St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish


St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish
St. Louis Church
48 West Hollis Street
Nashua, N.H. 03060
Phone: 603-882-4362 * Fax: 603-886-8923
Rev. Marcos Gonzalez-Torres ................. Pastor
Richard Desmarais ................................... Deacon
Parish Council Members:
Susan Simard, Linda Paradise, Carmel Pawlowski, Liliana Pontoni,
Jhoanny Marte, Karen Deoleo, Rolande Suchocki,
Jean-Paul Archambault, Ludis Salazar
Finance Council Members:
Mrs. Rolande Suchocki - Chairperson, Mr. Leo Simard,
Mr. Douglas Pratt, Mrs. Denise Barnett , Mr. Benito Medellín
Faith Formation Team:
Giselle North
........................................... Director of
Carmen Dussault ...........................................Pastoral care
Monica Quiñones .......................................... Youth Minister
Susan Simard ………………………………….. Bible Course
Coordinator - Eng.
Office Staff:
Jennifer McInerney
................................. Business Manager
Amy Buckmire ………………………………… Administrative
Monica Quiñones .......................................... Bulletin Editor /
Social Media
Misioneras Servidoras de la Palabra
Sister Sara Grimaldo ................................... Convent:
Cemetery Office:
Elizabeth Klamka...........................................St. Louis,
Old St. Louis,
St. Francis,
St. Stanislaus
Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm
Closed on Fridays
Monday- Friday: 8:30am (English)
Wednesday: 7:00pm (Español)
Saturday: 4:00pm (English) - 6:00pm (Español)
Sunday: 9:00am (Français & English) -11:00am (English) 6:30pm (English)
In the Church
Saturday: 3:00pm (English & Spanish)
Wednesday: 6:00pm - 6:45pm & by appointment
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
from 12 noon to 8:00 p.m.
at Corpus Christi Chapel 43 Franklin St Nashua, NH
Adoration on Wednesdays at St. Aloysius Church
from 9a.m. to 7p.m. (If there is a Funeral Mass,
adoration will commence after Mass.)
Closed if no school
261 Lake St. Nashua, NH 03060 * 603-889-9431
Contact: Susan Dignan * 603-882-6372
Emergency Assistance: 603-598-1641
Welcome to our Church family! We’re glad you came to join with us in our worship time today. We hope you come again!
of Easter
the Lord
in Passion
April 13,
19TH Annotation Retreat
And this week from the office…
“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger announcing peace, of the messenger of the good news,
who proclaims salvation…”(Is. 52:7)
Last weekend we said farewell to two young members of our
parish community: Miguel and Estefany. Most of us know
them well. They have decided to embark on a missionary
experience and discern their vocation with the help and
supervision of the Missionaries Servants of the Word (Sr.
Sara’s religious community). Some parishioners have asked
me: “What are they going to do?” Today I am going to write
about what this experience is all about.
First we need to understand a little more about the Missionary
Servants of the Word (MSP). The MSP is a religious
community that is formed by priests and religious sisters.
They were founded by Fr. Luis Butera Vullo, a missionary
priest from Italy, who was sent to Mexico in 1963. In 1984, he
founded the Missionary Servants of the Word. One of the
goals is to evangelize people with God’s word so they can
evangelize others. Today they are present in more the fifteen
countries. Miguel and Estefany will begin their missionary
journey in California. They will remain there for eight months.
During that time they will receive spiritual, human, intellectual
and pastoral formation in accordance with the vision of
Missionary Servants of the Word to prepare them for their
parish assignments. Afterwards, they can be assigned
anywhere their community has a need for missionaries either
here in the United States or around the world. Miguel and
Estefany will remain in their assignments for one year. During
that time they will teach bible classes, work with the youth and
proclaim the Word of God going from door to door. After this
time of preparation and missionary work, which is completed
over a period of twenty months, they will return to California
to discern if they feel called to pursue the priestly and religious
life. If they feel called, they will continue their formation with
the MSP or another religious community or diocese, or they
may come back to us transformed anew by God’s word.
Let us keep in our prayers Miguel and Estefany. May God
protect them, guide them and strengthen them to continue to
respond to God’s will.
In Christ,
Father Marcos
Are you interested
in an extended retreat experience?
Consider the th19th Annotation Retreat. Beginning on
November 17 the San Damiano House of Prayer will again
sponsor The 19th Annotation Retreat. This retreat consists of
two sets of twelve week sessions (24 sessions). It will be run
on Monday evenings at 7pm-8:30pm from November
through the Easter season. Two books are required ($45.00).
