Consumer Magazine Fact Book
Consumer Magazine Fact Book
CONSUMER magazine FACT BOOK 2014 CONTENTS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 CONTENTS CONTENTS 10 REASONS TO USE MAGAZINES 10 REASONS TO USE MAGAZINES PRINT PAYS A MAJOR ROLE IN CONTENT DISTRIBUTION & CONSUMPTION INDUSTRY TRENDS CANADIANS LOVE MAGAZINES MAGAZINE LAUNCH TRENDS IN CANADA A MAGAZINE FOR EVERYONE EDITORIAL CATEGORY CIRCULATION MAGAZINES ENGAGE, BIG OR SMALL U.S. SPILL IN LONG TERM DECLINE CANADIANS PREFER CANADIAN MAGAZINES CANADIAN MAGAZINES ARE A “MUST BUY” CANADIAN MAGAZINES PROVIDE COVERAGE MAGAZINE AD INFLATION PACES CPI TOP 10 MAGAZINES AD CATEGORIES LEADING MARKETERS DEPEND ON MAGAZINES ADVERTISERS INCREASE USE OF MAGAZINES PMB READERSHIP REMAINS CONSTANT MAGAZINES ARE READ BY ALL AGES MAGAZINES POPULAR WITH STUDENTS MAGAZINE MEDIA: HEAD OF THE CLASS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS PRINT MAGAZINES TOPS WITH STUDENTS TIME SPENT & READER INTEREST CONSISTENT MAGAZINES WORK HARD YEAR ROUND EFFECTS OF MAGAZINE MODELING ON CAMPAIGN EFFICIENCY WHERE NEWSSTAND BUYERS PURCHASE THEIR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES CITY & REGIONAL MAGAZINES RELY ON PRINT ADVERTISING POSITIONING & PERFORMANCE COVERS GENERATE EXTRA IMPACT AD IMPACT BY SIZE AD RECALL & ACTION BY SIZE, COLOUR & POSITION IMPACT OF FRONT vs. BACK OF MAGAZINE IMPACT OF LEFT vs. RIGHT PAGE ADVERTORIALS ENCOURAGE A CLOSER LOOK AT BRANDS ADVERTORIALS ARE EFFECTIVE MAGAZINE WEAROUT NOT EVIDENT MAGAZINE MEDIA FREQUENCY IMPROVES BRAND METRICS MAGAZINES WORK MAGAZINE MEDIA DELIVER EARLY ADOPTERS & INFLUENCERS MAGAZINES ESTABLISH DIALOGUE WITH KEY INFLUENTIALS PRINT READERS RECOMMEND PRODUCTS AND SERVICES CONSUMERS VALUE MAGAZINE MEDIA ADS 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 AD WANTEDNESS: MAGAZINES ARE #1 FOR CONSUMERS AND MARKETERS CONSUMERS & MARKETERS PREFER TO SEE PRINT ADS PRINT MAGAZINES ARE MOST ENGAGING PRINT MAGAZINE ADS ENGAGE MORE THAN WEB OR TV MAGAZINES ARE #1 IN READER ENGAGEMENT MAGAZINES ENGAGE AT HIGH LEVELS PRINT CREATES GREATER EMOTIONAL PROCESSING PRINT READERS RECALL MORE THAN ONLINE READERS AD EFFECTIVENESS INCREASES WITH READER ENGAGEMENT MAGAZINES HAVE A HEALTHY BALANCE OF EDITORIAL AND ADS ADS & EDIT COMMAND SIMILAR LEVELS OF ENGAGEMENT ADS ARE INTEGRAL TO MAGAZINE CONTENT PRINT MAGAZINE READERS CAN TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR EXPERIENCE MAGAZINE ADS AREA GOOD PART OF THE READING EXPERIENCE CONSUMERS TRUST INFORMATION FOUND IN PRINT MAGAZINES CONSUMERS TRUST MAGAZINE ADS EXECUTIVES TRUST MAGAZINE ADVERTISEMENTS MAGAZINE ADS ARE NOT A SOURCE OF CONSUMER COMPLAINTS MAGAZINE ADS DEMAND HIGH READER INTEREST MAGAZINES REACH & ENGAGE ALL CONSUMERS MAGAZINES EFFECTIVELY REACH LUXURY PROSPECTS MAGAZINE MEDIA GRAB THE ATTENTION OF AFFLUENT CONSUMERS MAGAZINES ATTRACT WEALTHY ADVERTISERS PRINTED PUBLICATIONS REACH UPSCALE CONSUMERS PRINT MAGAZINE READERSHIP INCREASES WITH INCOME LUXURY GOODS BUYERS ARE PRINT MAGAZINE READERS MAGAZINES ATTRACT INTEREST OF VERY HIGH INCOME CONSUMERS MAGAZINES COMMAND FULL CONSUMER ATTENTION MAGAZINE READERS ARE DEVOTED MAGAZINE READERS ARE LESS LIKELY TO MULTITASK MAGAZINES RECEIVE PRIMARY ATTENTION MAGAZINES HOLD ATTENTION THROUGHOUT DAILY ACTIVITIES PEOPLE ARE MOST INFLUENCED AND INSPIRED BY MAGAZINE MEDIA MAGAZINES INSPIRE MAGAZINE ADS ARE HIGHLY RELEVANT TO CONSUMERS MAGAZINE ADS PROVIDE CONSUMERS WITH RELEVANT LEARNING MAGAZINES INSPIRE AND INFORM MAGAZINE ADS ARE A SOURCE TO LEARN ABOUT NEW PRODUCTS/SERVICES MAGAZINES MATTER TO WOMEN WHO EXERCISE MAGAZINE READING IMMEDIACY MULTIPLE PAGE EXPOSURES PRINT WORKS DOUBLE MAGAZINE READERS TAKE ACTION PRINT ADS THAT GET WOMEN TO ACT CONSUMERS TAKE ACTION AFTER SEEING MAGAZINE MEDIA ADS ACTIONS TAKEN BY HOW COPY WAS OBTAINED CONTENTS 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 3 MAGAZINE AD EFFECTIVENESS IS UP AVERAGE AD IMPACT SCORES MAGAZINE EDIT & ADS DRIVE CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR MAGAZINES DELIVER A HIGHER ROI THAN TV AND ONLINE PRINT MAGAZINE ADVERTISING LIFTS SALES AD CREATIVE QUALITY DRIVES EFFECTIVENESS MAGAZINE EMAIL LIST MEMBERSHIP HAS STRONG REACH OF INFLUENCERS MAGAZINE EMAILS PROGRAMS OFFER A GREAT SOURCE OF RELEVANT INFO PRINT MAGAZINES THROW TO WEB/SEARCH MAGAZINE ADS DRIVE ONLINE SEARCH AND BRANDED WEBSITES MAGAZINES IN TOP TIER FOR DRIVING ONLINE SEARCH MAGAZINES DRIVE SEARCH ONLINE SEARCH INFLUENCERS BY DEMO MAGAZINES PROMPT ONLINE ACTION READERS TAKE ACTION ON MAGAZINE WEB SITES MAGAZINE AD URLS DRIVE READERS TO WEB CONSUMERS ARE MOST LIKELY TO USE QR CODES IN MAGAZINES PRINT MAGAZINES ARE #1 IN TRIGGERING QR CODE RESPONSE MAGAZINES USE ACTION CODES TO FURTHER ENGAGE READERS DIGITAL MAGAZINE MEDIA PRINT AND DIGITAL ADS RECEIVE EQUAL RECALL DIGITAL MAGAZINE ADS CONNECT MORE THAN VIDEO OR SOCIAL DIGITAL MAGAZINE PERSUASIVENESS INCREASES WITH ADOPTION READERS PREFER PRINT EDITIONS THE READING EXPERIENCE: PAPER WINS READERS ABSORB MORE ON PAPER FOR THOROUGH INFO, FRENCH READERS SAY 'OUI' TO PAPER DIGITAL ENHANCES BUT DOESN'T REPLACE THE MAGAZINE EXPERIENCE PRINT AND DIGITAL MAGAZINES RECEIVE EQUAL READING TIME MAGAZINE READERS ARE HEAVY SOCIAL MEDIA USERS MAGAZINE MEDIA READERS ARE SOCIAL CONSUMERS CHOOSE A RANGE OF MAGAZINE PLATFORMS THROUGHOUT THE DAY PRINT MAGAZINE READERS ARE TECH INFLUENCERS MAGAZINES IN A MEDIA MIX MAGAZINES DRIVE PURCHASE INTENT IN A MEDIA MIX ADVERTISING IN MAGAZINES DIRECTLY INCREASES SALES HIGHER FAVOURABILITY SCORES FOUND IN BRANDS WHO INVEST IN MAGAZINES MAGAZINES ADS HELP TV ADS WORK HARDER MAGAZINES OUTPERFORM TV AND ONLINE FOR CRITICAL PURCHASE DRIVERS MAGAZINES DELIVER ROI AUTOMOTIVE MAGAZINES & INTERNET ARE TRUSTED PAID MEDIA SOURCES FOR AUTO INTENDERS PRINT MAGAZINES ARE ON AUTO INTENDERS' LIST OF TOP 3 MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA MAGAZINES WORK HARDEST IN AUTO INTENDER CONSIDERATION PHASE 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 PAID MEDIA HELPS AUTO INTENDERS LEARN ABOUT OPTIONS AVAILABLE MAGAZINES HIGHEST IN AD RECEPTIVITY AMONG AUTO INTENDERS PRINT MAGAZINES ARE IMPORTANT INFO FOR SOURCES FOR AUTO INTENDERS MEDIA WORK HARDEST THROUGH THE AUTO EVALUATION PHASE MAGAZINES' ROLE IN THE AUTO PURCHASE PROCESS MORE MAGAZINES READ = HIGHER PRICE PAID FOR AUTOS MAGAZINEMEDIA ADS MOTIVATE AUTO PURCHASE BEAUTY MEDIA WORK HARDEST THROUGH THE EVALUATION & PURCHASE PHASES MAGAZINES ARE THE MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA CHANNEL FOR BEAUTY INFO PRINT MAGAZINES & THEIR WEB ADS ARE THE MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA SOURCES MAGAZINES PLAY AN ESSENTIAL ROLE IN GENERATING BEAUTY PRODUCT RECALL MAGAZINE MEDIA IMPACT IS STRONGEST AT LATER STAGES OF THE PATH TO PURCHASE PRINT MAGAZINES ENGENDER THE HIGHET RECEPTIVITY TO BEAUTY ADS PRINT MAGAZINES ARE THE #1 PAID MEDIA SOURCE FOR BEAUTY PURCHASERS PRINT MAGAZINE ADVERTISING INCREASES SALES: BEAUTY CATEGORY MAGAZINE MEDIA, PRINT & DIGITAL, PLAY INFLUENTIAL ROLES IN BEAUTY DECISIONS FOOD PRODUCTS MAGAZINES ARE AMONG THE TOP MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA FOR FOOD PRODUCTS PRINT & ONLINE MAGS ARE MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA FOR FOOD PURCHASERS RECALL OF MAGAZINE FOOD ADS REMAIN CONSISTENT THROUGH PATH TO PURCHASE MAGAZINE IMPACT IS STRONGEST IN THE EVALUATION STAGE OF THE PURCHASE PATH MAGAZINE ADVERTISING INCREASES SALES: FOOD CATEGORY MEDIA WORK HARDEST THROUGH THE EVALUATION & PURCHASE PHASES MAGAZINE ADS WORK HARDEST THROUGH THE EVALUATION & PURCHASE PHASES HEALTHCARE PRINT MAGAZINES REACH INFLUENTIAL HEALTHCARE CONSUMERS MAGAZINE READERS ARE INFLUENTIAL WITH HEALTHCARE DECISIONS MAGAZINES ADS PROMPT HEALTHCARE ACTION PRINT MAGAZINES INSPIRE HOME RENOVATION PRINT MAGAZINES ARE PRIME REAL ESTATE MAGAZINES REACH HOME INFLUENCERS PRINT MAGAZINES REACH GREEN CONSUMERS OTHER USEFUL INFO ABOUT MAGAZINES CANADA CREATIVE USE OF MAGAZINES CATEGORY QUICK HITS FACT BOOKS U.S. SPILL RESOURCES FASTFACTS MAGAZINE ECO KIT & CARBON FOOTPRINT COMPENDIUM MAGAZINE CREATIVE TESTING AdDirect™ AD PORTAL GOT QUESTIONS? CONTACT US 10 REASONS TO USE MAGAZINES 1. Magazines and magazine ads capture focused attention: The focused process of magazine reading leads to less media multi-tasking, ensuring single-minded attention to advertising. 3. Magazine advertising is relevant and welcomed: Consumers value magazine advertising, reading it almost as much as the editorial itself. The ads are accepted as an essential part of the magazine mix. 2. Magazine advertising is targeted: Magazines engage readers in very personal ways. There’s a magazine for every passion and a passion for every magazine. Use magazines to reach your target audience in a meaningful way — a way in which Specialty TV just can’t compare. Plus, magazine readers reach the affluent, those with disposable income to buy advertised brands. 4. Magazines are credible: Consumers trust magazines so much that they are the leading sources of information that readers recommend by word-of-mouth to others. 5. Magazines offer a lasting message: Ads keep working 24/7. They provide a lasting, durable message with time to study a brand’s benefits. Consumers clip and save magazine ads for future reference. Continued… 4 10 REASONS TO USE MAGAZINES 6. Magazines deliver brand-relevant imagery: Magazine editorial imbues ads with brandrelevant imagery, associations and a frame of reference that delivers greater reader receptivity to brand ads. 7. Magazine advertising drives web searches and visits: Magazines are where consumers go for ideas and inspiration. That’s why magazine ads are leading influencers, driving readers to advertiser websites and to start a search. 8. Magazines drive the purchase funnel: Magazines are effective across all stages of the purchase funnel, especially brand favourability and purchase consideration, the most sought after metrics that are hardest to sway. 5 9. Magazine advertising sells brands and enhances ROI: Allocating more ad dollars to magazines in the media mix improves marketing and advertising ROI. Study after study prove that magazines help drive sales objectives, as a stand alone medium or in combination with others. Over half of readers act on exposure to magazine ads. 10. Magazines are becoming 360º marketing providers: Magazines are rapidly migrating to digital platforms—web, smartphones, iPad—delivering 360º marketing opportunity to mass and targeted audiences. PRINT PLAYS A MAJOR ROLE IN CONTENT DISTRIBUTION & CONSUMPTION The top 25 print magazines reach more adults and teens than the top 25 regularly scheduled primetime TV shows. Readership is consistent across generations, seeing less fluctuation among age groups than TV, Internet and radio. Consumers are spending a significant amount of time – 40 minutes on average – reading each print issue. Source: From Disruption to Experimentation: The Power of Magazines, IDEAlliance PRIMEX EAST Conference Keynote, 2014. 6 INDUSTRY TRENDS Consumer Magazine Trends at a Glance 7 CANADIANS LOVE MAGAZINES Canada has access to more consumer magazine titles per capita than most other developed countries in the world. Number of Consumer Magazines per Capita (Index) Canada 100 France 68 Germany 57 Australia 49 UK Japan USA 43 26 23 Source: FIPP World Magazine Trends 2011-12 8 MAGAZINE LAUNCH TRENDS IN CANADA 1,311 English and French titles were available in 2012, a 36% increase versus 2001. During this same time frame, magazine availability grew at 2.5 times the rate of Canada’s population (13.5%). More. Canadian magazines have staying power: for the past 7 years, the total number of magazines has remained above 1,200. While launches slowed, predictably, during the recession of 2008-2009, they have strengthened once again. 24% 76% Number of Canadian Consumer Magazines, 2001-2013 YEAR # CONSUMER TITLES YEAR 2001 961 2001 41 2 2002 1,000 2002 55 8 2003 1,032 2003 51 5 2004 1,114 2004 88 12 2005 1,160 2005 61 6 2006 1,201 2006 53 7 2007 1,244 2007 53 1 2008 1,282 2008 51 7 2009 1,276 2009 10 1 2010 1,283 2010 8 1 2011 1,286 2011 11 0 2012 1,288 2012 17 1 2013 1,311 2013 37 4 2001-2013 Average 41 4 English Titles French Titles Source: Mastheadonline; Magazines Canada; Statistics Canada; CARDonline 9 Magazine Launch History 2001-2013 LAUNCHES Eng Fr A MAGAZINE FOR EVERYONE Despite a recessionary economy, Canadian consumer magazine launches continued, albeit at a lower pace, in several categories fulfilling personal needs and passions, from fashion to food to home décor, or just a great read. In fact, 59% of all Canadian magazines available today were launched after the internet became commercially available in 1989. More. Number of Launches by Category EDITORIAL CATEGORY 2013 Eng Fr Arts/Cultural/Entertainment 4 1 2 0 Business/News/Finance/Technology 0 0 0 0 City/Regional General Interest 2 0 0 0 Gays/Lesbians 0 0 0 0 Health/Fitness/Wellness 1 0 0 0 Leisure/Recreation/Sports/Travel 9 0 1 0 Lifestyle 8 4 2 0 Men’s 2 0 0 0 Parenting 1 0 0 0 Seniors/Mature Market 1 0 0 0 Shelter/Food 3 0 2 0 Women’s 5 2 1 2 Youth/Children/Student 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 8 0 1 0 Total 44 7 27 2 Source: MediaFinder 10 LAUNCHES PAST 5 YRS Eng Fr EDITORIAL CATEGORY CIRCULATION The General Interest magazine category accounts for the highest average issue circulation in Canada. Homes/Gardening magazines and Travel magazines follow with Women’s and City & Regional magazines rounding out the top five. Average Issue Circulation (‘000) RANK EDITORIAL CATEGORY 1 General Interest 9,691 7,984 1,707 2 Homes/Gardening 7,368 5,623 1,745 3 Travel 5,588 2,467 3,121 4 Women’s 5,159 4,054 1,105 5 City & Regional 4,699 3,912 787 6 Lifestyle 4,353 4,006 347 7 Entertainment 4,096 3,185 911 8 Food & Beverage 3,693 3,068 625 9 Business & Finance 2,175 1,618 557 10 Senior/Mature Market 2,154 1,733 421 Source: CARD; Magazines Canada 11 2013 CIRCULATION TOTAL ENGLISH FRENCH MAGAZINES ENGAGE, BIG OR SMALL If you need to engage a tightly defined audience, put magazines of every size to work. Big or small, magazines are wanted. They reach and fulfill the personal needs and passions of its readers in every niche. CIRC SIZE GROUPING # OF TITLES % OF TOTAL TITLES GROUP CIRCULATION % OF TOTAL CIRCULATION 1 Million + 7 0.9% 8,779,654 13.7% 500,000 to 999,999 18 2.3% 11,170,296 17.5% 250,000 to 499,999 24 3.0% 8,460,784 13.2% 100,000 to 249,999 104 13.2% 15,260,061 23.9% 50,000 to 99,999 152 19.2% 10,650,340 16.6% 20,000 to 49,999 236 29.9% 7,073,680 11.1% 1 to 19,999 249 31.5% 2,579,696 4.0% Source: MPA Handbook; Magazines Canada Fact Book 12 U.S. SPILL IN LONG TERM DECLINE U.S. spill has been in decline since Magazines Canada started measurement tracking in 1983. As more and more Canadian magazines launch, the more choices readers have available. Overall spill circulation has declined 52% whereas average circulation spill-per-title has declined by 47%. More. YEAR TOTAL SPILL CIRCULATION INDEX AVERAGE CIRCULATION PER TITLE* INDEX 1983 10,705,000 100 26,303 100 1989 9,969,000 93 21,031 80 1998 9,155,000 86 16,203 62 2000 8,518,000 80 15,716 60 2002 8,160,000 76 15,396 59 2004 7,899,000 74 14,055 53 2006 7,666,000 72 13,664 52 2008 7,322,000 68 13,435 51 2010 6,349,000 59 14,235 54 2012 5,827,129 54 14,641 56 2013 5,122,395 48 13,882 53 * Average Issue Circulation Source: ABC 13 CANADIANS PREFER CANADIAN MAGAZINES Given a choice, Canadians prefer magazines that tell Canadian stories and reflect Canadian needs. Canadians prefer content that reports on products and services available in Canada and priced in Canadian dollars. • 92% agree that Canadian magazines play a significant role in informing Canadians about each other STATEMENT 1: STATEMENT 2: • 88% feel it is personally important that a magazine have editorial content created specifically for Canadian readers Advertisements in Canadian magazines are more relevant to me than advertisements in U.S. magazines. • 90% feel that U.S. titles don’t effectively cover Canadian issues I am more inclined to look for information in Canadian magazines than U.S. magazines when I am in the market to purchase a product. Source: Industry questionnaire conducted by Totum Research 14 AGREE 77% AGREE 83% DISAGREE 23% DISAGREE 17% Source: Reader’s Digest Magazines (Canada) CANADIAN MAGAZINES ARE A “MUST BUY” Two U.S. spill titles penetrate Canada’s top 100 titles list, as measured by circulation, taking the 43rd and 72nd rankings. 