $9,612.00
to date.
On behalf of all our children “Thank You!” for each and every thing that you all do to help raise the money that we use to the very best of
our abilities to transport our kids to Tampa and all the other hospitals that our kids go to for their procedures.
Finally, please be sure to take a moment now to reserve the date of December 20, 2015 on your planning calendar. This is the date where our
Childrens' Christmas party was moved to, due to a gun show rental being booked for our traditional second Sunday in December date. It is
important to our children and their parents that they are able to see YOU and YOUR Lady there so that they can say “THANK YOU” to
your face, to hug you both, and to share the all important Gift of Christmas with you.
Riding with the Iron Horses
Noble Ric Roberts, Secretary
This summer many of the Iron Horse Members have been riding all around the United States. Some went to Laconia, some went to Sturgis,
and some just went on nice rides. We also supported St. John’s day and helped escort the Grand Master to District 17’s Steak Dinner on
July 11th.
August 20th to 22nd was FASMC Mid-Summer where many of the Motorcycle Units from around the state of Florida come together for
fellowship and fun. It is always good to stay in touch with other Nobles around Florida. Congratulations to LP Brown 2015 IASMC
President. September 12th we will be supporting the Jason Burnett Memorial USO Benefit Ride in Osceola County. September 20th we will
be giving rides to the children and anyone that wants a Motorcycle ride at Bahia’s Family Picnic, come out and have some fun and see why
we love to ride. September 26th we are hosting Bahia’s Annual Poker Run, combined with “A Day for Brian”, Oktoberfest, and hosting an
Indoor Poker Run at Cooter Brown’s. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycle’s and any street legal vehicles are welcome to participate in the Poker Run.
Registration is from 9:30 am to 10:30 and we will be back to Bahia by 1:30 for Motorcycle games and Oktoberfest festivities. Registration
for the Indoor Poker Run will be from 6:00 pm – 7:00 at Cooter Brown’s and will be over by 9:00 pm when Kenny Harrelson’s Band will be
playing. Please invite everyone you know to participate and have some fun, the money we raise is for Bahia’s General Fund. October 2nd
and 3rd is Bahia’s Paper Crusade weekend and we will be out collecting money for our Hospitals. We also will be supporting the SIDS
Alliance Poker Run in late October, check our calendar at for more up to date information on future events and rides.
Bahia’s Fall Ceremonial will be Oct 23rd and 24th and you can count on the Iron Horse Unit to participate and welcome our new Nobles to
The Buy A Brick program is a gr eat way to honor someone who has touched your life in a meaningful way. Masons, Nobles, Lodges,
and Units are encouraged to buy bricks both in support and in honor of the work and dedication that we are do & have for Bahia
Shrine. ALL Proceeds Stay at Bahia supporting our Temple so we are able to do the laudable work of our Philanthropy. We have ordered the bricks and they will be put just outside of the Red Fez until we have enough to put in the front of the building. See the ad in the
Caravan for more information. Thank you in advance for supporting the Buy a Brick program!
We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month and are always looking for more Nobles to “Ride so Kids can
Walk”. If you know of an event that we may enjoy supporting or good for us t get out in the community please
email Our President this year is Ian Ielfield, Road Captain – Ray Thompson,
Secretary – Ric Roberts, and Lieutenant – Keith Moreland. Please email us if you would like more information
or would like to join us for dinner. Go to our website for more information at
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 30
We would like to invite you to a
meeting of the
Shrine Widow Club
We meet for a covered dish social at
11:30 the last Thursday of the month at
the Bahia Shrine Center - Unit Room B
Please call Ann Albright for additional
information at 407-295-3098.
are Tops!
Greg Rushing-President
Claude Williams-Secretary
1st Monday of the Month
7:30 pm Unit Room B
Director General 2017
Imperial Session / Daytona Beach
Harris Harris Bauerie Sharma
Condemnation/Eminent Domain Lawyer
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 31
Calling All Shriners!!!
WANT to drive our kids
to the Tampa Hospital.
As it is the start of the New Year,
and you joined the Shrine to help
Shrine Children, here is YOUR
Stop in the Office and pick up the form
that empowers YOU to become a
Road Angel!!
or call Noble Don Martin at 407 203-6716
Bahia Cabiri Chapter No. 126
President, Ill. Sir Michael Rudd
Secretary/Treasurer, Ill. Sir Bob Amico
Meetings First Thursday of the Month
Past Potentate’s Room - 6 pm
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 32
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 33
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 34
Frank J Guida CPA, P.A.