The suggested donation for each session is $10. If interested
please contact Sr. Linda Greenwood at 978-441-0988, email or visit our website
Natural Family Planning
There is a healthy, life-giving, alternative to contraception and
artificial reproductive technologies. The Creighton Model
FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology, are effective
ways to achieve and avoid pregnancy, offering couples who
are experiencing infertility the hope of achieving pregnancy
while following the teachings of their Church. For more
information contact: Marguerite d’Youville FertilityCare
Services at 232-3141 or
Catholic Citizenship News
NEWS. The Diocese of Manchester has an initiative to
inform Catholics about important public policy matters
facing our elected officials. Catholic Citizenship News
provides briefs on legislation as well as information about
Catholic social teaching on some of today’s pressing issues.
To read the current issue of Catholic Citizenship News and to
subscribe, visit
Parish Nurse Center For Wellness
These events are sponsored by St. Joseph Hospital and they
will be held in the lower level of Milette Manor
Free Blood Pressure Screening/ Health Counseling Every Wednesday & Friday 9:00-12:00
Our Parish Nurses are here to promote wellness, health,
healing and the wholeness of the body, mind and spirit. We
can help you monitor your B/P, offer support in your
decision making about healthcare, and share our presence,
knowledge and prayer.
of Easter
the Lord
in Passion
April 27,
Diocesan policy states that the couple should contact the parish
priest at least six months prior to the wedding before making any
arrangements. Please call the rectory for further information.
For catechesis and preparation information please contact the office
by phone or by email at
Home Services
The first Friday of each month, we will have home visits to the sick.
If you are sick, know someone who is sick, if you are in a nursing
home or know someone who is in a nursing home and need prayer
or to receive Holy Communion, please contact Carmen Dussault at
(603) 882-4362 or by email at
A Very Special Ministry
We are looking for people who want to participate in the ministry of
the sick, visiting with them and bringing them communion at home.
If you feel that you have a calling upon your heart to serve your
Christian community in this way please call Carmen Dussault at the
Rectory office, 603-882-4362.
Part-time Administrative Assistant Needed
We are currently seeking a part-time administrative assistant to work
in the rectory office, approximately 26 hours per week, handling all
paperwork and questions related to faith formation programs and
sacramental preparation as well as assisting with liturgical
preparation and other special events. Candidates should enjoy
working in a busy office environment, answering a variety of
questions from parishioners and volunteers; both in person and on
the phone. Knowledge of Microsoft Office software and very good
organizational skills required. Candidates must have excellent
communication skills, both written and spoken. Bilingual English/
Spanish preferred. Interested candidates should send a resume and
cover letter to
Readings for the Week of October 19th, 2014
Next Sunday:
Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32
Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41
Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46
Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54
Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7
2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9
Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
Mass Intentions:
Monday, October 20th, 2014
8:30am - Camille Lessard by Patrick and Evelyn
For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
8:30am - For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014
8:30am - Gertrude Lessard by Patrick and Evelyn
7:00pm - Por las almas del purgatorio y los pecadores del
mundo entero.
Thursday, October 23rd, 2014
8:30am - For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
Friday, October 24th, 2014
8:30am- For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
Saturday, October 25th, 2014
4:00pm - All Souls
Mr. Ernest Dubois by Paul and Pauline Gagne
(10th anniv.)