1.3% 1.9% U.S. Spill circulation accounts for just 1.3% of total circulation delivered by the Top 100 titles available in Canada. 98.7% 98.1% Canadian titles are a must buy to reach Canadian consumers in a meaningful way. More. Canadian Circulation Source: ABC, 2012 15 US Spill Circulation * Average Issue Circulation. CANADIAN MAGAZINES PROVIDE COVERAGE Comparing the total circulation of the top 5 Canadian titles and the top 5 U.S. spill titles, Canadian magazines provide needed coverage. Advertising campaigns cannot mount effective impact with U.S.-only spill circulation. More. Women’s Magazines Business Magazines General Interest Magazines 9% 74% 72.0% 26% 28.0% 16% 17.0% 83.0% 84% 91% 15 16 Canadian Circulation Canadian Circulation Canadian Circulation US Spill Circulation US Spill Circulation US Spill Circulation Average Issue Circulation. Source: CARD; ABC, 2013 MAGAZINE AD INFLATION PACES CPI Over the last decade, magazine ad inflation has paced at or below the Consumer Price Index (CPI), although higher transportation costs (due to increased oil prices) and increasingly higher postage rates have been a counter trend to overall CPI. Magazine Ad Page Inflation (2001 = 100) 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Magazines Consumer Price Index (CPI) Source: Statistics Canada; Leading National Advertisers (LNA) 17 TOP 10 MAGAZINES AD CATEGORIES The top 10 magazine advertising categories account for three quarters of total magazine ad spending, as measured by LNA. Toiletries and Toilet Goods was the largest category in 2013, followed by Retail Stores, Business & Consumer Services, Food & Food Products and Drugs & Remedies. TOTAL RANK ENGLISH RANK FRENCH RANK Toiletries & Toilet Goods 1 1 1 Retail Stores 2 2 4 Business & Consumer Services 3 3 5 Food & Food Products 4 4 2 Drugs & Remedies 5 8 3 Entertainment & Amusement 6 5 19 Apparel, Footwear & Accessories 7 6 7 Automotive, Automotive Access & Equipment 8 10 8 Building Materials, Equipment & Fixtures 9 12 6 Travel, Hotel & Resorts 10 7 13 AD CATEGORY 23.9% 76.1% Top 10 Categories Remaining Categories Source: Leading National Advertisers (LNA), 2013 18 LEADING MARKETERS DEPEND ON MAGAZINES RANK ADVERTISER 2013 AD SPEND ($) RANK ADVERTISER 1 Procter & Gamble 84,275,845 26 TD Canada Trust 3,502,272 2 L'Oreal Canada 31,332,856 27 Chanel Inc. 3,473,995 3 Unilever Canada Limited 17,117,434 28 Shoppers Drug Mart 3,319,893 4 Johnson & Johnson Inc. 11,361,795 29 New Nordic Inc. 3,013,179 5 Coty Canada Inc. 11,031,758 30 Clarins Canada Inc. 3,003,888 6 Kraft Canada Inc. 10,272,088 31 Scotiabank 2,958,457 7 Dairy Farmers Of Canada 8,769,641 32 Glaxosmithkline Inc. 2,917,850 8 Breck's Limited 5,767,760 33 Government Of Canada 2,882,801 9 Chrysler Group Llc 5,600,907 34 General Motors Of Canada Ltd 2,852,120 10 Laboratoires Garnier (Div.Of L'Oreal) 5,518,517 35 Rogers Communications Inc. 2,833,743 11 Kellogg Canada Inc. 5,188,347 36 Ford Motor Co Of Canada Ltd 2,767,884 12 Sears Canada Inc. 4,926,445 37 Nestle Canada Inc. 2,759,167 13 Maybelline ( Div.Of L'Oreal) 4,893,440 38 Eq3 Summit Furniture 2,564,604 14 Target Canada 4,692,002 39 Kruger Products 2,554,265 15 Kimberly-Clark Of Canada Ltd 4,572,372 40 Schering-Plough Canada 2,345,620 16 Kao Brands Canada Inc. 4,435,975 41 Clorox Company Of Canada Ltd. 2,290,758 17 Revlon Canada Inc. 4,384,329 42 Clinique Laboratories(Div.Estee Lauder) 2,257,942 18 Loblaws Inc. 4,329,952 43 Crate & Barrel 2,229,169 19 Bose Corporation 4,240,147 44 Earth's Own Food Company Inc. 2,217,057 20 Beiersdorf Canada Inc. 4,210,285 45 Bradford Exchange 2,200,900 21 Reitmans Canada Ltd. 4,138,314 46 Lvmh Group 2,120,024 22 Smucker Foods Of Canada Corp. 3,844,545 47 Honda Canada Inc 2,022,953 23 Thomson Reuters Canada Limited 3,800,940 48 Colgate-Palmolive Canada 2,015,271 24 Air Canada 3,686,747 49 Tjx Companies Inc. 1,996,339 25 Estee Lauder Inc 3,621,747 50 Calendar Marketing Inc. 1,968,087 Source: Leading National Advertisers (LNA) 19 2013 AD SPEND ($) ADVERTISERS INCREASE USE OF MAGAZINES SAMPLE OF ADVERTISERS WHO INCREASED MAGAZINE AD SPENDING IN 2013 VS. 2012 (% CHANGE) 3M Canada Co. Aeg Live Agropur Cooperative Agroalimentaire Air Canada American Apparel Apple Canada Inc Bacardi Canada Inc. Basf Canada Inc. Bayer Inc. Bell Canada Bell Media Inc. Benjamin Moore & Co. Ltd. Bradford Exchange Canon Canada Inc. Chrysler Group Llc Clorox Company Of Canada Ltd. Colgate-Palmolive Canada Columbia Sportswear Company Coty Canada Inc. Crate & Barrel Dairy Farmers Of Canada Elizabeth Arden (Canada) Estee Lauder Inc Forever 21 Gap Inc. General Mills Canada Ltd Glaxosmithkline Inc. H&M Hennes And Mauritz Hallmark Cards International Hudson's Bay Company Ibm Canada Ltd +149.7% +4,914.2% +12.7% +10.6% +15.8% +3,241.1% +50.0% +24.0% +873.8% +27.6% +163.5% +33.0% +10.0% +1,385.5% +23.5% +68.5% +7.6% +21.6% +7.4% +125.4% +12.9% +38.6% +16.4% +1,759.9% +164.1% +347.8% +79.7% +35.9% +141.6% +124.8% +18.2% Ibm Canada Ltd Kraft Canada Inc. Lindt & Sprungli (Canada), Inc. Liquor Control Board Of Ontario Loblaws Inc. Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Mastercard International Inc. Mazda Canada Inc. Molson Coors Canada Mountain Equipment Co-Op Nestle Purina Petcare Porter Airlines Inc. Procter & Gamble Revlon Canada Inc. Rogers Broadcasting Limited Rona Inc. Samsung Electronics Canada Inc. Schering-Plough Canada Scotiabank Sears Canada Inc. Shoppers Drug Mart Sony Of Canada Ltd Sotheby's International Realty TD Canada Trust Telus Communications Inc. Tetley Canada Inc. Thomson Reuters Canada Limited Tv Ontario Vogue International Volkswagen Canada Ltd Source: Leading National Advertisers (LNA) 20 Partial list 18.2% 28.9% 846.1% 140.1% 7.4% 128.2% 1,040.8% 48.0% 758.6% 239.3% 2,608.3% 240.3% 26.4% 18.1% 76.3% 110.5% 33.7% 109.3% 54.2% 10.3% 146.0% 200.5% 26.6% 705.6% 21.7% 23.9% 178.0% 19.0% 583.2% 16.1% 36.4% PMB READERSHIP REMAINS CONSTANT Average issue readership of PMB-measured magazines remains constant at one million readers per PMB-measured title despite the launch of 109 new consumer titles in Canada during the last five years. More. Average Issue Magazine Readership of PMB-measured Titles (Millions of Readers) 1 1 1 1 1 1 PMB Spring PMB PMB Spring PMB Spring PMB Spring PMB Spring 2009 Spring2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Source: Print Measurement Bureau (PMB), Spring 2014 21 MAGAZINES ARE READ BY ALL AGES Readership is strong across all demos, reaching Canadians in virtually every life phase. Read a PMB-Measured Magazine in the Past 3 Months (%) 82 Despite the adoption of digital platforms, readers age 12-24 read almost as much as the average magazine reader. 82 81 80 80 76 12+ 12-24 Source: Print Measurement Bureau (PMB), Spring 2014 22 25-34 35-49 50-64 65+ MAGAZINES POPULAR WITH STUDENTS College students read magazines regularly, with 90% reading a magazine in the past month. They also visit websites, purchase products seen advertised in a magazine and use magazine coupons, promotions or other specials. Students who Agree with the Following Statements (%) % Agree Read a magazine in the past month 100% Keep magazines for at least a month 84% Share magazines with friends and/or borrow them from friends 70% Get fashion ideas from magazines 85% Visit websites they see in magazines 89% Purchase an item after seeing it in a magazine 84% Use coupons from magazines to make a purchase 63% Redeem specials and promotions they see in magazines 84% Source: Shweiki Media, May 2013. n=387 23 MAGAZINE MEDIA: HEAD OF THE CLASS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS When was the last time you… WITHIN LAST WEEK WITHIN LAST MONTH WITHIN LAST 6 MONTHS WITHIN LAST YEAR 65% 90% 97% 100% 24 54 74 85 Read a magazine Got a fashion idea from a magazine How often do you… MONTHLY (ABOUT) EVERY 6 MONTHS (ABOUT) ONCE EVERY YEAR 34% 21% 11% Take advantage of specials or promotions you see in magazines 35 18 12 Use coupons from magazines to make a purchase 22 15 9 Purchase an item after seeing it in a magazines 27 32 21 Visit websites you see in magazines Source: Shweiki/College Breaks College Media, May 2013. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2014/2015. 24 PRINT MAGAZINES TOPS WITH STUDENTS Students age 18-24 prefer reading their favourite magazines in print (93%) with reading on websites, smartphones, online-only editions and tablet editions following. How magazines and other media are consumed in households with $100,000+ income MAGAZINES Read print magazines 93% Read print magazine websites 32% Read magazines content on smartphones 11% Read online-only magazines 10% Read magazine content on tablets 4% Source: Studentawards Inc. and Marketing Magazine, 2012 Base: Students aged 18-24 25 TIME SPENT & READER INTEREST CONSISTENT Qualitative readership scores remain stable. Time spent reading and “average degree of interest” scores are consistent across all measured magazines. Qualitative Readership QUALITATIVE READERSHIP SCORES Time Spent Reading (minutes/issue ) Avg. Degree of Interest (10 point scale) PMB 2007 PMB 2009 FALL PMB 2010 FALL PMB 2011 SPRING PMB 2011 FALL PMB 2012 SPRING PMB 2012 FALL 41 41 41 42 42 41 42 41 44 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.9 Source: Print Measurement Bureau (PMB) 26 PMB PMB 2013 2014 SPRING SPRING MAGAZINES WORK HARD YEAR ROUND Magazines are read consistently across all four seasons, delivering fresh content, without reruns, in each and every issue. Magazines can be counted upon to deliver effective brand presence and efficient message continuity throughout the year, connecting brand purchase cycles when consumers are most ready to buy. PMB Readership Seasonality--Index to Full-year Average FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER Oct/Nov/Dec Jan/Feb/Mar Apr/May/Jun Jul/Aug/Sep 110 103 100 97 Source: Print Measurement Bureau (PMB), 2014 Spring 27 EFFECTS OF MAGAZINE MODELING ON CAMPAIGN EFFICIENCY A study conducted by MediaVest and Meredith Corporation indicates that the value attributed to magazine advertising can vary by as much as 18% based on data used for campaign modelling. Findings suggest that weekly GRP data by market leads to better campaign results. A comparison of campaign results resulting from various data input models (Index) Weekly GRPs by market 100 Monthly GRPs by market distributed evenly across each week of the issue month 94 Weekly national GRPs 94 Monthly spending distributed evenly across each week of the issue month Monthly GRPs by market concentrated in the first week of issue month Monthly spending concentrated in the first issue of issue month 85 85 82 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Source: Magazines and Media Mix Models: Prescription for Success, 2009. As reported in Marketing Mix Modeling & Media Inputs, MPA 2011 28 WHERE NEWSSTAND BUYERS PURCHASE THEIR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES Retail sales by channel 2013 (units sold) Supermarkets 35% Supercenters 12 Drugstores 11 Bookstores 10 Other 9 Terminals 8 Mass merchandisers 7 Convenience stores 4 Club stores 3 Discount stores 2 Source: Harrington Associates, 2014 (2013 data); MPA Factbook 2014/2015 29 CITY & REGIONAL MAGAZINES RELY ON PRINT ADVERTISING Print still pays the bills for city and regional publishers. Respondents say more than three quarters of their revenue still comes from print advertising, and overall, it’s stable. Local titles rely on print for as much as 93% of their annual revenue. Publishers source of revenue SOURCE % IN 2013 % IN 2014 77.1% 74.9% Paid subscriptions 10.5 5.9 Custom publishing 5.6 5.9 Digital media 3.7 4.6 Events 1.9 2.5 Mobile 0.2 0.5 Data 0.1 0.0 Print advertising Source: Folio, September 2014; ‘City and Regional Magazines Rely on Print Advertising, October 7, 2014, Mediapost. 30 POSITIONING & PERFORMANCE Get more from magazines 31 COVERS GENERATE EXTRA IMPACT Ad size does matter. Use ad impact data from Starch Research to help you plan the most impactful campaign possible within the confines of your media budget. More. Index of Noted Scores 120 116 100 Inside Pages 2nd Cover (IFC) Source: Starch Research; Magazines Canada Magazine Essentials 32 108 3rd Cover (IBC) 4th Cover (OBC) AD IMPACT BY SIZE AD TYPE Ad size does matter. Use ad impact data from Starch Research to help you plan the most impactful campaign possible within the confines of your media budget. More. RECALL INDEX Page 4C Advertisement 100 P4C + 1/3 Page 4C 120 Inside Spread 4C 115 P4C + 1/2 P4C 112 1/2 Spread 4C 88 1/6 Page 4C 85 1/2 Page 4C 80 1/3 Page 4C 76 1/3 Page Square 4C 71 1/4 Page 4C 71 Double ¾ Column Page 4C 68 1/2 Page B/W 64 Guide Page 4C 1/3 Page 2C 54 54 Source: Starch Research; Magazines Canada Magazine Essentials 33 AD RECALL & ACTION BY SIZE, COLOUR & POSITION Two research sources confirm high recall of magazine ad messaging (from 38% to 75% overall). Ad response, as measured by “actions taken” increases when colour ads, larger ad sizes and premium positions are used. Impact of print magazine ads (%) ALL ADS NOTED ACTIONS TAKEN 67% 61 54 51 43 42 42 62% 61 60 60 65 65 65 52 38 61 57 75 60 63 58 52 60 61 60 60 61 Ad Size Multiple pages (excl. spreads) Gatefold ads Spread Full page Half-page Third page Less than half page Colour Four colour Black and white Premium Position Inside front cover Inside back cover Back cover Adjacent table of contents Total Sources: GfK MRI Starch Advertising Research, January - December 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015. 