EAST - BSCENE Magazine
EAST - BSCENE Magazine
BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Who We Are BSCENE MAGAZINE IS A STAPLE OF THE EAST TEXAS COMMUNITY. Where the pages of BsCeNe MagaziNe CoMe to life! DECEMBER COVER UNVEIL MISTLETEAUX & MAGIC NOVEMBER COVER UNVEIL BTV Available on the Android Market 903. 5 0 9 . 4 7 0 3 / / / BS C E N E M AG . C O M / / / FAC E BO O K / BS C E N E T X / / / T WIT T E R / BS C E N E M AG MOBILE APPLICATIONS At BSCENE Magazine, we pride ourselves on being innovators in our field. We lead the way in social media, in technology and in our desire to interact with our clients and readers. Therefore, BSCENE is the only magazine in the area to feature our own App, available for any smartphone. On it you’ll find constantly updated content from each issue of the magazine, solid integration with other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as a few unique surprises and features. BSCENE TV With BSCENE TV our goal is to bring the pages of the magazine to life. For us, that means offering behind-the-scenes access to some of the hottest events around, whether that’s the Texas Rose Festival, the Cattle Barons’ or Mistletoe & Magic. In addition to bringing you a “live from the red carpet” feel for events, BSCENE TV also features activities, advertisers and adventures from East Texas life to offer a noteworthy and entertaining diversion for viewers. BSCENEMAG.COM We can say with certainty that our website is second to none – not just for East Texas, but for publications nationwide. From special offers and opportunities presented by clients and advertisers, to one of the most complete community and entertainment calendars around, BSCENEMAG.COM is a hub for East Texans. There you can see all our event photos, seek out distribution info, read a digital version of the latest issues or browse our exclusive online content like BSCENE TV or our numerous expert As we enter our thirteenth year of covering “Everything That IS East Texas,” we are proud to be the definitive lifestyle magazine in this region. We seek to inform and entertain our readers while enrich their lives and fostering enthusiasm and a true sense of community that is as unique and amazing as the place we call home. Reaching out to more than 750,000 people with 12 issues every year, our glossy, full-color publication is loaded with creative content that is as useful as it is riveting to a wide and varied audience. From the highest quality photography, to interesting and helpful features, to an honest insight into the philanthropic happenings in our cities, we capture readers attention with top-notch articles, the most current events and extensive coverage of health, fitness, fashion, the arts, charities and the business community – plus so much more! BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Publisher A WORD FROM THE PUBLISHER During the last 13 years, BSCENE Magazine has spent its tenure building itself into one of the most formidable publications by establishing one of the most desired and loyal audiences in and around East Texas. BSCENE Magazine tells and illustrates the stories of East Texans. As East Texas has grown, our magazine has grown – chronicling all that our communities have to offer their residents, businesses and charitable organizations. What began as an area known for