Marc Loranger by Mary Poltak
Raymond LaFrance by his wife
6:00pm - Juan Morgan Hugo Munoz
Anatilde Oregon Mafla de su familia
Por todas las almas del purgatorio y pecadores
del mundo entero
Sunday, October 26th, 2014
9:00am - Thomas Dube by his wife Theresa
Nicole Jacques by Jeanne Carbonneau &
Ronald Routhier
For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
11:00am -Ursula Cote by the tel. operators breakfast
Carroll J Blier
Lillian B Blier
Herman Belanger by his wife and family (2nd
6:30pm - For all our parishioners
Sanctuary Lamp:
Church: For all our parishioners
Chapel: Armand Farland
St. Louis Church
The Week Ahead:
Monday, October 20th, 2014
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
10:00am: Al-Anon Meeting in Milette Manor
4:30pm: Bible Courses (Spanish) in Milette Manor
6:30pm - 7:30pm: Bell Choir Practice in the Church
6:30pm - 7:30pm: Boys Scouts meeting in the Church Hall
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
12:00pm - 8:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel
4:30pm: Bible Courses (Spanish) in Milette Manor
7:00pm: Bible Studies (English) in Milette Manor
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
9:00 - 6:45pm: Eucharistic Adoration (Church)
2:00pm: Ladies Guild Meeting in the Church Hall
3:00pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet in Spanish (Church)
5:30pm: Spanish Bible Study in Milette Manor lower level
7:00pm: Spanish Mass
8:00pm - 9:00pm: CERS Meeting at Milette Manor
Thursday, October 23rd, 2014
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
12:00pm - 8:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel
5:30pm - 6:45pm: Faith Formation in Milette Manor
5:30pm - 6:45pm: Bible studies for parents (Spanish) (Hall)
Friday, October 24th, 2014
**Cemetery & Rectory Offices Closed**
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
6:30pm - 8:00pm: EDGE Night in the Church Hall
7:00pm: Choir “Voces del Señor” practice
Saturday, October 25th, 2014
1:00pm - 2:00pm: Pre-baptismal classes in Milette Manor
4:00pm- 5:00pm: English Mass
4:00 - 5:00pm: Kids Choir Practice in Milette Manor
6:00pm - 7:00pm: Spanish Mass
7:30pm - 9:00pm: Al-Anon Meeting in Milette Manor
Sunday, October 26th, 2014
9:00am - 10:00am: French/English Mass
10:00am - 1:00pm: RCIA Meeting in Milette Manor
11:00am - 12:00pm: English Mass
6:30pm - 7:30pm: English Mass
6:30pm - 8:00pm: Life Night in the Church Hall
Booster Club News
Last week’s winner will be announced in the next
bulletin. Thank you to those who participate each week.
This is a great little fundraiser for our parish. There are
envelopes at each entrance to the church. Pick up an
envelope or two and take a chance. The winner receives
40% of the amount collected and the parish receives
Your Weekly Contributions
October 11th and 12th
This information was not available at the time
of printing and will be included in next week’s
bulletin. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for understanding.
Bereavement Support Groups
In order to better serve you, our cemetery now offers
bereavement support for both individuals and groups.
This is facilitated by Betty Klamka, cemetery
administrator. Betty is a certified spiritual director,
healthcare chaplain, and has worked with groups in the
past both at St. Joseph Hospital and Greenbriar Terrace.
The groups are small, and meet on Friday mornings at
10am. Please call the cemetery office for more
information and registration at 886-1302.
There is also a bereavement for husbands who have
lost wives being formed. We will meet either daytime
or evenings or both depending on the response or
need. Please call Betty Klamka at the cemetery office to
inquire or register.
The St. Louis' Ladies Guild
The St. Louis' Ladies Guild will hold their monthly meeting on October 22, 2014 in the Church Hall at 2pm.
Youth Ministry Bake Sale
Next weekend the youth will be selling baked goods to
raise money for a field trip that is currently in the planning
stages. Thank you for all your help and support.
Catholic Charities Update
Thank you for your support of New
Hampshire Catholic Charities! Please $23,000
find our parish’s updated information to
the right. These amounts represent $12,950
donations processed through the 22nd of
September. Again, thank you for your
support. We hope to be able to meet our
goal as a Parish this year.
St. Aloysius Parish
Faith Formation Program
If you would like to volunteer in any way in our Faith
Formation programs, please contact Amy Buckmire at the parish
office at 882-4362 or by email at
For more information visit our office during regular office hours
(Monday-Thursday 9am to 4pm .)
Youth Ministry – Volunteers Needed
Our EDGE and Lifeteen program have begun!
We are still looking for volunteers! We would be thrilled to see
new faces and have many ways for you to help us as we work with
the youth of the parish. Here are just a few ways you could help:
 Provide dinner for the youth. (We begin every session by
sharing a meal together.)
 Assist in organizing activities. (We have a great curriculum we
follow that can be reviewed beforehand.)
 Donations of supplies and/or money. (Both are always
Please contact Monica Quinones at
to find out what items might be needed).
Please keep us in your prayers as the new semester begins so all of
our youth may be filled with the Holy Spirit and grow closer to
RCIA Team Volunteers Needed
Do you want a refresher course in Catholicism? Would you be
interested in mentoring people who are learning about our faith for
the first time? Come join us for RCIA classes beginning in
October. We plan to have good discussions around Catholic
principles you can use in daily living. For more information,
contact Deacon Rick Desmarais by calling the parish office, or by
email at
Serving the Spiritual Needs of Grieving Parents
Losing a child under any circumstance is horrific. Focusing on the
spirituality of the grieving process can help tremendously. St.