Personally Serving Growing Businesses and Individuals
500 N. Maitland Avenue
Suite 215
Maitland, FL 32751
Phone: 407-539-0031
Fax: 407-975-6515
E-mail: frank@guidacpa
Tax Preparation and Tax Planning
Monthly, Quarterly and
Annual Accounting Services
Stated Meeting
Will be held in the
Bahia Auditorium on
Sept. 3rd & Oct. 1st
7:30 PM
For the transaction of such
business as may come before it,
plus Fellowship with Brother
Shrine Masons.
Annual Audits, Reviews and Compilations
Dinner will be offered in the
Dining Room prior to the meeting.
Estate and Retirement Planning
Desserts will be
Member of the AICPA and FICPA Licensed in the States of Florida and Michigan
September - October 2015
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September - October 2015
Special Meeting 7/23/2015
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September - October 2015
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Bahia Shriners Caravan | 40
Become A
Member of the
Most Electrifying
Shrine Unit
Cool-Rite, LLC
Air Conditioning Service
Commercial • Residential • Industrial
Directors Staff
2015 President - Robert Kouba
Vice President - Frank Kroll
Secretary - John Roberts
Treasurer - Bill Benham
Meetings: 1st Monday Monthly
Social 6:00 pm/ Meeting 7:00 pm
Unit Room “D”
ALL Nobles are Welcome!
CAC 1813783
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 41
By Noble Roy Campbell
Hello to all you Happy Campers.
Our RV Club will be cooking the Stated Meeting Dinner on September 3rd. We have had rave reviews from previous dinners and know this
will be just as good. Hope to see you there.
The RV Club is raffling off a 55" TV for a fundraiser for the Children's Hospital. The Raffle will be held on Sunday, September 6th, at 11:00
at the Pancake Breakfast. If you haven't purchased a ticket and would like one they will be available before the drawing.
Most of our summer travelers will be back for our September campout which will be held September 17 - 20 at Rock Crusher Canyon. Our
October campout will be held October 29 - November 1 at International RV Resort. We are camping a little later for our October campout
because the RV Resort is having a Halloween party that they have invited us to. Fun times and good food.
If you are a previous member of the RV Club and no longer have an RV, remember you can rejoin the club and camp with us at any
campground that has cabins or rentals available. We would love to see you.
If you have an RV and would like to join our Club, please contact one of the members for an application. Our club consists of a camping van,
a pop up, pull behinds, 5th Wheels, Class C's and Class A's. So, if you have any kind of recreational vehicle come join us.
On Fridays of most campouts some of the members get together and play golf near the campground. If you are interested in joining us contact one of the members.
Happy trails and keep the wheels rolling
Roy Campbell, RV Club Secretary
Golf Unit
By Noble Ed Smallwood, President
Your Shrine Golf Unit would like to get you involved with us, and we have a "six pack" of ways to do that.
First, we meet the first Monday of each month (dark in July and August ) in Unit Room A at the Shrine to socialize over beverages and then
have a brief meeting. The ladies, the Golfettes, hold their own meeting and decide what they will do to support the Unit's varied
activities. Once a quarter, we provide the meat and the golfers and their spouses provide the "fixins" for a great potluck supper.
Secondly, we organize our own tournament for the Children's Hospital Fund, and support others who contribute to our philanthropic
efforts. Our Shrine tournament, sponsored by the Harper Family Foundation, last year raised $25,000 for the Children's Hospital Fund. We
also support other golf outings such as the Langley Family Foundation that raises scholarship money for local high school students and the
CW Golf Tournament to be held this year on Oct. 24 in Clermont to raise money for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. We also support the
Proud 17th Masters & Wardens Scholarship Tournament.
A unique third way to take part is our spring and fall golf outings. This fall, Sept. 24-27, we will be at El Caribe Resort in Daytona with Golf
on Friday, Sept. 25, at River Bend and Sat., Sept. 26, at Halifax Plantation. The ladies enjoy shopping, playing games, the beach, and all
enjoy camaraderie in the hospitality room when the golfers are not on the course.
A fun-filled fourth way is to join the golfers on Tuesday mornings as they play a variety of courses in our area for fun with fellowship and
lunch following. Lately, we have played Black Bear, Ventura, Remington, Reunion, the new Champions Gate, and Rio Pinar. See what's
Another challenging way is to tee it up with us on the first Friday of each month and play your handicap. Friday's are also played at a variety
of courses in our area.
A new sixth way, "to complete the six pack," is to tee it up on Saturday morning. This is something new we are trying to better meet the needs
of our golf members that work during the week.