its wealth of beautiful roses and its treasured oil industry, more recently, has turned into an area increasingly diverse and metropolitan. Though we are not defined by negative news or yesterday’s headlines, BSCENE strives daily to serve as a positive reflection of all of the wonderful people and opportunities East Texas has to offer. We appreciate your loyalty to BSCENE and cannot wait to see you out and about in 2013, because we love to see you and we know you love to BSCENE! Shawn Michael Haney Publisher & CEO shawn@h3-media.com BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit You help determine our content. WE ULTIZE YOU TO INFORM YOUR CUSTOMERS East Texas is known for its world- famous Azaleas. BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit By the numbers MAGAZINE STATISTICS MAGAZINES RANK #1 IN DRIVING PURCHASE INTENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE IMPACTED PER $1 SPENT WHICH MEDIUM OR MEDIA COMBINATION WAS MOST EFFICIENT AT EACH PURCHASE FUNNEL STAGE? SOURCE: DYNAMIC LOGIC, 2009, AGGREGATION OF 10 ROI STUDIES Magazines provide more “bank for the buck.” Magazines increased purchase intent 5 times as much as television or the internet when looking at how each medium alone affected purchase intent. Whether alone or in combination with other media, magazine were the only medium to be ranked as most efficient at each state of the purchase funnel. 1 DENOTES MOST COST-EFFECTIVE MEDIUM FOR METRIC 2 DENOTES SECOND MOST COST-EFFECTIVE MEDIUM FOR METRIC SOURCE: DYNAMIC LOGIC, 2009, AGGREGATION OF 10 ROI STUDIES MAGAZINES CONSISTENTLY PRODUCE STRONG ROI WHEN ANALYZING ROI ACROSS 38 CROSS-MEDIA ACCOUNTABILITY STUDIES, MARKETING EVOLUTION FOUND: AGGREGATE TRENDS ACROSS THE PURCHASE FUNNEL COST PER IMPACT (CPI) - Magazine and television lead in cost efficiency for brand awareness - Magazine generated a superior cost per impact for brand familarity with televsion and online performing at almost double magazines’ CPI - Magazines yielded a far more efficient cost per impact than television or online for purchase intent OVERALL MEDIA PERFORMANCE ACROS CATEGORIES FOR CPI Based on number of times each medium ranked #1, 2, or 3 throughout the purchase funnel AGGREGATE OF 38 STUDIES; LOWER COST = BETTER PERFORMANCE SOURCE: MARKETING EVOLUTION, 2008 ALL SOURCES FOUND ON WWW.MAGAZINEMEDIAFACTBOOK.ORG BASE: AUTOMOTIVE, ELECTRONICE, ENTERTAINMENT AND PHARMACEUTICAL CATEGORIES SOURCE: MARKETING EVOLUTION, 2008 BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit JANUARY 2013 ISSUE / STYLE IQ BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Word on the street SEE WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT BSCENE I’ve always been impressed with the quality of BSCENE. I think it provides an excellent representation of Tyler. We appreciate BSCENE’s interest in events that are happening in Tyler. They always seem to show up and help us promote those activities. BSCENE, I think, contributes to Tyler’s growth because we send the magazine out to individuals, companies and families that are considering relocation to Tyler. So, it helps us promote Tyler as a diverse and growing community and the magazine has contributed to that growth. — TOM MULLINS, PRESIDENT/CEO TYLER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL TYLER AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JANUARY 