Anthony Shrine of Boston, MA is offering The Emmaus Ministry
for Grieving Parents Weekend Spiritual Retreat from November
7th to 9th at Miramar Retreat Center, Duxbury, MA For more
information, call Diane, Mother of Paul, at (617) 542-8057 or see Please join us. All are welcome.
Separated and Divorced Support Group
Saint Pius X Parish in Manchester, NH continues our support
group ministry for separated and divorced Catholics. Meetings are
generally held from September through June on the second and
fourth Tuesday of every month from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM in the
parish center on 126 Sarto Street (in back of church parking lot).
CROP Hunger Walk
Our 30th year! The Nashua CROP Hunger walk takes place on
October 26, beginning and ending at Temple Beth Abraham, 4
Raymond Street in Nashua. Registration is from 12 to 1 with
opening ceremonies at 1 and stepping out at 1:30. This year’s walk
features a new route and new information and rest stops along the
way. The Nashua Area Interfaith Council sponsors the event. More
information is available at
Sponsor of the Week
Dish Network
Dish Network is a family-run business founded by Charlie
Ergen, Candy Ergen, and their good friend Jim DeFranco.
We're dedicated to bringing you the best satellite
technology. DISH is proud to offer the lowest all-digital
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industry's most technically advanced and
consumer-friendly Whole Home. Connect today with one
of our chat agents available online or order
now by calling 1-888-731-8008.
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
and Assistance
Corpus Christi Food Pantry and Assistance needs your
assistance in our mission to help those in need. We need
help in preparing a fundraising mailing Monday and
Wednesday, October 20 and 22 from 9am to noon and
Tuesday and Thursday, October 21 and 23 from 2:30pm
to 4:30pm. This is a sitting down job! Any time you can
help would be appreciated. We are located at 43 Franklin
St., Nashua, NH. If you need any further information,
please call us at 603-598-1641.
San Damiano House of Prayer
On Tuesday, October 21st, we will begin another Spiritual
Direction Training Program.
It will be our ninth one and we are grateful to God for the
many ways this program has enriched our students and
provided many adults with the skills needed to serve as
spiritual directors. The classes will take place on Tuesday
evenings, 6:30pm – 9pm, at San Damiano House of Prayer
in Lowell.
If you are interested, please contact Sr. Linda Greenwood,
OSF Director of this program at (978) 441-0988. You can
also contact her via her e-mail address
We also have a wonderful website that provides an
on-going listing of our programs and opportunities. Let us
hear from you soon!
Save the Date: Saturday, October 25th.
The Holy Cross Justice and Environment Mission Group,
the Oblate Ecological Initiative, and Berakah are hosting
an information day on climate change, Global Climate
Change: Learn, Grow, Share and Act Saturday, October
25, 2014, 10:00 - 3:30 p.m. at St. George Manor/Holy
Cross Center 357 Island Pond Road, Manchester.
Norman Comtois , OMI and Denise Turcotte, CSC will
share on Catholic Teachings and scientific information on
global climate change. The day will include personal quiet
time, sharing, and education about carbon footprint and
offsets. To register, call Berakah 603-435-7271 or email Donation: Free Will Offering. Bring a
lunch, drinks will be provided.
Vigesimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
18 de octubre de 2014
En esta semana desde la Oficina Parroquial…
¡Qué hermosos son sobre los montes los pies del que trae buenas
nuevas, del que anuncia la paz, del que trae las buenas nuevas de
gozo, del que anuncia la salvación…” (Is. 52; 7)
La semana pasada les dimos el adiós a dos jóvenes de nuestra
parroquia: Miguel y Estefany. Ellos han decidido embarcarse en una
aventura misionera y discernir su vocación con la ayuda y
supervisión de los Siervos Misioneros de la Palabra (la comunidad
religiosa de la Hermana Sara). Algunos feligreses me han
preguntado: "¿Qué es lo que van a hacer?" Hoy voy a escribir uno
poco de lo que se trata esta experiencia misionera.