Pull one or more from our "six pack" and join us on the links. FORE!
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 42
Kismet Court No. 86 - Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America
By Lady Jamie Binkley
Greetings from Kismet Court in Winter Park,
For those who do not know much about our court or the broader Ladies Oriental Shrine NA (LOSNA), we lend support and comfort to the
Shriner's Hospital patients with things like blankets, toiletries and holiday items, we contribute to our Grand High Priestess' special hospital
project, and help with other activities as requested.
Our court has had several excellent summer events and there are several great events coming up.
Summer Fun
Our ladies participated and sang patriotic songs during the Flag Retirement Ceremony on June 13th at the Orlando Scottish Rite Center.
Our Kismet singers were organized by Lady Kathi Harmon, who is a vocal instructor and accomplished singer herself. The Kismet court
singers were thrilled to join in on this wonderful patriotic ceremony. We also held a fund raising night at the Sanford River Rats on July
30th, and attendees were treated to a fun night of America's favorite past time. If you've never been, it's a great venue to take your family
during summers.
Coming Events
We are hosting or attending several events on the horizon, and would love to see you at one of these.
9/26 - Oktoberfest at Bahia Shrine, we will have a table with dessert selections to cure your sweet tooth
10/2 - 1960's Dinner & Dance at Bahia Shrine Center. Doors open 6pm. Come decked out in your best 1960's glad rags and dances holes in
your soles with awesome 1960's tunes!! For tickets ($20 each) or more information please contact Lady Susan Sexton 407-252-4151
10/3 - Tampa Shriner's Hospital 30th Anniversary Open House. We will be 'caravaning' over to the Hospital to attend this event
9/6, 10/4 and 11/8 - Bahia Shrine Pancake Breakfasts Stop by our table in the hall to buy delicious baked goods and browse our used book
We truly appreciate your fellowship and support at these events!
Past Potentates of Bahia Shrine Temple
*A.J. Thomas, Sr. (D. 3/14/67) ……………..1955-1956
Melvin L. Duncan (Helen)…………………………1978
*Harold H. Coulson (D. 08/28/03)………………...1995
*J.D. Hill (D. 8/17/87) ……………..….…………..1957
*DeFarest A. Long, Jr. - (D. 5/23/07)(Martha).….1979
*Robert L. Cramer (D. 5/10/09) (Phylis)………....1996
*A.J. Thomason (D. 9/9/58)………….…................1958
*Jesse W. Walker (D. 3/17/05)…………………….1980
John B. Pierson, Sr. (D. 1/12/14)(Ruby)………….1997
*Glenn R. Ashmore (D. 6/30/73) …….…………..1958
Kenneth E. Thomas (Jennie Lee)………………....1981
*Lewis W. Cotterill (D. 4/10/11) (Marge)…….…..1998
*George H. Cochrane (D. 4/5/80) …….………….1959
T. Bruce Ballinger (Roberta)……………………...1982
Michael G. Juett (Sherry)…………………………1999
*Vernon M. Scott (D. 6/12/86) …………………...1960
Gordon H. “Stumpy” Harris (Ruthie)……………1983
George E. Goodboe (Carol)…………………….…2000
*Charles V. Snapp, Jr. (D. 1/11/14)(Renee)……...1961
*Gordon P. Magyar (D. 2/01/07)………………….1984
V. Albert Janoska, Jr. (Dottie)……………………2001
*J.M. (Jack) Fogg (D. 4/26/80)…………................1962
Cecil D. Moore (Carol)…………………………….1985
Max R. Jones (Esther)……………………………..2002
*Russell Guy Carr (D. 6/26/68)…………………...1963
*Bruce D. Thomas, (D. 5/23/06)(Alice)…………...1986
Douglas S. Tomlinson (Sherrie)…………………...2003
*Harold H. Kastner (D. 9/6/77)…………………...1964
*George H. Mason (D. 1/03/00)(Betty)……………1987
*Jerry Higginson (D. 5/9/2011)(Debbie)………….2004
*Fred B. Turner (D. 2/17/06)……………………...1965
Myron D. Christensen (Roma)…………………....1988
Gary J. Bergenske, PP (Anne)………………....….2005
*Floyd N. Shaver (D. 11/16/78)…………………...1966
Donald W. Grable (Mary Lou)…………………...1989
William Dennis (Jean)……………………….…….2006
*Leonard K. Wright, Jr. (D. 07/16/03)…………...1967
*John O. Riels (D. 7/11/07) (Beth)………………..1990
Sid Massey (Elle)………………………….…….….2007
*Joe Wickham (Bernie) demit, 7/1981 (D.)………1968
Jack B. Kittinger…………………………………..1991
*Butch Carpenter (D. 1/7/2010)(Pat)….………….2008
*Lloyd A. Castle (D. 11/6/86)……………………...1969