2012 THE ARTIST & THE ACTIVIST CREATING PURPOSE THRU ART POLISH YOUR GLASS SLIPPERS FOR THE WSL GALA & HEART BALL TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS [ READY SET GROW ] LET’S TALK TEBOW! BREAKING THE QB MOLD MISTLETOE & MAGIC IN FULL REVIEW On behalf of our entire family, I wanted to thank BSCENE for taking the time and making the effort to tell the story of Cavenders. We love East Texas and are honored and proud to be able to give back to the wonderful community that has supported us all of these years. Thank you! — JACQUELINE CAVENDER Thanks BSCENE for all the incredible ads you put together for R&K in the past. The layouts looked great and the whole BSCENE team are a pleasure to work with. You were able to communicate who we are and, in addition, highlight some of the community involvement that we pride ourselves on as a company. In fact, each ad we ran received a tremendous amount of positive comments, particularly about the Safe-RideHome program we provide on New Year’s Eve. Thanks for all the efforts and look forward to working with you again in the new year! — JOHN MARTIN R&K DISTRIBUTORS “Because of the widespread exposure of BSCENE Magazine throughout all aspects of the community, we at Davis-Green Paint & Body feel that our presence in the publication serves as a continuous mark of excellence to long-time residents and customers, and in addition, establishes us as the ‘go-to’ repair facility for newcomers to this area.” — DARREN DAVIS DAVIS-GREEN PAINT & BODY ® TOP CHEF FIRES IT UP IN TEXAS GET SQUARED AWAY WITH OUR FABULOUS JEWELRY FINDS THE MAN IN THE MIX: SHAKING IT UP COCKTAIL STYLE WINTER MAKE YOU S.A.D.? HOW THE WEATHER CAN AFFECT YOUR MOOD 12 YEARS IN THE MAKING: BSCENE IS NOW MONTHLY! A MATTER OF FAMILY: RECIPES TO FEED YOUR FAMILY IN THE NEW YEAR BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Insight and information ENGAGING ARTICLES BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Rhyme and reason TOP MAGAZINES 5 REASONS TO ADVERTISE PROVIDE MORE “BANG FOR THE BUCK.” MAGAZINES INCREASED PURCHASE INTENT FIVE TIMES AS MUCH AS TELEVISION OR THE INTERNET WHEN LOOKING AT HOW EACH MEDIUM ALONE AFFECTED PURCHASE INTENT. Digital magazines also drive response, with 91% taking action after reading a digital issue. Studies show that 43% of magazine readers make online purchases vs. 21% of non-readers.. SOURCE: SOURCE: SOURCE: GFK MRI STARCH ADVERTISING RESEARCH, 2010-2011 Magazine readers are more likely than users of other media to influence friends and family on product purchases across a variety of advertising categories. Magazine readers rank as #1 or #2 super influential consumers across 60 product categories and make an impact in every shopping segment. SOURCE: GFK MRI STARCH ADVERTISING RESEARCH, JAN-DEC 2011 More than half (60%) of magazine readers took action or had a more favorable opinion about the advertiser because of magazine advertising. 77% of respondents purchased a product after seeing or reading something in a magazine. SOURCE: SOURCE: GFK MRI STARCH ADVERTISING RESEARCH, 2010-2011 Magazines continue to score significantly higher than television and the internet in key engagement attributes. Magazines provide superior reach compared to television programs for major target audiences according to Carat’s crossmedia research comparing the top 25 primetime television programs to the top 25 magazines. SOURCE: EXPERIAN SIMMONS MULTI-MEDIA ENGAGEMENT STUDY, SPRING 2010 MRI FALL 2009; MRI TWELVEPLUS 2009 SOURCES: CARAT INSIGHT; NIELSEN, SEPTEMBER 2009 – MAY 2010 (REGULARLY SCHEDULED, PRIMETIME PROGRAMS); GFK MRI, FALL 2010; GFK MRI TWELVEPLUS, 2010 If you think teenagers only read texts, think again. 