34 IMPACT OF FRONT vs. BACK OF MAGAZINE Front, middle or back, research proves that magazine ads generate equal impact regardless of where they are positioned in a magazine. A reader’s interest is maintained throughout the entire magazine. Ad Effectiveness by Position NOTED ACTION TAKEN First quarter of book 55% 61% Second quarter of book 50 61 Third quarter of book 49 62 Fourth quarter of book 50 62 Sources:GfK MRI Starch, January-December 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 35 IMPACT OF LEFT vs. RIGHT PAGE Research proves that magazine ads generate equal impact regardless of where they are positioned in the magazine. Ads on the left-page or right-page have equal impact. For more info, click here. 100 105 103 106 Ads on Right-Hand Page Ads on Left-Hand Page Noted Associated Read Most Index of Noted Scores Source: Starch Research; Magazines Canada Magazine Essentials 36 ADVERTORIALS ENCOURAGE A CLOSER LOOK AT BRANDS Well-written advertorials that strike a welljudged balance between the advertiser’s message and extra information, that educates and inspires, can earn credibility that readers will respond to. Branded content can deliver strong metrics in both printed magazines and on magazine websites. ADVERTORIALS COMPARED WITH STANDARD ADS In Printed Magazine Ad Advertorial Rectangle Ad Advertorial Entertaining 36% 50% 37% 61% Message Recall 33% 44% 23% 88% Brand Consideration 45% 50% 57% 63% Source: Proof of Performance, The Added Value of Branded Content, Sanoma Media & Media Test, 2012 37 On Website ADVERTORIALS ARE EFFECTIVE Advertorial content, incorporating brand messages outside of the typical ad units, score well in generating overall recall, readership and brand favourability. ADVERTISING AVERAGE POSITIONING ADVERTISING ADJACENT TO RELEVANT EDIT MULTI-PAGE CUSTOM CONTENT SECTIONS— BRAND ADS MULTI-PAGE CUSTOM CONTENT SECTIONS – ADVERTORIAL CONTENT Noted (%) 49.9 47.3 41.5 56.4 Associated (%) 42.7 40.1 33.3 39.3 Read Any (%) 41.9 40.2 35.5 48.8 Any action taken amongst Noters (%) 56.8 57.3 57.4 55.6 Have a more favourable opinion about the advertiser amongst Noters (%) 23.8 23.8 25.2 26.5 Source: GFK MRI Cover to Cover, October 2012. 38 MAGAZINE WEAROUT NOT EVIDENT For Toyota and Target, full-year magazine campaigns support existing evidence that neither ad recall nor actions taken over the course of the campaign declined. Magazine advertising wearout was not evident. TOYOTA 495 measured ad insertions over 4 quarters Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Average recall 55% 52% 50% 53% Actions taken (net) 39% 38% 39% 40% TARGET 344 measured ad insertions over 4 quarters Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Average recall 67% 63% 64% 67% Visit a store 35% 32% 35% 32% Source: Affinity’s VISTA Service, 2010. Base: Actions taken based on readers recalling specific ads 39 MAGAZINE MEDIA FREQUENCY IMPROVES BRAND METRICS Exposure Frequency Viewing a magazine campaign multiple times pushes brand awareness metrics even higher. 20 More is better! 17 16 14 13 12 Print Ad Awareness Purchase Intent 10 Brand Favourability 8 7 5 1-2 Exposures 3-4 Exposures 5+ Exposures Data is delta: Delta = Control – Exposed Number of respondents: 1-2 exposures n=50,213; 3-4 exposures n=10,155; 5+ exposures n=9,172 Source: InsightExpress, 2014; Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2014/2015 40 Brand Awareness MAGAZINES WORK The key to most any communication plan 41 MAGAZINE MEDIA DELIVER EARLY ADOPTERS & INFLUENCERS % Composition Early Adopters Brand Loyalty Category Infuencers 40% Magazines (digital) 47% 41% 36% Social Media General websites Radio Newspapers Television Brand Advocates 37% Magazines (print) 40% 35% 39% Social Networking 32% 38% 32% 36% 32% 35% Leveraging print and digital Magazines in your campaign will give you access to the key customer segments you need. Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 42 Word Of Mouth MAGAZINES ESTABLISH DIALOGUE WITH KEY INFLUENTIALS Word of mouth recommendation is becoming the holy grail in an environment where consumer trust is critical to communicate and engage effectively. Magazines establish a regular dialogue with key consumers: print magazines are #1 in reaching super influential consumers. Number of times medium ranks #1 among super influential consumers across 60 product categories 37 17 5 Print magazines Internet* Radio 1 0 TV Newspapers * Includes internet magazine activity Note: Super influentials are defined as people who have great experience in this topic and whose advice on this topic is trusted by friends and family members. Top quintile of usage for each medium among adults with a Hhi of $50K+ Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2013 43 PRINT READERS RECOMMEND PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Consumers that read print magazines are trusted influencers and recommend products and services to others. Trusted influencers are heavy print magazine users (index) 111 104 94 98 Food Healthcare 114 100 104 109 Automotive 102 104 101 115 Magazines Internet* TV 116 Technology 81 77 Finance 140 Radio Newspapers 92 117 114 107 Vacation Travel 78 108 119 105 *Includes internet magazine activity Top quintile of usage for each medium, indexed to adults 18+. Category influentials—recommenders are defined as people who frequently recommend products and services Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 44 CONSUMERS VALUE MAGAZINE MEDIA ADS Consumers enjoy magazine ads more than any other media—they are educational, non-obstrusive and some consumers even like them more than the content itself. MAGAZINES WEBSITES AD-SUPPORTED TV NETWORKS Look at most of the ads 143 81 90 Has ads about things I care about 136 91 86 Get valuable info from the ads 135 96 83 Like ads as much as or more than the content 133 81 95 More likely to buy the products in the ads 130 95 90 Ads help me make purchase decisions 129 95 86 (INDEX) Source: Experian Marketing Services, Simmons Multi-Media Engagement Study, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 45 AD WANTEDNESS: MAGAZINES ARE #1 FOR CONSUMERS AND MARKETERS Media that command consumers’ full attention Advertising acceptance—adults stating where ads should be eliminated Ads in Print 26% In the websites visited 43% TV Commercials 18% In the TV programs watched 42% Billboards 16% On the radio stations listened to 35% Radio ads 15% In the magazines read 24% Online ads 7% Ads in mobile apps or games 5% Source: Adobe Systems Click Here Study, October 2012. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2013/2014. 46 CONSUMERS & MARKETERS PREFER TO SEE PRINT ADS Print magazines are one of the most preferred places to look at an ad, as rated by consumers and marketers. Preferred Places To Look At An Ad (% of Respondents) Media Consumers Marketers Favorite Print Magazine 45% 55% Favorite TV Show 23% 21% Favorite Website 11% 3% Billboard 10% 4% Window Display 6% 2% Social Media 3% 2% Favorite Digital Magazine 2% 3% Apps 0% 1% Q: Where do you prefer to look at an ad? Source: The State of Online Advertising, Adobe Systems Incorporated, October 2012. 47 PRINT MAGAZINES ARE MOST ENGAGING Print magazine reading evokes a general feeling of personal engagement with the medium. Feeling Engaged 37% 35% 34% 24% 19% 15% Reading a Print Magazine Watching television Browsing a Browsing a Social Reading a Digital Watching Videos General Website Media Site Magazine Online Early Adopter 37% 34% 36% 23% 20% 18% Influencer 41% 33% 36% 24% 22% 17% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 48 PRINT MAGAZINE ADS ENGAGE MORE THAN WEB OR TV Index to General Websites Print magazines General websites TV 224 196 141 109 100 103 Feeling engaged 210 184 131 100 100 Has my full attention Ads are relevant 100 Ads are a good part of the experience Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 49 MAGAZINES ARE #1 IN READER ENGAGEMENT As it becomes harder and harder to gain the attention of today’s consumer, engagement is increasingly important. The more engaging the medium and the message, the better chance advertisers have of achieving a meaningful, relevant relationship with the target audience. It’s good to know that magazines perform well across all engagement dimensions, especially ad attention and receptivity. Ad Attention/Receptivity 97 94 Inspirational 98 95 Life-Enhancing 95 116 112 110 103 TV Trustworthy Personal Time-Out Social Interaction 109 95 100 90 108 106 107 100 97 Source: Experian Marketing Services, Simmons Multi-Media Engagement Study, Fall 2013; Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2014/2015 50 Magazines Internet MAGAZINES ENGAGE AT HIGH LEVELS As it becomes harder and harder to gain the attention of today’s consumer, engagement is increasingly important. The more engaging the medium and the message, the better chance advertisers have of achieving a meaningful, relevant relationship with the target audience. It’s good to know that magazines perform well across all engagement dimensions, especially Ad Receptivity. Magazines 320 Television Internet 300 280 260 240 220 200 Inspirational Trustworthy Social Interaction Ad Receptivity Source: Experian Simmons Multi-Media Engagement Study, Spring 2011 Experian Simmons uses a 100-500 rating scale with 500 being the highest score 51 PRINT CREATES GREATER EMOTIONAL PROCESSING Print involves more emotional processing and leave a deeper footprint in the brain, which is important for memory and brand associations. They produce more brain responses connected with internal feelings, suggesting greater “internalization” of the ads. 25% Two thirds of consumers would still prefer to read a paper copy of a magazine rather than an electronic version. Traditional Electronic 75% Sources: Millward Brown: Case Study Using Neuroscience to Understand the Role of Direct Mail, 2009. Magazine Experiences Europe 2008, Fortune Time. 52 PRINT READERS RECALL MORE THAN ONLINE READERS A study from the University of Houston finds that those who read printed news publications read more news and also remember more news than those who read news online. Print readers remembered an average of 4.24 news stories while online readers recalled an average of 3.35 stories. 4.24 3.35 Source: ‘UH study finds print readers recall more than online readers’, University of Houston, September 15, 2014. 53 AD EFFECTIVENESS INCREASES WITH READER ENGAGEMENT Readers classified as having high engagement with a magazine consistently score higher across a range of ad receptivity metrics than those who don’t claim high engagement. Engaged readers see more! 82% 68% 62% 51% 42% 32% 30% 17% Eyes in front of page Ad noted High Engagement Category Recognized Product recognized Low Engagement Source: Proof of Performance, Sanoma Media RRO Database, 2000-2010 54 MAGAZINES HAVE A HEALTHY BALANCE OF EDITORIAL AND ADS Magazine media rank #1 for advertising acceptance (76%) Ads 53.70% Edit 46.30% Source: ORC Caravan, Februrary 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 55 ADS & EDIT COMMAND SIMILAR LEVELS OF ENGAGEMENT Noted Scores 54% Advertising 54% Editorial On average, respondents were able to recall 54% of advertisements contained in any edition, the exact same level as editorial. Net Action Scores 63% Advertising 66% Editorial 63% of those who recalled a specific ad stated that they took further action as a result of the exposure, much in line with the 66% who were spurred into action by editorial. Source: Magonomics, PPA, 2012. 56 CONSUMERS AGREE THAT READING A PRINT MAGAZINE IS A GOOD USE OF TIME Building upon strong engagement dynamics, consumers feel that reading Print Magazine is a good use of their time. Feel it’s a good use of my time 49% 40% 34% 23% 17% Reading a Print Browsing a Magazine General Website Watching Television 12% Reading a Digital Browsing a Social Watching Online Magazine Media Site Videos Early Adopter 46% 41% 35% 22% 18% 13% Influencer 50% 41% 33% 25% 19% 13% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 57 PRINT MAGAZINE READERS CAN TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR EXPERIENCE Magazine reading gives customers a feeling of being in control of the medium, able to move at their own pace to meet their specific needs. This is also the case with online browsing. Feeling in control 47% 38% 34% 20% 18% 13% Reading a Print Browsing a Magazine General Website Watching Television Reading a Digital Browsing a Social Watching Online Magazine Media Site Videos Early Adopter 46% 40% 32% 19% 19% 14% Influencer 46% 40% 30% 22% 20% 15% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 58 MAGAZINE ADS ARE A GOOD PART OF THE READING EXPERIENCE Print Magazine advertisements are accepted as a good part of the experience. Print Magazines are the only media channel to score well on “information I trust” and being perceived as a medium where advertisement are a good part of the experience. 47% Advertisements are a Good Part of the Experience 44% 21% 16% 11% 10% Reading a Print Magazine Watching a Magazine Browsing a Reading a Digital Browsing a Social Watching Videos General Website Magazine Media Site Online Early Adopter 45% 47% 24% 18% 14% 12% Influencer 47% 42% 23% 19% 14% 11% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 59 CONSUMERS TRUST INFORMATION FOUND IN PRINT MAGAZINES Readers of a Print Magazine and those browsing Websites have a higher degree of trust in the information they are accessing through these channels. Has information I trust 51% 45% 28% 22% 12% Reading a Print Browsing a Magazine General Website Watching Television 8% Reading a Digital Browsing a Social Watching Online Magazine Media Site Videos Early Adopter 47% 45% 30% 23% 16% 11% Influencer 47% 46% 27% 22% 16% 11% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 60 CONSUMERS TRUST MAGAZINE ADS In a world where trust is becoming an endangered concept, it’s good to know that readers trust magazine advertising. TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU TRUST THE FOLLOWING?: Ads in magazines 47% Ads in newspapers 47% Ads on TV 46% Ads on radio 45% Billboards & other outdoor ads 41% Ads before movies 40% Ads served in search engine results 35% Online video ads 31% Ads on social networks 31% Online banner ads 28% Source: Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Survey, April 2012 61 EXECUTIVES TRUST MAGAZINE ADVERTISEMENTS While consumers are known to be cynical about advertising, the C-Suite audience is more like to trust magazine advertising vs. the population as a whole. 