En primer lugar ocupamos conocer un poco más sobre la comunidad
de los Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra (MSP). El MSP es una
comunidad religiosa formada por sacerdotes y religiosas. Esta
comunidad fue fundada por el Pbro. Luis Butera Vullo, un sacerdote
misionero de Italia, que fue enviado a México en 1963. En 1984,
fundó los Misioneros Siervos de la Palabra. Uno de los objetivos es
evangelizar a los laicos para que ellos evangelicen a otros. Miguel y
Estefany comenzarán su experiencia misionera en California. Ellos
permanecerán allí durante ocho meses. Durante ese tiempo ellos
recibirán formación espiritual, humana, intelectual y pastoral, de
acuerdo al carisma de los Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra para
prepararlos para sus destinos parroquiales. Posteriormente, se les
enviara a alguna parroquia ya sea aquí en los Estados Unidos o a otro
país para que vivan su experiencia misionera. Miguel y Estefany
permanecerán en sus destinos parroquiales por un año. Durante ese
tiempo van a dar clases de biblia, trabajar con los jóvenes y
proclamar la Palabra de Dios de puerta en puerta. Después de este
tiempo de preparación y trabajo misionero, ellos volverán a
California para discernir si se sienten llamados a seguir en la vida
sacerdotal y religiosa. Si ellos se sienten llamados, continuarán su
formación con el MSP u otra comunidad religiosa u otra diócesis, o
regresaran con nosotros transformado por la palabra de Dios.
Tengamos presentes en nuestras oraciones a Miguel y Estefany. Que
Dios los proteja, los guíe y los fortalezca para seguir respondiendo a
la voluntad de Dios.
Su servidor en Jesucristo,
Padre Marcos
45 Rosarios en Honor a la Virgen de
Los 45 rosarios en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe
comenzarán el próximo 28 de octubre y se extenderán
hasta el dia 12 de diciembre. Los rosarios se estarán
iniciando en la Capilla de St. Stanislao hasta el dia 3 y
continuarán en la Iglesia de San Luis de Gonzaga. Para
más información comuníquese con la Hermana Sara al
Lecturas para la semana del
19 de octubre de 2014
Is 45, 1. 4-6/1 Tes 1, 1-5/Mt 22, 15-21
Ef 2, 1-10/Lc 12, 13-21
Ef 2, 12-22/Lc 12, 35-38
Ef 3, 2-12/Lc 12, 39-48
Ef 3, 14-21/Lc 12, 49-53
Ef 4, 1-6/Lc 12, 54-59
Ef 4, 7. 11-16/Lc 13, 1-9
Domingo siguiente: Ex 22, 20-26/1 Tes 1, 5-10/Mt 22,
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
Servicios Domiciliares
El primer viernes de cada mes, tenemos visitas
domiciliarias para los enfermos. Si usted está enfermo
(a), conoce a alguien que esté enfermo(a), si alguien está
en un asilo o conoce a alguien que esté en un asilo y
necesite de visitas para hacer oración o recibir la
comunión, favor de comunicarse con Carmen Dussault
al (603)882-4362.
Cursos Biblicos
El grupo CERS te invita a conocer y profundizar en la
palabra de Dios. Estamos abriendo nuevos cursos
bíblicos en las próximas semanas. Tendremos cursos
disponibles todos los días para poder satisfacer las
necesidades de cada cual. Para mayor información,
comuníquese a la oficina parroquial, con la Hermana
Sara al 603-882-0893, o con cualquiera de los CERS al
final de la misa. Si quieres que tu vida se llene de luz y
de felicidad, ven y acompáñanos en los cursos bíblicos.
Parroquia San Luis de Gonzaga
Esta misa es ofrecida por:
Por la liberación y prosperidad de la familia Bisono Fermín
29º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
"Dios sigue actuando en la historia. El Espíritu Santo sigue
moviendo los corazones de los cristianos como en la primera
comunidad cristiana de Tesalónica; la comunidad era ejemplar por
su fe, su caridad y esperanza. Si seguimos su ejemplo seremos
capaces en la actualidad de lograr un equilibrio entre Dios y el
César. Entre Dios y los impuestos que cada año debemos pagar al
gobierno. Por un decir, la invitación de Dios ante todo esto es que la
política no es lo importante sino que dentro de ella se respete al ser
humano y su dignidad.