96% of adults under 25 read magazines, and those under 35 read more issues per month than adults 35+. Studies also show that the top 25 magazines reach more adults and teens than primetime television. BASE: U.S. ADULTS 18+ SOURCE: GFK MRI, FALL 2010 ALL SOURCES FOUND ON WWW.MAGAZINE.ORG BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Wine and dine INFORMING YOUR CUSTOMERS ON WHAT’S NOW SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2011 ISSUE / TASTING ROOM / R&K DISTRIBUTORS BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Follow the leader MAGAZINE STATISTICS CONSUMERS WELCOME ADVERTISING IN MAGAZINES Magazines rank #1 out of 16 media for consumers having a positive and credible impression of advertising and #2 only to video games for consumers enjoying the content at the time they saw the advertisement. Almost 2/3 (64%) of readers report that they enjoy reading magazine ads, and almost half (46%) read their favortie magazine for information about new brands and companies. SOURCE: AFFINITY’S VISTA SERVICE. 2010 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING RECALL Advertising recall - a measure of ad effectiveness for magazine - has grown 11% over the last five years. Over half (53%) of those recalling ads took action as a result of seeing that specific ad. MAGAZINE ADVERTISING ACTIONS TAKEN NOTE: ACTIONS TAKEN BASED ON READERS RECALLING SPECIFIC ADS SOURCE: AFFINITY’S VISTA SERVICE, 2006-2010 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING MOTIVATES READERS TO ACTION More than half (53%) of readers took action or had a more favorable opinion about the advertiser because of magazine advertising, according to the latest research from Affinity’s VISTA Print Effectiveness Rating Service. 77% OF RESPONDENTS PURCHASED A PRODUCT AFTER SEEING OR READING SOMETHING IN A MAGAZINE ACTIONS READERS TOOK OR PLAN TO TAKE AS A RESULT OF EXPOSURE TO SPECIFIC MAGAZINE ADS SOURCE: “THE CONVERSATION” CONDUCTED ON BEHALF OF HEARST BY RUSSELL RESEARCH, 2010; N = 2,037 ONLINE SURVEY RESPONDENTS SOURCE: AFFINITY’S VISTA SERVICE. 2010 ALL SOURCES FOUND ON WWW.MAGAZINEMEDIAFACTBOOK.ORG BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit All year round EDITORIAL CALENDAR ISSUE OUR NEW TECH REVIEW MEANS THE FUTURE IS NOW SPECIAL SECTION EDITORIAL STEP INTO WINTER WITH STYLE: LAYERED WITH LOVE THE MUST LIST – OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO & THINGS YOU’LL SEE JANUARY NEW YEAR NEW YOU • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close December 10, 2013 FEBRUARY BACHELOR OF EAST TEXAS • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close January 15, 2013 MARCH BEST PLACES TO LIVE • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close February 15, 2013 • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close March 15, 2013 • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close April 15, 2013 • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close May 15, 