54% 17% of all consumers agree with the statement; ‘I trust 50% the advertiser more when they are advertising in a magazine I trust’. This increases to 22% among the C-Suite. +46% 35% C-Suite executives were also more likely to visit a website after seeing an advertisement in a magazine. 24% All respondents C-Suite The ads are an important part of the magazine Source: Magazine Experience Europe 2008, Fortune Time. . 62 I have visited a website after seeing an advert in a magazine MAGAZINE ADS ARE NOT A SOURCE OF CONSUMER COMPLAINTS A recent review of consumer complaints about advertisements reveals that magazines garner the least number across media types. This is good news in support of other research that show magazine ads as trusted advertising sources. AD COMPLAINTS BY MEDIA IN 2011 Number of Complaints Percentage of Complaints Magazines 12 1% Point-of-Sale 47 3% Other 40 3% Newspapers 53 4% Radio 55 4% Direct Marketing 88 7% Flyers 84 7% Out-of-Home* 92 7% Internet 280 21% Television 559 43% 1,310 100% Medium Total * Includes such media as outdoor and transit Source: 2012 Ad Complaints Report Year in Review, Advertising Standards Canada (ASC), 2013 63 MAGAZINE ADS DEMAND HIGH READER INTEREST Among 31 key advertising touchpoints, magazines rank highest in generating “considerable/some interest in seeing ads”. Key advertising touch points ADVERTISING TOUCHPOINTS Television Magazines Newspapers Grocery stores Department stores Radio Warehouse/club stores Websites Shopping Malls Restaurants Bookstores Movie theatres Sports stadiums/arenas Drugstores/pharmacies Mail sent to home Medical offices Billboards Café/coffee houses Smartphone/tablet HAVE CONSIDERABLE OR SOME INTEREST AMONG THOSE SEEING AD 62.2% 62.0% 59.4% 57.9% 55.3% 54.5% 51.8% 51.4% 47.3% 46.7% 45.8% 44.2% 41.3% 39.8% 39.2% 38.0% 37.2% 36.1% 35.4% ADVERTISING TOUCHPOINTS HAVE CONSIDERABLE OR SOME INTEREST AMONG THOSE SEEING AD Convenience stores Health clubs/gyms 33.9% 33.8% Pubs/bars 33.4% Hair/nail salons Hair/nail salons Casinos/racetracks Inside airplanes Airports Video screen ads Gas stations 32.3% 32.3% 31.4% 30.2% 29.5% 28.1% 27.4% Bus/subway/train stations 26.7% Subways Trains Airport lounges Buses Office building lobbies Elevators Inside taxis Taxi roofs 25.9% 25.6% 24.3% 24.2% 23.7% 22.8% 19.2% 19.1% Source: Mendelsohn Affluent Survey, 2011. Base: A18+, HHI $100,000+ 64 MAGAZINES REACH & ENGAGE ALL CONSUMERS Rankings of advertising platforms’ estimated potential reach and engagement levels. Net Worth ALL ADULTS UNDER $1 MILLION $1 MILLION OR MORE REACH REACH ENGAGEMENT REACH ENGAGEMENT % RANK RANK RANK RANK Television 57 1 3 1 11 Magazines: printed 42 3 5 4 9 In mail sent to your home 42 4 12 3 17 Facebook 42 2 16 8 10 In e-amils 40 5 17 6 12 Websites 37 6 15 2 16 Radio 34 7 13 7 8 Newspapers: printed 33 9 9 5 1 Billboards 32 8 19 10 19 Inside stores 30 10 11 9 12 YouTube 28 11 7 14 6 Tablets 14 16 6 18 12 Magazines: digital 13 17 18 17 7 Source: Insights into Luxury, Affluence and Wealth, Shullman Luxury, Affluence and Wealth Pulse, April 2014. 65 MAGAZINES EFFECTIVELY REACH LUXURY PROSPECTS Magazines readers are an advertiser’s best customer: they’re typically more affluent, holding professional managerial, executive or owner positions with the income to purchase advertised brands. Magazines are deemed to be highly effective at reaching and influencing luxury prospects, ranking in first or second place, depending on household income of $75,000+ or $250,000+. Luxury Prospects (by Hhld Income) ALL ADULTS MEDIUM HHI $75,000+ REACH RANK EFFECTIVE RANK REACH RANK EFFECTIVE RANK REACH RANK EFFECTIVE RANK Television 1 3 1 3 1 5 Magazines 2 2 3 1 2 2 Websites 3 10 2 2 3 8 Social Media 3 12 7 5 8 15 Radio 5 13 5 10 4 7 Newspapers 5 9 4 4 5 3 Direct Mail to Home 7 15 6 13 6 16 Smartphones 8 5 10 11 11 10 Billboards 9 19 8 17 7 14 Shopping Malls 10 14 9 12 10 9 Note: Effective Rank is based on those who saw/heard advertising in that space. Source: Shullman Luxury and Affluence Monthly Pulse, March 2013 Preview Wave 66 HHI $250,000+ MAGAZINE MEDIA GRAB THE ATTENTION OF AFFLUENT CONSUMERS Considerable or some interest in any advertising seen or heard in the past 30 days TOTAL ADULTS <35 35-54 55+ HHI$75K+ HHI$100K+ 84% 94% 49% 50% 46% 35% Magazines 71 76 75 62 68 67 TV 70 70 70 68 64 64 Smartphones 68 66 67 81 52 41 Newspapers 66 66 66 66 63 61 Medical offices 64 79 68 54 61 48 Tablets 62 72 57 57 49 52 Airports or airport lounges 59 58 40 71 53 49 Facebook and other social media 59 70 54 53 57 54 Office building lobbies 56 78 63 4 39 32 Inside airplanes Source: Special tabulations from the Shullman Luxury and Affluence Monthly Pulse, March 2013. Magaazine Media MPA Factbook 2013/2014. 67 MAGAZINES ATTRACT WEALTHY ADVERTISERS Both print and and digital magazines stand out as places where millions are more likely to be interested in advertising than their less wealthy counterparts. Net Worth CONSIDERABLE OR SOME INTEREST (PERCENT AMONG THOSE WHO SAW ADVERTISING IN EACH PLACE) ALL ADULTS % UNDER $1 MILLION % $1 MILLION OR MORE % Tablets 72 74 50 Newspapers: digital 70 70 70 Television 69 70 53 Magazines: digital 68 69 60 Magazines: printed 67 68 56 Shopping malls 65 66 64 YouTube 64 64 62 Newspapers: printed 63 61 74 Twitter 61 61 69 Movie theaters 60 62 41 Inside stores 57 58 50 Radio 55 55 56 In mail sent to your home 55 56 45 Smartphones 53 54 50 Source: Insights into Luxury, Affluence and Wealth, Shullman Luxury, Affluence and Wealth Pulse, April 2014. 68 PRINTED PUBLICATIONS REACH UPSCALE CONSUMERS Traditional media are alive and well in the land of the wealthy, as TV and printed publications remain among the top advertising platforms to reach upscale consumers, especially millionaires. Printed magazines, in-home mail and Facebook all reached more than four out of then consumers. Net Worth SAW OR HEARD ADVERTISING IN PAST 30 DAYS ALL ADULTS % UNDER $1 MILLION % $1 MILLION OR MORE % Television 57 57 58 Magazines: printed 42 47 43 In mail sent to your home 42 47 44 Facebook 42 42 34 In e-mails 40 40 35 Websites 37 36 46 Radio 34 34 34 Newspapers: printed 33 32 42 Billboards 32 32 28 Inside stores 30 30 31 YouTube 28 29 22 Shopping malls 25 25 21 Gas stations 22 22 19 Magazines: digital 13 13 17 Source: Insights into Luxury, Affluence and Wealth, Shullman Luxury, Affluence and Wealth Pulse, April 2014. 69 PRINT MAGAZINE READERSHIP INCREASES WITH INCOME Consumers in high income households love magazines more than any other media—in fact, the higher the income, the higher the readership rate. HHI $75k-$149,999K Magazines 107 * Internet Radio 111 97 Newspapers 106 HHI $150K+ Magazines 135 Internet* Radio Newspapers 123 78 124 *Includes internet magazine activity Top quintile of usage for each medium, indexed to adults 18+ 70 Source: GfK MRI, Spring 2014; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 LUXURY GOODS BUYERS ARE PRINT MAGAZINE READERS Affluent consumers who have great experience in luxury goods and who give trusted advice to friends and family, are heavy magazine readers. Heavy media usage among super influential consumers of luxury goods (index) MAGAZINES INTERNET* TV RADIO NEWSPAPERS Beauty 180 140 62 114 80 Fashion 174 139 62 99 84 Interior Decoration 131 117 62 107 83 *Includes internet magazine activity Top quintile of usage for each medium, indexed to adults 18+ Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 71 MAGAZINES ATTRACT INTEREST OF VERY HIGH INCOME CONSUMERS Top ten locations where advertising was seen or heard in past 30 days by those with household income $250,000+ TOTAL ADULTS AGE <35 AGE 35-54 AGE 55+ Television 80% 64% 80% 91% Magazines 73% 60% 74% Radio 66% 42% Websites 66% Newspapers Considerable or some interest among those who saw/heard advertising with Household Income $250,000+ TOTAL ADULTS AGE <35 AGE 35-54 AGE 55+ Health Clubs/Gyms 66% 85% 67% 50% 81% Magazines 59% 63% 61% 55% 74% 69% Newspapers 55% 27% 61% 54% 52% 67% 75% Television 52% 43% 58% 49% 64% 31% 71% 76% Sporting Stadiums/arenas 50% 46% 54% 43% In mail sent to your home 58% 27% 59% 76% Websites 45% 36% 53% 39% Medical offices 45% 72% 62% 21% Billboards 47% 27% 45% 64% Smartphones 45% 84% 39% 22% Facebook and other social media sites 41% 46% 40% 38% Radio 44% 41% 47% 40% Shopping malls 43% 50% 45% 7% Movie theaters 39% 46% 32% 44% Shopping malls 35% 24% 40% 35% Bus stops/subway stations/train stations 41% 89% 34% 27% Source: Affluent Predilections, MediaPost, 2013. 66 MAGAZINES COMMAND FULL CONSUMER ATTENTION TV and Print Magazines are the channels that command the most attention from consumers as they interact with them. Among category influencers, Print Magazines are more likely to command their attention. 45% Has my Full Attention 42% 32% 18% 16% 15% Reading a Print Magazine Watching Television Browsing a Reading a Digital Watching Videos Browsing a Social General Website magazine Online Media Site Early Adopter 43% 43% 35% 20% 19% 16% Influencer 45% 39% 37% 19% 18% 16% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 73 MAGAZINE READERS ARE DEVOTED The amount of media choice available today is having limited impact on the magazine experience. 92% of consumers read a magazine at least once a week 94% of all consumers expect to read the same amount of magazines or more in the next 12 months. Source: Magazine Experience Study, Sanoma Uitgevers, Time Inc., 2014. 74 MAGAZINE READERS ARE LESS LIKELY TO MULTITASK Magazines are a ‘me-time’ medium: readers are less likely to multitask. Consumers often use more than one digital device at a time. Almost 4 in 10 TV viewers (38%) surf the internet while watching TV Over a quarter of Internet users (26%) uses a mobile phone at the same time One third of consumers (34%) set aside ‘special time’ for magazines Source: Magazine Experience Study, Sanoma Uitgevers, Time Inc., 2014. 75 MAGAZINES RECEIVE PRIMARY ATTENTION Magazines are able to capture and hold attention better than any other medium. Consumers enjoy fully focusing on magazines without any distractions. Magazines 79% Newspapers 59% Internet Radio TV 35% Of multi-media time spent with medium, % where it receives primary attention 17% 15% Source: Magazine Experience Study, Sanoma Uitgevers, Time Inc., 2014. 76 MAGAZINES HOLD ATTENTION THROUGHOUT DAILY ACTIVITES When consumers take time to read magazines, they are able to capture and hold attention better than other media. Consumers enjoy taking the time to focus solely on magazines as well as read magazines at meal times. Media Distribution of time of media exposure Eat Work Other Social activities Meal eating Meal preparation Services & Shopping Child care Housework Work Magazines Newspaper TV Radio Web Source: Magazine Experience Study, Sanoma Uitgevers, Time Inc., 2014. 77 Media Only PEOPLE ARE MOST INFLUENCED AND INSPIRED BY MAGAZINE MEDIA MAGAZINES WEBSITES AD-SUPPORTED TV NETWORKS A way to learn about new products 133 100 80 Some content touches me deep down 132 92 96 Gets me to try new things 131 100 81 Inspires me in my own life 131 96 88 Inspires me to buy things 122 104 83 Trust to tell the truth 116 105 84 Gives me something to talk about 116 92 97 Brings things to mind I enjoy 111 92 100 (INDEX) Source: Experian Marketing Services, Simmons Multi-Media Engagement Study, Fall 2013. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2014/2015. 78 MAGAZINES INSPIRE Print Magazines lead the media landscape with their ability to inspire consumers with their content. Inspiring 44% 36% 31% 17% 17% 15% Reading a Print Magazine Watching Television Browsing a Reading a Digital Watching Videos Browsing a Social General Website Magazine Online Media Site Early Adopter 37% 45% 18% 18% 17% 33% Influencer 35% 43% 18% 19% 17% 34% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 79 MAGAZINE ADS ARE HIGHLY RELEVANT TO CONSUMERS Print Magazines ads are offer relevant advertising within a relevant context, generally associated with a specific editorial genre. 46% 46% Has Relevant Advertisements 25% 16% Early Adopter Influencer 13% Reading a Print Magazine Watching Television Browsing a Reading a Digital Browsing a Social Watching Videos General Website Magazine Media Site Online 46% 45% 28% 19% 16% 13% 47% 42% 53% 21% 24% 19% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 80 10% MAGAZINE ADS PROVIDE CONSUMERS WITH RELEVANT LEARNING The audience of Print Magazines and general Websites associate those channels with learning relevant content more so than other channels. Learning Things that are Relevant to Me 50% 47% 37% 25% 18% Reading a Print Browsing a Magazine General Website Early Adopter Influencer Watching Television Reading a Digital Browsing a Social Watching Videos Magazine Media Site Online 49% 47% 37% 24% 20% 19% 49% 49% 35% 28% 20% 19% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 81 16% MAGAZINES INSPIRE AND INFORM Magazines score high on inspiration/information, higher than all other media (except internet). SEARCHING FOR INSPIRATION/INFORMATION COMPARING Internet Magazines Face to Face (WOM) 68% 59% 52% 73% 28% 44% CHOICE OF PRODUCT & BRAND 57% 27% 42% Newspapers 49% 19% 17% TV Free local papers Radio Other 48% 47% 45% 43% 14% 36% 10% 8% 21% 25% 13% 15% Internet Magazines BUYING 49% 9% 21% 4% 5% 14% 1% 3% SEEKING INSPIRATION FINDING INFORMATION 58% 78% 77% 39% Source: Print. The link to online, Sanoma Uitgevers, March 19, 2010. 82 74% Talk with other people about things they have seen/read in a magazine 75% Get ideas from advertisements in magazines 60% Tear out of/cut in magazines 84% Use links to websites found in magazines MAGAZINE ADS ARE A SOURCE TO LEARN ABOUT NEW PRODUCTS/SERVICES Consumers see Print Magazines and Websites as the best resources to learn about new products or services. A Source to Learn about New Products 51% 51% 41% 27% 19% Reading a Print Browsing a Magazine General Website Early Adopter Influencer Watching Television Reading a Digital Browsing a Social Watching Videos Magazine Media Site Online 50% 52% 41% 27% 24% 19% 49% 53% 42% 30% 24% 19% Q32. Which of the following mediums do you associate with …? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 83 16% MAGAZINES MATTER TO WOMEN WHO EXERCISE Greater numbers of exercisers express positive sentiments towards magazines as a source for information, inspiration and relaxation. Magazines matter to women who exercise whether it’s to learn something new or to get away from it all. Attitudes towards Advertising and Magazines among Women Exercisers/Non-exercisers (%) DO NOT EXERCISE REGULARLY EXERCISE REGULARLY Magazines keep me up-to-date with styles and trends 66% 77% Magazines give me good ideas 57% 68% Advertising in magazines provides me with useful information about new products and services 51% 56% Magazines are a good source of learning 44% 54% Magazines make me think 36% 47% Magazines are a good escape 34% 44% Magazines provide pure entertainment 32% 41% Magazines relax me 28% 38% Magazines keep me informed 25% 31% AGREE WITH STATEMENT Source: GfK MRI's Survey of the American Consumer, Doublebase 2012 84 MAGAZINE READING IMMEDIACY Print magazine readers look forward to receiving their magazines in the mail. A typical print issue is read the same day it is received by 43% of readers; 77% begin reading their magazine within the first three days; and 92% within that first week. 58% of digital magazine readers begin reading an issue the same day it is received. Immediacy of Reading a Typical Print Issue Same day I receive it 43% Within 2-3 days 34% Within I week 15% Within 2 weeks 5% Two weeks or longer 3% Source: Affinity’s VISTA Service, 2010. Base: All magazines Immediacy of Reading a Digital Magazine Issue Same day I receive it 58% Source: Texterity-BPA Worldwide Certified Profile of the Digital Edition Reader, 2010 85 MULTIPLE PAGE EXPOSURES Readership accumulation studies, taking into account readers’ repeat reading exposures, suggest a strong build of exposure over the first two weeks of an average weekly magazine. This study takes into account how readers read: they are often exposed to the same pages multiple times as they scan through and read a magazine over the life of the issue. % of all daily 2-page contacts 12.00% 10.00% Continuous Build-up of Exposures Over Time: Daily Exposure (%) 11% 9.5% 7.7% 8.00% 8.2% 6.7% 6.4% 6.5% 6.00% 5.8% 6.2% 6.0% 4.9% 5.9% 4.6% 5.7% 4.9% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% Day 1* * On sale date 86 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Source: AIM RFID Contact Study, 2009-2011 Base: 290,299 two-page contacts; aggregated average of 24 weekly magazines; 100% equals all two-page contacts during 2-week fieldwork period New PRINT WORKS DOUBLE Consumers enjoy taking their time while reading print magazines. Advertising in print magazines ensures that it will be seen almost twice by the reader and for an average of 33 seconds each time. 1.88 1.82 1.8 contacts per spread per reader 33 seconds average time spent spread Two-Page Spread Two-Page Without Advertising 1.8 Two-Page With Advertising Source: Magazine Experience Study, Sanoma Uitgevers, Time Inc., 2014. 87 MAGAZINE READERS TAKE ACTION 62% of magazine readers take action after exposure to specific magazine ads. Whether it’s visiting a website, a store or a dealer or having gained a more favourable opinion about the advertiser, magazine readers respond to magazine ads and with an action orientation. 68% of readers take action after reading specific magazine articles or features. ACTIONS READERS TOOK OR PLAN TO TAKE AS A RESULT OF EXPOSURE TO SPECIFIC MAGAZINE ADS Considered purchasing the product/service 27% Saved article for future reference 29% Have a more favourable opinion about the advertiser 19% Passed article along to someone 24% Looked for more info about the product/service 15% Gather more info about the topic 15% Purchased the product/service 14% Visit a related website 12% Recommended the product or service 13% Visited the advertiser’s website 10% Took any action (net) 68% Visit a store, dealer or other location 8% Clipped/saved the ad 6% Visited/joined the company’s social network 4% Took picture of QR code/snap tag with cell phone 4% Took any action (net) Source: StarchMetrix Canada Summary of Actions Taken, April 2011 to March 2012 88 ACTIONS TAKEN AS A RESULT OF READING SPECIFIC FEATURES/ARTICLES 62% Source: Affinity Research VISTA Print Effectiveness Rating Service, 2010. Actions taken based on respondents recalling specific ads PRINT ADS THAT GET WOMEN TO ACT Research from GfK Starch Research Canada show that print ads in Canadian consumer magazines can still attract and engage readers. Online surveys with 20,068 female readers about their recall of 5,300 ads were conducted and results show which ads (and their call-to-action) resonated most with readers. IKEA with a dedicated URL ( Dior J’adore perfume uses the power of celebrity and powerful photography Kraft uses a simple execution product shot Source: Filter Magazine, ‘Print Ads That Get Women To Act’, June 2014. 89 Hellman’s included a picture of a finished product and immediate application CONSUMERS TAKE ACTION AFTER SEEING MAGAZINE MEDIA ADS Magazine media ads drive response regardless of platform. Print and digital magazines (index) 53% of magazine readers made a Noted (average) Digital Ads 70% Print Ads 61% 58% of magazine readers have Took any action (average) Digital Ads Print Ads purchase based on a print ad in their favourite magazine 52% 52% looked for more information based on a print magazine ad—and that is even higher (65%) for 25-34 year olds Any action taken based on readers who noted the ad Source: GfK MRI Starch/Starch Digital 2013; ORC Caravan, March 2014; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 90 ACTIONS TAKEN BY HOW COPY WAS OBTAINED Regardless of how magazine issues come into readers’ hands, they respond to their magazines in very similar ways taking nearly identical actions. Purchase intent of advertised products is consistent as is the desire to visit an advertiser’s website or gather more information. ACTIONS READERS TOOK OR PLAN TO TAKE AS A RESULT OF EXPOSURE TO SPECIFIC MAGAZINE ADS PAID PASSALONG NONPAID TOTAL READERS Consider purchasing the advertised product/service 19% 18% 18% 19% Have a more favourable opinion about the advertiser 12% 11% 11% 12% Gather more info about the advertised product/service 12% 11% 11% 12% Visit the advertiser’s website 11% 10% 9% 10% Purchase the advertised product or service 8% 7% 7% 8% Visit a store, dealer or other location 8% 8% 7% 8% Save the ad for future reference 7% 6% 5% 6% Recommend the product/service to a friend, colleague or family member 5% 5% 5% 5% 53% 57% 52% 53% Took any action (net) Source: Affinity’s VISTA Service, 2010. Actions taken based on respondents recalling specific ads 91 MAGAZINE AD EFFECTIVENESS IS UP As consumers become harder to impact in a meaningful way, magazine ad effectiveness, as measured by advertising recall, is up 11%. That’s a significant increase in media recall, sure to impact advertiser ROI. Increasingly, consumers take action after reading magazine advertising. Perhaps it’s the high level of trust, or the helpful, detailed nature of magazine ads driving this trend at a time when positive consumer actions are more important than ever. Magazine Advertising Recall (%) 2005 INDEX 59 2012 Magazine Advertising Actions Taken (%) 2005 2012 100 53 51 53 111 INDEX 100 104 Source: Affinity Research VISTA Print Tracking Service, 2012. Actions taken based on respondents recalling specific ads 92 AVERAGE AD IMPACT SCORES The active process of magazine reading results in high levels of noting, ad and brand, leading to strong levels of actions taken. When studies from around the world are compiled, the results are quite similar resulted in the ranges below. It should be noted that these ranges are a measure of communication, not total exposure (eyes open in front of the page) which typically exceeds 90% for the average page. TYPICAL AD NOTING IMPACT SCORES Ad Noting Brand Noting* Action Taken* 2-Page Spread 55-65% 85-90% 50-60% Full Page 50-60% 85-90% 50-60% Half Page 45-50% 80-85% 50-60% * Based on those noting the ad Source: Proof of Performance, Guy Consterdine, based on norms in several countries, 2012 93 MAGAZINE EDIT & ADS DRIVE CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Research confirms what has been suspected for many years, that magazine readers read magazine advertisements nearly as much as the editorial. The study shows that edit and ads both drive consumer impact and behaviour at nearly equal levels. This is additional proof that magazines provide a very compelling environment for advertisers. MAGAZINE DRIVERS OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Noting score Read any of content Read most of content Information Gathering: Used for ideas Gathered more info after seeing article/ad Visited brand website Cut it out Impact Actions: Discussed/referred it to someone Passed to someone Have a more favourable opinion of product Recommended the product Consideration & Purchase: Considering purchase Purchased Net action score Source: Proof of Performance, Magnify, PPA, 2011 94 Editorial Article 54% 50% 33% Advertisement 54% 45% 25% 18% 13% 11% 7% 18% 16% 7% 19% 13% - 19% 14% 12% 4% 66% 22% 9% 63% MAGAZINES DELIVER A HIGHER ROI THAN TV AND ONLINE In an analysis of 77 campaigns with a spend of up to £6m, magazines showed the highest ROI against a mean index per channel. Magazines delivered an ROI 11% higher than TV, and 22% higher than online. Magazine 167 TV 150 Online 137 Newspaper 103 Movies 99 Radio Billboards 97 60 Source: Magonomics, PPA, 2012. 95 PRINT MAGAZINE ADVERTISING LIFTS SALES Advertising in print magazines pays off long-term—it lifts sales throughout the campaign; with an overall increase of +18% (exposed) vs. control (and +11.5% vs. pre-period). Case study: Magazine ad sales results over time for salad dressing brand Campaign start Campaign end 0.3 0.25 $ per household member 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Month/year Test (Exposed Group) Control Group Source: Nielsen Catalina sales data, Meredith Corporation, 2014; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 96 AD CREATIVE QUALITY DRIVES EFFECTIVENESS A study conducted by DRAFTFCB and Meredith verifies what many have believed for years, that creative quality is the main driver of ad recall and sales effectiveness. Ad recall that can be explained 7% Influence on shifts in brand sales (digital advertising) Ad quality 5% Involvement 40% 18% Other magazine characteristics Magazine exposure 30% 48% 52% Media plan & weight, price, other Category participation Source: Identifying Key Metrics for Magazine Planning, Ware (Meredith Corp.), Baron (DRAFTFCB) & Edge (Knowledge Networks), worldwide Readership Research Symposium (Prague). Base: 27% of ad recall that could be explained. September 2011 97 Creative quality Source: comScore ARS Global Validation Summary. Numbers represent the percent variance in sales shifts explained by the corresponding factors. Creative quality is based on the ARS Consumer Choice Score/ A lift in the score is highly correlated with brand sales results. October 2010 MAGAZINE EMAIL LIST MEMBERSHIP HAS STRONG REACH OF INFLUENCERS Membership In Magazine Email List Total Category Influencer 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Age 18-34 Age 35-49 Age 50+ Q44, Do you receive regular emails from any magazine brand? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 98 MAGAZINE EMAILS PROGRAMS OFFER A GREAT SOURCE OF RELEVANT INFO Membership in Magazine Email List (% Agree) 70 61% 60 59% 50 39% 40 30 20 10 They are a great source of information The content is relevant to me I find them a nice part of my day Q45. Thinking of emails that you receive from magazine brands, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 99 PRINT MAGAZINES THROW TO WEB/SEARCH They feed the digital space 100 MAGAZINE ADS DRIVE ONLINE SEARCH AND BRANDED WEBSITES Action Ever Driven By Magazine Advertisements 70 Total Category Influencers 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Searched online about the product Visited the advertiser’s website Mentioned the advertisement to others Liked or followed the advertiser on a social network Q38. Which of the following have you ever done after seeing a magazine ad that captured your attention? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 101 MAGAZINES IN TOP TIER FOR DRIVING ONLINE SEARCH ADULTS 18+ MALE FEMALE 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 31% 28% 33% 30% 30% 32% 31% 34% 27% TV/Broadcast 32 35 30 31 29 32 35 34 32 Cable TV 30 35 26 40 39 33 28 34 19 Newspaper 26 27 24 16 17 22 28 34 36 Internet advertising 24 25 22 33 27 26 23 21 14 Radio 21 23 20 22 25 26 24 19 12 Magazine The sum of the percent totals may be greater than 100 because the respondents can select more than one answer. Source: Prosper Media Behaviors & Influence Survey, December 2012. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2013/2014. 102 MAGAZINES DRIVE SEARCH Magazines have the most influence on consumers going to the web to get more info on products and services. Media that Trigger Online Search Magazines 36% Broadcast TV 36% Face-to-Face 35% Cable TV 32% Newspapers 30% E-mail Ads 26% Direct Mail 25% Internet Ads 24% Radio 23% Online/social media* 17% Outdoor Billboard 10% Blogs 10% * i.e. Facebook, Twitter Note: The sum of the percentage totals may be greater than 100% because the respondents can select more than one answer. Source: BIGinsight, December 2011 103 ONLINE SEARCH INFLUENCERS BY DEMO Across gender and age demos, magazines successfully drive consumers to search online, ahead of online media and word-of-mouth. Magazines score within the top four media across each age group and gender. “Which of the following triggers you to start an online search?” (% by medium) MEDIUM A18+ MALE FEMALE 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 36% 33% 39% 32% 36% 36% 37% 37% 37% TV/Broadcast 36 39 33 30 32 36 39 40 36 Face-to-Face 35 34 37 37 41 39 37 32 25 Newspapers 30 31 29 19 22 26 32 38 42 Cable TV 32 36 27 42 40 34 29 26 22 Radio 23 25 22 28 26 27 26 21 13 Direct Mail 25 24 26 18 23 25 25 28 28 E-mail Advertising 26 25 27 25 28 29 26 25 22 Internet Advertising 24 26 21 28 28 25 23 21 17 Online/social media* 17 16 17 26 25 20 14 10 7 Outdoor Billboard 10 11 8 13 13 12 10 7 4 Blogs 10 10 9 22 17 9 5 4 3 Magazines * i.e. Facebook, Twitter Note: The sum of the percentage totals may be greater than 100% because the respondents can select more than one answer. Source: BIGinsight, December 2011 104 MAGAZINES PROMPT ONLINE ACTION Magazine readers are more likely to use the internet for shopping, search and information, blogging and social networking. Internet Activities done in the Past 4 Weeks Index of heavy media users (pop. = 100) HEAVY MAGAZINES (4+ ISSUES/MOS) HEAVY BROADCAST TV (3+ HRS/DAY) HEAVY RADIO (3+ HRS/DAY) HEAVY NEWSPAPERS (8+ ISSUES/WK) Shopping, buying, selling 110 84 90 98 Research & information 104 82 84 100 Entertainment & amusement 105 87 82 88 Blogging & online communities 106 78 78 82 ACTIONS Source: 12 Magazine Truths, Ray Morgan Single Source, April 2009 – March 2010 105 READERS TAKE ACTION ON MAGAZINE WEB SITES Magazine readers perform a wide array of activities while visiting a magazine website, from reading articles to clicking on ads or forwarding an article. Nearly half of readers go online to find more information about the advertising in their printed magazines. ACTIVITIES PERFORMED BY MAGAZINE READERS WHO VISIT A MAGAZINE WEBSITE Read an article online 72% Forward an article to someone 24% View/click on ad 24% Bookmark the magazine’s site 21% Download/print an article 20% Purchase a product /service 10% Subscribe to a magazine 8% Post a comment/blog 8% Download an application 5% Some other activity 24% Source: Affinity VISTA Service, January – December 2010.. 