Robert H. “Bobby” Gentry, III (Jan)………...…..1992
Robert “Bob” Amico (Bev)………………….....….2009
*L.L. “Linc” Jacobs (D. 9/28/93)……………….…1970
*Robert F. Kidder (D. 4/18/2009) (Donna).……....1993
John Seay (Jan)…………………………………….2010
*Fred W. Guentert (D. 1/29/15) (Joyce) …..…….1971
Thomas E. Embree (Beulah)………………………1994
Happy Schuur (Glenda)………..………………….2011
*Robert A. Voegele (D. 5/29/13) (Mary Lee) ........1972
Ken Harrelson (Sam)….…………………………...2012
*J.J. “Jeff” Jordan (D. 12/30/90)……….................1973
Michael T. Rudd (Cyndi)..……………………...…2013
*T.R. “Tommy” Tomlinson (D. 03/05/00) ……….1974
Jim Gillespie (Candy) ……………………………..2014
*Sam H. Walkup, Jr. (D. 10/28/81)……………….1975
William C. Journigan, (Barbara)…………………1976
Mervin D. Henning (Patti)………………………...1977
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 43
The Villages Shrine Club
Dedicated To Helping Children Through Our Shriners Hospitals
Gerald Vann, President
(240) 727-2753
Meets Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month
Hibiscus Rec Center, 1740 Bailey Trail, The Villages, FL
Social Hour - 6:00 PM - Meeting 7:00 PM
All Shriners and Their Ladies Welcome
Office Hours 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday-Friday, Except
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving & Friday, Christmas, & New Year’s Day.
Office Phone 407-660-8811 * Fax 407-660-9028
Red Fez Lounge 407-660-8822
Bahia Website:
All Mail Must be Addressed to:
Bahia Shrine Center
2300 Pembrook Drive
Orlando, FL 32810-2469
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 44
Paper Drive Coming in October
Signals from the Radio Unit
By Rod Cavin
Club and Unit presidents and Paper Drive Chairman please
make the final preparations for you fund raising event. Our It’s been a quiet summer for the radio unit, just letting the sun
goal is $50,000 this year.
shine and the rain fall.
Posters, newspapers, and bill boards are ordered and have
been promised in September. When picking up supplies
please take the supplies you need, but please be conservative
as the supplies are finite. Supplies will be available until
October 4th. Call me (Dave Cramp) at 407-592-7407 for ideas
or concerns. There are many ways to help from street and
store collections to fund raising events or chances on TVs,
etc. Look for the initial results in the November Caravan.
We’re prepping for our annual Tailgate in the pavilion on
September 12th and looking for a great year. Again the Bahia
caterer will provide the snacks.
Last year was the first year in many that the tailgate had bad
weather, really bad rain! So we’re looking for better odds this
The Orlando Amateur Radio Club — a very large club — will
celebrate it’s 60th Hamcation next February. This is the
second largest ham meet in the country. In honor of the
anniversary, the ARRL — the voice of amateur radio — is
having their national meeting here at Hamcation. The event
usually draws between 12 and 15 thousand hams from the
south east and overseas and expects a bigger crowd this year.
So a tip of the Fez to OARC. Congratulations on a great job
through the years.
And we can say that because most of us in the unit belong to
the club.
Hope you had a great summer. We look forward to seeing all
of you in September.
The Radio Unit meets on the second Thursday (except July
and August) in unit room D at 7:30. Drop by for a visit.
You’re always welcome.
73 — W4VBK
Kentucky Colonels Club
Meets 4th Tuesday of each month - 6 pm Dinner - covered
dish. All Kentucky Colonels are invited to attend.
Steve Weaver, President 407-314-7467
No personal vehicles -Parade or otherwise - are to be parked in the Shrine Garage, and no Hospital
Van is to be left outside so a personal vehicle may be stored in the Garage.
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 45
FL - Freemasonry (In God We Trust)
The code to purchase: Freemasons Tag FQR
All of the proceeds from the sale of this tag go directly to the Masonic Home Endowment Inc.
Your local Tag Agency should now have these tags in stock.
Please get yours when it is Ɵme to renew your tag.