2013 ® JANUARY 2013 DEADLINES Make Your MOVE Insight & Advice For Navigating The Real Estate Market In 2013 NEW YEAR, NEW BSCENE OUR BIGGEST OUR 2013 BACHELOR FINALISTS REVEALED! VOTE NOW REDESIGN EVER! Chopping It Up WITH CULINARY CREATOR CEDRIC FLETCHER What’s Your Jean IQ? DISCOVER THE NEW DESIGNER DENIM: PANTS THAT POP MOVING FORWARD Everyone Is An Athlete, Find Your Sport BRIGHT AND SHINING: THE STARS OF LONGVIEW REVEALED POLISH YOUR BOOTS, CATTLE BARONS’ IS KICKING OFF PUCKER UP - LIPSTICK COLORS THAT WILL MAKE YOU KISS AND TELL ® FEBRUARY 2013 JEWELRY FOR YOUR HOME? OUR EXPERTS HAVE A GEM OF AN IDEA BUSINESS BOOMS WITH CHAMBER EVENTS ACROSS EAST TEXAS LOVE DOES A BODY GOOD: THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF ROMANCE HOLD ON TIGHT! PREVIEW THIS SPRING’S HOTTEST CLUTCHES R BACHELO S, HE’S GENEROU AND SUCCESSFUL HT CHARMING DOWNRIG ® MARCH 2012 MY EARS ARE BLINGIN’: JEWELRY GOES HEAVY METAL FLOWER POWER: OUT OF THE FRYING PAN AND INTO THE KITCHEN THEREAL HUNGER GAMES REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS BACK TO YOUR ROOTS: LONGVIEW CATTLE BARONS’ PREVIEW PLUCK NO MORE! THICK IS IN LADIES WHO LUNCH [GOING RED FOR THE HEART] THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME: BUILDING PROJECT HOPE AFTERLIFE FOR YOUR GARBAGE? WHY NOT THROW IT AWAY? HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN/RETRO COCKTAILS APRIL ® APRIL 2012 THE VOICE IS WHERE THE HEART IS MAN ABOUT TOWN GOES MOLTO ITALIANO AN ENCHANTED NIGHT AT THE PLAZA SECRET GARDEN STYLE IVY LEAGUE CHIC FOR SPRING TANS & TAPAS DEAN FEARING TAKES ON SOUTH BEACH TABA HOME PRODUCTS SHOW REPORTING FROM THE FUTURE THE BATTLE OF THE BUGS: THE FLU FIGHT CLUB SHORESIDE CUISINE KICKING IT RANGERETTE STYLE RED + WHITE + BLUE = 72 Sunny SIdE up & MAdE In THE SHAdE, SlIM SHAdIES RAyS THE BAR MAY ® MAY 2012 margaritas: the ultimate summer sip BAG IT UP AND yOUR LITTLE DOG TOO! 25 YEARS IN THE MAKING: CATTLE BARONS’ LEGACY LIVES ON FEEL THE WARMTH: SOUTHERN SUNSET STYLE IS yOUR HOUSE SMARTER THAN yOU? STAGE RIGHT! ALL THAT’S GOOD ABOUT THEATER IN EAST TEXAS EAST TEXAS MEDICAL COMMUNITY GET HEALTHY WITH THE EAST TEXAS MEDICAL COMMUNITY + QUEEN OF THE HEEL yOU’VE GOT TO fIGHT... fOR yOUR RIGHT... TO BARE ARMS HARD PILL TO SWALLOW? GENERIC VS NAME BRAND DRUGS JUNE ® JUNE 2012 >> POOL yOur resOurces: trick Out tHe backyard you can take it with you, travel must haves informal attire reQuireD, look sharp this summer show your patriotic spirits become a grill gourmet nip, pull, tuck, forgo the knife party like an outlaw rebels & roses 2012 How the creepy crawler ciNema EAST WAS WON ON yOur mark, get set, whO cares BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Every month is something new EDITORIAL CALENDAR ISSUE SPECIAL SECTION EDITORIAL JULY AUGUST EDUCATION SEPTEMBER OCTOBER ® OCTOBER 2012 A SKIN CARE TREATMENT YOU CAN SINK YOUR TEETH INTO TAKE A SIDE: WET OR DRY WARDROBE SINS OF THE MORTAL MAN LEGALLY ADVISED FINANCIALLY PREPARED CANDY COATED COCKTAILS NEWS ALERT! + ATTORNEYS & FINANCIAL ADVISORS THE MAN CAVE WOMEN WANT I’M A Against Cancer In The Fight SURVIVOR GRAY THE NEW SHADES OF FASHION NOVEMBER ® NOVEMBER 2012 MY FAMILY’S TURKEY IS BETTER THAN YOURS A HOME CROSSFIT THE TREADMILL COBALT YOUR WARDROBE FIT FOR THE HOLIDAYS SPICE THINGS UP BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR DRINK + THE COFFEE BEAN PLUS CAFFEINE: GOOD VS. BAD DEADLINES • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close June15, 2013 • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close July 15, 2013 • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close August15, 2013 • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close September 15, 2013 • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close October 15, 2013 • Texas Rose Festival • Health, Beauty & Fitness • Culinary • At Home • Style Space & Material Close November 15, 2013 FANTASTIC THe JOURNEY OF A THOUSAND MILES PIE RECIPES FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY IS YOUR SUMMER TANPRO GONE? TIPS TO KEEP YOUR GLOW BEGINS WITH A SINGLE STEP MORE EVENTS THAN EVER BEFORE!! -LAO TZU DECEMBER ® DECEMBER 2012 MISTLETEAUX FEVER RIGHT ON TIME! GOTHEGHANA! POWER OF ART REACHES ACROSS OCEANS & CONTINENTS JUST A FORMALITY ACCESSORIZE YOUR WRIST WITH THIS SEASON’S HOTTEST WATCHES AND FINE JEWELRY PREPARE FOR A NIGHT ON THE TOWN WITH TIMELESS LOOKS FROM OUR FASHION EXPERTS HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE SHINY NEW TOYS FOR ALL THE GIRLS & BOYS CHECKS & BALANCES FROM SPENDING TO SAVING, GET YOUR FINANCES IN ORDER BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT IN 2012 MENDING BROKEN HEARTS THE NEW LOUIS & PEACHES OWEN HEART HOSPITAL HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Pick up your copy TODAY! DISTRIBUTION AVAILABLE AT RACKS ALL OVER EAST TEXAS, THE FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LISTING OF LOCATIONS WHERE READERS CAN CONVENIENTLY PICK UP THE LATEST ISSUE OF BSCENE MAGAZINE. IN ADDITION, COPIES ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH SUBSCRIPTION. TYLER HOTELS HOLIDAY INN SELECT LA QUINTA BEST WESTERN SLEEP INN & SUITES THE FAIRFIELD THE WINGATE INN RESTAURANTS BERNARD MEDITERRANEAN BREAKERS CAFFE’ TAZZA CARETTA’S CAFÉ CHEZ BAZAN FRENCH BAKERY & CAFÉ BRUNO’S CICI’S PIZZA CIMARRON COYOTE SAM’S CURRENTS DOUBLE DAVE’S PIZZA FAT CATZ FRESH BY BROOKSHIRE’S GILBERT’S EL CHARRO #1 AND #2 JAKES TYLER JANIE’S CAKES JAVA JAMZ JERSEY MIKE’S JOSEPHS JULIAN’S ASIAN DINER KE CELLARS LAGO DEL PINO MERCADO’S MEXICAN NEWK’S PANERA BREAD CO. RICK’S RUSTY TACO SHAPE UP TYLER SHOGUN SMASHBURGER STANLEY’S BAR-B-Q TCBY THE DINER THE POTPOURRI HOUSE VILLA MONTEZ VILLAGE BAKERY WASABI WING STOP WHERE’S RUFUS? YAMATO ZAZA’S RETAIL 8 STREET BOUTIQUE ALL NATURAL GRASS & STONE APRICOT LANE BRIDGETTE’S BROSANG’S FLOWERS CAVENDER’S BOOT CITY CLOTHES MENTOR HARLEY’S HAUTE TOTZ JIM’S JEWELERS KATIE’S (ALL LOCATIONS) MARY V’S BY SHELBY MURPHY THE JEWELER TH RED BARN FLOWERS SPINOUT SUSAN ROBINSON JEWELRY SWANN’S FURNITURE THE MARKET TYLER ATHLETICS BANKS ACHIEVE FINANCIAL AMERICAN STATE BANK BANK OF AMERICA (BROADWAY) BANK OF AMERICA (DOWNTOWN) CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK EAST TEXAS PROFESSIONAL CREDIT UNION FIRSTBANK REGIONS BANK SOUTHSIDE BANK TELCO PLUS CREDIT UNION TEXAS BANK & TRUST MEDICAL ARTHRITIS & OSTEOPOROSIS CLINIC CARDIOVASCULAR ASSOC. OF E. TX CENTER FOR COSMETIC SURGERY EAST TEXAS DRS. OF CHIROPRACTIC EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER REGIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM ETMC 24-HOUR CARE LEGACY HOSPICE MOMENTUM URGENT CARE PAUL LATTA, DDS QUANTUM HEALING RAGSDALE & MARTIN