106 MAGAZINE AD URLs DRIVE READERS TO WEB Magazine ads with URLs are significantly more likely to drive readers to advertiser websites across a variety of editorial categories. More than a 40% rise in web traffic after consumers were exposed to ads. This result should not be surprising as readers need not search for a pen and paper or try to memorize an advertiser’s URL. Ads WITHOUT Web Address Ads WITH Web Address 203 Home Financial Fashion Men’s 122 152 138 286 Travel Women’s Service 198 Action index: Visit Advertisers Website Source: Vista, 2009. Base: Actions taken based on respondents recalling specific ads; :Magazine Experience Study, Sanoma Uitgevers, Time Inc., 2014. 107 CONSUMERS ARE MOST LIKELY TO USE QR CODES IN MAGAZINES QR code usage is highest in magazines across four measured countries: US, UK, Germany and France. The US leads usage with over one-third of respondents claiming usage of magazine QR codes. Young Adults in Select Countries Who have Scanned a QR Code in 2012, by Media (%) MAGAZINE POSTER MAIL PACKAGING WEBSITE EMAIL TV US 18-24 25-34 UK 39% 36% 35% 25% 38% 36% 32% 31% 21% 17% 14% 16% 9% 12% 18-24 26% 23% 16% 18% 15% 8% 10% 25-34 23% 16% 18% 17% 12% 8% 7% 18-24 27% 21% 18% 22% 13% 6% 4% 25-34 23% 15% 14% 14% 11% 4% 5% 18-24 21% 18% 17% 18% 13% 10% 3% 25-34 18% 12% 10% 19% 5% 4% 3% Germany France Source: Pitney Bowes. “Getting Ahead of the Emerging QR Code Marketing Trend, Jan. 15, 2013 108 PRINT MAGAZINES ARE #1 IN TRIGGERING QR CODE RESPONSE I have captured QR codes in the following location Magazines 15% Mail 13% Packaging 13% Poster 10% Websites 8% Email TV 5% 4% Source: Pitney Bowes, QR Codes Use in the US and Europe, 2012. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2013/2014. 109 MAGAZINES USE ACTION CODES TO FURTHER ENGAGE READERS More and more magazine advertisers are adopting action codes—AR, QR, snap tags– to offer readers compelling new experiences that engage, educate and entertain. Mobile activated magazine pages rose 54.9% in 2013 and QR codes are still popular with advertisers, comprising 60% of all advertising activations. POST-SCAN DESTINATIONS Landing page 68.8% Social 29.8 Video 12.9 Purchase 12.0 Recipe 9.6 Opt-in 5.7 Photos 5.3 Polling or quizzes 4.2 Coupon 3.7 Sweepstakes 2.5 Source: Nellymoser, Mobile Activation Study, January-December 2013 (2014 edition); MPA Factbook 2014/2015 110 DIGITAL MAGAZINE MEDIA Magazines play in the digital space Click here to view the Digital Magazine Media Fact Book 111 PRINT AND DIGITAL ADS RECEIVE EQUAL RECALL Research indicates that readers feel the same way about the tablet editions of print magazines—they enjoy the ads and editorial equally, and more importantly, they are able to recall the ads just as well. Ads in tablet versions of magazines had an average of 52% recall, the same as ads in the print editions. The most recalled tablet magazine ads were recalled by over 80% of readers, again reaching the same numbers as most recalled print. Source: Readers Recall Tablet Magazine Ads at Same Rate as Print Ads, Wall Street Journal, July 2, 2014; Study: Magazine Tablet Edition Ads Get Same Recall As Those in Print, AdAge, July 3, 2014. 112 DIGITAL MAGAZINE ADS CONNECT MORE THAN VIDEO OR SOCIAL Index to Online Video Digital Magazines Online Video Social Media 190 160 160 130 127 100 Feeling engaged 113 100 94 Has my full attention 100 Ads are relevant Ads are a good part of the experience Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 113 110 100 DIGITAL MAGAZINE PERSUASIVENESS INCREASES WITH ADOPTION Evolution of the Digital Magazine 1-2 Digital Mags/Month 3-4 Digital Mags/Month 5+ Digital Mags/Month 30% 27% 25% 24% 22% 17% 20% 18% 17% Feeling engaged with the medium Relationship 15% Medium has my full attention Ads are a good part of the experience Receptivity 22% 17% Ads are relevant Persuasion Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 114 READERS PREFER PRINT EDITIONS 71% of respondents prefer print magazines over online magazines. Top reasons are greater portability (22%), like the tactile aspect of paper (18%) and easier to read (15%). Do you prefer print magazines or online magazines? 1% 19% 9% 71% Print Online No preference NA Why do you prefer print editions? More portable Like the tactile aspect Easier to read/browse through Dislike reading on a screen No need for an ereader or computer More accustomed to it I can read it whenever I want Can keep them for future reference More visually appealing I can cut out pictures, articles, recipes I can pass them along to other people More convenient Other I don't know 22% 18% 15% 7% 6% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 4% 12% 0 5 Source: Periodical Marketers of Canada, Magazine Survey Report, Leger Marketing, February 2012 115 10 15 20 25 THE READING EXPERIENCE: PAPER WINS Paper versions of magazines, newspapers and books continue to be the preferred method of reading, particularly magazines where the gap between paper and digital devices is greatest. % who are “extremely/very satisfied” with reading activities on paper/device* 90 * Among consumers who have tried or currently do each activity 80 70 Paper eReader 60 Tablet Smartphone 50 40 30 Reading books Reading magazines Reading newspapers Source: Content Consumption in the Digital Age (Webinar Presentation Deck), Harrison Group, 2011 116 READERS ABSORB MORE ON PAPER A new study found that readers using a Kindle were significantly worse than paperback readers at recalling when events occurred in a story. Print offers a tactile sense of progress, in addition to the visual. 50 readers were given the same short story to read. Half read the story on a Kindle, and half in paperback, with readers then tested on aspects of the story including objects, characters and setting. Kindle readers performed significantly worse on the plot reconstruction measure (i.e. when they were asked to place 14 events in the correct order. Paper readers reported higher on measures having to do with empathy, transportation and immersion and narrative coherence. Source: ‘Readers absorb less on Kindles than on paper study finds’, The Guardian, August 19, 2014. 117 FOR THOROUGH INFO, FRENCH READERS SAY ‘OUI’ TO PAPER 59% of internet users in the country chose paper when they wanted to rad information thoroughly, compared with just 16% who turned their eyes to the digital screen. On the flipside, when readers wanted to jump right to the points and answers they were looking for, the overwhelming majority went digital. However, when it came to sharing information with friends and family, digital screens were far more popular, favored by 49% of respondents. Read information thoroughly 59% Save information Share information with your friends/family 16% 40% 18% Get to the essential points right away, find an answer to 9% a specific question 29% 49% 75% 25% 32% 33% 16% Source: Print vs Digital in France, eMarketer, July 29, 2014. 118 Paper Screen (website, eletters) Both equally DIGITAL ENHANCES BUT DOESN’T REPLACE THE MAGAZINE EXPERIENCE While it may seem that digital is replacing print, consumers use both formats for different purposes. Digital platforms are quick easy ways to research and stay up-to-date on their favourite magazines, but they do not replace each other. Quality content remains key for magazine readers. TOTAL SAMPLE Print magazines and magazines websites serve different purposes 78% I use magazines to inspire me and the internet for research 77% I tend to read magazines when they go on sale and use magazine websites to stay updated between issues 49% I am happy to read magazines in any format as long as the content is good 40% Source: Magazine Experience Study, Sanoma Uitgevers, Time Inc., 2014. 119 PRINT AND DIGITAL MAGAZINES RECEIVE EQUAL READING TIME Digital edition magazine readership mirrors print. Average time spent per issue 53.5 minutes 53.2 minutes Digital edition readership Primary readers of print *primary readership Source: GfK MRI, Spring 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 120 MAGAZINE READERS ARE HEAVY SOCIAL MEDIA USERS Which, if any, of the following forms of social media are you currently using? 100 91% 90% 75 61% 50 67% 40% 25 Print magazines 114 Total Respondents Internet* 147 Avid Magazine Readers Radio 103 Newspapers 81 TV 74 46% 33% 39% 24% 28% Used Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or LinkedIn in past 30 days (index 24% 26% 12% 15% 9% 12% 9% 15% 3% 4% 0 Source: Adobe Digital Marketing Insights: The Impact of Tablet Visitors on Retail Websites, 2012; GfK MRI, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 121 MAGAZINE MEDIA READERS ARE SOCIAL Avid magazine readers are more social media savvy than the general population. TOTAL RESPONDENTS AVID READERS 47% 66% The experience of interacting with media is generally enhanced when shared with others 48 67 Magazines for me are one of the most highly credible sources of information for the area that I am personally interested in 33 62 I trust the opinion of a magazine editor 30 54 Download coupons from a company’s Facebook page 53 63 Enter contests on Facebook or Twitter to win products or receive discounts 59 66 Redeem an offer from a “check-in” service such as Foursquare 29 41 Redeem an offer from a company’s Twitter feed or Facebook page 51 61 Seek the opinion of your Facebook friends before buying a product 50 62 Tell your friends on Facebook or Twitter about a special sale that you heard about 53 62 I love to share articles or products that I see in magazines immediately with others 35 54 I like to use social media to talk about what I am reading in magazines 29 47 It is important to me to be able to engage with a magazine brand on social media platforms 27 46 AVID MAGAZINE READERS ARE MORE ENGAGED WITH SOCIAL MEDIA I like to share information about my daily activities with my family and friends SHOPPING ACTIVITIES (FREQUENTLY/SOMETIMES) AGREEMENT WITH SOCIAL MEDIA INVOLVEMENT STATEMENTS Source: Magazines and Social Media, GfK MRI/MPA, The Marketing Democracy, 2012. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2013/2014. 122 CONSUMERS CHOOSE A RANGE OF MAGAZINE PLATFORMS THROUGHOUT THE DAY Consumers turn to magazine brands at multiple times throughout the day, for a variety of purposes, and use a range of platforms. Consumers typically bring three states of mind to their media consumption: catch-up time, focus time and down time. Note: Multi-platform users of 7 IPC brands: Marie Claire; InStyle; Ideal Home; Woman & Home; Now; Look; NME Source: Connected Consumers, IPC Media UK, 2013 123 PRINT MAGAZINE READERS ARE TECH INFLUENCERS Heavy print magazine readers are tech influencers—second only to online. Heavy media usage among super influential consumers for technology purchases (index) 144 165 Home Electronics 72 118 95 Magazines * 144 165 Mobile Phones TV 62 113 Radio 85 Newspapers 141 169 New Technology 64 108 103 *Includes internet magazine activity Top quintile of usage for each medium, indexed to adults 18+. Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 124 Internet MAGAZINES IN A MEDIA MIX Surround your target audience with 360º marketing 125 MAGAZINES DRIVE PURCHASE INTENT IN A MEDIA MIX The latest results from Dynamic Logic and Marketing Evolution demonstrate the power of magazines when part of a media mix. Aggregated results from 14 ROI studies validate the ability of magazines to drive purchase decisions. 14 Aggregated ROI Studies 200 200 175 160 150 150 114 100 100 100 TV Only 101 100 TV Only TV + Online TV + Online 50 TV + Online + Magazines 0 TV + Online + Magazines 0 Source: Dynamic Logic, 2011 126 50 Source: Marketing Evolution, 2011 ADVERTISING IN MAGAZINES DIRECTLY INCREASES SALES Meredith Corp, a magazine publisher, created a program to prove that advertising with their brands guarantees a direct increase in sales. In the first year of the program, results proved that in categories such as food, beauty and over-the-counter drugs, participating marketers experienced a sales lift with big advertisers, earning an average return of $7.81 for every $1 they spent on ads in company magazines. $1 spent $7.81 in return = Source: Meredith Expands Program Guaranteeing Sales Lift for Big Advertisers, Advertising Age, April 29, 2013. 127 HIGHER FAVOURABILITY SCORES FOUND IN BRANDS WHO INVEST IN MAGAZINES Magazines are the only medium which show a consistent positive correlation between higher ad investment levels and higher favourability scores—consumers were more likely to uniquely favour or consider the brands to be the best in their field. - Brands that spent less than £2 million enjoyed a 25% uplift in their favourability scores. - Brands that spent between £2 million and £10 million had an average uplift of 72% in their favourability scores. - Every £1 invested in magazine advertising generates an average ROI of £1.40. Sources: Magonomics, PPA, 2012. Ad Value research reveals magazines deliver ROI of £1.40, FIPP, 28-11-2012. 128 MAGAZINE ADS HELP TV ADS WORK HARDER Research into the impact of TV commercials concludes that respondents who had also seen magazine ads for the same product produced scores that were well above the control group (those who saw the TV ads but not the magazine ads). Respondents were carefully screened to ensure similar socio-demographics, media exposure levels and other characteristics. Magazine Advertising Lifts Key Performance Indicators Aggregated Results 150 % of all 2-page contacts 100 100 121 116 114 100 100 100 110 50 0 Ad awareness Impact of TV ad Control Brand recognition of Purchase consideration TV ads Magazines Source: Proof of Performance, Atenea, 2nd Wave, 2011 Base: Women who have seen TV advertising ; Control: not seen TV advertising 129 MAGAZINES OUTPERFORM TV AND ONLINE FOR CRITICAL PURCHASE DRIVERS Average impact by single channel exposure 11% Brand Ad Awareness 6% 12% 8% Brand Favorability 3% 6% Magazines Online TV 7% Brand Purchase Intent 3% 6% Data is delta: Delta = Control – Exposed Number of respondents: Magazine n=49,965; Online n=119,901; TV n=79,375 Source: InsightExpress, 2013. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2013/2014. 130 MAGAZINES DELIVER ROI In an accumulation analysis of 5 fast-moving consumer goods campaigns, brands had positive sales uplift from 3%, but reported ROI as high as 40% On average, accumulation data shows an ROI sales uplift of magazines of 19%. Brand A +3% Brand B +7% Brand C +14% Brand D +33% Brand E +40% Source: Magonomics, PPA, 2012. 