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 46
Special Meeting 7/23/2015 Notes
The Treasurer Frank Guida provided a review of our financial situation and what has lead up to our current situation:
Our situation is compounded by the loss of membership (down to just over 1,600) and the increasing costs of maintaining our current building. In the
future we will possible have to make major repairs to the buildings roofs, update the antiquated lighting system, repave the parking lot, replacing the
carpet and painting the interior/exterior.
♦ Our rental program has brought in needed funds. But membership dues are down and fundraising (such as the Circus) have been disappointing.
The Divan and Trustees want to explore the possibility of selling the building and downsizing to a facility that is more appropriate for the number members
(which will probably continue to decrease).
Some members are concerned that we are folding “Bahia the fraternity” – which is false. There have been no discussion or plans on that type of action.
We could continue do nothing and at the current rate, we will run out of monies in the next year or so.
We could sale the building and find a smaller facility more in line with our membership numbers.
We could ask the membership for a special assessment or dues increase, either would probably erode our membership even more.
The Divan and Trustees are asking the nobility to allow them to explore all avenues to improve our current status, particularly with respect to selling our
current facility and downsizing to the needs of our membership.
There was a motion from the floor to accept the Divan’s plan – Motion was seconded.
There was much discussion. It was asked if we would use a realtor to sell the building; the possibility of using solar energy was suggested but the upfront
funding is not available, even though there are paybacks once the system is installed; it was asked the dollar value for an appraisal, which should be between
$1,500 and $3,000; Imperial Sir Bergenske stated that this same process is happening at other Temples include Egypt; Ill. Sir Mike Juett stated that the
membership needed to get behind the Divan and Trustees as we go through this process; One member suggested that 50 members donate $1,000; Ken Mueller
asked that the Divan become more transparent in its processes as some members have a lack of confidence, not seeing the financial statements or monthly
minutesand it would also be great for members to run for Oriental Guide. As a motion was made was passed to go through an appraisal process without a
dollar amount attached, he recommend another with a dollar amount be made; a motion was made and seconded to spend up to $5,000 on an appraisal. Motion
carried. Barry Rosenthal stated that he and his wife would assist with the sale and purchase without any fees.
Good of the Order: Jim Thomas, grandson of A. J. Thomas presented a donation of $253.50 that came from parking cars; Walter Hnot gave an overview of the
gaming event on August 15th and 16th; Ric Roberts spoke about the Bahia Poker Run and Day for Brian on September 26th; Gunter Summers announced the
Oktoberfest, also on September 26th in the Pavilion from 2:00 pm–10:00 pm; Imperial Sir Gary Bergenske talked about the Legends Concert on September
12th, being sponsored by the Kentucky Colonials; He also reminded everyone of the Imperial Session in 2017; Willie “B” Erd talked about the Fall
Ceremonial on October 23rd & 24th. He would like to have at least 25 candidates; The next meeting will be Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 unless called by
the Potentate and properly communicated to the membership.
Are you a Past Master of your Lodge?
2nd Friday
6:30PM Social • 7:30PM Meeting
Unit Room A
Willie B. Erd
Rich Wirth Sr.
Greater Daytona Shrine Club
Business Meeting and Dinner w/ the Ladies
3rd Tuesday at Pelican Bay CC
350 Pelican Bay Dr., Daytona Beach FL
Social Hour 5PM * Dinner 6PM
Meeting Follows
President, Ill. Sir John Borowiecki - 386-763-3039
Secretary, Charles A. Lizotte - 386-795-6051
September - October 2015
Shriners Caravan | 47
miss out on a great trip
to the
Last Frontier!
Bahia Shriners Caravan | 48
Hits from the Bands
By Noble Curtis Johnson
Jazz Band
For the first time in recent memory, the Bahia Jazz Band took a summer hiatus. We will be starting a rehearsal schedule to work up some
new music for our first performance in the Fez. Our usual schedule will resume on September 18, 2015, which is the third Friday. Please
mark this on your calendar and come out for one of Chef Sennet’s delicious dinners, and of course to hear the great music.
Dixielanders II
The Dixielanders are also working up new music. They performed at two lodges during the spring and early summer. Please let us know if
you would like for the band to play at your lodge or next event.
Drum Corps
The drum and bugle corps has been undergoing some repertoire changes. Due to this they will not be competing at DCA finals this year in
Rochester, New York. The corps has also made the switch to B flat horns. The drum corps is also looking for performance opportunities.
Top Left: Bahia Drum Corps
Top Right : Dixielanders II
Bottom: Bahia Jazz Band