Balance entre el ser humano y lo divino es lo que Jesús en el
Evangelio nos enseña. Los fariseos no perdían el tiempo en poner a
prueba a Jesús, y comprometerlo con sus respuestas. Unidos con
unos partidarios de Herodes, inician la conversación buscando como
acusarlo y deshacerse de él lo antes posible. Sus palabras de
alabanza al inicio de las preguntas se convierten en trampa y ponen a
prueba la honradez de Jesús. "Maestro, sabemos que eres sincero y
enseñas con verdad el camino de Dios, y que nada te arredra, porque
no buscas el favor de nadie. Dinos, pues, qué piensas". La pregunta:
"¿Es lícito o no pagar el tributo al César?" Jesús es acertado en su
respuesta, dando una salida brillante. ¡Denuncia su hipocresía! La
ambición de los dirigentes, su amor al dinero, facilita el dominio de
los romanos sobre los pobres de Israel, por lo tanto, esto impide que
den un verdadero culto a Dios, alejándose de la honestidad y
solidaridad con los que más sufren. ¿Crees que sucede esto ahora?
¿Dónde lo identificas? ¿Qué es lo que hay que devolver a Dios?
©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc.
Pastoral Juvenil - Se Necesitan Voluntarios
Programa de Formación Religiosa
Las clases comenzaron en septiembre 25. Si desea más
información acerca de los diferentes programas de
formación religioda puede pasar por la oficina durante
horario regular de lunes a jueves de 9am a 4pm.
Catholic Citizenship News
La Diócesis de Manchester tiene una iniciativa para
informar a los católicos sobre cuestiones de política pública
importantes que enfrentan nuestros funcionarios electos.
Catholic Ctizenship News ofrece informes sobre la
legislación, así como información sobre la enseñanza social
católica sobre algunos de los problemas presentes en la
actualidad. Para leer la edición actual de Catholic
Citizenship News y suscribirse, visite
Planificación Familiar Natural
Hay un método saludable, dador de vida saludable,
alternativo a la anticoncepción y las técnicas de
reproducción artificial. El Sistema FertilityCare Modelo
Creighton y NaProTechnology, son formas efectivas para
lograr y evitar el embarazo, ofrecemos a las parejas que
están experimentando la infertilidad ayuda con la
esperanza de lograr el embarazo, mientras que siguen las
enseñanzas de su Iglesia. Para obtener más información
comuníquese con: Marguerite de Youville FertilityCare al
603-232-3141 o Las
clases son ofrecidas en inglés.
Corpus Christi Food Pantry y Asistencia
Corpus Christi Food Pantry y Asistencia necesita su ayuda
en nuestra misión de ayudar a los necesitados. Necesitamos
ayuda en la preparación de sobres para una campaña de
recaudación de fondos el lunes y el miércoles, 20 y 22 de
octubre de 9 am hasta el mediodía y el martes y el jueves,
21 y 23 de octubre de 2:30pm a 4:30pm. ¡Este tranajo es un
trabajo sentado! Si usted nos puede ayudar en cualquiera de
éstos horarios, su ayuda será muy apreciada. Estamos ubicados en 43 Franklin St., Nashua, New Hampshire. Si
necesita cualquier información adicional, por favor
llámenos al 598-1641.
¡Las reuniones de EDGE y Lifeteen ya comenzaron! EDGE se
reúne todos los viernes de 6:30pm a 8pm y Lifeteen se reúne los
domingos de 6:30pm a 8pm.
¡También estamos buscando voluntarios! Existen diferentes
maneras en las que nos puedes ayudar a medida que trabajamos con
los jóvenes de la parroquia. Éstas son sólo algunas maneras que
usted puede ayudar:
 Proporcionar la cena para la juventud. (Comenzamos cada
sesión compartiendo una comida juntos.)
 Ayudar en la organización de actividades. (Tenemos un gran
Enfermera para la Salud
curriculum que se puede revisar de antemano.)
 Las donaciones de suministros y / o dinero. (Ambos son
Del Centro Parroquial
siempre apreciados.
C o m u n í q u e s e c o n M ó n i c a Q u i ñ o n e s a Los siguientes eventos son patrocinados por el Hospital St.
Joseph y se llevarán a cabo en el Milette Manor para más información.
Medición de la presión arterial gratis / Consejería de
salud. Todos los miércoles y viernes de 9am-12pm.
Radio Inmaculada
Te invitamos a escuchar a Radio Inmaculada a través de Nuestras enfermeras parroquiales están aquí para promover, en tu radio 101.9 FM o por teléfono el bienestar, la salud, la curación y la integridad del cuerpo,
marcando el número 712-432-7206. También tenemos la aplicación mente y espíritu. Podemos ayudarle a controlar su presión
disponible para tu teléfono inteligente. Buscala en el Apple Store o arterial, ofrecer apoyo en la toma de decisiones sobre la
en la tienda de Android. Radio Immaculada, una radio Católica en atención sanitaria, la presencia social, el conocimiento y la
nuestra área.