131 AUTOMOTIVE 132 MAGAZINES & INTERNET ARE TRUSTED PAID MEDIA SOURCES FOR AUTO INTENDERS 8 of the top 10 most trusted sources of information for new auto intenders are unpaid channels. Internet and Magazines are the only “paid” media sources that make the top 10 list. Trusted Media Channels: Auto (Open-Ended Response) Internet 28% Friends 22% Family 13% Dealer 11% Consumer Reviews/Reports 11% Online Reviews 9% Magazines My Self/Own Experience Company's Website Word Of Mouth 7% Total Market Unpaid Media Total Market Paid Media 6% 6% Q24. What sources of information do you trust the most when…]? Please be as detailed and specific as possible. 5% Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 133 PRINT MAGAZINES ARE ON AUTO INTENDERS’ LIST OF TOP 3 MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA Trust of Information Source for Auto Purchase – (Top Two-Box) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Recommendations Online Reviews Endorsement Newspaper Editorials Magazine Editorials In Store Company Websites Ads on TV Established Ads in Newspapers Ads in Print Mag Ads on radio Total Market Unpaid Media Outdoor Advertising Total Market Paid Media Ads on Mag Websites Category Influencer Email Lists Q28. How trustworthy do you believe each of the following information sources are? Ads on Search Engine Online videos ads Ads on Mag Apps Paid Digital Online banner ads Ads on Social Media Text Ads on Phone 134 Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 100% MAGAZINES WORK HARDEST IN AUTO INTENDER CONSIDERATION PHASE Print magazines play an important role in driving recall throughout the entire path-to-purchase.. The relative position of television versus magazines may be driven by higher spending in television suggesting that dollar for dollar, magazines create substantial bang for the buck. Media Recalled: Auto (Open-Ended Response - % Responses) Consideration Television 67% Newspaper 18% Magazines Internet/Online/ website 14% 7% Purchase Evaluation Television 71% Newspaper 19% Internet/Online/ website 14% Television Newspaper Internet/Online/ website 19% 10% Magazines 6% Magazines 7% Radio 4% Radio 4% Radio 5% Billboard 4% Billboard 3% Billboard 3% Flyers 2% Flyers 2% Flyers 2% Mail 1% Mail 1% Email Q27. Thinking of the advertisements you can recall for [category], where did you see the advertisements? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 135 77% 1% PAID MEDIA HELPS AUTO INTENDERS LEARN ABOUT OPTIONS AVAILABLE Role Of Information Sources In Auto Purchase Decisions Past Experience Recommendations Endorsement Online Reviews Newspaper Editorials Magazine Editorials In Store Company Websites Ads in Newspapers Ads in Print Mag Established Ads on TV Ads on radio Outdoor Advertising Email lists Ads on Mag Websites Ads on Mag Apps Unpaid Media Ads on Search Engine Text Ads on Phone Ads on Social Media Online videos ads Online banner ads Paid Media Paid Digital Q31. Thinking about how you make Auto purchases, what roles do each of these information sources typically play? (select all that apply) Ads before movie Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 136 MAGAZINES HIGHEST IN AD RECEPTIVITY AMONG AUTO INTENDERS Influencer Efficiency Index Advertising Receptivity: Always Base: Media Channel Users Magazines in Print 158 TV 119 Daily Newspapers 120 Free Daily Newspapers 128 Search Engines 133 Direct Mail Total Magazines on my computer Influencer 150+ Radio Ads on Mobile Devices/Apps Social Networks Magazines on Tablets Print magazine, computer magazine and tablet magazine access, as well as mobile apps, are highly efficient at reaching auto category influencers. Q33. How often do you pay attention to advertising in the following media? 103 183 125 163 126 189 Online Banners Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 137 188 174 Ads in Social Gaming Outdoor advertising 143 PRINT MAGAZINES ARE IMPORTANT INFO SOURCES FOR AUTO INTENDERS Auto intenders place importance on dealerships and company websites throughout the path-to-purchase; dealerships are particularly important during the purchase phase. Magazines are among intenders’ top paid channels through the purchase cycle. Information Source Importance: Established Media (Top Two Box) 60 Information from dealership 50 Company Websites 40 Ads in Print Magazines 30 Ads in newspapers 20 Ads on TV Ads on the radio 10 Outdoor advertising 0 Consideration Evaluation Purchase Q29. Overall, how important have each of the following information sources been when…? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 138 MEDIA WORK HARDEST THROUGH THE AUTO EVALUATION PHASE Consumers are seeking the most information during the evaluation stage of the automotive path to purchase. This is when they are most receptive to information that will help them with the purchase. The importance of paid digital channels is strongest in the early stages, while total established media remains consistent throughout. Average Information Category Importance (Automotive) (Top Two-box out of 5) Base: Media Users 8% 10 % Paid Digital 20% 20% 18% Established Endorsement 6% 49% 46% 40% Experience 73% 80% 72% Consideration Evaluation Purchase Q29. Overall, how important have each of the following information sources been when [P2P Focus Text]? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 139 MAGAZINES’ ROLE IN THE AUTO PURCHASE PROCESS Magazines, print and digital, play a significant role in the information gathering and short-listing stages of the auto purchase process where auto intenders decide which make/model to buy, as opposed to the lower funnel stage where price, financing and location are key decision variables. Top 5 Primary Sources of Information UPPER PURCHASE FUNNEL MIDDLE PURCHASE FUNNEL LOWER PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness Stage - Build Demand 6-5 months prior to purchase Information Stage - Maintain Consideration 4-2 months prior to purchase Decision Stage - Commit to Spend 4-2 weeks prior to purchase Television Ads 12.9% Third Party Sites 13.5% Local Newspaper Ads 14.5% Auto Manufacturer Websites 11.3% Consumer Magazine Ads 11.2% Consumer Reports 10.7% Friends/Relatives 10.3% Consumer Reports 10.7% Dealer Websites 9.1% Consumer Magazine Ads 10.1% Television Ads 9.4% Friends / Relatives 8.7% Auto Manufacturer Websites 8.4% Third Party Sites 8.4% Consumer Reports 7.3% Note: Consumer Magazines, Local Newspapers and Consumer Reports include both print and digital versions. Source: Time Inc./ &CNW Marketing Purchase Process Study, 2011 140 MORE MAGAZINES READ = HIGHER PRICE PAID FOR AUTOS The more magazines read, the higher the price paid for an automobile. The number of magazines read is also a predictor of higher prices paid for eco-friendly autos. Magazine readers – Price paid for new vehicle Read 1-3 magazines Read 4-9 magazines Read 10+ magazines Magazine readers will pay more for an environmentally-friendly vehicle Read 1-3 magazines $27,041 $28,389 $29,041 Read 4-9 magazines Read 10+ magazines Source: J. D. Power & Associates, 2011 141 44% 47% 52% MAGAZINE MEDIA ADS MOTIVATE AUTO PURCHASE Magazines beat online and TV in the automotive category In combination, magazines excel with both online and TV in driving awareness of advertising. Automotive: average impact by single-channel exposure Automotive: average impact by channel combinations 11% Brand Ad Awareness 5% 11% Brand Ad Awareness 18% 17% 9% 7% Brand Favorability 3% 4% 4% Brand Purchase Intent 1% Magazines Brand Favorability 4% Online TV 4% Brand Purchase Intent 4% 7% 7% 1% 2% Source: InsightExpress, 2013. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2013/2014. 142 Magazines Magazines + Online Online + TV BEAUTY 143 MEDIA WORK HARDEST THROUGH THE EVALUATION & PURCHASE PHASES The importance of established and paid digital channels is strongest in later stages of the beauty path to purchase. Information Category Importance (Beauty Products) 11% 6% 20% Paid Digital 17% Established 12% 22% 50% 47% 81% 84% 82% Consider Evaluation Purchase 43% Endorsement Experience Q29. Overall, how important have each of the following information sources been when [P2P Focus Text]? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 144 MAGAZINES ARE THE MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA CHANNEL FOR BEAUTY INFO Most Trusted Media Channels: Beauty (Open-Ended Response - % of Respondents) Friends Magazines Internet Sales Person\Staff At Store Online Reviews Experts\Professionals Family TV Advertisements Brand Name Reviews\Journals Word Of Mouth Sample Testing Ingredients List Consumer Reviews\Reports My Self\Own Experience Package Details Labels Company's Website Research 28% 16% 14% 10% 9% 8% 8% 7% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Q24. What sources of information do you trust the most when…? Please be as detailed and specific as possible. Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 145 PRINT MAGAZINES & THEIR WEB ADS ARE THE MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA SOURCES Trust of Information Source: Beauty 0% Past Experience Recommendations Online Reviews Newspaper Editorials Magazine Editorials In Store Company Websites Ads in Print Mag Ads on TV Ads in Newspapers Ads on radio Outdoor Advertising Email Lists Ads on Mag Websites Ads on Social Media Ads on Mag Apps Ads on Search Engine Online videos ads Online banner ads Text Ads on Phone 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90% 100% Endorsement Established Total Market Unpaid Media Total Market Paid Media Category Influencer Paid Digital Ads in print magazines and on magazine websites are the strongest paid sources of trusted information for beauty purchase decisions. Q28. When [P2P Text], how trustworthy do you believe each of the following information sources are? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 146 80% MAGAZINES PLAY AN ESSENTIAL ROLE IN GENERATING BEAUTY PRODUCT RECALL Print magazines play an essential role in driving recall throughout the path-to-purchase with influence increasing as the consumer moves from consideration to all important purchase phase. It’s worth noting that the relative position of television versus magazines may be driven by higher spending in television suggesting that dollar for dollar, magazines create substantial bang for the buck. Media Recalled: Beauty (Open-Ended Response - % Of Respondents) Consideration Evaluation Television 63% Magazines Internet/Online/website 32% 6% Flyers 5% Newspaper 4% In store/store 4% Email 2% Billboard 1% Blank/No Response Journal Bus stop/transit shelter Television 60% Magazines 35% Internet/Online/website Others 11% 10% Television 59% Magazines Internet/Online/website Others 38% 10% 9% Newspaper 4% Flyers Reviews 4% In store/store 3% In store/store 4% Revues 3% 6% Email 2% Newspaper 2% Flyers 1% Facebook 1% 1% Billboard 1% Radio 1% 1% Facebook 1% Email 1% 1% Mail 1% Journal 1% Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 147 Purchase Q27. Thinking of the advertisements you can recall for [category], where did you see the advertisements? MAGAZINE MEDIA IMPACT IS STRONGEST AT LATER STAGES OF THE PATH TO PURCHASE Importance Of Magazine Media When…. (Top Two-Box) Consideration Evaluation Learn and get ideas for which beauty product to consider looking into Evaluate different beauty products to identify which one is best for you Ads in Print Magazines Purchase Post-Purchase Making the final decision to purchase the beauty product that you did 17 19 24 Ads on Magazine Websites 8 16 19 Ads on Magazine Apps 5 9 11 Q29. Overall, how important have each of the following information sources been when [P2P Focus Text]? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 148 PRINT MAGAZINES ENGENDER THE HIGHEST RECEPTIVITY TO BEAUTY ADS Beauty Ad Receptivity: Always pay attention Base: Media channel users Magazines in Print 128 TV 134 Direct Mail 125 Daily Newspapers 117 Free Daily Newspapers 120 Radio 133 Search Engines 138 Social Networks 149 Magazines on my computer 163 Magazines on Tablets 138 Outdoor advertising Ads on Mobile Devices/Apps Total 150+ Influencer 146 159 Online Banners 144 Ads in Social Gaming 117 Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 149 Influencer Efficiency Index Q33. How often do you pay attention to advertising in the following media? PRINT MAGAZINES ARE THE #1 PAID MEDIA SOURCE FOR BEAUTY PURCHASERS Print magazine ads play an important role throughout the beauty product path-to-purchase, growing in importance from consideration to purchase. Magazines are the #1 paid media source for beauty information. Information Source Importance: Established Media (Top Two Box) 45 Information from store 40 Company Websites 35 Ads in Print Magazines 30 Ads on TV 25 Ads in newspapers 20 15 Ads on the radio 10 Outdoor advertising 5 0 Consideration Evaluation Purchase Q29. Overall, how important have each of the following information sources been when…? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 150 PRINT MAGAZINE ADVERTISING INCREASES SALES: BEAUTY CATEGORY Beauty Products Sales lift per average household Test (exposed) vs. control (unexposed) Campaign period 2009-2014 +36% +32% +16% + 13% +4% + 5% + 9% + 10% Lotion Feminine Care + 5% Mouthwash Body Wash Moisturizer Sun Care Bar Soap Anti-aging Source: Meredith Corporation/The Nielsen Company, 2014. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2014/2015. 151 Lipstick MAGAZINE MEDIA, PRINT & DIGITAL, PLAY INFLUENTIAL ROLES IN BEAUTY DECISIONS Among paid channels, ads in print magazines and magazine websites are seen as most helpful for purchase decisions. Role Of Information Sources In Beauty Purchase Decisions Past Experience Recommendations Online Reviews Magazine Editorials Newspaper Editorials In Store Company Websites Ads in Print Mag Ads on TV Ads on radio Ads in Newspapers Outdoor Advertising Email lists Ads on Mag Websites Ads on Mag Apps Ads on Search Engine Ads on Social Media Online videos ads Text Ads on Phone Online banner ads Ads before movie Endorsement Established Unpaid Media Paid Media Paid Digital Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 152 Q31. Thinking about how you make Beauty purchases, what roles do each of these information sources typically play? (select all that apply) FOOD PRODUCTS 153 MAGAZINES ARE AMONG THE TOP MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA FOR FOOD PRODUCTS Magazines are a trusted paid source of information for food purchase decisions. Most Trusted Media Channels: Food (Open-Ended Response - % Of Respondents Mentioned) Friends Internet Family TV Word Of Mouth Package Details Magazines Advertisements Sample Testing Reviews \ Journals Online Reviews Brand Name My Self \ Own Experience Newspaper Flyers Coupons Store Ads Company's Website Google Experts \ Professionals Sales Person \ Staff At Store Research 22% 16% 15% 13% 7% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% Q24. What sources of information do you trust the most when [insert P2P Focus Text]? 