OPTICAL ROSS BREAST CENTER SMILE STUDIO, DR. RICK COKER SOUTHERN SURGICAL ARTS SUNDANCE AT OAK HILLS TEXAS SPINE & JOINT HOSPITAL TRINITY MOTHER FRANCES HEALTH SYSTEM TYLER OPEN MRI TYLER ORAL & FACIAL SURGERY CENTER UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH CENTER AT TYLER SALONS/FITNESS 360 FITNESS ALL DOLL’D UP ANYTIME FITNESS APEC API FITNESS BELLADONNA DERMEDICS NAILS BY LEE NAILS LABELLE PREMIER FITNESS SALON KALEA TRU TAN WOODCREEK ATHLETIC XTC AUTO DAVIS-GREEN PAINT & BODY DUNN TRANSMISSIONS HALL BUICK PONTIAC GMC TYLER JACK-O-DIAMONDS PELTIER NISSAN WAGNER CADILLAC HOME /BUILDERS/ SUBDIVISIONS AIR SERV EAST TEXAS BRICK CARPET ONE CASCADES EAGLE’S BLUFF FIXTURE THIS GOLD LEAF GALLERY JIM TOMAN AGENCY KELLER WILLIAMS LARRY LOTT INTERIORS MOORE SUPPLY REMAX TYLER SILK THREADS STONEWORKS THE FRAME UP GALLERY THE GRANITE GIRLS THE WOODS TYLER AREA BUILDERS ASSOC. MORE DIST. POINTS BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU CARLO D’ANGELO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU MENTORING MINDS PATH PINOT’S PALETTE POTTERY CAFE QUICK & EASY CAR WASH REGENCY CLEANERS THE CLEANING CO. THE TYLER ROSE GARDEN CENTER TRU TAN TYLER MUSEUM OF ART UPS STORE LONGVIEW BARRON’S RESTAURANT BELLA FLEUR C&H FLOORING CARPET ONE CAVENDER’S CENTER FOR ORAL FACIAL IMPLANT SURGERY CHERRY HILL CITIZEN’S NATIONAL BANK COOK’S NOOK COPELAND INSURANCE GROUP COSMETIC SURGERY ASSOCIATES OF EAST TEXAS EAST TEXAS PROFESSIONAL CREDIT UNION ELLIE BEE’S ELLIS POTTERY GOOD SHEPHERD MEDICAL CENTER HAMILTON CUSTOM HOMES JOHNNY CACE’S LOLLAR’S JEWELRY LONGVIEW MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS LONGVIEW PARTNERSHIP/ CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU LONGVIEW REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER LOUIS MORGAN MODA ME BOUTIQUE MORGAN ABBIGAIL MR. SPIFFY’S MAGIC CAR WASH MURRAY JEWELERS NEWK’S PANERA BREAD CO. PLATINUM PROPERTIES RACQUET & JOG RUFFLED FEATHERS SERVICE FIRST MORTGAGE SKINNER’S SMOCK-A-BYE BABY STITCHES N STUFF STONEWORKS SUMMERS REAL ESTATE TEXAS BANK & TRUST (DOWNTOWN) THAT GIRL’S BOUTIQUE TRAVIS MORTGAGE T. BLANCO’S MEXICAN CAFE TYLER ST. BISTRO VANITY FAIR SALON WOMEN’S HEALTH BOUTIQUE NACOGDOCHES AUSTIN BANK AUNTIE PASTA’S BUTCHER BOYS CASA TOMAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU COURT CLUB EAST TEXAS PROFESSIONAL CREDIT UNION FIRST BANK & TRUST FREDONIA HOTEL LAURA & COMPANY LEHMANN EYE CENTER NEW LOOK SURFACE AND REFINISHING PEPPERJACKS REGIONS BANK STARBUCK’S THE TOWN HOUSE WELLS FARGO BSCENE ALSO OFFERS MAGAZINES IN A HOST OF OTHER WAYS... FROM GIFT BAGS AT SOME OF EAST TEXAS’ BEST EVENTS AND THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, TO DISTRIBUTION ACROSS WAITING ROOMS AT DOCTORS’ OFFICES, HOTEL LOBBIES AND MANY MORE HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS THROUGHOUT EAST TEXAS... MISTLETEAUX & MAGIC NOVEMBER COVER UNVEIL 90 3 .5 09 .4 70 3 /// BSCE NE MAG . COM / / / FACEB OOK / B SCENETX / / / T WIT T E R / BSCE NE MA G DECEMBER COVER UNVEIL WHERE THE PAGES OF BSCENE MAGAZINE COME TO LIFE! BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit Bring the pages of BSCENE to life BSCENE Magazine 2013 Media Kit The right perspective TOP OF THE LINE PHOTOGRAPHY THE Magazine Of East Texas BSCENEMAG.COM • FACEBOOK.COM/BSCENETX • TWITTER @BSCENEMAG 903.509.4703