2% Please be as detailed and specific as possible. 1% 1% 1% 1% Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 154 PRINT & ONLINE MAGS ARE MOST TRUSTED PAID MEDIA FOR FOOD PURCHASERS Trust Of Information Source 0% Past Experience Recommendations Online Reviews Newspaper Editorials Magazine Editorials In Store Company Websites Ads in Print Mag Ads on TV Ads in Newspapers Outdoor Advertising Ads on radio Email Lists Ads on Mag Websites Online videos ads Ads on Search Engine Ads on Mag Apps Ads on Social Media Online banner ads Text Ads on Phone 155 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Endorsement Established Total Market Unpaid Media Total Market Paid Media Category Influencer Paid Digital Q28. How trustworthy do you believe each of the following information sources are? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 100% RECALL OF MAGAZINE FOOD ADS REMAIN CONSISTENT THROUGH PATH TO PURCHASE Recall of magazine advertisements holds constant through the path to purchase stages. Media Recalled: Food (Open-Ended Response - % Respondents Mentioned) Consideration Television Purchase Evaluation 69% Television 71% Television 10% Flyers 12% Magazines 8% Newspaper 7% Internet / Online / website 4% Billboard 3% In store / store 3% Newspaper 8% Magazines 8% Flyers 8% Billboard 4% In store / store 2% Bus stop / transit shelter 1% Flyers Magazines Internet / Online / website 10% 8% 5% Newspaper 5% In store / store 3% Journal 1% Billboard 2% Facebook 1% Journal 1% Radio 1% Radio 1% Email 1% Q27. Thinking of the advertisements you can recall for [category], where did you see the advertisements? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 156 76% MAGAZINE IMPACT IS STRONGEST IN THE EVALUATION STAGE OF THE PURCHASE PATH The impact of magazine media is strongest in the evaluation phase of the food path to purchase Importance Of Magazine Media When…. (Food Products) (Top Two-Box) PostPurchase Consideration Evaluation Purchase Post-Purchase Learn and get ideas for which beauty product to consider looking into Evaluate different beauty products to identify which one is best for you Making the final decision to purchase the beauty product that you did Magazine editorials/reviews 25 29 22 Ads in Print Magazines 10 17 17 Ads on Magazine Websites 7 14 11 Ads on Magazine Apps 5 10 10 Q29. Overall, how important have each of the following information sources been when [P2P Focus Text]? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 157 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING INCREASES SALES: FOOD CATEGORY Households exposed to the print magazine campaign spent significantly more (+2% to +36%) than those not exposed (test vs. control). Positive ROI for all brands ranged from $1.69 to $19.99 incremental for every media dollar spent. Average ROI: $7.54 Sales lift per average household Test (exposed) vs. control (unexposed) Campaign period 2009-2014 Food Products +26% +14% +2% +3% +3% +4% +4% +5% +5% +5% +6% +7% +7% +8% +8% Source: Meredith Corporation/The Nielsen Company, 2014. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2014/2015. 158 +15% +18% MEDIA WORK HARDEST THROUGH THE EVALUATION & PURCHASE PHASES Media has the greatest impact on food purchasers in the evaluation stage. Information Category Importance (Food Products) Paid Digital 6% 12% 20% 10% 16% Established 40% 19% 46% 36% Endorsement 75% 78% 70% Consider Evaluation Purchase Experience Q29. Overall, how important have each of the following information sources been when [P2P Focus Text]? Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 159 MAGAZINE ADS WORK HARDEST THROUGH THE EVALUATION & PURCHASE PHASES Information Source Importance: Established Media (Food Products) (Top Two Box) 40 35 Information from store 30 Company Websites Ads on TV 25 Ads in Print Magazines 20 Ads in newspapers 15 Ads on the radio 10 Outdoor advertising 5 Q29. Overall, how important have each of the following information sources been when…? 0 Consideration Evaluation Purchase Source: Media Connections Study, BrandSpark International/Magazines Canada. July 2013 160 HEALTHCARE 161 PRINT MAGAZINES REACH INFLUENTIAL HEALTHCARE CONSUMERS Print magazines are effective at reaching super influential consumers for healthcare and fitness cateogies. Super influential consumers for healthcare categories are heavy users of magazines (index) Physical Fitness 132 57 86 Healthy Lifestyle 100 131 55 88 151 151 99 Magazines * Internet TV Prescription Drugs 77 Healthcare 64 147 134 Newspapers 104 98 119 144 102 94 *Includes internet magazine activity Top quintile of usage for each medium, indexed to adults 18+. Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 162 Radio MAGAZINE READERS ARE INFLUENTIAL WITH HEALTHCARE DECISIONS Consumers who make their own informed personal healthcare decisions and influence those of their friends and family are most likely to be magazine readers. Consumer attitudes AGREEMENT MAGAZINES INTERNET* TV RADIO NEWSPAPERS Pharmaceutical advertisements make me more knowledgeable about medicines 128 92 100 101 105 I often discuss new prescription medicines with my doctor 125 84 111 92 103 It’s worth paying more for branded prescription medications rather than generic 123 104 104 109 111 I research treatment options on my own and then ask my doctor about them 120 114 98 107 108 I am willing to ask my doctor for a prescription medication or drug sample that I have seen or heard advertised 119 95 110 102 102 I am willing to pay extra for prescriptions drugs not covered by health insurance 118 104 100 99 113 I carefully examine the ingredient list on over-the-counter medications 117 94 99 101 105 I trust pharmaceutical companies that advertise the medications I take 115 85 105 84 103 I am better informed about my health than most people 115 104 99 98 104 * Includes internet magazine activity Source: Kantar Media, MARS Consumer Health Study, 2014. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2014/2015. 163 MAGAZINES ADS PROMPT HEALTHCARE ACTION Magazines readers are more likely to take action after seeing healthcare ads, compared to users of other media. Actions Taken Last 12 Months Due to Healthcare Advertising ACTIONS TAKEN MAGAZINES INTERNET* TV RADIO NEWSPAPERS Returned a free sample card 178 82 124 158 157 Switched to a different brand 169 126 148 129 122 Called a toll-free number to get additional information 161 91 129 132 133 Returned a card to request additional information 160 72 150 125 116 Referred to a book, journal or magazine to get additional information 159 121 116 116 116 Discussed an ad with your doctor 154 80 129 122 121 Discussed an ad with a friend or relative 154 119 129 125 118 Consulted a pharmacist 150 85 119 112 117 Asked your doctor for a product sample of a prescription drug 148 91 120 112 110 Used a coupon 145 104 123 115 121 Visited a pharmaceutical company’s website 139 125 122 106 109 Asked your doctor to prescribe a specific drug 133 97 119 104 112 Purchased a nonprescription product 129 102 118 108 108 Called for a prescription refill 126 79 121 103 104 Made an appointment to see a doctor 121 87 110 102 107 Took medication 120 96 115 107 104 *includes internet magazine activity Source: Kantar Media, MARS Consumer Health Study, 2014; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 Base: Top two quintiles by medium, indexed to adults 18+ 164 PRINT MAGAZINES INSPIRE HOME RENOVATION Consumers enjoy reading magazines for inspiration when remodelling and renovating their homes. Heavy media usage among consumers who intend to make home improvements (index) Very/somewhat likely in next 12 months PRINT MAGAZINES INTERNET* TV RADIO NEWSPAPERS Buy second house or vacation home 122 114 107 106 94 Convert rooms to home office 116 107 110 102 80 Add rooms or exterior additions 102 105 93 107 110 Remodel bathroom 102 96 96 97 101 Remodel kitchen 101 95 97 100 100 *Includes internet magazine activity Top quintile of usage for each medium, indexed to adults 18+ Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 165 PRINT MAGAZINES ARE PRIME REAL ESTATE Home improvement influencers turn to magazines for motivation and assistance in making key decisions about products, gardening and design. Heavy media usage among super influential consumers for home improvement purchases (index) Household Furnishings 136 128 76 Gardening 97 84 107 131 120 109 112 Magazines Internet TV Interior Decorating 117 62 83 Home Remodelling 131 107 102 106 65 84 101 * Includes internet magazine activity Top quintile of usage for each medium, indexed to adults 18+ Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 166 Radio Newspapers MAGAZINES REACH HOME INFLUENCERS Print magazine readers #1 of all media in home spending (index) PRINT MAGAZINES INTERNET* TV RADIO $3,000+ decorating services 164 139 129 114 $1,000+ decorating services 157 139 134 117 $3,000+ furniture 140 117 110 110 $1,000+ HH appliances 123 119 111 122 $10,000+ remodeling services 116 94 100 111 * Includes internet magazine activity Source: IPSOS Affluent Survey USA, 2013. Magazine Media MPA Factbook 2014/20145 167 PRINT MAGAZINES REACH GREEN CONSUMERS Print magazines are a top environment for reaching green and environmentally-friendly consumers. Heavy media usage among environmentally friendly consumers (index) I have a great deal of knowledge/experience in environmentally friendly products Segmentation by environmental friendliness MAGAZINES INTERNET* TV RADIO Green advocates 142 139 45 98 Green at their best 103 105 93 87 102 10 3 Ungreen (least green) 96 100 Magazines Internet* TV Radio Newspapers 123 115 86 103 95 My family and friends often ask for and trust my advice on environmentally friendly products Magazines Internet* TV Radio Newspapers 120 125 95 108 82 *Includes internet magazine activity Top quintile of usage for each medium, indexed to adults 18+. Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2013; MPA Factbook 2014/2015 168 OTHER USEFUL INFO Magazines Canada can help 169 ABOUT MAGAZINES CANADA Magazines Canada is Canada’s professional magazine industry association, representing the country's top consumer and business titles. As a not-for-profit organization, it strives to serve Canadian magazines through advocacy, direct-to-retail distribution, professional development, marketing and advertising services. Magazines Canada strives to supply the advertising industry with solid information to help advertisers and agencies understand how magazine advertising works and how they may be put to work for them. For examples of information available, please click on the following: Magblast A series of podcasts designed to inform and educate 170 PAGE/PAGEdigital newsletter A monthly newsletter reporting news and latest research Magazine Essentials A summary of magazine planning information Put Magazines to Work A summary of the latest magazine industry info Magazine research information An archive of major magazine research CREATIVE USE OF MAGAZINES Looking for eye-catching, exciting, interactive creative ideas that get talked about and acted upon? Perhaps a new brand launch, a relaunch or an impactful way to kick-off a seasonal campaign? Magazines can deliver the wow-power! Whether it’s an ROP page, an insert that carries a scent, carries a tune, pops-up, folds-out or perhaps an integrated campaign that works online or at retail, talk to your friendly magazine sales professional to help you meet your communication objectives and budget. For more ideas, click here. 171 CATEGORY QUICK HITS Magazines Canada’s new Category Quick Hits series will help you go deeper into how magazines work in several key product categories. Quick Hits are compendiums of the latest research information for each category. Click here. Automotive Travel Home Reno/Improvement 172 CPG Beer, Wine & Liquor Health & Beauty Food/Food Products Financial Drugs & Remedies FACT BOOKS Want to learn more about Business Media or Digital Magazine Media? We have Fact Books for them too. For immediate access, click here. Magazines Canada gratefully acknowledges the support of the Ontario Media Development Corporation in the development of the Fact Books. 173 U.S. SPILL RESOURCES We provide access to two resources to help media planners stay up to date on U.S. spill trends. Magazines: A Comparison of Canada & the U.S. provides an in depth look at how magazines in the two countries compare. For a top line view, access U.S. Spill into Canada. 174 FASTFACTS FastFacts is a series of one-page research summaries of dozens of topics relating to magazines. Click here. 175 MAGAZINE CREATIVE TESTING Exercise greater control over the effectiveness and competitiveness of your print investment: • • • • • • 176 Test ads or campaigns before they’ve hit the market or monitor them to understand what works among your target consumers Learn the effectiveness and competitiveness of your competitor’s ads Ensure consistent communication of key brand attributes across various campaigns over time Guarantee that individual ads clearly communicate the brand name and that ad copy engages and persuades consumers of your category Ensure that ads create/reinforce a positive brand image and that consumers are motivated to purchase Let magWorks increase the effectiveness of your magazine advertising. Visit for further information or to submit a request for quotation ™ AdDirect AD PORTAL Magazines Canada AdDirect™ is a web-based ad preflight portal, designed to streamline the ad delivery process between clients and participating magazines. AdDirect™ allows advertisers and agencies to preflight, approve and automatically deliver a PDF ad file to a publication. All ads are checked against each magazine’s individual specifications. Clients receive a real-time preflight report showing that the ad has been successfully preflighted and delivered or, a listing of any warnings or errors that have occurred during the preflight process. This report allows clients to immediately fix any potential problem saving time and money. Visit the home page to view a brief video on how to use the ad preflight portal system, download the User Guide or click on links to view frequently asked questions. AdDirect™ is a free service to agencies and advertisers. 177 GOT QUESTIONS? CONTACT US If you have questions about how magazine advertising can be put to work, chances are we have the answers. We have a large library of research information beyond what you’ll find on the Magazines Canada website. Information is just an email or phone call away. Web: Email: Tel: 416.596.5382 Fax: 416.504.0437 We’re here to help. 178